Advantages for Merchants

Vorteile für Verkäfer


Processing transactions with Taler is fast, allowing you to confirm the transaction with your customer virtually immediately. Your customers will appreciate that they do not have to type in credit card information and play the "verified by" game. By making payments significantly more convenient for your customers, you may be able to use Taler for small transactions that would not work with credit card payments due to the mental overhead for customers.


You never learn sensitive customer information. You need to ensure that your website provides the correct account information for your business, and that you correctly validate the payment confirmations from the Taler mint. As a result, you will have cryptographic proof of payment for the specific contracts you entered with your customers, and cryptographically signed confirmations from the Taler mint about the deposits. Taler does not require you to undergo any particular security audits, processes or procedures, as you never handle sensitive customer information. Your systems will have cryptographically signed contracts which you can use in court in case of disputes.


Taler is free software, and you can use the liberally-licensed reference code as a starting point to integrate Taler into your services. To use Taler, you do not need to pay license fees, and the free software development model will ensure that you can select from many competent developers to help you with your integration.

Low Fees

Taler is designed to minimize the work the Mint needs to perform. Combined with Taler's strong security which prevents fraud, mints can operate with very low overhead and thus low transaction fees. Given Taler's free software mint reference implementation, competition among mints will ensure fair, low transaction fees for merchants.


Taler can be used for different currencies (such as Euros or US Dollars) and different payment models limited only by what the mint supports in its interactions.


Taler does not support tax evasion or money laundering, and is also not a pyramid scheme or speculative investment. Taler's protocols are efficient and do not waste energy. Taler encourages competition by providing an open standard and free software reference implementations.