# This configure.py file is places in the public domain. # Configure the build directory. # This file is invoked by './configure' and should usually not be invoked # manually. import talerbuildconfig as tbc import sys import shutil if getattr(tbc, "serialversion", 0) < 2: print("talerbuildconfig outdated, please update the build-common submodule and/or bootstrap") sys.exit(1) b = tbc.BuildConfig() b.enable_prefix() b.enable_configmk() b.add_tool(tbc.PosixTool("find")) b.add_tool(tbc.NodeJsTool(version_spec=">=12")) b.add_tool(tbc.GenericTool("npm")) b.add_tool(tbc.GenericTool("pnpm", hint="Use 'sudo npm install -g pnpm' to install.")) b.run() print("copying Makefile") shutil.copyfile("build-system/Makefile", "Makefile")