partners: - id: TUE name: "Eindhoven University of Technology" contact: "" logo: images/logo-tue.svg url: "" role: "The team of Eindhoven University of Technology consists of Kathrin Hövelmanns, Andreas Hülsing, Tanja Lange, and Heloise Vieira. They coordinate the consortium and their work focuses on research and applications of cryptology." statement: "" - id: BFH name: "Bern University of Applied Sciences" contact: "Prof. Dr. Christian Grothoff" logo: images/logo-bfh.svg url: role: "Bern University of Applied Sciences has extensive experience in the operation, development and enhancement of software and hardware for the GNU Taler payment system and can therefore also manufacture needed hardware." statement: "BFH is excited to educate the next generation of developers about the future of digital payments." - id: TSYS name: "Taler Systems SA" contact: "Dr. Florian Dold" logo: images/logo-TalerSystems.svg url: role: "Taler Systems SA will sustain the development of the core GNU Taler technology and assist all partners with their respective integration efforts." statement: "This consortium offers the perfect opportunity to widely deploy GNU Taler in Europe and seed the global adoption of a payment system respecting informational self-determination." - id: GLS name: "GLS Bank" contact: "Leo Wittmann" logo: images/logo-GlsBank.svg url: role: "-- TBD --" statement: "-- TBD --" - id: MAG name: "MagNet Bank" contact: "-- TBD --" logo: images/logo-MagNetBank.svg url: role: "-- TBD --" statement: "-- TBD --" - id: CBG name: "Code Blau GmbH" contact: "Özgür Kesim" logo: images/logo-codeblau.svg url: role: "Code Blau GmbH is a boutique IT-security consulting firm from Berlin, Germany, established in 1999. We help GNU Taler to be safe and secure when used by citizens, merchants and payment service providers." statement: "We are excited to be part of this consortium and are looking forward to help deploy GNU Taler in the Eurozone and our role as auditor of the first large-scale instantiation of GNU Taler." - id: VV name: "Visual Vest" contact: "-- TBD --" logo: images/logo-visualvest.svg url: role: "" statement: "" - id: HODI name: "Homo Digitalis" contact: "Eleftherios Chelioudakis" logo: images/logo-HomoDigitalis.svg url: role: "Homo Digitalis is a Greek Civil Society Organization that focuses on the protection and promotion of human rights in the digital age, member of the EDRi network." statement: "Homo Digitalis, as a digital rights CSO, is extremely excited to participate in this project, working shoulder to shoulder with an amazing group of stakeholders to promote a new electronic privacy-preserving payment system that benefits European citizens, merchants, and banks." - id: PS name: "petites singularités" contact: "Jean-Michel Massibot" logo: images/logo-ps.svg url: role: "Petites singularités operates the TALER Integration Community Hub to facilitate socially inclusive adoption of NGI payment technology GNU Taler, notably by stakeholders from the independent book sector, e-Health sector (with eSeniors), and the free software ICT supply chain (with NLnet)." statement: "GNU Taler is the only serious candidate alternative to existing global market payment solutions and, contrary to them, GNU Taler supports EU values: it's free software implementing open standards to guarantee a fair, transparent and sovereign technology; it provides auditable, therefore taxable sales, while preserving anonymity of the buyer." - id: ESEN name: "E-Seniors Association" contact: "-- TBD --" logo: images/logo-esen.svg url: '' role: "ESEN fights e-exclusion by offering ICT training to seniors (people aged 55 and over) to bridge the digital gap between generations and foster seniors’ social participation." statement: "ESEN’s main focus is on representing end-users and ensuring that technical solutions meet the needs of end-users, especially senior citizens." - id: NLnet name: "Stichting NLnet" contact: "-- TBD --" logo: images/logo-nlnet.svg url: role: "-- TBD --" statement: "-- TBD --"