path: root/preact/compat/test/browser/render.test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'preact/compat/test/browser/render.test.js')
1 files changed, 454 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/preact/compat/test/browser/render.test.js b/preact/compat/test/browser/render.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d9ff5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/preact/compat/test/browser/render.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+import React, {
+ createElement,
+ render,
+ Component,
+ hydrate,
+ createContext
+} from 'preact/compat';
+import { setupRerender, act } from 'preact/test-utils';
+import {
+ setupScratch,
+ teardown,
+ serializeHtml,
+ createEvent
+} from '../../../test/_util/helpers';
+describe('compat render', () => {
+ /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */
+ let scratch;
+ /** @type {() => void} */
+ let rerender;
+ const ce = type => document.createElement(type);
+ const text = text => document.createTextNode(text);
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ scratch = setupScratch();
+ rerender = setupRerender();
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ teardown(scratch);
+ });
+ it('should render react-style jsx', () => {
+ let jsx = (
+ <div className="foo bar" data-foo="bar">
+ <span id="some_id">inner!</span>
+ {['a', 'b']}
+ </div>
+ );
+ expect(jsx.props)'className', 'foo bar');
+ React.render(jsx, scratch);
+ expect(serializeHtml(scratch)).to.equal(
+ '<div class="foo bar" data-foo="bar"><span id="some_id">inner!</span>ab</div>'
+ );
+ });
+ it('should replace isomorphic content', () => {
+ let root = ce('div');
+ let initialChild = ce('div');
+ initialChild.appendChild(text('initial content'));
+ root.appendChild(initialChild);
+ render(<div>dynamic content</div>, root);
+ expect(root)
+ .that.equals('dynamic content');
+ });
+ it('should remove extra elements', () => {
+ let root = ce('div');
+ let inner = ce('div');
+ root.appendChild(inner);
+ let c1 = ce('div');
+ c1.appendChild(text('isomorphic content'));
+ inner.appendChild(c1);
+ let c2 = ce('div');
+ c2.appendChild(text('extra content'));
+ inner.appendChild(c2);
+ render(<div>dynamic content</div>, root);
+ expect(root)
+ .that.equals('dynamic content');
+ });
+ // Note: Replacing text nodes inside the root itself is currently unsupported.
+ // We do replace them everywhere else, though.
+ it('should remove text nodes', () => {
+ let root = ce('div');
+ let div = ce('div');
+ root.appendChild(div);
+ div.appendChild(text('Text Content'));
+ div.appendChild(text('More Text Content'));
+ render(<div>dynamic content</div>, root);
+ expect(root)
+ .that.equals('dynamic content');
+ });
+ it('should ignore maxLength / minLength when is null', () => {
+ render(<input maxLength={null} minLength={null} />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstElementChild.getAttribute('maxlength')).to.equal(null);
+ expect(scratch.firstElementChild.getAttribute('minlength')).to.equal(null);
+ });
+ it('should support defaultValue', () => {
+ render(<input defaultValue="foo" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstElementChild)'value', 'foo');
+ });
+ it('should add defaultValue when value is null/undefined', () => {
+ render(<input defaultValue="foo" value={null} />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstElementChild)'value', 'foo');
+ render(<input defaultValue="foo" value={undefined} />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstElementChild)'value', 'foo');
+ });
+ it('should support defaultValue for select tag', () => {
+ function App() {
+ return (
+ <select defaultValue="2">
+ <option value="1">Picked 1</option>
+ <option value="2">Picked 2</option>
+ <option value="3">Picked 3</option>
+ </select>
+ );
+ }
+ render(<App />, scratch);
+ const options = scratch.firstChild.children;
+ expect(options[0])'selected', false);
+ expect(options[1])'selected', true);
+ });
+ it('should support defaultValue for select tag when using multi selection', () => {
+ function App() {
+ return (
+ <select multiple defaultValue={['1', '3']}>
+ <option value="1">Picked 1</option>
+ <option value="2">Picked 2</option>
+ <option value="3">Picked 3</option>
+ </select>
+ );
+ }
+ render(<App />, scratch);
+ const options = scratch.firstChild.children;
+ expect(options[0])'selected', true);
+ expect(options[1])'selected', false);
+ expect(options[2])'selected', true);
+ });
+ it('should ignore defaultValue when value is 0', () => {
+ render(<input defaultValue={2} value={0} />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstElementChild.value).to.equal('0');
+ });
+ it('should keep value of uncontrolled inputs using defaultValue', () => {
+ // See
+ const spy = sinon.spy();
+ class Input extends Component {
+ render() {
+ return (
+ <input
+ type="text"
+ defaultValue="bar"
+ onChange={() => {
+ spy();
+ this.forceUpdate();
+ }}
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ render(<Input />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.value).to.equal('bar');
+ scratch.firstChild.focus();
+ scratch.firstChild.value = 'foo';
+ scratch.firstChild.dispatchEvent(createEvent('input'));
+ rerender();
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.value).to.equal('foo');
+ expect(spy);
+ });
+ it('should call the callback', () => {
+ let spy = sinon.spy();
+ render(<div />, scratch, spy);
+ expect(spy);
+ expect(spy);
+ });
+ // Issue #1727
+ it('should destroy the any existing DOM nodes inside the container', () => {
+ scratch.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ scratch.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ render(<span>foo</span>, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('<span>foo</span>');
+ });
+ it('should only destroy existing DOM nodes on first render', () => {
+ scratch.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ scratch.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
+ render(<input />, scratch);
+ let child = scratch.firstChild;
+ child.focus();
+ render(<input />, scratch);
+ expect(document.activeElement.nodeName).to.equal('INPUT');
+ });
+ it('should normalize class+className even on components', () => {
+ function Foo(props) {
+ return (
+ <div class={props.class} className={props.className}>
+ foo
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ render(<Foo class="foo" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.className).to.equal('foo');
+ render(null, scratch);
+ render(<Foo className="foo" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.className).to.equal('foo');
+ });
+ it('should normalize className when it has an empty string', () => {
+ function Foo(props) {
+ expect(props.className).to.equal('');
+ return <div className="">foo</div>;
+ }
+ render(<Foo className="" />, scratch);
+ });
+ // Issue #2275
+ it('should normalize class+className + DOM properties', () => {
+ function Foo(props) {
+ return <ul class="old" {...props} />;
+ }
+ render(<Foo fontSize="xlarge" className="new" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.className).to.equal('new');
+ });
+ it('should give precedence to last-applied class/className prop', () => {
+ render(<ul className="from className" class="from class" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.className).to.equal('from className');
+ render(<ul class="from class" className="from className" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.className).to.equal('from className');
+ });
+ describe('className normalization', () => {
+ it('should give precedence to className over class', () => {
+ const { props } = <ul className="from className" class="from class" />;
+ expect(props)'className', 'from className');
+ expect(props)'class', 'from className');
+ });
+ it('should preserve className, add class alias', () => {
+ const { props } = <ul className="from className" />;
+ expect(props)'className', 'from className');
+ expect(props)'class', 'from className');
+ });
+ it('should preserve class, and add className alias', () => {
+ const { props } = <ul class="from class" />;
+ expect(props)'class', 'from class');
+ expect(props.propertyIsEnumerable('className')).to.equal(false);
+ expect(props)'className', 'from class');
+ });
+ it('should preserve class when spreading', () => {
+ const { props } = <ul class="from class" />;
+ const spreaded = (<li a {...props} />).props;
+ expect(spreaded)'class', 'from class');
+ expect(spreaded.propertyIsEnumerable('className')).to.equal(false);
+ expect(spreaded)'className', 'from class');
+ });
+ it('should preserve className when spreading', () => {
+ const { props } = <ul className="from className" />;
+ const spreaded = (<li a {...props} />).props;
+ expect(spreaded)'className', 'from className');
+ expect(spreaded)'class', 'from className');
+ expect(spreaded.propertyIsEnumerable('class')).to.equal(true);
+ });
+ // Issue #2772
+ it('should give precedence to className from spread props', () => {
+ const Foo = ({ className, ...props }) => {
+ return <div className={`${className} foo`} {...props} />;
+ };
+ render(<Foo className="bar" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.className).to.equal('bar foo');
+ });
+ it('should give precedence to class from spread props', () => {
+ const Foo = ({ class: c, ...props }) => {
+ return <div class={`${c} foo`} {...props} />;
+ };
+ render(<Foo class="bar" />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.className).to.equal('bar foo');
+ });
+ // Issue #2224
+ it('should not mark both class and className as enumerable', () => {
+ function ClassNameCheck(props) {
+ return (
+ <div>{props.propertyIsEnumerable('className') ? 'Failed' : ''}</div>
+ );
+ }
+ let update;
+ class OtherThing extends Component {
+ render({ children }) {
+ update = () => this.forceUpdate();
+ return (
+ <div>
+ {children}
+ <ClassNameCheck class="test" />
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function App() {
+ return (
+ <OtherThing>
+ <ClassNameCheck class="test" />
+ </OtherThing>
+ );
+ }
+ render(<App />, scratch);
+ update();
+ rerender();
+ expect(/Failed/g.test(scratch.textContent)).to.equal(
+ false,
+ 'not enumerable'
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ it('should cast boolean "download" values', () => {
+ render(<a download />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.getAttribute('download')).to.equal('');
+ render(<a download={false} />, scratch);
+ expect(scratch.firstChild.getAttribute('download')).to.equal(null);
+ });
+ it('should support static content', () => {
+ const updateSpy = sinon.spy();
+ const mountSpy = sinon.spy();
+ const renderSpy = sinon.spy();
+ function StaticContent({ children, element = 'div', staticMode }) {
+ // if we're in the server or a spa navigation, just render it
+ if (!staticMode) {
+ return createElement(element, {
+ children
+ });
+ }
+ // avoid re-render on the client
+ return createElement(element, {
+ dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: '' }
+ });
+ }
+ class App extends Component {
+ componentDidMount() {
+ mountSpy();
+ }
+ componentDidUpdate() {
+ updateSpy();
+ }
+ render() {
+ renderSpy();
+ return <div>Staticness</div>;
+ }
+ }
+ act(() => {
+ render(
+ <StaticContent staticMode={false}>
+ <App />
+ </StaticContent>,
+ scratch
+ );
+ });
+ expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.eq('<div><div>Staticness</div></div>');
+ expect(renderSpy);
+ expect(mountSpy);
+ expect(updateSpy);
+ act(() => {
+ hydrate(
+ <StaticContent staticMode>
+ <App />
+ </StaticContent>,
+ scratch
+ );
+ });
+ expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.eq('<div><div>Staticness</div></div>');
+ expect(renderSpy);
+ expect(mountSpy);
+ expect(updateSpy);
+ });
+ it("should support react-relay's usage of __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED", () => {
+ const Ctx = createContext('foo');
+ // Simplified version of:
+ function readContext(Context) {
+ const {
+ ReactCurrentDispatcher
+ const dispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;
+ return dispatcher.readContext(Context);
+ }
+ function Foo() {
+ const value = readContext(Ctx);
+ return <div>{value}</div>;
+ }
+ React.render(
+ <Ctx.Provider value="foo">
+ <Foo />
+ </Ctx.Provider>,
+ scratch
+ );
+ expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('foo');
+ });