import { css } from "@linaria/core"; import { h, Fragment, VNode, ComponentChildren } from "preact"; import { theme } from "./style"; type VariantEnum = | "body1" | "body2" | "button" | "caption" | "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6" | "inherit" | "overline" | "subtitle1" | "subtitle2"; interface Props { align?: "center" | "inherit" | "justify" | "left" | "right"; gutterBottom?: boolean; noWrap?: boolean; paragraph?: boolean; variant?: VariantEnum; children?: ComponentChildren; } const defaultVariantMapping = { h1: "h1", h2: "h2", h3: "h3", h4: "h4", h5: "h5", h6: "h6", subtitle1: "h6", subtitle2: "h6", body1: "p", body2: "p", inherit: "p", }; const root = css` margin: 0; `; const noWrapStyle = css` overflow: "hidden"; text-overflow: "ellipsis"; white-space: "nowrap"; `; const gutterBottomStyle = css` margin-bottom: 0.35em; `; const paragraphStyle = css` margin-bottom: 16px; `; export function Typography({ align, gutterBottom = false, noWrap = false, paragraph = false, variant = "body1", children, }: Props): VNode { const cmp = paragraph ? "p" : defaultVariantMapping[variant as "h1"] || "span"; const alignStyle = align == "inherit" ? {} : { textAlign: align, }; console.log("typograph", cmp, variant); return h( cmp, { class: [ root, noWrap && noWrapStyle, gutterBottom && gutterBottomStyle, paragraph && paragraphStyle, theme.typography[variant as "button"], //FIXME: implement the rest of the typography and remove the casting ].join(" "), style: { ...alignStyle, }, }, children, ); }