/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019-2020 Taler Systems SA GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ /** * Implementation of the recoup operation, which allows to recover the * value of coins held in a revoked denomination. * * @author Florian Dold */ /** * Imports. */ import { encodeCrock, getRandomBytes } from "../crypto/talerCrypto"; import { CoinRecord, CoinSourceType, CoinStatus, RecoupGroupRecord, RefreshCoinSource, ReserveRecordStatus, Stores, WithdrawCoinSource, } from "../types/dbTypes"; import { NotificationType } from "../types/notifications"; import { codecForRecoupConfirmation } from "../types/talerTypes"; import { RefreshReason, TalerErrorDetails } from "../types/walletTypes"; import { Amounts } from "../util/amounts"; import { readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow } from "../util/http"; import { Logger } from "../util/logging"; import { TransactionHandle } from "../util/query"; import { initRetryInfo, updateRetryInfoTimeout } from "../util/retries"; import { getTimestampNow } from "../util/time"; import { URL } from "../util/url"; import { guardOperationException } from "./errors"; import { createRefreshGroup, processRefreshGroup } from "./refresh"; import { getReserveRequestTimeout, processReserve } from "./reserves"; import { InternalWalletState } from "./state"; const logger = new Logger("operations/recoup.ts"); async function incrementRecoupRetry( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, err: TalerErrorDetails | undefined, ): Promise { await ws.db.runWithWriteTransaction([Stores.recoupGroups], async (tx) => { const r = await tx.get(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroupId); if (!r) { return; } if (!r.retryInfo) { return; } r.retryInfo.retryCounter++; updateRetryInfoTimeout(r.retryInfo); r.lastError = err; await tx.put(Stores.recoupGroups, r); }); if (err) { ws.notify({ type: NotificationType.RecoupOperationError, error: err }); } } async function putGroupAsFinished( ws: InternalWalletState, tx: TransactionHandle, recoupGroup: RecoupGroupRecord, coinIdx: number, ): Promise { logger.trace( `setting coin ${coinIdx} of ${recoupGroup.coinPubs.length} as finished`, ); if (recoupGroup.timestampFinished) { return; } recoupGroup.recoupFinishedPerCoin[coinIdx] = true; let allFinished = true; for (const b of recoupGroup.recoupFinishedPerCoin) { if (!b) { allFinished = false; } } if (allFinished) { logger.trace("all recoups of recoup group are finished"); recoupGroup.timestampFinished = getTimestampNow(); recoupGroup.retryInfo = initRetryInfo(false); recoupGroup.lastError = undefined; if (recoupGroup.scheduleRefreshCoins.length > 0) { const refreshGroupId = await createRefreshGroup( ws, tx, recoupGroup.scheduleRefreshCoins.map((x) => ({ coinPub: x })), RefreshReason.Recoup, ); processRefreshGroup(ws, refreshGroupId.refreshGroupId).then((e) => { console.error("error while refreshing after recoup", e); }); } } await tx.put(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroup); } async function recoupTipCoin( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, coinIdx: number, coin: CoinRecord, ): Promise { // We can't really recoup a coin we got via tipping. // Thus we just put the coin to sleep. // FIXME: somehow report this to the user await ws.db.runWithWriteTransaction([Stores.recoupGroups], async (tx) => { const recoupGroup = await tx.get(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroupId); if (!recoupGroup) { return; } if (recoupGroup.recoupFinishedPerCoin[coinIdx]) { return; } await putGroupAsFinished(ws, tx, recoupGroup, coinIdx); }); } async function recoupWithdrawCoin( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, coinIdx: number, coin: CoinRecord, cs: WithdrawCoinSource, ): Promise { const reservePub = cs.reservePub; const reserve = await ws.db.get(Stores.reserves, reservePub); if (!reserve) { // FIXME: We should at least emit some pending operation / warning for this? return; } ws.notify({ type: NotificationType.RecoupStarted, }); const recoupRequest = await ws.cryptoApi.createRecoupRequest(coin); const reqUrl = new URL(`/coins/${coin.coinPub}/recoup`, coin.exchangeBaseUrl); const resp = await ws.http.postJson(reqUrl.href, recoupRequest, { timeout: getReserveRequestTimeout(reserve), }); const recoupConfirmation = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow( resp, codecForRecoupConfirmation(), ); if (recoupConfirmation.reserve_pub !== reservePub) { throw Error(`Coin's reserve doesn't match reserve on recoup`); } const exchange = await ws.db.get(Stores.exchanges, coin.exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { // FIXME: report inconsistency? return; } const exchangeDetails = exchange.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { // FIXME: report inconsistency? return; } // FIXME: verify that our expectations about the amount match await ws.db.runWithWriteTransaction( [Stores.coins, Stores.denominations, Stores.reserves, Stores.recoupGroups], async (tx) => { const recoupGroup = await tx.get(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroupId); if (!recoupGroup) { return; } if (recoupGroup.recoupFinishedPerCoin[coinIdx]) { return; } const updatedCoin = await tx.get(Stores.coins, coin.coinPub); if (!updatedCoin) { return; } const updatedReserve = await tx.get(Stores.reserves, reserve.reservePub); if (!updatedReserve) { return; } updatedCoin.status = CoinStatus.Dormant; const currency = updatedCoin.currentAmount.currency; updatedCoin.currentAmount = Amounts.getZero(currency); if (updatedReserve.reserveStatus === ReserveRecordStatus.DORMANT) { updatedReserve.reserveStatus = ReserveRecordStatus.QUERYING_STATUS; updatedReserve.retryInfo = initRetryInfo(); } else { updatedReserve.requestedQuery = true; updatedReserve.retryInfo = initRetryInfo(); } await tx.put(Stores.coins, updatedCoin); await tx.put(Stores.reserves, updatedReserve); await putGroupAsFinished(ws, tx, recoupGroup, coinIdx); }, ); ws.notify({ type: NotificationType.RecoupFinished, }); } async function recoupRefreshCoin( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, coinIdx: number, coin: CoinRecord, cs: RefreshCoinSource, ): Promise { ws.notify({ type: NotificationType.RecoupStarted, }); const recoupRequest = await ws.cryptoApi.createRecoupRequest(coin); const reqUrl = new URL(`/coins/${coin.coinPub}/recoup`, coin.exchangeBaseUrl); logger.trace(`making recoup request for ${coin.coinPub}`); const resp = await ws.http.postJson(reqUrl.href, recoupRequest); const recoupConfirmation = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow( resp, codecForRecoupConfirmation(), ); if (recoupConfirmation.old_coin_pub != cs.oldCoinPub) { throw Error(`Coin's oldCoinPub doesn't match reserve on recoup`); } const exchange = await ws.db.get(Stores.exchanges, coin.exchangeBaseUrl); if (!exchange) { logger.warn("exchange for recoup does not exist anymore"); // FIXME: report inconsistency? return; } const exchangeDetails = exchange.details; if (!exchangeDetails) { // FIXME: report inconsistency? logger.warn("exchange details for recoup not found"); return; } await ws.db.runWithWriteTransaction( [ Stores.coins, Stores.denominations, Stores.reserves, Stores.recoupGroups, Stores.refreshGroups, ], async (tx) => { const recoupGroup = await tx.get(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroupId); if (!recoupGroup) { return; } if (recoupGroup.recoupFinishedPerCoin[coinIdx]) { return; } const oldCoin = await tx.get(Stores.coins, cs.oldCoinPub); const revokedCoin = await tx.get(Stores.coins, coin.coinPub); if (!revokedCoin) { logger.warn("revoked coin for recoup not found"); return; } if (!oldCoin) { logger.warn("refresh old coin for recoup not found"); return; } revokedCoin.status = CoinStatus.Dormant; oldCoin.currentAmount = Amounts.add( oldCoin.currentAmount, recoupGroup.oldAmountPerCoin[coinIdx], ).amount; logger.trace( "recoup: setting old coin amount to", Amounts.stringify(oldCoin.currentAmount), ); recoupGroup.scheduleRefreshCoins.push(oldCoin.coinPub); await tx.put(Stores.coins, revokedCoin); await tx.put(Stores.coins, oldCoin); await putGroupAsFinished(ws, tx, recoupGroup, coinIdx); }, ); } async function resetRecoupGroupRetry( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, ): Promise { await ws.db.mutate(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroupId, (x) => { if (x.retryInfo.active) { x.retryInfo = initRetryInfo(); } return x; }); } export async function processRecoupGroup( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, forceNow = false, ): Promise { await ws.memoProcessRecoup.memo(recoupGroupId, async () => { const onOpErr = (e: TalerErrorDetails): Promise => incrementRecoupRetry(ws, recoupGroupId, e); return await guardOperationException( async () => await processRecoupGroupImpl(ws, recoupGroupId, forceNow), onOpErr, ); }); } async function processRecoupGroupImpl( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, forceNow = false, ): Promise { if (forceNow) { await resetRecoupGroupRetry(ws, recoupGroupId); } const recoupGroup = await ws.db.get(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroupId); if (!recoupGroup) { return; } if (recoupGroup.timestampFinished) { logger.trace("recoup group finished"); return; } const ps = recoupGroup.coinPubs.map((x, i) => processRecoup(ws, recoupGroupId, i), ); await Promise.all(ps); const reserveSet = new Set(); for (let i = 0; i < recoupGroup.coinPubs.length; i++) { const coinPub = recoupGroup.coinPubs[i]; const coin = await ws.db.get(Stores.coins, coinPub); if (!coin) { throw Error(`Coin ${coinPub} not found, can't request payback`); } if (coin.coinSource.type === CoinSourceType.Withdraw) { reserveSet.add(coin.coinSource.reservePub); } } for (const r of reserveSet.values()) { processReserve(ws, r).catch((e) => { logger.error(`processing reserve ${r} after recoup failed`); }); } } export async function createRecoupGroup( ws: InternalWalletState, tx: TransactionHandle, coinPubs: string[], ): Promise { const recoupGroupId = encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)); const recoupGroup: RecoupGroupRecord = { recoupGroupId, coinPubs: coinPubs, lastError: undefined, timestampFinished: undefined, timestampStarted: getTimestampNow(), retryInfo: initRetryInfo(), recoupFinishedPerCoin: coinPubs.map(() => false), // Will be populated later oldAmountPerCoin: [], scheduleRefreshCoins: [], }; for (let coinIdx = 0; coinIdx < coinPubs.length; coinIdx++) { const coinPub = coinPubs[coinIdx]; const coin = await tx.get(Stores.coins, coinPub); if (!coin) { await putGroupAsFinished(ws, tx, recoupGroup, coinIdx); continue; } if (Amounts.isZero(coin.currentAmount)) { await putGroupAsFinished(ws, tx, recoupGroup, coinIdx); continue; } recoupGroup.oldAmountPerCoin[coinIdx] = coin.currentAmount; coin.currentAmount = Amounts.getZero(coin.currentAmount.currency); await tx.put(Stores.coins, coin); } await tx.put(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroup); return recoupGroupId; } async function processRecoup( ws: InternalWalletState, recoupGroupId: string, coinIdx: number, ): Promise { const recoupGroup = await ws.db.get(Stores.recoupGroups, recoupGroupId); if (!recoupGroup) { return; } if (recoupGroup.timestampFinished) { return; } if (recoupGroup.recoupFinishedPerCoin[coinIdx]) { return; } const coinPub = recoupGroup.coinPubs[coinIdx]; const coin = await ws.db.get(Stores.coins, coinPub); if (!coin) { throw Error(`Coin ${coinPub} not found, can't request payback`); } const cs = coin.coinSource; switch (cs.type) { case CoinSourceType.Tip: return recoupTipCoin(ws, recoupGroupId, coinIdx, coin); case CoinSourceType.Refresh: return recoupRefreshCoin(ws, recoupGroupId, coinIdx, coin, cs); case CoinSourceType.Withdraw: return recoupWithdrawCoin(ws, recoupGroupId, coinIdx, coin, cs); default: throw Error("unknown coin source type"); } }