/* This file is part of TALER (C) 2016 GNUnet e.V. TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Messaging for the WebExtensions wallet. Should contain * parts that are specific for WebExtensions, but as little business * logic as possible. */ /** * Imports. */ import { classifyTalerUri, CoreApiResponse, CoreApiResponseSuccess, Logger, TalerErrorCode, TalerUriType, WalletDiagnostics } from "@gnu-taler/taler-util"; import { DbAccess, deleteTalerDatabase, exportDb, importDb, makeErrorDetail, OpenedPromise, openPromise, openTalerDatabase, Wallet, WalletStoresV1 } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import { SetTimeoutTimerAPI } from "@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-core"; import { BrowserCryptoWorkerFactory } from "./browserCryptoWorkerFactory.js"; import { BrowserHttpLib } from "./browserHttpLib.js"; import { MessageFromBackend, platform } from "./platform/api.js"; import { SynchronousCryptoWorkerFactory } from "./serviceWorkerCryptoWorkerFactory.js"; import { ServiceWorkerHttpLib } from "./serviceWorkerHttpLib.js"; /** * Currently active wallet instance. Might be unloaded and * re-instantiated when the database is reset. * * FIXME: Maybe move the wallet resetting into the Wallet class? */ let currentWallet: Wallet | undefined; let currentDatabase: DbAccess | undefined; /** * Last version of an outdated DB, if applicable. */ let outdatedDbVersion: number | undefined; const walletInit: OpenedPromise = openPromise(); const logger = new Logger("wxBackend.ts"); async function getDiagnostics(): Promise { const manifestData = platform.getWalletVersion(); const errors: string[] = []; let firefoxIdbProblem = false; let dbOutdated = false; try { await walletInit.promise; } catch (e) { errors.push("Error during wallet initialization: " + e); if ( currentDatabase === undefined && outdatedDbVersion === undefined && platform.isFirefox() ) { firefoxIdbProblem = true; } } if (!currentWallet) { errors.push("Could not create wallet backend."); } if (!currentDatabase) { errors.push("Could not open database"); } if (outdatedDbVersion !== undefined) { errors.push(`Outdated DB version: ${outdatedDbVersion}`); dbOutdated = true; } const diagnostics: WalletDiagnostics = { walletManifestDisplayVersion: manifestData.version_name || "(undefined)", walletManifestVersion: manifestData.version, errors, firefoxIdbProblem, dbOutdated, }; return diagnostics; } async function dispatch( req: any, sender: any, sendResponse: any, ): Promise { let r: CoreApiResponse; const wrapResponse = (result: unknown): CoreApiResponseSuccess => { return { type: "response", id: req.id, operation: req.operation, result, }; }; try { switch (req.operation) { case "wxGetDiagnostics": { r = wrapResponse(await getDiagnostics()); break; } case "reset-db": { await deleteTalerDatabase(indexedDB as any); r = wrapResponse(await reinitWallet()); break; } case "run-gc": { logger.info("gc") const dump = await exportDb(currentDatabase!.idbHandle()); await deleteTalerDatabase(indexedDB as any); logger.info("cleaned") await reinitWallet(); logger.info("init") await importDb(currentDatabase!.idbHandle(), dump) logger.info("imported") r = wrapResponse({ result: true }); break; } case "containsHeaderListener": { const res = await platform.containsTalerHeaderListener(); r = wrapResponse({ newValue: res }); break; } case "toggleHeaderListener": { const newVal = req.payload.value; logger.trace("new extended permissions value", newVal); if (newVal) { platform.registerTalerHeaderListener(parseTalerUriAndRedirect); r = wrapResponse({ newValue: true }); } else { const rem = await platform.getPermissionsApi().removeHostPermissions(); logger.trace("permissions removed:", rem); r = wrapResponse({ newVal: false }); } break; } default: { const w = currentWallet; if (!w) { r = { type: "error", id: req.id, operation: req.operation, error: makeErrorDetail( TalerErrorCode.WALLET_CORE_NOT_AVAILABLE, {}, "wallet core not available", ), }; break; } r = await w.handleCoreApiRequest(req.operation, req.id, req.payload); break; } } sendResponse(r); } catch (e) { logger.error(`Error sending operation: ${req.operation}`, e) // might fail if tab disconnected } } async function reinitWallet(): Promise { if (currentWallet) { currentWallet.stop(); currentWallet = undefined; } currentDatabase = undefined; // setBadgeText({ text: "" }); try { currentDatabase = await openTalerDatabase(indexedDB as any, reinitWallet); } catch (e) { logger.error("could not open database", e); walletInit.reject(e); return; } let httpLib; let cryptoWorker; let timer; if (platform.useServiceWorkerAsBackgroundProcess()) { httpLib = new ServiceWorkerHttpLib(); cryptoWorker = new SynchronousCryptoWorkerFactory(); timer = new SetTimeoutTimerAPI(); } else { httpLib = new BrowserHttpLib(); cryptoWorker = new BrowserCryptoWorkerFactory(); timer = new SetTimeoutTimerAPI(); } logger.info("Setting up wallet"); const wallet = await Wallet.create(currentDatabase, httpLib, timer, cryptoWorker); try { await wallet.handleCoreApiRequest("initWallet", "native-init", {}); } catch (e) { logger.error("could not initialize wallet", e); walletInit.reject(e); return; } wallet.addNotificationListener((x) => { const message: MessageFromBackend = { type: x.type }; platform.sendMessageToAllChannels(message) }); platform.keepAlive(() => { return wallet.runTaskLoop().catch((e) => { logger.error("error during wallet task loop", e); }); }) // Useful for debugging in the background page. if (typeof window !== "undefined") { (window as any).talerWallet = wallet; } currentWallet = wallet; return walletInit.resolve(); } function parseTalerUriAndRedirect(tabId: number, talerUri: string): void { const uriType = classifyTalerUri(talerUri); switch (uriType) { case TalerUriType.TalerWithdraw: return platform.redirectTabToWalletPage( tabId, `/cta/withdraw?talerWithdrawUri=${talerUri}`, ); case TalerUriType.TalerPay: return platform.redirectTabToWalletPage( tabId, `/cta/pay?talerPayUri=${talerUri}`, ); case TalerUriType.TalerTip: return platform.redirectTabToWalletPage( tabId, `/cta/tip?talerTipUri=${talerUri}`, ); case TalerUriType.TalerRefund: return platform.redirectTabToWalletPage( tabId, `/cta/refund?talerRefundUri=${talerUri}`, ); case TalerUriType.TalerNotifyReserve: // FIXME: Is this still useful? // handleNotifyReserve(w); break; default: logger.warn( "Response with HTTP 402 has Taler header, but header value is not a taler:// URI.", ); break; } } /** * Main function to run for the WebExtension backend. * * Sets up all event handlers and other machinery. */ export async function wxMain(): Promise { logger.trace("starting") const afterWalletIsInitialized = reinitWallet(); platform.registerReloadOnNewVersion(); // Handlers for messages coming directly from the content // script on the page platform.listenToAllChannels((message, sender, callback) => { afterWalletIsInitialized.then(() => { dispatch(message, sender, callback); }); }) platform.registerAllIncomingConnections() try { platform.registerTalerHeaderListener(parseTalerUriAndRedirect); } catch (e) { logger.error("could not register header listener", e); } // On platforms that support it, also listen to external // modification of permissions. platform.getPermissionsApi().addPermissionsListener((perm, lastError) => { if (lastError) { logger.error(`there was a problem trying to get permission ${perm}`, lastError); return; } platform.registerTalerHeaderListener(parseTalerUriAndRedirect); }); }