package net.taler.wallet.kotlin.crypto import net.taler.wallet.kotlin.crypto.CryptoImpl.Companion.toByteArray abstract class CryptoImpl : Crypto { companion object { fun Int.toByteArray(): ByteArray { val bytes = ByteArray(4) bytes[3] = (this and 0xFFFF).toByte() bytes[2] = ((this ushr 8) and 0xFFFF).toByte() bytes[1] = ((this ushr 16) and 0xFFFF).toByte() bytes[0] = ((this ushr 24) and 0xFFFF).toByte() return bytes } fun Long.toByteArray() = ByteArray(8).apply { var l = this@toByteArray for (i in 7 downTo 0) { this[i] = (l and 0xFF).toByte() l = l shr 8 } } } override fun kdf(outputLength: Int, ikm: ByteArray, salt: ByteArray, info: ByteArray): ByteArray { return Kdf.kdf(outputLength, ikm, salt, info, { sha256(it) }, { sha512(it) }) } override fun setupRefreshPlanchet(secretSeed: ByteArray, coinNumber: Int): FreshCoin { val info = "taler-coin-derivation".encodeToByteArray() val salt = coinNumber.toByteArray() val out = kdf(64, secretSeed, salt, info) val coinPrivateKey = out.copyOfRange(0, 32) val bks = out.copyOfRange(32, 64) return FreshCoin(eddsaGetPublic(coinPrivateKey), coinPrivateKey, bks) } }