Custom protocol handler for taler:// URI In order to run the wallet when trying to open an html anchor to a ref starting with "taler://" you have to setup a custom protocol handler in your local setup. First add this content into file `.config/mimeapps.list` under section `[Default Applications]` ``` x-scheme-handler/taler=taler-wallet-cli.desktop x-scheme-handler/taler+http=taler-wallet-cli.desktop ``` then create a file named `taler-wallet-cli.desktop` in location `$HOME/.local/share/applications` with content ``` [Desktop Entry] Name=GNU Taler Wallet CLI URL Handler GenericName=Wallet Comment=Handle URL Scheme taler:// Exec=bash -c "taler-wallet-cli handle-uri %u; read" Terminal=true Type=Application MimeType=x-scheme-handler/taler;x-scheme-handler/taler+http Name[en_US]=GNU Taler Wallet URL Handler ``` Done, you can test it using the next command: ``` $ xdg-open taler://withdraw/ ```