/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 GNUnet e.V. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ import test from "ava"; import { parsePayUri, parseWithdrawUri, parseRefundUri, parseTipUri, } from "./taleruri"; test("taler pay url parsing: wrong scheme", (t) => { const url1 = "talerfoo://"; const r1 = parsePayUri(url1); t.is(r1, undefined); const url2 = "taler://refund/a/b/c/d/e/f"; const r2 = parsePayUri(url2); t.is(r2, undefined); }); test("taler pay url parsing: defaults", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://pay/example.com/myorder/"; const r1 = parsePayUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.merchantBaseUrl, "https://example.com/"); t.is(r1.sessionId, ""); const url2 = "taler://pay/example.com/myorder/mysession"; const r2 = parsePayUri(url2); if (!r2) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r2.merchantBaseUrl, "https://example.com/"); t.is(r2.sessionId, "mysession"); }); test("taler pay url parsing: instance", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://pay/example.com/instances/myinst/myorder/"; const r1 = parsePayUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.merchantBaseUrl, "https://example.com/instances/myinst/"); t.is(r1.orderId, "myorder"); }); test("taler refund uri parsing: non-https #1", (t) => { const url1 = "taler+http://refund/example.com/myorder"; const r1 = parseRefundUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.merchantBaseUrl, "http://example.com/"); t.is(r1.orderId, "myorder"); }); test("taler pay uri parsing: non-https", (t) => { const url1 = "taler+http://pay/example.com/myorder/"; const r1 = parsePayUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.merchantBaseUrl, "http://example.com/"); t.is(r1.orderId, "myorder"); }); test("taler pay uri parsing: missing session component", (t) => { const url1 = "taler+http://pay/example.com/myorder"; const r1 = parsePayUri(url1); if (r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.pass(); }); test("taler withdraw uri parsing", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://withdraw/bank.example.com/12345"; const r1 = parseWithdrawUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.withdrawalOperationId, "12345"); t.is(r1.bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl, "https://bank.example.com/"); }); test("taler withdraw uri parsing (http)", (t) => { const url1 = "taler+http://withdraw/bank.example.com/12345"; const r1 = parseWithdrawUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.withdrawalOperationId, "12345"); t.is(r1.bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl, "http://bank.example.com/"); }); test("taler refund uri parsing", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://refund/merchant.example.com/1234"; const r1 = parseRefundUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.merchantBaseUrl, "https://merchant.example.com/"); t.is(r1.orderId, "1234"); }); test("taler refund uri parsing with instance", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://refund/merchant.example.com/instances/myinst/1234"; const r1 = parseRefundUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.orderId, "1234"); t.is( r1.merchantBaseUrl, "https://merchant.example.com/instances/myinst/", ); }); test("taler tip pickup uri", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://tip/merchant.example.com/tipid"; const r1 = parseTipUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is(r1.merchantBaseUrl, "https://merchant.example.com/"); }); test("taler tip pickup uri with instance", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://tip/merchant.example.com/instances/tipm/tipid"; const r1 = parseTipUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is( r1.merchantBaseUrl, "https://merchant.example.com/instances/tipm/", ); t.is(r1.merchantTipId, "tipid"); }); test("taler tip pickup uri with instance and prefix", (t) => { const url1 = "taler://tip/merchant.example.com/my/pfx/tipm/tipid"; const r1 = parseTipUri(url1); if (!r1) { t.fail(); return; } t.is( r1.merchantBaseUrl, "https://merchant.example.com/my/pfx/tipm/", ); t.is(r1.merchantTipId, "tipid"); });