{% include "common/header.j2.inc" %}
{% include "common/navigation.j2.inc" %}

{{ _("About us") }}

Dr. Christian Grothoff

Christian Grothoff

{{ _("GNU maintainer. Network security & privacy researcher. Software architect.") }}

Leon Schumacher

Leon Schumacher

{{ _("Entrepreneur, Investor, Fortune 100 CIO, IT company director in different industries, ….") }}

Robert Goldmann

Robert Goldmann

{{ _("CFO") }}

Dr. Jeffrey Burdges

Jeffrey Burdges

{{ _("Applied cryptography. Contact to W3c & Tor.") }}

Dr. Cristina Onete

Cristina Onete

{{ _("Theoretical foundations.") }}

Dr. Richard M. Stallman

Richard Stallman

{{ _("Founder of the GNU project. Ethical guidance and licensing.") }}

Sree Harsha Totakura

Sree Harsha Totakura

{{ _("PhD Student, TU Munich. Currently teaching.") }}

Florian Dold

Florian Dold

{{ _("PhD Student, Inria..") }}

Marcello Stanisci

Marcello Stanisci

{{ _("Software engineer.") }}

Dr. Nana Karlstetter

Nana Karlstetter

{{ _("Sustainable business development.") }}

Benedikt Müller

{{ _("Software engineer. Works on libebics.") }}

Gabor Toth

{{ _("Software engineer.") }}

Martín Olivera

{{ _("Translator (Spanish)") }}

Greta Breveglieri

{{ _("Translator (Italian)") }}

Ylenia Baldanza

{{ _("Translator (Italian)") }}

Jan Suhr

{{ _("Hardware security module") }}

Hartmut Goebel

{{ _("Risk management") }}

Julian Kirsch

{{ _("PhD student, TU Munich. Currently teaching.") }}

Oliver Broome

{{ _("Software engineer. Works on Android wallet.") }}

{% include "common/footer.j2.inc" %}