var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defProps = Object.defineProperties; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var __pow = Math.pow; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __spreadValues = (a5, b4) => { for (var prop in b4 || (b4 = {})) if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a5, prop, b4[prop]); if (__getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b4)) { if (, prop)) __defNormalProp(a5, prop, b4[prop]); } return a5; }; var __spreadProps = (a5, b4) => __defProps(a5, __getOwnPropDescs(b4)); var __objRest = (source, exclude) => { var target = {}; for (var prop in source) if (, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0) target[prop] = source[prop]; if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols) for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(source)) { if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 &&, prop)) target[prop] = source[prop]; } return target; }; var __esm = (fn2, res) => function __init() { return fn2 && (res = (0, fn2[__getOwnPropNames(fn2)[0]])(fn2 = 0)), res; }; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var fulfilled = (value) => { try { step(; } catch (e4) { reject(e4); } }; var rejected = (value) => { try { step(generator.throw(value)); } catch (e4) { reject(e4); } }; var step = (x6) => x6.done ? resolve(x6.value) : Promise.resolve(x6.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next()); }); }; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/big-integer@1.6.51/node_modules/big-integer/BigInteger.js var require_BigInteger = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/big-integer@1.6.51/node_modules/big-integer/BigInteger.js"(exports, module) { var bigInt = function(undefined2) { "use strict"; var BASE = 1e7, LOG_BASE = 7, MAX_INT = 9007199254740992, MAX_INT_ARR = smallToArray(MAX_INT), DEFAULT_ALPHABET = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var supportsNativeBigInt = typeof BigInt === "function"; function Integer(v3, radix, alphabet, caseSensitive) { if (typeof v3 === "undefined") return Integer[0]; if (typeof radix !== "undefined") return +radix === 10 && !alphabet ? parseValue(v3) : parseBase(v3, radix, alphabet, caseSensitive); return parseValue(v3); } function BigInteger(value, sign) { this.value = value; this.sign = sign; this.isSmall = false; } BigInteger.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype); function SmallInteger(value) { this.value = value; this.sign = value < 0; this.isSmall = true; } SmallInteger.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype); function NativeBigInt(value) { this.value = value; } NativeBigInt.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype); function isPrecise(n2) { return -MAX_INT < n2 && n2 < MAX_INT; } function smallToArray(n2) { if (n2 < 1e7) return [n2]; if (n2 < 1e14) return [n2 % 1e7, Math.floor(n2 / 1e7)]; return [n2 % 1e7, Math.floor(n2 / 1e7) % 1e7, Math.floor(n2 / 1e14)]; } function arrayToSmall(arr) { trim2(arr); var length = arr.length; if (length < 4 && compareAbs(arr, MAX_INT_ARR) < 0) { switch (length) { case 0: return 0; case 1: return arr[0]; case 2: return arr[0] + arr[1] * BASE; default: return arr[0] + (arr[1] + arr[2] * BASE) * BASE; } } return arr; } function trim2(v3) { var i5 = v3.length; while (v3[--i5] === 0) ; v3.length = i5 + 1; } function createArray(length) { var x6 = new Array(length); var i5 = -1; while (++i5 < length) { x6[i5] = 0; } return x6; } function truncate(n2) { if (n2 > 0) return Math.floor(n2); return Math.ceil(n2); } function add3(a5, b4) { var l_a = a5.length, l_b = b4.length, r3 = new Array(l_a), carry = 0, base2 = BASE, sum2, i5; for (i5 = 0; i5 < l_b; i5++) { sum2 = a5[i5] + b4[i5] + carry; carry = sum2 >= base2 ? 1 : 0; r3[i5] = sum2 - carry * base2; } while (i5 < l_a) { sum2 = a5[i5] + carry; carry = sum2 === base2 ? 1 : 0; r3[i5++] = sum2 - carry * base2; } if (carry > 0) r3.push(carry); return r3; } function addAny(a5, b4) { if (a5.length >= b4.length) return add3(a5, b4); return add3(b4, a5); } function addSmall(a5, carry) { var l3 = a5.length, r3 = new Array(l3), base2 = BASE, sum2, i5; for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { sum2 = a5[i5] - base2 + carry; carry = Math.floor(sum2 / base2); r3[i5] = sum2 - carry * base2; carry += 1; } while (carry > 0) { r3[i5++] = carry % base2; carry = Math.floor(carry / base2); } return r3; } BigInteger.prototype.add = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3); if (this.sign !== n2.sign) { return this.subtract(n2.negate()); } var a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; if (n2.isSmall) { return new BigInteger(addSmall(a5, Math.abs(b4)), this.sign); } return new BigInteger(addAny(a5, b4), this.sign); }; = BigInteger.prototype.add; SmallInteger.prototype.add = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3); var a5 = this.value; if (a5 < 0 !== n2.sign) { return this.subtract(n2.negate()); } var b4 = n2.value; if (n2.isSmall) { if (isPrecise(a5 + b4)) return new SmallInteger(a5 + b4); b4 = smallToArray(Math.abs(b4)); } return new BigInteger(addSmall(b4, Math.abs(a5)), a5 < 0); }; = SmallInteger.prototype.add; NativeBigInt.prototype.add = function(v3) { return new NativeBigInt(this.value + parseValue(v3).value); }; = NativeBigInt.prototype.add; function subtract(a5, b4) { var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, r3 = new Array(a_l), borrow = 0, base2 = BASE, i5, difference2; for (i5 = 0; i5 < b_l; i5++) { difference2 = a5[i5] - borrow - b4[i5]; if (difference2 < 0) { difference2 += base2; borrow = 1; } else borrow = 0; r3[i5] = difference2; } for (i5 = b_l; i5 < a_l; i5++) { difference2 = a5[i5] - borrow; if (difference2 < 0) difference2 += base2; else { r3[i5++] = difference2; break; } r3[i5] = difference2; } for (; i5 < a_l; i5++) { r3[i5] = a5[i5]; } trim2(r3); return r3; } function subtractAny(a5, b4, sign) { var value; if (compareAbs(a5, b4) >= 0) { value = subtract(a5, b4); } else { value = subtract(b4, a5); sign = !sign; } value = arrayToSmall(value); if (typeof value === "number") { if (sign) value = -value; return new SmallInteger(value); } return new BigInteger(value, sign); } function subtractSmall(a5, b4, sign) { var l3 = a5.length, r3 = new Array(l3), carry = -b4, base2 = BASE, i5, difference2; for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { difference2 = a5[i5] + carry; carry = Math.floor(difference2 / base2); difference2 %= base2; r3[i5] = difference2 < 0 ? difference2 + base2 : difference2; } r3 = arrayToSmall(r3); if (typeof r3 === "number") { if (sign) r3 = -r3; return new SmallInteger(r3); } return new BigInteger(r3, sign); } BigInteger.prototype.subtract = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3); if (this.sign !== n2.sign) { return this.add(n2.negate()); } var a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; if (n2.isSmall) return subtractSmall(a5, Math.abs(b4), this.sign); return subtractAny(a5, b4, this.sign); }; BigInteger.prototype.minus = BigInteger.prototype.subtract; SmallInteger.prototype.subtract = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3); var a5 = this.value; if (a5 < 0 !== n2.sign) { return this.add(n2.negate()); } var b4 = n2.value; if (n2.isSmall) { return new SmallInteger(a5 - b4); } return subtractSmall(b4, Math.abs(a5), a5 >= 0); }; SmallInteger.prototype.minus = SmallInteger.prototype.subtract; NativeBigInt.prototype.subtract = function(v3) { return new NativeBigInt(this.value - parseValue(v3).value); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.minus = NativeBigInt.prototype.subtract; BigInteger.prototype.negate = function() { return new BigInteger(this.value, !this.sign); }; SmallInteger.prototype.negate = function() { var sign = this.sign; var small = new SmallInteger(-this.value); small.sign = !sign; return small; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.negate = function() { return new NativeBigInt(-this.value); }; BigInteger.prototype.abs = function() { return new BigInteger(this.value, false); }; SmallInteger.prototype.abs = function() { return new SmallInteger(Math.abs(this.value)); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.abs = function() { return new NativeBigInt(this.value >= 0 ? this.value : -this.value); }; function multiplyLong(a5, b4) { var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, l3 = a_l + b_l, r3 = createArray(l3), base2 = BASE, product, carry, i5, a_i, b_j; for (i5 = 0; i5 < a_l; ++i5) { a_i = a5[i5]; for (var j4 = 0; j4 < b_l; ++j4) { b_j = b4[j4]; product = a_i * b_j + r3[i5 + j4]; carry = Math.floor(product / base2); r3[i5 + j4] = product - carry * base2; r3[i5 + j4 + 1] += carry; } } trim2(r3); return r3; } function multiplySmall(a5, b4) { var l3 = a5.length, r3 = new Array(l3), base2 = BASE, carry = 0, product, i5; for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { product = a5[i5] * b4 + carry; carry = Math.floor(product / base2); r3[i5] = product - carry * base2; } while (carry > 0) { r3[i5++] = carry % base2; carry = Math.floor(carry / base2); } return r3; } function shiftLeft(x6, n2) { var r3 = []; while (n2-- > 0) r3.push(0); return r3.concat(x6); } function multiplyKaratsuba(x6, y5) { var n2 = Math.max(x6.length, y5.length); if (n2 <= 30) return multiplyLong(x6, y5); n2 = Math.ceil(n2 / 2); var b4 = x6.slice(n2), a5 = x6.slice(0, n2), d5 = y5.slice(n2), c4 = y5.slice(0, n2); var ac = multiplyKaratsuba(a5, c4), bd = multiplyKaratsuba(b4, d5), abcd = multiplyKaratsuba(addAny(a5, b4), addAny(c4, d5)); var product = addAny(addAny(ac, shiftLeft(subtract(subtract(abcd, ac), bd), n2)), shiftLeft(bd, 2 * n2)); trim2(product); return product; } function useKaratsuba(l1, l22) { return -0.012 * l1 - 0.012 * l22 + 15e-6 * l1 * l22 > 0; } BigInteger.prototype.multiply = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value, sign = this.sign !== n2.sign, abs; if (n2.isSmall) { if (b4 === 0) return Integer[0]; if (b4 === 1) return this; if (b4 === -1) return this.negate(); abs = Math.abs(b4); if (abs < BASE) { return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(a5, abs), sign); } b4 = smallToArray(abs); } if (useKaratsuba(a5.length, b4.length)) return new BigInteger(multiplyKaratsuba(a5, b4), sign); return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(a5, b4), sign); }; BigInteger.prototype.times = BigInteger.prototype.multiply; function multiplySmallAndArray(a5, b4, sign) { if (a5 < BASE) { return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(b4, a5), sign); } return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(b4, smallToArray(a5)), sign); } SmallInteger.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(a5) { if (isPrecise(a5.value * this.value)) { return new SmallInteger(a5.value * this.value); } return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a5.value), smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value)), this.sign !== a5.sign); }; BigInteger.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(a5) { if (a5.value === 0) return Integer[0]; if (a5.value === 1) return this; if (a5.value === -1) return this.negate(); return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a5.value), this.value, this.sign !== a5.sign); }; SmallInteger.prototype.multiply = function(v3) { return parseValue(v3)._multiplyBySmall(this); }; SmallInteger.prototype.times = SmallInteger.prototype.multiply; NativeBigInt.prototype.multiply = function(v3) { return new NativeBigInt(this.value * parseValue(v3).value); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.times = NativeBigInt.prototype.multiply; function square(a5) { var l3 = a5.length, r3 = createArray(l3 + l3), base2 = BASE, product, carry, i5, a_i, a_j; for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { a_i = a5[i5]; carry = 0 - a_i * a_i; for (var j4 = i5; j4 < l3; j4++) { a_j = a5[j4]; product = 2 * (a_i * a_j) + r3[i5 + j4] + carry; carry = Math.floor(product / base2); r3[i5 + j4] = product - carry * base2; } r3[i5 + l3] = carry; } trim2(r3); return r3; } BigInteger.prototype.square = function() { return new BigInteger(square(this.value), false); }; SmallInteger.prototype.square = function() { var value = this.value * this.value; if (isPrecise(value)) return new SmallInteger(value); return new BigInteger(square(smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value))), false); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.square = function(v3) { return new NativeBigInt(this.value * this.value); }; function divMod1(a5, b4) { var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, base2 = BASE, result = createArray(b4.length), divisorMostSignificantDigit = b4[b_l - 1], lambda = Math.ceil(base2 / (2 * divisorMostSignificantDigit)), remainder = multiplySmall(a5, lambda), divisor = multiplySmall(b4, lambda), quotientDigit, shift, carry, borrow, i5, l3, q5; if (remainder.length <= a_l) remainder.push(0); divisor.push(0); divisorMostSignificantDigit = divisor[b_l - 1]; for (shift = a_l - b_l; shift >= 0; shift--) { quotientDigit = base2 - 1; if (remainder[shift + b_l] !== divisorMostSignificantDigit) { quotientDigit = Math.floor((remainder[shift + b_l] * base2 + remainder[shift + b_l - 1]) / divisorMostSignificantDigit); } carry = 0; borrow = 0; l3 = divisor.length; for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { carry += quotientDigit * divisor[i5]; q5 = Math.floor(carry / base2); borrow += remainder[shift + i5] - (carry - q5 * base2); carry = q5; if (borrow < 0) { remainder[shift + i5] = borrow + base2; borrow = -1; } else { remainder[shift + i5] = borrow; borrow = 0; } } while (borrow !== 0) { quotientDigit -= 1; carry = 0; for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { carry += remainder[shift + i5] - base2 + divisor[i5]; if (carry < 0) { remainder[shift + i5] = carry + base2; carry = 0; } else { remainder[shift + i5] = carry; carry = 1; } } borrow += carry; } result[shift] = quotientDigit; } remainder = divModSmall(remainder, lambda)[0]; return [arrayToSmall(result), arrayToSmall(remainder)]; } function divMod2(a5, b4) { var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, result = [], part = [], base2 = BASE, guess, xlen, highx, highy, check; while (a_l) { part.unshift(a5[--a_l]); trim2(part); if (compareAbs(part, b4) < 0) { result.push(0); continue; } xlen = part.length; highx = part[xlen - 1] * base2 + part[xlen - 2]; highy = b4[b_l - 1] * base2 + b4[b_l - 2]; if (xlen > b_l) { highx = (highx + 1) * base2; } guess = Math.ceil(highx / highy); do { check = multiplySmall(b4, guess); if (compareAbs(check, part) <= 0) break; guess--; } while (guess); result.push(guess); part = subtract(part, check); } result.reverse(); return [arrayToSmall(result), arrayToSmall(part)]; } function divModSmall(value, lambda) { var length = value.length, quotient = createArray(length), base2 = BASE, i5, q5, remainder, divisor; remainder = 0; for (i5 = length - 1; i5 >= 0; --i5) { divisor = remainder * base2 + value[i5]; q5 = truncate(divisor / lambda); remainder = divisor - q5 * lambda; quotient[i5] = q5 | 0; } return [quotient, remainder | 0]; } function divModAny(self2, v3) { var value, n2 = parseValue(v3); if (supportsNativeBigInt) { return [new NativeBigInt(self2.value / n2.value), new NativeBigInt(self2.value % n2.value)]; } var a5 = self2.value, b4 = n2.value; var quotient; if (b4 === 0) throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero"); if (self2.isSmall) { if (n2.isSmall) { return [new SmallInteger(truncate(a5 / b4)), new SmallInteger(a5 % b4)]; } return [Integer[0], self2]; } if (n2.isSmall) { if (b4 === 1) return [self2, Integer[0]]; if (b4 == -1) return [self2.negate(), Integer[0]]; var abs = Math.abs(b4); if (abs < BASE) { value = divModSmall(a5, abs); quotient = arrayToSmall(value[0]); var remainder = value[1]; if (self2.sign) remainder = -remainder; if (typeof quotient === "number") { if (self2.sign !== n2.sign) quotient = -quotient; return [new SmallInteger(quotient), new SmallInteger(remainder)]; } return [new BigInteger(quotient, self2.sign !== n2.sign), new SmallInteger(remainder)]; } b4 = smallToArray(abs); } var comparison = compareAbs(a5, b4); if (comparison === -1) return [Integer[0], self2]; if (comparison === 0) return [Integer[self2.sign === n2.sign ? 1 : -1], Integer[0]]; if (a5.length + b4.length <= 200) value = divMod1(a5, b4); else value = divMod2(a5, b4); quotient = value[0]; var qSign = self2.sign !== n2.sign, mod = value[1], mSign = self2.sign; if (typeof quotient === "number") { if (qSign) quotient = -quotient; quotient = new SmallInteger(quotient); } else quotient = new BigInteger(quotient, qSign); if (typeof mod === "number") { if (mSign) mod = -mod; mod = new SmallInteger(mod); } else mod = new BigInteger(mod, mSign); return [quotient, mod]; } BigInteger.prototype.divmod = function(v3) { var result = divModAny(this, v3); return { quotient: result[0], remainder: result[1] }; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.divmod = SmallInteger.prototype.divmod = BigInteger.prototype.divmod; BigInteger.prototype.divide = function(v3) { return divModAny(this, v3)[0]; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.over = NativeBigInt.prototype.divide = function(v3) { return new NativeBigInt(this.value / parseValue(v3).value); }; SmallInteger.prototype.over = SmallInteger.prototype.divide = BigInteger.prototype.over = BigInteger.prototype.divide; BigInteger.prototype.mod = function(v3) { return divModAny(this, v3)[1]; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.mod = NativeBigInt.prototype.remainder = function(v3) { return new NativeBigInt(this.value % parseValue(v3).value); }; SmallInteger.prototype.remainder = SmallInteger.prototype.mod = BigInteger.prototype.remainder = BigInteger.prototype.mod; BigInteger.prototype.pow = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value, value, x6, y5; if (b4 === 0) return Integer[1]; if (a5 === 0) return Integer[0]; if (a5 === 1) return Integer[1]; if (a5 === -1) return n2.isEven() ? Integer[1] : Integer[-1]; if (n2.sign) { return Integer[0]; } if (!n2.isSmall) throw new Error("The exponent " + n2.toString() + " is too large."); if (this.isSmall) { if (isPrecise(value = Math.pow(a5, b4))) return new SmallInteger(truncate(value)); } x6 = this; y5 = Integer[1]; while (true) { if (b4 & true) { y5 = y5.times(x6); --b4; } if (b4 === 0) break; b4 /= 2; x6 = x6.square(); } return y5; }; SmallInteger.prototype.pow = BigInteger.prototype.pow; NativeBigInt.prototype.pow = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3); var a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; var _0 = BigInt(0), _1 = BigInt(1), _22 = BigInt(2); if (b4 === _0) return Integer[1]; if (a5 === _0) return Integer[0]; if (a5 === _1) return Integer[1]; if (a5 === BigInt(-1)) return n2.isEven() ? Integer[1] : Integer[-1]; if (n2.isNegative()) return new NativeBigInt(_0); var x6 = this; var y5 = Integer[1]; while (true) { if ((b4 & _1) === _1) { y5 = y5.times(x6); --b4; } if (b4 === _0) break; b4 /= _22; x6 = x6.square(); } return y5; }; BigInteger.prototype.modPow = function(exp, mod) { exp = parseValue(exp); mod = parseValue(mod); if (mod.isZero()) throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0"); var r3 = Integer[1], base2 = this.mod(mod); if (exp.isNegative()) { exp = exp.multiply(Integer[-1]); base2 = base2.modInv(mod); } while (exp.isPositive()) { if (base2.isZero()) return Integer[0]; if (exp.isOdd()) r3 = r3.multiply(base2).mod(mod); exp = exp.divide(2); base2 = base2.square().mod(mod); } return r3; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.modPow = SmallInteger.prototype.modPow = BigInteger.prototype.modPow; function compareAbs(a5, b4) { if (a5.length !== b4.length) { return a5.length > b4.length ? 1 : -1; } for (var i5 = a5.length - 1; i5 >= 0; i5--) { if (a5[i5] !== b4[i5]) return a5[i5] > b4[i5] ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } BigInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; if (n2.isSmall) return 1; return compareAbs(a5, b4); }; SmallInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = Math.abs(this.value), b4 = n2.value; if (n2.isSmall) { b4 = Math.abs(b4); return a5 === b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; } return -1; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.compareAbs = function(v3) { var a5 = this.value; var b4 = parseValue(v3).value; a5 = a5 >= 0 ? a5 : -a5; b4 = b4 >= 0 ? b4 : -b4; return a5 === b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; }; = function(v3) { if (v3 === Infinity) { return -1; } if (v3 === -Infinity) { return 1; } var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; if (this.sign !== n2.sign) { return n2.sign ? 1 : -1; } if (n2.isSmall) { return this.sign ? -1 : 1; } return compareAbs(a5, b4) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1); }; BigInteger.prototype.compareTo =; = function(v3) { if (v3 === Infinity) { return -1; } if (v3 === -Infinity) { return 1; } var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; if (n2.isSmall) { return a5 == b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; } if (a5 < 0 !== n2.sign) { return a5 < 0 ? -1 : 1; } return a5 < 0 ? 1 : -1; }; SmallInteger.prototype.compareTo =; = function(v3) { if (v3 === Infinity) { return -1; } if (v3 === -Infinity) { return 1; } var a5 = this.value; var b4 = parseValue(v3).value; return a5 === b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.compareTo =; BigInteger.prototype.equals = function(v3) { return === 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.eq = NativeBigInt.prototype.equals = SmallInteger.prototype.eq = SmallInteger.prototype.equals = BigInteger.prototype.eq = BigInteger.prototype.equals; BigInteger.prototype.notEquals = function(v3) { return !== 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.neq = NativeBigInt.prototype.notEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.neq = SmallInteger.prototype.notEquals = BigInteger.prototype.neq = BigInteger.prototype.notEquals; BigInteger.prototype.greater = function(v3) { return > 0; }; = NativeBigInt.prototype.greater = = SmallInteger.prototype.greater = = BigInteger.prototype.greater; BigInteger.prototype.lesser = function(v3) { return < 0; }; = NativeBigInt.prototype.lesser = = SmallInteger.prototype.lesser = = BigInteger.prototype.lesser; BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function(v3) { return >= 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.geq = NativeBigInt.prototype.greaterOrEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.geq = SmallInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.geq = BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals; BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function(v3) { return <= 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.leq = NativeBigInt.prototype.lesserOrEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.leq = SmallInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.leq = BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals; BigInteger.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.value[0] & 1) === 0; }; SmallInteger.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.value & 1) === 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isEven = function() { return (this.value & BigInt(1)) === BigInt(0); }; BigInteger.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.value[0] & 1) === 1; }; SmallInteger.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.value & 1) === 1; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (this.value & BigInt(1)) === BigInt(1); }; BigInteger.prototype.isPositive = function() { return !this.sign; }; SmallInteger.prototype.isPositive = function() { return this.value > 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isPositive = SmallInteger.prototype.isPositive; BigInteger.prototype.isNegative = function() { return this.sign; }; SmallInteger.prototype.isNegative = function() { return this.value < 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isNegative = SmallInteger.prototype.isNegative; BigInteger.prototype.isUnit = function() { return false; }; SmallInteger.prototype.isUnit = function() { return Math.abs(this.value) === 1; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isUnit = function() { return this.abs().value === BigInt(1); }; BigInteger.prototype.isZero = function() { return false; }; SmallInteger.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.value === 0; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.value === BigInt(0); }; BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3); if (n2.isZero()) return false; if (n2.isUnit()) return true; if (n2.compareAbs(2) === 0) return this.isEven(); return this.mod(n2).isZero(); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isDivisibleBy = SmallInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy; function isBasicPrime(v3) { var n2 = v3.abs(); if (n2.isUnit()) return false; if (n2.equals(2) || n2.equals(3) || n2.equals(5)) return true; if (n2.isEven() || n2.isDivisibleBy(3) || n2.isDivisibleBy(5)) return false; if (n2.lesser(49)) return true; } function millerRabinTest(n2, a5) { var nPrev = n2.prev(), b4 = nPrev, r3 = 0, d5, t4, i5, x6; while (b4.isEven()) b4 = b4.divide(2), r3++; next: for (i5 = 0; i5 < a5.length; i5++) { if (n2.lesser(a5[i5])) continue; x6 = bigInt(a5[i5]).modPow(b4, n2); if (x6.isUnit() || x6.equals(nPrev)) continue; for (d5 = r3 - 1; d5 != 0; d5--) { x6 = x6.square().mod(n2); if (x6.isUnit()) return false; if (x6.equals(nPrev)) continue next; } return false; } return true; } BigInteger.prototype.isPrime = function(strict) { var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this); if (isPrime !== undefined2) return isPrime; var n2 = this.abs(); var bits = n2.bitLength(); if (bits <= 64) return millerRabinTest(n2, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37]); var logN = Math.log(2) * bits.toJSNumber(); var t4 = Math.ceil(strict === true ? 2 * Math.pow(logN, 2) : logN); for (var a5 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < t4; i5++) { a5.push(bigInt(i5 + 2)); } return millerRabinTest(n2, a5); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isPrime = SmallInteger.prototype.isPrime = BigInteger.prototype.isPrime; BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(iterations, rng) { var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this); if (isPrime !== undefined2) return isPrime; var n2 = this.abs(); var t4 = iterations === undefined2 ? 5 : iterations; for (var a5 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < t4; i5++) { a5.push(bigInt.randBetween(2, n2.minus(2), rng)); } return millerRabinTest(n2, a5); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.isProbablePrime = SmallInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime; BigInteger.prototype.modInv = function(n2) { var t4 =, newT =, r3 = parseValue(n2), newR = this.abs(), q5, lastT, lastR; while (!newR.isZero()) { q5 = r3.divide(newR); lastT = t4; lastR = r3; t4 = newT; r3 = newR; newT = lastT.subtract(q5.multiply(newT)); newR = lastR.subtract(q5.multiply(newR)); } if (!r3.isUnit()) throw new Error(this.toString() + " and " + n2.toString() + " are not co-prime"); if ( === -1) { t4 = t4.add(n2); } if (this.isNegative()) { return t4.negate(); } return t4; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.modInv = SmallInteger.prototype.modInv = BigInteger.prototype.modInv; = function() { var value = this.value; if (this.sign) { return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign); } return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), this.sign); }; = function() { var value = this.value; if (value + 1 < MAX_INT) return new SmallInteger(value + 1); return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, false); }; = function() { return new NativeBigInt(this.value + BigInt(1)); }; BigInteger.prototype.prev = function() { var value = this.value; if (this.sign) { return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), true); } return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign); }; SmallInteger.prototype.prev = function() { var value = this.value; if (value - 1 > -MAX_INT) return new SmallInteger(value - 1); return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, true); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.prev = function() { return new NativeBigInt(this.value - BigInt(1)); }; var powersOfTwo = [1]; while (2 * powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1] <= BASE) powersOfTwo.push(2 * powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1]); var powers2Length = powersOfTwo.length, highestPower2 = powersOfTwo[powers2Length - 1]; function shift_isSmall(n2) { return Math.abs(n2) <= BASE; } BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = function(v3) { var n2 = parseValue(v3).toJSNumber(); if (!shift_isSmall(n2)) { throw new Error(String(n2) + " is too large for shifting."); } if (n2 < 0) return this.shiftRight(-n2); var result = this; if (result.isZero()) return result; while (n2 >= powers2Length) { result = result.multiply(highestPower2); n2 -= powers2Length - 1; } return result.multiply(powersOfTwo[n2]); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.shiftLeft = SmallInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft; BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = function(v3) { var remQuo; var n2 = parseValue(v3).toJSNumber(); if (!shift_isSmall(n2)) { throw new Error(String(n2) + " is too large for shifting."); } if (n2 < 0) return this.shiftLeft(-n2); var result = this; while (n2 >= powers2Length) { if (result.isZero() || result.isNegative() && result.isUnit()) return result; remQuo = divModAny(result, highestPower2); result = remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0]; n2 -= powers2Length - 1; } remQuo = divModAny(result, powersOfTwo[n2]); return remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0]; }; NativeBigInt.prototype.shiftRight = SmallInteger.prototype.shiftRight = BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight; function bitwise(x6, y5, fn2) { y5 = parseValue(y5); var xSign = x6.isNegative(), ySign = y5.isNegative(); var xRem = xSign ? x6.not() : x6, yRem = ySign ? y5.not() : y5; var xDigit = 0, yDigit = 0; var xDivMod = null, yDivMod = null; var result = []; while (!xRem.isZero() || !yRem.isZero()) { xDivMod = divModAny(xRem, highestPower2); xDigit = xDivMod[1].toJSNumber(); if (xSign) { xDigit = highestPower2 - 1 - xDigit; } yDivMod = divModAny(yRem, highestPower2); yDigit = yDivMod[1].toJSNumber(); if (ySign) { yDigit = highestPower2 - 1 - yDigit; } xRem = xDivMod[0]; yRem = yDivMod[0]; result.push(fn2(xDigit, yDigit)); } var sum2 = fn2(xSign ? 1 : 0, ySign ? 1 : 0) !== 0 ? bigInt(-1) : bigInt(0); for (var i5 = result.length - 1; i5 >= 0; i5 -= 1) { sum2 = sum2.multiply(highestPower2).add(bigInt(result[i5])); } return sum2; } BigInteger.prototype.not = function() { return this.negate().prev(); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.not = SmallInteger.prototype.not = BigInteger.prototype.not; BigInteger.prototype.and = function(n2) { return bitwise(this, n2, function(a5, b4) { return a5 & b4; }); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.and = SmallInteger.prototype.and = BigInteger.prototype.and; BigInteger.prototype.or = function(n2) { return bitwise(this, n2, function(a5, b4) { return a5 | b4; }); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.or = SmallInteger.prototype.or = BigInteger.prototype.or; BigInteger.prototype.xor = function(n2) { return bitwise(this, n2, function(a5, b4) { return a5 ^ b4; }); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.xor = SmallInteger.prototype.xor = BigInteger.prototype.xor; var LOBMASK_I = 1 << 30, LOBMASK_BI = (BASE & -BASE) * (BASE & -BASE) | LOBMASK_I; function roughLOB(n2) { var v3 = n2.value, x6 = typeof v3 === "number" ? v3 | LOBMASK_I : typeof v3 === "bigint" ? v3 | BigInt(LOBMASK_I) : v3[0] + v3[1] * BASE | LOBMASK_BI; return x6 & -x6; } function integerLogarithm(value, base2) { if (base2.compareTo(value) <= 0) { var tmp = integerLogarithm(value, base2.square(base2)); var p4 = tmp.p; var e4 = tmp.e; var t4 = p4.multiply(base2); return t4.compareTo(value) <= 0 ? { p: t4, e: e4 * 2 + 1 } : { p: p4, e: e4 * 2 }; } return { p: bigInt(1), e: 0 }; } BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = function() { var n2 = this; if (n2.compareTo(bigInt(0)) < 0) { n2 = n2.negate().subtract(bigInt(1)); } if (n2.compareTo(bigInt(0)) === 0) { return bigInt(0); } return bigInt(integerLogarithm(n2, bigInt(2)).e).add(bigInt(1)); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.bitLength = SmallInteger.prototype.bitLength = BigInteger.prototype.bitLength; function max(a5, b4) { a5 = parseValue(a5); b4 = parseValue(b4); return a5.greater(b4) ? a5 : b4; } function min(a5, b4) { a5 = parseValue(a5); b4 = parseValue(b4); return a5.lesser(b4) ? a5 : b4; } function gcd(a5, b4) { a5 = parseValue(a5).abs(); b4 = parseValue(b4).abs(); if (a5.equals(b4)) return a5; if (a5.isZero()) return b4; if (b4.isZero()) return a5; var c4 = Integer[1], d5, t4; while (a5.isEven() && b4.isEven()) { d5 = min(roughLOB(a5), roughLOB(b4)); a5 = a5.divide(d5); b4 = b4.divide(d5); c4 = c4.multiply(d5); } while (a5.isEven()) { a5 = a5.divide(roughLOB(a5)); } do { while (b4.isEven()) { b4 = b4.divide(roughLOB(b4)); } if (a5.greater(b4)) { t4 = b4; b4 = a5; a5 = t4; } b4 = b4.subtract(a5); } while (!b4.isZero()); return c4.isUnit() ? a5 : a5.multiply(c4); } function lcm(a5, b4) { a5 = parseValue(a5).abs(); b4 = parseValue(b4).abs(); return a5.divide(gcd(a5, b4)).multiply(b4); } function randBetween(a5, b4, rng) { a5 = parseValue(a5); b4 = parseValue(b4); var usedRNG = rng || Math.random; var low = min(a5, b4), high = max(a5, b4); var range = high.subtract(low).add(1); if (range.isSmall) return low.add(Math.floor(usedRNG() * range)); var digits = toBase(range, BASE).value; var result = [], restricted = true; for (var i5 = 0; i5 < digits.length; i5++) { var top = restricted ? digits[i5] + (i5 + 1 < digits.length ? digits[i5 + 1] / BASE : 0) : BASE; var digit = truncate(usedRNG() * top); result.push(digit); if (digit < digits[i5]) restricted = false; } return low.add(Integer.fromArray(result, BASE, false)); } var parseBase = function(text, base2, alphabet, caseSensitive) { alphabet = alphabet || DEFAULT_ALPHABET; text = String(text); if (!caseSensitive) { text = text.toLowerCase(); alphabet = alphabet.toLowerCase(); } var length = text.length; var i5; var absBase = Math.abs(base2); var alphabetValues = {}; for (i5 = 0; i5 < alphabet.length; i5++) { alphabetValues[alphabet[i5]] = i5; } for (i5 = 0; i5 < length; i5++) { var c4 = text[i5]; if (c4 === "-") continue; if (c4 in alphabetValues) { if (alphabetValues[c4] >= absBase) { if (c4 === "1" && absBase === 1) continue; throw new Error(c4 + " is not a valid digit in base " + base2 + "."); } } } base2 = parseValue(base2); var digits = []; var isNegative = text[0] === "-"; for (i5 = isNegative ? 1 : 0; i5 < text.length; i5++) { var c4 = text[i5]; if (c4 in alphabetValues) digits.push(parseValue(alphabetValues[c4])); else if (c4 === "<") { var start = i5; do { i5++; } while (text[i5] !== ">" && i5 < text.length); digits.push(parseValue(text.slice(start + 1, i5))); } else throw new Error(c4 + " is not a valid character"); } return parseBaseFromArray(digits, base2, isNegative); }; function parseBaseFromArray(digits, base2, isNegative) { var val = Integer[0], pow = Integer[1], i5; for (i5 = digits.length - 1; i5 >= 0; i5--) { val = val.add(digits[i5].times(pow)); pow = pow.times(base2); } return isNegative ? val.negate() : val; } function stringify(digit, alphabet) { alphabet = alphabet || DEFAULT_ALPHABET; if (digit < alphabet.length) { return alphabet[digit]; } return "<" + digit + ">"; } function toBase(n2, base2) { base2 = bigInt(base2); if (base2.isZero()) { if (n2.isZero()) return { value: [0], isNegative: false }; throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0."); } if (base2.equals(-1)) { if (n2.isZero()) return { value: [0], isNegative: false }; if (n2.isNegative()) return { value: [].concat.apply( [], Array.apply(null, Array(-n2.toJSNumber())).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [1, 0]) ), isNegative: false }; var arr = Array.apply(null, Array(n2.toJSNumber() - 1)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [0, 1]); arr.unshift([1]); return { value: [].concat.apply([], arr), isNegative: false }; } var neg = false; if (n2.isNegative() && base2.isPositive()) { neg = true; n2 = n2.abs(); } if (base2.isUnit()) { if (n2.isZero()) return { value: [0], isNegative: false }; return { value: Array.apply(null, Array(n2.toJSNumber())).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 1), isNegative: neg }; } var out = []; var left = n2, divmod; while (left.isNegative() || left.compareAbs(base2) >= 0) { divmod = left.divmod(base2); left = divmod.quotient; var digit = divmod.remainder; if (digit.isNegative()) { digit = base2.minus(digit).abs(); left =; } out.push(digit.toJSNumber()); } out.push(left.toJSNumber()); return { value: out.reverse(), isNegative: neg }; } function toBaseString(n2, base2, alphabet) { var arr = toBase(n2, base2); return (arr.isNegative ? "-" : "") + { return stringify(x6, alphabet); }).join(""); } BigInteger.prototype.toArray = function(radix) { return toBase(this, radix); }; SmallInteger.prototype.toArray = function(radix) { return toBase(this, radix); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.toArray = function(radix) { return toBase(this, radix); }; BigInteger.prototype.toString = function(radix, alphabet) { if (radix === undefined2) radix = 10; if (radix !== 10) return toBaseString(this, radix, alphabet); var v3 = this.value, l3 = v3.length, str = String(v3[--l3]), zeros = "0000000", digit; while (--l3 >= 0) { digit = String(v3[l3]); str += zeros.slice(digit.length) + digit; } var sign = this.sign ? "-" : ""; return sign + str; }; SmallInteger.prototype.toString = function(radix, alphabet) { if (radix === undefined2) radix = 10; if (radix != 10) return toBaseString(this, radix, alphabet); return String(this.value); }; NativeBigInt.prototype.toString = SmallInteger.prototype.toString; NativeBigInt.prototype.toJSON = BigInteger.prototype.toJSON = SmallInteger.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(); }; BigInteger.prototype.valueOf = function() { return parseInt(this.toString(), 10); }; BigInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = BigInteger.prototype.valueOf; SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf = function() { return this.value; }; SmallInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf; NativeBigInt.prototype.valueOf = NativeBigInt.prototype.toJSNumber = function() { return parseInt(this.toString(), 10); }; function parseStringValue(v3) { if (isPrecise(+v3)) { var x6 = +v3; if (x6 === truncate(x6)) return supportsNativeBigInt ? new NativeBigInt(BigInt(x6)) : new SmallInteger(x6); throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + v3); } var sign = v3[0] === "-"; if (sign) v3 = v3.slice(1); var split2 = v3.split(/e/i); if (split2.length > 2) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + split2.join("e")); if (split2.length === 2) { var exp = split2[1]; if (exp[0] === "+") exp = exp.slice(1); exp = +exp; if (exp !== truncate(exp) || !isPrecise(exp)) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + exp + " is not a valid exponent."); var text = split2[0]; var decimalPlace = text.indexOf("."); if (decimalPlace >= 0) { exp -= text.length - decimalPlace - 1; text = text.slice(0, decimalPlace) + text.slice(decimalPlace + 1); } if (exp < 0) throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers"); text += new Array(exp + 1).join("0"); v3 = text; } var isValid2 = /^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(v3); if (!isValid2) throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + v3); if (supportsNativeBigInt) { return new NativeBigInt(BigInt(sign ? "-" + v3 : v3)); } var r3 = [], max2 = v3.length, l3 = LOG_BASE, min2 = max2 - l3; while (max2 > 0) { r3.push(+v3.slice(min2, max2)); min2 -= l3; if (min2 < 0) min2 = 0; max2 -= l3; } trim2(r3); return new BigInteger(r3, sign); } function parseNumberValue(v3) { if (supportsNativeBigInt) { return new NativeBigInt(BigInt(v3)); } if (isPrecise(v3)) { if (v3 !== truncate(v3)) throw new Error(v3 + " is not an integer."); return new SmallInteger(v3); } return parseStringValue(v3.toString()); } function parseValue(v3) { if (typeof v3 === "number") { return parseNumberValue(v3); } if (typeof v3 === "string") { return parseStringValue(v3); } if (typeof v3 === "bigint") { return new NativeBigInt(v3); } return v3; } for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 1e3; i4++) { Integer[i4] = parseValue(i4); if (i4 > 0) Integer[-i4] = parseValue(-i4); } = Integer[1]; = Integer[0]; Integer.minusOne = Integer[-1]; Integer.max = max; Integer.min = min; Integer.gcd = gcd; Integer.lcm = lcm; Integer.isInstance = function(x6) { return x6 instanceof BigInteger || x6 instanceof SmallInteger || x6 instanceof NativeBigInt; }; Integer.randBetween = randBetween; Integer.fromArray = function(digits, base2, isNegative) { return parseBaseFromArray(, parseValue(base2 || 10), isNegative); }; return Integer; }(); if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.hasOwnProperty("exports")) { module.exports = bigInt; } if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(function() { return bigInt; }); } } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/jed@1.1.1/node_modules/jed/jed.js var require_jed = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/jed@1.1.1/node_modules/jed/jed.js"(exports, module) { (function(root, undef) { var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, slice = ArrayProto.slice, hasOwnProp = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty, nativeForEach = ArrayProto.forEach, breaker = {}; var _3 = { forEach: function(obj, iterator, context) { var i4, l3, key; if (obj === null) { return; } if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) { obj.forEach(iterator, context); } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) { for (i4 = 0, l3 = obj.length; i4 < l3; i4++) { if (i4 in obj &&, obj[i4], i4, obj) === breaker) { return; } } } else { for (key in obj) { if (, key)) { if (, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) { return; } } } } }, extend: function(obj) { this.forEach(, 1), function(source) { for (var prop in source) { obj[prop] = source[prop]; } }); return obj; } }; var Jed2 = function(options) { this.defaults = { "locale_data": { "messages": { "": { "domain": "messages", "lang": "en", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" } // There are no default keys, though } }, // The default domain if one is missing "domain": "messages", // enable debug mode to log untranslated strings to the console "debug": false }; this.options = _3.extend({}, this.defaults, options); this.textdomain(this.options.domain); if (options.domain && !this.options.locale_data[this.options.domain]) { throw new Error("Text domain set to non-existent domain: `" + options.domain + "`"); } }; Jed2.context_delimiter = String.fromCharCode(4); function getPluralFormFunc(plural_form_string) { return Jed2.PF.compile(plural_form_string || "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"); } function Chain(key, i18n2) { this._key = key; this._i18n = i18n2; } _3.extend(Chain.prototype, { onDomain: function(domain) { this._domain = domain; return this; }, withContext: function(context) { this._context = context; return this; }, ifPlural: function(num, pkey) { this._val = num; this._pkey = pkey; return this; }, fetch: function(sArr) { if ({} != "[object Array]") { sArr = [], 0); } return (sArr && sArr.length ? Jed2.sprintf : function(x6) { return x6; })( this._i18n.dcnpgettext(this._domain, this._context, this._key, this._pkey, this._val), sArr ); } }); _3.extend(Jed2.prototype, { // The sexier api start point translate: function(key) { return new Chain(key, this); }, textdomain: function(domain) { if (!domain) { return this._textdomain; } this._textdomain = domain; }, gettext: function(key) { return, undef, undef, key); }, dgettext: function(domain, key) { return, domain, undef, key); }, dcgettext: function(domain, key) { return, domain, undef, key); }, ngettext: function(skey, pkey, val) { return, undef, undef, skey, pkey, val); }, dngettext: function(domain, skey, pkey, val) { return, domain, undef, skey, pkey, val); }, dcngettext: function(domain, skey, pkey, val) { return, domain, undef, skey, pkey, val); }, pgettext: function(context, key) { return, undef, context, key); }, dpgettext: function(domain, context, key) { return, domain, context, key); }, dcpgettext: function(domain, context, key) { return, domain, context, key); }, npgettext: function(context, skey, pkey, val) { return, undef, context, skey, pkey, val); }, dnpgettext: function(domain, context, skey, pkey, val) { return, domain, context, skey, pkey, val); }, // The most fully qualified gettext function. It has every option. // Since it has every option, we can use it from every other method. // This is the bread and butter. // Technically there should be one more argument in this function for 'Category', // but since we never use it, we might as well not waste the bytes to define it. dcnpgettext: function(domain, context, singular_key, plural_key, val) { plural_key = plural_key || singular_key; domain = domain || this._textdomain; var fallback; if (!this.options) { fallback = new Jed2(); return, void 0, void 0, singular_key, plural_key, val); } if (!this.options.locale_data) { throw new Error("No locale data provided."); } if (!this.options.locale_data[domain]) { throw new Error("Domain `" + domain + "` was not found."); } if (!this.options.locale_data[domain][""]) { throw new Error("No locale meta information provided."); } if (!singular_key) { throw new Error("No translation key found."); } var key = context ? context + Jed2.context_delimiter + singular_key : singular_key, locale_data = this.options.locale_data, dict = locale_data[domain], defaultConf = (locale_data.messages || this.defaults.locale_data.messages)[""], pluralForms = dict[""].plural_forms || dict[""]["Plural-Forms"] || dict[""]["plural-forms"] || defaultConf.plural_forms || defaultConf["Plural-Forms"] || defaultConf["plural-forms"], val_list, res; var val_idx; if (val === void 0) { val_idx = 0; } else { if (typeof val != "number") { val = parseInt(val, 10); if (isNaN(val)) { throw new Error("The number that was passed in is not a number."); } } val_idx = getPluralFormFunc(pluralForms)(val); } if (!dict) { throw new Error("No domain named `" + domain + "` could be found."); } val_list = dict[key]; if (!val_list || val_idx > val_list.length) { if (this.options.missing_key_callback) { this.options.missing_key_callback(key, domain); } res = [singular_key, plural_key]; if (this.options.debug === true) { console.log(res[getPluralFormFunc(pluralForms)(val)]); } return res[getPluralFormFunc()(val)]; } res = val_list[val_idx]; if (!res) { res = [singular_key, plural_key]; return res[getPluralFormFunc()(val)]; } return res; } }); var sprintf = function() { function get_type(variable) { return, -1).toLowerCase(); } function str_repeat(input, multiplier) { for (var output = []; multiplier > 0; output[--multiplier] = input) { } return output.join(""); } var str_format = function() { if (!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])) { str_format.cache[arguments[0]] = str_format.parse(arguments[0]); } return, str_format.cache[arguments[0]], arguments); }; str_format.format = function(parse_tree, argv) { var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, node_type = "", arg, output = [], i4, k5, match2, pad, pad_character, pad_length; for (i4 = 0; i4 < tree_length; i4++) { node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i4]); if (node_type === "string") { output.push(parse_tree[i4]); } else if (node_type === "array") { match2 = parse_tree[i4]; if (match2[2]) { arg = argv[cursor]; for (k5 = 0; k5 < match2[2].length; k5++) { if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match2[2][k5])) { throw sprintf('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist', match2[2][k5]); } arg = arg[match2[2][k5]]; } } else if (match2[1]) { arg = argv[match2[1]]; } else { arg = argv[cursor++]; } if (/[^s]/.test(match2[8]) && get_type(arg) != "number") { throw sprintf("[sprintf] expecting number but found %s", get_type(arg)); } if (typeof arg == "undefined" || arg === null) { arg = ""; } switch (match2[8]) { case "b": arg = arg.toString(2); break; case "c": arg = String.fromCharCode(arg); break; case "d": arg = parseInt(arg, 10); break; case "e": arg = match2[7] ? arg.toExponential(match2[7]) : arg.toExponential(); break; case "f": arg = match2[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match2[7]) : parseFloat(arg); break; case "o": arg = arg.toString(8); break; case "s": arg = (arg = String(arg)) && match2[7] ? arg.substring(0, match2[7]) : arg; break; case "u": arg = Math.abs(arg); break; case "x": arg = arg.toString(16); break; case "X": arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase(); break; } arg = /[def]/.test(match2[8]) && match2[3] && arg >= 0 ? "+" + arg : arg; pad_character = match2[4] ? match2[4] == "0" ? "0" : match2[4].charAt(1) : " "; pad_length = match2[6] - String(arg).length; pad = match2[6] ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : ""; output.push(match2[5] ? arg + pad : pad + arg); } } return output.join(""); }; str_format.cache = {}; str_format.parse = function(fmt) { var _fmt = fmt, match2 = [], parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0; while (_fmt) { if ((match2 = /^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { parse_tree.push(match2[0]); } else if ((match2 = /^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { parse_tree.push("%"); } else if ((match2 = /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { if (match2[2]) { arg_names |= 1; var field_list = [], replacement_field = match2[2], field_match = []; if ((field_match = /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { field_list.push(field_match[1]); while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== "") { if ((field_match = /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { field_list.push(field_match[1]); } else if ((field_match = /^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { field_list.push(field_match[1]); } else { throw "[sprintf] huh?"; } } } else { throw "[sprintf] huh?"; } match2[2] = field_list; } else { arg_names |= 2; } if (arg_names === 3) { throw "[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported"; } parse_tree.push(match2); } else { throw "[sprintf] huh?"; } _fmt = _fmt.substring(match2[0].length); } return parse_tree; }; return str_format; }(); var vsprintf = function(fmt, argv) { argv.unshift(fmt); return sprintf.apply(null, argv); }; Jed2.parse_plural = function(plural_forms, n2) { plural_forms = plural_forms.replace(/n/g, n2); return Jed2.parse_expression(plural_forms); }; Jed2.sprintf = function(fmt, args) { if ({} == "[object Array]") { return vsprintf(fmt, []; } return sprintf.apply(this, []; }; Jed2.prototype.sprintf = function() { return Jed2.sprintf.apply(this, arguments); }; Jed2.PF = {}; Jed2.PF.parse = function(p4) { var plural_str = Jed2.PF.extractPluralExpr(p4); return, plural_str); }; Jed2.PF.compile = function(p4) { function imply(val) { return val === true ? 1 : val ? val : 0; } var ast = Jed2.PF.parse(p4); return function(n2) { return imply(Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast)(n2)); }; }; Jed2.PF.interpreter = function(ast) { return function(n2) { var res; switch (ast.type) { case "GROUP": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.expr)(n2); case "TERNARY": if (Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.expr)(n2)) { return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.truthy)(n2); } return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.falsey)(n2); case "OR": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) || Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "AND": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) && Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "LT": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) < Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "GT": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) > Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "LTE": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) <= Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "GTE": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) >= Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "EQ": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) == Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "NEQ": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) != Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "MOD": return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) % Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); case "VAR": return n2; case "NUM": return ast.val; default: throw new Error("Invalid Token found."); } }; }; Jed2.PF.extractPluralExpr = function(p4) { p4 = p4.replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, ""); if (!/;\s*$/.test(p4)) { p4 = p4.concat(";"); } var nplurals_re = /nplurals\=(\d+);/, plural_re = /plural\=(.*);/, nplurals_matches = p4.match(nplurals_re), res = {}, plural_matches; if (nplurals_matches.length > 1) { res.nplurals = nplurals_matches[1]; } else { throw new Error("nplurals not found in plural_forms string: " + p4); } p4 = p4.replace(nplurals_re, ""); plural_matches = p4.match(plural_re); if (!(plural_matches && plural_matches.length > 1)) { throw new Error("`plural` expression not found: " + p4); } return plural_matches[1]; }; Jed2.PF.parser = function() { var parser = { trace: function trace() { }, yy: {}, symbols_: { "error": 2, "expressions": 3, "e": 4, "EOF": 5, "?": 6, ":": 7, "||": 8, "&&": 9, "<": 10, "<=": 11, ">": 12, ">=": 13, "!=": 14, "==": 15, "%": 16, "(": 17, ")": 18, "n": 19, "NUMBER": 20, "$accept": 0, "$end": 1 }, terminals_: { 2: "error", 5: "EOF", 6: "?", 7: ":", 8: "||", 9: "&&", 10: "<", 11: "<=", 12: ">", 13: ">=", 14: "!=", 15: "==", 16: "%", 17: "(", 18: ")", 19: "n", 20: "NUMBER" }, productions_: [0, [3, 2], [4, 5], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 1], [4, 1]], performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$) { var $0 = $$.length - 1; switch (yystate) { case 1: return { type: "GROUP", expr: $$[$0 - 1] }; break; case 2: this.$ = { type: "TERNARY", expr: $$[$0 - 4], truthy: $$[$0 - 2], falsey: $$[$0] }; break; case 3: this.$ = { type: "OR", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 4: this.$ = { type: "AND", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 5: this.$ = { type: "LT", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 6: this.$ = { type: "LTE", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 7: this.$ = { type: "GT", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 8: this.$ = { type: "GTE", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 9: this.$ = { type: "NEQ", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 10: this.$ = { type: "EQ", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 11: this.$ = { type: "MOD", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; break; case 12: this.$ = { type: "GROUP", expr: $$[$0 - 1] }; break; case 13: this.$ = { type: "VAR" }; break; case 14: this.$ = { type: "NUM", val: Number(yytext) }; break; } }, table: [{ 3: 1, 4: 2, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 1: [3] }, { 5: [1, 6], 6: [1, 7], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16] }, { 4: 17, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 5: [2, 13], 6: [2, 13], 7: [2, 13], 8: [2, 13], 9: [2, 13], 10: [2, 13], 11: [2, 13], 12: [2, 13], 13: [2, 13], 14: [2, 13], 15: [2, 13], 16: [2, 13], 18: [2, 13] }, { 5: [2, 14], 6: [2, 14], 7: [2, 14], 8: [2, 14], 9: [2, 14], 10: [2, 14], 11: [2, 14], 12: [2, 14], 13: [2, 14], 14: [2, 14], 15: [2, 14], 16: [2, 14], 18: [2, 14] }, { 1: [2, 1] }, { 4: 18, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 19, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 20, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 21, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 22, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 23, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 24, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 25, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 26, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 27, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 6: [1, 7], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [1, 28] }, { 6: [1, 7], 7: [1, 29], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16] }, { 5: [2, 3], 6: [2, 3], 7: [2, 3], 8: [2, 3], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 3] }, { 5: [2, 4], 6: [2, 4], 7: [2, 4], 8: [2, 4], 9: [2, 4], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 4] }, { 5: [2, 5], 6: [2, 5], 7: [2, 5], 8: [2, 5], 9: [2, 5], 10: [2, 5], 11: [2, 5], 12: [2, 5], 13: [2, 5], 14: [2, 5], 15: [2, 5], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 5] }, { 5: [2, 6], 6: [2, 6], 7: [2, 6], 8: [2, 6], 9: [2, 6], 10: [2, 6], 11: [2, 6], 12: [2, 6], 13: [2, 6], 14: [2, 6], 15: [2, 6], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 6] }, { 5: [2, 7], 6: [2, 7], 7: [2, 7], 8: [2, 7], 9: [2, 7], 10: [2, 7], 11: [2, 7], 12: [2, 7], 13: [2, 7], 14: [2, 7], 15: [2, 7], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 7] }, { 5: [2, 8], 6: [2, 8], 7: [2, 8], 8: [2, 8], 9: [2, 8], 10: [2, 8], 11: [2, 8], 12: [2, 8], 13: [2, 8], 14: [2, 8], 15: [2, 8], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 8] }, { 5: [2, 9], 6: [2, 9], 7: [2, 9], 8: [2, 9], 9: [2, 9], 10: [2, 9], 11: [2, 9], 12: [2, 9], 13: [2, 9], 14: [2, 9], 15: [2, 9], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 9] }, { 5: [2, 10], 6: [2, 10], 7: [2, 10], 8: [2, 10], 9: [2, 10], 10: [2, 10], 11: [2, 10], 12: [2, 10], 13: [2, 10], 14: [2, 10], 15: [2, 10], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 10] }, { 5: [2, 11], 6: [2, 11], 7: [2, 11], 8: [2, 11], 9: [2, 11], 10: [2, 11], 11: [2, 11], 12: [2, 11], 13: [2, 11], 14: [2, 11], 15: [2, 11], 16: [2, 11], 18: [2, 11] }, { 5: [2, 12], 6: [2, 12], 7: [2, 12], 8: [2, 12], 9: [2, 12], 10: [2, 12], 11: [2, 12], 12: [2, 12], 13: [2, 12], 14: [2, 12], 15: [2, 12], 16: [2, 12], 18: [2, 12] }, { 4: 30, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 5: [2, 2], 6: [1, 7], 7: [2, 2], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 2] }], defaultActions: { 6: [2, 1] }, parseError: function parseError(str, hash3) { throw new Error(str); }, parse: function parse(input) { var self2 = this, stack = [0], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table2 = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1; this.lexer.setInput(input); this.lexer.yy = this.yy; this.yy.lexer = this.lexer; if (typeof this.lexer.yylloc == "undefined") this.lexer.yylloc = {}; var yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; lstack.push(yyloc); if (typeof this.yy.parseError === "function") this.parseError = this.yy.parseError; function popStack(n2) { stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n2; vstack.length = vstack.length - n2; lstack.length = lstack.length - n2; } function lex() { var token; token = self2.lexer.lex() || 1; if (typeof token !== "number") { token = self2.symbols_[token] || token; } return token; } var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a5, r3, yyval = {}, p4, len, newState, expected; while (true) { state = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (this.defaultActions[state]) { action = this.defaultActions[state]; } else { if (symbol == null) symbol = lex(); action = table2[state] && table2[state][symbol]; } _handle_error: if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) { if (!recovering) { expected = []; for (p4 in table2[state]) if (this.terminals_[p4] && p4 > 2) { expected.push("'" + this.terminals_[p4] + "'"); } var errStr = ""; if (this.lexer.showPosition) { errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + this.lexer.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + this.terminals_[symbol] + "'"; } else { errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (symbol == 1 ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'"); } this.parseError( errStr, { text: this.lexer.match, token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol, line: this.lexer.yylineno, loc: yyloc, expected } ); } if (recovering == 3) { if (symbol == EOF) { throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted."); } yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; yytext = this.lexer.yytext; yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; symbol = lex(); } while (1) { if (TERROR.toString() in table2[state]) { break; } if (state == 0) { throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted."); } popStack(1); state = stack[stack.length - 1]; } preErrorSymbol = symbol; symbol = TERROR; state = stack[stack.length - 1]; action = table2[state] && table2[state][TERROR]; recovering = 3; } if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) { throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + state + ", token: " + symbol); } switch (action[0]) { case 1: stack.push(symbol); vstack.push(this.lexer.yytext); lstack.push(this.lexer.yylloc); stack.push(action[1]); symbol = null; if (!preErrorSymbol) { yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; yytext = this.lexer.yytext; yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; if (recovering > 0) recovering--; } else { symbol = preErrorSymbol; preErrorSymbol = null; } break; case 2: len = this.productions_[action[1]][1]; yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len]; yyval._$ = { first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line, last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line, first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column, last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column }; r3 =, yytext, yyleng, yylineno, this.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack); if (typeof r3 !== "undefined") { return r3; } if (len) { stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2); vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len); lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len); } stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]); vstack.push(yyval.$); lstack.push(yyval._$); newState = table2[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]]; stack.push(newState); break; case 3: return true; } } return true; } }; var lexer = function() { var lexer2 = { EOF: 1, parseError: function parseError(str, hash3) { if (this.yy.parseError) { this.yy.parseError(str, hash3); } else { throw new Error(str); } }, setInput: function(input) { this._input = input; this._more = this._less = this.done = false; this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0; this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = ""; this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"]; this.yylloc = { first_line: 1, first_column: 0, last_line: 1, last_column: 0 }; return this; }, input: function() { var ch = this._input[0]; this.yytext += ch; this.yyleng++; this.match += ch; this.matched += ch; var lines = ch.match(/\n/); if (lines) this.yylineno++; this._input = this._input.slice(1); return ch; }, unput: function(ch) { this._input = ch + this._input; return this; }, more: function() { this._more = true; return this; }, pastInput: function() { var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length); return (past.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, upcomingInput: function() { var next = this.match; if (next.length < 20) { next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length); } return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(/\n/g, ""); }, showPosition: function() { var pre = this.pastInput(); var c4 = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-"); return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c4 + "^"; }, next: function() { if (this.done) { return this.EOF; } if (!this._input) this.done = true; var token, match2, col, lines; if (!this._more) { this.yytext = ""; this.match = ""; } var rules = this._currentRules(); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rules.length; i4++) { match2 = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i4]]); if (match2) { lines = match2[0].match(/\n.*/g); if (lines) this.yylineno += lines.length; this.yylloc = { first_line: this.yylloc.last_line, last_line: this.yylineno + 1, first_column: this.yylloc.last_column, last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length - 1].length - 1 : this.yylloc.last_column + match2[0].length }; this.yytext += match2[0]; this.match += match2[0]; this.matches = match2; this.yyleng = this.yytext.length; this._more = false; this._input = this._input.slice(match2[0].length); this.matched += match2[0]; token =, this.yy, this, rules[i4], this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]); if (token) return token; else return; } } if (this._input === "") { return this.EOF; } else { this.parseError( "Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + ". Unrecognized text.\n" + this.showPosition(), { text: "", token: null, line: this.yylineno } ); } }, lex: function lex() { var r3 =; if (typeof r3 !== "undefined") { return r3; } else { return this.lex(); } }, begin: function begin(condition) { this.conditionStack.push(condition); }, popState: function popState() { return this.conditionStack.pop(); }, _currentRules: function _currentRules() { return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules; }, topState: function() { return this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 2]; }, pushState: function begin(condition) { this.begin(condition); } }; lexer2.performAction = function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) { var YYSTATE = YY_START; switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) { case 0: break; case 1: return 20; break; case 2: return 19; break; case 3: return 8; break; case 4: return 9; break; case 5: return 6; break; case 6: return 7; break; case 7: return 11; break; case 8: return 13; break; case 9: return 10; break; case 10: return 12; break; case 11: return 14; break; case 12: return 15; break; case 13: return 16; break; case 14: return 17; break; case 15: return 18; break; case 16: return 5; break; case 17: return "INVALID"; break; } }; lexer2.rules = [/^\s+/, /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\b/, /^n\b/, /^\|\|/, /^&&/, /^\?/, /^:/, /^<=/, /^>=/, /^/, /^!=/, /^==/, /^%/, /^\(/, /^\)/, /^$/, /^./]; lexer2.conditions = { "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], "inclusive": true } }; return lexer2; }(); parser.lexer = lexer; return parser; }(); if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { exports = module.exports = Jed2; } exports.Jed = Jed2; } else { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(function() { return Jed2; }); } root["Jed"] = Jed2; } })(exports); } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/dist/preact.module.js function s(n2, l3) { for (var u4 in l3) n2[u4] = l3[u4]; return n2; } function a(n2) { var l3 = n2.parentNode; l3 && l3.removeChild(n2); } function h(l3, u4, i4) { var t4, o3, r3, f3 = {}; for (r3 in u4) "key" == r3 ? t4 = u4[r3] : "ref" == r3 ? o3 = u4[r3] : f3[r3] = u4[r3]; if (arguments.length > 2 && (f3.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : i4), "function" == typeof l3 && null != l3.defaultProps) for (r3 in l3.defaultProps) void 0 === f3[r3] && (f3[r3] = l3.defaultProps[r3]); return v(l3, f3, t4, o3, null); } function v(n2, i4, t4, o3, r3) { var f3 = { type: n2, props: i4, key: t4, ref: o3, __k: null, __: null, __b: 0, __e: null, __d: void 0, __c: null, __h: null, constructor: void 0, __v: null == r3 ? ++u : r3 }; return null == r3 && null != l.vnode && l.vnode(f3), f3; } function y() { return { current: null }; } function p2(n2) { return n2.children; } function d(n2, l3) { this.props = n2, this.context = l3; } function _(n2, l3) { if (null == l3) return n2.__ ? _(n2.__, n2.__.__k.indexOf(n2) + 1) : null; for (var u4; l3 < n2.__k.length; l3++) if (null != (u4 = n2.__k[l3]) && null != u4.__e) return u4.__e; return "function" == typeof n2.type ? _(n2) : null; } function k(n2) { var l3, u4; if (null != (n2 = n2.__) && null != n2.__c) { for (n2.__e = n2.__c.base = null, l3 = 0; l3 < n2.__k.length; l3++) if (null != (u4 = n2.__k[l3]) && null != u4.__e) { n2.__e = n2.__c.base = u4.__e; break; } return k(n2); } } function b(n2) { (!n2.__d && (n2.__d = true) && t.push(n2) && !g.__r++ || o !== l.debounceRendering) && ((o = l.debounceRendering) || setTimeout)(g); } function g() { for (var n2; g.__r = t.length; ) n2 = t.sort(function(n3, l3) { return n3.__v.__b - l3.__v.__b; }), t = [], n2.some(function(n3) { var l3, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3; n3.__d && (o3 = (t4 = (l3 = n3).__v).__e, (r3 = l3.__P) && (u4 = [], (i4 = s({}, t4)).__v = t4.__v + 1, j(r3, t4, i4, l3.__n, void 0 !== r3.ownerSVGElement, null != t4.__h ? [o3] : null, u4, null == o3 ? _(t4) : o3, t4.__h), z(u4, t4), t4.__e != o3 && k(t4))); }); } function w(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, c4, s5, a5) { var h5, y5, d5, k5, b4, g4, w5, x6 = i4 && i4.__k || e, C3 = x6.length; for (u4.__k = [], h5 = 0; h5 < l3.length; h5++) if (null != (k5 = u4.__k[h5] = null == (k5 = l3[h5]) || "boolean" == typeof k5 ? null : "string" == typeof k5 || "number" == typeof k5 || "bigint" == typeof k5 ? v(null, k5, null, null, k5) : Array.isArray(k5) ? v(p2, { children: k5 }, null, null, null) : k5.__b > 0 ? v(k5.type, k5.props, k5.key, k5.ref ? k5.ref : null, k5.__v) : k5)) { if (k5.__ = u4, k5.__b = u4.__b + 1, null === (d5 = x6[h5]) || d5 && k5.key == d5.key && k5.type === d5.type) x6[h5] = void 0; else for (y5 = 0; y5 < C3; y5++) { if ((d5 = x6[y5]) && k5.key == d5.key && k5.type === d5.type) { x6[y5] = void 0; break; } d5 = null; } j(n2, k5, d5 = d5 || f, t4, o3, r3, c4, s5, a5), b4 = k5.__e, (y5 = k5.ref) && d5.ref != y5 && (w5 || (w5 = []), d5.ref && w5.push(d5.ref, null, k5), w5.push(y5, k5.__c || b4, k5)), null != b4 ? (null == g4 && (g4 = b4), "function" == typeof k5.type && k5.__k === d5.__k ? k5.__d = s5 = m(k5, s5, n2) : s5 = A2(n2, k5, d5, x6, b4, s5), "function" == typeof u4.type && (u4.__d = s5)) : s5 && d5.__e == s5 && s5.parentNode != n2 && (s5 = _(d5)); } for (u4.__e = g4, h5 = C3; h5--; ) null != x6[h5] && N(x6[h5], x6[h5]); if (w5) for (h5 = 0; h5 < w5.length; h5++) M2(w5[h5], w5[++h5], w5[++h5]); } function m(n2, l3, u4) { for (var i4, t4 = n2.__k, o3 = 0; t4 && o3 < t4.length; o3++) (i4 = t4[o3]) && (i4.__ = n2, l3 = "function" == typeof i4.type ? m(i4, l3, u4) : A2(u4, i4, i4, t4, i4.__e, l3)); return l3; } function x2(n2, l3) { return l3 = l3 || [], null == n2 || "boolean" == typeof n2 || (Array.isArray(n2) ? n2.some(function(n3) { x2(n3, l3); }) : l3.push(n2)), l3; } function A2(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4, o3) { var r3, f3, e4; if (void 0 !== l3.__d) r3 = l3.__d, l3.__d = void 0; else if (null == u4 || t4 != o3 || null == t4.parentNode) n: if (null == o3 || o3.parentNode !== n2) n2.appendChild(t4), r3 = null; else { for (f3 = o3, e4 = 0; (f3 = f3.nextSibling) && e4 < i4.length; e4 += 1) if (f3 == t4) break n; n2.insertBefore(t4, o3), r3 = o3; } return void 0 !== r3 ? r3 : t4.nextSibling; } function C(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4) { var o3; for (o3 in u4) "children" === o3 || "key" === o3 || o3 in l3 || H(n2, o3, null, u4[o3], i4); for (o3 in l3) t4 && "function" != typeof l3[o3] || "children" === o3 || "key" === o3 || "value" === o3 || "checked" === o3 || u4[o3] === l3[o3] || H(n2, o3, l3[o3], u4[o3], i4); } function $(n2, l3, u4) { "-" === l3[0] ? n2.setProperty(l3, u4) : n2[l3] = null == u4 ? "" : "number" != typeof u4 || c.test(l3) ? u4 : u4 + "px"; } function H(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4) { var o3; n: if ("style" === l3) if ("string" == typeof u4) = u4; else { if ("string" == typeof i4 && ( = i4 = ""), i4) for (l3 in i4) u4 && l3 in u4 || $(, l3, ""); if (u4) for (l3 in u4) i4 && u4[l3] === i4[l3] || $(, l3, u4[l3]); } else if ("o" === l3[0] && "n" === l3[1]) o3 = l3 !== (l3 = l3.replace(/Capture$/, "")), l3 = l3.toLowerCase() in n2 ? l3.toLowerCase().slice(2) : l3.slice(2), n2.l || (n2.l = {}), n2.l[l3 + o3] = u4, u4 ? i4 || n2.addEventListener(l3, o3 ? T : I2, o3) : n2.removeEventListener(l3, o3 ? T : I2, o3); else if ("dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l3) { if (t4) l3 = l3.replace(/xlink(H|:h)/, "h").replace(/sName$/, "s"); else if ("href" !== l3 && "list" !== l3 && "form" !== l3 && "tabIndex" !== l3 && "download" !== l3 && l3 in n2) try { n2[l3] = null == u4 ? "" : u4; break n; } catch (n3) { } "function" == typeof u4 || (null == u4 || false === u4 && -1 == l3.indexOf("-") ? n2.removeAttribute(l3) : n2.setAttribute(l3, u4)); } } function I2(n2) { this.l[n2.type + false](l.event ? l.event(n2) : n2); } function T(n2) { this.l[n2.type + true](l.event ? l.event(n2) : n2); } function j(n2, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, f3, e4, c4) { var a5, h5, v3, y5, _3, k5, b4, g4, m5, x6, A5, C3, $3, H5, I5, T5 = u4.type; if (void 0 !== u4.constructor) return null; null != i4.__h && (c4 = i4.__h, e4 = u4.__e = i4.__e, u4.__h = null, r3 = [e4]), (a5 = l.__b) && a5(u4); try { n: if ("function" == typeof T5) { if (g4 = u4.props, m5 = (a5 = T5.contextType) && t4[a5.__c], x6 = a5 ? m5 ? m5.props.value : a5.__ : t4, i4.__c ? b4 = (h5 = u4.__c = i4.__c).__ = h5.__E : ("prototype" in T5 && T5.prototype.render ? u4.__c = h5 = new T5(g4, x6) : (u4.__c = h5 = new d(g4, x6), h5.constructor = T5, h5.render = O), m5 && m5.sub(h5), h5.props = g4, h5.state || (h5.state = {}), h5.context = x6, h5.__n = t4, v3 = h5.__d = true, h5.__h = [], h5._sb = []), null == h5.__s && (h5.__s = h5.state), null != T5.getDerivedStateFromProps && (h5.__s == h5.state && (h5.__s = s({}, h5.__s)), s(h5.__s, T5.getDerivedStateFromProps(g4, h5.__s))), y5 = h5.props, _3 = h5.state, v3) null == T5.getDerivedStateFromProps && null != h5.componentWillMount && h5.componentWillMount(), null != h5.componentDidMount && h5.__h.push(h5.componentDidMount); else { if (null == T5.getDerivedStateFromProps && g4 !== y5 && null != h5.componentWillReceiveProps && h5.componentWillReceiveProps(g4, x6), !h5.__e && null != h5.shouldComponentUpdate && false === h5.shouldComponentUpdate(g4, h5.__s, x6) || u4.__v === i4.__v) { for (h5.props = g4, h5.state = h5.__s, u4.__v !== i4.__v && (h5.__d = false), h5.__v = u4, u4.__e = i4.__e, u4.__k = i4.__k, u4.__k.forEach(function(n3) { n3 && (n3.__ = u4); }), A5 = 0; A5 < h5._sb.length; A5++) h5.__h.push(h5._sb[A5]); h5._sb = [], h5.__h.length && f3.push(h5); break n; } null != h5.componentWillUpdate && h5.componentWillUpdate(g4, h5.__s, x6), null != h5.componentDidUpdate && h5.__h.push(function() { h5.componentDidUpdate(y5, _3, k5); }); } if (h5.context = x6, h5.props = g4, h5.__v = u4, h5.__P = n2, C3 = l.__r, $3 = 0, "prototype" in T5 && T5.prototype.render) { for (h5.state = h5.__s, h5.__d = false, C3 && C3(u4), a5 = h5.render(h5.props, h5.state, h5.context), H5 = 0; H5 < h5._sb.length; H5++) h5.__h.push(h5._sb[H5]); h5._sb = []; } else do { h5.__d = false, C3 && C3(u4), a5 = h5.render(h5.props, h5.state, h5.context), h5.state = h5.__s; } while (h5.__d && ++$3 < 25); h5.state = h5.__s, null != h5.getChildContext && (t4 = s(s({}, t4), h5.getChildContext())), v3 || null == h5.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (k5 = h5.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(y5, _3)), I5 = null != a5 && a5.type === p2 && null == a5.key ? a5.props.children : a5, w(n2, Array.isArray(I5) ? I5 : [I5], u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, f3, e4, c4), h5.base = u4.__e, u4.__h = null, h5.__h.length && f3.push(h5), b4 && (h5.__E = h5.__ = null), h5.__e = false; } else null == r3 && u4.__v === i4.__v ? (u4.__k = i4.__k, u4.__e = i4.__e) : u4.__e = L2(i4.__e, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, f3, c4); (a5 = l.diffed) && a5(u4); } catch (n3) { u4.__v = null, (c4 || null != r3) && (u4.__e = e4, u4.__h = !!c4, r3[r3.indexOf(e4)] = null), l.__e(n3, u4, i4); } } function z(n2, u4) { l.__c && l.__c(u4, n2), n2.some(function(u5) { try { n2 = u5.__h, u5.__h = [], n2.some(function(n3) {; }); } catch (n3) { l.__e(n3, u5.__v); } }); } function L2(l3, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, e4, c4) { var s5, h5, v3, y5 = i4.props, p4 = u4.props, d5 = u4.type, k5 = 0; if ("svg" === d5 && (o3 = true), null != r3) { for (; k5 < r3.length; k5++) if ((s5 = r3[k5]) && "setAttribute" in s5 == !!d5 && (d5 ? s5.localName === d5 : 3 === s5.nodeType)) { l3 = s5, r3[k5] = null; break; } } if (null == l3) { if (null === d5) return document.createTextNode(p4); l3 = o3 ? document.createElementNS("", d5) : document.createElement(d5, && p4), r3 = null, c4 = false; } if (null === d5) y5 === p4 || c4 && === p4 || ( = p4); else { if (r3 = r3 &&, h5 = (y5 = i4.props || f).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, v3 = p4.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, !c4) { if (null != r3) for (y5 = {}, k5 = 0; k5 < l3.attributes.length; k5++) y5[l3.attributes[k5].name] = l3.attributes[k5].value; (v3 || h5) && (v3 && (h5 && v3.__html == h5.__html || v3.__html === l3.innerHTML) || (l3.innerHTML = v3 && v3.__html || "")); } if (C(l3, p4, y5, o3, c4), v3) u4.__k = []; else if (k5 = u4.props.children, w(l3, Array.isArray(k5) ? k5 : [k5], u4, i4, t4, o3 && "foreignObject" !== d5, r3, e4, r3 ? r3[0] : i4.__k && _(i4, 0), c4), null != r3) for (k5 = r3.length; k5--; ) null != r3[k5] && a(r3[k5]); c4 || ("value" in p4 && void 0 !== (k5 = p4.value) && (k5 !== l3.value || "progress" === d5 && !k5 || "option" === d5 && k5 !== y5.value) && H(l3, "value", k5, y5.value, false), "checked" in p4 && void 0 !== (k5 = p4.checked) && k5 !== l3.checked && H(l3, "checked", k5, y5.checked, false)); } return l3; } function M2(n2, u4, i4) { try { "function" == typeof n2 ? n2(u4) : n2.current = u4; } catch (n3) { l.__e(n3, i4); } } function N(n2, u4, i4) { var t4, o3; if (l.unmount && l.unmount(n2), (t4 = n2.ref) && (t4.current && t4.current !== n2.__e || M2(t4, null, u4)), null != (t4 = n2.__c)) { if (t4.componentWillUnmount) try { t4.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (n3) { l.__e(n3, u4); } t4.base = t4.__P = null, n2.__c = void 0; } if (t4 = n2.__k) for (o3 = 0; o3 < t4.length; o3++) t4[o3] && N(t4[o3], u4, i4 || "function" != typeof n2.type); i4 || null == n2.__e || a(n2.__e), n2.__ = n2.__e = n2.__d = void 0; } function O(n2, l3, u4) { return this.constructor(n2, u4); } function P(u4, i4, t4) { var o3, r3, e4; l.__ && l.__(u4, i4), r3 = (o3 = "function" == typeof t4) ? null : t4 && t4.__k || i4.__k, e4 = [], j(i4, u4 = (!o3 && t4 || i4).__k = h(p2, null, [u4]), r3 || f, f, void 0 !== i4.ownerSVGElement, !o3 && t4 ? [t4] : r3 ? null : i4.firstChild ? : null, e4, !o3 && t4 ? t4 : r3 ? r3.__e : i4.firstChild, o3), z(e4, u4); } function S2(n2, l3) { P(n2, l3, S2); } function q(l3, u4, i4) { var t4, o3, r3, f3 = s({}, l3.props); for (r3 in u4) "key" == r3 ? t4 = u4[r3] : "ref" == r3 ? o3 = u4[r3] : f3[r3] = u4[r3]; return arguments.length > 2 && (f3.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : i4), v(l3.type, f3, t4 || l3.key, o3 || l3.ref, null); } function B(n2, l3) { var u4 = { __c: l3 = "__cC" + r++, __: n2, Consumer: function(n3, l4) { return n3.children(l4); }, Provider: function(n3) { var u5, i4; return this.getChildContext || (u5 = [], (i4 = {})[l3] = this, this.getChildContext = function() { return i4; }, this.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n4) { this.props.value !== n4.value && u5.some(b); }, this.sub = function(n4) { u5.push(n4); var l4 = n4.componentWillUnmount; n4.componentWillUnmount = function() { u5.splice(u5.indexOf(n4), 1), l4 &&; }; }), n3.children; } }; return u4.Provider.__ = u4.Consumer.contextType = u4; } var n, l, u, i, t, o, r, f, e, c; var init_preact_module = __esm({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/dist/preact.module.js"() { f = {}; e = []; c = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i; n = e.slice, l = { __e: function(n2, l3, u4, i4) { for (var t4, o3, r3; l3 = l3.__; ) if ((t4 = l3.__c) && !t4.__) try { if ((o3 = t4.constructor) && null != o3.getDerivedStateFromError && (t4.setState(o3.getDerivedStateFromError(n2)), r3 = t4.__d), null != t4.componentDidCatch && (t4.componentDidCatch(n2, i4 || {}), r3 = t4.__d), r3) return t4.__E = t4; } catch (l4) { n2 = l4; } throw n2; } }, u = 0, i = function(n2) { return null != n2 && void 0 === n2.constructor; }, d.prototype.setState = function(n2, l3) { var u4; u4 = null != this.__s && this.__s !== this.state ? this.__s : this.__s = s({}, this.state), "function" == typeof n2 && (n2 = n2(s({}, u4), this.props)), n2 && s(u4, n2), null != n2 && this.__v && (l3 && this._sb.push(l3), b(this)); }, d.prototype.forceUpdate = function(n2) { this.__v && (this.__e = true, n2 && this.__h.push(n2), b(this)); }, d.prototype.render = p2, t = [], g.__r = 0, r = 0; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/hooks/dist/hooks.module.js function d2(t4, u4) { l.__h && l.__h(r2, t4, o2 || u4), o2 = 0; var i4 = r2.__H || (r2.__H = { __: [], __h: [] }); return t4 >= i4.__.length && i4.__.push({ __V: c2 }), i4.__[t4]; } function p3(n2) { return o2 = 1, y2(B2, n2); } function y2(n2, u4, i4) { var o3 = d2(t2++, 2); if (o3.t = n2, !o3.__c && (o3.__ = [i4 ? i4(u4) : B2(void 0, u4), function(n3) { var t4 = o3.__N ? o3.__N[0] : o3.__[0], r3 = o3.t(t4, n3); t4 !== r3 && (o3.__N = [r3, o3.__[1]], o3.__c.setState({})); }], o3.__c = r2, !r2.u)) { r2.u = true; var f3 = r2.shouldComponentUpdate; r2.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n3, t4, r3) { if (!o3.__c.__H) return true; var u5 = o3.__c.__H.__.filter(function(n4) { return n4.__c; }); if (u5.every(function(n4) { return !n4.__N; })) return !f3 ||, n3, t4, r3); var i5 = false; return u5.forEach(function(n4) { if (n4.__N) { var t5 = n4.__[0]; n4.__ = n4.__N, n4.__N = void 0, t5 !== n4.__[0] && (i5 = true); } }), !(!i5 && o3.__c.props === n3) && (!f3 ||, n3, t4, r3)); }; } return o3.__N || o3.__; } function h2(u4, i4) { var o3 = d2(t2++, 3); !l.__s && z2(o3.__H, i4) && (o3.__ = u4, o3.i = i4, r2.__H.__h.push(o3)); } function s2(u4, i4) { var o3 = d2(t2++, 4); !l.__s && z2(o3.__H, i4) && (o3.__ = u4, o3.i = i4, r2.__h.push(o3)); } function _2(n2) { return o2 = 5, F(function() { return { current: n2 }; }, []); } function A3(n2, t4, r3) { o2 = 6, s2(function() { return "function" == typeof n2 ? (n2(t4()), function() { return n2(null); }) : n2 ? (n2.current = t4(), function() { return n2.current = null; }) : void 0; }, null == r3 ? r3 : r3.concat(n2)); } function F(n2, r3) { var u4 = d2(t2++, 7); return z2(u4.__H, r3) ? (u4.__V = n2(), u4.i = r3, u4.__h = n2, u4.__V) : u4.__; } function T2(n2, t4) { return o2 = 8, F(function() { return n2; }, t4); } function q2(n2) { var u4 = r2.context[n2.__c], i4 = d2(t2++, 9); return i4.c = n2, u4 ? (null == i4.__ && (i4.__ = true, u4.sub(r2)), u4.props.value) : n2.__; } function x3(t4, r3) { l.useDebugValue && l.useDebugValue(r3 ? r3(t4) : t4); } function P2(n2) { var u4 = d2(t2++, 10), i4 = p3(); return u4.__ = n2, r2.componentDidCatch || (r2.componentDidCatch = function(n3, t4) { u4.__ && u4.__(n3, t4), i4[1](n3); }), [i4[0], function() { i4[1](void 0); }]; } function V() { var n2 = d2(t2++, 11); if (!n2.__) { for (var u4 = r2.__v; null !== u4 && !u4.__m && null !== u4.__; ) u4 = u4.__; var i4 = u4.__m || (u4.__m = [0, 0]); n2.__ = "P" + i4[0] + "-" + i4[1]++; } return n2.__; } function b2() { for (var t4; t4 = f2.shift(); ) if (t4.__P && t4.__H) try { t4.__H.__h.forEach(k2), t4.__H.__h.forEach(w2), t4.__H.__h = []; } catch (r3) { t4.__H.__h = [], l.__e(r3, t4.__v); } } function j2(n2) { var t4, r3 = function() { clearTimeout(u4), g2 && cancelAnimationFrame(t4), setTimeout(n2); }, u4 = setTimeout(r3, 100); g2 && (t4 = requestAnimationFrame(r3)); } function k2(n2) { var t4 = r2, u4 = n2.__c; "function" == typeof u4 && (n2.__c = void 0, u4()), r2 = t4; } function w2(n2) { var t4 = r2; n2.__c = n2.__(), r2 = t4; } function z2(n2, t4) { return !n2 || n2.length !== t4.length || t4.some(function(t5, r3) { return t5 !== n2[r3]; }); } function B2(n2, t4) { return "function" == typeof t4 ? t4(n2) : t4; } var t2, r2, u2, i2, o2, f2, c2, e2, a2, v2, l2, m2, g2; var init_hooks_module = __esm({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/hooks/dist/hooks.module.js"() { init_preact_module(); o2 = 0; f2 = []; c2 = []; e2 = l.__b; a2 = l.__r; v2 = l.diffed; l2 = l.__c; m2 = l.unmount; l.__b = function(n2) { r2 = null, e2 && e2(n2); }, l.__r = function(n2) { a2 && a2(n2), t2 = 0; var i4 = (r2 = n2.__c).__H; i4 && (u2 === r2 ? (i4.__h = [], r2.__h = [], i4.__.forEach(function(n3) { n3.__N && (n3.__ = n3.__N), n3.__V = c2, n3.__N = n3.i = void 0; })) : (i4.__h.forEach(k2), i4.__h.forEach(w2), i4.__h = [])), u2 = r2; }, l.diffed = function(t4) { v2 && v2(t4); var o3 = t4.__c; o3 && o3.__H && (o3.__H.__h.length && (1 !== f2.push(o3) && i2 === l.requestAnimationFrame || ((i2 = l.requestAnimationFrame) || j2)(b2)), o3.__H.__.forEach(function(n2) { n2.i && (n2.__H = n2.i), n2.__V !== c2 && (n2.__ = n2.__V), n2.i = void 0, n2.__V = c2; })), u2 = r2 = null; }, l.__c = function(t4, r3) { r3.some(function(t5) { try { t5.__h.forEach(k2), t5.__h = t5.__h.filter(function(n2) { return !n2.__ || w2(n2); }); } catch (u4) { r3.some(function(n2) { n2.__h && (n2.__h = []); }), r3 = [], l.__e(u4, t5.__v); } }), l2 && l2(t4, r3); }, l.unmount = function(t4) { m2 && m2(t4); var r3, u4 = t4.__c; u4 && u4.__H && (u4.__H.__.forEach(function(n2) { try { k2(n2); } catch (n3) { r3 = n3; } }), u4.__H = void 0, r3 && l.__e(r3, u4.__v)); }; g2 = "function" == typeof requestAnimationFrame; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/compat/dist/compat.module.js var compat_module_exports = {}; __export(compat_module_exports, { Children: () => O3, Component: () => d, Fragment: () => p2, PureComponent: () => w4, StrictMode: () => vn2, Suspense: () => D4, SuspenseList: () => V2, __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: () => rn, cloneElement: () => cn, createContext: () => B, createElement: () => h, createFactory: () => on, createPortal: () => j3, createRef: () => y, default: () => bn, findDOMNode: () => an, flushSync: () => hn, forwardRef: () => k4, hydrate: () => q4, isValidElement: () => ln, lazy: () => M5, memo: () => R2, render: () => Y3, startTransition: () => dn, unmountComponentAtNode: () => fn, unstable_batchedUpdates: () => sn, useCallback: () => T2, useContext: () => q2, useDebugValue: () => x3, useDeferredValue: () => pn, useEffect: () => h2, useErrorBoundary: () => P2, useId: () => V, useImperativeHandle: () => A3, useInsertionEffect: () => yn, useLayoutEffect: () => s2, useMemo: () => F, useReducer: () => y2, useRef: () => _2, useState: () => p3, useSyncExternalStore: () => _n, useTransition: () => mn, version: () => un }); function g3(n2, t4) { for (var e4 in t4) n2[e4] = t4[e4]; return n2; } function C2(n2, t4) { for (var e4 in n2) if ("__source" !== e4 && !(e4 in t4)) return true; for (var r3 in t4) if ("__source" !== r3 && n2[r3] !== t4[r3]) return true; return false; } function E2(n2, t4) { return n2 === t4 && (0 !== n2 || 1 / n2 == 1 / t4) || n2 != n2 && t4 != t4; } function w4(n2) { this.props = n2; } function R2(n2, e4) { function r3(n3) { var t4 = this.props.ref, r4 = t4 == n3.ref; return !r4 && t4 && ( ? t4(null) : t4.current = null), e4 ? !e4(this.props, n3) || !r4 : C2(this.props, n3); } function u4(e5) { return this.shouldComponentUpdate = r3, h(n2, e5); } return u4.displayName = "Memo(" + (n2.displayName || + ")", u4.prototype.isReactComponent = true, u4.__f = true, u4; } function k4(n2) { function t4(t5) { var e4 = g3({}, t5); return delete e4.ref, n2(e4, t5.ref || null); } return t4.$$typeof = N2, t4.render = t4, t4.prototype.isReactComponent = t4.__f = true, t4.displayName = "ForwardRef(" + (n2.displayName || + ")", t4; } function L4(n2, t4, e4) { return n2 && (n2.__c && n2.__c.__H && (n2.__c.__H.__.forEach(function(n3) { "function" == typeof n3.__c && n3.__c(); }), n2.__c.__H = null), null != (n2 = g3({}, n2)).__c && (n2.__c.__P === e4 && (n2.__c.__P = t4), n2.__c = null), n2.__k = n2.__k && { return L4(n3, t4, e4); })), n2; } function U(n2, t4, e4) { return n2 && (n2.__v = null, n2.__k = n2.__k && { return U(n3, t4, e4); }), n2.__c && n2.__c.__P === t4 && (n2.__e && e4.insertBefore(n2.__e, n2.__d), n2.__c.__e = true, n2.__c.__P = e4)), n2; } function D4() { this.__u = 0, this.t = null, this.__b = null; } function F2(n2) { var t4 = n2.__.__c; return t4 && t4.__a && t4.__a(n2); } function M5(n2) { var e4, r3, u4; function o3(o4) { if (e4 || (e4 = n2()).then(function(n3) { r3 = n3.default || n3; }, function(n3) { u4 = n3; }), u4) throw u4; if (!r3) throw e4; return h(r3, o4); } return o3.displayName = "Lazy", o3.__f = true, o3; } function V2() { this.u = null, this.o = null; } function P3(n2) { return this.getChildContext = function() { return n2.context; }, n2.children; } function $2(n2) { var e4 = this, r3 = n2.i; e4.componentWillUnmount = function() { P(null, e4.l), e4.l = null, e4.i = null; }, e4.i && e4.i !== r3 && e4.componentWillUnmount(), n2.__v ? (e4.l || (e4.i = r3, e4.l = { nodeType: 1, parentNode: r3, childNodes: [], appendChild: function(n3) { this.childNodes.push(n3), e4.i.appendChild(n3); }, insertBefore: function(n3, t4) { this.childNodes.push(n3), e4.i.appendChild(n3); }, removeChild: function(n3) { this.childNodes.splice(this.childNodes.indexOf(n3) >>> 1, 1), e4.i.removeChild(n3); } }), P(h(P3, { context: e4.context }, n2.__v), e4.l)) : e4.l && e4.componentWillUnmount(); } function j3(n2, e4) { var r3 = h($2, { __v: n2, i: e4 }); return r3.containerInfo = e4, r3; } function Y3(n2, t4, e4) { return null == t4.__k && (t4.textContent = ""), P(n2, t4), "function" == typeof e4 && e4(), n2 ? n2.__c : null; } function q4(n2, t4, e4) { return S2(n2, t4), "function" == typeof e4 && e4(), n2 ? n2.__c : null; } function J() { } function K4() { return this.cancelBubble; } function Q2() { return this.defaultPrevented; } function on(n2) { return h.bind(null, n2); } function ln(n2) { return !!n2 && n2.$$typeof === z4; } function cn(n2) { return ln(n2) ? q.apply(null, arguments) : n2; } function fn(n2) { return !!n2.__k && (P(null, n2), true); } function an(n2) { return n2 && (n2.base || 1 === n2.nodeType && n2) || null; } function dn(n2) { n2(); } function pn(n2) { return n2; } function mn() { return [false, dn]; } function _n(n2, t4) { var e4 = t4(), r3 = p3({ h: { __: e4, v: t4 } }), u4 = r3[0].h, o3 = r3[1]; return s2(function() { u4.__ = e4, u4.v = t4, E2(u4.__, t4()) || o3({ h: u4 }); }, [n2, e4, t4]), h2(function() { return E2(u4.__, u4.v()) || o3({ h: u4 }), n2(function() { E2(u4.__, u4.v()) || o3({ h: u4 }); }); }, [n2]), e4; } var x5, N2, A4, O3, T4, I4, W, z4, B4, H4, Z2, G2, X3, nn, tn, en, rn, un, sn, hn, vn2, yn, bn; var init_compat_module = __esm({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/compat/dist/compat.module.js"() { init_preact_module(); init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); init_hooks_module(); (w4.prototype = new d()).isPureReactComponent = true, w4.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n2, t4) { return C2(this.props, n2) || C2(this.state, t4); }; x5 = l.__b; l.__b = function(n2) { n2.type && n2.type.__f && n2.ref && (n2.props.ref = n2.ref, n2.ref = null), x5 && x5(n2); }; N2 = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") || 3911; A4 = function(n2, t4) { return null == n2 ? null : x2(x2(n2).map(t4)); }; O3 = { map: A4, forEach: A4, count: function(n2) { return n2 ? x2(n2).length : 0; }, only: function(n2) { var t4 = x2(n2); if (1 !== t4.length) throw "Children.only"; return t4[0]; }, toArray: x2 }; T4 = l.__e; l.__e = function(n2, t4, e4, r3) { if (n2.then) { for (var u4, o3 = t4; o3 = o3.__; ) if ((u4 = o3.__c) && u4.__c) return null == t4.__e && (t4.__e = e4.__e, t4.__k = e4.__k), u4.__c(n2, t4); } T4(n2, t4, e4, r3); }; I4 = l.unmount; l.unmount = function(n2) { var t4 = n2.__c; t4 && t4.__R && t4.__R(), t4 && true === n2.__h && (n2.type = null), I4 && I4(n2); }, (D4.prototype = new d()).__c = function(n2, t4) { var e4 = t4.__c, r3 = this; null == r3.t && (r3.t = []), r3.t.push(e4); var u4 = F2(r3.__v), o3 = false, i4 = function() { o3 || (o3 = true, e4.__R = null, u4 ? u4(l3) : l3()); }; e4.__R = i4; var l3 = function() { if (!--r3.__u) { if (r3.state.__a) { var n3 = r3.state.__a; r3.__v.__k[0] = U(n3, n3.__c.__P, n3.__c.__O); } var t5; for (r3.setState({ __a: r3.__b = null }); t5 = r3.t.pop(); ) t5.forceUpdate(); } }, c4 = true === t4.__h; r3.__u++ || c4 || r3.setState({ __a: r3.__b = r3.__v.__k[0] }), n2.then(i4, i4); }, D4.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() { this.t = []; }, D4.prototype.render = function(n2, e4) { if (this.__b) { if (this.__v.__k) { var r3 = document.createElement("div"), o3 = this.__v.__k[0].__c; this.__v.__k[0] = L4(this.__b, r3, o3.__O = o3.__P); } this.__b = null; } var i4 = e4.__a && h(p2, null, n2.fallback); return i4 && (i4.__h = null), [h(p2, null, e4.__a ? null : n2.children), i4]; }; W = function(n2, t4, e4) { if (++e4[1] === e4[0] && n2.o.delete(t4), n2.props.revealOrder && ("t" !== n2.props.revealOrder[0] || !n2.o.size)) for (e4 = n2.u; e4; ) { for (; e4.length > 3; ) e4.pop()(); if (e4[1] < e4[0]) break; n2.u = e4 = e4[2]; } }; (V2.prototype = new d()).__a = function(n2) { var t4 = this, e4 = F2(t4.__v), r3 = t4.o.get(n2); return r3[0]++, function(u4) { var o3 = function() { t4.props.revealOrder ? (r3.push(u4), W(t4, n2, r3)) : u4(); }; e4 ? e4(o3) : o3(); }; }, V2.prototype.render = function(n2) { this.u = null, this.o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var t4 = x2(n2.children); n2.revealOrder && "b" === n2.revealOrder[0] && t4.reverse(); for (var e4 = t4.length; e4--; ) this.o.set(t4[e4], this.u = [1, 0, this.u]); return n2.children; }, V2.prototype.componentDidUpdate = V2.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { var n2 = this; this.o.forEach(function(t4, e4) { W(n2, e4, t4); }); }; z4 = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.element") || 60103; B4 = /^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|dominant|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|image|letter|lighting|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|pointer|shape|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|transform|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/; H4 = "undefined" != typeof document; Z2 = function(n2) { return ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol() ? /fil|che|rad/i : /fil|che|ra/i).test(n2); }; d.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, ["componentWillMount", "componentWillReceiveProps", "componentWillUpdate"].forEach(function(t4) { Object.defineProperty(d.prototype, t4, { configurable: true, get: function() { return this["UNSAFE_" + t4]; }, set: function(n2) { Object.defineProperty(this, t4, { configurable: true, writable: true, value: n2 }); } }); }); G2 = l.event; l.event = function(n2) { return G2 && (n2 = G2(n2)), n2.persist = J, n2.isPropagationStopped = K4, n2.isDefaultPrevented = Q2, n2.nativeEvent = n2; }; nn = { configurable: true, get: function() { return this.class; } }; tn = l.vnode; l.vnode = function(n2) { var t4 = n2.type, e4 = n2.props, u4 = e4; if ("string" == typeof t4) { var o3 = -1 === t4.indexOf("-"); for (var i4 in u4 = {}, e4) { var l3 = e4[i4]; H4 && "children" === i4 && "noscript" === t4 || "value" === i4 && "defaultValue" in e4 && null == l3 || ("defaultValue" === i4 && "value" in e4 && null == e4.value ? i4 = "value" : "download" === i4 && true === l3 ? l3 = "" : /ondoubleclick/i.test(i4) ? i4 = "ondblclick" : /^onchange(textarea|input)/i.test(i4 + t4) && !Z2(e4.type) ? i4 = "oninput" : /^onfocus$/i.test(i4) ? i4 = "onfocusin" : /^onblur$/i.test(i4) ? i4 = "onfocusout" : /^on(Ani|Tra|Tou|BeforeInp|Compo)/.test(i4) ? i4 = i4.toLowerCase() : o3 && B4.test(i4) ? i4 = i4.replace(/[A-Z0-9]/g, "-$&").toLowerCase() : null === l3 && (l3 = void 0), /^oninput$/i.test(i4) && (i4 = i4.toLowerCase(), u4[i4] && (i4 = "oninputCapture")), u4[i4] = l3); } "select" == t4 && u4.multiple && Array.isArray(u4.value) && (u4.value = x2(e4.children).forEach(function(n3) { n3.props.selected = -1 != u4.value.indexOf(n3.props.value); })), "select" == t4 && null != u4.defaultValue && (u4.value = x2(e4.children).forEach(function(n3) { n3.props.selected = u4.multiple ? -1 != u4.defaultValue.indexOf(n3.props.value) : u4.defaultValue == n3.props.value; })), n2.props = u4, e4.class != e4.className && (nn.enumerable = "className" in e4, null != e4.className && (u4.class = e4.className), Object.defineProperty(u4, "className", nn)); } n2.$$typeof = z4, tn && tn(n2); }; en = l.__r; l.__r = function(n2) { en && en(n2), X3 = n2.__c; }; rn = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: { current: { readContext: function(n2) { return X3.__n[n2.__c].props.value; } } } }; un = "17.0.2"; sn = function(n2, t4) { return n2(t4); }; hn = function(n2, t4) { return n2(t4); }; vn2 = p2; yn = s2; bn = { useState: p3, useId: V, useReducer: y2, useEffect: h2, useLayoutEffect: s2, useInsertionEffect: yn, useTransition: mn, useDeferredValue: pn, useSyncExternalStore: _n, startTransition: dn, useRef: _2, useImperativeHandle: A3, useMemo: F, useCallback: T2, useContext: q2, useDebugValue: x3, version: "17.0.2", Children: O3, render: Y3, hydrate: q4, unmountComponentAtNode: fn, createPortal: j3, createElement: h, createContext: B, createFactory: on, cloneElement: cn, createRef: y, Fragment: p2, isValidElement: ln, findDOMNode: an, Component: d, PureComponent: w4, memo: R2, forwardRef: k4, flushSync: hn, unstable_batchedUpdates: sn, StrictMode: vn2, Suspense: D4, SuspenseList: V2, lazy: M5, __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: rn }; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/cjs/use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js var require_use_sync_external_store_shim_production_min = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/cjs/use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js"(exports) { "use strict"; var e4 = (init_compat_module(), __toCommonJS(compat_module_exports)); function h5(a5, b4) { return a5 === b4 && (0 !== a5 || 1 / a5 === 1 / b4) || a5 !== a5 && b4 !== b4; } var k5 = "function" === typeof ? : h5; var l3 = e4.useState; var m5 = e4.useEffect; var n2 = e4.useLayoutEffect; var p4 = e4.useDebugValue; function q5(a5, b4) { var d5 = b4(), f3 = l3({ inst: { value: d5, getSnapshot: b4 } }), c4 = f3[0].inst, g4 = f3[1]; n2(function() { c4.value = d5; c4.getSnapshot = b4; r3(c4) && g4({ inst: c4 }); }, [a5, d5, b4]); m5(function() { r3(c4) && g4({ inst: c4 }); return a5(function() { r3(c4) && g4({ inst: c4 }); }); }, [a5]); p4(d5); return d5; } function r3(a5) { var b4 = a5.getSnapshot; a5 = a5.value; try { var d5 = b4(); return !k5(a5, d5); } catch (f3) { return true; } } function t4(a5, b4) { return b4(); } var u4 = "undefined" === typeof window || "undefined" === typeof window.document || "undefined" === typeof window.document.createElement ? t4 : q5; exports.useSyncExternalStore = void 0 !== e4.useSyncExternalStore ? e4.useSyncExternalStore : u4; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/shim/index.js var require_shim = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/shim/index.js"(exports, module) { "use strict"; if (true) { module.exports = require_use_sync_external_store_shim_production_min(); } else { module.exports = null; } } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseHas.js var require_baseHas = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseHas.js"(exports, module) { var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function baseHas(object2, key) { return object2 != null &&, key); } module.exports = baseHas; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isArray.js var require_isArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isArray.js"(exports, module) { var isArray = Array.isArray; module.exports = isArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_freeGlobal.js var require_freeGlobal = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_freeGlobal.js"(exports, module) { var freeGlobal = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global; module.exports = freeGlobal; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_root.js var require_root = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_root.js"(exports, module) { var freeGlobal = require_freeGlobal(); var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self; var root = freeGlobal || freeSelf || Function("return this")(); module.exports = root; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js var require_Symbol = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Symbol.js"(exports, module) { var root = require_root(); var Symbol2 = root.Symbol; module.exports = Symbol2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getRawTag.js var require_getRawTag = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getRawTag.js"(exports, module) { var Symbol2 = require_Symbol(); var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString; var symToStringTag = Symbol2 ? Symbol2.toStringTag : void 0; function getRawTag(value) { var isOwn =, symToStringTag), tag = value[symToStringTag]; try { value[symToStringTag] = void 0; var unmasked = true; } catch (e4) { } var result =; if (unmasked) { if (isOwn) { value[symToStringTag] = tag; } else { delete value[symToStringTag]; } } return result; } module.exports = getRawTag; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_objectToString.js var require_objectToString = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_objectToString.js"(exports, module) { var objectProto = Object.prototype; var nativeObjectToString = objectProto.toString; function objectToString(value) { return; } module.exports = objectToString; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js var require_baseGetTag = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseGetTag.js"(exports, module) { var Symbol2 = require_Symbol(); var getRawTag = require_getRawTag(); var objectToString = require_objectToString(); var nullTag = "[object Null]"; var undefinedTag = "[object Undefined]"; var symToStringTag = Symbol2 ? Symbol2.toStringTag : void 0; function baseGetTag(value) { if (value == null) { return value === void 0 ? undefinedTag : nullTag; } return symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString(value); } module.exports = baseGetTag; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js var require_isObjectLike = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isObjectLike.js"(exports, module) { function isObjectLike(value) { return value != null && typeof value == "object"; } module.exports = isObjectLike; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isSymbol.js var require_isSymbol = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isSymbol.js"(exports, module) { var baseGetTag = require_baseGetTag(); var isObjectLike = require_isObjectLike(); var symbolTag = "[object Symbol]"; function isSymbol(value) { return typeof value == "symbol" || isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag; } module.exports = isSymbol; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isKey.js var require_isKey = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isKey.js"(exports, module) { var isArray = require_isArray(); var isSymbol = require_isSymbol(); var reIsDeepProp = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/; var reIsPlainProp = /^\w*$/; function isKey(value, object2) { if (isArray(value)) { return false; } var type = typeof value; if (type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" || value == null || isSymbol(value)) { return true; } return reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) || object2 != null && value in Object(object2); } module.exports = isKey; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isObject.js var require_isObject = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isObject.js"(exports, module) { function isObject2(value) { var type = typeof value; return value != null && (type == "object" || type == "function"); } module.exports = isObject2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isFunction.js var require_isFunction = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isFunction.js"(exports, module) { var baseGetTag = require_baseGetTag(); var isObject2 = require_isObject(); var asyncTag = "[object AsyncFunction]"; var funcTag = "[object Function]"; var genTag = "[object GeneratorFunction]"; var proxyTag = "[object Proxy]"; function isFunction2(value) { if (!isObject2(value)) { return false; } var tag = baseGetTag(value); return tag == funcTag || tag == genTag || tag == asyncTag || tag == proxyTag; } module.exports = isFunction2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_coreJsData.js var require_coreJsData = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_coreJsData.js"(exports, module) { var root = require_root(); var coreJsData = root["__core-js_shared__"]; module.exports = coreJsData; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isMasked.js var require_isMasked = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isMasked.js"(exports, module) { var coreJsData = require_coreJsData(); var maskSrcKey = function() { var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData && coreJsData.keys && coreJsData.keys.IE_PROTO || ""); return uid ? "Symbol(src)_1." + uid : ""; }(); function isMasked(func) { return !!maskSrcKey && maskSrcKey in func; } module.exports = isMasked; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_toSource.js var require_toSource = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_toSource.js"(exports, module) { var funcProto = Function.prototype; var funcToString = funcProto.toString; function toSource(func) { if (func != null) { try { return; } catch (e4) { } try { return func + ""; } catch (e4) { } } return ""; } module.exports = toSource; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsNative.js var require_baseIsNative = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsNative.js"(exports, module) { var isFunction2 = require_isFunction(); var isMasked = require_isMasked(); var isObject2 = require_isObject(); var toSource = require_toSource(); var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g; var reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/; var funcProto = Function.prototype; var objectProto = Object.prototype; var funcToString = funcProto.toString; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; var reIsNative = RegExp( "^" +, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$" ); function baseIsNative(value) { if (!isObject2(value) || isMasked(value)) { return false; } var pattern = isFunction2(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor; return pattern.test(toSource(value)); } module.exports = baseIsNative; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getValue.js var require_getValue = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getValue.js"(exports, module) { function getValue2(object2, key) { return object2 == null ? void 0 : object2[key]; } module.exports = getValue2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getNative.js var require_getNative = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getNative.js"(exports, module) { var baseIsNative = require_baseIsNative(); var getValue2 = require_getValue(); function getNative(object2, key) { var value = getValue2(object2, key); return baseIsNative(value) ? value : void 0; } module.exports = getNative; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_nativeCreate.js var require_nativeCreate = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_nativeCreate.js"(exports, module) { var getNative = require_getNative(); var nativeCreate = getNative(Object, "create"); module.exports = nativeCreate; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashClear.js var require_hashClear = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashClear.js"(exports, module) { var nativeCreate = require_nativeCreate(); function hashClear() { this.__data__ = nativeCreate ? nativeCreate(null) : {}; this.size = 0; } module.exports = hashClear; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashDelete.js var require_hashDelete = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashDelete.js"(exports, module) { function hashDelete(key) { var result = this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key]; this.size -= result ? 1 : 0; return result; } module.exports = hashDelete; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashGet.js var require_hashGet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashGet.js"(exports, module) { var nativeCreate = require_nativeCreate(); var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"; var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function hashGet(key) { var data = this.__data__; if (nativeCreate) { var result = data[key]; return result === HASH_UNDEFINED ? void 0 : result; } return, key) ? data[key] : void 0; } module.exports = hashGet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashHas.js var require_hashHas = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashHas.js"(exports, module) { var nativeCreate = require_nativeCreate(); var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function hashHas(key) { var data = this.__data__; return nativeCreate ? data[key] !== void 0 :, key); } module.exports = hashHas; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashSet.js var require_hashSet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hashSet.js"(exports, module) { var nativeCreate = require_nativeCreate(); var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"; function hashSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__; this.size += this.has(key) ? 0 : 1; data[key] = nativeCreate && value === void 0 ? HASH_UNDEFINED : value; return this; } module.exports = hashSet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Hash.js var require_Hash = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Hash.js"(exports, module) { var hashClear = require_hashClear(); var hashDelete = require_hashDelete(); var hashGet = require_hashGet(); var hashHas = require_hashHas(); var hashSet = require_hashSet(); function Hash(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear; Hash.prototype["delete"] = hashDelete; Hash.prototype.get = hashGet; Hash.prototype.has = hashHas; Hash.prototype.set = hashSet; module.exports = Hash; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheClear.js var require_listCacheClear = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheClear.js"(exports, module) { function listCacheClear() { this.__data__ = []; this.size = 0; } module.exports = listCacheClear; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/eq.js var require_eq = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/eq.js"(exports, module) { function eq(value, other) { return value === other || value !== value && other !== other; } module.exports = eq; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_assocIndexOf.js var require_assocIndexOf = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_assocIndexOf.js"(exports, module) { var eq = require_eq(); function assocIndexOf(array2, key) { var length = array2.length; while (length--) { if (eq(array2[length][0], key)) { return length; } } return -1; } module.exports = assocIndexOf; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheDelete.js var require_listCacheDelete = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheDelete.js"(exports, module) { var assocIndexOf = require_assocIndexOf(); var arrayProto = Array.prototype; var splice = arrayProto.splice; function listCacheDelete(key) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); if (index < 0) { return false; } var lastIndex = data.length - 1; if (index == lastIndex) { data.pop(); } else {, index, 1); } --this.size; return true; } module.exports = listCacheDelete; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheGet.js var require_listCacheGet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheGet.js"(exports, module) { var assocIndexOf = require_assocIndexOf(); function listCacheGet(key) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); return index < 0 ? void 0 : data[index][1]; } module.exports = listCacheGet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheHas.js var require_listCacheHas = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheHas.js"(exports, module) { var assocIndexOf = require_assocIndexOf(); function listCacheHas(key) { return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1; } module.exports = listCacheHas; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheSet.js var require_listCacheSet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_listCacheSet.js"(exports, module) { var assocIndexOf = require_assocIndexOf(); function listCacheSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key); if (index < 0) { ++this.size; data.push([key, value]); } else { data[index][1] = value; } return this; } module.exports = listCacheSet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_ListCache.js var require_ListCache = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_ListCache.js"(exports, module) { var listCacheClear = require_listCacheClear(); var listCacheDelete = require_listCacheDelete(); var listCacheGet = require_listCacheGet(); var listCacheHas = require_listCacheHas(); var listCacheSet = require_listCacheSet(); function ListCache(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear; ListCache.prototype["delete"] = listCacheDelete; ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet; ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas; ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet; module.exports = ListCache; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Map.js var require_Map = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Map.js"(exports, module) { var getNative = require_getNative(); var root = require_root(); var Map2 = getNative(root, "Map"); module.exports = Map2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheClear.js var require_mapCacheClear = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheClear.js"(exports, module) { var Hash = require_Hash(); var ListCache = require_ListCache(); var Map2 = require_Map(); function mapCacheClear() { this.size = 0; this.__data__ = { "hash": new Hash(), "map": new (Map2 || ListCache)(), "string": new Hash() }; } module.exports = mapCacheClear; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isKeyable.js var require_isKeyable = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isKeyable.js"(exports, module) { function isKeyable(value) { var type = typeof value; return type == "string" || type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" ? value !== "__proto__" : value === null; } module.exports = isKeyable; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getMapData.js var require_getMapData = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getMapData.js"(exports, module) { var isKeyable = require_isKeyable(); function getMapData(map3, key) { var data = map3.__data__; return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] :; } module.exports = getMapData; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheDelete.js var require_mapCacheDelete = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheDelete.js"(exports, module) { var getMapData = require_getMapData(); function mapCacheDelete(key) { var result = getMapData(this, key)["delete"](key); this.size -= result ? 1 : 0; return result; } module.exports = mapCacheDelete; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheGet.js var require_mapCacheGet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheGet.js"(exports, module) { var getMapData = require_getMapData(); function mapCacheGet(key) { return getMapData(this, key).get(key); } module.exports = mapCacheGet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheHas.js var require_mapCacheHas = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheHas.js"(exports, module) { var getMapData = require_getMapData(); function mapCacheHas(key) { return getMapData(this, key).has(key); } module.exports = mapCacheHas; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheSet.js var require_mapCacheSet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapCacheSet.js"(exports, module) { var getMapData = require_getMapData(); function mapCacheSet(key, value) { var data = getMapData(this, key), size = data.size; data.set(key, value); this.size += data.size == size ? 0 : 1; return this; } module.exports = mapCacheSet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_MapCache.js var require_MapCache = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_MapCache.js"(exports, module) { var mapCacheClear = require_mapCacheClear(); var mapCacheDelete = require_mapCacheDelete(); var mapCacheGet = require_mapCacheGet(); var mapCacheHas = require_mapCacheHas(); var mapCacheSet = require_mapCacheSet(); function MapCache(entries) { var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length; this.clear(); while (++index < length) { var entry = entries[index]; this.set(entry[0], entry[1]); } } MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear; MapCache.prototype["delete"] = mapCacheDelete; MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet; MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas; MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet; module.exports = MapCache; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/memoize.js var require_memoize = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/memoize.js"(exports, module) { var MapCache = require_MapCache(); var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function"; function memoize(func, resolver) { if (typeof func != "function" || resolver != null && typeof resolver != "function") { throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); } var memoized = function() { var args = arguments, key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0], cache2 = memoized.cache; if (cache2.has(key)) { return cache2.get(key); } var result = func.apply(this, args); memoized.cache = cache2.set(key, result) || cache2; return result; }; memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache)(); return memoized; } memoize.Cache = MapCache; module.exports = memoize; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_memoizeCapped.js var require_memoizeCapped = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_memoizeCapped.js"(exports, module) { var memoize = require_memoize(); var MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE = 500; function memoizeCapped(func) { var result = memoize(func, function(key) { if (cache2.size === MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE) { cache2.clear(); } return key; }); var cache2 = result.cache; return result; } module.exports = memoizeCapped; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stringToPath.js var require_stringToPath = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stringToPath.js"(exports, module) { var memoizeCapped = require_memoizeCapped(); var rePropName = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g; var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g; var stringToPath = memoizeCapped(function(string2) { var result = []; if (string2.charCodeAt(0) === 46) { result.push(""); } string2.replace(rePropName, function(match2, number2, quote, subString) { result.push(quote ? subString.replace(reEscapeChar, "$1") : number2 || match2); }); return result; }); module.exports = stringToPath; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayMap.js var require_arrayMap = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayMap.js"(exports, module) { function arrayMap(array2, iteratee) { var index = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length, result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = iteratee(array2[index], index, array2); } return result; } module.exports = arrayMap; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseToString.js var require_baseToString = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseToString.js"(exports, module) { var Symbol2 = require_Symbol(); var arrayMap = require_arrayMap(); var isArray = require_isArray(); var isSymbol = require_isSymbol(); var INFINITY = 1 / 0; var symbolProto = Symbol2 ? Symbol2.prototype : void 0; var symbolToString2 = symbolProto ? symbolProto.toString : void 0; function baseToString(value) { if (typeof value == "string") { return value; } if (isArray(value)) { return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + ""; } if (isSymbol(value)) { return symbolToString2 ? : ""; } var result = value + ""; return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY ? "-0" : result; } module.exports = baseToString; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/toString.js var require_toString = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/toString.js"(exports, module) { var baseToString = require_baseToString(); function toString2(value) { return value == null ? "" : baseToString(value); } module.exports = toString2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_castPath.js var require_castPath = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_castPath.js"(exports, module) { var isArray = require_isArray(); var isKey = require_isKey(); var stringToPath = require_stringToPath(); var toString2 = require_toString(); function castPath(value, object2) { if (isArray(value)) { return value; } return isKey(value, object2) ? [value] : stringToPath(toString2(value)); } module.exports = castPath; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsArguments.js var require_baseIsArguments = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsArguments.js"(exports, module) { var baseGetTag = require_baseGetTag(); var isObjectLike = require_isObjectLike(); var argsTag = "[object Arguments]"; function baseIsArguments(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == argsTag; } module.exports = baseIsArguments; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isArguments.js var require_isArguments = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isArguments.js"(exports, module) { var baseIsArguments = require_baseIsArguments(); var isObjectLike = require_isObjectLike(); var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; var propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable; var isArguments = baseIsArguments(function() { return arguments; }()) ? baseIsArguments : function(value) { return isObjectLike(value) &&, "callee") && !, "callee"); }; module.exports = isArguments; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isIndex.js var require_isIndex = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isIndex.js"(exports, module) { var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991; var reIsUint = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; function isIndex(value, length) { var type = typeof value; length = length == null ? MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : length; return !!length && (type == "number" || type != "symbol" && reIsUint.test(value)) && (value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value < length); } module.exports = isIndex; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isLength.js var require_isLength = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isLength.js"(exports, module) { var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991; function isLength(value) { return typeof value == "number" && value > -1 && value % 1 == 0 && value <= MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } module.exports = isLength; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_toKey.js var require_toKey = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_toKey.js"(exports, module) { var isSymbol = require_isSymbol(); var INFINITY = 1 / 0; function toKey(value) { if (typeof value == "string" || isSymbol(value)) { return value; } var result = value + ""; return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY ? "-0" : result; } module.exports = toKey; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hasPath.js var require_hasPath = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hasPath.js"(exports, module) { var castPath = require_castPath(); var isArguments = require_isArguments(); var isArray = require_isArray(); var isIndex = require_isIndex(); var isLength = require_isLength(); var toKey = require_toKey(); function hasPath(object2, path, hasFunc) { path = castPath(path, object2); var index = -1, length = path.length, result = false; while (++index < length) { var key = toKey(path[index]); if (!(result = object2 != null && hasFunc(object2, key))) { break; } object2 = object2[key]; } if (result || ++index != length) { return result; } length = object2 == null ? 0 : object2.length; return !!length && isLength(length) && isIndex(key, length) && (isArray(object2) || isArguments(object2)); } module.exports = hasPath; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/has.js var require_has = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/has.js"(exports, module) { var baseHas = require_baseHas(); var hasPath = require_hasPath(); function has4(object2, path) { return object2 != null && hasPath(object2, path, baseHas); } module.exports = has4; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_defineProperty.js var require_defineProperty = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_defineProperty.js"(exports, module) { var getNative = require_getNative(); var defineProperty = function() { try { var func = getNative(Object, "defineProperty"); func({}, "", {}); return func; } catch (e4) { } }(); module.exports = defineProperty; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseAssignValue.js var require_baseAssignValue = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseAssignValue.js"(exports, module) { var defineProperty = require_defineProperty(); function baseAssignValue(object2, key, value) { if (key == "__proto__" && defineProperty) { defineProperty(object2, key, { "configurable": true, "enumerable": true, "value": value, "writable": true }); } else { object2[key] = value; } } module.exports = baseAssignValue; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_createBaseFor.js var require_createBaseFor = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_createBaseFor.js"(exports, module) { function createBaseFor(fromRight) { return function(object2, iteratee, keysFunc) { var index = -1, iterable = Object(object2), props = keysFunc(object2), length = props.length; while (length--) { var key = props[fromRight ? length : ++index]; if (iteratee(iterable[key], key, iterable) === false) { break; } } return object2; }; } module.exports = createBaseFor; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseFor.js var require_baseFor = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseFor.js"(exports, module) { var createBaseFor = require_createBaseFor(); var baseFor = createBaseFor(); module.exports = baseFor; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseTimes.js var require_baseTimes = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseTimes.js"(exports, module) { function baseTimes(n2, iteratee) { var index = -1, result = Array(n2); while (++index < n2) { result[index] = iteratee(index); } return result; } module.exports = baseTimes; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/stubFalse.js var require_stubFalse = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/stubFalse.js"(exports, module) { function stubFalse() { return false; } module.exports = stubFalse; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isBuffer.js var require_isBuffer = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isBuffer.js"(exports, module) { var root = require_root(); var stubFalse = require_stubFalse(); var freeExports = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; var freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module; var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports; var Buffer2 = moduleExports ? root.Buffer : void 0; var nativeIsBuffer = Buffer2 ? Buffer2.isBuffer : void 0; var isBuffer = nativeIsBuffer || stubFalse; module.exports = isBuffer; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsTypedArray.js var require_baseIsTypedArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsTypedArray.js"(exports, module) { var baseGetTag = require_baseGetTag(); var isLength = require_isLength(); var isObjectLike = require_isObjectLike(); var argsTag = "[object Arguments]"; var arrayTag = "[object Array]"; var boolTag = "[object Boolean]"; var dateTag = "[object Date]"; var errorTag = "[object Error]"; var funcTag = "[object Function]"; var mapTag = "[object Map]"; var numberTag = "[object Number]"; var objectTag = "[object Object]"; var regexpTag = "[object RegExp]"; var setTag = "[object Set]"; var stringTag = "[object String]"; var weakMapTag = "[object WeakMap]"; var arrayBufferTag = "[object ArrayBuffer]"; var dataViewTag = "[object DataView]"; var float32Tag = "[object Float32Array]"; var float64Tag = "[object Float64Array]"; var int8Tag = "[object Int8Array]"; var int16Tag = "[object Int16Array]"; var int32Tag = "[object Int32Array]"; var uint8Tag = "[object Uint8Array]"; var uint8ClampedTag = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]"; var uint16Tag = "[object Uint16Array]"; var uint32Tag = "[object Uint32Array]"; var typedArrayTags = {}; typedArrayTags[float32Tag] = typedArrayTags[float64Tag] = typedArrayTags[int8Tag] = typedArrayTags[int16Tag] = typedArrayTags[int32Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint8ClampedTag] = typedArrayTags[uint16Tag] = typedArrayTags[uint32Tag] = true; typedArrayTags[argsTag] = typedArrayTags[arrayTag] = typedArrayTags[arrayBufferTag] = typedArrayTags[boolTag] = typedArrayTags[dataViewTag] = typedArrayTags[dateTag] = typedArrayTags[errorTag] = typedArrayTags[funcTag] = typedArrayTags[mapTag] = typedArrayTags[numberTag] = typedArrayTags[objectTag] = typedArrayTags[regexpTag] = typedArrayTags[setTag] = typedArrayTags[stringTag] = typedArrayTags[weakMapTag] = false; function baseIsTypedArray(value) { return isObjectLike(value) && isLength(value.length) && !!typedArrayTags[baseGetTag(value)]; } module.exports = baseIsTypedArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseUnary.js var require_baseUnary = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseUnary.js"(exports, module) { function baseUnary(func) { return function(value) { return func(value); }; } module.exports = baseUnary; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_nodeUtil.js var require_nodeUtil = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_nodeUtil.js"(exports, module) { var freeGlobal = require_freeGlobal(); var freeExports = typeof exports == "object" && exports && !exports.nodeType && exports; var freeModule = freeExports && typeof module == "object" && module && !module.nodeType && module; var moduleExports = freeModule && freeModule.exports === freeExports; var freeProcess = moduleExports && freeGlobal.process; var nodeUtil = function() { try { var types = freeModule && freeModule.require && freeModule.require("util").types; if (types) { return types; } return freeProcess && freeProcess.binding && freeProcess.binding("util"); } catch (e4) { } }(); module.exports = nodeUtil; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isTypedArray.js var require_isTypedArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isTypedArray.js"(exports, module) { var baseIsTypedArray = require_baseIsTypedArray(); var baseUnary = require_baseUnary(); var nodeUtil = require_nodeUtil(); var nodeIsTypedArray = nodeUtil && nodeUtil.isTypedArray; var isTypedArray = nodeIsTypedArray ? baseUnary(nodeIsTypedArray) : baseIsTypedArray; module.exports = isTypedArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayLikeKeys.js var require_arrayLikeKeys = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayLikeKeys.js"(exports, module) { var baseTimes = require_baseTimes(); var isArguments = require_isArguments(); var isArray = require_isArray(); var isBuffer = require_isBuffer(); var isIndex = require_isIndex(); var isTypedArray = require_isTypedArray(); var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function arrayLikeKeys(value, inherited) { var isArr = isArray(value), isArg = !isArr && isArguments(value), isBuff = !isArr && !isArg && isBuffer(value), isType = !isArr && !isArg && !isBuff && isTypedArray(value), skipIndexes = isArr || isArg || isBuff || isType, result = skipIndexes ? baseTimes(value.length, String) : [], length = result.length; for (var key in value) { if ((inherited ||, key)) && !(skipIndexes && // Safari 9 has enumerable `arguments.length` in strict mode. (key == "length" || // Node.js 0.10 has enumerable non-index properties on buffers. isBuff && (key == "offset" || key == "parent") || // PhantomJS 2 has enumerable non-index properties on typed arrays. isType && (key == "buffer" || key == "byteLength" || key == "byteOffset") || // Skip index properties. isIndex(key, length)))) { result.push(key); } } return result; } module.exports = arrayLikeKeys; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isPrototype.js var require_isPrototype = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isPrototype.js"(exports, module) { var objectProto = Object.prototype; function isPrototype(value) { var Ctor = value && value.constructor, proto = typeof Ctor == "function" && Ctor.prototype || objectProto; return value === proto; } module.exports = isPrototype; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_overArg.js var require_overArg = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_overArg.js"(exports, module) { function overArg(func, transform) { return function(arg) { return func(transform(arg)); }; } module.exports = overArg; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_nativeKeys.js var require_nativeKeys = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_nativeKeys.js"(exports, module) { var overArg = require_overArg(); var nativeKeys = overArg(Object.keys, Object); module.exports = nativeKeys; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseKeys.js var require_baseKeys = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseKeys.js"(exports, module) { var isPrototype = require_isPrototype(); var nativeKeys = require_nativeKeys(); var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function baseKeys(object2) { if (!isPrototype(object2)) { return nativeKeys(object2); } var result = []; for (var key in Object(object2)) { if (, key) && key != "constructor") { result.push(key); } } return result; } module.exports = baseKeys; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isArrayLike.js var require_isArrayLike = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/isArrayLike.js"(exports, module) { var isFunction2 = require_isFunction(); var isLength = require_isLength(); function isArrayLike(value) { return value != null && isLength(value.length) && !isFunction2(value); } module.exports = isArrayLike; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/keys.js var require_keys = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/keys.js"(exports, module) { var arrayLikeKeys = require_arrayLikeKeys(); var baseKeys = require_baseKeys(); var isArrayLike = require_isArrayLike(); function keys(object2) { return isArrayLike(object2) ? arrayLikeKeys(object2) : baseKeys(object2); } module.exports = keys; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseForOwn.js var require_baseForOwn = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseForOwn.js"(exports, module) { var baseFor = require_baseFor(); var keys = require_keys(); function baseForOwn(object2, iteratee) { return object2 && baseFor(object2, iteratee, keys); } module.exports = baseForOwn; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackClear.js var require_stackClear = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackClear.js"(exports, module) { var ListCache = require_ListCache(); function stackClear() { this.__data__ = new ListCache(); this.size = 0; } module.exports = stackClear; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackDelete.js var require_stackDelete = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackDelete.js"(exports, module) { function stackDelete(key) { var data = this.__data__, result = data["delete"](key); this.size = data.size; return result; } module.exports = stackDelete; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackGet.js var require_stackGet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackGet.js"(exports, module) { function stackGet(key) { return this.__data__.get(key); } module.exports = stackGet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackHas.js var require_stackHas = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackHas.js"(exports, module) { function stackHas(key) { return this.__data__.has(key); } module.exports = stackHas; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackSet.js var require_stackSet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stackSet.js"(exports, module) { var ListCache = require_ListCache(); var Map2 = require_Map(); var MapCache = require_MapCache(); var LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE = 200; function stackSet(key, value) { var data = this.__data__; if (data instanceof ListCache) { var pairs = data.__data__; if (!Map2 || pairs.length < LARGE_ARRAY_SIZE - 1) { pairs.push([key, value]); this.size = ++data.size; return this; } data = this.__data__ = new MapCache(pairs); } data.set(key, value); this.size = data.size; return this; } module.exports = stackSet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Stack.js var require_Stack = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Stack.js"(exports, module) { var ListCache = require_ListCache(); var stackClear = require_stackClear(); var stackDelete = require_stackDelete(); var stackGet = require_stackGet(); var stackHas = require_stackHas(); var stackSet = require_stackSet(); function Stack(entries) { var data = this.__data__ = new ListCache(entries); this.size = data.size; } Stack.prototype.clear = stackClear; Stack.prototype["delete"] = stackDelete; Stack.prototype.get = stackGet; Stack.prototype.has = stackHas; Stack.prototype.set = stackSet; module.exports = Stack; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_setCacheAdd.js var require_setCacheAdd = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_setCacheAdd.js"(exports, module) { var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"; function setCacheAdd(value) { this.__data__.set(value, HASH_UNDEFINED); return this; } module.exports = setCacheAdd; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_setCacheHas.js var require_setCacheHas = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_setCacheHas.js"(exports, module) { function setCacheHas(value) { return this.__data__.has(value); } module.exports = setCacheHas; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_SetCache.js var require_SetCache = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_SetCache.js"(exports, module) { var MapCache = require_MapCache(); var setCacheAdd = require_setCacheAdd(); var setCacheHas = require_setCacheHas(); function SetCache(values) { var index = -1, length = values == null ? 0 : values.length; this.__data__ = new MapCache(); while (++index < length) { this.add(values[index]); } } SetCache.prototype.add = SetCache.prototype.push = setCacheAdd; SetCache.prototype.has = setCacheHas; module.exports = SetCache; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arraySome.js var require_arraySome = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arraySome.js"(exports, module) { function arraySome(array2, predicate) { var index = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length; while (++index < length) { if (predicate(array2[index], index, array2)) { return true; } } return false; } module.exports = arraySome; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_cacheHas.js var require_cacheHas = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_cacheHas.js"(exports, module) { function cacheHas(cache2, key) { return cache2.has(key); } module.exports = cacheHas; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_equalArrays.js var require_equalArrays = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_equalArrays.js"(exports, module) { var SetCache = require_SetCache(); var arraySome = require_arraySome(); var cacheHas = require_cacheHas(); var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1; var COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2; function equalArrays(array2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG, arrLength = array2.length, othLength = other.length; if (arrLength != othLength && !(isPartial && othLength > arrLength)) { return false; } var arrStacked = stack.get(array2); var othStacked = stack.get(other); if (arrStacked && othStacked) { return arrStacked == other && othStacked == array2; } var index = -1, result = true, seen = bitmask & COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG ? new SetCache() : void 0; stack.set(array2, other); stack.set(other, array2); while (++index < arrLength) { var arrValue = array2[index], othValue = other[index]; if (customizer) { var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, arrValue, index, other, array2, stack) : customizer(arrValue, othValue, index, array2, other, stack); } if (compared !== void 0) { if (compared) { continue; } result = false; break; } if (seen) { if (!arraySome(other, function(othValue2, othIndex) { if (!cacheHas(seen, othIndex) && (arrValue === othValue2 || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue2, bitmask, customizer, stack))) { return seen.push(othIndex); } })) { result = false; break; } } else if (!(arrValue === othValue || equalFunc(arrValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack))) { result = false; break; } } stack["delete"](array2); stack["delete"](other); return result; } module.exports = equalArrays; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Uint8Array.js var require_Uint8Array = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Uint8Array.js"(exports, module) { var root = require_root(); var Uint8Array2 = root.Uint8Array; module.exports = Uint8Array2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapToArray.js var require_mapToArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_mapToArray.js"(exports, module) { function mapToArray(map3) { var index = -1, result = Array(map3.size); map3.forEach(function(value, key) { result[++index] = [key, value]; }); return result; } module.exports = mapToArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_setToArray.js var require_setToArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_setToArray.js"(exports, module) { function setToArray(set2) { var index = -1, result = Array(set2.size); set2.forEach(function(value) { result[++index] = value; }); return result; } module.exports = setToArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_equalByTag.js var require_equalByTag = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_equalByTag.js"(exports, module) { var Symbol2 = require_Symbol(); var Uint8Array2 = require_Uint8Array(); var eq = require_eq(); var equalArrays = require_equalArrays(); var mapToArray = require_mapToArray(); var setToArray = require_setToArray(); var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1; var COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2; var boolTag = "[object Boolean]"; var dateTag = "[object Date]"; var errorTag = "[object Error]"; var mapTag = "[object Map]"; var numberTag = "[object Number]"; var regexpTag = "[object RegExp]"; var setTag = "[object Set]"; var stringTag = "[object String]"; var symbolTag = "[object Symbol]"; var arrayBufferTag = "[object ArrayBuffer]"; var dataViewTag = "[object DataView]"; var symbolProto = Symbol2 ? Symbol2.prototype : void 0; var symbolValueOf = symbolProto ? symbolProto.valueOf : void 0; function equalByTag(object2, other, tag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { switch (tag) { case dataViewTag: if (object2.byteLength != other.byteLength || object2.byteOffset != other.byteOffset) { return false; } object2 = object2.buffer; other = other.buffer; case arrayBufferTag: if (object2.byteLength != other.byteLength || !equalFunc(new Uint8Array2(object2), new Uint8Array2(other))) { return false; } return true; case boolTag: case dateTag: case numberTag: return eq(+object2, +other); case errorTag: return == && object2.message == other.message; case regexpTag: case stringTag: return object2 == other + ""; case mapTag: var convert2 = mapToArray; case setTag: var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG; convert2 || (convert2 = setToArray); if (object2.size != other.size && !isPartial) { return false; } var stacked = stack.get(object2); if (stacked) { return stacked == other; } bitmask |= COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG; stack.set(object2, other); var result = equalArrays(convert2(object2), convert2(other), bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack); stack["delete"](object2); return result; case symbolTag: if (symbolValueOf) { return ==; } } return false; } module.exports = equalByTag; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayPush.js var require_arrayPush = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayPush.js"(exports, module) { function arrayPush(array2, values) { var index = -1, length = values.length, offset = array2.length; while (++index < length) { array2[offset + index] = values[index]; } return array2; } module.exports = arrayPush; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseGetAllKeys.js var require_baseGetAllKeys = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseGetAllKeys.js"(exports, module) { var arrayPush = require_arrayPush(); var isArray = require_isArray(); function baseGetAllKeys(object2, keysFunc, symbolsFunc) { var result = keysFunc(object2); return isArray(object2) ? result : arrayPush(result, symbolsFunc(object2)); } module.exports = baseGetAllKeys; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayFilter.js var require_arrayFilter = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayFilter.js"(exports, module) { function arrayFilter(array2, predicate) { var index = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length, resIndex = 0, result = []; while (++index < length) { var value = array2[index]; if (predicate(value, index, array2)) { result[resIndex++] = value; } } return result; } module.exports = arrayFilter; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/stubArray.js var require_stubArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/stubArray.js"(exports, module) { function stubArray() { return []; } module.exports = stubArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getSymbols.js var require_getSymbols = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getSymbols.js"(exports, module) { var arrayFilter = require_arrayFilter(); var stubArray = require_stubArray(); var objectProto = Object.prototype; var propertyIsEnumerable = objectProto.propertyIsEnumerable; var nativeGetSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; var getSymbols = !nativeGetSymbols ? stubArray : function(object2) { if (object2 == null) { return []; } object2 = Object(object2); return arrayFilter(nativeGetSymbols(object2), function(symbol) { return, symbol); }); }; module.exports = getSymbols; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getAllKeys.js var require_getAllKeys = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getAllKeys.js"(exports, module) { var baseGetAllKeys = require_baseGetAllKeys(); var getSymbols = require_getSymbols(); var keys = require_keys(); function getAllKeys(object2) { return baseGetAllKeys(object2, keys, getSymbols); } module.exports = getAllKeys; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_equalObjects.js var require_equalObjects = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_equalObjects.js"(exports, module) { var getAllKeys = require_getAllKeys(); var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1; var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function equalObjects(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { var isPartial = bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG, objProps = getAllKeys(object2), objLength = objProps.length, othProps = getAllKeys(other), othLength = othProps.length; if (objLength != othLength && !isPartial) { return false; } var index = objLength; while (index--) { var key = objProps[index]; if (!(isPartial ? key in other :, key))) { return false; } } var objStacked = stack.get(object2); var othStacked = stack.get(other); if (objStacked && othStacked) { return objStacked == other && othStacked == object2; } var result = true; stack.set(object2, other); stack.set(other, object2); var skipCtor = isPartial; while (++index < objLength) { key = objProps[index]; var objValue = object2[key], othValue = other[key]; if (customizer) { var compared = isPartial ? customizer(othValue, objValue, key, other, object2, stack) : customizer(objValue, othValue, key, object2, other, stack); } if (!(compared === void 0 ? objValue === othValue || equalFunc(objValue, othValue, bitmask, customizer, stack) : compared)) { result = false; break; } skipCtor || (skipCtor = key == "constructor"); } if (result && !skipCtor) { var objCtor = object2.constructor, othCtor = other.constructor; if (objCtor != othCtor && ("constructor" in object2 && "constructor" in other) && !(typeof objCtor == "function" && objCtor instanceof objCtor && typeof othCtor == "function" && othCtor instanceof othCtor)) { result = false; } } stack["delete"](object2); stack["delete"](other); return result; } module.exports = equalObjects; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_DataView.js var require_DataView = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_DataView.js"(exports, module) { var getNative = require_getNative(); var root = require_root(); var DataView2 = getNative(root, "DataView"); module.exports = DataView2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Promise.js var require_Promise = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Promise.js"(exports, module) { var getNative = require_getNative(); var root = require_root(); var Promise2 = getNative(root, "Promise"); module.exports = Promise2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Set.js var require_Set = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_Set.js"(exports, module) { var getNative = require_getNative(); var root = require_root(); var Set2 = getNative(root, "Set"); module.exports = Set2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_WeakMap.js var require_WeakMap = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_WeakMap.js"(exports, module) { var getNative = require_getNative(); var root = require_root(); var WeakMap2 = getNative(root, "WeakMap"); module.exports = WeakMap2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getTag.js var require_getTag = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getTag.js"(exports, module) { var DataView2 = require_DataView(); var Map2 = require_Map(); var Promise2 = require_Promise(); var Set2 = require_Set(); var WeakMap2 = require_WeakMap(); var baseGetTag = require_baseGetTag(); var toSource = require_toSource(); var mapTag = "[object Map]"; var objectTag = "[object Object]"; var promiseTag = "[object Promise]"; var setTag = "[object Set]"; var weakMapTag = "[object WeakMap]"; var dataViewTag = "[object DataView]"; var dataViewCtorString = toSource(DataView2); var mapCtorString = toSource(Map2); var promiseCtorString = toSource(Promise2); var setCtorString = toSource(Set2); var weakMapCtorString = toSource(WeakMap2); var getTag = baseGetTag; if (DataView2 && getTag(new DataView2(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != dataViewTag || Map2 && getTag(new Map2()) != mapTag || Promise2 && getTag(Promise2.resolve()) != promiseTag || Set2 && getTag(new Set2()) != setTag || WeakMap2 && getTag(new WeakMap2()) != weakMapTag) { getTag = function(value) { var result = baseGetTag(value), Ctor = result == objectTag ? value.constructor : void 0, ctorString = Ctor ? toSource(Ctor) : ""; if (ctorString) { switch (ctorString) { case dataViewCtorString: return dataViewTag; case mapCtorString: return mapTag; case promiseCtorString: return promiseTag; case setCtorString: return setTag; case weakMapCtorString: return weakMapTag; } } return result; }; } module.exports = getTag; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsEqualDeep.js var require_baseIsEqualDeep = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsEqualDeep.js"(exports, module) { var Stack = require_Stack(); var equalArrays = require_equalArrays(); var equalByTag = require_equalByTag(); var equalObjects = require_equalObjects(); var getTag = require_getTag(); var isArray = require_isArray(); var isBuffer = require_isBuffer(); var isTypedArray = require_isTypedArray(); var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1; var argsTag = "[object Arguments]"; var arrayTag = "[object Array]"; var objectTag = "[object Object]"; var objectProto = Object.prototype; var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty; function baseIsEqualDeep(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) { var objIsArr = isArray(object2), othIsArr = isArray(other), objTag = objIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(object2), othTag = othIsArr ? arrayTag : getTag(other); objTag = objTag == argsTag ? objectTag : objTag; othTag = othTag == argsTag ? objectTag : othTag; var objIsObj = objTag == objectTag, othIsObj = othTag == objectTag, isSameTag = objTag == othTag; if (isSameTag && isBuffer(object2)) { if (!isBuffer(other)) { return false; } objIsArr = true; objIsObj = false; } if (isSameTag && !objIsObj) { stack || (stack = new Stack()); return objIsArr || isTypedArray(object2) ? equalArrays(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack) : equalByTag(object2, other, objTag, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack); } if (!(bitmask & COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG)) { var objIsWrapped = objIsObj &&, "__wrapped__"), othIsWrapped = othIsObj &&, "__wrapped__"); if (objIsWrapped || othIsWrapped) { var objUnwrapped = objIsWrapped ? object2.value() : object2, othUnwrapped = othIsWrapped ? other.value() : other; stack || (stack = new Stack()); return equalFunc(objUnwrapped, othUnwrapped, bitmask, customizer, stack); } } if (!isSameTag) { return false; } stack || (stack = new Stack()); return equalObjects(object2, other, bitmask, customizer, equalFunc, stack); } module.exports = baseIsEqualDeep; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsEqual.js var require_baseIsEqual = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsEqual.js"(exports, module) { var baseIsEqualDeep = require_baseIsEqualDeep(); var isObjectLike = require_isObjectLike(); function baseIsEqual(value, other, bitmask, customizer, stack) { if (value === other) { return true; } if (value == null || other == null || !isObjectLike(value) && !isObjectLike(other)) { return value !== value && other !== other; } return baseIsEqualDeep(value, other, bitmask, customizer, baseIsEqual, stack); } module.exports = baseIsEqual; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsMatch.js var require_baseIsMatch = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIsMatch.js"(exports, module) { var Stack = require_Stack(); var baseIsEqual = require_baseIsEqual(); var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1; var COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2; function baseIsMatch(object2, source, matchData, customizer) { var index = matchData.length, length = index, noCustomizer = !customizer; if (object2 == null) { return !length; } object2 = Object(object2); while (index--) { var data = matchData[index]; if (noCustomizer && data[2] ? data[1] !== object2[data[0]] : !(data[0] in object2)) { return false; } } while (++index < length) { data = matchData[index]; var key = data[0], objValue = object2[key], srcValue = data[1]; if (noCustomizer && data[2]) { if (objValue === void 0 && !(key in object2)) { return false; } } else { var stack = new Stack(); if (customizer) { var result = customizer(objValue, srcValue, key, object2, source, stack); } if (!(result === void 0 ? baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG, customizer, stack) : result)) { return false; } } } return true; } module.exports = baseIsMatch; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isStrictComparable.js var require_isStrictComparable = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_isStrictComparable.js"(exports, module) { var isObject2 = require_isObject(); function isStrictComparable(value) { return value === value && !isObject2(value); } module.exports = isStrictComparable; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getMatchData.js var require_getMatchData = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_getMatchData.js"(exports, module) { var isStrictComparable = require_isStrictComparable(); var keys = require_keys(); function getMatchData(object2) { var result = keys(object2), length = result.length; while (length--) { var key = result[length], value = object2[key]; result[length] = [key, value, isStrictComparable(value)]; } return result; } module.exports = getMatchData; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_matchesStrictComparable.js var require_matchesStrictComparable = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_matchesStrictComparable.js"(exports, module) { function matchesStrictComparable(key, srcValue) { return function(object2) { if (object2 == null) { return false; } return object2[key] === srcValue && (srcValue !== void 0 || key in Object(object2)); }; } module.exports = matchesStrictComparable; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseMatches.js var require_baseMatches = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseMatches.js"(exports, module) { var baseIsMatch = require_baseIsMatch(); var getMatchData = require_getMatchData(); var matchesStrictComparable = require_matchesStrictComparable(); function baseMatches(source) { var matchData = getMatchData(source); if (matchData.length == 1 && matchData[0][2]) { return matchesStrictComparable(matchData[0][0], matchData[0][1]); } return function(object2) { return object2 === source || baseIsMatch(object2, source, matchData); }; } module.exports = baseMatches; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseGet.js var require_baseGet = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseGet.js"(exports, module) { var castPath = require_castPath(); var toKey = require_toKey(); function baseGet(object2, path) { path = castPath(path, object2); var index = 0, length = path.length; while (object2 != null && index < length) { object2 = object2[toKey(path[index++])]; } return index && index == length ? object2 : void 0; } module.exports = baseGet; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/get.js var require_get = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/get.js"(exports, module) { var baseGet = require_baseGet(); function get(object2, path, defaultValue) { var result = object2 == null ? void 0 : baseGet(object2, path); return result === void 0 ? defaultValue : result; } module.exports = get; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseHasIn.js var require_baseHasIn = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseHasIn.js"(exports, module) { function baseHasIn(object2, key) { return object2 != null && key in Object(object2); } module.exports = baseHasIn; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/hasIn.js var require_hasIn = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/hasIn.js"(exports, module) { var baseHasIn = require_baseHasIn(); var hasPath = require_hasPath(); function hasIn(object2, path) { return object2 != null && hasPath(object2, path, baseHasIn); } module.exports = hasIn; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseMatchesProperty.js var require_baseMatchesProperty = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseMatchesProperty.js"(exports, module) { var baseIsEqual = require_baseIsEqual(); var get = require_get(); var hasIn = require_hasIn(); var isKey = require_isKey(); var isStrictComparable = require_isStrictComparable(); var matchesStrictComparable = require_matchesStrictComparable(); var toKey = require_toKey(); var COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG = 1; var COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG = 2; function baseMatchesProperty(path, srcValue) { if (isKey(path) && isStrictComparable(srcValue)) { return matchesStrictComparable(toKey(path), srcValue); } return function(object2) { var objValue = get(object2, path); return objValue === void 0 && objValue === srcValue ? hasIn(object2, path) : baseIsEqual(srcValue, objValue, COMPARE_PARTIAL_FLAG | COMPARE_UNORDERED_FLAG); }; } module.exports = baseMatchesProperty; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/identity.js var require_identity = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/identity.js"(exports, module) { function identity(value) { return value; } module.exports = identity; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseProperty.js var require_baseProperty = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseProperty.js"(exports, module) { function baseProperty(key) { return function(object2) { return object2 == null ? void 0 : object2[key]; }; } module.exports = baseProperty; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_basePropertyDeep.js var require_basePropertyDeep = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_basePropertyDeep.js"(exports, module) { var baseGet = require_baseGet(); function basePropertyDeep(path) { return function(object2) { return baseGet(object2, path); }; } module.exports = basePropertyDeep; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/property.js var require_property = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/property.js"(exports, module) { var baseProperty = require_baseProperty(); var basePropertyDeep = require_basePropertyDeep(); var isKey = require_isKey(); var toKey = require_toKey(); function property(path) { return isKey(path) ? baseProperty(toKey(path)) : basePropertyDeep(path); } module.exports = property; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIteratee.js var require_baseIteratee = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseIteratee.js"(exports, module) { var baseMatches = require_baseMatches(); var baseMatchesProperty = require_baseMatchesProperty(); var identity = require_identity(); var isArray = require_isArray(); var property = require_property(); function baseIteratee(value) { if (typeof value == "function") { return value; } if (value == null) { return identity; } if (typeof value == "object") { return isArray(value) ? baseMatchesProperty(value[0], value[1]) : baseMatches(value); } return property(value); } module.exports = baseIteratee; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/mapValues.js var require_mapValues = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/mapValues.js"(exports, module) { var baseAssignValue = require_baseAssignValue(); var baseForOwn = require_baseForOwn(); var baseIteratee = require_baseIteratee(); function mapValues3(object2, iteratee) { var result = {}; iteratee = baseIteratee(iteratee, 3); baseForOwn(object2, function(value, key, object3) { baseAssignValue(result, key, iteratee(value, key, object3)); }); return result; } module.exports = mapValues3; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/property-expr@2.0.5/node_modules/property-expr/index.js var require_property_expr = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/property-expr@2.0.5/node_modules/property-expr/index.js"(exports, module) { "use strict"; function Cache(maxSize) { this._maxSize = maxSize; this.clear(); } Cache.prototype.clear = function() { this._size = 0; this._values = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); }; Cache.prototype.get = function(key) { return this._values[key]; }; Cache.prototype.set = function(key, value) { this._size >= this._maxSize && this.clear(); if (!(key in this._values)) this._size++; return this._values[key] = value; }; var SPLIT_REGEX = /[^.^\]^[]+|(?=\[\]|\.\.)/g; var DIGIT_REGEX = /^\d+$/; var LEAD_DIGIT_REGEX = /^\d/; var SPEC_CHAR_REGEX = /[~`!#$%\^&*+=\-\[\]\\';,/{}|\\":<>\?]/g; var CLEAN_QUOTES_REGEX = /^\s*(['"]?)(.*?)(\1)\s*$/; var MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 512; var pathCache = new Cache(MAX_CACHE_SIZE); var setCache = new Cache(MAX_CACHE_SIZE); var getCache = new Cache(MAX_CACHE_SIZE); module.exports = { Cache, split: split2, normalizePath, setter: function(path) { var parts = normalizePath(path); return setCache.get(path) || setCache.set(path, function setter(obj, value) { var index = 0; var len = parts.length; var data = obj; while (index < len - 1) { var part = parts[index]; if (part === "__proto__" || part === "constructor" || part === "prototype") { return obj; } data = data[parts[index++]]; } data[parts[index]] = value; }); }, getter: function(path, safe) { var parts = normalizePath(path); return getCache.get(path) || getCache.set(path, function getter3(data) { var index = 0, len = parts.length; while (index < len) { if (data != null || !safe) data = data[parts[index++]]; else return; } return data; }); }, join: function(segments) { return segments.reduce(function(path, part) { return path + (isQuoted(part) || DIGIT_REGEX.test(part) ? "[" + part + "]" : (path ? "." : "") + part); }, ""); }, forEach: function(path, cb, thisArg) { forEach2(Array.isArray(path) ? path : split2(path), cb, thisArg); } }; function normalizePath(path) { return pathCache.get(path) || pathCache.set( path, split2(path).map(function(part) { return part.replace(CLEAN_QUOTES_REGEX, "$2"); }) ); } function split2(path) { return path.match(SPLIT_REGEX) || [""]; } function forEach2(parts, iter, thisArg) { var len = parts.length, part, idx, isArray, isBracket; for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { part = parts[idx]; if (part) { if (shouldBeQuoted(part)) { part = '"' + part + '"'; } isBracket = isQuoted(part); isArray = !isBracket && /^\d+$/.test(part);, part, isBracket, isArray, idx, parts); } } } function isQuoted(str) { return typeof str === "string" && str && ["'", '"'].indexOf(str.charAt(0)) !== -1; } function hasLeadingNumber(part) { return part.match(LEAD_DIGIT_REGEX) && !part.match(DIGIT_REGEX); } function hasSpecialChars(part) { return SPEC_CHAR_REGEX.test(part); } function shouldBeQuoted(part) { return !isQuoted(part) && (hasLeadingNumber(part) || hasSpecialChars(part)); } } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayReduce.js var require_arrayReduce = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_arrayReduce.js"(exports, module) { function arrayReduce(array2, iteratee, accumulator, initAccum) { var index = -1, length = array2 == null ? 0 : array2.length; if (initAccum && length) { accumulator = array2[++index]; } while (++index < length) { accumulator = iteratee(accumulator, array2[index], index, array2); } return accumulator; } module.exports = arrayReduce; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_basePropertyOf.js var require_basePropertyOf = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_basePropertyOf.js"(exports, module) { function basePropertyOf(object2) { return function(key) { return object2 == null ? void 0 : object2[key]; }; } module.exports = basePropertyOf; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_deburrLetter.js var require_deburrLetter = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_deburrLetter.js"(exports, module) { var basePropertyOf = require_basePropertyOf(); var deburredLetters = { // Latin-1 Supplement block. "\xC0": "A", "\xC1": "A", "\xC2": "A", "\xC3": "A", "\xC4": "A", "\xC5": "A", "\xE0": "a", "\xE1": "a", "\xE2": "a", "\xE3": "a", "\xE4": "a", "\xE5": "a", "\xC7": "C", "\xE7": "c", "\xD0": "D", "\xF0": "d", "\xC8": "E", "\xC9": "E", "\xCA": "E", "\xCB": "E", "\xE8": "e", "\xE9": "e", "\xEA": "e", "\xEB": "e", "\xCC": "I", "\xCD": "I", "\xCE": "I", "\xCF": "I", "\xEC": "i", "\xED": "i", "\xEE": "i", "\xEF": "i", "\xD1": "N", "\xF1": "n", "\xD2": "O", "\xD3": "O", "\xD4": "O", "\xD5": "O", "\xD6": "O", "\xD8": "O", "\xF2": "o", "\xF3": "o", "\xF4": "o", "\xF5": "o", "\xF6": "o", "\xF8": "o", "\xD9": "U", "\xDA": "U", "\xDB": "U", "\xDC": "U", "\xF9": "u", "\xFA": "u", "\xFB": "u", "\xFC": "u", "\xDD": "Y", "\xFD": "y", "\xFF": "y", "\xC6": "Ae", "\xE6": "ae", "\xDE": "Th", "\xFE": "th", "\xDF": "ss", // Latin Extended-A block. "\u0100": "A", "\u0102": "A", "\u0104": "A", "\u0101": "a", "\u0103": "a", "\u0105": "a", "\u0106": "C", "\u0108": "C", "\u010A": "C", "\u010C": "C", "\u0107": "c", "\u0109": "c", "\u010B": "c", "\u010D": "c", "\u010E": "D", "\u0110": "D", "\u010F": "d", "\u0111": "d", "\u0112": "E", "\u0114": "E", "\u0116": "E", "\u0118": "E", "\u011A": "E", "\u0113": "e", "\u0115": "e", "\u0117": "e", "\u0119": "e", "\u011B": "e", "\u011C": "G", "\u011E": "G", "\u0120": "G", "\u0122": "G", "\u011D": "g", "\u011F": "g", "\u0121": "g", "\u0123": "g", "\u0124": "H", "\u0126": "H", "\u0125": "h", "\u0127": "h", "\u0128": "I", "\u012A": "I", "\u012C": "I", "\u012E": "I", "\u0130": "I", "\u0129": "i", "\u012B": "i", "\u012D": "i", "\u012F": "i", "\u0131": "i", "\u0134": "J", "\u0135": "j", "\u0136": "K", "\u0137": "k", "\u0138": "k", "\u0139": "L", "\u013B": "L", "\u013D": "L", "\u013F": "L", "\u0141": "L", "\u013A": "l", "\u013C": "l", "\u013E": "l", "\u0140": "l", "\u0142": "l", "\u0143": "N", "\u0145": "N", "\u0147": "N", "\u014A": "N", "\u0144": "n", "\u0146": "n", "\u0148": "n", "\u014B": "n", "\u014C": "O", "\u014E": "O", "\u0150": "O", "\u014D": "o", "\u014F": "o", "\u0151": "o", "\u0154": "R", "\u0156": "R", "\u0158": "R", "\u0155": "r", "\u0157": "r", "\u0159": "r", "\u015A": "S", "\u015C": "S", "\u015E": "S", "\u0160": "S", "\u015B": "s", "\u015D": "s", "\u015F": "s", "\u0161": "s", "\u0162": "T", "\u0164": "T", "\u0166": "T", "\u0163": "t", "\u0165": "t", "\u0167": "t", "\u0168": "U", "\u016A": "U", "\u016C": "U", "\u016E": "U", "\u0170": "U", "\u0172": "U", "\u0169": "u", "\u016B": "u", "\u016D": "u", "\u016F": "u", "\u0171": "u", "\u0173": "u", "\u0174": "W", "\u0175": "w", "\u0176": "Y", "\u0177": "y", "\u0178": "Y", "\u0179": "Z", "\u017B": "Z", "\u017D": "Z", "\u017A": "z", "\u017C": "z", "\u017E": "z", "\u0132": "IJ", "\u0133": "ij", "\u0152": "Oe", "\u0153": "oe", "\u0149": "'n", "\u017F": "s" }; var deburrLetter = basePropertyOf(deburredLetters); module.exports = deburrLetter; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/deburr.js var require_deburr = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/deburr.js"(exports, module) { var deburrLetter = require_deburrLetter(); var toString2 = require_toString(); var reLatin = /[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\xff\u0100-\u017f]/g; var rsComboMarksRange = "\\u0300-\\u036f"; var reComboHalfMarksRange = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f"; var rsComboSymbolsRange = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff"; var rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange; var rsCombo = "[" + rsComboRange + "]"; var reComboMark = RegExp(rsCombo, "g"); function deburr(string2) { string2 = toString2(string2); return string2 && string2.replace(reLatin, deburrLetter).replace(reComboMark, ""); } module.exports = deburr; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_asciiWords.js var require_asciiWords = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_asciiWords.js"(exports, module) { var reAsciiWord = /[^\x00-\x2f\x3a-\x40\x5b-\x60\x7b-\x7f]+/g; function asciiWords(string2) { return string2.match(reAsciiWord) || []; } module.exports = asciiWords; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hasUnicodeWord.js var require_hasUnicodeWord = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hasUnicodeWord.js"(exports, module) { var reHasUnicodeWord = /[a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z]{2}[a-z]|[0-9][a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][0-9]|[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/; function hasUnicodeWord(string2) { return reHasUnicodeWord.test(string2); } module.exports = hasUnicodeWord; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_unicodeWords.js var require_unicodeWords = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_unicodeWords.js"(exports, module) { var rsAstralRange = "\\ud800-\\udfff"; var rsComboMarksRange = "\\u0300-\\u036f"; var reComboHalfMarksRange = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f"; var rsComboSymbolsRange = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff"; var rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange; var rsDingbatRange = "\\u2700-\\u27bf"; var rsLowerRange = "a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff"; var rsMathOpRange = "\\xac\\xb1\\xd7\\xf7"; var rsNonCharRange = "\\x00-\\x2f\\x3a-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\xbf"; var rsPunctuationRange = "\\u2000-\\u206f"; var rsSpaceRange = " \\t\\x0b\\f\\xa0\\ufeff\\n\\r\\u2028\\u2029\\u1680\\u180e\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000"; var rsUpperRange = "A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde"; var rsVarRange = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f"; var rsBreakRange = rsMathOpRange + rsNonCharRange + rsPunctuationRange + rsSpaceRange; var rsApos = "['\u2019]"; var rsBreak = "[" + rsBreakRange + "]"; var rsCombo = "[" + rsComboRange + "]"; var rsDigits = "\\d+"; var rsDingbat = "[" + rsDingbatRange + "]"; var rsLower = "[" + rsLowerRange + "]"; var rsMisc = "[^" + rsAstralRange + rsBreakRange + rsDigits + rsDingbatRange + rsLowerRange + rsUpperRange + "]"; var rsFitz = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]"; var rsModifier = "(?:" + rsCombo + "|" + rsFitz + ")"; var rsNonAstral = "[^" + rsAstralRange + "]"; var rsRegional = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}"; var rsSurrPair = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]"; var rsUpper = "[" + rsUpperRange + "]"; var rsZWJ = "\\u200d"; var rsMiscLower = "(?:" + rsLower + "|" + rsMisc + ")"; var rsMiscUpper = "(?:" + rsUpper + "|" + rsMisc + ")"; var rsOptContrLower = "(?:" + rsApos + "(?:d|ll|m|re|s|t|ve))?"; var rsOptContrUpper = "(?:" + rsApos + "(?:D|LL|M|RE|S|T|VE))?"; var reOptMod = rsModifier + "?"; var rsOptVar = "[" + rsVarRange + "]?"; var rsOptJoin = "(?:" + rsZWJ + "(?:" + [rsNonAstral, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join("|") + ")" + rsOptVar + reOptMod + ")*"; var rsOrdLower = "\\d*(?:1st|2nd|3rd|(?![123])\\dth)(?=\\b|[A-Z_])"; var rsOrdUpper = "\\d*(?:1ST|2ND|3RD|(?![123])\\dTH)(?=\\b|[a-z_])"; var rsSeq = rsOptVar + reOptMod + rsOptJoin; var rsEmoji = "(?:" + [rsDingbat, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join("|") + ")" + rsSeq; var reUnicodeWord = RegExp([ rsUpper + "?" + rsLower + "+" + rsOptContrLower + "(?=" + [rsBreak, rsUpper, "$"].join("|") + ")", rsMiscUpper + "+" + rsOptContrUpper + "(?=" + [rsBreak, rsUpper + rsMiscLower, "$"].join("|") + ")", rsUpper + "?" + rsMiscLower + "+" + rsOptContrLower, rsUpper + "+" + rsOptContrUpper, rsOrdUpper, rsOrdLower, rsDigits, rsEmoji ].join("|"), "g"); function unicodeWords(string2) { return string2.match(reUnicodeWord) || []; } module.exports = unicodeWords; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/words.js var require_words = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/words.js"(exports, module) { var asciiWords = require_asciiWords(); var hasUnicodeWord = require_hasUnicodeWord(); var toString2 = require_toString(); var unicodeWords = require_unicodeWords(); function words(string2, pattern, guard) { string2 = toString2(string2); pattern = guard ? void 0 : pattern; if (pattern === void 0) { return hasUnicodeWord(string2) ? unicodeWords(string2) : asciiWords(string2); } return string2.match(pattern) || []; } module.exports = words; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_createCompounder.js var require_createCompounder = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_createCompounder.js"(exports, module) { var arrayReduce = require_arrayReduce(); var deburr = require_deburr(); var words = require_words(); var rsApos = "['\u2019]"; var reApos = RegExp(rsApos, "g"); function createCompounder(callback) { return function(string2) { return arrayReduce(words(deburr(string2).replace(reApos, "")), callback, ""); }; } module.exports = createCompounder; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/snakeCase.js var require_snakeCase = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/snakeCase.js"(exports, module) { var createCompounder = require_createCompounder(); var snakeCase2 = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { return result + (index ? "_" : "") + word.toLowerCase(); }); module.exports = snakeCase2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseSlice.js var require_baseSlice = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_baseSlice.js"(exports, module) { function baseSlice(array2, start, end) { var index = -1, length = array2.length; if (start < 0) { start = -start > length ? 0 : length + start; } end = end > length ? length : end; if (end < 0) { end += length; } length = start > end ? 0 : end - start >>> 0; start >>>= 0; var result = Array(length); while (++index < length) { result[index] = array2[index + start]; } return result; } module.exports = baseSlice; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_castSlice.js var require_castSlice = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_castSlice.js"(exports, module) { var baseSlice = require_baseSlice(); function castSlice(array2, start, end) { var length = array2.length; end = end === void 0 ? length : end; return !start && end >= length ? array2 : baseSlice(array2, start, end); } module.exports = castSlice; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hasUnicode.js var require_hasUnicode = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_hasUnicode.js"(exports, module) { var rsAstralRange = "\\ud800-\\udfff"; var rsComboMarksRange = "\\u0300-\\u036f"; var reComboHalfMarksRange = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f"; var rsComboSymbolsRange = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff"; var rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange; var rsVarRange = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f"; var rsZWJ = "\\u200d"; var reHasUnicode = RegExp("[" + rsZWJ + rsAstralRange + rsComboRange + rsVarRange + "]"); function hasUnicode(string2) { return reHasUnicode.test(string2); } module.exports = hasUnicode; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_asciiToArray.js var require_asciiToArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_asciiToArray.js"(exports, module) { function asciiToArray(string2) { return string2.split(""); } module.exports = asciiToArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_unicodeToArray.js var require_unicodeToArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_unicodeToArray.js"(exports, module) { var rsAstralRange = "\\ud800-\\udfff"; var rsComboMarksRange = "\\u0300-\\u036f"; var reComboHalfMarksRange = "\\ufe20-\\ufe2f"; var rsComboSymbolsRange = "\\u20d0-\\u20ff"; var rsComboRange = rsComboMarksRange + reComboHalfMarksRange + rsComboSymbolsRange; var rsVarRange = "\\ufe0e\\ufe0f"; var rsAstral = "[" + rsAstralRange + "]"; var rsCombo = "[" + rsComboRange + "]"; var rsFitz = "\\ud83c[\\udffb-\\udfff]"; var rsModifier = "(?:" + rsCombo + "|" + rsFitz + ")"; var rsNonAstral = "[^" + rsAstralRange + "]"; var rsRegional = "(?:\\ud83c[\\udde6-\\uddff]){2}"; var rsSurrPair = "[\\ud800-\\udbff][\\udc00-\\udfff]"; var rsZWJ = "\\u200d"; var reOptMod = rsModifier + "?"; var rsOptVar = "[" + rsVarRange + "]?"; var rsOptJoin = "(?:" + rsZWJ + "(?:" + [rsNonAstral, rsRegional, rsSurrPair].join("|") + ")" + rsOptVar + reOptMod + ")*"; var rsSeq = rsOptVar + reOptMod + rsOptJoin; var rsSymbol = "(?:" + [rsNonAstral + rsCombo + "?", rsCombo, rsRegional, rsSurrPair, rsAstral].join("|") + ")"; var reUnicode = RegExp(rsFitz + "(?=" + rsFitz + ")|" + rsSymbol + rsSeq, "g"); function unicodeToArray(string2) { return string2.match(reUnicode) || []; } module.exports = unicodeToArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stringToArray.js var require_stringToArray = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_stringToArray.js"(exports, module) { var asciiToArray = require_asciiToArray(); var hasUnicode = require_hasUnicode(); var unicodeToArray = require_unicodeToArray(); function stringToArray(string2) { return hasUnicode(string2) ? unicodeToArray(string2) : asciiToArray(string2); } module.exports = stringToArray; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_createCaseFirst.js var require_createCaseFirst = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/_createCaseFirst.js"(exports, module) { var castSlice = require_castSlice(); var hasUnicode = require_hasUnicode(); var stringToArray = require_stringToArray(); var toString2 = require_toString(); function createCaseFirst(methodName) { return function(string2) { string2 = toString2(string2); var strSymbols = hasUnicode(string2) ? stringToArray(string2) : void 0; var chr = strSymbols ? strSymbols[0] : string2.charAt(0); var trailing = strSymbols ? castSlice(strSymbols, 1).join("") : string2.slice(1); return chr[methodName]() + trailing; }; } module.exports = createCaseFirst; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/upperFirst.js var require_upperFirst = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/upperFirst.js"(exports, module) { var createCaseFirst = require_createCaseFirst(); var upperFirst = createCaseFirst("toUpperCase"); module.exports = upperFirst; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/capitalize.js var require_capitalize = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/capitalize.js"(exports, module) { var toString2 = require_toString(); var upperFirst = require_upperFirst(); function capitalize(string2) { return upperFirst(toString2(string2).toLowerCase()); } module.exports = capitalize; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/camelCase.js var require_camelCase = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/camelCase.js"(exports, module) { var capitalize = require_capitalize(); var createCompounder = require_createCompounder(); var camelCase2 = createCompounder(function(result, word, index) { word = word.toLowerCase(); return result + (index ? capitalize(word) : word); }); module.exports = camelCase2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/mapKeys.js var require_mapKeys = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/lodash@4.17.21/node_modules/lodash/mapKeys.js"(exports, module) { var baseAssignValue = require_baseAssignValue(); var baseForOwn = require_baseForOwn(); var baseIteratee = require_baseIteratee(); function mapKeys2(object2, iteratee) { var result = {}; iteratee = baseIteratee(iteratee, 3); baseForOwn(object2, function(value, key, object3) { baseAssignValue(result, iteratee(value, key, object3), value); }); return result; } module.exports = mapKeys2; } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/toposort@2.0.2/node_modules/toposort/index.js var require_toposort = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/toposort@2.0.2/node_modules/toposort/index.js"(exports, module) { module.exports = function(edges) { return toposort2(uniqueNodes(edges), edges); }; module.exports.array = toposort2; function toposort2(nodes, edges) { var cursor = nodes.length, sorted = new Array(cursor), visited = {}, i4 = cursor, outgoingEdges = makeOutgoingEdges(edges), nodesHash = makeNodesHash(nodes); edges.forEach(function(edge) { if (!nodesHash.has(edge[0]) || !nodesHash.has(edge[1])) { throw new Error("Unknown node. There is an unknown node in the supplied edges."); } }); while (i4--) { if (!visited[i4]) visit(nodes[i4], i4, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); } return sorted; function visit(node, i5, predecessors) { if (predecessors.has(node)) { var nodeRep; try { nodeRep = ", node was:" + JSON.stringify(node); } catch (e4) { nodeRep = ""; } throw new Error("Cyclic dependency" + nodeRep); } if (!nodesHash.has(node)) { throw new Error("Found unknown node. Make sure to provided all involved nodes. Unknown node: " + JSON.stringify(node)); } if (visited[i5]) return; visited[i5] = true; var outgoing = outgoingEdges.get(node) || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); outgoing = Array.from(outgoing); if (i5 = outgoing.length) { predecessors.add(node); do { var child = outgoing[--i5]; visit(child, nodesHash.get(child), predecessors); } while (i5); predecessors.delete(node); } sorted[--cursor] = node; } } function uniqueNodes(arr) { var res = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (var i4 = 0, len = arr.length; i4 < len; i4++) { var edge = arr[i4]; res.add(edge[0]); res.add(edge[1]); } return Array.from(res); } function makeOutgoingEdges(arr) { var edges = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (var i4 = 0, len = arr.length; i4 < len; i4++) { var edge = arr[i4]; if (!edges.has(edge[0])) edges.set(edge[0], /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); if (!edges.has(edge[1])) edges.set(edge[1], /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); edges.get(edge[0]).add(edge[1]); } return edges; } function makeNodesHash(arr) { var res = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (var i4 = 0, len = arr.length; i4 < len; i4++) { res.set(arr[i4], i4); } return res; } } }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/qrcode-generator@1.4.4/node_modules/qrcode-generator/qrcode.js var require_qrcode = __commonJS({ "../../node_modules/.pnpm/qrcode-generator@1.4.4/node_modules/qrcode-generator/qrcode.js"(exports, module) { var qrcode2 = function() { var qrcode3 = function(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel) { var PAD0 = 236; var PAD1 = 17; var _typeNumber = typeNumber; var _errorCorrectionLevel = QRErrorCorrectionLevel[errorCorrectionLevel]; var _modules = null; var _moduleCount = 0; var _dataCache = null; var _dataList = []; var _this = {}; var makeImpl = function(test, maskPattern) { _moduleCount = _typeNumber * 4 + 17; _modules = function(moduleCount) { var modules = new Array(moduleCount); for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { modules[row] = new Array(moduleCount); for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { modules[row][col] = null; } } return modules; }(_moduleCount); setupPositionProbePattern(0, 0); setupPositionProbePattern(_moduleCount - 7, 0); setupPositionProbePattern(0, _moduleCount - 7); setupPositionAdjustPattern(); setupTimingPattern(); setupTypeInfo(test, maskPattern); if (_typeNumber >= 7) { setupTypeNumber(test); } if (_dataCache == null) { _dataCache = createData(_typeNumber, _errorCorrectionLevel, _dataList); } mapData(_dataCache, maskPattern); }; var setupPositionProbePattern = function(row, col) { for (var r3 = -1; r3 <= 7; r3 += 1) { if (row + r3 <= -1 || _moduleCount <= row + r3) continue; for (var c4 = -1; c4 <= 7; c4 += 1) { if (col + c4 <= -1 || _moduleCount <= col + c4) continue; if (0 <= r3 && r3 <= 6 && (c4 == 0 || c4 == 6) || 0 <= c4 && c4 <= 6 && (r3 == 0 || r3 == 6) || 2 <= r3 && r3 <= 4 && 2 <= c4 && c4 <= 4) { _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = true; } else { _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = false; } } } }; var getBestMaskPattern = function() { var minLostPoint = 0; var pattern = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4 += 1) { makeImpl(true, i4); var lostPoint = QRUtil.getLostPoint(_this); if (i4 == 0 || minLostPoint > lostPoint) { minLostPoint = lostPoint; pattern = i4; } } return pattern; }; var setupTimingPattern = function() { for (var r3 = 8; r3 < _moduleCount - 8; r3 += 1) { if (_modules[r3][6] != null) { continue; } _modules[r3][6] = r3 % 2 == 0; } for (var c4 = 8; c4 < _moduleCount - 8; c4 += 1) { if (_modules[6][c4] != null) { continue; } _modules[6][c4] = c4 % 2 == 0; } }; var setupPositionAdjustPattern = function() { var pos = QRUtil.getPatternPosition(_typeNumber); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < pos.length; i4 += 1) { for (var j4 = 0; j4 < pos.length; j4 += 1) { var row = pos[i4]; var col = pos[j4]; if (_modules[row][col] != null) { continue; } for (var r3 = -2; r3 <= 2; r3 += 1) { for (var c4 = -2; c4 <= 2; c4 += 1) { if (r3 == -2 || r3 == 2 || c4 == -2 || c4 == 2 || r3 == 0 && c4 == 0) { _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = true; } else { _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = false; } } } } } }; var setupTypeNumber = function(test) { var bits = QRUtil.getBCHTypeNumber(_typeNumber); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 18; i4 += 1) { var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; _modules[Math.floor(i4 / 3)][i4 % 3 + _moduleCount - 8 - 3] = mod; } for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 18; i4 += 1) { var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; _modules[i4 % 3 + _moduleCount - 8 - 3][Math.floor(i4 / 3)] = mod; } }; var setupTypeInfo = function(test, maskPattern) { var data = _errorCorrectionLevel << 3 | maskPattern; var bits = QRUtil.getBCHTypeInfo(data); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 15; i4 += 1) { var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; if (i4 < 6) { _modules[i4][8] = mod; } else if (i4 < 8) { _modules[i4 + 1][8] = mod; } else { _modules[_moduleCount - 15 + i4][8] = mod; } } for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 15; i4 += 1) { var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; if (i4 < 8) { _modules[8][_moduleCount - i4 - 1] = mod; } else if (i4 < 9) { _modules[8][15 - i4 - 1 + 1] = mod; } else { _modules[8][15 - i4 - 1] = mod; } } _modules[_moduleCount - 8][8] = !test; }; var mapData = function(data, maskPattern) { var inc = -1; var row = _moduleCount - 1; var bitIndex = 7; var byteIndex = 0; var maskFunc = QRUtil.getMaskFunction(maskPattern); for (var col = _moduleCount - 1; col > 0; col -= 2) { if (col == 6) col -= 1; while (true) { for (var c4 = 0; c4 < 2; c4 += 1) { if (_modules[row][col - c4] == null) { var dark = false; if (byteIndex < data.length) { dark = (data[byteIndex] >>> bitIndex & 1) == 1; } var mask = maskFunc(row, col - c4); if (mask) { dark = !dark; } _modules[row][col - c4] = dark; bitIndex -= 1; if (bitIndex == -1) { byteIndex += 1; bitIndex = 7; } } } row += inc; if (row < 0 || _moduleCount <= row) { row -= inc; inc = -inc; break; } } } }; var createBytes = function(buffer, rsBlocks) { var offset = 0; var maxDcCount = 0; var maxEcCount = 0; var dcdata = new Array(rsBlocks.length); var ecdata = new Array(rsBlocks.length); for (var r3 = 0; r3 < rsBlocks.length; r3 += 1) { var dcCount = rsBlocks[r3].dataCount; var ecCount = rsBlocks[r3].totalCount - dcCount; maxDcCount = Math.max(maxDcCount, dcCount); maxEcCount = Math.max(maxEcCount, ecCount); dcdata[r3] = new Array(dcCount); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < dcdata[r3].length; i4 += 1) { dcdata[r3][i4] = 255 & buffer.getBuffer()[i4 + offset]; } offset += dcCount; var rsPoly = QRUtil.getErrorCorrectPolynomial(ecCount); var rawPoly = qrPolynomial(dcdata[r3], rsPoly.getLength() - 1); var modPoly = rawPoly.mod(rsPoly); ecdata[r3] = new Array(rsPoly.getLength() - 1); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < ecdata[r3].length; i4 += 1) { var modIndex = i4 + modPoly.getLength() - ecdata[r3].length; ecdata[r3][i4] = modIndex >= 0 ? modPoly.getAt(modIndex) : 0; } } var totalCodeCount = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rsBlocks.length; i4 += 1) { totalCodeCount += rsBlocks[i4].totalCount; } var data = new Array(totalCodeCount); var index = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < maxDcCount; i4 += 1) { for (var r3 = 0; r3 < rsBlocks.length; r3 += 1) { if (i4 < dcdata[r3].length) { data[index] = dcdata[r3][i4]; index += 1; } } } for (var i4 = 0; i4 < maxEcCount; i4 += 1) { for (var r3 = 0; r3 < rsBlocks.length; r3 += 1) { if (i4 < ecdata[r3].length) { data[index] = ecdata[r3][i4]; index += 1; } } } return data; }; var createData = function(typeNumber2, errorCorrectionLevel2, dataList) { var rsBlocks = QRRSBlock.getRSBlocks(typeNumber2, errorCorrectionLevel2); var buffer = qrBitBuffer(); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < dataList.length; i4 += 1) { var data = dataList[i4]; buffer.put(data.getMode(), 4); buffer.put(data.getLength(), QRUtil.getLengthInBits(data.getMode(), typeNumber2)); data.write(buffer); } var totalDataCount = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rsBlocks.length; i4 += 1) { totalDataCount += rsBlocks[i4].dataCount; } if (buffer.getLengthInBits() > totalDataCount * 8) { throw "code length overflow. (" + buffer.getLengthInBits() + ">" + totalDataCount * 8 + ")"; } if (buffer.getLengthInBits() + 4 <= totalDataCount * 8) { buffer.put(0, 4); } while (buffer.getLengthInBits() % 8 != 0) { buffer.putBit(false); } while (true) { if (buffer.getLengthInBits() >= totalDataCount * 8) { break; } buffer.put(PAD0, 8); if (buffer.getLengthInBits() >= totalDataCount * 8) { break; } buffer.put(PAD1, 8); } return createBytes(buffer, rsBlocks); }; _this.addData = function(data, mode) { mode = mode || "Byte"; var newData = null; switch (mode) { case "Numeric": newData = qrNumber(data); break; case "Alphanumeric": newData = qrAlphaNum(data); break; case "Byte": newData = qr8BitByte(data); break; case "Kanji": newData = qrKanji(data); break; default: throw "mode:" + mode; } _dataList.push(newData); _dataCache = null; }; _this.isDark = function(row, col) { if (row < 0 || _moduleCount <= row || col < 0 || _moduleCount <= col) { throw row + "," + col; } return _modules[row][col]; }; _this.getModuleCount = function() { return _moduleCount; }; _this.make = function() { if (_typeNumber < 1) { var typeNumber2 = 1; for (; typeNumber2 < 40; typeNumber2++) { var rsBlocks = QRRSBlock.getRSBlocks(typeNumber2, _errorCorrectionLevel); var buffer = qrBitBuffer(); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _dataList.length; i4++) { var data = _dataList[i4]; buffer.put(data.getMode(), 4); buffer.put(data.getLength(), QRUtil.getLengthInBits(data.getMode(), typeNumber2)); data.write(buffer); } var totalDataCount = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rsBlocks.length; i4++) { totalDataCount += rsBlocks[i4].dataCount; } if (buffer.getLengthInBits() <= totalDataCount * 8) { break; } } _typeNumber = typeNumber2; } makeImpl(false, getBestMaskPattern()); }; _this.createTableTag = function(cellSize, margin) { cellSize = cellSize || 2; margin = typeof margin == "undefined" ? cellSize * 4 : margin; var qrHtml = ""; qrHtml += '' + escapeXml(title.text) + "" : ""; qrSvg += alt.text ? '' + escapeXml(alt.text) + "" : ""; qrSvg += ''; qrSvg += '": escaped += ">"; break; case "&": escaped += "&"; break; case '"': escaped += """; break; default: escaped += c4; break; } } return escaped; }; var _createHalfASCII = function(margin) { var cellSize = 1; margin = typeof margin == "undefined" ? cellSize * 2 : margin; var size = _this.getModuleCount() * cellSize + margin * 2; var min = margin; var max = size - margin; var y5, x6, r1, r22, p4; var blocks = { "\u2588\u2588": "\u2588", "\u2588 ": "\u2580", " \u2588": "\u2584", " ": " " }; var blocksLastLineNoMargin = { "\u2588\u2588": "\u2580", "\u2588 ": "\u2580", " \u2588": " ", " ": " " }; var ascii = ""; for (y5 = 0; y5 < size; y5 += 2) { r1 = Math.floor((y5 - min) / cellSize); r22 = Math.floor((y5 + 1 - min) / cellSize); for (x6 = 0; x6 < size; x6 += 1) { p4 = "\u2588"; if (min <= x6 && x6 < max && min <= y5 && y5 < max && _this.isDark(r1, Math.floor((x6 - min) / cellSize))) { p4 = " "; } if (min <= x6 && x6 < max && min <= y5 + 1 && y5 + 1 < max && _this.isDark(r22, Math.floor((x6 - min) / cellSize))) { p4 += " "; } else { p4 += "\u2588"; } ascii += margin < 1 && y5 + 1 >= max ? blocksLastLineNoMargin[p4] : blocks[p4]; } ascii += "\n"; } if (size % 2 && margin > 0) { return ascii.substring(0, ascii.length - size - 1) + Array(size + 1).join("\u2580"); } return ascii.substring(0, ascii.length - 1); }; _this.createASCII = function(cellSize, margin) { cellSize = cellSize || 1; if (cellSize < 2) { return _createHalfASCII(margin); } cellSize -= 1; margin = typeof margin == "undefined" ? cellSize * 2 : margin; var size = _this.getModuleCount() * cellSize + margin * 2; var min = margin; var max = size - margin; var y5, x6, r3, p4; var white = Array(cellSize + 1).join("\u2588\u2588"); var black = Array(cellSize + 1).join(" "); var ascii = ""; var line = ""; for (y5 = 0; y5 < size; y5 += 1) { r3 = Math.floor((y5 - min) / cellSize); line = ""; for (x6 = 0; x6 < size; x6 += 1) { p4 = 1; if (min <= x6 && x6 < max && min <= y5 && y5 < max && _this.isDark(r3, Math.floor((x6 - min) / cellSize))) { p4 = 0; } line += p4 ? white : black; } for (r3 = 0; r3 < cellSize; r3 += 1) { ascii += line + "\n"; } } return ascii.substring(0, ascii.length - 1); }; _this.renderTo2dContext = function(context, cellSize) { cellSize = cellSize || 2; var length = _this.getModuleCount(); for (var row = 0; row < length; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < length; col++) { context.fillStyle = _this.isDark(row, col) ? "black" : "white"; context.fillRect(row * cellSize, col * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize); } } }; return _this; }; qrcode3.stringToBytesFuncs = { "default": function(s5) { var bytes = []; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { var c4 = s5.charCodeAt(i4); bytes.push(c4 & 255); } return bytes; } }; qrcode3.stringToBytes = qrcode3.stringToBytesFuncs["default"]; qrcode3.createStringToBytes = function(unicodeData, numChars) { var unicodeMap = function() { var bin = base64DecodeInputStream(unicodeData); var read = function() { var b4 =; if (b4 == -1) throw "eof"; return b4; }; var count = 0; var unicodeMap2 = {}; while (true) { var b0 =; if (b0 == -1) break; var b1 = read(); var b22 = read(); var b32 = read(); var k5 = String.fromCharCode(b0 << 8 | b1); var v3 = b22 << 8 | b32; unicodeMap2[k5] = v3; count += 1; } if (count != numChars) { throw count + " != " + numChars; } return unicodeMap2; }(); var unknownChar = "?".charCodeAt(0); return function(s5) { var bytes = []; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { var c4 = s5.charCodeAt(i4); if (c4 < 128) { bytes.push(c4); } else { var b4 = unicodeMap[s5.charAt(i4)]; if (typeof b4 == "number") { if ((b4 & 255) == b4) { bytes.push(b4); } else { bytes.push(b4 >>> 8); bytes.push(b4 & 255); } } else { bytes.push(unknownChar); } } } return bytes; }; }; var QRMode = { MODE_NUMBER: 1 << 0, MODE_ALPHA_NUM: 1 << 1, MODE_8BIT_BYTE: 1 << 2, MODE_KANJI: 1 << 3 }; var QRErrorCorrectionLevel = { L: 1, M: 0, Q: 3, H: 2 }; var QRMaskPattern = { PATTERN000: 0, PATTERN001: 1, PATTERN010: 2, PATTERN011: 3, PATTERN100: 4, PATTERN101: 5, PATTERN110: 6, PATTERN111: 7 }; var QRUtil = function() { var PATTERN_POSITION_TABLE = [ [], [6, 18], [6, 22], [6, 26], [6, 30], [6, 34], [6, 22, 38], [6, 24, 42], [6, 26, 46], [6, 28, 50], [6, 30, 54], [6, 32, 58], [6, 34, 62], [6, 26, 46, 66], [6, 26, 48, 70], [6, 26, 50, 74], [6, 30, 54, 78], [6, 30, 56, 82], [6, 30, 58, 86], [6, 34, 62, 90], [6, 28, 50, 72, 94], [6, 26, 50, 74, 98], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102], [6, 28, 54, 80, 106], [6, 32, 58, 84, 110], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114], [6, 34, 62, 90, 118], [6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126], [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130], [6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134], [6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142], [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146], [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150], [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154], [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158], [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162], [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166], [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170] ]; var G15 = 1 << 10 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 5 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 0; var G18 = 1 << 12 | 1 << 11 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 9 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 5 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 0; var G15_MASK = 1 << 14 | 1 << 12 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 1; var _this = {}; var getBCHDigit = function(data) { var digit = 0; while (data != 0) { digit += 1; data >>>= 1; } return digit; }; _this.getBCHTypeInfo = function(data) { var d5 = data << 10; while (getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G15) >= 0) { d5 ^= G15 << getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G15); } return (data << 10 | d5) ^ G15_MASK; }; _this.getBCHTypeNumber = function(data) { var d5 = data << 12; while (getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G18) >= 0) { d5 ^= G18 << getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G18); } return data << 12 | d5; }; _this.getPatternPosition = function(typeNumber) { return PATTERN_POSITION_TABLE[typeNumber - 1]; }; _this.getMaskFunction = function(maskPattern) { switch (maskPattern) { case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN000: return function(i4, j4) { return (i4 + j4) % 2 == 0; }; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN001: return function(i4, j4) { return i4 % 2 == 0; }; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN010: return function(i4, j4) { return j4 % 3 == 0; }; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN011: return function(i4, j4) { return (i4 + j4) % 3 == 0; }; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN100: return function(i4, j4) { return (Math.floor(i4 / 2) + Math.floor(j4 / 3)) % 2 == 0; }; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN101: return function(i4, j4) { return i4 * j4 % 2 + i4 * j4 % 3 == 0; }; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN110: return function(i4, j4) { return (i4 * j4 % 2 + i4 * j4 % 3) % 2 == 0; }; case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN111: return function(i4, j4) { return (i4 * j4 % 3 + (i4 + j4) % 2) % 2 == 0; }; default: throw "bad maskPattern:" + maskPattern; } }; _this.getErrorCorrectPolynomial = function(errorCorrectLength) { var a5 = qrPolynomial([1], 0); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < errorCorrectLength; i4 += 1) { a5 = a5.multiply(qrPolynomial([1, QRMath.gexp(i4)], 0)); } return a5; }; _this.getLengthInBits = function(mode, type) { if (1 <= type && type < 10) { switch (mode) { case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: return 10; case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: return 9; case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: return 8; case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: return 8; default: throw "mode:" + mode; } } else if (type < 27) { switch (mode) { case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: return 12; case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: return 11; case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: return 16; case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: return 10; default: throw "mode:" + mode; } } else if (type < 41) { switch (mode) { case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: return 14; case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: return 13; case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: return 16; case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: return 12; default: throw "mode:" + mode; } } else { throw "type:" + type; } }; _this.getLostPoint = function(qrcode4) { var moduleCount = qrcode4.getModuleCount(); var lostPoint = 0; for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { var sameCount = 0; var dark = qrcode4.isDark(row, col); for (var r3 = -1; r3 <= 1; r3 += 1) { if (row + r3 < 0 || moduleCount <= row + r3) { continue; } for (var c4 = -1; c4 <= 1; c4 += 1) { if (col + c4 < 0 || moduleCount <= col + c4) { continue; } if (r3 == 0 && c4 == 0) { continue; } if (dark == qrcode4.isDark(row + r3, col + c4)) { sameCount += 1; } } } if (sameCount > 5) { lostPoint += 3 + sameCount - 5; } } } ; for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount - 1; row += 1) { for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount - 1; col += 1) { var count = 0; if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col)) count += 1; if (qrcode4.isDark(row + 1, col)) count += 1; if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 1)) count += 1; if (qrcode4.isDark(row + 1, col + 1)) count += 1; if (count == 0 || count == 4) { lostPoint += 3; } } } for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount - 6; col += 1) { if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col) && !qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 1) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 2) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 3) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 4) && !qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 5) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 6)) { lostPoint += 40; } } } for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount - 6; row += 1) { if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col) && !qrcode4.isDark(row + 1, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 2, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 3, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 4, col) && !qrcode4.isDark(row + 5, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 6, col)) { lostPoint += 40; } } } var darkCount = 0; for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col)) { darkCount += 1; } } } var ratio = Math.abs(100 * darkCount / moduleCount / moduleCount - 50) / 5; lostPoint += ratio * 10; return lostPoint; }; return _this; }(); var QRMath = function() { var EXP_TABLE = new Array(256); var LOG_TABLE = new Array(256); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4 += 1) { EXP_TABLE[i4] = 1 << i4; } for (var i4 = 8; i4 < 256; i4 += 1) { EXP_TABLE[i4] = EXP_TABLE[i4 - 4] ^ EXP_TABLE[i4 - 5] ^ EXP_TABLE[i4 - 6] ^ EXP_TABLE[i4 - 8]; } for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 255; i4 += 1) { LOG_TABLE[EXP_TABLE[i4]] = i4; } var _this = {}; _this.glog = function(n2) { if (n2 < 1) { throw "glog(" + n2 + ")"; } return LOG_TABLE[n2]; }; _this.gexp = function(n2) { while (n2 < 0) { n2 += 255; } while (n2 >= 256) { n2 -= 255; } return EXP_TABLE[n2]; }; return _this; }(); function qrPolynomial(num, shift) { if (typeof num.length == "undefined") { throw num.length + "/" + shift; } var _num = function() { var offset = 0; while (offset < num.length && num[offset] == 0) { offset += 1; } var _num2 = new Array(num.length - offset + shift); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < num.length - offset; i4 += 1) { _num2[i4] = num[i4 + offset]; } return _num2; }(); var _this = {}; _this.getAt = function(index) { return _num[index]; }; _this.getLength = function() { return _num.length; }; _this.multiply = function(e4) { var num2 = new Array(_this.getLength() + e4.getLength() - 1); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _this.getLength(); i4 += 1) { for (var j4 = 0; j4 < e4.getLength(); j4 += 1) { num2[i4 + j4] ^= QRMath.gexp(QRMath.glog(_this.getAt(i4)) + QRMath.glog(e4.getAt(j4))); } } return qrPolynomial(num2, 0); }; _this.mod = function(e4) { if (_this.getLength() - e4.getLength() < 0) { return _this; } var ratio = QRMath.glog(_this.getAt(0)) - QRMath.glog(e4.getAt(0)); var num2 = new Array(_this.getLength()); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _this.getLength(); i4 += 1) { num2[i4] = _this.getAt(i4); } for (var i4 = 0; i4 < e4.getLength(); i4 += 1) { num2[i4] ^= QRMath.gexp(QRMath.glog(e4.getAt(i4)) + ratio); } return qrPolynomial(num2, 0).mod(e4); }; return _this; } ; var QRRSBlock = function() { var RS_BLOCK_TABLE = [ // L // M // Q // H // 1 [1, 26, 19], [1, 26, 16], [1, 26, 13], [1, 26, 9], // 2 [1, 44, 34], [1, 44, 28], [1, 44, 22], [1, 44, 16], // 3 [1, 70, 55], [1, 70, 44], [2, 35, 17], [2, 35, 13], // 4 [1, 100, 80], [2, 50, 32], [2, 50, 24], [4, 25, 9], // 5 [1, 134, 108], [2, 67, 43], [2, 33, 15, 2, 34, 16], [2, 33, 11, 2, 34, 12], // 6 [2, 86, 68], [4, 43, 27], [4, 43, 19], [4, 43, 15], // 7 [2, 98, 78], [4, 49, 31], [2, 32, 14, 4, 33, 15], [4, 39, 13, 1, 40, 14], // 8 [2, 121, 97], [2, 60, 38, 2, 61, 39], [4, 40, 18, 2, 41, 19], [4, 40, 14, 2, 41, 15], // 9 [2, 146, 116], [3, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], [4, 36, 16, 4, 37, 17], [4, 36, 12, 4, 37, 13], // 10 [2, 86, 68, 2, 87, 69], [4, 69, 43, 1, 70, 44], [6, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], [6, 43, 15, 2, 44, 16], // 11 [4, 101, 81], [1, 80, 50, 4, 81, 51], [4, 50, 22, 4, 51, 23], [3, 36, 12, 8, 37, 13], // 12 [2, 116, 92, 2, 117, 93], [6, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], [4, 46, 20, 6, 47, 21], [7, 42, 14, 4, 43, 15], // 13 [4, 133, 107], [8, 59, 37, 1, 60, 38], [8, 44, 20, 4, 45, 21], [12, 33, 11, 4, 34, 12], // 14 [3, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], [4, 64, 40, 5, 65, 41], [11, 36, 16, 5, 37, 17], [11, 36, 12, 5, 37, 13], // 15 [5, 109, 87, 1, 110, 88], [5, 65, 41, 5, 66, 42], [5, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], [11, 36, 12, 7, 37, 13], // 16 [5, 122, 98, 1, 123, 99], [7, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], [15, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], [3, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], // 17 [1, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], [10, 74, 46, 1, 75, 47], [1, 50, 22, 15, 51, 23], [2, 42, 14, 17, 43, 15], // 18 [5, 150, 120, 1, 151, 121], [9, 69, 43, 4, 70, 44], [17, 50, 22, 1, 51, 23], [2, 42, 14, 19, 43, 15], // 19 [3, 141, 113, 4, 142, 114], [3, 70, 44, 11, 71, 45], [17, 47, 21, 4, 48, 22], [9, 39, 13, 16, 40, 14], // 20 [3, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], [3, 67, 41, 13, 68, 42], [15, 54, 24, 5, 55, 25], [15, 43, 15, 10, 44, 16], // 21 [4, 144, 116, 4, 145, 117], [17, 68, 42], [17, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], [19, 46, 16, 6, 47, 17], // 22 [2, 139, 111, 7, 140, 112], [17, 74, 46], [7, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], [34, 37, 13], // 23 [4, 151, 121, 5, 152, 122], [4, 75, 47, 14, 76, 48], [11, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [16, 45, 15, 14, 46, 16], // 24 [6, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], [6, 73, 45, 14, 74, 46], [11, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], [30, 46, 16, 2, 47, 17], // 25 [8, 132, 106, 4, 133, 107], [8, 75, 47, 13, 76, 48], [7, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], [22, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], // 26 [10, 142, 114, 2, 143, 115], [19, 74, 46, 4, 75, 47], [28, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], [33, 46, 16, 4, 47, 17], // 27 [8, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], [22, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], [8, 53, 23, 26, 54, 24], [12, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], // 28 [3, 147, 117, 10, 148, 118], [3, 73, 45, 23, 74, 46], [4, 54, 24, 31, 55, 25], [11, 45, 15, 31, 46, 16], // 29 [7, 146, 116, 7, 147, 117], [21, 73, 45, 7, 74, 46], [1, 53, 23, 37, 54, 24], [19, 45, 15, 26, 46, 16], // 30 [5, 145, 115, 10, 146, 116], [19, 75, 47, 10, 76, 48], [15, 54, 24, 25, 55, 25], [23, 45, 15, 25, 46, 16], // 31 [13, 145, 115, 3, 146, 116], [2, 74, 46, 29, 75, 47], [42, 54, 24, 1, 55, 25], [23, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], // 32 [17, 145, 115], [10, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], [10, 54, 24, 35, 55, 25], [19, 45, 15, 35, 46, 16], // 33 [17, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], [14, 74, 46, 21, 75, 47], [29, 54, 24, 19, 55, 25], [11, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], // 34 [13, 145, 115, 6, 146, 116], [14, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], [44, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], [59, 46, 16, 1, 47, 17], // 35 [12, 151, 121, 7, 152, 122], [12, 75, 47, 26, 76, 48], [39, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [22, 45, 15, 41, 46, 16], // 36 [6, 151, 121, 14, 152, 122], [6, 75, 47, 34, 76, 48], [46, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], [2, 45, 15, 64, 46, 16], // 37 [17, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], [29, 74, 46, 14, 75, 47], [49, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], [24, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], // 38 [4, 152, 122, 18, 153, 123], [13, 74, 46, 32, 75, 47], [48, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], [42, 45, 15, 32, 46, 16], // 39 [20, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], [40, 75, 47, 7, 76, 48], [43, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], [10, 45, 15, 67, 46, 16], // 40 [19, 148, 118, 6, 149, 119], [18, 75, 47, 31, 76, 48], [34, 54, 24, 34, 55, 25], [20, 45, 15, 61, 46, 16] ]; var qrRSBlock = function(totalCount, dataCount) { var _this2 = {}; _this2.totalCount = totalCount; _this2.dataCount = dataCount; return _this2; }; var _this = {}; var getRsBlockTable = function(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel) { switch (errorCorrectionLevel) { case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.L: return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 0]; case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.M: return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 1]; case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.Q: return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 2]; case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.H: return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 3]; default: return void 0; } }; _this.getRSBlocks = function(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel) { var rsBlock = getRsBlockTable(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel); if (typeof rsBlock == "undefined") { throw "bad rs block @ typeNumber:" + typeNumber + "/errorCorrectionLevel:" + errorCorrectionLevel; } var length = rsBlock.length / 3; var list = []; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) { var count = rsBlock[i4 * 3 + 0]; var totalCount = rsBlock[i4 * 3 + 1]; var dataCount = rsBlock[i4 * 3 + 2]; for (var j4 = 0; j4 < count; j4 += 1) { list.push(qrRSBlock(totalCount, dataCount)); } } return list; }; return _this; }(); var qrBitBuffer = function() { var _buffer = []; var _length = 0; var _this = {}; _this.getBuffer = function() { return _buffer; }; _this.getAt = function(index) { var bufIndex = Math.floor(index / 8); return (_buffer[bufIndex] >>> 7 - index % 8 & 1) == 1; }; _this.put = function(num, length) { for (var i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) { _this.putBit((num >>> length - i4 - 1 & 1) == 1); } }; _this.getLengthInBits = function() { return _length; }; _this.putBit = function(bit) { var bufIndex = Math.floor(_length / 8); if (_buffer.length <= bufIndex) { _buffer.push(0); } if (bit) { _buffer[bufIndex] |= 128 >>> _length % 8; } _length += 1; }; return _this; }; var qrNumber = function(data) { var _mode = QRMode.MODE_NUMBER; var _data = data; var _this = {}; _this.getMode = function() { return _mode; }; _this.getLength = function(buffer) { return _data.length; }; _this.write = function(buffer) { var data2 = _data; var i4 = 0; while (i4 + 2 < data2.length) { buffer.put(strToNum(data2.substring(i4, i4 + 3)), 10); i4 += 3; } if (i4 < data2.length) { if (data2.length - i4 == 1) { buffer.put(strToNum(data2.substring(i4, i4 + 1)), 4); } else if (data2.length - i4 == 2) { buffer.put(strToNum(data2.substring(i4, i4 + 2)), 7); } } }; var strToNum = function(s5) { var num = 0; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { num = num * 10 + chatToNum(s5.charAt(i4)); } return num; }; var chatToNum = function(c4) { if ("0" <= c4 && c4 <= "9") { return c4.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0); } throw "illegal char :" + c4; }; return _this; }; var qrAlphaNum = function(data) { var _mode = QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM; var _data = data; var _this = {}; _this.getMode = function() { return _mode; }; _this.getLength = function(buffer) { return _data.length; }; _this.write = function(buffer) { var s5 = _data; var i4 = 0; while (i4 + 1 < s5.length) { buffer.put( getCode(s5.charAt(i4)) * 45 + getCode(s5.charAt(i4 + 1)), 11 ); i4 += 2; } if (i4 < s5.length) { buffer.put(getCode(s5.charAt(i4)), 6); } }; var getCode = function(c4) { if ("0" <= c4 && c4 <= "9") { return c4.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0); } else if ("A" <= c4 && c4 <= "Z") { return c4.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0) + 10; } else { switch (c4) { case " ": return 36; case "$": return 37; case "%": return 38; case "*": return 39; case "+": return 40; case "-": return 41; case ".": return 42; case "/": return 43; case ":": return 44; default: throw "illegal char :" + c4; } } }; return _this; }; var qr8BitByte = function(data) { var _mode = QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE; var _data = data; var _bytes = qrcode3.stringToBytes(data); var _this = {}; _this.getMode = function() { return _mode; }; _this.getLength = function(buffer) { return _bytes.length; }; _this.write = function(buffer) { for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _bytes.length; i4 += 1) { buffer.put(_bytes[i4], 8); } }; return _this; }; var qrKanji = function(data) { var _mode = QRMode.MODE_KANJI; var _data = data; var stringToBytes2 = qrcode3.stringToBytesFuncs["SJIS"]; if (!stringToBytes2) { throw "sjis not supported."; } !function(c4, code) { var test = stringToBytes2(c4); if (test.length != 2 || (test[0] << 8 | test[1]) != code) { throw "sjis not supported."; } }("\u53CB", 38726); var _bytes = stringToBytes2(data); var _this = {}; _this.getMode = function() { return _mode; }; _this.getLength = function(buffer) { return ~~(_bytes.length / 2); }; _this.write = function(buffer) { var data2 = _bytes; var i4 = 0; while (i4 + 1 < data2.length) { var c4 = (255 & data2[i4]) << 8 | 255 & data2[i4 + 1]; if (33088 <= c4 && c4 <= 40956) { c4 -= 33088; } else if (57408 <= c4 && c4 <= 60351) { c4 -= 49472; } else { throw "illegal char at " + (i4 + 1) + "/" + c4; } c4 = (c4 >>> 8 & 255) * 192 + (c4 & 255); buffer.put(c4, 13); i4 += 2; } if (i4 < data2.length) { throw "illegal char at " + (i4 + 1); } }; return _this; }; var byteArrayOutputStream = function() { var _bytes = []; var _this = {}; _this.writeByte = function(b4) { _bytes.push(b4 & 255); }; _this.writeShort = function(i4) { _this.writeByte(i4); _this.writeByte(i4 >>> 8); }; _this.writeBytes = function(b4, off, len) { off = off || 0; len = len || b4.length; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < len; i4 += 1) { _this.writeByte(b4[i4 + off]); } }; _this.writeString = function(s5) { for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { _this.writeByte(s5.charCodeAt(i4)); } }; _this.toByteArray = function() { return _bytes; }; _this.toString = function() { var s5 = ""; s5 += "["; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _bytes.length; i4 += 1) { if (i4 > 0) { s5 += ","; } s5 += _bytes[i4]; } s5 += "]"; return s5; }; return _this; }; var base64EncodeOutputStream = function() { var _buffer = 0; var _buflen = 0; var _length = 0; var _base64 = ""; var _this = {}; var writeEncoded = function(b4) { _base64 += String.fromCharCode(encode4(b4 & 63)); }; var encode4 = function(n2) { if (n2 < 0) { } else if (n2 < 26) { return 65 + n2; } else if (n2 < 52) { return 97 + (n2 - 26); } else if (n2 < 62) { return 48 + (n2 - 52); } else if (n2 == 62) { return 43; } else if (n2 == 63) { return 47; } throw "n:" + n2; }; _this.writeByte = function(n2) { _buffer = _buffer << 8 | n2 & 255; _buflen += 8; _length += 1; while (_buflen >= 6) { writeEncoded(_buffer >>> _buflen - 6); _buflen -= 6; } }; _this.flush = function() { if (_buflen > 0) { writeEncoded(_buffer << 6 - _buflen); _buffer = 0; _buflen = 0; } if (_length % 3 != 0) { var padlen = 3 - _length % 3; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < padlen; i4 += 1) { _base64 += "="; } } }; _this.toString = function() { return _base64; }; return _this; }; var base64DecodeInputStream = function(str) { var _str = str; var _pos = 0; var _buffer = 0; var _buflen = 0; var _this = {}; = function() { while (_buflen < 8) { if (_pos >= _str.length) { if (_buflen == 0) { return -1; } throw "unexpected end of file./" + _buflen; } var c4 = _str.charAt(_pos); _pos += 1; if (c4 == "=") { _buflen = 0; return -1; } else if (c4.match(/^\s$/)) { continue; } _buffer = _buffer << 6 | decode4(c4.charCodeAt(0)); _buflen += 6; } var n2 = _buffer >>> _buflen - 8 & 255; _buflen -= 8; return n2; }; var decode4 = function(c4) { if (65 <= c4 && c4 <= 90) { return c4 - 65; } else if (97 <= c4 && c4 <= 122) { return c4 - 97 + 26; } else if (48 <= c4 && c4 <= 57) { return c4 - 48 + 52; } else if (c4 == 43) { return 62; } else if (c4 == 47) { return 63; } else { throw "c:" + c4; } }; return _this; }; var gifImage = function(width, height) { var _width = width; var _height = height; var _data = new Array(width * height); var _this = {}; _this.setPixel = function(x6, y5, pixel) { _data[y5 * _width + x6] = pixel; }; _this.write = function(out) { out.writeString("GIF87a"); out.writeShort(_width); out.writeShort(_height); out.writeByte(128); out.writeByte(0); out.writeByte(0); out.writeByte(0); out.writeByte(0); out.writeByte(0); out.writeByte(255); out.writeByte(255); out.writeByte(255); out.writeString(","); out.writeShort(0); out.writeShort(0); out.writeShort(_width); out.writeShort(_height); out.writeByte(0); var lzwMinCodeSize = 2; var raster = getLZWRaster(lzwMinCodeSize); out.writeByte(lzwMinCodeSize); var offset = 0; while (raster.length - offset > 255) { out.writeByte(255); out.writeBytes(raster, offset, 255); offset += 255; } out.writeByte(raster.length - offset); out.writeBytes(raster, offset, raster.length - offset); out.writeByte(0); out.writeString(";"); }; var bitOutputStream = function(out) { var _out = out; var _bitLength = 0; var _bitBuffer = 0; var _this2 = {}; _this2.write = function(data, length) { if (data >>> length != 0) { throw "length over"; } while (_bitLength + length >= 8) { _out.writeByte(255 & (data << _bitLength | _bitBuffer)); length -= 8 - _bitLength; data >>>= 8 - _bitLength; _bitBuffer = 0; _bitLength = 0; } _bitBuffer = data << _bitLength | _bitBuffer; _bitLength = _bitLength + length; }; _this2.flush = function() { if (_bitLength > 0) { _out.writeByte(_bitBuffer); } }; return _this2; }; var getLZWRaster = function(lzwMinCodeSize) { var clearCode = 1 << lzwMinCodeSize; var endCode = (1 << lzwMinCodeSize) + 1; var bitLength = lzwMinCodeSize + 1; var table2 = lzwTable(); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < clearCode; i4 += 1) { table2.add(String.fromCharCode(i4)); } table2.add(String.fromCharCode(clearCode)); table2.add(String.fromCharCode(endCode)); var byteOut = byteArrayOutputStream(); var bitOut = bitOutputStream(byteOut); bitOut.write(clearCode, bitLength); var dataIndex = 0; var s5 = String.fromCharCode(_data[dataIndex]); dataIndex += 1; while (dataIndex < _data.length) { var c4 = String.fromCharCode(_data[dataIndex]); dataIndex += 1; if (table2.contains(s5 + c4)) { s5 = s5 + c4; } else { bitOut.write(table2.indexOf(s5), bitLength); if (table2.size() < 4095) { if (table2.size() == 1 << bitLength) { bitLength += 1; } table2.add(s5 + c4); } s5 = c4; } } bitOut.write(table2.indexOf(s5), bitLength); bitOut.write(endCode, bitLength); bitOut.flush(); return byteOut.toByteArray(); }; var lzwTable = function() { var _map = {}; var _size = 0; var _this2 = {}; _this2.add = function(key) { if (_this2.contains(key)) { throw "dup key:" + key; } _map[key] = _size; _size += 1; }; _this2.size = function() { return _size; }; _this2.indexOf = function(key) { return _map[key]; }; _this2.contains = function(key) { return typeof _map[key] != "undefined"; }; return _this2; }; return _this; }; var createDataURL = function(width, height, getPixel) { var gif = gifImage(width, height); for (var y5 = 0; y5 < height; y5 += 1) { for (var x6 = 0; x6 < width; x6 += 1) { gif.setPixel(x6, y5, getPixel(x6, y5)); } } var b4 = byteArrayOutputStream(); gif.write(b4); var base64 = base64EncodeOutputStream(); var bytes = b4.toByteArray(); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < bytes.length; i4 += 1) { base64.writeByte(bytes[i4]); } base64.flush(); return "data:image/gif;base64," + base64; }; return qrcode3; }(); !function() { qrcode2.stringToBytesFuncs["UTF-8"] = function(s5) { function toUTF8Array(str) { var utf8 = []; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < str.length; i4++) { var charcode = str.charCodeAt(i4); if (charcode < 128) utf8.push(charcode); else if (charcode < 2048) { utf8.push( 192 | charcode >> 6, 128 | charcode & 63 ); } else if (charcode < 55296 || charcode >= 57344) { utf8.push( 224 | charcode >> 12, 128 | charcode >> 6 & 63, 128 | charcode & 63 ); } else { i4++; charcode = 65536 + ((charcode & 1023) << 10 | str.charCodeAt(i4) & 1023); utf8.push( 240 | charcode >> 18, 128 | charcode >> 12 & 63, 128 | charcode >> 6 & 63, 128 | charcode & 63 ); } } return utf8; } return toUTF8Array(s5); }; }(); (function(factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define([], factory); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { module.exports = factory(); } })(function() { return qrcode2; }); } }); // ../taler-util/lib/nacl-fast.js var gf = function(init = []) { const r3 = new Float64Array(16); if (init) for (let i4 = 0; i4 < init.length; i4++) r3[i4] = init[i4]; return r3; }; var randombytes = function(x6, n2) { throw new Error("no PRNG"); }; var _9 = new Uint8Array(32); _9[0] = 9; var gf0 = gf(); var gf1 = gf([1]); var _121665 = gf([56129, 1]); var D = gf([ 30883, 4953, 19914, 30187, 55467, 16705, 2637, 112, 59544, 30585, 16505, 36039, 65139, 11119, 27886, 20995 ]); var D2 = gf([ 61785, 9906, 39828, 60374, 45398, 33411, 5274, 224, 53552, 61171, 33010, 6542, 64743, 22239, 55772, 9222 ]); var X = gf([ 54554, 36645, 11616, 51542, 42930, 38181, 51040, 26924, 56412, 64982, 57905, 49316, 21502, 52590, 14035, 8553 ]); var Y = gf([ 26200, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214 ]); var I = gf([ 41136, 18958, 6951, 50414, 58488, 44335, 6150, 12099, 55207, 15867, 153, 11085, 57099, 20417, 9344, 11139 ]); function ts64(x6, i4, h5, l3) { x6[i4] = h5 >> 24 & 255; x6[i4 + 1] = h5 >> 16 & 255; x6[i4 + 2] = h5 >> 8 & 255; x6[i4 + 3] = h5 & 255; x6[i4 + 4] = l3 >> 24 & 255; x6[i4 + 5] = l3 >> 16 & 255; x6[i4 + 6] = l3 >> 8 & 255; x6[i4 + 7] = l3 & 255; } function vn(x6, xi, y5, yi, n2) { let i4, d5 = 0; for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) d5 |= x6[xi + i4] ^ y5[yi + i4]; return (1 & d5 - 1 >>> 8) - 1; } function crypto_verify_32(x6, xi, y5, yi) { return vn(x6, xi, y5, yi, 32); } var sigma = new Uint8Array([ 101, 120, 112, 97, 110, 100, 32, 51, 50, 45, 98, 121, 116, 101, 32, 107 ]); function set25519(r3, a5) { let i4; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) r3[i4] = a5[i4] | 0; } function car25519(o3) { let i4, v3, c4 = 1; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { v3 = o3[i4] + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); o3[i4] = v3 - c4 * 65536; } o3[0] += c4 - 1 + 37 * (c4 - 1); } function sel25519(p4, q5, b4) { let t4; const c4 = ~(b4 - 1); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { t4 = c4 & (p4[i4] ^ q5[i4]); p4[i4] ^= t4; q5[i4] ^= t4; } } function pack25519(o3, n2) { let i4, j4, b4; const m5 = gf(), t4 = gf(); for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) t4[i4] = n2[i4]; car25519(t4); car25519(t4); car25519(t4); for (j4 = 0; j4 < 2; j4++) { m5[0] = t4[0] - 65517; for (i4 = 1; i4 < 15; i4++) { m5[i4] = t4[i4] - 65535 - (m5[i4 - 1] >> 16 & 1); m5[i4 - 1] &= 65535; } m5[15] = t4[15] - 32767 - (m5[14] >> 16 & 1); b4 = m5[15] >> 16 & 1; m5[14] &= 65535; sel25519(t4, m5, 1 - b4); } for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { o3[2 * i4] = t4[i4] & 255; o3[2 * i4 + 1] = t4[i4] >> 8; } } function neq25519(a5, b4) { const c4 = new Uint8Array(32), d5 = new Uint8Array(32); pack25519(c4, a5); pack25519(d5, b4); return crypto_verify_32(c4, 0, d5, 0); } function par25519(a5) { const d5 = new Uint8Array(32); pack25519(d5, a5); return d5[0] & 1; } function unpack25519(o3, n2) { let i4; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) o3[i4] = n2[2 * i4] + (n2[2 * i4 + 1] << 8); o3[15] &= 32767; } function A(o3, a5, b4) { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) o3[i4] = a5[i4] + b4[i4]; } function Z(o3, a5, b4) { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) o3[i4] = a5[i4] - b4[i4]; } function M(o3, a5, b4) { let v3, c4, t0 = 0, t1 = 0, t22 = 0, t32 = 0, t4 = 0, t5 = 0, t6 = 0, t7 = 0, t8 = 0, t9 = 0, t10 = 0, t11 = 0, t12 = 0, t13 = 0, t14 = 0, t15 = 0, t16 = 0, t17 = 0, t18 = 0, t19 = 0, t20 = 0, t21 = 0, t222 = 0, t23 = 0, t24 = 0, t25 = 0, t26 = 0, t27 = 0, t28 = 0, t29 = 0, t30 = 0; const b0 = b4[0], b1 = b4[1], b22 = b4[2], b32 = b4[3], b42 = b4[4], b5 = b4[5], b6 = b4[6], b7 = b4[7], b8 = b4[8], b9 = b4[9], b10 = b4[10], b11 = b4[11], b12 = b4[12], b13 = b4[13], b14 = b4[14], b15 = b4[15]; v3 = a5[0]; t0 += v3 * b0; t1 += v3 * b1; t22 += v3 * b22; t32 += v3 * b32; t4 += v3 * b42; t5 += v3 * b5; t6 += v3 * b6; t7 += v3 * b7; t8 += v3 * b8; t9 += v3 * b9; t10 += v3 * b10; t11 += v3 * b11; t12 += v3 * b12; t13 += v3 * b13; t14 += v3 * b14; t15 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[1]; t1 += v3 * b0; t22 += v3 * b1; t32 += v3 * b22; t4 += v3 * b32; t5 += v3 * b42; t6 += v3 * b5; t7 += v3 * b6; t8 += v3 * b7; t9 += v3 * b8; t10 += v3 * b9; t11 += v3 * b10; t12 += v3 * b11; t13 += v3 * b12; t14 += v3 * b13; t15 += v3 * b14; t16 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[2]; t22 += v3 * b0; t32 += v3 * b1; t4 += v3 * b22; t5 += v3 * b32; t6 += v3 * b42; t7 += v3 * b5; t8 += v3 * b6; t9 += v3 * b7; t10 += v3 * b8; t11 += v3 * b9; t12 += v3 * b10; t13 += v3 * b11; t14 += v3 * b12; t15 += v3 * b13; t16 += v3 * b14; t17 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[3]; t32 += v3 * b0; t4 += v3 * b1; t5 += v3 * b22; t6 += v3 * b32; t7 += v3 * b42; t8 += v3 * b5; t9 += v3 * b6; t10 += v3 * b7; t11 += v3 * b8; t12 += v3 * b9; t13 += v3 * b10; t14 += v3 * b11; t15 += v3 * b12; t16 += v3 * b13; t17 += v3 * b14; t18 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[4]; t4 += v3 * b0; t5 += v3 * b1; t6 += v3 * b22; t7 += v3 * b32; t8 += v3 * b42; t9 += v3 * b5; t10 += v3 * b6; t11 += v3 * b7; t12 += v3 * b8; t13 += v3 * b9; t14 += v3 * b10; t15 += v3 * b11; t16 += v3 * b12; t17 += v3 * b13; t18 += v3 * b14; t19 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[5]; t5 += v3 * b0; t6 += v3 * b1; t7 += v3 * b22; t8 += v3 * b32; t9 += v3 * b42; t10 += v3 * b5; t11 += v3 * b6; t12 += v3 * b7; t13 += v3 * b8; t14 += v3 * b9; t15 += v3 * b10; t16 += v3 * b11; t17 += v3 * b12; t18 += v3 * b13; t19 += v3 * b14; t20 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[6]; t6 += v3 * b0; t7 += v3 * b1; t8 += v3 * b22; t9 += v3 * b32; t10 += v3 * b42; t11 += v3 * b5; t12 += v3 * b6; t13 += v3 * b7; t14 += v3 * b8; t15 += v3 * b9; t16 += v3 * b10; t17 += v3 * b11; t18 += v3 * b12; t19 += v3 * b13; t20 += v3 * b14; t21 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[7]; t7 += v3 * b0; t8 += v3 * b1; t9 += v3 * b22; t10 += v3 * b32; t11 += v3 * b42; t12 += v3 * b5; t13 += v3 * b6; t14 += v3 * b7; t15 += v3 * b8; t16 += v3 * b9; t17 += v3 * b10; t18 += v3 * b11; t19 += v3 * b12; t20 += v3 * b13; t21 += v3 * b14; t222 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[8]; t8 += v3 * b0; t9 += v3 * b1; t10 += v3 * b22; t11 += v3 * b32; t12 += v3 * b42; t13 += v3 * b5; t14 += v3 * b6; t15 += v3 * b7; t16 += v3 * b8; t17 += v3 * b9; t18 += v3 * b10; t19 += v3 * b11; t20 += v3 * b12; t21 += v3 * b13; t222 += v3 * b14; t23 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[9]; t9 += v3 * b0; t10 += v3 * b1; t11 += v3 * b22; t12 += v3 * b32; t13 += v3 * b42; t14 += v3 * b5; t15 += v3 * b6; t16 += v3 * b7; t17 += v3 * b8; t18 += v3 * b9; t19 += v3 * b10; t20 += v3 * b11; t21 += v3 * b12; t222 += v3 * b13; t23 += v3 * b14; t24 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[10]; t10 += v3 * b0; t11 += v3 * b1; t12 += v3 * b22; t13 += v3 * b32; t14 += v3 * b42; t15 += v3 * b5; t16 += v3 * b6; t17 += v3 * b7; t18 += v3 * b8; t19 += v3 * b9; t20 += v3 * b10; t21 += v3 * b11; t222 += v3 * b12; t23 += v3 * b13; t24 += v3 * b14; t25 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[11]; t11 += v3 * b0; t12 += v3 * b1; t13 += v3 * b22; t14 += v3 * b32; t15 += v3 * b42; t16 += v3 * b5; t17 += v3 * b6; t18 += v3 * b7; t19 += v3 * b8; t20 += v3 * b9; t21 += v3 * b10; t222 += v3 * b11; t23 += v3 * b12; t24 += v3 * b13; t25 += v3 * b14; t26 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[12]; t12 += v3 * b0; t13 += v3 * b1; t14 += v3 * b22; t15 += v3 * b32; t16 += v3 * b42; t17 += v3 * b5; t18 += v3 * b6; t19 += v3 * b7; t20 += v3 * b8; t21 += v3 * b9; t222 += v3 * b10; t23 += v3 * b11; t24 += v3 * b12; t25 += v3 * b13; t26 += v3 * b14; t27 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[13]; t13 += v3 * b0; t14 += v3 * b1; t15 += v3 * b22; t16 += v3 * b32; t17 += v3 * b42; t18 += v3 * b5; t19 += v3 * b6; t20 += v3 * b7; t21 += v3 * b8; t222 += v3 * b9; t23 += v3 * b10; t24 += v3 * b11; t25 += v3 * b12; t26 += v3 * b13; t27 += v3 * b14; t28 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[14]; t14 += v3 * b0; t15 += v3 * b1; t16 += v3 * b22; t17 += v3 * b32; t18 += v3 * b42; t19 += v3 * b5; t20 += v3 * b6; t21 += v3 * b7; t222 += v3 * b8; t23 += v3 * b9; t24 += v3 * b10; t25 += v3 * b11; t26 += v3 * b12; t27 += v3 * b13; t28 += v3 * b14; t29 += v3 * b15; v3 = a5[15]; t15 += v3 * b0; t16 += v3 * b1; t17 += v3 * b22; t18 += v3 * b32; t19 += v3 * b42; t20 += v3 * b5; t21 += v3 * b6; t222 += v3 * b7; t23 += v3 * b8; t24 += v3 * b9; t25 += v3 * b10; t26 += v3 * b11; t27 += v3 * b12; t28 += v3 * b13; t29 += v3 * b14; t30 += v3 * b15; t0 += 38 * t16; t1 += 38 * t17; t22 += 38 * t18; t32 += 38 * t19; t4 += 38 * t20; t5 += 38 * t21; t6 += 38 * t222; t7 += 38 * t23; t8 += 38 * t24; t9 += 38 * t25; t10 += 38 * t26; t11 += 38 * t27; t12 += 38 * t28; t13 += 38 * t29; t14 += 38 * t30; c4 = 1; v3 = t0 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t0 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t1 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t1 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t22 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t22 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t32 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t32 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t4 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t4 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t5 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t5 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t6 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t6 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t7 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t7 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t8 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t8 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t9 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t9 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t10 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t10 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t11 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t11 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t12 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t12 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t13 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t13 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t14 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t14 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t15 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t15 = v3 - c4 * 65536; t0 += c4 - 1 + 37 * (c4 - 1); c4 = 1; v3 = t0 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t0 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t1 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t1 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t22 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t22 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t32 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t32 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t4 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t4 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t5 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t5 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t6 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t6 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t7 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t7 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t8 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t8 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t9 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t9 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t10 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t10 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t11 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t11 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t12 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t12 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t13 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t13 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t14 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t14 = v3 - c4 * 65536; v3 = t15 + c4 + 65535; c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); t15 = v3 - c4 * 65536; t0 += c4 - 1 + 37 * (c4 - 1); o3[0] = t0; o3[1] = t1; o3[2] = t22; o3[3] = t32; o3[4] = t4; o3[5] = t5; o3[6] = t6; o3[7] = t7; o3[8] = t8; o3[9] = t9; o3[10] = t10; o3[11] = t11; o3[12] = t12; o3[13] = t13; o3[14] = t14; o3[15] = t15; } function S(o3, a5) { M(o3, a5, a5); } function inv25519(o3, i4) { const c4 = gf(); let a5; for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) c4[a5] = i4[a5]; for (a5 = 253; a5 >= 0; a5--) { S(c4, c4); if (a5 !== 2 && a5 !== 4) M(c4, c4, i4); } for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) o3[a5] = c4[a5]; } function pow2523(o3, i4) { const c4 = gf(); let a5; for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) c4[a5] = i4[a5]; for (a5 = 250; a5 >= 0; a5--) { S(c4, c4); if (a5 !== 1) M(c4, c4, i4); } for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) o3[a5] = c4[a5]; } var K = [ 1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591 ]; function crypto_hashblocks_hl(hh, hl, m5, n2) { const wh = new Int32Array(16), wl = new Int32Array(16); let bh0, bh1, bh2, bh3, bh4, bh5, bh6, bh7, bl0, bl1, bl2, bl3, bl4, bl5, bl6, bl7, th, tl, i4, j4, h5, l3, a5, b4, c4, d5; let ah0 = hh[0], ah1 = hh[1], ah2 = hh[2], ah3 = hh[3], ah4 = hh[4], ah5 = hh[5], ah6 = hh[6], ah7 = hh[7], al0 = hl[0], al1 = hl[1], al2 = hl[2], al3 = hl[3], al4 = hl[4], al5 = hl[5], al6 = hl[6], al7 = hl[7]; let pos = 0; while (n2 >= 128) { for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { j4 = 8 * i4 + pos; wh[i4] = m5[j4 + 0] << 24 | m5[j4 + 1] << 16 | m5[j4 + 2] << 8 | m5[j4 + 3]; wl[i4] = m5[j4 + 4] << 24 | m5[j4 + 5] << 16 | m5[j4 + 6] << 8 | m5[j4 + 7]; } for (i4 = 0; i4 < 80; i4++) { bh0 = ah0; bh1 = ah1; bh2 = ah2; bh3 = ah3; bh4 = ah4; bh5 = ah5; bh6 = ah6; bh7 = ah7; bl0 = al0; bl1 = al1; bl2 = al2; bl3 = al3; bl4 = al4; bl5 = al5; bl6 = al6; bl7 = al7; h5 = ah7; l3 = al7; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = (ah4 >>> 14 | al4 << 32 - 14) ^ (ah4 >>> 18 | al4 << 32 - 18) ^ (al4 >>> 41 - 32 | ah4 << 32 - (41 - 32)); l3 = (al4 >>> 14 | ah4 << 32 - 14) ^ (al4 >>> 18 | ah4 << 32 - 18) ^ (ah4 >>> 41 - 32 | al4 << 32 - (41 - 32)); a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; h5 = ah4 & ah5 ^ ~ah4 & ah6; l3 = al4 & al5 ^ ~al4 & al6; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; h5 = K[i4 * 2]; l3 = K[i4 * 2 + 1]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; h5 = wh[i4 % 16]; l3 = wl[i4 % 16]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; th = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; tl = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = th; l3 = tl; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = (ah0 >>> 28 | al0 << 32 - 28) ^ (al0 >>> 34 - 32 | ah0 << 32 - (34 - 32)) ^ (al0 >>> 39 - 32 | ah0 << 32 - (39 - 32)); l3 = (al0 >>> 28 | ah0 << 32 - 28) ^ (ah0 >>> 34 - 32 | al0 << 32 - (34 - 32)) ^ (ah0 >>> 39 - 32 | al0 << 32 - (39 - 32)); a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; h5 = ah0 & ah1 ^ ah0 & ah2 ^ ah1 & ah2; l3 = al0 & al1 ^ al0 & al2 ^ al1 & al2; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; bh7 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; bl7 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = bh3; l3 = bl3; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = th; l3 = tl; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; bh3 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; bl3 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; ah1 = bh0; ah2 = bh1; ah3 = bh2; ah4 = bh3; ah5 = bh4; ah6 = bh5; ah7 = bh6; ah0 = bh7; al1 = bl0; al2 = bl1; al3 = bl2; al4 = bl3; al5 = bl4; al6 = bl5; al7 = bl6; al0 = bl7; if (i4 % 16 === 15) { for (j4 = 0; j4 < 16; j4++) { h5 = wh[j4]; l3 = wl[j4]; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = wh[(j4 + 9) % 16]; l3 = wl[(j4 + 9) % 16]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; th = wh[(j4 + 1) % 16]; tl = wl[(j4 + 1) % 16]; h5 = (th >>> 1 | tl << 32 - 1) ^ (th >>> 8 | tl << 32 - 8) ^ th >>> 7; l3 = (tl >>> 1 | th << 32 - 1) ^ (tl >>> 8 | th << 32 - 8) ^ (tl >>> 7 | th << 32 - 7); a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; th = wh[(j4 + 14) % 16]; tl = wl[(j4 + 14) % 16]; h5 = (th >>> 19 | tl << 32 - 19) ^ (tl >>> 61 - 32 | th << 32 - (61 - 32)) ^ th >>> 6; l3 = (tl >>> 19 | th << 32 - 19) ^ (th >>> 61 - 32 | tl << 32 - (61 - 32)) ^ (tl >>> 6 | th << 32 - 6); a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; wh[j4] = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; wl[j4] = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; } } } h5 = ah0; l3 = al0; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[0]; l3 = hl[0]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[0] = ah0 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[0] = al0 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = ah1; l3 = al1; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[1]; l3 = hl[1]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[1] = ah1 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[1] = al1 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = ah2; l3 = al2; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[2]; l3 = hl[2]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[2] = ah2 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[2] = al2 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = ah3; l3 = al3; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[3]; l3 = hl[3]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[3] = ah3 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[3] = al3 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = ah4; l3 = al4; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[4]; l3 = hl[4]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[4] = ah4 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[4] = al4 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = ah5; l3 = al5; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[5]; l3 = hl[5]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[5] = ah5 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[5] = al5 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = ah6; l3 = al6; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[6]; l3 = hl[6]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[6] = ah6 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[6] = al6 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; h5 = ah7; l3 = al7; a5 = l3 & 65535; b4 = l3 >>> 16; c4 = h5 & 65535; d5 = h5 >>> 16; h5 = hh[7]; l3 = hl[7]; a5 += l3 & 65535; b4 += l3 >>> 16; c4 += h5 & 65535; d5 += h5 >>> 16; b4 += a5 >>> 16; c4 += b4 >>> 16; d5 += c4 >>> 16; hh[7] = ah7 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; hl[7] = al7 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; pos += 128; n2 -= 128; } return n2; } function crypto_hash(out, m5, n2) { const hh = new Int32Array(8); const hl = new Int32Array(8); const x6 = new Uint8Array(256); const b4 = n2; hh[0] = 1779033703; hh[1] = 3144134277; hh[2] = 1013904242; hh[3] = 2773480762; hh[4] = 1359893119; hh[5] = 2600822924; hh[6] = 528734635; hh[7] = 1541459225; hl[0] = 4089235720; hl[1] = 2227873595; hl[2] = 4271175723; hl[3] = 1595750129; hl[4] = 2917565137; hl[5] = 725511199; hl[6] = 4215389547; hl[7] = 327033209; crypto_hashblocks_hl(hh, hl, m5, n2); n2 %= 128; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) x6[i4] = m5[b4 - n2 + i4]; x6[n2] = 128; n2 = 256 - 128 * (n2 < 112 ? 1 : 0); x6[n2 - 9] = 0; ts64(x6, n2 - 8, b4 / 536870912 | 0, b4 << 3); crypto_hashblocks_hl(hh, hl, x6, n2); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4++) ts64(out, 8 * i4, hh[i4], hl[i4]); return 0; } var HashState = class { constructor() { this.hh = new Int32Array(8); this.hl = new Int32Array(8); = new Uint8Array(128); this.p = 0; = 0; this.hh[0] = 1779033703; this.hh[1] = 3144134277; this.hh[2] = 1013904242; this.hh[3] = 2773480762; this.hh[4] = 1359893119; this.hh[5] = 2600822924; this.hh[6] = 528734635; this.hh[7] = 1541459225; this.hl[0] = 4089235720; this.hl[1] = 2227873595; this.hl[2] = 4271175723; this.hl[3] = 1595750129; this.hl[4] = 2917565137; this.hl[5] = 725511199; this.hl[6] = 4215389547; this.hl[7] = 327033209; } update(data) { += data.length; let i4 = 0; while (i4 < data.length) { const r3 = 128 - this.p; if (r3 > data.length - i4) { for (let j4 = 0; i4 + j4 < data.length; j4++) {[this.p + j4] = data[i4 + j4]; } this.p += data.length - i4; break; } else { for (let j4 = 0; this.p + j4 < 128; j4++) {[this.p + j4] = data[i4 + j4]; } crypto_hashblocks_hl(this.hh, this.hl,, 128); i4 += 128 - this.p; this.p = 0; } } return this; } finish() { const out = new Uint8Array(64); let n2 = this.p; const x6 = new Uint8Array(256); const b4 =; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) x6[i4] =[i4]; x6[n2] = 128; n2 = 256 - 128 * (n2 < 112 ? 1 : 0); x6[n2 - 9] = 0; ts64(x6, n2 - 8, b4 / 536870912 | 0, b4 << 3); crypto_hashblocks_hl(this.hh, this.hl, x6, n2); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4++) ts64(out, 8 * i4, this.hh[i4], this.hl[i4]); return out; } }; function add(p4, q5) { const a5 = gf(), b4 = gf(), c4 = gf(), d5 = gf(), e4 = gf(), f3 = gf(), g4 = gf(), h5 = gf(), t4 = gf(); Z(a5, p4[1], p4[0]); Z(t4, q5[1], q5[0]); M(a5, a5, t4); A(b4, p4[0], p4[1]); A(t4, q5[0], q5[1]); M(b4, b4, t4); M(c4, p4[3], q5[3]); M(c4, c4, D2); M(d5, p4[2], q5[2]); A(d5, d5, d5); Z(e4, b4, a5); Z(f3, d5, c4); A(g4, d5, c4); A(h5, b4, a5); M(p4[0], e4, f3); M(p4[1], h5, g4); M(p4[2], g4, f3); M(p4[3], e4, h5); } function cswap(p4, q5, b4) { let i4; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 4; i4++) { sel25519(p4[i4], q5[i4], b4); } } function pack(r3, p4) { const tx = gf(), ty = gf(), zi = gf(); inv25519(zi, p4[2]); M(tx, p4[0], zi); M(ty, p4[1], zi); pack25519(r3, ty); r3[31] ^= par25519(tx) << 7; } function scalarmult(p4, q5, s5) { let b4, i4; set25519(p4[0], gf0); set25519(p4[1], gf1); set25519(p4[2], gf1); set25519(p4[3], gf0); for (i4 = 255; i4 >= 0; --i4) { b4 = s5[i4 / 8 | 0] >> (i4 & 7) & 1; cswap(p4, q5, b4); add(q5, p4); add(p4, p4); cswap(p4, q5, b4); } } function scalarbase(p4, s5) { const q5 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; set25519(q5[0], X); set25519(q5[1], Y); set25519(q5[2], gf1); M(q5[3], X, Y); scalarmult(p4, q5, s5); } var L = new Float64Array([ 237, 211, 245, 92, 26, 99, 18, 88, 214, 156, 247, 162, 222, 249, 222, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16 ]); function modL(r3, x6) { let carry, i4, j4, k5; for (i4 = 63; i4 >= 32; --i4) { carry = 0; for (j4 = i4 - 32, k5 = i4 - 12; j4 < k5; ++j4) { x6[j4] += carry - 16 * x6[i4] * L[j4 - (i4 - 32)]; carry = Math.floor((x6[j4] + 128) / 256); x6[j4] -= carry * 256; } x6[j4] += carry; x6[i4] = 0; } carry = 0; for (j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) { x6[j4] += carry - (x6[31] >> 4) * L[j4]; carry = x6[j4] >> 8; x6[j4] &= 255; } for (j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) x6[j4] -= carry * L[j4]; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) { x6[i4 + 1] += x6[i4] >> 8; r3[i4] = x6[i4] & 255; } } function reduce(r3) { const x6 = new Float64Array(64); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) x6[i4] = r3[i4]; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) r3[i4] = 0; modL(r3, x6); } function unpackpos(r3, p4) { const q5 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; if (unpackneg(q5, p4)) return -1; const scalar0 = new Uint8Array(32); const scalar1 = new Uint8Array(32); scalar1[0] = 1; const scalarNeg1 = crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_sub(scalar0, scalar1); scalarmult(r3, q5, scalarNeg1); return 0; } function unpackneg(r3, p4) { const t4 = gf(); const chk = gf(); const num = gf(); const den = gf(); const den2 = gf(); const den4 = gf(); const den6 = gf(); set25519(r3[2], gf1); unpack25519(r3[1], p4); S(num, r3[1]); M(den, num, D); Z(num, num, r3[2]); A(den, r3[2], den); S(den2, den); S(den4, den2); M(den6, den4, den2); M(t4, den6, num); M(t4, t4, den); pow2523(t4, t4); M(t4, t4, num); M(t4, t4, den); M(t4, t4, den); M(r3[0], t4, den); S(chk, r3[0]); M(chk, chk, den); if (neq25519(chk, num)) M(r3[0], r3[0], I); S(chk, r3[0]); M(chk, chk, den); if (neq25519(chk, num)) return -1; if (par25519(r3[0]) === p4[31] >> 7) Z(r3[0], gf0, r3[0]); M(r3[3], r3[0], r3[1]); return 0; } function crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(s5) { const r3 = new Uint8Array(32); const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; scalarbase(p4, s5); pack(r3, p4); return r3; } function crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_noclamp(s5, q5) { const r3 = new Uint8Array(32); const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; const ql = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; if (unpackpos(ql, q5)) throw new Error(); scalarmult(p4, ql, s5); pack(r3, p4); return r3; } function crypto_sign_open(m5, sm, n2, pk) { let i4, mlen; const t4 = new Uint8Array(32), h5 = new Uint8Array(64); const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()], q5 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; mlen = -1; if (n2 < 64) return -1; if (unpackneg(q5, pk)) return -1; for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) m5[i4] = sm[i4]; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) m5[i4 + 32] = pk[i4]; crypto_hash(h5, m5, n2); reduce(h5); scalarmult(p4, q5, h5); scalarbase(q5, sm.subarray(32)); add(p4, q5); pack(t4, p4); n2 -= 64; if (crypto_verify_32(sm, 0, t4, 0)) { for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) m5[i4] = 0; return -1; } for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) m5[i4] = sm[i4 + 64]; mlen = n2; return mlen; } var crypto_sign_BYTES = 64; var crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES = 32; var crypto_hash_BYTES = 64; function checkArrayTypes(...args) { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < args.length; i4++) { if (!(args[i4] instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new TypeError("unexpected type, use Uint8Array"); } } function randomBytes(n2) { const b4 = new Uint8Array(n2); randombytes(b4, n2); return b4; } function hash(msg) { checkArrayTypes(msg); const h5 = new Uint8Array(crypto_hash_BYTES); crypto_hash(h5, msg, msg.length); return h5; } function setPRNG(fn2) { randombytes = fn2; } function crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(x6) { const len = x6.length; const z5 = new Float64Array(64); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < len; i4++) z5[i4] = x6[i4]; const o3 = new Uint8Array(32); modL(o3, z5); return o3; } function crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_sub(x6, y5) { const z5 = new Float64Array(64); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) { z5[i4] = x6[i4] - y5[i4]; } const o3 = new Uint8Array(32); modL(o3, z5); return o3; } function crypto_edx25519_private_key_create() { const seed = new Uint8Array(32); randombytes(seed, 32); return crypto_edx25519_private_key_create_from_seed(seed); } function crypto_edx25519_private_key_create_from_seed(seed) { const pk = hash(seed); pk[0] &= 248; pk[31] &= 127; pk[31] |= 64; return pk; } function crypto_edx25519_get_public(priv) { return crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(priv.subarray(0, 32)); } function crypto_edx25519_sign_detached(m5, skx, pkx) { const n2 = m5.length; const h5 = new Uint8Array(64); const r3 = new Uint8Array(64); let i4, j4; const x6 = new Float64Array(64); const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; const sm = new Uint8Array(n2 + 64); for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) sm[64 + i4] = m5[i4]; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) sm[32 + i4] = skx[32 + i4]; crypto_hash(r3, sm.subarray(32), n2 + 32); reduce(r3); scalarbase(p4, r3); pack(sm, p4); for (i4 = 32; i4 < 64; i4++) sm[i4] = pkx[i4 - 32]; crypto_hash(h5, sm, n2 + 64); reduce(h5); for (i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) x6[i4] = 0; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) x6[i4] = r3[i4]; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) { for (j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) { x6[i4 + j4] += h5[i4] * skx[j4]; } } modL(sm.subarray(32), x6); return sm.subarray(0, 64); } function crypto_edx25519_sign_detached_verify(msg, sig, publicKey) { checkArrayTypes(msg, sig, publicKey); if (sig.length !== crypto_sign_BYTES) throw new Error("bad signature size"); if (publicKey.length !== crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES) throw new Error("bad public key size"); const sm = new Uint8Array(crypto_sign_BYTES + msg.length); const m5 = new Uint8Array(crypto_sign_BYTES + msg.length); let i4; for (i4 = 0; i4 < crypto_sign_BYTES; i4++) sm[i4] = sig[i4]; for (i4 = 0; i4 < msg.length; i4++) sm[i4 + crypto_sign_BYTES] = msg[i4]; return crypto_sign_open(m5, sm, sm.length, publicKey) >= 0; } // ../taler-util/lib/prng-browser.js function loadBrowserPrng() { const cr = typeof self !== "undefined" ? self.crypto || self.msCrypto : null; const QUOTA = 65536; setPRNG(function(x6, n2) { let i4; const v3 = new Uint8Array(n2); for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4 += QUOTA) { cr.getRandomValues(v3.subarray(i4, i4 + Math.min(n2 - i4, QUOTA))); } for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) x6[i4] = v3[i4]; for (i4 = 0; i4 < v3.length; i4++) v3[i4] = 0; }); } // ../taler-util/lib/taler-error-codes.js var TalerErrorCode; (function(TalerErrorCode2) { TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["INVALID"] = 1] = "INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CLIENT_INTERNAL_ERROR"] = 2] = "GENERIC_CLIENT_INTERNAL_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_INVALID_RESPONSE"] = 10] = "GENERIC_INVALID_RESPONSE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 11] = "GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_VERSION_MALFORMED"] = 12] = "GENERIC_VERSION_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_REPLY_MALFORMED"] = 13] = "GENERIC_REPLY_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CONFIGURATION_INVALID"] = 14] = "GENERIC_CONFIGURATION_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"] = 15] = "GENERIC_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_METHOD_INVALID"] = 20] = "GENERIC_METHOD_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN"] = 21] = "GENERIC_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_JSON_INVALID"] = 22] = "GENERIC_JSON_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_HTTP_HEADERS_MALFORMED"] = 23] = "GENERIC_HTTP_HEADERS_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PAYTO_URI_MALFORMED"] = 24] = "GENERIC_PAYTO_URI_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING"] = 25] = "GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED"] = 26] = "GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_RESERVE_PUB_MALFORMED"] = 27] = "GENERIC_RESERVE_PUB_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH"] = 30] = "GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_URI_TOO_LONG"] = 31] = "GENERIC_URI_TOO_LONG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT"] = 32] = "GENERIC_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_SETUP_FAILED"] = 50] = "GENERIC_DB_SETUP_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_START_FAILED"] = 51] = "GENERIC_DB_START_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_STORE_FAILED"] = 52] = "GENERIC_DB_STORE_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_FETCH_FAILED"] = 53] = "GENERIC_DB_FETCH_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_COMMIT_FAILED"] = 54] = "GENERIC_DB_COMMIT_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_SOFT_FAILURE"] = 55] = "GENERIC_DB_SOFT_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_INVARIANT_FAILURE"] = 56] = "GENERIC_DB_INVARIANT_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_INTERNAL_INVARIANT_FAILURE"] = 60] = "GENERIC_INTERNAL_INVARIANT_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_JSON_HASH"] = 61] = "GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_JSON_HASH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_AMOUNT"] = 62] = "GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PARSER_OUT_OF_MEMORY"] = 70] = "GENERIC_PARSER_OUT_OF_MEMORY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"] = 71] = "GENERIC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_JSON_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"] = 72] = "GENERIC_JSON_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CURL_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"] = 73] = "GENERIC_CURL_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_TO_LOAD_TEMPLATE"] = 74] = "GENERIC_FAILED_TO_LOAD_TEMPLATE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_TO_EXPAND_TEMPLATE"] = 75] = "GENERIC_FAILED_TO_EXPAND_TEMPLATE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_BAD_CONFIGURATION"] = 1e3] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_BAD_CONFIGURATION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"] = 1001] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS"] = 1002] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_DENOMINATION_KEY"] = 1003] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_DENOMINATION_KEY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COINS_INVALID_COIN_PUB"] = 1004] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COINS_INVALID_COIN_PUB"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_KEY_UNKNOWN"] = 1005] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_KEY_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1006] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KEYS_MISSING"] = 1007] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KEYS_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_VALIDITY_IN_FUTURE"] = 1008] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_VALIDITY_IN_FUTURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_EXPIRED"] = 1009] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_EXPIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_REVOKED"] = 1010] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_REVOKED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_SECMOD_TIMEOUT"] = 1011] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_SECMOD_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1012] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_HISTORY_COMPUTATION_FAILED"] = 1013] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_HISTORY_COMPUTATION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_HISTORY_DB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1014] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_HISTORY_DB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_AGE_HASH"] = 1015] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_AGE_HASH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INVALID_DENOMINATION_CIPHER_FOR_OPERATION"] = 1016] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INVALID_DENOMINATION_CIPHER_FOR_OPERATION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CIPHER_MISMATCH"] = 1017] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CIPHER_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_EXCESSIVE"] = 1018] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_EXCESSIVE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CLOCK_SKEW"] = 1020] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CLOCK_SKEW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_DENOMINATION_VALUE"] = 1021] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_DENOMINATION_VALUE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_GLOBAL_FEES_MISSING"] = 1022] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_GLOBAL_FEES_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WIRE_FEES_MISSING"] = 1023] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WIRE_FEES_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_PUB_MALFORMED"] = 1024] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_PUB_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_UNKNOWN"] = 1025] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_EXPIRED"] = 1026] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_EXPIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"] = 1027] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_REQUIRED"] = 1028] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_REQUIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_CONFLICTING_ATTEST_VS_AGE_COMMITMENT"] = 1029] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_CONFLICTING_ATTEST_VS_AGE_COMMITMENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_AGE_ATTESTATION_FAILURE"] = 1030] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_AGE_ATTESTATION_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_DELETED"] = 1031] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_DELETED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_PUB_MALFORMED"] = 1032] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_PUB_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1033] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_ACCESS_DENIED"] = 1034] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_ACCESS_DENIED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_PENDING"] = 1035] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_PENDING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_FROZEN"] = 1036] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_FROZEN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_NOT_FOUND"] = 1100] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_WIRE"] = 1101] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_WIRE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_MERCHANT_PUB"] = 1102] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_MERCHANT_PUB"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_CONTRACT_TERMS"] = 1103] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_CONTRACT_TERMS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_COIN_PUB"] = 1104] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_COIN_PUB"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1105] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1106] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_POLICY_NOT_ACCEPTED"] = 1107] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_POLICY_NOT_ACCEPTED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1150] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1151] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_FEE_OVERFLOW"] = 1152] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_FEE_OVERFLOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_SIGNATURE_FAILED"] = 1153] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_SIGNATURE_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1154] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1155] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GET_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 1156] = "EXCHANGE_GET_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_DENOMINATION_KEY_LOST"] = 1158] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_DENOMINATION_KEY_LOST"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_UNBLIND_FAILURE"] = 1159] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_UNBLIND_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_NONCE_REUSE"] = 1160] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_NONCE_REUSE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_COMMITMENT_UNKNOWN"] = 1161] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_COMMITMENT_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"] = 1162] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_INCORRECT"] = 1163] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_INCORRECT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_REVEAL_INVALID_HASH"] = 1164] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_REVEAL_INVALID_HASH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_MAXIMUM_AGE_TOO_LARGE"] = 1165] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_MAXIMUM_AGE_TOO_LARGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_BATCH_IDEMPOTENT_PLANCHET"] = 1175] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_BATCH_IDEMPOTENT_PLANCHET"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1205] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT"] = 1206] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"] = 1207] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_REFUND_DEADLINE_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"] = 1208] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_REFUND_DEADLINE_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"] = 1209] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_JSON"] = 1210] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_JSON"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_CONTRACT_HASH_CONFLICT"] = 1211] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_CONTRACT_HASH_CONFLICT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1221] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"] = 1222] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_EXTENSIONS_INVALID_FULFILLMENT"] = 1240] = "EXCHANGE_EXTENSIONS_INVALID_FULFILLMENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_STATUS_UNKNOWN"] = 1250] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_STATUS_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_STATUS_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1251] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_STATUS_BAD_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1252] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_FEES_EXCEED_CONTRIBUTION"] = 1302] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_FEES_EXCEED_CONTRIBUTION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1303] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_EXPIRED_NO_ZOMBIE"] = 1305] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_EXPIRED_NO_ZOMBIE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1306] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COMMITMENT_VIOLATION"] = 1353] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COMMITMENT_VIOLATION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SIGNING_ERROR"] = 1354] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SIGNING_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SESSION_UNKNOWN"] = 1355] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SESSION_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_CNC_TRANSFER_ARRAY_SIZE_INVALID"] = 1356] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_CNC_TRANSFER_ARRAY_SIZE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH"] = 1358] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COST_CALCULATION_OVERFLOW"] = 1359] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COST_CALCULATION_OVERFLOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AMOUNT_INSUFFICIENT"] = 1360] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AMOUNT_INSUFFICIENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_LINK_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1361] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_LINK_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_INVALID_RCH"] = 1362] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_INVALID_RCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_OPERATION_INVALID"] = 1363] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_OPERATION_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 1364] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_NOT_SUPPORTED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_COMMITMENT_INVALID"] = 1365] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_COMMITMENT_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_LINK_COIN_UNKNOWN"] = 1400] = "EXCHANGE_LINK_COIN_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_MALFORMED"] = 1450] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_NOT_FOUND"] = 1451] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_NOT_FOUND"] = 1452] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_INCONSISTENT"] = 1453] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_INCONSISTENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSES_INVALID_WAIT_TARGET"] = 1475] = "EXCHANGE_PURSES_INVALID_WAIT_TARGET"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSES_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1476] = "EXCHANGE_PURSES_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_COIN_NOT_FOUND"] = 1500] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_COIN_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_CONFLICT_DEPOSIT_INSUFFICIENT"] = 1501] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_CONFLICT_DEPOSIT_INSUFFICIENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_DEPOSIT_NOT_FOUND"] = 1502] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_DEPOSIT_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_ALREADY_PAID"] = 1503] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_ALREADY_PAID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_TOO_LOW"] = 1504] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_TOO_LOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"] = 1505] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1506] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNING_FAILED"] = 1507] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNING_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1508] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_FAILURE_PROOF_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1509] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_FAILURE_PROOF_BY_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"] = 1510] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1550] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_WITHDRAW_NOT_FOUND"] = 1551] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_WITHDRAW_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_ZERO"] = 1552] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_ZERO"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_BLINDING_FAILED"] = 1553] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_BLINDING_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_NEGATIVE"] = 1554] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_NEGATIVE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_NOT_ELIGIBLE"] = 1555] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_NOT_ELIGIBLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1575] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_MELT_NOT_FOUND"] = 1576] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_MELT_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_BLINDING_FAILED"] = 1578] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_BLINDING_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_NOT_ELIGIBLE"] = 1580] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_NOT_ELIGIBLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KEYS_TIMETRAVEL_FORBIDDEN"] = 1600] = "EXCHANGE_KEYS_TIMETRAVEL_FORBIDDEN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1650] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_NO_ACCOUNTS_CONFIGURED"] = 1651] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_NO_ACCOUNTS_CONFIGURED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_INVALID_PAYTO_CONFIGURED"] = 1652] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_INVALID_PAYTO_CONFIGURED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEES_NOT_CONFIGURED"] = 1653] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEES_NOT_CONFIGURED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1675] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1676] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1677] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_FEE_TOO_LOW"] = 1678] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_FEE_TOO_LOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_ALREADY_DECIDED"] = 1679] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_ALREADY_DECIDED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1680] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_AGE_RESTRICTION_REQUIRED"] = 1681] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_AGE_RESTRICTION_REQUIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"] = 1700] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_BUG"] = 1701] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_BUG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"] = 1702] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1725] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"] = 1750] = "EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_BUG"] = 1751] = "EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_BUG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"] = 1752] = "EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"] = 1775] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"] = 1776] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1777] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_RESERVE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1778] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_RESERVE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1785] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_BAD_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1786] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_BAD_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_ATTEST_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1787] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_ATTEST_BAD_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_NO_TARGET_ACCOUNT"] = 1788] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_NO_TARGET_ACCOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1789] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_NOT_FOUND"] = 1800] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1801] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1802] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1803] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DENOMINATION_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1804] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DENOMINATION_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_SIGNKEY_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1805] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_SIGNKEY_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1806] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_UNKNOWN"] = 1807] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DETAILS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1808] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DETAILS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1809] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1810] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_NOT_FOUND"] = 1811] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1812] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_MISMATCH"] = 1813] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_DENOMKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1814] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_DENOMKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1815] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_MISMATCH"] = 1816] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1817] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DRAIN_PROFITS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1818] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DRAIN_PROFITS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1825] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_INVALID_OFFICER"] = 1826] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_INVALID_OFFICER"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1827] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_UNKNOWN_CHECK"] = 1828] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_UNKNOWN_CHECK"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_UPDATE_AML_OFFICER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1830] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_UPDATE_AML_OFFICER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AML_OFFICERS_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1831] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AML_OFFICERS_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1850] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT_STORED"] = 1851] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT_STORED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1852] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"] = 1853] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"] = 1854] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1855] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1856] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1857] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1858] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1859] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CREATE_PURSE_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"] = 1860] = "EXCHANGE_CREATE_PURSE_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_MERGE_SIGNATURE"] = 1876] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_MERGE_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_RESERVE_SIGNATURE"] = 1877] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_RESERVE_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_NOT_FULL"] = 1878] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_NOT_FULL"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1879] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MERGE_PURSE_PARTNER_UNKNOWN"] = 1880] = "EXCHANGE_MERGE_PURSE_PARTNER_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1890] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_DATA_CONFLICT"] = 1891] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_DATA_CONFLICT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1900] = "EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_UNKNOWN"] = 1901] = "EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_INACTIVE"] = 1902] = "EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_INACTIVE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_WALLET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1925] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_WALLET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_INVALID_RESPONSE"] = 1926] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_INVALID_RESPONSE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 1927] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"] = 1928] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_REQUEST_UNKNOWN"] = 1929] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_REQUEST_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_CHECK_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"] = 1930] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_CHECK_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_UNKNOWN"] = 1931] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_GONE"] = 1932] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_GONE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_BUG"] = 1933] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_BUG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_ACCESS_REFUSED"] = 1934] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_ACCESS_REFUSED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT"] = 1935] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNEXPECTED_REPLY"] = 1936] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNEXPECTED_REPLY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"] = 1937] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_WEBHOOK_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 1938] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_WEBHOOK_UNAUTHORIZED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_UNKNOWN"] = 1950] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_INVALID_CONTRACT_PUB"] = 1951] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_INVALID_CONTRACT_PUB"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECRYPTION_FAILED"] = 1952] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECRYPTION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1953] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECODING_FAILED"] = 1954] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECODING_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1975] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_DECIDED_ALREADY"] = 1976] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_DECIDED_ALREADY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"] = 1980] = "EXCHANGE_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN"] = 2e3] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_HOLE_IN_WIRE_FEE_STRUCTURE"] = 2001] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_HOLE_IN_WIRE_FEE_STRUCTURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_WIRE_REQUEST_FAILED"] = 2002] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_WIRE_REQUEST_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_ORDER_UNKNOWN"] = 2005] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_ORDER_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_PRODUCT_UNKNOWN"] = 2006] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_PRODUCT_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_TIP_ID_UNKNOWN"] = 2007] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_TIP_ID_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_DB_CONTRACT_CONTENT_INVALID"] = 2008] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_DB_CONTRACT_CONTENT_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_CONTRACT_HASH_DOES_NOT_MATCH_ORDER"] = 2009] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_CONTRACT_HASH_DOES_NOT_MATCH_ORDER"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_KEYS_FAILURE"] = 2010] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_KEYS_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_TIMEOUT"] = 2011] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_CONNECT_FAILURE"] = 2012] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_CONNECT_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_REPLY_MALFORMED"] = 2013] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_REPLY_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_UNEXPECTED_STATUS"] = 2014] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_UNEXPECTED_STATUS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 2015] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_DELETED"] = 2016] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_DELETED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_TRANSFER_UNKNOWN"] = 2017] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_TRANSFER_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_TEMPLATE_UNKNOWN"] = 2018] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_TEMPLATE_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"] = 2019] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_PENDING_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"] = 2020] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_PENDING_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_EXCHANGE_TRACKING_FAILURE"] = 2100] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_EXCHANGE_TRACKING_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_REQUEST_FAILURE"] = 2103] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_REQUEST_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_START_FAILURE"] = 2104] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_START_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_TOKEN"] = 2105] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_TOKEN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_CONTRACT_HASH"] = 2106] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_CONTRACT_HASH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 2150] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_NOT_FOUND"] = 2151] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_AUDITOR_FAILURE"] = 2152] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_AUDITOR_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"] = 2153] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_FEES_EXCEED_PAYMENT"] = 2154] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_FEES_EXCEED_PAYMENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_DUE_TO_FEES"] = 2155] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_DUE_TO_FEES"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT"] = 2156] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 2157] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"] = 2158] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUND_DEADLINE_PAST_WIRE_TRANSFER_DEADLINE"] = 2159] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUND_DEADLINE_PAST_WIRE_TRANSFER_DEADLINE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_ALREADY_PAID"] = 2160] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_ALREADY_PAID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_OFFER_EXPIRED"] = 2161] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_OFFER_EXPIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_MERCHANT_FIELD_MISSING"] = 2162] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_MERCHANT_FIELD_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_HASH_UNKNOWN"] = 2163] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_HASH_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_DEPOSIT_EXPIRED"] = 2165] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_DEPOSIT_EXPIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEE_ADDITION_FAILED"] = 2166] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEE_ADDITION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDED"] = 2167] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDS_EXCEED_PAYMENTS"] = 2168] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDS_EXCEED_PAYMENTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["DEAD_QQQ_PAY_MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"] = 2169] = "DEAD_QQQ_PAY_MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_FAILED"] = 2170] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_MISSING"] = 2171] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_SIZE_MISMATCH"] = 2172] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_SIZE_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED"] = 2173] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_HASH_MISSING"] = 2174] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_HASH_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED"] = 2175] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_CONTRACT_HASH_MISMATCH"] = 2200] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_CONTRACT_HASH_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 2201] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_REFUND_FAILED"] = 2251] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_REFUND_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"] = 2252] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND"] = 2253] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"] = 2254] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_HASH_MISSMATCH"] = 2255] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_HASH_MISSMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_COINS_ARRAY_EMPTY"] = 2256] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_COINS_ARRAY_EMPTY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_NOT_FOUND"] = 2300] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_ALREADY_CLAIMED"] = 2301] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_CLIENT_INTERNAL_FAILURE"] = 2302] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_CLIENT_INTERNAL_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_SIGNATURE_FAILED"] = 2350] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_SIGNATURE_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_UNBLIND_FAILURE"] = 2400] = "MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_UNBLIND_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_EXCHANGE_ERROR"] = 2403] = "MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_EXCHANGE_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_SUMMATION_FAILED"] = 2404] = "MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_SUMMATION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_HAS_EXPIRED"] = 2405] = "MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_HAS_EXPIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_TIP_REMAINING"] = 2406] = "MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_TIP_REMAINING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_DENOMINATION_UNKNOWN"] = 2407] = "MERCHANT_TIP_PICKUP_DENOMINATION_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_LACKS_WIRE"] = 2500] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_LACKS_WIRE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_LOCALTIME"] = 2501] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_LOCALTIME"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PROPOSAL_PARSE_ERROR"] = 2502] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PROPOSAL_PARSE_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ALREADY_EXISTS"] = 2503] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ALREADY_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"] = 2504] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_DELIVERY_DATE_IN_PAST"] = 2505] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_DELIVERY_DATE_IN_PAST"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"] = 2506] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PAY_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"] = 2507] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PAY_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"] = 2508] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_EXCHANGES_FOR_WIRE_METHOD"] = 2509] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_EXCHANGES_FOR_WIRE_METHOD"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_SYNTAX_INCORRECT"] = 2510] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_SYNTAX_INCORRECT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_NOT_FORGETTABLE"] = 2511] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_NOT_FORGETTABLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_AWAITING_PAYMENT"] = 2520] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_AWAITING_PAYMENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_ALREADY_PAID"] = 2521] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_ALREADY_PAID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"] = 2530] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_ORDER_UNPAID"] = 2531] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_ORDER_UNPAID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_CONTRACT"] = 2532] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_CONTRACT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_EXCHANGE_UNKNOWN"] = 2550] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_EXCHANGE_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_REQUEST_ERROR"] = 2551] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_REQUEST_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"] = 2552] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_REPORTS"] = 2553] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_REPORTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_BAD_WIRE_FEE"] = 2554] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_BAD_WIRE_FEE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND"] = 2555] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_TRANSFERS_ALREADY_CONFIRMED"] = 2556] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_TRANSFERS_ALREADY_CONFIRMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_SUBMISSION"] = 2557] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_SUBMISSION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_KEYS"] = 2258] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_KEYS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_LIST"] = 2259] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_LIST"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NO_EXCHANGE"] = 2260] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NO_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NOT_FOUND"] = 2261] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_RATE_LIMITED"] = 2262] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_RATE_LIMITED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_TRANSIENT_FAILURE"] = 2263] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_TRANSIENT_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_HARD_FAILURE"] = 2264] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_HARD_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"] = 2563] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_ALREADY_EXISTS"] = 2600] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_ALREADY_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_BAD_AUTH"] = 2601] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_BAD_AUTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCE_AUTH_BAD_AUTH"] = 2602] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCE_AUTH_BAD_AUTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"] = 2603] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"] = 2625] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_DELETE_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"] = 2626] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_DELETE_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_EXISTS"] = 2627] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_CONFLICT_PRODUCT_EXISTS"] = 2650] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_CONFLICT_PRODUCT_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_REDUCED"] = 2660] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_REDUCED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_EXCEEDS_STOCKS"] = 2661] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_EXCEEDS_STOCKS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_STOCKED_REDUCED"] = 2662] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_STOCKED_REDUCED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_SOLD_REDUCED"] = 2663] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_SOLD_REDUCED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_LOCK_INSUFFICIENT_STOCKS"] = 2670] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_LOCK_INSUFFICIENT_STOCKS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_PRODUCTS_CONFLICTING_LOCK"] = 2680] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_PRODUCTS_CONFLICTING_LOCK"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_UNSUPPORTED_WIRE_METHOD"] = 2700] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_UNSUPPORTED_WIRE_METHOD"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_TIPPING_NOT_ALLOWED"] = 2701] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_TIPPING_NOT_ALLOWED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_RESERVES_NO_SUCH_RESERVE"] = 2710] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_RESERVES_NO_SUCH_RESERVE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_EXPIRED"] = 2750] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_EXPIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"] = 2751] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 2752] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_NOT_FOUND"] = 2753] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TIP_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_GET_ORDERS_ID_AMOUNT_ARITHMETIC_FAILURE"] = 2800] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_GET_ORDERS_ID_AMOUNT_ARITHMETIC_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TEMPLATES_CONFLICT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS"] = 2850] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TEMPLATES_CONFLICT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_AMOUNT_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_AMOUNT"] = 2860] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_AMOUNT_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_SUMMARY_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_SUBJECT"] = 2861] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_SUMMARY_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_SUBJECT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_AMOUNT"] = 2862] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_SUMMARY"] = 2863] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_SUMMARY"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"] = 2900] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PENDING_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_PENDING_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"] = 2910] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PENDING_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_PENDING_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["AUDITOR_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 3100] = "AUDITOR_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["AUDITOR_EXCHANGE_SIGNING_KEY_REVOKED"] = 3101] = "AUDITOR_EXCHANGE_SIGNING_KEY_REVOKED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_SAME_ACCOUNT"] = 5101] = "BANK_SAME_ACCOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT"] = 5102] = "BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NEGATIVE_NUMBER_AMOUNT"] = 5103] = "BANK_NEGATIVE_NUMBER_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NUMBER_TOO_BIG"] = 5104] = "BANK_NUMBER_TOO_BIG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_LOGIN_FAILED"] = 5105] = "BANK_LOGIN_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"] = 5106] = "BANK_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND"] = 5107] = "BANK_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_BAD_FORMAT_AMOUNT"] = 5108] = "BANK_BAD_FORMAT_AMOUNT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_REJECT_NO_RIGHTS"] = 5109] = "BANK_REJECT_NO_RIGHTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION"] = 5110] = "BANK_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_SOFT_EXCEPTION"] = 5111] = "BANK_SOFT_EXCEPTION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UID_REUSED"] = 5112] = "BANK_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UID_REUSED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_RESERVE_SELECTION_CONFLICT"] = 5113] = "BANK_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_RESERVE_SELECTION_CONFLICT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_DUPLICATE_RESERVE_PUB_SUBJECT"] = 5114] = "BANK_DUPLICATE_RESERVE_PUB_SUBJECT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ANCIENT_TRANSACTION_GONE"] = 5115] = "BANK_ANCIENT_TRANSACTION_GONE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ABORT_CONFIRM_CONFLICT"] = 5116] = "BANK_ABORT_CONFIRM_CONFLICT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT"] = 5117] = "BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_REGISTER_CONFLICT"] = 5118] = "BANK_REGISTER_CONFLICT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_POST_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_REQUIRED"] = 5119] = "BANK_POST_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_REQUIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN"] = 6100] = "SYNC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = 6101] = "SYNC_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_BAD_IF_MATCH"] = 6102] = "SYNC_BAD_IF_MATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_BAD_SYNC_SIGNATURE"] = 6103] = "SYNC_BAD_SYNC_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_INVALID_SIGNATURE"] = 6104] = "SYNC_INVALID_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6105] = "SYNC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_EXCESSIVE_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6106] = "SYNC_EXCESSIVE_CONTENT_LENGTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6107] = "SYNC_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_INVALID_UPLOAD"] = 6108] = "SYNC_INVALID_UPLOAD"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 6109] = "SYNC_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 6110] = "SYNC_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_UNKNOWN"] = 6111] = "SYNC_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6112] = "SYNC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 6113] = "SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"] = 6114] = "SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"] = 7e3] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION"] = 7001] = "WALLET_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE"] = 7002] = "WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR"] = 7003] = "WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED"] = 7004] = "WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"] = 7005] = "WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_DENOMINATIONS_INSUFFICIENT"] = 7006] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_DENOMINATIONS_INSUFFICIENT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CORE_API_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"] = 7007] = "WALLET_CORE_API_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_INVALID_TALER_PAY_URI"] = 7008] = "WALLET_INVALID_TALER_PAY_URI"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 7009] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_UNKNOWN_AT_EXCHANGE"] = 7010] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_UNKNOWN_AT_EXCHANGE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CORE_NOT_AVAILABLE"] = 7011] = "WALLET_CORE_NOT_AVAILABLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_ABORTED_BY_BANK"] = 7012] = "WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_ABORTED_BY_BANK"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 7013] = "WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_CLAIMED"] = 7014] = "WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"] = 7015] = "WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_TIPPING_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 7016] = "WALLET_TIPPING_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_BANK_INTEGRATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"] = 7017] = "WALLET_BANK_INTEGRATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"] = 7018] = "WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 7019] = "WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_MALFORMED"] = 7020] = "WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PENDING_OPERATION_FAILED"] = 7021] = "WALLET_PENDING_OPERATION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PAY_MERCHANT_SERVER_ERROR"] = 7022] = "WALLET_PAY_MERCHANT_SERVER_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_ERROR"] = 7023] = "WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_BAD_REQUEST"] = 7024] = "WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_BAD_REQUEST"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_KYC_REQUIRED"] = 7025] = "WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_KYC_REQUIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_DEPOSIT_GROUP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 7026] = "WALLET_DEPOSIT_GROUP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PEER_PUSH_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 7027] = "WALLET_PEER_PUSH_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PEER_PULL_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 7028] = "WALLET_PEER_PULL_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_REFRESH_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"] = 7029] = "WALLET_REFRESH_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"] = 7030] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_PAID"] = 7031] = "WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_PAID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"] = 8e3] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_INVALID_PAYMENT_REQUEST"] = 8001] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_INVALID_PAYMENT_REQUEST"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 8002] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 8003] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 8004] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_ORDER_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 8005] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_ORDER_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 8006] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_UNAUTHORIZED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_START_FAILED"] = 8007] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_START_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNREACHABLE"] = 8008] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNREACHABLE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 8009] = "ANASTASIS_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNKNOWN"] = 8108] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED"] = 8109] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_REQUIRED"] = 8110] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_REQUIRED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_FAILED"] = 8111] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_UNKNOWN"] = 8112] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_START_FAILED"] = 8114] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_START_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_KEY_SHARE_GONE"] = 8115] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_KEY_SHARE_GONE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_ORDER_DISAPPEARED"] = 8116] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_ORDER_DISAPPEARED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_BACKEND_EXCHANGE_BAD"] = 8117] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_BACKEND_EXCHANGE_BAD"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNEXPECTED_PAYMENT_STATUS"] = 8118] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNEXPECTED_PAYMENT_STATUS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 8119] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_DECRYPTION_FAILED"] = 8120] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_DECRYPTION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_RATE_LIMITED"] = 8121] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_RATE_LIMITED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_WRONG_METHOD"] = 8123] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_WRONG_METHOD"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_UUID_EXISTS"] = 8150] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_UUID_EXISTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 8151] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_SMS_PHONE_INVALID"] = 8200] = "ANASTASIS_SMS_PHONE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 8201] = "ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"] = 8202] = "ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_EMAIL_INVALID"] = 8210] = "ANASTASIS_EMAIL_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 8211] = "ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"] = 8212] = "ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POST_INVALID"] = 8220] = "ANASTASIS_POST_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 8221] = "ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"] = 8222] = "ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_IBAN_INVALID"] = 8230] = "ANASTASIS_IBAN_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_IBAN_MISSING_TRANSFER"] = 8231] = "ANASTASIS_IBAN_MISSING_TRANSFER"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_MISSING"] = 8240] = "ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"] = 8241] = "ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = 8301] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 8304] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 8305] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_SIGNATURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_MATCH"] = 8306] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_MATCH"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_INVALID_UPLOAD"] = 8307] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_INVALID_UPLOAD"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_NOT_FOUND"] = 8350] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_NOT_FOUND"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID"] = 8400] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_STATE_INVALID"] = 8401] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_STATE_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID"] = 8402] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 8403] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID_FOR_STATE"] = 8404] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID_FOR_STATE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKEND_FAILURE"] = 8405] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKEND_FAILURE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MALFORMED"] = 8406] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MISSING"] = 8407] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MISSING"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_REGEX_FAILED"] = 8408] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_REGEX_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILED"] = 8409] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_LOOKUP_FAILED"] = 8410] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_LOOKUP_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKUP_PROVIDER_FAILED"] = 8411] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKUP_PROVIDER_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_CONFIG_FAILED"] = 8412] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_CONFIG_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_MALFORMED"] = 8413] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED"] = 8414] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_MALFORMED"] = 8415] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_MALFORMED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_CHALLENGE_DATA_TOO_BIG"] = 8416] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_CHALLENGE_DATA_TOO_BIG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_TOO_BIG"] = 8417] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_TOO_BIG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_INVALID_CONFIG"] = 8418] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_INVALID_CONFIG"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INTERNAL_ERROR"] = 8419] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INTERNAL_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDERS_ALREADY_SYNCED"] = 8420] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDERS_ALREADY_SYNCED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_GENERIC_ERROR"] = 9e3] = "LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_GENERIC_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"] = 9001] = "LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_GENERIC_ERROR"] = 9500] = "LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_GENERIC_ERROR"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"] = 9501] = "LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["TALDIR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 9600] = "TALDIR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["TALDIR_REGISTER_RATE_LIMITED"] = 9601] = "TALDIR_REGISTER_RATE_LIMITED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_UNKNOWN"] = 9750] = "CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_REDIRECT_URI"] = 9751] = "CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_REDIRECT_URI"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 9752] = "CHALLENGER_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GRANT_UNKNOWN"] = 9753] = "CHALLENGER_GRANT_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_CODE"] = 9754] = "CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_CODE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GENERIC_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN"] = 9755] = "CHALLENGER_GENERIC_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_CODE"] = 9756] = "CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_CODE"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS"] = 9757] = "CHALLENGER_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_INVALID_PIN"] = 9758] = "CHALLENGER_INVALID_PIN"; TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["END"] = 9999] = "END"; })(TalerErrorCode || (TalerErrorCode = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/codec.js var DecodingError = class extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, DecodingError.prototype); = "DecodingError"; } }; function renderContext(c4) { const p4 = c4 == null ? void 0 : c4.path; if (p4) { return p4.join("."); } else { return "(unknown)"; } } function joinContext(c4, part) { var _a; const path = (_a = c4 == null ? void 0 : c4.path) != null ? _a : []; return { path: path.concat([part]) }; } var ObjectCodecBuilder = class { constructor() { this.propList = []; } /** * Define a property for the object. */ property(x6, codec) { if (!codec) { throw Error("inner codec must be defined"); } this.propList.push({ name: x6, codec }); return this; } /** * Return the built codec. * * @param objectDisplayName name of the object that this codec operates on, * used in error messages. */ build(objectDisplayName) { const propList = this.propList; return { decode(x6, c4) { if (!c4) { c4 = { path: [`(${objectDisplayName})`] }; } if (typeof x6 !== "object") { throw new DecodingError(`expected object for ${objectDisplayName} at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); } const obj = {}; for (const prop of propList) { const propRawVal = x6[]; const propVal = prop.codec.decode(propRawVal, joinContext(c4,; obj[] = propVal; } return obj; } }; } }; function buildCodecForObject() { return new ObjectCodecBuilder(); } function codecForMap(innerCodec) { if (!innerCodec) { throw Error("inner codec must be defined"); } return { decode(x6, c4) { const map3 = {}; if (typeof x6 !== "object") { throw new DecodingError(`expected object at ${renderContext(c4)}`); } for (const i4 in x6) { map3[i4] = innerCodec.decode(x6[i4], joinContext(c4, `[${i4}]`)); } return map3; } }; } function codecForNumber() { return { decode(x6, c4) { if (typeof x6 === "number") { return x6; } throw new DecodingError(`expected number at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); } }; } function codecForBoolean() { return { decode(x6, c4) { if (typeof x6 === "boolean") { return x6; } throw new DecodingError(`expected boolean at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); } }; } function codecForString() { return { decode(x6, c4) { if (typeof x6 === "string") { return x6; } throw new DecodingError(`expected string at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); } }; } function codecForAny() { return { decode(x6, c4) { return x6; } }; } function codecForConstString(s5) { return { decode(x6, c4) { if (x6 === s5) { return x6; } if (typeof x6 !== "string") { throw new DecodingError(`expected string constant "${s5}" at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); } throw new DecodingError(`expected string constant "${s5}" at ${renderContext(c4)} but got string value "${x6}"`); } }; } function codecOptional(innerCodec) { return { decode(x6, c4) { if (x6 === void 0 || x6 === null) { return void 0; } return innerCodec.decode(x6, c4); } }; } function codecForEither(...alts) { return { decode(x6, c4) { for (const alt of alts) { try { return alt.decode(x6, c4); } catch (e4) { continue; } } throw new DecodingError(`No alternative matched at at ${renderContext(c4)}`); } }; } var x = codecForEither(codecForString(), codecForNumber()); // ../taler-util/lib/amounts.js var amountFractionalBase = 1e8; var amountFractionalLength = 8; var amountMaxValue = __pow(2, 52); var codecForAmountString = () => codecForString(); var Amounts = class { constructor() { throw Error("not instantiable"); } static currencyOf(amount) { const amt = Amounts.parseOrThrow(amount); return amt.currency; } static zeroOfAmount(amount) { const amt = Amounts.parseOrThrow(amount); return { currency: amt.currency, fraction: 0, value: 0 }; } /** * Get an amount that represents zero units of a currency. */ static zeroOfCurrency(currency) { return { currency, fraction: 0, value: 0 }; } static jsonifyAmount(amt) { if (typeof amt === "string") { return Amounts.parseOrThrow(amt); } return amt; } static divmod(a1, a22) { const am1 = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a1); const am2 = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a22); if (am1.currency != am2.currency) { throw Error(`incompatible currency (${am1.currency} vs${am2.currency})`); } const x1 = BigInt(am1.value) * BigInt(amountFractionalBase) + BigInt(am1.fraction); const x22 = BigInt(am2.value) * BigInt(amountFractionalBase) + BigInt(am2.fraction); const quotient = x1 / x22; const remainderScaled = x1 % x22; return { quotient: Number(quotient), remainder: { currency: am1.currency, value: Number(remainderScaled / BigInt(amountFractionalBase)), fraction: Number(remainderScaled % BigInt(amountFractionalBase)) } }; } static sum(amounts) { if (amounts.length <= 0) { throw Error("can't sum zero amounts"); } const jsonAmounts = => Amounts.jsonifyAmount(x6)); return Amounts.add(jsonAmounts[0], ...jsonAmounts.slice(1)); } static sumOrZero(currency, amounts) { if (amounts.length <= 0) { return { amount: Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(currency), saturated: false }; } const jsonAmounts = => Amounts.jsonifyAmount(x6)); return Amounts.add(jsonAmounts[0], ...jsonAmounts.slice(1)); } /** * Add two amounts. Return the result and whether * the addition overflowed. The overflow is always handled * by saturating and never by wrapping. * * Throws when currencies don't match. */ static add(first, { const firstJ = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(first); const currency = firstJ.currency; let value = firstJ.value + Math.floor(firstJ.fraction / amountFractionalBase); if (value > amountMaxValue) { return { amount: { currency, value: amountMaxValue, fraction: amountFractionalBase - 1 }, saturated: true }; } let fraction = firstJ.fraction % amountFractionalBase; for (const x6 of rest) { const xJ = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(x6); if (xJ.currency.toUpperCase() !== currency.toUpperCase()) { throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${xJ.currency} and ${currency}`); } value = value + xJ.value + Math.floor((fraction + xJ.fraction) / amountFractionalBase); fraction = Math.floor((fraction + xJ.fraction) % amountFractionalBase); if (value > amountMaxValue) { return { amount: { currency, value: amountMaxValue, fraction: amountFractionalBase - 1 }, saturated: true }; } } return { amount: { currency, value, fraction }, saturated: false }; } /** * Subtract two amounts. Return the result and whether * the subtraction overflowed. The overflow is always handled * by saturating and never by wrapping. * * Throws when currencies don't match. */ static sub(a5, { const aJ = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); const currency = aJ.currency; let value = aJ.value; let fraction = aJ.fraction; for (const b4 of rest) { const bJ = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); if (bJ.currency.toUpperCase() !== aJ.currency.toUpperCase()) { throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${bJ.currency} and ${currency}`); } if (fraction < bJ.fraction) { if (value < 1) { return { amount: { currency, value: 0, fraction: 0 }, saturated: true }; } value--; fraction += amountFractionalBase; } console.assert(fraction >= bJ.fraction); fraction -= bJ.fraction; if (value < bJ.value) { return { amount: { currency, value: 0, fraction: 0 }, saturated: true }; } value -= bJ.value; } return { amount: { currency, value, fraction }, saturated: false }; } /** * Compare two amounts. Returns 0 when equal, -1 when a < b * and +1 when a > b. Throws when currencies don't match. */ static cmp(a5, b4) { a5 = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); b4 = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); if (a5.currency !== b4.currency) { throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${a5.currency} and ${b4.currency}`); } const av = a5.value + Math.floor(a5.fraction / amountFractionalBase); const af = a5.fraction % amountFractionalBase; const bv = b4.value + Math.floor(b4.fraction / amountFractionalBase); const bf = b4.fraction % amountFractionalBase; switch (true) { case av < bv: return -1; case av > bv: return 1; case af < bf: return -1; case af > bf: return 1; case af === bf: return 0; default: throw Error("assertion failed"); } } /** * Create a copy of an amount. */ static copy(a5) { return { currency: a5.currency, fraction: a5.fraction, value: a5.value }; } /** * Divide an amount. Throws on division by zero. */ static divide(a5, n2) { if (n2 === 0) { throw Error(`Division by 0`); } if (n2 === 1) { return { value: a5.value, fraction: a5.fraction, currency: a5.currency }; } const r3 = a5.value % n2; return { currency: a5.currency, fraction: Math.floor((r3 * amountFractionalBase + a5.fraction) / n2), value: Math.floor(a5.value / n2) }; } /** * Check if an amount is non-zero. */ static isNonZero(a5) { a5 = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); return a5.value > 0 || a5.fraction > 0; } static isZero(a5) { a5 = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); return a5.value === 0 && a5.fraction === 0; } /** * Parse an amount like 'EUR:20.5' for 20 Euros and 50 ct. */ static parse(s5) { const res = s5.match(/^([a-zA-Z0-9_*-]+):([0-9]+)([.][0-9]+)?$/); if (!res) { return void 0; } const tail = res[3] || ".0"; if (tail.length > amountFractionalLength + 1) { return void 0; } const value = Number.parseInt(res[2]); if (value > amountMaxValue) { return void 0; } return { currency: res[1].toUpperCase(), fraction: Math.round(amountFractionalBase * Number.parseFloat(tail)), value }; } /** * Parse amount in standard string form (like 'EUR:20.5'), * throw if the input is not a valid amount. */ static parseOrThrow(s5) { if (typeof s5 === "object") { if (typeof s5.currency !== "string") { throw Error("invalid amount object"); } if (typeof s5.value !== "number") { throw Error("invalid amount object"); } if (typeof s5.fraction !== "number") { throw Error("invalid amount object"); } return { currency: s5.currency, value: s5.value, fraction: s5.fraction }; } else if (typeof s5 === "string") { const res = Amounts.parse(s5); if (!res) { throw Error(`Can't parse amount: "${s5}"`); } return res; } else { throw Error("invalid amount (illegal type)"); } } static min(a5, b4) { const cr = Amounts.cmp(a5, b4); if (cr >= 0) { return Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); } else { return Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); } } static max(a5, b4) { const cr = Amounts.cmp(a5, b4); if (cr >= 0) { return Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); } else { return Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); } } static mult(a5, n2) { a5 = this.jsonifyAmount(a5); if (!Number.isInteger(n2)) { throw Error("amount can only be multipied by an integer"); } if (n2 < 0) { throw Error("amount can only be multiplied by a positive integer"); } if (n2 == 0) { return { amount: Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(a5.currency), saturated: false }; } let x6 = a5; let acc = Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(a5.currency); while (n2 > 1) { if (n2 % 2 == 0) { n2 = n2 / 2; } else { n2 = (n2 - 1) / 2; const r23 = Amounts.add(acc, x6); if (r23.saturated) { return r23; } acc = r23.amount; } const r22 = Amounts.add(x6, x6); if (r22.saturated) { return r22; } x6 = r22.amount; } return Amounts.add(acc, x6); } /** * Check if the argument is a valid amount in string form. */ static check(a5) { if (typeof a5 !== "string") { return false; } try { const parsedAmount = Amounts.parse(a5); return !!parsedAmount; } catch (e4) { return false; } } /** * Convert to standard human-readable string representation that's * also used in JSON formats. */ static stringify(a5) { a5 = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); const s5 = this.stringifyValue(a5); return `${a5.currency}:${s5}`; } static isSameCurrency(a1, a22) { const x1 = this.jsonifyAmount(a1); const x22 = this.jsonifyAmount(a22); return x1.currency.toUpperCase() === x22.currency.toUpperCase(); } static stringifyValue(a5, minFractional = 0) { const aJ = Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); const av = aJ.value + Math.floor(aJ.fraction / amountFractionalBase); const af = aJ.fraction % amountFractionalBase; let s5 = av.toString(); if (af || minFractional) { s5 = s5 + "."; let n2 = af; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < amountFractionalLength; i4++) { if (!n2 && i4 >= minFractional) { break; } s5 = s5 + Math.floor(n2 / amountFractionalBase * 10).toString(); n2 = n2 * 10 % amountFractionalBase; } } return s5; } /** * Number of fractional digits needed to fully represent the amount * @param a amount * @returns */ static maxFractionalDigits(a5) { if (a5.fraction === 0) return 0; if (a5.fraction < 0) { console.error("amount fraction can not be negative", a5); return 0; } let i4 = 0; let check = true; let rest = a5.fraction; while (rest > 0 && check) { check = rest % 10 === 0; rest = rest / 10; i4++; } return amountFractionalLength - i4 + 1; } }; // ../taler-util/lib/punycode.js var maxInt = 2147483647; var base = 36; var tMin = 1; var tMax = 26; var skew = 38; var damp = 700; var initialBias = 72; var initialN = 128; var delimiter = "-"; var regexPunycode = /^xn--/; var regexNonASCII = /[^\0-\x7E]/; var regexSeparators = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g; var errors = { overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process", "not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)", "invalid-input": "Invalid input" }; var baseMinusTMin = base - tMin; var floor = Math.floor; var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; function error(type) { throw new RangeError(errors[type]); } function map(array2, fn2) { const result = []; let length = array2.length; while (length--) { result[length] = fn2(array2[length]); } return result; } function mapDomain(string2, fn2) { const parts = string2.split("@"); let result = ""; if (parts.length > 1) { result = parts[0] + "@"; string2 = parts[1]; } string2 = string2.replace(regexSeparators, "."); const labels = string2.split("."); const encoded = map(labels, fn2).join("."); return result + encoded; } function ucs2decode(string2) { const output = []; let counter2 = 0; const length = string2.length; while (counter2 < length) { const value = string2.charCodeAt(counter2++); if (value >= 55296 && value <= 56319 && counter2 < length) { const extra = string2.charCodeAt(counter2++); if ((extra & 64512) == 56320) { output.push(((value & 1023) << 10) + (extra & 1023) + 65536); } else { output.push(value); counter2--; } } else { output.push(value); } } return output; } var ucs2encode = (array2) => String.fromCodePoint(...array2); var basicToDigit = function(codePoint) { if (codePoint - 48 < 10) { return codePoint - 22; } if (codePoint - 65 < 26) { return codePoint - 65; } if (codePoint - 97 < 26) { return codePoint - 97; } return base; }; var digitToBasic = function(digit, flag) { return digit + 22 + 75 * Number(digit < 26) - (Number(flag != 0) << 5); }; var adapt = function(delta, numPoints, firstTime) { let k5 = 0; delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; delta += floor(delta / numPoints); for ( ; /* no initialization */ delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k5 += base ) { delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); } return floor(k5 + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); }; var decode = function(input) { const output = []; const inputLength = input.length; let i4 = 0; let n2 = initialN; let bias = initialBias; let basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter); if (basic < 0) { basic = 0; } for (let j4 = 0; j4 < basic; ++j4) { if (input.charCodeAt(j4) >= 128) { error("not-basic"); } output.push(input.charCodeAt(j4)); } for (let index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; ) { let oldi = i4; for (let w5 = 1, k5 = base; ; k5 += base) { if (index >= inputLength) { error("invalid-input"); } const digit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++)); if (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i4) / w5)) { error("overflow"); } i4 += digit * w5; const t4 = k5 <= bias ? tMin : k5 >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k5 - bias; if (digit < t4) { break; } const baseMinusT = base - t4; if (w5 > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) { error("overflow"); } w5 *= baseMinusT; } const out = output.length + 1; bias = adapt(i4 - oldi, out, oldi == 0); if (floor(i4 / out) > maxInt - n2) { error("overflow"); } n2 += floor(i4 / out); i4 %= out; output.splice(i4++, 0, n2); } return String.fromCodePoint(...output); }; var encode = function(inputArg) { const output = []; let input = ucs2decode(inputArg); let inputLength = input.length; let n2 = initialN; let delta = 0; let bias = initialBias; for (const currentValue of input) { if (currentValue < 128) { output.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue)); } } let basicLength = output.length; let handledCPCount = basicLength; if (basicLength) { output.push(delimiter); } while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { let m5 = maxInt; for (const currentValue of input) { if (currentValue >= n2 && currentValue < m5) { m5 = currentValue; } } const handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; if (m5 - n2 > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { error("overflow"); } delta += (m5 - n2) * handledCPCountPlusOne; n2 = m5; for (const currentValue of input) { if (currentValue < n2 && ++delta > maxInt) { error("overflow"); } if (currentValue == n2) { let q5 = delta; for (let k5 = base; ; k5 += base) { const t4 = k5 <= bias ? tMin : k5 >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k5 - bias; if (q5 < t4) { break; } const qMinusT = q5 - t4; const baseMinusT = base - t4; output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t4 + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0))); q5 = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); } output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q5, 0))); bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); delta = 0; ++handledCPCount; } } ++delta; ++n2; } return output.join(""); }; var toUnicode = function(input) { return mapDomain(input, function(string2) { return regexPunycode.test(string2) ? decode(string2.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : string2; }); }; var toASCII = function(input) { return mapDomain(input, function(string2) { return regexNonASCII.test(string2) ? "xn--" + encode(string2) : string2; }); }; var punycode = { /** * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number. * @memberOf punycode * @type String */ version: "2.1.0", /** * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back. * @see * @memberOf punycode * @type Object */ ucs2: { decode: ucs2decode, encode: ucs2encode }, decode, encode, toASCII, toUnicode }; // ../taler-util/lib/whatwg-url.js var utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder(); var utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8", { ignoreBOM: true }); function utf8Encode(string2) { return utf8Encoder.encode(string2); } function utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(bytes) { return utf8Decoder.decode(bytes); } function parseUrlencoded(input) { const sequences = strictlySplitByteSequence(input, p("&")); const output = []; for (const bytes of sequences) { if (bytes.length === 0) { continue; } let name, value; const indexOfEqual = bytes.indexOf(p("=")); if (indexOfEqual >= 0) { name = bytes.slice(0, indexOfEqual); value = bytes.slice(indexOfEqual + 1); } else { name = bytes; value = new Uint8Array(0); } name = replaceByteInByteSequence(name, 43, 32); value = replaceByteInByteSequence(value, 43, 32); const nameString = utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(percentDecodeBytes(name)); const valueString = utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(percentDecodeBytes(value)); output.push([nameString, valueString]); } return output; } function parseUrlencodedString(input) { return parseUrlencoded(utf8Encode(input)); } function serializeUrlencoded(tuples, encodingOverride = void 0) { let encoding = "utf-8"; if (encodingOverride !== void 0) { encoding = encodingOverride; } let output = ""; for (const [i4, tuple] of tuples.entries()) { const name = utf8PercentEncodeString(tuple[0], isURLEncodedPercentEncode, true); let value = tuple[1]; if (tuple.length > 2 && tuple[2] !== void 0) { if (tuple[2] === "hidden" && name === "_charset_") { value = encoding; } else if (tuple[2] === "file") { value =; } } value = utf8PercentEncodeString(value, isURLEncodedPercentEncode, true); if (i4 !== 0) { output += "&"; } output += `${name}=${value}`; } return output; } function strictlySplitByteSequence(buf, cp) { const list = []; let last = 0; let i4 = buf.indexOf(cp); while (i4 >= 0) { list.push(buf.slice(last, i4)); last = i4 + 1; i4 = buf.indexOf(cp, last); } if (last !== buf.length) { list.push(buf.slice(last)); } return list; } function replaceByteInByteSequence(buf, from, to) { let i4 = buf.indexOf(from); while (i4 >= 0) { buf[i4] = to; i4 = buf.indexOf(from, i4 + 1); } return buf; } function p(char) { return char.codePointAt(0); } function percentEncode(c4) { let hex = c4.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (hex.length === 1) { hex = `0${hex}`; } return `%${hex}`; } function percentDecodeBytes(input) { const output = new Uint8Array(input.byteLength); let outputIndex = 0; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < input.byteLength; ++i4) { const byte = input[i4]; if (byte !== 37) { output[outputIndex++] = byte; } else if (byte === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(input[i4 + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(input[i4 + 2]))) { output[outputIndex++] = byte; } else { const bytePoint = parseInt(String.fromCodePoint(input[i4 + 1], input[i4 + 2]), 16); output[outputIndex++] = bytePoint; i4 += 2; } } return output.slice(0, outputIndex); } function percentDecodeString(input) { const bytes = utf8Encode(input); return percentDecodeBytes(bytes); } function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c4) { return c4 <= 31 || c4 > 126; } var extraFragmentPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ p(" "), p('"'), p("<"), p(">"), p("`") ]); function isFragmentPercentEncode(c4) { return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c4) || extraFragmentPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); } var extraQueryPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ p(" "), p('"'), p("#"), p("<"), p(">") ]); function isQueryPercentEncode(c4) { return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c4) || extraQueryPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); } function isSpecialQueryPercentEncode(c4) { return isQueryPercentEncode(c4) || c4 === p("'"); } var extraPathPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([p("?"), p("`"), p("{"), p("}")]); function isPathPercentEncode(c4) { return isQueryPercentEncode(c4) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); } var extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ p("/"), p(":"), p(";"), p("="), p("@"), p("["), p("\\"), p("]"), p("^"), p("|") ]); function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c4) { return isPathPercentEncode(c4) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); } var extraComponentPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ p("$"), p("%"), p("&"), p("+"), p(",") ]); function isComponentPercentEncode(c4) { return isUserinfoPercentEncode(c4) || extraComponentPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); } var extraURLEncodedPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ p("!"), p("'"), p("("), p(")"), p("~") ]); function isURLEncodedPercentEncode(c4) { return isComponentPercentEncode(c4) || extraURLEncodedPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); } function utf8PercentEncodeCodePointInternal(codePoint, percentEncodePredicate) { const bytes = utf8Encode(codePoint); let output = ""; for (const byte of bytes) { if (!percentEncodePredicate(byte)) { output += String.fromCharCode(byte); } else { output += percentEncode(byte); } } return output; } function utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(codePoint, percentEncodePredicate) { return utf8PercentEncodeCodePointInternal(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint), percentEncodePredicate); } function utf8PercentEncodeString(input, percentEncodePredicate, spaceAsPlus = false) { let output = ""; for (const codePoint of input) { if (spaceAsPlus && codePoint === " ") { output += "+"; } else { output += utf8PercentEncodeCodePointInternal(codePoint, percentEncodePredicate); } } return output; } function isASCIIDigit(c4) { return c4 >= 48 && c4 <= 57; } function isASCIIAlpha(c4) { return c4 >= 65 && c4 <= 90 || c4 >= 97 && c4 <= 122; } function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c4) { return isASCIIAlpha(c4) || isASCIIDigit(c4); } function isASCIIHex(c4) { return isASCIIDigit(c4) || c4 >= 65 && c4 <= 70 || c4 >= 97 && c4 <= 102; } var URLSearchParamsImpl = class { constructor(init, { doNotStripQMark = false } = {}) { this._list = []; this._url = null; if (!doNotStripQMark && typeof init === "string" && init[0] === "?") { init = init.slice(1); } if (Array.isArray(init)) { for (const pair of init) { if (pair.length !== 2) { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1 sequence's element does not contain exactly two elements."); } this._list.push([pair[0], pair[1]]); } } else if (typeof init === "object" && Object.getPrototypeOf(init) === null) { for (const name of Object.keys(init)) { const value = init[name]; this._list.push([name, value]); } } else { this._list = parseUrlencodedString(init); } } _updateSteps() { if (this._url !== null) { let query = serializeUrlencoded(this._list); if (query === "") { query = null; } this._url._url.query = query; } } append(name, value) { this._list.push([name, value]); this._updateSteps(); } delete(name) { let i4 = 0; while (i4 < this._list.length) { if (this._list[i4][0] === name) { this._list.splice(i4, 1); } else { i4++; } } this._updateSteps(); } get(name) { for (const tuple of this._list) { if (tuple[0] === name) { return tuple[1]; } } return null; } getAll(name) { const output = []; for (const tuple of this._list) { if (tuple[0] === name) { output.push(tuple[1]); } } return output; } forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) { for (const tuple of this._list) {, tuple[1], tuple[0], this); } } has(name) { for (const tuple of this._list) { if (tuple[0] === name) { return true; } } return false; } set(name, value) { let found = false; let i4 = 0; while (i4 < this._list.length) { if (this._list[i4][0] === name) { if (found) { this._list.splice(i4, 1); } else { found = true; this._list[i4][1] = value; i4++; } } else { i4++; } } if (!found) { this._list.push([name, value]); } this._updateSteps(); } sort() { this._list.sort((a5, b4) => { if (a5[0] < b4[0]) { return -1; } if (a5[0] > b4[0]) { return 1; } return 0; }); this._updateSteps(); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._list[Symbol.iterator](); } toString() { return serializeUrlencoded(this._list); } }; var specialSchemes = { ftp: 21, file: null, http: 80, https: 443, ws: 80, wss: 443 }; var failure = Symbol("failure"); function countSymbols(str) { return [...str].length; } function at(input, idx) { const c4 = input[idx]; return isNaN(c4) ? void 0 : String.fromCodePoint(c4); } function isSingleDot(buffer) { return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; } function isDoubleDot(buffer) { buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; } function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === p(":") || cp2 === p("|")); } function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string2) { return string2.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string2.codePointAt(0)) && (string2[1] === ":" || string2[1] === "|"); } function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string2) { return string2.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string2.codePointAt(0)) && string2[1] === ":"; } function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string2) { return\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|<|>|\?|@|\[|\\|\]|\^|\|/u) !== -1; } function containsForbiddenDomainCodePoint(string2) { return containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string2) ||[\u0000-\u001F]|%|\u007F/u) !== -1; } function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { return specialSchemes[scheme] !== void 0; } function isSpecial(url) { return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); } function isNotSpecial(url) { return !isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); } function defaultPort(scheme) { return specialSchemes[scheme]; } function parseIPv4Number(input) { if (input === "") { return failure; } let R3 = 10; if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { input = input.substring(2); R3 = 16; } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { input = input.substring(1); R3 = 8; } if (input === "") { return 0; } let regex = /[^0-7]/u; if (R3 === 10) { regex = /[^0-9]/u; } if (R3 === 16) { regex = /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/u; } if (regex.test(input)) { return failure; } return parseInt(input, R3); } function parseIPv4(input) { const parts = input.split("."); if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { if (parts.length > 1) { parts.pop(); } } if (parts.length > 4) { return failure; } const numbers = []; for (const part of parts) { const n2 = parseIPv4Number(part); if (n2 === failure) { return failure; } numbers.push(n2); } for (let i4 = 0; i4 < numbers.length - 1; ++i4) { if (numbers[i4] > 255) { return failure; } } if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= __pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { return failure; } let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); let counter2 = 0; for (const n2 of numbers) { ipv4 += n2 * __pow(256, 3 - counter2); ++counter2; } return ipv4; } function serializeIPv4(address) { let output = ""; let n2 = address; for (let i4 = 1; i4 <= 4; ++i4) { output = String(n2 % 256) + output; if (i4 !== 4) { output = `.${output}`; } n2 = Math.floor(n2 / 256); } return output; } function parseIPv6(inputArg) { const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; let pieceIndex = 0; let compress = null; let pointer = 0; const input = Array.from(inputArg, (c4) => c4.codePointAt(0)); if (input[pointer] === p(":")) { if (input[pointer + 1] !== p(":")) { return failure; } pointer += 2; ++pieceIndex; compress = pieceIndex; } while (pointer < input.length) { if (pieceIndex === 8) { return failure; } if (input[pointer] === p(":")) { if (compress !== null) { return failure; } ++pointer; ++pieceIndex; compress = pieceIndex; continue; } let value = 0; let length = 0; while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { value = value * 16 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); ++pointer; ++length; } if (input[pointer] === p(".")) { if (length === 0) { return failure; } pointer -= length; if (pieceIndex > 6) { return failure; } let numbersSeen = 0; while (input[pointer] !== void 0) { let ipv4Piece = null; if (numbersSeen > 0) { if (input[pointer] === p(".") && numbersSeen < 4) { ++pointer; } else { return failure; } } if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { return failure; } while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { const number2 = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); if (ipv4Piece === null) { ipv4Piece = number2; } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { return failure; } else { ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number2; } if (ipv4Piece > 255) { return failure; } ++pointer; } address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 256 + ipv4Piece; ++numbersSeen; if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { ++pieceIndex; } } if (numbersSeen !== 4) { return failure; } break; } else if (input[pointer] === p(":")) { ++pointer; if (input[pointer] === void 0) { return failure; } } else if (input[pointer] !== void 0) { return failure; } address[pieceIndex] = value; ++pieceIndex; } if (compress !== null) { let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; pieceIndex = 7; while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; address[pieceIndex] = temp; --pieceIndex; --swaps; } } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { return failure; } return address; } function serializeIPv6(address) { let output = ""; const compress = findLongestZeroSequence(address); let ignore0 = false; for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { continue; } else if (ignore0) { ignore0 = false; } if (compress === pieceIndex) { const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; output += separator; ignore0 = true; continue; } output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); if (pieceIndex !== 7) { output += ":"; } } return output; } function parseHost(input, isNotSpecialArg = false) { if (input[0] === "[") { if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { return failure; } return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); } if (isNotSpecialArg) { return parseOpaqueHost(input); } const domain = utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(percentDecodeString(input)); const asciiDomain = domainToASCII(domain); if (asciiDomain === failure) { return failure; } if (containsForbiddenDomainCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { return failure; } if (endsInANumber(asciiDomain)) { return parseIPv4(asciiDomain); } return asciiDomain; } function endsInANumber(input) { const parts = input.split("."); if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { if (parts.length === 1) { return false; } parts.pop(); } const last = parts[parts.length - 1]; if (parseIPv4Number(last) !== failure) { return true; } if (/^[0-9]+$/u.test(last)) { return true; } return false; } function parseOpaqueHost(input) { if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(input)) { return failure; } return utf8PercentEncodeString(input, isC0ControlPercentEncode); } function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { let maxIdx = null; let maxLen = 1; let currStart = null; let currLen = 0; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < arr.length; ++i4) { if (arr[i4] !== 0) { if (currLen > maxLen) { maxIdx = currStart; maxLen = currLen; } currStart = null; currLen = 0; } else { if (currStart === null) { currStart = i4; } ++currLen; } } if (currLen > maxLen) { return currStart; } return maxIdx; } function serializeHost(host) { if (typeof host === "number") { return serializeIPv4(host); } if (host instanceof Array) { return `[${serializeIPv6(host)}]`; } return host; } function domainToASCII(domain, beStrict = false) { let result; try { result = punycode.toASCII(domain); } catch (e4) { return failure; } if (result === null || result === "") { return failure; } return result; } function trimControlChars(url) { return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/gu, ""); } function trimTabAndNewline(url) { return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/gu, ""); } function shortenPath(url) { const { path } = url; if (path.length === 0) { return; } if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { return; } path.pop(); } function includesCredentials(url) { return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; } function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { return === null || === "" || url.scheme === "file"; } function hasAnOpaquePath(url) { return typeof url.path === "string"; } function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string2) { return /^[A-Za-z]:$/u.test(string2); } var URLStateMachine = class { constructor(input, base2, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { this.table = { "parse scheme start": this.parseSchemeStart, "parse scheme": this.parseScheme, "parse no scheme": this.parseNoScheme, "parse special relative or authority": this.parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority, "parse path or authority": this.parsePathOrAuthority, "parse relative": this.parseRelative, "parse relative slash": this.parseRelativeSlash, "parse special authority slashes": this.parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes, "parse special authority ignore slashes": this.parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes, "parse authority": this.parseAuthority, "parse host": this.parseHostName, "parse hostname": this.parseHostName, "parse port": this.parsePort, "parse file": this.parseFile, "parse file slash": this.parseFileSlash, "parse file host": this.parseFileHost, "parse path start": this.parsePathStart, "parse path": this.parsePath, "parse opaque path": this.parseOpaquePath, "parse query": this.parseQuery, "parse fragment": this.parseFragment }; this.pointer = 0; this.base = base2 || null; this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; this.url = url; this.failure = false; this.parseError = false; if (!this.url) { this.url = { scheme: "", username: "", password: "", host: null, port: null, path: [], query: null, fragment: null }; const res2 = trimControlChars(input); if (res2 !== input) { this.parseError = true; } input = res2; } const res = trimTabAndNewline(input); if (res !== input) { this.parseError = true; } input = res; this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; this.buffer = ""; this.atFlag = false; this.arrFlag = false; this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; this.input = Array.from(input, (c4) => c4.codePointAt(0)); for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { const c4 = this.input[this.pointer]; const cStr = isNaN(c4) ? void 0 : String.fromCodePoint(c4); const ret = this.table[`parse ${this.state}`].call(this, c4, cStr); if (!ret) { break; } else if (ret === failure) { this.failure = true; break; } } } parseSchemeStart(c4, cStr) { if (isASCIIAlpha(c4)) { this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); this.state = "scheme"; } else if (!this.stateOverride) { this.state = "no scheme"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; } parseScheme(c4, cStr) { if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c4) || c4 === p("+") || c4 === p("-") || c4 === p(".")) { this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); } else if (c4 === p(":")) { if (this.stateOverride) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { return false; } if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { return false; } if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { return false; } if (this.url.scheme === "file" && === "") { return false; } } this.url.scheme = this.buffer; if (this.stateOverride) { if (this.url.port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme)) { this.url.port = null; } return false; } this.buffer = ""; if (this.url.scheme === "file") { if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== p("/") || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== p("/")) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { this.state = "special relative or authority"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { this.state = "special authority slashes"; } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === p("/")) { this.state = "path or authority"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.url.path = [""]; this.state = "opaque path"; } } else if (!this.stateOverride) { this.buffer = ""; this.state = "no scheme"; this.pointer = -1; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; } parseNoScheme(c4) { if (this.base === null || hasAnOpaquePath(this.base) && c4 !== p("#")) { return failure; } else if (hasAnOpaquePath(this.base) && c4 === p("#")) { this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; this.url.path = this.base.path; this.url.query = this.base.query; this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { this.state = "file"; --this.pointer; } else { this.state = "relative"; --this.pointer; } return true; } parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c4) { if (c4 === p("/") && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === p("/")) { this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; this.state = "relative"; --this.pointer; } return true; } parsePathOrAuthority(c4) { if (c4 === p("/")) { this.state = "authority"; } else { this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; } parseRelative(c4) { this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; if (c4 === p("/")) { this.state = "relative slash"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { this.parseError = true; this.state = "relative slash"; } else { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; if (c4 === p("?")) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c4 === p("#")) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (!isNaN(c4)) { this.url.query = null; this.url.path.pop(); this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } } return true; } parseRelativeSlash(c4) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\"))) { if (c4 === p("\\")) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; } else if (c4 === p("/")) { this.state = "authority"; } else { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; } parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c4) { if (c4 === p("/") && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === p("/")) { this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; --this.pointer; } return true; } parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c4) { if (c4 !== p("/") && c4 !== p("\\")) { this.state = "authority"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; } return true; } parseAuthority(c4, cStr) { if (c4 === p("@")) { this.parseError = true; if (this.atFlag) { this.buffer = `%40${this.buffer}`; } this.atFlag = true; const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); if (codePoint === p(":") && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; continue; } const encodedCodePoints = utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; } else { this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; } } this.buffer = ""; } else if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "host"; } else { this.buffer += cStr; } return true; } parseHostName(c4, cStr) { if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { --this.pointer; this.state = "file host"; } else if (c4 === p(":") && !this.arrFlag) { if (this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { return false; } const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isNotSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } = host; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "port"; } else if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { --this.pointer; if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { this.parseError = true; return false; } const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isNotSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } = host; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "path start"; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } } else { if (c4 === p("[")) { this.arrFlag = true; } else if (c4 === p("]")) { this.arrFlag = false; } this.buffer += cStr; } return true; } parsePort(c4, cStr) { if (isASCIIDigit(c4)) { this.buffer += cStr; } else if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\") || this.stateOverride) { if (this.buffer !== "") { const port = parseInt(this.buffer); if (port > __pow(2, 16) - 1) { this.parseError = true; return failure; } this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; this.buffer = ""; } if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.state = "path start"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; } parseFile(c4) { this.url.scheme = "file"; = ""; if (c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\")) { if (c4 === p("\\")) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file slash"; } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; if (c4 === p("?")) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c4 === p("#")) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (!isNaN(c4)) { this.url.query = null; if (!startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(this.input, this.pointer)) { shortenPath(this.url); } else { this.parseError = true; this.url.path = []; } this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } } else { this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; } parseFileSlash(c4) { if (c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\")) { if (c4 === p("\\")) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file host"; } else { if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { if (!startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(this.input, this.pointer) && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); } =; } this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; } parseFileHost(c4, cStr) { if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#")) { --this.pointer; if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { this.parseError = true; this.state = "path"; } else if (this.buffer === "") { = ""; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.state = "path start"; } else { let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isNotSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } if (host === "localhost") { host = ""; } = host; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.buffer = ""; this.state = "path start"; } } else { this.buffer += cStr; } return true; } parsePathStart(c4) { if (isSpecial(this.url)) { if (c4 === p("\\")) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "path"; if (c4 !== p("/") && c4 !== p("\\")) { --this.pointer; } } else if (!this.stateOverride && c4 === p("?")) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (!this.stateOverride && c4 === p("#")) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (c4 !== void 0) { this.state = "path"; if (c4 !== p("/")) { --this.pointer; } } else if (this.stateOverride && === null) { this.url.path.push(""); } return true; } parsePath(c4) { if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\") || !this.stateOverride && (c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#"))) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { this.parseError = true; } if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { shortenPath(this.url); if (c4 !== p("/") && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\"))) { this.url.path.push(""); } } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c4 !== p("/") && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\"))) { this.url.path.push(""); } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { this.buffer = `${this.buffer[0]}:`; } this.url.path.push(this.buffer); } this.buffer = ""; if (c4 === p("?")) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } if (c4 === p("#")) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } } else { if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.buffer += utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(c4, isPathPercentEncode); } return true; } parseOpaquePath(c4) { if (c4 === p("?")) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c4 === p("#")) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else { if (!isNaN(c4) && c4 !== p("%")) { this.parseError = true; } if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } if (!isNaN(c4)) { this.url.path += utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(c4, isC0ControlPercentEncode); } } return true; } parseQuery(c4, cStr) { if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; } if (!this.stateOverride && c4 === p("#") || isNaN(c4)) { const queryPercentEncodePredicate = isSpecial(this.url) ? isSpecialQueryPercentEncode : isQueryPercentEncode; this.url.query += utf8PercentEncodeString(this.buffer, queryPercentEncodePredicate); this.buffer = ""; if (c4 === p("#")) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } } else if (!isNaN(c4)) { if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.buffer += cStr; } return true; } parseFragment(c4) { if (!isNaN(c4)) { if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.url.fragment += utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(c4, isFragmentPercentEncode); } return true; } }; var fileOtherwiseCodePoints = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([p("/"), p("\\"), p("?"), p("#")]); function startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(input, pointer) { const length = input.length - pointer; return length >= 2 && isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(input[pointer], input[pointer + 1]) && (length === 2 || fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(input[pointer + 2])); } function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { let output = `${url.scheme}:`; if ( !== null) { output += "//"; if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { output += url.username; if (url.password !== "") { output += `:${url.password}`; } output += "@"; } output += serializeHost(; if (url.port !== null) { output += `:${url.port}`; } } if ( === null && !hasAnOpaquePath(url) && url.path.length > 1 && url.path[0] === "") { output += "/."; } output += serializePath(url); if (url.query !== null) { output += `?${url.query}`; } if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { output += `#${url.fragment}`; } return output; } function serializeOrigin(tuple) { let result = `${tuple.scheme}://`; result += serializeHost(; if (tuple.port !== null) { result += `:${tuple.port}`; } return result; } function serializePath(url) { if (typeof url.path === "string") { return url.path; } let output = ""; for (const segment of url.path) { output += `/${segment}`; } return output; } function serializeURLOrigin(url) { switch (url.scheme) { case "blob": try { return serializeURLOrigin(parseURL(serializePath(url))); } catch (e4) { return "null"; } case "ftp": case "http": case "https": case "ws": case "wss": return serializeOrigin({ scheme: url.scheme, host:, port: url.port }); case "file": return "null"; default: return "null"; } } function basicURLParse(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); if (usm.failure) { return null; } return usm.url; } function setTheUsername(url, username) { url.username = utf8PercentEncodeString(username, isUserinfoPercentEncode); } function setThePassword(url, password) { url.password = utf8PercentEncodeString(password, isUserinfoPercentEncode); } function serializeInteger(integer) { return String(integer); } function parseURL(input, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); } var URLImpl = class { constructor(url, base2) { let parsedBase = null; if (base2 !== void 0) { parsedBase = basicURLParse(base2); if (parsedBase === null) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid base URL: ${base2}`); } } const parsedURL = basicURLParse(url, { baseURL: parsedBase }); if (parsedURL === null) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid URL: ${url}`); } const query = parsedURL.query !== null ? parsedURL.query : ""; this._url = parsedURL; this._query = new URLSearchParamsImpl(query, { doNotStripQMark: true }); this._query._url = this; } get href() { return serializeURL(this._url); } set href(v3) { const parsedURL = basicURLParse(v3); if (parsedURL === null) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid URL: ${v3}`); } this._url = parsedURL; this._query._list.splice(0); const { query } = parsedURL; if (query !== null) { this._query._list = parseUrlencodedString(query); } } get origin() { return serializeURLOrigin(this._url); } get protocol() { return `${this._url.scheme}:`; } set protocol(v3) { basicURLParse(`${v3}:`, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "scheme start" }); } get username() { return this._url.username; } set username(v3) { if (cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { return; } setTheUsername(this._url, v3); } get password() { return this._url.password; } set password(v3) { if (cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { return; } setThePassword(this._url, v3); } get host() { const url = this._url; if ( === null) { return ""; } if (url.port === null) { return serializeHost(; } return `${serializeHost(}:${serializeInteger(url.port)}`; } set host(v3) { if (hasAnOpaquePath(this._url)) { return; } basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "host" }); } get hostname() { if ( === null) { return ""; } return serializeHost(; } set hostname(v3) { if (hasAnOpaquePath(this._url)) { return; } basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "hostname" }); } get port() { if (this._url.port === null) { return ""; } return serializeInteger(this._url.port); } set port(v3) { if (cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { return; } if (v3 === "") { this._url.port = null; } else { basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "port" }); } } get pathname() { return serializePath(this._url); } set pathname(v3) { if (hasAnOpaquePath(this._url)) { return; } this._url.path = []; basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "path start" }); } get search() { if (this._url.query === null || this._url.query === "") { return ""; } return `?${this._url.query}`; } set search(v3) { const url = this._url; if (v3 === "") { url.query = null; this._query._list = []; return; } const input = v3[0] === "?" ? v3.substring(1) : v3; url.query = ""; basicURLParse(input, { url, stateOverride: "query" }); this._query._list = parseUrlencodedString(input); } get searchParams() { return this._query; } get hash() { if (this._url.fragment === null || this._url.fragment === "") { return ""; } return `#${this._url.fragment}`; } set hash(v3) { if (v3 === "") { this._url.fragment = null; return; } const input = v3[0] === "#" ? v3.substring(1) : v3; this._url.fragment = ""; basicURLParse(input, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "fragment" }); } toJSON() { return this.href; } }; // ../taler-util/lib/url.js (function() { if (typeof globalThis === "object") return; Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__magic__", { get: function() { return this; }, configurable: true // This makes it possible to `delete` the getter later. }); __magic__.globalThis = __magic__; delete Object.prototype.__magic__; })(); var useOwnUrlImp = true; var _URL = globalThis.URL; if (useOwnUrlImp || !_URL) { globalThis.URL = _URL = URLImpl; _URL = URLImpl; } var URL2 = _URL; var _URLSearchParams = globalThis.URLSearchParams; if (useOwnUrlImp || !_URLSearchParams) { globalThis.URLSearchParams = URLSearchParamsImpl; _URLSearchParams = URLSearchParamsImpl; } var URLSearchParams = _URLSearchParams; // ../taler-util/lib/helpers.js function canonicalizeBaseUrl(url) { if (!url.startsWith("http") && !url.startsWith("https")) { url = "https://" + url; } const x6 = new URL2(url); if (!x6.pathname.endsWith("/")) { x6.pathname = x6.pathname + "/"; } = ""; x6.hash = ""; return x6.href; } function canonicalJson(obj) { obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); if (typeof obj === "string") { return JSON.stringify(obj); } if (typeof obj === "number" || typeof obj === "boolean" || obj === null) { return JSON.stringify(obj); } if (Array.isArray(obj)) { const objs = => canonicalJson(e4)); return `[${objs.join(",")}]`; } const keys = []; for (const key in obj) { keys.push(key); } keys.sort(); let s5 = "{"; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < keys.length; i4++) { const key = keys[i4]; s5 += JSON.stringify(key) + ":" + canonicalJson(obj[key]); if (i4 !== keys.length - 1) { s5 += ","; } } return s5 + "}"; } function strcmp(s1, s22) { if (s1 < s22) { return -1; } if (s1 > s22) { return 1; } return 0; } // ../taler-util/lib/libtool-version.js var LibtoolVersion; (function(LibtoolVersion2) { function compare2(me, other) { const meVer = parseVersion(me); const otherVer = parseVersion(other); if (!(meVer && otherVer)) { return void 0; } const compatible = meVer.current - meVer.age <= otherVer.current && meVer.current >= otherVer.current - otherVer.age; const currentCmp = Math.sign(meVer.current - otherVer.current); return { compatible, currentCmp }; } = compare2; function parseVersion(v3) { const [currentStr, revisionStr, ageStr,] = v3.split(":"); if (rest.length !== 0) { return void 0; } const current = Number.parseInt(currentStr); const revision = Number.parseInt(revisionStr); const age = Number.parseInt(ageStr); if (Number.isNaN(current)) { return void 0; } if (Number.isNaN(revision)) { return void 0; } if (Number.isNaN(age)) { return void 0; } return { current, revision, age }; } LibtoolVersion2.parseVersion = parseVersion; })(LibtoolVersion || (LibtoolVersion = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/notifications.js var NotificationType; (function(NotificationType2) { NotificationType2["BalanceChange"] = "balance-change"; NotificationType2["ExchangeOperationError"] = "exchange-operation-error"; NotificationType2["ExchangeAdded"] = "exchange-added"; NotificationType2["BackupOperationError"] = "backup-error"; NotificationType2["PendingOperationProcessed"] = "pending-operation-processed"; NotificationType2["TransactionStateTransition"] = "transaction-state-transition"; })(NotificationType || (NotificationType = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/sha256.js var digestLength = 32; var blockSize = 64; var K2 = new Uint32Array([ 1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298 ]); function hashBlocks(w5, v3, p4, pos, len) { let a5, b4, c4, d5, e4, f3, g4, h5, u4, i4, j4, t1, t22; while (len >= 64) { a5 = v3[0]; b4 = v3[1]; c4 = v3[2]; d5 = v3[3]; e4 = v3[4]; f3 = v3[5]; g4 = v3[6]; h5 = v3[7]; for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { j4 = pos + i4 * 4; w5[i4] = (p4[j4] & 255) << 24 | (p4[j4 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (p4[j4 + 2] & 255) << 8 | p4[j4 + 3] & 255; } for (i4 = 16; i4 < 64; i4++) { u4 = w5[i4 - 2]; t1 = (u4 >>> 17 | u4 << 32 - 17) ^ (u4 >>> 19 | u4 << 32 - 19) ^ u4 >>> 10; u4 = w5[i4 - 15]; t22 = (u4 >>> 7 | u4 << 32 - 7) ^ (u4 >>> 18 | u4 << 32 - 18) ^ u4 >>> 3; w5[i4] = (t1 + w5[i4 - 7] | 0) + (t22 + w5[i4 - 16] | 0); } for (i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) { t1 = (((e4 >>> 6 | e4 << 32 - 6) ^ (e4 >>> 11 | e4 << 32 - 11) ^ (e4 >>> 25 | e4 << 32 - 25)) + (e4 & f3 ^ ~e4 & g4) | 0) + (h5 + (K2[i4] + w5[i4] | 0) | 0) | 0; t22 = ((a5 >>> 2 | a5 << 32 - 2) ^ (a5 >>> 13 | a5 << 32 - 13) ^ (a5 >>> 22 | a5 << 32 - 22)) + (a5 & b4 ^ a5 & c4 ^ b4 & c4) | 0; h5 = g4; g4 = f3; f3 = e4; e4 = d5 + t1 | 0; d5 = c4; c4 = b4; b4 = a5; a5 = t1 + t22 | 0; } v3[0] += a5; v3[1] += b4; v3[2] += c4; v3[3] += d5; v3[4] += e4; v3[5] += f3; v3[6] += g4; v3[7] += h5; pos += 64; len -= 64; } return pos; } var HashSha256 = class { constructor() { this.digestLength = digestLength; this.blockSize = blockSize; this.state = new Int32Array(8); this.temp = new Int32Array(64); this.buffer = new Uint8Array(128); this.bufferLength = 0; this.bytesHashed = 0; this.finished = false; this.reset(); } // Resets hash state making it possible // to re-use this instance to hash other data. reset() { this.state[0] = 1779033703; this.state[1] = 3144134277; this.state[2] = 1013904242; this.state[3] = 2773480762; this.state[4] = 1359893119; this.state[5] = 2600822924; this.state[6] = 528734635; this.state[7] = 1541459225; this.bufferLength = 0; this.bytesHashed = 0; this.finished = false; return this; } // Cleans internal buffers and re-initializes hash state. clean() { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.buffer.length; i4++) { this.buffer[i4] = 0; } for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.temp.length; i4++) { this.temp[i4] = 0; } this.reset(); } // Updates hash state with the given data. // // Optionally, length of the data can be specified to hash // fewer bytes than data.length. // // Throws error when trying to update already finalized hash: // instance must be reset to use it again. update(data, dataLength = data.length) { if (this.finished) { throw new Error("SHA256: can't update because hash was finished."); } let dataPos = 0; this.bytesHashed += dataLength; if (this.bufferLength > 0) { while (this.bufferLength < 64 && dataLength > 0) { this.buffer[this.bufferLength++] = data[dataPos++]; dataLength--; } if (this.bufferLength === 64) { hashBlocks(this.temp, this.state, this.buffer, 0, 64); this.bufferLength = 0; } } if (dataLength >= 64) { dataPos = hashBlocks(this.temp, this.state, data, dataPos, dataLength); dataLength %= 64; } while (dataLength > 0) { this.buffer[this.bufferLength++] = data[dataPos++]; dataLength--; } return this; } // Finalizes hash state and puts hash into out. // // If hash was already finalized, puts the same value. finish(out) { if (!this.finished) { const bytesHashed = this.bytesHashed; const left = this.bufferLength; const bitLenHi = bytesHashed / 536870912 | 0; const bitLenLo = bytesHashed << 3; const padLength = bytesHashed % 64 < 56 ? 64 : 128; this.buffer[left] = 128; for (let i4 = left + 1; i4 < padLength - 8; i4++) { this.buffer[i4] = 0; } this.buffer[padLength - 8] = bitLenHi >>> 24 & 255; this.buffer[padLength - 7] = bitLenHi >>> 16 & 255; this.buffer[padLength - 6] = bitLenHi >>> 8 & 255; this.buffer[padLength - 5] = bitLenHi >>> 0 & 255; this.buffer[padLength - 4] = bitLenLo >>> 24 & 255; this.buffer[padLength - 3] = bitLenLo >>> 16 & 255; this.buffer[padLength - 2] = bitLenLo >>> 8 & 255; this.buffer[padLength - 1] = bitLenLo >>> 0 & 255; hashBlocks(this.temp, this.state, this.buffer, 0, padLength); this.finished = true; } for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4++) { out[i4 * 4 + 0] = this.state[i4] >>> 24 & 255; out[i4 * 4 + 1] = this.state[i4] >>> 16 & 255; out[i4 * 4 + 2] = this.state[i4] >>> 8 & 255; out[i4 * 4 + 3] = this.state[i4] >>> 0 & 255; } return this; } // Returns the final hash digest. digest() { const out = new Uint8Array(this.digestLength); this.finish(out); return out; } // Internal function for use in HMAC for optimization. _saveState(out) { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.state.length; i4++) { out[i4] = this.state[i4]; } } // Internal function for use in HMAC for optimization. _restoreState(from, bytesHashed) { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.state.length; i4++) { this.state[i4] = from[i4]; } this.bytesHashed = bytesHashed; this.finished = false; this.bufferLength = 0; } }; function sha256(data) { const h5 = new HashSha256().update(data); const digest = h5.digest(); h5.clean(); return digest; } // ../taler-util/lib/kdf.js function sha512(data) { return hash(data); } function hmac(digest, blockSize2, key, message) { if (key.byteLength > blockSize2) { key = digest(key); } if (key.byteLength < blockSize2) { const k5 = key; key = new Uint8Array(blockSize2); key.set(k5, 0); } const okp = new Uint8Array(blockSize2); const ikp = new Uint8Array(blockSize2); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < blockSize2; i4++) { ikp[i4] = key[i4] ^ 54; okp[i4] = key[i4] ^ 92; } const b1 = new Uint8Array(blockSize2 + message.byteLength); b1.set(ikp, 0); b1.set(message, blockSize2); const h0 = digest(b1); const b22 = new Uint8Array(blockSize2 + h0.length); b22.set(okp, 0); b22.set(h0, blockSize2); return digest(b22); } function hmacSha512(key, message) { return hmac(sha512, 128, key, message); } function hmacSha256(key, message) { return hmac(sha256, 64, key, message); } // ../taler-util/lib/taler-crypto.js var import_big_integer = __toESM(require_BigInteger(), 1); // ../taler-util/lib/time.js var opaque_AbsoluteTime = Symbol("opaque_AbsoluteTime"); var TalerPreciseTimestamp; (function(TalerPreciseTimestamp2) { function now2() { const absNow =; return AbsoluteTime.toPreciseTimestamp(absNow); } = now2; function round(t4) { return { t_s: t4.t_s }; } TalerPreciseTimestamp2.round = round; function fromSeconds(s5) { return { t_s: Math.floor(s5), off_us: Math.floor((s5 - Math.floor(s5)) / 1e3 / 1e3) }; } TalerPreciseTimestamp2.fromSeconds = fromSeconds; function fromMilliseconds(ms) { return { t_s: Math.floor(ms / 1e3), off_us: Math.floor((ms - Math.floor(ms / 100) * 1e3) * 1e3) }; } TalerPreciseTimestamp2.fromMilliseconds = fromMilliseconds; })(TalerPreciseTimestamp || (TalerPreciseTimestamp = {})); var TalerProtocolTimestamp; (function(TalerProtocolTimestamp2) { function now2() { return AbsoluteTime.toProtocolTimestamp(; } = now2; function zero() { return { t_s: 0 }; } = zero; function never() { return { t_s: "never" }; } TalerProtocolTimestamp2.never = never; function isNever(t4) { return t4.t_s === "never"; } TalerProtocolTimestamp2.isNever = isNever; function fromSeconds(s5) { return { t_s: s5 }; } TalerProtocolTimestamp2.fromSeconds = fromSeconds; function min(t1, t22) { if (t1.t_s === "never") { return { t_s: t22.t_s }; } if (t22.t_s === "never") { return { t_s: t1.t_s }; } return { t_s: Math.min(t1.t_s, t22.t_s) }; } TalerProtocolTimestamp2.min = min; function max(t1, t22) { if (t1.t_s === "never" || t22.t_s === "never") { return { t_s: "never" }; } return { t_s: Math.max(t1.t_s, t22.t_s) }; } TalerProtocolTimestamp2.max = max; })(TalerProtocolTimestamp || (TalerProtocolTimestamp = {})); var timeshift = 0; var Duration; (function(Duration2) { function toMilliseconds(d5) { if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { return Number.MAX_VALUE; } return d5.d_ms; } Duration2.toMilliseconds = toMilliseconds; function getRemaining(deadline, now2 = { if (deadline.t_ms === "never") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } if (now2.t_ms === "never") { throw Error("invalid argument for 'now'"); } if (deadline.t_ms < now2.t_ms) { return { d_ms: 0 }; } return { d_ms: deadline.t_ms - now2.t_ms }; } Duration2.getRemaining = getRemaining; function fromPrettyString(s5) { let dMs = 0; let currentNum = ""; let parsingNum = true; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4++) { const cc = s5.charCodeAt(i4); if (cc >= "0".charCodeAt(0) && cc <= "9".charCodeAt(0)) { if (!parsingNum) { throw Error("invalid duration, unexpected number"); } currentNum += s5[i4]; continue; } if (s5[i4] == " ") { if (currentNum != "") { parsingNum = false; } continue; } if (currentNum == "") { throw Error("invalid duration, missing number"); } if (s5[i4] === "s") { dMs += 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); } else if (s5[i4] === "m") { dMs += 60 * 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); } else if (s5[i4] === "h") { dMs += 60 * 60 * 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); } else if (s5[i4] === "d") { dMs += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); } else { throw Error("invalid duration, unsupported unit"); } currentNum = ""; parsingNum = true; } return { d_ms: dMs }; } Duration2.fromPrettyString = fromPrettyString; function cmp(d1, d22) { if (d1.d_ms === "forever") { if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { return 0; } return 1; } if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { return -1; } if (d1.d_ms == d22.d_ms) { return 0; } if (d1.d_ms > d22.d_ms) { return 1; } return -1; } Duration2.cmp = cmp; function max(d1, d22) { return durationMax(d1, d22); } Duration2.max = max; function min(d1, d22) { return durationMin(d1, d22); } Duration2.min = min; function multiply(d1, n2) { return durationMul(d1, n2); } Duration2.multiply = multiply; function toIntegerYears(d5) { if (typeof d5.d_ms !== "number") { throw Error("infinite duration"); } return Math.ceil(d5.d_ms / 1e3 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365); } Duration2.toIntegerYears = toIntegerYears; Duration2.fromSpec = durationFromSpec; function getForever() { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } Duration2.getForever = getForever; function getZero() { return { d_ms: 0 }; } Duration2.getZero = getZero; function fromTalerProtocolDuration(d5) { if (d5.d_us === "forever") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } return { d_ms: Math.floor(d5.d_us / 1e3) }; } Duration2.fromTalerProtocolDuration = fromTalerProtocolDuration; function toTalerProtocolDuration(d5) { if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { return { d_us: "forever" }; } return { d_us: d5.d_ms * 1e3 }; } Duration2.toTalerProtocolDuration = toTalerProtocolDuration; function fromMilliseconds(ms) { return { d_ms: ms }; } Duration2.fromMilliseconds = fromMilliseconds; function clamp(args) { return durationMax(durationMin(args.value, args.upper), args.lower); } Duration2.clamp = clamp; })(Duration || (Duration = {})); var AbsoluteTime; (function(AbsoluteTime2) { function getStampMsNow() { return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(); } AbsoluteTime2.getStampMsNow = getStampMsNow; function getStampMsNever() { return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } AbsoluteTime2.getStampMsNever = getStampMsNever; function now2() { return { t_ms: (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() + timeshift, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } = now2; function never() { return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.never = never; function fromMilliseconds(ms) { return { t_ms: ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.fromMilliseconds = fromMilliseconds; function cmp(t1, t22) { if (t1.t_ms === "never") { if (t22.t_ms === "never") { return 0; } return 1; } if (t22.t_ms === "never") { return -1; } if (t1.t_ms == t22.t_ms) { return 0; } if (t1.t_ms > t22.t_ms) { return 1; } return -1; } AbsoluteTime2.cmp = cmp; function min(t1, t22) { if (t1.t_ms === "never") { return { t_ms: t22.t_ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } if (t22.t_ms === "never") { return { t_ms: t22.t_ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } return { t_ms: Math.min(t1.t_ms, t22.t_ms), [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.min = min; function max(t1, t22) { if (t1.t_ms === "never") { return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } if (t22.t_ms === "never") { return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } return { t_ms: Math.max(t1.t_ms, t22.t_ms), [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.max = max; function difference2(t1, t22) { if (t1.t_ms === "never") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } if (t22.t_ms === "never") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } return { d_ms: Math.abs(t1.t_ms - t22.t_ms) }; } AbsoluteTime2.difference = difference2; function isExpired(t4) { return cmp(t4, now2()) <= 0; } AbsoluteTime2.isExpired = isExpired; function fromProtocolTimestamp(t4) { if (t4.t_s === "never") { return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } return { t_ms: t4.t_s * 1e3, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.fromProtocolTimestamp = fromProtocolTimestamp; function fromStampMs(stampMs) { return { t_ms: stampMs, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.fromStampMs = fromStampMs; function fromPreciseTimestamp(t4) { var _a; if (t4.t_s === "never") { return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } const offsetUs = (_a = t4.off_us) != null ? _a : 0; return { t_ms: t4.t_s * 1e3 + Math.floor(offsetUs / 1e3), [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.fromPreciseTimestamp = fromPreciseTimestamp; function toStampMs(at2) { if (at2.t_ms === "never") { return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } return at2.t_ms; } AbsoluteTime2.toStampMs = toStampMs; function toPreciseTimestamp(at2) { if (at2.t_ms == "never") { return { t_s: "never" }; } const t_s = Math.floor(at2.t_ms / 1e3); const off_us = Math.floor(1e3 * (at2.t_ms - t_s * 1e3)); return { t_s, off_us }; } AbsoluteTime2.toPreciseTimestamp = toPreciseTimestamp; function toProtocolTimestamp(at2) { if (at2.t_ms === "never") { return { t_s: "never" }; } return { t_s: Math.floor(at2.t_ms / 1e3) }; } AbsoluteTime2.toProtocolTimestamp = toProtocolTimestamp; function isBetween(t4, start, end) { if (cmp(t4, start) < 0) { return false; } if (cmp(t4, end) > 0) { return false; } return true; } AbsoluteTime2.isBetween = isBetween; function toIsoString(t4) { if (t4.t_ms === "never") { return ""; } else { return new Date(t4.t_ms).toISOString(); } } AbsoluteTime2.toIsoString = toIsoString; function addDuration(t1, d5) { if (t1.t_ms === "never" || d5.d_ms === "forever") { return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } return { t_ms: t1.t_ms + d5.d_ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.addDuration = addDuration; function subtractDuraction(t1, d5) { if (t1.t_ms === "never") { return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { return { t_ms: 0, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } return { t_ms: Math.max(0, t1.t_ms - d5.d_ms), [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; } AbsoluteTime2.subtractDuraction = subtractDuraction; function stringify(t4) { if (t4.t_ms === "never") { return "never"; } return new Date(t4.t_ms).toISOString(); } AbsoluteTime2.stringify = stringify; })(AbsoluteTime || (AbsoluteTime = {})); var SECONDS = 1e3; var MINUTES = SECONDS * 60; var HOURS = MINUTES * 60; var DAYS = HOURS * 24; var MONTHS = DAYS * 30; var YEARS = DAYS * 365; function durationFromSpec(spec) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f; let d_ms = 0; d_ms += ((_a = spec.seconds) != null ? _a : 0) * SECONDS; d_ms += ((_b = spec.minutes) != null ? _b : 0) * MINUTES; d_ms += ((_c = spec.hours) != null ? _c : 0) * HOURS; d_ms += ((_d = spec.days) != null ? _d : 0) * DAYS; d_ms += ((_e = spec.months) != null ? _e : 0) * MONTHS; d_ms += ((_f = spec.years) != null ? _f : 0) * YEARS; return { d_ms }; } function durationMin(d1, d22) { if (d1.d_ms === "forever") { return { d_ms: d22.d_ms }; } if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { return { d_ms: d1.d_ms }; } return { d_ms: Math.min(d1.d_ms, d22.d_ms) }; } function durationMax(d1, d22) { if (d1.d_ms === "forever") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } return { d_ms: Math.max(d1.d_ms, d22.d_ms) }; } function durationMul(d5, n2) { if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { return { d_ms: "forever" }; } return { d_ms: Math.round(d5.d_ms * n2) }; } var codecForTimestamp = { decode(x6, c4) { const t_ms = x6.t_ms; if (typeof t_ms === "string") { if (t_ms === "never") { return { t_s: "never" }; } } else if (typeof t_ms === "number") { return { t_s: Math.floor(t_ms / 1e3) }; } const t_s = x6.t_s; if (typeof t_s === "string") { if (t_s === "never") { return { t_s: "never" }; } throw Error(`expected timestamp at ${renderContext(c4)}`); } if (typeof t_s === "number") { return { t_s }; } throw Error(`expected timestamp at ${renderContext(c4)}`); } }; // ../taler-util/lib/taler-types.js var DenomKeyType; (function(DenomKeyType2) { DenomKeyType2["Rsa"] = "RSA"; DenomKeyType2["ClauseSchnorr"] = "CS"; })(DenomKeyType || (DenomKeyType = {})); (function(DenomKeyType2) { function toIntTag(t4) { switch (t4) { case DenomKeyType2.Rsa: return 1; case DenomKeyType2.ClauseSchnorr: return 2; } } DenomKeyType2.toIntTag = toIntTag; })(DenomKeyType || (DenomKeyType = {})); var DenominationPubKey; (function(DenominationPubKey2) { function cmp(p1, p22) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h; if (p1.cipher < p22.cipher) { return -1; } else if (p1.cipher > p22.cipher) { return 1; } else if (p1.cipher === DenomKeyType.Rsa && p22.cipher === DenomKeyType.Rsa) { if (((_a = p1.age_mask) != null ? _a : 0) < ((_b = p22.age_mask) != null ? _b : 0)) { return -1; } else if (((_c = p1.age_mask) != null ? _c : 0) > ((_d = p22.age_mask) != null ? _d : 0)) { return 1; } return strcmp(p1.rsa_public_key, p22.rsa_public_key); } else if (p1.cipher === DenomKeyType.ClauseSchnorr && p22.cipher === DenomKeyType.ClauseSchnorr) { if (((_e = p1.age_mask) != null ? _e : 0) < ((_f = p22.age_mask) != null ? _f : 0)) { return -1; } else if (((_g = p1.age_mask) != null ? _g : 0) > ((_h = p22.age_mask) != null ? _h : 0)) { return 1; } return strcmp(p1.cs_public_key, p22.cs_public_key); } else { throw Error("unsupported cipher"); } } DenominationPubKey2.cmp = cmp; })(DenominationPubKey || (DenominationPubKey = {})); var codecForNgDenominations = codecForAny(); var ExchangeProtocolVersion; (function(ExchangeProtocolVersion2) { ExchangeProtocolVersion2[ExchangeProtocolVersion2["V12"] = 12] = "V12"; })(ExchangeProtocolVersion || (ExchangeProtocolVersion = {})); var MerchantProtocolVersion; (function(MerchantProtocolVersion2) { MerchantProtocolVersion2[MerchantProtocolVersion2["V3"] = 3] = "V3"; })(MerchantProtocolVersion || (MerchantProtocolVersion = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/logging.js var isNode = typeof process !== "undefined" && typeof process.release !== "undefined" && === "node"; var LogLevel; (function(LogLevel2) { LogLevel2["Trace"] = "trace"; LogLevel2["Message"] = "message"; LogLevel2["Info"] = "info"; LogLevel2["Warn"] = "warn"; LogLevel2["Error"] = "error"; LogLevel2["None"] = "none"; })(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {})); var globalLogLevel = LogLevel.Info; var byTagLogLevel = {}; function writeNodeLog(message, tag, level, args) { try { let msg = `${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${tag} ${level} ${message}`; if (args.length != 0) { msg += ` ${JSON.stringify(args, void 0, 2)} `; } else { msg += ` `; } process.stderr.write(msg); } catch (e4) { let msg = `${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} (logger) FATAL `; if (e4 instanceof Error) { msg += `failed to write log: ${e4.message} `; } else { msg += "failed to write log\n"; } process.stderr.write(msg); } } var Logger = class { constructor(tag) { this.tag = tag; } shouldLogTrace() { var _a; const level = (_a = byTagLogLevel[this.tag]) != null ? _a : globalLogLevel; switch (level) { case LogLevel.Trace: return true; case LogLevel.Message: case LogLevel.Info: case LogLevel.Warn: case LogLevel.Error: case LogLevel.None: return false; } } shouldLogInfo() { var _a; const level = (_a = byTagLogLevel[this.tag]) != null ? _a : globalLogLevel; switch (level) { case LogLevel.Trace: case LogLevel.Message: case LogLevel.Info: return true; case LogLevel.Warn: case LogLevel.Error: case LogLevel.None: return false; } } shouldLogWarn() { var _a; const level = (_a = byTagLogLevel[this.tag]) != null ? _a : globalLogLevel; switch (level) { case LogLevel.Trace: case LogLevel.Message: case LogLevel.Info: case LogLevel.Warn: return true; case LogLevel.Error: case LogLevel.None: return false; } } shouldLogError() { var _a; const level = (_a = byTagLogLevel[this.tag]) != null ? _a : globalLogLevel; switch (level) { case LogLevel.Trace: case LogLevel.Message: case LogLevel.Info: case LogLevel.Warn: case LogLevel.Error: return true; case LogLevel.None: return false; } } info(message, ...args) { if (!this.shouldLogInfo()) { return; } if (isNode) { writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "INFO", args); } else {`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} INFO ` + message, ...args); } } warn(message, ...args) { if (!this.shouldLogWarn()) { return; } if (isNode) { writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "WARN", args); } else { console.warn(`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} INFO ` + message, ...args); } } error(message, ...args) { if (!this.shouldLogError()) { return; } if (isNode) { writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "ERROR", args); } else {`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} ERROR ` + message, ...args); } } trace(message, ...args) { if (!this.shouldLogTrace()) { return; } if (isNode) { writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "TRACE", args); } else {`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} TRACE ` + message, ...args); } } reportBreak() { if (!this.shouldLogError()) { return; } const location2 = new Error("programming error"); this.error(`assertion failed: ${location2.stack}`); } }; // ../taler-util/lib/taler-crypto.js function getRandomBytes(n2) { return randomBytes(n2); } var useNative = true; var tart; if (useNative) { tart = globalThis._tart; } var encTable = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"; var EncodingError = class extends Error { constructor() { super("Encoding error"); Object.setPrototypeOf(this, EncodingError.prototype); } }; function getValue(chr) { let a5 = chr; switch (chr) { case "O": case "o": a5 = "0;"; break; case "i": case "I": case "l": case "L": a5 = "1"; break; case "u": case "U": a5 = "V"; } if (a5 >= "0" && a5 <= "9") { return a5.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0); } if (a5 >= "a" && a5 <= "z") a5 = a5.toUpperCase(); let dec = 0; if (a5 >= "A" && a5 <= "Z") { if ("I" < a5) dec++; if ("L" < a5) dec++; if ("O" < a5) dec++; if ("U" < a5) dec++; return a5.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0) + 10 - dec; } throw new EncodingError(); } function encodeCrock(data) { if (tart) { return tart.encodeCrock(data); } const dataBytes = new Uint8Array(data); let sb = ""; const size = data.byteLength; let bitBuf = 0; let numBits = 0; let pos = 0; while (pos < size || numBits > 0) { if (pos < size && numBits < 5) { const d5 = dataBytes[pos++]; bitBuf = bitBuf << 8 | d5; numBits += 8; } if (numBits < 5) { bitBuf = bitBuf << 5 - numBits; numBits = 5; } const v3 = bitBuf >>> numBits - 5 & 31; sb += encTable[v3]; numBits -= 5; } return sb; } function kdf(outputLength, ikm, salt, info) { if (tart) { return tart.kdf(outputLength, ikm, salt, info); } salt = salt != null ? salt : new Uint8Array(64); const prk = hmacSha512(salt, ikm); info = info != null ? info : new Uint8Array(0); const N3 = Math.ceil(outputLength / 32); const output = new Uint8Array(N3 * 32); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < N3; i4++) { let buf; if (i4 == 0) { buf = new Uint8Array(info.byteLength + 1); buf.set(info, 0); } else { buf = new Uint8Array(info.byteLength + 1 + 32); for (let j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) { buf[j4] = output[(i4 - 1) * 32 + j4]; } buf.set(info, 32); } buf[buf.length - 1] = i4 + 1; const chunk = hmacSha256(prk, buf); output.set(chunk, i4 * 32); } return output.slice(0, outputLength); } function kdfKw(args) { return kdf(args.outputLength, args.ikm, args.salt,; } function decodeCrock(encoded) { if (tart) { return tart.decodeCrock(encoded); } const size = encoded.length; let bitpos = 0; let bitbuf = 0; let readPosition = 0; const outLen = Math.floor(size * 5 / 8); const out = new Uint8Array(outLen); let outPos = 0; while (readPosition < size || bitpos > 0) { if (readPosition < size) { const v3 = getValue(encoded[readPosition++]); bitbuf = bitbuf << 5 | v3; bitpos += 5; } while (bitpos >= 8) { const d5 = bitbuf >>> bitpos - 8 & 255; out[outPos++] = d5; bitpos -= 8; } if (readPosition == size && bitpos > 0) { bitbuf = bitbuf << 8 - bitpos & 255; bitpos = bitbuf == 0 ? 0 : 8; } } return out; } var encoder; function stringToBytes(s5) { if (!encoder) { encoder = new TextEncoder(); } return encoder.encode(s5); } function typedArrayConcat(chunks) { let payloadLen = 0; for (const c4 of chunks) { payloadLen += c4.byteLength; } const buf = new ArrayBuffer(payloadLen); const u8buf = new Uint8Array(buf); let p4 = 0; for (const c4 of chunks) { u8buf.set(c4, p4); p4 += c4.byteLength; } return u8buf; } function hash2(d5) { if (tart) { return tart.hash(d5); } return hash(d5); } var logger = new Logger("talerCrypto.ts"); function bufferForUint32(n2) { const arrBuf = new ArrayBuffer(4); const buf = new Uint8Array(arrBuf); const dv = new DataView(arrBuf); dv.setUint32(0, n2); return buf; } var TalerSignaturePurpose; (function(TalerSignaturePurpose2) { TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_TRACK_TRANSACTION"] = 1103] = "MERCHANT_TRACK_TRANSACTION"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_RESERVE_WITHDRAW"] = 1200] = "WALLET_RESERVE_WITHDRAW"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_DEPOSIT"] = 1201] = "WALLET_COIN_DEPOSIT"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["GLOBAL_FEES"] = 1022] = "GLOBAL_FEES"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MASTER_DENOMINATION_KEY_VALIDITY"] = 1025] = "MASTER_DENOMINATION_KEY_VALIDITY"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MASTER_WIRE_FEES"] = 1028] = "MASTER_WIRE_FEES"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MASTER_WIRE_DETAILS"] = 1030] = "MASTER_WIRE_DETAILS"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_MELT"] = 1202] = "WALLET_COIN_MELT"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TEST"] = 4242] = "TEST"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK"] = 1104] = "MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_CONTRACT"] = 1101] = "MERCHANT_CONTRACT"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_REFUND"] = 1102] = "MERCHANT_REFUND"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_RECOUP"] = 1203] = "WALLET_COIN_RECOUP"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_LINK"] = 1204] = "WALLET_COIN_LINK"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_RECOUP_REFRESH"] = 1206] = "WALLET_COIN_RECOUP_REFRESH"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION"] = 1207] = "WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_CREATE"] = 1210] = "WALLET_PURSE_CREATE"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_DEPOSIT"] = 1211] = "WALLET_PURSE_DEPOSIT"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_MERGE"] = 1213] = "WALLET_PURSE_MERGE"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_ACCOUNT_MERGE"] = 1214] = "WALLET_ACCOUNT_MERGE"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_ECONTRACT"] = 1216] = "WALLET_PURSE_ECONTRACT"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_DELETE"] = 1220] = "WALLET_PURSE_DELETE"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP"] = 1039] = "EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP_REFRESH"] = 1041] = "EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP_REFRESH"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_DECISION"] = 1350] = "TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_DECISION"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_QUERY"] = 1351] = "TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_QUERY"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TALER_SIGNATURE_MASTER_AML_KEY"] = 1017] = "TALER_SIGNATURE_MASTER_AML_KEY"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_UPLOAD"] = 1400] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_UPLOAD"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_DOWNLOAD"] = 1401] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_DOWNLOAD"; TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["SYNC_BACKUP_UPLOAD"] = 1450] = "SYNC_BACKUP_UPLOAD"; })(TalerSignaturePurpose || (TalerSignaturePurpose = {})); var WalletAccountMergeFlags; (function(WalletAccountMergeFlags2) { WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["MergeFullyPaidPurse"] = 1] = "MergeFullyPaidPurse"; WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["CreateFromPurseQuota"] = 2] = "CreateFromPurseQuota"; WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["CreateWithPurseFee"] = 3] = "CreateWithPurseFee"; })(WalletAccountMergeFlags || (WalletAccountMergeFlags = {})); var SignaturePurposeBuilder = class { constructor(purposeNum) { this.purposeNum = purposeNum; this.chunks = []; } put(bytes) { this.chunks.push(Uint8Array.from(bytes)); return this; } build() { let payloadLen = 0; for (const c4 of this.chunks) { payloadLen += c4.byteLength; } const buf = new ArrayBuffer(4 + 4 + payloadLen); const u8buf = new Uint8Array(buf); let p4 = 8; for (const c4 of this.chunks) { u8buf.set(c4, p4); p4 += c4.byteLength; } const dvbuf = new DataView(buf); dvbuf.setUint32(0, payloadLen + 4 + 4); dvbuf.setUint32(4, this.purposeNum); return u8buf; } }; function buildSigPS(purposeNum) { return new SignaturePurposeBuilder(purposeNum); } function bigintToNaclArr(x6, size) { const byteArr = new Uint8Array(size); const arr = x6.toArray(256).value.reverse(); byteArr.set(arr, 0); return byteArr; } function bigintFromNaclArr(arr) { let rev = new Uint8Array(arr); rev = rev.reverse(); return import_big_integer.default.fromArray(Array.from(rev), 256, false); } var Edx25519; (function(Edx255192) { const revL = [ 237, 211, 245, 92, 26, 99, 18, 88, 214, 156, 247, 162, 222, 249, 222, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16 ]; const L5 = import_big_integer.default.fromArray(revL.reverse(), 256, false); function keyCreateFromSeed(seed) { return __async(this, null, function* () { return crypto_edx25519_private_key_create_from_seed(seed); }); } Edx255192.keyCreateFromSeed = keyCreateFromSeed; function keyCreate() { return __async(this, null, function* () { return crypto_edx25519_private_key_create(); }); } Edx255192.keyCreate = keyCreate; function getPublic(priv) { return __async(this, null, function* () { return crypto_edx25519_get_public(priv); }); } Edx255192.getPublic = getPublic; function sign(msg, key) { throw Error("not implemented"); } Edx255192.sign = sign; function deriveFactor(pub, seed) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const res = kdfKw({ outputLength: 64, salt: seed, ikm: pub, info: stringToBytes("edx25519-derivation") }); return res; }); } function privateKeyDerive(priv, seed) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const pub = yield getPublic(priv); const privDec = priv; const a5 = bigintFromNaclArr(privDec.subarray(0, 32)); const factorEnc = yield deriveFactor(pub, seed); const factorModL = bigintFromNaclArr(factorEnc).mod(L5); const aPrime = a5.divide(8).multiply(factorModL).mod(L5).multiply(8).mod(L5); const bPrime = hash(typedArrayConcat([privDec.subarray(32, 64), factorEnc])).subarray(0, 32); const newPriv = typedArrayConcat([bigintToNaclArr(aPrime, 32), bPrime]); return newPriv; }); } Edx255192.privateKeyDerive = privateKeyDerive; function publicKeyDerive(pub, seed) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const factorEnc = yield deriveFactor(pub, seed); const factorReduced = crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(factorEnc); const res = crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_noclamp(factorReduced, pub); return res; }); } Edx255192.publicKeyDerive = publicKeyDerive; })(Edx25519 || (Edx25519 = {})); function invariant(cond) { if (!cond) { throw Error("invariant failed"); } } var AgeRestriction; (function(AgeRestriction2) { AgeRestriction2.AGE_UNRESTRICTED = 32; function hashCommitment(ac) { const hc = new HashState(); for (const pub of ac.publicKeys) { hc.update(decodeCrock(pub)); } return encodeCrock(hc.finish().subarray(0, 32)); } AgeRestriction2.hashCommitment = hashCommitment; function countAgeGroups(mask) { let count = 0; let m5 = mask; while (m5 > 0) { count += m5 & 1; m5 = m5 >> 1; } return count; } AgeRestriction2.countAgeGroups = countAgeGroups; function getAgeGroupsFromMask(mask) { const groups = []; let age = 1; let m5 = mask >> 1; while (m5 > 0) { if (m5 & 1) { groups.push(age); } m5 = m5 >> 1; age++; } return groups; } AgeRestriction2.getAgeGroupsFromMask = getAgeGroupsFromMask; function getAgeGroupIndex(mask, age) { invariant((mask & 1) === 1); let i4 = 0; let m5 = mask; let a5 = age; while (m5 > 0) { if (a5 <= 0) { break; } m5 = m5 >> 1; i4 += m5 & 1; a5--; } return i4; } AgeRestriction2.getAgeGroupIndex = getAgeGroupIndex; function ageGroupSpecToMask(ageGroupSpec) { throw Error("not implemented"); } AgeRestriction2.ageGroupSpecToMask = ageGroupSpecToMask; function restrictionCommit(ageMask, age) { return __async(this, null, function* () { invariant((ageMask & 1) === 1); const numPubs = countAgeGroups(ageMask) - 1; const numPrivs = getAgeGroupIndex(ageMask, age); const pubs = []; const privs = []; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < numPubs; i4++) { const priv = yield Edx25519.keyCreate(); const pub = yield Edx25519.getPublic(priv); pubs.push(pub); if (i4 < numPrivs) { privs.push(priv); } } return { commitment: { mask: ageMask, publicKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) }, proof: { privateKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) } }; }); } AgeRestriction2.restrictionCommit = restrictionCommit; const PublishedAgeRestrictionBaseKey = decodeCrock("CH0VKFDZ2GWRWHQBBGEK9MWV5YDQVJ0RXEE0KYT3NMB69F0R96TG"); function restrictionCommitSeeded(ageMask, age, seed) { return __async(this, null, function* () { invariant((ageMask & 1) === 1); const numPubs = countAgeGroups(ageMask) - 1; const numPrivs = getAgeGroupIndex(ageMask, age); const pubs = []; const privs = []; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < numPrivs; i4++) { const privSeed = yield kdfKw({ outputLength: 32, ikm: seed, info: stringToBytes("age-commitment"), salt: bufferForUint32(i4) }); const priv = yield Edx25519.keyCreateFromSeed(privSeed); const pub = yield Edx25519.getPublic(priv); pubs.push(pub); privs.push(priv); } for (let i4 = numPrivs; i4 < numPubs; i4++) { const deriveSeed = yield kdfKw({ outputLength: 32, ikm: seed, info: stringToBytes("age-factor"), salt: bufferForUint32(i4) }); const pub = yield Edx25519.publicKeyDerive(PublishedAgeRestrictionBaseKey, deriveSeed); pubs.push(pub); } return { commitment: { mask: ageMask, publicKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) }, proof: { privateKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) } }; }); } AgeRestriction2.restrictionCommitSeeded = restrictionCommitSeeded; function commitCompare(c1, c22, salt) { return __async(this, null, function* () { if (c1.publicKeys.length != c22.publicKeys.length) { return false; } for (let i4 = 0; i4 < c1.publicKeys.length; i4++) { const k1 = decodeCrock(c1.publicKeys[i4]); const k22 = yield Edx25519.publicKeyDerive(decodeCrock(c22.publicKeys[i4]), salt); if (k1 != k22) { return false; } } return true; }); } AgeRestriction2.commitCompare = commitCompare; function commitmentDerive(commitmentProof, salt) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const newPrivs = []; const newPubs = []; for (const oldPub of commitmentProof.commitment.publicKeys) { newPubs.push(yield Edx25519.publicKeyDerive(decodeCrock(oldPub), salt)); } for (const oldPriv of commitmentProof.proof.privateKeys) { newPrivs.push(yield Edx25519.privateKeyDerive(decodeCrock(oldPriv), salt)); } return { commitment: { mask: commitmentProof.commitment.mask, publicKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) }, proof: { privateKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) } }; }); } AgeRestriction2.commitmentDerive = commitmentDerive; function commitmentAttest(commitmentProof, age) { const d5 = buildSigPS(TalerSignaturePurpose.WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION).put(bufferForUint32(commitmentProof.commitment.mask)).put(bufferForUint32(age)).build(); const group = getAgeGroupIndex(commitmentProof.commitment.mask, age); if (group === 0) { return new Uint8Array(64); } const priv = commitmentProof.proof.privateKeys[group - 1]; const pub = commitmentProof.commitment.publicKeys[group - 1]; const sig = crypto_edx25519_sign_detached(d5, decodeCrock(priv), decodeCrock(pub)); return sig; } AgeRestriction2.commitmentAttest = commitmentAttest; function commitmentVerify(commitment, sig, age) { const d5 = buildSigPS(TalerSignaturePurpose.WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION).put(bufferForUint32(commitment.mask)).put(bufferForUint32(age)).build(); const group = getAgeGroupIndex(commitment.mask, age); if (group === 0) { return true; } const pub = commitment.publicKeys[group - 1]; return crypto_edx25519_sign_detached_verify(d5, decodeCrock(sig), decodeCrock(pub)); } AgeRestriction2.commitmentVerify = commitmentVerify; })(AgeRestriction || (AgeRestriction = {})); var ContractFormatTag; (function(ContractFormatTag2) { ContractFormatTag2[ContractFormatTag2["PaymentOffer"] = 0] = "PaymentOffer"; ContractFormatTag2[ContractFormatTag2["PaymentRequest"] = 1] = "PaymentRequest"; })(ContractFormatTag || (ContractFormatTag = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/bech32.js var CHARSET = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l"; var GENERATOR = [996825010, 642813549, 513874426, 1027748829, 705979059]; var encodings = { BECH32: "bech32", BECH32M: "bech32m" }; var bech32_default = { decode: decode2, encode: encode2, encodings }; function getEncodingConst(enc) { if (enc == encodings.BECH32) { return 1; } else if (enc == encodings.BECH32M) { return 734539939; } else { throw new Error("unknown encoding"); } } function polymod(values) { var chk = 1; for (var p4 = 0; p4 < values.length; ++p4) { var top = chk >> 25; chk = (chk & 33554431) << 5 ^ values[p4]; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 5; ++i4) { if (top >> i4 & 1) { chk ^= GENERATOR[i4]; } } } return chk; } function hrpExpand(hrp) { var ret = []; var p4; for (p4 = 0; p4 < hrp.length; ++p4) { ret.push(hrp.charCodeAt(p4) >> 5); } ret.push(0); for (p4 = 0; p4 < hrp.length; ++p4) { ret.push(hrp.charCodeAt(p4) & 31); } return ret; } function verifyChecksum(hrp, data, enc) { return polymod(hrpExpand(hrp).concat(data)) === getEncodingConst(enc); } function createChecksum(hrp, data, enc) { var values = hrpExpand(hrp).concat(data).concat([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); var mod = polymod(values) ^ getEncodingConst(enc); var ret = []; for (var p4 = 0; p4 < 6; ++p4) { ret.push(mod >> 5 * (5 - p4) & 31); } return ret; } function encode2(hrp, data, enc) { var combined = data.concat(createChecksum(hrp, data, enc)); var ret = hrp + "1"; for (var p4 = 0; p4 < combined.length; ++p4) { ret += CHARSET.charAt(combined[p4]); } return ret; } function decode2(bechString, enc) { var p4; var has_lower = false; var has_upper = false; for (p4 = 0; p4 < bechString.length; ++p4) { if (bechString.charCodeAt(p4) < 33 || bechString.charCodeAt(p4) > 126) { return null; } if (bechString.charCodeAt(p4) >= 97 && bechString.charCodeAt(p4) <= 122) { has_lower = true; } if (bechString.charCodeAt(p4) >= 65 && bechString.charCodeAt(p4) <= 90) { has_upper = true; } } if (has_lower && has_upper) { return null; } bechString = bechString.toLowerCase(); var pos = bechString.lastIndexOf("1"); if (pos < 1 || pos + 7 > bechString.length || bechString.length > 90) { return null; } var hrp = bechString.substring(0, pos); var data = []; for (p4 = pos + 1; p4 < bechString.length; ++p4) { var d5 = CHARSET.indexOf(bechString.charAt(p4)); if (d5 === -1) { return null; } data.push(d5); } if (!verifyChecksum(hrp, data, enc)) { return null; } return { hrp, data: data.slice(0, data.length - 6) }; } // ../taler-util/lib/segwit_addr.js var segwit_addr_default = { encode: encode3, decode: decode3 }; function convertbits(data, frombits, tobits, pad) { var acc = 0; var bits = 0; var ret = []; var maxv = (1 << tobits) - 1; for (var p4 = 0; p4 < data.length; ++p4) { var value = data[p4]; if (value < 0 || value >> frombits !== 0) { return []; } acc = acc << frombits | value; bits += frombits; while (bits >= tobits) { bits -= tobits; ret.push(acc >> bits & maxv); } } if (pad) { if (bits > 0) { ret.push(acc << tobits - bits & maxv); } } else if (bits >= frombits || acc << tobits - bits & maxv) { return []; } return ret; } function decode3(hrp, addr) { var bech32m = false; var dec = bech32_default.decode(addr, bech32_default.encodings.BECH32); if (dec === null) { dec = bech32_default.decode(addr, bech32_default.encodings.BECH32M); bech32m = true; } if (dec === null || dec.hrp !== hrp || < 1 ||[0] > 16) { return null; } var res = convertbits(, 5, 8, false); if (res === null || res.length < 2 || res.length > 40) { return null; } if ([0] === 0 && res.length !== 20 && res.length !== 32) { return null; } if ([0] === 0 && bech32m) { return null; } if ([0] !== 0 && !bech32m) { return null; } return { version:[0], program: res }; } function encode3(hrp, version, program) { var enc = bech32_default.encodings.BECH32; if (version > 0) { enc = bech32_default.encodings.BECH32M; } var ret = bech32_default.encode(hrp, [version].concat(convertbits(program, 8, 5, true)), enc); if (decode3( hrp, ret /*, enc*/ ) === null) { return ""; } return ret; } // ../taler-util/lib/bitcoin.js function generateFakeSegwitAddress(reservePub, addr) { if (!reservePub) return []; let pub; try { pub = decodeCrock(reservePub); } catch (e4) { } if (!pub || pub.length !== 32) return []; const first_rnd = new Uint8Array(4); first_rnd.set(pub.subarray(0, 4)); const second_rnd = new Uint8Array(4); second_rnd.set(pub.subarray(0, 4)); first_rnd[0] = first_rnd[0] & 127; second_rnd[0] = second_rnd[0] | 128; const first_part = new Uint8Array(first_rnd.length + pub.length / 2); first_part.set(first_rnd, 0); first_part.set(pub.subarray(0, 16), 4); const second_part = new Uint8Array(first_rnd.length + pub.length / 2); second_part.set(second_rnd, 0); second_part.set(pub.subarray(16, 32), 4); const prefix2 = addr[0] === "t" && addr[1] == "b" ? "tb" : addr[0] === "b" && addr[1] == "c" && addr[2] === "r" && addr[3] == "t" ? "bcrt" : addr[0] === "b" && addr[1] == "c" ? "bc" : void 0; if (prefix2 === void 0) throw new Error("unknown bitcoin net"); const addr1 = segwit_addr_default.encode(prefix2, 0, first_part); const addr2 = segwit_addr_default.encode(prefix2, 0, second_part); return [addr1, addr2]; } // ../taler-util/lib/payto.js var paytoPfx = "payto://"; function stringifyPaytoUri(p4) { const url = new URL(`${paytoPfx}${p4.targetType}/${p4.targetPath}`); const paramList = !p4.params ? [] : Object.entries(p4.params); paramList.forEach(([key, value]) => { url.searchParams.set(key, value); }); return url.href; } function parsePaytoUri(s5) { if (!s5.startsWith(paytoPfx)) { return void 0; } const [acct, search] = s5.slice(paytoPfx.length).split("?"); const firstSlashPos = acct.indexOf("/"); if (firstSlashPos === -1) { return void 0; } const targetType = acct.slice(0, firstSlashPos); const targetPath = acct.slice(firstSlashPos + 1); const params = {}; const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(search || ""); searchParams.forEach((v3, k5) => { params[k5] = v3; }); if (targetType === "x-taler-bank") { const parts = targetPath.split("/"); const host = parts[0]; const account = parts[1]; return { targetPath, targetType, params, isKnown: true, host, account }; } if (targetType === "iban") { const parts = targetPath.split("/"); let iban = void 0; let bic = void 0; if (parts.length === 1) { iban = parts[0]; } if (parts.length === 2) { bic = parts[0]; iban = parts[1]; } else { iban = targetPath; } return { isKnown: true, targetPath, targetType, params, iban, bic }; } if (targetType === "bitcoin") { const msg = /\b([A-Z0-9]{52})\b/.exec(params["message"]); const reserve = !msg ? params["subject"] : msg[0]; const segwitAddrs = !reserve ? [] : generateFakeSegwitAddress(reserve, targetPath); const result = { isKnown: true, targetPath, targetType, params, segwitAddrs }; return result; } return { targetPath, targetType, params, isKnown: false }; } // ../taler-util/lib/ReserveTransaction.js var ReserveTransactionType; (function(ReserveTransactionType2) { ReserveTransactionType2["Withdraw"] = "WITHDRAW"; ReserveTransactionType2["Credit"] = "CREDIT"; ReserveTransactionType2["Recoup"] = "RECOUP"; ReserveTransactionType2["Closing"] = "CLOSING"; })(ReserveTransactionType || (ReserveTransactionType = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/taleruri.js function parseWithdrawUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "withdraw"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const parts ="/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const withdrawId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const p4 = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); return { type: TalerUriAction.Withdraw, bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${p4}/`), withdrawalOperationId: withdrawId }; } var TalerUriType; (function(TalerUriType2) { TalerUriType2["TalerPay"] = "taler-pay"; TalerUriType2["TalerTemplate"] = "taler-template"; TalerUriType2["TalerPayTemplate"] = "taler-pay-template"; TalerUriType2["TalerWithdraw"] = "taler-withdraw"; TalerUriType2["TalerTip"] = "taler-tip"; TalerUriType2["TalerRefund"] = "taler-refund"; TalerUriType2["TalerPayPush"] = "taler-pay-push"; TalerUriType2["TalerPayPull"] = "taler-pay-pull"; TalerUriType2["TalerRecovery"] = "taler-recovery"; TalerUriType2["TalerDevExperiment"] = "taler-dev-experiment"; TalerUriType2["Unknown"] = "unknown"; })(TalerUriType || (TalerUriType = {})); var talerActionPayPull = "pay-pull"; var talerActionPayPush = "pay-push"; var talerActionPayTemplate = "pay-template"; var TalerUriAction; (function(TalerUriAction2) { TalerUriAction2["Pay"] = "pay"; TalerUriAction2["Withdraw"] = "withdraw"; TalerUriAction2["Refund"] = "refund"; TalerUriAction2["Reward"] = "reward"; TalerUriAction2["PayPull"] = "pay-pull"; TalerUriAction2["PayPush"] = "pay-push"; TalerUriAction2["PayTemplate"] = "pay-template"; TalerUriAction2["Exchange"] = "exchange"; TalerUriAction2["Auditor"] = "auditor"; TalerUriAction2["Restore"] = "restore"; TalerUriAction2["DevExperiment"] = "dev-experiment"; TalerUriAction2["WithdrawExchange"] = "withdraw-exchange"; })(TalerUriAction || (TalerUriAction = {})); function parseProtoInfo(s5, action) { const pfxPlain = `taler://${action}/`; const pfxHttp = `taler+http://${action}/`; if (s5.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxPlain)) { return { innerProto: "https", rest: s5.substring(pfxPlain.length) }; } else if (s5.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxHttp)) { return { innerProto: "http", rest: s5.substring(pfxHttp.length) }; } else { return void 0; } } var parsers = { [TalerUriAction.Pay]: parsePayUri, [TalerUriAction.PayPull]: parsePayPullUri, [TalerUriAction.PayPush]: parsePayPushUri, [TalerUriAction.PayTemplate]: parsePayTemplateUri, [TalerUriAction.Restore]: parseRestoreUri, [TalerUriAction.Refund]: parseRefundUri, [TalerUriAction.Reward]: parseRewardUri, [TalerUriAction.Withdraw]: parseWithdrawUri, [TalerUriAction.DevExperiment]: parseDevExperimentUri, [TalerUriAction.Exchange]: parseExchangeUri, [TalerUriAction.Auditor]: parseAuditorUri, [TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange]: parseWithdrawExchangeUri }; function parsePayUri(s5) { var _a, _b, _c; const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "pay"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const q5 = new URLSearchParams((_a = c4[1]) != null ? _a : ""); const claimToken = (_b = q5.get("c")) != null ? _b : void 0; const noncePriv = (_c = q5.get("n")) != null ? _c : void 0; const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 3) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2); const p4 = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${p4}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.Pay, merchantBaseUrl, orderId, sessionId, claimToken, noncePriv }; } function parsePayTemplateUri(uriString) { var _a; const pi = parseProtoInfo(uriString, talerActionPayTemplate); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 ="?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const q5 = new URLSearchParams((_a = c4[1]) != null ? _a : ""); const params = {}; q5.forEach((v3, k5) => { params[k5] = v3; }); const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const templateId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.PayTemplate, merchantBaseUrl, templateId, templateParams: params }; } function parsePayPushUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, talerActionPayPush); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const contractPriv = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.PayPush, exchangeBaseUrl, contractPriv }; } function parsePayPullUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, talerActionPayPull); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const contractPriv = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.PayPull, exchangeBaseUrl, contractPriv }; } function parseRewardUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "reward"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const rewardId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.Reward, merchantBaseUrl, merchantRewardId: rewardId }; } function parseExchangeUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "exchange"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const exchangePub = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.Exchange, exchangeBaseUrl, exchangePub }; } function parseWithdrawExchangeUri(s5) { var _a, _b; const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "withdraw-exchange"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const exchangePub = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); const q5 = new URLSearchParams((_a = c4[1]) != null ? _a : ""); const amount = (_b = q5.get("a")) != null ? _b : void 0; return { type: TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange, exchangeBaseUrl, exchangePub, amount }; } function parseAuditorUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "auditor"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const auditorPub = parts[parts.length - 1]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const auditorBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.Auditor, auditorBaseUrl, auditorPub }; } function parseRefundUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "refund"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 3) { return void 0; } const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1]; const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2]; const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2); const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); return { type: TalerUriAction.Refund, merchantBaseUrl, orderId }; } function parseDevExperimentUri(s5) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "dev-experiment"); const c4 = pi == null ? void 0 :"?"); if (!c4) { return void 0; } const parts = c4[0].split("/"); return { type: TalerUriAction.DevExperiment, devExperimentId: parts[0] }; } function parseRestoreUri(uri) { const pi = parseProtoInfo(uri, "restore"); if (!pi) { return void 0; } const c4 ="?"); const parts = c4[0].split("/"); if (parts.length < 2) { return void 0; } const walletRootPriv = parts[0]; if (!walletRootPriv) return void 0; const providers = new Array(); parts[1].split(",").map((name) => { const url = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${decodeURIComponent(name)}/`); providers.push(url); }); return { type: TalerUriAction.Restore, walletRootPriv, providers }; } function stringifyPayTemplateUri({ merchantBaseUrl, templateId, templateParams }) { const { proto, path, query } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl, templateParams); return `${proto}://pay-template/${path}${templateId}${query}`; } function stringifyRefundUri({ merchantBaseUrl, orderId }) { const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl); return `${proto}://refund/${path}${orderId}`; } function stringifyRewardUri({ merchantBaseUrl, merchantRewardId }) { const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl); return `${proto}://reward/${path}${merchantRewardId}`; } function getUrlInfo(baseUrl, params = {}) { const url = new URL2(baseUrl); let proto; if (url.protocol === "https:") { proto = "taler"; } else if (url.protocol === "http:") { proto = "taler+http"; } else { throw Error(`Unsupported URL protocol in ${baseUrl}`); } let path = url.hostname; if (url.port) { path = path + ":" + url.port; } if (url.pathname) { path = path + url.pathname; } if (!path.endsWith("/")) { path = path + "/"; } const qp = new URLSearchParams(); let withParams = false; Object.entries(params).forEach(([name, value]) => { if (value !== void 0) { withParams = true; qp.append(name, value); } }); const query = withParams ? "?" + qp.toString() : ""; return { proto, path, query }; } // ../taler-util/lib/transactions-types.js var TransactionMajorState; (function(TransactionMajorState2) { TransactionMajorState2["None"] = "none"; TransactionMajorState2["Pending"] = "pending"; TransactionMajorState2["Done"] = "done"; TransactionMajorState2["Aborting"] = "aborting"; TransactionMajorState2["Aborted"] = "aborted"; TransactionMajorState2["Suspended"] = "suspended"; TransactionMajorState2["Dialog"] = "dialog"; TransactionMajorState2["SuspendedAborting"] = "suspended-aborting"; TransactionMajorState2["Failed"] = "failed"; TransactionMajorState2["Expired"] = "expired"; TransactionMajorState2["Deleted"] = "deleted"; })(TransactionMajorState || (TransactionMajorState = {})); var TransactionMinorState; (function(TransactionMinorState2) { TransactionMinorState2["Unknown"] = "unknown"; TransactionMinorState2["Deposit"] = "deposit"; TransactionMinorState2["KycRequired"] = "kyc"; TransactionMinorState2["AmlRequired"] = "aml"; TransactionMinorState2["MergeKycRequired"] = "merge-kyc"; TransactionMinorState2["Track"] = "track"; TransactionMinorState2["SubmitPayment"] = "submit-payment"; TransactionMinorState2["RebindSession"] = "rebind-session"; TransactionMinorState2["Refresh"] = "refresh"; TransactionMinorState2["Pickup"] = "pickup"; TransactionMinorState2["AutoRefund"] = "auto-refund"; TransactionMinorState2["User"] = "user"; TransactionMinorState2["Bank"] = "bank"; TransactionMinorState2["Exchange"] = "exchange"; TransactionMinorState2["ClaimProposal"] = "claim-proposal"; TransactionMinorState2["CheckRefund"] = "check-refund"; TransactionMinorState2["CreatePurse"] = "create-purse"; TransactionMinorState2["DeletePurse"] = "delete-purse"; TransactionMinorState2["Ready"] = "ready"; TransactionMinorState2["Merge"] = "merge"; TransactionMinorState2["Repurchase"] = "repurchase"; TransactionMinorState2["BankRegisterReserve"] = "bank-register-reserve"; TransactionMinorState2["BankConfirmTransfer"] = "bank-confirm-transfer"; TransactionMinorState2["WithdrawCoins"] = "withdraw-coins"; TransactionMinorState2["ExchangeWaitReserve"] = "exchange-wait-reserve"; TransactionMinorState2["AbortingBank"] = "aborting-bank"; TransactionMinorState2["Aborting"] = "aborting"; TransactionMinorState2["Refused"] = "refused"; TransactionMinorState2["Withdraw"] = "withdraw"; TransactionMinorState2["MerchantOrderProposed"] = "merchant-order-proposed"; TransactionMinorState2["Proposed"] = "proposed"; TransactionMinorState2["RefundAvailable"] = "refund-available"; TransactionMinorState2["AcceptRefund"] = "accept-refund"; })(TransactionMinorState || (TransactionMinorState = {})); var TransactionAction; (function(TransactionAction2) { TransactionAction2["Delete"] = "delete"; TransactionAction2["Suspend"] = "suspend"; TransactionAction2["Resume"] = "resume"; TransactionAction2["Abort"] = "abort"; TransactionAction2["Fail"] = "fail"; TransactionAction2["Retry"] = "retry"; })(TransactionAction || (TransactionAction = {})); var TransactionType; (function(TransactionType2) { TransactionType2["Withdrawal"] = "withdrawal"; TransactionType2["InternalWithdrawal"] = "internal-withdrawal"; TransactionType2["Payment"] = "payment"; TransactionType2["Refund"] = "refund"; TransactionType2["Refresh"] = "refresh"; TransactionType2["Reward"] = "reward"; TransactionType2["Deposit"] = "deposit"; TransactionType2["PeerPushDebit"] = "peer-push-debit"; TransactionType2["PeerPushCredit"] = "peer-push-credit"; TransactionType2["PeerPullDebit"] = "peer-pull-debit"; TransactionType2["PeerPullCredit"] = "peer-pull-credit"; })(TransactionType || (TransactionType = {})); var WithdrawalType; (function(WithdrawalType2) { WithdrawalType2["TalerBankIntegrationApi"] = "taler-bank-integration-api"; WithdrawalType2["ManualTransfer"] = "manual-transfer"; })(WithdrawalType || (WithdrawalType = {})); var PaymentStatus; (function(PaymentStatus2) { PaymentStatus2["Aborted"] = "aborted"; PaymentStatus2["Failed"] = "failed"; PaymentStatus2["Paid"] = "paid"; PaymentStatus2["Accepted"] = "accepted"; })(PaymentStatus || (PaymentStatus = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/wallet-types.js var TransactionAmountMode; (function(TransactionAmountMode2) { TransactionAmountMode2["Effective"] = "effective"; TransactionAmountMode2["Raw"] = "raw"; })(TransactionAmountMode || (TransactionAmountMode = {})); var codecForConvertAmountRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("type", codecForEither(codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Raw), codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Effective))).build("ConvertAmountRequest"); var codecForGetAmountRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("currency", codecForString()).build("GetAmountRequest"); var codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation = () => buildCodecForObject().property("mode", codecForEither(codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Raw), codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Effective))).property("instructedAmount", codecForAmountString()); var codecForGetPlanForWithdrawRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.Withdrawal)).property("exchangeUrl", codecOptional(codecForString())).build("GetPlanForWithdrawRequest"); var codecForGetPlanForDepositRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.Deposit)).property("account", codecForString()).build("GetPlanForDepositRequest"); var codecForGetPlanForPushDebitRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPushDebit)).build("GetPlanForPushDebitRequest"); var codecForGetPlanForPullCreditRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPullCredit)).property("exchangeUrl", codecForString()).build("GetPlanForPullCreditRequest"); var codecForGetPlanForPaymentRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.Payment)).property("maxDepositFee", codecForAmountString()).property("maxWireFee", codecForAmountString()).build("GetPlanForPaymentRequest"); var codecForGetPlanForPullDebitRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPullDebit)).build("GetPlanForPullDebitRequest"); var codecForGetPlanForPushCreditRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPushCredit)).build("GetPlanForPushCreditRequest"); var ScopeType; (function(ScopeType2) { ScopeType2["Global"] = "global"; ScopeType2["Exchange"] = "exchange"; ScopeType2["Auditor"] = "auditor"; })(ScopeType || (ScopeType = {})); var CoinStatus; (function(CoinStatus2) { CoinStatus2["Fresh"] = "fresh"; CoinStatus2["FreshSuspended"] = "fresh-suspended"; CoinStatus2["Dormant"] = "dormant"; })(CoinStatus || (CoinStatus = {})); var ConfirmPayResultType; (function(ConfirmPayResultType2) { ConfirmPayResultType2["Done"] = "done"; ConfirmPayResultType2["Pending"] = "pending"; })(ConfirmPayResultType || (ConfirmPayResultType = {})); var PreparePayResultType; (function(PreparePayResultType2) { PreparePayResultType2["PaymentPossible"] = "payment-possible"; PreparePayResultType2["InsufficientBalance"] = "insufficient-balance"; PreparePayResultType2["AlreadyConfirmed"] = "already-confirmed"; })(PreparePayResultType || (PreparePayResultType = {})); var RefreshReason; (function(RefreshReason2) { RefreshReason2["Manual"] = "manual"; RefreshReason2["PayMerchant"] = "pay-merchant"; RefreshReason2["PayDeposit"] = "pay-deposit"; RefreshReason2["PayPeerPush"] = "pay-peer-push"; RefreshReason2["PayPeerPull"] = "pay-peer-pull"; RefreshReason2["Refund"] = "refund"; RefreshReason2["AbortPay"] = "abort-pay"; RefreshReason2["AbortDeposit"] = "abort-deposit"; RefreshReason2["AbortPeerPushDebit"] = "abort-peer-push-debit"; RefreshReason2["Recoup"] = "recoup"; RefreshReason2["BackupRestored"] = "backup-restored"; RefreshReason2["Scheduled"] = "scheduled"; })(RefreshReason || (RefreshReason = {})); var ExchangeTosStatus; (function(ExchangeTosStatus2) { ExchangeTosStatus2["Pending"] = "pending"; ExchangeTosStatus2["Proposed"] = "proposed"; ExchangeTosStatus2["Accepted"] = "accepted"; })(ExchangeTosStatus || (ExchangeTosStatus = {})); var ExchangeEntryStatus; (function(ExchangeEntryStatus2) { ExchangeEntryStatus2["Preset"] = "preset"; ExchangeEntryStatus2["Ephemeral"] = "ephemeral"; ExchangeEntryStatus2["Used"] = "used"; })(ExchangeEntryStatus || (ExchangeEntryStatus = {})); var ExchangeUpdateStatus; (function(ExchangeUpdateStatus2) { ExchangeUpdateStatus2["Initial"] = "initial"; ExchangeUpdateStatus2["InitialUpdate"] = "initial(update)"; ExchangeUpdateStatus2["Suspended"] = "suspended"; ExchangeUpdateStatus2["Failed"] = "failed"; ExchangeUpdateStatus2["OutdatedUpdate"] = "outdated(update)"; ExchangeUpdateStatus2["Ready"] = "ready"; ExchangeUpdateStatus2["ReadyUpdate"] = "ready(update)"; })(ExchangeUpdateStatus || (ExchangeUpdateStatus = {})); var RecoveryMergeStrategy; (function(RecoveryMergeStrategy2) { RecoveryMergeStrategy2["Ours"] = "ours"; RecoveryMergeStrategy2["Theirs"] = "theirs"; })(RecoveryMergeStrategy || (RecoveryMergeStrategy = {})); var AttentionPriority; (function(AttentionPriority2) { AttentionPriority2["High"] = "high"; AttentionPriority2["Medium"] = "medium"; AttentionPriority2["Low"] = "low"; })(AttentionPriority || (AttentionPriority = {})); var AttentionType; (function(AttentionType2) { AttentionType2["KycWithdrawal"] = "kyc-withdrawal"; AttentionType2["BackupUnpaid"] = "backup-unpaid"; AttentionType2["BackupExpiresSoon"] = "backup-expires-soon"; AttentionType2["MerchantRefund"] = "merchant-refund"; AttentionType2["ExchangeTosChanged"] = "exchange-tos-changed"; AttentionType2["ExchangeKeyExpired"] = "exchange-key-expired"; AttentionType2["ExchangeKeyExpiresSoon"] = "exchange-key-expires-soon"; AttentionType2["ExchangeDenominationsExpired"] = "exchange-denominations-expired"; AttentionType2["ExchangeDenominationsExpiresSoon"] = "exchange-denominations-expires-soon"; AttentionType2["AuditorTosChanged"] = "auditor-tos-changed"; AttentionType2["AuditorKeyExpires"] = "auditor-key-expires"; AttentionType2["AuditorDenominationsExpires"] = "auditor-denominations-expires"; AttentionType2["PullPaymentPaid"] = "pull-payment-paid"; AttentionType2["PushPaymentReceived"] = "push-payment-withdrawn"; })(AttentionType || (AttentionType = {})); var UserAttentionPriority = { "kyc-withdrawal": AttentionPriority.Medium, "backup-unpaid": AttentionPriority.High, "backup-expires-soon": AttentionPriority.Medium, "merchant-refund": AttentionPriority.Medium, "exchange-tos-changed": AttentionPriority.Medium, "exchange-key-expired": AttentionPriority.High, "exchange-key-expires-soon": AttentionPriority.Medium, "exchange-denominations-expired": AttentionPriority.High, "exchange-denominations-expires-soon": AttentionPriority.Medium, "auditor-tos-changed": AttentionPriority.Medium, "auditor-key-expires": AttentionPriority.Medium, "auditor-denominations-expires": AttentionPriority.Medium, "pull-payment-paid": AttentionPriority.High, "push-payment-withdrawn": AttentionPriority.High }; // ../taler-util/lib/i18n.js var jedLib = __toESM(require_jed(), 1); var logger2 = new Logger("i18n/index.ts"); var jed = void 0; function setupI18n(lang, strings2) { lang = lang.replace("_", "-"); if (!strings2[lang]) { strings2[lang] = {}; } jed = new jedLib.Jed(strings2[lang]); } function toI18nString(stringSeq) { let s5 = ""; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < stringSeq.length; i4++) { s5 += stringSeq[i4]; if (i4 < stringSeq.length - 1) { s5 += `%${i4 + 1}$s`; } } return s5; } function singular(stringSeq, ...values) { const s5 = toI18nString(stringSeq); const tr = jed.translate(s5).ifPlural(1, s5).fetch(...values); return tr; } function translate(stringSeq, ...values) { const s5 = toI18nString(stringSeq); if (!s5) return []; const translation = jed.ngettext(s5, s5, 1); return replacePlaceholderWithValues(translation, values); } function Translate({ children, debug }) { const c4 = [].concat(children); const s5 = stringifyArray(c4); if (!s5) return []; const translation = jed.ngettext(s5, s5, 1); if (debug) { console.log("looking for ", s5, "got", translation); } return replacePlaceholderWithValues(translation, c4); } function replacePlaceholderWithValues(translation, childArray) { const tr = translation.split(/%(\d+)\$s/); const placeholderChildren = []; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < childArray.length; i4++) { const x6 = childArray[i4]; if (x6 === void 0) { continue; } else if (typeof x6 === "string") { continue; } else { placeholderChildren.push(x6); } } const result = []; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < tr.length; i4++) { if (i4 % 2 == 0) { result.push(tr[i4]); } else { const childIdx = Number.parseInt(tr[i4]) - 1; result.push(placeholderChildren[childIdx]); } } return result; } function stringifyArray(children) { let n2 = 1; const ss = => { if (typeof c4 === "string") { return c4; } return `%${n2++}$s`; }); const s5 = ss.join("").replace(/ +/g, " ").trim(); return s5; } var i18n = { str: singular, singular, Translate, translate }; // ../taler-util/lib/fnutils.js var fnutil; (function(fnutil2) { function all(arr, f3) { for (const x6 of arr) { if (!f3(x6)) { return false; } } return true; } fnutil2.all = all; function any(arr, f3) { for (const x6 of arr) { if (f3(x6)) { return true; } } return false; } fnutil2.any = any; })(fnutil || (fnutil = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/http-status-codes.js var HttpStatusCode; (function(HttpStatusCode2) { HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Continue"] = 100] = "Continue"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["SwitchingProtocols"] = 101] = "SwitchingProtocols"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Processing"] = 102] = "Processing"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Ok"] = 200] = "Ok"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Created"] = 201] = "Created"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Accepted"] = 202] = "Accepted"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NonAuthoritativeInformation"] = 203] = "NonAuthoritativeInformation"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NoContent"] = 204] = "NoContent"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["ResetContent"] = 205] = "ResetContent"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["PartialContent"] = 206] = "PartialContent"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["MultiStatus"] = 207] = "MultiStatus"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["AlreadyReported"] = 208] = "AlreadyReported"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["ImUsed"] = 226] = "ImUsed"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["MultipleChoices"] = 300] = "MultipleChoices"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["MovedPermanently"] = 301] = "MovedPermanently"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Found"] = 302] = "Found"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["SeeOther"] = 303] = "SeeOther"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NotModified"] = 304] = "NotModified"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["UseProxy"] = 305] = "UseProxy"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["SwitchProxy"] = 306] = "SwitchProxy"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["TemporaryRedirect"] = 307] = "TemporaryRedirect"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["PermanentRedirect"] = 308] = "PermanentRedirect"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["BadRequest"] = 400] = "BadRequest"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Unauthorized"] = 401] = "Unauthorized"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["PaymentRequired"] = 402] = "PaymentRequired"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Forbidden"] = 403] = "Forbidden"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NotFound"] = 404] = "NotFound"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["MethodNotAllowed"] = 405] = "MethodNotAllowed"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NotAcceptable"] = 406] = "NotAcceptable"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["ProxyAuthenticationRequired"] = 407] = "ProxyAuthenticationRequired"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["RequestTimeout"] = 408] = "RequestTimeout"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Conflict"] = 409] = "Conflict"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Gone"] = 410] = "Gone"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["LengthRequired"] = 411] = "LengthRequired"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["PreconditionFailed"] = 412] = "PreconditionFailed"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["PayloadTooLarge"] = 413] = "PayloadTooLarge"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["UriTooLong"] = 414] = "UriTooLong"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["UnsupportedMediaType"] = 415] = "UnsupportedMediaType"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["RangeNotSatisfiable"] = 416] = "RangeNotSatisfiable"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["ExpectationFailed"] = 417] = "ExpectationFailed"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["IAmATeapot"] = 418] = "IAmATeapot"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["MisdirectedRequest"] = 421] = "MisdirectedRequest"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["UnprocessableEntity"] = 422] = "UnprocessableEntity"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["Locked"] = 423] = "Locked"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["FailedDependency"] = 424] = "FailedDependency"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["UpgradeRequired"] = 426] = "UpgradeRequired"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["PreconditionRequired"] = 428] = "PreconditionRequired"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["TooManyRequests"] = 429] = "TooManyRequests"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge"] = 431] = "RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["UnavailableForLegalReasons"] = 451] = "UnavailableForLegalReasons"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["InternalServerError"] = 500] = "InternalServerError"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NotImplemented"] = 501] = "NotImplemented"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["BadGateway"] = 502] = "BadGateway"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["ServiceUnavailable"] = 503] = "ServiceUnavailable"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["GatewayTimeout"] = 504] = "GatewayTimeout"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["HttpVersionNotSupported"] = 505] = "HttpVersionNotSupported"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["VariantAlsoNegotiates"] = 506] = "VariantAlsoNegotiates"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["InsufficientStorage"] = 507] = "InsufficientStorage"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["LoopDetected"] = 508] = "LoopDetected"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NotExtended"] = 510] = "NotExtended"; HttpStatusCode2[HttpStatusCode2["NetworkAuthenticationRequired"] = 511] = "NetworkAuthenticationRequired"; })(HttpStatusCode || (HttpStatusCode = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/RequestThrottler.js var logger3 = new Logger("RequestThrottler.ts"); // ../taler-util/lib/CancellationToken.js var NOOP = () => { }; var CancellationToken = class { /** * Whether the token has been cancelled. */ get isCancelled() { return this._isCancelled; } /** * Whether the token can be cancelled. */ get canBeCancelled() { return this._canBeCancelled; } /** * Why this token has been cancelled. */ get reason() { if (this.isCancelled) { return this._reason; } else { throw new Error("This token is not cancelled."); } } /** * Make a promise that resolves when the async operation resolves, * or rejects when the operation is rejected or this token is cancelled. */ racePromise(asyncOperation) { if (!this.canBeCancelled) { return asyncOperation; } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const unregister = this.onCancelled((reason) => reject(new CancellationToken.CancellationError(reason))); asyncOperation.then((value) => { resolve(value); unregister(); }, (err) => { reject(err); unregister(); }); }); } /** * Throw a {CancellationToken.CancellationError} if this token is cancelled. */ throwIfCancelled() { if (this._isCancelled) { throw new CancellationToken.CancellationError(this._reason); } } /** * Invoke the callback when this token is cancelled. * If this token is already cancelled, the callback is invoked immediately. * Returns a function that unregisters the cancellation callback. */ onCancelled(cb) { var _a; if (!this.canBeCancelled) { return NOOP; } if (this.isCancelled) { cb(this.reason); return NOOP; } (_a = this._callbacks) == null ? void 0 : _a.add(cb); return () => { var _a2; return (_a2 = this._callbacks) == null ? void 0 : _a2.delete(cb); }; } constructor(_isCancelled, _canBeCancelled) { this._isCancelled = _isCancelled; this._canBeCancelled = _canBeCancelled; this._callbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); } /** * Create a {CancellationTokenSource}. */ static create() { const token = new CancellationToken(false, true); const cancel = (reason) => { var _a; if (token._isCancelled) return; token._isCancelled = true; token._reason = reason; (_a = token._callbacks) == null ? void 0 : _a.forEach((cb) => cb(reason)); dispose(); }; const dispose = () => { token._canBeCancelled = token.isCancelled; delete token._callbacks; }; return { token, cancel, dispose }; } /** * Create a {CancellationTokenSource}. * The token will be cancelled automatically after the specified timeout in milliseconds. */ static timeout(ms) { const { token, cancel: originalCancel, dispose: originalDispose } = CancellationToken.create(); let timer; timer = setTimeout(() => originalCancel(CancellationToken.timeout), ms); const disposeTimer = () => { if (timer == null) return; clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; }; const cancel = (reason) => { disposeTimer(); originalCancel(reason); }; const dispose = () => { disposeTimer(); originalDispose(); }; return { token, cancel, dispose }; } /** * Create a {CancellationToken} that is cancelled when all of the given tokens are cancelled. * * This is like {Promise.all} for {CancellationToken}s. */ static all(...tokens) { if (tokens.some((token) => !token.canBeCancelled)) { return CancellationToken.CONTINUE; } const combined = CancellationToken.create(); let countdown = tokens.length; const handleNextTokenCancelled = () => { if (--countdown === 0) { const reasons = => token._reason); combined.cancel(reasons); } }; tokens.forEach((token) => token.onCancelled(handleNextTokenCancelled)); return combined.token; } /** * Create a {CancellationToken} that is cancelled when at least one of the given tokens is cancelled. * * This is like {Promise.race} for {CancellationToken}s. */ static race(...tokens) { for (const token of tokens) { if (token._isCancelled) { return token; } } const combined = CancellationToken.create(); let unregistrations; const handleAnyTokenCancelled = (reason) => { unregistrations.forEach((unregister) => unregister()); combined.cancel(reason); }; unregistrations = => token.onCancelled(handleAnyTokenCancelled)); return combined.token; } }; CancellationToken.CANCELLED = new CancellationToken(true, true); CancellationToken.CONTINUE = new CancellationToken(false, false); (function(CancellationToken2) { class CancellationError extends Error { constructor(reason) { super("Operation cancelled"); this.reason = reason; Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CancellationError.prototype); } } CancellationToken2.CancellationError = CancellationError; })(CancellationToken || (CancellationToken = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/contract-terms.js var logger4 = new Logger("contractTerms.ts"); var ContractTermsUtil; (function(ContractTermsUtil2) { function forgetAllImpl(anyJson, path, pred) { const dup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(anyJson)); if (Array.isArray(dup)) { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < dup.length; i4++) { dup[i4] = forgetAllImpl(dup[i4], [...path, `${i4}`], pred); } } else if (typeof dup === "object" && dup != null) { if (typeof dup.$forgettable === "object") { for (const x6 of Object.keys(dup.$forgettable)) { if (!pred([...path, x6])) { continue; } if (!dup.$forgotten) { dup.$forgotten = {}; } if (!dup.$forgotten[x6]) { const membValCanon = stringToBytes(canonicalJson(scrub(dup[x6])) + "\0"); const membSalt = stringToBytes(dup.$forgettable[x6] + "\0"); const h5 = kdf(64, membValCanon, membSalt, new Uint8Array([])); dup.$forgotten[x6] = encodeCrock(h5); } delete dup[x6]; delete dup.$forgettable[x6]; } if (Object.keys(dup.$forgettable).length === 0) { delete dup.$forgettable; } } for (const x6 of Object.keys(dup)) { if (x6.startsWith("$")) { continue; } dup[x6] = forgetAllImpl(dup[x6], [...path, x6], pred); } } return dup; } ContractTermsUtil2.forgetAllImpl = forgetAllImpl; function scrub(anyJson) { return forgetAllImpl(anyJson, [], () => true); } ContractTermsUtil2.scrub = scrub; function forgetAll(anyJson, pred) { return forgetAllImpl(anyJson, [], pred); } ContractTermsUtil2.forgetAll = forgetAll; function saltForgettable(anyJson) { const dup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(anyJson)); if (Array.isArray(dup)) { for (let i4 = 0; i4 < dup.length; i4++) { dup[i4] = saltForgettable(dup[i4]); } } else if (typeof dup === "object" && dup !== null) { if (typeof dup.$forgettable === "object") { for (const k5 of Object.keys(dup.$forgettable)) { if (dup.$forgettable[k5] === true) { dup.$forgettable[k5] = encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)); } } } for (const x6 of Object.keys(dup)) { if (x6.startsWith("$")) { continue; } dup[x6] = saltForgettable(dup[x6]); } } return dup; } ContractTermsUtil2.saltForgettable = saltForgettable; const nameRegex = /^[0-9A-Za-z_]+$/; function validateForgettable(anyJson) { var _a; if (typeof anyJson === "string") { return true; } if (typeof anyJson === "number") { return Number.isInteger(anyJson) && anyJson >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER && anyJson <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; } if (typeof anyJson === "boolean") { return true; } if (anyJson === null) { return true; } if (Array.isArray(anyJson)) { return anyJson.every((x6) => validateForgettable(x6)); } if (typeof anyJson === "object") { for (const k5 of Object.keys(anyJson)) { if (k5.match(nameRegex)) { if (validateForgettable(anyJson[k5])) { continue; } else { return false; } } if (k5 === "$forgettable") { const fga = anyJson.$forgettable; if (!fga || typeof fga !== "object") { return false; } for (const fk of Object.keys(fga)) { if (!fk.match(nameRegex)) { return false; } if (!(fk in anyJson)) { return false; } const fv = anyJson.$forgettable[fk]; if (typeof fv !== "string") { return false; } } } else if (k5 === "$forgotten") { const fgo = anyJson.$forgotten; if (!fgo || typeof fgo !== "object") { return false; } for (const fk of Object.keys(fgo)) { if (!fk.match(nameRegex)) { return false; } if (fk in anyJson) { return false; } const fv = anyJson.$forgotten[fk]; if (typeof fv !== "string") { return false; } try { const decFv = decodeCrock(fv); if (decFv.length != 64) { return false; } } catch (e4) { return false; } if (((_a = anyJson.$forgettable) == null ? void 0 : _a[k5]) !== void 0) { return false; } } } else { return false; } } return true; } return false; } ContractTermsUtil2.validateForgettable = validateForgettable; function validateNothingForgotten(contractTerms) { throw Error("not implemented yet"); } ContractTermsUtil2.validateNothingForgotten = validateNothingForgotten; function hashContractTerms(contractTerms) { const cleaned = scrub(contractTerms); const canon = canonicalJson(cleaned) + "\0"; const bytes = stringToBytes(canon); return encodeCrock(hash2(bytes)); } ContractTermsUtil2.hashContractTerms = hashContractTerms; })(ContractTermsUtil || (ContractTermsUtil = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/iban.js var ccZero = "0".charCodeAt(0); var ccNine = "9".charCodeAt(0); var ccA = "A".charCodeAt(0); var ccZ = "Z".charCodeAt(0); // ../taler-util/lib/transaction-test-data.js var sampleWalletCoreTransactions = [ { type: TransactionType.Payment, txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Done }, amountRaw: "KUDOS:10", amountEffective: "KUDOS:10", totalRefundRaw: "KUDOS:0", totalRefundEffective: "KUDOS:0", status: PaymentStatus.Paid, refundPending: void 0, posConfirmation: void 0, pending: false, refunds: [], timestamp: { t_s: 1677166045 }, transactionId: "txn:payment:NRRD9KJ8970P5HDAGPW1MBA6HZHB1XMFKF5M3CNR6WA0GT98DHY0", proposalId: "NRRD9KJ8970P5HDAGPW1MBA6HZHB1XMFKF5M3CNR6WA0GT98DHY0", info: { merchant: { name: "woocommerce", website: "", email: "", address: {}, jurisdiction: {} }, orderId: "wc_order_KQCRldghIgDRB-100", products: [ { description: "Using GCC", quantity: 1, price: "KUDOS:10", product_id: "28" } ], summary: "WooTalerShop #100", contractTermsHash: "A02E1M6ARWKBJ87K2TV4S6WQ4X5YH7BRVR6MYCHCTVAED8MBXTFD6PZ5Q50Y7Z5K18PYBTDA14NQ56XPC1VCQW1EVRWTSB7ZYT65B5G", fulfillmentUrl: "" }, refundQueryActive: false, frozen: false }, { type: TransactionType.Refresh, txState: { major: TransactionMajorState.Pending }, refreshReason: RefreshReason.PayMerchant, amountEffective: "KUDOS:0", amountRaw: "KUDOS:0", refreshInputAmount: "KUDOS:1.5", refreshOutputAmount: "KUDOS:1.4", originatingTransactionId: "txn:proposal:ZCGBZFE8KZ1CBYYGSC3ZC8E40KVJWV16VYCTHGC8FFSVZ5HD24BG", pending: true, timestamp: { t_s: 1681376214 }, transactionId: "txn:refresh:QQSWHHXCRQ269G0E3RW14JMC6F7NFDYDW26NSFHRTXSKDS6CMCZ0", frozen: false, error: { code: 7029, when: { t_ms: 1681376473665 }, hint: "Error (WALLET_REFRESH_GROUP_INCOMPLETE)", numErrors: 1, errors: [ { code: 7001, when: { t_ms: 1681376473189 }, hint: "unexpected exception (message: exchange wire fee signature invalid)", stack: " at validateWireInfo (../taler-wallet-core-qjs.mjs:23166)\n" } ] } } ]; // ../taler-util/lib/http-common.js var textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); var logger5 = new Logger("http.ts"); // ../taler-util/lib/MerchantApiClient.js var logger6 = new Logger("MerchantApiClient.ts"); // ../taler-util/lib/bank-api-client.js var logger7 = new Logger("bank-api-client.ts"); var CreditDebitIndicator; (function(CreditDebitIndicator2) { CreditDebitIndicator2["Credit"] = "credit"; CreditDebitIndicator2["Debit"] = "debit"; })(CreditDebitIndicator || (CreditDebitIndicator = {})); // ../taler-util/lib/index.browser.js loadBrowserPrng(); // ../web-util/lib/index.browser.mjs init_hooks_module(); init_hooks_module(); init_hooks_module(); init_hooks_module(); init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); init_preact_module(); init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var __defProp2 = Object.defineProperty; var __export2 = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp2(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; function memoryMap(backend = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) { const obs = new EventTarget(); const theMemoryMap = { onAnyUpdate: (handler) => { obs.addEventListener(`update`, handler); obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); return () => { obs.removeEventListener(`update`, handler); obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); }; }, onUpdate: (key, handler) => { obs.addEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); return () => { obs.removeEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); }; }, delete: (key) => { const result = backend.delete(key); theMemoryMap.size = backend.length; obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); return result; }, set: (key, value) => { backend.set(key, value); theMemoryMap.size = backend.length; obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); return theMemoryMap; }, clear: () => { backend.clear(); obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`clear`)); }, entries: backend.entries.bind(backend), forEach: backend.forEach.bind(backend), get: backend.get.bind(backend), has: backend.has.bind(backend), keys: backend.keys.bind(backend), size: backend.size, values: backend.values.bind(backend), [Symbol.iterator]: backend[Symbol.iterator], [Symbol.toStringTag]: "theMemoryMap" }; return theMemoryMap; } function localStorageMap() { const obs = new EventTarget(); const theLocalStorageMap = { onAnyUpdate: (handler) => { obs.addEventListener(`update`, handler); obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); window.addEventListener("storage", handler); return () => { window.removeEventListener("storage", handler); obs.removeEventListener(`update`, handler); obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); }; }, onUpdate: (key, handler) => { obs.addEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); function handleStorageEvent(ev) { if (ev.key === null || ev.key === key) { handler(); } } window.addEventListener("storage", handleStorageEvent); return () => { window.removeEventListener("storage", handleStorageEvent); obs.removeEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); }; }, delete: (key) => { const exists = localStorage.getItem(key) !== null; localStorage.removeItem(key); theLocalStorageMap.size = localStorage.length; obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); return exists; }, set: (key, v3) => { localStorage.setItem(key, v3); theLocalStorageMap.size = localStorage.length; obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); return theLocalStorageMap; }, clear: () => { localStorage.clear(); obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`clear`)); }, entries: () => { let index = 0; const total = localStorage.length; return { next() { const key = localStorage.key(index); if (key === null) { throw Error("key cant be null"); } const item = localStorage.getItem(key); if (item === null) { throw Error("value cant be null"); } if (index == total) return { done: true, value: [key, item] }; index = index + 1; return { done: false, value: [key, item] }; }, [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; }, forEach: (cb) => { for (let index = 0; index < localStorage.length; index++) { const key = localStorage.key(index); if (key === null) { throw Error("key cant be null"); } const item = localStorage.getItem(key); if (item === null) { throw Error("value cant be null"); } cb(key, item, theLocalStorageMap); } }, get: (key) => { const item = localStorage.getItem(key); if (item === null) return void 0; return item; }, has: (key) => { return localStorage.getItem(key) === null; }, keys: () => { let index = 0; const total = localStorage.length; return { next() { const key = localStorage.key(index); if (key === null) { throw Error("key cant be null"); } if (index == total) return { done: true, value: key }; index = index + 1; return { done: false, value: key }; }, [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; }, size: localStorage.length, values: () => { let index = 0; const total = localStorage.length; return { next() { const key = localStorage.key(index); if (key === null) { throw Error("key cant be null"); } const item = localStorage.getItem(key); if (item === null) { throw Error("value cant be null"); } if (index == total) return { done: true, value: item }; index = index + 1; return { done: false, value: item }; }, [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; }, [Symbol.iterator]: function() { return theLocalStorageMap.entries(); }, [Symbol.toStringTag]: "theLocalStorageMap" }; return theLocalStorageMap; } var isFirefox = typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window["InstallTrigger"] !== "undefined"; function getAllContent() { return __async(this, null, function* () { if (isFirefox) { return; } else { return; } }); } function updateContent(obj) { return __async(this, null, function* () { if (isFirefox) { return; } else { return; } }); } function onBrowserStorageUpdate(cb) { if (isFirefox) {; } else {; } } function browserStorageMap(backend) { getAllContent().then((content) => { Object.entries(content != null ? content : {}).forEach(([k5, v3]) => { backend.set(k5, v3); }); }); backend.onAnyUpdate(() => __async(this, null, function* () { const result = {}; for (const [key, value] of backend.entries()) { result[key] = value; } yield updateContent(result); })); onBrowserStorageUpdate((changes) => { const changedItems = Object.keys(changes); if (changedItems.length === 0) { backend.clear(); } else { for (const key of changedItems) { if (!changes[key].newValue) { backend.delete(key); } else { if (changes[key].newValue !== changes[key].oldValue) { backend.set(key, changes[key].newValue); } } } } }); return backend; } function buildStorageKey(name, codec) { return { id: name, codec: codec != null ? codec : codecForString() }; } var supportLocalStorage = typeof window !== "undefined"; var supportBrowserStorage = typeof chrome !== "undefined" && typeof !== "undefined"; var storage = function buildStorage() { if (supportBrowserStorage) { return browserStorageMap(memoryMap()); } else if (supportLocalStorage) { return localStorageMap(); } else { return memoryMap(); } }(); function useLocalStorage(key, defaultValue) { function convert2(updated) { if (updated === void 0) return defaultValue; try { return key.codec.decode(JSON.parse(updated)); } catch (e4) { return defaultValue; } } const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = p3( () => { const prev = storage.get(; return convert2(prev); } ); h2(() => { return storage.onUpdate(, () => { const newValue = storage.get(; setStoredValue(convert2(newValue)); }); }, []); const setValue = (value) => { if (value === void 0) { storage.delete(; } else { storage.set(, key.codec ? JSON.stringify(value) : value ); } }; return { value: storedValue, update: setValue, reset: () => { setValue(defaultValue); } }; } function getBrowserLang() { if (typeof window === "undefined") return void 0; if (window.navigator.languages) return window.navigator.languages[0]; if (window.navigator.language) return window.navigator.language; return void 0; } var langPreferenceKey = buildStorageKey("lang-preference"); function useLang(initial2) { const defaultValue = (getBrowserLang() || initial2 || "en").substring(0, 2); return useLocalStorage(langPreferenceKey, defaultValue); } var storage2 = memoryMap(); var storage3 = memoryMap(); function base64encode(str) { return base64EncArr(strToUTF8Arr(str)); } function uint6ToB64(nUint6) { return nUint6 < 26 ? nUint6 + 65 : nUint6 < 52 ? nUint6 + 71 : nUint6 < 62 ? nUint6 - 4 : nUint6 === 62 ? 43 : nUint6 === 63 ? 47 : 65; } function base64EncArr(aBytes) { let nMod3 = 2; let sB64Enc = ""; const nLen = aBytes.length; let nUint24 = 0; for (let nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) { nMod3 = nIdx % 3; nUint24 |= aBytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> nMod3 & 24); if (nMod3 === 2 || aBytes.length - nIdx === 1) { sB64Enc += String.fromCodePoint( uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), uint6ToB64(nUint24 & 63) ); nUint24 = 0; } } return sB64Enc.substring(0, sB64Enc.length - 2 + nMod3) + (nMod3 === 2 ? "" : nMod3 === 1 ? "=" : "=="); } function strToUTF8Arr(sDOMStr) { let nChr; const nStrLen = sDOMStr.length; let nArrLen = 0; for (let nMapIdx = 0; nMapIdx < nStrLen; nMapIdx++) { nChr = sDOMStr.codePointAt(nMapIdx); if (nChr === void 0) { throw Error(`No char at ${nMapIdx} on string with length: ${sDOMStr.length}`); } if (nChr >= 65536) { nMapIdx++; } nArrLen += nChr < 128 ? 1 : nChr < 2048 ? 2 : nChr < 65536 ? 3 : nChr < 2097152 ? 4 : nChr < 67108864 ? 5 : 6; } const aBytes = new Uint8Array(nArrLen); let nIdx = 0; let nChrIdx = 0; while (nIdx < nArrLen) { nChr = sDOMStr.codePointAt(nChrIdx); if (nChr === void 0) { throw Error(`No char at ${nChrIdx} on string with length: ${sDOMStr.length}`); } if (nChr < 128) { aBytes[nIdx++] = nChr; } else if (nChr < 2048) { aBytes[nIdx++] = 192 + (nChr >>> 6); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); } else if (nChr < 65536) { aBytes[nIdx++] = 224 + (nChr >>> 12); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); } else if (nChr < 2097152) { aBytes[nIdx++] = 240 + (nChr >>> 18); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 12 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); nChrIdx++; } else if (nChr < 67108864) { aBytes[nIdx++] = 248 + (nChr >>> 24); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 18 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 12 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); nChrIdx++; } else { aBytes[nIdx++] = 252 + (nChr >>> 30); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 24 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 18 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 12 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); nChrIdx++; } nChrIdx++; } return aBytes; } var ErrorType = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ErrorType2) => { ErrorType2[ErrorType2["CLIENT"] = 0] = "CLIENT"; ErrorType2[ErrorType2["SERVER"] = 1] = "SERVER"; ErrorType2[ErrorType2["UNREADABLE"] = 2] = "UNREADABLE"; ErrorType2[ErrorType2["TIMEOUT"] = 3] = "TIMEOUT"; ErrorType2[ErrorType2["UNEXPECTED"] = 4] = "UNEXPECTED"; return ErrorType2; })(ErrorType || {}); function defaultRequestHandler(_0, _1) { return __async(this, arguments, function* (baseUrl, endpoint, options = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e; const requestHeaders = {}; if (options.token) { requestHeaders.Authorization = `Bearer ${options.token}`; } else if (options.basicAuth) { requestHeaders.Authorization = `Basic ${base64encode( `${options.basicAuth.username}:${options.basicAuth.password}` )}`; } requestHeaders["Content-Type"] = options.contentType === "json" ? "application/json" : "text/plain"; if (options.talerAmlOfficerSignature) { requestHeaders["Taler-AML-Officer-Signature"] = options.talerAmlOfficerSignature; } const requestMethod = (_a = options == null ? void 0 : options.method) != null ? _a : "GET"; const requestBody = options == null ? void 0 :; const requestTimeout = (_b = options == null ? void 0 : options.timeout) != null ? _b : 5 * 1e3; const requestParams = (_c = options.params) != null ? _c : {}; const requestPreventCache = (_d = options.preventCache) != null ? _d : false; const requestPreventCors = (_e = options.preventCors) != null ? _e : false; const validURL = validateURL(baseUrl, endpoint); if (!validURL) { const error2 = { info: { url: `${baseUrl}${endpoint}`, payload: {}, hasToken: !!options.token, status: 0, options }, type: 4, exception: void 0, loading: false, message: `invalid URL: "${validURL}"` }; throw new RequestError(error2); } Object.entries(requestParams).forEach(([key, value]) => { validURL.searchParams.set(key, String(value)); }); let payload = void 0; if (requestBody != null) { if (typeof requestBody === "string") { payload = requestBody; } else if (requestBody instanceof ArrayBuffer) { payload = requestBody; } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(requestBody)) { payload = requestBody; } else if (typeof requestBody === "object") { payload = JSON.stringify(requestBody); } else { const error2 = { info: { url: validURL.href, payload: {}, hasToken: !!options.token, status: 0, options }, type: 4, exception: void 0, loading: false, message: `unsupported request body type: "${typeof requestBody}"` }; throw new RequestError(error2); } } const controller = new AbortController(); const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { controller.abort("HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT"); }, requestTimeout); let response; try { response = yield fetch(validURL.href, { headers: requestHeaders, method: requestMethod, credentials: "omit", mode: requestPreventCors ? "no-cors" : "cors", cache: requestPreventCache ? "no-cache" : "default", body: payload, signal: controller.signal }); } catch (ex) { const info = { payload, url: validURL.href, hasToken: !!options.token, status: 0, options }; if (ex instanceof Error) { if (ex.message === "HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT") { const error22 = { info, type: 3, message: "request timeout" }; throw new RequestError(error22); } } const error2 = { info, type: 4, exception: ex, loading: false, message: ex instanceof Error ? ex.message : "" }; throw new RequestError(error2); } if (timeoutId) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } const headerMap = new Headers(); response.headers.forEach((value, key) => { headerMap.set(key, value); }); if (response.ok) { const result = yield buildRequestOk( response, validURL.href, payload, !!options.token, options ); return result; } else { const dataTxt = yield response.text(); const error2 = buildRequestFailed( validURL.href, dataTxt, response.status, payload, options ); throw new RequestError(error2); } }); } var RequestError = class extends Error { constructor(d5) { super(d5.message); = d5; this.cause = d5; } }; function buildRequestOk(response, url, payload, hasToken, options) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const dataTxt = yield response.text(); const data = dataTxt ? JSON.parse(dataTxt) : void 0; return { ok: true, data, info: { payload, url, hasToken, options, status: response.status } }; }); } function buildRequestFailed(url, dataTxt, status, payload, maybeOptions) { const options = maybeOptions != null ? maybeOptions : {}; const info = { payload, url, hasToken: !!options.token, options, status: status || 0 }; try { const data = dataTxt ? JSON.parse(dataTxt) : void 0; const errorCode = !data || !data.code ? "" : `(code: ${data.code})`; const errorHint = !data || !data.hint ? "Not hint." : `${data.hint} ${errorCode}`; if (status && status >= 400 && status < 500) { const message = data === void 0 ? `Client error (${status}) without data.` : errorHint; const error2 = { type: 0, status, info, message, payload: data }; return error2; } if (status && status >= 500 && status < 600) { const message = data === void 0 ? `Server error (${status}) without data.` : errorHint; const error2 = { type: 1, status, info, message, payload: data }; return error2; } return { info, loading: false, type: 4, status, exception: void 0, message: `http status code not handled: ${status}` }; } catch (ex) { const error2 = { info, loading: false, status, type: 2, exception: ex, body: dataTxt, message: "Could not parse body as json" }; return error2; } } function validateURL(baseUrl, endpoint) { try { return new URL(`${baseUrl}${endpoint}`); } catch (ex) { return void 0; } } var logger8 = new Logger("browserHttpLib"); var Context = B({ request: defaultRequestHandler }); var useApiContext = () => q2(Context); var supportedLang = { es: "Espanol [es]", en: "English [en]", fr: "Francais [fr]", de: "Deutsch [de]", sv: "Svenska [sv]", it: "Italiane [it]", navigator: "Defined by navigator" }; var initial = { lang: "en", supportedLang, changeLanguage: () => { }, i18n }; var Context2 = B(initial); var TranslationProvider = ({ initial: initial2, children, forceLang, source }) => { const { value: lang, update: changeLanguage } = useLang(initial2); h2(() => { if (forceLang) { changeLanguage(forceLang); } }); h2(() => { setupI18n(lang, source); }, [lang]); if (forceLang) { setupI18n(forceLang, source); } else { setupI18n(lang, source); } return h(Context2.Provider, { value: { lang, changeLanguage, supportedLang, i18n }, children }); }; var useTranslationContext = () => q2(Context2); var utils_exports = {}; __export2(utils_exports, { compose: () => compose, saveVNodeForInspection: () => saveVNodeForInspection }); function compose(hook, viewMap) { function withHook(stateHook) { function ComposedComponent() { const state = stateHook(); if (typeof state === "function") { const subComponent = withHook(state); return h(subComponent, {}); } const statusName = state.status; const viewComponent = viewMap[statusName]; return h(viewComponent, state); } return ComposedComponent; } return (p4) => { const h42 = withHook(() => hook(p4)); return h42(); }; } function saveVNodeForInspection(obj) { window["showVNodeInfo"] = function showVNodeInfo() { inspect(obj); }; return obj; } function inspect(obj) { if (!obj) return; if (obj.__c && obj.__c.__H) { const componentName =; const hookState = obj.__c.__H; const stateList = hookState.__; console.log("==============", componentName); stateList.forEach((hook) => { const { __: value, c: context, __h: factory, __H: args } = hook; if (typeof context !== "undefined") { const { __c: contextId } = context; console.log("context:", contextId, hook); } else if (typeof factory === "function") { console.log("memo:", value, "deps:", args); } else if (typeof value === "function") { const effectName =; console.log("effect:", effectName, "deps:", args); } else if (typeof value.current !== "undefined") { const ref = value.current; console.log("ref:", ref instanceof Element ? ref.outerHTML : ref); } else if (value instanceof Array) { console.log("state:", value[0]); } else { console.log(hook); } }); } const children = obj.__k; if (children instanceof Array) { children.forEach((e4) => inspect(e4)); } else { inspect(children); } } // src/Application.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/@babel+runtime@7.19.4/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(target) { for (var i4 = 1; i4 < arguments.length; i4++) { var source = arguments[i4]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/resolve-pathname@3.0.0/node_modules/resolve-pathname/esm/resolve-pathname.js function isAbsolute(pathname) { return pathname.charAt(0) === "/"; } function spliceOne(list, index) { for (var i4 = index, k5 = i4 + 1, n2 = list.length; k5 < n2; i4 += 1, k5 += 1) { list[i4] = list[k5]; } list.pop(); } function resolvePathname(to, from) { if (from === void 0) from = ""; var toParts = to && to.split("/") || []; var fromParts = from && from.split("/") || []; var isToAbs = to && isAbsolute(to); var isFromAbs = from && isAbsolute(from); var mustEndAbs = isToAbs || isFromAbs; if (to && isAbsolute(to)) { fromParts = toParts; } else if (toParts.length) { fromParts.pop(); fromParts = fromParts.concat(toParts); } if (!fromParts.length) return "/"; var hasTrailingSlash; if (fromParts.length) { var last = fromParts[fromParts.length - 1]; hasTrailingSlash = last === "." || last === ".." || last === ""; } else { hasTrailingSlash = false; } var up = 0; for (var i4 = fromParts.length; i4 >= 0; i4--) { var part = fromParts[i4]; if (part === ".") { spliceOne(fromParts, i4); } else if (part === "..") { spliceOne(fromParts, i4); up++; } else if (up) { spliceOne(fromParts, i4); up--; } } if (!mustEndAbs) for (; up--; up) fromParts.unshift(".."); if (mustEndAbs && fromParts[0] !== "" && (!fromParts[0] || !isAbsolute(fromParts[0]))) fromParts.unshift(""); var result = fromParts.join("/"); if (hasTrailingSlash && result.substr(-1) !== "/") result += "/"; return result; } var resolve_pathname_default = resolvePathname; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/tiny-invariant@1.3.1/node_modules/tiny-invariant/dist/esm/tiny-invariant.js var isProduction = true; var prefix = "Invariant failed"; function invariant2(condition, message) { if (condition) { return; } if (isProduction) { throw new Error(prefix); } var provided = typeof message === "function" ? message() : message; var value = provided ? "".concat(prefix, ": ").concat(provided) : prefix; throw new Error(value); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/history@4.10.1/node_modules/history/esm/history.js function addLeadingSlash(path) { return path.charAt(0) === "/" ? path : "/" + path; } function stripLeadingSlash(path) { return path.charAt(0) === "/" ? path.substr(1) : path; } function hasBasename(path, prefix2) { return path.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix2.toLowerCase()) === 0 && "/?#".indexOf(path.charAt(prefix2.length)) !== -1; } function stripBasename(path, prefix2) { return hasBasename(path, prefix2) ? path.substr(prefix2.length) : path; } function stripTrailingSlash(path) { return path.charAt(path.length - 1) === "/" ? path.slice(0, -1) : path; } function parsePath(path) { var pathname = path || "/"; var search = ""; var hash3 = ""; var hashIndex = pathname.indexOf("#"); if (hashIndex !== -1) { hash3 = pathname.substr(hashIndex); pathname = pathname.substr(0, hashIndex); } var searchIndex = pathname.indexOf("?"); if (searchIndex !== -1) { search = pathname.substr(searchIndex); pathname = pathname.substr(0, searchIndex); } return { pathname, search: search === "?" ? "" : search, hash: hash3 === "#" ? "" : hash3 }; } function createPath(location2) { var pathname = location2.pathname, search =, hash3 = location2.hash; var path = pathname || "/"; if (search && search !== "?") path += search.charAt(0) === "?" ? search : "?" + search; if (hash3 && hash3 !== "#") path += hash3.charAt(0) === "#" ? hash3 : "#" + hash3; return path; } function createLocation(path, state, key, currentLocation) { var location2; if (typeof path === "string") { location2 = parsePath(path); location2.state = state; } else { location2 = _extends({}, path); if (location2.pathname === void 0) location2.pathname = ""; if ( { if ( !== "?") = "?" +; } else { = ""; } if (location2.hash) { if (location2.hash.charAt(0) !== "#") location2.hash = "#" + location2.hash; } else { location2.hash = ""; } if (state !== void 0 && location2.state === void 0) location2.state = state; } try { location2.pathname = decodeURI(location2.pathname); } catch (e4) { if (e4 instanceof URIError) { throw new URIError('Pathname "' + location2.pathname + '" could not be decoded. This is likely caused by an invalid percent-encoding.'); } else { throw e4; } } if (key) location2.key = key; if (currentLocation) { if (!location2.pathname) { location2.pathname = currentLocation.pathname; } else if (location2.pathname.charAt(0) !== "/") { location2.pathname = resolve_pathname_default(location2.pathname, currentLocation.pathname); } } else { if (!location2.pathname) { location2.pathname = "/"; } } return location2; } function createTransitionManager() { var prompt = null; function setPrompt(nextPrompt) { false ? tiny_warning_esm_default(prompt == null, "A history supports only one prompt at a time") : void 0; prompt = nextPrompt; return function() { if (prompt === nextPrompt) prompt = null; }; } function confirmTransitionTo(location2, action, getUserConfirmation, callback) { if (prompt != null) { var result = typeof prompt === "function" ? prompt(location2, action) : prompt; if (typeof result === "string") { if (typeof getUserConfirmation === "function") { getUserConfirmation(result, callback); } else { false ? tiny_warning_esm_default(false, "A history needs a getUserConfirmation function in order to use a prompt message") : void 0; callback(true); } } else { callback(result !== false); } } else { callback(true); } } var listeners = []; function appendListener(fn2) { var isActive = true; function listener() { if (isActive) fn2.apply(void 0, arguments); } listeners.push(listener); return function() { isActive = false; listeners = listeners.filter(function(item) { return item !== listener; }); }; } function notifyListeners() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } listeners.forEach(function(listener) { return listener.apply(void 0, args); }); } return { setPrompt, confirmTransitionTo, appendListener, notifyListeners }; } var canUseDOM = !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && window.document && window.document.createElement); function getConfirmation(message, callback) { callback(window.confirm(message)); } function supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash() { return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") === -1; } var HashChangeEvent$1 = "hashchange"; var HashPathCoders = { hashbang: { encodePath: function encodePath(path) { return path.charAt(0) === "!" ? path : "!/" + stripLeadingSlash(path); }, decodePath: function decodePath(path) { return path.charAt(0) === "!" ? path.substr(1) : path; } }, noslash: { encodePath: stripLeadingSlash, decodePath: addLeadingSlash }, slash: { encodePath: addLeadingSlash, decodePath: addLeadingSlash } }; function stripHash(url) { var hashIndex = url.indexOf("#"); return hashIndex === -1 ? url : url.slice(0, hashIndex); } function getHashPath() { var href = window.location.href; var hashIndex = href.indexOf("#"); return hashIndex === -1 ? "" : href.substring(hashIndex + 1); } function pushHashPath(path) { window.location.hash = path; } function replaceHashPath(path) { window.location.replace(stripHash(window.location.href) + "#" + path); } function createHashHistory(props) { if (props === void 0) { props = {}; } !canUseDOM ? false ? invariant2(false, "Hash history needs a DOM") : invariant2(false) : void 0; var globalHistory = window.history; var canGoWithoutReload = supportsGoWithoutReloadUsingHash(); var _props = props, _props$getUserConfirm = _props.getUserConfirmation, getUserConfirmation = _props$getUserConfirm === void 0 ? getConfirmation : _props$getUserConfirm, _props$hashType = _props.hashType, hashType = _props$hashType === void 0 ? "slash" : _props$hashType; var basename = props.basename ? stripTrailingSlash(addLeadingSlash(props.basename)) : ""; var _HashPathCoders$hashT = HashPathCoders[hashType], encodePath2 = _HashPathCoders$hashT.encodePath, decodePath2 = _HashPathCoders$hashT.decodePath; function getDOMLocation() { var path2 = decodePath2(getHashPath()); false ? tiny_warning_esm_default(!basename || hasBasename(path2, basename), 'You are attempting to use a basename on a page whose URL path does not begin with the basename. Expected path "' + path2 + '" to begin with "' + basename + '".') : void 0; if (basename) path2 = stripBasename(path2, basename); return createLocation(path2); } var transitionManager = createTransitionManager(); function setState(nextState) { _extends(history2, nextState); history2.length = globalHistory.length; transitionManager.notifyListeners(history2.location, history2.action); } var forceNextPop = false; var ignorePath = null; function locationsAreEqual$$1(a5, b4) { return a5.pathname === b4.pathname && === && a5.hash === b4.hash; } function handleHashChange() { var path2 = getHashPath(); var encodedPath2 = encodePath2(path2); if (path2 !== encodedPath2) { replaceHashPath(encodedPath2); } else { var location2 = getDOMLocation(); var prevLocation = history2.location; if (!forceNextPop && locationsAreEqual$$1(prevLocation, location2)) return; if (ignorePath === createPath(location2)) return; ignorePath = null; handlePop(location2); } } function handlePop(location2) { if (forceNextPop) { forceNextPop = false; setState(); } else { var action = "POP"; transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location2, action, getUserConfirmation, function(ok) { if (ok) { setState({ action, location: location2 }); } else { revertPop(location2); } }); } } function revertPop(fromLocation) { var toLocation = history2.location; var toIndex = allPaths.lastIndexOf(createPath(toLocation)); if (toIndex === -1) toIndex = 0; var fromIndex = allPaths.lastIndexOf(createPath(fromLocation)); if (fromIndex === -1) fromIndex = 0; var delta = toIndex - fromIndex; if (delta) { forceNextPop = true; go(delta); } } var path = getHashPath(); var encodedPath = encodePath2(path); if (path !== encodedPath) replaceHashPath(encodedPath); var initialLocation = getDOMLocation(); var allPaths = [createPath(initialLocation)]; function createHref(location2) { var baseTag = document.querySelector("base"); var href = ""; if (baseTag && baseTag.getAttribute("href")) { href = stripHash(window.location.href); } return href + "#" + encodePath2(basename + createPath(location2)); } function push(path2, state) { false ? tiny_warning_esm_default(state === void 0, "Hash history cannot push state; it is ignored") : void 0; var action = "PUSH"; var location2 = createLocation(path2, void 0, void 0, history2.location); transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location2, action, getUserConfirmation, function(ok) { if (!ok) return; var path3 = createPath(location2); var encodedPath2 = encodePath2(basename + path3); var hashChanged = getHashPath() !== encodedPath2; if (hashChanged) { ignorePath = path3; pushHashPath(encodedPath2); var prevIndex = allPaths.lastIndexOf(createPath(history2.location)); var nextPaths = allPaths.slice(0, prevIndex + 1); nextPaths.push(path3); allPaths = nextPaths; setState({ action, location: location2 }); } else { false ? tiny_warning_esm_default(false, "Hash history cannot PUSH the same path; a new entry will not be added to the history stack") : void 0; setState(); } }); } function replace(path2, state) { false ? tiny_warning_esm_default(state === void 0, "Hash history cannot replace state; it is ignored") : void 0; var action = "REPLACE"; var location2 = createLocation(path2, void 0, void 0, history2.location); transitionManager.confirmTransitionTo(location2, action, getUserConfirmation, function(ok) { if (!ok) return; var path3 = createPath(location2); var encodedPath2 = encodePath2(basename + path3); var hashChanged = getHashPath() !== encodedPath2; if (hashChanged) { ignorePath = path3; replaceHashPath(encodedPath2); } var prevIndex = allPaths.indexOf(createPath(history2.location)); if (prevIndex !== -1) allPaths[prevIndex] = path3; setState({ action, location: location2 }); }); } function go(n2) { false ? tiny_warning_esm_default(canGoWithoutReload, "Hash history go(n) causes a full page reload in this browser") : void 0; globalHistory.go(n2); } function goBack() { go(-1); } function goForward() { go(1); } var listenerCount = 0; function checkDOMListeners(delta) { listenerCount += delta; if (listenerCount === 1 && delta === 1) { window.addEventListener(HashChangeEvent$1, handleHashChange); } else if (listenerCount === 0) { window.removeEventListener(HashChangeEvent$1, handleHashChange); } } var isBlocked = false; function block(prompt) { if (prompt === void 0) { prompt = false; } var unblock = transitionManager.setPrompt(prompt); if (!isBlocked) { checkDOMListeners(1); isBlocked = true; } return function() { if (isBlocked) { isBlocked = false; checkDOMListeners(-1); } return unblock(); }; } function listen(listener) { var unlisten = transitionManager.appendListener(listener); checkDOMListeners(1); return function() { checkDOMListeners(-1); unlisten(); }; } var history2 = { length: globalHistory.length, action: "POP", location: initialLocation, createHref, push, replace, go, goBack, goForward, block, listen }; return history2; } // src/ApplicationReadyRoutes.tsx init_preact_module(); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact-router@3.2.1_preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact-router/dist/ init_preact_module(); var EMPTY$1 = {}; function assign(obj, props) { for (var i4 in props) { obj[i4] = props[i4]; } return obj; } function exec(url, route2, opts) { var reg = /(?:\?([^#]*))?(#.*)?$/, c4 = url.match(reg), matches = {}, ret; if (c4 && c4[1]) { var p4 = c4[1].split("&"); for (var i4 = 0; i4 < p4.length; i4++) { var r3 = p4[i4].split("="); matches[decodeURIComponent(r3[0])] = decodeURIComponent(r3.slice(1).join("=")); } } url = segmentize(url.replace(reg, "")); route2 = segmentize(route2 || ""); var max = Math.max(url.length, route2.length); for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < max; i$1++) { if (route2[i$1] && route2[i$1].charAt(0) === ":") { var param = route2[i$1].replace(/(^:|[+*?]+$)/g, ""), flags = (route2[i$1].match(/[+*?]+$/) || EMPTY$1)[0] || "", plus = ~flags.indexOf("+"), star = ~flags.indexOf("*"), val = url[i$1] || ""; if (!val && !star && (flags.indexOf("?") < 0 || plus)) { ret = false; break; } matches[param] = decodeURIComponent(val); if (plus || star) { matches[param] = url.slice(i$1).map(decodeURIComponent).join("/"); break; } } else if (route2[i$1] !== url[i$1]) { ret = false; break; } } if (opts.default !== true && ret === false) { return false; } return matches; } function pathRankSort(a5, b4) { return a5.rank < b4.rank ? 1 : a5.rank > b4.rank ? -1 : a5.index - b4.index; } function prepareVNodeForRanking(vnode, index) { vnode.index = index; vnode.rank = rankChild(vnode); return vnode.props; } function segmentize(url) { return url.replace(/(^\/+|\/+$)/g, "").split("/"); } function rankSegment(segment) { return segment.charAt(0) == ":" ? 1 + "*+?".indexOf(segment.charAt(segment.length - 1)) || 4 : 5; } function rank(path) { return segmentize(path).map(rankSegment).join(""); } function rankChild(vnode) { return vnode.props.default ? 0 : rank(vnode.props.path); } var customHistory = null; var ROUTERS = []; var subscribers = []; var EMPTY = {}; function setUrl(url, type) { if (type === void 0) type = "push"; if (customHistory && customHistory[type]) { customHistory[type](url); } else if (typeof history !== "undefined" && history[type + "State"]) { history[type + "State"](null, null, url); } } function getCurrentUrl() { var url; if (customHistory && customHistory.location) { url = customHistory.location; } else if (customHistory && customHistory.getCurrentLocation) { url = customHistory.getCurrentLocation(); } else { url = typeof location !== "undefined" ? location : EMPTY; } return "" + (url.pathname || "") + ( || ""); } function route(url, replace) { if (replace === void 0) replace = false; if (typeof url !== "string" && url.url) { replace = url.replace; url = url.url; } if (canRoute(url)) { setUrl(url, replace ? "replace" : "push"); } return routeTo(url); } function canRoute(url) { for (var i4 = ROUTERS.length; i4--; ) { if (ROUTERS[i4].canRoute(url)) { return true; } } return false; } function routeTo(url) { var didRoute = false; for (var i4 = 0; i4 < ROUTERS.length; i4++) { if (ROUTERS[i4].routeTo(url) === true) { didRoute = true; } } for (var i$1 = subscribers.length; i$1--; ) { subscribers[i$1](url); } return didRoute; } function routeFromLink(node) { if (!node || !node.getAttribute) { return; } var href = node.getAttribute("href"), target = node.getAttribute("target"); if (!href || !href.match(/^\//g) || target && !target.match(/^_?self$/i)) { return; } return route(href); } function handleLinkClick(e4) { if (e4.ctrlKey || e4.metaKey || e4.altKey || e4.shiftKey || e4.button !== 0) { return; } routeFromLink(e4.currentTarget || || this); return prevent(e4); } function prevent(e4) { if (e4) { if (e4.stopImmediatePropagation) { e4.stopImmediatePropagation(); } if (e4.stopPropagation) { e4.stopPropagation(); } e4.preventDefault(); } return false; } function delegateLinkHandler(e4) { if (e4.ctrlKey || e4.metaKey || e4.altKey || e4.shiftKey || e4.button !== 0) { return; } var t4 =; do { if (String(t4.nodeName).toUpperCase() === "A" && t4.getAttribute("href")) { if (t4.hasAttribute("native")) { return; } if (routeFromLink(t4)) { return prevent(e4); } } } while (t4 = t4.parentNode); } var eventListenersInitialized = false; function initEventListeners() { if (eventListenersInitialized) { return; } if (typeof addEventListener === "function") { if (!customHistory) { addEventListener("popstate", function() { routeTo(getCurrentUrl()); }); } addEventListener("click", delegateLinkHandler); } eventListenersInitialized = true; } var Router = function(Component$$1) { function Router2(props) { Component$$, props); if (props.history) { customHistory = props.history; } this.state = { url: props.url || getCurrentUrl() }; initEventListeners(); } if (Component$$1) Router2.__proto__ = Component$$1; Router2.prototype = Object.create(Component$$1 && Component$$1.prototype); Router2.prototype.constructor = Router2; Router2.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function shouldComponentUpdate(props) { if (props.static !== true) { return true; } return props.url !== this.props.url || props.onChange !== this.props.onChange; }; Router2.prototype.canRoute = function canRoute2(url) { var children = x2(this.props.children); return this.getMatchingChildren(children, url, false).length > 0; }; Router2.prototype.routeTo = function routeTo2(url) { this.setState({ url }); var didRoute = this.canRoute(url); if (!this.updating) { this.forceUpdate(); } return didRoute; }; Router2.prototype.componentWillMount = function componentWillMount() { ROUTERS.push(this); this.updating = true; }; Router2.prototype.componentDidMount = function componentDidMount() { var this$1 = this; if (customHistory) { this.unlisten = customHistory.listen(function(location2) { this$1.routeTo("" + (location2.pathname || "") + ( || "")); }); } this.updating = false; }; Router2.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() { if (typeof this.unlisten === "function") { this.unlisten(); } ROUTERS.splice(ROUTERS.indexOf(this), 1); }; Router2.prototype.componentWillUpdate = function componentWillUpdate() { this.updating = true; }; Router2.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate() { this.updating = false; }; Router2.prototype.getMatchingChildren = function getMatchingChildren(children, url, invoke) { return children.filter(prepareVNodeForRanking).sort(pathRankSort).map(function(vnode) { var matches = exec(url, vnode.props.path, vnode.props); if (matches) { if (invoke !== false) { var newProps = { url, matches }; assign(newProps, matches); delete newProps.ref; delete newProps.key; return q(vnode, newProps); } return vnode; } }).filter(Boolean); }; Router2.prototype.render = function render(ref, ref$1) { var children = ref.children; var onChange = ref.onChange; var url = ref$1.url; var active = this.getMatchingChildren(x2(children), url, true); var current = active[0] || null; var previous = this.previousUrl; if (url !== previous) { this.previousUrl = url; if (typeof onChange === "function") { onChange({ router: this, url, previous, active, current }); } } return current; }; return Router2; }(d); var Link = function(props) { return h("a", assign({ onClick: handleLinkClick }, props)); }; var Route = function(props) { return h(props.component, props); }; Router.subscribers = subscribers; Router.getCurrentUrl = getCurrentUrl; Router.route = route; Router.Router = Router; Router.Route = Route; Router.Link = Link; Router.exec = exec; // src/ApplicationReadyRoutes.tsx init_hooks_module(); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/toInteger/index.js function toInteger(dirtyNumber) { if (dirtyNumber === null || dirtyNumber === true || dirtyNumber === false) { return NaN; } var number2 = Number(dirtyNumber); if (isNaN(number2)) { return number2; } return number2 < 0 ? Math.ceil(number2) : Math.floor(number2); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/requiredArgs/index.js function requiredArgs(required, args) { if (args.length < required) { throw new TypeError(required + " argument" + (required > 1 ? "s" : "") + " required, but only " + args.length + " present"); } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/toDate/index.js function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof4(obj2) { return typeof obj2; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof4(obj2) { return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; }; } return _typeof(obj); } function toDate(argument) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var argStr =; if (argument instanceof Date || _typeof(argument) === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") { return new Date(argument.getTime()); } else if (typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]") { return new Date(argument); } else { if ((typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]") && typeof console !== "undefined") { console.warn("Starting with v2.0.0-beta.1 date-fns doesn't accept strings as date arguments. Please use `parseISO` to parse strings. See:"); console.warn(new Error().stack); } return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/addDays/index.js function addDays(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount); if (isNaN(amount)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } if (!amount) { return date2; } date2.setDate(date2.getDate() + amount); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMonths/index.js function addMonths(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount); if (isNaN(amount)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } if (!amount) { return date2; } var dayOfMonth = date2.getDate(); var endOfDesiredMonth = new Date(date2.getTime()); endOfDesiredMonth.setMonth(date2.getMonth() + amount + 1, 0); var daysInMonth = endOfDesiredMonth.getDate(); if (dayOfMonth >= daysInMonth) { return endOfDesiredMonth; } else { date2.setFullYear(endOfDesiredMonth.getFullYear(), endOfDesiredMonth.getMonth(), dayOfMonth); return date2; } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/add/index.js function _typeof2(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof2 = function _typeof4(obj2) { return typeof obj2; }; } else { _typeof2 = function _typeof4(obj2) { return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; }; } return _typeof2(obj); } function add2(dirtyDate, duration) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); if (!duration || _typeof2(duration) !== "object") return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); var years = duration.years ? toInteger(duration.years) : 0; var months = duration.months ? toInteger(duration.months) : 0; var weeks = duration.weeks ? toInteger(duration.weeks) : 0; var days = duration.days ? toInteger(duration.days) : 0; var hours = duration.hours ? toInteger(duration.hours) : 0; var minutes = duration.minutes ? toInteger(duration.minutes) : 0; var seconds = duration.seconds ? toInteger(duration.seconds) : 0; var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var dateWithMonths = months || years ? addMonths(date2, months + years * 12) : date2; var dateWithDays = days || weeks ? addDays(dateWithMonths, days + weeks * 7) : dateWithMonths; var minutesToAdd = minutes + hours * 60; var secondsToAdd = seconds + minutesToAdd * 60; var msToAdd = secondsToAdd * 1e3; var finalDate = new Date(dateWithDays.getTime() + msToAdd); return finalDate; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMilliseconds/index.js function addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var timestamp = toDate(dirtyDate).getTime(); var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount); return new Date(timestamp + amount); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/defaultOptions/index.js var defaultOptions = {}; function getDefaultOptions() { return defaultOptions; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds/index.js function getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(date2) { var utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date2.getFullYear(), date2.getMonth(), date2.getDate(), date2.getHours(), date2.getMinutes(), date2.getSeconds(), date2.getMilliseconds())); utcDate.setUTCFullYear(date2.getFullYear()); return date2.getTime() - utcDate.getTime(); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfDay/index.js function startOfDay(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); date2.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarDays/index.js var MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 864e5; function differenceInCalendarDays(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var startOfDayLeft = startOfDay(dirtyDateLeft); var startOfDayRight = startOfDay(dirtyDateRight); var timestampLeft = startOfDayLeft.getTime() - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayLeft); var timestampRight = startOfDayRight.getTime() - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayRight); return Math.round((timestampLeft - timestampRight) / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/compareAsc/index.js function compareAsc(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight); var diff = dateLeft.getTime() - dateRight.getTime(); if (diff < 0) { return -1; } else if (diff > 0) { return 1; } else { return diff; } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/constants/index.js var daysInYear = 365.2425; var maxTime = Math.pow(10, 8) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; var millisecondsInMinute = 6e4; var millisecondsInHour = 36e5; var minTime = -maxTime; var secondsInHour = 3600; var secondsInDay = secondsInHour * 24; var secondsInWeek = secondsInDay * 7; var secondsInYear = secondsInDay * daysInYear; var secondsInMonth = secondsInYear / 12; var secondsInQuarter = secondsInMonth * 3; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isDate/index.js function _typeof3(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof3 = function _typeof4(obj2) { return typeof obj2; }; } else { _typeof3 = function _typeof4(obj2) { return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; }; } return _typeof3(obj); } function isDate(value) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); return value instanceof Date || _typeof3(value) === "object" && === "[object Date]"; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isValid/index.js function isValid(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); if (!isDate(dirtyDate) && typeof dirtyDate !== "number") { return false; } var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); return !isNaN(Number(date2)); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarMonths/index.js function differenceInCalendarMonths(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight); var yearDiff = dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear(); var monthDiff = dateLeft.getMonth() - dateRight.getMonth(); return yearDiff * 12 + monthDiff; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarYears/index.js function differenceInCalendarYears(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight); return dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear(); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInDays/index.js function compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) { var diff = dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear() || dateLeft.getMonth() - dateRight.getMonth() || dateLeft.getDate() - dateRight.getDate() || dateLeft.getHours() - dateRight.getHours() || dateLeft.getMinutes() - dateRight.getMinutes() || dateLeft.getSeconds() - dateRight.getSeconds() || dateLeft.getMilliseconds() - dateRight.getMilliseconds(); if (diff < 0) { return -1; } else if (diff > 0) { return 1; } else { return diff; } } function differenceInDays(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight); var sign = compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight); var difference2 = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarDays(dateLeft, dateRight)); dateLeft.setDate(dateLeft.getDate() - sign * difference2); var isLastDayNotFull = Number(compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign); var result = sign * (difference2 - isLastDayNotFull); return result === 0 ? 0 : result; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMilliseconds/index.js function differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); return toDate(dateLeft).getTime() - toDate(dateRight).getTime(); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/roundingMethods/index.js var roundingMap = { ceil: Math.ceil, round: Math.round, floor: Math.floor, trunc: function trunc(value) { return value < 0 ? Math.ceil(value) : Math.floor(value); } // Math.trunc is not supported by IE }; var defaultRoundingMethod = "trunc"; function getRoundingMethod(method) { return method ? roundingMap[method] : roundingMap[defaultRoundingMethod]; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInHours/index.js function differenceInHours(dateLeft, dateRight, options) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / millisecondsInHour; return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMinutes/index.js function differenceInMinutes(dateLeft, dateRight, options) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / millisecondsInMinute; return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfDay/index.js function endOfDay(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); date2.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfMonth/index.js function endOfMonth(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var month = date2.getMonth(); date2.setFullYear(date2.getFullYear(), month + 1, 0); date2.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isLastDayOfMonth/index.js function isLastDayOfMonth(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); return endOfDay(date2).getTime() === endOfMonth(date2).getTime(); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMonths/index.js function differenceInMonths(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight); var sign = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight); var difference2 = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarMonths(dateLeft, dateRight)); var result; if (difference2 < 1) { result = 0; } else { if (dateLeft.getMonth() === 1 && dateLeft.getDate() > 27) { dateLeft.setDate(30); } dateLeft.setMonth(dateLeft.getMonth() - sign * difference2); var isLastMonthNotFull = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign; if (isLastDayOfMonth(toDate(dirtyDateLeft)) && difference2 === 1 && compareAsc(dirtyDateLeft, dateRight) === 1) { isLastMonthNotFull = false; } result = sign * (difference2 - Number(isLastMonthNotFull)); } return result === 0 ? 0 : result; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInSeconds/index.js function differenceInSeconds(dateLeft, dateRight, options) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / 1e3; return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInYears/index.js function differenceInYears(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft); var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight); var sign = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight); var difference2 = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarYears(dateLeft, dateRight)); dateLeft.setFullYear(1584); dateRight.setFullYear(1584); var isLastYearNotFull = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign; var result = sign * (difference2 - Number(isLastYearNotFull)); return result === 0 ? 0 : result; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/subMilliseconds/index.js function subMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount); return addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, -amount); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCDayOfYear/index.js var MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY2 = 864e5; function getUTCDayOfYear(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var timestamp = date2.getTime(); date2.setUTCMonth(0, 1); date2.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfYearTimestamp = date2.getTime(); var difference2 = timestamp - startOfYearTimestamp; return Math.floor(difference2 / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY2) + 1; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeek/index.js function startOfUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var weekStartsOn = 1; var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var day = date2.getUTCDay(); var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; date2.setUTCDate(date2.getUTCDate() - diff); date2.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeekYear/index.js function getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var year = date2.getUTCFullYear(); var fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear); var fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear); if (date2.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (date2.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeekYear/index.js function startOfUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var year = getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate); var fourthOfJanuary = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); fourthOfJanuary.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); fourthOfJanuary.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var date2 = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuary); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeek/index.js var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 6048e5; function getUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var diff = startOfUTCISOWeek(date2).getTime() - startOfUTCISOWeekYear(date2).getTime(); return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK) + 1; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeek/index.js function startOfUTCWeek(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs(1, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions(); var weekStartsOn = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var day = date2.getUTCDay(); var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; date2.setUTCDate(date2.getUTCDate() - diff); date2.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeekYear/index.js function getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var year = date2.getUTCFullYear(); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions(); var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); } var firstWeekOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfNextYear, options); var firstWeekOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfThisYear, options); if (date2.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { return year + 1; } else if (date2.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { return year; } else { return year - 1; } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeekYear/index.js function startOfUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options) { var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; requiredArgs(1, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions(); var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); var year = getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options); var firstWeek = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); firstWeek.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); firstWeek.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var date2 = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeek, options); return date2; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeek/index.js var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2 = 6048e5; function getUTCWeek(dirtyDate, options) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var diff = startOfUTCWeek(date2, options).getTime() - startOfUTCWeekYear(date2, options).getTime(); return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2) + 1; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/addLeadingZeros/index.js function addLeadingZeros(number2, targetLength) { var sign = number2 < 0 ? "-" : ""; var output = Math.abs(number2).toString(); while (output.length < targetLength) { output = "0" + output; } return sign + output; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/lightFormatters/index.js var formatters = { // Year y: function y3(date2, token) { var signedYear = date2.getUTCFullYear(); var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return addLeadingZeros(token === "yy" ? year % 100 : year, token.length); }, // Month M: function M3(date2, token) { var month = date2.getUTCMonth(); return token === "M" ? String(month + 1) : addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2); }, // Day of the month d: function d3(date2, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date2.getUTCDate(), token.length); }, // AM or PM a: function a3(date2, token) { var dayPeriodEnumValue = date2.getUTCHours() / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return dayPeriodEnumValue.toUpperCase(); case "aaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue; case "aaaaa": return dayPeriodEnumValue[0]; case "aaaa": default: return dayPeriodEnumValue === "am" ? "a.m." : "p.m."; } }, // Hour [1-12] h: function h3(date2, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date2.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, token.length); }, // Hour [0-23] H: function H2(date2, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date2.getUTCHours(), token.length); }, // Minute m: function m3(date2, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date2.getUTCMinutes(), token.length); }, // Second s: function s3(date2, token) { return addLeadingZeros(date2.getUTCSeconds(), token.length); }, // Fraction of second S: function S3(date2, token) { var numberOfDigits = token.length; var milliseconds = date2.getUTCMilliseconds(); var fractionalSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds * Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits - 3)); return addLeadingZeros(fractionalSeconds, token.length); } }; var lightFormatters_default = formatters; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/formatters/index.js var dayPeriodEnum = { am: "am", pm: "pm", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }; var formatters2 = { // Era G: function G(date2, token, localize2) { var era = date2.getUTCFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0; switch (token) { case "G": case "GG": case "GGG": return localize2.era(era, { width: "abbreviated" }); case "GGGGG": return localize2.era(era, { width: "narrow" }); case "GGGG": default: return localize2.era(era, { width: "wide" }); } }, // Year y: function y4(date2, token, localize2) { if (token === "yo") { var signedYear = date2.getUTCFullYear(); var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; return localize2.ordinalNumber(year, { unit: "year" }); } return lightFormatters_default.y(date2, token); }, // Local week-numbering year Y: function Y2(date2, token, localize2, options) { var signedWeekYear = getUTCWeekYear(date2, options); var weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear; if (token === "YY") { var twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100; return addLeadingZeros(twoDigitYear, 2); } if (token === "Yo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(weekYear, { unit: "year" }); } return addLeadingZeros(weekYear, token.length); }, // ISO week-numbering year R: function R(date2, token) { var isoWeekYear = getUTCISOWeekYear(date2); return addLeadingZeros(isoWeekYear, token.length); }, // Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system. // The main difference between `y` and `u` localizers are B.C. years: // | Year | `y` | `u` | // |------|-----|-----| // | AC 1 | 1 | 1 | // | BC 1 | 1 | 0 | // | BC 2 | 2 | -1 | // Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year, // while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged. u: function u3(date2, token) { var year = date2.getUTCFullYear(); return addLeadingZeros(year, token.length); }, // Quarter Q: function Q(date2, token, localize2) { var quarter = Math.ceil((date2.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { case "Q": return String(quarter); case "QQ": return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2); case "Qo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); case "QQQ": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQQ": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "QQQQ": default: return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone quarter q: function q3(date2, token, localize2) { var quarter = Math.ceil((date2.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); switch (token) { case "q": return String(quarter); case "qq": return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2); case "qo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, { unit: "quarter" }); case "qqq": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqqq": return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "qqqq": default: return localize2.quarter(quarter, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // Month M: function M4(date2, token, localize2) { var month = date2.getUTCMonth(); switch (token) { case "M": case "MM": return lightFormatters_default.M(date2, token); case "Mo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); case "MMM": return localize2.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMMM": return localize2.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "MMMM": default: return localize2.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone month L: function L3(date2, token, localize2) { var month = date2.getUTCMonth(); switch (token) { case "L": return String(month + 1); case "LL": return addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2); case "Lo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { unit: "month" }); case "LLL": return localize2.month(month, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLLL": return localize2.month(month, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "LLLL": default: return localize2.month(month, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // Local week of year w: function w3(date2, token, localize2, options) { var week = getUTCWeek(date2, options); if (token === "wo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(week, { unit: "week" }); } return addLeadingZeros(week, token.length); }, // ISO week of year I: function I3(date2, token, localize2) { var isoWeek = getUTCISOWeek(date2); if (token === "Io") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, { unit: "week" }); } return addLeadingZeros(isoWeek, token.length); }, // Day of the month d: function d4(date2, token, localize2) { if (token === "do") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date2.getUTCDate(), { unit: "date" }); } return lightFormatters_default.d(date2, token); }, // Day of year D: function D3(date2, token, localize2) { var dayOfYear = getUTCDayOfYear(date2); if (token === "Do") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, { unit: "dayOfYear" }); } return addLeadingZeros(dayOfYear, token.length); }, // Day of week E: function E(date2, token, localize2) { var dayOfWeek = date2.getUTCDay(); switch (token) { case "E": case "EE": case "EEE": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEE": return, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEEEE": return, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "EEEE": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Local day of week e: function e3(date2, token, localize2, options) { var dayOfWeek = date2.getUTCDay(); var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { case "e": return String(localDayOfWeek); case "ee": return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, 2); case "eo": return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "eee": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeee": return, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "eeeeee": return, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "eeee": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Stand-alone local day of week c: function c3(date2, token, localize2, options) { var dayOfWeek = date2.getUTCDay(); var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; switch (token) { case "c": return String(localDayOfWeek); case "cc": return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, token.length); case "co": return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "ccc": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "standalone" }); case "ccccc": return, { width: "narrow", context: "standalone" }); case "cccccc": return, { width: "short", context: "standalone" }); case "cccc": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "standalone" }); } }, // ISO day of week i: function i3(date2, token, localize2) { var dayOfWeek = date2.getUTCDay(); var isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek; switch (token) { case "i": return String(isoDayOfWeek); case "ii": return addLeadingZeros(isoDayOfWeek, token.length); case "io": return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, { unit: "day" }); case "iii": return, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "iiiii": return, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "iiiiii": return, { width: "short", context: "formatting" }); case "iiii": default: return, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // AM or PM a: function a4(date2, token, localize2) { var hours = date2.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; switch (token) { case "a": case "aa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "aaa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }).toLowerCase(); case "aaaaa": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "aaaa": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // AM, PM, midnight, noon b: function b3(date2, token, localize2) { var hours = date2.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours === 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.noon; } else if (hours === 0) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.midnight; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; } switch (token) { case "b": case "bb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "bbb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }).toLowerCase(); case "bbbbb": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "bbbb": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night B: function B3(date2, token, localize2) { var hours = date2.getUTCHours(); var dayPeriodEnumValue; if (hours >= 17) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.evening; } else if (hours >= 12) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.afternoon; } else if (hours >= 4) { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.morning; } else { dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.night; } switch (token) { case "B": case "BB": case "BBB": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "abbreviated", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBBB": return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "narrow", context: "formatting" }); case "BBBB": default: return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { width: "wide", context: "formatting" }); } }, // Hour [1-12] h: function h4(date2, token, localize2) { if (token === "ho") { var hours = date2.getUTCHours() % 12; if (hours === 0) hours = 12; return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return lightFormatters_default.h(date2, token); }, // Hour [0-23] H: function H3(date2, token, localize2) { if (token === "Ho") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date2.getUTCHours(), { unit: "hour" }); } return lightFormatters_default.H(date2, token); }, // Hour [0-11] K: function K3(date2, token, localize2) { var hours = date2.getUTCHours() % 12; if (token === "Ko") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length); }, // Hour [1-24] k: function k3(date2, token, localize2) { var hours = date2.getUTCHours(); if (hours === 0) hours = 24; if (token === "ko") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, { unit: "hour" }); } return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length); }, // Minute m: function m4(date2, token, localize2) { if (token === "mo") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date2.getUTCMinutes(), { unit: "minute" }); } return lightFormatters_default.m(date2, token); }, // Second s: function s4(date2, token, localize2) { if (token === "so") { return localize2.ordinalNumber(date2.getUTCSeconds(), { unit: "second" }); } return lightFormatters_default.s(date2, token); }, // Fraction of second S: function S4(date2, token) { return lightFormatters_default.S(date2, token); }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`) X: function X2(date2, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date2; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); if (timezoneOffset === 0) { return "Z"; } switch (token) { case "X": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); case "XXXX": case "XX": return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); case "XXXXX": case "XXX": default: return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent) x: function x4(date2, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date2; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "x": return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); case "xxxx": case "xx": return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); case "xxxxx": case "xxx": default: return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (GMT) O: function O2(date2, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date2; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "O": case "OO": case "OOO": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":"); case "OOOO": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Timezone (specific non-location) z: function z3(date2, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date2; var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); switch (token) { case "z": case "zz": case "zzz": return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":"); case "zzzz": default: return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); } }, // Seconds timestamp t: function t3(date2, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date2; var timestamp = Math.floor(originalDate.getTime() / 1e3); return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length); }, // Milliseconds timestamp T: function T3(date2, token, _localize, options) { var originalDate = options._originalDate || date2; var timestamp = originalDate.getTime(); return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length); } }; function formatTimezoneShort(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60); var minutes = absOffset % 60; if (minutes === 0) { return sign + String(hours); } var delimiter2 = dirtyDelimiter || ""; return sign + String(hours) + delimiter2 + addLeadingZeros(minutes, 2); } function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { if (offset % 60 === 0) { var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; return sign + addLeadingZeros(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2); } return formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimiter); } function formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { var delimiter2 = dirtyDelimiter || ""; var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); var hours = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absOffset / 60), 2); var minutes = addLeadingZeros(absOffset % 60, 2); return sign + hours + delimiter2 + minutes; } var formatters_default = formatters2; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/longFormatters/index.js var dateLongFormatter = function dateLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong2) { switch (pattern) { case "P": return{ width: "short" }); case "PP": return{ width: "medium" }); case "PPP": return{ width: "long" }); case "PPPP": default: return{ width: "full" }); } }; var timeLongFormatter = function timeLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong2) { switch (pattern) { case "p": return formatLong2.time({ width: "short" }); case "pp": return formatLong2.time({ width: "medium" }); case "ppp": return formatLong2.time({ width: "long" }); case "pppp": default: return formatLong2.time({ width: "full" }); } }; var dateTimeLongFormatter = function dateTimeLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong2) { var matchResult = pattern.match(/(P+)(p+)?/) || []; var datePattern = matchResult[1]; var timePattern = matchResult[2]; if (!timePattern) { return dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong2); } var dateTimeFormat; switch (datePattern) { case "P": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "short" }); break; case "PP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "medium" }); break; case "PPP": dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "long" }); break; case "PPPP": default: dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({ width: "full" }); break; } return dateTimeFormat.replace("{{date}}", dateLongFormatter(datePattern, formatLong2)).replace("{{time}}", timeLongFormatter(timePattern, formatLong2)); }; var longFormatters = { p: timeLongFormatter, P: dateTimeLongFormatter }; var longFormatters_default = longFormatters; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/protectedTokens/index.js var protectedDayOfYearTokens = ["D", "DD"]; var protectedWeekYearTokens = ["YY", "YYYY"]; function isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token) { return protectedDayOfYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1; } function isProtectedWeekYearToken(token) { return protectedWeekYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1; } function throwProtectedError(token, format2, input) { if (token === "YYYY") { throw new RangeError("Use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); } else if (token === "YY") { throw new RangeError("Use `yy` instead of `YY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); } else if (token === "D") { throw new RangeError("Use `d` instead of `D` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); } else if (token === "DD") { throw new RangeError("Use `dd` instead of `DD` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatDistance/index.js var formatDistanceLocale = { lessThanXSeconds: { one: "less than a second", other: "less than {{count}} seconds" }, xSeconds: { one: "1 second", other: "{{count}} seconds" }, halfAMinute: "half a minute", lessThanXMinutes: { one: "less than a minute", other: "less than {{count}} minutes" }, xMinutes: { one: "1 minute", other: "{{count}} minutes" }, aboutXHours: { one: "about 1 hour", other: "about {{count}} hours" }, xHours: { one: "1 hour", other: "{{count}} hours" }, xDays: { one: "1 day", other: "{{count}} days" }, aboutXWeeks: { one: "about 1 week", other: "about {{count}} weeks" }, xWeeks: { one: "1 week", other: "{{count}} weeks" }, aboutXMonths: { one: "about 1 month", other: "about {{count}} months" }, xMonths: { one: "1 month", other: "{{count}} months" }, aboutXYears: { one: "about 1 year", other: "about {{count}} years" }, xYears: { one: "1 year", other: "{{count}} years" }, overXYears: { one: "over 1 year", other: "over {{count}} years" }, almostXYears: { one: "almost 1 year", other: "almost {{count}} years" } }; var formatDistance = function formatDistance2(token, count, options) { var result; var tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale[token]; if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { result = tokenValue; } else if (count === 1) { result =; } else { result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString()); } if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { return "in " + result; } else { return result + " ago"; } } return result; }; var formatDistance_default = formatDistance; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildFormatLongFn/index.js function buildFormatLongFn(args) { return function() { var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}; var width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; var format2 = args.formats[width] || args.formats[args.defaultWidth]; return format2; }; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatLong/index.js var dateFormats = { full: "EEEE, MMMM do, y", long: "MMMM do, y", medium: "MMM d, y", short: "MM/dd/yyyy" }; var timeFormats = { full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz", long: "h:mm:ss a z", medium: "h:mm:ss a", short: "h:mm a" }; var dateTimeFormats = { full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" }; var formatLong = { date: buildFormatLongFn({ formats: dateFormats, defaultWidth: "full" }), time: buildFormatLongFn({ formats: timeFormats, defaultWidth: "full" }), dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({ formats: dateTimeFormats, defaultWidth: "full" }) }; var formatLong_default = formatLong; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatRelative/index.js var formatRelativeLocale = { lastWeek: "'last' eeee 'at' p", yesterday: "'yesterday at' p", today: "'today at' p", tomorrow: "'tomorrow at' p", nextWeek: "eeee 'at' p", other: "P" }; var formatRelative = function formatRelative2(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) { return formatRelativeLocale[token]; }; var formatRelative_default = formatRelative; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildLocalizeFn/index.js function buildLocalizeFn(args) { return function(dirtyIndex, options) { var context = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.context ? String(options.context) : "standalone"; var valuesArray; if (context === "formatting" && args.formattingValues) { var defaultWidth = args.defaultFormattingWidth || args.defaultWidth; var width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.formattingValues[width] || args.formattingValues[defaultWidth]; } else { var _defaultWidth = args.defaultWidth; var _width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; valuesArray = args.values[_width] || args.values[_defaultWidth]; } var index = args.argumentCallback ? args.argumentCallback(dirtyIndex) : dirtyIndex; return valuesArray[index]; }; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/localize/index.js var eraValues = { narrow: ["B", "A"], abbreviated: ["BC", "AD"], wide: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"] }; var quarterValues = { narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], wide: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"] }; var monthValues = { narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], abbreviated: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], wide: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] }; var dayValues = { narrow: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], short: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], abbreviated: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], wide: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] }; var dayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "morning", afternoon: "afternoon", evening: "evening", night: "night" } }; var formattingDayPeriodValues = { narrow: { am: "a", pm: "p", midnight: "mi", noon: "n", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" }, abbreviated: { am: "AM", pm: "PM", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" }, wide: { am: "a.m.", pm: "p.m.", midnight: "midnight", noon: "noon", morning: "in the morning", afternoon: "in the afternoon", evening: "in the evening", night: "at night" } }; var ordinalNumber = function ordinalNumber2(dirtyNumber, _options) { var number2 = Number(dirtyNumber); var rem100 = number2 % 100; if (rem100 > 20 || rem100 < 10) { switch (rem100 % 10) { case 1: return number2 + "st"; case 2: return number2 + "nd"; case 3: return number2 + "rd"; } } return number2 + "th"; }; var localize = { ordinalNumber, era: buildLocalizeFn({ values: eraValues, defaultWidth: "wide" }), quarter: buildLocalizeFn({ values: quarterValues, defaultWidth: "wide", argumentCallback: function argumentCallback(quarter) { return quarter - 1; } }), month: buildLocalizeFn({ values: monthValues, defaultWidth: "wide" }), day: buildLocalizeFn({ values: dayValues, defaultWidth: "wide" }), dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({ values: dayPeriodValues, defaultWidth: "wide", formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues, defaultFormattingWidth: "wide" }) }; var localize_default = localize; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchFn/index.js function buildMatchFn(args) { return function(string2) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; var width = options.width; var matchPattern = width && args.matchPatterns[width] || args.matchPatterns[args.defaultMatchWidth]; var matchResult = string2.match(matchPattern); if (!matchResult) { return null; } var matchedString = matchResult[0]; var parsePatterns = width && args.parsePatterns[width] || args.parsePatterns[args.defaultParseWidth]; var key = Array.isArray(parsePatterns) ? findIndex(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { return pattern.test(matchedString); }) : findKey(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { return pattern.test(matchedString); }); var value; value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(key) : key; value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; var rest = string2.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } function findKey(object2, predicate) { for (var key in object2) { if (object2.hasOwnProperty(key) && predicate(object2[key])) { return key; } } return void 0; } function findIndex(array2, predicate) { for (var key = 0; key < array2.length; key++) { if (predicate(array2[key])) { return key; } } return void 0; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchPatternFn/index.js function buildMatchPatternFn(args) { return function(string2) { var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; var matchResult = string2.match(args.matchPattern); if (!matchResult) return null; var matchedString = matchResult[0]; var parseResult = string2.match(args.parsePattern); if (!parseResult) return null; var value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(parseResult[0]) : parseResult[0]; value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; var rest = string2.slice(matchedString.length); return { value, rest }; }; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/match/index.js var matchOrdinalNumberPattern = /^(\d+)(th|st|nd|rd)?/i; var parseOrdinalNumberPattern = /\d+/i; var matchEraPatterns = { narrow: /^(b|a)/i, abbreviated: /^(b\.?\s?c\.?|b\.?\s?c\.?\s?e\.?|a\.?\s?d\.?|c\.?\s?e\.?)/i, wide: /^(before christ|before common era|anno domini|common era)/i }; var parseEraPatterns = { any: [/^b/i, /^(a|c)/i] }; var matchQuarterPatterns = { narrow: /^[1234]/i, abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i, wide: /^[1234](th|st|nd|rd)? quarter/i }; var parseQuarterPatterns = { any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] }; var matchMonthPatterns = { narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, abbreviated: /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i, wide: /^(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)/i }; var parseMonthPatterns = { narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], any: [/^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^ap/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i] }; var matchDayPatterns = { narrow: /^[smtwf]/i, short: /^(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)/i, abbreviated: /^(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)/i, wide: /^(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)/i }; var parseDayPatterns = { narrow: [/^s/i, /^m/i, /^t/i, /^w/i, /^t/i, /^f/i, /^s/i], any: [/^su/i, /^m/i, /^tu/i, /^w/i, /^th/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i] }; var matchDayPeriodPatterns = { narrow: /^(a|p|mi|n|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i, any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|midnight|noon|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i }; var parseDayPeriodPatterns = { any: { am: /^a/i, pm: /^p/i, midnight: /^mi/i, noon: /^no/i, morning: /morning/i, afternoon: /afternoon/i, evening: /evening/i, night: /night/i } }; var match = { ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn({ matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern, parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern, valueCallback: function valueCallback(value) { return parseInt(value, 10); } }), era: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), quarter: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any", valueCallback: function valueCallback2(index) { return index + 1; } }), month: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), day: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "wide", parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }), dayPeriod: buildMatchFn({ matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns, defaultMatchWidth: "any", parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns, defaultParseWidth: "any" }) }; var match_default = match; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/index.js var locale = { code: "en-US", formatDistance: formatDistance_default, formatLong: formatLong_default, formatRelative: formatRelative_default, localize: localize_default, match: match_default, options: { weekStartsOn: 0, firstWeekContainsDate: 1 } }; var en_US_default = locale; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/defaultLocale/index.js var defaultLocale_default = en_US_default; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/format/index.js var formattingTokensRegExp = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var longFormattingTokensRegExp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; var escapedStringRegExp = /^'([^]*?)'?$/; var doubleQuoteRegExp = /''/g; var unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp = /[a-zA-Z]/; function format(dirtyDate, dirtyFormatStr, options) { var _ref, _options$locale, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale2, _options$locale2$opti, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale3, _options$locale3$opti, _defaultOptions$local3, _defaultOptions$local4; requiredArgs(2, arguments); var formatStr = String(dirtyFormatStr); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions(); var locale2 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions2.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : defaultLocale_default; var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2$opti = _options$locale2.options) === null || _options$locale2$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale2$opti.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref4 !== void 0 ? _ref4 : defaultOptions2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 1); if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); } var weekStartsOn = toInteger((_ref5 = (_ref6 = (_ref7 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3$opti = _options$locale3.options) === null || _options$locale3$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale3$opti.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref7 !== void 0 ? _ref7 : defaultOptions2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref6 !== void 0 ? _ref6 : (_defaultOptions$local3 = defaultOptions2.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local4 = _defaultOptions$local3.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local4.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref5 !== void 0 ? _ref5 : 0); if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); } if (!locale2.localize) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain localize property"); } if (!locale2.formatLong) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatLong property"); } var originalDate = toDate(dirtyDate); if (!isValid(originalDate)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); } var timezoneOffset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(originalDate); var utcDate = subMilliseconds(originalDate, timezoneOffset); var formatterOptions = { firstWeekContainsDate, weekStartsOn, locale: locale2, _originalDate: originalDate }; var result = formatStr.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp).map(function(substring) { var firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") { var longFormatter = longFormatters_default[firstCharacter]; return longFormatter(substring, locale2.formatLong); } return substring; }).join("").match(formattingTokensRegExp).map(function(substring) { if (substring === "''") { return "'"; } var firstCharacter = substring[0]; if (firstCharacter === "'") { return cleanEscapedString(substring); } var formatter = formatters_default[firstCharacter]; if (formatter) { if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens) && isProtectedWeekYearToken(substring)) { throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); } if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens) && isProtectedDayOfYearToken(substring)) { throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); } return formatter(utcDate, substring, locale2.localize, formatterOptions); } if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp)) { throw new RangeError("Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`"); } return substring; }).join(""); return result; } function cleanEscapedString(input) { var matched = input.match(escapedStringRegExp); if (!matched) { return input; } return matched[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp, "'"); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/assign/index.js function assign2(target, object2) { if (target == null) { throw new TypeError("assign requires that input parameter not be null or undefined"); } for (var property in object2) { if (, property)) { ; target[property] = object2[property]; } } return target; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/cloneObject/index.js function cloneObject(object2) { return assign2({}, object2); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/formatDistance/index.js var MINUTES_IN_DAY = 1440; var MINUTES_IN_ALMOST_TWO_DAYS = 2520; var MINUTES_IN_MONTH = 43200; var MINUTES_IN_TWO_MONTHS = 86400; function formatDistance3(dirtyDate, dirtyBaseDate, options) { var _ref, _options$locale; requiredArgs(2, arguments); var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions(); var locale2 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions2.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : defaultLocale_default; if (!locale2.formatDistance) { throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatDistance property"); } var comparison = compareAsc(dirtyDate, dirtyBaseDate); if (isNaN(comparison)) { throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); } var localizeOptions = assign2(cloneObject(options), { addSuffix: Boolean(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.addSuffix), comparison }); var dateLeft; var dateRight; if (comparison > 0) { dateLeft = toDate(dirtyBaseDate); dateRight = toDate(dirtyDate); } else { dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDate); dateRight = toDate(dirtyBaseDate); } var seconds = differenceInSeconds(dateRight, dateLeft); var offsetInSeconds = (getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(dateRight) - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(dateLeft)) / 1e3; var minutes = Math.round((seconds - offsetInSeconds) / 60); var months; if (minutes < 2) { if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.includeSeconds) { if (seconds < 5) { return locale2.formatDistance("lessThanXSeconds", 5, localizeOptions); } else if (seconds < 10) { return locale2.formatDistance("lessThanXSeconds", 10, localizeOptions); } else if (seconds < 20) { return locale2.formatDistance("lessThanXSeconds", 20, localizeOptions); } else if (seconds < 40) { return locale2.formatDistance("halfAMinute", 0, localizeOptions); } else if (seconds < 60) { return locale2.formatDistance("lessThanXMinutes", 1, localizeOptions); } else { return locale2.formatDistance("xMinutes", 1, localizeOptions); } } else { if (minutes === 0) { return locale2.formatDistance("lessThanXMinutes", 1, localizeOptions); } else { return locale2.formatDistance("xMinutes", minutes, localizeOptions); } } } else if (minutes < 45) { return locale2.formatDistance("xMinutes", minutes, localizeOptions); } else if (minutes < 90) { return locale2.formatDistance("aboutXHours", 1, localizeOptions); } else if (minutes < MINUTES_IN_DAY) { var hours = Math.round(minutes / 60); return locale2.formatDistance("aboutXHours", hours, localizeOptions); } else if (minutes < MINUTES_IN_ALMOST_TWO_DAYS) { return locale2.formatDistance("xDays", 1, localizeOptions); } else if (minutes < MINUTES_IN_MONTH) { var days = Math.round(minutes / MINUTES_IN_DAY); return locale2.formatDistance("xDays", days, localizeOptions); } else if (minutes < MINUTES_IN_TWO_MONTHS) { months = Math.round(minutes / MINUTES_IN_MONTH); return locale2.formatDistance("aboutXMonths", months, localizeOptions); } months = differenceInMonths(dateRight, dateLeft); if (months < 12) { var nearestMonth = Math.round(minutes / MINUTES_IN_MONTH); return locale2.formatDistance("xMonths", nearestMonth, localizeOptions); } else { var monthsSinceStartOfYear = months % 12; var years = Math.floor(months / 12); if (monthsSinceStartOfYear < 3) { return locale2.formatDistance("aboutXYears", years, localizeOptions); } else if (monthsSinceStartOfYear < 9) { return locale2.formatDistance("overXYears", years, localizeOptions); } else { return locale2.formatDistance("almostXYears", years + 1, localizeOptions); } } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/formatDuration/index.js var defaultFormat = ["years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"]; function formatDuration(duration, options) { var _ref, _options$locale, _options$format, _options$zero, _options$delimiter; if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only ".concat(arguments.length, " present")); } var defaultOptions2 = getDefaultOptions(); var locale2 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions2.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : defaultLocale_default; var format2 = (_options$format = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.format) !== null && _options$format !== void 0 ? _options$format : defaultFormat; var zero = (_options$zero = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : !== null && _options$zero !== void 0 ? _options$zero : false; var delimiter2 = (_options$delimiter = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.delimiter) !== null && _options$delimiter !== void 0 ? _options$delimiter : " "; if (!locale2.formatDistance) { return ""; } var result = format2.reduce(function(acc, unit) { var token = "x".concat(unit.replace(/(^.)/, function(m5) { return m5.toUpperCase(); })); var value = duration[unit]; if (typeof value === "number" && (zero || duration[unit])) { return acc.concat(locale2.formatDistance(token, value)); } return acc; }, []).join(delimiter2); return result; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/intervalToDuration/index.js function intervalToDuration(interval) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); var start = toDate(interval.start); var end = toDate(interval.end); if (isNaN(start.getTime())) throw new RangeError("Start Date is invalid"); if (isNaN(end.getTime())) throw new RangeError("End Date is invalid"); var duration = {}; duration.years = Math.abs(differenceInYears(end, start)); var sign = compareAsc(end, start); var remainingMonths = add2(start, { years: sign * duration.years }); duration.months = Math.abs(differenceInMonths(end, remainingMonths)); var remainingDays = add2(remainingMonths, { months: sign * duration.months }); duration.days = Math.abs(differenceInDays(end, remainingDays)); var remainingHours = add2(remainingDays, { days: sign * duration.days }); duration.hours = Math.abs(differenceInHours(end, remainingHours)); var remainingMinutes = add2(remainingHours, { hours: sign * duration.hours }); duration.minutes = Math.abs(differenceInMinutes(end, remainingMinutes)); var remainingSeconds = add2(remainingMinutes, { minutes: sign * duration.minutes }); duration.seconds = Math.abs(differenceInSeconds(end, remainingSeconds)); return duration; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isAfter/index.js function isAfter(dirtyDate, dirtyDateToCompare) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var dateToCompare = toDate(dirtyDateToCompare); return date2.getTime() > dateToCompare.getTime(); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isBefore/index.js function isBefore(dirtyDate, dirtyDateToCompare) { requiredArgs(2, arguments); var date2 = toDate(dirtyDate); var dateToCompare = toDate(dirtyDateToCompare); return date2.getTime() < dateToCompare.getTime(); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isFuture/index.js function isFuture(dirtyDate) { requiredArgs(1, arguments); return toDate(dirtyDate).getTime() >; } // src/InstanceRoutes.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/exception/loading.tsx init_preact_module(); function Loading() { return /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "columns is-centered is-vcentered", style: { height: "calc(100% - 3rem)", position: "absolute", width: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Spinner, null) ); } function Spinner() { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "lds-ring" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null)); } // src/components/menu/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/AdminRoutes.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/admin/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/context/backend.ts init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/index.ts init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/backend.ts init_hooks_module(); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/swr@2.2.2_react@18.2.0/node_modules/swr/core/dist/index.mjs init_compat_module(); var import_shim = __toESM(require_shim(), 1); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/swr@2.2.2_react@18.2.0/node_modules/swr/_internal/dist/index.mjs init_compat_module(); var noop = () => { }; var UNDEFINED = ( /*#__NOINLINE__*/ noop() ); var OBJECT = Object; var isUndefined = (v3) => v3 === UNDEFINED; var isFunction = (v3) => typeof v3 == "function"; var mergeObjects = (a5, b4) => __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, a5), b4); var isPromiseLike = (x6) => isFunction(x6.then); var table = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); var counter = 0; var stableHash = (arg) => { const type = typeof arg; const constructor = arg && arg.constructor; const isDate3 = constructor == Date; let result; let index; if (OBJECT(arg) === arg && !isDate3 && constructor != RegExp) { result = table.get(arg); if (result) return result; result = ++counter + "~"; table.set(arg, result); if (constructor == Array) { result = "@"; for (index = 0; index < arg.length; index++) { result += stableHash(arg[index]) + ","; } table.set(arg, result); } if (constructor == OBJECT) { result = "#"; const keys = OBJECT.keys(arg).sort(); while (!isUndefined(index = keys.pop())) { if (!isUndefined(arg[index])) { result += index + ":" + stableHash(arg[index]) + ","; } } table.set(arg, result); } } else { result = isDate3 ? arg.toJSON() : type == "symbol" ? arg.toString() : type == "string" ? JSON.stringify(arg) : "" + arg; } return result; }; var SWRGlobalState = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); var EMPTY_CACHE = {}; var INITIAL_CACHE = {}; var STR_UNDEFINED = "undefined"; var isWindowDefined = typeof window != STR_UNDEFINED; var isDocumentDefined = typeof document != STR_UNDEFINED; var hasRequestAnimationFrame = () => isWindowDefined && typeof window["requestAnimationFrame"] != STR_UNDEFINED; var createCacheHelper = (cache2, key) => { const state = SWRGlobalState.get(cache2); return [ // Getter () => !isUndefined(key) && cache2.get(key) || EMPTY_CACHE, // Setter (info) => { if (!isUndefined(key)) { const prev = cache2.get(key); if (!(key in INITIAL_CACHE)) { INITIAL_CACHE[key] = prev; } state[5](key, mergeObjects(prev, info), prev || EMPTY_CACHE); } }, // Subscriber state[6], // Get server cache snapshot () => { if (!isUndefined(key)) { if (key in INITIAL_CACHE) return INITIAL_CACHE[key]; } return !isUndefined(key) && cache2.get(key) || EMPTY_CACHE; } ]; }; var online = true; var isOnline = () => online; var [onWindowEvent, offWindowEvent] = isWindowDefined && window.addEventListener ? [ window.addEventListener.bind(window), window.removeEventListener.bind(window) ] : [ noop, noop ]; var isVisible = () => { const visibilityState = isDocumentDefined && document.visibilityState; return isUndefined(visibilityState) || visibilityState !== "hidden"; }; var initFocus = (callback) => { if (isDocumentDefined) { document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", callback); } onWindowEvent("focus", callback); return () => { if (isDocumentDefined) { document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", callback); } offWindowEvent("focus", callback); }; }; var initReconnect = (callback) => { const onOnline = () => { online = true; callback(); }; const onOffline = () => { online = false; }; onWindowEvent("online", onOnline); onWindowEvent("offline", onOffline); return () => { offWindowEvent("online", onOnline); offWindowEvent("offline", onOffline); }; }; var preset = { isOnline, isVisible }; var defaultConfigOptions = { initFocus, initReconnect }; var IS_REACT_LEGACY = !bn.useId; var IS_SERVER = !isWindowDefined || "Deno" in window; var rAF = (f3) => hasRequestAnimationFrame() ? window["requestAnimationFrame"](f3) : setTimeout(f3, 1); var useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = IS_SERVER ? h2 : s2; var navigatorConnection = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.connection; var slowConnection = !IS_SERVER && navigatorConnection && ([ "slow-2g", "2g" ].includes(navigatorConnection.effectiveType) || navigatorConnection.saveData); var serialize = (key) => { if (isFunction(key)) { try { key = key(); } catch (err) { key = ""; } } const args = key; key = typeof key == "string" ? key : (Array.isArray(key) ? key.length : key) ? stableHash(key) : ""; return [ key, args ]; }; var __timestamp = 0; var getTimestamp = () => ++__timestamp; var FOCUS_EVENT = 0; var RECONNECT_EVENT = 1; var MUTATE_EVENT = 2; var ERROR_REVALIDATE_EVENT = 3; var events = { __proto__: null, ERROR_REVALIDATE_EVENT, FOCUS_EVENT, MUTATE_EVENT, RECONNECT_EVENT }; function internalMutate(...args) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const [cache2, _key, _data, _opts] = args; const options = mergeObjects({ populateCache: true, throwOnError: true }, typeof _opts === "boolean" ? { revalidate: _opts } : _opts || {}); let populateCache = options.populateCache; const rollbackOnErrorOption = options.rollbackOnError; let optimisticData = options.optimisticData; const revalidate = options.revalidate !== false; const rollbackOnError = (error2) => { return typeof rollbackOnErrorOption === "function" ? rollbackOnErrorOption(error2) : rollbackOnErrorOption !== false; }; const throwOnError = options.throwOnError; if (isFunction(_key)) { const keyFilter = _key; const matchedKeys = []; const it = cache2.keys(); for (const key of it) { if ( // Skip the special useSWRInfinite and useSWRSubscription keys. !/^\$(inf|sub)\$/.test(key) && keyFilter(cache2.get(key)._k) ) { matchedKeys.push(key); } } return Promise.all(; } return mutateByKey(_key); function mutateByKey(_k) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const [key] = serialize(_k); if (!key) return; const [get, set2] = createCacheHelper(cache2, key); const [EVENT_REVALIDATORS, MUTATION, FETCH, PRELOAD] = SWRGlobalState.get(cache2); const startRevalidate = () => { const revalidators = EVENT_REVALIDATORS[key]; if (revalidate) { delete FETCH[key]; delete PRELOAD[key]; if (revalidators && revalidators[0]) { return revalidators[0](MUTATE_EVENT).then(() => get().data); } } return get().data; }; if (args.length < 3) { return startRevalidate(); } let data = _data; let error2; const beforeMutationTs = getTimestamp(); MUTATION[key] = [ beforeMutationTs, 0 ]; const hasOptimisticData = !isUndefined(optimisticData); const state = get(); const displayedData =; const currentData = state._c; const committedData = isUndefined(currentData) ? displayedData : currentData; if (hasOptimisticData) { optimisticData = isFunction(optimisticData) ? optimisticData(committedData, displayedData) : optimisticData; set2({ data: optimisticData, _c: committedData }); } if (isFunction(data)) { try { data = data(committedData); } catch (err) { error2 = err; } } if (data && isPromiseLike(data)) { data = yield data.catch((err) => { error2 = err; }); if (beforeMutationTs !== MUTATION[key][0]) { if (error2) throw error2; return data; } else if (error2 && hasOptimisticData && rollbackOnError(error2)) { populateCache = true; set2({ data: committedData, _c: UNDEFINED }); } } if (populateCache) { if (!error2) { if (isFunction(populateCache)) { const populateCachedData = populateCache(data, committedData); set2({ data: populateCachedData, error: UNDEFINED, _c: UNDEFINED }); } else { set2({ data, error: UNDEFINED, _c: UNDEFINED }); } } } MUTATION[key][1] = getTimestamp(); Promise.resolve(startRevalidate()).then(() => { set2({ _c: UNDEFINED }); }); if (error2) { if (throwOnError) throw error2; return; } return data; }); } }); } var revalidateAllKeys = (revalidators, type) => { for (const key in revalidators) { if (revalidators[key][0]) revalidators[key][0](type); } }; var initCache = (provider, options) => { if (!SWRGlobalState.has(provider)) { const opts = mergeObjects(defaultConfigOptions, options); const EVENT_REVALIDATORS = {}; const mutate2 = internalMutate.bind(UNDEFINED, provider); let unmount = noop; const subscriptions = {}; const subscribe = (key, callback) => { const subs = subscriptions[key] || []; subscriptions[key] = subs; subs.push(callback); return () => subs.splice(subs.indexOf(callback), 1); }; const setter = (key, value, prev) => { provider.set(key, value); const subs = subscriptions[key]; if (subs) { for (const fn2 of subs) { fn2(value, prev); } } }; const initProvider = () => { if (!SWRGlobalState.has(provider)) { SWRGlobalState.set(provider, [ EVENT_REVALIDATORS, {}, {}, {}, mutate2, setter, subscribe ]); if (!IS_SERVER) { const releaseFocus = opts.initFocus(setTimeout.bind(UNDEFINED, revalidateAllKeys.bind(UNDEFINED, EVENT_REVALIDATORS, FOCUS_EVENT))); const releaseReconnect = opts.initReconnect(setTimeout.bind(UNDEFINED, revalidateAllKeys.bind(UNDEFINED, EVENT_REVALIDATORS, RECONNECT_EVENT))); unmount = () => { releaseFocus && releaseFocus(); releaseReconnect && releaseReconnect(); SWRGlobalState.delete(provider); }; } } }; initProvider(); return [ provider, mutate2, initProvider, unmount ]; } return [ provider, SWRGlobalState.get(provider)[4] ]; }; var onErrorRetry = (_3, __, config, revalidate, opts) => { const maxRetryCount = config.errorRetryCount; const currentRetryCount = opts.retryCount; const timeout = ~~((Math.random() + 0.5) * (1 << (currentRetryCount < 8 ? currentRetryCount : 8))) * config.errorRetryInterval; if (!isUndefined(maxRetryCount) && currentRetryCount > maxRetryCount) { return; } setTimeout(revalidate, timeout, opts); }; var compare = (currentData, newData) => stableHash(currentData) == stableHash(newData); var [cache, mutate] = initCache(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); var defaultConfig = mergeObjects( { // events onLoadingSlow: noop, onSuccess: noop, onError: noop, onErrorRetry, onDiscarded: noop, // switches revalidateOnFocus: true, revalidateOnReconnect: true, revalidateIfStale: true, shouldRetryOnError: true, // timeouts errorRetryInterval: slowConnection ? 1e4 : 5e3, focusThrottleInterval: 5 * 1e3, dedupingInterval: 2 * 1e3, loadingTimeout: slowConnection ? 5e3 : 3e3, // providers compare, isPaused: () => false, cache, mutate, fallback: {} }, // use web preset by default preset ); var mergeConfigs = (a5, b4) => { const v3 = mergeObjects(a5, b4); if (b4) { const { use: u1, fallback: f1 } = a5; const { use: u22, fallback: f22 } = b4; if (u1 && u22) { v3.use = u1.concat(u22); } if (f1 && f22) { v3.fallback = mergeObjects(f1, f22); } } return v3; }; var SWRConfigContext = B({}); var SWRConfig = (props) => { const { value } = props; const parentConfig = q2(SWRConfigContext); const isFunctionalConfig = isFunction(value); const config = F(() => isFunctionalConfig ? value(parentConfig) : value, [ isFunctionalConfig, parentConfig, value ]); const extendedConfig = F(() => isFunctionalConfig ? config : mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config), [ isFunctionalConfig, parentConfig, config ]); const provider = config && config.provider; const cacheContextRef = _2(UNDEFINED); if (provider && !cacheContextRef.current) { cacheContextRef.current = initCache(provider(extendedConfig.cache || cache), config); } const cacheContext = cacheContextRef.current; if (cacheContext) { extendedConfig.cache = cacheContext[0]; extendedConfig.mutate = cacheContext[1]; } useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { if (cacheContext) { cacheContext[2] && cacheContext[2](); return cacheContext[3]; } }, []); return h(SWRConfigContext.Provider, mergeObjects(props, { value: extendedConfig })); }; var INFINITE_PREFIX = "$inf$"; var enableDevtools = isWindowDefined && window.__SWR_DEVTOOLS_USE__; var use = enableDevtools ? window.__SWR_DEVTOOLS_USE__ : []; var setupDevTools = () => { if (enableDevtools) { window.__SWR_DEVTOOLS_REACT__ = bn; } }; var normalize = (args) => { return isFunction(args[1]) ? [ args[0], args[1], args[2] || {} ] : [ args[0], null, (args[1] === null ? args[2] : args[1]) || {} ]; }; var useSWRConfig = () => { return mergeObjects(defaultConfig, q2(SWRConfigContext)); }; var middleware = (useSWRNext) => (key_, fetcher_, config) => { const fetcher = fetcher_ && ((...args) => { const [key] = serialize(key_); const [, , , PRELOAD] = SWRGlobalState.get(cache); if (key.startsWith(INFINITE_PREFIX)) { return fetcher_(...args); } const req = PRELOAD[key]; if (isUndefined(req)) return fetcher_(...args); delete PRELOAD[key]; return req; }); return useSWRNext(key_, fetcher, config); }; var BUILT_IN_MIDDLEWARE = use.concat(middleware); var withArgs = (hook) => { return function useSWRArgs(...args) { const fallbackConfig = useSWRConfig(); const [key, fn2, _config] = normalize(args); const config = mergeConfigs(fallbackConfig, _config); let next = hook; const { use: use3 } = config; const middleware2 = (use3 || []).concat(BUILT_IN_MIDDLEWARE); for (let i4 = middleware2.length; i4--; ) { next = middleware2[i4](next); } return next(key, fn2 || config.fetcher || null, config); }; }; var subscribeCallback = (key, callbacks, callback) => { const keyedRevalidators = callbacks[key] || (callbacks[key] = []); keyedRevalidators.push(callback); return () => { const index = keyedRevalidators.indexOf(callback); if (index >= 0) { keyedRevalidators[index] = keyedRevalidators[keyedRevalidators.length - 1]; keyedRevalidators.pop(); } }; }; setupDevTools(); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/swr@2.2.2_react@18.2.0/node_modules/swr/core/dist/index.mjs var use2 = bn.use || ((promise) => { if (promise.status === "pending") { throw promise; } else if (promise.status === "fulfilled") { return promise.value; } else if (promise.status === "rejected") { throw promise.reason; } else { promise.status = "pending"; promise.then((v3) => { promise.status = "fulfilled"; promise.value = v3; }, (e4) => { promise.status = "rejected"; promise.reason = e4; }); throw promise; } }); var WITH_DEDUPE = { dedupe: true }; var useSWRHandler = (_key, fetcher, config) => { const { cache: cache2, compare: compare2, suspense, fallbackData, revalidateOnMount, revalidateIfStale, refreshInterval, refreshWhenHidden, refreshWhenOffline, keepPreviousData } = config; const [EVENT_REVALIDATORS, MUTATION, FETCH, PRELOAD] = SWRGlobalState.get(cache2); const [key, fnArg] = serialize(_key); const initialMountedRef = _2(false); const unmountedRef = _2(false); const keyRef = _2(key); const fetcherRef = _2(fetcher); const configRef = _2(config); const getConfig = () => configRef.current; const isActive = () => getConfig().isVisible() && getConfig().isOnline(); const [getCache, setCache, subscribeCache, getInitialCache] = createCacheHelper(cache2, key); const stateDependencies = _2({}).current; const fallback = isUndefined(fallbackData) ? config.fallback[key] : fallbackData; const isEqual = (prev, current) => { for (const _3 in stateDependencies) { const t4 = _3; if (t4 === "data") { if (!compare2(prev[t4], current[t4])) { if (!isUndefined(prev[t4])) { return false; } if (!compare2(returnedData, current[t4])) { return false; } } } else { if (current[t4] !== prev[t4]) { return false; } } } return true; }; const getSnapshot = F(() => { const shouldStartRequest = (() => { if (!key) return false; if (!fetcher) return false; if (!isUndefined(revalidateOnMount)) return revalidateOnMount; if (getConfig().isPaused()) return false; if (suspense) return false; if (!isUndefined(revalidateIfStale)) return revalidateIfStale; return true; })(); const getSelectedCache = (state) => { const snapshot = mergeObjects(state); delete snapshot._k; if (!shouldStartRequest) { return snapshot; } return __spreadValues({ isValidating: true, isLoading: true }, snapshot); }; const cachedData2 = getCache(); const initialData = getInitialCache(); const clientSnapshot = getSelectedCache(cachedData2); const serverSnapshot = cachedData2 === initialData ? clientSnapshot : getSelectedCache(initialData); let memorizedSnapshot = clientSnapshot; return [ () => { const newSnapshot = getSelectedCache(getCache()); const compareResult = isEqual(newSnapshot, memorizedSnapshot); if (compareResult) { =; memorizedSnapshot.isLoading = newSnapshot.isLoading; memorizedSnapshot.isValidating = newSnapshot.isValidating; memorizedSnapshot.error = newSnapshot.error; return memorizedSnapshot; } else { memorizedSnapshot = newSnapshot; return newSnapshot; } }, () => serverSnapshot ]; }, [ cache2, key ]); const cached = (0, import_shim.useSyncExternalStore)(T2( (callback) => subscribeCache(key, (current, prev) => { if (!isEqual(prev, current)) callback(); }), // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [ cache2, key ] ), getSnapshot[0], getSnapshot[1]); const isInitialMount = !initialMountedRef.current; const hasRevalidator = EVENT_REVALIDATORS[key] && EVENT_REVALIDATORS[key].length > 0; const cachedData =; const data = isUndefined(cachedData) ? fallback : cachedData; const error2 = cached.error; const laggyDataRef = _2(data); const returnedData = keepPreviousData ? isUndefined(cachedData) ? laggyDataRef.current : cachedData : data; const shouldDoInitialRevalidation = (() => { if (hasRevalidator && !isUndefined(error2)) return false; if (isInitialMount && !isUndefined(revalidateOnMount)) return revalidateOnMount; if (getConfig().isPaused()) return false; if (suspense) return isUndefined(data) ? false : revalidateIfStale; return isUndefined(data) || revalidateIfStale; })(); const defaultValidatingState = !!(key && fetcher && isInitialMount && shouldDoInitialRevalidation); const isValidating = isUndefined(cached.isValidating) ? defaultValidatingState : cached.isValidating; const isLoading = isUndefined(cached.isLoading) ? defaultValidatingState : cached.isLoading; const revalidate = T2( (revalidateOpts) => __async(void 0, null, function* () { const currentFetcher = fetcherRef.current; if (!key || !currentFetcher || unmountedRef.current || getConfig().isPaused()) { return false; } let newData; let startAt; let loading = true; const opts = revalidateOpts || {}; const shouldStartNewRequest = !FETCH[key] || !opts.dedupe; const callbackSafeguard = () => { if (IS_REACT_LEGACY) { return !unmountedRef.current && key === keyRef.current && initialMountedRef.current; } return key === keyRef.current; }; const finalState = { isValidating: false, isLoading: false }; const finishRequestAndUpdateState = () => { setCache(finalState); }; const cleanupState = () => { const requestInfo = FETCH[key]; if (requestInfo && requestInfo[1] === startAt) { delete FETCH[key]; } }; const initialState = { isValidating: true }; if (isUndefined(getCache().data)) { initialState.isLoading = true; } try { if (shouldStartNewRequest) { setCache(initialState); if (config.loadingTimeout && isUndefined(getCache().data)) { setTimeout(() => { if (loading && callbackSafeguard()) { getConfig().onLoadingSlow(key, config); } }, config.loadingTimeout); } FETCH[key] = [ currentFetcher(fnArg), getTimestamp() ]; } [newData, startAt] = FETCH[key]; newData = yield newData; if (shouldStartNewRequest) { setTimeout(cleanupState, config.dedupingInterval); } if (!FETCH[key] || FETCH[key][1] !== startAt) { if (shouldStartNewRequest) { if (callbackSafeguard()) { getConfig().onDiscarded(key); } } return false; } finalState.error = UNDEFINED; const mutationInfo = MUTATION[key]; if (!isUndefined(mutationInfo) && // case 1 (startAt <= mutationInfo[0] || // case 2 startAt <= mutationInfo[1] || // case 3 mutationInfo[1] === 0)) { finishRequestAndUpdateState(); if (shouldStartNewRequest) { if (callbackSafeguard()) { getConfig().onDiscarded(key); } } return false; } const cacheData = getCache().data; = compare2(cacheData, newData) ? cacheData : newData; if (shouldStartNewRequest) { if (callbackSafeguard()) { getConfig().onSuccess(newData, key, config); } } } catch (err) { cleanupState(); const currentConfig = getConfig(); const { shouldRetryOnError } = currentConfig; if (!currentConfig.isPaused()) { finalState.error = err; if (shouldStartNewRequest && callbackSafeguard()) { currentConfig.onError(err, key, currentConfig); if (shouldRetryOnError === true || isFunction(shouldRetryOnError) && shouldRetryOnError(err)) { if (isActive()) { currentConfig.onErrorRetry(err, key, currentConfig, (_opts) => { const revalidators = EVENT_REVALIDATORS[key]; if (revalidators && revalidators[0]) { revalidators[0](events.ERROR_REVALIDATE_EVENT, _opts); } }, { retryCount: (opts.retryCount || 0) + 1, dedupe: true }); } } } } } loading = false; finishRequestAndUpdateState(); return true; }), // `setState` is immutable, and `eventsCallback`, `fnArg`, and // `keyValidating` are depending on `key`, so we can exclude them from // the deps array. // // FIXME: // `fn` and `config` might be changed during the lifecycle, // but they might be changed every render like this. // `useSWR('key', () => fetch('/api/'), { suspense: true })` // So we omit the values from the deps array // even though it might cause unexpected behaviors. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [ key, cache2 ] ); const boundMutate = T2( // Use callback to make sure `keyRef.current` returns latest result every time (...args) => { return internalMutate(cache2, keyRef.current, ...args); }, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [] ); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { fetcherRef.current = fetcher; configRef.current = config; if (!isUndefined(cachedData)) { laggyDataRef.current = cachedData; } }); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { if (!key) return; const softRevalidate = revalidate.bind(UNDEFINED, WITH_DEDUPE); let nextFocusRevalidatedAt = 0; const onRevalidate = (type, opts = {}) => { if (type == events.FOCUS_EVENT) { const now2 =; if (getConfig().revalidateOnFocus && now2 > nextFocusRevalidatedAt && isActive()) { nextFocusRevalidatedAt = now2 + getConfig().focusThrottleInterval; softRevalidate(); } } else if (type == events.RECONNECT_EVENT) { if (getConfig().revalidateOnReconnect && isActive()) { softRevalidate(); } } else if (type == events.MUTATE_EVENT) { return revalidate(); } else if (type == events.ERROR_REVALIDATE_EVENT) { return revalidate(opts); } return; }; const unsubEvents = subscribeCallback(key, EVENT_REVALIDATORS, onRevalidate); unmountedRef.current = false; keyRef.current = key; initialMountedRef.current = true; setCache({ _k: fnArg }); if (shouldDoInitialRevalidation) { if (isUndefined(data) || IS_SERVER) { softRevalidate(); } else { rAF(softRevalidate); } } return () => { unmountedRef.current = true; unsubEvents(); }; }, [ key ]); useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { let timer; function next() { const interval = isFunction(refreshInterval) ? refreshInterval(getCache().data) : refreshInterval; if (interval && timer !== -1) { timer = setTimeout(execute, interval); } } function execute() { if (!getCache().error && (refreshWhenHidden || getConfig().isVisible()) && (refreshWhenOffline || getConfig().isOnline())) { revalidate(WITH_DEDUPE).then(next); } else { next(); } } next(); return () => { if (timer) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = -1; } }; }, [ refreshInterval, refreshWhenHidden, refreshWhenOffline, key ]); x3(returnedData); if (suspense && isUndefined(data) && key) { if (!IS_REACT_LEGACY && IS_SERVER) { throw new Error("Fallback data is required when using suspense in SSR."); } fetcherRef.current = fetcher; configRef.current = config; unmountedRef.current = false; const req = PRELOAD[key]; if (!isUndefined(req)) { const promise = boundMutate(req); use2(promise); } if (isUndefined(error2)) { const promise = revalidate(WITH_DEDUPE); if (!isUndefined(returnedData)) { promise.status = "fulfilled"; promise.value = true; } use2(promise); } else { throw error2; } } return { mutate: boundMutate, get data() { = true; return returnedData; }, get error() { stateDependencies.error = true; return error2; }, get isValidating() { stateDependencies.isValidating = true; return isValidating; }, get isLoading() { stateDependencies.isLoading = true; return isLoading; } }; }; var SWRConfig2 = OBJECT.defineProperty(SWRConfig, "defaultValue", { value: defaultConfig }); var useSWR = withArgs(useSWRHandler); // src/context/instance.ts init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var Context3 = B({}); var InstanceContextProvider = Context3.Provider; var useInstanceContext = () => q2(Context3); // src/hooks/backend.ts function useMatchMutate() { const { cache: cache2, mutate: mutate2 } = useSWRConfig(); if (!(cache2 instanceof Map)) { throw new Error( "matchMutate requires the cache provider to be a Map instance" ); } return function matchRegexMutate(re) { return mutate2((key) => { if (!key || !re) return true; if (typeof key === "string" && re.test(key)) return true; if (typeof key === "object" && re.test(key[0])) return true; return false; }, void 0, { revalidate: true }); }; } function useBackendInstancesTestForAdmin() { const { request } = useBackendBaseRequest(); const [result, setResult] = p3({ loading: true }); h2(() => { request(`/management/instances`).then((data) => setResult(data)).catch( (error2) => setResult(error2.cause) ); }, [request]); return result; } var CHECK_CONFIG_INTERVAL_OK = 5 * 60 * 1e3; var CHECK_CONFIG_INTERVAL_FAIL = 2 * 1e3; function useBackendConfig() { const { request } = useBackendBaseRequest(); const [result, setResult] = p3({ data: { loading: true }, timer: 0 }); h2(() => { if (result.timer) { clearTimeout(result.timer); } function tryConfig() { request(`/config`).then((data) => { const timer = setTimeout(() => { tryConfig(); }, CHECK_CONFIG_INTERVAL_OK); setResult({ data, timer }); }).catch((error2) => { const timer = setTimeout(() => { tryConfig(); }, CHECK_CONFIG_INTERVAL_FAIL); const data = error2.cause; setResult({ data, timer }); }); } tryConfig(); }, [request]); return; } function useCredentialsChecker() { const { request } = useApiContext(); function requestNewLoginToken(baseUrl, token) { return __async(this, null, function* () { const data = { scope: "write", duration: { d_us: "forever" }, refreshable: true }; try { const response = yield request(baseUrl, `/private/token`, { method: "POST", token, data }); return { valid: true, token:, expiration: }; } catch (error2) { if (error2 instanceof RequestError) { return { valid: false, cause: error2.cause }; } return { valid: false, cause: { type: ErrorType.UNEXPECTED, loading: false, info: { hasToken: true, status: 0, options: {}, url: `/private/token`, payload: {} }, exception: error2, message: error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : "unpexepected error" } }; } }); } ; function refreshLoginToken(baseUrl, token) { return __async(this, null, function* () { if (AbsoluteTime.isExpired(AbsoluteTime.fromProtocolTimestamp(token.expiration))) { return { valid: false, cause: { type: ErrorType.CLIENT, status: HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, message: "login token expired, login again.", info: { hasToken: true, status: 401, options: {}, url: `/private/token`, payload: {} }, payload: {} } }; } return requestNewLoginToken(baseUrl, token.token); }); } return { requestNewLoginToken, refreshLoginToken }; } function useBackendBaseRequest() { const { url: backend, token: loginToken } = useBackendContext(); const { request: requestHandler } = useApiContext(); const token = loginToken == null ? void 0 : loginToken.token; const request = T2( function requestImpl(endpoint, options = {}) { return requestHandler(backend, endpoint, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, options), { token })).then((res) => { return res; }).catch((err) => { throw err; }); }, [backend, token] ); return { request }; } function useBackendInstanceRequest() { const { url: rootBackendUrl, token: rootToken } = useBackendContext(); const { token: instanceToken, id, admin } = useInstanceContext(); const { request: requestHandler } = useApiContext(); const { baseUrl, token: loginToken } = !admin ? { baseUrl: rootBackendUrl, token: rootToken } : { baseUrl: `${rootBackendUrl}/instances/${id}`, token: instanceToken }; const token = loginToken == null ? void 0 : loginToken.token; const request = T2( function requestImpl(endpoint, options = {}) { return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, __spreadValues({ token }, options)); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const multiFetcher = T2( function multiFetcherImpl(args) { const [endpoints] = args; return Promise.all( (endpoint) => requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { token }) ) ); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const fetcher = T2( function fetcherImpl(endpoint) { return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { token }); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const orderFetcher = T2( function orderFetcherImpl(args) { const [endpoint, paid, refunded, wired, searchDate, delta] = args; const date_s = delta && delta < 0 && searchDate ? searchDate.getTime() / 1e3 + 1 : searchDate !== void 0 ? searchDate.getTime() / 1e3 : void 0; const params = {}; if (paid !== void 0) params.paid = paid; if (delta !== void 0) = delta; if (refunded !== void 0) params.refunded = refunded; if (wired !== void 0) params.wired = wired; if (date_s !== void 0) params.date_s = date_s; return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { params, token }); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const reserveDetailFetcher = T2( function reserveDetailFetcherImpl(endpoint) { return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { params: { rewards: "yes" }, token }); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const rewardsDetailFetcher = T2( function rewardsDetailFetcherImpl(endpoint) { return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { params: { pickups: "yes" }, token }); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const transferFetcher = T2( function transferFetcherImpl(args) { const [endpoint, payto_uri, verified, position, delta] = args; const params = {}; if (payto_uri !== void 0) params.payto_uri = payto_uri; if (verified !== void 0) params.verified = verified; if (delta !== void 0) { params.limit = delta; } if (position !== void 0) params.offset = position; return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { params, token }); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const templateFetcher = T2( function templateFetcherImpl(args) { const [endpoint, position, delta] = args; const params = {}; if (delta !== void 0) { params.limit = delta; } if (position !== void 0) params.offset = position; return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { params, token }); }, [baseUrl, token] ); const webhookFetcher = T2( function webhookFetcherImpl(args) { const [endpoint, position, delta] = args; const params = {}; if (delta !== void 0) { params.limit = delta; } if (position !== void 0) params.offset = position; return requestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, { params, token }); }, [baseUrl, token] ); return { request, fetcher, multiFetcher, orderFetcher, reserveDetailFetcher, rewardsDetailFetcher, transferFetcher, templateFetcher, webhookFetcher }; } // src/hooks/index.ts var calculateRootPath = () => { const rootPath = typeof window !== void 0 ? window.location.origin + window.location.pathname : "/"; return rootPath; }; var loginTokenCodec = buildCodecForObject().property("token", codecForString()).property("expiration", codecForTimestamp).build("loginToken"); var TOKENS_KEY = buildStorageKey("backend-token", codecForMap(loginTokenCodec)); function useBackendURL(url) { const [value, setter] = useSimpleLocalStorage( "backend-url", url || calculateRootPath() ); const checkedSetter = (v3) => { return setter((p4) => (v3 instanceof Function ? v3(p4 != null ? p4 : "") : v3).replace(/\/$/, "")); }; return [value, checkedSetter]; } function useBackendDefaultToken() { const { update: setToken, value: tokenMap, reset } = useLocalStorage(TOKENS_KEY, {}); const tokenOfDefaultInstance = tokenMap["default"]; const clearCache = useMatchMutate(); h2(() => { clearCache(); }, [tokenOfDefaultInstance]); function updateToken(value) { if (value === void 0) { reset(); } else { const res = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, tokenMap), { "default": value }); setToken(res); } } return [tokenMap["default"], updateToken]; } function useBackendInstanceToken(id) { const { update: setToken, value: tokenMap, reset } = useLocalStorage(TOKENS_KEY, {}); const [defaultToken, defaultSetToken] = useBackendDefaultToken(); if (id === "default") { return [defaultToken, defaultSetToken]; } function updateToken(value) { if (value === void 0) { reset(); } else { const res = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, tokenMap), { [id]: value }); setToken(res); } } return [tokenMap[id], updateToken]; } function useSimpleLocalStorage(key, initialValue) { const [storedValue, setStoredValue] = p3( () => { return typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.localStorage.getItem(key) || initialValue : initialValue; } ); const setValue = (value) => { setStoredValue((p4) => { const toStore = value instanceof Function ? value(p4) : value; if (typeof window !== "undefined") { if (!toStore) { window.localStorage.removeItem(key); } else { window.localStorage.setItem(key, toStore); } } return toStore; }); }; return [storedValue, setValue]; } // src/context/backend.ts var BackendContext = B({ url: "", token: void 0, updateToken: () => null, changeBackend: () => null }); function useBackendContextState(defaultUrl) { const [url, changeBackend] = useBackendURL(defaultUrl); const [token, updateToken] = useBackendDefaultToken(); return { url, token, updateToken, changeBackend }; } var BackendContextProvider = ({ children, defaultUrl }) => { const value = useBackendContextState(defaultUrl); return h(BackendContext.Provider, { value, children }); }; var useBackendContext = () => q2(BackendContext); // src/hooks/instance.ts var useSWR2 = useSWR; function useAdminAPI() { const { request } = useBackendBaseRequest(); const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const createInstance = (instance) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/management/instances`, { method: "POST", data: instance }); mutateAll(/\/management\/instances/); }); const deleteInstance = (id) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/management/instances/${id}`, { method: "DELETE" }); mutateAll(/\/management\/instances/); }); const purgeInstance = (id) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/management/instances/${id}`, { method: "DELETE", params: { purge: "YES" } }); mutateAll(/\/management\/instances/); }); return { createInstance, deleteInstance, purgeInstance }; } function useManagementAPI(instanceId) { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const { updateToken } = useBackendContext(); const { request } = useBackendBaseRequest(); const { requestNewLoginToken } = useCredentialsChecker(); const updateInstance = (instance) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/management/instances/${instanceId}`, { method: "PATCH", data: instance }); mutateAll(/\/management\/instances/); }); const deleteInstance = () => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/management/instances/${instanceId}`, { method: "DELETE" }); mutateAll(/\/management\/instances/); }); const clearAccessToken = (currentToken) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/management/instances/${instanceId}/auth`, { method: "POST", token: currentToken, data: { method: "external" } }); mutateAll(/\/management\/instances/); }); const setNewAccessToken = (currentToken, newToken) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/management/instances/${instanceId}/auth`, { method: "POST", token: currentToken, data: { method: "token", token: newToken } }); const resp = yield requestNewLoginToken(backendURL, newToken); if (resp.valid) { const { token, expiration } = resp; updateToken({ token, expiration }); } else { updateToken(void 0); } mutateAll(/\/management\/instances/); }); return { updateInstance, deleteInstance, setNewAccessToken, clearAccessToken }; } function useInstanceAPI() { const { mutate: mutate2 } = useSWRConfig(); const { url: backendURL, updateToken } = useBackendContext(); const { token: adminToken } = useBackendContext(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { requestNewLoginToken } = useCredentialsChecker(); const updateInstance = (instance) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/private/`, { method: "PATCH", data: instance }); if (adminToken) mutate2(["/private/instances", adminToken, backendURL], null); mutate2([`/private/`], null); }); const deleteInstance = () => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/private/`, { method: "DELETE" // token: adminToken, }); if (adminToken) mutate2(["/private/instances", adminToken, backendURL], null); mutate2([`/private/`], null); }); const clearAccessToken = (currentToken) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/private/auth`, { method: "POST", token: currentToken, data: { method: "external" } }); mutate2([`/private/`], null); }); const setNewAccessToken = (currentToken, newToken) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/private/auth`, { method: "POST", token: currentToken, data: { method: "token", token: newToken } }); const resp = yield requestNewLoginToken(backendURL, newToken); if (resp.valid) { const { token, expiration } = resp; updateToken({ token, expiration }); } else { updateToken(void 0); } mutate2([`/private/`], null); }); return { updateInstance, deleteInstance, setNewAccessToken, clearAccessToken }; } function useInstanceDetails() { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR2([`/private/`], fetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false, revalidateIfStale: false, errorRetryCount: 0, errorRetryInterval: 1, shouldRetryOnError: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } function useInstanceKYCDetails() { var _a; const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR2([`/private/kyc`], fetcher, { refreshInterval: 60 * 1e3, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateIfStale: false, revalidateOnMount: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false, errorRetryCount: 0, errorRetryInterval: 1, shouldRetryOnError: false }); if (data) { if (((_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.status) === 202) return { ok: true, data: { type: "redirect", status: } }; return { ok: true, data: { type: "ok" } }; } if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } function useManagedInstanceDetails(instanceId) { const { request } = useBackendBaseRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR2([`/management/instances/${instanceId}`], request, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false, errorRetryCount: 0, errorRetryInterval: 1, shouldRetryOnError: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } function useBackendInstances() { const { request } = useBackendBaseRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR2(["/management/instances"], request); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/admin/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/exception/AsyncButton.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/components/modal/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/utils/constants.ts var PAYTO_REGEX = /^payto:\/\/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-.]+(\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\~\(\)@_%:!$&'*+,;=]*)*\??((amount|receiver-name|sender-name|instruction|message)=[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\~\(\)@_%:!$'*+,;=]*&?)*$/; var PAYTO_WIRE_METHOD_LOOKUP = /payto:\/\/([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)\/.*/; var AMOUNT_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]*:[0-9][0-9,]*\.?[0-9,]*$/; var INSTANCE_ID_LOOKUP = /\/instances\/([^/]*)\/?$/; var CROCKFORD_BASE32_REGEX = /^[0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ]+[*~$=U]*$/; var URL_REGEX = /^((https?:)(\/\/\/?)([\w]*(?::[\w]*)?@)?([\d\w\.-]+)(?::(\d+))?)\/$/; var PAGE_SIZE = 20; var MAX_RESULT_SIZE = PAGE_SIZE * 2 - 1; var DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 10; var MAX_IMAGE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; var INSTANCE_ID_REGEX = /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.@-]+$/; var COUNTRY_TABLE = { AE: "U.A.E.", AF: "Afghanistan", AL: "Albania", AM: "Armenia", AN: "Netherlands Antilles", AR: "Argentina", AT: "Austria", AU: "Australia", AZ: "Azerbaijan", BA: "Bosnia and Herzegovina", BD: "Bangladesh", BE: "Belgium", BG: "Bulgaria", BH: "Bahrain", BN: "Brunei Darussalam", BO: "Bolivia", BR: "Brazil", BT: "Bhutan", BY: "Belarus", BZ: "Belize", CA: "Canada", CG: "Congo", CH: "Switzerland", CI: "Cote d'Ivoire", CL: "Chile", CM: "Cameroon", CN: "People's Republic of China", CO: "Colombia", CR: "Costa Rica", CS: "Serbia and Montenegro", CZ: "Czech Republic", DE: "Germany", DK: "Denmark", DO: "Dominican Republic", DZ: "Algeria", EC: "Ecuador", EE: "Estonia", EG: "Egypt", ER: "Eritrea", ES: "Spain", ET: "Ethiopia", FI: "Finland", FO: "Faroe Islands", FR: "France", GB: "United Kingdom", GD: "Caribbean", GE: "Georgia", GL: "Greenland", GR: "Greece", GT: "Guatemala", HK: "Hong Kong", // HK: "Hong Kong S.A.R.", HN: "Honduras", HR: "Croatia", HT: "Haiti", HU: "Hungary", ID: "Indonesia", IE: "Ireland", IL: "Israel", IN: "India", IQ: "Iraq", IR: "Iran", IS: "Iceland", IT: "Italy", JM: "Jamaica", JO: "Jordan", JP: "Japan", KE: "Kenya", KG: "Kyrgyzstan", KH: "Cambodia", KR: "South Korea", KW: "Kuwait", KZ: "Kazakhstan", LA: "Laos", LB: "Lebanon", LI: "Liechtenstein", LK: "Sri Lanka", LT: "Lithuania", LU: "Luxembourg", LV: "Latvia", LY: "Libya", MA: "Morocco", MC: "Principality of Monaco", MD: "Moldava", // MD: "Moldova", ME: "Montenegro", MK: "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", ML: "Mali", MM: "Myanmar", MN: "Mongolia", MO: "Macau S.A.R.", MT: "Malta", MV: "Maldives", MX: "Mexico", MY: "Malaysia", NG: "Nigeria", NI: "Nicaragua", NL: "Netherlands", NO: "Norway", NP: "Nepal", NZ: "New Zealand", OM: "Oman", PA: "Panama", PE: "Peru", PH: "Philippines", PK: "Islamic Republic of Pakistan", PL: "Poland", PR: "Puerto Rico", PT: "Portugal", PY: "Paraguay", QA: "Qatar", RE: "Reunion", RO: "Romania", RS: "Serbia", RU: "Russia", RW: "Rwanda", SA: "Saudi Arabia", SE: "Sweden", SG: "Singapore", SI: "Slovenia", SK: "Slovak", SN: "Senegal", SO: "Somalia", SR: "Suriname", SV: "El Salvador", SY: "Syria", TH: "Thailand", TJ: "Tajikistan", TM: "Turkmenistan", TN: "Tunisia", TR: "Turkey", TT: "Trinidad and Tobago", TW: "Taiwan", TZ: "Tanzania", UA: "Ukraine", US: "United States", UY: "Uruguay", VA: "Vatican", VE: "Venezuela", VN: "Viet Nam", YE: "Yemen", ZA: "South Africa", ZW: "Zimbabwe" }; // src/components/form/FormProvider.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var noUpdater = () => (s5) => s5; function FormProvider({ object: object2 = {}, errors: errors2 = {}, name = "", valueHandler, children }) { const initialObject = F(() => object2, []); const value = F( () => ({ errors: errors2, object: object2, initialObject, valueHandler: valueHandler ? valueHandler : noUpdater, name, toStr: {}, fromStr: {} }), [errors2, object2, valueHandler] ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(FormContext.Provider, { value }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "form", { class: "field", onSubmit: (e4) => { e4.preventDefault(); } }, children )); } var FormContext = B(null); function useFormContext() { return q2(FormContext); } // src/components/form/Input.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/components/form/useField.tsx init_hooks_module(); function useField(name) { const { errors: errors2, object: object2, initialObject, toStr, fromStr, valueHandler } = useFormContext(); const [isDirty, setDirty] = p3(false); const updateField = (field) => (value2) => { setDirty(true); return valueHandler((prev) => { return setValueDeeper(prev, String(field).split("."), value2); }); }; const defaultToString4 = (f3) => String(!f3 ? "" : f3); const defaultFromString4 = (v3) => v3; const value = readField(object2, String(name)); const initial2 = readField(initialObject, String(name)); const hasError = readField(errors2, String(name)); return { error: isDirty ? hasError : void 0, required: !isDirty && hasError, value, initial: initial2, onChange: updateField(name), toStr: toStr[name] ? toStr[name] : defaultToString4, fromStr: fromStr[name] ? fromStr[name] : defaultFromString4 }; } var readField = (object2, name) => { return name.split(".").reduce((prev, current) => prev && prev[current], object2); }; var setValueDeeper = (object2, names2, value) => { if (names2.length === 0) return value; const [head,] = names2; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, object2), { [head]: setValueDeeper(object2[head] || {}, rest, value) }); }; // src/components/form/Input.tsx var defaultToString = (f3) => f3 || ""; var defaultFromString = (v3) => v3; var TextInput = (_a) => { var _b = _a, { inputType, error: error2 } = _b, rest = __objRest(_b, ["inputType", "error"]); return inputType === "multiline" ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( "textarea", __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, rest), { class: error2 ? "textarea is-danger" : "textarea", rows: "3" }) ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, rest), { class: error2 ? "input is-danger" : "input", type: inputType }) ); }; function Input({ name, readonly, placeholder, tooltip, label, expand, help, children, inputType, inputExtra, side, fromStr = defaultFromString, toStr = defaultToString }) { const { error: error2, value, onChange, required } = useField(name); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "p", { class: expand ? "control is-expanded has-icons-right" : "control has-icons-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( TextInput, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({ error: error2 }, inputExtra), { inputType, placeholder, readonly, disabled: readonly, name: String(name), value: toStr(value), onChange: (e4) => onChange(fromStr(e4.currentTarget.value)) }) ), help, children, required && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-text-danger is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-alert" })) ), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2)), side)); } // src/components/modal/index.tsx function ConfirmModal({ active, description, onCancel, onConfirm, children, danger, disabled, label = "Confirm" }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: active ? "modal is-active" : "modal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-background ", onClick: onCancel }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card", style: { maxWidth: 700 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "modal-card-head" }, !description ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "modal-card-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, description)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "delete ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: onCancel })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "modal-card-body" }, children), /* @__PURE__ */ h("footer", { class: "modal-card-foot" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right", style: { width: "100%" } }, onConfirm ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button ", onClick: onCancel }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: danger ? "button is-danger " : "button is-info ", disabled, onClick: onConfirm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, label) )) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button ", onClick: onCancel }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close"))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "modal-close is-large ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: onCancel } )); } function ContinueModal({ active, description, onCancel, onConfirm, children, disabled }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: active ? "modal is-active" : "modal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-background ", onClick: onCancel }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "modal-card-head has-background-success" }, !description ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "modal-card-title" }, description), /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "delete ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: onCancel })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "modal-card-body" }, children), /* @__PURE__ */ h("footer", { class: "modal-card-foot" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right", style: { width: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-success ", disabled, onClick: onConfirm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Continue") )))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "modal-close is-large ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: onCancel } )); } function SimpleModal({ onCancel, children }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal is-active" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-background ", onClick: onCancel }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "modal-card-body is-main-section" }, children)), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "modal-close is-large ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: onCancel } )); } function DeleteModal({ element, onCancel, onConfirm }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h( ConfirmModal, { label: `Delete instance`, description: `Delete the instance "${}"`, danger: true, active: true, onCancel, onConfirm: () => onConfirm( }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "If you delete the instance named ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, '"',, '"'), " (ID:", " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, "), the merchant will no longer be able to process orders or refunds"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "This action deletes the instance private key, but preserves all transaction data. You can still access that data after deleting the instance."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "warning" }, "Deleting an instance ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "cannot be undone"), ".") ); } function PurgeModal({ element, onCancel, onConfirm }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h( ConfirmModal, { label: `Purge the instance`, description: `Purge the instance "${}"`, danger: true, active: true, onCancel, onConfirm: () => onConfirm( }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "If you purge the instance named ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, '"',, '"'), " (ID:", " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, "), you will also delete all it's transaction data."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "The instance will disappear from your list, and you will no longer be able to access it's data."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "warning" }, "Purging an instance ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "cannot be undone"), ".") ); } function LoadingModal({ onCancel }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal is-active" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-background ", onClick: onCancel }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "modal-card-head" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "modal-card-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Operation in progress..."))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "modal-card-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Spinner, null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, i18n2.str`The operation will be automatically canceled after ${DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT} seconds`)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("footer", { class: "modal-card-foot" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right", style: { width: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button ", onClick: onCancel }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel"))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "modal-close is-large ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: onCancel } )); } // src/hooks/async.ts init_hooks_module(); function useAsync(fn2, { slowTolerance: tooLong } = { slowTolerance: 1e3 }) { const [data, setData] = p3(void 0); const [isLoading, setLoading] = p3(false); const [error2, setError] = p3(void 0); const [isSlow, setSlow] = p3(false); const request = (...args) => __async(this, null, function* () { if (!fn2) return; setLoading(true); const handler = setTimeout(() => { setSlow(true); }, tooLong); try { const result = yield fn2(...args); setData(result); } catch (error3) { setError(error3); } setLoading(false); setSlow(false); clearTimeout(handler); }); function cancel() { setLoading(false); setSlow(false); } return { request, cancel, data, isSlow, isLoading, error: error2 }; } // src/components/exception/AsyncButton.tsx function AsyncButton(_a) { var _b = _a, { onClick, disabled, children } = _b, rest = __objRest(_b, ["onClick", "disabled", "children"]); const { isSlow, isLoading, request, cancel } = useAsync(onClick); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (isSlow) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoadingModal, { onCancel: cancel }); } if (isLoading) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Loading...")); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", __spreadValues({}, rest), /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-success", onClick: request, disabled }, children)); } // src/components/instance/DefaultInstanceFormFields.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/components/form/InputDuration.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/picker/DurationPicker.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function DurationPicker({ days, hours, minutes, seconds, onChange, value }) { const ss = 1e3 * 1e3; const ms = ss * 60; const hs = ms * 60; const ds = hs * 24; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-picker" }, days && /* @__PURE__ */ h( DurationColumn, { unit: i18n2.str`days`, max: 99, value: Math.floor(value / ds), onDecrease: value >= ds ? () => onChange(value - ds) : void 0, onIncrease: value < 99 * ds ? () => onChange(value + ds) : void 0, onChange: (diff) => onChange(value + diff * ds) } ), hours && /* @__PURE__ */ h( DurationColumn, { unit: i18n2.str`hours`, max: 23, min: 1, value: Math.floor(value / hs) % 24, onDecrease: value >= hs ? () => onChange(value - hs) : void 0, onIncrease: value < 99 * ds ? () => onChange(value + hs) : void 0, onChange: (diff) => onChange(value + diff * hs) } ), minutes && /* @__PURE__ */ h( DurationColumn, { unit: i18n2.str`minutes`, max: 59, min: 1, value: Math.floor(value / ms) % 60, onDecrease: value >= ms ? () => onChange(value - ms) : void 0, onIncrease: value < 99 * ds ? () => onChange(value + ms) : void 0, onChange: (diff) => onChange(value + diff * ms) } ), seconds && /* @__PURE__ */ h( DurationColumn, { unit: i18n2.str`seconds`, max: 59, value: Math.floor(value / ss) % 60, onDecrease: value >= ss ? () => onChange(value - ss) : void 0, onIncrease: value < 99 * ds ? () => onChange(value + ss) : void 0, onChange: (diff) => onChange(value + diff * ss) } )); } function InputNumber({ initial: initial2, onChange }) { const [value, handler] = p3({ v: toTwoDigitString(initial2) }); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { value: value.v, onBlur: (e4) => onChange(parseInt(value.v, 10)), onInput: (e4) => { e4.preventDefault(); const n2 = Number.parseInt(e4.currentTarget.value, 10); if (isNaN(n2)) return handler({ v: toTwoDigitString(initial2) }); return handler({ v: toTwoDigitString(n2) }); }, style: { width: 50, border: "none", fontSize: "inherit", background: "inherit" } } ); } function DurationColumn({ unit, min = 0, max, value, onIncrease, onDecrease, onChange }) { const cellHeight = 35; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-column-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-masked-div" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", { class: "rdp-reticule", style: { top: cellHeight * 2 - 1 } }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", { class: "rdp-reticule", style: { top: cellHeight * 3 - 1 } }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-column", style: { top: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-cell", key: value - 2 }, onDecrease && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { style: { width: "100%", textAlign: "center", margin: 5 }, onClick: onDecrease }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-chevron-up" })) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-cell", key: value - 1 }, value > min ? toTwoDigitString(value - 1) : ""), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-cell rdp-center", key: value }, onChange ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber, { initial: value, onChange: (n2) => onChange(n2 - value) } ) : toTwoDigitString(value), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, unit)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-cell", key: value + 1 }, value < max ? toTwoDigitString(value + 1) : ""), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rdp-cell", key: value + 2 }, onIncrease && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { style: { width: "100%", textAlign: "center", margin: 5 }, onClick: onIncrease }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-chevron-down" })) ))))); } function toTwoDigitString(n2) { if (n2 < 10) { return `0${n2}`; } return `${n2}`; } // src/components/form/InputDuration.tsx function InputDuration({ name, expand, placeholder, tooltip, label, help, readonly, withForever }) { const [opened, setOpened] = p3(false); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { error: error2, required, value, onChange } = useField(name); let strValue = ""; if (!value) { strValue = ""; } else if (value.d_us === "forever") { strValue = i18n2.str`forever`; } else { strValue = formatDuration( intervalToDuration({ start: 0, end: value.d_us / 1e3 }), { locale: { formatDistance: (name2, value2) => { switch (name2) { case "xMonths": return i18n2.str`${value2}M`; case "xYears": return i18n2.str`${value2}Y`; case "xDays": return i18n2.str`${value2}d`; case "xHours": return i18n2.str`${value2}h`; case "xMinutes": return i18n2.str`${value2}min`; case "xSeconds": return i18n2.str`${value2}sec`; } }, localize: { day: () => "s", month: () => "m", ordinalNumber: () => "th", dayPeriod: () => "p", quarter: () => "w", era: () => "e" } } } ); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field has-addons" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: expand ? "control is-expanded " : "control " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", type: "text", readonly: true, value: strValue, placeholder, onClick: () => { if (!readonly) setOpened(true); } } ), required && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-text-danger is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-alert" })), help), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "control", onClick: () => { if (!readonly) setOpened(true); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { class: "button is-static" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-clock" }))) )), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2)), withForever && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`change value to never` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info mr-3", onClick: () => onChange({ d_us: "forever" }) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "forever") )), !readonly && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`change value to empty` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info ", onClick: () => onChange(void 0) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "clear") ))), opened && /* @__PURE__ */ h(SimpleModal, { onCancel: () => setOpened(false) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( DurationPicker, { days: true, hours: true, minutes: true, value: !value || value.d_us === "forever" ? 0 : value.d_us, onChange: (v3) => { onChange({ d_us: v3 }); } } ))); } // src/components/form/InputGroup.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/form/useGroupField.tsx function useGroupField(name) { const f3 = useFormContext(); if (!f3) return {}; return { hasError: readField2(f3.errors, String(name)) }; } var readField2 = (object2, name) => { return name.split(".").reduce((prev, current) => prev && prev[current], object2); }; // src/components/form/InputGroup.tsx function InputGroup({ name, label, children, tooltip, alternative, fixed, initialActive }) { const [active, setActive] = p3(initialActive || fixed); const group = useGroupField(name); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })), (group == null ? void 0 : group.hasError) && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-text-danger", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-alert" }))), !fixed && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options", onClick: () => setActive(!active) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, active ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-arrow-up" }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-arrow-down" })) )), active ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, children) : alternative ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, alternative) : void 0); } // src/components/form/InputImage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function InputImage({ name, readonly, placeholder, tooltip, label, help, children, expand }) { const { error: error2, value, onChange } = useField(name); const image = _2(null); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [sizeError, setSizeError] = p3(false); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: expand ? "control is-expanded" : "control" }, value && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "img", { src: value, style: { width: 200, height: 200 }, onClick: () => { var _a; return (_a = image.current) == null ? void 0 :; } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { ref: image, style: { display: "none" }, type: "file", name: String(name), placeholder, readonly, onChange: (e4) => { const f3 = e4.currentTarget.files; if (!f3 || f3.length != 1) { return onChange(void 0); } if (f3[0].size > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) { setSizeError(true); return onChange(void 0); } setSizeError(false); return f3[0].arrayBuffer().then((b4) => { const b64 = window.btoa( new Uint8Array(b4).reduce( (data, byte) => data + String.fromCharCode(byte), "" ) ); return onChange(`data:${f3[0].type};base64,${b64}`); }); } } ), help, children), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2), sizeError && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Image should be smaller than 1 MB")), !value && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: () => { var _a; return (_a = image.current) == null ? void 0 :; } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Add")), value && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: () => onChange(void 0) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Remove"))))); } // src/components/form/InputLocation.tsx init_preact_module(); function InputLocation({ name }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: `${name}.country`, label: i18n2.str`Country` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: `${name}.address_lines`, inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Address`, toStr: (v3) => !v3 ? "" : v3.join("\n"), fromStr: (v3) => v3.split("\n") } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: `${name}.building_number`, label: i18n2.str`Building number` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: `${name}.building_name`, label: i18n2.str`Building name` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: `${name}.street`, label: i18n2.str`Street` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: `${name}.post_code`, label: i18n2.str`Post code` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: `${name}.town_location`, label: i18n2.str`Town location` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: `${name}.town`, label: i18n2.str`Town` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: `${name}.district`, label: i18n2.str`District` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: `${name}.country_subdivision`, label: i18n2.str`Country subdivision` } )); } // src/components/form/InputSelector.tsx init_preact_module(); var defaultToString2 = (f3) => f3 || ""; var defaultFromString2 = (v3) => v3; function InputSelector({ name, readonly, expand, placeholder, tooltip, label, help, values, fromStr = defaultFromString2, toStr = defaultToString2 }) { const { error: error2, value, onChange, required } = useField(name); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field has-icons-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: expand ? "control is-expanded select" : "control select " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "select", { class: error2 ? "select is-danger" : "select", name: String(name), disabled: readonly, readonly, onChange: (e4) => { onChange(fromStr(e4.currentTarget.value)); } }, placeholder && /* @__PURE__ */ h("option", null, placeholder),, i4) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("option", { key: i4, value: v3, selected: value === v3 }, toStr(v3)); }) ), help), required && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-text-danger is-right", style: { height: "2.5em" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-alert" })), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2)))); } // src/components/form/InputToggle.tsx init_preact_module(); var defaultToBoolean = (f3) => f3 || ""; var defaultFromBoolean = (v3) => v3; function InputToggle({ name, readonly, placeholder, tooltip, label, help, threeState, expand, fromBoolean = defaultFromBoolean, toBoolean = defaultToBoolean }) { const { error: error2, value, onChange } = useField(name); const onCheckboxClick = () => { const c4 = toBoolean(value); if (c4 === false && threeState) return onChange(void 0); return onChange(fromBoolean(!c4)); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: expand ? "control is-expanded" : "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "toggle", style: { marginLeft: 4, marginTop: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { type: "checkbox", class: toBoolean(value) === void 0 ? "is-indeterminate" : "toggle-checkbox", checked: toBoolean(value), placeholder, readonly, name: String(name), disabled: readonly, onChange: onCheckboxClick } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "toggle-switch" })), help), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2)))); } // src/components/form/InputWithAddon.tsx init_preact_module(); var defaultToString3 = (f3) => f3 || ""; var defaultFromString3 = (v3) => v3; function InputWithAddon({ name, readonly, addonBefore, children, expand, label, placeholder, help, tooltip, inputType, inputExtra, side, addonAfter, toStr = defaultToString3, fromStr = defaultFromString3 }) { const { error: error2, value, onChange, required } = useField(name); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field has-addons" }, addonBefore && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { class: "button is-static" }, addonBefore)), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "p", { class: `control${expand ? " is-expanded" : ""}${required ? " has-icons-right" : ""}` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, inputExtra || {}), { class: error2 ? "input is-danger" : "input", type: inputType, placeholder, readonly, disabled: readonly, name: String(name), value: toStr(value), onChange: (e4) => onChange(fromStr(e4.currentTarget.value)) }) ), required && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-text-danger is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-alert" })), children ), addonAfter && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { class: "button is-static" }, addonAfter))), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "has-text-grey" }, help)), side)); } // src/components/instance/DefaultInstanceFormFields.tsx function DefaultInstanceFormFields({ readonlyId, showId }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, showId && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name: "id", addonBefore: `${backendURL}/instances/`, readonly: readonlyId, label: i18n2.str`Identifier`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "name", label: i18n2.str`Business name`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Legal name of the business represented by this instance.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "user_type", label: i18n2.str`Type`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Different type of account can have different rules and requirements.`, values: ["business", "individual"] } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "email", label: i18n2.str`Email`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Contact email` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "website", label: i18n2.str`Website URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputImage, { name: "logo", label: i18n2.str`Logo`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Logo image.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputToggle, { name: "use_stefan", label: i18n2.str`Pay transaction fee`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Assume the cost of the transaction of let the user pay for it.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "address", label: i18n2.str`Address`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Physical location of the merchant.` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputLocation, { name: "address" }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "jurisdiction", label: i18n2.str`Jurisdiction`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputLocation, { name: "jurisdiction" }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDuration, { name: "default_pay_delay", label: i18n2.str`Default payment delay`, withForever: true, tooltip: i18n2.str`Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDuration, { name: "default_wire_transfer_delay", label: i18n2.str`Default wire transfer delay`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.`, withForever: true } )); } // src/utils/table.ts function undefinedIfEmpty(obj) { if (obj === void 0) return void 0; return Object.values(obj).some((v3) => v3 !== void 0) ? obj : void 0; } // src/paths/admin/create/CreatePage.tsx function with_defaults(id) { return { id, // accounts: [], user_type: "business", use_stefan: false, default_pay_delay: { d_us: 2 * 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 1e3 }, // two hours default_wire_transfer_delay: { d_us: 1e3 * 2 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1e3 } // two days }; } function CreatePage({ onCreate, onBack, forceId }) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const [value, valueHandler] = p3(with_defaults(forceId)); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const errors2 = { id: ! ? i18n2.str`required` : !INSTANCE_ID_REGEX.test( ? i18n2.str`is not valid` : void 0, name: ! ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, user_type: !value.user_type ? i18n2.str`required` : value.user_type !== "business" && value.user_type !== "individual" ? i18n2.str`should be business or individual` : void 0, // accounts: // !value.accounts || !value.accounts.length // ? i18n.str`required` // : undefinedIfEmpty( // => { // return !PAYTO_REGEX.test(p.payto_uri) // ? i18n.str`is not valid` // : undefined; // }), // ), default_pay_delay: !value.default_pay_delay ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, default_wire_transfer_delay: !value.default_wire_transfer_delay ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, address: undefinedIfEmpty({ address_lines: ((_a = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _a.address_lines) && ((_b = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _b.address_lines.length) > 7 ? i18n2.str`max 7 lines` : void 0 }), jurisdiction: undefinedIfEmpty({ address_lines: ((_c = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _c.address_lines) && ((_d = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _d.address_lines.length) > 7 ? i18n2.str`max 7 lines` : void 0 }) }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submit = () => { value.auth = { method: "external" }; if (!value.address) value.address = {}; if (!value.jurisdiction) value.jurisdiction = {}; return onCreate(value); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(DefaultInstanceFormFields, { readonlyId: !!forceId, showId: true }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { onClick: submit, disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method` : "confirm operation" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/admin/create/InstanceCreatedSuccessfully.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/components/notifications/CreatedSuccessfully.tsx init_preact_module(); function CreatedSuccessfully({ children, onConfirm, onCreateAnother }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns is-fullwidth is-vcentered mt-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header has-background-success" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title has-text-white-ter" }, "Success.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, children)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, onCreateAnother && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", onClick: onCreateAnother }, "Create another"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", onClick: onConfirm }, "Continue"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })); } // src/paths/admin/create/InstanceCreatedSuccessfully.tsx function InstanceCreatedSuccessfully({ entity, onConfirm }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(CreatedSuccessfully, { onConfirm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "ID")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { class: "input", readonly: true, value: }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Business Name")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { class: "input", readonly: true, value: }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Access token")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, entity.auth.method === "external" && "external", entity.auth.method === "token" && /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { class: "input", readonly: true, value: entity.auth.token })))))); } // src/paths/admin/create/index.tsx function Create({ onBack, onConfirm, forceId }) { const { createInstance } = useAdminAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const [createdOk, setCreatedOk] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (createdOk) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(InstanceCreatedSuccessfully, { entity: createdOk, onConfirm }); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage, { onBack, forceId, onCreate: (d5) => { return createInstance(d5).then(() => { setCreatedOk(d5); }).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to create instance`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/admin/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/admin/list/View.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/admin/list/TableActive.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable({ instances, onCreate, onUpdate, onPurge, setInstanceName, onDelete, selected }) { const [actionQueue, actionQueueHandler] = p3([]); const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3([]); h2(() => { if (actionQueue.length > 0 && !selected && actionQueue[0].type == "DELETE") { onDelete(actionQueue[0].element); actionQueueHandler(actionQueue.slice(1)); } }, [actionQueue, selected, onDelete]); h2(() => { if (actionQueue.length > 0 && !selected && actionQueue[0].type == "UPDATE") { onUpdate(actionQueue[0]; actionQueueHandler(actionQueue.slice(1)); } }, [actionQueue, selected, onUpdate]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-desktop-mac" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Instances")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: rowSelection.length > 0 ? "button is-danger" : "is-hidden", type: "button", onClick: () => actionQueueHandler( buildActions(instances, rowSelection, "DELETE") ) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Delete") )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add new instance` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, instances.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table, { instances, onPurge, onUpdate, setInstanceName, onDelete, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable, null))))); } function toggleSelected(id) { return (prev) => prev.indexOf(id) == -1 ? [...prev, id] : prev.filter((e4) => e4 != id); } function Table({ rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, setInstanceName, instances, onUpdate, onDelete, onPurge }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", { class: "is-checkbox-cell" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "b-checkbox checkbox" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { type: "checkbox", checked: rowSelection.length === instances.length, onClick: () => rowSelectionHandler( rowSelection.length === instances.length ? [] : => ) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "check" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "ID")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Name")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-checkbox-cell" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "b-checkbox checkbox" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { type: "checkbox", checked: rowSelection.indexOf( != -1, onClick: () => rowSelectionHandler(toggleSelected( } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "check" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { href: `#/orders?instance=${}`, onClick: (e4) => { setInstanceName(; } }, )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null,, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-success jb-modal", type: "button", onClick: () => onUpdate( }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Edit") ), !i4.deleted && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-danger jb-modal is-outlined", type: "button", onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Delete") ), i4.deleted && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-danger jb-modal", type: "button", onClick: () => onPurge(i4) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Purge") )))); })))); } function EmptyTable() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign"))); } function notEmpty(value) { return value !== null && value !== void 0; } function buildActions(instances, selected, action) { return => instances.find((i4) => === id)).filter(notEmpty).map((id) => ({ element: id, type: action })); } // src/paths/admin/list/View.tsx function View({ instances, onCreate, onDelete, onPurge, onUpdate, setInstanceName, selected }) { const [show, setShow] = p3("active"); const showIsActive = show === "active" ? "is-active" : ""; const showIsDeleted = show === "deleted" ? "is-active" : ""; const showAll = show === null ? "is-active" : ""; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const showingInstances = showIsDeleted ? instances.filter((i4) => i4.deleted) : showIsActive ? instances.filter((i4) => !i4.deleted) : instances; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-two-thirds" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tabs", style: { overflow: "inherit" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: showIsActive }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`Only show active instances` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: () => setShow("active") }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Active")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: showIsDeleted }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`Only show deleted instances` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: () => setShow("deleted") }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Deleted")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: showAll }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`Show all instances` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: () => setShow(null) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "All")) )))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable, { instances: showingInstances, onDelete, onPurge, setInstanceName, onUpdate, selected, onCreate } )); } // src/paths/admin/list/index.tsx function Instances({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onNotFound, onCreate, onUpdate, setInstanceName }) { const result = useBackendInstances(); const [deleting, setDeleting] = p3(null); const [purging, setPurging] = p3(null); const { deleteInstance, purgeInstance } = useAdminAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( View, { instances:, onDelete: setDeleting, onCreate, onPurge: setPurging, onUpdate, setInstanceName, selected: !!deleting } ), deleting && /* @__PURE__ */ h( DeleteModal, { element: deleting, onCancel: () => setDeleting(null), onConfirm: () => __async(this, null, function* () { try { yield deleteInstance(; setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Instance "${}" (ID: ${}) has been deleted`, type: "SUCCESS" }); } catch (error2) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to delete instance`, type: "ERROR", description: error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : void 0 }); } setDeleting(null); }) } ), purging && /* @__PURE__ */ h( PurgeModal, { element: purging, onCancel: () => setPurging(null), onConfirm: () => __async(this, null, function* () { try { yield purgeInstance(; setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Instance '${}' (ID: ${}) has been disabled`, type: "SUCCESS" }); } catch (error2) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to purge instance`, type: "ERROR", description: error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : void 0 }); } setPurging(null); }) } )); } // src/components/menu/NavigationBar.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/assets/logo-2021.svg var logo_2021_default = "./logo-2021-VSZSJ4QZ.svg"; // src/components/menu/NavigationBar.tsx function NavigationBar({ onMobileMenu, title }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h( "nav", { class: "navbar is-fixed-top", role: "navigation", "aria-label": "main navigation" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "navbar-brand" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "navbar-item", style: { fontSize: 24, fontWeight: 900 } }, title), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { role: "button", class: "navbar-burger", "aria-label": "menu", "aria-expanded": "false", onClick: (e4) => { onMobileMenu(); e4.stopPropagation(); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { "aria-hidden": "true" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { "aria-hidden": "true" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { "aria-hidden": "true" }) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "navbar-menu " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { class: "navbar-start is-justify-content-center is-flex-grow-1", href: "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("img", { src: logo_2021_default, style: { height: 35, margin: 10 } }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "navbar-end" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "navbar-item", style: { paddingTop: 4, paddingBottom: 4 } }))) ); } // src/components/menu/SideBar.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/context/config.ts init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var Context4 = B(null); var ConfigContextProvider = Context4.Provider; var useConfigContext = () => q2(Context4); // src/components/menu/LangSelector.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/assets/icons/languageicon.svg var languageicon_default = "./languageicon-LWKRUH5D.svg"; // src/i18n/strings.ts var strings = {}; strings["de"] = { "domain": "messages", "locale_data": { "messages": { "": { "domain": "messages", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", "lang": "" }, "Cancel": [ "" ], "%1$s": [ "" ], "Close": [ "" ], "Continue": [ "" ], "Clear": [ "" ], "Confirm": [ "" ], "is not the same as the current access token": [ "" ], "cannot be empty": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old token": [ "" ], "is not the same": [ "" ], "You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [ "" ], "Old access token": [ "" ], "access token currently in use": [ "" ], "New access token": [ "" ], "next access token to be used": [ "" ], "Repeat access token": [ "" ], "confirm the same access token": [ "" ], "Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old access token": [ "" ], "You are setting the access token for the new instance": [ "" ], "With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [ "" ], "Set external authorization": [ "" ], "Set access token": [ "" ], "Operation in progress...": [ "" ], "The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [ "" ], "Instances": [ "" ], "Delete": [ "" ], "add new instance": [ "" ], "ID": [ "" ], "Name": [ "" ], "Edit": [ "" ], "Purge": [ "" ], "There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "Only show active instances": [ "" ], "Active": [ "" ], "Only show deleted instances": [ "" ], "Deleted": [ "" ], "Show all instances": [ "" ], "All": [ "" ], 'Instance "%1$s" (ID: %2$s) has been deleted': [ "" ], "Failed to delete instance": [ "" ], "Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [ "" ], "Failed to purge instance": [ "" ], "Pending KYC verification": [ "" ], "Timed out": [ "" ], "Exchange": [ "" ], "Target account": [ "" ], "KYC URL": [ "" ], "Code": [ "" ], "Http Status": [ "" ], "No pending kyc verification!": [ "" ], "change value to unknown date": [ "" ], "change value to empty": [ "" ], "clear": [ "" ], "change value to never": [ "" ], "never": [ "" ], "Country": [ "" ], "Address": [ "" ], "Building number": [ "" ], "Building name": [ "" ], "Street": [ "" ], "Post code": [ "" ], "Town location": [ "" ], "Town": [ "" ], "District": [ "" ], "Country subdivision": [ "" ], "Product id": [ "" ], "Description": [ "" ], "Product": [ "" ], "search products by it's description or id": [ "" ], "no products found with that description": [ "" ], "You must enter a valid product identifier.": [ "" ], "Quantity must be greater than 0!": [ "" ], "This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [ "" ], "Quantity": [ "" ], "how many products will be added": [ "" ], "Add from inventory": [ "" ], "Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [ "" ], "Add": [ "" ], "Remove": [ "" ], "No taxes configured for this product.": [ "" ], "Amount": [ "" ], "Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [ "" ], "Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [ "" ], "add tax to the tax list": [ "" ], "describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [ "" ], "Add custom product": [ "" ], "Complete information of the product": [ "" ], "Image": [ "" ], "photo of the product": [ "" ], "full product description": [ "" ], "Unit": [ "" ], "name of the product unit": [ "" ], "Price": [ "" ], "amount in the current currency": [ "" ], "Taxes": [ "" ], "image": [ "" ], "description": [ "" ], "quantity": [ "" ], "unit price": [ "" ], "total price": [ "" ], "required": [ "" ], "not valid": [ "" ], "must be greater than 0": [ "" ], "not a valid json": [ "" ], "should be in the future": [ "" ], "refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "should have a refund deadline": [ "" ], "auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [ "" ], "Manage products in order": [ "" ], "Manage list of products in the order.": [ "" ], "Remove this product from the order.": [ "" ], "Total price": [ "" ], "total product price added up": [ "" ], "Amount to be paid by the customer": [ "" ], "Order price": [ "" ], "final order price": [ "" ], "Summary": [ "" ], "Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [ "" ], "Shipping and Fulfillment": [ "" ], "Delivery date": [ "" ], "Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Location": [ "" ], "address where the products will be delivered": [ "" ], "Fulfillment URL": [ "" ], "URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [ "" ], "Taler payment options": [ "" ], "Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [ "" ], "Payment deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [ "" ], "Refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Wire transfer deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [ "" ], "Auto-refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [ "" ], "Wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Create token": [ "" ], "Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [ "" ], "Minimum age required": [ "" ], "Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [ "" ], "Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [ "" ], "Additional information": [ "" ], "Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [ "" ], "You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [ "" ], "days": [ "" ], "hours": [ "" ], "minutes": [ "" ], "seconds": [ "" ], "forever": [ "" ], "%1$sM": [ "" ], "%1$sY": [ "" ], "%1$sd": [ "" ], "%1$sh": [ "" ], "%1$smin": [ "" ], "%1$ssec": [ "" ], "Orders": [ "" ], "create order": [ "" ], "load newer orders": [ "" ], "Date": [ "" ], "Refund": [ "" ], "copy url": [ "" ], "load older orders": [ "" ], "No orders have been found matching your query!": [ "" ], "duplicated": [ "" ], "invalid format": [ "" ], "this value exceed the refundable amount": [ "" ], "date": [ "" ], "amount": [ "" ], "reason": [ "" ], "amount to be refunded": [ "" ], "Max refundable:": [ "" ], "Reason": [ "" ], "Choose one...": [ "" ], "requested by the customer": [ "" ], "other": [ "" ], "why this order is being refunded": [ "" ], "more information to give context": [ "" ], "Contract Terms": [ "" ], "human-readable description of the whole purchase": [ "" ], "total price for the transaction": [ "" ], "URL for this purchase": [ "" ], "Max fee": [ "" ], "maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [ "" ], "Max wire fee": [ "" ], "maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [ "" ], "over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [ "" ], "Created at": [ "" ], "time when this contract was generated": [ "" ], "after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [ "" ], "after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [ "" ], "transfer deadline for the exchange": [ "" ], "time indicating when the order should be delivered": [ "" ], "where the order will be delivered": [ "" ], "Auto-refund delay": [ "" ], "how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [ "" ], "Extra info": [ "" ], "extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [ "" ], "Order": [ "" ], "claimed": [ "" ], "claimed at": [ "" ], "Timeline": [ "" ], "Payment details": [ "" ], "Order status": [ "" ], "Product list": [ "" ], "paid": [ "" ], "wired": [ "" ], "refunded": [ "" ], "refund order": [ "" ], "not refundable": [ "" ], "refund": [ "" ], "Refunded amount": [ "" ], "Refund taken": [ "" ], "Status URL": [ "" ], "Refund URI": [ "" ], "unpaid": [ "" ], "pay at": [ "" ], "created at": [ "" ], "Order status URL": [ "" ], "Payment URI": [ "" ], "Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [ "" ], "Back": [ "" ], "refund created successfully": [ "" ], "could not create the refund": [ "" ], "select date to show nearby orders": [ "" ], "order id": [ "" ], "jump to order with the given order ID": [ "" ], "remove all filters": [ "" ], "only show paid orders": [ "" ], "Paid": [ "" ], "only show orders with refunds": [ "" ], "Refunded": [ "" ], "only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [ "" ], "Not wired": [ "" ], "clear date filter": [ "" ], "date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [ "" ], "Enter an order id": [ "" ], "order not found": [ "" ], "could not get the order to refund": [ "" ], "Loading...": [ "" ], "click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [ "" ], "Manage stock": [ "" ], "this product has been configured without stock control": [ "" ], "Infinite": [ "" ], "lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [ "" ], "Incoming": [ "" ], "Lost": [ "" ], "Current": [ "" ], "remove stock control for this product": [ "" ], "without stock": [ "" ], "Next restock": [ "" ], "Delivery address": [ "" ], "product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "illustration of the product for customers": [ "" ], "product description for customers": [ "" ], "Age restricted": [ "" ], "is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [ "" ], "unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [ "" ], "sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [ "" ], "Stock": [ "" ], "product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields": [ "" ], "could not create product": [ "" ], "Products": [ "" ], "add product to inventory": [ "" ], "Sell": [ "" ], "Profit": [ "" ], "Sold": [ "" ], "free": [ "" ], "go to product update page": [ "" ], "Update": [ "" ], "remove this product from the database": [ "" ], "update the product with new price": [ "" ], "update product with new price": [ "" ], "add more elements to the inventory": [ "" ], "report elements lost in the inventory": [ "" ], "new price for the product": [ "" ], "the are value with errors": [ "" ], "update product with new stock and price": [ "" ], "There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "product updated successfully": [ "" ], "could not update the product": [ "" ], "product delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the product": [ "" ], "Product id:": [ "" ], "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [ "" ], "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [ "" ], "it should be greater than 0": [ "" ], "must be a valid URL": [ "" ], "Initial balance": [ "" ], "balance prior to deposit": [ "" ], "Exchange URL": [ "" ], "URL of exchange": [ "" ], "Next": [ "" ], "Wire method": [ "" ], "method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Select one wire method": [ "" ], "could not create reserve": [ "" ], "Valid until": [ "" ], "Created balance": [ "" ], "Exchange balance": [ "" ], "Picked up": [ "" ], "Committed": [ "" ], "Account address": [ "" ], "Subject": [ "" ], "Tips": [ "" ], "No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [ "" ], "Authorized": [ "" ], "Expiration": [ "" ], "amount of tip": [ "" ], "Justification": [ "" ], "reason for the tip": [ "" ], "URL after tip": [ "" ], "URL to visit after tip payment": [ "" ], "Reserves not yet funded": [ "" ], "Reserves ready": [ "" ], "add new reserve": [ "" ], "Expires at": [ "" ], "Initial": [ "" ], "delete selected reserve from the database": [ "" ], "authorize new tip from selected reserve": [ "" ], "There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [ "" ], "Expected Balance": [ "" ], "could not create the tip": [ "" ], "should not be empty": [ "" ], "should be greater that 0": [ "" ], "can't be empty": [ "" ], "to short": [ "" ], "just letters and numbers from 2 to 7": [ "" ], "size of the key should be 32": [ "" ], "Identifier": [ "" ], "Name of the template in URLs.": [ "" ], "Describe what this template stands for": [ "" ], "Fixed summary": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same summary": [ "" ], "Fixed price": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same price": [ "" ], "Minimum age": [ "" ], "Is this contract restricted to some age?": [ "" ], "Payment timeout": [ "" ], "How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [ "" ], "Verification algorithm": [ "" ], "Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode": [ "" ], "Point-of-sale key": [ "" ], "Useful to validate the purchase": [ "" ], "generate random secret key": [ "" ], "random": [ "" ], "show secret key": [ "" ], "hide secret key": [ "" ], "hide": [ "" ], "show": [ "" ], "could not inform template": [ "" ], "Amount is required": [ "" ], "Order summary is required": [ "" ], "New order for template": [ "" ], "Amount of the order": [ "" ], "Order summary": [ "" ], "could not create order from template": [ "" ], "Here you can specify a default value for fields that are not fixed. Default values can be edited by the customer before the payment.": [ "" ], "Fixed amount": [ "" ], "Default amount": [ "" ], "Default summary": [ "" ], "Print": [ "" ], "Setup TOTP": [ "" ], "Templates": [ "" ], "add new templates": [ "" ], "load more templates before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer templates": [ "" ], "delete selected templates from the database": [ "" ], "use template to create new order": [ "" ], "create qr code for the template": [ "" ], "load more templates after the last one": [ "" ], "load older templates": [ "" ], "There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "template delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the template": [ "" ], "could not update template": [ "" ], "should be one of '%1$s'": [ "" ], "Webhook ID to use": [ "" ], "Event": [ "" ], "The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [ "" ], "Method": [ "" ], "Method used by the webhook": [ "" ], "URL": [ "" ], "URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [ "" ], "Header": [ "" ], "Header template of the webhook": [ "" ], "Body": [ "" ], "Body template by the webhook": [ "" ], "Webhooks": [ "" ], "add new webhooks": [ "" ], "load more webhooks before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer webhooks": [ "" ], "Event type": [ "" ], "delete selected webhook from the database": [ "" ], "load more webhooks after the last one": [ "" ], "load older webhooks": [ "" ], "There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "webhook delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the webhook": [ "" ], "check the id, does not look valid": [ "" ], "should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [ "" ], "URL doesn't have the right format": [ "" ], "Credited bank account": [ "" ], "Select one account": [ "" ], "Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [ "" ], "Wire transfer ID": [ "" ], "unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [ "" ], "Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [ "" ], "Amount credited": [ "" ], "Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [ "" ], "could not inform transfer": [ "" ], "Transfers": [ "" ], "add new transfer": [ "" ], "load more transfers before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer transfers": [ "" ], "Credit": [ "" ], "Confirmed": [ "" ], "Verified": [ "" ], "Executed at": [ "" ], "yes": [ "" ], "no": [ "" ], "unknown": [ "" ], "delete selected transfer from the database": [ "" ], "load more transfer after the last one": [ "" ], "load older transfers": [ "" ], "There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "filter by account address": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [ "" ], "Unverified": [ "" ], "is not valid": [ "" ], "is not a number": [ "" ], "must be 1 or greater": [ "" ], "max 7 lines": [ "" ], "change authorization configuration": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [ "" ], "This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [ "" ], "This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN country code not found": [ "" ], "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [ "" ], "Target type": [ "" ], "Method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Routing": [ "" ], "Routing number.": [ "" ], "Account": [ "" ], "Account number.": [ "" ], "Business Identifier Code.": [ "" ], "Bank Account Number.": [ "" ], "Unified Payment Interface.": [ "" ], "Bitcoin protocol.": [ "" ], "Ethereum protocol.": [ "" ], "Interledger protocol.": [ "" ], "Host": [ "" ], "Bank host.": [ "" ], "Bank account.": [ "" ], "Bank account owner's name.": [ "" ], "No accounts yet.": [ "" ], "Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [ "" ], "Business name": [ "" ], "Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [ "" ], "Email": [ "" ], "Contact email": [ "" ], "Website URL": [ "" ], "URL.": [ "" ], "Logo": [ "" ], "Logo image.": [ "" ], "Bank account": [ "" ], "URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [ "" ], "Default max deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [ "" ], "Default max wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [ "" ], "Physical location of the merchant.": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [ "" ], "Default payment delay": [ "" ], "Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire transfer delay": [ "" ], "Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [ "" ], "Instance id": [ "" ], "Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [ "" ], "Manage access token": [ "" ], "Failed to create instance": [ "" ], "Login required": [ "" ], "Please enter your access token.": [ "" ], "Access Token": [ "" ], "The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [ "" ], 'Diagnostic from %1$s is "%2$s"': [ "" ], "The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [ "" ], "Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [ "" ], "Access denied": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid.": [ "" ], "No 'default' instance configured yet.": [ "" ], "Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid": [ "" ], "Hide for today": [ "" ], "Instance": [ "" ], "Settings": [ "" ], "Connection": [ "" ], "New": [ "" ], "List": [ "" ], "Log out": [ "" ], "Check your token is valid": [ "" ], "Couldn't access the server.": [ "" ], "Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [ "" ], "Server not found": [ "" ], "Server response with an error code": [ "" ], "Got message %1$s from %2$s": [ "" ], "Response from server is unreadable, http status: %1$s": [ "" ], "Unexpected Error": [ "" ], "The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [ "" ], "add element to the list": [ "" ], "add": [ "" ], "Deleting": [ "" ], "Changing": [ "" ], "Order ID": [ "" ], "Payment URL": [ "" ] } } }; strings["en"] = { "domain": "messages", "locale_data": { "messages": { "": { "domain": "messages", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", "lang": "" }, "Cancel": [ "" ], "%1$s": [ "" ], "Close": [ "" ], "Continue": [ "" ], "Clear": [ "" ], "Confirm": [ "" ], "is not the same as the current access token": [ "" ], "cannot be empty": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old token": [ "" ], "is not the same": [ "" ], "You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [ "" ], "Old access token": [ "" ], "access token currently in use": [ "" ], "New access token": [ "" ], "next access token to be used": [ "" ], "Repeat access token": [ "" ], "confirm the same access token": [ "" ], "Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old access token": [ "" ], "You are setting the access token for the new instance": [ "" ], "With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [ "" ], "Set external authorization": [ "" ], "Set access token": [ "" ], "Operation in progress...": [ "" ], "The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [ "" ], "Instances": [ "" ], "Delete": [ "" ], "add new instance": [ "" ], "ID": [ "" ], "Name": [ "" ], "Edit": [ "" ], "Purge": [ "" ], "There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "Only show active instances": [ "" ], "Active": [ "" ], "Only show deleted instances": [ "" ], "Deleted": [ "" ], "Show all instances": [ "" ], "All": [ "" ], 'Instance "%1$s" (ID: %2$s) has been deleted': [ "" ], "Failed to delete instance": [ "" ], "Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [ "" ], "Failed to purge instance": [ "" ], "Pending KYC verification": [ "" ], "Timed out": [ "" ], "Exchange": [ "" ], "Target account": [ "" ], "KYC URL": [ "" ], "Code": [ "" ], "Http Status": [ "" ], "No pending kyc verification!": [ "" ], "change value to unknown date": [ "" ], "change value to empty": [ "" ], "clear": [ "" ], "change value to never": [ "" ], "never": [ "" ], "Country": [ "" ], "Address": [ "" ], "Building number": [ "" ], "Building name": [ "" ], "Street": [ "" ], "Post code": [ "" ], "Town location": [ "" ], "Town": [ "" ], "District": [ "" ], "Country subdivision": [ "" ], "Product id": [ "" ], "Description": [ "" ], "Product": [ "" ], "search products by it's description or id": [ "" ], "no products found with that description": [ "" ], "You must enter a valid product identifier.": [ "" ], "Quantity must be greater than 0!": [ "" ], "This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [ "" ], "Quantity": [ "" ], "how many products will be added": [ "" ], "Add from inventory": [ "" ], "Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [ "" ], "Add": [ "" ], "Remove": [ "" ], "No taxes configured for this product.": [ "" ], "Amount": [ "" ], "Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [ "" ], "Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [ "" ], "add tax to the tax list": [ "" ], "describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [ "" ], "Add custom product": [ "" ], "Complete information of the product": [ "" ], "Image": [ "" ], "photo of the product": [ "" ], "full product description": [ "" ], "Unit": [ "" ], "name of the product unit": [ "" ], "Price": [ "" ], "amount in the current currency": [ "" ], "Taxes": [ "" ], "image": [ "" ], "description": [ "" ], "quantity": [ "" ], "unit price": [ "" ], "total price": [ "" ], "required": [ "" ], "not valid": [ "" ], "must be greater than 0": [ "" ], "not a valid json": [ "" ], "should be in the future": [ "" ], "refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "should have a refund deadline": [ "" ], "auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [ "" ], "Manage products in order": [ "" ], "Manage list of products in the order.": [ "" ], "Remove this product from the order.": [ "" ], "Total price": [ "" ], "total product price added up": [ "" ], "Amount to be paid by the customer": [ "" ], "Order price": [ "" ], "final order price": [ "" ], "Summary": [ "" ], "Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [ "" ], "Shipping and Fulfillment": [ "" ], "Delivery date": [ "" ], "Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Location": [ "" ], "address where the products will be delivered": [ "" ], "Fulfillment URL": [ "" ], "URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [ "" ], "Taler payment options": [ "" ], "Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [ "" ], "Payment deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [ "" ], "Refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Wire transfer deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [ "" ], "Auto-refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [ "" ], "Wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Create token": [ "" ], "Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [ "" ], "Minimum age required": [ "" ], "Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [ "" ], "Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [ "" ], "Additional information": [ "" ], "Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [ "" ], "You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [ "" ], "days": [ "" ], "hours": [ "" ], "minutes": [ "" ], "seconds": [ "" ], "forever": [ "" ], "%1$sM": [ "" ], "%1$sY": [ "" ], "%1$sd": [ "" ], "%1$sh": [ "" ], "%1$smin": [ "" ], "%1$ssec": [ "" ], "Orders": [ "" ], "create order": [ "" ], "load newer orders": [ "" ], "Date": [ "" ], "Refund": [ "" ], "copy url": [ "" ], "load older orders": [ "" ], "No orders have been found matching your query!": [ "" ], "duplicated": [ "" ], "invalid format": [ "" ], "this value exceed the refundable amount": [ "" ], "date": [ "" ], "amount": [ "" ], "reason": [ "" ], "amount to be refunded": [ "" ], "Max refundable:": [ "" ], "Reason": [ "" ], "Choose one...": [ "" ], "requested by the customer": [ "" ], "other": [ "" ], "why this order is being refunded": [ "" ], "more information to give context": [ "" ], "Contract Terms": [ "" ], "human-readable description of the whole purchase": [ "" ], "total price for the transaction": [ "" ], "URL for this purchase": [ "" ], "Max fee": [ "" ], "maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [ "" ], "Max wire fee": [ "" ], "maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [ "" ], "over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [ "" ], "Created at": [ "" ], "time when this contract was generated": [ "" ], "after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [ "" ], "after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [ "" ], "transfer deadline for the exchange": [ "" ], "time indicating when the order should be delivered": [ "" ], "where the order will be delivered": [ "" ], "Auto-refund delay": [ "" ], "how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [ "" ], "Extra info": [ "" ], "extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [ "" ], "Order": [ "" ], "claimed": [ "" ], "claimed at": [ "" ], "Timeline": [ "" ], "Payment details": [ "" ], "Order status": [ "" ], "Product list": [ "" ], "paid": [ "" ], "wired": [ "" ], "refunded": [ "" ], "refund order": [ "" ], "not refundable": [ "" ], "refund": [ "" ], "Refunded amount": [ "" ], "Refund taken": [ "" ], "Status URL": [ "" ], "Refund URI": [ "" ], "unpaid": [ "" ], "pay at": [ "" ], "created at": [ "" ], "Order status URL": [ "" ], "Payment URI": [ "" ], "Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [ "" ], "Back": [ "" ], "refund created successfully": [ "" ], "could not create the refund": [ "" ], "select date to show nearby orders": [ "" ], "order id": [ "" ], "jump to order with the given order ID": [ "" ], "remove all filters": [ "" ], "only show paid orders": [ "" ], "Paid": [ "" ], "only show orders with refunds": [ "" ], "Refunded": [ "" ], "only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [ "" ], "Not wired": [ "" ], "clear date filter": [ "" ], "date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [ "" ], "Enter an order id": [ "" ], "order not found": [ "" ], "could not get the order to refund": [ "" ], "Loading...": [ "" ], "click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [ "" ], "Manage stock": [ "" ], "this product has been configured without stock control": [ "" ], "Infinite": [ "" ], "lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [ "" ], "Incoming": [ "" ], "Lost": [ "" ], "Current": [ "" ], "remove stock control for this product": [ "" ], "without stock": [ "" ], "Next restock": [ "" ], "Delivery address": [ "" ], "product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "illustration of the product for customers": [ "" ], "product description for customers": [ "" ], "Age restricted": [ "" ], "is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [ "" ], "unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [ "" ], "sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [ "" ], "Stock": [ "" ], "product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields": [ "" ], "could not create product": [ "" ], "Products": [ "" ], "add product to inventory": [ "" ], "Sell": [ "" ], "Profit": [ "" ], "Sold": [ "" ], "free": [ "" ], "go to product update page": [ "" ], "Update": [ "" ], "remove this product from the database": [ "" ], "update the product with new price": [ "" ], "update product with new price": [ "" ], "add more elements to the inventory": [ "" ], "report elements lost in the inventory": [ "" ], "new price for the product": [ "" ], "the are value with errors": [ "" ], "update product with new stock and price": [ "" ], "There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "product updated successfully": [ "" ], "could not update the product": [ "" ], "product delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the product": [ "" ], "Product id:": [ "" ], "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [ "" ], "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [ "" ], "it should be greater than 0": [ "" ], "must be a valid URL": [ "" ], "Initial balance": [ "" ], "balance prior to deposit": [ "" ], "Exchange URL": [ "" ], "URL of exchange": [ "" ], "Next": [ "" ], "Wire method": [ "" ], "method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Select one wire method": [ "" ], "could not create reserve": [ "" ], "Valid until": [ "" ], "Created balance": [ "" ], "Exchange balance": [ "" ], "Picked up": [ "" ], "Committed": [ "" ], "Account address": [ "" ], "Subject": [ "" ], "Tips": [ "" ], "No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [ "" ], "Authorized": [ "" ], "Expiration": [ "" ], "amount of tip": [ "" ], "Justification": [ "" ], "reason for the tip": [ "" ], "URL after tip": [ "" ], "URL to visit after tip payment": [ "" ], "Reserves not yet funded": [ "" ], "Reserves ready": [ "" ], "add new reserve": [ "" ], "Expires at": [ "" ], "Initial": [ "" ], "delete selected reserve from the database": [ "" ], "authorize new tip from selected reserve": [ "" ], "There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [ "" ], "Expected Balance": [ "" ], "could not create the tip": [ "" ], "should not be empty": [ "" ], "should be greater that 0": [ "" ], "can't be empty": [ "" ], "to short": [ "" ], "just letters and numbers from 2 to 7": [ "" ], "size of the key should be 32": [ "" ], "Identifier": [ "" ], "Name of the template in URLs.": [ "" ], "Describe what this template stands for": [ "" ], "Fixed summary": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same summary": [ "" ], "Fixed price": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same price": [ "" ], "Minimum age": [ "" ], "Is this contract restricted to some age?": [ "" ], "Payment timeout": [ "" ], "How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [ "" ], "Verification algorithm": [ "" ], "Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode": [ "" ], "Point-of-sale key": [ "" ], "Useful to validate the purchase": [ "" ], "generate random secret key": [ "" ], "random": [ "" ], "show secret key": [ "" ], "hide secret key": [ "" ], "hide": [ "" ], "show": [ "" ], "could not inform template": [ "" ], "Amount is required": [ "" ], "Order summary is required": [ "" ], "New order for template": [ "" ], "Amount of the order": [ "" ], "Order summary": [ "" ], "could not create order from template": [ "" ], "Here you can specify a default value for fields that are not fixed. Default values can be edited by the customer before the payment.": [ "" ], "Fixed amount": [ "" ], "Default amount": [ "" ], "Default summary": [ "" ], "Print": [ "" ], "Setup TOTP": [ "" ], "Templates": [ "" ], "add new templates": [ "" ], "load more templates before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer templates": [ "" ], "delete selected templates from the database": [ "" ], "use template to create new order": [ "" ], "create qr code for the template": [ "" ], "load more templates after the last one": [ "" ], "load older templates": [ "" ], "There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "template delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the template": [ "" ], "could not update template": [ "" ], "should be one of '%1$s'": [ "" ], "Webhook ID to use": [ "" ], "Event": [ "" ], "The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [ "" ], "Method": [ "" ], "Method used by the webhook": [ "" ], "URL": [ "" ], "URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [ "" ], "Header": [ "" ], "Header template of the webhook": [ "" ], "Body": [ "" ], "Body template by the webhook": [ "" ], "Webhooks": [ "" ], "add new webhooks": [ "" ], "load more webhooks before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer webhooks": [ "" ], "Event type": [ "" ], "delete selected webhook from the database": [ "" ], "load more webhooks after the last one": [ "" ], "load older webhooks": [ "" ], "There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "webhook delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the webhook": [ "" ], "check the id, does not look valid": [ "" ], "should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [ "" ], "URL doesn't have the right format": [ "" ], "Credited bank account": [ "" ], "Select one account": [ "" ], "Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [ "" ], "Wire transfer ID": [ "" ], "unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [ "" ], "Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [ "" ], "Amount credited": [ "" ], "Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [ "" ], "could not inform transfer": [ "" ], "Transfers": [ "" ], "add new transfer": [ "" ], "load more transfers before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer transfers": [ "" ], "Credit": [ "" ], "Confirmed": [ "" ], "Verified": [ "" ], "Executed at": [ "" ], "yes": [ "" ], "no": [ "" ], "unknown": [ "" ], "delete selected transfer from the database": [ "" ], "load more transfer after the last one": [ "" ], "load older transfers": [ "" ], "There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "filter by account address": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [ "" ], "Unverified": [ "" ], "is not valid": [ "" ], "is not a number": [ "" ], "must be 1 or greater": [ "" ], "max 7 lines": [ "" ], "change authorization configuration": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [ "" ], "This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [ "" ], "This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN country code not found": [ "" ], "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [ "" ], "Target type": [ "" ], "Method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Routing": [ "" ], "Routing number.": [ "" ], "Account": [ "" ], "Account number.": [ "" ], "Business Identifier Code.": [ "" ], "Bank Account Number.": [ "" ], "Unified Payment Interface.": [ "" ], "Bitcoin protocol.": [ "" ], "Ethereum protocol.": [ "" ], "Interledger protocol.": [ "" ], "Host": [ "" ], "Bank host.": [ "" ], "Bank account.": [ "" ], "Bank account owner's name.": [ "" ], "No accounts yet.": [ "" ], "Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [ "" ], "Business name": [ "" ], "Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [ "" ], "Email": [ "" ], "Contact email": [ "" ], "Website URL": [ "" ], "URL.": [ "" ], "Logo": [ "" ], "Logo image.": [ "" ], "Bank account": [ "" ], "URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [ "" ], "Default max deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [ "" ], "Default max wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [ "" ], "Physical location of the merchant.": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [ "" ], "Default payment delay": [ "" ], "Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire transfer delay": [ "" ], "Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [ "" ], "Instance id": [ "" ], "Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [ "" ], "Manage access token": [ "" ], "Failed to create instance": [ "" ], "Login required": [ "" ], "Please enter your access token.": [ "" ], "Access Token": [ "" ], "The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [ "" ], 'Diagnostic from %1$s is "%2$s"': [ "" ], "The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [ "" ], "Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [ "" ], "Access denied": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid.": [ "" ], "No 'default' instance configured yet.": [ "" ], "Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid": [ "" ], "Hide for today": [ "" ], "Instance": [ "" ], "Settings": [ "" ], "Connection": [ "" ], "New": [ "" ], "List": [ "" ], "Log out": [ "" ], "Check your token is valid": [ "" ], "Couldn't access the server.": [ "" ], "Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [ "" ], "Server not found": [ "" ], "Server response with an error code": [ "" ], "Got message %1$s from %2$s": [ "" ], "Response from server is unreadable, http status: %1$s": [ "" ], "Unexpected Error": [ "" ], "The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [ "" ], "add element to the list": [ "" ], "add": [ "" ], "Deleting": [ "" ], "Changing": [ "" ], "Order ID": [ "" ], "Payment URL": [ "" ] } } }; strings["es"] = { "domain": "messages", "locale_data": { "messages": { "": { "domain": "messages", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;", "lang": "es" }, "Cancel": [ "Cancelar" ], "%1$s": [ "%1$s" ], "Close": [ "" ], "Continue": [ "Continuar" ], "Clear": [ "Limpiar" ], "Confirm": [ "Confirmar" ], "is not the same as the current access token": [ "no es el mismo que el token de acceso actual" ], "cannot be empty": [ "no puede ser vac\xEDo" ], "cannot be the same as the old token": [ "no puede ser igual al viejo token" ], "is not the same": [ "no son iguales" ], "You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [ "Est\xE1 actualizando el token de acceso para la instancia con id %1$s" ], "Old access token": [ "Viejo token de acceso" ], "access token currently in use": [ "acceder al token en uso actualmente" ], "New access token": [ "Nuevo token de acceso" ], "next access token to be used": [ "siguiente token de acceso a usar" ], "Repeat access token": [ "Repetir token de acceso" ], "confirm the same access token": [ "confirmar el mismo token de acceso" ], "Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [ "Limpiar el token de acceso significa acceso p\xFAblico a la instancia" ], "cannot be the same as the old access token": [ "no puede ser igual al anterior token de acceso" ], "You are setting the access token for the new instance": [ "Est\xE1 estableciendo el token de acceso para la nueva instancia" ], "With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [ "Con el m\xE9todo de autorizaci\xF3n externa no se har\xE1 ninguna revisi\xF3n por el backend del comerciante" ], "Set external authorization": [ "Establecer autorizaci\xF3n externa" ], "Set access token": [ "Establecer token de acceso" ], "Operation in progress...": [ "Operaci\xF3n en progreso..." ], "The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [ "La operaci\xF3n ser\xE1 autom\xE1ticamente cancelada luego de %1$s segundos" ], "Instances": [ "Instancias" ], "Delete": [ "Eliminar" ], "add new instance": [ "agregar nueva instancia" ], "ID": [ "ID" ], "Name": [ "Nombre" ], "Edit": [ "Editar" ], "Purge": [ "Purgar" ], "There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "Todav\xEDa no hay instancias, agregue m\xE1s presionando el signo +" ], "Only show active instances": [ "Solo mostrar instancias activas" ], "Active": [ "Activo" ], "Only show deleted instances": [ "Mostrar solo instancias eliminadas" ], "Deleted": [ "Eliminado" ], "Show all instances": [ "Mostrar todas las instancias" ], "All": [ "Todo" ], 'Instance "%1$s" (ID: %2$s) has been deleted': [ "La instancia '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) fue eliminada" ], "Failed to delete instance": [ "Fallo al eliminar instancia" ], "Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [ "Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) ha sido deshabilitada" ], "Failed to purge instance": [ "Fallo al purgar la instancia" ], "Pending KYC verification": [ "Verificaci\xF3n KYC pendiente" ], "Timed out": [ "Expirado" ], "Exchange": [ "Exchange" ], "Target account": [ "Cuenta objetivo" ], "KYC URL": [ "URL de KYC" ], "Code": [ "C\xF3digo" ], "Http Status": [ "Estado http" ], "No pending kyc verification!": [ "\xA1No hay verificaci\xF3n kyc pendiente!" ], "change value to unknown date": [ "cambiar valor a fecha desconocida" ], "change value to empty": [ "cambiar valor a vac\xEDo" ], "clear": [ "limpiar" ], "change value to never": [ "cambiar valor a nunca" ], "never": [ "nunca" ], "Country": [ "Pa\xEDs" ], "Address": [ "Direcci\xF3n" ], "Building number": [ "N\xFAmero de edificio" ], "Building name": [ "Nombre de edificio" ], "Street": [ "Calle" ], "Post code": [ "C\xF3digo postal" ], "Town location": [ "Ubicaci\xF3n de ciudad" ], "Town": [ "Ciudad" ], "District": [ "Distrito" ], "Country subdivision": [ "Subdivisi\xF3n de pa\xEDs" ], "Product id": [ "Id de producto" ], "Description": [ "Descripcion" ], "Product": [ "Productos" ], "search products by it's description or id": [ "buscar productos por su descripci\xF3n o ID" ], "no products found with that description": [ "no se encontraron productos con esa descripci\xF3n" ], "You must enter a valid product identifier.": [ "Debe ingresar un identificador de producto v\xE1lido." ], "Quantity must be greater than 0!": [ "\xA1Cantidad debe ser mayor que 0!" ], "This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [ "Esta cantidad excede las existencias restantes. Actualmente, solo quedan %1$s unidades sin reservar en las existencias." ], "Quantity": [ "Cantidad" ], "how many products will be added": [ "cu\xE1ntos productos ser\xE1n agregados" ], "Add from inventory": [ "Agregar del inventario" ], "Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [ "La imagen debe ser mas chica que 1 MB" ], "Add": [ "Agregar" ], "Remove": [ "Eliminar" ], "No taxes configured for this product.": [ "Ningun impuesto configurado para este producto." ], "Amount": [ "Monto" ], "Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [ "Impuestos pueden estar en divisas que difieren de la principal divisa usada por el comerciante." ], "Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [ "Ingrese divisa y valor separado por dos puntos, e.g. "USD:2.3"." ], "Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [ "Nombre legal del impuesto, e.g. IVA o arancel." ], "add tax to the tax list": [ "agregar impuesto a la lista de impuestos" ], "describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [ "describa y agregue un producto que no est\xE1 en la lista de inventarios" ], "Add custom product": [ "Agregue un producto personalizado" ], "Complete information of the product": [ "Complete informaci\xF3n del producto" ], "Image": [ "Imagen" ], "photo of the product": [ "foto del producto" ], "full product description": [ "descripci\xF3n completa del producto" ], "Unit": [ "Unidad" ], "name of the product unit": [ "nombre de la unidad del producto" ], "Price": [ "Precio" ], "amount in the current currency": [ "monto de la divisa actual" ], "Taxes": [ "Impuestos" ], "image": [ "imagen" ], "description": [ "descripci\xF3n" ], "quantity": [ "cantidad" ], "unit price": [ "precio unitario" ], "total price": [ "precio total" ], "required": [ "requerido" ], "not valid": [ "no es un json v\xE1lido" ], "must be greater than 0": [ "debe ser mayor que 0" ], "not a valid json": [ "no es un json v\xE1lido" ], "should be in the future": [ "deber\xEDan ser en el futuro" ], "refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "plazo de reembolso no puede ser antes que el plazo de pago" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [ "el plazo de la transferencia bancaria no puede ser antes que el plazo de reembolso" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "el plazo de la transferencia bancaria no puede ser antes que el plazo de pago" ], "should have a refund deadline": [ "deber\xEDa tener un plazo de reembolso" ], "auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [ "reembolso autom\xE1tico no puede ser despu\xE9s qu el plazo de reembolso" ], "Manage products in order": [ "Manejar productos en orden" ], "Manage list of products in the order.": [ "Manejar lista de productos en la orden." ], "Remove this product from the order.": [ "Remover este producto de la orden." ], "Total price": [ "Precio total" ], "total product price added up": [ "precio total de producto agregado" ], "Amount to be paid by the customer": [ "Monto a ser pagado por el cliente" ], "Order price": [ "Precio de la orden" ], "final order price": [ "Precio final de la orden" ], "Summary": [ "Resumen" ], "Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [ "T\xEDtulo de la orden a ser mostrado al cliente" ], "Shipping and Fulfillment": [ "Env\xEDo y cumplimiento" ], "Delivery date": [ "Fecha de entrega" ], "Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [ "Plazo para la entrega f\xEDsica asegurado por el comerciante." ], "Location": [ "Ubicaci\xF3n" ], "address where the products will be delivered": [ "direcci\xF3n a donde los productos ser\xE1n entregados" ], "Fulfillment URL": [ "URL de cumplimiento" ], "URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [ "URL al cual el usuario ser\xE1 redirigido luego de pago exitoso." ], "Taler payment options": [ "Opciones de pago de Taler" ], "Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [ "Sobreescribir pagos por omisi\xF3n de Taler para esta orden" ], "Payment deadline": [ "Plazo de pago" ], "Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [ "Plazo l\xEDmite para que el cliente pague por la oferta antes de que expire. Productos del inventario ser\xE1n reservados hasta este plazo l\xEDmite." ], "Refund deadline": [ "Plazo de reembolso" ], "Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [ "Tiempo hasta el cual la orden puede ser reembolsada por el comerciante." ], "Wire transfer deadline": [ "Plazo de la transferencia" ], "Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [ "Plazo para que el exchange haga la transferencia." ], "Auto-refund deadline": [ "Plazo de reembolso autom\xE1tico" ], "Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [ "Tiempo hasta el cual la billetera ser\xE1 autom\xE1ticamente revisada por reembolsos win interaci\xF3n por parte del usuario." ], "Maximum deposit fee": [ "M\xE1xima tarifa de dep\xF3sito" ], "Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [ "M\xE1xima tarifa de dep\xF3sito que el comerciante esta dispuesto a cubir para esta orden. Mayores tarifas de dep\xF3sito deben ser cubiertas completamente por el consumidor." ], "Maximum wire fee": [ "M\xE1xima tarifa de transferencia" ], "Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [ "" ], "Wire fee amortization": [ "Amortizaci\xF3n de comisi\xF3n de transferencia" ], "Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Create token": [ "Administrar token" ], "Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [ "" ], "Minimum age required": [ "Login necesario" ], "Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [ "" ], "Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [ "" ], "Additional information": [ "Informaci\xF3n extra" ], "Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [ "" ], "You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [ "" ], "days": [ "d\xEDas" ], "hours": [ "horas" ], "minutes": [ "minutos" ], "seconds": [ "segundos" ], "forever": [ "nunca" ], "%1$sM": [ "" ], "%1$sY": [ "" ], "%1$sd": [ "" ], "%1$sh": [ "" ], "%1$smin": [ "" ], "%1$ssec": [ "" ], "Orders": [ "\xD3rdenes" ], "create order": [ "creado" ], "load newer orders": [ "cargar nuevas ordenes" ], "Date": [ "Fecha" ], "Refund": [ "Devoluci\xF3n" ], "copy url": [ "copiar url" ], "load older orders": [ "cargar viejas ordenes" ], "No orders have been found matching your query!": [ "\xA1No se encontraron \xF3rdenes que emparejen su b\xFAsqueda!" ], "duplicated": [ "duplicado" ], "invalid format": [ "formato inv\xE1lido" ], "this value exceed the refundable amount": [ "este monto excede el monto reembolsable" ], "date": [ "fecha" ], "amount": [ "monto" ], "reason": [ "raz\xF3n" ], "amount to be refunded": [ "monto a ser reembolsado" ], "Max refundable:": [ "M\xE1ximo reembolzable:" ], "Reason": [ "Raz\xF3n" ], "Choose one...": [ "Elija uno..." ], "requested by the customer": [ "pedido por el consumidor" ], "other": [ "otro" ], "why this order is being refunded": [ "por qu\xE9 esta orden est\xE1 siendo reembolsada" ], "more information to give context": [ "m\xE1s informaci\xF3n para dar contexto" ], "Contract Terms": [ "T\xE9rminos de contrato" ], "human-readable description of the whole purchase": [ "descripci\xF3n legible de toda la compra" ], "total price for the transaction": [ "precio total de la transacci\xF3n" ], "URL for this purchase": [ "URL para esta compra" ], "Max fee": [ "M\xE1xima comisi\xF3n" ], "maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [ "" ], "Max wire fee": [ "Impuesto de transferencia m\xE1ximo" ], "maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [ "" ], "over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [ "" ], "Created at": [ "Creado en" ], "time when this contract was generated": [ "" ], "after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [ "" ], "after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [ "" ], "transfer deadline for the exchange": [ "" ], "time indicating when the order should be delivered": [ "" ], "where the order will be delivered": [ "" ], "Auto-refund delay": [ "Plazo de reembolso autom\xE1tico" ], "how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [ "" ], "Extra info": [ "Informaci\xF3n extra" ], "extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [ "" ], "Order": [ "Orden" ], "claimed": [ "reclamado" ], "claimed at": [ "reclamado" ], "Timeline": [ "Cronolog\xEDa" ], "Payment details": [ "Detalles de pago" ], "Order status": [ "Estado de orden" ], "Product list": [ "Lista de producto" ], "paid": [ "pagados" ], "wired": [ "transferido" ], "refunded": [ "reembolzado" ], "refund order": [ "reembolzado" ], "not refundable": [ "M\xE1ximo reembolzable:" ], "refund": [ "reembolzar" ], "Refunded amount": [ "Monto reembolzado" ], "Refund taken": [ "Reembolzado" ], "Status URL": [ "URL de estado de orden" ], "Refund URI": [ "Devoluci\xF3n" ], "unpaid": [ "impago" ], "pay at": [ "pagar en" ], "created at": [ "creado" ], "Order status URL": [ "URL de estado de orden" ], "Payment URI": [ "URI de pago" ], "Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [ "Estado de orden desconocido. Esto es un error, por favor contacte a su administrador." ], "Back": [ "" ], "refund created successfully": [ "reembolzo creado satisfactoriamente" ], "could not create the refund": [ "No se pudo create el reembolso" ], "select date to show nearby orders": [ "" ], "order id": [ "ir a id de orden" ], "jump to order with the given order ID": [ "" ], "remove all filters": [ "" ], "only show paid orders": [ "" ], "Paid": [ "Pagado" ], "only show orders with refunds": [ "No se pudo create el reembolso" ], "Refunded": [ "Reembolzado" ], "only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [ "" ], "Not wired": [ "No transferido" ], "clear date filter": [ "" ], "date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [ "" ], "Enter an order id": [ "ir a id de orden" ], "order not found": [ "Servidor no encontrado" ], "could not get the order to refund": [ "No se pudo create el reembolso" ], "Loading...": [ "Cargando..." ], "click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [ "" ], "Manage stock": [ "Administrar stock" ], "this product has been configured without stock control": [ "" ], "Infinite": [ "Inifinito" ], "lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [ "la p\xE9rdida no puede ser mayor al stock actual + entrante (max %1$s )" ], "Incoming": [ "Ingresando" ], "Lost": [ "Perdido" ], "Current": [ "Actual" ], "remove stock control for this product": [ "" ], "without stock": [ "sin stock" ], "Next restock": [ "Pr\xF3ximo reabastecimiento" ], "Delivery address": [ "Direcci\xF3n de entrega" ], "product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "illustration of the product for customers": [ "" ], "product description for customers": [ "" ], "Age restricted": [ "" ], "is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [ "" ], "unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [ "" ], "sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [ "" ], "Stock": [ "Existencias" ], "product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields": [ "" ], "could not create product": [ "no se pudo crear el producto" ], "Products": [ "Productos" ], "add product to inventory": [ "" ], "Sell": [ "Venta" ], "Profit": [ "Ganancia" ], "Sold": [ "Vendido" ], "free": [ "Gratis" ], "go to product update page": [ "producto actualizado correctamente" ], "Update": [ "Actualizar" ], "remove this product from the database": [ "" ], "update the product with new price": [ "" ], "update product with new price": [ "" ], "add more elements to the inventory": [ "" ], "report elements lost in the inventory": [ "" ], "new price for the product": [ "no se pudo actualizar el producto" ], "the are value with errors": [ "" ], "update product with new stock and price": [ "" ], "There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "No hay propinas todav\xEDa, agregar mas presionando el signo +" ], "product updated successfully": [ "producto actualizado correctamente" ], "could not update the product": [ "no se pudo actualizar el producto" ], "product delete successfully": [ "producto fue eliminado correctamente" ], "could not delete the product": [ "no se pudo eliminar el producto" ], "Product id:": [ "Id de producto" ], "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [ "" ], "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [ "" ], "it should be greater than 0": [ "Debe ser mayor a 0" ], "must be a valid URL": [ "" ], "Initial balance": [ "Instancia" ], "balance prior to deposit": [ "" ], "Exchange URL": [ "URL del Exchange" ], "URL of exchange": [ "" ], "Next": [ "Siguiente" ], "Wire method": [ "" ], "method to use for wire transfer": [ "no se pudo informar la transferencia" ], "Select one wire method": [ "" ], "could not create reserve": [ "No se pudo create el reembolso" ], "Valid until": [ "V\xE1lido hasta" ], "Created balance": [ "creado" ], "Exchange balance": [ "Monto inicial" ], "Picked up": [ "" ], "Committed": [ "Monto confirmado" ], "Account address": [ "Direcci\xF3n de cuenta" ], "Subject": [ "Asunto" ], "Tips": [ "Propinas" ], "No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [ "" ], "Authorized": [ "Token de autorizaci\xF3n" ], "Expiration": [ "Informaci\xF3n extra" ], "amount of tip": [ "monto" ], "Justification": [ "Jurisdicci\xF3n" ], "reason for the tip": [ "" ], "URL after tip": [ "" ], "URL to visit after tip payment": [ "" ], "Reserves not yet funded": [ "Servidor no encontrado" ], "Reserves ready": [ "" ], "add new reserve": [ "cargar nuevas transferencias" ], "Expires at": [ "" ], "Initial": [ "" ], "delete selected reserve from the database": [ "" ], "authorize new tip from selected reserve": [ "" ], "There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [ "No hay transferencias todav\xEDa, agregar mas presionando el signo +" ], "Expected Balance": [ "Ejecutado en" ], "could not create the tip": [ "No se pudo create el reembolso" ], "should not be empty": [ "no puede ser vac\xEDo" ], "should be greater that 0": [ "Debe ser mayor a 0" ], "can't be empty": [ "no puede ser vac\xEDo" ], "to short": [ "" ], "just letters and numbers from 2 to 7": [ "" ], "size of the key should be 32": [ "" ], "Identifier": [ "" ], "Name of the template in URLs.": [ "" ], "Describe what this template stands for": [ "" ], "Fixed summary": [ "Estado de orden" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same summary": [ "" ], "Fixed price": [ "precio unitario" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same price": [ "" ], "Minimum age": [ "Edad m\xEDnima" ], "Is this contract restricted to some age?": [ "" ], "Payment timeout": [ "Opciones de pago" ], "How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [ "" ], "Verification algorithm": [ "" ], "Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode": [ "" ], "Point-of-sale key": [ "" ], "Useful to validate the purchase": [ "" ], "generate random secret key": [ "" ], "random": [ "" ], "show secret key": [ "" ], "hide secret key": [ "" ], "hide": [ "" ], "show": [ "" ], "could not inform template": [ "no se pudo informar la transferencia" ], "Amount is required": [ "Login necesario" ], "Order summary is required": [ "" ], "New order for template": [ "cargar viejas transferencias" ], "Amount of the order": [ "" ], "Order summary": [ "Estado de orden" ], "could not create order from template": [ "No se pudo create el reembolso" ], "Here you can specify a default value for fields that are not fixed. Default values can be edited by the customer before the payment.": [ "" ], "Fixed amount": [ "Monto reembolzado" ], "Default amount": [ "Monto reembolzado" ], "Default summary": [ "Estado de orden" ], "Print": [ "" ], "Setup TOTP": [ "" ], "Templates": [ "" ], "add new templates": [ "" ], "load more templates before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer templates": [ "cargar nuevas transferencias" ], "delete selected templates from the database": [ "" ], "use template to create new order": [ "" ], "create qr code for the template": [ "No se pudo create el reembolso" ], "load more templates after the last one": [ "" ], "load older templates": [ "cargar viejas transferencias" ], "There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "No hay propinas todav\xEDa, agregar mas presionando el signo +" ], "template delete successfully": [ "producto fue eliminado correctamente" ], "could not delete the template": [ "no se pudo eliminar el producto" ], "could not update template": [ "no se pudo actualizar el producto" ], "should be one of '%1$s'": [ "deber\xEDan ser iguales" ], "Webhook ID to use": [ "" ], "Event": [ "" ], "The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [ "" ], "Method": [ "" ], "Method used by the webhook": [ "" ], "URL": [ "URL" ], "URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [ "" ], "Header": [ "" ], "Header template of the webhook": [ "" ], "Body": [ "" ], "Body template by the webhook": [ "" ], "Webhooks": [ "" ], "add new webhooks": [ "" ], "load more webhooks before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer webhooks": [ "cargar nuevas ordenes" ], "Event type": [ "" ], "delete selected webhook from the database": [ "" ], "load more webhooks after the last one": [ "" ], "load older webhooks": [ "cargar viejas ordenes" ], "There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "No hay propinas todav\xEDa, agregar mas presionando el signo +" ], "webhook delete successfully": [ "producto fue eliminado correctamente" ], "could not delete the webhook": [ "no se pudo eliminar el producto" ], "check the id, does not look valid": [ "verificar el id, no parece v\xE1lido" ], "should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [ "deber\xEDa tener 52 caracteres, actualmente %1$s" ], "URL doesn't have the right format": [ "La URL no tiene el formato correcto" ], "Credited bank account": [ "" ], "Select one account": [ "" ], "Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [ "" ], "Wire transfer ID": [ "Id de transferencia" ], "unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [ "" ], "Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [ "" ], "Amount credited": [ "" ], "Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [ "" ], "could not inform transfer": [ "no se pudo informar la transferencia" ], "Transfers": [ "Transferencias" ], "add new transfer": [ "cargar nuevas transferencias" ], "load more transfers before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer transfers": [ "cargar nuevas transferencias" ], "Credit": [ "Cr\xE9dito" ], "Confirmed": [ "Confirmado" ], "Verified": [ "Verificado" ], "Executed at": [ "Ejecutado en" ], "yes": [ "si" ], "no": [ "no" ], "unknown": [ "desconocido" ], "delete selected transfer from the database": [ "eliminar transferencia seleccionada de la base de datos" ], "load more transfer after the last one": [ "cargue m\xE1s transferencia luego de la \xFAltima" ], "load older transfers": [ "cargar viejas transferencias" ], "There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "No hay transferencias todav\xEDa, agregar mas presionando el signo +" ], "filter by account address": [ "Direcci\xF3n de cuenta" ], "only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [ "" ], "Unverified": [ "Verificado" ], "is not valid": [ "" ], "is not a number": [ "N\xFAmero de edificio" ], "must be 1 or greater": [ "debe ser 1 o mayor" ], "max 7 lines": [ "m\xE1ximo 7 l\xEDneas" ], "change authorization configuration": [ "cambiar configuraci\xF3n de autorizaci\xF3n" ], "Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [ "Necesita completar campos marcados y escoger un m\xE9todo de autorizaci\xF3n" ], "This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [ "Esta no es una direcci\xF3n de bitcoin v\xE1lida." ], "This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [ "Esta no es una direcci\xF3n de Ethereum v\xE1lida." ], "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [ "N\xFAmeros IBAN usualmente tienen m\xE1s de 4 d\xEDgitos" ], "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [ "N\xFAmero IBAN usualmente tienen menos de 34 d\xEDgitos" ], "IBAN country code not found": [ "C\xF3digo IBAN de pa\xEDs no encontrado" ], "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [ "N\xFAmero IBAN no es v\xE1lido, la suma de verificaci\xF3n es incorrecta" ], "Target type": [ "Tipo objetivo" ], "Method to use for wire transfer": [ "M\xE9todo a usar para la transferencia" ], "Routing": [ "Enrutamiento" ], "Routing number.": [ "N\xFAmero de enrutamiento." ], "Account": [ "Cuenta" ], "Account number.": [ "Direcci\xF3n de cuenta" ], "Business Identifier Code.": [ "" ], "Bank Account Number.": [ "" ], "Unified Payment Interface.": [ "Interfaz de pago unificado." ], "Bitcoin protocol.": [ "" ], "Ethereum protocol.": [ "" ], "Interledger protocol.": [ "" ], "Host": [ "" ], "Bank host.": [ "" ], "Bank account.": [ "" ], "Bank account owner's name.": [ "" ], "No accounts yet.": [ "" ], "Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [ "" ], "Business name": [ "Nombre de edificio" ], "Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [ "" ], "Email": [ "" ], "Contact email": [ "" ], "Website URL": [ "URL de sitio web" ], "URL.": [ "" ], "Logo": [ "" ], "Logo image.": [ "" ], "Bank account": [ "Cuenta bancaria" ], "URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [ "" ], "Default max deposit fee": [ "Impuesto m\xE1ximo de deposito por omisi\xF3n" ], "Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [ "" ], "Default max wire fee": [ "Impuesto m\xE1ximo de transferencia por omisi\xF3n" ], "Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire fee amortization": [ "Amortizaci\xF3n de impuesto de transferencia por omisi\xF3n" ], "Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [ "" ], "Physical location of the merchant.": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction": [ "Jurisdicci\xF3n" ], "Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [ "Jurisdicci\xF3n para disputas legales con el comerciante." ], "Default payment delay": [ "Retrazo de pago por omisi\xF3n" ], "Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire transfer delay": [ "Retrazo de transferencia por omisi\xF3n" ], "Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [ "" ], "Instance id": [ "ID de instancia" ], "Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [ "Limpiar el token de autorizaci\xF3n significa acceso p\xFAblico a la instancia" ], "Manage access token": [ "Administrar token de acceso" ], "Failed to create instance": [ "Fallo al crear la instancia" ], "Login required": [ "Login necesario" ], "Please enter your access token.": [ "" ], "Access Token": [ "Acceso denegado" ], "The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [ "" ], 'Diagnostic from %1$s is "%2$s"': [ "" ], "The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [ "Servidir reporto un problema: HTTP status #%1$s" ], "Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [ "" ], "Access denied": [ "Acceso denegado" ], "The access token provided is invalid.": [ "" ], "No 'default' instance configured yet.": [ "Sin instancia default" ], "Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid": [ "" ], "Hide for today": [ "" ], "Instance": [ "Instancia" ], "Settings": [ "Configuraci\xF3n" ], "Connection": [ "Conexi\xF3n" ], "New": [ "Nuevo" ], "List": [ "Lista" ], "Log out": [ "Salir" ], "Check your token is valid": [ "Verifica que el token sea valido" ], "Couldn't access the server.": [ "No se pudo acceder al servidor." ], "Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [ "No se pudo inferir el id de la instancia con la url %1$s" ], "Server not found": [ "Servidor no encontrado" ], "Server response with an error code": [ "" ], "Got message %1$s from %2$s": [ "Recibimos el mensaje %1$s desde %2$s" ], "Response from server is unreadable, http status: %1$s": [ "" ], "Unexpected Error": [ "Error inesperado" ], "The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [ "El valor %1$s es invalido para una URL de pago" ], "add element to the list": [ "agregar elemento a la lista" ], "add": [ "Agregar" ], "Deleting": [ "Borrando" ], "Changing": [ "Cambiando" ], "Order ID": [ "ID de pedido" ], "Payment URL": [ "URL de pago" ] } } }; strings["fr"] = { "domain": "messages", "locale_data": { "messages": { "": { "domain": "messages", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", "lang": "" }, "Cancel": [ "" ], "%1$s": [ "" ], "Close": [ "" ], "Continue": [ "" ], "Clear": [ "" ], "Confirm": [ "" ], "is not the same as the current access token": [ "" ], "cannot be empty": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old token": [ "" ], "is not the same": [ "" ], "You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [ "" ], "Old access token": [ "" ], "access token currently in use": [ "" ], "New access token": [ "" ], "next access token to be used": [ "" ], "Repeat access token": [ "" ], "confirm the same access token": [ "" ], "Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old access token": [ "" ], "You are setting the access token for the new instance": [ "" ], "With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [ "" ], "Set external authorization": [ "" ], "Set access token": [ "" ], "Operation in progress...": [ "" ], "The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [ "" ], "Instances": [ "" ], "Delete": [ "" ], "add new instance": [ "" ], "ID": [ "" ], "Name": [ "" ], "Edit": [ "" ], "Purge": [ "" ], "There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "Only show active instances": [ "" ], "Active": [ "" ], "Only show deleted instances": [ "" ], "Deleted": [ "" ], "Show all instances": [ "" ], "All": [ "" ], 'Instance "%1$s" (ID: %2$s) has been deleted': [ "" ], "Failed to delete instance": [ "" ], "Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [ "" ], "Failed to purge instance": [ "" ], "Pending KYC verification": [ "" ], "Timed out": [ "" ], "Exchange": [ "" ], "Target account": [ "" ], "KYC URL": [ "" ], "Code": [ "" ], "Http Status": [ "" ], "No pending kyc verification!": [ "" ], "change value to unknown date": [ "" ], "change value to empty": [ "" ], "clear": [ "" ], "change value to never": [ "" ], "never": [ "" ], "Country": [ "" ], "Address": [ "" ], "Building number": [ "" ], "Building name": [ "" ], "Street": [ "" ], "Post code": [ "" ], "Town location": [ "" ], "Town": [ "" ], "District": [ "" ], "Country subdivision": [ "" ], "Product id": [ "" ], "Description": [ "" ], "Product": [ "" ], "search products by it's description or id": [ "" ], "no products found with that description": [ "" ], "You must enter a valid product identifier.": [ "" ], "Quantity must be greater than 0!": [ "" ], "This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [ "" ], "Quantity": [ "" ], "how many products will be added": [ "" ], "Add from inventory": [ "" ], "Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [ "" ], "Add": [ "" ], "Remove": [ "" ], "No taxes configured for this product.": [ "" ], "Amount": [ "" ], "Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [ "" ], "Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [ "" ], "add tax to the tax list": [ "" ], "describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [ "" ], "Add custom product": [ "" ], "Complete information of the product": [ "" ], "Image": [ "" ], "photo of the product": [ "" ], "full product description": [ "" ], "Unit": [ "" ], "name of the product unit": [ "" ], "Price": [ "" ], "amount in the current currency": [ "" ], "Taxes": [ "" ], "image": [ "" ], "description": [ "" ], "quantity": [ "" ], "unit price": [ "" ], "total price": [ "" ], "required": [ "" ], "not valid": [ "" ], "must be greater than 0": [ "" ], "not a valid json": [ "" ], "should be in the future": [ "" ], "refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "should have a refund deadline": [ "" ], "auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [ "" ], "Manage products in order": [ "" ], "Manage list of products in the order.": [ "" ], "Remove this product from the order.": [ "" ], "Total price": [ "" ], "total product price added up": [ "" ], "Amount to be paid by the customer": [ "" ], "Order price": [ "" ], "final order price": [ "" ], "Summary": [ "" ], "Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [ "" ], "Shipping and Fulfillment": [ "" ], "Delivery date": [ "" ], "Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Location": [ "" ], "address where the products will be delivered": [ "" ], "Fulfillment URL": [ "" ], "URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [ "" ], "Taler payment options": [ "" ], "Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [ "" ], "Payment deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [ "" ], "Refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Wire transfer deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [ "" ], "Auto-refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [ "" ], "Wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Create token": [ "" ], "Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [ "" ], "Minimum age required": [ "" ], "Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [ "" ], "Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [ "" ], "Additional information": [ "" ], "Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [ "" ], "You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [ "" ], "days": [ "" ], "hours": [ "" ], "minutes": [ "" ], "seconds": [ "" ], "forever": [ "" ], "%1$sM": [ "" ], "%1$sY": [ "" ], "%1$sd": [ "" ], "%1$sh": [ "" ], "%1$smin": [ "" ], "%1$ssec": [ "" ], "Orders": [ "" ], "create order": [ "" ], "load newer orders": [ "" ], "Date": [ "" ], "Refund": [ "" ], "copy url": [ "" ], "load older orders": [ "" ], "No orders have been found matching your query!": [ "" ], "duplicated": [ "" ], "invalid format": [ "" ], "this value exceed the refundable amount": [ "" ], "date": [ "" ], "amount": [ "" ], "reason": [ "" ], "amount to be refunded": [ "" ], "Max refundable:": [ "" ], "Reason": [ "" ], "Choose one...": [ "" ], "requested by the customer": [ "" ], "other": [ "" ], "why this order is being refunded": [ "" ], "more information to give context": [ "" ], "Contract Terms": [ "" ], "human-readable description of the whole purchase": [ "" ], "total price for the transaction": [ "" ], "URL for this purchase": [ "" ], "Max fee": [ "" ], "maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [ "" ], "Max wire fee": [ "" ], "maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [ "" ], "over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [ "" ], "Created at": [ "" ], "time when this contract was generated": [ "" ], "after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [ "" ], "after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [ "" ], "transfer deadline for the exchange": [ "" ], "time indicating when the order should be delivered": [ "" ], "where the order will be delivered": [ "" ], "Auto-refund delay": [ "" ], "how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [ "" ], "Extra info": [ "" ], "extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [ "" ], "Order": [ "" ], "claimed": [ "" ], "claimed at": [ "" ], "Timeline": [ "" ], "Payment details": [ "" ], "Order status": [ "" ], "Product list": [ "" ], "paid": [ "" ], "wired": [ "" ], "refunded": [ "" ], "refund order": [ "" ], "not refundable": [ "" ], "refund": [ "" ], "Refunded amount": [ "" ], "Refund taken": [ "" ], "Status URL": [ "" ], "Refund URI": [ "" ], "unpaid": [ "" ], "pay at": [ "" ], "created at": [ "" ], "Order status URL": [ "" ], "Payment URI": [ "" ], "Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [ "" ], "Back": [ "" ], "refund created successfully": [ "" ], "could not create the refund": [ "" ], "select date to show nearby orders": [ "" ], "order id": [ "" ], "jump to order with the given order ID": [ "" ], "remove all filters": [ "" ], "only show paid orders": [ "" ], "Paid": [ "" ], "only show orders with refunds": [ "" ], "Refunded": [ "" ], "only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [ "" ], "Not wired": [ "" ], "clear date filter": [ "" ], "date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [ "" ], "Enter an order id": [ "" ], "order not found": [ "" ], "could not get the order to refund": [ "" ], "Loading...": [ "" ], "click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [ "" ], "Manage stock": [ "" ], "this product has been configured without stock control": [ "" ], "Infinite": [ "" ], "lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [ "" ], "Incoming": [ "" ], "Lost": [ "" ], "Current": [ "" ], "remove stock control for this product": [ "" ], "without stock": [ "" ], "Next restock": [ "" ], "Delivery address": [ "" ], "product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "illustration of the product for customers": [ "" ], "product description for customers": [ "" ], "Age restricted": [ "" ], "is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [ "" ], "unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [ "" ], "sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [ "" ], "Stock": [ "" ], "product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields": [ "" ], "could not create product": [ "" ], "Products": [ "" ], "add product to inventory": [ "" ], "Sell": [ "" ], "Profit": [ "" ], "Sold": [ "" ], "free": [ "" ], "go to product update page": [ "" ], "Update": [ "" ], "remove this product from the database": [ "" ], "update the product with new price": [ "" ], "update product with new price": [ "" ], "add more elements to the inventory": [ "" ], "report elements lost in the inventory": [ "" ], "new price for the product": [ "" ], "the are value with errors": [ "" ], "update product with new stock and price": [ "" ], "There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "product updated successfully": [ "" ], "could not update the product": [ "" ], "product delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the product": [ "" ], "Product id:": [ "" ], "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [ "" ], "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [ "" ], "it should be greater than 0": [ "" ], "must be a valid URL": [ "" ], "Initial balance": [ "" ], "balance prior to deposit": [ "" ], "Exchange URL": [ "" ], "URL of exchange": [ "" ], "Next": [ "" ], "Wire method": [ "" ], "method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Select one wire method": [ "" ], "could not create reserve": [ "" ], "Valid until": [ "" ], "Created balance": [ "" ], "Exchange balance": [ "" ], "Picked up": [ "" ], "Committed": [ "" ], "Account address": [ "" ], "Subject": [ "" ], "Tips": [ "" ], "No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [ "" ], "Authorized": [ "" ], "Expiration": [ "" ], "amount of tip": [ "" ], "Justification": [ "" ], "reason for the tip": [ "" ], "URL after tip": [ "" ], "URL to visit after tip payment": [ "" ], "Reserves not yet funded": [ "" ], "Reserves ready": [ "" ], "add new reserve": [ "" ], "Expires at": [ "" ], "Initial": [ "" ], "delete selected reserve from the database": [ "" ], "authorize new tip from selected reserve": [ "" ], "There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [ "" ], "Expected Balance": [ "" ], "could not create the tip": [ "" ], "should not be empty": [ "" ], "should be greater that 0": [ "" ], "can't be empty": [ "" ], "to short": [ "" ], "just letters and numbers from 2 to 7": [ "" ], "size of the key should be 32": [ "" ], "Identifier": [ "" ], "Name of the template in URLs.": [ "" ], "Describe what this template stands for": [ "" ], "Fixed summary": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same summary": [ "" ], "Fixed price": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same price": [ "" ], "Minimum age": [ "" ], "Is this contract restricted to some age?": [ "" ], "Payment timeout": [ "" ], "How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [ "" ], "Verification algorithm": [ "" ], "Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode": [ "" ], "Point-of-sale key": [ "" ], "Useful to validate the purchase": [ "" ], "generate random secret key": [ "" ], "random": [ "" ], "show secret key": [ "" ], "hide secret key": [ "" ], "hide": [ "" ], "show": [ "" ], "could not inform template": [ "" ], "Amount is required": [ "" ], "Order summary is required": [ "" ], "New order for template": [ "" ], "Amount of the order": [ "" ], "Order summary": [ "" ], "could not create order from template": [ "" ], "Here you can specify a default value for fields that are not fixed. Default values can be edited by the customer before the payment.": [ "" ], "Fixed amount": [ "" ], "Default amount": [ "" ], "Default summary": [ "" ], "Print": [ "" ], "Setup TOTP": [ "" ], "Templates": [ "" ], "add new templates": [ "" ], "load more templates before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer templates": [ "" ], "delete selected templates from the database": [ "" ], "use template to create new order": [ "" ], "create qr code for the template": [ "" ], "load more templates after the last one": [ "" ], "load older templates": [ "" ], "There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "template delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the template": [ "" ], "could not update template": [ "" ], "should be one of '%1$s'": [ "" ], "Webhook ID to use": [ "" ], "Event": [ "" ], "The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [ "" ], "Method": [ "" ], "Method used by the webhook": [ "" ], "URL": [ "" ], "URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [ "" ], "Header": [ "" ], "Header template of the webhook": [ "" ], "Body": [ "" ], "Body template by the webhook": [ "" ], "Webhooks": [ "" ], "add new webhooks": [ "" ], "load more webhooks before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer webhooks": [ "" ], "Event type": [ "" ], "delete selected webhook from the database": [ "" ], "load more webhooks after the last one": [ "" ], "load older webhooks": [ "" ], "There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "webhook delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the webhook": [ "" ], "check the id, does not look valid": [ "" ], "should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [ "" ], "URL doesn't have the right format": [ "" ], "Credited bank account": [ "" ], "Select one account": [ "" ], "Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [ "" ], "Wire transfer ID": [ "" ], "unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [ "" ], "Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [ "" ], "Amount credited": [ "" ], "Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [ "" ], "could not inform transfer": [ "" ], "Transfers": [ "" ], "add new transfer": [ "" ], "load more transfers before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer transfers": [ "" ], "Credit": [ "" ], "Confirmed": [ "" ], "Verified": [ "" ], "Executed at": [ "" ], "yes": [ "" ], "no": [ "" ], "unknown": [ "" ], "delete selected transfer from the database": [ "" ], "load more transfer after the last one": [ "" ], "load older transfers": [ "" ], "There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "filter by account address": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [ "" ], "Unverified": [ "" ], "is not valid": [ "" ], "is not a number": [ "" ], "must be 1 or greater": [ "" ], "max 7 lines": [ "" ], "change authorization configuration": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [ "" ], "This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [ "" ], "This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN country code not found": [ "" ], "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [ "" ], "Target type": [ "" ], "Method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Routing": [ "" ], "Routing number.": [ "" ], "Account": [ "" ], "Account number.": [ "" ], "Business Identifier Code.": [ "" ], "Bank Account Number.": [ "" ], "Unified Payment Interface.": [ "" ], "Bitcoin protocol.": [ "" ], "Ethereum protocol.": [ "" ], "Interledger protocol.": [ "" ], "Host": [ "" ], "Bank host.": [ "" ], "Bank account.": [ "" ], "Bank account owner's name.": [ "" ], "No accounts yet.": [ "" ], "Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [ "" ], "Business name": [ "" ], "Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [ "" ], "Email": [ "" ], "Contact email": [ "" ], "Website URL": [ "" ], "URL.": [ "" ], "Logo": [ "" ], "Logo image.": [ "" ], "Bank account": [ "" ], "URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [ "" ], "Default max deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [ "" ], "Default max wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [ "" ], "Physical location of the merchant.": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [ "" ], "Default payment delay": [ "" ], "Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire transfer delay": [ "" ], "Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [ "" ], "Instance id": [ "" ], "Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [ "" ], "Manage access token": [ "" ], "Failed to create instance": [ "" ], "Login required": [ "" ], "Please enter your access token.": [ "" ], "Access Token": [ "" ], "The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [ "" ], 'Diagnostic from %1$s is "%2$s"': [ "" ], "The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [ "" ], "Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [ "" ], "Access denied": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid.": [ "" ], "No 'default' instance configured yet.": [ "" ], "Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid": [ "" ], "Hide for today": [ "" ], "Instance": [ "" ], "Settings": [ "" ], "Connection": [ "" ], "New": [ "" ], "List": [ "" ], "Log out": [ "" ], "Check your token is valid": [ "" ], "Couldn't access the server.": [ "" ], "Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [ "" ], "Server not found": [ "" ], "Server response with an error code": [ "" ], "Got message %1$s from %2$s": [ "" ], "Response from server is unreadable, http status: %1$s": [ "" ], "Unexpected Error": [ "" ], "The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [ "" ], "add element to the list": [ "" ], "add": [ "" ], "Deleting": [ "" ], "Changing": [ "" ], "Order ID": [ "" ], "Payment URL": [ "" ] } } }; strings["it"] = { "domain": "messages", "locale_data": { "messages": { "": { "domain": "messages", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", "lang": "" }, "Cancel": [ "" ], "%1$s": [ "" ], "Close": [ "" ], "Continue": [ "" ], "Clear": [ "" ], "Confirm": [ "" ], "is not the same as the current access token": [ "" ], "cannot be empty": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old token": [ "" ], "is not the same": [ "" ], "You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [ "" ], "Old access token": [ "" ], "access token currently in use": [ "" ], "New access token": [ "" ], "next access token to be used": [ "" ], "Repeat access token": [ "" ], "confirm the same access token": [ "" ], "Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old access token": [ "" ], "You are setting the access token for the new instance": [ "" ], "With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [ "" ], "Set external authorization": [ "" ], "Set access token": [ "" ], "Operation in progress...": [ "" ], "The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [ "" ], "Instances": [ "" ], "Delete": [ "" ], "add new instance": [ "" ], "ID": [ "" ], "Name": [ "" ], "Edit": [ "" ], "Purge": [ "" ], "There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "Only show active instances": [ "" ], "Active": [ "" ], "Only show deleted instances": [ "" ], "Deleted": [ "" ], "Show all instances": [ "" ], "All": [ "" ], 'Instance "%1$s" (ID: %2$s) has been deleted': [ "" ], "Failed to delete instance": [ "" ], "Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [ "" ], "Failed to purge instance": [ "" ], "Pending KYC verification": [ "" ], "Timed out": [ "" ], "Exchange": [ "" ], "Target account": [ "" ], "KYC URL": [ "" ], "Code": [ "" ], "Http Status": [ "" ], "No pending kyc verification!": [ "" ], "change value to unknown date": [ "" ], "change value to empty": [ "" ], "clear": [ "" ], "change value to never": [ "" ], "never": [ "" ], "Country": [ "" ], "Address": [ "" ], "Building number": [ "" ], "Building name": [ "" ], "Street": [ "" ], "Post code": [ "" ], "Town location": [ "" ], "Town": [ "" ], "District": [ "" ], "Country subdivision": [ "" ], "Product id": [ "" ], "Description": [ "" ], "Product": [ "" ], "search products by it's description or id": [ "" ], "no products found with that description": [ "" ], "You must enter a valid product identifier.": [ "" ], "Quantity must be greater than 0!": [ "" ], "This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [ "" ], "Quantity": [ "" ], "how many products will be added": [ "" ], "Add from inventory": [ "" ], "Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [ "" ], "Add": [ "" ], "Remove": [ "" ], "No taxes configured for this product.": [ "" ], "Amount": [ "" ], "Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [ "" ], "Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [ "" ], "add tax to the tax list": [ "" ], "describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [ "" ], "Add custom product": [ "" ], "Complete information of the product": [ "" ], "Image": [ "" ], "photo of the product": [ "" ], "full product description": [ "" ], "Unit": [ "" ], "name of the product unit": [ "" ], "Price": [ "" ], "amount in the current currency": [ "" ], "Taxes": [ "" ], "image": [ "" ], "description": [ "" ], "quantity": [ "" ], "unit price": [ "" ], "total price": [ "" ], "required": [ "" ], "not valid": [ "" ], "must be greater than 0": [ "" ], "not a valid json": [ "" ], "should be in the future": [ "" ], "refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "should have a refund deadline": [ "" ], "auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [ "" ], "Manage products in order": [ "" ], "Manage list of products in the order.": [ "" ], "Remove this product from the order.": [ "" ], "Total price": [ "" ], "total product price added up": [ "" ], "Amount to be paid by the customer": [ "" ], "Order price": [ "" ], "final order price": [ "" ], "Summary": [ "" ], "Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [ "" ], "Shipping and Fulfillment": [ "" ], "Delivery date": [ "" ], "Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Location": [ "" ], "address where the products will be delivered": [ "" ], "Fulfillment URL": [ "" ], "URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [ "" ], "Taler payment options": [ "" ], "Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [ "" ], "Payment deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [ "" ], "Refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Wire transfer deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [ "" ], "Auto-refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [ "" ], "Wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Create token": [ "" ], "Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [ "" ], "Minimum age required": [ "" ], "Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [ "" ], "Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [ "" ], "Additional information": [ "" ], "Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [ "" ], "You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [ "" ], "days": [ "" ], "hours": [ "" ], "minutes": [ "" ], "seconds": [ "" ], "forever": [ "" ], "%1$sM": [ "" ], "%1$sY": [ "" ], "%1$sd": [ "" ], "%1$sh": [ "" ], "%1$smin": [ "" ], "%1$ssec": [ "" ], "Orders": [ "" ], "create order": [ "" ], "load newer orders": [ "" ], "Date": [ "" ], "Refund": [ "" ], "copy url": [ "" ], "load older orders": [ "" ], "No orders have been found matching your query!": [ "" ], "duplicated": [ "" ], "invalid format": [ "" ], "this value exceed the refundable amount": [ "" ], "date": [ "" ], "amount": [ "" ], "reason": [ "" ], "amount to be refunded": [ "" ], "Max refundable:": [ "" ], "Reason": [ "" ], "Choose one...": [ "" ], "requested by the customer": [ "" ], "other": [ "" ], "why this order is being refunded": [ "" ], "more information to give context": [ "" ], "Contract Terms": [ "" ], "human-readable description of the whole purchase": [ "" ], "total price for the transaction": [ "" ], "URL for this purchase": [ "" ], "Max fee": [ "" ], "maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [ "" ], "Max wire fee": [ "" ], "maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [ "" ], "over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [ "" ], "Created at": [ "" ], "time when this contract was generated": [ "" ], "after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [ "" ], "after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [ "" ], "transfer deadline for the exchange": [ "" ], "time indicating when the order should be delivered": [ "" ], "where the order will be delivered": [ "" ], "Auto-refund delay": [ "" ], "how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [ "" ], "Extra info": [ "" ], "extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [ "" ], "Order": [ "" ], "claimed": [ "" ], "claimed at": [ "" ], "Timeline": [ "" ], "Payment details": [ "" ], "Order status": [ "" ], "Product list": [ "" ], "paid": [ "" ], "wired": [ "" ], "refunded": [ "" ], "refund order": [ "" ], "not refundable": [ "" ], "refund": [ "" ], "Refunded amount": [ "" ], "Refund taken": [ "" ], "Status URL": [ "" ], "Refund URI": [ "" ], "unpaid": [ "" ], "pay at": [ "" ], "created at": [ "" ], "Order status URL": [ "" ], "Payment URI": [ "" ], "Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [ "" ], "Back": [ "" ], "refund created successfully": [ "" ], "could not create the refund": [ "" ], "select date to show nearby orders": [ "" ], "order id": [ "" ], "jump to order with the given order ID": [ "" ], "remove all filters": [ "" ], "only show paid orders": [ "" ], "Paid": [ "" ], "only show orders with refunds": [ "" ], "Refunded": [ "" ], "only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [ "" ], "Not wired": [ "" ], "clear date filter": [ "" ], "date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [ "" ], "Enter an order id": [ "" ], "order not found": [ "" ], "could not get the order to refund": [ "" ], "Loading...": [ "" ], "click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [ "" ], "Manage stock": [ "" ], "this product has been configured without stock control": [ "" ], "Infinite": [ "" ], "lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [ "" ], "Incoming": [ "" ], "Lost": [ "" ], "Current": [ "" ], "remove stock control for this product": [ "" ], "without stock": [ "" ], "Next restock": [ "" ], "Delivery address": [ "" ], "product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "illustration of the product for customers": [ "" ], "product description for customers": [ "" ], "Age restricted": [ "" ], "is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [ "" ], "unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [ "" ], "sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [ "" ], "Stock": [ "" ], "product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields": [ "" ], "could not create product": [ "" ], "Products": [ "" ], "add product to inventory": [ "" ], "Sell": [ "" ], "Profit": [ "" ], "Sold": [ "" ], "free": [ "" ], "go to product update page": [ "" ], "Update": [ "" ], "remove this product from the database": [ "" ], "update the product with new price": [ "" ], "update product with new price": [ "" ], "add more elements to the inventory": [ "" ], "report elements lost in the inventory": [ "" ], "new price for the product": [ "" ], "the are value with errors": [ "" ], "update product with new stock and price": [ "" ], "There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "product updated successfully": [ "" ], "could not update the product": [ "" ], "product delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the product": [ "" ], "Product id:": [ "" ], "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [ "" ], "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [ "" ], "it should be greater than 0": [ "" ], "must be a valid URL": [ "" ], "Initial balance": [ "" ], "balance prior to deposit": [ "" ], "Exchange URL": [ "" ], "URL of exchange": [ "" ], "Next": [ "" ], "Wire method": [ "" ], "method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Select one wire method": [ "" ], "could not create reserve": [ "" ], "Valid until": [ "" ], "Created balance": [ "" ], "Exchange balance": [ "" ], "Picked up": [ "" ], "Committed": [ "" ], "Account address": [ "" ], "Subject": [ "" ], "Tips": [ "" ], "No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [ "" ], "Authorized": [ "" ], "Expiration": [ "" ], "amount of tip": [ "" ], "Justification": [ "" ], "reason for the tip": [ "" ], "URL after tip": [ "" ], "URL to visit after tip payment": [ "" ], "Reserves not yet funded": [ "" ], "Reserves ready": [ "" ], "add new reserve": [ "" ], "Expires at": [ "" ], "Initial": [ "" ], "delete selected reserve from the database": [ "" ], "authorize new tip from selected reserve": [ "" ], "There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [ "" ], "Expected Balance": [ "" ], "could not create the tip": [ "" ], "should not be empty": [ "" ], "should be greater that 0": [ "" ], "can't be empty": [ "" ], "to short": [ "" ], "just letters and numbers from 2 to 7": [ "" ], "size of the key should be 32": [ "" ], "Identifier": [ "" ], "Name of the template in URLs.": [ "" ], "Describe what this template stands for": [ "" ], "Fixed summary": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same summary": [ "" ], "Fixed price": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same price": [ "" ], "Minimum age": [ "" ], "Is this contract restricted to some age?": [ "" ], "Payment timeout": [ "" ], "How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [ "" ], "Verification algorithm": [ "" ], "Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode": [ "" ], "Point-of-sale key": [ "" ], "Useful to validate the purchase": [ "" ], "generate random secret key": [ "" ], "random": [ "" ], "show secret key": [ "" ], "hide secret key": [ "" ], "hide": [ "" ], "show": [ "" ], "could not inform template": [ "" ], "Amount is required": [ "" ], "Order summary is required": [ "" ], "New order for template": [ "" ], "Amount of the order": [ "" ], "Order summary": [ "" ], "could not create order from template": [ "" ], "Here you can specify a default value for fields that are not fixed. Default values can be edited by the customer before the payment.": [ "" ], "Fixed amount": [ "" ], "Default amount": [ "" ], "Default summary": [ "" ], "Print": [ "" ], "Setup TOTP": [ "" ], "Templates": [ "" ], "add new templates": [ "" ], "load more templates before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer templates": [ "" ], "delete selected templates from the database": [ "" ], "use template to create new order": [ "" ], "create qr code for the template": [ "" ], "load more templates after the last one": [ "" ], "load older templates": [ "" ], "There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "template delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the template": [ "" ], "could not update template": [ "" ], "should be one of '%1$s'": [ "" ], "Webhook ID to use": [ "" ], "Event": [ "" ], "The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [ "" ], "Method": [ "" ], "Method used by the webhook": [ "" ], "URL": [ "" ], "URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [ "" ], "Header": [ "" ], "Header template of the webhook": [ "" ], "Body": [ "" ], "Body template by the webhook": [ "" ], "Webhooks": [ "" ], "add new webhooks": [ "" ], "load more webhooks before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer webhooks": [ "" ], "Event type": [ "" ], "delete selected webhook from the database": [ "" ], "load more webhooks after the last one": [ "" ], "load older webhooks": [ "" ], "There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "webhook delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the webhook": [ "" ], "check the id, does not look valid": [ "" ], "should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [ "" ], "URL doesn't have the right format": [ "" ], "Credited bank account": [ "" ], "Select one account": [ "" ], "Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [ "" ], "Wire transfer ID": [ "" ], "unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [ "" ], "Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [ "" ], "Amount credited": [ "" ], "Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [ "" ], "could not inform transfer": [ "" ], "Transfers": [ "" ], "add new transfer": [ "" ], "load more transfers before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer transfers": [ "" ], "Credit": [ "" ], "Confirmed": [ "" ], "Verified": [ "" ], "Executed at": [ "" ], "yes": [ "" ], "no": [ "" ], "unknown": [ "" ], "delete selected transfer from the database": [ "" ], "load more transfer after the last one": [ "" ], "load older transfers": [ "" ], "There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "filter by account address": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [ "" ], "Unverified": [ "" ], "is not valid": [ "" ], "is not a number": [ "" ], "must be 1 or greater": [ "" ], "max 7 lines": [ "" ], "change authorization configuration": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [ "" ], "This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [ "" ], "This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN country code not found": [ "" ], "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [ "" ], "Target type": [ "" ], "Method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Routing": [ "" ], "Routing number.": [ "" ], "Account": [ "" ], "Account number.": [ "" ], "Business Identifier Code.": [ "" ], "Bank Account Number.": [ "" ], "Unified Payment Interface.": [ "" ], "Bitcoin protocol.": [ "" ], "Ethereum protocol.": [ "" ], "Interledger protocol.": [ "" ], "Host": [ "" ], "Bank host.": [ "" ], "Bank account.": [ "" ], "Bank account owner's name.": [ "" ], "No accounts yet.": [ "" ], "Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [ "" ], "Business name": [ "" ], "Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [ "" ], "Email": [ "" ], "Contact email": [ "" ], "Website URL": [ "" ], "URL.": [ "" ], "Logo": [ "" ], "Logo image.": [ "" ], "Bank account": [ "" ], "URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [ "" ], "Default max deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [ "" ], "Default max wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [ "" ], "Physical location of the merchant.": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [ "" ], "Default payment delay": [ "" ], "Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire transfer delay": [ "" ], "Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [ "" ], "Instance id": [ "" ], "Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [ "" ], "Manage access token": [ "" ], "Failed to create instance": [ "" ], "Login required": [ "" ], "Please enter your access token.": [ "" ], "Access Token": [ "" ], "The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [ "" ], 'Diagnostic from %1$s is "%2$s"': [ "" ], "The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [ "" ], "Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [ "" ], "Access denied": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid.": [ "" ], "No 'default' instance configured yet.": [ "" ], "Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid": [ "" ], "Hide for today": [ "" ], "Instance": [ "" ], "Settings": [ "" ], "Connection": [ "" ], "New": [ "" ], "List": [ "" ], "Log out": [ "" ], "Check your token is valid": [ "" ], "Couldn't access the server.": [ "" ], "Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [ "" ], "Server not found": [ "" ], "Server response with an error code": [ "" ], "Got message %1$s from %2$s": [ "" ], "Response from server is unreadable, http status: %1$s": [ "" ], "Unexpected Error": [ "" ], "The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [ "" ], "add element to the list": [ "" ], "add": [ "" ], "Deleting": [ "" ], "Changing": [ "" ], "Order ID": [ "" ], "Payment URL": [ "" ] } } }; strings["sv"] = { "domain": "messages", "locale_data": { "messages": { "": { "domain": "messages", "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", "lang": "" }, "Cancel": [ "" ], "%1$s": [ "" ], "Close": [ "" ], "Continue": [ "" ], "Clear": [ "" ], "Confirm": [ "" ], "is not the same as the current access token": [ "" ], "cannot be empty": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old token": [ "" ], "is not the same": [ "" ], "You are updating the access token from instance with id %1$s": [ "" ], "Old access token": [ "" ], "access token currently in use": [ "" ], "New access token": [ "" ], "next access token to be used": [ "" ], "Repeat access token": [ "" ], "confirm the same access token": [ "" ], "Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance": [ "" ], "cannot be the same as the old access token": [ "" ], "You are setting the access token for the new instance": [ "" ], "With external authorization method no check will be done by the merchant backend": [ "" ], "Set external authorization": [ "" ], "Set access token": [ "" ], "Operation in progress...": [ "" ], "The operation will be automatically canceled after %1$s seconds": [ "" ], "Instances": [ "" ], "Delete": [ "" ], "add new instance": [ "" ], "ID": [ "" ], "Name": [ "" ], "Edit": [ "" ], "Purge": [ "" ], "There is no instances yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "Only show active instances": [ "" ], "Active": [ "" ], "Only show deleted instances": [ "" ], "Deleted": [ "" ], "Show all instances": [ "" ], "All": [ "" ], 'Instance "%1$s" (ID: %2$s) has been deleted': [ "" ], "Failed to delete instance": [ "" ], "Instance '%1$s' (ID: %2$s) has been disabled": [ "" ], "Failed to purge instance": [ "" ], "Pending KYC verification": [ "" ], "Timed out": [ "" ], "Exchange": [ "" ], "Target account": [ "" ], "KYC URL": [ "" ], "Code": [ "" ], "Http Status": [ "" ], "No pending kyc verification!": [ "" ], "change value to unknown date": [ "" ], "change value to empty": [ "" ], "clear": [ "" ], "change value to never": [ "" ], "never": [ "" ], "Country": [ "" ], "Address": [ "" ], "Building number": [ "" ], "Building name": [ "" ], "Street": [ "" ], "Post code": [ "" ], "Town location": [ "" ], "Town": [ "" ], "District": [ "" ], "Country subdivision": [ "" ], "Product id": [ "" ], "Description": [ "" ], "Product": [ "" ], "search products by it's description or id": [ "" ], "no products found with that description": [ "" ], "You must enter a valid product identifier.": [ "" ], "Quantity must be greater than 0!": [ "" ], "This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only %1$s units remain unreserved in stock.": [ "" ], "Quantity": [ "" ], "how many products will be added": [ "" ], "Add from inventory": [ "" ], "Image should be smaller than 1 MB": [ "" ], "Add": [ "" ], "Remove": [ "" ], "No taxes configured for this product.": [ "" ], "Amount": [ "" ], "Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".": [ "" ], "Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.": [ "" ], "add tax to the tax list": [ "" ], "describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list": [ "" ], "Add custom product": [ "" ], "Complete information of the product": [ "" ], "Image": [ "" ], "photo of the product": [ "" ], "full product description": [ "" ], "Unit": [ "" ], "name of the product unit": [ "" ], "Price": [ "" ], "amount in the current currency": [ "" ], "Taxes": [ "" ], "image": [ "" ], "description": [ "" ], "quantity": [ "" ], "unit price": [ "" ], "total price": [ "" ], "required": [ "" ], "not valid": [ "" ], "must be greater than 0": [ "" ], "not a valid json": [ "" ], "should be in the future": [ "" ], "refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline": [ "" ], "wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline": [ "" ], "should have a refund deadline": [ "" ], "auto refund cannot be after refund deadline": [ "" ], "Manage products in order": [ "" ], "Manage list of products in the order.": [ "" ], "Remove this product from the order.": [ "" ], "Total price": [ "" ], "total product price added up": [ "" ], "Amount to be paid by the customer": [ "" ], "Order price": [ "" ], "final order price": [ "" ], "Summary": [ "" ], "Title of the order to be shown to the customer": [ "" ], "Shipping and Fulfillment": [ "" ], "Delivery date": [ "" ], "Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Location": [ "" ], "address where the products will be delivered": [ "" ], "Fulfillment URL": [ "" ], "URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.": [ "" ], "Taler payment options": [ "" ], "Override default Taler payment settings for this order": [ "" ], "Payment deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.": [ "" ], "Refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.": [ "" ], "Wire transfer deadline": [ "" ], "Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.": [ "" ], "Auto-refund deadline": [ "" ], "Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum aggregate wire fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Wire fees exceeding this amount are to be covered by the customers.": [ "" ], "Wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Factor by which wire fees exceeding the above threshold are divided to determine the share of excess wire fees to be paid explicitly by the consumer.": [ "" ], "Create token": [ "" ], "Uncheck this option if the merchant backend generated an order ID with enough entropy to prevent adversarial claims.": [ "" ], "Minimum age required": [ "" ], "Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products": [ "" ], "Min age defined by the producs is %1$s": [ "" ], "Additional information": [ "" ], "Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.": [ "" ], "You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).": [ "" ], "days": [ "" ], "hours": [ "" ], "minutes": [ "" ], "seconds": [ "" ], "forever": [ "" ], "%1$sM": [ "" ], "%1$sY": [ "" ], "%1$sd": [ "" ], "%1$sh": [ "" ], "%1$smin": [ "" ], "%1$ssec": [ "" ], "Orders": [ "" ], "create order": [ "" ], "load newer orders": [ "" ], "Date": [ "" ], "Refund": [ "" ], "copy url": [ "" ], "load older orders": [ "" ], "No orders have been found matching your query!": [ "" ], "duplicated": [ "" ], "invalid format": [ "" ], "this value exceed the refundable amount": [ "" ], "date": [ "" ], "amount": [ "" ], "reason": [ "" ], "amount to be refunded": [ "" ], "Max refundable:": [ "" ], "Reason": [ "" ], "Choose one...": [ "" ], "requested by the customer": [ "" ], "other": [ "" ], "why this order is being refunded": [ "" ], "more information to give context": [ "" ], "Contract Terms": [ "" ], "human-readable description of the whole purchase": [ "" ], "total price for the transaction": [ "" ], "URL for this purchase": [ "" ], "Max fee": [ "" ], "maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract": [ "" ], "Max wire fee": [ "" ], "maximum wire fee accepted by the merchant": [ "" ], "over how many customer transactions does the merchant expect to amortize wire fees on average": [ "" ], "Created at": [ "" ], "time when this contract was generated": [ "" ], "after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted": [ "" ], "after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract": [ "" ], "transfer deadline for the exchange": [ "" ], "time indicating when the order should be delivered": [ "" ], "where the order will be delivered": [ "" ], "Auto-refund delay": [ "" ], "how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase": [ "" ], "Extra info": [ "" ], "extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend": [ "" ], "Order": [ "" ], "claimed": [ "" ], "claimed at": [ "" ], "Timeline": [ "" ], "Payment details": [ "" ], "Order status": [ "" ], "Product list": [ "" ], "paid": [ "" ], "wired": [ "" ], "refunded": [ "" ], "refund order": [ "" ], "not refundable": [ "" ], "refund": [ "" ], "Refunded amount": [ "" ], "Refund taken": [ "" ], "Status URL": [ "" ], "Refund URI": [ "" ], "unpaid": [ "" ], "pay at": [ "" ], "created at": [ "" ], "Order status URL": [ "" ], "Payment URI": [ "" ], "Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.": [ "" ], "Back": [ "" ], "refund created successfully": [ "" ], "could not create the refund": [ "" ], "select date to show nearby orders": [ "" ], "order id": [ "" ], "jump to order with the given order ID": [ "" ], "remove all filters": [ "" ], "only show paid orders": [ "" ], "Paid": [ "" ], "only show orders with refunds": [ "" ], "Refunded": [ "" ], "only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending": [ "" ], "Not wired": [ "" ], "clear date filter": [ "" ], "date (YYYY/MM/DD)": [ "" ], "Enter an order id": [ "" ], "order not found": [ "" ], "could not get the order to refund": [ "" ], "Loading...": [ "" ], "click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock": [ "" ], "Manage stock": [ "" ], "this product has been configured without stock control": [ "" ], "Infinite": [ "" ], "lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max %1$s)": [ "" ], "Incoming": [ "" ], "Lost": [ "" ], "Current": [ "" ], "remove stock control for this product": [ "" ], "without stock": [ "" ], "Next restock": [ "" ], "Delivery address": [ "" ], "product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "illustration of the product for customers": [ "" ], "product description for customers": [ "" ], "Age restricted": [ "" ], "is this product restricted for customer below certain age?": [ "" ], "unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers": [ "" ], "sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product": [ "" ], "Stock": [ "" ], "product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)": [ "" ], "taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields": [ "" ], "could not create product": [ "" ], "Products": [ "" ], "add product to inventory": [ "" ], "Sell": [ "" ], "Profit": [ "" ], "Sold": [ "" ], "free": [ "" ], "go to product update page": [ "" ], "Update": [ "" ], "remove this product from the database": [ "" ], "update the product with new price": [ "" ], "update product with new price": [ "" ], "add more elements to the inventory": [ "" ], "report elements lost in the inventory": [ "" ], "new price for the product": [ "" ], "the are value with errors": [ "" ], "update product with new stock and price": [ "" ], "There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "product updated successfully": [ "" ], "could not update the product": [ "" ], "product delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the product": [ "" ], "Product id:": [ "" ], "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.": [ "" ], "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:": [ "" ], "it should be greater than 0": [ "" ], "must be a valid URL": [ "" ], "Initial balance": [ "" ], "balance prior to deposit": [ "" ], "Exchange URL": [ "" ], "URL of exchange": [ "" ], "Next": [ "" ], "Wire method": [ "" ], "method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Select one wire method": [ "" ], "could not create reserve": [ "" ], "Valid until": [ "" ], "Created balance": [ "" ], "Exchange balance": [ "" ], "Picked up": [ "" ], "Committed": [ "" ], "Account address": [ "" ], "Subject": [ "" ], "Tips": [ "" ], "No tips has been authorized from this reserve": [ "" ], "Authorized": [ "" ], "Expiration": [ "" ], "amount of tip": [ "" ], "Justification": [ "" ], "reason for the tip": [ "" ], "URL after tip": [ "" ], "URL to visit after tip payment": [ "" ], "Reserves not yet funded": [ "" ], "Reserves ready": [ "" ], "add new reserve": [ "" ], "Expires at": [ "" ], "Initial": [ "" ], "delete selected reserve from the database": [ "" ], "authorize new tip from selected reserve": [ "" ], "There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them": [ "" ], "Expected Balance": [ "" ], "could not create the tip": [ "" ], "should not be empty": [ "" ], "should be greater that 0": [ "" ], "can't be empty": [ "" ], "to short": [ "" ], "just letters and numbers from 2 to 7": [ "" ], "size of the key should be 32": [ "" ], "Identifier": [ "" ], "Name of the template in URLs.": [ "" ], "Describe what this template stands for": [ "" ], "Fixed summary": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same summary": [ "" ], "Fixed price": [ "" ], "If specified, this template will create order with the same price": [ "" ], "Minimum age": [ "" ], "Is this contract restricted to some age?": [ "" ], "Payment timeout": [ "" ], "How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.": [ "" ], "Verification algorithm": [ "" ], "Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode": [ "" ], "Point-of-sale key": [ "" ], "Useful to validate the purchase": [ "" ], "generate random secret key": [ "" ], "random": [ "" ], "show secret key": [ "" ], "hide secret key": [ "" ], "hide": [ "" ], "show": [ "" ], "could not inform template": [ "" ], "Amount is required": [ "" ], "Order summary is required": [ "" ], "New order for template": [ "" ], "Amount of the order": [ "" ], "Order summary": [ "" ], "could not create order from template": [ "" ], "Here you can specify a default value for fields that are not fixed. Default values can be edited by the customer before the payment.": [ "" ], "Fixed amount": [ "" ], "Default amount": [ "" ], "Default summary": [ "" ], "Print": [ "" ], "Setup TOTP": [ "" ], "Templates": [ "" ], "add new templates": [ "" ], "load more templates before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer templates": [ "" ], "delete selected templates from the database": [ "" ], "use template to create new order": [ "" ], "create qr code for the template": [ "" ], "load more templates after the last one": [ "" ], "load older templates": [ "" ], "There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "template delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the template": [ "" ], "could not update template": [ "" ], "should be one of '%1$s'": [ "" ], "Webhook ID to use": [ "" ], "Event": [ "" ], "The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used": [ "" ], "Method": [ "" ], "Method used by the webhook": [ "" ], "URL": [ "" ], "URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected": [ "" ], "Header": [ "" ], "Header template of the webhook": [ "" ], "Body": [ "" ], "Body template by the webhook": [ "" ], "Webhooks": [ "" ], "add new webhooks": [ "" ], "load more webhooks before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer webhooks": [ "" ], "Event type": [ "" ], "delete selected webhook from the database": [ "" ], "load more webhooks after the last one": [ "" ], "load older webhooks": [ "" ], "There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "webhook delete successfully": [ "" ], "could not delete the webhook": [ "" ], "check the id, does not look valid": [ "" ], "should have 52 characters, current %1$s": [ "" ], "URL doesn't have the right format": [ "" ], "Credited bank account": [ "" ], "Select one account": [ "" ], "Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received": [ "" ], "Wire transfer ID": [ "" ], "unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long": [ "" ], "Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject": [ "" ], "Amount credited": [ "" ], "Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account": [ "" ], "could not inform transfer": [ "" ], "Transfers": [ "" ], "add new transfer": [ "" ], "load more transfers before the first one": [ "" ], "load newer transfers": [ "" ], "Credit": [ "" ], "Confirmed": [ "" ], "Verified": [ "" ], "Executed at": [ "" ], "yes": [ "" ], "no": [ "" ], "unknown": [ "" ], "delete selected transfer from the database": [ "" ], "load more transfer after the last one": [ "" ], "load older transfers": [ "" ], "There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign": [ "" ], "filter by account address": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant": [ "" ], "only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange": [ "" ], "Unverified": [ "" ], "is not valid": [ "" ], "is not a number": [ "" ], "must be 1 or greater": [ "" ], "max 7 lines": [ "" ], "change authorization configuration": [ "" ], "Need to complete marked fields and choose authorization method": [ "" ], "This is not a valid bitcoin address.": [ "" ], "This is not a valid Ethereum address.": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [ "" ], "IBAN country code not found": [ "" ], "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [ "" ], "Target type": [ "" ], "Method to use for wire transfer": [ "" ], "Routing": [ "" ], "Routing number.": [ "" ], "Account": [ "" ], "Account number.": [ "" ], "Business Identifier Code.": [ "" ], "Bank Account Number.": [ "" ], "Unified Payment Interface.": [ "" ], "Bitcoin protocol.": [ "" ], "Ethereum protocol.": [ "" ], "Interledger protocol.": [ "" ], "Host": [ "" ], "Bank host.": [ "" ], "Bank account.": [ "" ], "Bank account owner's name.": [ "" ], "No accounts yet.": [ "" ], "Name of the instance in URLs. The 'default' instance is special in that it is used to administer other instances.": [ "" ], "Business name": [ "" ], "Legal name of the business represented by this instance.": [ "" ], "Email": [ "" ], "Contact email": [ "" ], "Website URL": [ "" ], "URL.": [ "" ], "Logo": [ "" ], "Logo image.": [ "" ], "Bank account": [ "" ], "URI specifying bank account for crediting revenue.": [ "" ], "Default max deposit fee": [ "" ], "Maximum deposit fees this merchant is willing to pay per order by default.": [ "" ], "Default max wire fee": [ "" ], "Maximum wire fees this merchant is willing to pay per wire transfer by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire fee amortization": [ "" ], "Number of orders excess wire transfer fees will be divided by to compute per order surcharge.": [ "" ], "Physical location of the merchant.": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction": [ "" ], "Jurisdiction for legal disputes with the merchant.": [ "" ], "Default payment delay": [ "" ], "Time customers have to pay an order before the offer expires by default.": [ "" ], "Default wire transfer delay": [ "" ], "Maximum time an exchange is allowed to delay wiring funds to the merchant, enabling it to aggregate smaller payments into larger wire transfers and reducing wire fees.": [ "" ], "Instance id": [ "" ], "Change the authorization method use for this instance.": [ "" ], "Manage access token": [ "" ], "Failed to create instance": [ "" ], "Login required": [ "" ], "Please enter your access token.": [ "" ], "Access Token": [ "" ], "The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled": [ "" ], 'Diagnostic from %1$s is "%2$s"': [ "" ], "The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #%1$s": [ "" ], "Diagnostic from %1$s is '%2$s'": [ "" ], "Access denied": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid.": [ "" ], "No 'default' instance configured yet.": [ "" ], "Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.": [ "" ], "The access token provided is invalid": [ "" ], "Hide for today": [ "" ], "Instance": [ "" ], "Settings": [ "" ], "Connection": [ "" ], "New": [ "" ], "List": [ "" ], "Log out": [ "" ], "Check your token is valid": [ "" ], "Couldn't access the server.": [ "" ], "Could not infer instance id from url %1$s": [ "" ], "Server not found": [ "" ], "Server response with an error code": [ "" ], "Got message %1$s from %2$s": [ "" ], "Response from server is unreadable, http status: %1$s": [ "" ], "Unexpected Error": [ "" ], "The value %1$s is invalid for a payment url": [ "" ], "add element to the list": [ "" ], "add": [ "" ], "Deleting": [ "" ], "Changing": [ "" ], "Order ID": [ "" ], "Payment URL": [ "" ] } } }; // src/components/menu/LangSelector.tsx var names = { es: "Espa\xF1ol [es]", en: "English [en]", fr: "Fran\xE7ais [fr]", de: "Deutsch [de]", sv: "Svenska [sv]", it: "Italiano [it]" }; function getLangName(s5) { if (names[s5]) return names[s5]; return s5; } function LangSelector() { const [updatingLang, setUpdatingLang] = p3(false); const { lang, changeLanguage } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "dropdown is-active " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "dropdown-trigger" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": "change language selection", "aria-haspopup": "true", "aria-controls": "dropdown-menu", onClick: () => setUpdatingLang(!updatingLang) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "icon is-small is-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("img", { src: languageicon_default })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, getLangName(lang)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "icon is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-chevron-down" })) )), updatingLang && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "dropdown-menu", id: "dropdown-menu", role: "menu" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "dropdown-content" }, Object.keys(strings).filter((l3) => l3 !== lang).map((l3) => /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { key: l3, class: "dropdown-item", value: l3, onClick: () => { changeLanguage(l3); setUpdatingLang(false); } }, getLangName(l3) ))))); } // src/components/menu/SideBar.tsx var VERSION = true ? "0.1.0" : void 0; function Sidebar({ mobile, instance, onShowSettings, onLogout, admin, mimic, isPasswordOk }) { const config = useConfigContext(); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const kycStatus = useInstanceKYCDetails(); const needKYC = kycStatus.ok && === "redirect"; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("aside", { class: "aside is-placed-left is-expanded", style: { overflowY: "scroll" } }, mobile && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "footer", onClick: (e4) => { return e4.stopImmediatePropagation(); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LangSelector, null) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "aside-tools" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "aside-tools-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "Taler"), " Backoffice"), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "is-size-7 has-text-right", style: { lineHeight: 0, marginTop: -10 } }, VERSION, " (", config.version, ")" ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "menu is-menu-main" }, isPasswordOk && instance ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { class: "menu-list" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/orders", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash-register" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Orders")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/products", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-shopping" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Products")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/transfers", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-arrow-left-right" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transfers")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/templates", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-newspaper" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Templates")))), needKYC && /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/kyc", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-account-check" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, "KYC Status")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "menu-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Configuration")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { class: "menu-list" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/bank", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-bank" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Bank account")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/validators", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-lock" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Validators")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/reserves", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, "Reserves"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/webhooks", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-newspaper" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Webhooks")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/server", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-square-edit-outline" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Server")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/token", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-security" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Access token")))))) : void 0, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "menu-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Connection")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { class: "menu-list" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { class: "has-icon is-state-info is-hoverable", onClick: () => onShowSettings() }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-newspaper" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Interface")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { style: { width: "3rem" }, class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-currency-eur" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, config.currency))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { style: { width: "3rem" }, class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-web" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, new URL(backendURL).hostname))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { style: { width: "3rem" }, class: "icon" }, "ID"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, !instance ? "default" : instance))), isPasswordOk && admin && !mimic && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "menu-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Instances")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/instance/new", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "New")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: "/instances", class: "has-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-format-list-bulleted" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "List"))))), isPasswordOk && /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { class: "has-icon is-state-info is-hoverable", onClick: () => onLogout() }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-logout default" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "menu-item-label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Log out")) ))))); } // src/components/menu/index.tsx function getInstanceTitle(path, id) { switch (path) { case "/server" /* server */: return `${id}: Settings`; case "/orders" /* order_list */: return `${id}: Orders`; case "/order/new" /* order_new */: return `${id}: New order`; case "/products" /* product_list */: return `${id}: Products`; case "/product/new" /* product_new */: return `${id}: New product`; case "/product/:pid/update" /* product_update */: return `${id}: Update product`; case "/reserves/new" /* reserves_new */: return `${id}: New reserve`; case "/reserves" /* reserves_list */: return `${id}: Reserves`; case "/transfers" /* transfers_list */: return `${id}: Transfers`; case "/transfer/new" /* transfers_new */: return `${id}: New transfer`; case "/webhooks" /* webhooks_list */: return `${id}: Webhooks`; case "/webhooks/new" /* webhooks_new */: return `${id}: New webhook`; case "/webhooks/:tid/update" /* webhooks_update */: return `${id}: Update webhook`; case "/validators" /* validators_list */: return `${id}: Validators`; case "/validators/new" /* validators_new */: return `${id}: New validator`; case "/validators/:vid/update" /* validators_update */: return `${id}: Update validators`; case "/templates/new" /* templates_new */: return `${id}: New template`; case "/templates/:tid/update" /* templates_update */: return `${id}: Update template`; case "/templates" /* templates_list */: return `${id}: Templates`; case "/templates/:tid/use" /* templates_use */: return `${id}: Use template`; case "/interface" /* settings */: return `${id}: Interface`; case "/interface" /* settings */: return `${id}: Interface`; default: return ""; } } function getAdminTitle(path, instance) { if (path === "/instance/new" /* new_instance */) return `New instance`; if (path === "/instances" /* list_instances */) return `Instances`; return getInstanceTitle(path, instance); } function WithTitle({ title, children }) { h2(() => { document.title = `Taler Backoffice: ${title}`; }, [title]); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, children); } function Menu({ onLogout, onShowSettings, title, instance, path, admin, setInstanceName, isPasswordOk }) { const [mobileOpen, setMobileOpen] = p3(false); const titleWithSubtitle = title ? title : !admin ? getInstanceTitle(path, instance) : getAdminTitle(path, instance); const adminInstance = instance === "default"; const mimic = admin && !adminInstance; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(WithTitle, { title: titleWithSubtitle }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: mobileOpen ? "has-aside-mobile-expanded" : "", onClick: () => setMobileOpen(false) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( NavigationBar, { onMobileMenu: () => setMobileOpen(!mobileOpen), title: titleWithSubtitle } ), onLogout && /* @__PURE__ */ h( Sidebar, { onShowSettings, onLogout, admin, mimic, instance, mobile: mobileOpen, isPasswordOk } ), mimic && /* @__PURE__ */ h("nav", { class: "level", style: { zIndex: 100, position: "fixed", width: "50%", marginLeft: "20%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item has-text-centered has-background-warning" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5" }, "You are viewing the instance ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, '"', instance, '"'), ".", " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { href: "#/instances", onClick: (e4) => { setInstanceName("default"); } }, "go back" )))) )); } function NotificationCard({ notification: n2 }) { if (!n2) return null; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "notification" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns is-vcentered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-12" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "article", { class: n2.type === "ERROR" ? "message is-danger" : n2.type === "WARN" ? "message is-warning" : "message is-info" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "message-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, n2.message)), n2.description && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "message-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, n2.description), n2.details && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", null, n2.details)) )))); } function NotConnectedAppMenu({ title }) { const [mobileOpen, setMobileOpen] = p3(false); h2(() => { document.title = `Taler Backoffice: ${title}`; }, [title]); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: mobileOpen ? "has-aside-mobile-expanded" : "", onClick: () => setMobileOpen(false) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( NavigationBar, { onMobileMenu: () => setMobileOpen(!mobileOpen), title } ) ); } function NotYetReadyAppMenu({ onLogout, onShowSettings, title, isPasswordOk }) { const [mobileOpen, setMobileOpen] = p3(false); h2(() => { document.title = `Taler Backoffice: ${title}`; }, [title]); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: mobileOpen ? "has-aside-mobile-expanded" : "", onClick: () => setMobileOpen(false) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( NavigationBar, { onMobileMenu: () => setMobileOpen(!mobileOpen), title } ), onLogout && /* @__PURE__ */ h(Sidebar, { onShowSettings, onLogout, instance: "", mobile: mobileOpen, isPasswordOk }) ); } // src/paths/instance/token/index.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/token/DetailPage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function DetailPage({ instanceId, hasToken, onBack, onNewToken, onClearToken }) { const [form, setValue] = p3({ old_token: "", new_token: "", repeat_token: "" }); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const errors2 = { old_token: hasToken && !form.old_token ? i18n2.str`you need your access token to perform the operation` : void 0, new_token: !form.new_token ? i18n2.str`cannot be empty` : form.new_token === form.old_token ? i18n2.str`cannot be the same as the old token` : void 0, repeat_token: form.new_token !== form.repeat_token ? i18n2.str`is not the same` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const instance = useInstanceContext(); const text = i18n2.str`You are updating the access token from instance with id ${}`; function submitForm() { return __async(this, null, function* () { if (hasErrors) return; const ot = hasToken ? `secret-token:${form.old_token}` : void 0; const nt = `secret-token:${form.new_token}`; onNewToken(ot, nt); }); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, "Instance id: ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, instanceId))))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: form, valueHandler: setValue }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, hasToken && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "old_token", label: i18n2.str`Current access token`, tooltip: i18n2.str`access token currently in use`, inputType: "password" } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Clearing the access token will mean public access to the instance.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button", onClick: () => { if (hasToken) { const ot = `secret-token:${form.old_token}`; onClearToken(ot); } else { onClearToken(void 0); } } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Clear token") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "new_token", label: i18n2.str`New access token`, tooltip: i18n2.str`next access token to be used`, inputType: "password" } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "repeat_token", label: i18n2.str`Repeat access token`, tooltip: i18n2.str`confirm the same access token`, inputType: "password" } ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm change") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/token/index.tsx init_hooks_module(); function Token({ onLoadError, onChange, onUnauthorized, onNotFound }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { clearAccessToken, setNewAccessToken } = useInstanceAPI(); const { id } = useInstanceContext(); const result = useInstanceDetails(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } const hasToken = === "token"; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( DetailPage, { instanceId: id, hasToken, onClearToken: (currentToken) => __async(this, null, function* () { try { yield clearAccessToken(currentToken); onChange(); } catch (error2) { if (error2 instanceof Error) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to clear token`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); } } }), onNewToken: (currentToken, newToken) => __async(this, null, function* () { try { yield setNewAccessToken(currentToken, newToken); onChange(); } catch (error2) { if (error2 instanceof Error) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to set new token`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); } } }) } )); } // src/paths/instance/kyc/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/kyc/list/ListPage.tsx init_preact_module(); function ListPage({ status }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-clock" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Pending KYC verification")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, status.pending_kycs.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(PendingTable, { entries: status.pending_kycs }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable2, null))))), status.timeout_kycs.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-clock" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Timed out")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, status.timeout_kycs.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(TimedOutTable, { entries: status.timeout_kycs }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable2, null))))) : void 0); } function PendingTable({ entries }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Exchange")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Target account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Reason")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,, i4) => { if (e4.kyc_url === void 0) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: i4 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.exchange_url), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.payto_uri), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.aml_status === 1 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is an anti-money laundering process pending to complete.") : /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "The account is frozen due to the anti-money laundering rules. Contact the exchange service provider for further instructions."))); } else { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: i4 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.exchange_url), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.payto_uri), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: e4.kyc_url, target: "_black", rel: "noreferrer" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Pending KYC process, click here to complete")))); } })))); } function TimedOutTable({ entries }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Exchange")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Code")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Http Status")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,, i4) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: i4 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.exchange_url), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.exchange_code), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, e4.exchange_http_status)); })))); } function EmptyTable2() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-happy mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "No pending kyc verification!"))); } // src/paths/instance/kyc/list/index.tsx function ListKYC({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onNotFound }) { const result = useInstanceKYCDetails(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } const status = === "ok" ? void 0 :; if (!status) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, "no kyc required"); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ListPage, { status }); } // src/paths/instance/orders/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/order.ts init_hooks_module(); var useSWR3 = useSWR; function useOrderAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const createOrder = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request( `/private/orders`, { method: "POST", data } ); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/orders.*/); return res; }); const refundOrder = (orderId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { mutateAll(/@"\/private\/orders"@/); const res = request( `/private/orders/${orderId}/refund`, { method: "POST", data } ); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/orders.*/); return res; }); const forgetOrder = (orderId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { mutateAll(/@"\/private\/orders"@/); const res = request(`/private/orders/${orderId}/forget`, { method: "PATCH", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/orders.*/); return res; }); const deleteOrder = (orderId) => __async(this, null, function* () { mutateAll(/@"\/private\/orders"@/); const res = request(`/private/orders/${orderId}`, { method: "DELETE" }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/orders.*/); return res; }); const getPaymentURL = (orderId) => __async(this, null, function* () { return request( `/private/orders/${orderId}`, { method: "GET" } ).then((res) => { const url = === "unpaid" ? :; const response = res; = url || ""; return response; }); }); return { createOrder, forgetOrder, deleteOrder, refundOrder, getPaymentURL }; } function useOrderDetails(oderId) { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR3([`/private/orders/${oderId}`], fetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } function useInstanceOrders(args, updateFilter) { const { orderFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const [pageBefore, setPageBefore] = p3(1); const [pageAfter, setPageAfter] = p3(1); const totalAfter = pageAfter * PAGE_SIZE; const totalBefore = (args == null ? void 0 : ? pageBefore * PAGE_SIZE : 0; const { data: beforeData, error: beforeError, isValidating: loadingBefore } = useSWR3( [ `/private/orders`, args == null ? void 0 : args.paid, args == null ? void 0 : args.refunded, args == null ? void 0 : args.wired, args == null ? void 0 :, totalBefore ], orderFetcher ); const { data: afterData, error: afterError, isValidating: loadingAfter } = useSWR3( [ `/private/orders`, args == null ? void 0 : args.paid, args == null ? void 0 : args.refunded, args == null ? void 0 : args.wired, args == null ? void 0 :, -totalAfter ], orderFetcher ); const [lastBefore, setLastBefore] = p3({ loading: true }); const [lastAfter, setLastAfter] = p3({ loading: true }); h2(() => { if (afterData) setLastAfter(afterData); if (beforeData) setLastBefore(beforeData); }, [afterData, beforeData]); if (beforeError) return beforeError.cause; if (afterError) return afterError.cause; const isReachingEnd = afterData && < totalAfter; const isReachingStart = (args == null ? void 0 : === void 0 || beforeData && < totalBefore; const pagination = { isReachingEnd, isReachingStart, loadMore: () => { if (!afterData || isReachingEnd) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageAfter(pageAfter + 1); } else { const from =[ - 1].timestamp.t_s; if (from && from !== "never" && updateFilter) updateFilter(new Date(from * 1e3)); } }, loadMorePrev: () => { if (!beforeData || isReachingStart) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageBefore(pageBefore + 1); } else if (beforeData) { const from =[ - 1].timestamp.t_s; if (from && from !== "never" && updateFilter) updateFilter(new Date(from * 1e3)); } } }; const orders = !beforeData || !afterData ? [] : (beforeData || lastBefore).data.orders.slice().reverse().concat((afterData || lastAfter).data.orders); if (loadingAfter || loadingBefore) return { loading: true, data: { orders } }; if (beforeData && afterData) { return __spreadValues({ ok: true, data: { orders } }, pagination); } return { loading: true }; } // src/hooks/product.ts var useSWR4 = useSWR; function useProductAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { mutate: mutate2 } = useSWRConfig(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const createProduct = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/products`, { method: "POST", data }); return yield mutateAll(/.*"\/private\/products.*/); }); const updateProduct = (productId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const r3 = yield request(`/private/products/${productId}`, { method: "PATCH", data }); return yield mutateAll(/.*"\/private\/products.*/); }); const deleteProduct = (productId) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/private/products/${productId}`, { method: "DELETE" }); yield mutate2([`/private/products`]); }); const lockProduct = (productId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { yield request(`/private/products/${productId}/lock`, { method: "POST", data }); return yield mutateAll(/.*"\/private\/products.*/); }); return { createProduct, updateProduct, deleteProduct, lockProduct }; } function useInstanceProducts() { const { fetcher, multiFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data: list, error: listError } = useSWR4([`/private/products`], fetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); const paths = ((list == null ? void 0 : || []).map( (p4) => `/private/products/${p4.product_id}` ); const { data: products, error: productError } = useSWR4([paths], multiFetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (listError) return listError.cause; if (productError) return productError.cause; if (products) { const dataWithId = => { var _a; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({},, { id: ((_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.url.replace(/.*\/private\/products\//, "")) || "" }); }); return { ok: true, data: dataWithId }; } return { loading: true }; } function useProductDetails(productId) { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR4([`/private/products/${productId}`], fetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/instance/orders/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/form/InputCurrency.tsx init_preact_module(); function InputCurrency({ name, readonly, label, placeholder, help, tooltip, expand, addonAfter, children, side }) { const config = useConfigContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name, readonly, addonBefore: config.currency, side, label, placeholder, help, tooltip, addonAfter, inputType: "number", expand, toStr: (v3) => (v3 == null ? void 0 : v3.split(":")[1]) || "", fromStr: (v3) => !v3 ? void 0 : `${config.currency}:${v3}`, inputExtra: { min: 0 } }, children ); } // src/components/form/InputDate.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/picker/DatePicker.tsx init_preact_module(); var DatePicker = class extends d { closeDatePicker() { this.props.closeFunction && this.props.closeFunction(); } /** * Gets fired when a day gets clicked. * @param {object} e The event thrown by the element clicked */ dayClicked(e4) { const element =; if (element.innerHTML === "") return false; const date2 = new Date(element.getAttribute("data-value")); this.setState({ currentDate: date2 }); this.passDateToParent(date2); } /** * returns days in month as array * @param {number} month the month to display * @param {number} year the year to display */ getDaysByMonth(month, year) { const calendar = []; const date2 = new Date(year, month, 1); const firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1).getDay(); const lastDate = new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate(); let day = 0; for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 42; i4++) { if (i4 >= firstDay && day !== null) day = day + 1; if (day !== null && day > lastDate) day = null; calendar.push({ day: day === 0 || day === null ? null : day, // null or number date: day === 0 || day === null ? null : new Date(year, month, day), // null or Date() today: day === now.getDate() && month === now.getMonth() && year === now.getFullYear() // boolean }); } return calendar; } /** * Display previous month by updating state */ displayPrevMonth() { if (this.state.displayedMonth <= 0) { this.setState({ displayedMonth: 11, displayedYear: this.state.displayedYear - 1 }); } else { this.setState({ displayedMonth: this.state.displayedMonth - 1 }); } } /** * Display next month by updating state */ displayNextMonth() { if (this.state.displayedMonth >= 11) { this.setState({ displayedMonth: 0, displayedYear: this.state.displayedYear + 1 }); } else { this.setState({ displayedMonth: this.state.displayedMonth + 1 }); } } /** * Display the selected month (gets fired when clicking on the date string) */ displaySelectedMonth() { if (this.state.selectYearMode) { this.toggleYearSelector(); } else { if (!this.state.currentDate) return false; this.setState({ displayedMonth: this.state.currentDate.getMonth(), displayedYear: this.state.currentDate.getFullYear() }); } } toggleYearSelector() { this.setState({ selectYearMode: !this.state.selectYearMode }); } changeDisplayedYear(e4) { const element =; this.toggleYearSelector(); this.setState({ displayedYear: parseInt(element.innerHTML, 10), displayedMonth: 0 }); } /** * Pass the selected date to parent when 'OK' is clicked */ passSavedDateDateToParent() { this.passDateToParent(this.state.currentDate); } passDateToParent(date2) { if (typeof this.props.dateReceiver === "function") this.props.dateReceiver(date2); this.closeDatePicker(); } componentDidUpdate() { if (this.state.selectYearMode) { document.getElementsByClassName("selected")[0].scrollIntoView(); } } constructor() { super(); this.closeDatePicker = this.closeDatePicker.bind(this); this.dayClicked = this.dayClicked.bind(this); this.displayNextMonth = this.displayNextMonth.bind(this); this.displayPrevMonth = this.displayPrevMonth.bind(this); this.getDaysByMonth = this.getDaysByMonth.bind(this); this.changeDisplayedYear = this.changeDisplayedYear.bind(this); this.passDateToParent = this.passDateToParent.bind(this); this.toggleYearSelector = this.toggleYearSelector.bind(this); this.displaySelectedMonth = this.displaySelectedMonth.bind(this); this.state = { currentDate: now, displayedMonth: now.getMonth(), displayedYear: now.getFullYear(), selectYearMode: false }; } render() { const { currentDate, displayedMonth, displayedYear, selectYearMode } = this.state; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: `datePicker ${this.props.opened && "datePicker--opened"}` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "datePicker--titles" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "h3", { style: { color: selectYearMode ? "rgba(255,255,255,.87)" : "rgba(255,255,255,.57)" }, onClick: this.toggleYearSelector }, currentDate.getFullYear() ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "h2", { style: { color: !selectYearMode ? "rgba(255,255,255,.87)" : "rgba(255,255,255,.57)" }, onClick: this.displaySelectedMonth }, dayArr[currentDate.getDay()], ",", " ", monthArrShort[currentDate.getMonth()], " ", currentDate.getDate() )), !selectYearMode && /* @__PURE__ */ h("nav", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { onClick: this.displayPrevMonth, class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "i", { style: { transform: "rotate(180deg)" }, class: "mdi mdi-forward" } )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("h4", null, monthArrShortFull[displayedMonth], " ", displayedYear), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { onClick: this.displayNextMonth, class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-forward" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "datePicker--scroll" }, !selectYearMode && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "datePicker--calendar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "datePicker--dayNames" }, ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"].map((day, i4) => /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { key: i4 }, day))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { onClick: this.dayClicked, class: "datePicker--days" }, this.getDaysByMonth( this.state.displayedMonth, this.state.displayedYear ).map((day) => { let selected = false; if (currentDate && selected = currentDate.toLocaleDateString() ===; return /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { key:, class: ( ? "datePicker--today " : "") + (selected ? "datePicker--selected" : ""), disabled: !, "data-value": }, ); }))), selectYearMode && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "datePicker--selectYear" }, => /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { key: year, class: year === displayedYear ? "selected" : "", onClick: this.changeDisplayedYear }, year ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "datePicker--background", onClick: this.closeDatePicker, style: { display: this.props.opened ? "block" : "none" } } )); } }; var monthArrShortFull = [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]; var monthArrShort = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; var dayArr = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]; var now = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); var yearArr = []; for (let i4 = 2010; i4 <= now.getFullYear() + 10; i4++) { yearArr.push(i4); } // src/hooks/useSettings.ts var defaultSettings = { advanceOrderMode: false, dateFormat: "ymd" }; var codecForSettings = () => buildCodecForObject().property("advanceOrderMode", codecForBoolean()).property("dateFormat", codecForEither( codecForConstString("ymd"), codecForConstString("dmy"), codecForConstString("mdy") )).build("Settings"); var SETTINGS_KEY = buildStorageKey("merchant-settings", codecForSettings()); function useSettings() { const { value, update } = useLocalStorage(SETTINGS_KEY, defaultSettings); return [value, update]; } function dateFormatForSettings(s5) { switch (s5.dateFormat) { case "ymd": return "yyyy/MM/dd"; case "dmy": return "dd/MM/yyyy"; case "mdy": return "MM/dd/yyyy"; } } function datetimeFormatForSettings(s5) { return dateFormatForSettings(s5) + " HH:mm:ss"; } // src/components/form/InputDate.tsx function InputDate({ name, readonly, label, placeholder, help, tooltip, expand, withTimestampSupport, side }) { const [opened, setOpened] = p3(false); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); const { error: error2, required, value, onChange } = useField(name); let strValue = ""; if (!value) { strValue = withTimestampSupport ? "unknown" : ""; } else if (value instanceof Date) { strValue = format(value, dateFormatForSettings(settings)); } else if (value.t_s) { strValue = value.t_s === "never" ? withTimestampSupport ? "never" : "" : format(new Date(value.t_s * 1e3), dateFormatForSettings(settings)); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field has-addons" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "p", { class: expand ? "control is-expanded has-icons-right" : "control has-icons-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", type: "text", readonly: true, value: strValue, placeholder, onClick: () => { if (!readonly) setOpened(true); } } ), required && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-text-danger is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-alert" })), help ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "control", onClick: () => { if (!readonly) setOpened(true); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { class: "button is-static" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-calendar" }))) )), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2)), !readonly && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { "data-tooltip": withTimestampSupport ? i18n2.str`change value to unknown date` : i18n2.str`change value to empty` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info mr-3", onClick: () => onChange(void 0) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "clear") ) ), withTimestampSupport && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`change value to never` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info", onClick: () => onChange({ t_s: "never" }) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "never") )), side), /* @__PURE__ */ h( DatePicker, { opened, closeFunction: () => setOpened(false), dateReceiver: (d5) => { if (withTimestampSupport) { onChange({ t_s: d5.getTime() / 1e3 }); } else { onChange(d5); } } } )); } // src/components/form/InputNumber.tsx init_preact_module(); function InputNumber2({ name, readonly, placeholder, tooltip, label, help, expand, children, side }) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name, readonly, fromStr: (v3) => !v3 ? void 0 : parseInt(v3, 10), toStr: (v3) => `${v3}`, inputType: "number", expand, label, placeholder, help, tooltip, inputExtra: { min: 0 }, children, side } ); } // src/components/product/InventoryProductForm.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/form/InputSearchOnList.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/assets/empty.png var empty_default = ""; // src/components/form/InputSearchOnList.tsx function InputSearchOnList({ selected, onChange, label, list, withImage }) { const [nameForm, setNameForm] = p3({ name: "" }); const errors2 = { name: void 0 }; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (selected) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("article", { class: "media" }, withImage && /* @__PURE__ */ h("figure", { class: "media-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "image is-128x128" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("img", { src: selected.image ? selected.image : empty_default }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "media-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "media-meta" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "ID"), ": ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Description"), ":", " ", selected.description), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info", onClick: () => onChange(void 0) }, "clear" ))))); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: nameForm, valueHandler: setNameForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name: "name", label, tooltip: i18n2.str`enter description or id`, addonAfter: /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-magnify" })) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( DropdownList, { name:, list, onSelect: (p4) => { setNameForm({ name: "" }); onChange(p4); }, withImage: !!withImage } )) ) ); } function DropdownList({ name, onSelect, list, withImage }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (!name) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("br", null)); } const filtered = list.filter( (p4) => || p4.description.includes(name) ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "dropdown is-active" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "dropdown-menu", id: "dropdown-menu", role: "menu", style: { minWidth: "20rem" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "dropdown-content" }, !filtered.length ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "dropdown-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "no match found with that description or id")) : => /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { key:, class: "dropdown-item", onClick: () => onSelect(p4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("article", { class: "media" }, withImage && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "media-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "image", style: { minWidth: 64 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "img", { src: p4.image ? p4.image : empty_default, style: { width: 64, height: 64 } } ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "media-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("strong", null,, " ", p4.extra !== void 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("small", null, p4.extra) : void 0, /* @__PURE__ */ h("br", null), p4.description)))) ))) )); } // src/components/product/InventoryProductForm.tsx function InventoryProductForm({ currentProducts, onAddProduct, inventory }) { const initialState = { quantity: 1 }; const [state, setState] = p3(initialState); const [errors2, setErrors] = p3({}); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const productWithInfiniteStock = state.product && state.product.total_stock === -1; const submit = () => { if (!state.product) { setErrors({ product: i18n2.str`You must enter a valid product identifier.` }); return; } if (productWithInfiniteStock) { onAddProduct(state.product, 1); } else { if (!state.quantity || state.quantity <= 0) { setErrors({ quantity: i18n2.str`Quantity must be greater than 0!` }); return; } const currentStock = state.product.total_stock - state.product.total_lost - state.product.total_sold; const p4 = currentProducts[]; if (p4) { if (state.quantity + p4.quantity > currentStock) { const left = currentStock - p4.quantity; setErrors({ quantity: i18n2.str`This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only ${left} units remain unreserved in stock.` }); return; } onAddProduct(state.product, state.quantity + p4.quantity); } else { if (state.quantity > currentStock) { const left = currentStock; setErrors({ quantity: i18n2.str`This quantity exceeds remaining stock. Currently, only ${left} units remain unreserved in stock.` }); return; } onAddProduct(state.product, state.quantity); } } setState(initialState); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: state, valueHandler: setState }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSearchOnList, { label: i18n2.str`Search product`, selected: state.product, onChange: (p4) => setState((v3) => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { product: p4 })), list: inventory, withImage: true } ), state.product && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-two-thirds" }, !productWithInfiniteStock && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "quantity", label: i18n2.str`Quantity`, tooltip: i18n2.str`how many products will be added` } )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-success", onClick: submit }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Add from inventory")))))); } // src/components/product/NonInventoryProductForm.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/nanoclone@0.2.1/node_modules/nanoclone/src/index.js var map2; try { map2 = Map; } catch (_3) { } var set; try { set = Set; } catch (_3) { } function baseClone(src, circulars, clones) { if (!src || typeof src !== "object" || typeof src === "function") { return src; } if (src.nodeType && "cloneNode" in src) { return src.cloneNode(true); } if (src instanceof Date) { return new Date(src.getTime()); } if (src instanceof RegExp) { return new RegExp(src); } if (Array.isArray(src)) { return; } if (map2 && src instanceof map2) { return new Map(Array.from(src.entries())); } if (set && src instanceof set) { return new Set(Array.from(src.values())); } if (src instanceof Object) { circulars.push(src); var obj = Object.create(src); clones.push(obj); for (var key in src) { var idx = circulars.findIndex(function(i4) { return i4 === src[key]; }); obj[key] = idx > -1 ? clones[idx] : baseClone(src[key], circulars, clones); } return obj; } return src; } function clone(src) { return baseClone(src, [], []); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/printValue.js var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var errorToString = Error.prototype.toString; var regExpToString = RegExp.prototype.toString; var symbolToString = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" ? Symbol.prototype.toString : () => ""; var SYMBOL_REGEXP = /^Symbol\((.*)\)(.*)$/; function printNumber(val) { if (val != +val) return "NaN"; const isNegativeZero = val === 0 && 1 / val < 0; return isNegativeZero ? "-0" : "" + val; } function printSimpleValue(val, quoteStrings = false) { if (val == null || val === true || val === false) return "" + val; const typeOf = typeof val; if (typeOf === "number") return printNumber(val); if (typeOf === "string") return quoteStrings ? `"${val}"` : val; if (typeOf === "function") return "[Function " + ( || "anonymous") + "]"; if (typeOf === "symbol") return, "Symbol($1)"); const tag =, -1); if (tag === "Date") return isNaN(val.getTime()) ? "" + val : val.toISOString(val); if (tag === "Error" || val instanceof Error) return "[" + + "]"; if (tag === "RegExp") return; return null; } function printValue(value, quoteStrings) { let result = printSimpleValue(value, quoteStrings); if (result !== null) return result; return JSON.stringify(value, function(key, value2) { let result2 = printSimpleValue(this[key], quoteStrings); if (result2 !== null) return result2; return value2; }, 2); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/locale.js var mixed = { default: "${path} is invalid", required: "${path} is a required field", oneOf: "${path} must be one of the following values: ${values}", notOneOf: "${path} must not be one of the following values: ${values}", notType: ({ path, type, value, originalValue }) => { let isCast = originalValue != null && originalValue !== value; let msg = `${path} must be a \`${type}\` type, but the final value was: \`${printValue(value, true)}\`` + (isCast ? ` (cast from the value \`${printValue(originalValue, true)}\`).` : "."); if (value === null) { msg += ` If "null" is intended as an empty value be sure to mark the schema as \`.nullable()\``; } return msg; }, defined: "${path} must be defined" }; var string = { length: "${path} must be exactly ${length} characters", min: "${path} must be at least ${min} characters", max: "${path} must be at most ${max} characters", matches: '${path} must match the following: "${regex}"', email: "${path} must be a valid email", url: "${path} must be a valid URL", uuid: "${path} must be a valid UUID", trim: "${path} must be a trimmed string", lowercase: "${path} must be a lowercase string", uppercase: "${path} must be a upper case string" }; var number = { min: "${path} must be greater than or equal to ${min}", max: "${path} must be less than or equal to ${max}", lessThan: "${path} must be less than ${less}", moreThan: "${path} must be greater than ${more}", positive: "${path} must be a positive number", negative: "${path} must be a negative number", integer: "${path} must be an integer" }; var date = { min: "${path} field must be later than ${min}", max: "${path} field must be at earlier than ${max}" }; var boolean = { isValue: "${path} field must be ${value}" }; var object = { noUnknown: "${path} field has unspecified keys: ${unknown}" }; var array = { min: "${path} field must have at least ${min} items", max: "${path} field must have less than or equal to ${max} items", length: "${path} must have ${length} items" }; var locale_default = Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), { mixed, string, number, date, object, array, boolean }); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/Condition.js var import_has = __toESM(require_has()); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/isSchema.js var isSchema = (obj) => obj && obj.__isYupSchema__; var isSchema_default = isSchema; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/Condition.js var Condition = class { constructor(refs, options) { this.fn = void 0; this.refs = refs; this.refs = refs; if (typeof options === "function") { this.fn = options; return; } if (!(0, import_has.default)(options, "is")) throw new TypeError("`is:` is required for `when()` conditions"); if (!options.then && !options.otherwise) throw new TypeError("either `then:` or `otherwise:` is required for `when()` conditions"); let { is, then, otherwise } = options; let check = typeof is === "function" ? is : (...values) => values.every((value) => value === is); this.fn = function(...args) { let options2 = args.pop(); let schema = args.pop(); let branch = check(...args) ? then : otherwise; if (!branch) return void 0; if (typeof branch === "function") return branch(schema); return schema.concat(branch.resolve(options2)); }; } resolve(base2, options) { let values = => ref.getValue(options == null ? void 0 : options.value, options == null ? void 0 : options.parent, options == null ? void 0 : options.context)); let schema = this.fn.apply(base2, values.concat(base2, options)); if (schema === void 0 || schema === base2) return base2; if (!isSchema_default(schema)) throw new TypeError("conditions must return a schema object"); return schema.resolve(options); } }; var Condition_default = Condition; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/toArray.js function toArray(value) { return value == null ? [] : [].concat(value); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/ValidationError.js function _extends2() { _extends2 = Object.assign || function(target) { for (var i4 = 1; i4 < arguments.length; i4++) { var source = arguments[i4]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends2.apply(this, arguments); } var strReg = /\$\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}/g; var ValidationError = class extends Error { static formatError(message, params) { const path = params.label || params.path || "this"; if (path !== params.path) params = _extends2({}, params, { path }); if (typeof message === "string") return message.replace(strReg, (_3, key) => printValue(params[key])); if (typeof message === "function") return message(params); return message; } static isError(err) { return err && === "ValidationError"; } constructor(errorOrErrors, value, field, type) { super(); this.value = void 0; this.path = void 0; this.type = void 0; this.errors = void 0; this.params = void 0; this.inner = void 0; = "ValidationError"; this.value = value; this.path = field; this.type = type; this.errors = []; this.inner = []; toArray(errorOrErrors).forEach((err) => { if (ValidationError.isError(err)) { this.errors.push(...err.errors); this.inner = this.inner.concat(err.inner.length ? err.inner : err); } else { this.errors.push(err); } }); this.message = this.errors.length > 1 ? `${this.errors.length} errors occurred` : this.errors[0]; if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(this, ValidationError); } }; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/runTests.js var once = (cb) => { let fired = false; return (...args) => { if (fired) return; fired = true; cb(...args); }; }; function runTests(options, cb) { let { endEarly, tests, args, value, errors: errors2, sort, path } = options; let callback = once(cb); let count = tests.length; const nestedErrors = []; errors2 = errors2 ? errors2 : []; if (!count) return errors2.length ? callback(new ValidationError(errors2, value, path)) : callback(null, value); for (let i4 = 0; i4 < tests.length; i4++) { const test = tests[i4]; test(args, function finishTestRun(err) { if (err) { if (!ValidationError.isError(err)) { return callback(err, value); } if (endEarly) { err.value = value; return callback(err, value); } nestedErrors.push(err); } if (--count <= 0) { if (nestedErrors.length) { if (sort) nestedErrors.sort(sort); if (errors2.length) nestedErrors.push(...errors2); errors2 = nestedErrors; } if (errors2.length) { callback(new ValidationError(errors2, value, path), value); return; } callback(null, value); } }); } } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/createValidation.js var import_mapValues = __toESM(require_mapValues()); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/Reference.js var import_property_expr = __toESM(require_property_expr()); var prefixes = { context: "$", value: "." }; var Reference = class { constructor(key, options = {}) { this.key = void 0; this.isContext = void 0; this.isValue = void 0; this.isSibling = void 0; this.path = void 0; this.getter = void 0; = void 0; if (typeof key !== "string") throw new TypeError("ref must be a string, got: " + key); this.key = key.trim(); if (key === "") throw new TypeError("ref must be a non-empty string"); this.isContext = this.key[0] === prefixes.context; this.isValue = this.key[0] === prefixes.value; this.isSibling = !this.isContext && !this.isValue; let prefix2 = this.isContext ? prefixes.context : this.isValue ? prefixes.value : ""; this.path = this.key.slice(prefix2.length); this.getter = this.path && (0, import_property_expr.getter)(this.path, true); =; } getValue(value, parent, context) { let result = this.isContext ? context : this.isValue ? value : parent; if (this.getter) result = this.getter(result || {}); if ( result =; return result; } /** * * @param {*} value * @param {Object} options * @param {Object=} options.context * @param {Object=} options.parent */ cast(value, options) { return this.getValue(value, options == null ? void 0 : options.parent, options == null ? void 0 : options.context); } resolve() { return this; } describe() { return { type: "ref", key: this.key }; } toString() { return `Ref(${this.key})`; } static isRef(value) { return value && value.__isYupRef; } }; Reference.prototype.__isYupRef = true; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/createValidation.js function _extends3() { _extends3 = Object.assign || function(target) { for (var i4 = 1; i4 < arguments.length; i4++) { var source = arguments[i4]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends3.apply(this, arguments); } function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i4; for (i4 = 0; i4 < sourceKeys.length; i4++) { key = sourceKeys[i4]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } function createValidation(config) { function validate(_ref, cb) { let { value, path = "", label, options, originalValue, sync } = _ref, rest = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(_ref, ["value", "path", "label", "options", "originalValue", "sync"]); const { name, test, params, message } = config; let { parent, context } = options; function resolve(item) { return Reference.isRef(item) ? item.getValue(value, parent, context) : item; } function createError(overrides = {}) { const nextParams = (0, import_mapValues.default)(_extends3({ value, originalValue, label, path: overrides.path || path }, params, overrides.params), resolve); const error2 = new ValidationError(ValidationError.formatError(overrides.message || message, nextParams), value, nextParams.path, overrides.type || name); error2.params = nextParams; return error2; } let ctx = _extends3({ path, parent, type: name, createError, resolve, options, originalValue }, rest); if (!sync) { try { Promise.resolve(, value, ctx)).then((validOrError) => { if (ValidationError.isError(validOrError)) cb(validOrError); else if (!validOrError) cb(createError()); else cb(null, validOrError); }).catch(cb); } catch (err) { cb(err); } return; } let result; try { var _ref2; result =, value, ctx); if (typeof ((_ref2 = result) == null ? void 0 : _ref2.then) === "function") { throw new Error(`Validation test of type: "${ctx.type}" returned a Promise during a synchronous validate. This test will finish after the validate call has returned`); } } catch (err) { cb(err); return; } if (ValidationError.isError(result)) cb(result); else if (!result) cb(createError()); else cb(null, result); } validate.OPTIONS = config; return validate; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/reach.js var import_property_expr2 = __toESM(require_property_expr()); var trim = (part) => part.substr(0, part.length - 1).substr(1); function getIn(schema, path, value, context = value) { let parent, lastPart, lastPartDebug; if (!path) return { parent, parentPath: path, schema }; (0, import_property_expr2.forEach)(path, (_part, isBracket, isArray) => { let part = isBracket ? trim(_part) : _part; schema = schema.resolve({ context, parent, value }); if (schema.innerType) { let idx = isArray ? parseInt(part, 10) : 0; if (value && idx >= value.length) { throw new Error(`Yup.reach cannot resolve an array item at index: ${_part}, in the path: ${path}. because there is no value at that index. `); } parent = value; value = value && value[idx]; schema = schema.innerType; } if (!isArray) { if (!schema.fields || !schema.fields[part]) throw new Error(`The schema does not contain the path: ${path}. (failed at: ${lastPartDebug} which is a type: "${schema._type}")`); parent = value; value = value && value[part]; schema = schema.fields[part]; } lastPart = part; lastPartDebug = isBracket ? "[" + _part + "]" : "." + _part; }); return { schema, parent, parentPath: lastPart }; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/ReferenceSet.js var ReferenceSet = class { constructor() { this.list = void 0; this.refs = void 0; this.list = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.refs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } get size() { return this.list.size + this.refs.size; } describe() { const description = []; for (const item of this.list) description.push(item); for (const [, ref] of this.refs) description.push(ref.describe()); return description; } toArray() { return Array.from(this.list).concat(Array.from(this.refs.values())); } resolveAll(resolve) { return this.toArray().reduce((acc, e4) => acc.concat(Reference.isRef(e4) ? resolve(e4) : e4), []); } add(value) { Reference.isRef(value) ? this.refs.set(value.key, value) : this.list.add(value); } delete(value) { Reference.isRef(value) ? this.refs.delete(value.key) : this.list.delete(value); } clone() { const next = new ReferenceSet(); next.list = new Set(this.list); next.refs = new Map(this.refs); return next; } merge(newItems, removeItems) { const next = this.clone(); newItems.list.forEach((value) => next.add(value)); newItems.refs.forEach((value) => next.add(value)); removeItems.list.forEach((value) => next.delete(value)); removeItems.refs.forEach((value) => next.delete(value)); return next; } }; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/schema.js function _extends4() { _extends4 = Object.assign || function(target) { for (var i4 = 1; i4 < arguments.length; i4++) { var source = arguments[i4]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends4.apply(this, arguments); } var BaseSchema = class { constructor(options) { this.deps = []; this.tests = void 0; this.transforms = void 0; this.conditions = []; this._mutate = void 0; this._typeError = void 0; this._whitelist = new ReferenceSet(); this._blacklist = new ReferenceSet(); this.exclusiveTests = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this.spec = void 0; this.tests = []; this.transforms = []; this.withMutation(() => { this.typeError(mixed.notType); }); this.type = (options == null ? void 0 : options.type) || "mixed"; this.spec = _extends4({ strip: false, strict: false, abortEarly: true, recursive: true, nullable: false, presence: "optional" }, options == null ? void 0 : options.spec); } // TODO: remove get _type() { return this.type; } _typeCheck(_value) { return true; } clone(spec) { if (this._mutate) { if (spec) Object.assign(this.spec, spec); return this; } const next = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)); next.type = this.type; next._typeError = this._typeError; next._whitelistError = this._whitelistError; next._blacklistError = this._blacklistError; next._whitelist = this._whitelist.clone(); next._blacklist = this._blacklist.clone(); next.exclusiveTests = _extends4({}, this.exclusiveTests); next.deps = [...this.deps]; next.conditions = [...this.conditions]; next.tests = [...this.tests]; next.transforms = [...this.transforms]; next.spec = clone(_extends4({}, this.spec, spec)); return next; } label(label) { let next = this.clone(); next.spec.label = label; return next; } meta(...args) { if (args.length === 0) return this.spec.meta; let next = this.clone(); next.spec.meta = Object.assign(next.spec.meta || {}, args[0]); return next; } // withContext(): BaseSchema< // TCast, // TContext, // TOutput // > { // return this as any; // } withMutation(fn2) { let before = this._mutate; this._mutate = true; let result = fn2(this); this._mutate = before; return result; } concat(schema) { if (!schema || schema === this) return this; if (schema.type !== this.type && this.type !== "mixed") throw new TypeError(`You cannot \`concat()\` schema's of different types: ${this.type} and ${schema.type}`); let base2 = this; let combined = schema.clone(); const mergedSpec = _extends4({}, base2.spec, combined.spec); combined.spec = mergedSpec; combined._typeError || (combined._typeError = base2._typeError); combined._whitelistError || (combined._whitelistError = base2._whitelistError); combined._blacklistError || (combined._blacklistError = base2._blacklistError); combined._whitelist = base2._whitelist.merge(schema._whitelist, schema._blacklist); combined._blacklist = base2._blacklist.merge(schema._blacklist, schema._whitelist); combined.tests = base2.tests; combined.exclusiveTests = base2.exclusiveTests; combined.withMutation((next) => { schema.tests.forEach((fn2) => { next.test(fn2.OPTIONS); }); }); combined.transforms = [...base2.transforms, ...combined.transforms]; return combined; } isType(v3) { if (this.spec.nullable && v3 === null) return true; return this._typeCheck(v3); } resolve(options) { let schema = this; if (schema.conditions.length) { let conditions = schema.conditions; schema = schema.clone(); schema.conditions = []; schema = conditions.reduce((schema2, condition) => condition.resolve(schema2, options), schema); schema = schema.resolve(options); } return schema; } /** * * @param {*} value * @param {Object} options * @param {*=} options.parent * @param {*=} options.context */ cast(value, options = {}) { let resolvedSchema = this.resolve(_extends4({ value }, options)); let result = resolvedSchema._cast(value, options); if (value !== void 0 && options.assert !== false && resolvedSchema.isType(result) !== true) { let formattedValue = printValue(value); let formattedResult = printValue(result); throw new TypeError(`The value of ${options.path || "field"} could not be cast to a value that satisfies the schema type: "${resolvedSchema._type}". attempted value: ${formattedValue} ` + (formattedResult !== formattedValue ? `result of cast: ${formattedResult}` : "")); } return result; } _cast(rawValue, _options) { let value = rawValue === void 0 ? rawValue : this.transforms.reduce((value2, fn2) =>, value2, rawValue, this), rawValue); if (value === void 0) { value = this.getDefault(); } return value; } _validate(_value, options = {}, cb) { let { sync, path, from = [], originalValue = _value, strict = this.spec.strict, abortEarly = this.spec.abortEarly } = options; let value = _value; if (!strict) { value = this._cast(value, _extends4({ assert: false }, options)); } let args = { value, path, options, originalValue, schema: this, label: this.spec.label, sync, from }; let initialTests = []; if (this._typeError) initialTests.push(this._typeError); let finalTests = []; if (this._whitelistError) finalTests.push(this._whitelistError); if (this._blacklistError) finalTests.push(this._blacklistError); runTests({ args, value, path, sync, tests: initialTests, endEarly: abortEarly }, (err) => { if (err) return void cb(err, value); runTests({ tests: this.tests.concat(finalTests), args, path, sync, value, endEarly: abortEarly }, cb); }); } validate(value, options, maybeCb) { let schema = this.resolve(_extends4({}, options, { value })); return typeof maybeCb === "function" ? schema._validate(value, options, maybeCb) : new Promise((resolve, reject) => schema._validate(value, options, (err, value2) => { if (err) reject(err); else resolve(value2); })); } validateSync(value, options) { let schema = this.resolve(_extends4({}, options, { value })); let result; schema._validate(value, _extends4({}, options, { sync: true }), (err, value2) => { if (err) throw err; result = value2; }); return result; } isValid(value, options) { return this.validate(value, options).then(() => true, (err) => { if (ValidationError.isError(err)) return false; throw err; }); } isValidSync(value, options) { try { this.validateSync(value, options); return true; } catch (err) { if (ValidationError.isError(err)) return false; throw err; } } _getDefault() { let defaultValue = this.spec.default; if (defaultValue == null) { return defaultValue; } return typeof defaultValue === "function" ? : clone(defaultValue); } getDefault(options) { let schema = this.resolve(options || {}); return schema._getDefault(); } default(def) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._getDefault(); } let next = this.clone({ default: def }); return next; } strict(isStrict = true) { let next = this.clone(); next.spec.strict = isStrict; return next; } _isPresent(value) { return value != null; } defined(message = mixed.defined) { return this.test({ message, name: "defined", exclusive: true, test(value) { return value !== void 0; } }); } required(message = mixed.required) { return this.clone({ presence: "required" }).withMutation((s5) => s5.test({ message, name: "required", exclusive: true, test(value) { return this.schema._isPresent(value); } })); } notRequired() { let next = this.clone({ presence: "optional" }); next.tests = next.tests.filter((test) => !== "required"); return next; } nullable(isNullable = true) { let next = this.clone({ nullable: isNullable !== false }); return next; } transform(fn2) { let next = this.clone(); next.transforms.push(fn2); return next; } /** * Adds a test function to the schema's queue of tests. * tests can be exclusive or non-exclusive. * * - exclusive tests, will replace any existing tests of the same name. * - non-exclusive: can be stacked * * If a non-exclusive test is added to a schema with an exclusive test of the same name * the exclusive test is removed and further tests of the same name will be stacked. * * If an exclusive test is added to a schema with non-exclusive tests of the same name * the previous tests are removed and further tests of the same name will replace each other. */ test(...args) { let opts; if (args.length === 1) { if (typeof args[0] === "function") { opts = { test: args[0] }; } else { opts = args[0]; } } else if (args.length === 2) { opts = { name: args[0], test: args[1] }; } else { opts = { name: args[0], message: args[1], test: args[2] }; } if (opts.message === void 0) opts.message = mixed.default; if (typeof opts.test !== "function") throw new TypeError("`test` is a required parameters"); let next = this.clone(); let validate = createValidation(opts); let isExclusive = opts.exclusive || && next.exclusiveTests[] === true; if (opts.exclusive) { if (! throw new TypeError("Exclusive tests must provide a unique `name` identifying the test"); } if ( next.exclusiveTests[] = !!opts.exclusive; next.tests = next.tests.filter((fn2) => { if ( === { if (isExclusive) return false; if (fn2.OPTIONS.test === validate.OPTIONS.test) return false; } return true; }); next.tests.push(validate); return next; } when(keys, options) { if (!Array.isArray(keys) && typeof keys !== "string") { options = keys; keys = "."; } let next = this.clone(); let deps = toArray(keys).map((key) => new Reference(key)); deps.forEach((dep) => { if (dep.isSibling) next.deps.push(dep.key); }); next.conditions.push(new Condition_default(deps, options)); return next; } typeError(message) { let next = this.clone(); next._typeError = createValidation({ message, name: "typeError", test(value) { if (value !== void 0 && !this.schema.isType(value)) return this.createError({ params: { type: this.schema._type } }); return true; } }); return next; } oneOf(enums, message = mixed.oneOf) { let next = this.clone(); enums.forEach((val) => { next._whitelist.add(val); next._blacklist.delete(val); }); next._whitelistError = createValidation({ message, name: "oneOf", test(value) { if (value === void 0) return true; let valids = this.schema._whitelist; let resolved = valids.resolveAll(this.resolve); return resolved.includes(value) ? true : this.createError({ params: { values: valids.toArray().join(", "), resolved } }); } }); return next; } notOneOf(enums, message = mixed.notOneOf) { let next = this.clone(); enums.forEach((val) => { next._blacklist.add(val); next._whitelist.delete(val); }); next._blacklistError = createValidation({ message, name: "notOneOf", test(value) { let invalids = this.schema._blacklist; let resolved = invalids.resolveAll(this.resolve); if (resolved.includes(value)) return this.createError({ params: { values: invalids.toArray().join(", "), resolved } }); return true; } }); return next; } strip(strip = true) { let next = this.clone(); next.spec.strip = strip; return next; } describe() { const next = this.clone(); const { label, meta } = next.spec; const description = { meta, label, type: next.type, oneOf: next._whitelist.describe(), notOneOf: next._blacklist.describe(), tests: => ({ name:, params: fn2.OPTIONS.params })).filter((n2, idx, list) => list.findIndex((c4) => === === idx) }; return description; } }; BaseSchema.prototype.__isYupSchema__ = true; for (const method of ["validate", "validateSync"]) BaseSchema.prototype[`${method}At`] = function(path, value, options = {}) { const { parent, parentPath, schema } = getIn(this, path, value, options.context); return schema[method](parent && parent[parentPath], _extends4({}, options, { parent, path })); }; for (const alias of ["equals", "is"]) BaseSchema.prototype[alias] = BaseSchema.prototype.oneOf; for (const alias of ["not", "nope"]) BaseSchema.prototype[alias] = BaseSchema.prototype.notOneOf; BaseSchema.prototype.optional = BaseSchema.prototype.notRequired; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/mixed.js var Mixed = BaseSchema; function create() { return new Mixed(); } create.prototype = Mixed.prototype; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/isAbsent.js var isAbsent = (value) => value == null; var isAbsent_default = isAbsent; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/boolean.js function create2() { return new BooleanSchema(); } var BooleanSchema = class extends BaseSchema { constructor() { super({ type: "boolean" }); this.withMutation(() => { this.transform(function(value) { if (!this.isType(value)) { if (/^(true|1)$/i.test(String(value))) return true; if (/^(false|0)$/i.test(String(value))) return false; } return value; }); }); } _typeCheck(v3) { if (v3 instanceof Boolean) v3 = v3.valueOf(); return typeof v3 === "boolean"; } isTrue(message = boolean.isValue) { return this.test({ message, name: "is-value", exclusive: true, params: { value: "true" }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value === true; } }); } isFalse(message = boolean.isValue) { return this.test({ message, name: "is-value", exclusive: true, params: { value: "false" }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value === false; } }); } }; create2.prototype = BooleanSchema.prototype; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/string.js var rEmail = /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+)*)|((\x22)((((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(([\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]|\x21|[\x23-\x5b]|[\x5d-\x7e]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(\\([\x01-\x09\x0b\x0c\x0d-\x7f]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]))))*(((\x20|\x09)*(\x0d\x0a))?(\x20|\x09)+)?(\x22)))@((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))$/i; var rUrl = /^((https?|ftp):)?\/\/(((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:)*@)?(((\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d|[1-9]\d|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]))|((([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\d|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.)+(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])))\.?)(:\d*)?)(\/((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)+(\/(([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)*)*)?)?(\?((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|[\uE000-\uF8FF]|\/|\?)*)?(\#((([a-z]|\d|-|\.|_|~|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])|(%[\da-f]{2})|[!\$&'\(\)\*\+,;=]|:|@)|\/|\?)*)?$/i; var rUUID = /^(?:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}|00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)$/i; var isTrimmed = (value) => isAbsent_default(value) || value === value.trim(); var objStringTag = {}.toString(); function create3() { return new StringSchema(); } var StringSchema = class extends BaseSchema { constructor() { super({ type: "string" }); this.withMutation(() => { this.transform(function(value) { if (this.isType(value)) return value; if (Array.isArray(value)) return value; const strValue = value != null && value.toString ? value.toString() : value; if (strValue === objStringTag) return value; return strValue; }); }); } _typeCheck(value) { if (value instanceof String) value = value.valueOf(); return typeof value === "string"; } _isPresent(value) { return super._isPresent(value) && !!value.length; } length(length, message = string.length) { return this.test({ message, name: "length", exclusive: true, params: { length }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value.length === this.resolve(length); } }); } min(min, message = string.min) { return this.test({ message, name: "min", exclusive: true, params: { min }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value.length >= this.resolve(min); } }); } max(max, message = string.max) { return this.test({ name: "max", exclusive: true, message, params: { max }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value.length <= this.resolve(max); } }); } matches(regex, options) { let excludeEmptyString = false; let message; let name; if (options) { if (typeof options === "object") { ({ excludeEmptyString = false, message, name } = options); } else { message = options; } } return this.test({ name: name || "matches", message: message || string.matches, params: { regex }, test: (value) => isAbsent_default(value) || value === "" && excludeEmptyString || !== -1 }); } email(message = { return this.matches(rEmail, { name: "email", message, excludeEmptyString: true }); } url(message = string.url) { return this.matches(rUrl, { name: "url", message, excludeEmptyString: true }); } uuid(message = string.uuid) { return this.matches(rUUID, { name: "uuid", message, excludeEmptyString: false }); } //-- transforms -- ensure() { return this.default("").transform((val) => val === null ? "" : val); } trim(message = string.trim) { return this.transform((val) => val != null ? val.trim() : val).test({ message, name: "trim", test: isTrimmed }); } lowercase(message = string.lowercase) { return this.transform((value) => !isAbsent_default(value) ? value.toLowerCase() : value).test({ message, name: "string_case", exclusive: true, test: (value) => isAbsent_default(value) || value === value.toLowerCase() }); } uppercase(message = string.uppercase) { return this.transform((value) => !isAbsent_default(value) ? value.toUpperCase() : value).test({ message, name: "string_case", exclusive: true, test: (value) => isAbsent_default(value) || value === value.toUpperCase() }); } }; create3.prototype = StringSchema.prototype; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/number.js var isNaN2 = (value) => value != +value; function create4() { return new NumberSchema(); } var NumberSchema = class extends BaseSchema { constructor() { super({ type: "number" }); this.withMutation(() => { this.transform(function(value) { let parsed = value; if (typeof parsed === "string") { parsed = parsed.replace(/\s/g, ""); if (parsed === "") return NaN; parsed = +parsed; } if (this.isType(parsed)) return parsed; return parseFloat(parsed); }); }); } _typeCheck(value) { if (value instanceof Number) value = value.valueOf(); return typeof value === "number" && !isNaN2(value); } min(min, message = number.min) { return this.test({ message, name: "min", exclusive: true, params: { min }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value >= this.resolve(min); } }); } max(max, message = number.max) { return this.test({ message, name: "max", exclusive: true, params: { max }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value <= this.resolve(max); } }); } lessThan(less, message = number.lessThan) { return this.test({ message, name: "max", exclusive: true, params: { less }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value < this.resolve(less); } }); } moreThan(more, message = number.moreThan) { return this.test({ message, name: "min", exclusive: true, params: { more }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value > this.resolve(more); } }); } positive(msg = number.positive) { return this.moreThan(0, msg); } negative(msg = number.negative) { return this.lessThan(0, msg); } integer(message = number.integer) { return this.test({ name: "integer", message, test: (val) => isAbsent_default(val) || Number.isInteger(val) }); } truncate() { return this.transform((value) => !isAbsent_default(value) ? value | 0 : value); } round(method) { var _method; let avail = ["ceil", "floor", "round", "trunc"]; method = ((_method = method) == null ? void 0 : _method.toLowerCase()) || "round"; if (method === "trunc") return this.truncate(); if (avail.indexOf(method.toLowerCase()) === -1) throw new TypeError("Only valid options for round() are: " + avail.join(", ")); return this.transform((value) => !isAbsent_default(value) ? Math[method](value) : value); } }; create4.prototype = NumberSchema.prototype; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/isodate.js var isoReg = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})(?:-?(\d{2})(?:-?(\d{2}))?)?(?:[ T]?(\d{2}):?(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2})(?:[,\.](\d{1,}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2}))?)?)?$/; function parseIsoDate(date2) { var numericKeys = [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11], minutesOffset = 0, timestamp, struct; if (struct = isoReg.exec(date2)) { for (var i4 = 0, k5; k5 = numericKeys[i4]; ++i4) struct[k5] = +struct[k5] || 0; struct[2] = (+struct[2] || 1) - 1; struct[3] = +struct[3] || 1; struct[7] = struct[7] ? String(struct[7]).substr(0, 3) : 0; if ((struct[8] === void 0 || struct[8] === "") && (struct[9] === void 0 || struct[9] === "")) timestamp = +new Date(struct[1], struct[2], struct[3], struct[4], struct[5], struct[6], struct[7]); else { if (struct[8] !== "Z" && struct[9] !== void 0) { minutesOffset = struct[10] * 60 + struct[11]; if (struct[9] === "+") minutesOffset = 0 - minutesOffset; } timestamp = Date.UTC(struct[1], struct[2], struct[3], struct[4], struct[5] + minutesOffset, struct[6], struct[7]); } } else timestamp = Date.parse ? Date.parse(date2) : NaN; return timestamp; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/date.js var invalidDate = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(""); var isDate2 = (obj) => === "[object Date]"; function create5() { return new DateSchema(); } var DateSchema = class extends BaseSchema { constructor() { super({ type: "date" }); this.withMutation(() => { this.transform(function(value) { if (this.isType(value)) return value; value = parseIsoDate(value); return !isNaN(value) ? new Date(value) : invalidDate; }); }); } _typeCheck(v3) { return isDate2(v3) && !isNaN(v3.getTime()); } prepareParam(ref, name) { let param; if (!Reference.isRef(ref)) { let cast = this.cast(ref); if (!this._typeCheck(cast)) throw new TypeError(`\`${name}\` must be a Date or a value that can be \`cast()\` to a Date`); param = cast; } else { param = ref; } return param; } min(min, message = date.min) { let limit = this.prepareParam(min, "min"); return this.test({ message, name: "min", exclusive: true, params: { min }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value >= this.resolve(limit); } }); } max(max, message = date.max) { let limit = this.prepareParam(max, "max"); return this.test({ message, name: "max", exclusive: true, params: { max }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value <= this.resolve(limit); } }); } }; DateSchema.INVALID_DATE = invalidDate; create5.prototype = DateSchema.prototype; create5.INVALID_DATE = invalidDate; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/object.js var import_has3 = __toESM(require_has()); var import_snakeCase = __toESM(require_snakeCase()); var import_camelCase = __toESM(require_camelCase()); var import_mapKeys = __toESM(require_mapKeys()); var import_mapValues2 = __toESM(require_mapValues()); var import_property_expr4 = __toESM(require_property_expr()); // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/sortFields.js var import_has2 = __toESM(require_has()); var import_toposort = __toESM(require_toposort()); var import_property_expr3 = __toESM(require_property_expr()); function sortFields(fields, excludedEdges = []) { let edges = []; let nodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let excludes = new Set([a5, b4]) => `${a5}-${b4}`)); function addNode(depPath, key) { let node = (0, import_property_expr3.split)(depPath)[0]; nodes.add(node); if (!excludes.has(`${key}-${node}`)) edges.push([key, node]); } for (const key in fields) if ((0, import_has2.default)(fields, key)) { let value = fields[key]; nodes.add(key); if (Reference.isRef(value) && value.isSibling) addNode(value.path, key); else if (isSchema_default(value) && "deps" in value) value.deps.forEach((path) => addNode(path, key)); } return import_toposort.default.array(Array.from(nodes), edges).reverse(); } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/util/sortByKeyOrder.js function findIndex2(arr, err) { let idx = Infinity; arr.some((key, ii) => { var _err$path; if (((_err$path = err.path) == null ? void 0 : _err$path.indexOf(key)) !== -1) { idx = ii; return true; } }); return idx; } function sortByKeyOrder(keys) { return (a5, b4) => { return findIndex2(keys, a5) - findIndex2(keys, b4); }; } // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/object.js function _extends5() { _extends5 = Object.assign || function(target) { for (var i4 = 1; i4 < arguments.length; i4++) { var source = arguments[i4]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends5.apply(this, arguments); } var isObject = (obj) => === "[object Object]"; function unknown(ctx, value) { let known = Object.keys(ctx.fields); return Object.keys(value).filter((key) => known.indexOf(key) === -1); } var defaultSort = sortByKeyOrder([]); var ObjectSchema = class extends BaseSchema { constructor(spec) { super({ type: "object" }); this.fields = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this._sortErrors = defaultSort; this._nodes = []; this._excludedEdges = []; this.withMutation(() => { this.transform(function coerce(value) { if (typeof value === "string") { try { value = JSON.parse(value); } catch (err) { value = null; } } if (this.isType(value)) return value; return null; }); if (spec) { this.shape(spec); } }); } _typeCheck(value) { return isObject(value) || typeof value === "function"; } _cast(_value, options = {}) { var _options$stripUnknown; let value = super._cast(_value, options); if (value === void 0) return this.getDefault(); if (!this._typeCheck(value)) return value; let fields = this.fields; let strip = (_options$stripUnknown = options.stripUnknown) != null ? _options$stripUnknown : this.spec.noUnknown; let props = this._nodes.concat(Object.keys(value).filter((v3) => this._nodes.indexOf(v3) === -1)); let intermediateValue = {}; let innerOptions = _extends5({}, options, { parent: intermediateValue, __validating: options.__validating || false }); let isChanged = false; for (const prop of props) { let field = fields[prop]; let exists = (0, import_has3.default)(value, prop); if (field) { let fieldValue; let inputValue = value[prop]; innerOptions.path = (options.path ? `${options.path}.` : "") + prop; field = field.resolve({ value: inputValue, context: options.context, parent: intermediateValue }); let fieldSpec = "spec" in field ? field.spec : void 0; let strict = fieldSpec == null ? void 0 : fieldSpec.strict; if (fieldSpec == null ? void 0 : fieldSpec.strip) { isChanged = isChanged || prop in value; continue; } fieldValue = !options.__validating || !strict ? ( // TODO: use _cast, this is double resolving field.cast(value[prop], innerOptions) ) : value[prop]; if (fieldValue !== void 0) { intermediateValue[prop] = fieldValue; } } else if (exists && !strip) { intermediateValue[prop] = value[prop]; } if (intermediateValue[prop] !== value[prop]) { isChanged = true; } } return isChanged ? intermediateValue : value; } _validate(_value, opts = {}, callback) { let errors2 = []; let { sync, from = [], originalValue = _value, abortEarly = this.spec.abortEarly, recursive = this.spec.recursive } = opts; from = [{ schema: this, value: originalValue }, ...from]; opts.__validating = true; opts.originalValue = originalValue; opts.from = from; super._validate(_value, opts, (err, value) => { if (err) { if (!ValidationError.isError(err) || abortEarly) { return void callback(err, value); } errors2.push(err); } if (!recursive || !isObject(value)) { callback(errors2[0] || null, value); return; } originalValue = originalValue || value; let tests = => (_3, cb) => { let path = key.indexOf(".") === -1 ? (opts.path ? `${opts.path}.` : "") + key : `${opts.path || ""}["${key}"]`; let field = this.fields[key]; if (field && "validate" in field) { field.validate(value[key], _extends5({}, opts, { // @ts-ignore path, from, // inner fields are always strict: // 1. this isn't strict so the casting will also have cast inner values // 2. this is strict in which case the nested values weren't cast either strict: true, parent: value, originalValue: originalValue[key] }), cb); return; } cb(null); }); runTests({ sync, tests, value, errors: errors2, endEarly: abortEarly, sort: this._sortErrors, path: opts.path }, callback); }); } clone(spec) { const next = super.clone(spec); next.fields = _extends5({}, this.fields); next._nodes = this._nodes; next._excludedEdges = this._excludedEdges; next._sortErrors = this._sortErrors; return next; } concat(schema) { let next = super.concat(schema); let nextFields = next.fields; for (let [field, schemaOrRef] of Object.entries(this.fields)) { const target = nextFields[field]; if (target === void 0) { nextFields[field] = schemaOrRef; } else if (target instanceof BaseSchema && schemaOrRef instanceof BaseSchema) { nextFields[field] = schemaOrRef.concat(target); } } return next.withMutation(() => next.shape(nextFields, this._excludedEdges)); } getDefaultFromShape() { let dft = {}; this._nodes.forEach((key) => { const field = this.fields[key]; dft[key] = "default" in field ? field.getDefault() : void 0; }); return dft; } _getDefault() { if ("default" in this.spec) { return super._getDefault(); } if (!this._nodes.length) { return void 0; } return this.getDefaultFromShape(); } shape(additions, excludes = []) { let next = this.clone(); let fields = Object.assign(next.fields, additions); next.fields = fields; next._sortErrors = sortByKeyOrder(Object.keys(fields)); if (excludes.length) { if (!Array.isArray(excludes[0])) excludes = [excludes]; next._excludedEdges = [, ...excludes]; } next._nodes = sortFields(fields, next._excludedEdges); return next; } pick(keys) { const picked = {}; for (const key of keys) { if (this.fields[key]) picked[key] = this.fields[key]; } return this.clone().withMutation((next) => { next.fields = {}; return next.shape(picked); }); } omit(keys) { const next = this.clone(); const fields = next.fields; next.fields = {}; for (const key of keys) { delete fields[key]; } return next.withMutation(() => next.shape(fields)); } from(from, to, alias) { let fromGetter = (0, import_property_expr4.getter)(from, true); return this.transform((obj) => { if (obj == null) return obj; let newObj = obj; if ((0, import_has3.default)(obj, from)) { newObj = _extends5({}, obj); if (!alias) delete newObj[from]; newObj[to] = fromGetter(obj); } return newObj; }); } noUnknown(noAllow = true, message = object.noUnknown) { if (typeof noAllow === "string") { message = noAllow; noAllow = true; } let next = this.test({ name: "noUnknown", exclusive: true, message, test(value) { if (value == null) return true; const unknownKeys = unknown(this.schema, value); return !noAllow || unknownKeys.length === 0 || this.createError({ params: { unknown: unknownKeys.join(", ") } }); } }); next.spec.noUnknown = noAllow; return next; } unknown(allow = true, message = object.noUnknown) { return this.noUnknown(!allow, message); } transformKeys(fn2) { return this.transform((obj) => obj && (0, import_mapKeys.default)(obj, (_3, key) => fn2(key))); } camelCase() { return this.transformKeys(import_camelCase.default); } snakeCase() { return this.transformKeys(import_snakeCase.default); } constantCase() { return this.transformKeys((key) => (0, import_snakeCase.default)(key).toUpperCase()); } describe() { let base2 = super.describe(); base2.fields = (0, import_mapValues2.default)(this.fields, (value) => value.describe()); return base2; } }; function create6(spec) { return new ObjectSchema(spec); } create6.prototype = ObjectSchema.prototype; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/array.js function _extends6() { _extends6 = Object.assign || function(target) { for (var i4 = 1; i4 < arguments.length; i4++) { var source = arguments[i4]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends6.apply(this, arguments); } function create7(type) { return new ArraySchema(type); } var ArraySchema = class extends BaseSchema { constructor(type) { super({ type: "array" }); this.innerType = void 0; this.innerType = type; this.withMutation(() => { this.transform(function(values) { if (typeof values === "string") try { values = JSON.parse(values); } catch (err) { values = null; } return this.isType(values) ? values : null; }); }); } _typeCheck(v3) { return Array.isArray(v3); } get _subType() { return this.innerType; } _cast(_value, _opts) { const value = super._cast(_value, _opts); if (!this._typeCheck(value) || !this.innerType) return value; let isChanged = false; const castArray =, idx) => { const castElement = this.innerType.cast(v3, _extends6({}, _opts, { path: `${_opts.path || ""}[${idx}]` })); if (castElement !== v3) { isChanged = true; } return castElement; }); return isChanged ? castArray : value; } _validate(_value, options = {}, callback) { var _options$abortEarly, _options$recursive; let errors2 = []; let sync = options.sync; let path = options.path; let innerType = this.innerType; let endEarly = (_options$abortEarly = options.abortEarly) != null ? _options$abortEarly : this.spec.abortEarly; let recursive = (_options$recursive = options.recursive) != null ? _options$recursive : this.spec.recursive; let originalValue = options.originalValue != null ? options.originalValue : _value; super._validate(_value, options, (err, value) => { if (err) { if (!ValidationError.isError(err) || endEarly) { return void callback(err, value); } errors2.push(err); } if (!recursive || !innerType || !this._typeCheck(value)) { callback(errors2[0] || null, value); return; } originalValue = originalValue || value; let tests = new Array(value.length); for (let idx = 0; idx < value.length; idx++) { let item = value[idx]; let path2 = `${options.path || ""}[${idx}]`; let innerOptions = _extends6({}, options, { path: path2, strict: true, parent: value, index: idx, originalValue: originalValue[idx] }); tests[idx] = (_3, cb) => innerType.validate(item, innerOptions, cb); } runTests({ sync, path, value, errors: errors2, endEarly, tests }, callback); }); } clone(spec) { const next = super.clone(spec); next.innerType = this.innerType; return next; } concat(schema) { let next = super.concat(schema); next.innerType = this.innerType; if (schema.innerType) next.innerType = next.innerType ? ( // @ts-expect-error Lazy doesn't have concat() next.innerType.concat(schema.innerType) ) : schema.innerType; return next; } of(schema) { let next = this.clone(); if (!isSchema_default(schema)) throw new TypeError("`array.of()` sub-schema must be a valid yup schema not: " + printValue(schema)); next.innerType = schema; return next; } length(length, message = array.length) { return this.test({ message, name: "length", exclusive: true, params: { length }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value.length === this.resolve(length); } }); } min(min, message) { message = message || array.min; return this.test({ message, name: "min", exclusive: true, params: { min }, // FIXME(ts): Array test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value.length >= this.resolve(min); } }); } max(max, message) { message = message || array.max; return this.test({ message, name: "max", exclusive: true, params: { max }, test(value) { return isAbsent_default(value) || value.length <= this.resolve(max); } }); } ensure() { return this.default(() => []).transform((val, original) => { if (this._typeCheck(val)) return val; return original == null ? [] : [].concat(original); }); } compact(rejector) { let reject = !rejector ? (v3) => !!v3 : (v3, i4, a5) => !rejector(v3, i4, a5); return this.transform((values) => values != null ? values.filter(reject) : values); } describe() { let base2 = super.describe(); if (this.innerType) base2.innerType = this.innerType.describe(); return base2; } nullable(isNullable = true) { return super.nullable(isNullable); } defined() { return super.defined(); } required(msg) { return super.required(msg); } }; create7.prototype = ArraySchema.prototype; // ../../node_modules/.pnpm/yup@0.32.11/node_modules/yup/es/setLocale.js function setLocale(custom) { Object.keys(custom).forEach((type) => { Object.keys(custom[type]).forEach((method) => { locale_default[type][method] = custom[type][method]; }); }); } // src/hooks/listener.ts init_hooks_module(); function useListener(action) { const [state, setState] = p3({}); const subscriber = (listener) => { if (listener) { setState({ toBeRan: () => { const whatWeGetFromTheListener = listener(); return action(whatWeGetFromTheListener); } }); } else { setState({ toBeRan: void 0 }); } }; const activator = state.toBeRan ? () => __async(this, null, function* () { if (state.toBeRan) { return state.toBeRan(); } return Promise.reject(); }) : void 0; return [activator, subscriber]; } // src/schemas/index.ts setLocale({ mixed: { default: "field_invalid" }, number: { min: ({ min }) => ({ key: "field_too_short", values: { min } }), max: ({ max }) => ({ key: "field_too_big", values: { max } }) } }); function listOfPayToUrisAreValid(values) { return !!values && values.every((v3) => v3 && PAYTO_REGEX.test(v3)); } function currencyWithAmountIsValid(value) { return !!value && AMOUNT_REGEX.test(value); } function currencyGreaterThan0(value) { if (value) { try { const [, amount] = value.split(":"); const intAmount = parseInt(amount, 10); return intAmount > 0; } catch (e4) { return false; } } return true; } var InstanceSchema = create6().shape({ id: create3().required().meta({ type: "url" }), name: create3().required(), auth: create6().shape({ method: create3().matches(/^(external|token)$/), token: create3().optional().nullable() }), payto_uris: create7().of(create3()).min(1).meta({ type: "array" }).test("payto", "{path} is not valid", listOfPayToUrisAreValid), default_max_deposit_fee: create3().required().test("amount", "the amount is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid).meta({ type: "amount" }), default_max_wire_fee: create3().required().test("amount", "{path} is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid).meta({ type: "amount" }), default_wire_fee_amortization: create4().required(), address: create6().shape({ country: create3().optional(), address_lines: create7().of(create3()).max(7).optional(), building_number: create3().optional(), building_name: create3().optional(), street: create3().optional(), post_code: create3().optional(), town_location: create3().optional(), town: create3(), district: create3().optional(), country_subdivision: create3().optional() }).meta({ type: "group" }), jurisdiction: create6().shape({ country: create3().optional(), address_lines: create7().of(create3()).max(7).optional(), building_number: create3().optional(), building_name: create3().optional(), street: create3().optional(), post_code: create3().optional(), town_location: create3().optional(), town: create3(), district: create3().optional(), country_subdivision: create3().optional() }).meta({ type: "group" }), // default_pay_delay: yup.object() // .shape({ d_us: yup.number() }) // .required() // .meta({ type: 'duration' }), // .transform(numberToDuration), default_wire_transfer_delay: create6().shape({ d_us: create4() }).required().meta({ type: "duration" }) // .transform(numberToDuration), }); var InstanceUpdateSchema = InstanceSchema.clone().omit(["id"]); var InstanceCreateSchema = InstanceSchema.clone(); var AuthorizeRewardSchema = create6().shape({ justification: create3().required(), amount: create3().required().test("amount", "the amount is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid).test("amount_positive", "the amount is not valid", currencyGreaterThan0), next_url: create3().required() }); var OrderCreateSchema = create6().shape({ pricing: create6().required().shape({ summary: create3().ensure().required(), order_price: create3().ensure().required().test("amount", "the amount is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid).test( "amount_positive", "the amount should be greater than 0", currencyGreaterThan0 ) }), // extra: yup.object().test("extra", "is not a JSON format", stringIsValidJSON), payments: create6().required().shape({ refund_deadline: create5().test( "future", "should be in the future", (d5) => d5 ? isFuture(d5) : true ), pay_deadline: create5().test( "future", "should be in the future", (d5) => d5 ? isFuture(d5) : true ), auto_refund_deadline: create5().test( "future", "should be in the future", (d5) => d5 ? isFuture(d5) : true ), delivery_date: create5().test( "future", "should be in the future", (d5) => d5 ? isFuture(d5) : true ) }).test("payment", "dates", (d5) => { if (d5.pay_deadline && d5.refund_deadline && isAfter(d5.refund_deadline, d5.pay_deadline)) { return new ValidationError( "pay deadline should be greater than refund", "asd", "payments.pay_deadline" ); } return true; }) }); var ProductCreateSchema = create6().shape({ product_id: create3().ensure().required(), description: create3().required(), unit: create3().ensure().required(), price: create3().required().test("amount", "the amount is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid), stock: create6({}).optional(), minimum_age: create4().optional().min(0) }); var ProductUpdateSchema = create6().shape({ description: create3().required(), price: create3().required().test("amount", "the amount is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid), stock: create6({}).optional(), minimum_age: create4().optional().min(0) }); var TaxSchema = create6().shape({ name: create3().required().ensure(), tax: create3().required().test("amount", "the amount is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid) }); var NonInventoryProductSchema = create6().shape({ quantity: create4().required().positive(), description: create3().required(), unit: create3().ensure().required(), price: create3().required().test("amount", "the amount is not valid", currencyWithAmountIsValid) }); // src/components/form/InputTaxes.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function InputTaxes({ name, readonly, label }) { const { value: taxes, onChange } = useField(name); const [value, valueHandler] = p3({}); let errors2 = {}; try { TaxSchema.validateSync(value, { abortEarly: false }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ValidationError) { const yupErrors = err.inner; errors2 = yupErrors.reduce( (prev, cur) => !cur.path ? prev : __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, prev), { [cur.path]: cur.message }), {} ); } } const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submit = T2(() => { onChange([value, ...taxes]); valueHandler({}); }, [value]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "tax", label, alternative: taxes.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "This product has ", taxes.length, " applicable taxes configured.") }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "tax", errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body", style: { display: "block" } },, i4) => /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { key: i4, class: "tags has-addons mt-3 mb-0 mr-3", style: { flexWrap: "nowrap" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "tag is-medium is-info mb-0", style: { maxWidth: "90%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, ": ", ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { class: "tag is-medium is-danger is-delete mb-0", onClick: () => { onChange(taxes.filter((f3) => f3 !== v3)); valueHandler(v3); } } ) )), !taxes.length && i18n2.str`No taxes configured for this product.`)), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "tax", label: i18n2.str`Amount`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Taxes can be in currencies that differ from the main currency used by the merchant.` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, 'Enter currency and value separated with a colon, e.g. "USD:2.3".') ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "name", label: i18n2.str`Description`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Legal name of the tax, e.g. VAT or import duties.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add tax to the tax list`, disabled: hasErrors, onClick: submit }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Add") )) ) ); } // src/components/product/NonInventoryProductForm.tsx function NonInventoryProductFrom({ productToEdit, onAddProduct }) { const [showCreateProduct, setShowCreateProduct] = p3(false); const isEditing = !!productToEdit; h2(() => { setShowCreateProduct(isEditing); }, [isEditing]); const [submitForm, addFormSubmitter] = useListener((result) => { if (result) { setShowCreateProduct(false); return onAddProduct({ quantity: result.quantity || 0, taxes: result.taxes || [], description: result.description || "", image: result.image || "", price: result.price || "", unit: result.unit || "" }); } return Promise.resolve(); }); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-success", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`describe and add a product that is not in the inventory list`, onClick: () => setShowCreateProduct(true) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Add custom product") )), showCreateProduct && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal is-active" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "modal-background ", onClick: () => setShowCreateProduct(false) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "modal-card-head" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "modal-card-title" }, i18n2.str`Complete information of the product`), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "delete ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: () => setShowCreateProduct(false) } )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "modal-card-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( ProductForm, { initial: productToEdit, onSubscribe: addFormSubmitter } )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("footer", { class: "modal-card-foot" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right", style: { width: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button ", onClick: () => setShowCreateProduct(false) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info ", disabled: !submitForm, onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") )))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "modal-close is-large ", "aria-label": "close", onClick: () => setShowCreateProduct(false) } ))); } function ProductForm({ onSubscribe, initial: initial2 }) { const [value, valueHandler] = p3(__spreadValues({ taxes: [] }, initial2)); let errors2 = {}; try { NonInventoryProductSchema.validateSync(value, { abortEarly: false }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ValidationError) { const yupErrors = err.inner; errors2 = yupErrors.reduce( (prev, cur) => !cur.path ? prev : __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, prev), { [cur.path]: cur.message }), {} ); } } const submit = T2(() => { return value; }, [value]); const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); h2(() => { onSubscribe(hasErrors ? void 0 : submit); }, [submit, hasErrors]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "product", errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputImage, { name: "image", label: i18n2.str`Image`, tooltip: i18n2.str`photo of the product` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "description", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Description`, tooltip: i18n2.str`full product description` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "unit", label: i18n2.str`Unit`, tooltip: i18n2.str`name of the product unit` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "price", label: i18n2.str`Price`, tooltip: i18n2.str`amount in the current currency` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "quantity", label: i18n2.str`Quantity`, tooltip: i18n2.str`how many products will be added` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputTaxes, { name: "taxes", label: i18n2.str`Taxes` }) )); } // src/components/product/ProductList.tsx init_preact_module(); function ProductList({ list, actions = [] }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "image")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "description")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "quantity")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "unit price")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "total price")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,, index) => { const unitPrice = !entry.price ? "0" : entry.price; const totalPrice = !entry.price ? "0" : Amounts.stringify( Amounts.mult( Amounts.parseOrThrow(entry.price), entry.quantity ).amount ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: index }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "img", { style: { height: 32, width: 32 }, src: entry.image ? entry.image : empty_default } )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, entry.description), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, entry.quantity === 0 ? "--" : `${entry.quantity} ${entry.unit}`), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, unitPrice), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, totalPrice), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" },, i4) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { key: i4, class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-danger has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": a5.tooltip, type: "button", onClick: () => a5.handler(entry, index) }, )); }))); })))); } // src/utils/amount.ts function mergeRefunds(prev, cur) { let tail; if (prev.length === 0 || //empty list cur.timestamp.t_s === "never" || //current does not have timestamp (tail = prev[prev.length - 1]).timestamp.t_s === "never" || // last does not have timestamp cur.reason !== tail.reason || //different reason cur.pending !== tail.pending || //different pending state Math.abs(cur.timestamp.t_s - tail.timestamp.t_s) > 1e3 * 60) { prev.push(cur); return prev; } const a5 = Amounts.parseOrThrow(tail.amount); const b4 = Amounts.parseOrThrow(cur.amount); const r3 = Amounts.add(a5, b4).amount; prev[prev.length - 1] = __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, tail), { amount: Amounts.stringify(r3) }); return prev; } function rate(a5, b4) { const af = toFloat(a5); const bf = toFloat(b4); if (bf === 0) return 0; return af / bf; } function toFloat(amount) { return amount.value + amount.fraction / amountFractionalBase; } // src/paths/instance/orders/create/CreatePage.tsx function with_defaults2(config, currency) { const defaultPayDeadline = !config.default_pay_delay || config.default_pay_delay.d_us === "forever" ? void 0 : add2(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), { seconds: config.default_pay_delay.d_us / (1e3 * 1e3) }); const defaultWireDeadline = !config.default_wire_transfer_delay || config.default_wire_transfer_delay.d_us === "forever" ? void 0 : add2(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), { seconds: config.default_wire_transfer_delay.d_us / (1e3 * 1e3) }); return { inventoryProducts: {}, products: [], pricing: {}, payments: { max_fee: void 0, pay_deadline: defaultPayDeadline, refund_deadline: defaultPayDeadline, createToken: true, wire_transfer_deadline: defaultWireDeadline }, shipping: {}, extra: {} }; } function CreatePage2({ onCreate, onBack, instanceConfig, instanceInventory }) { var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j; const config = useConfigContext(); const instance_default = with_defaults2(instanceConfig, config.currency); const [value, valueHandler] = p3(instance_default); const zero = Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(config.currency); const [settings] = useSettings(); const inventoryList = Object.values(value.inventoryProducts || {}); const productList = Object.values(value.products || {}); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const parsedPrice = !((_a = value.pricing) == null ? void 0 : _a.order_price) ? void 0 : Amounts.parse(value.pricing.order_price); const errors2 = { pricing: undefinedIfEmpty({ summary: !((_b = value.pricing) == null ? void 0 : _b.summary) ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, order_price: !((_c = value.pricing) == null ? void 0 : _c.order_price) ? i18n2.str`required` : !parsedPrice ? i18n2.str`not valid` : Amounts.isZero(parsedPrice) ? i18n2.str`must be greater than 0` : void 0 }), // extra: // value.extra && !stringIsValidJSON(value.extra) // ? i18n.str`not a valid json` // : undefined, payments: undefinedIfEmpty({ refund_deadline: !((_d = value.payments) == null ? void 0 : _d.refund_deadline) ? void 0 : !isFuture(value.payments.refund_deadline) ? i18n2.str`should be in the future` : value.payments.pay_deadline && isBefore(value.payments.refund_deadline, value.payments.pay_deadline) ? i18n2.str`refund deadline cannot be before pay deadline` : value.payments.wire_transfer_deadline && isBefore( value.payments.wire_transfer_deadline, value.payments.refund_deadline ) ? i18n2.str`wire transfer deadline cannot be before refund deadline` : void 0, pay_deadline: !((_e = value.payments) == null ? void 0 : _e.pay_deadline) ? void 0 : !isFuture(value.payments.pay_deadline) ? i18n2.str`should be in the future` : value.payments.wire_transfer_deadline && isBefore( value.payments.wire_transfer_deadline, value.payments.pay_deadline ) ? i18n2.str`wire transfer deadline cannot be before pay deadline` : void 0, auto_refund_deadline: !((_f = value.payments) == null ? void 0 : _f.auto_refund_deadline) ? void 0 : !isFuture(value.payments.auto_refund_deadline) ? i18n2.str`should be in the future` : !((_g = value.payments) == null ? void 0 : _g.refund_deadline) ? i18n2.str`should have a refund deadline` : !isAfter( value.payments.refund_deadline, value.payments.auto_refund_deadline ) ? i18n2.str`auto refund cannot be after refund deadline` : void 0 }), shipping: undefinedIfEmpty({ delivery_date: !((_h = value.shipping) == null ? void 0 : _h.delivery_date) ? void 0 : !isFuture(value.shipping.delivery_date) ? i18n2.str`should be in the future` : void 0 }) }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submit = () => { const order = OrderCreateSchema.cast(value); if (!value.payments) return; if (!value.shipping) return; const request = { order: { amount: order.pricing.order_price, summary: order.pricing.summary, products: productList, extra: JSON.stringify(value.extra), pay_deadline: value.payments.pay_deadline ? { t_s: Math.floor(value.payments.pay_deadline.getTime() / 1e3) } : void 0, wire_transfer_deadline: value.payments.wire_transfer_deadline ? { t_s: Math.floor( value.payments.wire_transfer_deadline.getTime() / 1e3 ) } : void 0, refund_deadline: value.payments.refund_deadline ? { t_s: Math.floor(value.payments.refund_deadline.getTime() / 1e3) } : void 0, auto_refund: value.payments.auto_refund_deadline ? { d_us: Math.floor( value.payments.auto_refund_deadline.getTime() * 1e3 ) } : void 0, max_fee: value.payments.max_fee, delivery_date: value.shipping.delivery_date ? { t_s: value.shipping.delivery_date.getTime() / 1e3 } : void 0, delivery_location: value.shipping.delivery_location, fulfillment_url: value.shipping.fullfilment_url, minimum_age: value.payments.minimum_age }, inventory_products: => ({ product_id:, quantity: p4.quantity })), create_token: value.payments.createToken }; onCreate(request); }; const addProductToTheInventoryList = (product, quantity) => { valueHandler((v3) => { const inventoryProducts = __spreadValues({}, v3.inventoryProducts); inventoryProducts[] = { product, quantity }; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { inventoryProducts }); }); }; const removeProductFromTheInventoryList = (id) => { valueHandler((v3) => { const inventoryProducts = __spreadValues({}, v3.inventoryProducts); delete inventoryProducts[id]; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { inventoryProducts }); }); }; const addNewProduct = (product) => __async(this, null, function* () { return valueHandler((v3) => { const products = v3.products ? [...v3.products, product] : []; return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { products }); }); }); const removeFromNewProduct = (index) => { valueHandler((v3) => { const products = v3.products ? [...v3.products] : []; products.splice(index, 1); return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { products }); }); }; const [editingProduct, setEditingProduct] = p3(void 0); const totalPriceInventory = inventoryList.reduce((prev, cur) => { const p4 = Amounts.parseOrThrow(cur.product.price); return Amounts.add(prev, Amounts.mult(p4, cur.quantity).amount).amount; }, zero); const totalPriceProducts = productList.reduce((prev, cur) => { if (!cur.price) return zero; const p4 = Amounts.parseOrThrow(cur.price); return Amounts.add(prev, Amounts.mult(p4, cur.quantity).amount).amount; }, zero); const hasProducts = inventoryList.length > 0 || productList.length > 0; const totalPrice = Amounts.add(totalPriceInventory, totalPriceProducts); const totalAsString = Amounts.stringify(totalPrice.amount); const allProducts = productList.concat(; const [newField, setNewField] = p3(""); h2(() => { valueHandler((v3) => { return __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { pricing: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3.pricing), { products_price: hasProducts ? totalAsString : void 0, order_price: hasProducts ? totalAsString : void 0 }) }); }); }, [hasProducts, totalAsString]); const discountOrRise = rate( parsedPrice != null ? parsedPrice : Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(config.currency), totalPrice.amount ); const minAgeByProducts = allProducts.reduce( (cur, prev) => !prev.minimum_age || cur > prev.minimum_age ? cur : prev.minimum_age, 0 ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "inventory_products", label: i18n2.str`Manage products in order`, alternative: allProducts.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, allProducts.length, " products with a total price of", " ", totalAsString, "."), tooltip: i18n2.str`Manage list of products in the order.` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InventoryProductForm, { currentProducts: value.inventoryProducts || {}, onAddProduct: addProductToTheInventoryList, inventory: instanceInventory } ), settings.advanceOrderMode && /* @__PURE__ */ h( NonInventoryProductFrom, { productToEdit: editingProduct, onAddProduct: (p4) => { setEditingProduct(void 0); return addNewProduct(p4); } } ), allProducts.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h( ProductList, { list: allProducts, actions: [ { name: i18n2.str`Remove`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Remove this product from the order.`, handler: (e4, index) => { if (e4.product_id) { removeProductFromTheInventoryList(e4.product_id); } else { removeFromNewProduct(index); setEditingProduct(e4); } } } ] } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, hasProducts ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "pricing.products_price", label: i18n2.str`Total price`, readonly: true, tooltip: i18n2.str`total product price added up` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "pricing.order_price", label: i18n2.str`Total price`, addonAfter: discountOrRise > 0 && (discountOrRise < 1 ? `discount of %${Math.round( (1 - discountOrRise) * 100 )}` : `rise of %${Math.round((discountOrRise - 1) * 100)}`), tooltip: i18n2.str`Amount to be paid by the customer` } )) : /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "pricing.order_price", label: i18n2.str`Order price`, tooltip: i18n2.str`final order price` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "pricing.summary", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Summary`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Title of the order to be shown to the customer` } ), settings.advanceOrderMode && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "shipping", label: i18n2.str`Shipping and Fulfillment`, initialActive: true }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "shipping.delivery_date", label: i18n2.str`Delivery date`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Deadline for physical delivery assured by the merchant.` } ), ((_i = value.shipping) == null ? void 0 : _i.delivery_date) && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "shipping.delivery_location", label: i18n2.str`Location`, tooltip: i18n2.str`address where the products will be delivered` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputLocation, { name: "shipping.delivery_location" }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "shipping.fullfilment_url", label: i18n2.str`Fulfillment URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL to which the user will be redirected after successful payment.` } ) ), settings.advanceOrderMode && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "payments", label: i18n2.str`Taler payment options`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Override default Taler payment settings for this order` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "payments.pay_deadline", label: i18n2.str`Payment deadline`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Deadline for the customer to pay for the offer before it expires. Inventory products will be reserved until this deadline.`, side: /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: () => { var _a2, _b2; valueHandler(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, value), { payments: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, (_a2 = value.payments) != null ? _a2 : {}), { pay_deadline: (_b2 = instance_default.payments) == null ? void 0 : _b2.pay_deadline }) })); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "default"))) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "payments.refund_deadline", label: i18n2.str`Refund deadline`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Time until which the order can be refunded by the merchant.`, side: /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: () => { var _a2, _b2; valueHandler(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, value), { payments: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, (_a2 = value.payments) != null ? _a2 : {}), { refund_deadline: (_b2 = instance_default.payments) == null ? void 0 : _b2.refund_deadline }) })); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "default"))) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "payments.wire_transfer_deadline", label: i18n2.str`Wire transfer deadline`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Deadline for the exchange to make the wire transfer.`, side: /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: () => { var _a2, _b2; valueHandler(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, value), { payments: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, (_a2 = value.payments) != null ? _a2 : {}), { wire_transfer_deadline: (_b2 = instance_default.payments) == null ? void 0 : _b2.wire_transfer_deadline }) })); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "default"))) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "payments.auto_refund_deadline", label: i18n2.str`Auto-refund deadline`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Time until which the wallet will automatically check for refunds without user interaction.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "payments.max_fee", label: i18n2.str`Maximum fee`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Maximum fees the merchant is willing to cover for this order. Higher deposit fees must be covered in full by the consumer.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputToggle, { name: "payments.createToken", label: i18n2.str`Create token`, tooltip: i18n2.str`If the order ID is easy to guess the token will prevent user to steal orders from others.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "payments.minimum_age", label: i18n2.str`Minimum age required`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Any value greater than 0 will limit the coins able be used to pay this contract. If empty the age restriction will be defined by the products`, help: minAgeByProducts > 0 ? i18n2.str`Min age defined by the producs is ${minAgeByProducts}` : i18n2.str`No product with age restriction in this order` } ) ), settings.advanceOrderMode && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "extra", label: i18n2.str`Additional information`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Custom information to be included in the contract for this order.` }, Object.keys((_j = value.extra) != null ? _j : {}).map((key) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: `extra.${key}`, inputType: "multiline", label: key, tooltip: i18n2.str`You must enter a value in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).`, side: /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: (e4) => { if (value.extra && value.extra[key] !== void 0) { console.log(value.extra); delete value.extra[key]; } valueHandler(__spreadValues({}, value)); } }, "remove") } ); }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Custom field name"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": "new extra field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { class: "input ", value: newField, onChange: (e4) => setNewField(e4.currentTarget.value) })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: (e4) => { var _a2; setNewField(""); valueHandler(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, value), { extra: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, (_a2 = value.extra) != null ? _a2 : {}), { [newField]: "" }) })); } }, "add")) ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-success", onClick: submit, disabled: hasErrors }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } function asProduct(p4) { return { product_id:, image: p4.product.image, price: p4.product.price, unit: p4.product.unit, quantity: p4.quantity, description: p4.product.description, taxes: p4.product.taxes, minimum_age: p4.product.minimum_age }; } // src/paths/instance/orders/create/index.tsx function OrderCreate({ onConfirm, onBack, onLoadError, onNotFound, onUnauthorized }) { const { createOrder } = useOrderAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const detailsResult = useInstanceDetails(); const inventoryResult = useInstanceProducts(); if (detailsResult.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (inventoryResult.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!detailsResult.ok) { if (detailsResult.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && detailsResult.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (detailsResult.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && detailsResult.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(detailsResult); } if (!inventoryResult.ok) { if (inventoryResult.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && inventoryResult.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (inventoryResult.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && inventoryResult.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(inventoryResult); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage2, { onBack, onCreate: (request) => { createOrder(request).then((r3) => { return onConfirm(; }).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: "could not create order", type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); }, instanceConfig:, instanceInventory: } )); } // src/paths/instance/orders/details/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/orders/details/DetailPage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/form/TextField.tsx init_preact_module(); function TextField({ name, tooltip, label, expand, help, children, side }) { const { error: error2 } = useField(name); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "p", { class: expand ? "control is-expanded has-icons-right" : "control has-icons-right" }, children, help ), error2 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, error2)), side)); } // src/paths/instance/orders/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable2({ orders, onCreate, onRefund, onCopyURL, onSelect, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3([]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash-register" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Orders")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`create order` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" })))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, orders.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table2, { instances: orders, onSelect, onRefund, onCopyURL: (o3) => onCopyURL(, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable3, null))))); } function Table2({ instances, onSelect, onRefund, onCopyURL, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, onLoadMoreBefore && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", disabled: !hasMoreBefore, onClick: onLoadMoreBefore }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load newer orders") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", { style: { minWidth: 100 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Date")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", { style: { minWidth: 100 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", { style: { minWidth: 400 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Summary")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", { style: { minWidth: 50 } }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.timestamp.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format( new Date(i4.timestamp.t_s * 1e3), datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.amount ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.summary ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, i4.refundable && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-danger jb-modal", type: "button", onClick: () => onRefund(i4) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Refund") ), !i4.paid && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-info jb-modal", type: "button", onClick: () => onCopyURL(i4) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "copy url") )))); }))), onLoadMoreAfter && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", disabled: !hasMoreAfter, onClick: onLoadMoreAfter }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load older orders") )); } function EmptyTable3() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "No orders have been found matching your query!"))); } function RefundModal({ order, onCancel, onConfirm }) { const [form, setValue] = p3({}); const [settings] = useSettings(); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const refunds = (order.order_status === "paid" ? order.refund_details : []).reduce(mergeRefunds, []); const config = useConfigContext(); const totalRefunded = => r3.amount).reduce( (p4, c4) => Amounts.add(p4, Amounts.parseOrThrow(c4)).amount, Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(config.currency) ); const orderPrice = order.order_status === "paid" ? Amounts.parseOrThrow(order.contract_terms.amount) : void 0; const totalRefundable = !orderPrice ? Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(totalRefunded.currency) : refunds.length ? Amounts.sub(orderPrice, totalRefunded).amount : orderPrice; const isRefundable = Amounts.isNonZero(totalRefundable); const duplicatedText = i18n2.str`duplicated`; const errors2 = { mainReason: !form.mainReason ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, description: !form.description && form.mainReason !== duplicatedText ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, refund: !form.refund ? i18n2.str`required` : !Amounts.parse(form.refund) ? i18n2.str`invalid format` : Amounts.cmp(totalRefundable, Amounts.parse(form.refund)) === -1 ? i18n2.str`this value exceed the refundable amount` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const validateAndConfirm = () => { try { if (!form.refund) return; onConfirm({ refund: Amounts.stringify( Amounts.add(Amounts.parse(form.refund), totalRefunded).amount ), reason: form.description === void 0 ? form.mainReason || "" : `${form.mainReason}: ${form.description}` }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h( ConfirmModal, { description: "refund", danger: true, active: true, disabled: !isRefundable || hasErrors, onCancel, onConfirm: validateAndConfirm }, refunds.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-12" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "asd", label: `${Amounts.stringify(totalRefunded)} was already refunded` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "date")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "reason")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: r3.timestamp.t_s }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, r3.timestamp.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format( new Date(r3.timestamp.t_s * 1e3), datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, r3.amount), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, r3.reason)); }))) ))), isRefundable && /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: form, valueHandler: (d5) => setValue(d5) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "refund", label: i18n2.str`Refund`, tooltip: i18n2.str`amount to be refunded` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Max refundable:"), " ", Amounts.stringify(totalRefundable) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "mainReason", label: i18n2.str`Reason`, values: [ i18n2.str`Choose one...`, duplicatedText, i18n2.str`requested by the customer`, i18n2.str`other` ], tooltip: i18n2.str`why this order is being refunded` } ), form.mainReason && form.mainReason !== duplicatedText ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { label: i18n2.str`Description`, name: "description", tooltip: i18n2.str`more information to give context` } ) : void 0 ) ); } // src/paths/instance/orders/details/Timeline.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function Timeline({ events: e4 }) { const events2 = [...e4]; events2.push({ when: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), description: "now", type: "now" }); events2.sort((a5, b4) => a5.when.getTime() - b4.when.getTime()); const [settings] = useSettings(); const [state, setState] = p3(events2); h2(() => { const handle = setTimeout(() => { const eventsWithoutNow = state.filter((e5) => e5.type !== "now"); eventsWithoutNow.push({ when: /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), description: "now", type: "now" }); setState(eventsWithoutNow); }, 1e3); return () => { clearTimeout(handle); }; }); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline" },, i4) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { key: i4, class: "timeline-item" }, (() => { switch (e5.type) { case "deadline": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-flag" })); case "delivery": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-delivery" })); case "start": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-flag " })); case "wired": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon is-success" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash" })); case "wired-range": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon is-success" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash" })); case "refund": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon is-danger" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash" })); case "refund-taken": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon is-success" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash" })); case "now": return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-marker is-icon is-info" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-clock" })); } })(), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "timeline-content" }, e5.description !== "now" && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "heading" }, format(e5.when, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, e5.description))); })); } // src/paths/instance/orders/details/DetailPage.tsx function ContractTerms({ value }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputGroup, { name: "contract_terms", label: i18n2.str`Contract Terms` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(FormProvider, { object: value, valueHandler: null }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { readonly: true, name: "summary", label: i18n2.str`Summary`, tooltip: i18n2.str`human-readable description of the whole purchase` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { readonly: true, name: "amount", label: i18n2.str`Amount`, tooltip: i18n2.str`total price for the transaction` } ), value.fulfillment_url && /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { readonly: true, name: "fulfillment_url", label: i18n2.str`Fulfillment URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL for this purchase` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { readonly: true, name: "max_fee", label: i18n2.str`Max fee`, tooltip: i18n2.str`maximum total deposit fee accepted by the merchant for this contract` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { readonly: true, name: "timestamp", label: i18n2.str`Created at`, tooltip: i18n2.str`time when this contract was generated` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { readonly: true, name: "refund_deadline", label: i18n2.str`Refund deadline`, tooltip: i18n2.str`after this deadline has passed no refunds will be accepted` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { readonly: true, name: "pay_deadline", label: i18n2.str`Payment deadline`, tooltip: i18n2.str`after this deadline, the merchant won't accept payments for the contract` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { readonly: true, name: "wire_transfer_deadline", label: i18n2.str`Wire transfer deadline`, tooltip: i18n2.str`transfer deadline for the exchange` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { readonly: true, name: "delivery_date", label: i18n2.str`Delivery date`, tooltip: i18n2.str`time indicating when the order should be delivered` } ), value.delivery_date && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "delivery_location", label: i18n2.str`Location`, tooltip: i18n2.str`where the order will be delivered` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputLocation, { name: "payments.delivery_location" }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDuration, { readonly: true, name: "auto_refund", label: i18n2.str`Auto-refund delay`, tooltip: i18n2.str`how long the wallet should try to get an automatic refund for the purchase` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { readonly: true, name: "extra", label: i18n2.str`Extra info`, tooltip: i18n2.str`extra data that is only interpreted by the merchant frontend` } ))); } function ClaimedPage({ id, order }) { var _a; const events2 = []; if (order.contract_terms.timestamp.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.timestamp.t_s * 1e3), description: "order created", type: "start" }); } if (order.contract_terms.pay_deadline.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.pay_deadline.t_s * 1e3), description: "pay deadline", type: "deadline" }); } if (order.contract_terms.refund_deadline.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.refund_deadline.t_s * 1e3), description: "refund deadline", type: "deadline" }); } if (order.contract_terms.wire_transfer_deadline.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.wire_transfer_deadline.t_s * 1e3), description: "wire deadline", type: "deadline" }); } if (order.contract_terms.delivery_date && order.contract_terms.delivery_date.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(((_a = order.contract_terms.delivery_date) == null ? void 0 : _a.t_s) * 1e3), description: "delivery", type: "delivery" }); } const [value, valueHandler] = p3(order); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-10" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Order"), " #", id, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tag is-info ml-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "claimed"))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "title" }, order.contract_terms.amount)))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left", style: { maxWidth: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item", style: { maxWidth: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "content", style: { whiteSpace: "nowrap", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "claimed at"), ":"), " ", format( new Date(order.contract_terms.timestamp.t_s * 1e3), datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) )) )))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Timeline")), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Timeline, { events: events2 })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payment details")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "contract_terms.summary", readonly: true, inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Summary` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "contract_terms.amount", readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Amount` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "order_status", readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Order status` } ) )))), order.contract_terms.products.length ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Product list")), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ProductList, { list: order.contract_terms.products })) : void 0, value.contract_terms && /* @__PURE__ */ h(ContractTerms, { value: value.contract_terms })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } function PaidPage({ id, order, onRefund }) { var _a; const events2 = []; if (order.contract_terms.timestamp.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.timestamp.t_s * 1e3), description: "order created", type: "start" }); } if (order.contract_terms.pay_deadline.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.pay_deadline.t_s * 1e3), description: "pay deadline", type: "deadline" }); } if (order.contract_terms.refund_deadline.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.refund_deadline.t_s * 1e3), description: "refund deadline", type: "deadline" }); } if (order.contract_terms.wire_transfer_deadline.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(order.contract_terms.wire_transfer_deadline.t_s * 1e3), description: "wire deadline", type: "deadline" }); } if (order.contract_terms.delivery_date && order.contract_terms.delivery_date.t_s !== "never") { if (order.contract_terms.delivery_date) events2.push({ when: new Date(((_a = order.contract_terms.delivery_date) == null ? void 0 : _a.t_s) * 1e3), description: "delivery", type: "delivery" }); } order.refund_details.reduce(mergeRefunds, []).forEach((e4) => { if (e4.timestamp.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(e4.timestamp.t_s * 1e3), description: `refund: ${e4.amount}: ${e4.reason}`, type: e4.pending ? "refund" : "refund-taken" }); } }); if (order.wire_details && order.wire_details.length) { if (order.wire_details.length > 1) { let last = null; let first = null; let total = null; order.wire_details.forEach((w5) => { if (last === null || last.execution_time.t_s < w5.execution_time.t_s) { last = w5; } if (first === null || first.execution_time.t_s > w5.execution_time.t_s) { first = w5; } total = total === null ? Amounts.parseOrThrow(w5.amount) : Amounts.add(total, Amounts.parseOrThrow(w5.amount)).amount; }); const last_time = last.execution_time.t_s; if (last_time !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(last_time * 1e3), description: `wired ${Amounts.stringify(total)}`, type: "wired-range" }); } const first_time = first.execution_time.t_s; if (first_time !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(first_time * 1e3), description: `wire transfer started...`, type: "wired-range" }); } } else { order.wire_details.forEach((e4) => { if (e4.execution_time.t_s !== "never") { events2.push({ when: new Date(e4.execution_time.t_s * 1e3), description: `wired ${e4.amount}`, type: "wired" }); } }); } } const now2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); const nextEvent = events2.find((e4) => { return e4.when.getTime() > now2.getTime(); }); const [value, valueHandler] = p3(order); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const refundurl = stringifyRefundUri({ merchantBaseUrl: backendURL, orderId: order.contract_terms.order_id }); const refundable = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() < order.contract_terms.refund_deadline.t_s * 1e3; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const amount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(order.contract_terms.amount); const refund_taken = order.refund_details.reduce((prev, cur) => { if (cur.pending) return prev; return Amounts.add(prev, Amounts.parseOrThrow(cur.amount)).amount; }, Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(amount.currency)); value.refund_taken = Amounts.stringify(refund_taken); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-10" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Order"), " #", id, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tag is-success ml-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "paid")), order.wired ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tag is-success ml-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "wired")) : null, order.refunded ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tag is-danger ml-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "refunded")) : null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "title" }, order.contract_terms.amount))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": refundable ? i18n2.str`refund order` : i18n2.str`not refundable` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger", disabled: !refundable, onClick: () => onRefund(id) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "refund") ) )))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left", style: { maxWidth: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item", style: { maxWidth: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "content", style: { whiteSpace: "nowrap", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Next event in "), " ", formatDistance3( nextEvent.when, /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() // "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", )) )))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Timeline")), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Timeline, { events: events2 })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payment details")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: value, valueHandler }, order.refunded && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "refund_amount", readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Refunded amount` } ), order.refunded && /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "refund_taken", readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Refund taken` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "order_status", readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Order status` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( TextField, { name: "order_status_url", label: i18n2.str`Status URL` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", href: order.order_status_url }, order.order_status_url ) ), order.refunded && /* @__PURE__ */ h( TextField, { name: "order_status_url", label: i18n2.str`Refund URI` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", href: refundurl }, refundurl) ) )))), order.contract_terms.products.length ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Product list")), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ProductList, { list: order.contract_terms.products })) : void 0, value.contract_terms && /* @__PURE__ */ h(ContractTerms, { value: value.contract_terms })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } function UnpaidPage({ id, order }) { const [value, valueHandler] = p3(order); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Order"), " #", id)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tag is-dark" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "unpaid")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left", style: { maxWidth: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item", style: { maxWidth: "100%" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "content", style: { whiteSpace: "nowrap", overflow: "hidden", textOverflow: "ellipsis" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "pay at"), ":"), " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { href: order.order_status_url, rel: "nofollow", target: "new" }, order.order_status_url )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "created at"), ":"), " ", order.creation_time.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format( new Date(order.creation_time.t_s * 1e3), datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) )) )))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(FormProvider, { object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { readonly: true, name: "summary", label: i18n2.str`Summary`, tooltip: i18n2.str`human-readable description of the whole purchase` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { readonly: true, name: "total_amount", label: i18n2.str`Amount`, tooltip: i18n2.str`total price for the transaction` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "order_status", readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Order status` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "order_status_url", readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Order status URL` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( TextField, { name: "taler_pay_uri", label: i18n2.str`Payment URI` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", href: value.taler_pay_uri }, value.taler_pay_uri) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } function DetailPage2({ id, selected, onRefund, onBack }) { const [showRefund, setShowRefund] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const DetailByStatus = function() { switch (selected.order_status) { case "claimed": return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ClaimedPage, { id, order: selected }); case "paid": return /* @__PURE__ */ h(PaidPage, { id, order: selected, onRefund: setShowRefund }); case "unpaid": return /* @__PURE__ */ h(UnpaidPage, { id, order: selected }); default: return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Unknown order status. This is an error, please contact the administrator.")); } }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, DetailByStatus(), showRefund && /* @__PURE__ */ h( RefundModal, { order: selected, onCancel: () => setShowRefund(void 0), onConfirm: (value) => { onRefund(showRefund, value); setShowRefund(void 0); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Back")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }))); } // src/paths/instance/orders/details/index.tsx function Update({ oid, onBack, onLoadError, onNotFound, onUnauthorized }) { const { refundOrder } = useOrderAPI(); const result = useOrderDetails(oid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( DetailPage2, { onBack, id: oid, onRefund: (id, value) => refundOrder(id, value).then( () => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`refund created successfully`, type: "SUCCESS" }) ).catch( (error2) => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create the refund`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }) ), selected: } )); } // src/paths/instance/orders/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/orders/list/ListPage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function ListPage2({ orders, errorOrderId, isAllActive, onSelectOrder, onRefundOrder, onSearchOrderById, jumpToDate, onCopyURL, onShowAll, onShowPaid, onShowNotPaid, onShowRefunded, onShowNotWired, onShowWired, onSelectDate, isPaidActive, isRefundedActive, isNotWiredActive, onCreate, isNotPaidActive, isWiredActive }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const dateTooltip = i18n2.str`select date to show nearby orders`; const [pickDate, setPickDate] = p3(false); const [orderId, setOrderId] = p3(""); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field has-addons" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: errorOrderId ? "input is-danger" : "input", type: "text", value: orderId, onChange: (e4) => setOrderId(e4.currentTarget.value), placeholder: i18n2.str`order id` } ), errorOrderId && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "help is-danger" }, errorOrderId)), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-bottom", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`jump to order with the given order ID` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button", onClick: (e4) => onSearchOrderById(orderId) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-arrow-right" })) ) ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-two-thirds" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tabs", style: { overflow: "inherit" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isNotPaidActive }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`only show paid orders` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowNotPaid }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "New")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isPaidActive }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`only show paid orders` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowPaid }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Paid")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isRefundedActive }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`only show orders with refunds` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowRefunded }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Refunded")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isNotWiredActive }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowNotWired }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Not wired")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isWiredActive }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`only show orders where customers paid, but wire payments from payment provider are still pending` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowWired }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Completed")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isAllActive }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`remove all filters` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowAll }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "All")) ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field has-addons" }, jumpToDate && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { class: "button is-fullwidth", onClick: () => onSelectDate(void 0) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "icon", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`clear date filter` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-close" }) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "has-tooltip-top", "data-tooltip": dateTooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", type: "text", readonly: true, value: !jumpToDate ? "" : format(jumpToDate, dateFormatForSettings(settings)), placeholder: i18n2.str`date (${dateFormatForSettings(settings)})`, onClick: () => { setPickDate(true); } } ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": dateTooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "a", { class: "button is-fullwidth", onClick: () => { setPickDate(true); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-calendar" })) ))))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( DatePicker, { opened: pickDate, closeFunction: () => setPickDate(false), dateReceiver: onSelectDate } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable2, { orders, onCreate, onCopyURL, onSelect: onSelectOrder, onRefund: onRefundOrder } )); } // src/paths/instance/orders/list/index.tsx function OrderList({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onCreate, onSelect, onNotFound }) { const [filter, setFilter] = p3({ paid: "no" }); const [orderToBeRefunded, setOrderToBeRefunded] = p3(void 0); const setNewDate = (date2) => setFilter((prev) => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, prev), { date: date2 })); const result = useInstanceOrders(filter, setNewDate); const { refundOrder, getPaymentURL } = useOrderAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [errorOrderId, setErrorOrderId] = p3( void 0 ); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } const isNotPaidActive = filter.paid === "no" ? "is-active" : ""; const isPaidActive = filter.paid === "yes" && filter.wired === void 0 ? "is-active" : ""; const isRefundedActive = filter.refunded === "yes" ? "is-active" : ""; const isNotWiredActive = filter.wired === "no" && filter.paid === "yes" ? "is-active" : ""; const isWiredActive = filter.wired === "yes" ? "is-active" : ""; const isAllActive = filter.paid === void 0 && filter.refunded === void 0 && filter.wired === void 0 ? "is-active" : ""; function testIfOrderExistAndSelect(orderId) { return __async(this, null, function* () { if (!orderId) { setErrorOrderId(i18n2.str`Enter an order id`); return; } try { yield getPaymentURL(orderId); onSelect(orderId); setErrorOrderId(void 0); } catch (e4) { setErrorOrderId(i18n2.str`order not found`); } }); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( ListPage2, { orders: => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, o3), { id: o3.order_id })), onLoadMoreBefore: result.loadMorePrev, hasMoreBefore: !result.isReachingStart, onLoadMoreAfter: result.loadMore, hasMoreAfter: !result.isReachingEnd, onSelectOrder: (order) => onSelect(, onRefundOrder: (value) => setOrderToBeRefunded(value), errorOrderId, isAllActive, isNotWiredActive, isWiredActive, isPaidActive, isNotPaidActive, isRefundedActive, jumpToDate:, onCopyURL: (id) => getPaymentURL(id).then((resp) => copyToClipboard(, onCreate, onSearchOrderById: testIfOrderExistAndSelect, onSelectDate: setNewDate, onShowAll: () => setFilter({}), onShowNotPaid: () => setFilter({ paid: "no" }), onShowPaid: () => setFilter({ paid: "yes" }), onShowRefunded: () => setFilter({ refunded: "yes" }), onShowNotWired: () => setFilter({ wired: "no", paid: "yes" }), onShowWired: () => setFilter({ wired: "yes" }) } ), orderToBeRefunded && /* @__PURE__ */ h( RefundModalForTable, { id: orderToBeRefunded.order_id, onCancel: () => setOrderToBeRefunded(void 0), onConfirm: (value) => refundOrder(orderToBeRefunded.order_id, value).then( () => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`refund created successfully`, type: "SUCCESS" }) ).catch( (error2) => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create the refund`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }) ).then(() => setOrderToBeRefunded(void 0)), onLoadError: (error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create the refund`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); setOrderToBeRefunded(void 0); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null); }, onUnauthorized, onNotFound: () => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not get the order to refund`, type: "ERROR" // description: error.message }); setOrderToBeRefunded(void 0); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null); } } )); } function RefundModalForTable({ id, onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onNotFound, onConfirm, onCancel }) { const result = useOrderDetails(id); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h( RefundModal, { order:, onCancel, onConfirm } ); } function copyToClipboard(text) { return __async(this, null, function* () { return navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); }); } // src/paths/instance/products/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/products/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/components/product/ProductForm.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/form/InputStock.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function InputStock({ name, tooltip, label, alreadyExist }) { const { error: error2, value, onChange } = useField(name); const [errors2, setErrors] = p3({}); const [formValue, valueHandler] = p3(value); const [addedStock, setAddedStock] = p3({ incoming: 0, lost: 0 }); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); s2(() => { if (!formValue) { onChange(void 0); } else { onChange(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, formValue), { current: ((formValue == null ? void 0 : formValue.current) || 0) + addedStock.incoming, lost: ((formValue == null ? void 0 : formValue.lost) || 0) + addedStock.lost })); } }, [formValue, addedStock]); if (!formValue) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field has-addons" }, !alreadyExist ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`click here to configure the stock of the product, leave it as is and the backend will not control stock`, onClick: () => { valueHandler({ current: 0, lost: 0, sold: 0 }); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Manage stock")) ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`this product has been configured without stock control`, disabled: true }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Infinite")) ))))); } const currentStock = (formValue.current || 0) - (formValue.lost || 0) - (formValue.sold || 0); const stockAddedErrors = { lost: currentStock + addedStock.incoming < addedStock.lost ? i18n2.str`lost cannot be greater than current and incoming (max ${currentStock + addedStock.incoming})` : void 0 }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, label, tooltip && /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon", "data-tooltip": tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "stock", errors: errors2, object: formValue, valueHandler }, alreadyExist ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "added", errors: stockAddedErrors, object: addedStock, valueHandler: setAddedStock }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputNumber2, { name: "incoming", label: i18n2.str`Incoming` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputNumber2, { name: "lost", label: i18n2.str`Lost` }) )) : /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "current", label: i18n2.str`Current`, side: /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`remove stock control for this product`, onClick: () => { valueHandler(void 0); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "without stock")) ) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "nextRestock", label: i18n2.str`Next restock`, withTimestampSupport: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputGroup, { name: "address", label: i18n2.str`Delivery address` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputLocation, { name: "address" }) ) )))); } // src/components/product/ProductForm.tsx function ProductForm2({ onSubscribe, initial: initial2, alreadyExist }) { const [value, valueHandler] = p3(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({ address: {}, description_i18n: {}, taxes: [], next_restock: { t_s: "never" }, price: ":0" }, initial2), { stock: !initial2 || initial2.total_stock === -1 ? void 0 : { current: initial2.total_stock || 0, lost: initial2.total_lost || 0, sold: initial2.total_sold || 0, address: initial2.address, nextRestock: initial2.next_restock } })); let errors2 = {}; try { (alreadyExist ? ProductUpdateSchema : ProductCreateSchema).validateSync(value, { abortEarly: false }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ValidationError) { const yupErrors = err.inner; errors2 = yupErrors.reduce( (prev, cur) => !cur.path ? prev : __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, prev), { [cur.path]: cur.message }), {} ); } } const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submit = T2(() => { const stock = value.stock; if (!stock) { value.total_stock = -1; } else { value.total_stock = stock.current; value.total_lost = stock.lost; value.next_restock = stock.nextRestock instanceof Date ? { t_s: stock.nextRestock.getTime() / 1e3 } : stock.nextRestock; value.address = stock.address; } delete value.stock; if (typeof value.minimum_age !== "undefined" && value.minimum_age < 1) { delete value.minimum_age; } return value; }, [value]); h2(() => { onSubscribe(hasErrors ? void 0 : submit); }, [submit, hasErrors]); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "product", errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, alreadyExist ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name: "product_id", addonBefore: `${backendURL}/product/`, label: i18n2.str`ID`, tooltip: i18n2.str`product identification to use in URLs (for internal use only)` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputImage, { name: "image", label: i18n2.str`Image`, tooltip: i18n2.str`illustration of the product for customers` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "description", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Description`, tooltip: i18n2.str`product description for customers` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "minimum_age", label: i18n2.str`Age restricted`, tooltip: i18n2.str`is this product restricted for customer below certain age?`, help: i18n2.str`can be overridden by the order configuration` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "unit", label: i18n2.str`Unit name`, tooltip: i18n2.str`unit describing quantity of product sold (e.g. 2 kilograms, 5 liters, 3 items, 5 meters) for customers`, help: i18n2.str`exajmple: kg, items or liters` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "price", label: i18n2.str`Price per unit`, tooltip: i18n2.str`sale price for customers, including taxes, for above units of the product` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputStock, { name: "stock", label: i18n2.str`Stock`, alreadyExist, tooltip: i18n2.str`product inventory for products with finite supply (for internal use only)` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputTaxes, { name: "taxes", label: i18n2.str`Taxes`, tooltip: i18n2.str`taxes included in the product price, exposed to customers` } ) )); } // src/paths/instance/products/create/CreatePage.tsx function CreatePage3({ onCreate, onBack }) { const [submitForm, addFormSubmitter] = useListener( (result) => { if (result) return onCreate(result); return Promise.reject(); } ); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ProductForm2, { onSubscribe: addFormSubmitter }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { onClick: submitForm, "data-tooltip": !submitForm ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", disabled: !submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/products/create/index.tsx function CreateProduct({ onConfirm, onBack }) { const { createProduct } = useProductAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage3, { onBack, onCreate: (request) => { return createProduct(request).then(() => onConfirm()).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create product`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/products/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/products/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable3({ instances, onCreate, onSelect, onUpdate, onDelete }) { const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3( void 0 ); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-shopping" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Products")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add product to inventory` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, instances.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table3, { instances, onSelect, onDelete, onUpdate, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable4, null))))); } function Table3({ rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, instances, onSelect, onUpdate, onDelete }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Image")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Description")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Price per unit")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Taxes")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Profit")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Stock")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Sold")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { const restStockInfo = !i4.next_restock ? "" : i4.next_restock.t_s === "never" ? "never" : `restock at ${format( new Date(i4.next_restock.t_s * 1e3), dateFormatForSettings(settings) )}`; let stockInfo = ""; if (i4.total_stock < 0) { stockInfo = "infinite"; } else { const totalStock = i4.total_stock - i4.total_lost - i4.total_sold; stockInfo = /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { title: restStockInfo }, totalStock, " ", i4.unit); } const isFree = Amounts.isZero(Amounts.parseOrThrow(i4.price)); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, { key: }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: "info" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => rowSelection !== && rowSelectionHandler(, style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "img", { src: i4.image ? i4.image : empty_default, style: { border: "solid black 1px", width: 100, height: 100 } } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => rowSelection !== && rowSelectionHandler(, style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.description ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => rowSelection !== && rowSelectionHandler(, style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, isFree ? i18n2.str`free` : `${i4.price} / ${i4.unit}` ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => rowSelection !== && rowSelectionHandler(, style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, sum(i4.taxes) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => rowSelection !== && rowSelectionHandler(, style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, difference(i4.price, sum(i4.taxes)) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => rowSelection !== && rowSelectionHandler(, style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, stockInfo ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => rowSelection !== && rowSelectionHandler(, style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.total_sold, " ", i4.unit ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-bottom", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`go to product update page` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-success ", type: "button", onClick: () => onSelect(i4) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Update") ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`remove this product from the database` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-danger", type: "button", onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Delete") ) )))), rowSelection === && /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: "form" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { colSpan: 10 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FastProductUpdateForm, { product: i4, onUpdate: (prod) => onUpdate(, prod).then( (r3) => rowSelectionHandler(void 0) ), onCancel: () => rowSelectionHandler(void 0) } )))); })))); } function FastProductWithInfiniteStockUpdateForm({ product, onUpdate, onCancel }) { const [value, valueHandler] = p3({ price: product.price }); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "added", object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "price", label: i18n2.str`Price`, tooltip: i18n2.str`update the product with new price` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-expanded" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button ", onClick: onCancel }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Clone"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onCancel }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`update product with new price` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info", onClick: () => onUpdate(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, product), { price: value.price })) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm update") ) )))); } function FastProductWithManagedStockUpdateForm({ product, onUpdate, onCancel }) { const [value, valueHandler] = p3({ incoming: 0, lost: 0, price: product.price }); const currentStock = product.total_stock - product.total_sold - product.total_lost; const errors2 = { lost: currentStock + value.incoming < value.lost ? `lost cannot be greater that current + incoming (max ${currentStock + value.incoming})` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "added", errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "incoming", label: i18n2.str`Incoming`, tooltip: i18n2.str`add more elements to the inventory` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "lost", label: i18n2.str`Lost`, tooltip: i18n2.str`report elements lost in the inventory` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "price", label: i18n2.str`Price`, tooltip: i18n2.str`new price for the product` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onCancel }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`the are value with errors` : i18n2.str`update product with new stock and price` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info", disabled: hasErrors, onClick: () => onUpdate(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, product), { total_stock: product.total_stock + value.incoming, total_lost: product.total_lost + value.lost, price: value.price })) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ) ))); } function FastProductUpdateForm(props) { return props.product.total_stock === -1 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(FastProductWithInfiniteStockUpdateForm, __spreadValues({}, props)) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(FastProductWithManagedStockUpdateForm, __spreadValues({}, props)); } function EmptyTable4() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no products yet, add more pressing the + sign"))); } function difference(price, tax) { if (!tax) return price; const ps = price.split(":"); const p4 = parseInt(ps[1], 10); ps[1] = `${p4 - tax}`; return ps.join(":"); } function sum(taxes) { return taxes.reduce((p4, c4) => p4 + parseInt(":")[1], 10), 0); } // src/paths/instance/products/list/index.tsx function ProductList2({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onCreate, onSelect, onNotFound }) { const result = useInstanceProducts(); const { deleteProduct, updateProduct } = useProductAPI(); const [deleting, setDeleting] = p3(null); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable3, { instances:, onCreate, onUpdate: (id, prod) => updateProduct(id, prod).then( () => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`product updated successfully`, type: "SUCCESS" }) ).catch( (error2) => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not update the product`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }) ), onSelect: (product) => onSelect(, onDelete: (prod) => setDeleting(prod) } ), deleting && /* @__PURE__ */ h( ConfirmModal, { label: `Delete product`, description: `Delete the product "${deleting.description}"`, danger: true, active: true, onCancel: () => setDeleting(null), onConfirm: () => __async(this, null, function* () { try { yield deleteProduct(; setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Product "${deleting.description}" (ID: ${}) has been deleted`, type: "SUCCESS" }); } catch (error2) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to delete product`, type: "ERROR", description: error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : void 0 }); } setDeleting(null); }) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "If you delete the product named ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, '"', deleting.description, '"'), " (ID:", " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, "), the stock and related information will be lost"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "warning" }, "Deleting an product ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "cannot be undone"), ".") )); } // src/paths/instance/products/update/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/products/update/UpdatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); function UpdatePage({ product, onUpdate, onBack }) { const [submitForm, addFormSubmitter] = useListener( (result) => { if (result) return onUpdate(result); return Promise.resolve(); } ); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Product id:"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, product.product_id))))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( ProductForm2, { initial: product, onSubscribe: addFormSubmitter, alreadyExist: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { onClick: submitForm, "data-tooltip": !submitForm ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", disabled: !submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/products/update/index.tsx function UpdateProduct({ pid, onConfirm, onBack, onUnauthorized, onNotFound, onLoadError }) { const { updateProduct } = useProductAPI(); const result = useProductDetails(pid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( UpdatePage, { product: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({},, { product_id: pid }), onBack, onUpdate: (data) => { return updateProduct(pid, data).then(onConfirm).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create product`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/accounts/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/accounts/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/components/form/InputPaytoForm.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function isEthereumAddress(address) { if (!/^(0x)?[0-9a-f]{40}$/i.test(address)) { return false; } else if (/^(0x|0X)?[0-9a-f]{40}$/.test(address) || /^(0x|0X)?[0-9A-F]{40}$/.test(address)) { return true; } return checkAddressChecksum(address); } function checkAddressChecksum(address) { return true; } function validateBitcoin(addr, i18n2) { try { const valid = /^(bc1|[13])[a-zA-HJ-NP-Z0-9]{25,39}$/.test(addr); if (valid) return void 0; } catch (e4) { console.log(e4); } return i18n2.str`This is not a valid bitcoin address.`; } function validateEthereum(addr, i18n2) { try { const valid = isEthereumAddress(addr); if (valid) return void 0; } catch (e4) { console.log(e4); } return i18n2.str`This is not a valid Ethereum address.`; } function validateIBAN(iban, i18n2) { if (iban.length < 4) return i18n2.str`IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits`; if (iban.length > 34) return i18n2.str`IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits`; const A_code = "A".charCodeAt(0); const Z_code = "Z".charCodeAt(0); const IBAN = iban.toUpperCase(); const code = IBAN.substr(0, 2); const found = code in COUNTRY_TABLE; if (!found) return i18n2.str`IBAN country code not found`; const step2 = IBAN.substr(4) + iban.substr(0, 4); const step3 = Array.from(step2).map((letter) => { const code2 = letter.charCodeAt(0); if (code2 < A_code || code2 > Z_code) return letter; return `${letter.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0) + 10}`; }).join(""); function calculate_iban_checksum(str) { const numberStr = str.substr(0, 5); const rest = str.substr(5); const number2 = parseInt(numberStr, 10); const result = number2 % 97; if (rest.length > 0) { return calculate_iban_checksum(`${result}${rest}`); } return result; } const checksum = calculate_iban_checksum(step3); if (checksum !== 1) return i18n2.str`IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong`; return void 0; } var targets = [ "Choose one...", "iban", "x-taler-bank", "bitcoin", "ethereum" ]; var noTargetValue = targets[0]; var defaultTarget = { target: noTargetValue, params: {} }; function InputPaytoForm({ name, readonly, label, tooltip }) { var _a, _b, _c; const { value: initialValueStr, onChange } = useField(name); const initialPayto = parsePaytoUri(initialValueStr != null ? initialValueStr : ""); const paths = !initialPayto ? [] : initialPayto.targetPath.split("/"); const initialPath1 = paths.length >= 1 ? paths[0] : void 0; const initialPath2 = paths.length >= 2 ? paths[1] : void 0; const initial2 = initialPayto === void 0 ? defaultTarget : { target: initialPayto.targetType, params: initialPayto.params, path1: initialPath1, path2: initialPath2 }; const [value, setValue] = p3(initial2); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const errors2 = { target: === noTargetValue ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, path1: !value.path1 ? i18n2.str`required` : === "iban" ? validateIBAN(value.path1, i18n2) : === "bitcoin" ? validateBitcoin(value.path1, i18n2) : === "ethereum" ? validateEthereum(value.path1, i18n2) : void 0, path2: === "x-taler-bank" ? !value.path2 ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0 : void 0, params: undefinedIfEmpty({ "receiver-name": !((_a = value.params) == null ? void 0 : _a["receiver-name"]) ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0 }) }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const str = hasErrors || ! ? void 0 : stringifyPaytoUri({ targetType:, targetPath: value.path2 ? `${value.path1}/${value.path2}` : (_b = value.path1) != null ? _b : "", params: (_c = value.params) != null ? _c : {}, isKnown: false }); h2(() => { onChange(str); }, [str]); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(InputGroup, { name: "payto", label, fixed: true, tooltip }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "tax", errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler: setValue }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "target", label: i18n2.str`Account type`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Method to use for wire transfer`, values: targets, toStr: (v3) => v3 === noTargetValue ? i18n2.str`Choose one...` : v3 } ), === "ach" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Routing`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Routing number.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path2", label: i18n2.str`Account`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Account number.` } )), === "bic" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Code`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Business Identifier Code.` } )), === "iban" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Account`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Bank Account Number.`, inputExtra: { style: { textTransform: "uppercase" } } } )), === "upi" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Account`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Unified Payment Interface.` } )), === "bitcoin" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Address`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Bitcoin protocol.` } )), === "ethereum" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Address`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Ethereum protocol.` } )), === "ilp" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Address`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Interledger protocol.` } )), === "void" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null), === "x-taler-bank" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path1", label: i18n2.str`Host`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Bank host.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "path2", label: i18n2.str`Account`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Bank account.` } )), !== noTargetValue && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "params.receiver-name", label: i18n2.str`Name`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Bank account owner's name.` } )) )); } // src/paths/instance/accounts/create/CreatePage.tsx var accountAuthType = ["none", "basic"]; function isValidURL(s5) { try { const u4 = new URL(s5); return true; } catch (e4) { return false; } } function CreatePage4({ onCreate, onBack }) { var _a; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [state, setState] = p3({}); const errors2 = { payto_uri: !state.payto_uri ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, credit_facade_credentials: !state.credit_facade_credentials ? void 0 : undefinedIfEmpty({ username: state.credit_facade_credentials.type === "basic" && !state.credit_facade_credentials.username ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, password: state.credit_facade_credentials.type === "basic" && !state.credit_facade_credentials.password ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0 }), credit_facade_url: !state.credit_facade_url ? void 0 : !isValidURL(state.credit_facade_url) ? i18n2.str`not valid url` : void 0, repeatPassword: !state.credit_facade_credentials ? void 0 : state.credit_facade_credentials.type === "basic" && (!state.credit_facade_credentials.password || state.credit_facade_credentials.password !== state.repeatPassword) ? i18n2.str`is not the same` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); delete state.repeatPassword; return onCreate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputPaytoForm, { name: "payto_uri", label: i18n2.str`Account` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "credit_facade_url", label: i18n2.str`Account info URL`, help: "", expand: true, tooltip: i18n2.str`From where the merchant can download information about incoming wire transfers to this account` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "credit_facade_credentials.type", label: i18n2.str`Auth type`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Choose the authentication type for the account info URL`, values: accountAuthType, toStr: (str) => { if (str === "none") return "Without authentication"; return "Username and password"; } } ), ((_a = state.credit_facade_credentials) == null ? void 0 : _a.type) === "basic" ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "credit_facade_credentials.username", label: i18n2.str`Username`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Username to access the account information.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "credit_facade_credentials.password", inputType: "password", label: i18n2.str`Password`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Password to access the account information.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "repeatPassword", inputType: "password", label: i18n2.str`Repeat password` } )) : void 0 ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/hooks/bank.ts init_hooks_module(); var useSWR5 = useSWR; function useBankAccountAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const createBankAccount = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/accounts`, { method: "POST", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/accounts.*/); return res; }); const updateBankAccount = (h_wire, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/accounts/${h_wire}`, { method: "PATCH", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/accounts.*/); return res; }); const deleteBankAccount = (h_wire) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/accounts/${h_wire}`, { method: "DELETE" }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/accounts.*/); return res; }); return { createBankAccount, updateBankAccount, deleteBankAccount }; } function useInstanceBankAccounts(args, updatePosition) { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const [pageAfter, setPageAfter] = p3(1); const totalAfter = pageAfter * PAGE_SIZE; const { data: afterData, error: afterError, isValidating: loadingAfter } = useSWR5([`/private/accounts`], fetcher); const [lastAfter, setLastAfter] = p3({ loading: true }); h2(() => { if (afterData) setLastAfter(afterData); }, [ afterData /*, beforeData*/ ]); if (afterError) return afterError.cause; const isReachingEnd = afterData && < totalAfter; const isReachingStart = false; const pagination = { isReachingEnd, isReachingStart, loadMore: () => { if (!afterData || isReachingEnd) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageAfter(pageAfter + 1); } else { const from = `${[ - 1].h_wire}`; if (from && updatePosition) updatePosition(from); } }, loadMorePrev: () => { } }; const accounts = !afterData ? [] : (afterData || lastAfter).data.accounts; if (loadingAfter) return { loading: true, data: { accounts } }; if ( /*beforeData &&*/ afterData ) { return __spreadValues({ ok: true, data: { accounts } }, pagination); } return { loading: true }; } function useBankAccountDetails(h_wire) { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR5([`/private/accounts/${h_wire}`], fetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) { return data; } if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/instance/accounts/create/index.tsx function CreateValidator({ onConfirm, onBack }) { const { createBankAccount } = useBankAccountAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage4, { onBack, onCreate: (request) => { return createBankAccount(request).then((d5) => { onConfirm(); }).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create device`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/accounts/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/accounts/list/ListPage.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/accounts/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable4({ accounts, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3([]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-newspaper" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Bank accounts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add new accounts` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, accounts.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table4, { accounts, onDelete, onSelect, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable5, null))))); } function Table4({ accounts, onLoadMoreAfter, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const emptyList = { "bitcoin": [], "x-taler-bank": [], "iban": [], "unknown": [] }; const accountsByType = accounts.reduce((prev, acc) => { const parsed = parsePaytoUri(acc.payto_uri); if (!parsed) return prev; if (parsed.targetType !== "bitcoin" && parsed.targetType !== "x-taler-bank" && parsed.targetType !== "iban") { prev["unknown"].push({ parsed, acc }); } else { prev[parsed.targetType].push({ parsed, acc }); } return prev; }, emptyList); const bitcoinAccounts = accountsByType["bitcoin"]; const talerbankAccounts = accountsByType["x-taler-bank"]; const ibanAccounts = accountsByType["iban"]; const unkownAccounts = accountsByType["unknown"]; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, bitcoinAccounts.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Bitcoin type accounts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Address")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Sewgit 1")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Sewgit 2")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,{ parsed, acc }, idx) => { const ac = parsed; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: idx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.targetPath ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.segwitAddrs[0] ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.segwitAddrs[1] ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected accounts from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(acc) }, "Delete" )))); })))), talerbankAccounts.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Taler type accounts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Host")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Account name")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,{ parsed, acc }, idx) => { const ac = parsed; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: idx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.account ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected accounts from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(acc) }, "Delete" )))); })))), ibanAccounts.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "IBAN type accounts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Account name")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "IBAN")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "BIC")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,{ parsed, acc }, idx) => { var _a; const ac = parsed; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: idx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.params["receiver-name"] ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.iban ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, (_a = ac.bic) != null ? _a : "" ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected accounts from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(acc) }, "Delete" )))); })))), unkownAccounts.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Other type accounts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Type")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Path")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,{ parsed, acc }, idx) => { const ac = parsed; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: idx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.targetType ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(acc), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, ac.targetPath ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected accounts from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(acc) }, "Delete" )))); }))))); } function EmptyTable5() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no accounts yet, add more pressing the + sign"))); } // src/paths/instance/accounts/list/ListPage.tsx function ListPage3({ devices, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter }) { const form = { payto_uri: "" }; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable4, { accounts: => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, o3), { id: String(o3.h_wire) })), onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreBefore: !onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter, hasMoreAfter: !onLoadMoreAfter } )); } // src/paths/instance/accounts/list/index.tsx function ListValidators({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onCreate, onSelect, onNotFound }) { const [position, setPosition] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { deleteBankAccount } = useBankAccountAPI(); const result = useInstanceBankAccounts({ position }, (id) => setPosition(id)); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( ListPage3, { devices:, onLoadMoreBefore: result.isReachingStart ? result.loadMorePrev : void 0, onLoadMoreAfter: result.isReachingEnd ? result.loadMore : void 0, onCreate, onSelect: (e4) => { onSelect(e4.h_wire); }, onDelete: (e4) => deleteBankAccount(e4.h_wire).then( () => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`bank account delete successfully`, type: "SUCCESS" }) ).catch( (error2) => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not delete the bank account`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }) ) } )); } // src/paths/instance/accounts/update/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/accounts/update/UpdatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function UpdatePage2({ account, onUpdate, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [state, setState] = p3(account); const errors2 = {}; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onUpdate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, "Account: ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "credit_facade_url", label: i18n2.str`Description`, tooltip: i18n2.str`dddd` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))))))); } // src/paths/instance/accounts/update/index.tsx function UpdateValidator({ bid, onConfirm, onBack, onUnauthorized, onNotFound, onLoadError }) { const { updateBankAccount } = useBankAccountAPI(); const result = useBankAccountDetails(bid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( UpdatePage2, { account: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({},, { id: bid }), onBack, onUpdate: (data) => { return updateBankAccount(bid, data).then(onConfirm).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not update account`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/reserves.ts var useSWR6 = useSWR; function useReservesAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { mutate: mutate2 } = useSWRConfig(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const createReserve = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request( `/private/reserves`, { method: "POST", data } ); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/reserves.*/); return res; }); const authorizeRewardReserve = (pub, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request( `/private/reserves/${pub}/authorize-reward`, { method: "POST", data } ); yield mutate2([`/private/reserves/${pub}`]); return res; }); const authorizeReward = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request( `/private/rewards`, { method: "POST", data } ); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/reserves\/.*/); return res; }); const deleteReserve = (pub) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/reserves/${pub}`, { method: "DELETE" }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/reserves.*/); return res; }); return { createReserve, authorizeReward, authorizeRewardReserve, deleteReserve }; } function useInstanceReserves() { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR6([`/private/reserves`], fetcher); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } function useReserveDetails(reserveId) { const { reserveDetailFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR6([`/private/reserves/${reserveId}`], reserveDetailFetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } function useRewardDetails(rewardId) { const { rewardsDetailFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR6([`/private/rewards/${rewardId}`], rewardsDetailFetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/instance/reserves/create/CreatedSuccessfully.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/components/exception/QR.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var import_qrcode_generator = __toESM(require_qrcode(), 1); function QR({ text }) { const divRef = _2(null); h2(() => { const qr = (0, import_qrcode_generator.default)(0, "L"); qr.addData(text); qr.make(); if (divRef.current) { divRef.current.innerHTML = qr.createSvgTag({ scalable: true }); } }); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { style: { width: "100%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { style: { width: "50%", minWidth: 200, maxWidth: 300 }, ref: divRef } ) ); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/create/CreatedSuccessfully.tsx function isNotUndefined(x6) { return !!x6; } function CreatedSuccessfully2({ entity, onConfirm, onCreateAnother }) { var _a; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(CreatedSuccessfully, { onConfirm, onCreateAnother }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { readonly: true, class: "input", value: entity.request.initial_balance } ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Wire transfer subject")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", readonly: true, value: entity.response.reserve_pub } ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( ShowAccountsOfReserveAsQRWithLink, { accounts: (_a = entity.response.accounts) != null ? _a : [], message: entity.response.reserve_pub, amount: entity.request.initial_balance } )); } function ShowAccountsOfReserveAsQRWithLink({ accounts, message, amount }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const accountsInfo = !accounts ? [] : => { const p4 = parsePaytoUri(acc.payto_uri); if (p4) { p4.params["message"] = message; p4.params["amount"] = amount; } return p4; }).filter(isNotUndefined); const links = => stringifyPaytoUri(a5)); if (links.length === 0) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5" }, "The reserve have invalid accounts. List of invalid payto URIs below:"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", null,, idx) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { key: idx }, a5.payto_uri); }))); } if (links.length === 1) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to the indicated account of the exchange.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { style: { margin: 10 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "Exchange bank account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h(QR, { text: links[0] }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by opening this URI:")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", href: links[0] }, links[0]))); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To complete the setup of the reserve, you must now initiate a wire transfer using the given wire transfer subject and crediting the specified amount to one of the indicated account of the exchange.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { style: { margin: 10 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "Exchange bank accounts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "If your system supports RFC 8905, you can do this by clicking on the URI below the QR code:")), => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(QR, { text: link }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", href: link }, link))); })); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function ViewStep({ step, setCurrentStep, reserve, onBack, submitForm, setReserve }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [wireMethods, setWireMethods] = p3([]); const [exchangeQueryError, setExchangeQueryError] = p3(void 0); h2(() => { setExchangeQueryError(void 0); }, [reserve.exchange_url]); switch (step) { case 0 /* EXCHANGE */: { const errors2 = { initial_balance: !reserve.initial_balance ? "cannot be empty" : !(parseInt(reserve.initial_balance.split(":")[1], 10) > 0) ? i18n2.str`it should be greater than 0` : void 0, exchange_url: !reserve.exchange_url ? i18n2.str`cannot be empty` : !URL_REGEX.test(reserve.exchange_url) ? i18n2.str`must be a valid URL` : !exchangeQueryError ? void 0 : exchangeQueryError }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: reserve, errors: errors2, valueHandler: setReserve }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "initial_balance", label: i18n2.str`Initial balance`, tooltip: i18n2.str`balance prior to deposit` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "exchange_url", label: i18n2.str`Exchange URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL of exchange` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { class: "has-tooltip-left", onClick: () => { return fetch(`${reserve.exchange_url}wire`).then((r3) => r3.json()).then((r3) => { const wireMethods2 = => { const match2 = PAYTO_WIRE_METHOD_LOOKUP.exec(a5.payto_uri); return match2 && match2[1] || ""; }); setWireMethods(wireMethods2); setCurrentStep(1 /* WIRE_METHOD */); return; }).catch((r3) => { setExchangeQueryError(r3.message); }); }, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", disabled: hasErrors }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Next") ))); } case 1 /* WIRE_METHOD */: { const errors2 = { wire_method: !reserve.wire_method ? i18n2.str`cannot be empty` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: reserve, errors: errors2, valueHandler: setReserve }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "initial_balance", label: i18n2.str`Initial balance`, tooltip: i18n2.str`balance prior to deposit`, readonly: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "exchange_url", label: i18n2.str`Exchange URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL of exchange`, readonly: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "wire_method", label: i18n2.str`Wire method`, tooltip: i18n2.str`method to use for wire transfer`, values: wireMethods, placeholder: i18n2.str`Select one wire method` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button", onClick: () => setCurrentStep(0 /* EXCHANGE */) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Back") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { onClick: submitForm, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", disabled: hasErrors }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))); } } } function CreatePage5({ onCreate, onBack }) { const [reserve, setReserve] = p3({}); const submitForm = () => { return onCreate(reserve); }; const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = p3(0 /* EXCHANGE */); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tabs is-toggle is-fullwidth is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: currentStep === 0 /* EXCHANGE */ ? "is-active" : "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { style: { cursor: "initial" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, "Step 1: Specify exchange"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "li", { class: currentStep === 1 /* WIRE_METHOD */ ? "is-active" : "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { style: { cursor: "initial" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, "Step 2: Select wire method")) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( ViewStep, { step: currentStep, reserve, setCurrentStep, setReserve, submitForm, onBack } )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/create/index.tsx function CreateReserve({ onBack, onConfirm }) { const { createReserve } = useReservesAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [createdOk, setCreatedOk] = p3(void 0); if (createdOk) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(CreatedSuccessfully2, { entity: createdOk, onConfirm }); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage5, { onBack, onCreate: (request) => { return createReserve(request).then((r3) => setCreatedOk({ request, response: })).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create reserve`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/details/index.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/reserves/details/DetailPage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/reserves/details/RewardInfo.tsx init_preact_module(); function RewardInfo({ id: merchantRewardId, amount, entity }) { const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); const rewardURL = stringifyRewardUri({ merchantBaseUrl: backendURL, merchantRewardId }); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { readonly: true, class: "input", value: amount }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "URL")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field", style: { overflowWrap: "anywhere" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", href: rewardURL }, rewardURL))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Valid until")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", readonly: true, value: !entity.expiration || entity.expiration.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format( entity.expiration.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) ) } )))))); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/details/DetailPage.tsx function DetailPage3({ id, selected, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const didExchangeAckTransfer = Amounts.isNonZero( Amounts.parseOrThrow(selected.exchange_initial_amount) ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "section main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(FormProvider, { object: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, selected), { id }), valueHandler: null }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "creation_time", label: i18n2.str`Created at`, readonly: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDate, { name: "expiration_time", label: i18n2.str`Valid until`, readonly: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "merchant_initial_amount", label: i18n2.str`Created balance`, readonly: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( TextField, { name: "exchange_url", label: i18n2.str`Exchange URL`, readonly: true }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer", href: selected.exchange_url }, selected.exchange_url) ), didExchangeAckTransfer && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "exchange_initial_amount", label: i18n2.str`Exchange balance`, readonly: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "pickup_amount", label: i18n2.str`Picked up`, readonly: true } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "committed_amount", label: i18n2.str`Committed`, readonly: true } )), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Input, { name: "id", label: i18n2.str`Subject`, readonly: true })), didExchangeAckTransfer ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash-register" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Rewards"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, selected.rewards && selected.rewards.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(Table5, { rewards: selected.rewards }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable6, null)))))) : selected.accounts ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( ShowAccountsOfReserveAsQRWithLink, { accounts: selected.accounts, amount: selected.merchant_initial_amount, message: id } ) : void 0, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Back"))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })); } function EmptyTable6() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "No reward has been authorized from this reserve"))); } function Table5({ rewards }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Authorized")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Picked up")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Reason")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Expiration")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null,, i4) => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(RewardRow, { id: t4.reward_id, key: i4, entry: t4 }); })))); } function RewardRow({ id, entry }) { const [selected, setSelected] = p3(false); const result = useRewardDetails(id); const [settings] = useSettings(); if (result.loading) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, "..."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, "..."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, "..."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, "...")); } if (!result.ok) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, "..."), " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, entry.total_amount), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, entry.reason), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, "..."), " "); } const info =; function onSelect() { setSelected(true); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, selected && /* @__PURE__ */ h( SimpleModal, { description: "reward", active: true, onCancel: () => setSelected(false) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(RewardInfo, { id, amount: info.total_authorized, entity: info }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { onClick: onSelect }, info.total_authorized), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { onClick: onSelect }, info.total_picked_up), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { onClick: onSelect }, info.reason), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { onClick: onSelect }, info.expiration.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format(info.expiration.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings))))); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/details/index.tsx function DetailReserve({ rid, onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onNotFound, onBack, onDelete }) { const result = useReserveDetails(rid); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(DetailPage3, { selected:, onBack, id: rid })); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/reserves/list/AutorizeRewardModal.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/reserves/list/CreatedSuccessfully.tsx init_preact_module(); function CreatedSuccessfully3({ request, entity, onConfirm, onCreateAnother }) { const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { readonly: true, class: "input", value: request.amount }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Justification")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { readonly: true, class: "input", value: request.justification }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "URL")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("input", { readonly: true, class: "input", value: entity.reward_status_url }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "Valid until")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", readonly: true, value: !entity.reward_expiration || entity.reward_expiration.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format( entity.reward_expiration.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) ) } )))))); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/list/AutorizeRewardModal.tsx function AuthorizeRewardModal({ onCancel, onConfirm, rewardAuthorized }) { const [form, setValue] = p3({}); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); let errors2 = {}; try { AuthorizeRewardSchema.validateSync(form, { abortEarly: false }); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ValidationError) { const yupErrors = err.inner; errors2 = yupErrors.reduce( (prev, cur) => !cur.path ? prev : __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, prev), { [cur.path]: cur.message }), {} ); } } const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const validateAndConfirm = () => { onConfirm(form); }; if (rewardAuthorized) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ContinueModal, { description: "reward", active: true, onConfirm: onCancel }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatedSuccessfully3, { entity: rewardAuthorized.response, request: rewardAuthorized.request, onConfirm: onCancel } )); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h( ConfirmModal, { description: "New reward", active: true, onCancel, disabled: hasErrors, onConfirm: validateAndConfirm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: form, valueHandler: setValue }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "amount", label: i18n2.str`Amount`, tooltip: i18n2.str`amount of reward` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "justification", label: i18n2.str`Justification`, inputType: "multiline", tooltip: i18n2.str`reason for the reward` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "next_url", label: i18n2.str`URL after reward`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL to visit after reward payment` } ) ) ); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); function CardTable5({ instances, onCreate, onSelect, onNewReward, onDelete }) { const [withoutFunds, withFunds] = instances.reduce((prev, current) => { const amount = current.exchange_initial_amount; if (amount.endsWith(":0")) { prev[0] = prev[0].concat(current); } else { prev[1] = prev[1].concat(current); } return prev; }, new Array([], [])); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, withoutFunds.length > 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Reserves not yet funded"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( TableWithoutFund, { instances: withoutFunds, onNewReward, onSelect, onDelete } ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-cash" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Reserves ready")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add new reserve` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, withFunds.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table6, { instances: withFunds, onNewReward, onSelect, onDelete } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable7, null)))))); } function Table6({ instances, onNewReward, onSelect, onDelete }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Created at")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Expires at")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Initial")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Picked up")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Committed")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.creation_time.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format(i4.creation_time.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings)) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.expiration_time.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format( i4.expiration_time.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.exchange_initial_amount ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.pickup_amount ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.committed_amount ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-danger has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected reserve from the database`, type: "button", onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, "Delete" ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-info has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`authorize new reward from selected reserve`, type: "button", onClick: () => onNewReward(i4) }, "New Reward" )))); })))); } function EmptyTable7() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no ready reserves yet, add more pressing the + sign or fund them"))); } function TableWithoutFund({ instances, onSelect, onDelete }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Created at")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Expires at")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Expected Balance")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.creation_time.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format(i4.creation_time.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings)) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.expiration_time.t_s === "never" ? "never" : format( i4.expiration_time.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.merchant_initial_amount ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-small is-danger jb-modal has-tooltip-left", type: "button", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected reserve from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, "Delete" )))); })))); } // src/paths/instance/reserves/list/index.tsx function ListRewards({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onNotFound, onSelect, onCreate }) { const result = useInstanceReserves(); const { deleteReserve, authorizeRewardReserve } = useReservesAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [reserveForReward, setReserveForReward] = p3( void 0 ); const [deleting, setDeleting] = p3(null); const [rewardAuthorized, setRewardAuthorized] = p3(void 0); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), reserveForReward && /* @__PURE__ */ h( AuthorizeRewardModal, { onCancel: () => { setReserveForReward(void 0); setRewardAuthorized(void 0); }, rewardAuthorized, onConfirm: (request) => __async(this, null, function* () { try { const response = yield authorizeRewardReserve( reserveForReward, request ); setRewardAuthorized({ request, response: }); } catch (error2) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create the reward`, type: "ERROR", description: error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : void 0 }); setReserveForReward(void 0); } }) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable5, { instances: => => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, o3), { id: o3.reserve_pub })), onCreate, onDelete: (reserve) => { setDeleting(reserve); }, onSelect: (reserve) => onSelect(, onNewReward: (reserve) => setReserveForReward( } ), deleting && /* @__PURE__ */ h( ConfirmModal, { label: `Delete reserve`, description: `Delete the reserve`, danger: true, active: true, onCancel: () => setDeleting(null), onConfirm: () => __async(this, null, function* () { try { yield deleteReserve(deleting.reserve_pub); setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Reserve for "${deleting.merchant_initial_amount}" (ID: ${deleting.reserve_pub}) has been deleted`, type: "SUCCESS" }); } catch (error2) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to delete reserve`, type: "ERROR", description: error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : void 0 }); } setDeleting(null); }) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "If you delete the reserve for ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, '"', deleting.merchant_initial_amount, '"'), " you won't be able to create more rewards. ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("br", null), "Reserve ID: ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, deleting.reserve_pub)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "warning" }, "Deleting an template ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "cannot be undone"), ".") )); } // src/paths/instance/templates/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/templates.ts init_hooks_module(); var useSWR7 = useSWR; function useTemplateAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const createTemplate = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/templates`, { method: "POST", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/templates.*/); return res; }); const updateTemplate = (templateId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/templates/${templateId}`, { method: "PATCH", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/templates.*/); return res; }); const deleteTemplate = (templateId) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/templates/${templateId}`, { method: "DELETE" }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/templates.*/); return res; }); const createOrderFromTemplate = (templateId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request( `/templates/${templateId}`, { method: "POST", data } ); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/templates.*/); return res; }); return { createTemplate, updateTemplate, deleteTemplate, createOrderFromTemplate }; } function useInstanceTemplates(args, updatePosition) { const { templateFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const [pageAfter, setPageAfter] = p3(1); const totalAfter = pageAfter * PAGE_SIZE; const { data: afterData, error: afterError, isValidating: loadingAfter } = useSWR7([`/private/templates`, args == null ? void 0 : args.position, -totalAfter], templateFetcher); const [lastAfter, setLastAfter] = p3({ loading: true }); h2(() => { if (afterData) setLastAfter(afterData); }, [ afterData /*, beforeData*/ ]); if (afterError) return afterError.cause; const isReachingEnd = afterData && < totalAfter; const isReachingStart = false; const pagination = { isReachingEnd, isReachingStart, loadMore: () => { if (!afterData || isReachingEnd) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageAfter(pageAfter + 1); } else { const from = `${[ - 1].template_id}`; if (from && updatePosition) updatePosition(from); } }, loadMorePrev: () => { } }; const templates = !afterData ? [] : (afterData || lastAfter).data.templates; if (loadingAfter) return { loading: true, data: { templates } }; if ( /*beforeData &&*/ afterData ) { return __spreadValues({ ok: true, data: { templates } }, pagination); } return { loading: true }; } function useTemplateDetails(templateId) { const { templateFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR7([`/private/templates/${templateId}`], templateFetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) { return data; } if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/instance/templates/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/otp.ts init_hooks_module(); var useSWR8 = useSWR; function useOtpDeviceAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const createOtpDevice = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/otp-devices`, { method: "POST", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/otp-devices.*/); return res; }); const updateOtpDevice = (deviceId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/otp-devices/${deviceId}`, { method: "PATCH", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/otp-devices.*/); return res; }); const deleteOtpDevice = (deviceId) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/otp-devices/${deviceId}`, { method: "DELETE" }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/otp-devices.*/); return res; }); return { createOtpDevice, updateOtpDevice, deleteOtpDevice }; } function useInstanceOtpDevices(args, updatePosition) { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const [pageAfter, setPageAfter] = p3(1); const totalAfter = pageAfter * PAGE_SIZE; const { data: afterData, error: afterError, isValidating: loadingAfter } = useSWR8([`/private/otp-devices`], fetcher); const [lastAfter, setLastAfter] = p3({ loading: true }); h2(() => { if (afterData) setLastAfter(afterData); }, [ afterData /*, beforeData*/ ]); if (afterError) return afterError.cause; const isReachingEnd = afterData && < totalAfter; const isReachingStart = false; const pagination = { isReachingEnd, isReachingStart, loadMore: () => { if (!afterData || isReachingEnd) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageAfter(pageAfter + 1); } else { const from = `${[ - 1].otp_device_id}`; if (from && updatePosition) updatePosition(from); } }, loadMorePrev: () => { } }; const otp_devices = !afterData ? [] : (afterData || lastAfter).data.otp_devices; if (loadingAfter) return { loading: true, data: { otp_devices } }; if ( /*beforeData &&*/ afterData ) { return __spreadValues({ ok: true, data: { otp_devices } }, pagination); } return { loading: true }; } function useOtpDeviceDetails(deviceId) { const { fetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR8([`/private/otp-devices/${deviceId}`], fetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) { return data; } if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/instance/templates/create/CreatePage.tsx function CreatePage6({ onCreate, onBack }) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const devices = useInstanceOtpDevices(); const [state, setState] = p3({ template_contract: { minimum_age: 0, pay_duration: { d_us: 1e3 * 1e3 * 60 * 30 //30 min } } }); const parsedPrice = !((_a = state.template_contract) == null ? void 0 : _a.amount) ? void 0 : Amounts.parse((_b = state.template_contract) == null ? void 0 : _b.amount); const errors2 = { template_id: !state.template_id ? i18n2.str`should not be empty` : !/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/.test(state.template_id) ? i18n2.str`no valid. only characters and numbers` : void 0, template_description: !state.template_description ? i18n2.str`should not be empty` : void 0, template_contract: !state.template_contract ? void 0 : undefinedIfEmpty({ amount: !((_c = state.template_contract) == null ? void 0 : _c.amount) ? void 0 : !parsedPrice ? i18n2.str`not valid` : Amounts.isZero(parsedPrice) ? i18n2.str`must be greater than 0` : void 0, minimum_age: state.template_contract.minimum_age < 0 ? i18n2.str`should be greater that 0` : void 0, pay_duration: !state.template_contract.pay_duration ? i18n2.str`can't be empty` : state.template_contract.pay_duration.d_us === "forever" ? void 0 : state.template_contract.pay_duration.d_us < 1e3 * 1e3 ? i18n2.str`to short` : void 0 }) }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onCreate(state); }; const deviceList = !devices.ok ? [] :; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name: "template_id", help: `${backendURL}/templates/${(_d = state.template_id) != null ? _d : ""}`, label: i18n2.str`Identifier`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Name of the template in URLs.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "template_description", label: i18n2.str`Description`, help: "", tooltip: i18n2.str`Describe what this template stands for` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "template_contract.summary", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Fixed summary`, tooltip: i18n2.str`If specified, this template will create order with the same summary` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "template_contract.amount", label: i18n2.str`Fixed price`, tooltip: i18n2.str`If specified, this template will create order with the same price` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "template_contract.minimum_age", label: i18n2.str`Minimum age`, help: "", tooltip: i18n2.str`Is this contract restricted to some age?` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDuration, { name: "template_contract.pay_duration", label: i18n2.str`Payment timeout`, help: "", tooltip: i18n2.str`How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "otp_id", label: i18n2.str`OTP device`, readonly: true, tooltip: i18n2.str`Use to verify transaction in offline mode.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSearchOnList, { label: i18n2.str`Search device`, onChange: (p4) => setState((v3) => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { otp_id: p4 == null ? void 0 : })), list: => ({ description: e4.device_description, id: e4.otp_device_id })) } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/templates/create/index.tsx function CreateTransfer({ onConfirm, onBack }) { const { createTemplate } = useTemplateAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage6, { onBack, onCreate: (request) => { return createTemplate(request).then(() => onConfirm()).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not inform template`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/templates/use/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/templates/use/UsePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function UsePage({ id, template, onCreateOrder, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [state, setState] = p3({ amount: template.template_contract.amount, summary: template.template_contract.summary }); const errors2 = { amount: !template.template_contract.amount && !state.amount ? i18n2.str`Amount is required` : void 0, summary: !template.template_contract.summary && !state.summary ? i18n2.str`Order summary is required` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); if (template.template_contract.amount) { delete state.amount; } if (template.template_contract.summary) { delete state.summary; } return onCreateOrder(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "New order for template"), ":", " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, id)))))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "amount", label: i18n2.str`Amount`, readonly: !!template.template_contract.amount, tooltip: i18n2.str`Amount of the order` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "summary", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Order summary`, readonly: !!template.template_contract.summary, tooltip: i18n2.str`Title of the order to be shown to the customer` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/templates/use/index.tsx function TemplateUsePage({ tid, onOrderCreated, onBack, onLoadError, onNotFound, onUnauthorized }) { const { createOrderFromTemplate } = useTemplateAPI(); const result = useTemplateDetails(tid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( UsePage, { template:, id: tid, onBack, onCreateOrder: (request) => { return createOrderFromTemplate(tid, request).then((res) => onOrderCreated( => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create order from template`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/templates/qr/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/templates/qr/QrPage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function QrPage({ contract, id: templateId, onBack }) { var _a; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const { id: instanceId } = useInstanceContext(); const config = useConfigContext(); const [state, setState] = p3({ amount: contract.amount, summary: contract.summary }); const errors2 = {}; const fixedAmount = !!contract.amount; const fixedSummary = !!contract.summary; const templateParams = {}; if (!fixedAmount) { if (state.amount) { templateParams.amount = state.amount; } else { templateParams.amount = config.currency; } } if (!fixedSummary) { templateParams.summary = (_a = state.summary) != null ? _a : ""; } const merchantBaseUrl = new URL(backendURL).href; const payTemplateUri = stringifyPayTemplateUri({ merchantBaseUrl, templateId, templateParams }); const issuer = encodeURIComponent( `${new URL(backendURL).host}/${instanceId}` ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5 mt-5 mb-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Here you can specify a default value for fields that are not fixed. Default values can be edited by the customer before the payment.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "amount", label: fixedAmount ? i18n2.str`Fixed amount` : i18n2.str`Default amount`, readonly: fixedAmount, tooltip: i18n2.str`Amount of the order` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "summary", inputType: "multiline", readonly: fixedSummary, label: fixedSummary ? i18n2.str`Fixed summary` : i18n2.str`Default summary`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Title of the order to be shown to the customer` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info", onClick: () => saveAsPDF(templateId) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Print") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { id: "printThis" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(QR, { text: payTemplateUri }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { style: { textAlign: "center" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: payTemplateUri }, payTemplateUri)))); } function saveAsPDF(name) { const printWindow ="", "", "height=400,width=800"); if (!printWindow) return; const divContents = document.getElementById("printThis"); if (!divContents) return; printWindow.document.write( `Order template for ${name} "); printWindow.document.close(); printWindow.document.body.appendChild(divContents.cloneNode(true)); printWindow.addEventListener("load", () => { printWindow.print(); printWindow.close(); }); } // src/paths/instance/templates/qr/index.tsx function TemplateQrPage({ tid, onBack, onLoadError, onNotFound, onUnauthorized }) { const result = useTemplateDetails(tid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(QrPage, { contract:, id: tid, onBack })); } // src/paths/instance/templates/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/templates/list/ListPage.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/templates/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable6({ templates, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onQR, onNewOrder, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3([]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-newspaper" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Templates")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add new templates` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, templates.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table7, { instances: templates, onDelete, onSelect, onNewOrder, onQR, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable8, null))))); } function Table7({ instances, onLoadMoreAfter, onDelete, onNewOrder, onQR, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, onLoadMoreBefore && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more templates before the first one`, disabled: !hasMoreBefore, onClick: onLoadMoreBefore }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load newer templates") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "ID")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Description")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: i4.template_id }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.template_id ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.template_description ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected templates from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, "Delete" ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`use template to create new order`, onClick: () => onNewOrder(i4) }, "New order" ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-info is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`create qr code for the template`, onClick: () => onQR(i4) }, "QR" )))); }))), onLoadMoreAfter && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more templates after the last one`, disabled: !hasMoreAfter, onClick: onLoadMoreAfter }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load older templates") )); } function EmptyTable8() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no templates yet, add more pressing the + sign"))); } // src/paths/instance/templates/list/ListPage.tsx function ListPage4({ templates, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onNewOrder, onQR, onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter }) { const form = { payto_uri: "" }; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable6, { templates: => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, o3), { id: String(o3.template_id) })), onQR, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onNewOrder, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreBefore: !onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter, hasMoreAfter: !onLoadMoreAfter } )); } // src/paths/instance/templates/list/index.tsx function ListTemplates({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onCreate, onQR, onSelect, onNewOrder, onNotFound }) { const [position, setPosition] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { deleteTemplate } = useTemplateAPI(); const result = useInstanceTemplates({ position }, (id) => setPosition(id)); const [deleting, setDeleting] = p3(null); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( ListPage4, { templates:, onLoadMoreBefore: result.isReachingStart ? result.loadMorePrev : void 0, onLoadMoreAfter: result.isReachingEnd ? result.loadMore : void 0, onCreate, onSelect: (e4) => { onSelect(e4.template_id); }, onNewOrder: (e4) => { onNewOrder(e4.template_id); }, onQR: (e4) => { onQR(e4.template_id); }, onDelete: (e4) => { setDeleting(e4); } } ), deleting && /* @__PURE__ */ h( ConfirmModal, { label: `Delete template`, description: `Delete the template "${deleting.template_description}"`, danger: true, active: true, onCancel: () => setDeleting(null), onConfirm: () => __async(this, null, function* () { try { yield deleteTemplate(deleting.template_id); setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Template "${deleting.template_description}" (ID: ${deleting.template_id}) has been deleted`, type: "SUCCESS" }); } catch (error2) { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to delete template`, type: "ERROR", description: error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : void 0 }); } setDeleting(null); }) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "If you delete the template ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, '"', deleting.template_description, '"'), " (ID:", " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, deleting.template_id), ") you may loose information"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "warning" }, "Deleting an template ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, "cannot be undone"), ".") )); } // src/paths/instance/templates/update/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/templates/update/UpdatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function UpdatePage3({ template, onUpdate, onBack }) { var _a, _b, _c; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const [state, setState] = p3(template); const parsedPrice = !((_a = state.template_contract) == null ? void 0 : _a.amount) ? void 0 : Amounts.parse((_b = state.template_contract) == null ? void 0 : _b.amount); const errors2 = { template_description: !state.template_description ? i18n2.str`should not be empty` : void 0, template_contract: !state.template_contract ? void 0 : undefinedIfEmpty({ amount: !((_c = state.template_contract) == null ? void 0 : _c.amount) ? void 0 : !parsedPrice ? i18n2.str`not valid` : Amounts.isZero(parsedPrice) ? i18n2.str`must be greater than 0` : void 0, minimum_age: state.template_contract.minimum_age < 0 ? i18n2.str`should be greater that 0` : void 0, pay_duration: !state.template_contract.pay_duration ? i18n2.str`can't be empty` : state.template_contract.pay_duration.d_us === "forever" ? void 0 : state.template_contract.pay_duration.d_us < 1e3 * 1e3 ? i18n2.str`to short` : void 0 }) }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onUpdate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, backendURL, "/templates/",, /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name: "id", addonBefore: `templates/`, readonly: true, label: i18n2.str`Identifier`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Name of the template in URLs.` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "template_description", label: i18n2.str`Description`, help: "", tooltip: i18n2.str`Describe what this template stands for` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "template_contract.summary", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Fixed summary`, tooltip: i18n2.str`If specified, this template will create order with the same summary` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "template_contract.amount", label: i18n2.str`Fixed price`, tooltip: i18n2.str`If specified, this template will create order with the same price` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputNumber2, { name: "template_contract.minimum_age", label: i18n2.str`Minimum age`, help: "", tooltip: i18n2.str`Is this contract restricted to some age?` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputDuration, { name: "template_contract.pay_duration", label: i18n2.str`Payment timeout`, help: "", tooltip: i18n2.str`How much time has the customer to complete the payment once the order was created.` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))))))); } // src/paths/instance/templates/update/index.tsx function UpdateTemplate({ tid, onConfirm, onBack, onUnauthorized, onNotFound, onLoadError }) { const { updateTemplate } = useTemplateAPI(); const result = useTemplateDetails(tid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( UpdatePage3, { template: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({},, { id: tid }), onBack, onUpdate: (data) => { return updateTemplate(tid, data).then(onConfirm).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not update template`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/webhooks.ts init_hooks_module(); var useSWR9 = useSWR; function useWebhookAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const createWebhook = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/webhooks`, { method: "POST", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/webhooks.*/); return res; }); const updateWebhook = (webhookId, data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/webhooks/${webhookId}`, { method: "PATCH", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/webhooks.*/); return res; }); const deleteWebhook = (webhookId) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/webhooks/${webhookId}`, { method: "DELETE" }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/webhooks.*/); return res; }); return { createWebhook, updateWebhook, deleteWebhook }; } function useInstanceWebhooks(args, updatePosition) { const { webhookFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const [pageAfter, setPageAfter] = p3(1); const totalAfter = pageAfter * PAGE_SIZE; const { data: afterData, error: afterError, isValidating: loadingAfter } = useSWR9([`/private/webhooks`, args == null ? void 0 : args.position, -totalAfter], webhookFetcher); const [lastAfter, setLastAfter] = p3({ loading: true }); h2(() => { if (afterData) setLastAfter(afterData); }, [afterData]); if (afterError) return afterError.cause; const isReachingEnd = afterData && < totalAfter; const isReachingStart = false; const pagination = { isReachingEnd, isReachingStart, loadMore: () => { if (!afterData || isReachingEnd) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageAfter(pageAfter + 1); } else { const from = `${[ - 1].webhook_id}`; if (from && updatePosition) updatePosition(from); } }, loadMorePrev: () => { return; } }; const webhooks = !afterData ? [] : (afterData || lastAfter).data.webhooks; if (loadingAfter) return { loading: true, data: { webhooks } }; if (afterData) { return __spreadValues({ ok: true, data: { webhooks } }, pagination); } return { loading: true }; } function useWebhookDetails(webhookId) { const { webhookFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const { data, error: error2, isValidating } = useSWR9([`/private/webhooks/${webhookId}`], webhookFetcher, { refreshInterval: 0, refreshWhenHidden: false, revalidateOnFocus: false, revalidateOnReconnect: false, refreshWhenOffline: false }); if (isValidating) return { loading: true, data: data == null ? void 0 : }; if (data) return data; if (error2) return error2.cause; return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var validMethod = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "HEAD"]; function CreatePage7({ onCreate, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [state, setState] = p3({}); const errors2 = { webhook_id: !state.webhook_id ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, event_type: !state.event_type ? i18n2.str`required` : state.event_type !== "pay" && state.event_type !== "refund" ? i18n2.str`it should be "pay" or "refund"` : void 0, http_method: !state.http_method ? i18n2.str`required` : !validMethod.includes(state.http_method) ? i18n2.str`should be one of '${validMethod.join(", ")}'` : void 0, url: !state.url ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onCreate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "webhook_id", label: i18n2.str`ID`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Webhook ID to use` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "event_type", label: i18n2.str`Event`, values: [ i18n2.str`Choose one...`, i18n2.str`pay`, i18n2.str`refund` ], tooltip: i18n2.str`The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "http_method", label: i18n2.str`Method`, values: [ i18n2.str`Choose one...`, i18n2.str`GET`, i18n2.str`POST`, i18n2.str`PUT`, i18n2.str`PATCH`, i18n2.str`HEAD` ], tooltip: i18n2.str`Method used by the webhook` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "url", label: i18n2.str`URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "header_template", label: i18n2.str`Header`, inputType: "multiline", tooltip: i18n2.str`Header template of the webhook` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "body_template", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Body`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Body template by the webhook` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/create/index.tsx function CreateWebhook({ onConfirm, onBack }) { const { createWebhook } = useWebhookAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage7, { onBack, onCreate: (request) => { return createWebhook(request).then(() => onConfirm()).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not inform template`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/webhooks/list/ListPage.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/webhooks/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable7({ webhooks, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3([]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-newspaper" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Webhooks")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add new webhooks` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, webhooks.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table8, { instances: webhooks, onDelete, onSelect, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable9, null))))); } function Table8({ instances, onLoadMoreAfter, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, onLoadMoreBefore && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more webhooks before the first one`, disabled: !hasMoreBefore, onClick: onLoadMoreBefore }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load newer webhooks") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "ID")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Event type")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: i4.webhook_id }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.webhook_id ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.event_type ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected webhook from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, "Delete" )))); }))), onLoadMoreAfter && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more webhooks after the last one`, disabled: !hasMoreAfter, onClick: onLoadMoreAfter }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load older webhooks") )); } function EmptyTable9() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no webhooks yet, add more pressing the + sign"))); } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/list/ListPage.tsx function ListPage5({ webhooks, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter }) { const form = { payto_uri: "" }; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable7, { webhooks: => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, o3), { id: String(o3.webhook_id) })), onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreBefore: !onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter, hasMoreAfter: !onLoadMoreAfter } )); } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/list/index.tsx function ListWebhooks({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onCreate, onSelect, onNotFound }) { const [position, setPosition] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { deleteWebhook } = useWebhookAPI(); const result = useInstanceWebhooks({ position }, (id) => setPosition(id)); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( ListPage5, { webhooks:, onLoadMoreBefore: result.isReachingStart ? result.loadMorePrev : void 0, onLoadMoreAfter: result.isReachingEnd ? result.loadMore : void 0, onCreate, onSelect: (e4) => { onSelect(e4.webhook_id); }, onDelete: (e4) => deleteWebhook(e4.webhook_id).then( () => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`webhook delete successfully`, type: "SUCCESS" }) ).catch( (error2) => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not delete the webhook`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }) ) } )); } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/update/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/webhooks/update/UpdatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var validMethod2 = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "HEAD"]; function UpdatePage4({ webhook, onUpdate, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [state, setState] = p3(webhook); const errors2 = { event_type: !state.event_type ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, http_method: !state.http_method ? i18n2.str`required` : !validMethod2.includes(state.http_method) ? i18n2.str`should be one of '${validMethod2.join(", ")}'` : void 0, url: !state.url ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onUpdate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, "Webhook: ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "event_type", label: i18n2.str`Event`, tooltip: i18n2.str`The event of the webhook: why the webhook is used` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "http_method", label: i18n2.str`Method`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Method used by the webhook` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "url", label: i18n2.str`URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`URL of the webhook where the customer will be redirected` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "header_template", label: i18n2.str`Header`, inputType: "multiline", tooltip: i18n2.str`Header template of the webhook` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "body_template", inputType: "multiline", label: i18n2.str`Body`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Body template by the webhook` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))))))); } // src/paths/instance/webhooks/update/index.tsx function UpdateWebhook({ tid, onConfirm, onBack, onUnauthorized, onNotFound, onLoadError }) { const { updateWebhook } = useWebhookAPI(); const result = useWebhookDetails(tid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( UpdatePage4, { webhook: __spreadProps(__spreadValues({},, { id: tid }), onBack, onUpdate: (data) => { return updateWebhook(tid, data).then(onConfirm).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not update template`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/validators/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/validators/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/utils/crypto.ts var encTable2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567"; function encodeBase32(data) { const dataBytes = new Uint8Array(data); let sb = ""; const size = data.byteLength; let bitBuf = 0; let numBits = 0; let pos = 0; while (pos < size || numBits > 0) { if (pos < size && numBits < 5) { const d5 = dataBytes[pos++]; bitBuf = bitBuf << 8 | d5; numBits += 8; } if (numBits < 5) { bitBuf = bitBuf << 5 - numBits; numBits = 5; } const v3 = bitBuf >>> numBits - 5 & 31; sb += encTable2[v3]; numBits -= 5; } return sb; } function isBase32RFC3548Charset(s5) { for (let idx = 0; idx < s5.length; idx++) { const c4 = s5.charAt(idx); if (encTable2.indexOf(c4) === -1) return false; } return true; } function randomBase32Key() { var buf = new Uint8Array(20); window.crypto.getRandomValues(buf); return encodeBase32(buf); } // src/paths/instance/validators/create/CreatePage.tsx var algorithms = [0, 1, 2]; var algorithmsNames = ["off", "30s 8d TOTP-SHA1", "30s 8d eTOTP-SHA1"]; function CreatePage8({ onCreate, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const backend = useBackendContext(); const [state, setState] = p3({}); const [showKey, setShowKey] = p3(false); const errors2 = { otp_device_id: !state.otp_device_id ? i18n2.str`required` : !/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/.test(state.otp_device_id) ? i18n2.str`no valid. only characters and numbers` : void 0, otp_algorithm: !state.otp_algorithm ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, otp_key: !state.otp_key ? i18n2.str`required` : !isBase32RFC3548Charset(state.otp_key) ? i18n2.str`just letters and numbers from 2 to 7` : state.otp_key.length !== 32 ? i18n2.str`size of the key should be 32` : void 0, otp_description: !state.otp_description ? i18n2.str`required` : !/[a-zA-Z0-9]*/.test(state.otp_description) ? i18n2.str`no valid. only characters and numbers` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onCreate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "otp_device_id", label: i18n2.str`ID`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Internal id on the system` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "otp_description", label: i18n2.str`Descripiton`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Useful to identify the device physically` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "otp_algorithm", label: i18n2.str`Verification algorithm`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode`, values: algorithms, toStr: (v3) => algorithmsNames[v3], fromStr: (v3) => Number(v3) } ), state.otp_algorithm && state.otp_algorithm > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name: "otp_key", label: i18n2.str`Device key`, inputType: showKey ? "text" : "password", help: "Be sure to be very hard to guess or use the random generator", tooltip: i18n2.str`Your device need to have exactly the same value`, fromStr: (v3) => v3.toUpperCase(), addonAfter: /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, showKey ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-eye" }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-eye-off" })), side: /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { style: { display: "flex" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`generate random secret key`, class: "button is-info mr-3", onClick: (e4) => { setState((s5) => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, s5), { otp_key: randomBase32Key() })); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "random") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { "data-tooltip": showKey ? i18n2.str`show secret key` : i18n2.str`hide secret key`, class: "button is-info mr-3", onClick: (e4) => { setShowKey(!showKey); } }, showKey ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "hide") : /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "show") )) } )) : void 0 ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/validators/create/CreatedSuccessfully.tsx init_preact_module(); function CreatedSuccessfully4({ entity, onConfirm }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const { id: instanceId } = useInstanceContext(); const issuer = new URL(backendURL).hostname; const qrText = `otpauth://totp/${instanceId}/${entity.otp_device_id}?issuer=${issuer}&algorithm=SHA1&digits=8&period=30&secret=${entity.otp_key}`; const qrTextSafe = `otpauth://totp/${instanceId}/${entity.otp_device_id}?issuer=${issuer}&algorithm=SHA1&digits=8&period=30&secret=${entity.otp_key.substring(0, 6)}...`; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(CreatedSuccessfully, { onConfirm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "is-size-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "You can scan the next QR code with your device or safe the key before continue.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "ID")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { readonly: true, class: "input", value: entity.otp_device_id } ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Description"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", readonly: true, value: entity.otp_description } ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( QR, { text: qrText } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { style: { color: "grey", fontSize: "small", width: 200, textAlign: "center", margin: "auto", wordBreak: "break-all" } }, qrTextSafe )); } // src/paths/instance/validators/create/index.tsx function CreateValidator2({ onConfirm, onBack }) { const { createOtpDevice } = useOtpDeviceAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [created, setCreated] = p3(null); if (created) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(CreatedSuccessfully4, { entity: created, onConfirm }); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage8, { onBack, onCreate: (request) => { return createOtpDevice(request).then((d5) => { setCreated(request); }).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not create device`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/validators/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/validators/list/ListPage.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/validators/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable8({ devices, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3([]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-newspaper" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "OTP Devices")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add new devices` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, devices.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table9, { instances: devices, onDelete, onSelect, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable10, null))))); } function Table9({ instances, onLoadMoreAfter, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, onLoadMoreBefore && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more devices before the first one`, disabled: !hasMoreBefore, onClick: onLoadMoreBefore }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load newer devices") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "ID")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Description")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: i4.otp_device_id }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.otp_device_id ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "td", { onClick: () => onSelect(i4), style: { cursor: "pointer" } }, i4.otp_device_id ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "is-actions-cell right-sticky" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected devices from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, "Delete" )))); }))), onLoadMoreAfter && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more devices after the last one`, disabled: !hasMoreAfter, onClick: onLoadMoreAfter }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load older devices") )); } function EmptyTable10() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no devices yet, add more pressing the + sign"))); } // src/paths/instance/validators/list/ListPage.tsx function ListPage6({ devices, onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter }) { const form = { payto_uri: "" }; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable8, { devices: => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, o3), { id: String(o3.otp_device_id) })), onCreate, onDelete, onSelect, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreBefore: !onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter, hasMoreAfter: !onLoadMoreAfter } )); } // src/paths/instance/validators/list/index.tsx function ListValidators2({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onCreate, onSelect, onNotFound }) { const [position, setPosition] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { deleteOtpDevice } = useOtpDeviceAPI(); const result = useInstanceOtpDevices({ position }, (id) => setPosition(id)); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( ListPage6, { devices:, onLoadMoreBefore: result.isReachingStart ? result.loadMorePrev : void 0, onLoadMoreAfter: result.isReachingEnd ? result.loadMore : void 0, onCreate, onSelect: (e4) => { onSelect(e4.otp_device_id); }, onDelete: (e4) => deleteOtpDevice(e4.otp_device_id).then( () => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`validator delete successfully`, type: "SUCCESS" }) ).catch( (error2) => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not delete the validator`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }) ) } )); } // src/paths/instance/validators/update/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/validators/update/UpdatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); var algorithms2 = [0, 1, 2]; var algorithmsNames2 = ["off", "30s 8d TOTP-SHA1", "30s 8d eTOTP-SHA1"]; function UpdatePage5({ device, onUpdate, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [state, setState] = p3(device); const [showKey, setShowKey] = p3(false); const errors2 = {}; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onUpdate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, "Device: ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null,, /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "otp_description", label: i18n2.str`Description`, tooltip: i18n2.str`dddd` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "otp_algorithm", label: i18n2.str`Verification algorithm`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Algorithm to use to verify transaction in offline mode`, values: algorithms2, toStr: (v3) => algorithmsNames2[v3], fromStr: (v3) => Number(v3) } ), state.otp_algorithm && state.otp_algorithm > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputWithAddon, { name: "otp_key", label: i18n2.str`Device key`, readonly: state.otp_key === void 0, inputType: showKey ? "text" : "password", help: state.otp_key === void 0 ? "Not modified" : "Be sure to be very hard to guess or use the random generator", tooltip: i18n2.str`Your device need to have exactly the same value`, fromStr: (v3) => v3.toUpperCase(), addonAfter: /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, showKey ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-eye" }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-eye-off" })), side: state.otp_key === void 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { onClick: (e4) => { setState((s5) => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, s5), { otp_key: "" })); }, class: "button" }, "change key" ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { style: { display: "flex" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`generate random secret key`, class: "button is-info mr-3", onClick: (e4) => { setState((s5) => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, s5), { otp_key: randomBase32Key() })); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "random") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { "data-tooltip": showKey ? i18n2.str`show secret key` : i18n2.str`hide secret key`, class: "button is-info mr-3", onClick: (e4) => { setShowKey(!showKey); } }, showKey ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "hide") : /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "show") )) } )) : void 0, " " ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))))))); } // src/paths/instance/validators/update/index.tsx function UpdateValidator2({ vid, onConfirm, onBack, onUnauthorized, onNotFound, onLoadError }) { const { updateOtpDevice } = useOtpDeviceAPI(); const result = useOtpDeviceDetails(vid); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( UpdatePage5, { device: { id: vid, otp_algorithm:, otp_description:, otp_key: void 0, otp_ctr: }, onBack, onUpdate: (data) => { return updateOtpDevice(vid, data).then(onConfirm).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not update template`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/transfers/create/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/hooks/transfer.ts init_hooks_module(); var useSWR10 = useSWR; function useTransferAPI() { const mutateAll = useMatchMutate(); const { request } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const informTransfer = (data) => __async(this, null, function* () { const res = yield request(`/private/transfers`, { method: "POST", data }); yield mutateAll(/.*private\/transfers.*/); return res; }); return { informTransfer }; } function useInstanceTransfers(args, updatePosition) { const { transferFetcher } = useBackendInstanceRequest(); const [pageBefore, setPageBefore] = p3(1); const [pageAfter, setPageAfter] = p3(1); const totalAfter = pageAfter * PAGE_SIZE; const totalBefore = (args == null ? void 0 : args.position) !== void 0 ? pageBefore * PAGE_SIZE : 0; const { data: beforeData, error: beforeError, isValidating: loadingBefore } = useSWR10( [ `/private/transfers`, args == null ? void 0 : args.payto_uri, args == null ? void 0 : args.verified, args == null ? void 0 : args.position, totalBefore ], transferFetcher ); const { data: afterData, error: afterError, isValidating: loadingAfter } = useSWR10( [ `/private/transfers`, args == null ? void 0 : args.payto_uri, args == null ? void 0 : args.verified, args == null ? void 0 : args.position, -totalAfter ], transferFetcher ); const [lastBefore, setLastBefore] = p3({ loading: true }); const [lastAfter, setLastAfter] = p3({ loading: true }); h2(() => { if (afterData) setLastAfter(afterData); if (beforeData) setLastBefore(beforeData); }, [afterData, beforeData]); if (beforeError) return beforeError.cause; if (afterError) return afterError.cause; const isReachingEnd = afterData && < totalAfter; const isReachingStart = (args == null ? void 0 : args.position) === void 0 || beforeData && < totalBefore; const pagination = { isReachingEnd, isReachingStart, loadMore: () => { if (!afterData || isReachingEnd) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageAfter(pageAfter + 1); } else { const from = `${[ - 1].transfer_serial_id}`; if (from && updatePosition) updatePosition(from); } }, loadMorePrev: () => { if (!beforeData || isReachingStart) return; if ( < MAX_RESULT_SIZE) { setPageBefore(pageBefore + 1); } else if (beforeData) { const from = `${[ - 1].transfer_serial_id}`; if (from && updatePosition) updatePosition(from); } } }; const transfers = !beforeData || !afterData ? [] : (beforeData || lastBefore).data.transfers.slice().reverse().concat((afterData || lastAfter).data.transfers); if (loadingAfter || loadingBefore) return { loading: true, data: { transfers } }; if (beforeData && afterData) { return __spreadValues({ ok: true, data: { transfers } }, pagination); } return { loading: true }; } // src/paths/instance/transfers/create/CreatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CreatePage9({ accounts, onCreate, onBack }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { currency } = useConfigContext(); const [state, setState] = p3({ wtid: "", // payto_uri: , // exchange_url: 'http://exchange.taler:8081/', credit_amount: `` }); const errors2 = { wtid: !state.wtid ? i18n2.str`cannot be empty` : !CROCKFORD_BASE32_REGEX.test(state.wtid) ? i18n2.str`check the id, does not look valid` : state.wtid.length !== 52 ? i18n2.str`should have 52 characters, current ${state.wtid.length}` : void 0, payto_uri: !state.payto_uri ? i18n2.str`cannot be empty` : void 0, credit_amount: !state.credit_amount ? i18n2.str`cannot be empty` : void 0, exchange_url: !state.exchange_url ? i18n2.str`cannot be empty` : !URL_REGEX.test(state.exchange_url) ? i18n2.str`URL doesn't have the right format` : void 0 }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submitForm = () => { if (hasErrors) return Promise.reject(); return onCreate(state); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: state, valueHandler: setState, errors: errors2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "payto_uri", label: i18n2.str`Credited bank account`, values: accounts, placeholder: i18n2.str`Select one account`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Bank account of the merchant where the payment was received` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "wtid", label: i18n2.str`Wire transfer ID`, help: "", tooltip: i18n2.str`unique identifier of the wire transfer used by the exchange, must be 52 characters long` } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Input, { name: "exchange_url", label: i18n2.str`Exchange URL`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Base URL of the exchange that made the transfer, should have been in the wire transfer subject`, help: "http://exchange.taler:8081/" } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputCurrency, { name: "credit_amount", label: i18n2.str`Amount credited`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Actual amount that was wired to the merchant's bank account` } ) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-5" }, onBack && /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { disabled: hasErrors, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", onClick: submitForm }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/transfers/create/index.tsx function CreateTransfer2({ onConfirm, onBack }) { const { informTransfer } = useTransferAPI(); const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const instance = useInstanceBankAccounts(); const accounts = !instance.ok ? [] : => a5.payto_uri); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CreatePage9, { onBack, accounts, onCreate: (request) => { return informTransfer(request).then(() => onConfirm()).catch((error2) => { setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`could not inform transfer`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }); }); } } )); } // src/paths/instance/transfers/list/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/transfers/list/ListPage.tsx init_preact_module(); // src/paths/instance/transfers/list/Table.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function CardTable9({ transfers, onCreate, onDelete, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const [rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler] = p3([]); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card has-table" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "card-header" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "card-header-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-arrow-left-right" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transfers")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-header-icon", "aria-label": "more options" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "span", { class: "has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`add new transfer` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button is-info", type: "button", onClick: onCreate }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-small" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-plus mdi-36px" }))) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "card-content" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "b-table has-pagination" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-wrapper has-mobile-cards" }, transfers.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( Table10, { instances: transfers, onDelete, rowSelection, rowSelectionHandler, onLoadMoreAfter, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore } ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h(EmptyTable11, null))))); } function Table10({ instances, onLoadMoreAfter, onDelete, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreAfter, hasMoreBefore }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "table-container" }, onLoadMoreBefore && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more transfers before the first one`, disabled: !hasMoreBefore, onClick: onLoadMoreBefore }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load newer transfers") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "table is-fullwidth is-striped is-hoverable is-fullwidth" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "ID")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Credit")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Address")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Exchange URL")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirmed")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Verified")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Executed at")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", null))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null,, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, i4.credit_amount), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, i4.payto_uri), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, i4.exchange_url), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, i4.confirmed ? i18n2.str`yes` : i18n2.str`no`), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, i4.verified ? i18n2.str`yes` : i18n2.str`no`), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, i4.execution_time ? i4.execution_time.t_s == "never" ? i18n2.str`never` : format( i4.execution_time.t_s * 1e3, datetimeFormatForSettings(settings) ) : i18n2.str`unknown`), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", null, i4.verified === void 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-danger is-small has-tooltip-left", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`delete selected transfer from the database`, onClick: () => onDelete(i4) }, "Delete" ) : void 0)); }))), onLoadMoreAfter && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button is-fullwidth", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`load more transfer after the last one`, disabled: !hasMoreAfter, onClick: onLoadMoreAfter }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "load older transfers") )); } function EmptyTable11() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "content has-text-grey has-text-centered" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon is-large" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-emoticon-sad mdi-48px" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is no transfer yet, add more pressing the + sign"))); } // src/paths/instance/transfers/list/ListPage.tsx function ListPage7({ payTo, onChangePayTo, transfers, onCreate, onDelete, accounts, onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter, isAllTransfers, isNonVerifiedTransfers, isVerifiedTransfers, onShowAll, onShowUnverified, onShowVerified }) { const form = { payto_uri: payTo }; const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-10" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { object: form, valueHandler: (updater) => onChangePayTo(updater(form).payto_uri) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "payto_uri", label: i18n2.str`Address`, values: accounts, placeholder: i18n2.str`Select one account`, tooltip: i18n2.str`filter by account address` } ) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "tabs" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isAllTransfers ? "is-active" : "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`remove all filters` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowAll }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "All")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isVerifiedTransfers ? "is-active" : "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`only show wire transfers confirmed by the merchant` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowVerified }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Verified")) )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: isNonVerifiedTransfers ? "is-active" : "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "div", { class: "has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`only show wire transfers claimed by the exchange` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { onClick: onShowUnverified }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Unverified")) )))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( CardTable9, { transfers: => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, o3), { id: String(o3.transfer_serial_id) })), accounts, onCreate, onDelete, onLoadMoreBefore, hasMoreBefore: !onLoadMoreBefore, onLoadMoreAfter, hasMoreAfter: !onLoadMoreAfter } )); } // src/paths/instance/transfers/list/index.tsx function ListTransfer({ onUnauthorized, onLoadError, onCreate, onNotFound }) { const [form, setForm] = p3({ payto_uri: "" }); const setFilter = (s5) => setForm(__spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, form), { verified: s5 })); const [position, setPosition] = p3(void 0); const instance = useInstanceBankAccounts(); const accounts = !instance.ok ? [] : => a5.payto_uri); const isVerifiedTransfers = form.verified === "yes"; const isNonVerifiedTransfers = form.verified === "no"; const isAllTransfers = form.verified === void 0; const result = useInstanceTransfers( { position, payto_uri: form.payto_uri === "" ? void 0 : form.payto_uri, verified: form.verified }, (id) => setPosition(id) ); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h( ListPage7, { accounts, transfers:, onLoadMoreBefore: result.isReachingStart ? result.loadMorePrev : void 0, onLoadMoreAfter: result.isReachingEnd ? result.loadMore : void 0, onCreate, onDelete: () => { null; }, onShowAll: () => setFilter(void 0), onShowUnverified: () => setFilter("no"), onShowVerified: () => setFilter("yes"), isAllTransfers, isVerifiedTransfers, isNonVerifiedTransfers, payTo: form.payto_uri, onChangePayTo: (p4) => setForm((v3) => __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, v3), { payto_uri: p4 })) } ); } // src/paths/instance/update/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); // src/paths/instance/update/UpdatePage.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function convert(from) { const rest = __objRest(from, []); const defaults = { use_stefan: false, default_pay_delay: { d_us: 2 * 1e3 * 1e3 * 60 * 60 }, //two hours default_wire_transfer_delay: { d_us: 2 * 1e3 * 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 2 } //two hours }; return __spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, defaults), rest); } function UpdatePage6({ onUpdate, onChangeAuth, selected, onBack }) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { id } = useInstanceContext(); const [value, valueHandler] = p3(convert(selected)); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const errors2 = { name: ! ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, user_type: !value.user_type ? i18n2.str`required` : value.user_type !== "business" && value.user_type !== "individual" ? i18n2.str`should be business or individual` : void 0, default_pay_delay: !value.default_pay_delay ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, default_wire_transfer_delay: !value.default_wire_transfer_delay ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, address: undefinedIfEmpty({ address_lines: ((_a = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _a.address_lines) && ((_b = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _b.address_lines.length) > 7 ? i18n2.str`max 7 lines` : void 0 }), jurisdiction: undefinedIfEmpty({ address_lines: ((_c = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _c.address_lines) && ((_d = value.address) == null ? void 0 : _d.address_lines.length) > 7 ? i18n2.str`max 7 lines` : void 0 }) }; const hasErrors = Object.keys(errors2).some( (k5) => errors2[k5] !== void 0 ); const submit = () => __async(this, null, function* () { yield onUpdate(value); }); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "hero is-hero-bar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hero-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-left" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "level-item" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "is-size-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Instance id"), ": ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", null, id))))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("hr", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(DefaultInstanceFormFields, { showId: false }) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button", onClick: onBack, "data-tooltip": "cancel operation" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton, { onClick: submit, "data-tooltip": hasErrors ? i18n2.str`Need to complete marked fields` : "confirm operation", disabled: hasErrors }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" })))); } // src/paths/instance/update/index.tsx function Update2(props) { const { updateInstance, clearToken, setNewToken } = useInstanceAPI(); const result = useInstanceDetails(); return CommonUpdate(props, result, updateInstance, clearToken, setNewToken); } function AdminUpdate(props) { const { updateInstance, clearToken, setNewToken } = useManagementAPI( props.instanceId ); const result = useManagedInstanceDetails(props.instanceId); return CommonUpdate(props, result, updateInstance, clearToken, setNewToken); } function CommonUpdate({ onBack, onConfirm, onLoadError, onNotFound, onUpdateError, onUnauthorized }, result, updateInstance, clearToken, setNewToken) { const [notif, setNotif] = p3(void 0); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (!result.ok) { if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) return onUnauthorized(); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) return onNotFound(); return onLoadError(result); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( UpdatePage6, { onBack, isLoading: false, selected:, onUpdate: (d5) => { return updateInstance(d5).then(onConfirm).catch( (error2) => setNotif({ message: i18n2.str`Failed to create instance`, type: "ERROR", description: error2.message }) ); }, onChangeAuth: (d5) => { const apiCall = d5.method === "external" ? clearToken() : setNewToken(d5.token); return apiCall.then(onConfirm).catch(onUpdateError); } } )); } // src/paths/login/index.tsx init_preact_module(); init_hooks_module(); function normalizeToken(r3) { return `secret-token:${r3}`; } function cleanUp(s5) { let result = s5; if (result.indexOf("webui/") !== -1) { result = result.substring(0, result.indexOf("webui/")); } return result; } function LoginPage({ onConfirm }) { const { url: backendURL, changeBackend } = useBackendContext(); const { admin, id } = useInstanceContext(); const { requestNewLoginToken } = useCredentialsChecker(); const [token, setToken] = p3(""); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const doLogin = T2(function doLoginImpl() { return __async(this, null, function* () { const secretToken = normalizeToken(token); const baseUrl = id === void 0 ? backendURL : `${backendURL}/instances/${id}`; const result = yield requestNewLoginToken(baseUrl, secretToken); if (result.valid) { const { token: token2, expiration } = result; onConfirm({ token: token2, expiration }); } else { onConfirm(void 0); } }); }, [backendURL, id, token]); function changeServer() { return __async(this, null, function* () { changeBackend(""); }); } console.log(admin, id); if (admin && id !== "default") { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns is-centered", style: { margin: "auto" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-two-thirds " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card", style: { width: "100%", margin: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "header", { class: "modal-card-head", style: { border: "1px solid", borderBottom: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "modal-card-title" }, i18n2.str`Login required`) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "section", { class: "modal-card-body", style: { border: "1px solid", borderTop: 0, borderBottom: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Need the access token for the instance.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Access Token"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control is-expanded" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", type: "password", placeholder: "current access token", name: "token", onKeyPress: (e4) => e4.keyCode === 13 ? doLogin() : null, value: token, onInput: (e4) => setToken(e4 == null ? void 0 : e4.currentTarget.value) } ))))) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "footer", { class: "modal-card-foot ", style: { justifyContent: "flex-end", border: "1px solid", borderTop: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton2, { onClick: doLogin }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ) )))); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns is-centered", style: { margin: "auto" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-two-thirds " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card", style: { width: "100%", margin: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "header", { class: "modal-card-head", style: { border: "1px solid", borderBottom: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "modal-card-title" }, i18n2.str`Login required`) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "section", { class: "modal-card-body", style: { border: "1px solid", borderTop: 0, borderBottom: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Please enter your access token."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "URL")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control is-expanded" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", type: "text", placeholder: "set new url", name: "id", value: backendURL, disabled: true, readOnly: true } ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Access Token"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control is-expanded" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", type: "password", placeholder: "current access token", name: "token", onKeyPress: (e4) => e4.keyCode === 13 ? doLogin() : null, value: token, onInput: (e4) => setToken(e4 == null ? void 0 : e4.currentTarget.value) } ))))) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "footer", { class: "modal-card-foot ", style: { justifyContent: "space-between", border: "1px solid", borderTop: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton2, { onClick: changeServer }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Change server") ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton2, { type: "is-info", onClick: doLogin }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") ) )))); } function AsyncButton2({ onClick, disabled, type = "", children }) { const [running, setRunning] = p3(false); return /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button " + type, disabled: disabled || running, onClick: () => { setRunning(true); onClick().then(() => { setRunning(false); }).catch(() => { setRunning(false); }); } }, children); } function ConnectionPage({ onConfirm }) { const { url: backendURL } = useBackendContext(); const [url, setURL] = p3(cleanUp(backendURL)); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); function doConnect() { return __async(this, null, function* () { onConfirm(url); }); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns is-centered", style: { margin: "auto" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-two-thirds " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "modal-card", style: { width: "100%", margin: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "header", { class: "modal-card-head", style: { border: "1px solid", borderBottom: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "modal-card-title" }, i18n2.str`Connect to backend`) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "section", { class: "modal-card-body", style: { border: "1px solid", borderTop: 0, borderBottom: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Location of the backend server"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, "URL")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-body" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "control is-expanded" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "input", { class: "input", type: "text", placeholder: "set new url", name: "id", value: url != null ? url : "", onKeyPress: (e4) => e4.keyCode === 13 ? doConnect() : null, onInput: (e4) => setURL(e4 == null ? void 0 : e4.currentTarget.value) } ))))) ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( "footer", { class: "modal-card-foot ", style: { justifyContent: "flex-end", border: "1px solid", borderTop: 0 } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( AsyncButton2, { disabled: backendURL === url, onClick: doConnect }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Try again") ) )))); } // src/paths/notfound/index.tsx init_preact_module(); function NotFoundPage() { return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "That page doesn't exist."), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Link, { href: "/" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h4", null, "Back to Home"))); } // src/paths/settings/index.tsx init_preact_module(); function getBrowserLang2() { if (typeof window === "undefined") return void 0; if (window.navigator.languages) return window.navigator.languages[0]; if (window.navigator.language) return window.navigator.language; return void 0; } function Settings({ onClose }) { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const borwserLang = getBrowserLang2(); const { update } = useLang(); const [value, updateValue] = useSettings(); const errors2 = {}; function valueHandler(s5) { var _a, _b; const next = s5(value); const v3 = { advanceOrderMode: (_a = next.advanceOrderMode) != null ? _a : false, dateFormat: (_b = next.dateFormat) != null ? _b : "ymd" }; updateValue(v3); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "columns" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column is-four-fifths" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( FormProvider, { name: "settings", errors: errors2, object: value, valueHandler }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field is-horizontal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field-label is-normal" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { class: "label" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Language"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "icon has-tooltip-right", "data-tooltip": "Force language setting instance of taking the browser" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("i", { class: "mdi mdi-information" })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "field field-body has-addons is-flex-grow-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LangSelector, null), "\xA0", borwserLang !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { "data-tooltip": i18n2.str`generate random secret key`, class: "button is-info mr-2", onClick: (e4) => { update(borwserLang.substring(0, 2)); } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Set default") ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputToggle, { label: i18n2.str`Advance order creation`, tooltip: i18n2.str`Shows more options in the order creation form`, name: "advanceOrderMode" } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( InputSelector, { name: "dateFormat", label: i18n2.str`Date format`, expand: true, help: value.dateFormat === "dmy" ? "31/12/2001" : value.dateFormat === "mdy" ? "12/31/2001" : value.dateFormat === "ymd" ? "2001/12/31" : "", toStr: (e4) => { if (e4 === "ymd") return "year month day"; if (e4 === "mdy") return "month day year"; if (e4 === "dmy") return "day month year"; return "choose one"; }, values: [ "ymd", "mdy", "dmy" ], tooltip: i18n2.str`how the date is going to be displayed` } ) ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "column" }))), onClose && /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "section is-main-section" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( "button", { class: "button", onClick: onClose }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close") ))); } // src/InstanceRoutes.tsx var noop2 = () => { }; function InstanceRoutes({ id, admin, path, // onUnauthorized, onLoginPass, setInstanceName }) { const [defaultToken, updateDefaultToken] = useBackendDefaultToken(); const [token, updateToken] = useBackendInstanceToken(id); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [globalNotification, setGlobalNotification] = p3(void 0); const changeToken = (token2) => { if (admin) { updateToken(token2); } else { updateDefaultToken(token2); } onLoginPass(); }; const value = F( () => ({ id, token, admin, changeToken }), [id, token, admin] ); function ServerErrorRedirectTo(to) { return function ServerErrorRedirectToImpl(error2) { if (error2.type === ErrorType.TIMEOUT) { setGlobalNotification({ message: i18n2.str`The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled`, description: i18n2.str`Diagnostic from ${} is "${error2.message}"`, type: "ERROR", to }); } else { setGlobalNotification({ message: i18n2.str`The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #${error2.status}`, description: i18n2.str`Diagnostic from ${} is '${error2.message}'`, details: error2.type === ErrorType.CLIENT || error2.type === ErrorType.SERVER ? error2.payload.detail : void 0, type: "ERROR", to }); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Redirect, { to }); }; } const LoginPageAccessDenied = () => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Access denied`, description: i18n2.str`Redirecting to login page.`, type: "ERROR" } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginPage, { onConfirm: changeToken })); }; function IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(Next) { return function IfAdminCreateDefaultOrImpl(props) { if (admin && id === "default") { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`No 'default' instance configured yet.`, description: i18n2.str`Create a 'default' instance to begin using the merchant backoffice.`, type: "INFO" } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Create, { forceId: "default", onConfirm: () => { route("/instances" /* list_instances */); } } )); } if (props) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Next, __spreadValues({}, props)); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Next, null); }; } const clearTokenAndGoToRoot = () => { route("/"); updateToken(void 0); updateDefaultToken(void 0); }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(InstanceContextProvider, { value }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Menu, { instance: id, admin, onShowSettings: () => { route("/interface" /* settings */); }, path, onLogout: clearTokenAndGoToRoot, setInstanceName, isPasswordOk: defaultToken !== void 0 } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(KycBanner, null), /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: globalNotification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Router, { onChange: (e4) => { const movingOutFromNotification = globalNotification && e4.url !==; if (movingOutFromNotification) { setGlobalNotification(void 0); } } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Route, { path: "/", component: Redirect, to: "/orders" /* order_list */ }), admin && /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/instances" /* list_instances */, component: Instances, onCreate: () => { route("/instance/new" /* new_instance */); }, onUpdate: (id2) => { route(`/instance/${id2}/update`); }, setInstanceName, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/error" /* error */) } ), admin && /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/instance/new" /* new_instance */, component: Create, onBack: () => route("/instances" /* list_instances */), onConfirm: () => { route("/instances" /* list_instances */); } } ), admin && /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/instance/:id/update" /* update_instance */, component: AdminInstanceUpdatePage, onBack: () => route("/instances" /* list_instances */), onConfirm: () => { route("/instances" /* list_instances */); }, onUpdateError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/instances" /* list_instances */), onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/instances" /* list_instances */), onNotFound: NotFoundPage } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/server" /* server */, component: Update2, onBack: () => { route(`/`); }, onConfirm: () => { route(`/`); }, onUpdateError: noop2, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/error" /* error */) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/token" /* token */, component: Token, onChange: () => { route(`/`); }, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/error" /* error */) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/products" /* product_list */, component: ProductList2, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onCreate: () => { route("/product/new" /* product_new */); }, onSelect: (id2) => { route("/product/:pid/update" /* product_update */.replace(":pid", id2)); }, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/product/:pid/update" /* product_update */, component: UpdateProduct, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/products" /* product_list */), onConfirm: () => { route("/products" /* product_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/products" /* product_list */); }, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/product/new" /* product_new */, component: CreateProduct, onConfirm: () => { route("/products" /* product_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/products" /* product_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/bank" /* bank_list */, component: ListValidators, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onCreate: () => { route("/bank/new" /* bank_new */); }, onSelect: (id2) => { route("/bank/:bid/update" /* bank_update */.replace(":bid", id2)); }, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/bank/:bid/update" /* bank_update */, component: UpdateValidator, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/products" /* product_list */), onConfirm: () => { route("/bank" /* bank_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/bank" /* bank_list */); }, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/bank/new" /* bank_new */, component: CreateValidator, onConfirm: () => { route("/bank" /* bank_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/bank" /* bank_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/orders" /* order_list */, component: OrderList, onCreate: () => { route("/order/new" /* order_new */); }, onSelect: (id2) => { route("/order/:oid/details" /* order_details */.replace(":oid", id2)); }, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage) } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/order/:oid/details" /* order_details */, component: Update, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/orders" /* order_list */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onBack: () => { route("/orders" /* order_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/order/new" /* order_new */, component: OrderCreate, onConfirm: (orderId) => { route("/order/:oid/details" /* order_details */.replace(":oid", orderId)); }, onBack: () => { route("/orders" /* order_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/transfers" /* transfers_list */, component: ListTransfer, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onCreate: () => { route("/transfer/new" /* transfers_new */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/transfer/new" /* transfers_new */, component: CreateTransfer2, onConfirm: () => { route("/transfers" /* transfers_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/transfers" /* transfers_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/webhooks" /* webhooks_list */, component: ListWebhooks, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onCreate: () => { route("/webhooks/new" /* webhooks_new */); }, onSelect: (id2) => { route("/webhooks/:tid/update" /* webhooks_update */.replace(":tid", id2)); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/webhooks/:tid/update" /* webhooks_update */, component: UpdateWebhook, onConfirm: () => { route("/webhooks" /* webhooks_list */); }, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/webhooks" /* webhooks_list */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onBack: () => { route("/webhooks" /* webhooks_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/webhooks/new" /* webhooks_new */, component: CreateWebhook, onConfirm: () => { route("/webhooks" /* webhooks_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/webhooks" /* webhooks_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/validators" /* validators_list */, component: ListValidators2, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onCreate: () => { route("/validators/new" /* validators_new */); }, onSelect: (id2) => { route("/validators/:vid/update" /* validators_update */.replace(":vid", id2)); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/validators/:vid/update" /* validators_update */, component: UpdateValidator2, onConfirm: () => { route("/validators" /* validators_list */); }, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/validators" /* validators_list */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onBack: () => { route("/validators" /* validators_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/validators/new" /* validators_new */, component: CreateValidator2, onConfirm: () => { route("/validators" /* validators_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/validators" /* validators_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/templates" /* templates_list */, component: ListTemplates, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onCreate: () => { route("/templates/new" /* templates_new */); }, onNewOrder: (id2) => { route("/templates/:tid/use" /* templates_use */.replace(":tid", id2)); }, onQR: (id2) => { route("/templates/:tid/qr" /* templates_qr */.replace(":tid", id2)); }, onSelect: (id2) => { route("/templates/:tid/update" /* templates_update */.replace(":tid", id2)); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/templates/:tid/update" /* templates_update */, component: UpdateTemplate, onConfirm: () => { route("/templates" /* templates_list */); }, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/templates" /* templates_list */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onBack: () => { route("/templates" /* templates_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/templates/new" /* templates_new */, component: CreateTransfer, onConfirm: () => { route("/templates" /* templates_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/templates" /* templates_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/templates/:tid/use" /* templates_use */, component: TemplateUsePage, onOrderCreated: (id2) => { route("/order/:oid/details" /* order_details */.replace(":oid", id2)); }, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/templates" /* templates_list */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onBack: () => { route("/templates" /* templates_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/templates/:tid/qr" /* templates_qr */, component: TemplateQrPage, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/templates" /* templates_list */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onBack: () => { route("/templates" /* templates_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/reserves" /* reserves_list */, component: ListRewards, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/server" /* server */), onSelect: (id2) => { route("/reserves/:rid/details" /* reserves_details */.replace(":rid", id2)); }, onCreate: () => { route("/reserves/new" /* reserves_new */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/reserves/:rid/details" /* reserves_details */, component: DetailReserve, onUnauthorized: LoginPageAccessDenied, onLoadError: ServerErrorRedirectTo("/reserves" /* reserves_list */), onNotFound: IfAdminCreateDefaultOr(NotFoundPage), onBack: () => { route("/reserves" /* reserves_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { path: "/reserves/new" /* reserves_new */, component: CreateReserve, onConfirm: () => { route("/reserves" /* reserves_list */); }, onBack: () => { route("/reserves" /* reserves_list */); } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Route, { path: "/kyc" /* kyc */, component: ListKYC }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Route, { path: "/interface" /* settings */, component: Settings }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Route, { path: "/loading", component: Loading }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Route, { default: true, component: NotFoundPage }) )); } function Redirect({ to }) { h2(() => { route(to, true); }); return null; } function AdminInstanceUpdatePage(_a) { var _b = _a, { id } = _b, rest = __objRest(_b, [ "id" ]); const [token, changeToken] = useBackendInstanceToken(id); const updateLoginStatus = (token2) => { changeToken(token2); }; const value = F( () => ({ id, token, admin: true, changeToken }), [id, token] ); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(InstanceContextProvider, { value }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( AdminUpdate, __spreadProps(__spreadValues({}, rest), { instanceId: id, onLoadError: (error2) => { const notif = error2.type === ErrorType.TIMEOUT ? { message: i18n2.str`The request to the backend take too long and was cancelled`, description: i18n2.str`Diagnostic from ${} is '${error2.message}'`, type: "ERROR" } : { message: i18n2.str`The backend reported a problem: HTTP status #${error2.status}`, description: i18n2.str`Diagnostic from ${} is '${error2.message}'`, details: error2.type === ErrorType.CLIENT || error2.type === ErrorType.SERVER ? error2.payload.detail : void 0, type: "ERROR" }; return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotificationCard, { notification: notif }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginPage, { onConfirm: updateLoginStatus })); }, onUnauthorized: () => { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Access denied`, description: i18n2.str`The access token provided is invalid`, type: "ERROR" } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginPage, { onConfirm: updateLoginStatus })); } }) )); } function KycBanner() { const kycStatus = useInstanceKYCDetails(); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const [settings] = useSettings(); const today = format(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), dateFormatForSettings(settings)); const [lastHide, setLastHide] = useSimpleLocalStorage("kyc-last-hide"); const hasBeenHidden = today === lastHide; const needsToBeShown = kycStatus.ok && === "redirect"; if (hasBeenHidden || !needsToBeShown) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { type: "WARN", message: "KYC verification needed", description: /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "Some transfer are on hold until a KYC process is completed. Go to the KYC section in the left panel for more information"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "buttons is-right" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: "button", onClick: () => setLastHide(today) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Hide for today")))) } } ); } // src/ApplicationReadyRoutes.tsx function ApplicationReadyRoutes() { const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { url: backendURL, changeBackend } = useBackendContext(); const [unauthorized, setUnauthorized] = p3(false); const { updateToken } = useBackendContext(); function updateLoginStatus(token) { updateToken(token); setUnauthorized(false); } const result = useBackendInstancesTestForAdmin(); const clearTokenAndGoToRoot = () => { route("/"); }; const [showSettings, setShowSettings] = p3(false); const unauthorizedAdmin = !result.loading && !result.ok && result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized; if (showSettings) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotYetReadyAppMenu, { onShowSettings: () => setShowSettings(true), title: "UI Settings", onLogout: clearTokenAndGoToRoot, isPasswordOk: false }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Settings, { onClose: () => setShowSettings(false) })); } if (result.loading) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotYetReadyAppMenu, { onShowSettings: () => setShowSettings(true), title: "Loading...", isPasswordOk: false }); } let admin = result.ok || unauthorizedAdmin; let instanceNameByBackendURL; if (!admin) { const path = new URL(backendURL).pathname; const match2 = INSTANCE_ID_LOOKUP.exec(path); if (!match2 || !match2[1]) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotYetReadyAppMenu, { onShowSettings: () => setShowSettings(true), title: "Error", onLogout: clearTokenAndGoToRoot, isPasswordOk: false }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Couldn't access the server.`, description: i18n2.str`Could not infer instance id from url ${backendURL}`, type: "ERROR" } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } instanceNameByBackendURL = match2[1]; } if (unauthorized || unauthorizedAdmin) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotYetReadyAppMenu, { onShowSettings: () => setShowSettings(true), title: "Login", onLogout: clearTokenAndGoToRoot, isPasswordOk: false }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Access denied`, description: i18n2.str`Check your token is valid`, type: "ERROR" } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginPage, { onConfirm: updateLoginStatus })); } const history2 = createHashHistory(); return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Router, { history: history2 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( Route, { default: true, component: DefaultMainRoute, admin, onUnauthorized: () => setUnauthorized(true), onLoginPass: () => { setUnauthorized(false); }, instanceNameByBackendURL } )); } function DefaultMainRoute({ instance, admin, onUnauthorized, onLoginPass, instanceNameByBackendURL, url //from preact-router }) { const [instanceName, setInstanceName] = p3( instanceNameByBackendURL || instance || "default" ); return /* @__PURE__ */ h( InstanceRoutes, { admin, path: url, onUnauthorized, onLoginPass, id: instanceName, setInstanceName } ); } // src/Application.tsx function Application() { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(BackendContextProvider, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(TranslationProvider, { source: strings }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ApplicationStatusRoutes, null))); } function ApplicationStatusRoutes() { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const { url: backendURL, updateToken, changeBackend } = useBackendContext(); const result = useBackendConfig(); const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); const { currency, version } = result.ok ? : { currency: "unknown", version: "unknown" }; const ctx = F(() => ({ currency, version }), [currency, version]); if (!backendURL) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotConnectedAppMenu, { title: "Welcome!" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } if (!result.ok) { if (result.loading) return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotConnectedAppMenu, { title: "Login" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } if (result.type === ErrorType.CLIENT && result.status === HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotConnectedAppMenu, { title: "Error" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Server not found`, type: "ERROR", description: `Check your url` } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } if (result.type === ErrorType.SERVER) { /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotConnectedAppMenu, { title: "Error" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Server response with an error code`, type: "ERROR", description: i18n2.str`Got message "${result.message}" from ${(_a = == null ? void 0 : _a.url}` } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } if (result.type === ErrorType.UNREADABLE) { /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotConnectedAppMenu, { title: "Error" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Response from server is unreadable, http status: ${result.status}`, type: "ERROR", description: i18n2.str`Got message "${result.message}" from ${(_b = == null ? void 0 : _b.url}` } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotConnectedAppMenu, { title: "Error" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Unexpected Error`, type: "ERROR", description: i18n2.str`Got message "${result.message}" from ${(_c = == null ? void 0 : _c.url}` } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } const SUPPORTED_VERSION = "5:0:1"; if (!((_d = SUPPORTED_VERSION, )) == null ? void 0 : _d.compatible)) { return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(NotConnectedAppMenu, { title: "Error" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( NotificationCard, { notification: { message: i18n2.str`Incompatible version`, type: "ERROR", description: i18n2.str`Merchant backend server version ${} is not compatible with the supported version ${SUPPORTED_VERSION}` } } ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConnectionPage, { onConfirm: changeBackend })); } return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "has-navbar-fixed-top" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ConfigContextProvider, { value: ctx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ApplicationReadyRoutes, null))); } // src/index.tsx init_preact_module(); var app = document.getElementById("app"); P(/* @__PURE__ */ h(Application, null), app); /*! Bundled license information: jed/jed.js: (** * @preserve jed.js *) use-sync-external-store/cjs/use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js: (** * @license React * use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. *) */ //#