diff options
2 files changed, 278 insertions, 340 deletions
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index b60ae5da..91288ce2 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L/usr/local/lib"
- [AC_CHECK_LIB([gnunetpq], [GNUNET_PQ_exec_prepared], libgnunetpq=1)],
+ [AC_CHECK_LIB([gnunetpq], [GNUNET_PQ_connect_with_cfg], libgnunetpq=1)],
#include <gnunet/platform.h>
diff --git a/src/backenddb/plugin_merchantdb_postgres.c b/src/backenddb/plugin_merchantdb_postgres.c
index e5124bbc..be9983ec 100644
--- a/src/backenddb/plugin_merchantdb_postgres.c
+++ b/src/backenddb/plugin_merchantdb_postgres.c
@@ -66,60 +66,6 @@ struct PostgresClosure
- * Macro to run @a s SQL statement using #GNUNET_POSTGRES_exec()
- * and return with #GNUNET_SYSERR if the operation fails.
- *
- * @param pg context for running the statement
- * @param s SQL statement to run
- */
-#define PG_EXEC(pg,s) do { \
- if (GNUNET_OK != GNUNET_POSTGRES_exec (pg->conn, s)) \
- { \
- GNUNET_break (0); \
- return GNUNET_SYSERR; \
- } \
- } while (0)
- * Macro to run @a s SQL statement using #GNUNET_POSTGRES_exec().
- * Ignore errors, they happen.
- *
- * @param pg context for running the statement
- * @param s SQL statement to run
- */
-#define PG_EXEC_INDEX(pg,s) do { \
- PGresult *result = PQexec (pg->conn, s); \
- PQclear (result); \
- } while (0)
- * Prepare an SQL statement and log errors on failure.
- *
- * @param pg context for running the preparation
- * @param n name of the prepared statement
- * @param s SQL statement to run
- * @param c number of arguments @a s expects
- */
-#define PG_PREPARE(pg,n,s,c) do { \
- ExecStatusType status; \
- PGresult *res = PQprepare (pg->conn, n, s, c, NULL); \
- if ( (NULL == res) || \
- (PGRES_COMMAND_OK != (status = PQresultStatus (res))) ) \
- { \
- if (NULL != res) \
- { \
- PQSQL_strerror (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "PQprepare", res); \
- PQclear (res); \
- } \
- return GNUNET_SYSERR; \
- } \
- PQclear (res); \
- } while (0)
* Log a really unexpected PQ error.
* @param result PQ result object of the PQ operation that failed
@@ -142,13 +88,17 @@ static int
postgres_drop_tables (void *cls)
struct PostgresClosure *pg = cls;
+ struct GNUNET_PQ_ExecuteStatement es[] = {
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_try_execute ("DROP TABLE merchant_transfers;"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_try_execute ("DROP TABLE merchant_deposits;"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_try_execute ("DROP TABLE merchant_transactions;"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_try_execute ("DROP TABLE merchant_proofs;"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_try_execute ("DROP TABLE merchant_proposal_data;"),
+ };
- PG_EXEC_INDEX (pg, "DROP TABLE merchant_transfers;");
- PG_EXEC_INDEX (pg, "DROP TABLE merchant_deposits;");
- PG_EXEC_INDEX (pg, "DROP TABLE merchant_transactions;");
- PG_EXEC_INDEX (pg, "DROP TABLE merchant_proofs;");
- PG_EXEC_INDEX (pg, "DROP TABLE merchant_proposal_data;");
- return GNUNET_OK;
+ return GNUNET_PQ_exec_statements (pg->conn,
+ es);
@@ -162,287 +112,274 @@ static int
postgres_initialize (void *cls)
struct PostgresClosure *pg = cls;
+ struct GNUNET_PQ_ExecuteStatement es[] = {
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_proposal_data ("
+ "order_id VARCHAR NOT NULL"
+ ",merchant_pub BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",timestamp INT8 NOT NULL"
+ ",row_id BIGSERIAL"
+ ",PRIMARY KEY (order_id, merchant_pub)"
+ ");"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transactions ("
+ " h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",exchange_uri VARCHAR NOT NULL"
+ ",merchant_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(merchant_pub)=32)"
+ ",h_wire BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(h_wire)=64)"
+ ",timestamp INT8 NOT NULL"
+ ",refund_deadline INT8 NOT NULL"
+ ",total_amount_val INT8 NOT NULL"
+ ",total_amount_frac INT4 NOT NULL"
+ ",total_amount_curr VARCHAR(" TALER_CURRENCY_LEN_STR ") NOT NULL"
+ ",PRIMARY KEY (h_proposal_data, merchant_pub)"
+ ");"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_deposits ("
+ " h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",merchant_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(merchant_pub)=32)"
+ ",FOREIGN KEY (h_proposal_data, merchant_pub) REFERENCES merchant_transactions (h_proposal_data, merchant_pub)"
+ ",coin_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(coin_pub)=32)"
+ ",amount_with_fee_val INT8 NOT NULL"
+ ",amount_with_fee_frac INT4 NOT NULL"
+ ",amount_with_fee_curr VARCHAR(" TALER_CURRENCY_LEN_STR ") NOT NULL"
+ ",deposit_fee_val INT8 NOT NULL"
+ ",deposit_fee_frac INT4 NOT NULL"
+ ",deposit_fee_curr VARCHAR(" TALER_CURRENCY_LEN_STR ") NOT NULL"
+ ",signkey_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(signkey_pub)=32)"
+ ",exchange_proof BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",PRIMARY KEY (h_proposal_data, coin_pub)"
+ ");"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_proofs ("
+ " exchange_uri VARCHAR NOT NULL"
+ ",wtid BYTEA CHECK (LENGTH(wtid)=32)"
+ ",execution_time INT8 NOT NULL"
+ ",signkey_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(signkey_pub)=32)"
+ ",proof BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",PRIMARY KEY (wtid, exchange_uri)"
+ ");"),
+ /* Note that h_proposal_data + coin_pub may actually be unknown to
+ us, e.g. someone else deposits something for us at the exchange.
+ Hence those cannot be foreign keys into deposits/transactions! */
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_execute ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transfers ("
+ " h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
+ ",coin_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(coin_pub)=32)"
+ ",wtid BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(wtid)=32)"
+ ",PRIMARY KEY (h_proposal_data, coin_pub)"
+ ");"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_try_execute ("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transfers_by_coin"
+ " ON merchant_transfers (h_proposal_data, coin_pub)"),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_try_execute ("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transfers_by_wtid"
+ " ON merchant_transfers (wtid)"),
+ };
+ struct GNUNET_PQ_PreparedStatement ps[] = {
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("insert_transaction",
+ "INSERT INTO merchant_transactions"
+ "(h_proposal_data"
+ ",exchange_uri"
+ ",merchant_pub"
+ ",h_wire"
+ ",timestamp"
+ ",refund_deadline"
+ ",total_amount_val"
+ ",total_amount_frac"
+ ",total_amount_curr"
+ ") VALUES "
+ "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)",
+ 9),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("insert_deposit",
+ "INSERT INTO merchant_deposits"
+ "(h_proposal_data"
+ ",merchant_pub"
+ ",coin_pub"
+ ",amount_with_fee_val"
+ ",amount_with_fee_frac"
+ ",amount_with_fee_curr"
+ ",deposit_fee_val"
+ ",deposit_fee_frac"
+ ",deposit_fee_curr"
+ ",signkey_pub"
+ ",exchange_proof) VALUES "
+ "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11)",
+ 11),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("insert_transfer",
+ "INSERT INTO merchant_transfers"
+ "(h_proposal_data"
+ ",coin_pub"
+ ",wtid) VALUES "
+ "($1, $2, $3)",
+ 3),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("insert_proof",
+ "INSERT INTO merchant_proofs"
+ "(exchange_uri"
+ ",wtid"
+ ",execution_time"
+ ",signkey_pub"
+ ",proof) VALUES "
+ "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)",
+ 5),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("insert_proposal_data",
+ "INSERT INTO merchant_proposal_data"
+ "(order_id"
+ ",merchant_pub"
+ ",timestamp"
+ ",proposal_data"
+ ",h_proposal_data)"
+ " VALUES "
+ "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)",
+ 4),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_proposal_data_from_hash",
+ " proposal_data"
+ " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
+ " WHERE"
+ " h_proposal_data=$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2",
+ 2),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_proposal_data",
+ " proposal_data"
+ " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
+ " WHERE"
+ " order_id=$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2",
+ 2),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_proposal_data_by_date",
+ " proposal_data"
+ ",order_id"
+ ",row_id"
+ " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
+ " WHERE"
+ " timestamp<$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2"
+ " ORDER BY row_id DESC, timestamp DESC"
+ " LIMIT $3",
+ 3),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_proposal_data_by_date_and_range",
+ " proposal_data"
+ ",order_id"
+ ",row_id"
+ " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
+ " WHERE"
+ " timestamp<$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2"
+ " AND row_id<$3"
+ " ORDER BY row_id DESC, timestamp DESC"
+ " LIMIT $4",
+ 4),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_proposal_data_by_date_and_range_future",
+ " proposal_data"
+ ",order_id"
+ ",row_id"
+ " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
+ " WHERE"
+ " timestamp>$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2"
+ " AND row_id>$3"
+ " ORDER BY row_id DESC, timestamp DESC"
+ " LIMIT $4",
+ 4),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_transaction",
+ " exchange_uri"
+ ",h_wire"
+ ",timestamp"
+ ",refund_deadline"
+ ",total_amount_val"
+ ",total_amount_frac"
+ ",total_amount_curr"
+ " FROM merchant_transactions"
+ " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2",
+ 2),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_deposits",
+ " coin_pub"
+ ",amount_with_fee_val"
+ ",amount_with_fee_frac"
+ ",amount_with_fee_curr"
+ ",deposit_fee_val"
+ ",deposit_fee_frac"
+ ",deposit_fee_curr"
+ ",exchange_proof"
+ " FROM merchant_deposits"
+ " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2",
+ 2),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_deposits_by_hash_and_coin",
+ " amount_with_fee_val"
+ ",amount_with_fee_frac"
+ ",amount_with_fee_curr"
+ ",deposit_fee_val"
+ ",deposit_fee_frac"
+ ",deposit_fee_curr"
+ ",exchange_proof"
+ " FROM merchant_deposits"
+ " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1"
+ " AND merchant_pub=$2"
+ " AND coin_pub=$3",
+ 3),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_transfers_by_hash",
+ " coin_pub"
+ ",wtid"
+ ",merchant_proofs.execution_time"
+ ",merchant_proofs.proof"
+ " FROM merchant_transfers"
+ " JOIN merchant_proofs USING (wtid)"
+ " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1",
+ 1),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_deposits_by_wtid",
+ " merchant_transfers.h_proposal_data"
+ ",merchant_transfers.coin_pub"
+ ",merchant_deposits.amount_with_fee_val"
+ ",merchant_deposits.amount_with_fee_frac"
+ ",merchant_deposits.amount_with_fee_curr"
+ ",merchant_deposits.deposit_fee_val"
+ ",merchant_deposits.deposit_fee_frac"
+ ",merchant_deposits.deposit_fee_curr"
+ ",merchant_deposits.exchange_proof"
+ " FROM merchant_transfers"
+ " JOIN merchant_deposits"
+ " ON (merchant_deposits.h_proposal_data = merchant_transfers.h_proposal_data"
+ " AND"
+ " merchant_deposits.coin_pub = merchant_transfers.coin_pub)"
+ " WHERE wtid=$1",
+ 1),
+ GNUNET_PQ_make_prepare ("find_proof_by_wtid",
+ " proof"
+ " FROM merchant_proofs"
+ " WHERE wtid=$1"
+ " AND exchange_uri=$2",
+ 2),
+ };
- /* Setup tables */
- PG_EXEC (pg,
- "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_proposal_data ("
- "order_id VARCHAR NOT NULL"
- ",merchant_pub BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",timestamp INT8 NOT NULL"
- ",row_id BIGSERIAL"
- ",PRIMARY KEY (order_id, merchant_pub)"
- ");");
- PG_EXEC (pg,
- "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transactions ("
- " h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",exchange_uri VARCHAR NOT NULL"
- ",merchant_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(merchant_pub)=32)"
- ",h_wire BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(h_wire)=64)"
- ",timestamp INT8 NOT NULL"
- ",refund_deadline INT8 NOT NULL"
- ",total_amount_val INT8 NOT NULL"
- ",total_amount_frac INT4 NOT NULL"
- ",total_amount_curr VARCHAR(" TALER_CURRENCY_LEN_STR ") NOT NULL"
- ",PRIMARY KEY (h_proposal_data, merchant_pub)"
- ");");
- PG_EXEC (pg,
- "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_deposits ("
- " h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",merchant_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(merchant_pub)=32)"
- ",FOREIGN KEY (h_proposal_data, merchant_pub) REFERENCES merchant_transactions (h_proposal_data, merchant_pub)"
- ",coin_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(coin_pub)=32)"
- ",amount_with_fee_val INT8 NOT NULL"
- ",amount_with_fee_frac INT4 NOT NULL"
- ",amount_with_fee_curr VARCHAR(" TALER_CURRENCY_LEN_STR ") NOT NULL"
- ",deposit_fee_val INT8 NOT NULL"
- ",deposit_fee_frac INT4 NOT NULL"
- ",deposit_fee_curr VARCHAR(" TALER_CURRENCY_LEN_STR ") NOT NULL"
- ",signkey_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(signkey_pub)=32)"
- ",exchange_proof BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",PRIMARY KEY (h_proposal_data, coin_pub)"
- ");");
- PG_EXEC (pg,
- "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_proofs ("
- " exchange_uri VARCHAR NOT NULL"
- ",wtid BYTEA CHECK (LENGTH(wtid)=32)"
- ",execution_time INT8 NOT NULL"
- ",signkey_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(signkey_pub)=32)"
- ",proof BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",PRIMARY KEY (wtid, exchange_uri)"
- ");");
- /* Note that h_proposal_data + coin_pub may actually be unknown to
- us, e.g. someone else deposits something for us at the exchange.
- Hence those cannot be foreign keys into deposits/transactions! */
- PG_EXEC (pg,
- "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transfers ("
- " h_proposal_data BYTEA NOT NULL"
- ",coin_pub BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(coin_pub)=32)"
- ",wtid BYTEA NOT NULL CHECK (LENGTH(wtid)=32)"
- ",PRIMARY KEY (h_proposal_data, coin_pub)"
- ");");
- "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transfers_by_coin"
- " ON merchant_transfers (h_proposal_data, coin_pub)");
- "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS merchant_transfers_by_wtid"
- " ON merchant_transfers (wtid)");
- /* Setup prepared "INSERT" statements */
- "insert_transaction",
- "INSERT INTO merchant_transactions"
- "(h_proposal_data"
- ",exchange_uri"
- ",merchant_pub"
- ",h_wire"
- ",timestamp"
- ",refund_deadline"
- ",total_amount_val"
- ",total_amount_frac"
- ",total_amount_curr"
- ") VALUES "
- "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9)",
- 9);
- "insert_deposit",
- "INSERT INTO merchant_deposits"
- "(h_proposal_data"
- ",merchant_pub"
- ",coin_pub"
- ",amount_with_fee_val"
- ",amount_with_fee_frac"
- ",amount_with_fee_curr"
- ",deposit_fee_val"
- ",deposit_fee_frac"
- ",deposit_fee_curr"
- ",signkey_pub"
- ",exchange_proof) VALUES "
- "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11)",
- 11);
- "insert_transfer",
- "INSERT INTO merchant_transfers"
- "(h_proposal_data"
- ",coin_pub"
- ",wtid) VALUES "
- "($1, $2, $3)",
- 3);
- "insert_proof",
- "INSERT INTO merchant_proofs"
- "(exchange_uri"
- ",wtid"
- ",execution_time"
- ",signkey_pub"
- ",proof) VALUES "
- "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)",
- 5);
- "insert_proposal_data",
- "INSERT INTO merchant_proposal_data"
- "(order_id"
- ",merchant_pub"
- ",timestamp"
- ",proposal_data"
- ",h_proposal_data)"
- " VALUES "
- "($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)",
- 4);
- "find_proposal_data_from_hash",
- " proposal_data"
- " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
- " WHERE"
- " h_proposal_data=$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2",
- 2);
- "find_proposal_data",
- " proposal_data"
- " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
- " WHERE"
- " order_id=$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2",
- 2);
- "find_proposal_data_by_date",
- " proposal_data"
- ",order_id"
- ",row_id"
- " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
- " WHERE"
- " timestamp<$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2"
- " ORDER BY row_id DESC, timestamp DESC"
- " LIMIT $3",
- 3);
- "find_proposal_data_by_date_and_range",
- " proposal_data"
- ",order_id"
- ",row_id"
- " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
- " WHERE"
- " timestamp<$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2"
- " AND row_id<$3"
- " ORDER BY row_id DESC, timestamp DESC"
- " LIMIT $4",
- 4);
- "find_proposal_data_by_date_and_range_future",
- " proposal_data"
- ",order_id"
- ",row_id"
- " FROM merchant_proposal_data"
- " WHERE"
- " timestamp>$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2"
- " AND row_id>$3"
- " ORDER BY row_id DESC, timestamp DESC"
- " LIMIT $4",
- 4);
- /* Setup prepared "SELECT" statements */
- "find_transaction",
- " exchange_uri"
- ",h_wire"
- ",timestamp"
- ",refund_deadline"
- ",total_amount_val"
- ",total_amount_frac"
- ",total_amount_curr"
- " FROM merchant_transactions"
- " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2",
- 2);
- "find_deposits",
- " coin_pub"
- ",amount_with_fee_val"
- ",amount_with_fee_frac"
- ",amount_with_fee_curr"
- ",deposit_fee_val"
- ",deposit_fee_frac"
- ",deposit_fee_curr"
- ",exchange_proof"
- " FROM merchant_deposits"
- " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2",
- 2);
- "find_deposits_by_hash_and_coin",
- " amount_with_fee_val"
- ",amount_with_fee_frac"
- ",amount_with_fee_curr"
- ",deposit_fee_val"
- ",deposit_fee_frac"
- ",deposit_fee_curr"
- ",exchange_proof"
- " FROM merchant_deposits"
- " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1"
- " AND merchant_pub=$2"
- " AND coin_pub=$3",
- 3);
- "find_transfers_by_hash",
- " coin_pub"
- ",wtid"
- ",merchant_proofs.execution_time"
- ",merchant_proofs.proof"
- " FROM merchant_transfers"
- " JOIN merchant_proofs USING (wtid)"
- " WHERE h_proposal_data=$1",
- 1);
- "find_deposits_by_wtid",
- " merchant_transfers.h_proposal_data"
- ",merchant_transfers.coin_pub"
- ",merchant_deposits.amount_with_fee_val"
- ",merchant_deposits.amount_with_fee_frac"
- ",merchant_deposits.amount_with_fee_curr"
- ",merchant_deposits.deposit_fee_val"
- ",merchant_deposits.deposit_fee_frac"
- ",merchant_deposits.deposit_fee_curr"
- ",merchant_deposits.exchange_proof"
- " FROM merchant_transfers"
- " JOIN merchant_deposits"
- " ON (merchant_deposits.h_proposal_data = merchant_transfers.h_proposal_data"
- " AND"
- " merchant_deposits.coin_pub = merchant_transfers.coin_pub)"
- " WHERE wtid=$1",
- 1);
- "find_proof_by_wtid",
- " proof"
- " FROM merchant_proofs"
- " WHERE wtid=$1"
- " AND exchange_uri=$2",
- 2);
+ if (GNUNET_OK !=
+ GNUNET_PQ_exec_statements (pg->conn,
+ es))
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ }
+ if (GNUNET_OK !=
+ GNUNET_PQ_prepare_statements (pg->conn,
+ ps))
+ {
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ }
return GNUNET_OK;
* Retrieve proposal data given its proposal data's hashcode
@@ -897,7 +834,7 @@ postgres_find_proposal_data_history (void *cls,
PQclear (result);
return GNUNET_OK;
@@ -1645,7 +1582,8 @@ libtaler_plugin_merchantdb_postgres_init (void *cls)
return NULL;
- pg->conn = GNUNET_POSTGRES_connect (cfg, "merchantdb-postgres");
+ pg->conn = GNUNET_PQ_connect_with_cfg (cfg,
+ "merchantdb-postgres");
if (NULL == pg->conn)
GNUNET_free (pg);