Financial News

22-12-2015: Sicherheitsforscher hacken das EC-Bezahlsystem

Security researchers found serious security flaws in the German "electronic cash" system which enable criminals to withdraw funds from merchant accounts based on the information printed on receipts and other information obtained from public sources or point-of-sales terminals purchased online.
The German "electronic cash" system is based on the "Poseidon" protocol, for which there is no publicly accessible specification or reference implementation. This has allowed such major security holes to persist for decades.


30-4-2015: 1970 Researchers Predicted Debit Cards Would be Great for Surveillance

"Suppose you were an advisor to the head of the KGB, the Soviet Secret Police. Suppose you are given the assignment of designing a system for the surveillance of all citizens and visitors within the boundaries of the USSR. The system is not to be too obtrusive or obvious. What would be your decision?"
The think tank RAND essentially answered this question with a blueprint for modern payment systems. Taler offers an escape from the financial panopticon.


17-3-2015: Pointing Fingers in Apple Pay Fraud

Apple Pay may be easy to use, but the simplistic user identification creates opportunities for fraud, resulting in much higher fraud rates than even with traditional credit card systems.
Taler does not require user identification, enabling ease of use while also being effective against fraud.


6-12-2014: Visa and MasterCard's uncompetitive business practices

The Visa and MasterCard duopoly has eliminated competition among banks, setting fees that take away a significant share of profits from small merchants.
Taler is an open standard with free software implementations, so merchants do not have to fear a lack of competition.


5-12-2014: US judge rules banks can sue merchant for bad security

Merchants taking credit card data from customers now have to additionally fear banks suing them for losses. It is not suggested that the merchant in question was not in compliance with PCI DSS security audit procedures.
With Taler, merchants never handle sensitive personal credit data, and thus neither customers, exchanges nor governments would even have standing to sue merchants in court. Thus, if a merchant system were to be compromised, the damage would be limited to the merchant's own operations.


5-12-2014: PayPal for Android gains fingerprint support

Following Visa and MasterCard's move to biometrics, PayPal now supports authenticating purchases with fingerprint recognition. Hence, police can now forcefully take user's fingerprints and access their mobile computers and possibly empty their electronic wallets in addition to their physical wallets.
For Taler, we advise users to protect their digital wallets using passphrases.


10-9-2014: PayPal accounts hacked with a click

Yasser Ali reports a now patched vulnerability in PayPal that would have allowed him to reset other user's passwords and take over their accounts. This is unlikely to be the last vulnerability found in account-based payment systems.
In Taler, customers do not have accounts with usernames, passwords or associated e-mail addresses. Instead, Taler uses reserves which are represented by a private key on the owner's computer. Users create a reserve by depositing currency at a Taler exchange, and can then withdraw digital coins from that reserve using the respective private key. There is no limit on the number of reserves a user can have, and even hacking the Taler exchange would not provide an adversary with access to user's reserves (as the Taler exchange does not have the private keys). Stealing in Taler requires breaking into each customer's computer to extract the reserve keys or the coins from the digital wallet.


13-11-2014: Visa and MasterCard's to move from passwords to biometrics

Visa and MasterCard are planning to "simplify hated verification systems" by moving from passwords to security codes on mobiles and biometrics. Continuing their flawed insistence on verifying identity, Visa and MasterCard will thus build a very personal picture of their customers, from shopping habbits down to their cardiac rhythm.
Taler does not require a customer's identity to verify a payment, as the payment system cryptographically verifies the coins. Thus, Taler does not have to intrude into any personal detail of a citizen's life, and certainly not their private medical data.


15-9-2013: NSA follows the Money

Despite the EU allowing the NSA access to financial transaction data to track terrorists and organized crime, the NSA saw it necessary to target international payment processors including SWIFT and Visa. As terrorism and organized crime are covered by legal means, industrial espionage to improve the US economy is the only remaining US national interest within the NSA's mandate that would explain this illegal activity.
With Taler, exchanges will only learn the value of a merchant's transactions, not who paid or for what (governments may learn what was sold). Thus, the Taler exchange is a significantly less interesting target for industrial espionage.
