This directory contains some scripts and associated files to create a Debian qcow2 image with a WooCommerce+Taler installation. We use simple-cdd to non-interactively run the Debian installer, and have a profile 'talerwoo' with WooCommerce and Taler-specific specifications. Dependencies: ============= * debian-archive-keyring * qemu, qemu-system, qemu-kvm * xorriso * bsdtar * simple-cdd Make sure the user using the scripts is in the 'kvm' group. The scripts are only written for AMD64/x86_64 CPUs. How to use: =========== First run: $ ./ to create the "installer.iso". Then run: $ ./ to run the Debian installer to create the 'talerwoo.img'. Before booting, make sure that your system is setup to route packages and performs NAT for the VM (otherwise the installation script that runs on first startup will fail): $ sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward $ sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlp3s0 -j MASQUERADE Finally, boot the final image using: $ ./ The 'root' password will be set to 'wootaler' initially. The 'admin' password for WooCommerce (running on port 9999) will be 'admin-pass'. Upon first boot, you need to wait for a bit for the systemd service firstboot-wootaler.service to complete. You may want to check the logs: # journalctl -u firstboot-wootaler.service If the script fails due to say network errors, you should be able to simply re-run it using: # (it will also re-run on each boot until it has succeeded).