path: root/buildbot
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-03-09fix argument passing.Marcello Stanisci
2018-03-09comment syntax.Marcello Stanisci
2018-03-09still fixing strings.Marcello Stanisci
2018-03-09fix comment syntax.Marcello Stanisci
2018-03-09fix syntax quirk.Marcello Stanisci
2018-03-09work-around 'set -eu' from the lcov worker.Marcello Stanisci
2018-03-09add nightly scheduler.Marcello Stanisci
2018-02-22add playground confsFlorian Dold
2018-02-06BB configFlorian Dold
2018-02-06BB configFlorian Dold
2018-02-06build docs the same way as blue/greenFlorian Dold
2018-01-30add auth header to BB merchant backend checkFlorian Dold
2018-01-17backoffice @ switcher-builderMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-17backoffice repository into monitored ones by doc-builderMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-17trigger docs' landing build monitoring its own repository.Marcello Stanisci
2018-01-17trigger docs landing compilation from BBMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-16adding back-office docs building instructionsMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-09check directly on /en/index.html for landingMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-09same for other servicesMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-09must check against the http*s* blogMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-09consider when curl goes okayMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-09enclose error string between "(s)Marcello Stanisci
2018-01-09enclosing fmt string between "Marcello Stanisci
2018-01-09more diagnostics from failed-to-restart servicesMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-03right namesMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-03using versioned "switcher script"Marcello Stanisci
2018-01-02look for 200 OK now for /landingMarcello Stanisci
2018-01-02sharper check of landingMarcello Stanisci
2017-12-29lint builder out of force schedulerMarcello Stanisci
2017-12-29lint builder "dispatches" on projects, rather thanMarcello Stanisci
"invalidating" them first and use 'make'.
2017-12-18landing page wants 302Marcello Stanisci
2017-12-18bank wants 302Marcello Stanisci
2017-12-18*wrapping* curlMarcello Stanisci
2017-12-18actually formatting outputMarcello Stanisci
2017-12-18 #5219Marcello Stanisci
2017-12-12linting the wallet in bbMarcello Stanisci
2017-12-12using right api to dispatch doc buildsMarcello Stanisci
2017-12-10also rebuild on landing.git pushFlorian Dold
2017-12-08switcher build should fail if one step failsFlorian Dold
2017-12-07names of changed files are fetched from _dict_Marcello Stanisci
2017-12-07TypeError related to list of changed filesMarcello Stanisci
2017-12-07importing 're'Marcello Stanisci
2017-12-05excluding resource-hungry builders (due to resource limitationMarcello Stanisci
of current machine)
2017-11-30import right periodic schedulerMarcello Stanisci
2017-11-30syntax fixMarcello Stanisci
2017-11-30syntax fixMarcello Stanisci
2017-11-30tip reserve topped by BBMarcello Stanisci
2017-11-30run switcher builder also when one of the fontends changesFlorian Dold
2017-11-30merging reserve topping in one scriptMarcello Stanisci
2017-11-30also stop on sanity check failuresFlorian Dold