path: root/bank/src/test/kotlin/DatabaseTest.kt
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diff --git a/bank/src/test/kotlin/DatabaseTest.kt b/bank/src/test/kotlin/DatabaseTest.kt
index da7bd56f..19d552ac 100644
--- a/bank/src/test/kotlin/DatabaseTest.kt
+++ b/bank/src/test/kotlin/DatabaseTest.kt
@@ -69,104 +69,6 @@ class DatabaseTest {
- fun challenge() = setup { db, _ -> db.conn { conn ->
- val createStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT challenge_create(?,?,?,?)")
- val sendStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT challenge_mark_sent(?,?,?)")
- val tryStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT ok, no_retry FROM challenge_try(?,?,?)")
- val resendStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT challenge_resend(?,?,?,?,?)")
- val validityPeriod = Duration.ofHours(1)
- val retransmissionPeriod: Duration = Duration.ofMinutes(1)
- val retryCounter = 3
- fun create(code: String, now: Instant): Long {
- createStmt.setString(1, code)
- createStmt.setLong(2, ChronoUnit.MICROS.between(Instant.EPOCH, now))
- createStmt.setLong(3, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert(validityPeriod))
- createStmt.setInt(4, retryCounter)
- return createStmt.oneOrNull { it.getLong(1) }!!
- }
- fun send(id: Long, now: Instant) {
- sendStmt.setLong(1, id)
- sendStmt.setLong(2, ChronoUnit.MICROS.between(Instant.EPOCH, now))
- sendStmt.setLong(3, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert(retransmissionPeriod))
- return sendStmt.oneOrNull { }!!
- }
- fun cTry(id: Long, code: String, now: Instant): Pair<Boolean, Boolean> {
- tryStmt.setLong(1, id)
- tryStmt.setString(2, code)
- tryStmt.setLong(3, ChronoUnit.MICROS.between(Instant.EPOCH, now))
- return tryStmt.oneOrNull {
- Pair(it.getBoolean(1), it.getBoolean(2))
- }!!
- }
- fun resend(id: Long, code: String, now: Instant): String? {
- resendStmt.setLong(1, id)
- resendStmt.setString(2, code)
- resendStmt.setLong(3, ChronoUnit.MICROS.between(Instant.EPOCH, now))
- resendStmt.setLong(4, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert(validityPeriod))
- resendStmt.setInt(5, retryCounter)
- return resendStmt.oneOrNull { it.getString(1) }
- }
- val now =
- val expired = now + validityPeriod
- val retransmit = now + retransmissionPeriod
- // Check basic
- create("good-code", now).run {
- // Bad code
- assertEquals(Pair(false, false), cTry(this, "bad-code", now))
- // Good code
- assertEquals(Pair(true, false), cTry(this, "good-code", now))
- // Never resend a confirmed challenge
- assertNull(resend(this, "new-code", expired))
- // Confirmed challenge always ok
- assertEquals(Pair(true, false), cTry(this, "good-code", now))
- }
- // Check retry
- create("good-code", now).run {
- send(this, now)
- // Bad code
- repeat(retryCounter) {
- assertEquals(Pair(false, false), cTry(this, "bad-code", now))
- }
- // Good code fail
- assertEquals(Pair(false, true), cTry(this, "good-code", now))
- // New code
- assertEquals("new-code", resend(this, "new-code", now))
- // Good code
- assertEquals(Pair(true, false), cTry(this, "new-code", now))
- }
- // Check retransmission and expiration
- create("good-code", now).run {
- // Failed to send retransmit
- assertEquals("good-code", resend(this, "new-code", now))
- // Code successfully sent and still valid
- send(this, now)
- assertNull(resend(this, "new-code", now))
- // Code is still valid but shoud be resent
- assertEquals("good-code", resend(this, "new-code", retransmit))
- // Good code fail because expired
- assertEquals(Pair(false, false), cTry(this, "good-code", expired))
- // New code because expired
- assertEquals("new-code", resend(this, "new-code", expired))
- // Code successfully sent and still valid
- send(this, expired)
- assertNull(resend(this, "another-code", expired))
- // Old code no longer workds
- assertEquals(Pair(false, false), cTry(this, "good-code", expired))
- // New code works
- assertEquals(Pair(true, false), cTry(this, "new-code", expired))
- }
- }}
- @Test
fun tanChallenge() = bankSetup { db -> db.conn { conn ->
val createStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT tan_challenge_create('','account_reconfig'::op_enum,?,?,?,?,'customer',NULL,NULL)")
val markSentStmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT tan_challenge_mark_sent(?,?,?)")