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1 files changed, 55 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/main.html b/main.html
index 6e26e505..2593dfab 100644
--- a/main.html
+++ b/main.html
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<h1 lang="de">Elektronisches Bezahlen f&uuml;r eine freiheitliche Gesellschaft!</h1>
<h1 lang="fr">Paiements électroniques pour société libre!</h1>
<p lang="en">Taler is a new electronic payment system under development at <a href="">Inria</a>.
- Today, this website only presents the advantages our system is expected to provide.
- During 2015, we will make more code and documentation public. We expect to make
- the payment system available to the general public in 2016.</p>
- <p lang="de">Taler is a new electronic payment system under development at <a href="">Inria</a>.
- Today, this website only presents the advantages our system is expected to provide.
- During 2015, we will make more code and documentation public. We expect to make
- the payment system available to the general public in 2016.</p>
- <p lang="fr">Taler is a new electronic payment system under development at <a href="">Inria</a>.
- Today, this website only presents the advantages our system is expected to provide.
- During 2015, we will make more code and documentation public. We expect to make
- the payment system available to the general public in 2016.</p>
- <!-- p><a class="btn btn-lg btn-success" href="#" role="button">Get started today</a></p -->
+ Today, this website only presents the advantages our system is expected to provide.
+ During 2015, we will make more code and documentation public. We expect to make
+ the payment system available to the general public in 2016.</p>
+ <p lang="de">Taler ist ein neues elektronisches Zahlungssystem welches
+ bei <a href="">Inria</a> entwickelt wird. Zum
+ heutigen Tag zeigt diese Seite die Vorteile unseres Systems auf. Im
+ Laufe des Jahres 2015 soll mehr Code und zus&auml;tzliche Dokumentation
+ &ouml;ffentlich gemacht werden. Voraussichtlicher Startpunkt des
+ Zahlungssystems f&uuml;r den &ouml;ffentlichen Gebrauch ist das Jahr
+ 2016.</p>
+ <p lang="fr">Cécile</p>
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<div class="col-lg-4">
<h2 lang="en">Taxable</h2>
<h2 lang="de">Taxierbar</h2>
<h2 lang="fr">Taxable</h2>
- <p lang="en">Unlike BitCoin or cash payments, Taler ensures that governments can easily track their citizen's income and thus collect sales, value-added or income taxes. Taler is thus a currency for the mainstream economy, and not the black market.</p>
- <p lang="de">Unlike BitCoin or cash payments, Taler ensures that governments can easily track their citizen's income and thus collect sales, value-added or income taxes. Taler is thus a currency for the mainstream economy, and not the black market.</p>
- <p lang="fr">Unlike BitCoin or cash payments, Taler ensures that governments can easily track their citizen's income and thus collect sales, value-added or income taxes. Taler is thus a currency for the mainstream economy, and not the black market.</p>
+ <p lang="en">Unlike BitCoin or cash payments, Taler ensures that
+ governments can easily track their citizen's income and thus collect
+ sales, value-added or income taxes. Taler is thus a currency for the
+ mainstream economy, and not the black market.</p>
+ <p lang="de">Anders als bei BitCoin oder Barzahlungen kann im
+ Taler-System das Einkommen von Staatsb&uuml;rgern nachvollzogen werden
+ und aufgrund dieser Basis Umsatz-, Mehrwert- und Einkommensteuer
+ erhoben werden. Taler richtet sich daher an die regul&auml;re
+ Wirtschaft und ist zur Verwendung auf dem Schwarzmarkt ungeeignet.</p>
+ <p lang="fr">Cécile</p>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<h2 lang="en">Anonymous</h2>
<h2 lang="de">Anonym</h2>
<h2 lang="fr">Anonyme</h2>
<p lang="en">When you pay with Taler, your identity does not have to be revealed to the merchant. The bank, government and mint will also never learn how you spent your electronic money. However, you can prove that you paid in court if necessary.</p>
- <p lang="de">When you pay with Taler, your identity does not have to be revealed to the merchant. The bank, government and mint will also never learn how you spent your electronic money. However, you can prove that you paid in court if necessary.</p>
- <p lang="fr">When you pay with Taler, your identity does not have to be revealed to the merchant. The bank, government and mint will also never learn how you spent your electronic money. However, you can prove that you paid in court if necessary.</p>
+ <p lang="de">Ein Zahlungsvorgangs mit Taler hat nicht das Offenlegen
+ der Identit&auml;t des K&auml;fers gegen&uuml;ber dem H&auml;ndler zur
+ Folge. Banken, Regierungen und M&uuml;nzereien k&ouml;nnen den
+ konkreten Verwendungszweck einer Transaktion nicht in Erfahrung bringen.
+ Trotzdem sind Zahlende in der Lage, die von ihnen durchgef&uuml;hrten Transaktion im Falle eines
+ Gerichtsprozesses kryptographisch nachzuweisen.</p>
+ <p lang="fr"></p>
+ <p lang="fr">Cécile</p>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<h2 lang="en">Libre</h2>
<h2 lang="de">Liberal</h2>
<h2 lang="fr">Libre</h2>
<p lang="en">Taler is free software implementing an open protocol. Anybody is welcome to inspect our code and integrate our reference implementation into their applications.</p>
- <p lang="de">Taler is free software implementing an open protocol. Anybody is welcome to inspect our code and integrate our reference implementation into their applications.</p>
- <p lang="fr">Taler is free software implementing an open protocol. Anybody is welcome to inspect our code and integrate our reference implementation into their applications.</p>
+ <p lang="de">Taler ist freie Software, welche ein offenes Protokoll
+ implementiert. Der Code ist frei verf&uuml;gbar und jeder ist
+ eingeladen, die Referenzimplementierung in eigene Projekte zu
+ &uuml;bernehmen.</p>
+ <p lang="fr">Cécile</p>
<div class="row">
@@ -79,21 +94,36 @@
<h2 lang="en">Electronic</h2>
<h2 lang="de">Elektronisch</h2>
<h2 lang="fr">Électronique</h2>
- <p lang="en">Taler is designed to work on the Internet. Using a so-called RESTful protocol over HTTP or HTTPS, Taler is easy to integrate with existing Web applications.</p>
- <p lang="de">Taler is designed to work on the Internet. Using a so-called RESTful protocol over HTTP or HTTPS, Taler is easy to integrate with existing Web applications.</p>
- <p lang="fr">Taler is designed to work on the Internet. Using a so-called RESTful protocol over HTTP or HTTPS, Taler is easy to integrate with existing Web applications.</p>
+ <p lang="en">Taler is designed to work on the Internet. Using a
+ so-called RESTful protocol over HTTP or HTTPS, Taler is easy to
+ integrate with existing Web applications.</p>
+ <p lang="de">Taler wurde zur Verwendung im Internet konzipiert. Durch
+ Einsatz eines REST-basierten Protokolls &uuml;ber HTTP oder HTTPS ist
+ Taler einfach in existierende Webapplikationen einzubinden.</p>
+ <p lang="fr">Cécile</p>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<h2 lang="en">Reserves</h2>
<h2 lang="de">Reserven</h2>
<h2 lang="fr">Réserve</h2>
- <p lang="en">Taler operates as a reserve. This means that Taler is not a new currency with the inherent currency fluctuation risks, but instead the digital coins correspond to existing currencies, such as US Dollars, Euros or even BitCoins.</p>
- <p lang="de">Taler operates as a reserve. This means that Taler is not a new currency with the inherent currency fluctuation risks, but instead the digital coins correspond to existing currencies, such as US Dollars, Euros or even BitCoins.</p>
- <p lang="fr">Taler operates as a reserve. This means that Taler is not a new currency with the inherent currency fluctuation risks, but instead the digital coins correspond to existing currencies, such as US Dollars, Euros or even BitCoins.</p>
+ <p lang="en">Taler operates as a reserve. This means that Taler is not
+ a new currency with the inherent currency fluctuation risks, but
+ instead the digital coins correspond to existing currencies, such as
+ US Dollars, Euros or even BitCoins.</p>
+ <p lang="de">Taler fungiert als Reserve. Dies bedeutet, dass es sich
+ bei Taler nicht um eine neue W&auml;hrung, der die &uuml;blichen
+ Risiken, die mit W&auml;hrungsschwankungen einhergehen, handelt,
+ sondern um die digitale Repr&auml;sentation von M&uuml;nzen, welche zu
+ bestehenden W&auml;hrungen, wie zum Beispiel Euro, US-Dollar oder
+ sogar BitCoins korrespondieren.</p>
+ <p lang="fr">Cécile</p>
<div class="col-lg-4">
<p lang="en">We will present Taler at FOSSA in Rennes on Tuesday November 19th 2014.</p>
+ <p lang="de">Taler wird auf der FOSSA in Rennes am Dienstag, 19.
+ November 2014 vorgestellt.</p>
+ <p lang="fr">Cécile</p>
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