{% extends "common/consortium.j2" %} {% block body_content %}
NGI Taler logo


GNU Taler (Taxable Anonymous Libre Electronic Resources) is a new secure electronic payment system based on open standards, free software, and advanced cryptography. GNU Taler provides privacy guarantees to the buyer while offering the possibility to audit merchants, making sale profits transparent and fraud difficult. To online merchants and retailers, GNU Taler offers instant transaction clearance without risks of fake payment methods. Computations needed to clear the payments are efficient and scalable so that banks can pass on lower transaction costs to consumers and merchants. Consumers can withdraw money from their existing bank account into their GNU Taler wallet, detaching their spending habits from scrutiny, in the way cash does.

The NGI TALER project is funded under Horizon Europe (Pilots for the Next Generation Internet) with the aim of bringing GNU Taler to market across Europe.

To make GNU Taler accessible to European citizens, we need a commercially viable use of the GNU Taler technology. We will achieve this through the four key project objectives.

{% for objective in conf['objectives'] %}

{{ objective.text }}

{% endfor %}


The consortium will organize or participate in different types of events across Europe.

{# Events will include talks presenting GNU Taler and related technologies, expert panels discussing financial problems and possible solutions, workshops to jointly work on GNU Taler integrations, usability studies with interested volunteers, and public consultations to gather ideas and requirements from the general public. #}
{% for year, yitem in eventsdata|groupby('date.year')|reverse %}

{{ year }}

    {% for item in yitem|reverse %}
  • {{ item['date']}}: {{ item['title']|e }}

    {{ item['teaser'] }}

    {{ item['location']}} - Speaker: {{ item['speaker']}}

    External link: {{ item['url_ext']}}

  • {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


{% if conf['deliverables'] is defined and conf['deliverables'] and conf['deliverables'] != "" %}


{% endif %}


The NGI TALER consortium consists of 11 partners from 8 European countries (the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg and Switzerland).

The consortium is diverse in terms of types of institutions, including research (Eindhoven University of Technology) and applied science universities (Berner Fachhochschule BFH), small for-profit companies (Code Blau GmbH, Taler Systems S.A., VisualVest), a structure (petites singularités), cooperative banks (GLS Bank, MagNet Bank), a foundation (Stichting NLnet) and grassroots movements (E-Seniors Association, Homo Digitalis).

{% for partner in conf['partners'] %}
{{ partner.id + ' avatar'}} {# #}
{{ partner.name }}
{# #}
{# #}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock body_content %}