From de8a0e6a2f9c213d4ea9b852cdedcd9dcec3b4fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sebastian Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024 12:32:40 -0300 Subject: rename --- bank/index.js | 40370 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 40370 insertions(+) create mode 100644 bank/index.js (limited to 'bank/index.js') diff --git a/bank/index.js b/bank/index.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b92517709 --- /dev/null +++ b/bank/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,40370 @@ +var __create = Object.create; +var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; +var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; +var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; +var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; +var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; +var __esm = (fn2, res) => function __init() { + return fn2 && (res = (0, fn2[__getOwnPropNames(fn2)[0]])(fn2 = 0)), res; +}; +var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { + return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; +}; +var __export = (target, all) => { + for (var name in all) + __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); +}; +var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { + if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { + for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) + if (!, key) && key !== except) + __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); + } + return to; +}; +var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( + // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM + // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- + // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set + // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. + isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, + mod +)); +var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/big-integer@1.6.52/node_modules/big-integer/BigInteger.js +var require_BigInteger = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/big-integer@1.6.52/node_modules/big-integer/BigInteger.js"(exports, module) { + var bigInt = function(undefined2) { + "use strict"; + var BASE = 1e7, LOG_BASE = 7, MAX_INT = 9007199254740992, MAX_INT_ARR = smallToArray(MAX_INT), DEFAULT_ALPHABET = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; + var supportsNativeBigInt = typeof BigInt === "function"; + function Integer(v3, radix, alphabet, caseSensitive) { + if (typeof v3 === "undefined") + return Integer[0]; + if (typeof radix !== "undefined") + return +radix === 10 && !alphabet ? parseValue(v3) : parseBase(v3, radix, alphabet, caseSensitive); + return parseValue(v3); + } + function BigInteger(value, sign) { + this.value = value; + this.sign = sign; + this.isSmall = false; + } + BigInteger.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype); + function SmallInteger(value) { + this.value = value; + this.sign = value < 0; + this.isSmall = true; + } + SmallInteger.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype); + function NativeBigInt(value) { + this.value = value; + } + NativeBigInt.prototype = Object.create(Integer.prototype); + function isPrecise(n2) { + return -MAX_INT < n2 && n2 < MAX_INT; + } + function smallToArray(n2) { + if (n2 < 1e7) + return [n2]; + if (n2 < 1e14) + return [n2 % 1e7, Math.floor(n2 / 1e7)]; + return [n2 % 1e7, Math.floor(n2 / 1e7) % 1e7, Math.floor(n2 / 1e14)]; + } + function arrayToSmall(arr) { + trim(arr); + var length = arr.length; + if (length < 4 && compareAbs(arr, MAX_INT_ARR) < 0) { + switch (length) { + case 0: + return 0; + case 1: + return arr[0]; + case 2: + return arr[0] + arr[1] * BASE; + default: + return arr[0] + (arr[1] + arr[2] * BASE) * BASE; + } + } + return arr; + } + function trim(v3) { + var i5 = v3.length; + while (v3[--i5] === 0) + ; + v3.length = i5 + 1; + } + function createArray(length) { + var x6 = new Array(length); + var i5 = -1; + while (++i5 < length) { + x6[i5] = 0; + } + return x6; + } + function truncate(n2) { + if (n2 > 0) + return Math.floor(n2); + return Math.ceil(n2); + } + function add3(a5, b4) { + var l_a = a5.length, l_b = b4.length, r3 = new Array(l_a), carry = 0, base2 = BASE, sum, i5; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < l_b; i5++) { + sum = a5[i5] + b4[i5] + carry; + carry = sum >= base2 ? 1 : 0; + r3[i5] = sum - carry * base2; + } + while (i5 < l_a) { + sum = a5[i5] + carry; + carry = sum === base2 ? 1 : 0; + r3[i5++] = sum - carry * base2; + } + if (carry > 0) + r3.push(carry); + return r3; + } + function addAny(a5, b4) { + if (a5.length >= b4.length) + return add3(a5, b4); + return add3(b4, a5); + } + function addSmall(a5, carry) { + var l3 = a5.length, r3 = new Array(l3), base2 = BASE, sum, i5; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { + sum = a5[i5] - base2 + carry; + carry = Math.floor(sum / base2); + r3[i5] = sum - carry * base2; + carry += 1; + } + while (carry > 0) { + r3[i5++] = carry % base2; + carry = Math.floor(carry / base2); + } + return r3; + } + BigInteger.prototype.add = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3); + if (this.sign !== n2.sign) { + return this.subtract(n2.negate()); + } + var a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; + if (n2.isSmall) { + return new BigInteger(addSmall(a5, Math.abs(b4)), this.sign); + } + return new BigInteger(addAny(a5, b4), this.sign); + }; + = BigInteger.prototype.add; + SmallInteger.prototype.add = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3); + var a5 = this.value; + if (a5 < 0 !== n2.sign) { + return this.subtract(n2.negate()); + } + var b4 = n2.value; + if (n2.isSmall) { + if (isPrecise(a5 + b4)) + return new SmallInteger(a5 + b4); + b4 = smallToArray(Math.abs(b4)); + } + return new BigInteger(addSmall(b4, Math.abs(a5)), a5 < 0); + }; + = SmallInteger.prototype.add; + NativeBigInt.prototype.add = function(v3) { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value + parseValue(v3).value); + }; + = NativeBigInt.prototype.add; + function subtract(a5, b4) { + var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, r3 = new Array(a_l), borrow = 0, base2 = BASE, i5, difference; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < b_l; i5++) { + difference = a5[i5] - borrow - b4[i5]; + if (difference < 0) { + difference += base2; + borrow = 1; + } else + borrow = 0; + r3[i5] = difference; + } + for (i5 = b_l; i5 < a_l; i5++) { + difference = a5[i5] - borrow; + if (difference < 0) + difference += base2; + else { + r3[i5++] = difference; + break; + } + r3[i5] = difference; + } + for (; i5 < a_l; i5++) { + r3[i5] = a5[i5]; + } + trim(r3); + return r3; + } + function subtractAny(a5, b4, sign) { + var value; + if (compareAbs(a5, b4) >= 0) { + value = subtract(a5, b4); + } else { + value = subtract(b4, a5); + sign = !sign; + } + value = arrayToSmall(value); + if (typeof value === "number") { + if (sign) + value = -value; + return new SmallInteger(value); + } + return new BigInteger(value, sign); + } + function subtractSmall(a5, b4, sign) { + var l3 = a5.length, r3 = new Array(l3), carry = -b4, base2 = BASE, i5, difference; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { + difference = a5[i5] + carry; + carry = Math.floor(difference / base2); + difference %= base2; + r3[i5] = difference < 0 ? difference + base2 : difference; + } + r3 = arrayToSmall(r3); + if (typeof r3 === "number") { + if (sign) + r3 = -r3; + return new SmallInteger(r3); + } + return new BigInteger(r3, sign); + } + BigInteger.prototype.subtract = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3); + if (this.sign !== n2.sign) { + return this.add(n2.negate()); + } + var a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; + if (n2.isSmall) + return subtractSmall(a5, Math.abs(b4), this.sign); + return subtractAny(a5, b4, this.sign); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.minus = BigInteger.prototype.subtract; + SmallInteger.prototype.subtract = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3); + var a5 = this.value; + if (a5 < 0 !== n2.sign) { + return this.add(n2.negate()); + } + var b4 = n2.value; + if (n2.isSmall) { + return new SmallInteger(a5 - b4); + } + return subtractSmall(b4, Math.abs(a5), a5 >= 0); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.minus = SmallInteger.prototype.subtract; + NativeBigInt.prototype.subtract = function(v3) { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value - parseValue(v3).value); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.minus = NativeBigInt.prototype.subtract; + BigInteger.prototype.negate = function() { + return new BigInteger(this.value, !this.sign); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.negate = function() { + var sign = this.sign; + var small = new SmallInteger(-this.value); + small.sign = !sign; + return small; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.negate = function() { + return new NativeBigInt(-this.value); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.abs = function() { + return new BigInteger(this.value, false); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.abs = function() { + return new SmallInteger(Math.abs(this.value)); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.abs = function() { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value >= 0 ? this.value : -this.value); + }; + function multiplyLong(a5, b4) { + var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, l3 = a_l + b_l, r3 = createArray(l3), base2 = BASE, product, carry, i5, a_i, b_j; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < a_l; ++i5) { + a_i = a5[i5]; + for (var j4 = 0; j4 < b_l; ++j4) { + b_j = b4[j4]; + product = a_i * b_j + r3[i5 + j4]; + carry = Math.floor(product / base2); + r3[i5 + j4] = product - carry * base2; + r3[i5 + j4 + 1] += carry; + } + } + trim(r3); + return r3; + } + function multiplySmall(a5, b4) { + var l3 = a5.length, r3 = new Array(l3), base2 = BASE, carry = 0, product, i5; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { + product = a5[i5] * b4 + carry; + carry = Math.floor(product / base2); + r3[i5] = product - carry * base2; + } + while (carry > 0) { + r3[i5++] = carry % base2; + carry = Math.floor(carry / base2); + } + return r3; + } + function shiftLeft(x6, n2) { + var r3 = []; + while (n2-- > 0) + r3.push(0); + return r3.concat(x6); + } + function multiplyKaratsuba(x6, y5) { + var n2 = Math.max(x6.length, y5.length); + if (n2 <= 30) + return multiplyLong(x6, y5); + n2 = Math.ceil(n2 / 2); + var b4 = x6.slice(n2), a5 = x6.slice(0, n2), d5 = y5.slice(n2), c4 = y5.slice(0, n2); + var ac = multiplyKaratsuba(a5, c4), bd = multiplyKaratsuba(b4, d5), abcd = multiplyKaratsuba(addAny(a5, b4), addAny(c4, d5)); + var product = addAny(addAny(ac, shiftLeft(subtract(subtract(abcd, ac), bd), n2)), shiftLeft(bd, 2 * n2)); + trim(product); + return product; + } + function useKaratsuba(l1, l22) { + return -0.012 * l1 - 0.012 * l22 + 15e-6 * l1 * l22 > 0; + } + BigInteger.prototype.multiply = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value, sign = this.sign !== n2.sign, abs; + if (n2.isSmall) { + if (b4 === 0) + return Integer[0]; + if (b4 === 1) + return this; + if (b4 === -1) + return this.negate(); + abs = Math.abs(b4); + if (abs < BASE) { + return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(a5, abs), sign); + } + b4 = smallToArray(abs); + } + if (useKaratsuba(a5.length, b4.length)) + return new BigInteger(multiplyKaratsuba(a5, b4), sign); + return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(a5, b4), sign); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.times = BigInteger.prototype.multiply; + function multiplySmallAndArray(a5, b4, sign) { + if (a5 < BASE) { + return new BigInteger(multiplySmall(b4, a5), sign); + } + return new BigInteger(multiplyLong(b4, smallToArray(a5)), sign); + } + SmallInteger.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(a5) { + if (isPrecise(a5.value * this.value)) { + return new SmallInteger(a5.value * this.value); + } + return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a5.value), smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value)), this.sign !== a5.sign); + }; + BigInteger.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(a5) { + if (a5.value === 0) + return Integer[0]; + if (a5.value === 1) + return this; + if (a5.value === -1) + return this.negate(); + return multiplySmallAndArray(Math.abs(a5.value), this.value, this.sign !== a5.sign); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.multiply = function(v3) { + return parseValue(v3)._multiplyBySmall(this); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.times = SmallInteger.prototype.multiply; + NativeBigInt.prototype.multiply = function(v3) { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value * parseValue(v3).value); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.times = NativeBigInt.prototype.multiply; + function square(a5) { + var l3 = a5.length, r3 = createArray(l3 + l3), base2 = BASE, product, carry, i5, a_i, a_j; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { + a_i = a5[i5]; + carry = 0 - a_i * a_i; + for (var j4 = i5; j4 < l3; j4++) { + a_j = a5[j4]; + product = 2 * (a_i * a_j) + r3[i5 + j4] + carry; + carry = Math.floor(product / base2); + r3[i5 + j4] = product - carry * base2; + } + r3[i5 + l3] = carry; + } + trim(r3); + return r3; + } + BigInteger.prototype.square = function() { + return new BigInteger(square(this.value), false); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.square = function() { + var value = this.value * this.value; + if (isPrecise(value)) + return new SmallInteger(value); + return new BigInteger(square(smallToArray(Math.abs(this.value))), false); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.square = function(v3) { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value * this.value); + }; + function divMod1(a5, b4) { + var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, base2 = BASE, result = createArray(b4.length), divisorMostSignificantDigit = b4[b_l - 1], lambda = Math.ceil(base2 / (2 * divisorMostSignificantDigit)), remainder = multiplySmall(a5, lambda), divisor = multiplySmall(b4, lambda), quotientDigit, shift, carry, borrow, i5, l3, q5; + if (remainder.length <= a_l) + remainder.push(0); + divisor.push(0); + divisorMostSignificantDigit = divisor[b_l - 1]; + for (shift = a_l - b_l; shift >= 0; shift--) { + quotientDigit = base2 - 1; + if (remainder[shift + b_l] !== divisorMostSignificantDigit) { + quotientDigit = Math.floor((remainder[shift + b_l] * base2 + remainder[shift + b_l - 1]) / divisorMostSignificantDigit); + } + carry = 0; + borrow = 0; + l3 = divisor.length; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { + carry += quotientDigit * divisor[i5]; + q5 = Math.floor(carry / base2); + borrow += remainder[shift + i5] - (carry - q5 * base2); + carry = q5; + if (borrow < 0) { + remainder[shift + i5] = borrow + base2; + borrow = -1; + } else { + remainder[shift + i5] = borrow; + borrow = 0; + } + } + while (borrow !== 0) { + quotientDigit -= 1; + carry = 0; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < l3; i5++) { + carry += remainder[shift + i5] - base2 + divisor[i5]; + if (carry < 0) { + remainder[shift + i5] = carry + base2; + carry = 0; + } else { + remainder[shift + i5] = carry; + carry = 1; + } + } + borrow += carry; + } + result[shift] = quotientDigit; + } + remainder = divModSmall(remainder, lambda)[0]; + return [arrayToSmall(result), arrayToSmall(remainder)]; + } + function divMod2(a5, b4) { + var a_l = a5.length, b_l = b4.length, result = [], part = [], base2 = BASE, guess, xlen, highx, highy, check; + while (a_l) { + part.unshift(a5[--a_l]); + trim(part); + if (compareAbs(part, b4) < 0) { + result.push(0); + continue; + } + xlen = part.length; + highx = part[xlen - 1] * base2 + part[xlen - 2]; + highy = b4[b_l - 1] * base2 + b4[b_l - 2]; + if (xlen > b_l) { + highx = (highx + 1) * base2; + } + guess = Math.ceil(highx / highy); + do { + check = multiplySmall(b4, guess); + if (compareAbs(check, part) <= 0) + break; + guess--; + } while (guess); + result.push(guess); + part = subtract(part, check); + } + result.reverse(); + return [arrayToSmall(result), arrayToSmall(part)]; + } + function divModSmall(value, lambda) { + var length = value.length, quotient = createArray(length), base2 = BASE, i5, q5, remainder, divisor; + remainder = 0; + for (i5 = length - 1; i5 >= 0; --i5) { + divisor = remainder * base2 + value[i5]; + q5 = truncate(divisor / lambda); + remainder = divisor - q5 * lambda; + quotient[i5] = q5 | 0; + } + return [quotient, remainder | 0]; + } + function divModAny(self2, v3) { + var value, n2 = parseValue(v3); + if (supportsNativeBigInt) { + return [new NativeBigInt(self2.value / n2.value), new NativeBigInt(self2.value % n2.value)]; + } + var a5 = self2.value, b4 = n2.value; + var quotient; + if (b4 === 0) + throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero"); + if (self2.isSmall) { + if (n2.isSmall) { + return [new SmallInteger(truncate(a5 / b4)), new SmallInteger(a5 % b4)]; + } + return [Integer[0], self2]; + } + if (n2.isSmall) { + if (b4 === 1) + return [self2, Integer[0]]; + if (b4 == -1) + return [self2.negate(), Integer[0]]; + var abs = Math.abs(b4); + if (abs < BASE) { + value = divModSmall(a5, abs); + quotient = arrayToSmall(value[0]); + var remainder = value[1]; + if (self2.sign) + remainder = -remainder; + if (typeof quotient === "number") { + if (self2.sign !== n2.sign) + quotient = -quotient; + return [new SmallInteger(quotient), new SmallInteger(remainder)]; + } + return [new BigInteger(quotient, self2.sign !== n2.sign), new SmallInteger(remainder)]; + } + b4 = smallToArray(abs); + } + var comparison = compareAbs(a5, b4); + if (comparison === -1) + return [Integer[0], self2]; + if (comparison === 0) + return [Integer[self2.sign === n2.sign ? 1 : -1], Integer[0]]; + if (a5.length + b4.length <= 200) + value = divMod1(a5, b4); + else + value = divMod2(a5, b4); + quotient = value[0]; + var qSign = self2.sign !== n2.sign, mod = value[1], mSign = self2.sign; + if (typeof quotient === "number") { + if (qSign) + quotient = -quotient; + quotient = new SmallInteger(quotient); + } else + quotient = new BigInteger(quotient, qSign); + if (typeof mod === "number") { + if (mSign) + mod = -mod; + mod = new SmallInteger(mod); + } else + mod = new BigInteger(mod, mSign); + return [quotient, mod]; + } + BigInteger.prototype.divmod = function(v3) { + var result = divModAny(this, v3); + return { + quotient: result[0], + remainder: result[1] + }; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.divmod = SmallInteger.prototype.divmod = BigInteger.prototype.divmod; + BigInteger.prototype.divide = function(v3) { + return divModAny(this, v3)[0]; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.over = NativeBigInt.prototype.divide = function(v3) { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value / parseValue(v3).value); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.over = SmallInteger.prototype.divide = BigInteger.prototype.over = BigInteger.prototype.divide; + BigInteger.prototype.mod = function(v3) { + return divModAny(this, v3)[1]; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.mod = NativeBigInt.prototype.remainder = function(v3) { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value % parseValue(v3).value); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.remainder = SmallInteger.prototype.mod = BigInteger.prototype.remainder = BigInteger.prototype.mod; + BigInteger.prototype.pow = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value, value, x6, y5; + if (b4 === 0) + return Integer[1]; + if (a5 === 0) + return Integer[0]; + if (a5 === 1) + return Integer[1]; + if (a5 === -1) + return n2.isEven() ? Integer[1] : Integer[-1]; + if (n2.sign) { + return Integer[0]; + } + if (!n2.isSmall) + throw new Error("The exponent " + n2.toString() + " is too large."); + if (this.isSmall) { + if (isPrecise(value = Math.pow(a5, b4))) + return new SmallInteger(truncate(value)); + } + x6 = this; + y5 = Integer[1]; + while (true) { + if (b4 & true) { + y5 = y5.times(x6); + --b4; + } + if (b4 === 0) + break; + b4 /= 2; + x6 = x6.square(); + } + return y5; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.pow = BigInteger.prototype.pow; + NativeBigInt.prototype.pow = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3); + var a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; + var _0 = BigInt(0), _1 = BigInt(1), _22 = BigInt(2); + if (b4 === _0) + return Integer[1]; + if (a5 === _0) + return Integer[0]; + if (a5 === _1) + return Integer[1]; + if (a5 === BigInt(-1)) + return n2.isEven() ? Integer[1] : Integer[-1]; + if (n2.isNegative()) + return new NativeBigInt(_0); + var x6 = this; + var y5 = Integer[1]; + while (true) { + if ((b4 & _1) === _1) { + y5 = y5.times(x6); + --b4; + } + if (b4 === _0) + break; + b4 /= _22; + x6 = x6.square(); + } + return y5; + }; + BigInteger.prototype.modPow = function(exp, mod) { + exp = parseValue(exp); + mod = parseValue(mod); + if (mod.isZero()) + throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0"); + var r3 = Integer[1], base2 = this.mod(mod); + if (exp.isNegative()) { + exp = exp.multiply(Integer[-1]); + base2 = base2.modInv(mod); + } + while (exp.isPositive()) { + if (base2.isZero()) + return Integer[0]; + if (exp.isOdd()) + r3 = r3.multiply(base2).mod(mod); + exp = exp.divide(2); + base2 = base2.square().mod(mod); + } + return r3; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.modPow = SmallInteger.prototype.modPow = BigInteger.prototype.modPow; + function compareAbs(a5, b4) { + if (a5.length !== b4.length) { + return a5.length > b4.length ? 1 : -1; + } + for (var i5 = a5.length - 1; i5 >= 0; i5--) { + if (a5[i5] !== b4[i5]) + return a5[i5] > b4[i5] ? 1 : -1; + } + return 0; + } + BigInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; + if (n2.isSmall) + return 1; + return compareAbs(a5, b4); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.compareAbs = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = Math.abs(this.value), b4 = n2.value; + if (n2.isSmall) { + b4 = Math.abs(b4); + return a5 === b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; + } + return -1; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.compareAbs = function(v3) { + var a5 = this.value; + var b4 = parseValue(v3).value; + a5 = a5 >= 0 ? a5 : -a5; + b4 = b4 >= 0 ? b4 : -b4; + return a5 === b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; + }; + = function(v3) { + if (v3 === Infinity) { + return -1; + } + if (v3 === -Infinity) { + return 1; + } + var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; + if (this.sign !== n2.sign) { + return n2.sign ? 1 : -1; + } + if (n2.isSmall) { + return this.sign ? -1 : 1; + } + return compareAbs(a5, b4) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.compareTo =; + = function(v3) { + if (v3 === Infinity) { + return -1; + } + if (v3 === -Infinity) { + return 1; + } + var n2 = parseValue(v3), a5 = this.value, b4 = n2.value; + if (n2.isSmall) { + return a5 == b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; + } + if (a5 < 0 !== n2.sign) { + return a5 < 0 ? -1 : 1; + } + return a5 < 0 ? 1 : -1; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.compareTo =; + = function(v3) { + if (v3 === Infinity) { + return -1; + } + if (v3 === -Infinity) { + return 1; + } + var a5 = this.value; + var b4 = parseValue(v3).value; + return a5 === b4 ? 0 : a5 > b4 ? 1 : -1; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.compareTo =; + BigInteger.prototype.equals = function(v3) { + return === 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.eq = NativeBigInt.prototype.equals = SmallInteger.prototype.eq = SmallInteger.prototype.equals = BigInteger.prototype.eq = BigInteger.prototype.equals; + BigInteger.prototype.notEquals = function(v3) { + return !== 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.neq = NativeBigInt.prototype.notEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.neq = SmallInteger.prototype.notEquals = BigInteger.prototype.neq = BigInteger.prototype.notEquals; + BigInteger.prototype.greater = function(v3) { + return > 0; + }; + = NativeBigInt.prototype.greater = = SmallInteger.prototype.greater = = BigInteger.prototype.greater; + BigInteger.prototype.lesser = function(v3) { + return < 0; + }; + = NativeBigInt.prototype.lesser = = SmallInteger.prototype.lesser = = BigInteger.prototype.lesser; + BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function(v3) { + return >= 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.geq = NativeBigInt.prototype.greaterOrEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.geq = SmallInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.geq = BigInteger.prototype.greaterOrEquals; + BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function(v3) { + return <= 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.leq = NativeBigInt.prototype.lesserOrEquals = SmallInteger.prototype.leq = SmallInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals = BigInteger.prototype.leq = BigInteger.prototype.lesserOrEquals; + BigInteger.prototype.isEven = function() { + return (this.value[0] & 1) === 0; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isEven = function() { + return (this.value & 1) === 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isEven = function() { + return (this.value & BigInt(1)) === BigInt(0); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.isOdd = function() { + return (this.value[0] & 1) === 1; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isOdd = function() { + return (this.value & 1) === 1; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isOdd = function() { + return (this.value & BigInt(1)) === BigInt(1); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.isPositive = function() { + return !this.sign; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isPositive = function() { + return this.value > 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isPositive = SmallInteger.prototype.isPositive; + BigInteger.prototype.isNegative = function() { + return this.sign; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isNegative = function() { + return this.value < 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isNegative = SmallInteger.prototype.isNegative; + BigInteger.prototype.isUnit = function() { + return false; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isUnit = function() { + return Math.abs(this.value) === 1; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isUnit = function() { + return this.abs().value === BigInt(1); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.isZero = function() { + return false; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.isZero = function() { + return this.value === 0; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isZero = function() { + return this.value === BigInt(0); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3); + if (n2.isZero()) + return false; + if (n2.isUnit()) + return true; + if (n2.compareAbs(2) === 0) + return this.isEven(); + return this.mod(n2).isZero(); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isDivisibleBy = SmallInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy = BigInteger.prototype.isDivisibleBy; + function isBasicPrime(v3) { + var n2 = v3.abs(); + if (n2.isUnit()) + return false; + if (n2.equals(2) || n2.equals(3) || n2.equals(5)) + return true; + if (n2.isEven() || n2.isDivisibleBy(3) || n2.isDivisibleBy(5)) + return false; + if (n2.lesser(49)) + return true; + } + function millerRabinTest(n2, a5) { + var nPrev = n2.prev(), b4 = nPrev, r3 = 0, d5, t4, i5, x6; + while (b4.isEven()) + b4 = b4.divide(2), r3++; + next: + for (i5 = 0; i5 < a5.length; i5++) { + if (n2.lesser(a5[i5])) + continue; + x6 = bigInt(a5[i5]).modPow(b4, n2); + if (x6.isUnit() || x6.equals(nPrev)) + continue; + for (d5 = r3 - 1; d5 != 0; d5--) { + x6 = x6.square().mod(n2); + if (x6.isUnit()) + return false; + if (x6.equals(nPrev)) + continue next; + } + return false; + } + return true; + } + BigInteger.prototype.isPrime = function(strict) { + var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this); + if (isPrime !== undefined2) + return isPrime; + var n2 = this.abs(); + var bits = n2.bitLength(); + if (bits <= 64) + return millerRabinTest(n2, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37]); + var logN = Math.log(2) * bits.toJSNumber(); + var t4 = Math.ceil(strict === true ? 2 * Math.pow(logN, 2) : logN); + for (var a5 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < t4; i5++) { + a5.push(bigInt(i5 + 2)); + } + return millerRabinTest(n2, a5); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isPrime = SmallInteger.prototype.isPrime = BigInteger.prototype.isPrime; + BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(iterations, rng) { + var isPrime = isBasicPrime(this); + if (isPrime !== undefined2) + return isPrime; + var n2 = this.abs(); + var t4 = iterations === undefined2 ? 5 : iterations; + for (var a5 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < t4; i5++) { + a5.push(bigInt.randBetween(2, n2.minus(2), rng)); + } + return millerRabinTest(n2, a5); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.isProbablePrime = SmallInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime = BigInteger.prototype.isProbablePrime; + BigInteger.prototype.modInv = function(n2) { + var t4 =, newT =, r3 = parseValue(n2), newR = this.abs(), q5, lastT, lastR; + while (!newR.isZero()) { + q5 = r3.divide(newR); + lastT = t4; + lastR = r3; + t4 = newT; + r3 = newR; + newT = lastT.subtract(q5.multiply(newT)); + newR = lastR.subtract(q5.multiply(newR)); + } + if (!r3.isUnit()) + throw new Error(this.toString() + " and " + n2.toString() + " are not co-prime"); + if ( === -1) { + t4 = t4.add(n2); + } + if (this.isNegative()) { + return t4.negate(); + } + return t4; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.modInv = SmallInteger.prototype.modInv = BigInteger.prototype.modInv; + = function() { + var value = this.value; + if (this.sign) { + return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign); + } + return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), this.sign); + }; + = function() { + var value = this.value; + if (value + 1 < MAX_INT) + return new SmallInteger(value + 1); + return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, false); + }; + = function() { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value + BigInt(1)); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.prev = function() { + var value = this.value; + if (this.sign) { + return new BigInteger(addSmall(value, 1), true); + } + return subtractSmall(value, 1, this.sign); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.prev = function() { + var value = this.value; + if (value - 1 > -MAX_INT) + return new SmallInteger(value - 1); + return new BigInteger(MAX_INT_ARR, true); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.prev = function() { + return new NativeBigInt(this.value - BigInt(1)); + }; + var powersOfTwo = [1]; + while (2 * powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1] <= BASE) + powersOfTwo.push(2 * powersOfTwo[powersOfTwo.length - 1]); + var powers2Length = powersOfTwo.length, highestPower2 = powersOfTwo[powers2Length - 1]; + function shift_isSmall(n2) { + return Math.abs(n2) <= BASE; + } + BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = function(v3) { + var n2 = parseValue(v3).toJSNumber(); + if (!shift_isSmall(n2)) { + throw new Error(String(n2) + " is too large for shifting."); + } + if (n2 < 0) + return this.shiftRight(-n2); + var result = this; + if (result.isZero()) + return result; + while (n2 >= powers2Length) { + result = result.multiply(highestPower2); + n2 -= powers2Length - 1; + } + return result.multiply(powersOfTwo[n2]); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.shiftLeft = SmallInteger.prototype.shiftLeft = BigInteger.prototype.shiftLeft; + BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight = function(v3) { + var remQuo; + var n2 = parseValue(v3).toJSNumber(); + if (!shift_isSmall(n2)) { + throw new Error(String(n2) + " is too large for shifting."); + } + if (n2 < 0) + return this.shiftLeft(-n2); + var result = this; + while (n2 >= powers2Length) { + if (result.isZero() || result.isNegative() && result.isUnit()) + return result; + remQuo = divModAny(result, highestPower2); + result = remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0]; + n2 -= powers2Length - 1; + } + remQuo = divModAny(result, powersOfTwo[n2]); + return remQuo[1].isNegative() ? remQuo[0].prev() : remQuo[0]; + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.shiftRight = SmallInteger.prototype.shiftRight = BigInteger.prototype.shiftRight; + function bitwise(x6, y5, fn2) { + y5 = parseValue(y5); + var xSign = x6.isNegative(), ySign = y5.isNegative(); + var xRem = xSign ? x6.not() : x6, yRem = ySign ? y5.not() : y5; + var xDigit = 0, yDigit = 0; + var xDivMod = null, yDivMod = null; + var result = []; + while (!xRem.isZero() || !yRem.isZero()) { + xDivMod = divModAny(xRem, highestPower2); + xDigit = xDivMod[1].toJSNumber(); + if (xSign) { + xDigit = highestPower2 - 1 - xDigit; + } + yDivMod = divModAny(yRem, highestPower2); + yDigit = yDivMod[1].toJSNumber(); + if (ySign) { + yDigit = highestPower2 - 1 - yDigit; + } + xRem = xDivMod[0]; + yRem = yDivMod[0]; + result.push(fn2(xDigit, yDigit)); + } + var sum = fn2(xSign ? 1 : 0, ySign ? 1 : 0) !== 0 ? bigInt(-1) : bigInt(0); + for (var i5 = result.length - 1; i5 >= 0; i5 -= 1) { + sum = sum.multiply(highestPower2).add(bigInt(result[i5])); + } + return sum; + } + BigInteger.prototype.not = function() { + return this.negate().prev(); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.not = SmallInteger.prototype.not = BigInteger.prototype.not; + BigInteger.prototype.and = function(n2) { + return bitwise(this, n2, function(a5, b4) { + return a5 & b4; + }); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.and = SmallInteger.prototype.and = BigInteger.prototype.and; + BigInteger.prototype.or = function(n2) { + return bitwise(this, n2, function(a5, b4) { + return a5 | b4; + }); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.or = SmallInteger.prototype.or = BigInteger.prototype.or; + BigInteger.prototype.xor = function(n2) { + return bitwise(this, n2, function(a5, b4) { + return a5 ^ b4; + }); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.xor = SmallInteger.prototype.xor = BigInteger.prototype.xor; + var LOBMASK_I = 1 << 30, LOBMASK_BI = (BASE & -BASE) * (BASE & -BASE) | LOBMASK_I; + function roughLOB(n2) { + var v3 = n2.value, x6 = typeof v3 === "number" ? v3 | LOBMASK_I : typeof v3 === "bigint" ? v3 | BigInt(LOBMASK_I) : v3[0] + v3[1] * BASE | LOBMASK_BI; + return x6 & -x6; + } + function integerLogarithm(value, base2) { + if (base2.compareTo(value) <= 0) { + var tmp = integerLogarithm(value, base2.square(base2)); + var p4 = tmp.p; + var e4 = tmp.e; + var t4 = p4.multiply(base2); + return t4.compareTo(value) <= 0 ? { p: t4, e: e4 * 2 + 1 } : { p: p4, e: e4 * 2 }; + } + return { p: bigInt(1), e: 0 }; + } + BigInteger.prototype.bitLength = function() { + var n2 = this; + if (n2.compareTo(bigInt(0)) < 0) { + n2 = n2.negate().subtract(bigInt(1)); + } + if (n2.compareTo(bigInt(0)) === 0) { + return bigInt(0); + } + return bigInt(integerLogarithm(n2, bigInt(2)).e).add(bigInt(1)); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.bitLength = SmallInteger.prototype.bitLength = BigInteger.prototype.bitLength; + function max(a5, b4) { + a5 = parseValue(a5); + b4 = parseValue(b4); + return a5.greater(b4) ? a5 : b4; + } + function min(a5, b4) { + a5 = parseValue(a5); + b4 = parseValue(b4); + return a5.lesser(b4) ? a5 : b4; + } + function gcd(a5, b4) { + a5 = parseValue(a5).abs(); + b4 = parseValue(b4).abs(); + if (a5.equals(b4)) + return a5; + if (a5.isZero()) + return b4; + if (b4.isZero()) + return a5; + var c4 = Integer[1], d5, t4; + while (a5.isEven() && b4.isEven()) { + d5 = min(roughLOB(a5), roughLOB(b4)); + a5 = a5.divide(d5); + b4 = b4.divide(d5); + c4 = c4.multiply(d5); + } + while (a5.isEven()) { + a5 = a5.divide(roughLOB(a5)); + } + do { + while (b4.isEven()) { + b4 = b4.divide(roughLOB(b4)); + } + if (a5.greater(b4)) { + t4 = b4; + b4 = a5; + a5 = t4; + } + b4 = b4.subtract(a5); + } while (!b4.isZero()); + return c4.isUnit() ? a5 : a5.multiply(c4); + } + function lcm(a5, b4) { + a5 = parseValue(a5).abs(); + b4 = parseValue(b4).abs(); + return a5.divide(gcd(a5, b4)).multiply(b4); + } + function randBetween(a5, b4, rng) { + a5 = parseValue(a5); + b4 = parseValue(b4); + var usedRNG = rng || Math.random; + var low = min(a5, b4), high = max(a5, b4); + var range = high.subtract(low).add(1); + if (range.isSmall) + return low.add(Math.floor(usedRNG() * range)); + var digits = toBase(range, BASE).value; + var result = [], restricted = true; + for (var i5 = 0; i5 < digits.length; i5++) { + var top = restricted ? digits[i5] + (i5 + 1 < digits.length ? digits[i5 + 1] / BASE : 0) : BASE; + var digit = truncate(usedRNG() * top); + result.push(digit); + if (digit < digits[i5]) + restricted = false; + } + return low.add(Integer.fromArray(result, BASE, false)); + } + var parseBase = function(text, base2, alphabet, caseSensitive) { + alphabet = alphabet || DEFAULT_ALPHABET; + text = String(text); + if (!caseSensitive) { + text = text.toLowerCase(); + alphabet = alphabet.toLowerCase(); + } + var length = text.length; + var i5; + var absBase = Math.abs(base2); + var alphabetValues = {}; + for (i5 = 0; i5 < alphabet.length; i5++) { + alphabetValues[alphabet[i5]] = i5; + } + for (i5 = 0; i5 < length; i5++) { + var c4 = text[i5]; + if (c4 === "-") + continue; + if (c4 in alphabetValues) { + if (alphabetValues[c4] >= absBase) { + if (c4 === "1" && absBase === 1) + continue; + throw new Error(c4 + " is not a valid digit in base " + base2 + "."); + } + } + } + base2 = parseValue(base2); + var digits = []; + var isNegative = text[0] === "-"; + for (i5 = isNegative ? 1 : 0; i5 < text.length; i5++) { + var c4 = text[i5]; + if (c4 in alphabetValues) + digits.push(parseValue(alphabetValues[c4])); + else if (c4 === "<") { + var start = i5; + do { + i5++; + } while (text[i5] !== ">" && i5 < text.length); + digits.push(parseValue(text.slice(start + 1, i5))); + } else + throw new Error(c4 + " is not a valid character"); + } + return parseBaseFromArray(digits, base2, isNegative); + }; + function parseBaseFromArray(digits, base2, isNegative) { + var val = Integer[0], pow = Integer[1], i5; + for (i5 = digits.length - 1; i5 >= 0; i5--) { + val = val.add(digits[i5].times(pow)); + pow = pow.times(base2); + } + return isNegative ? val.negate() : val; + } + function stringify(digit, alphabet) { + alphabet = alphabet || DEFAULT_ALPHABET; + if (digit < alphabet.length) { + return alphabet[digit]; + } + return "<" + digit + ">"; + } + function toBase(n2, base2) { + base2 = bigInt(base2); + if (base2.isZero()) { + if (n2.isZero()) + return { value: [0], isNegative: false }; + throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0."); + } + if (base2.equals(-1)) { + if (n2.isZero()) + return { value: [0], isNegative: false }; + if (n2.isNegative()) + return { + value: [].concat.apply( + [], + Array.apply(null, Array(-n2.toJSNumber())).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [1, 0]) + ), + isNegative: false + }; + var arr = Array.apply(null, Array(n2.toJSNumber() - 1)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [0, 1]); + arr.unshift([1]); + return { + value: [].concat.apply([], arr), + isNegative: false + }; + } + var neg = false; + if (n2.isNegative() && base2.isPositive()) { + neg = true; + n2 = n2.abs(); + } + if (base2.isUnit()) { + if (n2.isZero()) + return { value: [0], isNegative: false }; + return { + value: Array.apply(null, Array(n2.toJSNumber())).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 1), + isNegative: neg + }; + } + var out = []; + var left = n2, divmod; + while (left.isNegative() || left.compareAbs(base2) >= 0) { + divmod = left.divmod(base2); + left = divmod.quotient; + var digit = divmod.remainder; + if (digit.isNegative()) { + digit = base2.minus(digit).abs(); + left =; + } + out.push(digit.toJSNumber()); + } + out.push(left.toJSNumber()); + return { value: out.reverse(), isNegative: neg }; + } + function toBaseString(n2, base2, alphabet) { + var arr = toBase(n2, base2); + return (arr.isNegative ? "-" : "") + { + return stringify(x6, alphabet); + }).join(""); + } + BigInteger.prototype.toArray = function(radix) { + return toBase(this, radix); + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.toArray = function(radix) { + return toBase(this, radix); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.toArray = function(radix) { + return toBase(this, radix); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.toString = function(radix, alphabet) { + if (radix === undefined2) + radix = 10; + if (radix !== 10 || alphabet) + return toBaseString(this, radix, alphabet); + var v3 = this.value, l3 = v3.length, str = String(v3[--l3]), zeros = "0000000", digit; + while (--l3 >= 0) { + digit = String(v3[l3]); + str += zeros.slice(digit.length) + digit; + } + var sign = this.sign ? "-" : ""; + return sign + str; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.toString = function(radix, alphabet) { + if (radix === undefined2) + radix = 10; + if (radix != 10 || alphabet) + return toBaseString(this, radix, alphabet); + return String(this.value); + }; + NativeBigInt.prototype.toString = SmallInteger.prototype.toString; + NativeBigInt.prototype.toJSON = BigInteger.prototype.toJSON = SmallInteger.prototype.toJSON = function() { + return this.toString(); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.valueOf = function() { + return parseInt(this.toString(), 10); + }; + BigInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = BigInteger.prototype.valueOf; + SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf = function() { + return this.value; + }; + SmallInteger.prototype.toJSNumber = SmallInteger.prototype.valueOf; + NativeBigInt.prototype.valueOf = NativeBigInt.prototype.toJSNumber = function() { + return parseInt(this.toString(), 10); + }; + function parseStringValue(v3) { + if (isPrecise(+v3)) { + var x6 = +v3; + if (x6 === truncate(x6)) + return supportsNativeBigInt ? new NativeBigInt(BigInt(x6)) : new SmallInteger(x6); + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + v3); + } + var sign = v3[0] === "-"; + if (sign) + v3 = v3.slice(1); + var split = v3.split(/e/i); + if (split.length > 2) + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + split.join("e")); + if (split.length === 2) { + var exp = split[1]; + if (exp[0] === "+") + exp = exp.slice(1); + exp = +exp; + if (exp !== truncate(exp) || !isPrecise(exp)) + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + exp + " is not a valid exponent."); + var text = split[0]; + var decimalPlace = text.indexOf("."); + if (decimalPlace >= 0) { + exp -= text.length - decimalPlace - 1; + text = text.slice(0, decimalPlace) + text.slice(decimalPlace + 1); + } + if (exp < 0) + throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers"); + text += new Array(exp + 1).join("0"); + v3 = text; + } + var isValid2 = /^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(v3); + if (!isValid2) + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + v3); + if (supportsNativeBigInt) { + return new NativeBigInt(BigInt(sign ? "-" + v3 : v3)); + } + var r3 = [], max2 = v3.length, l3 = LOG_BASE, min2 = max2 - l3; + while (max2 > 0) { + r3.push(+v3.slice(min2, max2)); + min2 -= l3; + if (min2 < 0) + min2 = 0; + max2 -= l3; + } + trim(r3); + return new BigInteger(r3, sign); + } + function parseNumberValue(v3) { + if (supportsNativeBigInt) { + return new NativeBigInt(BigInt(v3)); + } + if (isPrecise(v3)) { + if (v3 !== truncate(v3)) + throw new Error(v3 + " is not an integer."); + return new SmallInteger(v3); + } + return parseStringValue(v3.toString()); + } + function parseValue(v3) { + if (typeof v3 === "number") { + return parseNumberValue(v3); + } + if (typeof v3 === "string") { + return parseStringValue(v3); + } + if (typeof v3 === "bigint") { + return new NativeBigInt(v3); + } + return v3; + } + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 1e3; i4++) { + Integer[i4] = parseValue(i4); + if (i4 > 0) + Integer[-i4] = parseValue(-i4); + } + = Integer[1]; + = Integer[0]; + Integer.minusOne = Integer[-1]; + Integer.max = max; + Integer.min = min; + Integer.gcd = gcd; + Integer.lcm = lcm; + Integer.isInstance = function(x6) { + return x6 instanceof BigInteger || x6 instanceof SmallInteger || x6 instanceof NativeBigInt; + }; + Integer.randBetween = randBetween; + Integer.fromArray = function(digits, base2, isNegative) { + return parseBaseFromArray(, parseValue(base2 || 10), isNegative); + }; + return Integer; + }(); + if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.hasOwnProperty("exports")) { + module.exports = bigInt; + } + if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { + define(function() { + return bigInt; + }); + } + } +}); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/jed@1.1.1/node_modules/jed/jed.js +var require_jed = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/jed@1.1.1/node_modules/jed/jed.js"(exports, module) { + (function(root, undef) { + var ArrayProto = Array.prototype, ObjProto = Object.prototype, slice = ArrayProto.slice, hasOwnProp = ObjProto.hasOwnProperty, nativeForEach = ArrayProto.forEach, breaker = {}; + var _3 = { + forEach: function(obj, iterator, context) { + var i4, l3, key; + if (obj === null) { + return; + } + if (nativeForEach && obj.forEach === nativeForEach) { + obj.forEach(iterator, context); + } else if (obj.length === +obj.length) { + for (i4 = 0, l3 = obj.length; i4 < l3; i4++) { + if (i4 in obj &&, obj[i4], i4, obj) === breaker) { + return; + } + } + } else { + for (key in obj) { + if (, key)) { + if (, obj[key], key, obj) === breaker) { + return; + } + } + } + } + }, + extend: function(obj) { + this.forEach(, 1), function(source) { + for (var prop in source) { + obj[prop] = source[prop]; + } + }); + return obj; + } + }; + var Jed2 = function(options) { + this.defaults = { + "locale_data": { + "messages": { + "": { + "domain": "messages", + "lang": "en", + "plural_forms": "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);" + } + // There are no default keys, though + } + }, + // The default domain if one is missing + "domain": "messages", + // enable debug mode to log untranslated strings to the console + "debug": false + }; + this.options = _3.extend({}, this.defaults, options); + this.textdomain(this.options.domain); + if (options.domain && !this.options.locale_data[this.options.domain]) { + throw new Error("Text domain set to non-existent domain: `" + options.domain + "`"); + } + }; + Jed2.context_delimiter = String.fromCharCode(4); + function getPluralFormFunc(plural_form_string) { + return Jed2.PF.compile(plural_form_string || "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"); + } + function Chain(key, i18n2) { + this._key = key; + this._i18n = i18n2; + } + _3.extend(Chain.prototype, { + onDomain: function(domain) { + this._domain = domain; + return this; + }, + withContext: function(context) { + this._context = context; + return this; + }, + ifPlural: function(num, pkey) { + this._val = num; + this._pkey = pkey; + return this; + }, + fetch: function(sArr) { + if ({} != "[object Array]") { + sArr = [], 0); + } + return (sArr && sArr.length ? Jed2.sprintf : function(x6) { + return x6; + })( + this._i18n.dcnpgettext(this._domain, this._context, this._key, this._pkey, this._val), + sArr + ); + } + }); + _3.extend(Jed2.prototype, { + // The sexier api start point + translate: function(key) { + return new Chain(key, this); + }, + textdomain: function(domain) { + if (!domain) { + return this._textdomain; + } + this._textdomain = domain; + }, + gettext: function(key) { + return, undef, undef, key); + }, + dgettext: function(domain, key) { + return, domain, undef, key); + }, + dcgettext: function(domain, key) { + return, domain, undef, key); + }, + ngettext: function(skey, pkey, val) { + return, undef, undef, skey, pkey, val); + }, + dngettext: function(domain, skey, pkey, val) { + return, domain, undef, skey, pkey, val); + }, + dcngettext: function(domain, skey, pkey, val) { + return, domain, undef, skey, pkey, val); + }, + pgettext: function(context, key) { + return, undef, context, key); + }, + dpgettext: function(domain, context, key) { + return, domain, context, key); + }, + dcpgettext: function(domain, context, key) { + return, domain, context, key); + }, + npgettext: function(context, skey, pkey, val) { + return, undef, context, skey, pkey, val); + }, + dnpgettext: function(domain, context, skey, pkey, val) { + return, domain, context, skey, pkey, val); + }, + // The most fully qualified gettext function. It has every option. + // Since it has every option, we can use it from every other method. + // This is the bread and butter. + // Technically there should be one more argument in this function for 'Category', + // but since we never use it, we might as well not waste the bytes to define it. + dcnpgettext: function(domain, context, singular_key, plural_key, val) { + plural_key = plural_key || singular_key; + domain = domain || this._textdomain; + var fallback; + if (!this.options) { + fallback = new Jed2(); + return, void 0, void 0, singular_key, plural_key, val); + } + if (!this.options.locale_data) { + throw new Error("No locale data provided."); + } + if (!this.options.locale_data[domain]) { + throw new Error("Domain `" + domain + "` was not found."); + } + if (!this.options.locale_data[domain][""]) { + throw new Error("No locale meta information provided."); + } + if (!singular_key) { + throw new Error("No translation key found."); + } + var key = context ? context + Jed2.context_delimiter + singular_key : singular_key, locale_data = this.options.locale_data, dict = locale_data[domain], defaultConf = (locale_data.messages || this.defaults.locale_data.messages)[""], pluralForms = dict[""].plural_forms || dict[""]["Plural-Forms"] || dict[""]["plural-forms"] || defaultConf.plural_forms || defaultConf["Plural-Forms"] || defaultConf["plural-forms"], val_list, res; + var val_idx; + if (val === void 0) { + val_idx = 0; + } else { + if (typeof val != "number") { + val = parseInt(val, 10); + if (isNaN(val)) { + throw new Error("The number that was passed in is not a number."); + } + } + val_idx = getPluralFormFunc(pluralForms)(val); + } + if (!dict) { + throw new Error("No domain named `" + domain + "` could be found."); + } + val_list = dict[key]; + if (!val_list || val_idx > val_list.length) { + if (this.options.missing_key_callback) { + this.options.missing_key_callback(key, domain); + } + res = [singular_key, plural_key]; + if (this.options.debug === true) { + console.log(res[getPluralFormFunc(pluralForms)(val)]); + } + return res[getPluralFormFunc()(val)]; + } + res = val_list[val_idx]; + if (!res) { + res = [singular_key, plural_key]; + return res[getPluralFormFunc()(val)]; + } + return res; + } + }); + var sprintf = function() { + function get_type(variable) { + return, -1).toLowerCase(); + } + function str_repeat(input, multiplier) { + for (var output = []; multiplier > 0; output[--multiplier] = input) { + } + return output.join(""); + } + var str_format = function() { + if (!str_format.cache.hasOwnProperty(arguments[0])) { + str_format.cache[arguments[0]] = str_format.parse(arguments[0]); + } + return, str_format.cache[arguments[0]], arguments); + }; + str_format.format = function(parse_tree, argv) { + var cursor = 1, tree_length = parse_tree.length, node_type = "", arg, output = [], i4, k5, match6, pad, pad_character, pad_length; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < tree_length; i4++) { + node_type = get_type(parse_tree[i4]); + if (node_type === "string") { + output.push(parse_tree[i4]); + } else if (node_type === "array") { + match6 = parse_tree[i4]; + if (match6[2]) { + arg = argv[cursor]; + for (k5 = 0; k5 < match6[2].length; k5++) { + if (!arg.hasOwnProperty(match6[2][k5])) { + throw sprintf('[sprintf] property "%s" does not exist', match6[2][k5]); + } + arg = arg[match6[2][k5]]; + } + } else if (match6[1]) { + arg = argv[match6[1]]; + } else { + arg = argv[cursor++]; + } + if (/[^s]/.test(match6[8]) && get_type(arg) != "number") { + throw sprintf("[sprintf] expecting number but found %s", get_type(arg)); + } + if (typeof arg == "undefined" || arg === null) { + arg = ""; + } + switch (match6[8]) { + case "b": + arg = arg.toString(2); + break; + case "c": + arg = String.fromCharCode(arg); + break; + case "d": + arg = parseInt(arg, 10); + break; + case "e": + arg = match6[7] ? arg.toExponential(match6[7]) : arg.toExponential(); + break; + case "f": + arg = match6[7] ? parseFloat(arg).toFixed(match6[7]) : parseFloat(arg); + break; + case "o": + arg = arg.toString(8); + break; + case "s": + arg = (arg = String(arg)) && match6[7] ? arg.substring(0, match6[7]) : arg; + break; + case "u": + arg = Math.abs(arg); + break; + case "x": + arg = arg.toString(16); + break; + case "X": + arg = arg.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + break; + } + arg = /[def]/.test(match6[8]) && match6[3] && arg >= 0 ? "+" + arg : arg; + pad_character = match6[4] ? match6[4] == "0" ? "0" : match6[4].charAt(1) : " "; + pad_length = match6[6] - String(arg).length; + pad = match6[6] ? str_repeat(pad_character, pad_length) : ""; + output.push(match6[5] ? arg + pad : pad + arg); + } + } + return output.join(""); + }; + str_format.cache = {}; + str_format.parse = function(fmt) { + var _fmt = fmt, match6 = [], parse_tree = [], arg_names = 0; + while (_fmt) { + if ((match6 = /^[^\x25]+/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { + parse_tree.push(match6[0]); + } else if ((match6 = /^\x25{2}/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { + parse_tree.push("%"); + } else if ((match6 = /^\x25(?:([1-9]\d*)\$|\(([^\)]+)\))?(\+)?(0|'[^$])?(-)?(\d+)?(?:\.(\d+))?([b-fosuxX])/.exec(_fmt)) !== null) { + if (match6[2]) { + arg_names |= 1; + var field_list = [], replacement_field = match6[2], field_match = []; + if ((field_match = /^([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { + field_list.push(field_match[1]); + while ((replacement_field = replacement_field.substring(field_match[0].length)) !== "") { + if ((field_match = /^\.([a-z_][a-z_\d]*)/i.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { + field_list.push(field_match[1]); + } else if ((field_match = /^\[(\d+)\]/.exec(replacement_field)) !== null) { + field_list.push(field_match[1]); + } else { + throw "[sprintf] huh?"; + } + } + } else { + throw "[sprintf] huh?"; + } + match6[2] = field_list; + } else { + arg_names |= 2; + } + if (arg_names === 3) { + throw "[sprintf] mixing positional and named placeholders is not (yet) supported"; + } + parse_tree.push(match6); + } else { + throw "[sprintf] huh?"; + } + _fmt = _fmt.substring(match6[0].length); + } + return parse_tree; + }; + return str_format; + }(); + var vsprintf = function(fmt, argv) { + argv.unshift(fmt); + return sprintf.apply(null, argv); + }; + Jed2.parse_plural = function(plural_forms, n2) { + plural_forms = plural_forms.replace(/n/g, n2); + return Jed2.parse_expression(plural_forms); + }; + Jed2.sprintf = function(fmt, args) { + if ({} == "[object Array]") { + return vsprintf(fmt, []; + } + return sprintf.apply(this, []; + }; + Jed2.prototype.sprintf = function() { + return Jed2.sprintf.apply(this, arguments); + }; + Jed2.PF = {}; + Jed2.PF.parse = function(p4) { + var plural_str = Jed2.PF.extractPluralExpr(p4); + return, plural_str); + }; + Jed2.PF.compile = function(p4) { + function imply(val) { + return val === true ? 1 : val ? val : 0; + } + var ast = Jed2.PF.parse(p4); + return function(n2) { + return imply(Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast)(n2)); + }; + }; + Jed2.PF.interpreter = function(ast) { + return function(n2) { + var res; + switch (ast.type) { + case "GROUP": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.expr)(n2); + case "TERNARY": + if (Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.expr)(n2)) { + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.truthy)(n2); + } + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.falsey)(n2); + case "OR": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) || Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "AND": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) && Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "LT": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) < Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "GT": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) > Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "LTE": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) <= Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "GTE": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) >= Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "EQ": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) == Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "NEQ": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) != Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "MOD": + return Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.left)(n2) % Jed2.PF.interpreter(ast.right)(n2); + case "VAR": + return n2; + case "NUM": + return ast.val; + default: + throw new Error("Invalid Token found."); + } + }; + }; + Jed2.PF.extractPluralExpr = function(p4) { + p4 = p4.replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, ""); + if (!/;\s*$/.test(p4)) { + p4 = p4.concat(";"); + } + var nplurals_re = /nplurals\=(\d+);/, plural_re = /plural\=(.*);/, nplurals_matches = p4.match(nplurals_re), res = {}, plural_matches; + if (nplurals_matches.length > 1) { + res.nplurals = nplurals_matches[1]; + } else { + throw new Error("nplurals not found in plural_forms string: " + p4); + } + p4 = p4.replace(nplurals_re, ""); + plural_matches = p4.match(plural_re); + if (!(plural_matches && plural_matches.length > 1)) { + throw new Error("`plural` expression not found: " + p4); + } + return plural_matches[1]; + }; + Jed2.PF.parser = function() { + var parser = { + trace: function trace() { + }, + yy: {}, + symbols_: { "error": 2, "expressions": 3, "e": 4, "EOF": 5, "?": 6, ":": 7, "||": 8, "&&": 9, "<": 10, "<=": 11, ">": 12, ">=": 13, "!=": 14, "==": 15, "%": 16, "(": 17, ")": 18, "n": 19, "NUMBER": 20, "$accept": 0, "$end": 1 }, + terminals_: { 2: "error", 5: "EOF", 6: "?", 7: ":", 8: "||", 9: "&&", 10: "<", 11: "<=", 12: ">", 13: ">=", 14: "!=", 15: "==", 16: "%", 17: "(", 18: ")", 19: "n", 20: "NUMBER" }, + productions_: [0, [3, 2], [4, 5], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 3], [4, 1], [4, 1]], + performAction: function anonymous(yytext, yyleng, yylineno, yy, yystate, $$, _$) { + var $0 = $$.length - 1; + switch (yystate) { + case 1: + return { type: "GROUP", expr: $$[$0 - 1] }; + break; + case 2: + this.$ = { type: "TERNARY", expr: $$[$0 - 4], truthy: $$[$0 - 2], falsey: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 3: + this.$ = { type: "OR", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 4: + this.$ = { type: "AND", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 5: + this.$ = { type: "LT", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 6: + this.$ = { type: "LTE", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 7: + this.$ = { type: "GT", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 8: + this.$ = { type: "GTE", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 9: + this.$ = { type: "NEQ", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 10: + this.$ = { type: "EQ", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 11: + this.$ = { type: "MOD", left: $$[$0 - 2], right: $$[$0] }; + break; + case 12: + this.$ = { type: "GROUP", expr: $$[$0 - 1] }; + break; + case 13: + this.$ = { type: "VAR" }; + break; + case 14: + this.$ = { type: "NUM", val: Number(yytext) }; + break; + } + }, + table: [{ 3: 1, 4: 2, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 1: [3] }, { 5: [1, 6], 6: [1, 7], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16] }, { 4: 17, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 5: [2, 13], 6: [2, 13], 7: [2, 13], 8: [2, 13], 9: [2, 13], 10: [2, 13], 11: [2, 13], 12: [2, 13], 13: [2, 13], 14: [2, 13], 15: [2, 13], 16: [2, 13], 18: [2, 13] }, { 5: [2, 14], 6: [2, 14], 7: [2, 14], 8: [2, 14], 9: [2, 14], 10: [2, 14], 11: [2, 14], 12: [2, 14], 13: [2, 14], 14: [2, 14], 15: [2, 14], 16: [2, 14], 18: [2, 14] }, { 1: [2, 1] }, { 4: 18, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 19, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 20, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 21, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 22, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 23, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 24, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 25, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 26, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 4: 27, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 6: [1, 7], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [1, 28] }, { 6: [1, 7], 7: [1, 29], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16] }, { 5: [2, 3], 6: [2, 3], 7: [2, 3], 8: [2, 3], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 3] }, { 5: [2, 4], 6: [2, 4], 7: [2, 4], 8: [2, 4], 9: [2, 4], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 4] }, { 5: [2, 5], 6: [2, 5], 7: [2, 5], 8: [2, 5], 9: [2, 5], 10: [2, 5], 11: [2, 5], 12: [2, 5], 13: [2, 5], 14: [2, 5], 15: [2, 5], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 5] }, { 5: [2, 6], 6: [2, 6], 7: [2, 6], 8: [2, 6], 9: [2, 6], 10: [2, 6], 11: [2, 6], 12: [2, 6], 13: [2, 6], 14: [2, 6], 15: [2, 6], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 6] }, { 5: [2, 7], 6: [2, 7], 7: [2, 7], 8: [2, 7], 9: [2, 7], 10: [2, 7], 11: [2, 7], 12: [2, 7], 13: [2, 7], 14: [2, 7], 15: [2, 7], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 7] }, { 5: [2, 8], 6: [2, 8], 7: [2, 8], 8: [2, 8], 9: [2, 8], 10: [2, 8], 11: [2, 8], 12: [2, 8], 13: [2, 8], 14: [2, 8], 15: [2, 8], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 8] }, { 5: [2, 9], 6: [2, 9], 7: [2, 9], 8: [2, 9], 9: [2, 9], 10: [2, 9], 11: [2, 9], 12: [2, 9], 13: [2, 9], 14: [2, 9], 15: [2, 9], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 9] }, { 5: [2, 10], 6: [2, 10], 7: [2, 10], 8: [2, 10], 9: [2, 10], 10: [2, 10], 11: [2, 10], 12: [2, 10], 13: [2, 10], 14: [2, 10], 15: [2, 10], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 10] }, { 5: [2, 11], 6: [2, 11], 7: [2, 11], 8: [2, 11], 9: [2, 11], 10: [2, 11], 11: [2, 11], 12: [2, 11], 13: [2, 11], 14: [2, 11], 15: [2, 11], 16: [2, 11], 18: [2, 11] }, { 5: [2, 12], 6: [2, 12], 7: [2, 12], 8: [2, 12], 9: [2, 12], 10: [2, 12], 11: [2, 12], 12: [2, 12], 13: [2, 12], 14: [2, 12], 15: [2, 12], 16: [2, 12], 18: [2, 12] }, { 4: 30, 17: [1, 3], 19: [1, 4], 20: [1, 5] }, { 5: [2, 2], 6: [1, 7], 7: [2, 2], 8: [1, 8], 9: [1, 9], 10: [1, 10], 11: [1, 11], 12: [1, 12], 13: [1, 13], 14: [1, 14], 15: [1, 15], 16: [1, 16], 18: [2, 2] }], + defaultActions: { 6: [2, 1] }, + parseError: function parseError(str, hash4) { + throw new Error(str); + }, + parse: function parse(input) { + var self2 = this, stack = [0], vstack = [null], lstack = [], table2 = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF = 1; + this.lexer.setInput(input); + this.lexer.yy = this.yy; + this.yy.lexer = this.lexer; + if (typeof this.lexer.yylloc == "undefined") + this.lexer.yylloc = {}; + var yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; + lstack.push(yyloc); + if (typeof this.yy.parseError === "function") + this.parseError = this.yy.parseError; + function popStack(n2) { + stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n2; + vstack.length = vstack.length - n2; + lstack.length = lstack.length - n2; + } + function lex() { + var token; + token = self2.lexer.lex() || 1; + if (typeof token !== "number") { + token = self2.symbols_[token] || token; + } + return token; + } + var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a5, r3, yyval = {}, p4, len, newState, expected; + while (true) { + state = stack[stack.length - 1]; + if (this.defaultActions[state]) { + action = this.defaultActions[state]; + } else { + if (symbol == null) + symbol = lex(); + action = table2[state] && table2[state][symbol]; + } + _handle_error: + if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) { + if (!recovering) { + expected = []; + for (p4 in table2[state]) + if (this.terminals_[p4] && p4 > 2) { + expected.push("'" + this.terminals_[p4] + "'"); + } + var errStr = ""; + if (this.lexer.showPosition) { + errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ":\n" + this.lexer.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + this.terminals_[symbol] + "'"; + } else { + errStr = "Parse error on line " + (yylineno + 1) + ": Unexpected " + (symbol == 1 ? "end of input" : "'" + (this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol) + "'"); + } + this.parseError( + errStr, + { text: this.lexer.match, token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol, line: this.lexer.yylineno, loc: yyloc, expected } + ); + } + if (recovering == 3) { + if (symbol == EOF) { + throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted."); + } + yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; + yytext = this.lexer.yytext; + yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; + yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; + symbol = lex(); + } + while (1) { + if (TERROR.toString() in table2[state]) { + break; + } + if (state == 0) { + throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted."); + } + popStack(1); + state = stack[stack.length - 1]; + } + preErrorSymbol = symbol; + symbol = TERROR; + state = stack[stack.length - 1]; + action = table2[state] && table2[state][TERROR]; + recovering = 3; + } + if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) { + throw new Error("Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: " + state + ", token: " + symbol); + } + switch (action[0]) { + case 1: + stack.push(symbol); + vstack.push(this.lexer.yytext); + lstack.push(this.lexer.yylloc); + stack.push(action[1]); + symbol = null; + if (!preErrorSymbol) { + yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng; + yytext = this.lexer.yytext; + yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno; + yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc; + if (recovering > 0) + recovering--; + } else { + symbol = preErrorSymbol; + preErrorSymbol = null; + } + break; + case 2: + len = this.productions_[action[1]][1]; + yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len]; + yyval._$ = { + first_line: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_line, + last_line: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_line, + first_column: lstack[lstack.length - (len || 1)].first_column, + last_column: lstack[lstack.length - 1].last_column + }; + r3 =, yytext, yyleng, yylineno, this.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack); + if (typeof r3 !== "undefined") { + return r3; + } + if (len) { + stack = stack.slice(0, -1 * len * 2); + vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1 * len); + lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1 * len); + } + stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]); + vstack.push(yyval.$); + lstack.push(yyval._$); + newState = table2[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]]; + stack.push(newState); + break; + case 3: + return true; + } + } + return true; + } + }; + var lexer = function() { + var lexer2 = { + EOF: 1, + parseError: function parseError(str, hash4) { + if (this.yy.parseError) { + this.yy.parseError(str, hash4); + } else { + throw new Error(str); + } + }, + setInput: function(input) { + this._input = input; + this._more = this._less = this.done = false; + this.yylineno = this.yyleng = 0; + this.yytext = this.matched = this.match = ""; + this.conditionStack = ["INITIAL"]; + this.yylloc = { first_line: 1, first_column: 0, last_line: 1, last_column: 0 }; + return this; + }, + input: function() { + var ch = this._input[0]; + this.yytext += ch; + this.yyleng++; + this.match += ch; + this.matched += ch; + var lines = ch.match(/\n/); + if (lines) + this.yylineno++; + this._input = this._input.slice(1); + return ch; + }, + unput: function(ch) { + this._input = ch + this._input; + return this; + }, + more: function() { + this._more = true; + return this; + }, + pastInput: function() { + var past = this.matched.substr(0, this.matched.length - this.match.length); + return (past.length > 20 ? "..." : "") + past.substr(-20).replace(/\n/g, ""); + }, + upcomingInput: function() { + var next = this.match; + if (next.length < 20) { + next += this._input.substr(0, 20 - next.length); + } + return (next.substr(0, 20) + (next.length > 20 ? "..." : "")).replace(/\n/g, ""); + }, + showPosition: function() { + var pre = this.pastInput(); + var c4 = new Array(pre.length + 1).join("-"); + return pre + this.upcomingInput() + "\n" + c4 + "^"; + }, + next: function() { + if (this.done) { + return this.EOF; + } + if (!this._input) + this.done = true; + var token, match6, col, lines; + if (!this._more) { + this.yytext = ""; + this.match = ""; + } + var rules = this._currentRules(); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rules.length; i4++) { + match6 = this._input.match(this.rules[rules[i4]]); + if (match6) { + lines = match6[0].match(/\n.*/g); + if (lines) + this.yylineno += lines.length; + this.yylloc = { + first_line: this.yylloc.last_line, + last_line: this.yylineno + 1, + first_column: this.yylloc.last_column, + last_column: lines ? lines[lines.length - 1].length - 1 : this.yylloc.last_column + match6[0].length + }; + this.yytext += match6[0]; + this.match += match6[0]; + this.matches = match6; + this.yyleng = this.yytext.length; + this._more = false; + this._input = this._input.slice(match6[0].length); + this.matched += match6[0]; + token =, this.yy, this, rules[i4], this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]); + if (token) + return token; + else + return; + } + } + if (this._input === "") { + return this.EOF; + } else { + this.parseError( + "Lexical error on line " + (this.yylineno + 1) + ". Unrecognized text.\n" + this.showPosition(), + { text: "", token: null, line: this.yylineno } + ); + } + }, + lex: function lex() { + var r3 =; + if (typeof r3 !== "undefined") { + return r3; + } else { + return this.lex(); + } + }, + begin: function begin(condition) { + this.conditionStack.push(condition); + }, + popState: function popState() { + return this.conditionStack.pop(); + }, + _currentRules: function _currentRules() { + return this.conditions[this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 1]].rules; + }, + topState: function() { + return this.conditionStack[this.conditionStack.length - 2]; + }, + pushState: function begin(condition) { + this.begin(condition); + } + }; + lexer2.performAction = function anonymous(yy, yy_, $avoiding_name_collisions, YY_START) { + var YYSTATE = YY_START; + switch ($avoiding_name_collisions) { + case 0: + break; + case 1: + return 20; + break; + case 2: + return 19; + break; + case 3: + return 8; + break; + case 4: + return 9; + break; + case 5: + return 6; + break; + case 6: + return 7; + break; + case 7: + return 11; + break; + case 8: + return 13; + break; + case 9: + return 10; + break; + case 10: + return 12; + break; + case 11: + return 14; + break; + case 12: + return 15; + break; + case 13: + return 16; + break; + case 14: + return 17; + break; + case 15: + return 18; + break; + case 16: + return 5; + break; + case 17: + return "INVALID"; + break; + } + }; + lexer2.rules = [/^\s+/, /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?\b/, /^n\b/, /^\|\|/, /^&&/, /^\?/, /^:/, /^<=/, /^>=/, /^/, /^!=/, /^==/, /^%/, /^\(/, /^\)/, /^$/, /^./]; + lexer2.conditions = { "INITIAL": { "rules": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17], "inclusive": true } }; + return lexer2; + }(); + parser.lexer = lexer; + return parser; + }(); + if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { + if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) { + exports = module.exports = Jed2; + } + exports.Jed = Jed2; + } else { + if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { + define(function() { + return Jed2; + }); + } + root["Jed"] = Jed2; + } + })(exports); + } +}); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/dist/preact.module.js +function s(n2, l3) { + for (var u4 in l3) + n2[u4] = l3[u4]; + return n2; +} +function a(n2) { + var l3 = n2.parentNode; + l3 && l3.removeChild(n2); +} +function h(l3, u4, i4) { + var t4, o3, r3, f3 = {}; + for (r3 in u4) + "key" == r3 ? t4 = u4[r3] : "ref" == r3 ? o3 = u4[r3] : f3[r3] = u4[r3]; + if (arguments.length > 2 && (f3.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : i4), "function" == typeof l3 && null != l3.defaultProps) + for (r3 in l3.defaultProps) + void 0 === f3[r3] && (f3[r3] = l3.defaultProps[r3]); + return v(l3, f3, t4, o3, null); +} +function v(n2, i4, t4, o3, r3) { + var f3 = { type: n2, props: i4, key: t4, ref: o3, __k: null, __: null, __b: 0, __e: null, __d: void 0, __c: null, __h: null, constructor: void 0, __v: null == r3 ? ++u : r3 }; + return null == r3 && null != l.vnode && l.vnode(f3), f3; +} +function y() { + return { current: null }; +} +function p2(n2) { + return n2.children; +} +function d(n2, l3) { + this.props = n2, this.context = l3; +} +function _(n2, l3) { + if (null == l3) + return n2.__ ? _(n2.__, n2.__.__k.indexOf(n2) + 1) : null; + for (var u4; l3 < n2.__k.length; l3++) + if (null != (u4 = n2.__k[l3]) && null != u4.__e) + return u4.__e; + return "function" == typeof n2.type ? _(n2) : null; +} +function k(n2) { + var l3, u4; + if (null != (n2 = n2.__) && null != n2.__c) { + for (n2.__e = n2.__c.base = null, l3 = 0; l3 < n2.__k.length; l3++) + if (null != (u4 = n2.__k[l3]) && null != u4.__e) { + n2.__e = n2.__c.base = u4.__e; + break; + } + return k(n2); + } +} +function b(n2) { + (!n2.__d && (n2.__d = true) && t.push(n2) && !g.__r++ || o !== l.debounceRendering) && ((o = l.debounceRendering) || setTimeout)(g); +} +function g() { + for (var n2; g.__r = t.length; ) + n2 = t.sort(function(n3, l3) { + return n3.__v.__b - l3.__v.__b; + }), t = [], n2.some(function(n3) { + var l3, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3; + n3.__d && (o3 = (t4 = (l3 = n3).__v).__e, (r3 = l3.__P) && (u4 = [], (i4 = s({}, t4)).__v = t4.__v + 1, j(r3, t4, i4, l3.__n, void 0 !== r3.ownerSVGElement, null != t4.__h ? [o3] : null, u4, null == o3 ? _(t4) : o3, t4.__h), z(u4, t4), t4.__e != o3 && k(t4))); + }); +} +function w(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, c4, s5, a5) { + var h5, y5, d5, k5, b4, g4, w5, x6 = i4 && i4.__k || e, C3 = x6.length; + for (u4.__k = [], h5 = 0; h5 < l3.length; h5++) + if (null != (k5 = u4.__k[h5] = null == (k5 = l3[h5]) || "boolean" == typeof k5 ? null : "string" == typeof k5 || "number" == typeof k5 || "bigint" == typeof k5 ? v(null, k5, null, null, k5) : Array.isArray(k5) ? v(p2, { children: k5 }, null, null, null) : k5.__b > 0 ? v(k5.type, k5.props, k5.key, k5.ref ? k5.ref : null, k5.__v) : k5)) { + if (k5.__ = u4, k5.__b = u4.__b + 1, null === (d5 = x6[h5]) || d5 && k5.key == d5.key && k5.type === d5.type) + x6[h5] = void 0; + else + for (y5 = 0; y5 < C3; y5++) { + if ((d5 = x6[y5]) && k5.key == d5.key && k5.type === d5.type) { + x6[y5] = void 0; + break; + } + d5 = null; + } + j(n2, k5, d5 = d5 || f, t4, o3, r3, c4, s5, a5), b4 = k5.__e, (y5 = k5.ref) && d5.ref != y5 && (w5 || (w5 = []), d5.ref && w5.push(d5.ref, null, k5), w5.push(y5, k5.__c || b4, k5)), null != b4 ? (null == g4 && (g4 = b4), "function" == typeof k5.type && k5.__k === d5.__k ? k5.__d = s5 = m(k5, s5, n2) : s5 = A2(n2, k5, d5, x6, b4, s5), "function" == typeof u4.type && (u4.__d = s5)) : s5 && d5.__e == s5 && s5.parentNode != n2 && (s5 = _(d5)); + } + for (u4.__e = g4, h5 = C3; h5--; ) + null != x6[h5] && N(x6[h5], x6[h5]); + if (w5) + for (h5 = 0; h5 < w5.length; h5++) + M2(w5[h5], w5[++h5], w5[++h5]); +} +function m(n2, l3, u4) { + for (var i4, t4 = n2.__k, o3 = 0; t4 && o3 < t4.length; o3++) + (i4 = t4[o3]) && (i4.__ = n2, l3 = "function" == typeof i4.type ? m(i4, l3, u4) : A2(u4, i4, i4, t4, i4.__e, l3)); + return l3; +} +function x2(n2, l3) { + return l3 = l3 || [], null == n2 || "boolean" == typeof n2 || (Array.isArray(n2) ? n2.some(function(n3) { + x2(n3, l3); + }) : l3.push(n2)), l3; +} +function A2(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4, o3) { + var r3, f3, e4; + if (void 0 !== l3.__d) + r3 = l3.__d, l3.__d = void 0; + else if (null == u4 || t4 != o3 || null == t4.parentNode) + n: + if (null == o3 || o3.parentNode !== n2) + n2.appendChild(t4), r3 = null; + else { + for (f3 = o3, e4 = 0; (f3 = f3.nextSibling) && e4 < i4.length; e4 += 1) + if (f3 == t4) + break n; + n2.insertBefore(t4, o3), r3 = o3; + } + return void 0 !== r3 ? r3 : t4.nextSibling; +} +function C(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4) { + var o3; + for (o3 in u4) + "children" === o3 || "key" === o3 || o3 in l3 || H(n2, o3, null, u4[o3], i4); + for (o3 in l3) + t4 && "function" != typeof l3[o3] || "children" === o3 || "key" === o3 || "value" === o3 || "checked" === o3 || u4[o3] === l3[o3] || H(n2, o3, l3[o3], u4[o3], i4); +} +function $(n2, l3, u4) { + "-" === l3[0] ? n2.setProperty(l3, u4) : n2[l3] = null == u4 ? "" : "number" != typeof u4 || c.test(l3) ? u4 : u4 + "px"; +} +function H(n2, l3, u4, i4, t4) { + var o3; + n: + if ("style" === l3) + if ("string" == typeof u4) + = u4; + else { + if ("string" == typeof i4 && ( = i4 = ""), i4) + for (l3 in i4) + u4 && l3 in u4 || $(, l3, ""); + if (u4) + for (l3 in u4) + i4 && u4[l3] === i4[l3] || $(, l3, u4[l3]); + } + else if ("o" === l3[0] && "n" === l3[1]) + o3 = l3 !== (l3 = l3.replace(/Capture$/, "")), l3 = l3.toLowerCase() in n2 ? l3.toLowerCase().slice(2) : l3.slice(2), n2.l || (n2.l = {}), n2.l[l3 + o3] = u4, u4 ? i4 || n2.addEventListener(l3, o3 ? T : I2, o3) : n2.removeEventListener(l3, o3 ? T : I2, o3); + else if ("dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l3) { + if (t4) + l3 = l3.replace(/xlink(H|:h)/, "h").replace(/sName$/, "s"); + else if ("href" !== l3 && "list" !== l3 && "form" !== l3 && "tabIndex" !== l3 && "download" !== l3 && l3 in n2) + try { + n2[l3] = null == u4 ? "" : u4; + break n; + } catch (n3) { + } + "function" == typeof u4 || (null == u4 || false === u4 && -1 == l3.indexOf("-") ? n2.removeAttribute(l3) : n2.setAttribute(l3, u4)); + } +} +function I2(n2) { + this.l[n2.type + false](l.event ? l.event(n2) : n2); +} +function T(n2) { + this.l[n2.type + true](l.event ? l.event(n2) : n2); +} +function j(n2, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, f3, e4, c4) { + var a5, h5, v3, y5, _3, k5, b4, g4, m5, x6, A5, C3, $3, H5, I5, T5 = u4.type; + if (void 0 !== u4.constructor) + return null; + null != i4.__h && (c4 = i4.__h, e4 = u4.__e = i4.__e, u4.__h = null, r3 = [e4]), (a5 = l.__b) && a5(u4); + try { + n: + if ("function" == typeof T5) { + if (g4 = u4.props, m5 = (a5 = T5.contextType) && t4[a5.__c], x6 = a5 ? m5 ? m5.props.value : a5.__ : t4, i4.__c ? b4 = (h5 = u4.__c = i4.__c).__ = h5.__E : ("prototype" in T5 && T5.prototype.render ? u4.__c = h5 = new T5(g4, x6) : (u4.__c = h5 = new d(g4, x6), h5.constructor = T5, h5.render = O), m5 && m5.sub(h5), h5.props = g4, h5.state || (h5.state = {}), h5.context = x6, h5.__n = t4, v3 = h5.__d = true, h5.__h = [], h5._sb = []), null == h5.__s && (h5.__s = h5.state), null != T5.getDerivedStateFromProps && (h5.__s == h5.state && (h5.__s = s({}, h5.__s)), s(h5.__s, T5.getDerivedStateFromProps(g4, h5.__s))), y5 = h5.props, _3 = h5.state, v3) + null == T5.getDerivedStateFromProps && null != h5.componentWillMount && h5.componentWillMount(), null != h5.componentDidMount && h5.__h.push(h5.componentDidMount); + else { + if (null == T5.getDerivedStateFromProps && g4 !== y5 && null != h5.componentWillReceiveProps && h5.componentWillReceiveProps(g4, x6), !h5.__e && null != h5.shouldComponentUpdate && false === h5.shouldComponentUpdate(g4, h5.__s, x6) || u4.__v === i4.__v) { + for (h5.props = g4, h5.state = h5.__s, u4.__v !== i4.__v && (h5.__d = false), h5.__v = u4, u4.__e = i4.__e, u4.__k = i4.__k, u4.__k.forEach(function(n3) { + n3 && (n3.__ = u4); + }), A5 = 0; A5 < h5._sb.length; A5++) + h5.__h.push(h5._sb[A5]); + h5._sb = [], h5.__h.length && f3.push(h5); + break n; + } + null != h5.componentWillUpdate && h5.componentWillUpdate(g4, h5.__s, x6), null != h5.componentDidUpdate && h5.__h.push(function() { + h5.componentDidUpdate(y5, _3, k5); + }); + } + if (h5.context = x6, h5.props = g4, h5.__v = u4, h5.__P = n2, C3 = l.__r, $3 = 0, "prototype" in T5 && T5.prototype.render) { + for (h5.state = h5.__s, h5.__d = false, C3 && C3(u4), a5 = h5.render(h5.props, h5.state, h5.context), H5 = 0; H5 < h5._sb.length; H5++) + h5.__h.push(h5._sb[H5]); + h5._sb = []; + } else + do { + h5.__d = false, C3 && C3(u4), a5 = h5.render(h5.props, h5.state, h5.context), h5.state = h5.__s; + } while (h5.__d && ++$3 < 25); + h5.state = h5.__s, null != h5.getChildContext && (t4 = s(s({}, t4), h5.getChildContext())), v3 || null == h5.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (k5 = h5.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(y5, _3)), I5 = null != a5 && a5.type === p2 && null == a5.key ? a5.props.children : a5, w(n2, Array.isArray(I5) ? I5 : [I5], u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, f3, e4, c4), h5.base = u4.__e, u4.__h = null, h5.__h.length && f3.push(h5), b4 && (h5.__E = h5.__ = null), h5.__e = false; + } else + null == r3 && u4.__v === i4.__v ? (u4.__k = i4.__k, u4.__e = i4.__e) : u4.__e = L2(i4.__e, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, f3, c4); + (a5 = l.diffed) && a5(u4); + } catch (n3) { + u4.__v = null, (c4 || null != r3) && (u4.__e = e4, u4.__h = !!c4, r3[r3.indexOf(e4)] = null), l.__e(n3, u4, i4); + } +} +function z(n2, u4) { + l.__c && l.__c(u4, n2), n2.some(function(u5) { + try { + n2 = u5.__h, u5.__h = [], n2.some(function(n3) { +; + }); + } catch (n3) { + l.__e(n3, u5.__v); + } + }); +} +function L2(l3, u4, i4, t4, o3, r3, e4, c4) { + var s5, h5, v3, y5 = i4.props, p4 = u4.props, d5 = u4.type, k5 = 0; + if ("svg" === d5 && (o3 = true), null != r3) { + for (; k5 < r3.length; k5++) + if ((s5 = r3[k5]) && "setAttribute" in s5 == !!d5 && (d5 ? s5.localName === d5 : 3 === s5.nodeType)) { + l3 = s5, r3[k5] = null; + break; + } + } + if (null == l3) { + if (null === d5) + return document.createTextNode(p4); + l3 = o3 ? document.createElementNS("", d5) : document.createElement(d5, && p4), r3 = null, c4 = false; + } + if (null === d5) + y5 === p4 || c4 && === p4 || ( = p4); + else { + if (r3 = r3 &&, h5 = (y5 = i4.props || f).dangerouslySetInnerHTML, v3 = p4.dangerouslySetInnerHTML, !c4) { + if (null != r3) + for (y5 = {}, k5 = 0; k5 < l3.attributes.length; k5++) + y5[l3.attributes[k5].name] = l3.attributes[k5].value; + (v3 || h5) && (v3 && (h5 && v3.__html == h5.__html || v3.__html === l3.innerHTML) || (l3.innerHTML = v3 && v3.__html || "")); + } + if (C(l3, p4, y5, o3, c4), v3) + u4.__k = []; + else if (k5 = u4.props.children, w(l3, Array.isArray(k5) ? k5 : [k5], u4, i4, t4, o3 && "foreignObject" !== d5, r3, e4, r3 ? r3[0] : i4.__k && _(i4, 0), c4), null != r3) + for (k5 = r3.length; k5--; ) + null != r3[k5] && a(r3[k5]); + c4 || ("value" in p4 && void 0 !== (k5 = p4.value) && (k5 !== l3.value || "progress" === d5 && !k5 || "option" === d5 && k5 !== y5.value) && H(l3, "value", k5, y5.value, false), "checked" in p4 && void 0 !== (k5 = p4.checked) && k5 !== l3.checked && H(l3, "checked", k5, y5.checked, false)); + } + return l3; +} +function M2(n2, u4, i4) { + try { + "function" == typeof n2 ? n2(u4) : n2.current = u4; + } catch (n3) { + l.__e(n3, i4); + } +} +function N(n2, u4, i4) { + var t4, o3; + if (l.unmount && l.unmount(n2), (t4 = n2.ref) && (t4.current && t4.current !== n2.__e || M2(t4, null, u4)), null != (t4 = n2.__c)) { + if (t4.componentWillUnmount) + try { + t4.componentWillUnmount(); + } catch (n3) { + l.__e(n3, u4); + } + t4.base = t4.__P = null, n2.__c = void 0; + } + if (t4 = n2.__k) + for (o3 = 0; o3 < t4.length; o3++) + t4[o3] && N(t4[o3], u4, i4 || "function" != typeof n2.type); + i4 || null == n2.__e || a(n2.__e), n2.__ = n2.__e = n2.__d = void 0; +} +function O(n2, l3, u4) { + return this.constructor(n2, u4); +} +function P(u4, i4, t4) { + var o3, r3, e4; + l.__ && l.__(u4, i4), r3 = (o3 = "function" == typeof t4) ? null : t4 && t4.__k || i4.__k, e4 = [], j(i4, u4 = (!o3 && t4 || i4).__k = h(p2, null, [u4]), r3 || f, f, void 0 !== i4.ownerSVGElement, !o3 && t4 ? [t4] : r3 ? null : i4.firstChild ? : null, e4, !o3 && t4 ? t4 : r3 ? r3.__e : i4.firstChild, o3), z(e4, u4); +} +function S2(n2, l3) { + P(n2, l3, S2); +} +function q(l3, u4, i4) { + var t4, o3, r3, f3 = s({}, l3.props); + for (r3 in u4) + "key" == r3 ? t4 = u4[r3] : "ref" == r3 ? o3 = u4[r3] : f3[r3] = u4[r3]; + return arguments.length > 2 && (f3.children = arguments.length > 3 ?, 2) : i4), v(l3.type, f3, t4 || l3.key, o3 || l3.ref, null); +} +function B(n2, l3) { + var u4 = { __c: l3 = "__cC" + r++, __: n2, Consumer: function(n3, l4) { + return n3.children(l4); + }, Provider: function(n3) { + var u5, i4; + return this.getChildContext || (u5 = [], (i4 = {})[l3] = this, this.getChildContext = function() { + return i4; + }, this.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n4) { + this.props.value !== n4.value && u5.some(b); + }, this.sub = function(n4) { + u5.push(n4); + var l4 = n4.componentWillUnmount; + n4.componentWillUnmount = function() { + u5.splice(u5.indexOf(n4), 1), l4 &&; + }; + }), n3.children; + } }; + return u4.Provider.__ = u4.Consumer.contextType = u4; +} +var n, l, u, i, t, o, r, f, e, c; +var init_preact_module = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/dist/preact.module.js"() { + f = {}; + e = []; + c = /acit|ex(?:s|g|n|p|$)|rph|grid|ows|mnc|ntw|ine[ch]|zoo|^ord|itera/i; + n = e.slice, l = { __e: function(n2, l3, u4, i4) { + for (var t4, o3, r3; l3 = l3.__; ) + if ((t4 = l3.__c) && !t4.__) + try { + if ((o3 = t4.constructor) && null != o3.getDerivedStateFromError && (t4.setState(o3.getDerivedStateFromError(n2)), r3 = t4.__d), null != t4.componentDidCatch && (t4.componentDidCatch(n2, i4 || {}), r3 = t4.__d), r3) + return t4.__E = t4; + } catch (l4) { + n2 = l4; + } + throw n2; + } }, u = 0, i = function(n2) { + return null != n2 && void 0 === n2.constructor; + }, d.prototype.setState = function(n2, l3) { + var u4; + u4 = null != this.__s && this.__s !== this.state ? this.__s : this.__s = s({}, this.state), "function" == typeof n2 && (n2 = n2(s({}, u4), this.props)), n2 && s(u4, n2), null != n2 && this.__v && (l3 && this._sb.push(l3), b(this)); + }, d.prototype.forceUpdate = function(n2) { + this.__v && (this.__e = true, n2 && this.__h.push(n2), b(this)); + }, d.prototype.render = p2, t = [], g.__r = 0, r = 0; + } +}); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/hooks/dist/hooks.module.js +function d2(t4, u4) { + l.__h && l.__h(r2, t4, o2 || u4), o2 = 0; + var i4 = r2.__H || (r2.__H = { __: [], __h: [] }); + return t4 >= i4.__.length && i4.__.push({ __V: c2 }), i4.__[t4]; +} +function p3(n2) { + return o2 = 1, y2(B2, n2); +} +function y2(n2, u4, i4) { + var o3 = d2(t2++, 2); + if (o3.t = n2, !o3.__c && (o3.__ = [i4 ? i4(u4) : B2(void 0, u4), function(n3) { + var t4 = o3.__N ? o3.__N[0] : o3.__[0], r3 = o3.t(t4, n3); + t4 !== r3 && (o3.__N = [r3, o3.__[1]], o3.__c.setState({})); + }], o3.__c = r2, !r2.u)) { + r2.u = true; + var f3 = r2.shouldComponentUpdate; + r2.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n3, t4, r3) { + if (!o3.__c.__H) + return true; + var u5 = o3.__c.__H.__.filter(function(n4) { + return n4.__c; + }); + if (u5.every(function(n4) { + return !n4.__N; + })) + return !f3 ||, n3, t4, r3); + var i5 = false; + return u5.forEach(function(n4) { + if (n4.__N) { + var t5 = n4.__[0]; + n4.__ = n4.__N, n4.__N = void 0, t5 !== n4.__[0] && (i5 = true); + } + }), !(!i5 && o3.__c.props === n3) && (!f3 ||, n3, t4, r3)); + }; + } + return o3.__N || o3.__; +} +function h2(u4, i4) { + var o3 = d2(t2++, 3); + !l.__s && z2(o3.__H, i4) && (o3.__ = u4, o3.i = i4, r2.__H.__h.push(o3)); +} +function s2(u4, i4) { + var o3 = d2(t2++, 4); + !l.__s && z2(o3.__H, i4) && (o3.__ = u4, o3.i = i4, r2.__h.push(o3)); +} +function _2(n2) { + return o2 = 5, F(function() { + return { current: n2 }; + }, []); +} +function A3(n2, t4, r3) { + o2 = 6, s2(function() { + return "function" == typeof n2 ? (n2(t4()), function() { + return n2(null); + }) : n2 ? (n2.current = t4(), function() { + return n2.current = null; + }) : void 0; + }, null == r3 ? r3 : r3.concat(n2)); +} +function F(n2, r3) { + var u4 = d2(t2++, 7); + return z2(u4.__H, r3) ? (u4.__V = n2(), u4.i = r3, u4.__h = n2, u4.__V) : u4.__; +} +function T2(n2, t4) { + return o2 = 8, F(function() { + return n2; + }, t4); +} +function q2(n2) { + var u4 = r2.context[n2.__c], i4 = d2(t2++, 9); + return i4.c = n2, u4 ? (null == i4.__ && (i4.__ = true, u4.sub(r2)), u4.props.value) : n2.__; +} +function x3(t4, r3) { + l.useDebugValue && l.useDebugValue(r3 ? r3(t4) : t4); +} +function P2(n2) { + var u4 = d2(t2++, 10), i4 = p3(); + return u4.__ = n2, r2.componentDidCatch || (r2.componentDidCatch = function(n3, t4) { + u4.__ && u4.__(n3, t4), i4[1](n3); + }), [i4[0], function() { + i4[1](void 0); + }]; +} +function V() { + var n2 = d2(t2++, 11); + if (!n2.__) { + for (var u4 = r2.__v; null !== u4 && !u4.__m && null !== u4.__; ) + u4 = u4.__; + var i4 = u4.__m || (u4.__m = [0, 0]); + n2.__ = "P" + i4[0] + "-" + i4[1]++; + } + return n2.__; +} +function b2() { + for (var t4; t4 = f2.shift(); ) + if (t4.__P && t4.__H) + try { + t4.__H.__h.forEach(k2), t4.__H.__h.forEach(w2), t4.__H.__h = []; + } catch (r3) { + t4.__H.__h = [], l.__e(r3, t4.__v); + } +} +function j2(n2) { + var t4, r3 = function() { + clearTimeout(u4), g2 && cancelAnimationFrame(t4), setTimeout(n2); + }, u4 = setTimeout(r3, 100); + g2 && (t4 = requestAnimationFrame(r3)); +} +function k2(n2) { + var t4 = r2, u4 = n2.__c; + "function" == typeof u4 && (n2.__c = void 0, u4()), r2 = t4; +} +function w2(n2) { + var t4 = r2; + n2.__c = n2.__(), r2 = t4; +} +function z2(n2, t4) { + return !n2 || n2.length !== t4.length || t4.some(function(t5, r3) { + return t5 !== n2[r3]; + }); +} +function B2(n2, t4) { + return "function" == typeof t4 ? t4(n2) : t4; +} +var t2, r2, u2, i2, o2, f2, c2, e2, a2, v2, l2, m2, g2; +var init_hooks_module = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/hooks/dist/hooks.module.js"() { + init_preact_module(); + o2 = 0; + f2 = []; + c2 = []; + e2 = l.__b; + a2 = l.__r; + v2 = l.diffed; + l2 = l.__c; + m2 = l.unmount; + l.__b = function(n2) { + r2 = null, e2 && e2(n2); + }, l.__r = function(n2) { + a2 && a2(n2), t2 = 0; + var i4 = (r2 = n2.__c).__H; + i4 && (u2 === r2 ? (i4.__h = [], r2.__h = [], i4.__.forEach(function(n3) { + n3.__N && (n3.__ = n3.__N), n3.__V = c2, n3.__N = n3.i = void 0; + })) : (i4.__h.forEach(k2), i4.__h.forEach(w2), i4.__h = [])), u2 = r2; + }, l.diffed = function(t4) { + v2 && v2(t4); + var o3 = t4.__c; + o3 && o3.__H && (o3.__H.__h.length && (1 !== f2.push(o3) && i2 === l.requestAnimationFrame || ((i2 = l.requestAnimationFrame) || j2)(b2)), o3.__H.__.forEach(function(n2) { + n2.i && (n2.__H = n2.i), n2.__V !== c2 && (n2.__ = n2.__V), n2.i = void 0, n2.__V = c2; + })), u2 = r2 = null; + }, l.__c = function(t4, r3) { + r3.some(function(t5) { + try { + t5.__h.forEach(k2), t5.__h = t5.__h.filter(function(n2) { + return !n2.__ || w2(n2); + }); + } catch (u4) { + r3.some(function(n2) { + n2.__h && (n2.__h = []); + }), r3 = [], l.__e(u4, t5.__v); + } + }), l2 && l2(t4, r3); + }, l.unmount = function(t4) { + m2 && m2(t4); + var r3, u4 = t4.__c; + u4 && u4.__H && (u4.__H.__.forEach(function(n2) { + try { + k2(n2); + } catch (n3) { + r3 = n3; + } + }), u4.__H = void 0, r3 && l.__e(r3, u4.__v)); + }; + g2 = "function" == typeof requestAnimationFrame; + } +}); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/compat/dist/compat.module.js +var compat_module_exports = {}; +__export(compat_module_exports, { + Children: () => O2, + Component: () => d, + Fragment: () => p2, + PureComponent: () => w3, + StrictMode: () => vn2, + Suspense: () => D3, + SuspenseList: () => V2, + __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: () => rn, + cloneElement: () => cn, + createContext: () => B, + createElement: () => h, + createFactory: () => on, + createPortal: () => j3, + createRef: () => y, + default: () => bn, + findDOMNode: () => an, + flushSync: () => hn, + forwardRef: () => k3, + hydrate: () => q3, + isValidElement: () => ln, + lazy: () => M3, + memo: () => R, + render: () => Y2, + startTransition: () => dn, + unmountComponentAtNode: () => fn, + unstable_batchedUpdates: () => sn, + useCallback: () => T2, + useContext: () => q2, + useDebugValue: () => x3, + useDeferredValue: () => pn, + useEffect: () => h2, + useErrorBoundary: () => P2, + useId: () => V, + useImperativeHandle: () => A3, + useInsertionEffect: () => yn, + useLayoutEffect: () => s2, + useMemo: () => F, + useReducer: () => y2, + useRef: () => _2, + useState: () => p3, + useSyncExternalStore: () => _n, + useTransition: () => mn, + version: () => un +}); +function g3(n2, t4) { + for (var e4 in t4) + n2[e4] = t4[e4]; + return n2; +} +function C2(n2, t4) { + for (var e4 in n2) + if ("__source" !== e4 && !(e4 in t4)) + return true; + for (var r3 in t4) + if ("__source" !== r3 && n2[r3] !== t4[r3]) + return true; + return false; +} +function E(n2, t4) { + return n2 === t4 && (0 !== n2 || 1 / n2 == 1 / t4) || n2 != n2 && t4 != t4; +} +function w3(n2) { + this.props = n2; +} +function R(n2, e4) { + function r3(n3) { + var t4 = this.props.ref, r4 = t4 == n3.ref; + return !r4 && t4 && ( ? t4(null) : t4.current = null), e4 ? !e4(this.props, n3) || !r4 : C2(this.props, n3); + } + function u4(e5) { + return this.shouldComponentUpdate = r3, h(n2, e5); + } + return u4.displayName = "Memo(" + (n2.displayName || + ")", u4.prototype.isReactComponent = true, u4.__f = true, u4; +} +function k3(n2) { + function t4(t5) { + var e4 = g3({}, t5); + return delete e4.ref, n2(e4, t5.ref || null); + } + return t4.$$typeof = N2, t4.render = t4, t4.prototype.isReactComponent = t4.__f = true, t4.displayName = "ForwardRef(" + (n2.displayName || + ")", t4; +} +function L3(n2, t4, e4) { + return n2 && (n2.__c && n2.__c.__H && (n2.__c.__H.__.forEach(function(n3) { + "function" == typeof n3.__c && n3.__c(); + }), n2.__c.__H = null), null != (n2 = g3({}, n2)).__c && (n2.__c.__P === e4 && (n2.__c.__P = t4), n2.__c = null), n2.__k = n2.__k && { + return L3(n3, t4, e4); + })), n2; +} +function U(n2, t4, e4) { + return n2 && (n2.__v = null, n2.__k = n2.__k && { + return U(n3, t4, e4); + }), n2.__c && n2.__c.__P === t4 && (n2.__e && e4.insertBefore(n2.__e, n2.__d), n2.__c.__e = true, n2.__c.__P = e4)), n2; +} +function D3() { + this.__u = 0, this.t = null, this.__b = null; +} +function F2(n2) { + var t4 = n2.__.__c; + return t4 && t4.__a && t4.__a(n2); +} +function M3(n2) { + var e4, r3, u4; + function o3(o4) { + if (e4 || (e4 = n2()).then(function(n3) { + r3 = n3.default || n3; + }, function(n3) { + u4 = n3; + }), u4) + throw u4; + if (!r3) + throw e4; + return h(r3, o4); + } + return o3.displayName = "Lazy", o3.__f = true, o3; +} +function V2() { + this.u = null, this.o = null; +} +function P3(n2) { + return this.getChildContext = function() { + return n2.context; + }, n2.children; +} +function $2(n2) { + var e4 = this, r3 = n2.i; + e4.componentWillUnmount = function() { + P(null, e4.l), e4.l = null, e4.i = null; + }, e4.i && e4.i !== r3 && e4.componentWillUnmount(), n2.__v ? (e4.l || (e4.i = r3, e4.l = { nodeType: 1, parentNode: r3, childNodes: [], appendChild: function(n3) { + this.childNodes.push(n3), e4.i.appendChild(n3); + }, insertBefore: function(n3, t4) { + this.childNodes.push(n3), e4.i.appendChild(n3); + }, removeChild: function(n3) { + this.childNodes.splice(this.childNodes.indexOf(n3) >>> 1, 1), e4.i.removeChild(n3); + } }), P(h(P3, { context: e4.context }, n2.__v), e4.l)) : e4.l && e4.componentWillUnmount(); +} +function j3(n2, e4) { + var r3 = h($2, { __v: n2, i: e4 }); + return r3.containerInfo = e4, r3; +} +function Y2(n2, t4, e4) { + return null == t4.__k && (t4.textContent = ""), P(n2, t4), "function" == typeof e4 && e4(), n2 ? n2.__c : null; +} +function q3(n2, t4, e4) { + return S2(n2, t4), "function" == typeof e4 && e4(), n2 ? n2.__c : null; +} +function J() { +} +function K3() { + return this.cancelBubble; +} +function Q() { + return this.defaultPrevented; +} +function on(n2) { + return h.bind(null, n2); +} +function ln(n2) { + return !!n2 && n2.$$typeof === z3; +} +function cn(n2) { + return ln(n2) ? q.apply(null, arguments) : n2; +} +function fn(n2) { + return !!n2.__k && (P(null, n2), true); +} +function an(n2) { + return n2 && (n2.base || 1 === n2.nodeType && n2) || null; +} +function dn(n2) { + n2(); +} +function pn(n2) { + return n2; +} +function mn() { + return [false, dn]; +} +function _n(n2, t4) { + var e4 = t4(), r3 = p3({ h: { __: e4, v: t4 } }), u4 = r3[0].h, o3 = r3[1]; + return s2(function() { + u4.__ = e4, u4.v = t4, E(u4.__, t4()) || o3({ h: u4 }); + }, [n2, e4, t4]), h2(function() { + return E(u4.__, u4.v()) || o3({ h: u4 }), n2(function() { + E(u4.__, u4.v()) || o3({ h: u4 }); + }); + }, [n2]), e4; +} +var x4, N2, A4, O2, T3, I3, W, z3, B3, H2, Z2, G, X2, nn, tn, en, rn, un, sn, hn, vn2, yn, bn; +var init_compat_module = __esm({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/preact@10.11.3/node_modules/preact/compat/dist/compat.module.js"() { + init_preact_module(); + init_preact_module(); + init_hooks_module(); + init_hooks_module(); + (w3.prototype = new d()).isPureReactComponent = true, w3.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function(n2, t4) { + return C2(this.props, n2) || C2(this.state, t4); + }; + x4 = l.__b; + l.__b = function(n2) { + n2.type && n2.type.__f && n2.ref && (n2.props.ref = n2.ref, n2.ref = null), x4 && x4(n2); + }; + N2 = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") || 3911; + A4 = function(n2, t4) { + return null == n2 ? null : x2(x2(n2).map(t4)); + }; + O2 = { map: A4, forEach: A4, count: function(n2) { + return n2 ? x2(n2).length : 0; + }, only: function(n2) { + var t4 = x2(n2); + if (1 !== t4.length) + throw "Children.only"; + return t4[0]; + }, toArray: x2 }; + T3 = l.__e; + l.__e = function(n2, t4, e4, r3) { + if (n2.then) { + for (var u4, o3 = t4; o3 = o3.__; ) + if ((u4 = o3.__c) && u4.__c) + return null == t4.__e && (t4.__e = e4.__e, t4.__k = e4.__k), u4.__c(n2, t4); + } + T3(n2, t4, e4, r3); + }; + I3 = l.unmount; + l.unmount = function(n2) { + var t4 = n2.__c; + t4 && t4.__R && t4.__R(), t4 && true === n2.__h && (n2.type = null), I3 && I3(n2); + }, (D3.prototype = new d()).__c = function(n2, t4) { + var e4 = t4.__c, r3 = this; + null == r3.t && (r3.t = []), r3.t.push(e4); + var u4 = F2(r3.__v), o3 = false, i4 = function() { + o3 || (o3 = true, e4.__R = null, u4 ? u4(l3) : l3()); + }; + e4.__R = i4; + var l3 = function() { + if (!--r3.__u) { + if (r3.state.__a) { + var n3 = r3.state.__a; + r3.__v.__k[0] = U(n3, n3.__c.__P, n3.__c.__O); + } + var t5; + for (r3.setState({ __a: r3.__b = null }); t5 = r3.t.pop(); ) + t5.forceUpdate(); + } + }, c4 = true === t4.__h; + r3.__u++ || c4 || r3.setState({ __a: r3.__b = r3.__v.__k[0] }), n2.then(i4, i4); + }, D3.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function() { + this.t = []; + }, D3.prototype.render = function(n2, e4) { + if (this.__b) { + if (this.__v.__k) { + var r3 = document.createElement("div"), o3 = this.__v.__k[0].__c; + this.__v.__k[0] = L3(this.__b, r3, o3.__O = o3.__P); + } + this.__b = null; + } + var i4 = e4.__a && h(p2, null, n2.fallback); + return i4 && (i4.__h = null), [h(p2, null, e4.__a ? null : n2.children), i4]; + }; + W = function(n2, t4, e4) { + if (++e4[1] === e4[0] && n2.o.delete(t4), n2.props.revealOrder && ("t" !== n2.props.revealOrder[0] || !n2.o.size)) + for (e4 = n2.u; e4; ) { + for (; e4.length > 3; ) + e4.pop()(); + if (e4[1] < e4[0]) + break; + n2.u = e4 = e4[2]; + } + }; + (V2.prototype = new d()).__a = function(n2) { + var t4 = this, e4 = F2(t4.__v), r3 = t4.o.get(n2); + return r3[0]++, function(u4) { + var o3 = function() { + t4.props.revealOrder ? (r3.push(u4), W(t4, n2, r3)) : u4(); + }; + e4 ? e4(o3) : o3(); + }; + }, V2.prototype.render = function(n2) { + this.u = null, this.o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + var t4 = x2(n2.children); + n2.revealOrder && "b" === n2.revealOrder[0] && t4.reverse(); + for (var e4 = t4.length; e4--; ) + this.o.set(t4[e4], this.u = [1, 0, this.u]); + return n2.children; + }, V2.prototype.componentDidUpdate = V2.prototype.componentDidMount = function() { + var n2 = this; + this.o.forEach(function(t4, e4) { + W(n2, e4, t4); + }); + }; + z3 = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.for && Symbol.for("react.element") || 60103; + B3 = /^(?:accent|alignment|arabic|baseline|cap|clip(?!PathU)|color|dominant|fill|flood|font|glyph(?!R)|horiz|image|letter|lighting|marker(?!H|W|U)|overline|paint|pointer|shape|stop|strikethrough|stroke|text(?!L)|transform|underline|unicode|units|v|vector|vert|word|writing|x(?!C))[A-Z]/; + H2 = "undefined" != typeof document; + Z2 = function(n2) { + return ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol() ? /fil|che|rad/i : /fil|che|ra/i).test(n2); + }; + d.prototype.isReactComponent = {}, ["componentWillMount", "componentWillReceiveProps", "componentWillUpdate"].forEach(function(t4) { + Object.defineProperty(d.prototype, t4, { configurable: true, get: function() { + return this["UNSAFE_" + t4]; + }, set: function(n2) { + Object.defineProperty(this, t4, { configurable: true, writable: true, value: n2 }); + } }); + }); + G = l.event; + l.event = function(n2) { + return G && (n2 = G(n2)), n2.persist = J, n2.isPropagationStopped = K3, n2.isDefaultPrevented = Q, n2.nativeEvent = n2; + }; + nn = { configurable: true, get: function() { + return this.class; + } }; + tn = l.vnode; + l.vnode = function(n2) { + var t4 = n2.type, e4 = n2.props, u4 = e4; + if ("string" == typeof t4) { + var o3 = -1 === t4.indexOf("-"); + for (var i4 in u4 = {}, e4) { + var l3 = e4[i4]; + H2 && "children" === i4 && "noscript" === t4 || "value" === i4 && "defaultValue" in e4 && null == l3 || ("defaultValue" === i4 && "value" in e4 && null == e4.value ? i4 = "value" : "download" === i4 && true === l3 ? l3 = "" : /ondoubleclick/i.test(i4) ? i4 = "ondblclick" : /^onchange(textarea|input)/i.test(i4 + t4) && !Z2(e4.type) ? i4 = "oninput" : /^onfocus$/i.test(i4) ? i4 = "onfocusin" : /^onblur$/i.test(i4) ? i4 = "onfocusout" : /^on(Ani|Tra|Tou|BeforeInp|Compo)/.test(i4) ? i4 = i4.toLowerCase() : o3 && B3.test(i4) ? i4 = i4.replace(/[A-Z0-9]/g, "-$&").toLowerCase() : null === l3 && (l3 = void 0), /^oninput$/i.test(i4) && (i4 = i4.toLowerCase(), u4[i4] && (i4 = "oninputCapture")), u4[i4] = l3); + } + "select" == t4 && u4.multiple && Array.isArray(u4.value) && (u4.value = x2(e4.children).forEach(function(n3) { + n3.props.selected = -1 != u4.value.indexOf(n3.props.value); + })), "select" == t4 && null != u4.defaultValue && (u4.value = x2(e4.children).forEach(function(n3) { + n3.props.selected = u4.multiple ? -1 != u4.defaultValue.indexOf(n3.props.value) : u4.defaultValue == n3.props.value; + })), n2.props = u4, e4.class != e4.className && (nn.enumerable = "className" in e4, null != e4.className && (u4.class = e4.className), Object.defineProperty(u4, "className", nn)); + } + n2.$$typeof = z3, tn && tn(n2); + }; + en = l.__r; + l.__r = function(n2) { + en && en(n2), X2 = n2.__c; + }; + rn = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: { current: { readContext: function(n2) { + return X2.__n[n2.__c].props.value; + } } } }; + un = "17.0.2"; + sn = function(n2, t4) { + return n2(t4); + }; + hn = function(n2, t4) { + return n2(t4); + }; + vn2 = p2; + yn = s2; + bn = { useState: p3, useId: V, useReducer: y2, useEffect: h2, useLayoutEffect: s2, useInsertionEffect: yn, useTransition: mn, useDeferredValue: pn, useSyncExternalStore: _n, startTransition: dn, useRef: _2, useImperativeHandle: A3, useMemo: F, useCallback: T2, useContext: q2, useDebugValue: x3, version: "17.0.2", Children: O2, render: Y2, hydrate: q3, unmountComponentAtNode: fn, createPortal: j3, createElement: h, createContext: B, createFactory: on, cloneElement: cn, createRef: y, Fragment: p2, isValidElement: ln, findDOMNode: an, Component: d, PureComponent: w3, memo: R, forwardRef: k3, flushSync: hn, unstable_batchedUpdates: sn, StrictMode: vn2, Suspense: D3, SuspenseList: V2, lazy: M3, __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: rn }; + } +}); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/cjs/use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js +var require_use_sync_external_store_shim_production_min = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/cjs/use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js"(exports) { + "use strict"; + var e4 = (init_compat_module(), __toCommonJS(compat_module_exports)); + function h5(a5, b4) { + return a5 === b4 && (0 !== a5 || 1 / a5 === 1 / b4) || a5 !== a5 && b4 !== b4; + } + var k5 = "function" === typeof ? : h5; + var l3 = e4.useState; + var m5 = e4.useEffect; + var n2 = e4.useLayoutEffect; + var p4 = e4.useDebugValue; + function q5(a5, b4) { + var d5 = b4(), f3 = l3({ inst: { value: d5, getSnapshot: b4 } }), c4 = f3[0].inst, g4 = f3[1]; + n2(function() { + c4.value = d5; + c4.getSnapshot = b4; + r3(c4) && g4({ inst: c4 }); + }, [a5, d5, b4]); + m5(function() { + r3(c4) && g4({ inst: c4 }); + return a5(function() { + r3(c4) && g4({ inst: c4 }); + }); + }, [a5]); + p4(d5); + return d5; + } + function r3(a5) { + var b4 = a5.getSnapshot; + a5 = a5.value; + try { + var d5 = b4(); + return !k5(a5, d5); + } catch (f3) { + return true; + } + } + function t4(a5, b4) { + return b4(); + } + var u4 = "undefined" === typeof window || "undefined" === typeof window.document || "undefined" === typeof window.document.createElement ? t4 : q5; + exports.useSyncExternalStore = void 0 !== e4.useSyncExternalStore ? e4.useSyncExternalStore : u4; + } +}); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/shim/index.js +var require_shim = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/use-sync-external-store@1.2.0_react@18.2.0/node_modules/use-sync-external-store/shim/index.js"(exports, module) { + "use strict"; + if (true) { + module.exports = require_use_sync_external_store_shim_production_min(); + } else { + module.exports = null; + } + } +}); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/qrcode-generator@1.4.4/node_modules/qrcode-generator/qrcode.js +var require_qrcode = __commonJS({ + "../../node_modules/.pnpm/qrcode-generator@1.4.4/node_modules/qrcode-generator/qrcode.js"(exports, module) { + var qrcode2 = function() { + var qrcode3 = function(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel) { + var PAD0 = 236; + var PAD1 = 17; + var _typeNumber = typeNumber; + var _errorCorrectionLevel = QRErrorCorrectionLevel[errorCorrectionLevel]; + var _modules = null; + var _moduleCount = 0; + var _dataCache = null; + var _dataList = []; + var _this = {}; + var makeImpl = function(test, maskPattern) { + _moduleCount = _typeNumber * 4 + 17; + _modules = function(moduleCount) { + var modules = new Array(moduleCount); + for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { + modules[row] = new Array(moduleCount); + for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { + modules[row][col] = null; + } + } + return modules; + }(_moduleCount); + setupPositionProbePattern(0, 0); + setupPositionProbePattern(_moduleCount - 7, 0); + setupPositionProbePattern(0, _moduleCount - 7); + setupPositionAdjustPattern(); + setupTimingPattern(); + setupTypeInfo(test, maskPattern); + if (_typeNumber >= 7) { + setupTypeNumber(test); + } + if (_dataCache == null) { + _dataCache = createData(_typeNumber, _errorCorrectionLevel, _dataList); + } + mapData(_dataCache, maskPattern); + }; + var setupPositionProbePattern = function(row, col) { + for (var r3 = -1; r3 <= 7; r3 += 1) { + if (row + r3 <= -1 || _moduleCount <= row + r3) + continue; + for (var c4 = -1; c4 <= 7; c4 += 1) { + if (col + c4 <= -1 || _moduleCount <= col + c4) + continue; + if (0 <= r3 && r3 <= 6 && (c4 == 0 || c4 == 6) || 0 <= c4 && c4 <= 6 && (r3 == 0 || r3 == 6) || 2 <= r3 && r3 <= 4 && 2 <= c4 && c4 <= 4) { + _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = true; + } else { + _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = false; + } + } + } + }; + var getBestMaskPattern = function() { + var minLostPoint = 0; + var pattern = 0; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4 += 1) { + makeImpl(true, i4); + var lostPoint = QRUtil.getLostPoint(_this); + if (i4 == 0 || minLostPoint > lostPoint) { + minLostPoint = lostPoint; + pattern = i4; + } + } + return pattern; + }; + var setupTimingPattern = function() { + for (var r3 = 8; r3 < _moduleCount - 8; r3 += 1) { + if (_modules[r3][6] != null) { + continue; + } + _modules[r3][6] = r3 % 2 == 0; + } + for (var c4 = 8; c4 < _moduleCount - 8; c4 += 1) { + if (_modules[6][c4] != null) { + continue; + } + _modules[6][c4] = c4 % 2 == 0; + } + }; + var setupPositionAdjustPattern = function() { + var pos = QRUtil.getPatternPosition(_typeNumber); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < pos.length; i4 += 1) { + for (var j4 = 0; j4 < pos.length; j4 += 1) { + var row = pos[i4]; + var col = pos[j4]; + if (_modules[row][col] != null) { + continue; + } + for (var r3 = -2; r3 <= 2; r3 += 1) { + for (var c4 = -2; c4 <= 2; c4 += 1) { + if (r3 == -2 || r3 == 2 || c4 == -2 || c4 == 2 || r3 == 0 && c4 == 0) { + _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = true; + } else { + _modules[row + r3][col + c4] = false; + } + } + } + } + } + }; + var setupTypeNumber = function(test) { + var bits = QRUtil.getBCHTypeNumber(_typeNumber); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 18; i4 += 1) { + var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; + _modules[Math.floor(i4 / 3)][i4 % 3 + _moduleCount - 8 - 3] = mod; + } + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 18; i4 += 1) { + var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; + _modules[i4 % 3 + _moduleCount - 8 - 3][Math.floor(i4 / 3)] = mod; + } + }; + var setupTypeInfo = function(test, maskPattern) { + var data = _errorCorrectionLevel << 3 | maskPattern; + var bits = QRUtil.getBCHTypeInfo(data); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 15; i4 += 1) { + var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; + if (i4 < 6) { + _modules[i4][8] = mod; + } else if (i4 < 8) { + _modules[i4 + 1][8] = mod; + } else { + _modules[_moduleCount - 15 + i4][8] = mod; + } + } + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 15; i4 += 1) { + var mod = !test && (bits >> i4 & 1) == 1; + if (i4 < 8) { + _modules[8][_moduleCount - i4 - 1] = mod; + } else if (i4 < 9) { + _modules[8][15 - i4 - 1 + 1] = mod; + } else { + _modules[8][15 - i4 - 1] = mod; + } + } + _modules[_moduleCount - 8][8] = !test; + }; + var mapData = function(data, maskPattern) { + var inc = -1; + var row = _moduleCount - 1; + var bitIndex = 7; + var byteIndex = 0; + var maskFunc = QRUtil.getMaskFunction(maskPattern); + for (var col = _moduleCount - 1; col > 0; col -= 2) { + if (col == 6) + col -= 1; + while (true) { + for (var c4 = 0; c4 < 2; c4 += 1) { + if (_modules[row][col - c4] == null) { + var dark = false; + if (byteIndex < data.length) { + dark = (data[byteIndex] >>> bitIndex & 1) == 1; + } + var mask = maskFunc(row, col - c4); + if (mask) { + dark = !dark; + } + _modules[row][col - c4] = dark; + bitIndex -= 1; + if (bitIndex == -1) { + byteIndex += 1; + bitIndex = 7; + } + } + } + row += inc; + if (row < 0 || _moduleCount <= row) { + row -= inc; + inc = -inc; + break; + } + } + } + }; + var createBytes = function(buffer, rsBlocks) { + var offset = 0; + var maxDcCount = 0; + var maxEcCount = 0; + var dcdata = new Array(rsBlocks.length); + var ecdata = new Array(rsBlocks.length); + for (var r3 = 0; r3 < rsBlocks.length; r3 += 1) { + var dcCount = rsBlocks[r3].dataCount; + var ecCount = rsBlocks[r3].totalCount - dcCount; + maxDcCount = Math.max(maxDcCount, dcCount); + maxEcCount = Math.max(maxEcCount, ecCount); + dcdata[r3] = new Array(dcCount); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < dcdata[r3].length; i4 += 1) { + dcdata[r3][i4] = 255 & buffer.getBuffer()[i4 + offset]; + } + offset += dcCount; + var rsPoly = QRUtil.getErrorCorrectPolynomial(ecCount); + var rawPoly = qrPolynomial(dcdata[r3], rsPoly.getLength() - 1); + var modPoly = rawPoly.mod(rsPoly); + ecdata[r3] = new Array(rsPoly.getLength() - 1); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < ecdata[r3].length; i4 += 1) { + var modIndex = i4 + modPoly.getLength() - ecdata[r3].length; + ecdata[r3][i4] = modIndex >= 0 ? modPoly.getAt(modIndex) : 0; + } + } + var totalCodeCount = 0; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rsBlocks.length; i4 += 1) { + totalCodeCount += rsBlocks[i4].totalCount; + } + var data = new Array(totalCodeCount); + var index = 0; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < maxDcCount; i4 += 1) { + for (var r3 = 0; r3 < rsBlocks.length; r3 += 1) { + if (i4 < dcdata[r3].length) { + data[index] = dcdata[r3][i4]; + index += 1; + } + } + } + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < maxEcCount; i4 += 1) { + for (var r3 = 0; r3 < rsBlocks.length; r3 += 1) { + if (i4 < ecdata[r3].length) { + data[index] = ecdata[r3][i4]; + index += 1; + } + } + } + return data; + }; + var createData = function(typeNumber2, errorCorrectionLevel2, dataList) { + var rsBlocks = QRRSBlock.getRSBlocks(typeNumber2, errorCorrectionLevel2); + var buffer = qrBitBuffer(); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < dataList.length; i4 += 1) { + var data = dataList[i4]; + buffer.put(data.getMode(), 4); + buffer.put(data.getLength(), QRUtil.getLengthInBits(data.getMode(), typeNumber2)); + data.write(buffer); + } + var totalDataCount = 0; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rsBlocks.length; i4 += 1) { + totalDataCount += rsBlocks[i4].dataCount; + } + if (buffer.getLengthInBits() > totalDataCount * 8) { + throw "code length overflow. (" + buffer.getLengthInBits() + ">" + totalDataCount * 8 + ")"; + } + if (buffer.getLengthInBits() + 4 <= totalDataCount * 8) { + buffer.put(0, 4); + } + while (buffer.getLengthInBits() % 8 != 0) { + buffer.putBit(false); + } + while (true) { + if (buffer.getLengthInBits() >= totalDataCount * 8) { + break; + } + buffer.put(PAD0, 8); + if (buffer.getLengthInBits() >= totalDataCount * 8) { + break; + } + buffer.put(PAD1, 8); + } + return createBytes(buffer, rsBlocks); + }; + _this.addData = function(data, mode) { + mode = mode || "Byte"; + var newData = null; + switch (mode) { + case "Numeric": + newData = qrNumber(data); + break; + case "Alphanumeric": + newData = qrAlphaNum(data); + break; + case "Byte": + newData = qr8BitByte(data); + break; + case "Kanji": + newData = qrKanji(data); + break; + default: + throw "mode:" + mode; + } + _dataList.push(newData); + _dataCache = null; + }; + _this.isDark = function(row, col) { + if (row < 0 || _moduleCount <= row || col < 0 || _moduleCount <= col) { + throw row + "," + col; + } + return _modules[row][col]; + }; + _this.getModuleCount = function() { + return _moduleCount; + }; + _this.make = function() { + if (_typeNumber < 1) { + var typeNumber2 = 1; + for (; typeNumber2 < 40; typeNumber2++) { + var rsBlocks = QRRSBlock.getRSBlocks(typeNumber2, _errorCorrectionLevel); + var buffer = qrBitBuffer(); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _dataList.length; i4++) { + var data = _dataList[i4]; + buffer.put(data.getMode(), 4); + buffer.put(data.getLength(), QRUtil.getLengthInBits(data.getMode(), typeNumber2)); + data.write(buffer); + } + var totalDataCount = 0; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rsBlocks.length; i4++) { + totalDataCount += rsBlocks[i4].dataCount; + } + if (buffer.getLengthInBits() <= totalDataCount * 8) { + break; + } + } + _typeNumber = typeNumber2; + } + makeImpl(false, getBestMaskPattern()); + }; + _this.createTableTag = function(cellSize, margin) { + cellSize = cellSize || 2; + margin = typeof margin == "undefined" ? cellSize * 4 : margin; + var qrHtml = ""; + qrHtml += '' + escapeXml(title.text) + "" : ""; + qrSvg += alt.text ? '' + escapeXml(alt.text) + "" : ""; + qrSvg += ''; + qrSvg += '": + escaped += ">"; + break; + case "&": + escaped += "&"; + break; + case '"': + escaped += """; + break; + default: + escaped += c4; + break; + } + } + return escaped; + }; + var _createHalfASCII = function(margin) { + var cellSize = 1; + margin = typeof margin == "undefined" ? cellSize * 2 : margin; + var size = _this.getModuleCount() * cellSize + margin * 2; + var min = margin; + var max = size - margin; + var y5, x6, r1, r22, p4; + var blocks = { + "\u2588\u2588": "\u2588", + "\u2588 ": "\u2580", + " \u2588": "\u2584", + " ": " " + }; + var blocksLastLineNoMargin = { + "\u2588\u2588": "\u2580", + "\u2588 ": "\u2580", + " \u2588": " ", + " ": " " + }; + var ascii = ""; + for (y5 = 0; y5 < size; y5 += 2) { + r1 = Math.floor((y5 - min) / cellSize); + r22 = Math.floor((y5 + 1 - min) / cellSize); + for (x6 = 0; x6 < size; x6 += 1) { + p4 = "\u2588"; + if (min <= x6 && x6 < max && min <= y5 && y5 < max && _this.isDark(r1, Math.floor((x6 - min) / cellSize))) { + p4 = " "; + } + if (min <= x6 && x6 < max && min <= y5 + 1 && y5 + 1 < max && _this.isDark(r22, Math.floor((x6 - min) / cellSize))) { + p4 += " "; + } else { + p4 += "\u2588"; + } + ascii += margin < 1 && y5 + 1 >= max ? blocksLastLineNoMargin[p4] : blocks[p4]; + } + ascii += "\n"; + } + if (size % 2 && margin > 0) { + return ascii.substring(0, ascii.length - size - 1) + Array(size + 1).join("\u2580"); + } + return ascii.substring(0, ascii.length - 1); + }; + _this.createASCII = function(cellSize, margin) { + cellSize = cellSize || 1; + if (cellSize < 2) { + return _createHalfASCII(margin); + } + cellSize -= 1; + margin = typeof margin == "undefined" ? cellSize * 2 : margin; + var size = _this.getModuleCount() * cellSize + margin * 2; + var min = margin; + var max = size - margin; + var y5, x6, r3, p4; + var white = Array(cellSize + 1).join("\u2588\u2588"); + var black = Array(cellSize + 1).join(" "); + var ascii = ""; + var line = ""; + for (y5 = 0; y5 < size; y5 += 1) { + r3 = Math.floor((y5 - min) / cellSize); + line = ""; + for (x6 = 0; x6 < size; x6 += 1) { + p4 = 1; + if (min <= x6 && x6 < max && min <= y5 && y5 < max && _this.isDark(r3, Math.floor((x6 - min) / cellSize))) { + p4 = 0; + } + line += p4 ? white : black; + } + for (r3 = 0; r3 < cellSize; r3 += 1) { + ascii += line + "\n"; + } + } + return ascii.substring(0, ascii.length - 1); + }; + _this.renderTo2dContext = function(context, cellSize) { + cellSize = cellSize || 2; + var length = _this.getModuleCount(); + for (var row = 0; row < length; row++) { + for (var col = 0; col < length; col++) { + context.fillStyle = _this.isDark(row, col) ? "black" : "white"; + context.fillRect(row * cellSize, col * cellSize, cellSize, cellSize); + } + } + }; + return _this; + }; + qrcode3.stringToBytesFuncs = { + "default": function(s5) { + var bytes = []; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { + var c4 = s5.charCodeAt(i4); + bytes.push(c4 & 255); + } + return bytes; + } + }; + qrcode3.stringToBytes = qrcode3.stringToBytesFuncs["default"]; + qrcode3.createStringToBytes = function(unicodeData, numChars) { + var unicodeMap = function() { + var bin = base64DecodeInputStream(unicodeData); + var read = function() { + var b4 =; + if (b4 == -1) + throw "eof"; + return b4; + }; + var count = 0; + var unicodeMap2 = {}; + while (true) { + var b0 =; + if (b0 == -1) + break; + var b1 = read(); + var b22 = read(); + var b32 = read(); + var k5 = String.fromCharCode(b0 << 8 | b1); + var v3 = b22 << 8 | b32; + unicodeMap2[k5] = v3; + count += 1; + } + if (count != numChars) { + throw count + " != " + numChars; + } + return unicodeMap2; + }(); + var unknownChar = "?".charCodeAt(0); + return function(s5) { + var bytes = []; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { + var c4 = s5.charCodeAt(i4); + if (c4 < 128) { + bytes.push(c4); + } else { + var b4 = unicodeMap[s5.charAt(i4)]; + if (typeof b4 == "number") { + if ((b4 & 255) == b4) { + bytes.push(b4); + } else { + bytes.push(b4 >>> 8); + bytes.push(b4 & 255); + } + } else { + bytes.push(unknownChar); + } + } + } + return bytes; + }; + }; + var QRMode = { + MODE_NUMBER: 1 << 0, + MODE_ALPHA_NUM: 1 << 1, + MODE_8BIT_BYTE: 1 << 2, + MODE_KANJI: 1 << 3 + }; + var QRErrorCorrectionLevel = { + L: 1, + M: 0, + Q: 3, + H: 2 + }; + var QRMaskPattern = { + PATTERN000: 0, + PATTERN001: 1, + PATTERN010: 2, + PATTERN011: 3, + PATTERN100: 4, + PATTERN101: 5, + PATTERN110: 6, + PATTERN111: 7 + }; + var QRUtil = function() { + var PATTERN_POSITION_TABLE = [ + [], + [6, 18], + [6, 22], + [6, 26], + [6, 30], + [6, 34], + [6, 22, 38], + [6, 24, 42], + [6, 26, 46], + [6, 28, 50], + [6, 30, 54], + [6, 32, 58], + [6, 34, 62], + [6, 26, 46, 66], + [6, 26, 48, 70], + [6, 26, 50, 74], + [6, 30, 54, 78], + [6, 30, 56, 82], + [6, 30, 58, 86], + [6, 34, 62, 90], + [6, 28, 50, 72, 94], + [6, 26, 50, 74, 98], + [6, 30, 54, 78, 102], + [6, 28, 54, 80, 106], + [6, 32, 58, 84, 110], + [6, 30, 58, 86, 114], + [6, 34, 62, 90, 118], + [6, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122], + [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126], + [6, 26, 52, 78, 104, 130], + [6, 30, 56, 82, 108, 134], + [6, 34, 60, 86, 112, 138], + [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142], + [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146], + [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150], + [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154], + [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158], + [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162], + [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166], + [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170] + ]; + var G15 = 1 << 10 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 5 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 0; + var G18 = 1 << 12 | 1 << 11 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 9 | 1 << 8 | 1 << 5 | 1 << 2 | 1 << 0; + var G15_MASK = 1 << 14 | 1 << 12 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 4 | 1 << 1; + var _this = {}; + var getBCHDigit = function(data) { + var digit = 0; + while (data != 0) { + digit += 1; + data >>>= 1; + } + return digit; + }; + _this.getBCHTypeInfo = function(data) { + var d5 = data << 10; + while (getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G15) >= 0) { + d5 ^= G15 << getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G15); + } + return (data << 10 | d5) ^ G15_MASK; + }; + _this.getBCHTypeNumber = function(data) { + var d5 = data << 12; + while (getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G18) >= 0) { + d5 ^= G18 << getBCHDigit(d5) - getBCHDigit(G18); + } + return data << 12 | d5; + }; + _this.getPatternPosition = function(typeNumber) { + return PATTERN_POSITION_TABLE[typeNumber - 1]; + }; + _this.getMaskFunction = function(maskPattern) { + switch (maskPattern) { + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN000: + return function(i4, j4) { + return (i4 + j4) % 2 == 0; + }; + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN001: + return function(i4, j4) { + return i4 % 2 == 0; + }; + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN010: + return function(i4, j4) { + return j4 % 3 == 0; + }; + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN011: + return function(i4, j4) { + return (i4 + j4) % 3 == 0; + }; + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN100: + return function(i4, j4) { + return (Math.floor(i4 / 2) + Math.floor(j4 / 3)) % 2 == 0; + }; + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN101: + return function(i4, j4) { + return i4 * j4 % 2 + i4 * j4 % 3 == 0; + }; + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN110: + return function(i4, j4) { + return (i4 * j4 % 2 + i4 * j4 % 3) % 2 == 0; + }; + case QRMaskPattern.PATTERN111: + return function(i4, j4) { + return (i4 * j4 % 3 + (i4 + j4) % 2) % 2 == 0; + }; + default: + throw "bad maskPattern:" + maskPattern; + } + }; + _this.getErrorCorrectPolynomial = function(errorCorrectLength) { + var a5 = qrPolynomial([1], 0); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < errorCorrectLength; i4 += 1) { + a5 = a5.multiply(qrPolynomial([1, QRMath.gexp(i4)], 0)); + } + return a5; + }; + _this.getLengthInBits = function(mode, type) { + if (1 <= type && type < 10) { + switch (mode) { + case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: + return 10; + case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: + return 9; + case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: + return 8; + case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: + return 8; + default: + throw "mode:" + mode; + } + } else if (type < 27) { + switch (mode) { + case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: + return 12; + case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: + return 11; + case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: + return 16; + case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: + return 10; + default: + throw "mode:" + mode; + } + } else if (type < 41) { + switch (mode) { + case QRMode.MODE_NUMBER: + return 14; + case QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM: + return 13; + case QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE: + return 16; + case QRMode.MODE_KANJI: + return 12; + default: + throw "mode:" + mode; + } + } else { + throw "type:" + type; + } + }; + _this.getLostPoint = function(qrcode4) { + var moduleCount = qrcode4.getModuleCount(); + var lostPoint = 0; + for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { + for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { + var sameCount = 0; + var dark = qrcode4.isDark(row, col); + for (var r3 = -1; r3 <= 1; r3 += 1) { + if (row + r3 < 0 || moduleCount <= row + r3) { + continue; + } + for (var c4 = -1; c4 <= 1; c4 += 1) { + if (col + c4 < 0 || moduleCount <= col + c4) { + continue; + } + if (r3 == 0 && c4 == 0) { + continue; + } + if (dark == qrcode4.isDark(row + r3, col + c4)) { + sameCount += 1; + } + } + } + if (sameCount > 5) { + lostPoint += 3 + sameCount - 5; + } + } + } + ; + for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount - 1; row += 1) { + for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount - 1; col += 1) { + var count = 0; + if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col)) + count += 1; + if (qrcode4.isDark(row + 1, col)) + count += 1; + if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 1)) + count += 1; + if (qrcode4.isDark(row + 1, col + 1)) + count += 1; + if (count == 0 || count == 4) { + lostPoint += 3; + } + } + } + for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { + for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount - 6; col += 1) { + if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col) && !qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 1) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 2) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 3) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 4) && !qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 5) && qrcode4.isDark(row, col + 6)) { + lostPoint += 40; + } + } + } + for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { + for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount - 6; row += 1) { + if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col) && !qrcode4.isDark(row + 1, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 2, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 3, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 4, col) && !qrcode4.isDark(row + 5, col) && qrcode4.isDark(row + 6, col)) { + lostPoint += 40; + } + } + } + var darkCount = 0; + for (var col = 0; col < moduleCount; col += 1) { + for (var row = 0; row < moduleCount; row += 1) { + if (qrcode4.isDark(row, col)) { + darkCount += 1; + } + } + } + var ratio = Math.abs(100 * darkCount / moduleCount / moduleCount - 50) / 5; + lostPoint += ratio * 10; + return lostPoint; + }; + return _this; + }(); + var QRMath = function() { + var EXP_TABLE = new Array(256); + var LOG_TABLE = new Array(256); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4 += 1) { + EXP_TABLE[i4] = 1 << i4; + } + for (var i4 = 8; i4 < 256; i4 += 1) { + EXP_TABLE[i4] = EXP_TABLE[i4 - 4] ^ EXP_TABLE[i4 - 5] ^ EXP_TABLE[i4 - 6] ^ EXP_TABLE[i4 - 8]; + } + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 255; i4 += 1) { + LOG_TABLE[EXP_TABLE[i4]] = i4; + } + var _this = {}; + _this.glog = function(n2) { + if (n2 < 1) { + throw "glog(" + n2 + ")"; + } + return LOG_TABLE[n2]; + }; + _this.gexp = function(n2) { + while (n2 < 0) { + n2 += 255; + } + while (n2 >= 256) { + n2 -= 255; + } + return EXP_TABLE[n2]; + }; + return _this; + }(); + function qrPolynomial(num, shift) { + if (typeof num.length == "undefined") { + throw num.length + "/" + shift; + } + var _num = function() { + var offset = 0; + while (offset < num.length && num[offset] == 0) { + offset += 1; + } + var _num2 = new Array(num.length - offset + shift); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < num.length - offset; i4 += 1) { + _num2[i4] = num[i4 + offset]; + } + return _num2; + }(); + var _this = {}; + _this.getAt = function(index) { + return _num[index]; + }; + _this.getLength = function() { + return _num.length; + }; + _this.multiply = function(e4) { + var num2 = new Array(_this.getLength() + e4.getLength() - 1); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _this.getLength(); i4 += 1) { + for (var j4 = 0; j4 < e4.getLength(); j4 += 1) { + num2[i4 + j4] ^= QRMath.gexp(QRMath.glog(_this.getAt(i4)) + QRMath.glog(e4.getAt(j4))); + } + } + return qrPolynomial(num2, 0); + }; + _this.mod = function(e4) { + if (_this.getLength() - e4.getLength() < 0) { + return _this; + } + var ratio = QRMath.glog(_this.getAt(0)) - QRMath.glog(e4.getAt(0)); + var num2 = new Array(_this.getLength()); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _this.getLength(); i4 += 1) { + num2[i4] = _this.getAt(i4); + } + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < e4.getLength(); i4 += 1) { + num2[i4] ^= QRMath.gexp(QRMath.glog(e4.getAt(i4)) + ratio); + } + return qrPolynomial(num2, 0).mod(e4); + }; + return _this; + } + ; + var QRRSBlock = function() { + var RS_BLOCK_TABLE = [ + // L + // M + // Q + // H + // 1 + [1, 26, 19], + [1, 26, 16], + [1, 26, 13], + [1, 26, 9], + // 2 + [1, 44, 34], + [1, 44, 28], + [1, 44, 22], + [1, 44, 16], + // 3 + [1, 70, 55], + [1, 70, 44], + [2, 35, 17], + [2, 35, 13], + // 4 + [1, 100, 80], + [2, 50, 32], + [2, 50, 24], + [4, 25, 9], + // 5 + [1, 134, 108], + [2, 67, 43], + [2, 33, 15, 2, 34, 16], + [2, 33, 11, 2, 34, 12], + // 6 + [2, 86, 68], + [4, 43, 27], + [4, 43, 19], + [4, 43, 15], + // 7 + [2, 98, 78], + [4, 49, 31], + [2, 32, 14, 4, 33, 15], + [4, 39, 13, 1, 40, 14], + // 8 + [2, 121, 97], + [2, 60, 38, 2, 61, 39], + [4, 40, 18, 2, 41, 19], + [4, 40, 14, 2, 41, 15], + // 9 + [2, 146, 116], + [3, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], + [4, 36, 16, 4, 37, 17], + [4, 36, 12, 4, 37, 13], + // 10 + [2, 86, 68, 2, 87, 69], + [4, 69, 43, 1, 70, 44], + [6, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], + [6, 43, 15, 2, 44, 16], + // 11 + [4, 101, 81], + [1, 80, 50, 4, 81, 51], + [4, 50, 22, 4, 51, 23], + [3, 36, 12, 8, 37, 13], + // 12 + [2, 116, 92, 2, 117, 93], + [6, 58, 36, 2, 59, 37], + [4, 46, 20, 6, 47, 21], + [7, 42, 14, 4, 43, 15], + // 13 + [4, 133, 107], + [8, 59, 37, 1, 60, 38], + [8, 44, 20, 4, 45, 21], + [12, 33, 11, 4, 34, 12], + // 14 + [3, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], + [4, 64, 40, 5, 65, 41], + [11, 36, 16, 5, 37, 17], + [11, 36, 12, 5, 37, 13], + // 15 + [5, 109, 87, 1, 110, 88], + [5, 65, 41, 5, 66, 42], + [5, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], + [11, 36, 12, 7, 37, 13], + // 16 + [5, 122, 98, 1, 123, 99], + [7, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], + [15, 43, 19, 2, 44, 20], + [3, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], + // 17 + [1, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], + [10, 74, 46, 1, 75, 47], + [1, 50, 22, 15, 51, 23], + [2, 42, 14, 17, 43, 15], + // 18 + [5, 150, 120, 1, 151, 121], + [9, 69, 43, 4, 70, 44], + [17, 50, 22, 1, 51, 23], + [2, 42, 14, 19, 43, 15], + // 19 + [3, 141, 113, 4, 142, 114], + [3, 70, 44, 11, 71, 45], + [17, 47, 21, 4, 48, 22], + [9, 39, 13, 16, 40, 14], + // 20 + [3, 135, 107, 5, 136, 108], + [3, 67, 41, 13, 68, 42], + [15, 54, 24, 5, 55, 25], + [15, 43, 15, 10, 44, 16], + // 21 + [4, 144, 116, 4, 145, 117], + [17, 68, 42], + [17, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], + [19, 46, 16, 6, 47, 17], + // 22 + [2, 139, 111, 7, 140, 112], + [17, 74, 46], + [7, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], + [34, 37, 13], + // 23 + [4, 151, 121, 5, 152, 122], + [4, 75, 47, 14, 76, 48], + [11, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], + [16, 45, 15, 14, 46, 16], + // 24 + [6, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], + [6, 73, 45, 14, 74, 46], + [11, 54, 24, 16, 55, 25], + [30, 46, 16, 2, 47, 17], + // 25 + [8, 132, 106, 4, 133, 107], + [8, 75, 47, 13, 76, 48], + [7, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], + [22, 45, 15, 13, 46, 16], + // 26 + [10, 142, 114, 2, 143, 115], + [19, 74, 46, 4, 75, 47], + [28, 50, 22, 6, 51, 23], + [33, 46, 16, 4, 47, 17], + // 27 + [8, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], + [22, 73, 45, 3, 74, 46], + [8, 53, 23, 26, 54, 24], + [12, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], + // 28 + [3, 147, 117, 10, 148, 118], + [3, 73, 45, 23, 74, 46], + [4, 54, 24, 31, 55, 25], + [11, 45, 15, 31, 46, 16], + // 29 + [7, 146, 116, 7, 147, 117], + [21, 73, 45, 7, 74, 46], + [1, 53, 23, 37, 54, 24], + [19, 45, 15, 26, 46, 16], + // 30 + [5, 145, 115, 10, 146, 116], + [19, 75, 47, 10, 76, 48], + [15, 54, 24, 25, 55, 25], + [23, 45, 15, 25, 46, 16], + // 31 + [13, 145, 115, 3, 146, 116], + [2, 74, 46, 29, 75, 47], + [42, 54, 24, 1, 55, 25], + [23, 45, 15, 28, 46, 16], + // 32 + [17, 145, 115], + [10, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], + [10, 54, 24, 35, 55, 25], + [19, 45, 15, 35, 46, 16], + // 33 + [17, 145, 115, 1, 146, 116], + [14, 74, 46, 21, 75, 47], + [29, 54, 24, 19, 55, 25], + [11, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], + // 34 + [13, 145, 115, 6, 146, 116], + [14, 74, 46, 23, 75, 47], + [44, 54, 24, 7, 55, 25], + [59, 46, 16, 1, 47, 17], + // 35 + [12, 151, 121, 7, 152, 122], + [12, 75, 47, 26, 76, 48], + [39, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], + [22, 45, 15, 41, 46, 16], + // 36 + [6, 151, 121, 14, 152, 122], + [6, 75, 47, 34, 76, 48], + [46, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], + [2, 45, 15, 64, 46, 16], + // 37 + [17, 152, 122, 4, 153, 123], + [29, 74, 46, 14, 75, 47], + [49, 54, 24, 10, 55, 25], + [24, 45, 15, 46, 46, 16], + // 38 + [4, 152, 122, 18, 153, 123], + [13, 74, 46, 32, 75, 47], + [48, 54, 24, 14, 55, 25], + [42, 45, 15, 32, 46, 16], + // 39 + [20, 147, 117, 4, 148, 118], + [40, 75, 47, 7, 76, 48], + [43, 54, 24, 22, 55, 25], + [10, 45, 15, 67, 46, 16], + // 40 + [19, 148, 118, 6, 149, 119], + [18, 75, 47, 31, 76, 48], + [34, 54, 24, 34, 55, 25], + [20, 45, 15, 61, 46, 16] + ]; + var qrRSBlock = function(totalCount, dataCount) { + var _this2 = {}; + _this2.totalCount = totalCount; + _this2.dataCount = dataCount; + return _this2; + }; + var _this = {}; + var getRsBlockTable = function(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel) { + switch (errorCorrectionLevel) { + case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.L: + return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 0]; + case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.M: + return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 1]; + case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.Q: + return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 2]; + case QRErrorCorrectionLevel.H: + return RS_BLOCK_TABLE[(typeNumber - 1) * 4 + 3]; + default: + return void 0; + } + }; + _this.getRSBlocks = function(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel) { + var rsBlock = getRsBlockTable(typeNumber, errorCorrectionLevel); + if (typeof rsBlock == "undefined") { + throw "bad rs block @ typeNumber:" + typeNumber + "/errorCorrectionLevel:" + errorCorrectionLevel; + } + var length = rsBlock.length / 3; + var list = []; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) { + var count = rsBlock[i4 * 3 + 0]; + var totalCount = rsBlock[i4 * 3 + 1]; + var dataCount = rsBlock[i4 * 3 + 2]; + for (var j4 = 0; j4 < count; j4 += 1) { + list.push(qrRSBlock(totalCount, dataCount)); + } + } + return list; + }; + return _this; + }(); + var qrBitBuffer = function() { + var _buffer = []; + var _length = 0; + var _this = {}; + _this.getBuffer = function() { + return _buffer; + }; + _this.getAt = function(index) { + var bufIndex = Math.floor(index / 8); + return (_buffer[bufIndex] >>> 7 - index % 8 & 1) == 1; + }; + _this.put = function(num, length) { + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) { + _this.putBit((num >>> length - i4 - 1 & 1) == 1); + } + }; + _this.getLengthInBits = function() { + return _length; + }; + _this.putBit = function(bit) { + var bufIndex = Math.floor(_length / 8); + if (_buffer.length <= bufIndex) { + _buffer.push(0); + } + if (bit) { + _buffer[bufIndex] |= 128 >>> _length % 8; + } + _length += 1; + }; + return _this; + }; + var qrNumber = function(data) { + var _mode = QRMode.MODE_NUMBER; + var _data = data; + var _this = {}; + _this.getMode = function() { + return _mode; + }; + _this.getLength = function(buffer) { + return _data.length; + }; + _this.write = function(buffer) { + var data2 = _data; + var i4 = 0; + while (i4 + 2 < data2.length) { + buffer.put(strToNum(data2.substring(i4, i4 + 3)), 10); + i4 += 3; + } + if (i4 < data2.length) { + if (data2.length - i4 == 1) { + buffer.put(strToNum(data2.substring(i4, i4 + 1)), 4); + } else if (data2.length - i4 == 2) { + buffer.put(strToNum(data2.substring(i4, i4 + 2)), 7); + } + } + }; + var strToNum = function(s5) { + var num = 0; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { + num = num * 10 + chatToNum(s5.charAt(i4)); + } + return num; + }; + var chatToNum = function(c4) { + if ("0" <= c4 && c4 <= "9") { + return c4.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0); + } + throw "illegal char :" + c4; + }; + return _this; + }; + var qrAlphaNum = function(data) { + var _mode = QRMode.MODE_ALPHA_NUM; + var _data = data; + var _this = {}; + _this.getMode = function() { + return _mode; + }; + _this.getLength = function(buffer) { + return _data.length; + }; + _this.write = function(buffer) { + var s5 = _data; + var i4 = 0; + while (i4 + 1 < s5.length) { + buffer.put( + getCode(s5.charAt(i4)) * 45 + getCode(s5.charAt(i4 + 1)), + 11 + ); + i4 += 2; + } + if (i4 < s5.length) { + buffer.put(getCode(s5.charAt(i4)), 6); + } + }; + var getCode = function(c4) { + if ("0" <= c4 && c4 <= "9") { + return c4.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0); + } else if ("A" <= c4 && c4 <= "Z") { + return c4.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0) + 10; + } else { + switch (c4) { + case " ": + return 36; + case "$": + return 37; + case "%": + return 38; + case "*": + return 39; + case "+": + return 40; + case "-": + return 41; + case ".": + return 42; + case "/": + return 43; + case ":": + return 44; + default: + throw "illegal char :" + c4; + } + } + }; + return _this; + }; + var qr8BitByte = function(data) { + var _mode = QRMode.MODE_8BIT_BYTE; + var _data = data; + var _bytes = qrcode3.stringToBytes(data); + var _this = {}; + _this.getMode = function() { + return _mode; + }; + _this.getLength = function(buffer) { + return _bytes.length; + }; + _this.write = function(buffer) { + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _bytes.length; i4 += 1) { + buffer.put(_bytes[i4], 8); + } + }; + return _this; + }; + var qrKanji = function(data) { + var _mode = QRMode.MODE_KANJI; + var _data = data; + var stringToBytes2 = qrcode3.stringToBytesFuncs["SJIS"]; + if (!stringToBytes2) { + throw "sjis not supported."; + } + !function(c4, code) { + var test = stringToBytes2(c4); + if (test.length != 2 || (test[0] << 8 | test[1]) != code) { + throw "sjis not supported."; + } + }("\u53CB", 38726); + var _bytes = stringToBytes2(data); + var _this = {}; + _this.getMode = function() { + return _mode; + }; + _this.getLength = function(buffer) { + return ~~(_bytes.length / 2); + }; + _this.write = function(buffer) { + var data2 = _bytes; + var i4 = 0; + while (i4 + 1 < data2.length) { + var c4 = (255 & data2[i4]) << 8 | 255 & data2[i4 + 1]; + if (33088 <= c4 && c4 <= 40956) { + c4 -= 33088; + } else if (57408 <= c4 && c4 <= 60351) { + c4 -= 49472; + } else { + throw "illegal char at " + (i4 + 1) + "/" + c4; + } + c4 = (c4 >>> 8 & 255) * 192 + (c4 & 255); + buffer.put(c4, 13); + i4 += 2; + } + if (i4 < data2.length) { + throw "illegal char at " + (i4 + 1); + } + }; + return _this; + }; + var byteArrayOutputStream = function() { + var _bytes = []; + var _this = {}; + _this.writeByte = function(b4) { + _bytes.push(b4 & 255); + }; + _this.writeShort = function(i4) { + _this.writeByte(i4); + _this.writeByte(i4 >>> 8); + }; + _this.writeBytes = function(b4, off, len) { + off = off || 0; + len = len || b4.length; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < len; i4 += 1) { + _this.writeByte(b4[i4 + off]); + } + }; + _this.writeString = function(s5) { + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4 += 1) { + _this.writeByte(s5.charCodeAt(i4)); + } + }; + _this.toByteArray = function() { + return _bytes; + }; + _this.toString = function() { + var s5 = ""; + s5 += "["; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < _bytes.length; i4 += 1) { + if (i4 > 0) { + s5 += ","; + } + s5 += _bytes[i4]; + } + s5 += "]"; + return s5; + }; + return _this; + }; + var base64EncodeOutputStream = function() { + var _buffer = 0; + var _buflen = 0; + var _length = 0; + var _base64 = ""; + var _this = {}; + var writeEncoded = function(b4) { + _base64 += String.fromCharCode(encode4(b4 & 63)); + }; + var encode4 = function(n2) { + if (n2 < 0) { + } else if (n2 < 26) { + return 65 + n2; + } else if (n2 < 52) { + return 97 + (n2 - 26); + } else if (n2 < 62) { + return 48 + (n2 - 52); + } else if (n2 == 62) { + return 43; + } else if (n2 == 63) { + return 47; + } + throw "n:" + n2; + }; + _this.writeByte = function(n2) { + _buffer = _buffer << 8 | n2 & 255; + _buflen += 8; + _length += 1; + while (_buflen >= 6) { + writeEncoded(_buffer >>> _buflen - 6); + _buflen -= 6; + } + }; + _this.flush = function() { + if (_buflen > 0) { + writeEncoded(_buffer << 6 - _buflen); + _buffer = 0; + _buflen = 0; + } + if (_length % 3 != 0) { + var padlen = 3 - _length % 3; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < padlen; i4 += 1) { + _base64 += "="; + } + } + }; + _this.toString = function() { + return _base64; + }; + return _this; + }; + var base64DecodeInputStream = function(str) { + var _str = str; + var _pos = 0; + var _buffer = 0; + var _buflen = 0; + var _this = {}; + = function() { + while (_buflen < 8) { + if (_pos >= _str.length) { + if (_buflen == 0) { + return -1; + } + throw "unexpected end of file./" + _buflen; + } + var c4 = _str.charAt(_pos); + _pos += 1; + if (c4 == "=") { + _buflen = 0; + return -1; + } else if (c4.match(/^\s$/)) { + continue; + } + _buffer = _buffer << 6 | decode4(c4.charCodeAt(0)); + _buflen += 6; + } + var n2 = _buffer >>> _buflen - 8 & 255; + _buflen -= 8; + return n2; + }; + var decode4 = function(c4) { + if (65 <= c4 && c4 <= 90) { + return c4 - 65; + } else if (97 <= c4 && c4 <= 122) { + return c4 - 97 + 26; + } else if (48 <= c4 && c4 <= 57) { + return c4 - 48 + 52; + } else if (c4 == 43) { + return 62; + } else if (c4 == 47) { + return 63; + } else { + throw "c:" + c4; + } + }; + return _this; + }; + var gifImage = function(width, height) { + var _width = width; + var _height = height; + var _data = new Array(width * height); + var _this = {}; + _this.setPixel = function(x6, y5, pixel) { + _data[y5 * _width + x6] = pixel; + }; + _this.write = function(out) { + out.writeString("GIF87a"); + out.writeShort(_width); + out.writeShort(_height); + out.writeByte(128); + out.writeByte(0); + out.writeByte(0); + out.writeByte(0); + out.writeByte(0); + out.writeByte(0); + out.writeByte(255); + out.writeByte(255); + out.writeByte(255); + out.writeString(","); + out.writeShort(0); + out.writeShort(0); + out.writeShort(_width); + out.writeShort(_height); + out.writeByte(0); + var lzwMinCodeSize = 2; + var raster = getLZWRaster(lzwMinCodeSize); + out.writeByte(lzwMinCodeSize); + var offset = 0; + while (raster.length - offset > 255) { + out.writeByte(255); + out.writeBytes(raster, offset, 255); + offset += 255; + } + out.writeByte(raster.length - offset); + out.writeBytes(raster, offset, raster.length - offset); + out.writeByte(0); + out.writeString(";"); + }; + var bitOutputStream = function(out) { + var _out = out; + var _bitLength = 0; + var _bitBuffer = 0; + var _this2 = {}; + _this2.write = function(data, length) { + if (data >>> length != 0) { + throw "length over"; + } + while (_bitLength + length >= 8) { + _out.writeByte(255 & (data << _bitLength | _bitBuffer)); + length -= 8 - _bitLength; + data >>>= 8 - _bitLength; + _bitBuffer = 0; + _bitLength = 0; + } + _bitBuffer = data << _bitLength | _bitBuffer; + _bitLength = _bitLength + length; + }; + _this2.flush = function() { + if (_bitLength > 0) { + _out.writeByte(_bitBuffer); + } + }; + return _this2; + }; + var getLZWRaster = function(lzwMinCodeSize) { + var clearCode = 1 << lzwMinCodeSize; + var endCode = (1 << lzwMinCodeSize) + 1; + var bitLength = lzwMinCodeSize + 1; + var table2 = lzwTable(); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < clearCode; i4 += 1) { + table2.add(String.fromCharCode(i4)); + } + table2.add(String.fromCharCode(clearCode)); + table2.add(String.fromCharCode(endCode)); + var byteOut = byteArrayOutputStream(); + var bitOut = bitOutputStream(byteOut); + bitOut.write(clearCode, bitLength); + var dataIndex = 0; + var s5 = String.fromCharCode(_data[dataIndex]); + dataIndex += 1; + while (dataIndex < _data.length) { + var c4 = String.fromCharCode(_data[dataIndex]); + dataIndex += 1; + if (table2.contains(s5 + c4)) { + s5 = s5 + c4; + } else { + bitOut.write(table2.indexOf(s5), bitLength); + if (table2.size() < 4095) { + if (table2.size() == 1 << bitLength) { + bitLength += 1; + } + table2.add(s5 + c4); + } + s5 = c4; + } + } + bitOut.write(table2.indexOf(s5), bitLength); + bitOut.write(endCode, bitLength); + bitOut.flush(); + return byteOut.toByteArray(); + }; + var lzwTable = function() { + var _map = {}; + var _size = 0; + var _this2 = {}; + _this2.add = function(key) { + if (_this2.contains(key)) { + throw "dup key:" + key; + } + _map[key] = _size; + _size += 1; + }; + _this2.size = function() { + return _size; + }; + _this2.indexOf = function(key) { + return _map[key]; + }; + _this2.contains = function(key) { + return typeof _map[key] != "undefined"; + }; + return _this2; + }; + return _this; + }; + var createDataURL = function(width, height, getPixel) { + var gif = gifImage(width, height); + for (var y5 = 0; y5 < height; y5 += 1) { + for (var x6 = 0; x6 < width; x6 += 1) { + gif.setPixel(x6, y5, getPixel(x6, y5)); + } + } + var b4 = byteArrayOutputStream(); + gif.write(b4); + var base64 = base64EncodeOutputStream(); + var bytes = b4.toByteArray(); + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < bytes.length; i4 += 1) { + base64.writeByte(bytes[i4]); + } + base64.flush(); + return "data:image/gif;base64," + base64; + }; + return qrcode3; + }(); + !function() { + qrcode2.stringToBytesFuncs["UTF-8"] = function(s5) { + function toUTF8Array(str) { + var utf8 = []; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < str.length; i4++) { + var charcode = str.charCodeAt(i4); + if (charcode < 128) + utf8.push(charcode); + else if (charcode < 2048) { + utf8.push( + 192 | charcode >> 6, + 128 | charcode & 63 + ); + } else if (charcode < 55296 || charcode >= 57344) { + utf8.push( + 224 | charcode >> 12, + 128 | charcode >> 6 & 63, + 128 | charcode & 63 + ); + } else { + i4++; + charcode = 65536 + ((charcode & 1023) << 10 | str.charCodeAt(i4) & 1023); + utf8.push( + 240 | charcode >> 18, + 128 | charcode >> 12 & 63, + 128 | charcode >> 6 & 63, + 128 | charcode & 63 + ); + } + } + return utf8; + } + return toUTF8Array(s5); + }; + }(); + (function(factory) { + if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { + define([], factory); + } else if (typeof exports === "object") { + module.exports = factory(); + } + })(function() { + return qrcode2; + }); + } +}); + +// ../taler-util/lib/nacl-fast.js +var gf = function(init = []) { + const r3 = new Float64Array(16); + if (init) + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < init.length; i4++) + r3[i4] = init[i4]; + return r3; +}; +var randombytes = function(x6, n2) { + throw new Error("no PRNG"); +}; +var _9 = new Uint8Array(32); +_9[0] = 9; +var gf0 = gf(); +var gf1 = gf([1]); +var _121665 = gf([56129, 1]); +var D = gf([ + 30883, + 4953, + 19914, + 30187, + 55467, + 16705, + 2637, + 112, + 59544, + 30585, + 16505, + 36039, + 65139, + 11119, + 27886, + 20995 +]); +var D2 = gf([ + 61785, + 9906, + 39828, + 60374, + 45398, + 33411, + 5274, + 224, + 53552, + 61171, + 33010, + 6542, + 64743, + 22239, + 55772, + 9222 +]); +var X = gf([ + 54554, + 36645, + 11616, + 51542, + 42930, + 38181, + 51040, + 26924, + 56412, + 64982, + 57905, + 49316, + 21502, + 52590, + 14035, + 8553 +]); +var Y = gf([ + 26200, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214, + 26214 +]); +var I = gf([ + 41136, + 18958, + 6951, + 50414, + 58488, + 44335, + 6150, + 12099, + 55207, + 15867, + 153, + 11085, + 57099, + 20417, + 9344, + 11139 +]); +function ts64(x6, i4, h5, l3) { + x6[i4] = h5 >> 24 & 255; + x6[i4 + 1] = h5 >> 16 & 255; + x6[i4 + 2] = h5 >> 8 & 255; + x6[i4 + 3] = h5 & 255; + x6[i4 + 4] = l3 >> 24 & 255; + x6[i4 + 5] = l3 >> 16 & 255; + x6[i4 + 6] = l3 >> 8 & 255; + x6[i4 + 7] = l3 & 255; +} +function vn(x6, xi, y5, yi, n2) { + let i4, d5 = 0; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + d5 |= x6[xi + i4] ^ y5[yi + i4]; + return (1 & d5 - 1 >>> 8) - 1; +} +function crypto_verify_32(x6, xi, y5, yi) { + return vn(x6, xi, y5, yi, 32); +} +var sigma = new Uint8Array([ + 101, + 120, + 112, + 97, + 110, + 100, + 32, + 51, + 50, + 45, + 98, + 121, + 116, + 101, + 32, + 107 +]); +function set25519(r3, a5) { + let i4; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) + r3[i4] = a5[i4] | 0; +} +function car25519(o3) { + let i4, v3, c4 = 1; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { + v3 = o3[i4] + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + o3[i4] = v3 - c4 * 65536; + } + o3[0] += c4 - 1 + 37 * (c4 - 1); +} +function sel25519(p4, q5, b4) { + let t4; + const c4 = ~(b4 - 1); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { + t4 = c4 & (p4[i4] ^ q5[i4]); + p4[i4] ^= t4; + q5[i4] ^= t4; + } +} +function pack25519(o3, n2) { + let i4, j4, b4; + const m5 = gf(), t4 = gf(); + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) + t4[i4] = n2[i4]; + car25519(t4); + car25519(t4); + car25519(t4); + for (j4 = 0; j4 < 2; j4++) { + m5[0] = t4[0] - 65517; + for (i4 = 1; i4 < 15; i4++) { + m5[i4] = t4[i4] - 65535 - (m5[i4 - 1] >> 16 & 1); + m5[i4 - 1] &= 65535; + } + m5[15] = t4[15] - 32767 - (m5[14] >> 16 & 1); + b4 = m5[15] >> 16 & 1; + m5[14] &= 65535; + sel25519(t4, m5, 1 - b4); + } + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { + o3[2 * i4] = t4[i4] & 255; + o3[2 * i4 + 1] = t4[i4] >> 8; + } +} +function neq25519(a5, b4) { + const c4 = new Uint8Array(32), d5 = new Uint8Array(32); + pack25519(c4, a5); + pack25519(d5, b4); + return crypto_verify_32(c4, 0, d5, 0); +} +function par25519(a5) { + const d5 = new Uint8Array(32); + pack25519(d5, a5); + return d5[0] & 1; +} +function unpack25519(o3, n2) { + let i4; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) + o3[i4] = n2[2 * i4] + (n2[2 * i4 + 1] << 8); + o3[15] &= 32767; +} +function A(o3, a5, b4) { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) + o3[i4] = a5[i4] + b4[i4]; +} +function Z(o3, a5, b4) { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) + o3[i4] = a5[i4] - b4[i4]; +} +function M(o3, a5, b4) { + let v3, c4, t0 = 0, t1 = 0, t22 = 0, t32 = 0, t4 = 0, t5 = 0, t6 = 0, t7 = 0, t8 = 0, t9 = 0, t10 = 0, t11 = 0, t12 = 0, t13 = 0, t14 = 0, t15 = 0, t16 = 0, t17 = 0, t18 = 0, t19 = 0, t20 = 0, t21 = 0, t222 = 0, t23 = 0, t24 = 0, t25 = 0, t26 = 0, t27 = 0, t28 = 0, t29 = 0, t30 = 0; + const b0 = b4[0], b1 = b4[1], b22 = b4[2], b32 = b4[3], b42 = b4[4], b5 = b4[5], b6 = b4[6], b7 = b4[7], b8 = b4[8], b9 = b4[9], b10 = b4[10], b11 = b4[11], b12 = b4[12], b13 = b4[13], b14 = b4[14], b15 = b4[15]; + v3 = a5[0]; + t0 += v3 * b0; + t1 += v3 * b1; + t22 += v3 * b22; + t32 += v3 * b32; + t4 += v3 * b42; + t5 += v3 * b5; + t6 += v3 * b6; + t7 += v3 * b7; + t8 += v3 * b8; + t9 += v3 * b9; + t10 += v3 * b10; + t11 += v3 * b11; + t12 += v3 * b12; + t13 += v3 * b13; + t14 += v3 * b14; + t15 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[1]; + t1 += v3 * b0; + t22 += v3 * b1; + t32 += v3 * b22; + t4 += v3 * b32; + t5 += v3 * b42; + t6 += v3 * b5; + t7 += v3 * b6; + t8 += v3 * b7; + t9 += v3 * b8; + t10 += v3 * b9; + t11 += v3 * b10; + t12 += v3 * b11; + t13 += v3 * b12; + t14 += v3 * b13; + t15 += v3 * b14; + t16 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[2]; + t22 += v3 * b0; + t32 += v3 * b1; + t4 += v3 * b22; + t5 += v3 * b32; + t6 += v3 * b42; + t7 += v3 * b5; + t8 += v3 * b6; + t9 += v3 * b7; + t10 += v3 * b8; + t11 += v3 * b9; + t12 += v3 * b10; + t13 += v3 * b11; + t14 += v3 * b12; + t15 += v3 * b13; + t16 += v3 * b14; + t17 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[3]; + t32 += v3 * b0; + t4 += v3 * b1; + t5 += v3 * b22; + t6 += v3 * b32; + t7 += v3 * b42; + t8 += v3 * b5; + t9 += v3 * b6; + t10 += v3 * b7; + t11 += v3 * b8; + t12 += v3 * b9; + t13 += v3 * b10; + t14 += v3 * b11; + t15 += v3 * b12; + t16 += v3 * b13; + t17 += v3 * b14; + t18 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[4]; + t4 += v3 * b0; + t5 += v3 * b1; + t6 += v3 * b22; + t7 += v3 * b32; + t8 += v3 * b42; + t9 += v3 * b5; + t10 += v3 * b6; + t11 += v3 * b7; + t12 += v3 * b8; + t13 += v3 * b9; + t14 += v3 * b10; + t15 += v3 * b11; + t16 += v3 * b12; + t17 += v3 * b13; + t18 += v3 * b14; + t19 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[5]; + t5 += v3 * b0; + t6 += v3 * b1; + t7 += v3 * b22; + t8 += v3 * b32; + t9 += v3 * b42; + t10 += v3 * b5; + t11 += v3 * b6; + t12 += v3 * b7; + t13 += v3 * b8; + t14 += v3 * b9; + t15 += v3 * b10; + t16 += v3 * b11; + t17 += v3 * b12; + t18 += v3 * b13; + t19 += v3 * b14; + t20 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[6]; + t6 += v3 * b0; + t7 += v3 * b1; + t8 += v3 * b22; + t9 += v3 * b32; + t10 += v3 * b42; + t11 += v3 * b5; + t12 += v3 * b6; + t13 += v3 * b7; + t14 += v3 * b8; + t15 += v3 * b9; + t16 += v3 * b10; + t17 += v3 * b11; + t18 += v3 * b12; + t19 += v3 * b13; + t20 += v3 * b14; + t21 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[7]; + t7 += v3 * b0; + t8 += v3 * b1; + t9 += v3 * b22; + t10 += v3 * b32; + t11 += v3 * b42; + t12 += v3 * b5; + t13 += v3 * b6; + t14 += v3 * b7; + t15 += v3 * b8; + t16 += v3 * b9; + t17 += v3 * b10; + t18 += v3 * b11; + t19 += v3 * b12; + t20 += v3 * b13; + t21 += v3 * b14; + t222 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[8]; + t8 += v3 * b0; + t9 += v3 * b1; + t10 += v3 * b22; + t11 += v3 * b32; + t12 += v3 * b42; + t13 += v3 * b5; + t14 += v3 * b6; + t15 += v3 * b7; + t16 += v3 * b8; + t17 += v3 * b9; + t18 += v3 * b10; + t19 += v3 * b11; + t20 += v3 * b12; + t21 += v3 * b13; + t222 += v3 * b14; + t23 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[9]; + t9 += v3 * b0; + t10 += v3 * b1; + t11 += v3 * b22; + t12 += v3 * b32; + t13 += v3 * b42; + t14 += v3 * b5; + t15 += v3 * b6; + t16 += v3 * b7; + t17 += v3 * b8; + t18 += v3 * b9; + t19 += v3 * b10; + t20 += v3 * b11; + t21 += v3 * b12; + t222 += v3 * b13; + t23 += v3 * b14; + t24 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[10]; + t10 += v3 * b0; + t11 += v3 * b1; + t12 += v3 * b22; + t13 += v3 * b32; + t14 += v3 * b42; + t15 += v3 * b5; + t16 += v3 * b6; + t17 += v3 * b7; + t18 += v3 * b8; + t19 += v3 * b9; + t20 += v3 * b10; + t21 += v3 * b11; + t222 += v3 * b12; + t23 += v3 * b13; + t24 += v3 * b14; + t25 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[11]; + t11 += v3 * b0; + t12 += v3 * b1; + t13 += v3 * b22; + t14 += v3 * b32; + t15 += v3 * b42; + t16 += v3 * b5; + t17 += v3 * b6; + t18 += v3 * b7; + t19 += v3 * b8; + t20 += v3 * b9; + t21 += v3 * b10; + t222 += v3 * b11; + t23 += v3 * b12; + t24 += v3 * b13; + t25 += v3 * b14; + t26 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[12]; + t12 += v3 * b0; + t13 += v3 * b1; + t14 += v3 * b22; + t15 += v3 * b32; + t16 += v3 * b42; + t17 += v3 * b5; + t18 += v3 * b6; + t19 += v3 * b7; + t20 += v3 * b8; + t21 += v3 * b9; + t222 += v3 * b10; + t23 += v3 * b11; + t24 += v3 * b12; + t25 += v3 * b13; + t26 += v3 * b14; + t27 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[13]; + t13 += v3 * b0; + t14 += v3 * b1; + t15 += v3 * b22; + t16 += v3 * b32; + t17 += v3 * b42; + t18 += v3 * b5; + t19 += v3 * b6; + t20 += v3 * b7; + t21 += v3 * b8; + t222 += v3 * b9; + t23 += v3 * b10; + t24 += v3 * b11; + t25 += v3 * b12; + t26 += v3 * b13; + t27 += v3 * b14; + t28 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[14]; + t14 += v3 * b0; + t15 += v3 * b1; + t16 += v3 * b22; + t17 += v3 * b32; + t18 += v3 * b42; + t19 += v3 * b5; + t20 += v3 * b6; + t21 += v3 * b7; + t222 += v3 * b8; + t23 += v3 * b9; + t24 += v3 * b10; + t25 += v3 * b11; + t26 += v3 * b12; + t27 += v3 * b13; + t28 += v3 * b14; + t29 += v3 * b15; + v3 = a5[15]; + t15 += v3 * b0; + t16 += v3 * b1; + t17 += v3 * b22; + t18 += v3 * b32; + t19 += v3 * b42; + t20 += v3 * b5; + t21 += v3 * b6; + t222 += v3 * b7; + t23 += v3 * b8; + t24 += v3 * b9; + t25 += v3 * b10; + t26 += v3 * b11; + t27 += v3 * b12; + t28 += v3 * b13; + t29 += v3 * b14; + t30 += v3 * b15; + t0 += 38 * t16; + t1 += 38 * t17; + t22 += 38 * t18; + t32 += 38 * t19; + t4 += 38 * t20; + t5 += 38 * t21; + t6 += 38 * t222; + t7 += 38 * t23; + t8 += 38 * t24; + t9 += 38 * t25; + t10 += 38 * t26; + t11 += 38 * t27; + t12 += 38 * t28; + t13 += 38 * t29; + t14 += 38 * t30; + c4 = 1; + v3 = t0 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t0 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t1 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t1 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t22 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t22 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t32 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t32 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t4 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t4 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t5 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t5 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t6 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t6 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t7 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t7 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t8 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t8 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t9 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t9 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t10 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t10 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t11 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t11 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t12 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t12 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t13 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t13 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t14 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t14 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t15 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t15 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + t0 += c4 - 1 + 37 * (c4 - 1); + c4 = 1; + v3 = t0 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t0 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t1 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t1 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t22 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t22 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t32 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t32 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t4 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t4 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t5 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t5 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t6 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t6 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t7 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t7 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t8 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t8 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t9 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t9 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t10 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t10 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t11 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t11 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t12 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t12 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t13 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t13 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t14 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t14 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + v3 = t15 + c4 + 65535; + c4 = Math.floor(v3 / 65536); + t15 = v3 - c4 * 65536; + t0 += c4 - 1 + 37 * (c4 - 1); + o3[0] = t0; + o3[1] = t1; + o3[2] = t22; + o3[3] = t32; + o3[4] = t4; + o3[5] = t5; + o3[6] = t6; + o3[7] = t7; + o3[8] = t8; + o3[9] = t9; + o3[10] = t10; + o3[11] = t11; + o3[12] = t12; + o3[13] = t13; + o3[14] = t14; + o3[15] = t15; +} +function S(o3, a5) { + M(o3, a5, a5); +} +function inv25519(o3, i4) { + const c4 = gf(); + let a5; + for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) + c4[a5] = i4[a5]; + for (a5 = 253; a5 >= 0; a5--) { + S(c4, c4); + if (a5 !== 2 && a5 !== 4) + M(c4, c4, i4); + } + for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) + o3[a5] = c4[a5]; +} +function pow2523(o3, i4) { + const c4 = gf(); + let a5; + for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) + c4[a5] = i4[a5]; + for (a5 = 250; a5 >= 0; a5--) { + S(c4, c4); + if (a5 !== 1) + M(c4, c4, i4); + } + for (a5 = 0; a5 < 16; a5++) + o3[a5] = c4[a5]; +} +var K = [ + 1116352408, + 3609767458, + 1899447441, + 602891725, + 3049323471, + 3964484399, + 3921009573, + 2173295548, + 961987163, + 4081628472, + 1508970993, + 3053834265, + 2453635748, + 2937671579, + 2870763221, + 3664609560, + 3624381080, + 2734883394, + 310598401, + 1164996542, + 607225278, + 1323610764, + 1426881987, + 3590304994, + 1925078388, + 4068182383, + 2162078206, + 991336113, + 2614888103, + 633803317, + 3248222580, + 3479774868, + 3835390401, + 2666613458, + 4022224774, + 944711139, + 264347078, + 2341262773, + 604807628, + 2007800933, + 770255983, + 1495990901, + 1249150122, + 1856431235, + 1555081692, + 3175218132, + 1996064986, + 2198950837, + 2554220882, + 3999719339, + 2821834349, + 766784016, + 2952996808, + 2566594879, + 3210313671, + 3203337956, + 3336571891, + 1034457026, + 3584528711, + 2466948901, + 113926993, + 3758326383, + 338241895, + 168717936, + 666307205, + 1188179964, + 773529912, + 1546045734, + 1294757372, + 1522805485, + 1396182291, + 2643833823, + 1695183700, + 2343527390, + 1986661051, + 1014477480, + 2177026350, + 1206759142, + 2456956037, + 344077627, + 2730485921, + 1290863460, + 2820302411, + 3158454273, + 3259730800, + 3505952657, + 3345764771, + 106217008, + 3516065817, + 3606008344, + 3600352804, + 1432725776, + 4094571909, + 1467031594, + 275423344, + 851169720, + 430227734, + 3100823752, + 506948616, + 1363258195, + 659060556, + 3750685593, + 883997877, + 3785050280, + 958139571, + 3318307427, + 1322822218, + 3812723403, + 1537002063, + 2003034995, + 1747873779, + 3602036899, + 1955562222, + 1575990012, + 2024104815, + 1125592928, + 2227730452, + 2716904306, + 2361852424, + 442776044, + 2428436474, + 593698344, + 2756734187, + 3733110249, + 3204031479, + 2999351573, + 3329325298, + 3815920427, + 3391569614, + 3928383900, + 3515267271, + 566280711, + 3940187606, + 3454069534, + 4118630271, + 4000239992, + 116418474, + 1914138554, + 174292421, + 2731055270, + 289380356, + 3203993006, + 460393269, + 320620315, + 685471733, + 587496836, + 852142971, + 1086792851, + 1017036298, + 365543100, + 1126000580, + 2618297676, + 1288033470, + 3409855158, + 1501505948, + 4234509866, + 1607167915, + 987167468, + 1816402316, + 1246189591 +]; +function crypto_hashblocks_hl(hh, hl, m5, n2) { + const wh = new Int32Array(16), wl = new Int32Array(16); + let bh0, bh1, bh2, bh3, bh4, bh5, bh6, bh7, bl0, bl1, bl2, bl3, bl4, bl5, bl6, bl7, th, tl, i4, j4, h5, l3, a5, b4, c4, d5; + let ah0 = hh[0], ah1 = hh[1], ah2 = hh[2], ah3 = hh[3], ah4 = hh[4], ah5 = hh[5], ah6 = hh[6], ah7 = hh[7], al0 = hl[0], al1 = hl[1], al2 = hl[2], al3 = hl[3], al4 = hl[4], al5 = hl[5], al6 = hl[6], al7 = hl[7]; + let pos = 0; + while (n2 >= 128) { + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { + j4 = 8 * i4 + pos; + wh[i4] = m5[j4 + 0] << 24 | m5[j4 + 1] << 16 | m5[j4 + 2] << 8 | m5[j4 + 3]; + wl[i4] = m5[j4 + 4] << 24 | m5[j4 + 5] << 16 | m5[j4 + 6] << 8 | m5[j4 + 7]; + } + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 80; i4++) { + bh0 = ah0; + bh1 = ah1; + bh2 = ah2; + bh3 = ah3; + bh4 = ah4; + bh5 = ah5; + bh6 = ah6; + bh7 = ah7; + bl0 = al0; + bl1 = al1; + bl2 = al2; + bl3 = al3; + bl4 = al4; + bl5 = al5; + bl6 = al6; + bl7 = al7; + h5 = ah7; + l3 = al7; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = (ah4 >>> 14 | al4 << 32 - 14) ^ (ah4 >>> 18 | al4 << 32 - 18) ^ (al4 >>> 41 - 32 | ah4 << 32 - (41 - 32)); + l3 = (al4 >>> 14 | ah4 << 32 - 14) ^ (al4 >>> 18 | ah4 << 32 - 18) ^ (ah4 >>> 41 - 32 | al4 << 32 - (41 - 32)); + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + h5 = ah4 & ah5 ^ ~ah4 & ah6; + l3 = al4 & al5 ^ ~al4 & al6; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + h5 = K[i4 * 2]; + l3 = K[i4 * 2 + 1]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + h5 = wh[i4 % 16]; + l3 = wl[i4 % 16]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + th = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + tl = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = th; + l3 = tl; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = (ah0 >>> 28 | al0 << 32 - 28) ^ (al0 >>> 34 - 32 | ah0 << 32 - (34 - 32)) ^ (al0 >>> 39 - 32 | ah0 << 32 - (39 - 32)); + l3 = (al0 >>> 28 | ah0 << 32 - 28) ^ (ah0 >>> 34 - 32 | al0 << 32 - (34 - 32)) ^ (ah0 >>> 39 - 32 | al0 << 32 - (39 - 32)); + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + h5 = ah0 & ah1 ^ ah0 & ah2 ^ ah1 & ah2; + l3 = al0 & al1 ^ al0 & al2 ^ al1 & al2; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + bh7 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + bl7 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = bh3; + l3 = bl3; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = th; + l3 = tl; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + bh3 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + bl3 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + ah1 = bh0; + ah2 = bh1; + ah3 = bh2; + ah4 = bh3; + ah5 = bh4; + ah6 = bh5; + ah7 = bh6; + ah0 = bh7; + al1 = bl0; + al2 = bl1; + al3 = bl2; + al4 = bl3; + al5 = bl4; + al6 = bl5; + al7 = bl6; + al0 = bl7; + if (i4 % 16 === 15) { + for (j4 = 0; j4 < 16; j4++) { + h5 = wh[j4]; + l3 = wl[j4]; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = wh[(j4 + 9) % 16]; + l3 = wl[(j4 + 9) % 16]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + th = wh[(j4 + 1) % 16]; + tl = wl[(j4 + 1) % 16]; + h5 = (th >>> 1 | tl << 32 - 1) ^ (th >>> 8 | tl << 32 - 8) ^ th >>> 7; + l3 = (tl >>> 1 | th << 32 - 1) ^ (tl >>> 8 | th << 32 - 8) ^ (tl >>> 7 | th << 32 - 7); + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + th = wh[(j4 + 14) % 16]; + tl = wl[(j4 + 14) % 16]; + h5 = (th >>> 19 | tl << 32 - 19) ^ (tl >>> 61 - 32 | th << 32 - (61 - 32)) ^ th >>> 6; + l3 = (tl >>> 19 | th << 32 - 19) ^ (th >>> 61 - 32 | tl << 32 - (61 - 32)) ^ (tl >>> 6 | th << 32 - 6); + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + wh[j4] = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + wl[j4] = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + } + } + } + h5 = ah0; + l3 = al0; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[0]; + l3 = hl[0]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[0] = ah0 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[0] = al0 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = ah1; + l3 = al1; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[1]; + l3 = hl[1]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[1] = ah1 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[1] = al1 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = ah2; + l3 = al2; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[2]; + l3 = hl[2]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[2] = ah2 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[2] = al2 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = ah3; + l3 = al3; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[3]; + l3 = hl[3]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[3] = ah3 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[3] = al3 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = ah4; + l3 = al4; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[4]; + l3 = hl[4]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[4] = ah4 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[4] = al4 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = ah5; + l3 = al5; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[5]; + l3 = hl[5]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[5] = ah5 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[5] = al5 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = ah6; + l3 = al6; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[6]; + l3 = hl[6]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[6] = ah6 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[6] = al6 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + h5 = ah7; + l3 = al7; + a5 = l3 & 65535; + b4 = l3 >>> 16; + c4 = h5 & 65535; + d5 = h5 >>> 16; + h5 = hh[7]; + l3 = hl[7]; + a5 += l3 & 65535; + b4 += l3 >>> 16; + c4 += h5 & 65535; + d5 += h5 >>> 16; + b4 += a5 >>> 16; + c4 += b4 >>> 16; + d5 += c4 >>> 16; + hh[7] = ah7 = c4 & 65535 | d5 << 16; + hl[7] = al7 = a5 & 65535 | b4 << 16; + pos += 128; + n2 -= 128; + } + return n2; +} +function crypto_hash(out, m5, n2) { + const hh = new Int32Array(8); + const hl = new Int32Array(8); + const x6 = new Uint8Array(256); + const b4 = n2; + hh[0] = 1779033703; + hh[1] = 3144134277; + hh[2] = 1013904242; + hh[3] = 2773480762; + hh[4] = 1359893119; + hh[5] = 2600822924; + hh[6] = 528734635; + hh[7] = 1541459225; + hl[0] = 4089235720; + hl[1] = 2227873595; + hl[2] = 4271175723; + hl[3] = 1595750129; + hl[4] = 2917565137; + hl[5] = 725511199; + hl[6] = 4215389547; + hl[7] = 327033209; + crypto_hashblocks_hl(hh, hl, m5, n2); + n2 %= 128; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + x6[i4] = m5[b4 - n2 + i4]; + x6[n2] = 128; + n2 = 256 - 128 * (n2 < 112 ? 1 : 0); + x6[n2 - 9] = 0; + ts64(x6, n2 - 8, b4 / 536870912 | 0, b4 << 3); + crypto_hashblocks_hl(hh, hl, x6, n2); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4++) + ts64(out, 8 * i4, hh[i4], hl[i4]); + return 0; +} +var HashState = class { + constructor() { + this.hh = new Int32Array(8); + this.hl = new Int32Array(8); + = new Uint8Array(128); + this.p = 0; + = 0; + this.hh[0] = 1779033703; + this.hh[1] = 3144134277; + this.hh[2] = 1013904242; + this.hh[3] = 2773480762; + this.hh[4] = 1359893119; + this.hh[5] = 2600822924; + this.hh[6] = 528734635; + this.hh[7] = 1541459225; + this.hl[0] = 4089235720; + this.hl[1] = 2227873595; + this.hl[2] = 4271175723; + this.hl[3] = 1595750129; + this.hl[4] = 2917565137; + this.hl[5] = 725511199; + this.hl[6] = 4215389547; + this.hl[7] = 327033209; + } + update(data) { + += data.length; + let i4 = 0; + while (i4 < data.length) { + const r3 = 128 - this.p; + if (r3 > data.length - i4) { + for (let j4 = 0; i4 + j4 < data.length; j4++) { +[this.p + j4] = data[i4 + j4]; + } + this.p += data.length - i4; + break; + } else { + for (let j4 = 0; this.p + j4 < 128; j4++) { +[this.p + j4] = data[i4 + j4]; + } + crypto_hashblocks_hl(this.hh, this.hl,, 128); + i4 += 128 - this.p; + this.p = 0; + } + } + return this; + } + finish() { + const out = new Uint8Array(64); + let n2 = this.p; + const x6 = new Uint8Array(256); + const b4 =; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + x6[i4] =[i4]; + x6[n2] = 128; + n2 = 256 - 128 * (n2 < 112 ? 1 : 0); + x6[n2 - 9] = 0; + ts64(x6, n2 - 8, b4 / 536870912 | 0, b4 << 3); + crypto_hashblocks_hl(this.hh, this.hl, x6, n2); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4++) + ts64(out, 8 * i4, this.hh[i4], this.hl[i4]); + return out; + } +}; +function add(p4, q5) { + const a5 = gf(), b4 = gf(), c4 = gf(), d5 = gf(), e4 = gf(), f3 = gf(), g4 = gf(), h5 = gf(), t4 = gf(); + Z(a5, p4[1], p4[0]); + Z(t4, q5[1], q5[0]); + M(a5, a5, t4); + A(b4, p4[0], p4[1]); + A(t4, q5[0], q5[1]); + M(b4, b4, t4); + M(c4, p4[3], q5[3]); + M(c4, c4, D2); + M(d5, p4[2], q5[2]); + A(d5, d5, d5); + Z(e4, b4, a5); + Z(f3, d5, c4); + A(g4, d5, c4); + A(h5, b4, a5); + M(p4[0], e4, f3); + M(p4[1], h5, g4); + M(p4[2], g4, f3); + M(p4[3], e4, h5); +} +function cswap(p4, q5, b4) { + let i4; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 4; i4++) { + sel25519(p4[i4], q5[i4], b4); + } +} +function pack(r3, p4) { + const tx = gf(), ty = gf(), zi = gf(); + inv25519(zi, p4[2]); + M(tx, p4[0], zi); + M(ty, p4[1], zi); + pack25519(r3, ty); + r3[31] ^= par25519(tx) << 7; +} +function scalarmult(p4, q5, s5) { + let b4, i4; + set25519(p4[0], gf0); + set25519(p4[1], gf1); + set25519(p4[2], gf1); + set25519(p4[3], gf0); + for (i4 = 255; i4 >= 0; --i4) { + b4 = s5[i4 / 8 | 0] >> (i4 & 7) & 1; + cswap(p4, q5, b4); + add(q5, p4); + add(p4, p4); + cswap(p4, q5, b4); + } +} +function scalarbase(p4, s5) { + const q5 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; + set25519(q5[0], X); + set25519(q5[1], Y); + set25519(q5[2], gf1); + M(q5[3], X, Y); + scalarmult(p4, q5, s5); +} +var L = new Float64Array([ + 237, + 211, + 245, + 92, + 26, + 99, + 18, + 88, + 214, + 156, + 247, + 162, + 222, + 249, + 222, + 20, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 16 +]); +function modL(r3, x6) { + let carry, i4, j4, k5; + for (i4 = 63; i4 >= 32; --i4) { + carry = 0; + for (j4 = i4 - 32, k5 = i4 - 12; j4 < k5; ++j4) { + x6[j4] += carry - 16 * x6[i4] * L[j4 - (i4 - 32)]; + carry = Math.floor((x6[j4] + 128) / 256); + x6[j4] -= carry * 256; + } + x6[j4] += carry; + x6[i4] = 0; + } + carry = 0; + for (j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) { + x6[j4] += carry - (x6[31] >> 4) * L[j4]; + carry = x6[j4] >> 8; + x6[j4] &= 255; + } + for (j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) + x6[j4] -= carry * L[j4]; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) { + x6[i4 + 1] += x6[i4] >> 8; + r3[i4] = x6[i4] & 255; + } +} +function reduce(r3) { + const x6 = new Float64Array(64); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) + x6[i4] = r3[i4]; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) + r3[i4] = 0; + modL(r3, x6); +} +function unpackpos(r3, p4) { + const q5 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; + if (unpackneg(q5, p4)) + return -1; + const scalar0 = new Uint8Array(32); + const scalar1 = new Uint8Array(32); + scalar1[0] = 1; + const scalarNeg1 = crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_sub(scalar0, scalar1); + scalarmult(r3, q5, scalarNeg1); + return 0; +} +function unpackneg(r3, p4) { + const t4 = gf(); + const chk = gf(); + const num = gf(); + const den = gf(); + const den2 = gf(); + const den4 = gf(); + const den6 = gf(); + set25519(r3[2], gf1); + unpack25519(r3[1], p4); + S(num, r3[1]); + M(den, num, D); + Z(num, num, r3[2]); + A(den, r3[2], den); + S(den2, den); + S(den4, den2); + M(den6, den4, den2); + M(t4, den6, num); + M(t4, t4, den); + pow2523(t4, t4); + M(t4, t4, num); + M(t4, t4, den); + M(t4, t4, den); + M(r3[0], t4, den); + S(chk, r3[0]); + M(chk, chk, den); + if (neq25519(chk, num)) + M(r3[0], r3[0], I); + S(chk, r3[0]); + M(chk, chk, den); + if (neq25519(chk, num)) + return -1; + if (par25519(r3[0]) === p4[31] >> 7) + Z(r3[0], gf0, r3[0]); + M(r3[3], r3[0], r3[1]); + return 0; +} +function crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(s5) { + const r3 = new Uint8Array(32); + const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; + scalarbase(p4, s5); + pack(r3, p4); + return r3; +} +function crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_noclamp(s5, q5) { + const r3 = new Uint8Array(32); + const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; + const ql = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; + if (unpackpos(ql, q5)) + throw new Error(); + scalarmult(p4, ql, s5); + pack(r3, p4); + return r3; +} +function crypto_sign_open(m5, sm, n2, pk) { + let i4, mlen; + const t4 = new Uint8Array(32), h5 = new Uint8Array(64); + const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()], q5 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; + mlen = -1; + if (n2 < 64) + return -1; + if (unpackneg(q5, pk)) + return -1; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + m5[i4] = sm[i4]; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) + m5[i4 + 32] = pk[i4]; + crypto_hash(h5, m5, n2); + reduce(h5); + scalarmult(p4, q5, h5); + scalarbase(q5, sm.subarray(32)); + add(p4, q5); + pack(t4, p4); + n2 -= 64; + if (crypto_verify_32(sm, 0, t4, 0)) { + for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + m5[i4] = 0; + return -1; + } + for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + m5[i4] = sm[i4 + 64]; + mlen = n2; + return mlen; +} +var crypto_sign_BYTES = 64; +var crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES = 32; +var crypto_hash_BYTES = 64; +function checkArrayTypes(...args) { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < args.length; i4++) { + if (!(args[i4] instanceof Uint8Array)) + throw new TypeError("unexpected type, use Uint8Array"); + } +} +function randomBytes(n2) { + const b4 = new Uint8Array(n2); + randombytes(b4, n2); + return b4; +} +function hash(msg) { + checkArrayTypes(msg); + const h5 = new Uint8Array(crypto_hash_BYTES); + crypto_hash(h5, msg, msg.length); + return h5; +} +function setPRNG(fn2) { + randombytes = fn2; +} +function crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(x6) { + const len = x6.length; + const z5 = new Float64Array(64); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < len; i4++) + z5[i4] = x6[i4]; + const o3 = new Uint8Array(32); + modL(o3, z5); + return o3; +} +function crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_sub(x6, y5) { + const z5 = new Float64Array(64); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) { + z5[i4] = x6[i4] - y5[i4]; + } + const o3 = new Uint8Array(32); + modL(o3, z5); + return o3; +} +function crypto_edx25519_private_key_create() { + const seed = new Uint8Array(32); + randombytes(seed, 32); + return crypto_edx25519_private_key_create_from_seed(seed); +} +function crypto_edx25519_private_key_create_from_seed(seed) { + const pk = hash(seed); + pk[0] &= 248; + pk[31] &= 127; + pk[31] |= 64; + return pk; +} +function crypto_edx25519_get_public(priv) { + return crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base_noclamp(priv.subarray(0, 32)); +} +function crypto_edx25519_sign_detached(m5, skx, pkx) { + const n2 = m5.length; + const h5 = new Uint8Array(64); + const r3 = new Uint8Array(64); + let i4, j4; + const x6 = new Float64Array(64); + const p4 = [gf(), gf(), gf(), gf()]; + const sm = new Uint8Array(n2 + 64); + for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + sm[64 + i4] = m5[i4]; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) + sm[32 + i4] = skx[32 + i4]; + crypto_hash(r3, sm.subarray(32), n2 + 32); + reduce(r3); + scalarbase(p4, r3); + pack(sm, p4); + for (i4 = 32; i4 < 64; i4++) + sm[i4] = pkx[i4 - 32]; + crypto_hash(h5, sm, n2 + 64); + reduce(h5); + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) + x6[i4] = 0; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) + x6[i4] = r3[i4]; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 32; i4++) { + for (j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) { + x6[i4 + j4] += h5[i4] * skx[j4]; + } + } + modL(sm.subarray(32), x6); + return sm.subarray(0, 64); +} +function crypto_edx25519_sign_detached_verify(msg, sig, publicKey) { + checkArrayTypes(msg, sig, publicKey); + if (sig.length !== crypto_sign_BYTES) + throw new Error("bad signature size"); + if (publicKey.length !== crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES) + throw new Error("bad public key size"); + const sm = new Uint8Array(crypto_sign_BYTES + msg.length); + const m5 = new Uint8Array(crypto_sign_BYTES + msg.length); + let i4; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < crypto_sign_BYTES; i4++) + sm[i4] = sig[i4]; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < msg.length; i4++) + sm[i4 + crypto_sign_BYTES] = msg[i4]; + return crypto_sign_open(m5, sm, sm.length, publicKey) >= 0; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/prng-browser.js +function loadBrowserPrng() { + const cr = typeof self !== "undefined" ? self.crypto || self.msCrypto : null; + const QUOTA = 65536; + setPRNG(function(x6, n2) { + let i4; + const v3 = new Uint8Array(n2); + for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4 += QUOTA) { + cr.getRandomValues(v3.subarray(i4, i4 + Math.min(n2 - i4, QUOTA))); + } + for (i4 = 0; i4 < n2; i4++) + x6[i4] = v3[i4]; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < v3.length; i4++) + v3[i4] = 0; + }); +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/taler-error-codes.js +var TalerErrorCode; +(function(TalerErrorCode2) { + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["INVALID"] = 1] = "INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CLIENT_INTERNAL_ERROR"] = 2] = "GENERIC_CLIENT_INTERNAL_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_INVALID_RESPONSE"] = 10] = "GENERIC_INVALID_RESPONSE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 11] = "GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_VERSION_MALFORMED"] = 12] = "GENERIC_VERSION_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_REPLY_MALFORMED"] = 13] = "GENERIC_REPLY_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CONFIGURATION_INVALID"] = 14] = "GENERIC_CONFIGURATION_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"] = 15] = "GENERIC_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_TOKEN_PERMISSION_INSUFFICIENT"] = 16] = "GENERIC_TOKEN_PERMISSION_INSUFFICIENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_METHOD_INVALID"] = 20] = "GENERIC_METHOD_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN"] = 21] = "GENERIC_ENDPOINT_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_JSON_INVALID"] = 22] = "GENERIC_JSON_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_HTTP_HEADERS_MALFORMED"] = 23] = "GENERIC_HTTP_HEADERS_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PAYTO_URI_MALFORMED"] = 24] = "GENERIC_PAYTO_URI_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING"] = 25] = "GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED"] = 26] = "GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_RESERVE_PUB_MALFORMED"] = 27] = "GENERIC_RESERVE_PUB_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_COMPRESSION_INVALID"] = 28] = "GENERIC_COMPRESSION_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH"] = 30] = "GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_URI_TOO_LONG"] = 31] = "GENERIC_URI_TOO_LONG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT"] = 32] = "GENERIC_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS_LIMIT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 40] = "GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_TOKEN_UNKNOWN"] = 41] = "GENERIC_TOKEN_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_TOKEN_EXPIRED"] = 42] = "GENERIC_TOKEN_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_TOKEN_MALFORMED"] = 43] = "GENERIC_TOKEN_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FORBIDDEN"] = 44] = "GENERIC_FORBIDDEN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_SETUP_FAILED"] = 50] = "GENERIC_DB_SETUP_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_START_FAILED"] = 51] = "GENERIC_DB_START_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_STORE_FAILED"] = 52] = "GENERIC_DB_STORE_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_FETCH_FAILED"] = 53] = "GENERIC_DB_FETCH_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_COMMIT_FAILED"] = 54] = "GENERIC_DB_COMMIT_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_SOFT_FAILURE"] = 55] = "GENERIC_DB_SOFT_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_DB_INVARIANT_FAILURE"] = 56] = "GENERIC_DB_INVARIANT_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_INTERNAL_INVARIANT_FAILURE"] = 60] = "GENERIC_INTERNAL_INVARIANT_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_JSON_HASH"] = 61] = "GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_JSON_HASH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_AMOUNT"] = 62] = "GENERIC_FAILED_COMPUTE_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_PARSER_OUT_OF_MEMORY"] = 70] = "GENERIC_PARSER_OUT_OF_MEMORY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"] = 71] = "GENERIC_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_JSON_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"] = 72] = "GENERIC_JSON_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_CURL_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"] = 73] = "GENERIC_CURL_ALLOCATION_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_TO_LOAD_TEMPLATE"] = 74] = "GENERIC_FAILED_TO_LOAD_TEMPLATE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["GENERIC_FAILED_TO_EXPAND_TEMPLATE"] = 75] = "GENERIC_FAILED_TO_EXPAND_TEMPLATE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_BAD_CONFIGURATION"] = 1e3] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_BAD_CONFIGURATION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"] = 1001] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS"] = 1002] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_DENOMINATION_KEY"] = 1003] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_DENOMINATION_KEY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COINS_INVALID_COIN_PUB"] = 1004] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COINS_INVALID_COIN_PUB"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_KEY_UNKNOWN"] = 1005] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_KEY_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1006] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KEYS_MISSING"] = 1007] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KEYS_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_VALIDITY_IN_FUTURE"] = 1008] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_VALIDITY_IN_FUTURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_EXPIRED"] = 1009] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_REVOKED"] = 1010] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_DENOMINATION_REVOKED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_SECMOD_TIMEOUT"] = 1011] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_SECMOD_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1012] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_HISTORY_COMPUTATION_FAILED"] = 1013] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_HISTORY_COMPUTATION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_HISTORY_DB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1014] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_HISTORY_DB_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_AGE_HASH"] = 1015] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_CONFLICTING_AGE_HASH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INVALID_DENOMINATION_CIPHER_FOR_OPERATION"] = 1016] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_INVALID_DENOMINATION_CIPHER_FOR_OPERATION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CIPHER_MISMATCH"] = 1017] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CIPHER_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_EXCESSIVE"] = 1018] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_EXCESSIVE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_UNKNOWN"] = 1019] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_COIN_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CLOCK_SKEW"] = 1020] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_CLOCK_SKEW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_DENOMINATION_VALUE"] = 1021] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_DENOMINATION_VALUE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_GLOBAL_FEES_MISSING"] = 1022] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_GLOBAL_FEES_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WIRE_FEES_MISSING"] = 1023] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_WIRE_FEES_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_PUB_MALFORMED"] = 1024] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_PUB_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_UNKNOWN"] = 1025] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_EXPIRED"] = 1026] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"] = 1027] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_REQUIRED"] = 1028] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_REQUIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_CONFLICTING_ATTEST_VS_AGE_COMMITMENT"] = 1029] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_CONFLICTING_ATTEST_VS_AGE_COMMITMENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_AGE_ATTESTATION_FAILURE"] = 1030] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_AGE_ATTESTATION_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_DELETED"] = 1031] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_PURSE_DELETED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_PUB_MALFORMED"] = 1032] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_PUB_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1033] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_GET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_ACCESS_DENIED"] = 1034] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_OFFICER_ACCESS_DENIED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_PENDING"] = 1035] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_PENDING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_FROZEN"] = 1036] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_AML_FROZEN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_CONVERTER_FAILED"] = 1037] = "EXCHANGE_GENERIC_KYC_CONVERTER_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_NOT_FOUND"] = 1100] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_WIRE"] = 1101] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_WIRE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_MERCHANT_PUB"] = 1102] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_MERCHANT_PUB"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_CONTRACT_TERMS"] = 1103] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_H_CONTRACT_TERMS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_COIN_PUB"] = 1104] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_COIN_PUB"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1105] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1106] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_GET_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_POLICY_NOT_ACCEPTED"] = 1107] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSITS_POLICY_NOT_ACCEPTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1150] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1151] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_FEE_OVERFLOW"] = 1152] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_FEE_OVERFLOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_SIGNATURE_FAILED"] = 1153] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_SIGNATURE_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1154] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1155] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_GET_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 1156] = "EXCHANGE_GET_RESERVE_HISTORY_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_DENOMINATION_KEY_LOST"] = 1158] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_DENOMINATION_KEY_LOST"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_UNBLIND_FAILURE"] = 1159] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_UNBLIND_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_NONCE_REUSE"] = 1160] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_NONCE_REUSE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_COMMITMENT_UNKNOWN"] = 1161] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_COMMITMENT_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"] = 1162] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_INCORRECT"] = 1163] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT_INCORRECT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_REVEAL_INVALID_HASH"] = 1164] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_REVEAL_INVALID_HASH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_MAXIMUM_AGE_TOO_LARGE"] = 1165] = "EXCHANGE_AGE_WITHDRAW_MAXIMUM_AGE_TOO_LARGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_BATCH_IDEMPOTENT_PLANCHET"] = 1175] = "EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_BATCH_IDEMPOTENT_PLANCHET"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1205] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT"] = 1206] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"] = 1207] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_REFUND_DEADLINE_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"] = 1208] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_REFUND_DEADLINE_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"] = 1209] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_JSON"] = 1210] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_JSON"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_CONTRACT_HASH_CONFLICT"] = 1211] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_WIRE_FORMAT_CONTRACT_HASH_CONFLICT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1221] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"] = 1222] = "EXCHANGE_DEPOSIT_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_EXTENSIONS_INVALID_FULFILLMENT"] = 1240] = "EXCHANGE_EXTENSIONS_INVALID_FULFILLMENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_COIN_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1251] = "EXCHANGE_COIN_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1252] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVE_HISTORY_BAD_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_FEES_EXCEED_CONTRIBUTION"] = 1302] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_FEES_EXCEED_CONTRIBUTION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1303] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_EXPIRED_NO_ZOMBIE"] = 1305] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_COIN_EXPIRED_NO_ZOMBIE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MELT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1306] = "EXCHANGE_MELT_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COMMITMENT_VIOLATION"] = 1353] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COMMITMENT_VIOLATION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SIGNING_ERROR"] = 1354] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SIGNING_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SESSION_UNKNOWN"] = 1355] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_SESSION_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_CNC_TRANSFER_ARRAY_SIZE_INVALID"] = 1356] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_CNC_TRANSFER_ARRAY_SIZE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH"] = 1358] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_NEW_DENOMS_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COST_CALCULATION_OVERFLOW"] = 1359] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_COST_CALCULATION_OVERFLOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AMOUNT_INSUFFICIENT"] = 1360] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AMOUNT_INSUFFICIENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_LINK_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1361] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_LINK_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_INVALID_RCH"] = 1362] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_INVALID_RCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_OPERATION_INVALID"] = 1363] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_OPERATION_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 1364] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_NOT_SUPPORTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_COMMITMENT_INVALID"] = 1365] = "EXCHANGE_REFRESHES_REVEAL_AGE_RESTRICTION_COMMITMENT_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_LINK_COIN_UNKNOWN"] = 1400] = "EXCHANGE_LINK_COIN_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_MALFORMED"] = 1450] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_NOT_FOUND"] = 1451] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WTID_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_NOT_FOUND"] = 1452] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_INCONSISTENT"] = 1453] = "EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_GET_WIRE_FEE_INCONSISTENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSES_INVALID_WAIT_TARGET"] = 1475] = "EXCHANGE_PURSES_INVALID_WAIT_TARGET"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSES_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1476] = "EXCHANGE_PURSES_GET_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_COIN_NOT_FOUND"] = 1500] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_COIN_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_CONFLICT_DEPOSIT_INSUFFICIENT"] = 1501] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_CONFLICT_DEPOSIT_INSUFFICIENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_DEPOSIT_NOT_FOUND"] = 1502] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_DEPOSIT_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_ALREADY_PAID"] = 1503] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_ALREADY_PAID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_TOO_LOW"] = 1504] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_TOO_LOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"] = 1505] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_FEE_ABOVE_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1506] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNING_FAILED"] = 1507] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_MERCHANT_SIGNING_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1508] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_SIGNATURE_BY_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_FAILURE_PROOF_BY_EXCHANGE"] = 1509] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_INVALID_FAILURE_PROOF_BY_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"] = 1510] = "EXCHANGE_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1550] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_WITHDRAW_NOT_FOUND"] = 1551] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_WITHDRAW_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_ZERO"] = 1552] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_ZERO"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_BLINDING_FAILED"] = 1553] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_BLINDING_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_NEGATIVE"] = 1554] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_COIN_BALANCE_NEGATIVE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_NOT_ELIGIBLE"] = 1555] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_NOT_ELIGIBLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1575] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_MELT_NOT_FOUND"] = 1576] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_MELT_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_BLINDING_FAILED"] = 1578] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_BLINDING_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_NOT_ELIGIBLE"] = 1580] = "EXCHANGE_RECOUP_REFRESH_NOT_ELIGIBLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KEYS_TIMETRAVEL_FORBIDDEN"] = 1600] = "EXCHANGE_KEYS_TIMETRAVEL_FORBIDDEN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1650] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_NO_ACCOUNTS_CONFIGURED"] = 1651] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_NO_ACCOUNTS_CONFIGURED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_INVALID_PAYTO_CONFIGURED"] = 1652] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_INVALID_PAYTO_CONFIGURED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEES_NOT_CONFIGURED"] = 1653] = "EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEES_NOT_CONFIGURED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1675] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1676] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1677] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_CREATE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_FEE_TOO_LOW"] = 1678] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_FEE_TOO_LOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_ALREADY_DECIDED"] = 1679] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_ALREADY_DECIDED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1680] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DELETE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_AGE_RESTRICTION_REQUIRED"] = 1681] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_AGE_RESTRICTION_REQUIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"] = 1700] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_BUG"] = 1701] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_BUG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"] = 1702] = "EXCHANGE_DENOMINATION_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1725] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"] = 1750] = "EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_UNAVAILABLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_BUG"] = 1751] = "EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_BUG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"] = 1752] = "EXCHANGE_SIGNKEY_HELPER_TOO_EARLY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"] = 1775] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"] = 1776] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1777] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_PURSE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_RESERVE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1778] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_RESERVE_MERGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1785] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_BAD_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1786] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_BAD_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_ATTEST_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 1787] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_ATTEST_BAD_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_NO_TARGET_ACCOUNT"] = 1788] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_CLOSE_NO_TARGET_ACCOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 1789] = "EXCHANGE_RESERVES_OPEN_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_NOT_FOUND"] = 1800] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1801] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1802] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1803] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AUDITOR_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DENOMINATION_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1804] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DENOMINATION_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_SIGNKEY_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1805] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_SIGNKEY_REVOKE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1806] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_UNKNOWN"] = 1807] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DETAILS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1808] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DETAILS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1809] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1810] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_DEL_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_NOT_FOUND"] = 1811] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1812] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_MISMATCH"] = 1813] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_WIRE_FEE_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_DENOMKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1814] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_DENOMKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1815] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_KEYS_SIGNKEY_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_MISMATCH"] = 1816] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1817] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_GLOBAL_FEE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DRAIN_PROFITS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1818] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_DRAIN_PROFITS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1825] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_ADD_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_INVALID_OFFICER"] = 1826] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_INVALID_OFFICER"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1827] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_UNKNOWN_CHECK"] = 1828] = "EXCHANGE_AML_DECISION_UNKNOWN_CHECK"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_UPDATE_AML_OFFICER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1830] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_UPDATE_AML_OFFICER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AML_OFFICERS_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"] = 1831] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_AML_OFFICERS_MORE_RECENT_PRESENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1850] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT_STORED"] = 1851] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_CONFLICTING_CONTRACT_STORED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1852] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"] = 1853] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_BEFORE_NOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"] = 1854] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXPIRATION_IS_NEVER"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1855] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1856] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1857] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_CREATE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1858] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"] = 1859] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_ECONTRACT_CONFLICTING_META_DATA"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CREATE_PURSE_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"] = 1860] = "EXCHANGE_CREATE_PURSE_NEGATIVE_VALUE_AFTER_FEE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_MERGE_SIGNATURE"] = 1876] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_MERGE_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_RESERVE_SIGNATURE"] = 1877] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_INVALID_RESERVE_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_NOT_FULL"] = 1878] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_NOT_FULL"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1879] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_MERGE_EXCHANGE_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MERGE_PURSE_PARTNER_UNKNOWN"] = 1880] = "EXCHANGE_MERGE_PURSE_PARTNER_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1890] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_DATA_CONFLICT"] = 1891] = "EXCHANGE_MANAGEMENT_ADD_PARTNER_DATA_CONFLICT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1900] = "EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_UNKNOWN"] = 1901] = "EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_INACTIVE"] = 1902] = "EXCHANGE_AUDITORS_AUDITOR_INACTIVE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_WALLET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1925] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_WALLET_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_INVALID_RESPONSE"] = 1926] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_INVALID_RESPONSE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 1927] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"] = 1928] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_BACKEND_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_REQUEST_UNKNOWN"] = 1929] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_PROOF_REQUEST_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_CHECK_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"] = 1930] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_CHECK_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_UNKNOWN"] = 1931] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_GONE"] = 1932] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_GONE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_BUG"] = 1933] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_LOGIC_BUG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_ACCESS_REFUSED"] = 1934] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_ACCESS_REFUSED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT"] = 1935] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNEXPECTED_REPLY"] = 1936] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNEXPECTED_REPLY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"] = 1937] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_GENERIC_PROVIDER_RATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_KYC_WEBHOOK_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 1938] = "EXCHANGE_KYC_WEBHOOK_UNAUTHORIZED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_UNKNOWN"] = 1950] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_INVALID_CONTRACT_PUB"] = 1951] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_INVALID_CONTRACT_PUB"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECRYPTION_FAILED"] = 1952] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECRYPTION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1953] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECODING_FAILED"] = 1954] = "EXCHANGE_CONTRACTS_DECODING_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 1975] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_DECIDED_ALREADY"] = 1976] = "EXCHANGE_PURSE_DEPOSIT_DECIDED_ALREADY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["EXCHANGE_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"] = 1980] = "EXCHANGE_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN"] = 2e3] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_HOLE_IN_WIRE_FEE_STRUCTURE"] = 2001] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_HOLE_IN_WIRE_FEE_STRUCTURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_WIRE_REQUEST_FAILED"] = 2002] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_WIRE_REQUEST_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_ORDER_UNKNOWN"] = 2005] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_ORDER_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_PRODUCT_UNKNOWN"] = 2006] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_PRODUCT_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_REWARD_ID_UNKNOWN"] = 2007] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_REWARD_ID_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_DB_CONTRACT_CONTENT_INVALID"] = 2008] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_DB_CONTRACT_CONTENT_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_CONTRACT_HASH_DOES_NOT_MATCH_ORDER"] = 2009] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_CONTRACT_HASH_DOES_NOT_MATCH_ORDER"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_KEYS_FAILURE"] = 2010] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_KEYS_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_TIMEOUT"] = 2011] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_CONNECT_FAILURE"] = 2012] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_CONNECT_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_REPLY_MALFORMED"] = 2013] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_REPLY_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_UNEXPECTED_STATUS"] = 2014] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_EXCHANGE_UNEXPECTED_STATUS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 2015] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_UNAUTHORIZED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_DELETED"] = 2016] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_INSTANCE_DELETED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_TRANSFER_UNKNOWN"] = 2017] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_TRANSFER_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_TEMPLATE_UNKNOWN"] = 2018] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_TEMPLATE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"] = 2019] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_PENDING_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"] = 2020] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_PENDING_WEBHOOK_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_OTP_DEVICE_UNKNOWN"] = 2021] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_OTP_DEVICE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN"] = 2022] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_H_WIRE_MALFORMED"] = 2023] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_H_WIRE_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH"] = 2024] = "MERCHANT_GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_EXCHANGE_TRACKING_FAILURE"] = 2100] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_EXCHANGE_TRACKING_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_REQUEST_FAILURE"] = 2103] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_REQUEST_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_START_FAILURE"] = 2104] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_START_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_TOKEN"] = 2105] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_TOKEN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_CONTRACT_HASH"] = 2106] = "MERCHANT_GET_ORDERS_ID_INVALID_CONTRACT_HASH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 2150] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_NOT_FOUND"] = 2151] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_AUDITOR_FAILURE"] = 2152] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_KEY_AUDITOR_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"] = 2153] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AMOUNT_OVERFLOW"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_FEES_EXCEED_PAYMENT"] = 2154] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_FEES_EXCEED_PAYMENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_DUE_TO_FEES"] = 2155] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_INSUFFICIENT_DUE_TO_FEES"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT"] = 2156] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 2157] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"] = 2158] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUND_DEADLINE_PAST_WIRE_TRANSFER_DEADLINE"] = 2159] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUND_DEADLINE_PAST_WIRE_TRANSFER_DEADLINE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_ALREADY_PAID"] = 2160] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_ALREADY_PAID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_OFFER_EXPIRED"] = 2161] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_OFFER_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_MERCHANT_FIELD_MISSING"] = 2162] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_MERCHANT_FIELD_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_HASH_UNKNOWN"] = 2163] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_HASH_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_DEPOSIT_EXPIRED"] = 2165] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_DENOMINATION_DEPOSIT_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEE_ADDITION_FAILED"] = 2166] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_WIRE_FEE_ADDITION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDED"] = 2167] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDS_EXCEED_PAYMENTS"] = 2168] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_REFUNDS_EXCEED_PAYMENTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["DEAD_QQQ_PAY_MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"] = 2169] = "DEAD_QQQ_PAY_MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_FAILED"] = 2170] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_EXCHANGE_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_MISSING"] = 2171] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_SIZE_MISMATCH"] = 2172] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_SIZE_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED"] = 2173] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_VERIFICATION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_HASH_MISSING"] = 2174] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_AGE_COMMITMENT_HASH_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED"] = 2175] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAY_WIRE_METHOD_UNSUPPORTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_CONTRACT_HASH_MISMATCH"] = 2200] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_CONTRACT_HASH_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 2201] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_PAID_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_REFUND_FAILED"] = 2251] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_REFUND_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"] = 2252] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_EXCHANGE_LOOKUP_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND"] = 2253] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"] = 2254] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_REFUND_REFUSED_PAYMENT_COMPLETE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_HASH_MISSMATCH"] = 2255] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_CONTRACT_HASH_MISSMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_COINS_ARRAY_EMPTY"] = 2256] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_ABORT_COINS_ARRAY_EMPTY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_NOT_FOUND"] = 2300] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_ALREADY_CLAIMED"] = 2301] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_CLIENT_INTERNAL_FAILURE"] = 2302] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_CLAIM_CLIENT_INTERNAL_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_SIGNATURE_FAILED"] = 2350] = "MERCHANT_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_SIGNATURE_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_UNBLIND_FAILURE"] = 2400] = "MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_UNBLIND_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_EXCHANGE_ERROR"] = 2403] = "MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_EXCHANGE_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_SUMMATION_FAILED"] = 2404] = "MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_SUMMATION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_HAS_EXPIRED"] = 2405] = "MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_HAS_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_REWARD_REMAINING"] = 2406] = "MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_AMOUNT_EXCEEDS_REWARD_REMAINING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_DENOMINATION_UNKNOWN"] = 2407] = "MERCHANT_REWARD_PICKUP_DENOMINATION_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_LACKS_WIRE"] = 2500] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_INSTANCE_CONFIGURATION_LACKS_WIRE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_LOCALTIME"] = 2501] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_LOCALTIME"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PROPOSAL_PARSE_ERROR"] = 2502] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PROPOSAL_PARSE_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ALREADY_EXISTS"] = 2503] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ALREADY_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"] = 2504] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_AFTER_WIRE_DEADLINE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_DELIVERY_DATE_IN_PAST"] = 2505] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_DELIVERY_DATE_IN_PAST"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"] = 2506] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_WIRE_DEADLINE_IS_NEVER"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PAY_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"] = 2507] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_PAY_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"] = 2508] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_REFUND_DEADLINE_IN_PAST"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_EXCHANGES_FOR_WIRE_METHOD"] = 2509] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_NO_EXCHANGES_FOR_WIRE_METHOD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_SYNTAX_INCORRECT"] = 2510] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_SYNTAX_INCORRECT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_NOT_FORGETTABLE"] = 2511] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_ORDERS_ID_FORGET_PATH_NOT_FORGETTABLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_AWAITING_PAYMENT"] = 2520] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_AWAITING_PAYMENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_ALREADY_PAID"] = 2521] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_ORDERS_ALREADY_PAID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"] = 2530] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_INCONSISTENT_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_ORDER_UNPAID"] = 2531] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_ORDER_UNPAID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_CONTRACT"] = 2532] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_ORDERS_ID_REFUND_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_CONTRACT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_EXCHANGE_UNKNOWN"] = 2550] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_EXCHANGE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_REQUEST_ERROR"] = 2551] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_REQUEST_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"] = 2552] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_REPORTS"] = 2553] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_REPORTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_BAD_WIRE_FEE"] = 2554] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_BAD_WIRE_FEE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND"] = 2555] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_TRANSFERS_ALREADY_CONFIRMED"] = 2556] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_TRANSFERS_ALREADY_CONFIRMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_SUBMISSION"] = 2557] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_SUBMISSION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_KEYS"] = 2258] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_KEYS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_LIST"] = 2259] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_AWAITING_LIST"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NO_EXCHANGE"] = 2260] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NO_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NOT_FOUND"] = 2261] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_FATAL_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_RATE_LIMITED"] = 2262] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_RATE_LIMITED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_TRANSIENT_FAILURE"] = 2263] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_TRANSIENT_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_HARD_FAILURE"] = 2264] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_HARD_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"] = 2563] = "MERCHANT_EXCHANGE_TRANSFERS_CONFLICTING_TRANSFERS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_ALREADY_EXISTS"] = 2600] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_ALREADY_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_BAD_AUTH"] = 2601] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_BAD_AUTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCE_AUTH_BAD_AUTH"] = 2602] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCE_AUTH_BAD_AUTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"] = 2603] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"] = 2625] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_INSTANCES_PURGE_REQUIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_DELETE_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"] = 2626] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_DELETE_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_EXISTS"] = 2627] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_ACCOUNT_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_CONFLICT_PRODUCT_EXISTS"] = 2650] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_CONFLICT_PRODUCT_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_REDUCED"] = 2660] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_REDUCED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_EXCEEDS_STOCKS"] = 2661] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_LOST_EXCEEDS_STOCKS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_STOCKED_REDUCED"] = 2662] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_STOCKED_REDUCED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_SOLD_REDUCED"] = 2663] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_PATCH_PRODUCTS_TOTAL_SOLD_REDUCED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_LOCK_INSUFFICIENT_STOCKS"] = 2670] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PRODUCTS_LOCK_INSUFFICIENT_STOCKS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_PRODUCTS_CONFLICTING_LOCK"] = 2680] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_PRODUCTS_CONFLICTING_LOCK"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_UNSUPPORTED_WIRE_METHOD"] = 2700] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_UNSUPPORTED_WIRE_METHOD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_REWARDS_NOT_ALLOWED"] = 2701] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_RESERVES_REWARDS_NOT_ALLOWED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_RESERVES_NO_SUCH_RESERVE"] = 2710] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_DELETE_RESERVES_NO_SUCH_RESERVE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_EXPIRED"] = 2750] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"] = 2751] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"] = 2752] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_NOT_FOUND"] = 2753] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_REWARD_AUTHORIZE_RESERVE_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_GET_ORDERS_ID_AMOUNT_ARITHMETIC_FAILURE"] = 2800] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_GET_ORDERS_ID_AMOUNT_ARITHMETIC_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TEMPLATES_CONFLICT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS"] = 2850] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_TEMPLATES_CONFLICT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_OTP_DEVICES_CONFLICT_OTP_DEVICE_EXISTS"] = 2851] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_OTP_DEVICES_CONFLICT_OTP_DEVICE_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_AMOUNT_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_AMOUNT"] = 2860] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_AMOUNT_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_SUMMARY_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_SUBJECT"] = 2861] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_SUMMARY_CONFLICT_TEMPLATES_CONTRACT_SUBJECT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_AMOUNT"] = 2862] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_SUMMARY"] = 2863] = "MERCHANT_POST_USING_TEMPLATES_NO_SUMMARY"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"] = 2900] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PENDING_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_PENDING_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"] = 2910] = "MERCHANT_PRIVATE_POST_PENDING_WEBHOOKS_CONFLICT_PENDING_WEBHOOK_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["AUDITOR_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 3100] = "AUDITOR_DEPOSIT_CONFIRMATION_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["AUDITOR_EXCHANGE_SIGNING_KEY_REVOKED"] = 3101] = "AUDITOR_EXCHANGE_SIGNING_KEY_REVOKED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_SAME_ACCOUNT"] = 5101] = "BANK_SAME_ACCOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT"] = 5102] = "BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NEGATIVE_NUMBER_AMOUNT"] = 5103] = "BANK_NEGATIVE_NUMBER_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NUMBER_TOO_BIG"] = 5104] = "BANK_NUMBER_TOO_BIG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"] = 5106] = "BANK_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND"] = 5107] = "BANK_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_BAD_FORMAT_AMOUNT"] = 5108] = "BANK_BAD_FORMAT_AMOUNT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_REJECT_NO_RIGHTS"] = 5109] = "BANK_REJECT_NO_RIGHTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION"] = 5110] = "BANK_UNMANAGED_EXCEPTION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_SOFT_EXCEPTION"] = 5111] = "BANK_SOFT_EXCEPTION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UID_REUSED"] = 5112] = "BANK_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UID_REUSED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_RESERVE_SELECTION_CONFLICT"] = 5113] = "BANK_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_RESERVE_SELECTION_CONFLICT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_DUPLICATE_RESERVE_PUB_SUBJECT"] = 5114] = "BANK_DUPLICATE_RESERVE_PUB_SUBJECT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ANCIENT_TRANSACTION_GONE"] = 5115] = "BANK_ANCIENT_TRANSACTION_GONE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ABORT_CONFIRM_CONFLICT"] = 5116] = "BANK_ABORT_CONFIRM_CONFLICT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT"] = 5117] = "BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_REGISTER_CONFLICT"] = 5118] = "BANK_REGISTER_CONFLICT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_POST_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_REQUIRED"] = 5119] = "BANK_POST_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_REQUIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT"] = 5120] = "BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_REGISTER_USERNAME_REUSE"] = 5121] = "BANK_REGISTER_USERNAME_REUSE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_REGISTER_PAYTO_URI_REUSE"] = 5122] = "BANK_REGISTER_PAYTO_URI_REUSE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_NOT_ZERO"] = 5123] = "BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_NOT_ZERO"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNKNOWN_CREDITOR"] = 5124] = "BANK_UNKNOWN_CREDITOR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_UNKNOWN_DEBTOR"] = 5125] = "BANK_UNKNOWN_DEBTOR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ACCOUNT_IS_EXCHANGE"] = 5126] = "BANK_ACCOUNT_IS_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_EXCHANGE"] = 5127] = "BANK_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_BAD_CONVERSION"] = 5128] = "BANK_BAD_CONVERSION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO"] = 5129] = "BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE"] = 5130] = "BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TAN_RATE_LIMITED"] = 5131] = "BANK_TAN_RATE_LIMITED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 5132] = "BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_SCRIPT_FAILED"] = 5133] = "BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_SCRIPT_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_FAILED"] = 5134] = "BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_LEGAL_NAME"] = 5135] = "BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_LEGAL_NAME"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT"] = 5136] = "BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_MISSING_OLD_PASSWORD"] = 5137] = "BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_MISSING_OLD_PASSWORD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_PATCH_BAD_OLD_PASSWORD"] = 5138] = "BANK_PATCH_BAD_OLD_PASSWORD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_PATCH_ADMIN_EXCHANGE"] = 5139] = "BANK_PATCH_ADMIN_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CASHOUT"] = 5140] = "BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CASHOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CONTACT"] = 5141] = "BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CONTACT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_ADMIN_CREDITOR"] = 5142] = "BANK_ADMIN_CREDITOR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_CHALLENGE_NOT_FOUND"] = 5143] = "BANK_CHALLENGE_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_EXPIRED"] = 5144] = "BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_EXPIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["BANK_NON_ADMIN_SET_TAN_CHANNEL"] = 5145] = "BANK_NON_ADMIN_SET_TAN_CHANNEL"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN"] = 6100] = "SYNC_ACCOUNT_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = 6101] = "SYNC_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_BAD_IF_MATCH"] = 6102] = "SYNC_BAD_IF_MATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_BAD_SYNC_SIGNATURE"] = 6103] = "SYNC_BAD_SYNC_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_INVALID_SIGNATURE"] = 6104] = "SYNC_INVALID_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6105] = "SYNC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_EXCESSIVE_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6106] = "SYNC_EXCESSIVE_CONTENT_LENGTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6107] = "SYNC_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_INVALID_UPLOAD"] = 6108] = "SYNC_INVALID_UPLOAD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 6109] = "SYNC_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 6110] = "SYNC_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_UNKNOWN"] = 6111] = "SYNC_PREVIOUS_BACKUP_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 6112] = "SYNC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 6113] = "SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"] = 6114] = "SYNC_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"] = 7e3] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION"] = 7001] = "WALLET_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE"] = 7002] = "WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR"] = 7003] = "WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED"] = 7004] = "WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"] = 7005] = "WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_DENOMINATIONS_INSUFFICIENT"] = 7006] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_DENOMINATIONS_INSUFFICIENT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CORE_API_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"] = 7007] = "WALLET_CORE_API_OPERATION_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_INVALID_TALER_PAY_URI"] = 7008] = "WALLET_INVALID_TALER_PAY_URI"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 7009] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_UNKNOWN_AT_EXCHANGE"] = 7010] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_WITHDRAW_RESERVE_UNKNOWN_AT_EXCHANGE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CORE_NOT_AVAILABLE"] = 7011] = "WALLET_CORE_NOT_AVAILABLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_ABORTED_BY_BANK"] = 7012] = "WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_ABORTED_BY_BANK"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 7013] = "WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_CLAIMED"] = 7014] = "WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_CLAIMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"] = 7015] = "WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_REWARD_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 7016] = "WALLET_REWARD_COIN_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_BANK_INTEGRATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"] = 7017] = "WALLET_BANK_INTEGRATION_PROTOCOL_VERSION_INCOMPATIBLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"] = 7018] = "WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"] = 7019] = "WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_SIGNATURE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_MALFORMED"] = 7020] = "WALLET_CONTRACT_TERMS_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PENDING_OPERATION_FAILED"] = 7021] = "WALLET_PENDING_OPERATION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PAY_MERCHANT_SERVER_ERROR"] = 7022] = "WALLET_PAY_MERCHANT_SERVER_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_ERROR"] = 7023] = "WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_BAD_REQUEST"] = 7024] = "WALLET_CRYPTO_WORKER_BAD_REQUEST"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_KYC_REQUIRED"] = 7025] = "WALLET_WITHDRAWAL_KYC_REQUIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_DEPOSIT_GROUP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 7026] = "WALLET_DEPOSIT_GROUP_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PEER_PUSH_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 7027] = "WALLET_PEER_PUSH_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_PEER_PULL_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"] = 7028] = "WALLET_PEER_PULL_PAYMENT_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_REFRESH_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"] = 7029] = "WALLET_REFRESH_GROUP_INCOMPLETE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"] = 7030] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_BASE_URL_MISMATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_PAID"] = 7031] = "WALLET_ORDER_ALREADY_PAID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_UNAVAILABLE"] = 7032] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_UNAVAILABLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_EXCHANGE_ENTRY_USED"] = 7033] = "WALLET_EXCHANGE_ENTRY_USED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["WALLET_DB_UNAVAILABLE"] = 7034] = "WALLET_DB_UNAVAILABLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"] = 8e3] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_INVALID_PAYMENT_REQUEST"] = 8001] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_INVALID_PAYMENT_REQUEST"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 8002] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_BACKEND_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 8003] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MISSING_CONTENT_LENGTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 8004] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_MALFORMED_CONTENT_LENGTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_ORDER_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 8005] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_ORDER_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 8006] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_UNAUTHORIZED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_START_FAILED"] = 8007] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PAYMENT_CHECK_START_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNREACHABLE"] = 8008] = "ANASTASIS_GENERIC_PROVIDER_UNREACHABLE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"] = 8009] = "ANASTASIS_PAYMENT_GENERIC_TIMEOUT"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNKNOWN"] = 8108] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED"] = 8109] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_METHOD_NO_LONGER_SUPPORTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_REQUIRED"] = 8110] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_REQUIRED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_FAILED"] = 8111] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_UNKNOWN"] = 8112] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_START_FAILED"] = 8114] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_AUTHORIZATION_START_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_KEY_SHARE_GONE"] = 8115] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_KEY_SHARE_GONE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_ORDER_DISAPPEARED"] = 8116] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_ORDER_DISAPPEARED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_BACKEND_EXCHANGE_BAD"] = 8117] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_BACKEND_EXCHANGE_BAD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNEXPECTED_PAYMENT_STATUS"] = 8118] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UNEXPECTED_PAYMENT_STATUS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"] = 8119] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_PAYMENT_CREATE_BACKEND_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_DECRYPTION_FAILED"] = 8120] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_DECRYPTION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_RATE_LIMITED"] = 8121] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_RATE_LIMITED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_WRONG_METHOD"] = 8123] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_CHALLENGE_WRONG_METHOD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_UUID_EXISTS"] = 8150] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_UUID_EXISTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 8151] = "ANASTASIS_TRUTH_UPLOAD_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_SMS_PHONE_INVALID"] = 8200] = "ANASTASIS_SMS_PHONE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 8201] = "ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"] = 8202] = "ANASTASIS_SMS_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_EMAIL_INVALID"] = 8210] = "ANASTASIS_EMAIL_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 8211] = "ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"] = 8212] = "ANASTASIS_EMAIL_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POST_INVALID"] = 8220] = "ANASTASIS_POST_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 8221] = "ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"] = 8222] = "ANASTASIS_POST_HELPER_COMMAND_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_IBAN_INVALID"] = 8230] = "ANASTASIS_IBAN_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_IBAN_MISSING_TRANSFER"] = 8231] = "ANASTASIS_IBAN_MISSING_TRANSFER"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_MISSING"] = 8240] = "ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"] = 8241] = "ANASTASIS_TOTP_KEY_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"] = 8301] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_NONE_MATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 8304] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ON_CONTENT_LENGTH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_SIGNATURE"] = 8305] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_SIGNATURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_MATCH"] = 8306] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_BAD_IF_MATCH"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_INVALID_UPLOAD"] = 8307] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_INVALID_UPLOAD"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_NOT_FOUND"] = 8350] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_NOT_FOUND"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID"] = 8400] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_ACTION_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_STATE_INVALID"] = 8401] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_STATE_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID"] = 8402] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 8403] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID_FOR_STATE"] = 8404] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_INVALID_FOR_STATE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKEND_FAILURE"] = 8405] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKEND_FAILURE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MALFORMED"] = 8406] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MISSING"] = 8407] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_RESOURCE_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_REGEX_FAILED"] = 8408] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_REGEX_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILED"] = 8409] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INPUT_VALIDATION_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_LOOKUP_FAILED"] = 8410] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_LOOKUP_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKUP_PROVIDER_FAILED"] = 8411] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_BACKUP_PROVIDER_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_CONFIG_FAILED"] = 8412] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_CONFIG_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_MALFORMED"] = 8413] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_POLICY_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED"] = 8414] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_NETWORK_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_MALFORMED"] = 8415] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_MALFORMED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_CHALLENGE_DATA_TOO_BIG"] = 8416] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_CHALLENGE_DATA_TOO_BIG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_TOO_BIG"] = 8417] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_SECRET_TOO_BIG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_INVALID_CONFIG"] = 8418] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDER_INVALID_CONFIG"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INTERNAL_ERROR"] = 8419] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_INTERNAL_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDERS_ALREADY_SYNCED"] = 8420] = "ANASTASIS_REDUCER_PROVIDERS_ALREADY_SYNCED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["DONAU_GENERIC_KEYS_MISSING"] = 8607] = "DONAU_GENERIC_KEYS_MISSING"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_GENERIC_ERROR"] = 9e3] = "LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_GENERIC_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"] = 9001] = "LIBEUFIN_NEXUS_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_GENERIC_ERROR"] = 9500] = "LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_GENERIC_ERROR"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"] = 9501] = "LIBEUFIN_SANDBOX_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["TALDIR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"] = 9600] = "TALDIR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["TALDIR_REGISTER_RATE_LIMITED"] = 9601] = "TALDIR_REGISTER_RATE_LIMITED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_UNKNOWN"] = 9750] = "CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_REDIRECT_URI"] = 9751] = "CHALLENGER_GENERIC_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_REDIRECT_URI"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"] = 9752] = "CHALLENGER_HELPER_EXEC_FAILED"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GRANT_UNKNOWN"] = 9753] = "CHALLENGER_GRANT_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_CODE"] = 9754] = "CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_BAD_CODE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_GENERIC_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN"] = 9755] = "CHALLENGER_GENERIC_VALIDATION_UNKNOWN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_CODE"] = 9756] = "CHALLENGER_CLIENT_FORBIDDEN_INVALID_CODE"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS"] = 9757] = "CHALLENGER_TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_INVALID_PIN"] = 9758] = "CHALLENGER_INVALID_PIN"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["CHALLENGER_MISSING_ADDRESS"] = 9759] = "CHALLENGER_MISSING_ADDRESS"; + TalerErrorCode2[TalerErrorCode2["END"] = 9999] = "END"; +})(TalerErrorCode || (TalerErrorCode = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/CancellationToken.js +var NOOP = () => { +}; +var CancellationToken = class _CancellationToken { + /** + * Whether the token has been cancelled. + */ + get isCancelled() { + return this._isCancelled; + } + /** + * Whether the token can be cancelled. + */ + get canBeCancelled() { + return this._canBeCancelled; + } + /** + * Why this token has been cancelled. + */ + get reason() { + if (this.isCancelled) { + return this._reason; + } else { + throw new Error("This token is not cancelled."); + } + } + /** + * Make a promise that resolves when the async operation resolves, + * or rejects when the operation is rejected or this token is cancelled. + */ + racePromise(asyncOperation) { + if (!this.canBeCancelled) { + return asyncOperation; + } + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const unregister = this.onCancelled((reason) => reject(new _CancellationToken.CancellationError(reason))); + asyncOperation.then((value) => { + resolve(value); + unregister(); + }, (err) => { + reject(err); + unregister(); + }); + }); + } + /** + * Throw a {CancellationToken.CancellationError} if this token is cancelled. + */ + throwIfCancelled() { + if (this._isCancelled) { + throw new _CancellationToken.CancellationError(this._reason); + } + } + /** + * Invoke the callback when this token is cancelled. + * If this token is already cancelled, the callback is invoked immediately. + * Returns a function that unregisters the cancellation callback. + */ + onCancelled(cb) { + if (!this.canBeCancelled) { + return NOOP; + } + if (this.isCancelled) { + cb(this.reason); + return NOOP; + } + this._callbacks?.add(cb); + return () => this._callbacks?.delete(cb); + } + constructor(_isCancelled, _canBeCancelled) { + this._isCancelled = _isCancelled; + this._canBeCancelled = _canBeCancelled; + this._callbacks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); + } + /** + * Create a {CancellationTokenSource}. + */ + static create() { + const token = new _CancellationToken(false, true); + const cancel = (reason) => { + if (token._isCancelled) + return; + token._isCancelled = true; + token._reason = reason; + token._callbacks?.forEach((cb) => cb(reason)); + dispose(); + }; + const dispose = () => { + token._canBeCancelled = token.isCancelled; + delete token._callbacks; + }; + return { token, cancel, dispose }; + } + /** + * Create a {CancellationTokenSource}. + * The token will be cancelled automatically after the specified timeout in milliseconds. + */ + static timeout(ms) { + const { token, cancel: originalCancel, dispose: originalDispose } = _CancellationToken.create(); + let timer2; + timer2 = setTimeout(() => originalCancel(_CancellationToken.timeout), ms); + const disposeTimer = () => { + if (timer2 == null) + return; + clearTimeout(timer2); + timer2 = null; + }; + const cancel = (reason) => { + disposeTimer(); + originalCancel(reason); + }; + const dispose = () => { + disposeTimer(); + originalDispose(); + }; + return { token, cancel, dispose }; + } + /** + * Create a {CancellationToken} that is cancelled when all of the given tokens are cancelled. + * + * This is like {Promise.all} for {CancellationToken}s. + */ + static all(...tokens) { + if (tokens.some((token) => !token.canBeCancelled)) { + return _CancellationToken.CONTINUE; + } + const combined = _CancellationToken.create(); + let countdown = tokens.length; + const handleNextTokenCancelled = () => { + if (--countdown === 0) { + const reasons = => token._reason); + combined.cancel(reasons); + } + }; + tokens.forEach((token) => token.onCancelled(handleNextTokenCancelled)); + return combined.token; + } + /** + * Create a {CancellationToken} that is cancelled when at least one of the given tokens is cancelled. + * + * This is like {Promise.race} for {CancellationToken}s. + */ + static race(...tokens) { + for (const token of tokens) { + if (token._isCancelled) { + return token; + } + } + const combined = _CancellationToken.create(); + let unregistrations; + const handleAnyTokenCancelled = (reason) => { + unregistrations.forEach((unregister) => unregister()); + combined.cancel(reason); + }; + unregistrations = => token.onCancelled(handleAnyTokenCancelled)); + return combined.token; + } +}; +CancellationToken.CANCELLED = new CancellationToken(true, true); +CancellationToken.CONTINUE = new CancellationToken(false, false); +(function(CancellationToken2) { + class CancellationError extends Error { + constructor(reason) { + super("Operation cancelled"); + this.reason = reason; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CancellationError.prototype); + } + } + CancellationToken2.CancellationError = CancellationError; +})(CancellationToken || (CancellationToken = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/amounts.js +var amountFractionalBase = 1e8; +var amountFractionalLength = 8; +var amountMaxValue = 2 ** 52; +var FRAC_SEPARATOR = "."; +function codecForAmountString() { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (typeof x6 !== "string") { + throw new DecodingError(`expected string at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + if (Amounts.parse(x6) === void 0) { + throw new DecodingError(`invalid amount at ${renderContext(c4)} got "${x6}"`); + } + return x6; + } + }; +} +var Amounts = class _Amounts { + constructor() { + throw Error("not instantiable"); + } + static currencyOf(amount) { + const amt = _Amounts.parseOrThrow(amount); + return amt.currency; + } + static zeroOfAmount(amount) { + const amt = _Amounts.parseOrThrow(amount); + return { + currency: amt.currency, + fraction: 0, + value: 0 + }; + } + /** + * Get an amount that represents zero units of a currency. + */ + static zeroOfCurrency(currency) { + return { + currency, + fraction: 0, + value: 0 + }; + } + static jsonifyAmount(amt) { + if (typeof amt === "string") { + return _Amounts.parseOrThrow(amt); + } + return amt; + } + static divmod(a1, a22) { + const am1 = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a1); + const am2 = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a22); + if (am1.currency != am2.currency) { + throw Error(`incompatible currency (${am1.currency} vs${am2.currency})`); + } + const x1 = BigInt(am1.value) * BigInt(amountFractionalBase) + BigInt(am1.fraction); + const x22 = BigInt(am2.value) * BigInt(amountFractionalBase) + BigInt(am2.fraction); + const quotient = x1 / x22; + const remainderScaled = x1 % x22; + return { + quotient: Number(quotient), + remainder: { + currency: am1.currency, + value: Number(remainderScaled / BigInt(amountFractionalBase)), + fraction: Number(remainderScaled % BigInt(amountFractionalBase)) + } + }; + } + static sum(amounts) { + if (amounts.length <= 0) { + throw Error("can't sum zero amounts"); + } + const jsonAmounts = => _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(x6)); + return _Amounts.add(jsonAmounts[0], ...jsonAmounts.slice(1)); + } + static sumOrZero(currency, amounts) { + if (amounts.length <= 0) { + return { + amount: _Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(currency), + saturated: false + }; + } + const jsonAmounts = => _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(x6)); + return _Amounts.add(jsonAmounts[0], ...jsonAmounts.slice(1)); + } + /** + * Add two amounts. Return the result and whether + * the addition overflowed. The overflow is always handled + * by saturating and never by wrapping. + * + * Throws when currencies don't match. + */ + static add(first, { + const firstJ = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(first); + const currency = firstJ.currency; + let value = firstJ.value + Math.floor(firstJ.fraction / amountFractionalBase); + if (value > amountMaxValue) { + return { + amount: { + currency, + value: amountMaxValue, + fraction: amountFractionalBase - 1 + }, + saturated: true + }; + } + let fraction = firstJ.fraction % amountFractionalBase; + for (const x6 of rest) { + const xJ = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(x6); + if (xJ.currency.toUpperCase() !== currency.toUpperCase()) { + throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${xJ.currency} and ${currency}`); + } + value = value + xJ.value + Math.floor((fraction + xJ.fraction) / amountFractionalBase); + fraction = Math.floor((fraction + xJ.fraction) % amountFractionalBase); + if (value > amountMaxValue) { + return { + amount: { + currency, + value: amountMaxValue, + fraction: amountFractionalBase - 1 + }, + saturated: true + }; + } + } + return { amount: { currency, value, fraction }, saturated: false }; + } + /** + * Subtract two amounts. Return the result and whether + * the subtraction overflowed. The overflow is always handled + * by saturating and never by wrapping. + * + * Throws when currencies don't match. + */ + static sub(a5, { + const aJ = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + const currency = aJ.currency; + let value = aJ.value; + let fraction = aJ.fraction; + for (const b4 of rest) { + const bJ = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); + if (bJ.currency.toUpperCase() !== aJ.currency.toUpperCase()) { + throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${bJ.currency} and ${currency}`); + } + if (fraction < bJ.fraction) { + if (value < 1) { + return { + amount: { currency, value: 0, fraction: 0 }, + saturated: true + }; + } + value--; + fraction += amountFractionalBase; + } + console.assert(fraction >= bJ.fraction); + fraction -= bJ.fraction; + if (value < bJ.value) { + return { amount: { currency, value: 0, fraction: 0 }, saturated: true }; + } + value -= bJ.value; + } + return { amount: { currency, value, fraction }, saturated: false }; + } + /** + * Compare two amounts. Returns 0 when equal, -1 when a < b + * and +1 when a > b. Throws when currencies don't match. + */ + static cmp(a5, b4) { + a5 = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + b4 = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); + if (a5.currency !== b4.currency) { + throw Error(`Mismatched currency: ${a5.currency} and ${b4.currency}`); + } + const av = a5.value + Math.floor(a5.fraction / amountFractionalBase); + const af = a5.fraction % amountFractionalBase; + const bv = b4.value + Math.floor(b4.fraction / amountFractionalBase); + const bf = b4.fraction % amountFractionalBase; + switch (true) { + case av < bv: + return -1; + case av > bv: + return 1; + case af < bf: + return -1; + case af > bf: + return 1; + case af === bf: + return 0; + default: + throw Error("assertion failed"); + } + } + /** + * Create a copy of an amount. + */ + static copy(a5) { + return { + currency: a5.currency, + fraction: a5.fraction, + value: a5.value + }; + } + /** + * Divide an amount. Throws on division by zero. + */ + static divide(a5, n2) { + if (n2 === 0) { + throw Error(`Division by 0`); + } + if (n2 === 1) { + return { value: a5.value, fraction: a5.fraction, currency: a5.currency }; + } + const r3 = a5.value % n2; + return { + currency: a5.currency, + fraction: Math.floor((r3 * amountFractionalBase + a5.fraction) / n2), + value: Math.floor(a5.value / n2) + }; + } + /** + * Check if an amount is non-zero. + */ + static isNonZero(a5) { + a5 = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + return a5.value > 0 || a5.fraction > 0; + } + static isZero(a5) { + a5 = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + return a5.value === 0 && a5.fraction === 0; + } + /** + * Check whether a string is a valid currency for a Taler amount. + */ + static isCurrency(s5) { + return /^[a-zA-Z]{1,11}$/.test(s5); + } + /** + * Parse an amount like 'EUR:20.5' for 20 Euros and 50 ct. + * + * Currency name size limit is 11 of ASCII letters + * Fraction size limit is 8 + */ + static parse(s5) { + const res = s5.match(/^([a-zA-Z]{1,11}):([0-9]+)([.][0-9]{1,8})?$/); + if (!res) { + return void 0; + } + const tail = res[3] || FRAC_SEPARATOR + "0"; + if (tail.length > amountFractionalLength + 1) { + return void 0; + } + const value = Number.parseInt(res[2]); + if (value > amountMaxValue) { + return void 0; + } + return { + currency: res[1].toUpperCase(), + fraction: Math.round(amountFractionalBase * Number.parseFloat(tail)), + value + }; + } + /** + * Parse amount in standard string form (like 'EUR:20.5'), + * throw if the input is not a valid amount. + */ + static parseOrThrow(s5) { + if (typeof s5 === "object") { + if (typeof s5.currency !== "string") { + throw Error("invalid amount object"); + } + if (typeof s5.value !== "number") { + throw Error("invalid amount object"); + } + if (typeof s5.fraction !== "number") { + throw Error("invalid amount object"); + } + return { currency: s5.currency, value: s5.value, fraction: s5.fraction }; + } else if (typeof s5 === "string") { + const res = _Amounts.parse(s5); + if (!res) { + throw Error(`Can't parse amount: "${s5}"`); + } + return res; + } else { + throw Error("invalid amount (illegal type)"); + } + } + static min(a5, b4) { + const cr = _Amounts.cmp(a5, b4); + if (cr >= 0) { + return _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); + } else { + return _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + } + } + static max(a5, b4) { + const cr = _Amounts.cmp(a5, b4); + if (cr >= 0) { + return _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + } else { + return _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(b4); + } + } + static mult(a5, n2) { + a5 = this.jsonifyAmount(a5); + if (!Number.isInteger(n2)) { + throw Error("amount can only be multiplied by an integer"); + } + if (n2 < 0) { + throw Error("amount can only be multiplied by a positive integer"); + } + if (n2 == 0) { + return { + amount: _Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(a5.currency), + saturated: false + }; + } + let x6 = a5; + let acc = _Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(a5.currency); + while (n2 > 1) { + if (n2 % 2 == 0) { + n2 = n2 / 2; + } else { + n2 = (n2 - 1) / 2; + const r23 = _Amounts.add(acc, x6); + if (r23.saturated) { + return r23; + } + acc = r23.amount; + } + const r22 = _Amounts.add(x6, x6); + if (r22.saturated) { + return r22; + } + x6 = r22.amount; + } + return _Amounts.add(acc, x6); + } + /** + * Check if the argument is a valid amount in string form. + */ + static check(a5) { + if (typeof a5 !== "string") { + return false; + } + try { + const parsedAmount = _Amounts.parse(a5); + return !!parsedAmount; + } catch { + return false; + } + } + /** + * Convert to standard human-readable string representation that's + * also used in JSON formats. + */ + static stringify(a5) { + a5 = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + const s5 = this.stringifyValue(a5); + return `${a5.currency}:${s5}`; + } + static amountHasSameCurrency(a1, a22) { + const x1 = this.jsonifyAmount(a1); + const x22 = this.jsonifyAmount(a22); + return x1.currency.toUpperCase() === x22.currency.toUpperCase(); + } + static isSameCurrency(curr1, curr2) { + return curr1.toLowerCase() === curr2.toLowerCase(); + } + static stringifyValue(a5, minFractional = 0) { + const aJ = _Amounts.jsonifyAmount(a5); + const av = aJ.value + Math.floor(aJ.fraction / amountFractionalBase); + const af = aJ.fraction % amountFractionalBase; + let s5 = av.toString(); + if (af || minFractional) { + s5 = s5 + FRAC_SEPARATOR; + let n2 = af; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < amountFractionalLength; i4++) { + if (!n2 && i4 >= minFractional) { + break; + } + s5 = s5 + Math.floor(n2 / amountFractionalBase * 10).toString(); + n2 = n2 * 10 % amountFractionalBase; + } + } + return s5; + } + /** + * Number of fractional digits needed to fully represent the amount + * @param a amount + * @returns + */ + static maxFractionalDigits(a5) { + if (a5.fraction === 0) + return 0; + if (a5.fraction < 0) { + console.error("amount fraction can not be negative", a5); + return 0; + } + let i4 = 0; + let check = true; + let rest = a5.fraction; + while (rest > 0 && check) { + check = rest % 10 === 0; + rest = rest / 10; + i4++; + } + return amountFractionalLength - i4 + 1; + } + static stringifyValueWithSpec(value, spec) { + const strValue = _Amounts.stringifyValue(value); + const pos = strValue.indexOf(FRAC_SEPARATOR); + const originalPosition = pos < 0 ? strValue.length : pos; + let currency = value.currency; + const names2 = Object.keys(spec.alt_unit_names); + let FRAC_POS_NEW_POSITION = originalPosition; + if (names2.length > 0) { + let unitIndex = "0"; + names2.forEach((index) => { + const i4 = Number.parseInt(index, 10); + if (Number.isNaN(i4)) + return; + if (originalPosition - i4 <= 0) + return; + if (originalPosition - i4 < FRAC_POS_NEW_POSITION) { + FRAC_POS_NEW_POSITION = originalPosition - i4; + unitIndex = index; + } + }); + currency = spec.alt_unit_names[unitIndex]; + } + if (originalPosition === FRAC_POS_NEW_POSITION) { + const { normal: normal2, small: small2 } = splitNormalAndSmall(strValue, originalPosition, spec); + return { currency, normal: normal2, small: small2 }; + } + const intPart = strValue.substring(0, originalPosition); + const fracPArt = strValue.substring(originalPosition + 1); + const newValue = intPart.substring(0, FRAC_POS_NEW_POSITION) + FRAC_SEPARATOR + intPart.substring(FRAC_POS_NEW_POSITION) + fracPArt; + const { normal, small } = splitNormalAndSmall(newValue, FRAC_POS_NEW_POSITION, spec); + return { currency, normal, small }; + } +}; +function splitNormalAndSmall(decimal, fracSeparatorIndex, spec) { + let normal; + let small; + if (decimal.length - fracSeparatorIndex - 1 > spec.num_fractional_normal_digits) { + const limit = fracSeparatorIndex + spec.num_fractional_normal_digits + 1; + normal = decimal.substring(0, limit); + small = decimal.substring(limit); + } else { + normal = decimal; + small = void 0; + } + return { normal, small }; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/punycode.js +var maxInt = 2147483647; +var base = 36; +var tMin = 1; +var tMax = 26; +var skew = 38; +var damp = 700; +var initialBias = 72; +var initialN = 128; +var delimiter = "-"; +var regexPunycode = /^xn--/; +var regexNonASCII = /[^\0-\x7E]/; +var regexSeparators = /[\x2E\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g; +var errors = { + overflow: "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process", + "not-basic": "Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)", + "invalid-input": "Invalid input" +}; +var baseMinusTMin = base - tMin; +var floor = Math.floor; +var stringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode; +function error(type) { + throw new RangeError(errors[type]); +} +function map(array, fn2) { + const result = []; + let length = array.length; + while (length--) { + result[length] = fn2(array[length]); + } + return result; +} +function mapDomain(string, fn2) { + const parts = string.split("@"); + let result = ""; + if (parts.length > 1) { + result = parts[0] + "@"; + string = parts[1]; + } + string = string.replace(regexSeparators, "."); + const labels = string.split("."); + const encoded = map(labels, fn2).join("."); + return result + encoded; +} +function ucs2decode(string) { + const output = []; + let counter2 = 0; + const length = string.length; + while (counter2 < length) { + const value = string.charCodeAt(counter2++); + if (value >= 55296 && value <= 56319 && counter2 < length) { + const extra = string.charCodeAt(counter2++); + if ((extra & 64512) == 56320) { + output.push(((value & 1023) << 10) + (extra & 1023) + 65536); + } else { + output.push(value); + counter2--; + } + } else { + output.push(value); + } + } + return output; +} +var ucs2encode = (array) => String.fromCodePoint(...array); +var basicToDigit = function(codePoint) { + if (codePoint - 48 < 10) { + return codePoint - 22; + } + if (codePoint - 65 < 26) { + return codePoint - 65; + } + if (codePoint - 97 < 26) { + return codePoint - 97; + } + return base; +}; +var digitToBasic = function(digit, flag) { + return digit + 22 + 75 * Number(digit < 26) - (Number(flag != 0) << 5); +}; +var adapt = function(delta, numPoints, firstTime) { + let k5 = 0; + delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1; + delta += floor(delta / numPoints); + for ( + ; + /* no initialization */ + delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; + k5 += base + ) { + delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin); + } + return floor(k5 + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew)); +}; +var decode = function(input) { + const output = []; + const inputLength = input.length; + let i4 = 0; + let n2 = initialN; + let bias = initialBias; + let basic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter); + if (basic < 0) { + basic = 0; + } + for (let j4 = 0; j4 < basic; ++j4) { + if (input.charCodeAt(j4) >= 128) { + error("not-basic"); + } + output.push(input.charCodeAt(j4)); + } + for (let index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; ) { + let oldi = i4; + for (let w5 = 1, k5 = base; ; k5 += base) { + if (index >= inputLength) { + error("invalid-input"); + } + const digit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++)); + if (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i4) / w5)) { + error("overflow"); + } + i4 += digit * w5; + const t4 = k5 <= bias ? tMin : k5 >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k5 - bias; + if (digit < t4) { + break; + } + const baseMinusT = base - t4; + if (w5 > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) { + error("overflow"); + } + w5 *= baseMinusT; + } + const out = output.length + 1; + bias = adapt(i4 - oldi, out, oldi == 0); + if (floor(i4 / out) > maxInt - n2) { + error("overflow"); + } + n2 += floor(i4 / out); + i4 %= out; + output.splice(i4++, 0, n2); + } + return String.fromCodePoint(...output); +}; +var encode = function(inputArg) { + const output = []; + let input = ucs2decode(inputArg); + let inputLength = input.length; + let n2 = initialN; + let delta = 0; + let bias = initialBias; + for (const currentValue of input) { + if (currentValue < 128) { + output.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue)); + } + } + let basicLength = output.length; + let handledCPCount = basicLength; + if (basicLength) { + output.push(delimiter); + } + while (handledCPCount < inputLength) { + let m5 = maxInt; + for (const currentValue of input) { + if (currentValue >= n2 && currentValue < m5) { + m5 = currentValue; + } + } + const handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1; + if (m5 - n2 > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) { + error("overflow"); + } + delta += (m5 - n2) * handledCPCountPlusOne; + n2 = m5; + for (const currentValue of input) { + if (currentValue < n2 && ++delta > maxInt) { + error("overflow"); + } + if (currentValue == n2) { + let q5 = delta; + for (let k5 = base; ; k5 += base) { + const t4 = k5 <= bias ? tMin : k5 >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k5 - bias; + if (q5 < t4) { + break; + } + const qMinusT = q5 - t4; + const baseMinusT = base - t4; + output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t4 + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0))); + q5 = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT); + } + output.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q5, 0))); + bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength); + delta = 0; + ++handledCPCount; + } + } + ++delta; + ++n2; + } + return output.join(""); +}; +var toUnicode = function(input) { + return mapDomain(input, function(string) { + return regexPunycode.test(string) ? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase()) : string; + }); +}; +var toASCII = function(input) { + return mapDomain(input, function(string) { + return regexNonASCII.test(string) ? "xn--" + encode(string) : string; + }); +}; +var punycode = { + /** + * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number. + * @memberOf punycode + * @type String + */ + version: "2.1.0", + /** + * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character + * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back. + * @see + * @memberOf punycode + * @type Object + */ + ucs2: { + decode: ucs2decode, + encode: ucs2encode + }, + decode, + encode, + toASCII, + toUnicode +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/whatwg-url.js +var utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder(); +var utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8", { ignoreBOM: true }); +function utf8Encode(string) { + return utf8Encoder.encode(string); +} +function utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(bytes) { + return utf8Decoder.decode(bytes); +} +function parseUrlencoded(input) { + const sequences = strictlySplitByteSequence(input, p("&")); + const output = []; + for (const bytes of sequences) { + if (bytes.length === 0) { + continue; + } + let name, value; + const indexOfEqual = bytes.indexOf(p("=")); + if (indexOfEqual >= 0) { + name = bytes.slice(0, indexOfEqual); + value = bytes.slice(indexOfEqual + 1); + } else { + name = bytes; + value = new Uint8Array(0); + } + name = replaceByteInByteSequence(name, 43, 32); + value = replaceByteInByteSequence(value, 43, 32); + const nameString = utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(percentDecodeBytes(name)); + const valueString = utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(percentDecodeBytes(value)); + output.push([nameString, valueString]); + } + return output; +} +function parseUrlencodedString(input) { + return parseUrlencoded(utf8Encode(input)); +} +function serializeUrlencoded(tuples, encodingOverride = void 0) { + let encoding = "utf-8"; + if (encodingOverride !== void 0) { + encoding = encodingOverride; + } + let output = ""; + for (const [i4, tuple] of tuples.entries()) { + const name = utf8PercentEncodeString(tuple[0], isURLEncodedPercentEncode, true); + let value = tuple[1]; + if (tuple.length > 2 && tuple[2] !== void 0) { + if (tuple[2] === "hidden" && name === "_charset_") { + value = encoding; + } else if (tuple[2] === "file") { + value =; + } + } + value = utf8PercentEncodeString(value, isURLEncodedPercentEncode, true); + if (i4 !== 0) { + output += "&"; + } + output += `${name}=${value}`; + } + return output; +} +function strictlySplitByteSequence(buf, cp) { + const list = []; + let last = 0; + let i4 = buf.indexOf(cp); + while (i4 >= 0) { + list.push(buf.slice(last, i4)); + last = i4 + 1; + i4 = buf.indexOf(cp, last); + } + if (last !== buf.length) { + list.push(buf.slice(last)); + } + return list; +} +function replaceByteInByteSequence(buf, from, to) { + let i4 = buf.indexOf(from); + while (i4 >= 0) { + buf[i4] = to; + i4 = buf.indexOf(from, i4 + 1); + } + return buf; +} +function p(char) { + return char.codePointAt(0); +} +function percentEncode(c4) { + let hex = c4.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + if (hex.length === 1) { + hex = `0${hex}`; + } + return `%${hex}`; +} +function percentDecodeBytes(input) { + const output = new Uint8Array(input.byteLength); + let outputIndex = 0; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < input.byteLength; ++i4) { + const byte = input[i4]; + if (byte !== 37) { + output[outputIndex++] = byte; + } else if (byte === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(input[i4 + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(input[i4 + 2]))) { + output[outputIndex++] = byte; + } else { + const bytePoint = parseInt(String.fromCodePoint(input[i4 + 1], input[i4 + 2]), 16); + output[outputIndex++] = bytePoint; + i4 += 2; + } + } + return output.slice(0, outputIndex); +} +function percentDecodeString(input) { + const bytes = utf8Encode(input); + return percentDecodeBytes(bytes); +} +function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c4) { + return c4 <= 31 || c4 > 126; +} +var extraFragmentPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ + p(" "), + p('"'), + p("<"), + p(">"), + p("`") +]); +function isFragmentPercentEncode(c4) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c4) || extraFragmentPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); +} +var extraQueryPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ + p(" "), + p('"'), + p("#"), + p("<"), + p(">") +]); +function isQueryPercentEncode(c4) { + return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c4) || extraQueryPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); +} +function isSpecialQueryPercentEncode(c4) { + return isQueryPercentEncode(c4) || c4 === p("'"); +} +var extraPathPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([p("?"), p("`"), p("{"), p("}")]); +function isPathPercentEncode(c4) { + return isQueryPercentEncode(c4) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); +} +var extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ + p("/"), + p(":"), + p(";"), + p("="), + p("@"), + p("["), + p("\\"), + p("]"), + p("^"), + p("|") +]); +function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c4) { + return isPathPercentEncode(c4) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); +} +var extraComponentPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ + p("$"), + p("%"), + p("&"), + p("+"), + p(",") +]); +function isComponentPercentEncode(c4) { + return isUserinfoPercentEncode(c4) || extraComponentPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); +} +var extraURLEncodedPercentEncodeSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ + p("!"), + p("'"), + p("("), + p(")"), + p("~") +]); +function isURLEncodedPercentEncode(c4) { + return isComponentPercentEncode(c4) || extraURLEncodedPercentEncodeSet.has(c4); +} +function utf8PercentEncodeCodePointInternal(codePoint, percentEncodePredicate) { + const bytes = utf8Encode(codePoint); + let output = ""; + for (const byte of bytes) { + if (!percentEncodePredicate(byte)) { + output += String.fromCharCode(byte); + } else { + output += percentEncode(byte); + } + } + return output; +} +function utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(codePoint, percentEncodePredicate) { + return utf8PercentEncodeCodePointInternal(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint), percentEncodePredicate); +} +function utf8PercentEncodeString(input, percentEncodePredicate, spaceAsPlus = false) { + let output = ""; + for (const codePoint of input) { + if (spaceAsPlus && codePoint === " ") { + output += "+"; + } else { + output += utf8PercentEncodeCodePointInternal(codePoint, percentEncodePredicate); + } + } + return output; +} +function isASCIIDigit(c4) { + return c4 >= 48 && c4 <= 57; +} +function isASCIIAlpha(c4) { + return c4 >= 65 && c4 <= 90 || c4 >= 97 && c4 <= 122; +} +function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c4) { + return isASCIIAlpha(c4) || isASCIIDigit(c4); +} +function isASCIIHex(c4) { + return isASCIIDigit(c4) || c4 >= 65 && c4 <= 70 || c4 >= 97 && c4 <= 102; +} +var URLSearchParamsImpl = class { + constructor(init, { doNotStripQMark = false } = {}) { + this._list = []; + this._url = null; + if (!doNotStripQMark && typeof init === "string" && init[0] === "?") { + init = init.slice(1); + } + if (Array.isArray(init)) { + for (const pair of init) { + if (pair.length !== 2) { + throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URLSearchParams': parameter 1 sequence's element does not contain exactly two elements."); + } + this._list.push([pair[0], pair[1]]); + } + } else if (typeof init === "object" && Object.getPrototypeOf(init) === null) { + for (const name of Object.keys(init)) { + const value = init[name]; + this._list.push([name, value]); + } + } else { + this._list = parseUrlencodedString(init); + } + } + _updateSteps() { + if (this._url !== null) { + let query = serializeUrlencoded(this._list); + if (query === "") { + query = null; + } + this._url._url.query = query; + } + } + append(name, value) { + this._list.push([name, value]); + this._updateSteps(); + } + delete(name) { + let i4 = 0; + while (i4 < this._list.length) { + if (this._list[i4][0] === name) { + this._list.splice(i4, 1); + } else { + i4++; + } + } + this._updateSteps(); + } + get(name) { + for (const tuple of this._list) { + if (tuple[0] === name) { + return tuple[1]; + } + } + return null; + } + getAll(name) { + const output = []; + for (const tuple of this._list) { + if (tuple[0] === name) { + output.push(tuple[1]); + } + } + return output; + } + forEach(callbackfn, thisArg) { + for (const tuple of this._list) { +, tuple[1], tuple[0], this); + } + } + has(name) { + for (const tuple of this._list) { + if (tuple[0] === name) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + set(name, value) { + let found = false; + let i4 = 0; + while (i4 < this._list.length) { + if (this._list[i4][0] === name) { + if (found) { + this._list.splice(i4, 1); + } else { + found = true; + this._list[i4][1] = value; + i4++; + } + } else { + i4++; + } + } + if (!found) { + this._list.push([name, value]); + } + this._updateSteps(); + } + sort() { + this._list.sort((a5, b4) => { + if (a5[0] < b4[0]) { + return -1; + } + if (a5[0] > b4[0]) { + return 1; + } + return 0; + }); + this._updateSteps(); + } + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return this._list[Symbol.iterator](); + } + toString() { + return serializeUrlencoded(this._list); + } +}; +var specialSchemes = { + ftp: 21, + file: null, + http: 80, + https: 443, + ws: 80, + wss: 443 +}; +var failure = Symbol("failure"); +function countSymbols(str) { + return [...str].length; +} +function at(input, idx) { + const c4 = input[idx]; + return isNaN(c4) ? void 0 : String.fromCodePoint(c4); +} +function isSingleDot(buffer) { + return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; +} +function isDoubleDot(buffer) { + buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); + return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; +} +function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { + return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === p(":") || cp2 === p("|")); +} +function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); +} +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { + return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; +} +function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { + return\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|<|>|\?|@|\[|\\|\]|\^|\|/u) !== -1; +} +function containsForbiddenDomainCodePoint(string) { + return containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) ||[\u0000-\u001F]|%|\u007F/u) !== -1; +} +function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme] !== void 0; +} +function isSpecial(url) { + return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} +function isNotSpecial(url) { + return !isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); +} +function defaultPort(scheme) { + return specialSchemes[scheme]; +} +function parseIPv4Number(input) { + if (input === "") { + return failure; + } + let R3 = 10; + if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { + input = input.substring(2); + R3 = 16; + } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { + input = input.substring(1); + R3 = 8; + } + if (input === "") { + return 0; + } + let regex = /[^0-7]/u; + if (R3 === 10) { + regex = /[^0-9]/u; + } + if (R3 === 16) { + regex = /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/u; + } + if (regex.test(input)) { + return failure; + } + return parseInt(input, R3); +} +function parseIPv4(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length > 1) { + parts.pop(); + } + } + if (parts.length > 4) { + return failure; + } + const numbers = []; + for (const part of parts) { + const n2 = parseIPv4Number(part); + if (n2 === failure) { + return failure; + } + numbers.push(n2); + } + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < numbers.length - 1; ++i4) { + if (numbers[i4] > 255) { + return failure; + } + } + if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= 256 ** (5 - numbers.length)) { + return failure; + } + let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); + let counter2 = 0; + for (const n2 of numbers) { + ipv4 += n2 * 256 ** (3 - counter2); + ++counter2; + } + return ipv4; +} +function serializeIPv4(address) { + let output = ""; + let n2 = address; + for (let i4 = 1; i4 <= 4; ++i4) { + output = String(n2 % 256) + output; + if (i4 !== 4) { + output = `.${output}`; + } + n2 = Math.floor(n2 / 256); + } + return output; +} +function parseIPv6(inputArg) { + const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; + let pieceIndex = 0; + let compress = null; + let pointer = 0; + const input = Array.from(inputArg, (c4) => c4.codePointAt(0)); + if (input[pointer] === p(":")) { + if (input[pointer + 1] !== p(":")) { + return failure; + } + pointer += 2; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + } + while (pointer < input.length) { + if (pieceIndex === 8) { + return failure; + } + if (input[pointer] === p(":")) { + if (compress !== null) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + ++pieceIndex; + compress = pieceIndex; + continue; + } + let value = 0; + let length = 0; + while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { + value = value * 16 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); + ++pointer; + ++length; + } + if (input[pointer] === p(".")) { + if (length === 0) { + return failure; + } + pointer -= length; + if (pieceIndex > 6) { + return failure; + } + let numbersSeen = 0; + while (input[pointer] !== void 0) { + let ipv4Piece = null; + if (numbersSeen > 0) { + if (input[pointer] === p(".") && numbersSeen < 4) { + ++pointer; + } else { + return failure; + } + } + if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + return failure; + } + while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { + const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); + if (ipv4Piece === null) { + ipv4Piece = number; + } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { + return failure; + } else { + ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; + } + if (ipv4Piece > 255) { + return failure; + } + ++pointer; + } + address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 256 + ipv4Piece; + ++numbersSeen; + if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { + ++pieceIndex; + } + } + if (numbersSeen !== 4) { + return failure; + } + break; + } else if (input[pointer] === p(":")) { + ++pointer; + if (input[pointer] === void 0) { + return failure; + } + } else if (input[pointer] !== void 0) { + return failure; + } + address[pieceIndex] = value; + ++pieceIndex; + } + if (compress !== null) { + let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; + pieceIndex = 7; + while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { + const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; + address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; + address[pieceIndex] = temp; + --pieceIndex; + --swaps; + } + } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { + return failure; + } + return address; +} +function serializeIPv6(address) { + let output = ""; + const compress = findLongestZeroSequence(address); + let ignore0 = false; + for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { + if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { + continue; + } else if (ignore0) { + ignore0 = false; + } + if (compress === pieceIndex) { + const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; + output += separator; + ignore0 = true; + continue; + } + output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); + if (pieceIndex !== 7) { + output += ":"; + } + } + return output; +} +function parseHost(input, isNotSpecialArg = false) { + if (input[0] === "[") { + if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { + return failure; + } + return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); + } + if (isNotSpecialArg) { + return parseOpaqueHost(input); + } + const domain = utf8DecodeWithoutBOM(percentDecodeString(input)); + const asciiDomain = domainToASCII(domain); + if (asciiDomain === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (containsForbiddenDomainCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { + return failure; + } + if (endsInANumber(asciiDomain)) { + return parseIPv4(asciiDomain); + } + return asciiDomain; +} +function endsInANumber(input) { + const parts = input.split("."); + if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { + if (parts.length === 1) { + return false; + } + parts.pop(); + } + const last = parts[parts.length - 1]; + if (parseIPv4Number(last) !== failure) { + return true; + } + if (/^[0-9]+$/u.test(last)) { + return true; + } + return false; +} +function parseOpaqueHost(input) { + if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(input)) { + return failure; + } + return utf8PercentEncodeString(input, isC0ControlPercentEncode); +} +function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { + let maxIdx = null; + let maxLen = 1; + let currStart = null; + let currLen = 0; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < arr.length; ++i4) { + if (arr[i4] !== 0) { + if (currLen > maxLen) { + maxIdx = currStart; + maxLen = currLen; + } + currStart = null; + currLen = 0; + } else { + if (currStart === null) { + currStart = i4; + } + ++currLen; + } + } + if (currLen > maxLen) { + return currStart; + } + return maxIdx; +} +function serializeHost(host) { + if (typeof host === "number") { + return serializeIPv4(host); + } + if (host instanceof Array) { + return `[${serializeIPv6(host)}]`; + } + return host; +} +function domainToASCII(domain, beStrict = false) { + let result; + try { + result = punycode.toASCII(domain); + } catch (e4) { + return failure; + } + if (result === null || result === "") { + return failure; + } + return result; +} +function trimControlChars(url) { + return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/gu, ""); +} +function trimTabAndNewline(url) { + return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/gu, ""); +} +function shortenPath(url) { + const { path } = url; + if (path.length === 0) { + return; + } + if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { + return; + } + path.pop(); +} +function includesCredentials(url) { + return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; +} +function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { + return === null || === "" || url.scheme === "file"; +} +function hasAnOpaquePath(url) { + return typeof url.path === "string"; +} +function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { + return /^[A-Za-z]:$/u.test(string); +} +var URLStateMachine = class { + constructor(input, base2, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { + this.table = { + "parse scheme start": this.parseSchemeStart, + "parse scheme": this.parseScheme, + "parse no scheme": this.parseNoScheme, + "parse special relative or authority": this.parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority, + "parse path or authority": this.parsePathOrAuthority, + "parse relative": this.parseRelative, + "parse relative slash": this.parseRelativeSlash, + "parse special authority slashes": this.parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes, + "parse special authority ignore slashes": this.parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes, + "parse authority": this.parseAuthority, + "parse host": this.parseHostName, + "parse hostname": this.parseHostName, + "parse port": this.parsePort, + "parse file": this.parseFile, + "parse file slash": this.parseFileSlash, + "parse file host": this.parseFileHost, + "parse path start": this.parsePathStart, + "parse path": this.parsePath, + "parse opaque path": this.parseOpaquePath, + "parse query": this.parseQuery, + "parse fragment": this.parseFragment + }; + this.pointer = 0; + this.base = base2 || null; + this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; + this.url = url; + this.failure = false; + this.parseError = false; + if (!this.url) { + this.url = { + scheme: "", + username: "", + password: "", + host: null, + port: null, + path: [], + query: null, + fragment: null + }; + const res2 = trimControlChars(input); + if (res2 !== input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + input = res2; + } + const res = trimTabAndNewline(input); + if (res !== input) { + this.parseError = true; + } + input = res; + this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; + this.buffer = ""; + this.atFlag = false; + this.arrFlag = false; + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; + this.input = Array.from(input, (c4) => c4.codePointAt(0)); + for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { + const c4 = this.input[this.pointer]; + const cStr = isNaN(c4) ? void 0 : String.fromCodePoint(c4); + const ret = this.table[`parse ${this.state}`].call(this, c4, cStr); + if (!ret) { + break; + } else if (ret === failure) { + this.failure = true; + break; + } + } + } + parseSchemeStart(c4, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlpha(c4)) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + this.state = "scheme"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.state = "no scheme"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + return true; + } + parseScheme(c4, cStr) { + if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c4) || c4 === p("+") || c4 === p("-") || c4 === p(".")) { + this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); + } else if (c4 === p(":")) { + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { + return false; + } + if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { + return false; + } + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && === "") { + return false; + } + } + this.url.scheme = this.buffer; + if (this.stateOverride) { + if (this.url.port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme)) { + this.url.port = null; + } + return false; + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (this.url.scheme === "file") { + if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== p("/") || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== p("/")) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { + this.state = "special relative or authority"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + this.state = "special authority slashes"; + } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === p("/")) { + this.state = "path or authority"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.url.path = [""]; + this.state = "opaque path"; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride) { + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "no scheme"; + this.pointer = -1; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + return true; + } + parseNoScheme(c4) { + if (this.base === null || hasAnOpaquePath(this.base) && c4 !== p("#")) { + return failure; + } else if (hasAnOpaquePath(this.base) && c4 === p("#")) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + this.url.path = this.base.path; + this.url.query = this.base.query; + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { + this.state = "file"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + } + parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c4) { + if (c4 === p("/") && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === p("/")) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + } + parsePathOrAuthority(c4) { + if (c4 === p("/")) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + } + parseRelative(c4) { + this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; + if (c4 === p("/")) { + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "relative slash"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + =; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + if (c4 === p("?")) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c4 === p("#")) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (!isNaN(c4)) { + this.url.query = null; + this.url.path.pop(); + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } + return true; + } + parseRelativeSlash(c4) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\"))) { + if (c4 === p("\\")) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + } else if (c4 === p("/")) { + this.state = "authority"; + } else { + this.url.username = this.base.username; + this.url.password = this.base.password; + =; + this.url.port = this.base.port; + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + } + parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c4) { + if (c4 === p("/") && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === p("/")) { + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + ++this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + } + parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c4) { + if (c4 !== p("/") && c4 !== p("\\")) { + this.state = "authority"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + } + return true; + } + parseAuthority(c4, cStr) { + if (c4 === p("@")) { + this.parseError = true; + if (this.atFlag) { + this.buffer = `%40${this.buffer}`; + } + this.atFlag = true; + const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); + for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { + const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); + if (codePoint === p(":") && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; + continue; + } + const encodedCodePoints = utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); + if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { + this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; + } else { + this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; + } + } + this.buffer = ""; + } else if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { + if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "host"; + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + } + parseHostName(c4, cStr) { + if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { + --this.pointer; + this.state = "file host"; + } else if (c4 === p(":") && !this.arrFlag) { + if (this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { + return false; + } + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isNotSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "port"; + } else if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { + --this.pointer; + if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { + this.parseError = true; + return false; + } + const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isNotSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + = host; + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + } else { + if (c4 === p("[")) { + this.arrFlag = true; + } else if (c4 === p("]")) { + this.arrFlag = false; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + } + parsePort(c4, cStr) { + if (isASCIIDigit(c4)) { + this.buffer += cStr; + } else if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\") || this.stateOverride) { + if (this.buffer !== "") { + const port = parseInt(this.buffer); + if (port > 2 ** 16 - 1) { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; + this.buffer = ""; + } + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + --this.pointer; + } else { + this.parseError = true; + return failure; + } + return true; + } + parseFile(c4) { + this.url.scheme = "file"; + = ""; + if (c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\")) { + if (c4 === p("\\")) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file slash"; + } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + =; + this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); + this.url.query = this.base.query; + if (c4 === p("?")) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c4 === p("#")) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (!isNaN(c4)) { + this.url.query = null; + if (!startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(this.input, this.pointer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + } else { + this.parseError = true; + this.url.path = []; + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + } else { + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + } + parseFileSlash(c4) { + if (c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\")) { + if (c4 === p("\\")) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "file host"; + } else { + if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { + if (!startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(this.input, this.pointer) && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { + this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); + } + =; + } + this.state = "path"; + --this.pointer; + } + return true; + } + parseFileHost(c4, cStr) { + if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || c4 === p("\\") || c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#")) { + --this.pointer; + if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.parseError = true; + this.state = "path"; + } else if (this.buffer === "") { + = ""; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.state = "path start"; + } else { + let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isNotSpecial(this.url)); + if (host === failure) { + return failure; + } + if (host === "localhost") { + host = ""; + } + = host; + if (this.stateOverride) { + return false; + } + this.buffer = ""; + this.state = "path start"; + } + } else { + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + } + parsePathStart(c4) { + if (isSpecial(this.url)) { + if (c4 === p("\\")) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.state = "path"; + if (c4 !== p("/") && c4 !== p("\\")) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c4 === p("?")) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (!this.stateOverride && c4 === p("#")) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else if (c4 !== void 0) { + this.state = "path"; + if (c4 !== p("/")) { + --this.pointer; + } + } else if (this.stateOverride && === null) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + return true; + } + parsePath(c4) { + if (isNaN(c4) || c4 === p("/") || isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\") || !this.stateOverride && (c4 === p("?") || c4 === p("#"))) { + if (isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\")) { + this.parseError = true; + } + if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { + shortenPath(this.url); + if (c4 !== p("/") && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\"))) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } + } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c4 !== p("/") && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c4 === p("\\"))) { + this.url.path.push(""); + } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { + if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { + this.buffer = `${this.buffer[0]}:`; + } + this.url.path.push(this.buffer); + } + this.buffer = ""; + if (c4 === p("?")) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } + if (c4 === p("#")) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else { + if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.buffer += utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(c4, isPathPercentEncode); + } + return true; + } + parseOpaquePath(c4) { + if (c4 === p("?")) { + this.url.query = ""; + this.state = "query"; + } else if (c4 === p("#")) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } else { + if (!isNaN(c4) && c4 !== p("%")) { + this.parseError = true; + } + if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + if (!isNaN(c4)) { + this.url.path += utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(c4, isC0ControlPercentEncode); + } + } + return true; + } + parseQuery(c4, cStr) { + if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { + this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; + } + if (!this.stateOverride && c4 === p("#") || isNaN(c4)) { + const queryPercentEncodePredicate = isSpecial(this.url) ? isSpecialQueryPercentEncode : isQueryPercentEncode; + this.url.query += utf8PercentEncodeString(this.buffer, queryPercentEncodePredicate); + this.buffer = ""; + if (c4 === p("#")) { + this.url.fragment = ""; + this.state = "fragment"; + } + } else if (!isNaN(c4)) { + if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.buffer += cStr; + } + return true; + } + parseFragment(c4) { + if (!isNaN(c4)) { + if (c4 === p("%") && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { + this.parseError = true; + } + this.url.fragment += utf8PercentEncodeCodePoint(c4, isFragmentPercentEncode); + } + return true; + } +}; +var fileOtherwiseCodePoints = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([p("/"), p("\\"), p("?"), p("#")]); +function startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(input, pointer) { + const length = input.length - pointer; + return length >= 2 && isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(input[pointer], input[pointer + 1]) && (length === 2 || fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(input[pointer + 2])); +} +function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { + let output = `${url.scheme}:`; + if ( !== null) { + output += "//"; + if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { + output += url.username; + if (url.password !== "") { + output += `:${url.password}`; + } + output += "@"; + } + output += serializeHost(; + if (url.port !== null) { + output += `:${url.port}`; + } + } + if ( === null && !hasAnOpaquePath(url) && url.path.length > 1 && url.path[0] === "") { + output += "/."; + } + output += serializePath(url); + if (url.query !== null) { + output += `?${url.query}`; + } + if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { + output += `#${url.fragment}`; + } + return output; +} +function serializeOrigin(tuple) { + let result = `${tuple.scheme}://`; + result += serializeHost(; + if (tuple.port !== null) { + result += `:${tuple.port}`; + } + return result; +} +function serializePath(url) { + if (typeof url.path === "string") { + return url.path; + } + let output = ""; + for (const segment of url.path) { + output += `/${segment}`; + } + return output; +} +function serializeURLOrigin(url) { + switch (url.scheme) { + case "blob": + try { + return serializeURLOrigin(parseURL(serializePath(url))); + } catch (e4) { + return "null"; + } + case "ftp": + case "http": + case "https": + case "ws": + case "wss": + return serializeOrigin({ + scheme: url.scheme, + host:, + port: url.port + }); + case "file": + return "null"; + default: + return "null"; + } +} +function basicURLParse(input, options) { + if (options === void 0) { + options = {}; + } + const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); + if (usm.failure) { + return null; + } + return usm.url; +} +function setTheUsername(url, username) { + url.username = utf8PercentEncodeString(username, isUserinfoPercentEncode); +} +function setThePassword(url, password) { + url.password = utf8PercentEncodeString(password, isUserinfoPercentEncode); +} +function serializeInteger(integer) { + return String(integer); +} +function parseURL(input, options) { + if (options === void 0) { + options = {}; + } + return basicURLParse(input, { + baseURL: options.baseURL, + encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride + }); +} +var URLImpl = class { + constructor(url, base2) { + let parsedBase = null; + if (base2 !== void 0) { + parsedBase = basicURLParse(base2); + if (parsedBase === null) { + throw new TypeError(`Invalid base URL: ${base2}`); + } + } + const parsedURL = basicURLParse(url, { baseURL: parsedBase }); + if (parsedURL === null) { + throw new TypeError(`Invalid URL: ${url}`); + } + const query = parsedURL.query !== null ? parsedURL.query : ""; + this._url = parsedURL; + this._query = new URLSearchParamsImpl(query, { + doNotStripQMark: true + }); + this._query._url = this; + } + get href() { + return serializeURL(this._url); + } + set href(v3) { + const parsedURL = basicURLParse(v3); + if (parsedURL === null) { + throw new TypeError(`Invalid URL: ${v3}`); + } + this._url = parsedURL; + this._query._list.splice(0); + const { query } = parsedURL; + if (query !== null) { + this._query._list = parseUrlencodedString(query); + } + } + get origin() { + return serializeURLOrigin(this._url); + } + get protocol() { + return `${this._url.scheme}:`; + } + set protocol(v3) { + basicURLParse(`${v3}:`, { + url: this._url, + stateOverride: "scheme start" + }); + } + get username() { + return this._url.username; + } + set username(v3) { + if (cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { + return; + } + setTheUsername(this._url, v3); + } + get password() { + return this._url.password; + } + set password(v3) { + if (cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { + return; + } + setThePassword(this._url, v3); + } + get host() { + const url = this._url; + if ( === null) { + return ""; + } + if (url.port === null) { + return serializeHost(; + } + return `${serializeHost(}:${serializeInteger(url.port)}`; + } + set host(v3) { + if (hasAnOpaquePath(this._url)) { + return; + } + basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "host" }); + } + get hostname() { + if ( === null) { + return ""; + } + return serializeHost(; + } + set hostname(v3) { + if (hasAnOpaquePath(this._url)) { + return; + } + basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "hostname" }); + } + get port() { + if (this._url.port === null) { + return ""; + } + return serializeInteger(this._url.port); + } + set port(v3) { + if (cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { + return; + } + if (v3 === "") { + this._url.port = null; + } else { + basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "port" }); + } + } + get pathname() { + return serializePath(this._url); + } + set pathname(v3) { + if (hasAnOpaquePath(this._url)) { + return; + } + this._url.path = []; + basicURLParse(v3, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "path start" }); + } + get search() { + if (this._url.query === null || this._url.query === "") { + return ""; + } + return `?${this._url.query}`; + } + set search(v3) { + const url = this._url; + if (v3 === "") { + url.query = null; + this._query._list = []; + return; + } + const input = v3[0] === "?" ? v3.substring(1) : v3; + url.query = ""; + basicURLParse(input, { url, stateOverride: "query" }); + this._query._list = parseUrlencodedString(input); + } + get searchParams() { + return this._query; + } + get hash() { + if (this._url.fragment === null || this._url.fragment === "") { + return ""; + } + return `#${this._url.fragment}`; + } + set hash(v3) { + if (v3 === "") { + this._url.fragment = null; + return; + } + const input = v3[0] === "#" ? v3.substring(1) : v3; + this._url.fragment = ""; + basicURLParse(input, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "fragment" }); + } + toJSON() { + return this.href; + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/url.js +(function() { + if (typeof globalThis === "object") + return; + Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__magic__", { + get: function() { + return this; + }, + configurable: true + // This makes it possible to `delete` the getter later. + }); + __magic__.globalThis = __magic__; + delete Object.prototype.__magic__; +})(); +var useOwnUrlImp = true; +var _URL = globalThis.URL; +if (useOwnUrlImp || !_URL) { + globalThis.URL = _URL = URLImpl; + _URL = URLImpl; +} +var URL2 = _URL; +var _URLSearchParams = globalThis.URLSearchParams; +if (useOwnUrlImp || !_URLSearchParams) { + globalThis.URLSearchParams = URLSearchParamsImpl; + _URLSearchParams = URLSearchParamsImpl; +} +var URLSearchParams2 = _URLSearchParams; + +// ../taler-util/lib/helpers.js +function canonicalizeBaseUrl(url) { + if (!url.startsWith("http") && !url.startsWith("https")) { + url = "https://" + url; + } + const x6 = new URL2(url); + if (!x6.pathname.endsWith("/")) { + x6.pathname = x6.pathname + "/"; + } + = ""; + x6.hash = ""; + return x6.href; +} +function canonicalJson(obj) { + obj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); + if (typeof obj === "string") { + return JSON.stringify(obj); + } + if (typeof obj === "number" || typeof obj === "boolean" || obj === null) { + return JSON.stringify(obj); + } + if (Array.isArray(obj)) { + const objs = => canonicalJson(e4)); + return `[${objs.join(",")}]`; + } + const keys = []; + for (const key in obj) { + keys.push(key); + } + keys.sort(); + let s5 = "{"; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < keys.length; i4++) { + const key = keys[i4]; + s5 += JSON.stringify(key) + ":" + canonicalJson(obj[key]); + if (i4 !== keys.length - 1) { + s5 += ","; + } + } + return s5 + "}"; +} +function strcmp(s1, s22) { + if (s1 < s22) { + return -1; + } + if (s1 > s22) { + return 1; + } + return 0; +} +function j2s(x6) { + return JSON.stringify(x6, void 0, 2); +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/logging.js +var isNode = typeof process !== "undefined" && typeof process.release !== "undefined" && === "node"; +var LogLevel; +(function(LogLevel2) { + LogLevel2["Trace"] = "trace"; + LogLevel2["Message"] = "message"; + LogLevel2["Info"] = "info"; + LogLevel2["Warn"] = "warn"; + LogLevel2["Error"] = "error"; + LogLevel2["None"] = "none"; +})(LogLevel || (LogLevel = {})); +var globalLogLevel = LogLevel.Info; +var byTagLogLevel = {}; +var nativeLogging = false; +Error.prototype.toString = function() { + if (this === null || typeof this !== "object" && typeof this !== "function") { + throw new TypeError(); + } + let name =; + name = name === void 0 ? "Error" : `${name}`; + let msg = this.message; + msg = msg === void 0 ? "" : `${msg}`; + let cause = ""; + if ("cause" in this) { + cause = ` + Caused by: ${this.cause}`; + } + return `${name}: ${msg}${cause}`; +}; +function getGlobalLogLevel() { + return globalLogLevel; +} +function setGlobalLogLevelFromString(logLevelStr) { + globalLogLevel = getLevelForString(logLevelStr); +} +function getLevelForString(logLevelStr) { + switch (logLevelStr.toLowerCase()) { + case "trace": + return LogLevel.Trace; + case "info": + return LogLevel.Info; + case "warn": + case "warning": + return LogLevel.Warn; + case "error": + return LogLevel.Error; + case "none": + return LogLevel.None; + default: + if (isNode) { + process.stderr.write(`Invalid log level, defaulting to WARNING +`); + } else { + console.warn(`Invalid log level, defaulting to WARNING`); + } + return LogLevel.Warn; + } +} +function writeNativeLog(message, tag, level, args) { + const logFn = globalThis.__nativeLog; + if (logFn) { + let m5; + if (args.length == 0) { + m5 = message; + } else { + m5 = message + " " + args.toString(); + } + logFn(level, tag, message); + } +} +function writeNodeLog(message, tag, level, args) { + try { + let msg = `${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${tag} ${level} ${message}`; + if (args.length != 0) { + msg += ` ${JSON.stringify(args, void 0, 2)} +`; + } else { + msg += ` +`; + } + process.stderr.write(msg); + } catch (e4) { + let msg = `${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} (logger) FATAL `; + if (e4 instanceof Error) { + msg += `failed to write log: ${e4.message} +`; + } else { + msg += "failed to write log\n"; + } + process.stderr.write(msg); + } +} +var Logger = class { + constructor(tag) { + this.tag = tag; + } + shouldLogTrace() { + const level = byTagLogLevel[this.tag] ?? globalLogLevel; + switch (level) { + case LogLevel.Trace: + return true; + case LogLevel.Message: + case LogLevel.Info: + case LogLevel.Warn: + case LogLevel.Error: + case LogLevel.None: + return false; + } + } + shouldLogInfo() { + const level = byTagLogLevel[this.tag] ?? globalLogLevel; + switch (level) { + case LogLevel.Trace: + case LogLevel.Message: + case LogLevel.Info: + return true; + case LogLevel.Warn: + case LogLevel.Error: + case LogLevel.None: + return false; + } + } + shouldLogWarn() { + const level = byTagLogLevel[this.tag] ?? globalLogLevel; + switch (level) { + case LogLevel.Trace: + case LogLevel.Message: + case LogLevel.Info: + case LogLevel.Warn: + return true; + case LogLevel.Error: + case LogLevel.None: + return false; + } + } + shouldLogError() { + const level = byTagLogLevel[this.tag] ?? globalLogLevel; + switch (level) { + case LogLevel.Trace: + case LogLevel.Message: + case LogLevel.Info: + case LogLevel.Warn: + case LogLevel.Error: + return true; + case LogLevel.None: + return false; + } + } + info(message, ...args) { + if (!this.shouldLogInfo()) { + return; + } + if (nativeLogging) { + writeNativeLog(message, this.tag, 2, args); + return; + } + if (isNode) { + writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "INFO", args); + } else { +`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} INFO ` + message, ...args); + } + } + warn(message, ...args) { + if (!this.shouldLogWarn()) { + return; + } + if (nativeLogging) { + writeNativeLog(message, this.tag, 3, args); + return; + } + if (isNode) { + writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "WARN", args); + } else { + console.warn(`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} INFO ` + message, ...args); + } + } + error(message, ...args) { + if (!this.shouldLogError()) { + return; + } + if (nativeLogging) { + writeNativeLog(message, this.tag, 4, args); + return; + } + if (isNode) { + writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "ERROR", args); + } else { +`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} ERROR ` + message, ...args); + } + } + trace(message, ...args) { + if (!this.shouldLogTrace()) { + return; + } + if (nativeLogging) { + writeNativeLog(message, this.tag, 1, args); + return; + } + if (isNode) { + writeNodeLog(message, this.tag, "TRACE", args); + } else { +`${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} ${this.tag} TRACE ` + message, ...args); + } + } + reportBreak() { + if (!this.shouldLogError()) { + return; + } + const location2 = new Error("programming error"); + this.error(`assertion failed: ${location2.stack}`); + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/codec.js +var logger = new Logger("codec.ts"); +var DecodingError = class _DecodingError extends Error { + constructor(message) { + super(message); + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _DecodingError.prototype); + = "DecodingError"; + } +}; +function renderContext(c4) { + const p4 = c4?.path; + if (p4) { + return p4.join("."); + } else { + return "(unknown)"; + } +} +function joinContext(c4, part) { + const path = c4?.path ?? []; + return { + path: path.concat([part]) + }; +} +var ObjectCodecBuilder = class { + constructor() { + this.propList = []; + } + /** + * Define a property for the object. + */ + property(x6, codec) { + if (!codec) { + throw Error("inner codec must be defined"); + } + this.propList.push({ name: x6, codec }); + return this; + } + /** + * Return the built codec. + * + * @param objectDisplayName name of the object that this codec operates on, + * used in error messages. + */ + build(objectDisplayName) { + const propList = this.propList; + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (!c4) { + c4 = { + path: [`(${objectDisplayName})`] + }; + } + if (typeof x6 !== "object") { + throw new DecodingError(`expected object for ${objectDisplayName} at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + const obj = {}; + for (const prop of propList) { + const propRawVal = x6[]; + const propVal = prop.codec.decode(propRawVal, joinContext(c4,; + obj[] = propVal; + } + return obj; + } + }; + } +}; +var UnionCodecBuilder = class { + constructor(discriminator, baseCodec) { + this.discriminator = discriminator; + this.baseCodec = baseCodec; + this.alternatives = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + } + /** + * Define a property for the object. + */ + alternative(tagValue, codec) { + if (!codec) { + throw Error("inner codec must be defined"); + } + this.alternatives.set(tagValue, { codec, tagValue }); + return this; + } + /** + * Return the built codec. + * + * @param objectDisplayName name of the object that this codec operates on, + * used in error messages. + */ + build(objectDisplayName) { + const alternatives = this.alternatives; + const discriminator = this.discriminator; + const baseCodec = this.baseCodec; + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (!c4) { + c4 = { + path: [`(${objectDisplayName})`] + }; + } + const d5 = x6[discriminator]; + if (d5 === void 0) { + throw new DecodingError(`expected tag for ${objectDisplayName} at ${renderContext(c4)}.${String(discriminator)}`); + } + const alt = alternatives.get(d5); + if (!alt) { + throw new DecodingError(`unknown tag for ${objectDisplayName} ${d5} at ${renderContext(c4)}.${String(discriminator)}`); + } + const altDecoded = alt.codec.decode(x6); + if (baseCodec) { + const baseDecoded = baseCodec.decode(x6, c4); + return { ...baseDecoded, ...altDecoded }; + } else { + return altDecoded; + } + } + }; + } +}; +var UnionCodecPreBuilder = class { + discriminateOn(discriminator, baseCodec) { + return new UnionCodecBuilder(discriminator, baseCodec); + } +}; +function buildCodecForObject() { + return new ObjectCodecBuilder(); +} +function buildCodecForUnion() { + return new UnionCodecPreBuilder(); +} +function codecForMap(innerCodec) { + if (!innerCodec) { + throw Error("inner codec must be defined"); + } + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + const map2 = {}; + if (typeof x6 !== "object") { + throw new DecodingError(`expected object at ${renderContext(c4)}`); + } + for (const i4 in x6) { + map2[i4] = innerCodec.decode(x6[i4], joinContext(c4, `[${i4}]`)); + } + return map2; + } + }; +} +function codecForList(innerCodec) { + if (!innerCodec) { + throw Error("inner codec must be defined"); + } + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + const arr = []; + if (!Array.isArray(x6)) { + throw new DecodingError(`expected array at ${renderContext(c4)}`); + } + for (const i4 in x6) { + arr.push(innerCodec.decode(x6[i4], joinContext(c4, `[${i4}]`))); + } + return arr; + } + }; +} +function codecForNumber() { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (typeof x6 === "number") { + return x6; + } + throw new DecodingError(`expected number at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + }; +} +function codecForBoolean() { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (typeof x6 === "boolean") { + return x6; + } + throw new DecodingError(`expected boolean at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + }; +} +function codecForString() { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (typeof x6 === "string") { + return x6; + } + throw new DecodingError(`expected string at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + }; +} +function codecForAny() { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + return x6; + } + }; +} +function codecForConstString(s5) { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (x6 === s5) { + return x6; + } + if (typeof x6 !== "string") { + throw new DecodingError(`expected string constant "${s5}" at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + throw new DecodingError(`expected string constant "${s5}" at ${renderContext(c4)} but got string value "${x6}"`); + } + }; +} +function codecOptional(innerCodec) { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (x6 === void 0 || x6 === null) { + return void 0; + } + return innerCodec.decode(x6, c4); + } + }; +} +function codecForEither(...alts) { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + for (const alt of alts) { + try { + return alt.decode(x6, c4); + } catch (e4) { + continue; + } + } + if (logger.shouldLogTrace()) { + logger.trace(`offending value: ${j2s(x6)}`); + } + throw new DecodingError(`No alternative matched at at ${renderContext(c4)}`); + } + }; +} +var x = codecForEither(codecForString(), codecForNumber()); + +// ../taler-util/lib/sha256.js +var digestLength = 32; +var blockSize = 64; +var K2 = new Uint32Array([ + 1116352408, + 1899447441, + 3049323471, + 3921009573, + 961987163, + 1508970993, + 2453635748, + 2870763221, + 3624381080, + 310598401, + 607225278, + 1426881987, + 1925078388, + 2162078206, + 2614888103, + 3248222580, + 3835390401, + 4022224774, + 264347078, + 604807628, + 770255983, + 1249150122, + 1555081692, + 1996064986, + 2554220882, + 2821834349, + 2952996808, + 3210313671, + 3336571891, + 3584528711, + 113926993, + 338241895, + 666307205, + 773529912, + 1294757372, + 1396182291, + 1695183700, + 1986661051, + 2177026350, + 2456956037, + 2730485921, + 2820302411, + 3259730800, + 3345764771, + 3516065817, + 3600352804, + 4094571909, + 275423344, + 430227734, + 506948616, + 659060556, + 883997877, + 958139571, + 1322822218, + 1537002063, + 1747873779, + 1955562222, + 2024104815, + 2227730452, + 2361852424, + 2428436474, + 2756734187, + 3204031479, + 3329325298 +]); +function hashBlocks(w5, v3, p4, pos, len) { + let a5, b4, c4, d5, e4, f3, g4, h5, u4, i4, j4, t1, t22; + while (len >= 64) { + a5 = v3[0]; + b4 = v3[1]; + c4 = v3[2]; + d5 = v3[3]; + e4 = v3[4]; + f3 = v3[5]; + g4 = v3[6]; + h5 = v3[7]; + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4++) { + j4 = pos + i4 * 4; + w5[i4] = (p4[j4] & 255) << 24 | (p4[j4 + 1] & 255) << 16 | (p4[j4 + 2] & 255) << 8 | p4[j4 + 3] & 255; + } + for (i4 = 16; i4 < 64; i4++) { + u4 = w5[i4 - 2]; + t1 = (u4 >>> 17 | u4 << 32 - 17) ^ (u4 >>> 19 | u4 << 32 - 19) ^ u4 >>> 10; + u4 = w5[i4 - 15]; + t22 = (u4 >>> 7 | u4 << 32 - 7) ^ (u4 >>> 18 | u4 << 32 - 18) ^ u4 >>> 3; + w5[i4] = (t1 + w5[i4 - 7] | 0) + (t22 + w5[i4 - 16] | 0); + } + for (i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4++) { + t1 = (((e4 >>> 6 | e4 << 32 - 6) ^ (e4 >>> 11 | e4 << 32 - 11) ^ (e4 >>> 25 | e4 << 32 - 25)) + (e4 & f3 ^ ~e4 & g4) | 0) + (h5 + (K2[i4] + w5[i4] | 0) | 0) | 0; + t22 = ((a5 >>> 2 | a5 << 32 - 2) ^ (a5 >>> 13 | a5 << 32 - 13) ^ (a5 >>> 22 | a5 << 32 - 22)) + (a5 & b4 ^ a5 & c4 ^ b4 & c4) | 0; + h5 = g4; + g4 = f3; + f3 = e4; + e4 = d5 + t1 | 0; + d5 = c4; + c4 = b4; + b4 = a5; + a5 = t1 + t22 | 0; + } + v3[0] += a5; + v3[1] += b4; + v3[2] += c4; + v3[3] += d5; + v3[4] += e4; + v3[5] += f3; + v3[6] += g4; + v3[7] += h5; + pos += 64; + len -= 64; + } + return pos; +} +var HashSha256 = class { + constructor() { + this.digestLength = digestLength; + this.blockSize = blockSize; + this.state = new Int32Array(8); + this.temp = new Int32Array(64); + this.buffer = new Uint8Array(128); + this.bufferLength = 0; + this.bytesHashed = 0; + this.finished = false; + this.reset(); + } + // Resets hash state making it possible + // to reuse this instance to hash other data. + reset() { + this.state[0] = 1779033703; + this.state[1] = 3144134277; + this.state[2] = 1013904242; + this.state[3] = 2773480762; + this.state[4] = 1359893119; + this.state[5] = 2600822924; + this.state[6] = 528734635; + this.state[7] = 1541459225; + this.bufferLength = 0; + this.bytesHashed = 0; + this.finished = false; + return this; + } + // Cleans internal buffers and re-initializes hash state. + clean() { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.buffer.length; i4++) { + this.buffer[i4] = 0; + } + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.temp.length; i4++) { + this.temp[i4] = 0; + } + this.reset(); + } + // Updates hash state with the given data. + // + // Optionally, length of the data can be specified to hash + // fewer bytes than data.length. + // + // Throws error when trying to update already finalized hash: + // instance must be reset to use it again. + update(data, dataLength = data.length) { + if (this.finished) { + throw new Error("SHA256: can't update because hash was finished."); + } + let dataPos = 0; + this.bytesHashed += dataLength; + if (this.bufferLength > 0) { + while (this.bufferLength < 64 && dataLength > 0) { + this.buffer[this.bufferLength++] = data[dataPos++]; + dataLength--; + } + if (this.bufferLength === 64) { + hashBlocks(this.temp, this.state, this.buffer, 0, 64); + this.bufferLength = 0; + } + } + if (dataLength >= 64) { + dataPos = hashBlocks(this.temp, this.state, data, dataPos, dataLength); + dataLength %= 64; + } + while (dataLength > 0) { + this.buffer[this.bufferLength++] = data[dataPos++]; + dataLength--; + } + return this; + } + // Finalizes hash state and puts hash into out. + // + // If hash was already finalized, puts the same value. + finish(out) { + if (!this.finished) { + const bytesHashed = this.bytesHashed; + const left = this.bufferLength; + const bitLenHi = bytesHashed / 536870912 | 0; + const bitLenLo = bytesHashed << 3; + const padLength = bytesHashed % 64 < 56 ? 64 : 128; + this.buffer[left] = 128; + for (let i4 = left + 1; i4 < padLength - 8; i4++) { + this.buffer[i4] = 0; + } + this.buffer[padLength - 8] = bitLenHi >>> 24 & 255; + this.buffer[padLength - 7] = bitLenHi >>> 16 & 255; + this.buffer[padLength - 6] = bitLenHi >>> 8 & 255; + this.buffer[padLength - 5] = bitLenHi >>> 0 & 255; + this.buffer[padLength - 4] = bitLenLo >>> 24 & 255; + this.buffer[padLength - 3] = bitLenLo >>> 16 & 255; + this.buffer[padLength - 2] = bitLenLo >>> 8 & 255; + this.buffer[padLength - 1] = bitLenLo >>> 0 & 255; + hashBlocks(this.temp, this.state, this.buffer, 0, padLength); + this.finished = true; + } + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 8; i4++) { + out[i4 * 4 + 0] = this.state[i4] >>> 24 & 255; + out[i4 * 4 + 1] = this.state[i4] >>> 16 & 255; + out[i4 * 4 + 2] = this.state[i4] >>> 8 & 255; + out[i4 * 4 + 3] = this.state[i4] >>> 0 & 255; + } + return this; + } + // Returns the final hash digest. + digest() { + const out = new Uint8Array(this.digestLength); + this.finish(out); + return out; + } + // Internal function for use in HMAC for optimization. + _saveState(out) { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.state.length; i4++) { + out[i4] = this.state[i4]; + } + } + // Internal function for use in HMAC for optimization. + _restoreState(from, bytesHashed) { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.state.length; i4++) { + this.state[i4] = from[i4]; + } + this.bytesHashed = bytesHashed; + this.finished = false; + this.bufferLength = 0; + } +}; +function sha256(data) { + const h5 = new HashSha256().update(data); + const digest = h5.digest(); + h5.clean(); + return digest; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/kdf.js +function sha512(data) { + return hash(data); +} +function hmac(digest, blockSize2, key, message) { + if (key.byteLength > blockSize2) { + key = digest(key); + } + if (key.byteLength < blockSize2) { + const k5 = key; + key = new Uint8Array(blockSize2); + key.set(k5, 0); + } + const okp = new Uint8Array(blockSize2); + const ikp = new Uint8Array(blockSize2); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < blockSize2; i4++) { + ikp[i4] = key[i4] ^ 54; + okp[i4] = key[i4] ^ 92; + } + const b1 = new Uint8Array(blockSize2 + message.byteLength); + b1.set(ikp, 0); + b1.set(message, blockSize2); + const h0 = digest(b1); + const b22 = new Uint8Array(blockSize2 + h0.length); + b22.set(okp, 0); + b22.set(h0, blockSize2); + return digest(b22); +} +function hmacSha512(key, message) { + return hmac(sha512, 128, key, message); +} +function hmacSha256(key, message) { + return hmac(sha256, 64, key, message); +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/taler-crypto.js +var import_big_integer = __toESM(require_BigInteger(), 1); + +// ../taler-util/lib/time.js +var opaque_AbsoluteTime = Symbol("opaque_AbsoluteTime"); +var TalerPreciseTimestamp; +(function(TalerPreciseTimestamp2) { + function now() { + const absNow =; + return AbsoluteTime.toPreciseTimestamp(absNow); + } + = now; + function round(t4) { + return { + t_s: t4.t_s + }; + } + TalerPreciseTimestamp2.round = round; + function fromSeconds(s5) { + return { + t_s: Math.floor(s5), + off_us: Math.floor((s5 - Math.floor(s5)) / 1e3 / 1e3) + }; + } + TalerPreciseTimestamp2.fromSeconds = fromSeconds; + function fromMilliseconds(ms) { + return { + t_s: Math.floor(ms / 1e3), + off_us: Math.floor((ms - Math.floor(ms / 1e3) * 1e3) * 1e3) + }; + } + TalerPreciseTimestamp2.fromMilliseconds = fromMilliseconds; +})(TalerPreciseTimestamp || (TalerPreciseTimestamp = {})); +var TalerProtocolTimestamp; +(function(TalerProtocolTimestamp2) { + function now() { + return AbsoluteTime.toProtocolTimestamp(; + } + = now; + function zero() { + return { + t_s: 0 + }; + } + = zero; + function never() { + return { + t_s: "never" + }; + } + TalerProtocolTimestamp2.never = never; + function isNever(t4) { + return t4.t_s === "never"; + } + TalerProtocolTimestamp2.isNever = isNever; + function fromSeconds(s5) { + return { + t_s: s5 + }; + } + TalerProtocolTimestamp2.fromSeconds = fromSeconds; + function min(t1, t22) { + if (t1.t_s === "never") { + return { t_s: t22.t_s }; + } + if (t22.t_s === "never") { + return { t_s: t1.t_s }; + } + return { t_s: Math.min(t1.t_s, t22.t_s) }; + } + TalerProtocolTimestamp2.min = min; + function max(t1, t22) { + if (t1.t_s === "never" || t22.t_s === "never") { + return { t_s: "never" }; + } + return { t_s: Math.max(t1.t_s, t22.t_s) }; + } + TalerProtocolTimestamp2.max = max; +})(TalerProtocolTimestamp || (TalerProtocolTimestamp = {})); +var timeshift = 0; +var Duration; +(function(Duration4) { + function toMilliseconds(d5) { + if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { + return Number.MAX_VALUE; + } + return d5.d_ms; + } + Duration4.toMilliseconds = toMilliseconds; + function getRemaining(deadline, now = { + if (deadline.t_ms === "never") { + return { d_ms: "forever" }; + } + if (now.t_ms === "never") { + throw Error("invalid argument for 'now'"); + } + if (deadline.t_ms < now.t_ms) { + return { d_ms: 0 }; + } + return { d_ms: deadline.t_ms - now.t_ms }; + } + Duration4.getRemaining = getRemaining; + function fromPrettyString(s5) { + let dMs = 0; + let currentNum = ""; + let parsingNum = true; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < s5.length; i4++) { + const cc = s5.charCodeAt(i4); + if (cc >= "0".charCodeAt(0) && cc <= "9".charCodeAt(0)) { + if (!parsingNum) { + throw Error("invalid duration, unexpected number"); + } + currentNum += s5[i4]; + continue; + } + if (s5[i4] == " ") { + if (currentNum != "") { + parsingNum = false; + } + continue; + } + if (currentNum == "") { + throw Error("invalid duration, missing number"); + } + if (s5[i4] === "s") { + dMs += 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); + } else if (s5[i4] === "m") { + dMs += 60 * 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); + } else if (s5[i4] === "h") { + dMs += 60 * 60 * 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); + } else if (s5[i4] === "d") { + dMs += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3 * Number.parseInt(currentNum, 10); + } else { + throw Error("invalid duration, unsupported unit"); + } + currentNum = ""; + parsingNum = true; + } + return { + d_ms: dMs + }; + } + Duration4.fromPrettyString = fromPrettyString; + function cmp(d1, d22) { + if (d1.d_ms === "forever") { + if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { + return 0; + } + return 1; + } + if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { + return -1; + } + if (d1.d_ms == d22.d_ms) { + return 0; + } + if (d1.d_ms > d22.d_ms) { + return 1; + } + return -1; + } + Duration4.cmp = cmp; + function max(d1, d22) { + return durationMax(d1, d22); + } + Duration4.max = max; + function min(d1, d22) { + return durationMin(d1, d22); + } + Duration4.min = min; + function multiply(d1, n2) { + return durationMul(d1, n2); + } + Duration4.multiply = multiply; + function toIntegerYears(d5) { + if (typeof d5.d_ms !== "number") { + throw Error("infinite duration"); + } + return Math.ceil(d5.d_ms / 1e3 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365); + } + Duration4.toIntegerYears = toIntegerYears; + Duration4.fromSpec = durationFromSpec; + function getForever() { + return { d_ms: "forever" }; + } + Duration4.getForever = getForever; + function getZero() { + return { d_ms: 0 }; + } + Duration4.getZero = getZero; + function fromTalerProtocolDuration(d5) { + if (d5.d_us === "forever") { + return { + d_ms: "forever" + }; + } + return { + d_ms: Math.floor(d5.d_us / 1e3) + }; + } + Duration4.fromTalerProtocolDuration = fromTalerProtocolDuration; + function toTalerProtocolDuration(d5) { + if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { + return { + d_us: "forever" + }; + } + return { + d_us: d5.d_ms * 1e3 + }; + } + Duration4.toTalerProtocolDuration = toTalerProtocolDuration; + function fromMilliseconds(ms) { + return { + d_ms: ms + }; + } + Duration4.fromMilliseconds = fromMilliseconds; + function clamp(args) { + return durationMax(durationMin(args.value, args.upper), args.lower); + } + Duration4.clamp = clamp; +})(Duration || (Duration = {})); +var AbsoluteTime; +(function(AbsoluteTime3) { + function getStampMsNow() { + return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(); + } + AbsoluteTime3.getStampMsNow = getStampMsNow; + function getStampMsNever() { + return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; + } + AbsoluteTime3.getStampMsNever = getStampMsNever; + function now() { + return { + t_ms: (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime() + timeshift, + [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true + }; + } + = now; + function never() { + return { + t_ms: "never", + [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true + }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.never = never; + function fromMilliseconds(ms) { + return { + t_ms: ms, + [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true + }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.fromMilliseconds = fromMilliseconds; + function cmp(t1, t22) { + if (t1.t_ms === "never") { + if (t22.t_ms === "never") { + return 0; + } + return 1; + } + if (t22.t_ms === "never") { + return -1; + } + if (t1.t_ms == t22.t_ms) { + return 0; + } + if (t1.t_ms > t22.t_ms) { + return 1; + } + return -1; + } + AbsoluteTime3.cmp = cmp; + function min(t1, t22) { + if (t1.t_ms === "never") { + return { t_ms: t22.t_ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + if (t22.t_ms === "never") { + return { t_ms: t22.t_ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + return { t_ms: Math.min(t1.t_ms, t22.t_ms), [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.min = min; + function max(t1, t22) { + if (t1.t_ms === "never") { + return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + if (t22.t_ms === "never") { + return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + return { t_ms: Math.max(t1.t_ms, t22.t_ms), [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.max = max; + function difference(t1, t22) { + if (t1.t_ms === "never") { + return { d_ms: "forever" }; + } + if (t22.t_ms === "never") { + return { d_ms: "forever" }; + } + return { d_ms: Math.abs(t1.t_ms - t22.t_ms) }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.difference = difference; + function isExpired(t4) { + return cmp(t4, now()) <= 0; + } + AbsoluteTime3.isExpired = isExpired; + function isNever(t4) { + return t4.t_ms === "never"; + } + AbsoluteTime3.isNever = isNever; + function fromProtocolTimestamp(t4) { + if (t4.t_s === "never") { + return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + return { + t_ms: t4.t_s * 1e3, + [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true + }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.fromProtocolTimestamp = fromProtocolTimestamp; + function fromStampMs(stampMs) { + return { + t_ms: stampMs, + [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true + }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.fromStampMs = fromStampMs; + function fromPreciseTimestamp(t4) { + if (t4.t_s === "never") { + return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + const offsetUs = t4.off_us ?? 0; + return { + t_ms: t4.t_s * 1e3 + Math.floor(offsetUs / 1e3), + [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true + }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.fromPreciseTimestamp = fromPreciseTimestamp; + function toStampMs(at2) { + if (at2.t_ms === "never") { + return Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; + } + return at2.t_ms; + } + AbsoluteTime3.toStampMs = toStampMs; + function toPreciseTimestamp(at2) { + if (at2.t_ms == "never") { + return { + t_s: "never" + }; + } + const t_s = Math.floor(at2.t_ms / 1e3); + const off_us = Math.floor(1e3 * (at2.t_ms - t_s * 1e3)); + return { + t_s, + off_us + }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.toPreciseTimestamp = toPreciseTimestamp; + function toProtocolTimestamp(at2) { + if (at2.t_ms === "never") { + return { t_s: "never" }; + } + return { + t_s: Math.floor(at2.t_ms / 1e3) + }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.toProtocolTimestamp = toProtocolTimestamp; + function isBetween(t4, start, end) { + if (cmp(t4, start) < 0) { + return false; + } + if (cmp(t4, end) > 0) { + return false; + } + return true; + } + AbsoluteTime3.isBetween = isBetween; + function toIsoString(t4) { + if (t4.t_ms === "never") { + return ""; + } else { + return new Date(t4.t_ms).toISOString(); + } + } + AbsoluteTime3.toIsoString = toIsoString; + function addDuration(t1, d5) { + if (t1.t_ms === "never" || d5.d_ms === "forever") { + return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + return { t_ms: t1.t_ms + d5.d_ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.addDuration = addDuration; + function remaining(t1) { + if (t1.t_ms === "never") { + return Duration.getForever(); + } + const stampNow = now(); + if (stampNow.t_ms === "never") { + throw Error("invariant violated"); + } + return Duration.fromMilliseconds(Math.max(0, t1.t_ms - stampNow.t_ms)); + } + AbsoluteTime3.remaining = remaining; + function subtractDuraction(t1, d5) { + if (t1.t_ms === "never") { + return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { + return { t_ms: 0, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + return { t_ms: Math.max(0, t1.t_ms - d5.d_ms), [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + AbsoluteTime3.subtractDuraction = subtractDuraction; + function stringify(t4) { + if (t4.t_ms === "never") { + return "never"; + } + return new Date(t4.t_ms).toISOString(); + } + AbsoluteTime3.stringify = stringify; +})(AbsoluteTime || (AbsoluteTime = {})); +var SECONDS = 1e3; +var MINUTES = SECONDS * 60; +var HOURS = MINUTES * 60; +var DAYS = HOURS * 24; +var MONTHS = DAYS * 30; +var YEARS = DAYS * 365; +function durationFromSpec(spec) { + let d_ms = 0; + d_ms += (spec.seconds ?? 0) * SECONDS; + d_ms += (spec.minutes ?? 0) * MINUTES; + d_ms += (spec.hours ?? 0) * HOURS; + d_ms += (spec.days ?? 0) * DAYS; + d_ms += (spec.months ?? 0) * MONTHS; + d_ms += (spec.years ?? 0) * YEARS; + return { d_ms }; +} +function durationMin(d1, d22) { + if (d1.d_ms === "forever") { + return { d_ms: d22.d_ms }; + } + if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { + return { d_ms: d1.d_ms }; + } + return { d_ms: Math.min(d1.d_ms, d22.d_ms) }; +} +function durationMax(d1, d22) { + if (d1.d_ms === "forever") { + return { d_ms: "forever" }; + } + if (d22.d_ms === "forever") { + return { d_ms: "forever" }; + } + return { d_ms: Math.max(d1.d_ms, d22.d_ms) }; +} +function durationMul(d5, n2) { + if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { + return { d_ms: "forever" }; + } + return { d_ms: Math.round(d5.d_ms * n2) }; +} +var codecForAbsoluteTime = { + decode(x6, c4) { + const t_ms = x6.t_ms; + if (typeof t_ms === "string") { + if (t_ms === "never") { + return { t_ms: "never", [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + } else if (typeof t_ms === "number") { + return { t_ms, [opaque_AbsoluteTime]: true }; + } + throw Error(`expected timestamp at ${renderContext(c4)}`); + } +}; +var codecForTimestamp = { + decode(x6, c4) { + const t_ms = x6.t_ms; + if (typeof t_ms === "string") { + if (t_ms === "never") { + return { t_s: "never" }; + } + } else if (typeof t_ms === "number") { + return { t_s: Math.floor(t_ms / 1e3) }; + } + const t_s = x6.t_s; + if (typeof t_s === "string") { + if (t_s === "never") { + return { t_s: "never" }; + } + throw Error(`expected timestamp at ${renderContext(c4)}`); + } + if (typeof t_s === "number") { + return { t_s }; + } + throw Error(`expected protocol timestamp at ${renderContext(c4)}`); + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/taler-types.js +var DenomKeyType; +(function(DenomKeyType2) { + DenomKeyType2["Rsa"] = "RSA"; + DenomKeyType2["ClauseSchnorr"] = "CS"; +})(DenomKeyType || (DenomKeyType = {})); +(function(DenomKeyType2) { + function toIntTag(t4) { + switch (t4) { + case DenomKeyType2.Rsa: + return 1; + case DenomKeyType2.ClauseSchnorr: + return 2; + } + } + DenomKeyType2.toIntTag = toIntTag; +})(DenomKeyType || (DenomKeyType = {})); +var DenominationPubKey; +(function(DenominationPubKey2) { + function cmp(p1, p22) { + if (p1.cipher < p22.cipher) { + return -1; + } else if (p1.cipher > p22.cipher) { + return 1; + } else if (p1.cipher === DenomKeyType.Rsa && p22.cipher === DenomKeyType.Rsa) { + if ((p1.age_mask ?? 0) < (p22.age_mask ?? 0)) { + return -1; + } else if ((p1.age_mask ?? 0) > (p22.age_mask ?? 0)) { + return 1; + } + return strcmp(p1.rsa_public_key, p22.rsa_public_key); + } else if (p1.cipher === DenomKeyType.ClauseSchnorr && p22.cipher === DenomKeyType.ClauseSchnorr) { + if ((p1.age_mask ?? 0) < (p22.age_mask ?? 0)) { + return -1; + } else if ((p1.age_mask ?? 0) > (p22.age_mask ?? 0)) { + return 1; + } + return strcmp(p1.cs_public_key, p22.cs_public_key); + } else { + throw Error("unsupported cipher"); + } + } + DenominationPubKey2.cmp = cmp; +})(DenominationPubKey || (DenominationPubKey = {})); +var codecForNgDenominations = codecForAny(); +var ExchangeProtocolVersion; +(function(ExchangeProtocolVersion2) { + ExchangeProtocolVersion2[ExchangeProtocolVersion2["V12"] = 12] = "V12"; +})(ExchangeProtocolVersion || (ExchangeProtocolVersion = {})); +var MerchantProtocolVersion; +(function(MerchantProtocolVersion2) { + MerchantProtocolVersion2[MerchantProtocolVersion2["V3"] = 3] = "V3"; +})(MerchantProtocolVersion || (MerchantProtocolVersion = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/taler-crypto.js +function getRandomBytes(n2) { + return randomBytes(n2); +} +var useNative = true; +var tart; +if (useNative) { + tart = globalThis._tart; +} +var encTable = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ"; +var EncodingError = class _EncodingError extends Error { + constructor() { + super("Encoding error"); + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _EncodingError.prototype); + } +}; +function getValue(chr) { + let a5 = chr; + switch (chr) { + case "O": + case "o": + a5 = "0"; + break; + case "i": + case "I": + case "l": + case "L": + a5 = "1"; + break; + case "u": + case "U": + a5 = "V"; + } + if (a5 >= "0" && a5 <= "9") { + return a5.charCodeAt(0) - "0".charCodeAt(0); + } + if (a5 >= "a" && a5 <= "z") + a5 = a5.toUpperCase(); + let dec = 0; + if (a5 >= "A" && a5 <= "Z") { + if ("I" < a5) + dec++; + if ("L" < a5) + dec++; + if ("O" < a5) + dec++; + if ("U" < a5) + dec++; + return a5.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0) + 10 - dec; + } + throw new EncodingError(); +} +function encodeCrock(data) { + if (tart) { + return tart.encodeCrock(data); + } + const dataBytes = new Uint8Array(data); + let sb = ""; + const size = data.byteLength; + let bitBuf = 0; + let numBits = 0; + let pos = 0; + while (pos < size || numBits > 0) { + if (pos < size && numBits < 5) { + const d5 = dataBytes[pos++]; + bitBuf = bitBuf << 8 | d5; + numBits += 8; + } + if (numBits < 5) { + bitBuf = bitBuf << 5 - numBits; + numBits = 5; + } + const v3 = bitBuf >>> numBits - 5 & 31; + sb += encTable[v3]; + numBits -= 5; + } + return sb; +} +function kdf(outputLength, ikm, salt, info) { + if (tart) { + return tart.kdf(outputLength, ikm, salt, info); + } + salt = salt ?? new Uint8Array(64); + const prk = hmacSha512(salt, ikm); + info = info ?? new Uint8Array(0); + const N3 = Math.ceil(outputLength / 32); + const output = new Uint8Array(N3 * 32); + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < N3; i4++) { + let buf; + if (i4 == 0) { + buf = new Uint8Array(info.byteLength + 1); + buf.set(info, 0); + } else { + buf = new Uint8Array(info.byteLength + 1 + 32); + for (let j4 = 0; j4 < 32; j4++) { + buf[j4] = output[(i4 - 1) * 32 + j4]; + } + buf.set(info, 32); + } + buf[buf.length - 1] = i4 + 1; + const chunk = hmacSha256(prk, buf); + output.set(chunk, i4 * 32); + } + return output.slice(0, outputLength); +} +function kdfKw(args) { + return kdf(args.outputLength, args.ikm, args.salt,; +} +function decodeCrock(encoded) { + if (tart) { + return tart.decodeCrock(encoded); + } + const size = encoded.length; + let bitpos = 0; + let bitbuf = 0; + let readPosition = 0; + const outLen = Math.floor(size * 5 / 8); + const out = new Uint8Array(outLen); + let outPos = 0; + while (readPosition < size || bitpos > 0) { + if (readPosition < size) { + const v3 = getValue(encoded[readPosition++]); + bitbuf = bitbuf << 5 | v3; + bitpos += 5; + } + while (bitpos >= 8) { + const d5 = bitbuf >>> bitpos - 8 & 255; + out[outPos++] = d5; + bitpos -= 8; + } + if (readPosition == size && bitpos > 0) { + bitbuf = bitbuf << 8 - bitpos & 255; + bitpos = bitbuf == 0 ? 0 : 8; + } + } + return out; +} +var encoder; +function stringToBytes(s5) { + if (!encoder) { + encoder = new TextEncoder(); + } + return encoder.encode(s5); +} +function typedArrayConcat(chunks) { + let payloadLen = 0; + for (const c4 of chunks) { + payloadLen += c4.byteLength; + } + const buf = new ArrayBuffer(payloadLen); + const u8buf = new Uint8Array(buf); + let p4 = 0; + for (const c4 of chunks) { + u8buf.set(c4, p4); + p4 += c4.byteLength; + } + return u8buf; +} +function hash2(d5) { + if (tart) { + return tart.hash(d5); + } + return hash(d5); +} +var logger2 = new Logger("talerCrypto.ts"); +function bufferForUint32(n2) { + const arrBuf = new ArrayBuffer(4); + const buf = new Uint8Array(arrBuf); + const dv = new DataView(arrBuf); + dv.setUint32(0, n2); + return buf; +} +var TalerSignaturePurpose; +(function(TalerSignaturePurpose2) { + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_TRACK_TRANSACTION"] = 1103] = "MERCHANT_TRACK_TRANSACTION"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_RESERVE_WITHDRAW"] = 1200] = "WALLET_RESERVE_WITHDRAW"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_DEPOSIT"] = 1201] = "WALLET_COIN_DEPOSIT"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["GLOBAL_FEES"] = 1022] = "GLOBAL_FEES"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MASTER_DENOMINATION_KEY_VALIDITY"] = 1025] = "MASTER_DENOMINATION_KEY_VALIDITY"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MASTER_WIRE_FEES"] = 1028] = "MASTER_WIRE_FEES"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MASTER_WIRE_DETAILS"] = 1030] = "MASTER_WIRE_DETAILS"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_MELT"] = 1202] = "WALLET_COIN_MELT"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TEST"] = 4242] = "TEST"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK"] = 1104] = "MERCHANT_PAYMENT_OK"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_CONTRACT"] = 1101] = "MERCHANT_CONTRACT"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["MERCHANT_REFUND"] = 1102] = "MERCHANT_REFUND"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_RECOUP"] = 1203] = "WALLET_COIN_RECOUP"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_LINK"] = 1204] = "WALLET_COIN_LINK"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_RECOUP_REFRESH"] = 1206] = "WALLET_COIN_RECOUP_REFRESH"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION"] = 1207] = "WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_CREATE"] = 1210] = "WALLET_PURSE_CREATE"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_DEPOSIT"] = 1211] = "WALLET_PURSE_DEPOSIT"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_MERGE"] = 1213] = "WALLET_PURSE_MERGE"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_ACCOUNT_MERGE"] = 1214] = "WALLET_ACCOUNT_MERGE"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_ECONTRACT"] = 1216] = "WALLET_PURSE_ECONTRACT"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_PURSE_DELETE"] = 1220] = "WALLET_PURSE_DELETE"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["WALLET_COIN_HISTORY"] = 1209] = "WALLET_COIN_HISTORY"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP"] = 1039] = "EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP_REFRESH"] = 1041] = "EXCHANGE_CONFIRM_RECOUP_REFRESH"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_DECISION"] = 1350] = "TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_DECISION"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_QUERY"] = 1351] = "TALER_SIGNATURE_AML_QUERY"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["TALER_SIGNATURE_MASTER_AML_KEY"] = 1017] = "TALER_SIGNATURE_MASTER_AML_KEY"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_UPLOAD"] = 1400] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_UPLOAD"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["ANASTASIS_POLICY_DOWNLOAD"] = 1401] = "ANASTASIS_POLICY_DOWNLOAD"; + TalerSignaturePurpose2[TalerSignaturePurpose2["SYNC_BACKUP_UPLOAD"] = 1450] = "SYNC_BACKUP_UPLOAD"; +})(TalerSignaturePurpose || (TalerSignaturePurpose = {})); +var WalletAccountMergeFlags; +(function(WalletAccountMergeFlags2) { + WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; + WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["MergeFullyPaidPurse"] = 1] = "MergeFullyPaidPurse"; + WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["CreateFromPurseQuota"] = 2] = "CreateFromPurseQuota"; + WalletAccountMergeFlags2[WalletAccountMergeFlags2["CreateWithPurseFee"] = 3] = "CreateWithPurseFee"; +})(WalletAccountMergeFlags || (WalletAccountMergeFlags = {})); +var SignaturePurposeBuilder = class { + constructor(purposeNum) { + this.purposeNum = purposeNum; + this.chunks = []; + } + put(bytes) { + this.chunks.push(Uint8Array.from(bytes)); + return this; + } + build() { + let payloadLen = 0; + for (const c4 of this.chunks) { + payloadLen += c4.byteLength; + } + const buf = new ArrayBuffer(4 + 4 + payloadLen); + const u8buf = new Uint8Array(buf); + let p4 = 8; + for (const c4 of this.chunks) { + u8buf.set(c4, p4); + p4 += c4.byteLength; + } + const dvbuf = new DataView(buf); + dvbuf.setUint32(0, payloadLen + 4 + 4); + dvbuf.setUint32(4, this.purposeNum); + return u8buf; + } +}; +function buildSigPS(purposeNum) { + return new SignaturePurposeBuilder(purposeNum); +} +function bigintToNaclArr(x6, size) { + const byteArr = new Uint8Array(size); + const arr = x6.toArray(256).value.reverse(); + byteArr.set(arr, 0); + return byteArr; +} +function bigintFromNaclArr(arr) { + let rev = new Uint8Array(arr); + rev = rev.reverse(); + return import_big_integer.default.fromArray(Array.from(rev), 256, false); +} +var Edx25519; +(function(Edx255192) { + const revL = [ + 237, + 211, + 245, + 92, + 26, + 99, + 18, + 88, + 214, + 156, + 247, + 162, + 222, + 249, + 222, + 20, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 16 + ]; + const L5 = import_big_integer.default.fromArray(revL.reverse(), 256, false); + async function keyCreateFromSeed(seed) { + return crypto_edx25519_private_key_create_from_seed(seed); + } + Edx255192.keyCreateFromSeed = keyCreateFromSeed; + async function keyCreate() { + return crypto_edx25519_private_key_create(); + } + Edx255192.keyCreate = keyCreate; + async function getPublic(priv) { + return crypto_edx25519_get_public(priv); + } + Edx255192.getPublic = getPublic; + function sign(msg, key) { + throw Error("not implemented"); + } + Edx255192.sign = sign; + async function deriveFactor(pub, seed) { + const res = kdfKw({ + outputLength: 64, + salt: seed, + ikm: pub, + info: stringToBytes("edx25519-derivation") + }); + return res; + } + async function privateKeyDerive(priv, seed) { + const pub = await getPublic(priv); + const privDec = priv; + const a5 = bigintFromNaclArr(privDec.subarray(0, 32)); + const factorEnc = await deriveFactor(pub, seed); + const factorModL = bigintFromNaclArr(factorEnc).mod(L5); + const aPrime = a5.divide(8).multiply(factorModL).mod(L5).multiply(8).mod(L5); + const bPrime = hash(typedArrayConcat([privDec.subarray(32, 64), factorEnc])).subarray(0, 32); + const newPriv = typedArrayConcat([bigintToNaclArr(aPrime, 32), bPrime]); + return newPriv; + } + Edx255192.privateKeyDerive = privateKeyDerive; + async function publicKeyDerive(pub, seed) { + const factorEnc = await deriveFactor(pub, seed); + const factorReduced = crypto_core_ed25519_scalar_reduce(factorEnc); + const res = crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_noclamp(factorReduced, pub); + return res; + } + Edx255192.publicKeyDerive = publicKeyDerive; +})(Edx25519 || (Edx25519 = {})); +function invariant(cond) { + if (!cond) { + throw Error("invariant failed"); + } +} +var AgeRestriction; +(function(AgeRestriction2) { + AgeRestriction2.AGE_UNRESTRICTED = 32; + function hashCommitment(ac) { + const hc = new HashState(); + for (const pub of ac.publicKeys) { + hc.update(decodeCrock(pub)); + } + return encodeCrock(hc.finish().subarray(0, 32)); + } + AgeRestriction2.hashCommitment = hashCommitment; + function countAgeGroups(mask) { + let count = 0; + let m5 = mask; + while (m5 > 0) { + count += m5 & 1; + m5 = m5 >> 1; + } + return count; + } + AgeRestriction2.countAgeGroups = countAgeGroups; + function getAgeGroupsFromMask(mask) { + const groups = []; + let age = 1; + let m5 = mask >> 1; + while (m5 > 0) { + if (m5 & 1) { + groups.push(age); + } + m5 = m5 >> 1; + age++; + } + return groups; + } + AgeRestriction2.getAgeGroupsFromMask = getAgeGroupsFromMask; + function getAgeGroupIndex(mask, age) { + invariant((mask & 1) === 1); + let i4 = 0; + let m5 = mask; + let a5 = age; + while (m5 > 0) { + if (a5 <= 0) { + break; + } + m5 = m5 >> 1; + i4 += m5 & 1; + a5--; + } + return i4; + } + AgeRestriction2.getAgeGroupIndex = getAgeGroupIndex; + function ageGroupSpecToMask(ageGroupSpec) { + throw Error("not implemented"); + } + AgeRestriction2.ageGroupSpecToMask = ageGroupSpecToMask; + async function restrictionCommit(ageMask, age) { + invariant((ageMask & 1) === 1); + const numPubs = countAgeGroups(ageMask) - 1; + const numPrivs = getAgeGroupIndex(ageMask, age); + const pubs = []; + const privs = []; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < numPubs; i4++) { + const priv = await Edx25519.keyCreate(); + const pub = await Edx25519.getPublic(priv); + pubs.push(pub); + if (i4 < numPrivs) { + privs.push(priv); + } + } + return { + commitment: { + mask: ageMask, + publicKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) + }, + proof: { + privateKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) + } + }; + } + AgeRestriction2.restrictionCommit = restrictionCommit; + const PublishedAgeRestrictionBaseKey = decodeCrock("CH0VKFDZ2GWRWHQBBGEK9MWV5YDQVJ0RXEE0KYT3NMB69F0R96TG"); + async function restrictionCommitSeeded(ageMask, age, seed) { + invariant((ageMask & 1) === 1); + const numPubs = countAgeGroups(ageMask) - 1; + const numPrivs = getAgeGroupIndex(ageMask, age); + const pubs = []; + const privs = []; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < numPrivs; i4++) { + const privSeed = await kdfKw({ + outputLength: 32, + ikm: seed, + info: stringToBytes("age-commitment"), + salt: bufferForUint32(i4) + }); + const priv = await Edx25519.keyCreateFromSeed(privSeed); + const pub = await Edx25519.getPublic(priv); + pubs.push(pub); + privs.push(priv); + } + for (let i4 = numPrivs; i4 < numPubs; i4++) { + const deriveSeed = await kdfKw({ + outputLength: 32, + ikm: seed, + info: stringToBytes("age-factor"), + salt: bufferForUint32(i4) + }); + const pub = await Edx25519.publicKeyDerive(PublishedAgeRestrictionBaseKey, deriveSeed); + pubs.push(pub); + } + return { + commitment: { + mask: ageMask, + publicKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) + }, + proof: { + privateKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) + } + }; + } + AgeRestriction2.restrictionCommitSeeded = restrictionCommitSeeded; + async function commitCompare(c1, c22, salt) { + if (c1.publicKeys.length != c22.publicKeys.length) { + return false; + } + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < c1.publicKeys.length; i4++) { + const k1 = decodeCrock(c1.publicKeys[i4]); + const k22 = await Edx25519.publicKeyDerive(decodeCrock(c22.publicKeys[i4]), salt); + if (k1 != k22) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + AgeRestriction2.commitCompare = commitCompare; + async function commitmentDerive(commitmentProof, salt) { + const newPrivs = []; + const newPubs = []; + for (const oldPub of commitmentProof.commitment.publicKeys) { + newPubs.push(await Edx25519.publicKeyDerive(decodeCrock(oldPub), salt)); + } + for (const oldPriv of commitmentProof.proof.privateKeys) { + newPrivs.push(await Edx25519.privateKeyDerive(decodeCrock(oldPriv), salt)); + } + return { + commitment: { + mask: commitmentProof.commitment.mask, + publicKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) + }, + proof: { + privateKeys: => encodeCrock(x6)) + } + }; + } + AgeRestriction2.commitmentDerive = commitmentDerive; + function commitmentAttest(commitmentProof, age) { + const d5 = buildSigPS(TalerSignaturePurpose.WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION).put(bufferForUint32(commitmentProof.commitment.mask)).put(bufferForUint32(age)).build(); + const group = getAgeGroupIndex(commitmentProof.commitment.mask, age); + if (group === 0) { + return new Uint8Array(64); + } + const priv = commitmentProof.proof.privateKeys[group - 1]; + const pub = commitmentProof.commitment.publicKeys[group - 1]; + const sig = crypto_edx25519_sign_detached(d5, decodeCrock(priv), decodeCrock(pub)); + return sig; + } + AgeRestriction2.commitmentAttest = commitmentAttest; + function commitmentVerify(commitment, sig, age) { + const d5 = buildSigPS(TalerSignaturePurpose.WALLET_AGE_ATTESTATION).put(bufferForUint32(commitment.mask)).put(bufferForUint32(age)).build(); + const group = getAgeGroupIndex(commitment.mask, age); + if (group === 0) { + return true; + } + const pub = commitment.publicKeys[group - 1]; + return crypto_edx25519_sign_detached_verify(d5, decodeCrock(sig), decodeCrock(pub)); + } + AgeRestriction2.commitmentVerify = commitmentVerify; +})(AgeRestriction || (AgeRestriction = {})); +var ContractFormatTag; +(function(ContractFormatTag2) { + ContractFormatTag2[ContractFormatTag2["PaymentOffer"] = 0] = "PaymentOffer"; + ContractFormatTag2[ContractFormatTag2["PaymentRequest"] = 1] = "PaymentRequest"; +})(ContractFormatTag || (ContractFormatTag = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/bech32.js +var CHARSET = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l"; +var GENERATOR = [996825010, 642813549, 513874426, 1027748829, 705979059]; +var encodings = { + BECH32: "bech32", + BECH32M: "bech32m" +}; +var bech32_default = { + decode: decode2, + encode: encode2, + encodings +}; +function getEncodingConst(enc) { + if (enc == encodings.BECH32) { + return 1; + } else if (enc == encodings.BECH32M) { + return 734539939; + } else { + throw new Error("unknown encoding"); + } +} +function polymod(values) { + var chk = 1; + for (var p4 = 0; p4 < values.length; ++p4) { + var top = chk >> 25; + chk = (chk & 33554431) << 5 ^ values[p4]; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < 5; ++i4) { + if (top >> i4 & 1) { + chk ^= GENERATOR[i4]; + } + } + } + return chk; +} +function hrpExpand(hrp) { + var ret = []; + var p4; + for (p4 = 0; p4 < hrp.length; ++p4) { + ret.push(hrp.charCodeAt(p4) >> 5); + } + ret.push(0); + for (p4 = 0; p4 < hrp.length; ++p4) { + ret.push(hrp.charCodeAt(p4) & 31); + } + return ret; +} +function verifyChecksum(hrp, data, enc) { + return polymod(hrpExpand(hrp).concat(data)) === getEncodingConst(enc); +} +function createChecksum(hrp, data, enc) { + var values = hrpExpand(hrp).concat(data).concat([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]); + var mod = polymod(values) ^ getEncodingConst(enc); + var ret = []; + for (var p4 = 0; p4 < 6; ++p4) { + ret.push(mod >> 5 * (5 - p4) & 31); + } + return ret; +} +function encode2(hrp, data, enc) { + var combined = data.concat(createChecksum(hrp, data, enc)); + var ret = hrp + "1"; + for (var p4 = 0; p4 < combined.length; ++p4) { + ret += CHARSET.charAt(combined[p4]); + } + return ret; +} +function decode2(bechString, enc) { + var p4; + var has_lower = false; + var has_upper = false; + for (p4 = 0; p4 < bechString.length; ++p4) { + if (bechString.charCodeAt(p4) < 33 || bechString.charCodeAt(p4) > 126) { + return null; + } + if (bechString.charCodeAt(p4) >= 97 && bechString.charCodeAt(p4) <= 122) { + has_lower = true; + } + if (bechString.charCodeAt(p4) >= 65 && bechString.charCodeAt(p4) <= 90) { + has_upper = true; + } + } + if (has_lower && has_upper) { + return null; + } + bechString = bechString.toLowerCase(); + var pos = bechString.lastIndexOf("1"); + if (pos < 1 || pos + 7 > bechString.length || bechString.length > 90) { + return null; + } + var hrp = bechString.substring(0, pos); + var data = []; + for (p4 = pos + 1; p4 < bechString.length; ++p4) { + var d5 = CHARSET.indexOf(bechString.charAt(p4)); + if (d5 === -1) { + return null; + } + data.push(d5); + } + if (!verifyChecksum(hrp, data, enc)) { + return null; + } + return { hrp, data: data.slice(0, data.length - 6) }; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/segwit_addr.js +var segwit_addr_default = { + encode: encode3, + decode: decode3 +}; +function convertbits(data, frombits, tobits, pad) { + var acc = 0; + var bits = 0; + var ret = []; + var maxv = (1 << tobits) - 1; + for (var p4 = 0; p4 < data.length; ++p4) { + var value = data[p4]; + if (value < 0 || value >> frombits !== 0) { + return []; + } + acc = acc << frombits | value; + bits += frombits; + while (bits >= tobits) { + bits -= tobits; + ret.push(acc >> bits & maxv); + } + } + if (pad) { + if (bits > 0) { + ret.push(acc << tobits - bits & maxv); + } + } else if (bits >= frombits || acc << tobits - bits & maxv) { + return []; + } + return ret; +} +function decode3(hrp, addr) { + var bech32m = false; + var dec = bech32_default.decode(addr, bech32_default.encodings.BECH32); + if (dec === null) { + dec = bech32_default.decode(addr, bech32_default.encodings.BECH32M); + bech32m = true; + } + if (dec === null || dec.hrp !== hrp || < 1 ||[0] > 16) { + return null; + } + var res = convertbits(, 5, 8, false); + if (res === null || res.length < 2 || res.length > 40) { + return null; + } + if ([0] === 0 && res.length !== 20 && res.length !== 32) { + return null; + } + if ([0] === 0 && bech32m) { + return null; + } + if ([0] !== 0 && !bech32m) { + return null; + } + return { version:[0], program: res }; +} +function encode3(hrp, version, program) { + var enc = bech32_default.encodings.BECH32; + if (version > 0) { + enc = bech32_default.encodings.BECH32M; + } + var ret = bech32_default.encode(hrp, [version].concat(convertbits(program, 8, 5, true)), enc); + if (decode3( + hrp, + ret + /*, enc*/ + ) === null) { + return ""; + } + return ret; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/bitcoin.js +function generateFakeSegwitAddress(reservePub, addr) { + if (!reservePub) + return []; + let pub; + try { + pub = decodeCrock(reservePub); + } catch { + } + if (!pub || pub.length !== 32) + return []; + const first_rnd = new Uint8Array(4); + first_rnd.set(pub.subarray(0, 4)); + const second_rnd = new Uint8Array(4); + second_rnd.set(pub.subarray(0, 4)); + first_rnd[0] = first_rnd[0] & 127; + second_rnd[0] = second_rnd[0] | 128; + const first_part = new Uint8Array(first_rnd.length + pub.length / 2); + first_part.set(first_rnd, 0); + first_part.set(pub.subarray(0, 16), 4); + const second_part = new Uint8Array(first_rnd.length + pub.length / 2); + second_part.set(second_rnd, 0); + second_part.set(pub.subarray(16, 32), 4); + const prefix = addr[0] === "t" && addr[1] == "b" ? "tb" : addr[0] === "b" && addr[1] == "c" && addr[2] === "r" && addr[3] == "t" ? "bcrt" : addr[0] === "b" && addr[1] == "c" ? "bc" : void 0; + if (prefix === void 0) + throw new Error("unknown bitcoin net"); + const addr1 = segwit_addr_default.encode(prefix, 0, first_part); + const addr2 = segwit_addr_default.encode(prefix, 0, second_part); + return [addr1, addr2]; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/payto.js +function codecForPaytoString() { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (typeof x6 !== "string") { + throw new DecodingError(`expected string at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + if (!x6.startsWith(paytoPfx)) { + throw new DecodingError(`expected start with payto at ${renderContext(c4)} but got "${x6}"`); + } + return x6; + } + }; +} +var paytoPfx = "payto://"; +function buildPayto(type, first, second) { + switch (type) { + case "bitcoin": { + const result = { + isKnown: true, + targetType: "bitcoin", + targetPath: first, + params: {}, + segwitAddrs: !second ? [] : generateFakeSegwitAddress(second, first) + }; + return result; + } + case "iban": { + const uppercased = first.toUpperCase(); + const result = { + isKnown: true, + targetType: "iban", + iban: uppercased, + params: {}, + targetPath: !second ? uppercased : `${second}/${uppercased}` + }; + return result; + } + case "x-taler-bank": { + if (!second) + throw Error("missing account for payto://x-taler-bank"); + const result = { + isKnown: true, + targetType: "x-taler-bank", + host: first, + account: second, + params: {}, + targetPath: `${first}/${second}` + }; + return result; + } + default: { + const unknownType = type; + throw Error(`unknown payto:// type ${unknownType}`); + } + } +} +function stringifyPaytoUri(p4) { + const url = new URL(`${paytoPfx}${p4.targetType}/${p4.targetPath}`); + const paramList = !p4.params ? [] : Object.entries(p4.params); + paramList.forEach(([key, value]) => { + url.searchParams.set(key, value); + }); + return url.href; +} +function parsePaytoUri(s5) { + if (!s5.startsWith(paytoPfx)) { + return void 0; + } + const [acct, search] = s5.slice(paytoPfx.length).split("?"); + const firstSlashPos = acct.indexOf("/"); + if (firstSlashPos === -1) { + return void 0; + } + const targetType = acct.slice(0, firstSlashPos); + const targetPath = acct.slice(firstSlashPos + 1); + const params = {}; + const searchParams = new URLSearchParams2(search || ""); + searchParams.forEach((v3, k5) => { + params[k5] = v3; + }); + if (targetType === "x-taler-bank") { + const parts = targetPath.split("/"); + const host = parts[0]; + const account = parts[1]; + return { + targetPath, + targetType, + params, + isKnown: true, + host, + account + }; + } + if (targetType === "iban") { + const parts = targetPath.split("/"); + let iban = void 0; + let bic = void 0; + if (parts.length === 1) { + iban = parts[0].toUpperCase(); + } + if (parts.length === 2) { + bic = parts[0]; + iban = parts[1].toUpperCase(); + } else { + iban = targetPath.toUpperCase(); + } + return { + isKnown: true, + targetPath, + targetType, + params, + iban, + bic + }; + } + if (targetType === "bitcoin") { + const msg = /\b([A-Z0-9]{52})\b/.exec(params["message"]); + const reserve = !msg ? params["subject"] : msg[0]; + const segwitAddrs = !reserve ? [] : generateFakeSegwitAddress(reserve, targetPath); + const result = { + isKnown: true, + targetPath, + targetType, + params, + segwitAddrs + }; + return result; + } + return { + targetPath, + targetType, + params, + isKnown: false + }; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/taleruri.js +function codecForTalerActionString() { + return { + decode(x6, c4) { + if (typeof x6 !== "string") { + throw new DecodingError(`expected string at ${renderContext(c4)} but got ${typeof x6}`); + } + if (parseTalerUri(x6) === void 0) { + throw new DecodingError(`invalid taler action at ${renderContext(c4)} but got "${x6}"`); + } + return x6; + } + }; +} +function parseWithdrawUri(s5) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "withdraw"); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const parts ="/"); + if (parts.length < 2) { + return void 0; + } + const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); + const withdrawId = parts[parts.length - 1]; + const p4 = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.Withdraw, + bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${p4}/`), + withdrawalOperationId: withdrawId + }; +} +var TalerUriType; +(function(TalerUriType2) { + TalerUriType2["TalerPay"] = "taler-pay"; + TalerUriType2["TalerTemplate"] = "taler-template"; + TalerUriType2["TalerPayTemplate"] = "taler-pay-template"; + TalerUriType2["TalerWithdraw"] = "taler-withdraw"; + TalerUriType2["TalerTip"] = "taler-tip"; + TalerUriType2["TalerRefund"] = "taler-refund"; + TalerUriType2["TalerPayPush"] = "taler-pay-push"; + TalerUriType2["TalerPayPull"] = "taler-pay-pull"; + TalerUriType2["TalerRecovery"] = "taler-recovery"; + TalerUriType2["TalerDevExperiment"] = "taler-dev-experiment"; + TalerUriType2["Unknown"] = "unknown"; +})(TalerUriType || (TalerUriType = {})); +var TalerUriAction; +(function(TalerUriAction2) { + TalerUriAction2["Pay"] = "pay"; + TalerUriAction2["Withdraw"] = "withdraw"; + TalerUriAction2["Refund"] = "refund"; + TalerUriAction2["PayPull"] = "pay-pull"; + TalerUriAction2["PayPush"] = "pay-push"; + TalerUriAction2["PayTemplate"] = "pay-template"; + TalerUriAction2["Restore"] = "restore"; + TalerUriAction2["DevExperiment"] = "dev-experiment"; + TalerUriAction2["WithdrawExchange"] = "withdraw-exchange"; +})(TalerUriAction || (TalerUriAction = {})); +function parseProtoInfo(s5, action) { + const pfxPlain = `taler://${action}/`; + const pfxHttp = `taler+http://${action}/`; + if (s5.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxPlain)) { + return { + innerProto: "https", + rest: s5.substring(pfxPlain.length) + }; + } else if (s5.toLowerCase().startsWith(pfxHttp)) { + return { + innerProto: "http", + rest: s5.substring(pfxHttp.length) + }; + } else { + return void 0; + } +} +var parsers = { + [TalerUriAction.Pay]: parsePayUri, + [TalerUriAction.PayPull]: parsePayPullUri, + [TalerUriAction.PayPush]: parsePayPushUri, + [TalerUriAction.PayTemplate]: parsePayTemplateUri, + [TalerUriAction.Restore]: parseRestoreUri, + [TalerUriAction.Refund]: parseRefundUri, + [TalerUriAction.Withdraw]: parseWithdrawUri, + [TalerUriAction.DevExperiment]: parseDevExperimentUri, + [TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange]: parseWithdrawExchangeUri +}; +function parseTalerUri(string) { + const https = string.startsWith("taler://"); + const http = string.startsWith("taler+http://"); + if (!https && !http) + return void 0; + const actionStart = https ? 8 : 13; + const actionEnd = string.indexOf("/", actionStart + 1); + const action = string.substring(actionStart, actionEnd); + const found = Object.values(TalerUriAction).find((x6) => x6 === action); + if (!found) + return void 0; + return parsers[found](string); +} +function stringifyTalerUri(uri) { + switch (uri.type) { + case TalerUriAction.DevExperiment: { + return stringifyDevExperimentUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.Pay: { + return stringifyPayUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.PayPull: { + return stringifyPayPullUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.PayPush: { + return stringifyPayPushUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.PayTemplate: { + return stringifyPayTemplateUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.Restore: { + return stringifyRestoreUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.Refund: { + return stringifyRefundUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.Withdraw: { + return stringifyWithdrawUri(uri); + } + case TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange: { + return stringifyWithdrawExchange(uri); + } + } +} +function parsePayUri(s5) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "pay"); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const c4 = pi?.rest.split("?"); + const q5 = new URLSearchParams2(c4[1] ?? ""); + const claimToken = q5.get("c") ?? void 0; + const noncePriv = q5.get("n") ?? void 0; + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + if (parts.length < 3) { + return void 0; + } + const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1]; + const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2]; + const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2); + const p4 = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); + const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${p4}/`); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.Pay, + merchantBaseUrl, + orderId, + sessionId, + claimToken, + noncePriv + }; +} +function parsePayTemplateUri(uriString) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(uriString, TalerUriAction.PayTemplate); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const c4 ="?"); + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + if (parts.length < 2) { + return void 0; + } + const q5 = new URLSearchParams2(c4[1] ?? ""); + const params = {}; + q5.forEach((v3, k5) => { + params[k5] = v3; + }); + const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + const templateId = parts[parts.length - 1]; + const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); + const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); + const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.PayTemplate, + merchantBaseUrl, + templateId, + templateParams: params + }; +} +function parsePayPushUri(s5) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, TalerUriAction.PayPush); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const c4 = pi?.rest.split("?"); + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + if (parts.length < 2) { + return void 0; + } + const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + const contractPriv = parts[parts.length - 1]; + const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); + const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); + const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.PayPush, + exchangeBaseUrl, + contractPriv + }; +} +function parsePayPullUri(s5) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, TalerUriAction.PayPull); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const c4 = pi?.rest.split("?"); + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + if (parts.length < 2) { + return void 0; + } + const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + const contractPriv = parts[parts.length - 1]; + const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); + const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); + const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.PayPull, + exchangeBaseUrl, + contractPriv + }; +} +function parseWithdrawExchangeUri(s5) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "withdraw-exchange"); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const c4 = pi?.rest.split("?"); + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + if (parts.length < 1) { + return void 0; + } + const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + const exchangePub = parts.length > 1 ? parts[parts.length - 1] : void 0; + const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 1); + const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); + const exchangeBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); + const q5 = new URLSearchParams2(c4[1] ?? ""); + const amount = q5.get("a") ?? void 0; + return { + type: TalerUriAction.WithdrawExchange, + exchangeBaseUrl, + exchangePub: exchangePub != "" ? exchangePub : void 0, + amount + }; +} +function parseRefundUri(s5) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "refund"); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const c4 = pi?.rest.split("?"); + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + if (parts.length < 3) { + return void 0; + } + const host = parts[0].toLowerCase(); + const sessionId = parts[parts.length - 1]; + const orderId = parts[parts.length - 2]; + const pathSegments = parts.slice(1, parts.length - 2); + const hostAndSegments = [host, ...pathSegments].join("/"); + const merchantBaseUrl = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${hostAndSegments}/`); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.Refund, + merchantBaseUrl, + orderId + }; +} +function parseDevExperimentUri(s5) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(s5, "dev-experiment"); + const c4 = pi?.rest.split("?"); + if (!c4) { + return void 0; + } + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.DevExperiment, + devExperimentId: parts[0] + }; +} +function parseRestoreUri(uri) { + const pi = parseProtoInfo(uri, "restore"); + if (!pi) { + return void 0; + } + const c4 ="?"); + const parts = c4[0].split("/"); + if (parts.length < 2) { + return void 0; + } + const walletRootPriv = parts[0]; + if (!walletRootPriv) + return void 0; + const providers = new Array(); + parts[1].split(",").map((name) => { + const url = canonicalizeBaseUrl(`${pi.innerProto}://${decodeURIComponent(name)}/`); + providers.push(url); + }); + return { + type: TalerUriAction.Restore, + walletRootPriv, + providers + }; +} +function stringifyPayUri({ merchantBaseUrl, orderId, sessionId, claimToken, noncePriv }) { + const { proto, path, query } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl, { + c: claimToken, + n: noncePriv + }); + return `${proto}://pay/${path}${orderId}/${sessionId}${query}`; +} +function stringifyPayPullUri({ contractPriv, exchangeBaseUrl }) { + const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(exchangeBaseUrl); + return `${proto}://pay-pull/${path}${contractPriv}`; +} +function stringifyPayPushUri({ contractPriv, exchangeBaseUrl }) { + const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(exchangeBaseUrl); + return `${proto}://pay-push/${path}${contractPriv}`; +} +function stringifyRestoreUri({ providers, walletRootPriv }) { + const list = => `${encodeURIComponent(new URL2(url).href)}`).join(","); + return `taler://restore/${walletRootPriv}/${list}`; +} +function stringifyWithdrawExchange({ exchangeBaseUrl, exchangePub, amount }) { + const { proto, path, query } = getUrlInfo(exchangeBaseUrl, { + a: amount + }); + return `${proto}://withdraw-exchange/${path}${exchangePub ?? ""}${query}`; +} +function stringifyDevExperimentUri({ devExperimentId }) { + return `taler://dev-experiment/${devExperimentId}`; +} +function stringifyPayTemplateUri({ merchantBaseUrl, templateId, templateParams }) { + const { proto, path, query } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl, templateParams); + return `${proto}://pay-template/${path}${templateId}${query}`; +} +function stringifyRefundUri({ merchantBaseUrl, orderId }) { + const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(merchantBaseUrl); + return `${proto}://refund/${path}${orderId}/`; +} +function stringifyWithdrawUri({ bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl, withdrawalOperationId }) { + const { proto, path } = getUrlInfo(bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl); + return `${proto}://withdraw/${path}${withdrawalOperationId}`; +} +function getUrlInfo(baseUrl, params = {}) { + const url = new URL2(baseUrl); + let proto; + if (url.protocol === "https:") { + proto = "taler"; + } else if (url.protocol === "http:") { + proto = "taler+http"; + } else { + throw Error(`Unsupported URL protocol in ${baseUrl}`); + } + let path = url.hostname; + if (url.port) { + path = path + ":" + url.port; + } + if (url.pathname) { + path = path + url.pathname; + } + if (!path.endsWith("/")) { + path = path + "/"; + } + const qp = new URLSearchParams2(); + let withParams = false; + Object.entries(params).forEach(([name, value]) => { + if (value !== void 0) { + withParams = true; + qp.append(name, value); + } + }); + const query = withParams ? "?" + qp.toString() : ""; + return { proto, path, query }; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/types.js +var codecForAccessToken = codecForString; +var codecForTokenSuccessResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("access_token", codecForAccessToken()).property("expiration", codecForTimestamp).build("TalerAuthentication.TokenSuccessResponse"); +var codecForCurrencySpecificiation = () => buildCodecForObject().property("name", codecForString()).property("num_fractional_input_digits", codecForNumber()).property("num_fractional_normal_digits", codecForNumber()).property("num_fractional_trailing_zero_digits", codecForNumber()).property("alt_unit_names", codecForMap(codecForString())).build("CurrencySpecification"); +var codecForIntegrationBankConfig = () => buildCodecForObject().property("name", codecForConstString("taler-bank-integration")).property("version", codecForString()).property("currency", codecForString()).property("currency_specification", codecForCurrencySpecificiation()).build("TalerCorebankApi.IntegrationConfig"); +var codecForCoreBankConfig = () => buildCodecForObject().property("name", codecForConstString("libeufin-bank")).property("version", codecForString()).property("allow_conversion", codecForBoolean()).property("allow_registrations", codecForBoolean()).property("allow_deletions", codecForBoolean()).property("allow_edit_name", codecForBoolean()).property("allow_edit_cashout_payto_uri", codecForBoolean()).property("default_debit_threshold", codecForAmountString()).property("currency", codecForString()).property("currency_specification", codecForCurrencySpecificiation()).property("supported_tan_channels", codecForList(codecForEither(codecForConstString(TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.SMS), codecForConstString(TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.EMAIL)))).property("wire_type", codecForString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.Config"); +var codecForBalance = () => buildCodecForObject().property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("credit_debit_indicator", codecForEither(codecForConstString("credit"), codecForConstString("debit"))).build("TalerCorebankApi.Balance"); +var codecForPublicAccount = () => buildCodecForObject().property("username", codecForString()).property("balance", codecForBalance()).property("payto_uri", codecForPaytoString()).property("is_taler_exchange", codecForBoolean()).property("row_id", codecOptional(codecForNumber())).build("TalerCorebankApi.PublicAccount"); +var codecForPublicAccountsResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("public_accounts", codecForList(codecForPublicAccount())).build("TalerCorebankApi.PublicAccountsResponse"); +var codecForAccountMinimalData = () => buildCodecForObject().property("username", codecForString()).property("name", codecForString()).property("payto_uri", codecForPaytoString()).property("balance", codecForBalance()).property("debit_threshold", codecForAmountString()).property("is_public", codecForBoolean()).property("is_taler_exchange", codecForBoolean()).property("row_id", codecOptional(codecForNumber())).build("TalerCorebankApi.AccountMinimalData"); +var codecForListBankAccountsResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("accounts", codecForList(codecForAccountMinimalData())).build("TalerCorebankApi.ListBankAccountsResponse"); +var codecForAccountData = () => buildCodecForObject().property("name", codecForString()).property("balance", codecForBalance()).property("payto_uri", codecForPaytoString()).property("debit_threshold", codecForAmountString()).property("contact_data", codecOptional(codecForChallengeContactData())).property("cashout_payto_uri", codecOptional(codecForPaytoString())).property("is_public", codecForBoolean()).property("is_taler_exchange", codecForBoolean()).property("tan_channel", codecOptional(codecForEither(codecForConstString(TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.SMS), codecForConstString(TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.EMAIL)))).build("TalerCorebankApi.AccountData"); +var codecForChallengeContactData = () => buildCodecForObject().property("email", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("phone", codecOptional(codecForString())).build("TalerCorebankApi.ChallengeContactData"); +var codecForWithdrawalPublicInfo = () => buildCodecForObject().property("status", codecForEither(codecForConstString("pending"), codecForConstString("selected"), codecForConstString("aborted"), codecForConstString("confirmed"))).property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("username", codecForString()).property("selected_reserve_pub", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("selected_exchange_account", codecOptional(codecForPaytoString())).build("TalerCorebankApi.WithdrawalPublicInfo"); +var codecForBankAccountTransactionsResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("transactions", codecForList(codecForBankAccountTransactionInfo())).build("TalerCorebankApi.BankAccountTransactionsResponse"); +var codecForBankAccountTransactionInfo = () => buildCodecForObject().property("creditor_payto_uri", codecForPaytoString()).property("debtor_payto_uri", codecForPaytoString()).property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("direction", codecForEither(codecForConstString("debit"), codecForConstString("credit"))).property("subject", codecForString()).property("row_id", codecForNumber()).property("date", codecForTimestamp).build("TalerCorebankApi.BankAccountTransactionInfo"); +var codecForCreateTransactionResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("row_id", codecForNumber()).build("TalerCorebankApi.CreateTransactionResponse"); +var codecForRegisterAccountResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("internal_payto_uri", codecForPaytoString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.RegisterAccountResponse"); +var codecForBankAccountCreateWithdrawalResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("taler_withdraw_uri", codecForTalerActionString()).property("withdrawal_id", codecForString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.BankAccountCreateWithdrawalResponse"); +var codecForCashoutPending = () => buildCodecForObject().property("cashout_id", codecForNumber()).build("TalerCorebankApi.CashoutPending"); +var codecForCashoutConversionResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("amount_credit", codecForAmountString()).property("amount_debit", codecForAmountString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.CashoutConversionResponse"); +var codecForCashinConversionResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("amount_credit", codecForAmountString()).property("amount_debit", codecForAmountString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.CashinConversionResponse"); +var codecForCashouts = () => buildCodecForObject().property("cashouts", codecForList(codecForCashoutInfo())).build("TalerCorebankApi.Cashouts"); +var codecForCashoutInfo = () => buildCodecForObject().property("cashout_id", codecForNumber()).build("TalerCorebankApi.CashoutInfo"); +var codecForGlobalCashouts = () => buildCodecForObject().property("cashouts", codecForList(codecForGlobalCashoutInfo())).build("TalerCorebankApi.GlobalCashouts"); +var codecForGlobalCashoutInfo = () => buildCodecForObject().property("cashout_id", codecForNumber()).property("username", codecForString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.GlobalCashoutInfo"); +var codecForCashoutStatusResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("amount_debit", codecForAmountString()).property("amount_credit", codecForAmountString()).property("subject", codecForString()).property("creation_time", codecForTimestamp).build("TalerCorebankApi.CashoutStatusResponse"); +var codecForMonitorResponse = () => buildCodecForUnion().discriminateOn("type").alternative("no-conversions", codecForMonitorNoConversion()).alternative("with-conversions", codecForMonitorWithCashout()).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.IncomingBankTransaction"); +var codecForMonitorNoConversion = () => buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString("no-conversions")).property("talerInCount", codecForNumber()).property("talerInVolume", codecForAmountString()).property("talerOutCount", codecForNumber()).property("talerOutVolume", codecForAmountString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.MonitorJustPayouts"); +var codecForMonitorWithCashout = () => buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString("with-conversions")).property("cashinCount", codecForNumber()).property("cashinFiatVolume", codecForAmountString()).property("cashinRegionalVolume", codecForAmountString()).property("cashoutCount", codecForNumber()).property("cashoutFiatVolume", codecForAmountString()).property("cashoutRegionalVolume", codecForAmountString()).property("talerInCount", codecForNumber()).property("talerInVolume", codecForAmountString()).property("talerOutCount", codecForNumber()).property("talerOutVolume", codecForAmountString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.MonitorWithCashout"); +var codecForBankWithdrawalOperationStatus = () => buildCodecForObject().property("status", codecForEither(codecForConstString("pending"), codecForConstString("selected"), codecForConstString("aborted"), codecForConstString("confirmed"))).property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("sender_wire", codecOptional(codecForPaytoString())).property("suggested_exchange", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("confirm_transfer_url", codecOptional(codecForURL())).property("wire_types", codecForList(codecForString())).property("selected_reserve_pub", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("selected_exchange_account", codecOptional(codecForString())).build("TalerBankIntegrationApi.BankWithdrawalOperationStatus"); +var codecForBankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("status", codecForEither(codecForConstString("selected"), codecForConstString("aborted"), codecForConstString("confirmed"))).property("confirm_transfer_url", codecOptional(codecForURL())).build("TalerBankIntegrationApi.BankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse"); +var codecForMerchantIncomingHistory = () => buildCodecForObject().property("credit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("incoming_transactions", codecForList(codecForMerchantIncomingBankTransaction())).build("TalerRevenueApi.MerchantIncomingHistory"); +var codecForMerchantIncomingBankTransaction = () => buildCodecForObject().property("row_id", codecForNumber()).property("date", codecForTimestamp).property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("debit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("exchange_url", codecForURL()).property("wtid", codecForString()).build("TalerRevenueApi.MerchantIncomingBankTransaction"); +var codecForTransferResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("row_id", codecForNumber()).property("timestamp", codecForTimestamp).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.TransferResponse"); +var codecForIncomingHistory = () => buildCodecForObject().property("credit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("incoming_transactions", codecForList(codecForIncomingBankTransaction())).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.IncomingHistory"); +var codecForIncomingBankTransaction = () => buildCodecForUnion().discriminateOn("type").alternative("RESERVE", codecForIncomingReserveTransaction()).alternative("WAD", codecForIncomingWadTransaction()).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.IncomingBankTransaction"); +var codecForIncomingReserveTransaction = () => buildCodecForObject().property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("date", codecForTimestamp).property("debit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("reserve_pub", codecForString()).property("row_id", codecForNumber()).property("type", codecForConstString("RESERVE")).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.IncomingReserveTransaction"); +var codecForIncomingWadTransaction = () => buildCodecForObject().property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("credit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("date", codecForTimestamp).property("debit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("origin_exchange_url", codecForURL()).property("row_id", codecForNumber()).property("type", codecForConstString("WAD")).property("wad_id", codecForString()).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.IncomingWadTransaction"); +var codecForOutgoingHistory = () => buildCodecForObject().property("debit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("outgoing_transactions", codecForList(codecForOutgoingBankTransaction())).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.OutgoingHistory"); +var codecForOutgoingBankTransaction = () => buildCodecForObject().property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("credit_account", codecForPaytoString()).property("date", codecForTimestamp).property("exchange_base_url", codecForURL()).property("row_id", codecForNumber()).property("wtid", codecForString()).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.OutgoingBankTransaction"); +var codecForAddIncomingResponse = () => buildCodecForObject().property("row_id", codecForNumber()).property("timestamp", codecForTimestamp).build("TalerWireGatewayApi.AddIncomingResponse"); +var codecForChallenge = () => buildCodecForObject().property("challenge_id", codecForNumber()).build("TalerCorebankApi.Challenge"); +var codecForTanTransmission = () => buildCodecForObject().property("tan_channel", codecForEither(codecForConstString(TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.SMS), codecForConstString(TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.EMAIL))).property("tan_info", codecForString()).build("TalerCorebankApi.TanTransmission"); +var codecForConversionInfo = () => buildCodecForObject().property("cashin_fee", codecForAmountString()).property("cashin_min_amount", codecForAmountString()).property("cashin_ratio", codecForDecimalNumber()).property("cashin_rounding_mode", codecForEither(codecForConstString("zero"), codecForConstString("up"), codecForConstString("nearest"))).property("cashin_tiny_amount", codecForAmountString()).property("cashout_fee", codecForAmountString()).property("cashout_min_amount", codecForAmountString()).property("cashout_ratio", codecForDecimalNumber()).property("cashout_rounding_mode", codecForEither(codecForConstString("zero"), codecForConstString("up"), codecForConstString("nearest"))).property("cashout_tiny_amount", codecForAmountString()).build("ConversionBankConfig.ConversionInfo"); +var codecForConversionBankConfig = () => buildCodecForObject().property("name", codecForConstString("taler-conversion-info")).property("version", codecForString()).property("regional_currency", codecForString()).property("regional_currency_specification", codecForCurrencySpecificiation()).property("fiat_currency", codecForString()).property("fiat_currency_specification", codecForCurrencySpecificiation()).property("conversion_rate", codecForConversionInfo()).build("ConversionBankConfig.IntegrationConfig"); +var codecForURL = codecForString; +var codecForDecimalNumber = codecForString; +var TalerCorebankApi; +(function(TalerCorebankApi8) { + let MonitorTimeframeParam; + (function(MonitorTimeframeParam2) { + MonitorTimeframeParam2[MonitorTimeframeParam2["hour"] = 0] = "hour"; + MonitorTimeframeParam2[MonitorTimeframeParam2["day"] = 1] = "day"; + MonitorTimeframeParam2[MonitorTimeframeParam2["month"] = 2] = "month"; + MonitorTimeframeParam2[MonitorTimeframeParam2["year"] = 3] = "year"; + MonitorTimeframeParam2[MonitorTimeframeParam2["decade"] = 4] = "decade"; + })(MonitorTimeframeParam = TalerCorebankApi8.MonitorTimeframeParam || (TalerCorebankApi8.MonitorTimeframeParam = {})); + let TanChannel2; + (function(TanChannel3) { + TanChannel3["SMS"] = "sms"; + TanChannel3["EMAIL"] = "email"; + })(TanChannel2 = TalerCorebankApi8.TanChannel || (TalerCorebankApi8.TanChannel = {})); +})(TalerCorebankApi || (TalerCorebankApi = {})); +var TalerExchangeApi; +(function(TalerExchangeApi2) { + let AmlState; + (function(AmlState2) { + AmlState2[AmlState2["normal"] = 0] = "normal"; + AmlState2[AmlState2["pending"] = 1] = "pending"; + AmlState2[AmlState2["frozen"] = 2] = "frozen"; + })(AmlState = TalerExchangeApi2.AmlState || (TalerExchangeApi2.AmlState = {})); +})(TalerExchangeApi || (TalerExchangeApi = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-status-codes.js +var HttpStatusCode; +(function(HttpStatusCode3) { + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Continue"] = 100] = "Continue"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["SwitchingProtocols"] = 101] = "SwitchingProtocols"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Processing"] = 102] = "Processing"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Ok"] = 200] = "Ok"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Created"] = 201] = "Created"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Accepted"] = 202] = "Accepted"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NonAuthoritativeInformation"] = 203] = "NonAuthoritativeInformation"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NoContent"] = 204] = "NoContent"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["ResetContent"] = 205] = "ResetContent"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["PartialContent"] = 206] = "PartialContent"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["MultiStatus"] = 207] = "MultiStatus"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["AlreadyReported"] = 208] = "AlreadyReported"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["ImUsed"] = 226] = "ImUsed"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["MultipleChoices"] = 300] = "MultipleChoices"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["MovedPermanently"] = 301] = "MovedPermanently"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Found"] = 302] = "Found"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["SeeOther"] = 303] = "SeeOther"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NotModified"] = 304] = "NotModified"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["UseProxy"] = 305] = "UseProxy"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["SwitchProxy"] = 306] = "SwitchProxy"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["TemporaryRedirect"] = 307] = "TemporaryRedirect"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["PermanentRedirect"] = 308] = "PermanentRedirect"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["BadRequest"] = 400] = "BadRequest"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Unauthorized"] = 401] = "Unauthorized"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["PaymentRequired"] = 402] = "PaymentRequired"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Forbidden"] = 403] = "Forbidden"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NotFound"] = 404] = "NotFound"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["MethodNotAllowed"] = 405] = "MethodNotAllowed"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NotAcceptable"] = 406] = "NotAcceptable"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["ProxyAuthenticationRequired"] = 407] = "ProxyAuthenticationRequired"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["RequestTimeout"] = 408] = "RequestTimeout"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Conflict"] = 409] = "Conflict"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Gone"] = 410] = "Gone"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["LengthRequired"] = 411] = "LengthRequired"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["PreconditionFailed"] = 412] = "PreconditionFailed"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["PayloadTooLarge"] = 413] = "PayloadTooLarge"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["UriTooLong"] = 414] = "UriTooLong"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["UnsupportedMediaType"] = 415] = "UnsupportedMediaType"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["RangeNotSatisfiable"] = 416] = "RangeNotSatisfiable"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["ExpectationFailed"] = 417] = "ExpectationFailed"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["IAmATeapot"] = 418] = "IAmATeapot"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["MisdirectedRequest"] = 421] = "MisdirectedRequest"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["UnprocessableEntity"] = 422] = "UnprocessableEntity"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["Locked"] = 423] = "Locked"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["FailedDependency"] = 424] = "FailedDependency"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["UpgradeRequired"] = 426] = "UpgradeRequired"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["PreconditionRequired"] = 428] = "PreconditionRequired"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["TooManyRequests"] = 429] = "TooManyRequests"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge"] = 431] = "RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["UnavailableForLegalReasons"] = 451] = "UnavailableForLegalReasons"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["InternalServerError"] = 500] = "InternalServerError"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NotImplemented"] = 501] = "NotImplemented"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["BadGateway"] = 502] = "BadGateway"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["ServiceUnavailable"] = 503] = "ServiceUnavailable"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["GatewayTimeout"] = 504] = "GatewayTimeout"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["HttpVersionNotSupported"] = 505] = "HttpVersionNotSupported"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["VariantAlsoNegotiates"] = 506] = "VariantAlsoNegotiates"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["InsufficientStorage"] = 507] = "InsufficientStorage"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["LoopDetected"] = 508] = "LoopDetected"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NotExtended"] = 510] = "NotExtended"; + HttpStatusCode3[HttpStatusCode3["NetworkAuthenticationRequired"] = 511] = "NetworkAuthenticationRequired"; +})(HttpStatusCode || (HttpStatusCode = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-impl.missing.js +var HttpLibImpl = class { + fetch(url, opt) { + throw new Error("Method not implemented."); + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-common.js +var textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); +var logger3 = new Logger("http.ts"); +var DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 6e4; +var Headers2 = class { + constructor() { + this.headerMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + } + get(name) { + const r3 = this.headerMap.get(name.toLowerCase()); + if (r3) { + return r3; + } + return null; + } + set(name, value) { + const normalizedName = name.toLowerCase(); + const existing = this.headerMap.get(normalizedName); + if (existing !== void 0) { + this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, existing + "," + value); + } else { + this.headerMap.set(normalizedName, value); + } + } + toJSON() { + const m5 = {}; + this.headerMap.forEach((v3, k5) => m5[k5] = v3); + return m5; + } +}; +async function readTalerErrorResponse(httpResponse) { + const contentType = httpResponse.headers.get("content-type"); + if (contentType !== "application/json") { + throw TalerError.fromDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE, { + requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl, + requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status, + contentType: contentType || "" + }, "Error response did not even contain JSON. The request URL might be wrong or the service might be unavailable."); + } + let errJson; + try { + errJson = await httpResponse.json(); + } catch (e4) { + throw TalerError.fromDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE, { + requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl, + requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status, + validationError: e4.toString() + }, "Couldn't parse JSON format from error response"); + } + const talerErrorCode = errJson.code; + if (typeof talerErrorCode !== "number") { + logger3.warn(`malformed error response (status ${httpResponse.status}): ${j2s(errJson)}`); + throw TalerError.fromDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE, { + requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl, + requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status + }, "Error response did not contain error code"); + } + return errJson; +} +async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode(httpResponse, codec) { + if (!(httpResponse.status >= 200 && httpResponse.status < 300)) { + return { + isError: true, + talerErrorResponse: await readTalerErrorResponse(httpResponse) + }; + } + let respJson; + try { + respJson = await httpResponse.json(); + } catch (e4) { + throw TalerError.fromDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE, { + requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl, + requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status, + validationError: e4.toString() + }, "Couldn't parse JSON format from response"); + } + let parsedResponse; + try { + parsedResponse = codec.decode(respJson); + } catch (e4) { + throw TalerError.fromDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE, { + requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl, + requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status, + validationError: e4.toString() + }, "Response invalid"); + } + return { + isError: false, + response: parsedResponse + }; +} +function throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, talerErrorResponse) { + throw TalerError.fromDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR, { + requestUrl: httpResponse.requestUrl, + requestMethod: httpResponse.requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: httpResponse.status, + errorResponse: talerErrorResponse + }, `Unexpected HTTP status ${httpResponse.status} in response`); +} +async function readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(httpResponse, codec) { + const r3 = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrErrorCode(httpResponse, codec); + if (!r3.isError) { + return r3.response; + } + throwUnexpectedRequestError(httpResponse, r3.talerErrorResponse); +} +function encodeBody(body) { + if (body == null) { + return new ArrayBuffer(0); + } + if (typeof body === "string") { + return textEncoder.encode(body).buffer; + } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { + return body.buffer; + } else if (body instanceof ArrayBuffer) { + return body; + } else if (typeof body === "object") { + return textEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(body)).buffer; + } + throw new TypeError("unsupported request body type"); +} +function getDefaultHeaders(method) { + const headers = {}; + if (method === "POST" || method === "PUT" || method === "PATCH") { + headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; + } + headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; + return headers; +} +function makeBasicAuthHeader(username, password) { + const auth = `${username}:${password}`; + const authEncoded = base64FromArrayBuffer(stringToBytes(auth)); + return `Basic ${authEncoded}`; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/http.js +function createPlatformHttpLib(args) { + return new HttpLibImpl(args); +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/libtool-version.js +var LibtoolVersion; +(function(LibtoolVersion2) { + function compare2(me, other) { + const meVer = parseVersion(me); + const otherVer = parseVersion(other); + if (!(meVer && otherVer)) { + return void 0; + } + const compatible = meVer.current - meVer.age <= otherVer.current && meVer.current >= otherVer.current - otherVer.age; + const currentCmp = Math.sign(meVer.current - otherVer.current); + return { compatible, currentCmp }; + } + = compare2; + function parseVersion(v3) { + const [currentStr, revisionStr, ageStr,] = v3.split(":"); + if (rest.length !== 0) { + return void 0; + } + const current = Number.parseInt(currentStr); + const revision = Number.parseInt(revisionStr); + const age = Number.parseInt(ageStr); + if (Number.isNaN(current)) { + return void 0; + } + if (Number.isNaN(revision)) { + return void 0; + } + if (Number.isNaN(age)) { + return void 0; + } + return { current, revision, age }; + } + LibtoolVersion2.parseVersion = parseVersion; +})(LibtoolVersion || (LibtoolVersion = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/operation.js +async function opSuccess(resp, codec) { + const body = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(resp, codec); + return { type: "ok", body, httpResp: resp }; +} +function opFixedSuccess(resp, body) { + return { type: "ok", body, httpResp: resp }; +} +function opEmptySuccess(resp) { + return { type: "ok", body: void 0, httpResp: resp }; +} +async function opKnownAlternativeFailure(resp, s5, codec) { + const body = await readSuccessResponseJsonOrThrow(resp, codec); + return { type: "fail", case: s5, body, httpResp: resp }; +} +async function opKnownHttpFailure(s5, resp) { + const detail = await readTalerErrorResponse(resp); + return { type: "fail", case: s5, detail, httpResp: resp }; +} +async function opKnownTalerFailure(s5, resp) { + const detail = await readTalerErrorResponse(resp); + return { type: "fail", case: s5, detail, httpResp: resp }; +} +function opUnknownFailure(resp, text) { + throw TalerError.fromDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR, { + requestUrl: resp.requestUrl, + requestMethod: resp.requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: resp.status, + errorResponse: text + }, `Unexpected HTTP status ${resp.status} in response`); +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/MerchantApiClient.js +var logger4 = new Logger("MerchantApiClient.ts"); + +// ../taler-util/lib/RequestThrottler.js +var logger5 = new Logger("RequestThrottler.ts"); +var MAX_PER_SECOND = 100; +var MAX_PER_MINUTE = 500; +var MAX_PER_HOUR = 2e3; +var OriginState = class { + constructor() { + this.tokensSecond = MAX_PER_SECOND; + this.tokensMinute = MAX_PER_MINUTE; + this.tokensHour = MAX_PER_HOUR; + this.lastUpdate =; + } + refill() { + const now =; + if (AbsoluteTime.cmp(now, this.lastUpdate) < 0) { + this.lastUpdate = now; + return; + } + const d5 = AbsoluteTime.difference(now, this.lastUpdate); + if (d5.d_ms === "forever") { + throw Error("assertion failed"); + } + this.tokensSecond = Math.min(MAX_PER_SECOND, this.tokensSecond + d5.d_ms / 1e3); + this.tokensMinute = Math.min(MAX_PER_MINUTE, this.tokensMinute + d5.d_ms / 1e3 / 60); + this.tokensHour = Math.min(MAX_PER_HOUR, this.tokensHour + d5.d_ms / 1e3 / 60 / 60); + this.lastUpdate = now; + } + /** + * Return true if the request for this origin should be throttled. + * Otherwise, take a token out of the respective buckets. + */ + applyThrottle() { + this.refill(); + if (this.tokensSecond < 1) { + logger5.warn("request throttled (per second limit exceeded)"); + return true; + } + if (this.tokensMinute < 1) { + logger5.warn("request throttled (per minute limit exceeded)"); + return true; + } + if (this.tokensHour < 1) { + logger5.warn("request throttled (per hour limit exceeded)"); + return true; + } + this.tokensSecond--; + this.tokensMinute--; + this.tokensHour--; + return false; + } +}; +var RequestThrottler = class { + constructor() { + this.perOriginInfo = {}; + } + /** + * Get the throttling state for an origin, or + * initialize if no state is associated with the + * origin yet. + */ + getState(origin) { + const s5 = this.perOriginInfo[origin]; + if (s5) { + return s5; + } + const ns = this.perOriginInfo[origin] = new OriginState(); + return ns; + } + /** + * Apply throttling to a request. + * + * @returns whether the request should be throttled. + */ + applyThrottle(requestUrl) { + const origin = new URL(requestUrl).origin; + return this.getState(origin).applyThrottle(); + } + /** + * Get the throttle statistics for a particular URL. + */ + getThrottleStats(requestUrl) { + const origin = new URL(requestUrl).origin; + const state = this.getState(origin); + return { + tokensHour: state.tokensHour, + tokensMinute: state.tokensMinute, + tokensSecond: state.tokensSecond, + maxTokensHour: MAX_PER_HOUR, + maxTokensMinute: MAX_PER_MINUTE, + maxTokensSecond: MAX_PER_SECOND + }; + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/ReserveTransaction.js +var ReserveTransactionType; +(function(ReserveTransactionType2) { + ReserveTransactionType2["Withdraw"] = "WITHDRAW"; + ReserveTransactionType2["Credit"] = "CREDIT"; + ReserveTransactionType2["Recoup"] = "RECOUP"; + ReserveTransactionType2["Closing"] = "CLOSING"; +})(ReserveTransactionType || (ReserveTransactionType = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/TaskThrottler.js +var logger6 = new Logger("OperationThrottler.ts"); + +// ../taler-util/lib/bank-api-client.js +var logger7 = new Logger("bank-api-client.ts"); +var CreditDebitIndicator; +(function(CreditDebitIndicator2) { + CreditDebitIndicator2["Credit"] = "credit"; + CreditDebitIndicator2["Debit"] = "debit"; +})(CreditDebitIndicator || (CreditDebitIndicator = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/base64.js +function base64FromArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) { + var base64 = ""; + var encodings2 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; + var bytes = new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer); + var byteLength = bytes.byteLength; + var byteRemainder = byteLength % 3; + var mainLength = byteLength - byteRemainder; + var a5, b4, c4, d5; + var chunk; + for (var i4 = 0; i4 < mainLength; i4 = i4 + 3) { + chunk = bytes[i4] << 16 | bytes[i4 + 1] << 8 | bytes[i4 + 2]; + a5 = (chunk & 16515072) >> 18; + b4 = (chunk & 258048) >> 12; + c4 = (chunk & 4032) >> 6; + d5 = chunk & 63; + base64 += encodings2[a5] + encodings2[b4] + encodings2[c4] + encodings2[d5]; + } + if (byteRemainder == 1) { + chunk = bytes[mainLength]; + a5 = (chunk & 252) >> 2; + b4 = (chunk & 3) << 4; + base64 += encodings2[a5] + encodings2[b4] + "=="; + } else if (byteRemainder == 2) { + chunk = bytes[mainLength] << 8 | bytes[mainLength + 1]; + a5 = (chunk & 64512) >> 10; + b4 = (chunk & 1008) >> 4; + c4 = (chunk & 15) << 2; + base64 += encodings2[a5] + encodings2[b4] + encodings2[c4] + "="; + } + return base64; +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/contract-terms.js +var logger8 = new Logger("contractTerms.ts"); +var ContractTermsUtil; +(function(ContractTermsUtil2) { + function forgetAllImpl(anyJson, path, pred) { + const dup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(anyJson)); + if (Array.isArray(dup)) { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < dup.length; i4++) { + dup[i4] = forgetAllImpl(dup[i4], [...path, `${i4}`], pred); + } + } else if (typeof dup === "object" && dup != null) { + if (typeof dup.$forgettable === "object") { + for (const x6 of Object.keys(dup.$forgettable)) { + if (!pred([...path, x6])) { + continue; + } + if (!dup.$forgotten) { + dup.$forgotten = {}; + } + if (!dup.$forgotten[x6]) { + const membValCanon = stringToBytes(canonicalJson(scrub(dup[x6])) + "\0"); + const membSalt = stringToBytes(dup.$forgettable[x6] + "\0"); + const h5 = kdf(64, membValCanon, membSalt, new Uint8Array([])); + dup.$forgotten[x6] = encodeCrock(h5); + } + delete dup[x6]; + delete dup.$forgettable[x6]; + } + if (Object.keys(dup.$forgettable).length === 0) { + delete dup.$forgettable; + } + } + for (const x6 of Object.keys(dup)) { + if (x6.startsWith("$")) { + continue; + } + dup[x6] = forgetAllImpl(dup[x6], [...path, x6], pred); + } + } + return dup; + } + ContractTermsUtil2.forgetAllImpl = forgetAllImpl; + function scrub(anyJson) { + return forgetAllImpl(anyJson, [], () => true); + } + ContractTermsUtil2.scrub = scrub; + function forgetAll(anyJson, pred) { + return forgetAllImpl(anyJson, [], pred); + } + ContractTermsUtil2.forgetAll = forgetAll; + function saltForgettable(anyJson) { + const dup = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(anyJson)); + if (Array.isArray(dup)) { + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < dup.length; i4++) { + dup[i4] = saltForgettable(dup[i4]); + } + } else if (typeof dup === "object" && dup !== null) { + if (typeof dup.$forgettable === "object") { + for (const k5 of Object.keys(dup.$forgettable)) { + if (dup.$forgettable[k5] === true) { + dup.$forgettable[k5] = encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)); + } + } + } + for (const x6 of Object.keys(dup)) { + if (x6.startsWith("$")) { + continue; + } + dup[x6] = saltForgettable(dup[x6]); + } + } + return dup; + } + ContractTermsUtil2.saltForgettable = saltForgettable; + const nameRegex = /^[0-9A-Za-z_]+$/; + function validateForgettable(anyJson) { + if (typeof anyJson === "string") { + return true; + } + if (typeof anyJson === "number") { + return Number.isInteger(anyJson) && anyJson >= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER && anyJson <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; + } + if (typeof anyJson === "boolean") { + return true; + } + if (anyJson === null) { + return true; + } + if (Array.isArray(anyJson)) { + return anyJson.every((x6) => validateForgettable(x6)); + } + if (typeof anyJson === "object") { + for (const k5 of Object.keys(anyJson)) { + if (k5.match(nameRegex)) { + if (validateForgettable(anyJson[k5])) { + continue; + } else { + return false; + } + } + if (k5 === "$forgettable") { + const fga = anyJson.$forgettable; + if (!fga || typeof fga !== "object") { + return false; + } + for (const fk of Object.keys(fga)) { + if (!fk.match(nameRegex)) { + return false; + } + if (!(fk in anyJson)) { + return false; + } + const fv = anyJson.$forgettable[fk]; + if (typeof fv !== "string") { + return false; + } + } + } else if (k5 === "$forgotten") { + const fgo = anyJson.$forgotten; + if (!fgo || typeof fgo !== "object") { + return false; + } + for (const fk of Object.keys(fgo)) { + if (!fk.match(nameRegex)) { + return false; + } + if (fk in anyJson) { + return false; + } + const fv = anyJson.$forgotten[fk]; + if (typeof fv !== "string") { + return false; + } + try { + const decFv = decodeCrock(fv); + if (decFv.length != 64) { + return false; + } + } catch (e4) { + return false; + } + if (anyJson.$forgettable?.[k5] !== void 0) { + return false; + } + } + } else { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + return false; + } + ContractTermsUtil2.validateForgettable = validateForgettable; + function validateNothingForgotten(contractTerms) { + throw Error("not implemented yet"); + } + ContractTermsUtil2.validateNothingForgotten = validateNothingForgotten; + function hashContractTerms(contractTerms) { + const cleaned = scrub(contractTerms); + const canon = canonicalJson(cleaned) + "\0"; + const bytes = stringToBytes(canon); + return encodeCrock(hash2(bytes)); + } + ContractTermsUtil2.hashContractTerms = hashContractTerms; +})(ContractTermsUtil || (ContractTermsUtil = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/errors.js +function makeErrorDetail(code, detail, hint) { + if (!hint && !detail.hint) { + hint = getDefaultHint(code); + } + const when =; + return { code, when, hint, ...detail }; +} +function getDefaultHint(code) { + const errName = TalerErrorCode[code]; + if (errName) { + return `Error (${errName})`; + } else { + return `Error ()`; + } +} +var TalerError = class _TalerError extends Error { + constructor(d5, cause) { + super(d5.hint ?? `Error (code ${d5.code})`); + this.errorDetail = d5; + this.cause = cause; + Object.setPrototypeOf(this, _TalerError.prototype); + } + static fromDetail(code, detail, hint, cause) { + if (!hint) { + hint = getDefaultHint(code); + } + const when =; + return new _TalerError({ code, when, hint, ...detail }, cause); + } + static fromUncheckedDetail(d5, c4) { + return new _TalerError({ ...d5 }, c4); + } + static fromException(e4) { + const errDetail = getErrorDetailFromException(e4); + return new _TalerError(errDetail, e4); + } + hasErrorCode(code) { + return this.errorDetail.code === code; + } + toString() { + return `TalerError: ${JSON.stringify(this.errorDetail)}`; + } +}; +function getErrorDetailFromException(e4) { + if (e4 instanceof TalerError) { + return e4.errorDetail; + } + if (e4 instanceof Error) { + const err2 = makeErrorDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, { + stack: e4.stack + }, `unexpected exception (message: ${e4.message})`); + return err2; + } + let excString; + try { + excString = e4.toString(); + } catch (e5) { + excString = "can't stringify exception"; + } + const err = makeErrorDetail(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, {}, `unexpected exception (not an exception, ${excString})`); + return err; +} +function assertUnreachable(x6) { + throw new Error("Didn't expect to get here"); +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/fnutils.js +var fnutil; +(function(fnutil2) { + function all(arr, f3) { + for (const x6 of arr) { + if (!f3(x6)) { + return false; + } + } + return true; + } + fnutil2.all = all; + function any(arr, f3) { + for (const x6 of arr) { + if (f3(x6)) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + fnutil2.any = any; +})(fnutil || (fnutil = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/transactions-types.js +var TransactionMajorState; +(function(TransactionMajorState2) { + TransactionMajorState2["None"] = "none"; + TransactionMajorState2["Pending"] = "pending"; + TransactionMajorState2["Done"] = "done"; + TransactionMajorState2["Aborting"] = "aborting"; + TransactionMajorState2["Aborted"] = "aborted"; + TransactionMajorState2["Suspended"] = "suspended"; + TransactionMajorState2["Dialog"] = "dialog"; + TransactionMajorState2["SuspendedAborting"] = "suspended-aborting"; + TransactionMajorState2["Failed"] = "failed"; + TransactionMajorState2["Expired"] = "expired"; + TransactionMajorState2["Deleted"] = "deleted"; +})(TransactionMajorState || (TransactionMajorState = {})); +var TransactionMinorState; +(function(TransactionMinorState2) { + TransactionMinorState2["Unknown"] = "unknown"; + TransactionMinorState2["Deposit"] = "deposit"; + TransactionMinorState2["KycRequired"] = "kyc"; + TransactionMinorState2["AmlRequired"] = "aml"; + TransactionMinorState2["MergeKycRequired"] = "merge-kyc"; + TransactionMinorState2["Track"] = "track"; + TransactionMinorState2["SubmitPayment"] = "submit-payment"; + TransactionMinorState2["RebindSession"] = "rebind-session"; + TransactionMinorState2["Refresh"] = "refresh"; + TransactionMinorState2["Pickup"] = "pickup"; + TransactionMinorState2["AutoRefund"] = "auto-refund"; + TransactionMinorState2["User"] = "user"; + TransactionMinorState2["Bank"] = "bank"; + TransactionMinorState2["Exchange"] = "exchange"; + TransactionMinorState2["ClaimProposal"] = "claim-proposal"; + TransactionMinorState2["CheckRefund"] = "check-refund"; + TransactionMinorState2["CreatePurse"] = "create-purse"; + TransactionMinorState2["DeletePurse"] = "delete-purse"; + TransactionMinorState2["RefreshExpired"] = "refresh-expired"; + TransactionMinorState2["Ready"] = "ready"; + TransactionMinorState2["Merge"] = "merge"; + TransactionMinorState2["Repurchase"] = "repurchase"; + TransactionMinorState2["BankRegisterReserve"] = "bank-register-reserve"; + TransactionMinorState2["BankConfirmTransfer"] = "bank-confirm-transfer"; + TransactionMinorState2["WithdrawCoins"] = "withdraw-coins"; + TransactionMinorState2["ExchangeWaitReserve"] = "exchange-wait-reserve"; + TransactionMinorState2["AbortingBank"] = "aborting-bank"; + TransactionMinorState2["Aborting"] = "aborting"; + TransactionMinorState2["Refused"] = "refused"; + TransactionMinorState2["Withdraw"] = "withdraw"; + TransactionMinorState2["MerchantOrderProposed"] = "merchant-order-proposed"; + TransactionMinorState2["Proposed"] = "proposed"; + TransactionMinorState2["RefundAvailable"] = "refund-available"; + TransactionMinorState2["AcceptRefund"] = "accept-refund"; + TransactionMinorState2["PaidByOther"] = "paid-by-other"; +})(TransactionMinorState || (TransactionMinorState = {})); +var TransactionAction; +(function(TransactionAction2) { + TransactionAction2["Delete"] = "delete"; + TransactionAction2["Suspend"] = "suspend"; + TransactionAction2["Resume"] = "resume"; + TransactionAction2["Abort"] = "abort"; + TransactionAction2["Fail"] = "fail"; + TransactionAction2["Retry"] = "retry"; +})(TransactionAction || (TransactionAction = {})); +var TransactionType; +(function(TransactionType2) { + TransactionType2["Withdrawal"] = "withdrawal"; + TransactionType2["InternalWithdrawal"] = "internal-withdrawal"; + TransactionType2["Payment"] = "payment"; + TransactionType2["Refund"] = "refund"; + TransactionType2["Refresh"] = "refresh"; + TransactionType2["Reward"] = "reward"; + TransactionType2["Deposit"] = "deposit"; + TransactionType2["PeerPushDebit"] = "peer-push-debit"; + TransactionType2["PeerPushCredit"] = "peer-push-credit"; + TransactionType2["PeerPullDebit"] = "peer-pull-debit"; + TransactionType2["PeerPullCredit"] = "peer-pull-credit"; + TransactionType2["Recoup"] = "recoup"; +})(TransactionType || (TransactionType = {})); +var WithdrawalType; +(function(WithdrawalType2) { + WithdrawalType2["TalerBankIntegrationApi"] = "taler-bank-integration-api"; + WithdrawalType2["ManualTransfer"] = "manual-transfer"; +})(WithdrawalType || (WithdrawalType = {})); +var PaymentStatus; +(function(PaymentStatus2) { + PaymentStatus2["Aborted"] = "aborted"; + PaymentStatus2["Failed"] = "failed"; + PaymentStatus2["Paid"] = "paid"; + PaymentStatus2["Accepted"] = "accepted"; +})(PaymentStatus || (PaymentStatus = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/wallet-types.js +var TransactionAmountMode; +(function(TransactionAmountMode2) { + TransactionAmountMode2["Effective"] = "effective"; + TransactionAmountMode2["Raw"] = "raw"; +})(TransactionAmountMode || (TransactionAmountMode = {})); +var codecForConvertAmountRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("amount", codecForAmountString()).property("type", codecForEither(codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Raw), codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Effective))).build("ConvertAmountRequest"); +var codecForGetAmountRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("currency", codecForString()).build("GetAmountRequest"); +var codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation = () => buildCodecForObject().property("mode", codecForEither(codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Raw), codecForConstString(TransactionAmountMode.Effective))).property("instructedAmount", codecForAmountString()); +var codecForGetPlanForWithdrawRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.Withdrawal)).property("exchangeUrl", codecOptional(codecForString())).build("GetPlanForWithdrawRequest"); +var codecForGetPlanForDepositRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.Deposit)).property("account", codecForString()).build("GetPlanForDepositRequest"); +var codecForGetPlanForPushDebitRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPushDebit)).build("GetPlanForPushDebitRequest"); +var codecForGetPlanForPullCreditRequest = codecForGetPlanForWalletInitiatedOperation().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPullCredit)).property("exchangeUrl", codecForString()).build("GetPlanForPullCreditRequest"); +var codecForGetPlanForPaymentRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.Payment)).property("maxDepositFee", codecForAmountString()).build("GetPlanForPaymentRequest"); +var codecForGetPlanForPullDebitRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPullDebit)).build("GetPlanForPullDebitRequest"); +var codecForGetPlanForPushCreditRequest = buildCodecForObject().property("type", codecForConstString(TransactionType.PeerPushCredit)).build("GetPlanForPushCreditRequest"); +var BalanceFlag; +(function(BalanceFlag2) { + BalanceFlag2["IncomingKyc"] = "incoming-kyc"; + BalanceFlag2["IncomingAml"] = "incoming-aml"; + BalanceFlag2["IncomingConfirmation"] = "incoming-confirmation"; + BalanceFlag2["OutgoingKyc"] = "outgoing-kyc"; +})(BalanceFlag || (BalanceFlag = {})); +var ScopeType; +(function(ScopeType2) { + ScopeType2["Global"] = "global"; + ScopeType2["Exchange"] = "exchange"; + ScopeType2["Auditor"] = "auditor"; +})(ScopeType || (ScopeType = {})); +var CoinStatus; +(function(CoinStatus2) { + CoinStatus2["Fresh"] = "fresh"; + CoinStatus2["FreshSuspended"] = "fresh-suspended"; + CoinStatus2["Dormant"] = "dormant"; +})(CoinStatus || (CoinStatus = {})); +var ConfirmPayResultType; +(function(ConfirmPayResultType2) { + ConfirmPayResultType2["Done"] = "done"; + ConfirmPayResultType2["Pending"] = "pending"; +})(ConfirmPayResultType || (ConfirmPayResultType = {})); +var codecForTalerErrorDetail = () => buildCodecForObject().property("code", codecForNumber()).property("when", codecOptional(codecForAbsoluteTime)).property("hint", codecOptional(codecForString())).build("TalerErrorDetail"); +var PreparePayResultType; +(function(PreparePayResultType2) { + PreparePayResultType2["PaymentPossible"] = "payment-possible"; + PreparePayResultType2["InsufficientBalance"] = "insufficient-balance"; + PreparePayResultType2["AlreadyConfirmed"] = "already-confirmed"; +})(PreparePayResultType || (PreparePayResultType = {})); +var RefreshReason; +(function(RefreshReason2) { + RefreshReason2["Manual"] = "manual"; + RefreshReason2["PayMerchant"] = "pay-merchant"; + RefreshReason2["PayDeposit"] = "pay-deposit"; + RefreshReason2["PayPeerPush"] = "pay-peer-push"; + RefreshReason2["PayPeerPull"] = "pay-peer-pull"; + RefreshReason2["Refund"] = "refund"; + RefreshReason2["AbortPay"] = "abort-pay"; + RefreshReason2["AbortDeposit"] = "abort-deposit"; + RefreshReason2["AbortPeerPushDebit"] = "abort-peer-push-debit"; + RefreshReason2["AbortPeerPullDebit"] = "abort-peer-pull-debit"; + RefreshReason2["Recoup"] = "recoup"; + RefreshReason2["BackupRestored"] = "backup-restored"; + RefreshReason2["Scheduled"] = "scheduled"; +})(RefreshReason || (RefreshReason = {})); +var ExchangeTosStatus; +(function(ExchangeTosStatus2) { + ExchangeTosStatus2["Pending"] = "pending"; + ExchangeTosStatus2["Proposed"] = "proposed"; + ExchangeTosStatus2["Accepted"] = "accepted"; +})(ExchangeTosStatus || (ExchangeTosStatus = {})); +var ExchangeEntryStatus; +(function(ExchangeEntryStatus2) { + ExchangeEntryStatus2["Preset"] = "preset"; + ExchangeEntryStatus2["Ephemeral"] = "ephemeral"; + ExchangeEntryStatus2["Used"] = "used"; +})(ExchangeEntryStatus || (ExchangeEntryStatus = {})); +var ExchangeUpdateStatus; +(function(ExchangeUpdateStatus2) { + ExchangeUpdateStatus2["Initial"] = "initial"; + ExchangeUpdateStatus2["InitialUpdate"] = "initial-update"; + ExchangeUpdateStatus2["Suspended"] = "suspended"; + ExchangeUpdateStatus2["UnavailableUpdate"] = "unavailable-update"; + ExchangeUpdateStatus2["Ready"] = "ready"; + ExchangeUpdateStatus2["ReadyUpdate"] = "ready-update"; +})(ExchangeUpdateStatus || (ExchangeUpdateStatus = {})); +var RecoveryMergeStrategy; +(function(RecoveryMergeStrategy2) { + RecoveryMergeStrategy2["Ours"] = "ours"; + RecoveryMergeStrategy2["Theirs"] = "theirs"; +})(RecoveryMergeStrategy || (RecoveryMergeStrategy = {})); +var AttentionPriority; +(function(AttentionPriority2) { + AttentionPriority2["High"] = "high"; + AttentionPriority2["Medium"] = "medium"; + AttentionPriority2["Low"] = "low"; +})(AttentionPriority || (AttentionPriority = {})); +var AttentionType; +(function(AttentionType2) { + AttentionType2["KycWithdrawal"] = "kyc-withdrawal"; + AttentionType2["BackupUnpaid"] = "backup-unpaid"; + AttentionType2["BackupExpiresSoon"] = "backup-expires-soon"; + AttentionType2["MerchantRefund"] = "merchant-refund"; + AttentionType2["ExchangeTosChanged"] = "exchange-tos-changed"; + AttentionType2["ExchangeKeyExpired"] = "exchange-key-expired"; + AttentionType2["ExchangeKeyExpiresSoon"] = "exchange-key-expires-soon"; + AttentionType2["ExchangeDenominationsExpired"] = "exchange-denominations-expired"; + AttentionType2["ExchangeDenominationsExpiresSoon"] = "exchange-denominations-expires-soon"; + AttentionType2["AuditorTosChanged"] = "auditor-tos-changed"; + AttentionType2["AuditorKeyExpires"] = "auditor-key-expires"; + AttentionType2["AuditorDenominationsExpires"] = "auditor-denominations-expires"; + AttentionType2["PullPaymentPaid"] = "pull-payment-paid"; + AttentionType2["PushPaymentReceived"] = "push-payment-withdrawn"; +})(AttentionType || (AttentionType = {})); +var UserAttentionPriority = { + "kyc-withdrawal": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "backup-unpaid": AttentionPriority.High, + "backup-expires-soon": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "merchant-refund": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "exchange-tos-changed": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "exchange-key-expired": AttentionPriority.High, + "exchange-key-expires-soon": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "exchange-denominations-expired": AttentionPriority.High, + "exchange-denominations-expires-soon": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "auditor-tos-changed": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "auditor-key-expires": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "auditor-denominations-expires": AttentionPriority.Medium, + "pull-payment-paid": AttentionPriority.High, + "push-payment-withdrawn": AttentionPriority.High +}; +var ProviderPaymentType; +(function(ProviderPaymentType2) { + ProviderPaymentType2["Unpaid"] = "unpaid"; + ProviderPaymentType2["Pending"] = "pending"; + ProviderPaymentType2["InsufficientBalance"] = "insufficient-balance"; + ProviderPaymentType2["Paid"] = "paid"; + ProviderPaymentType2["TermsChanged"] = "terms-changed"; +})(ProviderPaymentType || (ProviderPaymentType = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/utils.js +function makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(token) { + return `Bearer secret-token:${token}`; +} +function addPaginationParams(url, pagination) { + if (!pagination) + return; + if (pagination.offset) { + url.searchParams.set("start", pagination.offset); + } + const order = !pagination || pagination.order === "asc" ? 1 : -1; + const limit = !pagination || !pagination.limit || pagination.limit === 0 ? 5 : Math.abs(pagination.limit); + url.searchParams.set("delta", String(order * limit)); +} +function addLongPollingParam(url, param) { + if (!param) + return; + if (param.timeoutMs) { + url.searchParams.set("long_poll_ms", String(param.timeoutMs)); + } +} + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/bank-conversion.js +var TalerBankConversionHttpClient = class { + constructor(baseUrl, httpClient) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl; + this.PROTOCOL_VERSION = "0:0:0"; + this.httpLib = httpClient ?? createPlatformHttpLib(); + } + isCompatible(version) { + const compare2 =, version); + return compare2?.compatible ?? false; + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getConfig() { + const url = new URL(`config`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForConversionBankConfig()); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getCashinRate(conversion) { + const url = new URL(`cashin-rate`, this.baseUrl); + if (conversion.debit) { + url.searchParams.set("amount_debit", Amounts.stringify(conversion.debit)); + } + if ( { + url.searchParams.set("amount_credit", Amounts.stringify(; + } + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForCashinConversionResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: { + const body = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body); + } + } + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getCashoutRate(conversion) { + const url = new URL(`cashout-rate`, this.baseUrl); + if (conversion.debit) { + url.searchParams.set("amount_debit", Amounts.stringify(conversion.debit)); + } + if ( { + url.searchParams.set("amount_credit", Amounts.stringify(; + } + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForCashoutConversionResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: { + const body = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_PARAMETER_MISSING: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_PARAMETER_MALFORMED: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.GENERIC_CURRENCY_MISMATCH: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body); + } + } + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async updateConversionRate(auth, body) { + const url = new URL(`conversion-rate`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth) + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/authentication.js +var TalerAuthenticationHttpClient = class { + constructor(baseUrl, username, httpClient) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl; + this.username = username; + this.PROTOCOL_VERSION = "0:0:0"; + this.httpLib = httpClient ?? createPlatformHttpLib(); + } + isCompatible(version) { + const compare2 =, version); + return compare2?.compatible ?? false; + } + /** + *$USERNAME-token + * + * @returns + */ + async createAccessToken(password, body) { + const url = new URL(`token`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader(this.username, password) + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForTokenSuccessResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + async deleteAccessToken(token) { + const url = new URL(`token`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "DELETE", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/bank-integration.js +var TalerBankIntegrationHttpClient = class { + constructor(baseUrl, httpClient) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl; + this.PROTOCOL_VERSION = "2:0:2"; + this.httpLib = httpClient ?? createPlatformHttpLib(); + } + isCompatible(version) { + const compare2 =, version); + return compare2?.compatible ?? false; + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getConfig() { + const url = new URL(`config`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForIntegrationBankConfig()); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$WITHDRAWAL_ID + * + */ + async getWithdrawalOperationById(woid, params) { + const url = new URL(`withdrawal-operation/${woid}`, this.baseUrl); + addLongPollingParam(url, params); + if (params) { + url.searchParams.set("old_state", !params.old_state ? "pending" : params.old_state); + } + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForBankWithdrawalOperationStatus()); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$BANK_API_BASE_URL-withdrawal-operation-$wopid + * + */ + async completeWithdrawalOperationById(woid, body) { + const url = new URL(`withdrawal-operation/${woid}`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForBankWithdrawalOperationPostResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_WITHDRAWAL_OPERATION_RESERVE_SELECTION_CONFLICT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_DUPLICATE_RESERVE_PUB_SUBJECT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNKNOWN_ACCOUNT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_ACCOUNT_IS_NOT_EXCHANGE: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$BANK_API_BASE_URL-withdrawal-operation-$wopid + * + */ + async abortWithdrawalOperationById(woid) { + const url = new URL(`withdrawal-operation/${woid}/abort`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/bank-revenue.js +var TalerRevenueHttpClient = class { + constructor(baseUrl, username, httpClient) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl; + this.username = username; + this.httpLib = httpClient ?? createPlatformHttpLib(); + } + // public readonly PROTOCOL_VERSION = "4:0:0"; + // isCompatible(version: string): boolean { + // const compare =, version) + // return compare?.compatible ?? false + // } + // /** + // * + // * + // */ + // async getConfig() { + // const url = new URL(`config`, this.baseUrl); + // const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + // method: "GET" + // }); + // switch (resp.status) { + // case HttpStatusCode.Ok: return opSuccess(resp, codecForCoreBankConfig()) + // default: return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()) + // } + // } + /** + * + * + * @returns + */ + async getHistory(auth, params) { + const url = new URL(`history`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, params); + addLongPollingParam(url, params); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader(this.username, auth) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForMerchantIncomingHistory()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/bank-wire.js +var TalerWireGatewayHttpClient = class { + constructor(baseUrl, username, httpClient) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl; + this.username = username; + this.httpLib = httpClient ?? createPlatformHttpLib(); + } + // public readonly PROTOCOL_VERSION = "4:0:0"; + // isCompatible(version: string): boolean { + // const compare =, version) + // return compare?.compatible ?? false + // } + // /** + // * + // * + // */ + // async getConfig() { + // const url = new URL(`config`, this.baseUrl); + // const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + // method: "GET" + // }); + // switch (resp.status) { + // case HttpStatusCode.Ok: return opSuccess(resp, codecForCoreBankConfig()) + // default: return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()) + // } + // } + /** + * + * + */ + async transfer(auth, body) { + const url = new URL(`transfer`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader(this.username, auth) + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForTransferResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getHistoryIncoming(auth, params) { + const url = new URL(`history/incoming`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, params); + addLongPollingParam(url, params); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader(this.username, auth) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForIncomingHistory()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { + incoming_transactions: [], + credit_account: void 0 + }); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getHistoryOutgoing(auth, params) { + const url = new URL(`history/outgoing`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, params); + addLongPollingParam(url, params); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader(this.username, auth) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForOutgoingHistory()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { + outgoing_transactions: [], + debit_account: void 0 + }); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async addIncoming(auth, body) { + const url = new URL(`admin/add-incoming`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBasicAuthHeader(this.username, auth) + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForAddIncomingResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/http-client/bank-core.js +var TalerCoreBankHttpClient = class { + constructor(baseUrl, httpClient) { + this.baseUrl = baseUrl; + this.PROTOCOL_VERSION = "4:0:0"; + this.httpLib = httpClient ?? createPlatformHttpLib(); + } + isCompatible(version) { + const compare2 =, version); + return compare2?.compatible ?? false; + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getConfig() { + const url = new URL(`config`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForCoreBankConfig()); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + // + // ACCOUNTS + // + /** + * + * + */ + async createAccount(auth, body) { + const url = new URL(`accounts`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + body, + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForRegisterAccountResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_REGISTER_USERNAME_REUSE: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_REGISTER_PAYTO_URI_REUSE: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_SET_TAN_CHANNEL: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME + * + */ + async deleteAccount(auth, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "DELETE", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token), + "X-Challenge-Id": cid + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: + return opKnownAlternativeFailure(resp, resp.status, codecForChallenge()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_NOT_ZERO: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME + * + */ + async updateAccount(auth, body, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "PATCH", + body, + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token), + "X-Challenge-Id": cid + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: + return opKnownAlternativeFailure(resp, resp.status, codecForChallenge()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_LEGAL_NAME: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CASHOUT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-auth + * + */ + async updatePassword(auth, body, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/auth`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "PATCH", + body, + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token), + "X-Challenge-Id": cid + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: + return opKnownAlternativeFailure(resp, resp.status, codecForChallenge()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_MISSING_OLD_PASSWORD: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_PATCH_BAD_OLD_PASSWORD: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getPublicAccounts(filter = {}, pagination) { + const url = new URL(`public-accounts`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, pagination); + if (filter.account !== void 0) { + url.searchParams.set("filter_name", filter.account); + } + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForPublicAccountsResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { public_accounts: [] }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { public_accounts: [] }); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getAccounts(auth, filter = {}, pagination) { + const url = new URL(`accounts`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, pagination); + if (filter.account !== void 0) { + url.searchParams.set("filter_name", filter.account); + } + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForListBankAccountsResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { accounts: [] }); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME + * + */ + async getAccount(auth) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForAccountData()); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + // + // TRANSACTIONS + // + /** + *$USERNAME-transactions + * + */ + async getTransactions(auth, params) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/transactions`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, params); + addLongPollingParam(url, params); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForBankAccountTransactionsResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { transactions: [] }); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-transactions-$TRANSACTION_ID + * + */ + async getTransactionById(auth, txid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/transactions/${String(txid)}`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForBankAccountTransactionInfo()); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-transactions + * + */ + async createTransaction(auth, body, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/transactions`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token), + "X-Challenge-Id": cid + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForCreateTransactionResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: + return opKnownAlternativeFailure(resp, resp.status, codecForChallenge()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_SAME_ACCOUNT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNKNOWN_CREDITOR: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + // + // WITHDRAWALS + // + /** + *$USERNAME-withdrawals + * + */ + async createWithdrawal(auth, body) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/withdrawals`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForBankAccountCreateWithdrawalResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-withdrawals-$WITHDRAWAL_ID-confirm + * + */ + async confirmWithdrawalById(auth, wid, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/withdrawals/${wid}/confirm`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token), + "X-Challenge-Id": cid + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: + return opKnownAlternativeFailure(resp, resp.status, codecForChallenge()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-withdrawals-$WITHDRAWAL_ID-abort + * + */ + async abortWithdrawalById(auth, wid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/withdrawals/${wid}/abort`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$WITHDRAWAL_ID + * + */ + async getWithdrawalById(wid, params) { + const url = new URL(`withdrawals/${wid}`, this.baseUrl); + addLongPollingParam(url, params); + if (params) { + url.searchParams.set("old_state", !params.old_state ? "pending" : params.old_state); + } + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET" + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForWithdrawalPublicInfo()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + // + // CASHOUTS + // + /** + *$USERNAME-cashouts + * + */ + async createCashout(auth, body, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/cashouts`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token), + "X-Challenge-Id": cid + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForCashoutPending()); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: + return opKnownAlternativeFailure(resp, resp.status, codecForChallenge()); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UID_REUSED: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_BAD_CONVERSION: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + case HttpStatusCode.BadGateway: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_SCRIPT_FAILED: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-cashouts-$CASHOUT_ID + * + */ + async getCashoutById(auth, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/cashouts/${cid}`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForCashoutStatusResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-cashouts + * + */ + async getAccountCashouts(auth, pagination) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/cashouts`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, pagination); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForCashouts()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { cashouts: [] }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + * + * + */ + async getGlobalCashouts(auth, pagination) { + const url = new URL(`cashouts`, this.baseUrl); + addPaginationParams(url, pagination); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForGlobalCashouts()); + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opFixedSuccess(resp, { cashouts: [] }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + // + // 2FA + // + /** + *$USERNAME-challenge-$CHALLENGE_ID + * + */ + async sendChallenge(auth, cid) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/challenge/${cid}`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForTanTransmission()); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.BadGateway: { + const body = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_SCRIPT_FAILED: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body); + } + } + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + /** + *$USERNAME-challenge-$CHALLENGE_ID-confirm + * + */ + async confirmChallenge(auth, cid, body) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${auth.username}/challenge/${cid}/confirm`, this.baseUrl); + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "POST", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth.token) + }, + body + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.NoContent: + return opEmptySuccess(resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + const body2 = await resp.json(); + const details = codecForTalerErrorDetail().decode(body2); + switch (details.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_EXPIRED: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_FAILED: + return opKnownTalerFailure(details.code, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, body2); + } + } + case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + // + // MONITOR + // + /** + * + * + */ + async getMonitor(auth, params = {}) { + const url = new URL(`monitor`, this.baseUrl); + if (params.timeframe) { + url.searchParams.set("timeframe", TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam[params.timeframe]); + } + if (params.which) { + url.searchParams.set("which", String(params.which)); + } + const resp = await this.httpLib.fetch(url.href, { + method: "GET", + headers: { + Authorization: makeBearerTokenAuthHeader(auth) + } + }); + switch (resp.status) { + case HttpStatusCode.Ok: + return opSuccess(resp, codecForMonitorResponse()); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return opKnownHttpFailure(resp.status, resp); + default: + return opUnknownFailure(resp, await resp.text()); + } + } + // + // Others API + // + /** + * + * + */ + getIntegrationAPI() { + const url = new URL(`taler-integration/`, this.baseUrl); + return new TalerBankIntegrationHttpClient(url.href, this.httpLib); + } + /** + * + * + */ + getWireGatewayAPI(username) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${username}/taler-wire-gateway/`, this.baseUrl); + return new TalerWireGatewayHttpClient(url.href, username, this.httpLib); + } + /** + * + * + */ + getRevenueAPI(username) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${username}/taler-revenue/`, this.baseUrl); + return new TalerRevenueHttpClient(url.href, username, this.httpLib); + } + /** + *$USERNAME-token + * + */ + getAuthenticationAPI(username) { + const url = new URL(`accounts/${username}/`, this.baseUrl); + return new TalerAuthenticationHttpClient(url.href, username, this.httpLib); + } + /** + *$USERNAME-token + * + */ + getConversionInfoAPI() { + const url = new URL(`conversion-info/`, this.baseUrl); + return new TalerBankConversionHttpClient(url.href, this.httpLib); + } +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/i18n.js +var jedLib = __toESM(require_jed(), 1); +var logger9 = new Logger("i18n/index.ts"); +var jed = void 0; +function setupI18n(lang, strings2) { + lang = lang.replace("_", "-"); + if (!strings2[lang]) { + strings2[lang] = {}; + } + jed = new jedLib.Jed(strings2[lang]); +} +function toI18nString(stringSeq) { + let s5 = ""; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < stringSeq.length; i4++) { + s5 += stringSeq[i4]; + if (i4 < stringSeq.length - 1) { + s5 += `%${i4 + 1}$s`; + } + } + return s5; +} +function singular(stringSeq, ...values) { + const s5 = toI18nString(stringSeq); + const tr = jed.translate(s5).ifPlural(1, s5).fetch(...values); + return tr; +} +function translate(stringSeq, ...values) { + const s5 = toI18nString(stringSeq); + if (!s5) + return []; + const translation = jed.ngettext(s5, s5, 1); + return replacePlaceholderWithValues(translation, values); +} +function Translate({ children, debug }) { + const c4 = [].concat(children); + const s5 = stringifyArray(c4); + if (!s5) + return []; + const translation = jed.ngettext(s5, s5, 1); + if (debug) { + console.log("looking for ", s5, "got", translation); + } + return replacePlaceholderWithValues(translation, c4); +} +function replacePlaceholderWithValues(translation, childArray) { + const tr = translation.split(/%(\d+)\$s/); + const placeholderChildren = []; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < childArray.length; i4++) { + const x6 = childArray[i4]; + if (x6 === void 0) { + continue; + } else if (typeof x6 === "string") { + continue; + } else { + placeholderChildren.push(x6); + } + } + const result = []; + for (let i4 = 0; i4 < tr.length; i4++) { + if (i4 % 2 == 0) { + result.push(tr[i4]); + } else { + const childIdx = Number.parseInt(tr[i4]) - 1; + result.push(placeholderChildren[childIdx]); + } + } + return result; +} +function stringifyArray(children) { + let n2 = 1; + const ss = => { + if (typeof c4 === "string") { + return c4; + } + return `%${n2++}$s`; + }); + const s5 = ss.join("").replace(/ +/g, " ").trim(); + return s5; +} +var i18n = { + str: singular, + singular, + Translate, + translate +}; + +// ../taler-util/lib/iban.js +var ccZero = "0".charCodeAt(0); +var ccNine = "9".charCodeAt(0); +var ccA = "A".charCodeAt(0); +var ccZ = "Z".charCodeAt(0); + +// ../taler-util/lib/notifications.js +var NotificationType; +(function(NotificationType2) { + NotificationType2["BalanceChange"] = "balance-change"; + NotificationType2["BackupOperationError"] = "backup-error"; + NotificationType2["TransactionStateTransition"] = "transaction-state-transition"; + NotificationType2["WithdrawalOperationTransition"] = "withdrawal-operation-transition"; + NotificationType2["ExchangeStateTransition"] = "exchange-state-transition"; + NotificationType2["TaskObservabilityEvent"] = "task-observability-event"; + NotificationType2["RequestObservabilityEvent"] = "request-observability-event"; +})(NotificationType || (NotificationType = {})); +var ObservabilityEventType; +(function(ObservabilityEventType2) { + ObservabilityEventType2["HttpFetchStart"] = "http-fetch-start"; + ObservabilityEventType2["HttpFetchFinishError"] = "http-fetch-finish-error"; + ObservabilityEventType2["HttpFetchFinishSuccess"] = "http-fetch-finish-success"; + ObservabilityEventType2["DbQueryStart"] = "db-query-start"; + ObservabilityEventType2["DbQueryFinishSuccess"] = "db-query-finish-success"; + ObservabilityEventType2["DbQueryFinishError"] = "db-query-finish-error"; + ObservabilityEventType2["RequestStart"] = "request-start"; + ObservabilityEventType2["RequestFinishSuccess"] = "request-finish-success"; + ObservabilityEventType2["RequestFinishError"] = "request-finish-error"; + ObservabilityEventType2["TaskStart"] = "task-start"; + ObservabilityEventType2["TaskStop"] = "task-stop"; + ObservabilityEventType2["TaskReset"] = "task-reset"; + ObservabilityEventType2["ShepherdTaskResult"] = "sheperd-task-result"; + ObservabilityEventType2["DeclareTaskDependency"] = "declare-task-dependency"; + ObservabilityEventType2["CryptoStart"] = "crypto-start"; + ObservabilityEventType2["CryptoFinishSuccess"] = "crypto-finish-success"; + ObservabilityEventType2["CryptoFinishError"] = "crypto-finish-error"; +})(ObservabilityEventType || (ObservabilityEventType = {})); + +// ../taler-util/lib/timer.js +var logger10 = new Logger("timer.ts"); +var IntervalHandle = class { + constructor(h5) { + this.h = h5; + } + clear() { + clearInterval(this.h); + } + /** + * Make sure the event loop exits when the timer is the + * only event left. Has no effect in the browser. + */ + unref() { + if (typeof this.h === "object" && "unref" in this.h) { + this.h.unref(); + } + } +}; +var TimeoutHandle = class { + constructor(h5) { + this.h = h5; + } + clear() { + clearTimeout(this.h); + } + /** + * Make sure the event loop exits when the timer is the + * only event left. Has no effect in the browser. + */ + unref() { + if (typeof this.h === "object" && "unref" in this.h) { + this.h.unref(); + } + } +}; +var performanceNow = (() => { + if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.hrtime) { + return () => { + return process.hrtime.bigint(); + }; + } + if (typeof performance !== "undefined") { + return () => BigInt(Math.floor( * 1e3)) * BigInt(1e3); + } + return () => BigInt((/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime()) * BigInt(1e3) * BigInt(1e3); +})(); +var SetTimeoutTimerAPI = class { + /** + * Call a function every time the delay given in milliseconds passes. + */ + every(delayMs, callback) { + return new IntervalHandle(setInterval(callback, delayMs)); + } + /** + * Call a function after the delay given in milliseconds passes. + */ + after(delayMs, callback) { + return new TimeoutHandle(setTimeout(callback, delayMs)); + } +}; +var timer = new SetTimeoutTimerAPI(); + +// ../taler-util/lib/transaction-test-data.js +var sampleWalletCoreTransactions = [ + { + type: TransactionType.Payment, + txState: { + major: TransactionMajorState.Done + }, + amountRaw: "KUDOS:10", + amountEffective: "KUDOS:10", + totalRefundRaw: "KUDOS:0", + totalRefundEffective: "KUDOS:0", + status: PaymentStatus.Paid, + refundPending: void 0, + posConfirmation: void 0, + pending: false, + refunds: [], + timestamp: { + t_s: 1677166045 + }, + transactionId: "txn:payment:NRRD9KJ8970P5HDAGPW1MBA6HZHB1XMFKF5M3CNR6WA0GT98DHY0", + proposalId: "NRRD9KJ8970P5HDAGPW1MBA6HZHB1XMFKF5M3CNR6WA0GT98DHY0", + info: { + merchant: { + name: "woocommerce", + website: "", + email: "", + address: {}, + jurisdiction: {} + }, + orderId: "wc_order_KQCRldghIgDRB-100", + products: [ + { + description: "Using GCC", + quantity: 1, + price: "KUDOS:10", + product_id: "28" + } + ], + summary: "WooTalerShop #100", + contractTermsHash: "A02E1M6ARWKBJ87K2TV4S6WQ4X5YH7BRVR6MYCHCTVAED8MBXTFD6PZ5Q50Y7Z5K18PYBTDA14NQ56XPC1VCQW1EVRWTSB7ZYT65B5G", + fulfillmentUrl: "" + }, + refundQueryActive: false, + frozen: false + }, + { + type: TransactionType.Refresh, + txState: { + major: TransactionMajorState.Pending + }, + refreshReason: RefreshReason.PayMerchant, + amountEffective: "KUDOS:0", + amountRaw: "KUDOS:0", + refreshInputAmount: "KUDOS:1.5", + refreshOutputAmount: "KUDOS:1.4", + originatingTransactionId: "txn:proposal:ZCGBZFE8KZ1CBYYGSC3ZC8E40KVJWV16VYCTHGC8FFSVZ5HD24BG", + pending: true, + timestamp: { + t_s: 1681376214 + }, + transactionId: "txn:refresh:QQSWHHXCRQ269G0E3RW14JMC6F7NFDYDW26NSFHRTXSKDS6CMCZ0", + frozen: false, + error: { + code: 7029, + when: { + t_ms: 1681376473665 + }, + hint: "Error (WALLET_REFRESH_GROUP_INCOMPLETE)", + numErrors: 1, + errors: [ + { + code: 7001, + when: { + t_ms: 1681376473189 + }, + hint: "unexpected exception (message: exchange wire fee signature invalid)", + stack: " at validateWireInfo (../taler-wallet-core-qjs.mjs:23166)\n" + } + ] + } + } +]; + +// ../taler-util/lib/index.browser.js +loadBrowserPrng(); + +// ../web-util/lib/index.browser.mjs +init_hooks_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_compat_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_compat_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +var __defProp2 = Object.defineProperty; +var __export2 = (target, all) => { + for (var name in all) + __defProp2(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); +}; +function memoryMap(backend = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) { + const obs = new EventTarget(); + const theMemoryMap = { + onAnyUpdate: (handler) => { + obs.addEventListener(`update`, handler); + obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); + return () => { + obs.removeEventListener(`update`, handler); + obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); + }; + }, + onUpdate: (key, handler) => { + obs.addEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); + obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); + return () => { + obs.removeEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); + obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); + }; + }, + delete: (key) => { + const result = backend.delete(key); + theMemoryMap.size = backend.length; + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); + return result; + }, + set: (key, value) => { + backend.set(key, value); + theMemoryMap.size = backend.length; + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); + return theMemoryMap; + }, + clear: () => { + backend.clear(); + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`clear`)); + }, + entries: backend.entries.bind(backend), + forEach: backend.forEach.bind(backend), + get: backend.get.bind(backend), + has: backend.has.bind(backend), + keys: backend.keys.bind(backend), + size: backend.size, + values: backend.values.bind(backend), + [Symbol.iterator]: backend[Symbol.iterator], + [Symbol.toStringTag]: "theMemoryMap" + }; + return theMemoryMap; +} +function localStorageMap() { + const obs = new EventTarget(); + const theLocalStorageMap = { + onAnyUpdate: (handler) => { + obs.addEventListener(`update`, handler); + obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); + window.addEventListener("storage", handler); + return () => { + window.removeEventListener("storage", handler); + obs.removeEventListener(`update`, handler); + obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); + }; + }, + onUpdate: (key, handler) => { + obs.addEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); + obs.addEventListener(`clear`, handler); + function handleStorageEvent(ev) { + if (ev.key === null || ev.key === key) { + handler(); + } + } + window.addEventListener("storage", handleStorageEvent); + return () => { + window.removeEventListener("storage", handleStorageEvent); + obs.removeEventListener(`update-${key}`, handler); + obs.removeEventListener(`clear`, handler); + }; + }, + delete: (key) => { + const exists = localStorage.getItem(key) !== null; + localStorage.removeItem(key); + theLocalStorageMap.size = localStorage.length; + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); + return exists; + }, + set: (key, v3) => { + localStorage.setItem(key, v3); + theLocalStorageMap.size = localStorage.length; + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update-${key}`)); + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`update`)); + return theLocalStorageMap; + }, + clear: () => { + localStorage.clear(); + obs.dispatchEvent(new Event(`clear`)); + }, + entries: () => { + let index = 0; + const total = localStorage.length; + return { + next() { + if (index === total) + return { done: true, value: void 0 }; + const key = localStorage.key(index); + if (key === null) { + throw Error("key cant be null"); + } + const item = localStorage.getItem(key); + if (item === null) { + throw Error("value cant be null"); + } + index = index + 1; + return { done: false, value: [key, item] }; + }, + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return this; + } + }; + }, + forEach: (cb) => { + for (let index = 0; index < localStorage.length; index++) { + const key = localStorage.key(index); + if (key === null) { + throw Error("key cant be null"); + } + const item = localStorage.getItem(key); + if (item === null) { + throw Error("value cant be null"); + } + cb(key, item, theLocalStorageMap); + } + }, + get: (key) => { + const item = localStorage.getItem(key); + if (item === null) + return void 0; + return item; + }, + has: (key) => { + return localStorage.getItem(key) === null; + }, + keys: () => { + let index = 0; + const total = localStorage.length; + return { + next() { + if (index === total) + return { done: true, value: void 0 }; + const key = localStorage.key(index); + if (key === null) { + throw Error("key cant be null"); + } + index = index + 1; + return { done: false, value: key }; + }, + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return this; + } + }; + }, + size: localStorage.length, + values: () => { + let index = 0; + const total = localStorage.length; + return { + next() { + if (index === total) + return { done: true, value: void 0 }; + const key = localStorage.key(index); + if (key === null) { + throw Error("key cant be null"); + } + const item = localStorage.getItem(key); + if (item === null) { + throw Error("value cant be null"); + } + index = index + 1; + return { done: false, value: item }; + }, + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return this; + } + }; + }, + [Symbol.iterator]: function() { + return theLocalStorageMap.entries(); + }, + [Symbol.toStringTag]: "theLocalStorageMap" + }; + return theLocalStorageMap; +} +var isFirefox = typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window["InstallTrigger"] !== "undefined"; +async function getAllContent() { + if (isFirefox) { + return; + } else { + return; + } +} +async function updateContent(obj) { + if (isFirefox) { + return; + } else { + return; + } +} +function onBrowserStorageUpdate(cb) { + if (isFirefox) { +; + } else { +; + } +} +function browserStorageMap(backend) { + getAllContent().then((content) => { + Object.entries(content ?? {}).forEach(([k22, v3]) => { + backend.set(k22, v3); + }); + }); + backend.onAnyUpdate(async () => { + const result = {}; + for (const [key, value] of backend.entries()) { + result[key] = value; + } + await updateContent(result); + }); + onBrowserStorageUpdate((changes) => { + const changedItems = Object.keys(changes); + if (changedItems.length === 0) { + backend.clear(); + } else { + for (const key of changedItems) { + if (!changes[key].newValue) { + backend.delete(key); + } else { + if (changes[key].newValue !== changes[key].oldValue) { + backend.set(key, changes[key].newValue); + } + } + } + } + }); + return backend; +} +function buildStorageKey(name, codec) { + return { + id: name, + codec: codec ?? codecForString() + }; +} +var supportLocalStorage = typeof window !== "undefined"; +var supportBrowserStorage = typeof chrome !== "undefined" && typeof !== "undefined"; +var storage = function buildStorage() { + if (supportBrowserStorage) { + if (supportLocalStorage) { + return browserStorageMap(localStorageMap()); + } else { + return browserStorageMap(memoryMap()); + } + } else if (supportLocalStorage) { + return localStorageMap(); + } else { + return memoryMap(); + } +}(); +function useLocalStorage(key, defaultValue) { + const current = convert(storage.get(, key, defaultValue); + const [_3, setStoredValue] = p3(; + h2(() => { + return storage.onUpdate(, () => { + setStoredValue(; + }); + }, []); + const setValue = (value) => { + if (value === void 0) { + storage.delete(; + } else { + storage.set( +, + key.codec ? JSON.stringify(value) : value + ); + } + }; + return { + value: current, + update: setValue, + reset: () => { + setValue(defaultValue); + } + }; +} +function convert(updated, key, defaultValue) { + if (updated === void 0) + return defaultValue; + try { + return key.codec.decode(JSON.parse(updated)); + } catch (e22) { + return defaultValue; + } +} +var MIN_LANG_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD = 90; +function getBrowserLang(completeness) { + if (typeof window === "undefined") + return void 0; + if (window.navigator.language) { + if (completeness[window.navigator.language] >= MIN_LANG_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) { + return window.navigator.language; + } + } + if (window.navigator.languages) { + const match52 = Object.entries(completeness).filter(([code, value]) => { + if (value < MIN_LANG_COVERAGE_THRESHOLD) + return false; + return window.navigator.languages.findIndex((l3) => l3.startsWith(code)) !== -1; + }).map(([code, value]) => ({ code, value })); + if (match52.length > 0) { + let max = match52[0]; + match52.forEach((v3) => { + if (v3.value > max.value) { + max = v3; + } + }); + return max.code; + } + } + ; + return void 0; +} +var langPreferenceKey = buildStorageKey("lang-preference"); +function useLang(initial22, completeness) { + const defaultValue = (getBrowserLang(completeness) || initial22 || "en").substring(0, 2); + return useLocalStorage(langPreferenceKey, defaultValue); +} +var storage2 = memoryMap(); +var storage3 = memoryMap(); +var NOTIFICATION_KEY = "notification"; +var GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT = Duration.fromSpec({ + seconds: 5 +}); +function removeFromStorage(n2) { + const h37 = hash3(n2); + const mem = storage3.get(NOTIFICATION_KEY) ?? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + const newState = new Map(mem); + newState.delete(h37); + storage3.set(NOTIFICATION_KEY, newState); +} +function notify(notif) { + const currentState = storage3.get(NOTIFICATION_KEY) ?? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + const newState = currentState.set(hash3(notif), notif); + if (GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT.d_ms !== "forever") { + setTimeout(() => { + removeFromStorage(notif); + }, GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT.d_ms); + } + storage3.set(NOTIFICATION_KEY, newState); +} +function notifyError(title, description, debug) { + notify({ + type: "error", + title, + description, + debug + }); +} +function notifyException(title, ex) { + notify({ + type: "error", + title, + description: ex.message, + debug: ex.stack + }); +} +function notifyInfo(title) { + notify({ + type: "info", + title + }); +} +function useNotifications() { + const [value, setter] = p3(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); + h2(() => { + return storage3.onUpdate(NOTIFICATION_KEY, () => { + const mem = storage3.get(NOTIFICATION_KEY) ?? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + setter(structuredClone(mem)); + }); + }); + return Array.from(value.values()).map((message, idx) => { + return { + message, + remove: () => { + removeFromStorage(message); + } + }; + }); +} +function hashCode(str) { + if (str.length === 0) + return "0"; + let hash22 = 0; + let chr; + for (let i22 = 0; i22 < str.length; i22++) { + chr = str.charCodeAt(i22); + hash22 = (hash22 << 5) - hash22 + chr; + hash22 |= 0; + } + return hash22.toString(16); +} +function hash3(msg) { + let str = msg.type + ":" + msg.title; + if (msg.type === "error") { + if (msg.description) { + str += ":" + msg.description; + } + if (msg.debug) { + str += ":" + msg.debug; + } + } + return hashCode(str); +} +function errorMap(resp, map2) { + notify({ + type: "error", + title: map2(, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); +} +function useLocalNotification() { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [value, setter] = p3(); + const notif = !value ? void 0 : { + message: value, + remove: () => { + setter(void 0); + } + }; + async function errorHandling(cb) { + try { + return await cb(errorMap); + } catch (error2) { + if (error2 instanceof TalerError) { + notify(buildRequestErrorMessage(i18n2, error2)); + } else { + notifyError( + i18n2.str`Operation failed, please report`, + error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : JSON.stringify(error2) + ); + } + } + } + return [notif, setter, errorHandling]; +} +function useLocalNotificationHandler() { + const [value, setter] = p3(); + const notif = !value ? void 0 : { + message: value, + remove: () => { + setter(void 0); + } + }; + function makeHandler(onClick, onOperationSuccess, onOperationFail, onOperationComplete) { + return { + onClick, + onNotification: setter, + onOperationFail, + onOperationSuccess, + onOperationComplete + }; + } + return [notif, makeHandler, setter]; +} +function buildRequestErrorMessage(i18n2, cause) { + let result; + switch (cause.errorDetail.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT: { + result = { + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Request timeout`, + description: cause.message, + debug: JSON.stringify(cause.errorDetail, void 0, 2) + }; + break; + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED: { + result = { + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Request throttled`, + description: cause.message, + debug: JSON.stringify(cause.errorDetail, void 0, 2) + }; + break; + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE: { + result = { + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Malformed response`, + description: cause.message, + debug: JSON.stringify(cause.errorDetail, void 0, 2) + }; + break; + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR: { + result = { + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Network error`, + description: cause.message, + debug: JSON.stringify(cause.errorDetail, void 0, 2) + }; + break; + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR: { + result = { + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Unexpected request error`, + description: cause.message, + debug: JSON.stringify(cause.errorDetail, void 0, 2) + }; + break; + } + default: { + result = { + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Unexpected error`, + description: cause.message, + debug: JSON.stringify(cause.errorDetail, void 0, 2) + }; + break; + } + } + return result; +} +function base64encode(str) { + return base64EncArr(strToUTF8Arr(str)); +} +function uint6ToB64(nUint6) { + return nUint6 < 26 ? nUint6 + 65 : nUint6 < 52 ? nUint6 + 71 : nUint6 < 62 ? nUint6 - 4 : nUint6 === 62 ? 43 : nUint6 === 63 ? 47 : 65; +} +function base64EncArr(aBytes) { + let nMod3 = 2; + let sB64Enc = ""; + const nLen = aBytes.length; + let nUint24 = 0; + for (let nIdx = 0; nIdx < nLen; nIdx++) { + nMod3 = nIdx % 3; + nUint24 |= aBytes[nIdx] << (16 >>> nMod3 & 24); + if (nMod3 === 2 || aBytes.length - nIdx === 1) { + sB64Enc += String.fromCodePoint( + uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 18 & 63), + uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 12 & 63), + uint6ToB64(nUint24 >>> 6 & 63), + uint6ToB64(nUint24 & 63) + ); + nUint24 = 0; + } + } + return sB64Enc.substring(0, sB64Enc.length - 2 + nMod3) + (nMod3 === 2 ? "" : nMod3 === 1 ? "=" : "=="); +} +function strToUTF8Arr(sDOMStr) { + let nChr; + const nStrLen = sDOMStr.length; + let nArrLen = 0; + for (let nMapIdx = 0; nMapIdx < nStrLen; nMapIdx++) { + nChr = sDOMStr.codePointAt(nMapIdx); + if (nChr === void 0) { + throw Error(`No char at ${nMapIdx} on string with length: ${sDOMStr.length}`); + } + if (nChr >= 65536) { + nMapIdx++; + } + nArrLen += nChr < 128 ? 1 : nChr < 2048 ? 2 : nChr < 65536 ? 3 : nChr < 2097152 ? 4 : nChr < 67108864 ? 5 : 6; + } + const aBytes = new Uint8Array(nArrLen); + let nIdx = 0; + let nChrIdx = 0; + while (nIdx < nArrLen) { + nChr = sDOMStr.codePointAt(nChrIdx); + if (nChr === void 0) { + throw Error(`No char at ${nChrIdx} on string with length: ${sDOMStr.length}`); + } + if (nChr < 128) { + aBytes[nIdx++] = nChr; + } else if (nChr < 2048) { + aBytes[nIdx++] = 192 + (nChr >>> 6); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); + } else if (nChr < 65536) { + aBytes[nIdx++] = 224 + (nChr >>> 12); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); + } else if (nChr < 2097152) { + aBytes[nIdx++] = 240 + (nChr >>> 18); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 12 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); + nChrIdx++; + } else if (nChr < 67108864) { + aBytes[nIdx++] = 248 + (nChr >>> 24); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 18 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 12 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); + nChrIdx++; + } else { + aBytes[nIdx++] = 252 + (nChr >>> 30); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 24 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 18 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 12 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr >>> 6 & 63); + aBytes[nIdx++] = 128 + (nChr & 63); + nChrIdx++; + } + nChrIdx++; + } + return aBytes; +} +async function defaultRequestHandler(baseUrl, endpoint, options = {}) { + const requestHeaders = {}; + if (options.token) { + requestHeaders.Authorization = `Bearer ${options.token}`; + } else if (options.basicAuth) { + requestHeaders.Authorization = `Basic ${base64encode( + `${options.basicAuth.username}:${options.basicAuth.password}` + )}`; + } + requestHeaders["Content-Type"] = !options.contentType || options.contentType === "json" ? "application/json" : "text/plain"; + if (options.talerAmlOfficerSignature) { + requestHeaders["Taler-AML-Officer-Signature"] = options.talerAmlOfficerSignature; + } + const requestMethod = options?.method ?? "GET"; + const requestBody = options?.data; + const requestTimeout = options?.timeout ?? 5 * 1e3; + const requestParams = options.params ?? {}; + const requestPreventCache = options.preventCache ?? false; + const requestPreventCors = options.preventCors ?? false; + const validURL = validateURL(baseUrl, endpoint); + if (!validURL) { + const error2 = { + info: { + url: `${baseUrl}${endpoint}`, + payload: {}, + hasToken: !!options.token, + status: 0, + options + }, + type: 4, + exception: void 0, + loading: false, + message: `invalid URL: "${baseUrl}${endpoint}"` + }; + throw new RequestError(error2); + } + Object.entries(requestParams).forEach(([key, value]) => { + validURL.searchParams.set(key, String(value)); + }); + let payload = void 0; + if (requestBody != null) { + if (typeof requestBody === "string") { + payload = requestBody; + } else if (requestBody instanceof ArrayBuffer) { + payload = requestBody; + } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(requestBody)) { + payload = requestBody; + } else if (typeof requestBody === "object") { + payload = JSON.stringify(requestBody); + } else { + const error2 = { + info: { + url: validURL.href, + payload: {}, + hasToken: !!options.token, + status: 0, + options + }, + type: 4, + exception: void 0, + loading: false, + message: `unsupported request body type: "${typeof requestBody}"` + }; + throw new RequestError(error2); + } + } + const controller = new AbortController(); + const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + controller.abort("HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT"); + }, requestTimeout); + let response; + try { + response = await fetch(validURL.href, { + headers: requestHeaders, + method: requestMethod, + credentials: "omit", + mode: requestPreventCors ? "no-cors" : "cors", + cache: requestPreventCache ? "no-cache" : "default", + body: payload, + signal: controller.signal + }); + } catch (ex) { + const info = { + payload, + url: validURL.href, + hasToken: !!options.token, + status: 0, + options + }; + if (ex instanceof Error) { + if (ex.message === "HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT") { + const error22 = { + info, + type: 3, + message: "request timeout" + }; + throw new RequestError(error22); + } + } + const error2 = { + info, + type: 4, + exception: ex, + loading: false, + message: ex instanceof Error ? ex.message : "" + }; + throw new RequestError(error2); + } + if (timeoutId) { + clearTimeout(timeoutId); + } + const headerMap = new Headers(); + response.headers.forEach((value, key) => { + headerMap.set(key, value); + }); + if (response.ok) { + const result = await buildRequestOk( + response, + validURL.href, + payload, + !!options.token, + options + ); + return result; + } else { + const dataTxt = await response.text(); + const error2 = buildRequestFailed( + validURL.href, + dataTxt, + response.status, + payload, + options + ); + throw new RequestError(error2); + } +} +var RequestError = class extends Error { + constructor(d32) { + super(d32.message); + = d32; + this.cause = d32; + } +}; +async function buildRequestOk(response, url, payload, hasToken, options) { + const dataTxt = await response.text(); + const data = dataTxt ? JSON.parse(dataTxt) : void 0; + return { + ok: true, + data, + info: { + payload, + url, + hasToken, + options, + status: response.status + } + }; +} +function buildRequestFailed(url, dataTxt, status, payload, maybeOptions) { + const options = maybeOptions ?? {}; + const info = { + payload, + url, + hasToken: !!options.token, + options, + status: status || 0 + }; + try { + const data = dataTxt ? JSON.parse(dataTxt) : void 0; + const errorCode = !data || !data.code ? "" : `(code: ${data.code})`; + const errorHint = !data || !data.hint ? "Not hint." : `${data.hint} ${errorCode}`; + if (status && status >= 400 && status < 500) { + const message = data === void 0 ? `Client error (${status}) without data.` : errorHint; + const error2 = { + type: 0, + status, + info, + message, + payload: data + }; + return error2; + } + if (status && status >= 500 && status < 600) { + const message = data === void 0 ? `Server error (${status}) without data.` : errorHint; + const error2 = { + type: 1, + status, + info, + message, + payload: data + }; + return error2; + } + return { + info, + loading: false, + type: 4, + status, + exception: void 0, + message: `http status code not handled: ${status}` + }; + } catch (ex) { + const error2 = { + info, + loading: false, + status, + type: 2, + exception: ex, + body: dataTxt, + message: "Could not parse body as json" + }; + return error2; + } +} +function validateURL(baseUrl, endpoint) { + try { + return new URL(`${baseUrl}${endpoint}`); + } catch (ex) { + return void 0; + } +} +var logger11 = new Logger("browserHttpLib"); +var BrowserHttpLib = class { + constructor(args) { + this.throttle = new RequestThrottler(); + this.throttlingEnabled = true; + this.requireTls = false; + this.throttlingEnabled = args?.enableThrottling ?? true; + this.requireTls = args?.requireTls ?? false; + } + fetch(requestUrl, options) { + const requestMethod = options?.method ?? "GET"; + const requestBody = options?.body; + const requestHeader = options?.headers; + const requestTimeout = options?.timeout ?? Duration.fromMilliseconds(DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS); + const parsedUrl = new URL(requestUrl); + if (this.throttlingEnabled && this.throttle.applyThrottle(requestUrl)) { + throw TalerError.fromDetail( + TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED, + { + requestMethod, + requestUrl, + throttleStats: this.throttle.getThrottleStats(requestUrl) + }, + `request to origin ${parsedUrl.origin} was throttled` + ); + } + if (this.requireTls && parsedUrl.protocol !== "https:") { + throw TalerError.fromDetail( + TalerErrorCode.WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR, + { + requestMethod, + requestUrl + }, + `request to ${parsedUrl.origin} is not possible with protocol ${parsedUrl.protocol}` + ); + } + let myBody = requestMethod === "POST" || requestMethod === "PUT" || requestMethod === "PATCH" ? encodeBody(requestBody) : void 0; + const requestHeadersMap = getDefaultHeaders(requestMethod); + if (requestHeader) { + Object.entries(requestHeader).forEach(([key, value]) => { + if (value === void 0) + return; + requestHeadersMap[key] = value; + }); + } + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const myRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); + myRequest.onerror = (e22) => { + logger11.error("http request error"); + reject( + TalerError.fromDetail( + TalerErrorCode.WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR, + { + requestUrl, + requestMethod + }, + "Could not make request" + ) + ); + }; +, requestUrl); + let timeoutId; + if (requestTimeout.d_ms !== "forever") { + timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { + myRequest.abort(); + reject( + TalerError.fromDetail( + TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT, + { + requestUrl, + requestMethod, + timeoutMs: requestTimeout.d_ms === "forever" ? 0 : requestTimeout.d_ms + }, + `request to ${requestUrl} timed out` + ) + ); + }, requestTimeout.d_ms); + } + Object.keys(requestHeadersMap).forEach((headerName) => { + myRequest.setRequestHeader(headerName, requestHeadersMap[headerName]); + }); + myRequest.responseType = "arraybuffer"; + myRequest.send(myBody); + myRequest.addEventListener("readystatechange", (e22) => { + if (myRequest.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { + if (myRequest.status === 0) { + const exc = TalerError.fromDetail( + TalerErrorCode.WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR, + { + requestUrl, + requestMethod + }, + "HTTP request failed (status 0, maybe URI scheme was wrong?)" + ); + reject(exc); + return; + } + const makeText = async () => { + const td = new TextDecoder(); + return td.decode(myRequest.response); + }; + let responseJson = void 0; + const makeJson = async () => { + if (responseJson === void 0) { + try { + const td = new TextDecoder(); + const responseString = td.decode(myRequest.response); + responseJson = JSON.parse(responseString); + } catch (e32) { + throw TalerError.fromDetail( + TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE, + { + requestUrl, + requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: myRequest.status + }, + "Invalid JSON from HTTP response" + ); + } + } + if (responseJson === null || typeof responseJson !== "object") { + throw TalerError.fromDetail( + TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE, + { + requestUrl, + requestMethod, + httpStatusCode: myRequest.status + }, + "Invalid JSON from HTTP response" + ); + } + return responseJson; + }; + const headers = myRequest.getAllResponseHeaders(); + const arr = headers.trim().split(/[\r\n]+/); + const headerMap = new Headers2(); + arr.forEach(function(line) { + const parts = line.split(": "); + const headerName = parts.shift(); + if (!headerName) { + logger11.warn("skipping invalid header"); + return; + } + const value = parts.join(": "); + headerMap.set(headerName, value); + }); + const resp = { + requestUrl, + status: myRequest.status, + headers: headerMap, + requestMethod, + json: makeJson, + text: makeText, + bytes: async () => myRequest.response + }; + resolve(resp); + } + }); + }); + } + get(url, opt) { + return this.fetch(url, { + method: "GET", + ...opt + }); + } + postJson(url, body, opt) { + return this.fetch(url, { + method: "POST", + headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, + body: JSON.stringify(body), + ...opt + }); + } + stop() { + } +}; +var Context = B({ request: defaultRequestHandler }); +function buildFormatLongFn(args) { + return function() { + var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}; + var width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; + var format2 = args.formats[width] || args.formats[args.defaultWidth]; + return format2; + }; +} +function buildLocalizeFn(args) { + return function(dirtyIndex, options) { + var context = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.context ? String(options.context) : "standalone"; + var valuesArray; + if (context === "formatting" && args.formattingValues) { + var defaultWidth = args.defaultFormattingWidth || args.defaultWidth; + var width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : defaultWidth; + valuesArray = args.formattingValues[width] || args.formattingValues[defaultWidth]; + } else { + var _defaultWidth = args.defaultWidth; + var _width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; + valuesArray = args.values[_width] || args.values[_defaultWidth]; + } + var index = args.argumentCallback ? args.argumentCallback(dirtyIndex) : dirtyIndex; + return valuesArray[index]; + }; +} +function buildMatchFn(args) { + return function(string) { + var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; + var width = options.width; + var matchPattern = width && args.matchPatterns[width] || args.matchPatterns[args.defaultMatchWidth]; + var matchResult = string.match(matchPattern); + if (!matchResult) { + return null; + } + var matchedString = matchResult[0]; + var parsePatterns = width && args.parsePatterns[width] || args.parsePatterns[args.defaultParseWidth]; + var key = Array.isArray(parsePatterns) ? findIndex(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { + return pattern.test(matchedString); + }) : findKey(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { + return pattern.test(matchedString); + }); + var value; + value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(key) : key; + value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; + var rest = string.slice(matchedString.length); + return { + value, + rest + }; + }; +} +function findKey(object, predicate) { + for (var key in object) { + if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && predicate(object[key])) { + return key; + } + } + return void 0; +} +function findIndex(array, predicate) { + for (var key = 0; key < array.length; key++) { + if (predicate(array[key])) { + return key; + } + } + return void 0; +} +function buildMatchPatternFn(args) { + return function(string) { + var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; + var matchResult = string.match(args.matchPattern); + if (!matchResult) + return null; + var matchedString = matchResult[0]; + var parseResult = string.match(args.parsePattern); + if (!parseResult) + return null; + var value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(parseResult[0]) : parseResult[0]; + value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; + var rest = string.slice(matchedString.length); + return { + value, + rest + }; + }; +} +function toInteger(dirtyNumber) { + if (dirtyNumber === null || dirtyNumber === true || dirtyNumber === false) { + return NaN; + } + var number = Number(dirtyNumber); + if (isNaN(number)) { + return number; + } + return number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number); +} +function requiredArgs(required, args) { + if (args.length < required) { + throw new TypeError(required + " argument" + (required > 1 ? "s" : "") + " required, but only " + args.length + " present"); + } +} +function _typeof(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof(obj); +} +function toDate(argument) { + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var argStr =; + if (argument instanceof Date || _typeof(argument) === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") { + return new Date(argument.getTime()); + } else if (typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]") { + return new Date(argument); + } else { + if ((typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]") && typeof console !== "undefined") { + console.warn("Starting with v2.0.0-beta.1 date-fns doesn't accept strings as date arguments. Please use `parseISO` to parse strings. See:"); + console.warn(new Error().stack); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + } +} +var defaultOptions = {}; +function getDefaultOptions() { + return defaultOptions; +} +var daysInYear = 365.2425; +var maxTime = Math.pow(10, 8) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; +var millisecondsInMinute = 6e4; +var millisecondsInHour = 36e5; +var millisecondsInSecond = 1e3; +var minTime = -maxTime; +var secondsInHour = 3600; +var secondsInDay = secondsInHour * 24; +var secondsInWeek = secondsInDay * 7; +var secondsInYear = secondsInDay * daysInYear; +var secondsInMonth = secondsInYear / 12; +var secondsInQuarter = secondsInMonth * 3; +function startOfUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var weekStartsOn = 1; + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var day = date.getUTCDay(); + var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; +} +function getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4); + fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear); + var fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); + fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear); + if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { + return year + 1; + } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { + return year; + } else { + return year - 1; + } +} +function startOfUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var year = getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate); + var fourthOfJanuary = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + fourthOfJanuary.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); + fourthOfJanuary.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var date = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuary); + return date; +} +var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK = 6048e5; +function getUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var diff = startOfUTCISOWeek(date).getTime() - startOfUTCISOWeekYear(date).getTime(); + return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK) + 1; +} +function startOfUTCWeek(dirtyDate, options) { + var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var defaultOptions22 = getDefaultOptions(); + var weekStartsOn = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions22.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions22.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); + if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { + throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); + } + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var day = date.getUTCDay(); + var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; +} +function getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options) { + var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var defaultOptions22 = getDefaultOptions(); + var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions22.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions22.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); + if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { + throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); + } + var firstWeekOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); + firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfNextYear, options); + var firstWeekOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); + firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfThisYear, options); + if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { + return year + 1; + } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { + return year; + } else { + return year - 1; + } +} +function startOfUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options) { + var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var defaultOptions22 = getDefaultOptions(); + var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions22.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions22.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); + var year = getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, options); + var firstWeek = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + firstWeek.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); + firstWeek.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var date = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeek, options); + return date; +} +var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2 = 6048e5; +function getUTCWeek(dirtyDate, options) { + requiredArgs(1, arguments); + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var diff = startOfUTCWeek(date, options).getTime() - startOfUTCWeekYear(date, options).getTime(); + return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2) + 1; +} +var formatDistanceLocale = { + lessThanXSeconds: { + one: "less than a second", + other: "less than {{count}} seconds" + }, + xSeconds: { + one: "1 second", + other: "{{count}} seconds" + }, + halfAMinute: "half a minute", + lessThanXMinutes: { + one: "less than a minute", + other: "less than {{count}} minutes" + }, + xMinutes: { + one: "1 minute", + other: "{{count}} minutes" + }, + aboutXHours: { + one: "about 1 hour", + other: "about {{count}} hours" + }, + xHours: { + one: "1 hour", + other: "{{count}} hours" + }, + xDays: { + one: "1 day", + other: "{{count}} days" + }, + aboutXWeeks: { + one: "about 1 week", + other: "about {{count}} weeks" + }, + xWeeks: { + one: "1 week", + other: "{{count}} weeks" + }, + aboutXMonths: { + one: "about 1 month", + other: "about {{count}} months" + }, + xMonths: { + one: "1 month", + other: "{{count}} months" + }, + aboutXYears: { + one: "about 1 year", + other: "about {{count}} years" + }, + xYears: { + one: "1 year", + other: "{{count}} years" + }, + overXYears: { + one: "over 1 year", + other: "over {{count}} years" + }, + almostXYears: { + one: "almost 1 year", + other: "almost {{count}} years" + } +}; +var formatDistance = function formatDistance2(token, count, options) { + var result; + var tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale[token]; + if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { + result = tokenValue; + } else if (count === 1) { + result =; + } else { + result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString()); + } + if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { + if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { + return "in " + result; + } else { + return result + " ago"; + } + } + return result; +}; +var formatDistance_default = formatDistance; +var dateFormats = { + full: "EEEE, MMMM do, y", + long: "MMMM do, y", + medium: "MMM d, y", + short: "MM/dd/yyyy" +}; +var timeFormats = { + full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz", + long: "h:mm:ss a z", + medium: "h:mm:ss a", + short: "h:mm a" +}; +var dateTimeFormats = { + full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", + long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", + medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", + short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" +}; +var formatLong = { + date: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateFormats, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + time: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: timeFormats, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateTimeFormats, + defaultWidth: "full" + }) +}; +var formatRelativeLocale = { + lastWeek: "'last' eeee 'at' p", + yesterday: "'yesterday at' p", + today: "'today at' p", + tomorrow: "'tomorrow at' p", + nextWeek: "eeee 'at' p", + other: "P" +}; +var formatRelative = function formatRelative2(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) { + return formatRelativeLocale[token]; +}; +var formatRelative_default = formatRelative; +var eraValues = { + narrow: ["B", "A"], + abbreviated: ["BC", "AD"], + wide: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"] +}; +var quarterValues = { + narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], + abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], + wide: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"] +}; +var monthValues = { + narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], + abbreviated: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], + wide: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] +}; +var dayValues = { + narrow: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], + short: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], + abbreviated: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], + wide: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] +}; +var dayPeriodValues = { + narrow: { + am: "a", + pm: "p", + midnight: "mi", + noon: "n", + morning: "morning", + afternoon: "afternoon", + evening: "evening", + night: "night" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "morning", + afternoon: "afternoon", + evening: "evening", + night: "night" + }, + wide: { + am: "a.m.", + pm: "p.m.", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "morning", + afternoon: "afternoon", + evening: "evening", + night: "night" + } +}; +var formattingDayPeriodValues = { + narrow: { + am: "a", + pm: "p", + midnight: "mi", + noon: "n", + morning: "in the morning", + afternoon: "in the afternoon", + evening: "in the evening", + night: "at night" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "in the morning", + afternoon: "in the afternoon", + evening: "in the evening", + night: "at night" + }, + wide: { + am: "a.m.", + pm: "p.m.", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "in the morning", + afternoon: "in the afternoon", + evening: "in the evening", + night: "at night" + } +}; +var ordinalNumber = function ordinalNumber2(dirtyNumber, _options) { + var number = Number(dirtyNumber); + var rem100 = number % 100; + if (rem100 > 20 || rem100 < 10) { + switch (rem100 % 10) { + case 1: + return number + "st"; + case 2: + return number + "nd"; + case 3: + return number + "rd"; + } + } + return number + "th"; +}; +var localize = { + ordinalNumber, + era: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: eraValues, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + quarter: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: quarterValues, + defaultWidth: "wide", + argumentCallback: function argumentCallback(quarter) { + return quarter - 1; + } + }), + month: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: monthValues, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + day: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayValues, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayPeriodValues, + defaultWidth: "wide", + formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues, + defaultFormattingWidth: "wide" + }) +}; +var localize_default = localize; +var matchOrdinalNumberPattern = /^(\d+)(th|st|nd|rd)?/i; +var parseOrdinalNumberPattern = /\d+/i; +var matchEraPatterns = { + narrow: /^(b|a)/i, + abbreviated: /^(b\.?\s?c\.?|b\.?\s?c\.?\s?e\.?|a\.?\s?d\.?|c\.?\s?e\.?)/i, + wide: /^(before christ|before common era|anno domini|common era)/i +}; +var parseEraPatterns = { + any: [/^b/i, /^(a|c)/i] +}; +var matchQuarterPatterns = { + narrow: /^[1234]/i, + abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i, + wide: /^[1234](th|st|nd|rd)? quarter/i +}; +var parseQuarterPatterns = { + any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] +}; +var matchMonthPatterns = { + narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, + abbreviated: /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i, + wide: /^(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)/i +}; +var parseMonthPatterns = { + narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], + any: [/^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^ap/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i] +}; +var matchDayPatterns = { + narrow: /^[smtwf]/i, + short: /^(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)/i, + abbreviated: /^(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)/i, + wide: /^(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)/i +}; +var parseDayPatterns = { + narrow: [/^s/i, /^m/i, /^t/i, /^w/i, /^t/i, /^f/i, /^s/i], + any: [/^su/i, /^m/i, /^tu/i, /^w/i, /^th/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i] +}; +var matchDayPeriodPatterns = { + narrow: /^(a|p|mi|n|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i, + any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|midnight|noon|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i +}; +var parseDayPeriodPatterns = { + any: { + am: /^a/i, + pm: /^p/i, + midnight: /^mi/i, + noon: /^no/i, + morning: /morning/i, + afternoon: /afternoon/i, + evening: /evening/i, + night: /night/i + } +}; +var match = { + ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn({ + matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern, + parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern, + valueCallback: function valueCallback(value) { + return parseInt(value, 10); + } + }), + era: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + quarter: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns, + defaultParseWidth: "any", + valueCallback: function valueCallback2(index) { + return index + 1; + } + }), + month: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + day: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + dayPeriod: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns, + defaultMatchWidth: "any", + parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }) +}; +var match_default = match; +function _typeof4(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof4 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof4 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof4(obj); +} +function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof4(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf(o3); +} +function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var Setter = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { + function Setter2() { + _classCallCheck(this, Setter2); + _defineProperty(this, "subPriority", 0); + } + _createClass(Setter2, [{ + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_utcDate, _options) { + return true; + } + }]); + return Setter2; +}(); +var ValueSetter = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Setter) { + _inherits(ValueSetter2, _Setter); + var _super = _createSuper(ValueSetter2); + function ValueSetter2(value, validateValue, setValue, priority, subPriority) { + var _this; + _classCallCheck(this, ValueSetter2); + _this =; + _this.value = value; + _this.validateValue = validateValue; + _this.setValue = setValue; + _this.priority = priority; + if (subPriority) { + _this.subPriority = subPriority; + } + return _this; + } + _createClass(ValueSetter2, [{ + key: "validate", + value: function validate(utcDate, options) { + return this.validateValue(utcDate, this.value, options); + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(utcDate, flags, options) { + return this.setValue(utcDate, flags, this.value, options); + } + }]); + return ValueSetter2; +}(Setter); +function _classCallCheck2(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties2(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass2(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties2(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties2(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +var Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { + function Parser2() { + _classCallCheck2(this, Parser2); + } + _createClass2(Parser2, [{ + key: "run", + value: function run(dateString, token, match52, options) { + var result = this.parse(dateString, token, match52, options); + if (!result) { + return null; + } + return { + setter: new ValueSetter(result.value, this.validate, this.set, this.priority, this.subPriority), + rest: + }; + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_utcDate, _value, _options) { + return true; + } + }]); + return Parser2; +}(); +function _typeof5(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof5 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof5 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof5(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck3(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties3(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass3(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties3(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties3(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits2(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf2(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf2(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf2 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf2(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper2(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct2(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf2(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf2(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn2(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn2(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof5(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized2(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized2(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct2() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf2(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf2 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf2(o3); +} +function _defineProperty2(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var EraParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits2(EraParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper2(EraParser2); + function EraParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck3(this, EraParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty2(_assertThisInitialized2(_this), "priority", 140); + _defineProperty2(_assertThisInitialized2(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["R", "u", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass3(EraParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "G": + case "GG": + case "GGG": + return match52.era(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated" + }) || match52.era(dateString, { + width: "narrow" + }); + case "GGGGG": + return match52.era(dateString, { + width: "narrow" + }); + case "GGGG": + default: + return match52.era(dateString, { + width: "wide" + }) || match52.era(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated" + }) || match52.era(dateString, { + width: "narrow" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, flags, value) { + flags.era = value; + date.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return EraParser2; +}(Parser); +var numericPatterns = { + month: /^(1[0-2]|0?\d)/, + // 0 to 12 + date: /^(3[0-1]|[0-2]?\d)/, + // 0 to 31 + dayOfYear: /^(36[0-6]|3[0-5]\d|[0-2]?\d?\d)/, + // 0 to 366 + week: /^(5[0-3]|[0-4]?\d)/, + // 0 to 53 + hour23h: /^(2[0-3]|[0-1]?\d)/, + // 0 to 23 + hour24h: /^(2[0-4]|[0-1]?\d)/, + // 0 to 24 + hour11h: /^(1[0-1]|0?\d)/, + // 0 to 11 + hour12h: /^(1[0-2]|0?\d)/, + // 0 to 12 + minute: /^[0-5]?\d/, + // 0 to 59 + second: /^[0-5]?\d/, + // 0 to 59 + singleDigit: /^\d/, + // 0 to 9 + twoDigits: /^\d{1,2}/, + // 0 to 99 + threeDigits: /^\d{1,3}/, + // 0 to 999 + fourDigits: /^\d{1,4}/, + // 0 to 9999 + anyDigitsSigned: /^-?\d+/, + singleDigitSigned: /^-?\d/, + // 0 to 9, -0 to -9 + twoDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,2}/, + // 0 to 99, -0 to -99 + threeDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,3}/, + // 0 to 999, -0 to -999 + fourDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,4}/ + // 0 to 9999, -0 to -9999 +}; +var timezonePatterns = { + basicOptionalMinutes: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})?|Z/, + basic: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})|Z/, + basicOptionalSeconds: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})((\d{2}))?|Z/, + extended: /^([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})|Z/, + extendedOptionalSeconds: /^([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2}))?|Z/ +}; +function mapValue(parseFnResult, mapFn) { + if (!parseFnResult) { + return parseFnResult; + } + return { + value: mapFn(parseFnResult.value), + rest: + }; +} +function parseNumericPattern(pattern, dateString) { + var matchResult = dateString.match(pattern); + if (!matchResult) { + return null; + } + return { + value: parseInt(matchResult[0], 10), + rest: dateString.slice(matchResult[0].length) + }; +} +function parseTimezonePattern(pattern, dateString) { + var matchResult = dateString.match(pattern); + if (!matchResult) { + return null; + } + if (matchResult[0] === "Z") { + return { + value: 0, + rest: dateString.slice(1) + }; + } + var sign = matchResult[1] === "+" ? 1 : -1; + var hours = matchResult[2] ? parseInt(matchResult[2], 10) : 0; + var minutes = matchResult[3] ? parseInt(matchResult[3], 10) : 0; + var seconds = matchResult[5] ? parseInt(matchResult[5], 10) : 0; + return { + value: sign * (hours * millisecondsInHour + minutes * millisecondsInMinute + seconds * millisecondsInSecond), + rest: dateString.slice(matchResult[0].length) + }; +} +function parseAnyDigitsSigned(dateString) { + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.anyDigitsSigned, dateString); +} +function parseNDigits(n2, dateString) { + switch (n2) { + case 1: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.singleDigit, dateString); + case 2: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.twoDigits, dateString); + case 3: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.threeDigits, dateString); + case 4: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.fourDigits, dateString); + default: + return parseNumericPattern(new RegExp("^\\d{1," + n2 + "}"), dateString); + } +} +function parseNDigitsSigned(n2, dateString) { + switch (n2) { + case 1: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.singleDigitSigned, dateString); + case 2: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.twoDigitsSigned, dateString); + case 3: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.threeDigitsSigned, dateString); + case 4: + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.fourDigitsSigned, dateString); + default: + return parseNumericPattern(new RegExp("^-?\\d{1," + n2 + "}"), dateString); + } +} +function dayPeriodEnumToHours(dayPeriod) { + switch (dayPeriod) { + case "morning": + return 4; + case "evening": + return 17; + case "pm": + case "noon": + case "afternoon": + return 12; + case "am": + case "midnight": + case "night": + default: + return 0; + } +} +function normalizeTwoDigitYear(twoDigitYear, currentYear) { + var isCommonEra = currentYear > 0; + var absCurrentYear = isCommonEra ? currentYear : 1 - currentYear; + var result; + if (absCurrentYear <= 50) { + result = twoDigitYear || 100; + } else { + var rangeEnd = absCurrentYear + 50; + var rangeEndCentury = Math.floor(rangeEnd / 100) * 100; + var isPreviousCentury = twoDigitYear >= rangeEnd % 100; + result = twoDigitYear + rangeEndCentury - (isPreviousCentury ? 100 : 0); + } + return isCommonEra ? result : 1 - result; +} +function isLeapYearIndex(year) { + return year % 400 === 0 || year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0; +} +function _typeof6(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof6 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof6 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof6(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck4(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties4(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass4(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties4(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties4(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits3(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf3(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf3(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf3 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf3(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper3(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct3(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf3(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf3(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn3(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn3(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof6(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized3(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized3(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct3() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf3(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf3 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf3(o3); +} +function _defineProperty3(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var YearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits3(YearParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper3(YearParser2); + function YearParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck4(this, YearParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty3(_assertThisInitialized3(_this), "priority", 130); + _defineProperty3(_assertThisInitialized3(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "u", "w", "I", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass4(YearParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(year) { + return { + year, + isTwoDigitYear: token === "yy" + }; + }; + switch (token) { + case "y": + return mapValue(parseNDigits(4, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "yo": + return mapValue(match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "year" + }), valueCallback92); + default: + return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback92); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value.isTwoDigitYear || value.year > 0; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, flags, value) { + var currentYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); + if (value.isTwoDigitYear) { + var normalizedTwoDigitYear = normalizeTwoDigitYear(value.year, currentYear); + date.setUTCFullYear(normalizedTwoDigitYear, 0, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + var year = !("era" in flags) || flags.era === 1 ? value.year : 1 - value.year; + date.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return YearParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof7(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof7 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof7 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof7(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck5(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties5(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass5(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties5(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties5(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits4(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf4(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf4(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf4 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf4(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper4(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct4(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf4(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf4(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn4(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn4(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof7(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized4(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized4(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct4() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf4(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf4 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf4(o3); +} +function _defineProperty4(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var LocalWeekYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits4(LocalWeekYearParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper4(LocalWeekYearParser2); + function LocalWeekYearParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck5(this, LocalWeekYearParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty4(_assertThisInitialized4(_this), "priority", 130); + _defineProperty4(_assertThisInitialized4(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "Q", "q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "i", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass5(LocalWeekYearParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(year) { + return { + year, + isTwoDigitYear: token === "YY" + }; + }; + switch (token) { + case "Y": + return mapValue(parseNDigits(4, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "Yo": + return mapValue(match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "year" + }), valueCallback92); + default: + return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback92); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value.isTwoDigitYear || value.year > 0; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, flags, value, options) { + var currentYear = getUTCWeekYear(date, options); + if (value.isTwoDigitYear) { + var normalizedTwoDigitYear = normalizeTwoDigitYear(value.year, currentYear); + date.setUTCFullYear(normalizedTwoDigitYear, 0, options.firstWeekContainsDate); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return startOfUTCWeek(date, options); + } + var year = !("era" in flags) || flags.era === 1 ? value.year : 1 - value.year; + date.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, options.firstWeekContainsDate); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return startOfUTCWeek(date, options); + } + }]); + return LocalWeekYearParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof8(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof8 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof8 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof8(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck6(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties6(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass6(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties6(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties6(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits5(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf5(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf5(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf5 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf5(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper5(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct5(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf5(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf5(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn5(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn5(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof8(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized5(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized5(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct5() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf5(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf5 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf5(o3); +} +function _defineProperty5(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var ISOWeekYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits5(ISOWeekYearParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper5(ISOWeekYearParser2); + function ISOWeekYearParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck6(this, ISOWeekYearParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty5(_assertThisInitialized5(_this), "priority", 130); + _defineProperty5(_assertThisInitialized5(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["G", "y", "Y", "u", "Q", "q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass6(ISOWeekYearParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token) { + if (token === "R") { + return parseNDigitsSigned(4, dateString); + } + return parseNDigitsSigned(token.length, dateString); + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(_date, _flags, value) { + var firstWeekOfYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + firstWeekOfYear.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 4); + firstWeekOfYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return startOfUTCISOWeek(firstWeekOfYear); + } + }]); + return ISOWeekYearParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof9(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof9 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof9 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof9(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck7(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties7(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass7(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties7(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties7(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits6(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf6(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf6(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf6 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf6(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper6(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct6(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf6(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf6(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn6(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn6(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof9(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized6(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized6(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct6() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf6(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf6 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf6(o3); +} +function _defineProperty6(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var ExtendedYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits6(ExtendedYearParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper6(ExtendedYearParser2); + function ExtendedYearParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck7(this, ExtendedYearParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty6(_assertThisInitialized6(_this), "priority", 130); + _defineProperty6(_assertThisInitialized6(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["G", "y", "Y", "R", "w", "I", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass7(ExtendedYearParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token) { + if (token === "u") { + return parseNDigitsSigned(4, dateString); + } + return parseNDigitsSigned(token.length, dateString); + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return ExtendedYearParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof10(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof10 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof10 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof10(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck8(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties8(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass8(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties8(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties8(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits7(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf7(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf7(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf7 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf7(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper7(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct7(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf7(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf7(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn7(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn7(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof10(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized7(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized7(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct7() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf7(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf7 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf7(o3); +} +function _defineProperty7(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var QuarterParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits7(QuarterParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper7(QuarterParser2); + function QuarterParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck8(this, QuarterParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty7(_assertThisInitialized7(_this), "priority", 120); + _defineProperty7(_assertThisInitialized7(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass8(QuarterParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "Q": + case "QQ": + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + case "Qo": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "quarter" + }); + case "QQQ": + return match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "QQQQQ": + return match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "QQQQ": + default: + return match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 4; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCMonth((value - 1) * 3, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return QuarterParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof11(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof11 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof11 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof11(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck9(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties9(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass9(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties9(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties9(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits8(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf8(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf8(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf8 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf8(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper8(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct8(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf8(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf8(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn8(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn8(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof11(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized8(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized8(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct8() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf8(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf8 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf8(o3); +} +function _defineProperty8(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var StandAloneQuarterParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits8(StandAloneQuarterParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper8(StandAloneQuarterParser2); + function StandAloneQuarterParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck9(this, StandAloneQuarterParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty8(_assertThisInitialized8(_this), "priority", 120); + _defineProperty8(_assertThisInitialized8(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass9(StandAloneQuarterParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "q": + case "qq": + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + case "qo": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "quarter" + }); + case "qqq": + return match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }) || match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "qqqqq": + return match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "qqqq": + default: + return match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "wide", + context: "standalone" + }) || match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }) || match52.quarter(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 4; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCMonth((value - 1) * 3, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return StandAloneQuarterParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof12(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof12 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof12 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof12(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck10(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties10(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass10(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties10(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties10(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits9(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf9(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf9(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf9 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf9(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper9(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct9(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf9(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf9(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn9(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn9(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof12(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized9(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized9(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct9() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf9(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf9 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf9(o3); +} +function _defineProperty9(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var MonthParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits9(MonthParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper9(MonthParser2); + function MonthParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck10(this, MonthParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty9(_assertThisInitialized9(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "L", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + _defineProperty9(_assertThisInitialized9(_this), "priority", 110); + return _this; + } + _createClass10(MonthParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(value) { + return value - 1; + }; + switch (token) { + case "M": + return mapValue(parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.month, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "MM": + return mapValue(parseNDigits(2, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "Mo": + return mapValue(match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "month" + }), valueCallback92); + case "MMM": + return match52.month(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.month(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "MMMMM": + return match52.month(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "MMMM": + default: + return match52.month(dateString, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.month(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.month(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 11; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCMonth(value, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return MonthParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof13(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof13 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof13 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof13(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck11(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties11(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass11(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties11(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties11(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits10(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf10(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf10(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf10 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf10(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper10(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct10(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf10(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf10(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn10(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn10(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof13(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized10(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized10(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct10() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf10(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf10 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf10(o3); +} +function _defineProperty10(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var StandAloneMonthParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits10(StandAloneMonthParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper10(StandAloneMonthParser2); + function StandAloneMonthParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck11(this, StandAloneMonthParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty10(_assertThisInitialized10(_this), "priority", 110); + _defineProperty10(_assertThisInitialized10(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "M", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass11(StandAloneMonthParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(value) { + return value - 1; + }; + switch (token) { + case "L": + return mapValue(parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.month, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "LL": + return mapValue(parseNDigits(2, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "Lo": + return mapValue(match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "month" + }), valueCallback92); + case "LLL": + return match52.month(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }) || match52.month(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "LLLLL": + return match52.month(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "LLLL": + default: + return match52.month(dateString, { + width: "wide", + context: "standalone" + }) || match52.month(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }) || match52.month(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 11; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCMonth(value, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return StandAloneMonthParser2; +}(Parser); +function setUTCWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyWeek, options) { + requiredArgs(2, arguments); + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var week = toInteger(dirtyWeek); + var diff = getUTCWeek(date, options) - week; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff * 7); + return date; +} +function _typeof14(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof14 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof14 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof14(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck12(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties12(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass12(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties12(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties12(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits11(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf11(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf11(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf11 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf11(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper11(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct11(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf11(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf11(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn11(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn11(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof14(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized11(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized11(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct11() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf11(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf11 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf11(o3); +} +function _defineProperty11(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var LocalWeekParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits11(LocalWeekParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper11(LocalWeekParser2); + function LocalWeekParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck12(this, LocalWeekParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty11(_assertThisInitialized11(_this), "priority", 100); + _defineProperty11(_assertThisInitialized11(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "i", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass12(LocalWeekParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "w": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.week, dateString); + case "wo": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "week" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 53; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value, options) { + return startOfUTCWeek(setUTCWeek(date, value, options), options); + } + }]); + return LocalWeekParser2; +}(Parser); +function setUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyISOWeek) { + requiredArgs(2, arguments); + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var isoWeek = toInteger(dirtyISOWeek); + var diff = getUTCISOWeek(date) - isoWeek; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff * 7); + return date; +} +function _typeof15(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof15 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof15 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof15(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck13(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties13(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass13(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties13(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties13(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits12(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf12(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf12(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf12 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf12(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper12(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct12(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf12(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf12(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn12(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn12(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof15(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized12(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized12(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct12() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf12(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf12 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf12(o3); +} +function _defineProperty12(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var ISOWeekParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits12(ISOWeekParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper12(ISOWeekParser2); + function ISOWeekParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck13(this, ISOWeekParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty12(_assertThisInitialized12(_this), "priority", 100); + _defineProperty12(_assertThisInitialized12(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "Y", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass13(ISOWeekParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "I": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.week, dateString); + case "Io": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "week" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 53; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + return startOfUTCISOWeek(setUTCISOWeek(date, value)); + } + }]); + return ISOWeekParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof16(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof16 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof16 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof16(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck14(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties14(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass14(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties14(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties14(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits13(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf13(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf13(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf13 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf13(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper13(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct13(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf13(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf13(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn13(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn13(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof16(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized13(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized13(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct13() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf13(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf13 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf13(o3); +} +function _defineProperty13(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var DAYS_IN_MONTH = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; +var DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; +var DateParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits13(DateParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper13(DateParser2); + function DateParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck14(this, DateParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty13(_assertThisInitialized13(_this), "priority", 90); + _defineProperty13(_assertThisInitialized13(_this), "subPriority", 1); + _defineProperty13(_assertThisInitialized13(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass14(DateParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "d": + return parseNumericPattern(, dateString); + case "do": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "date" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(date, value) { + var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var isLeapYear = isLeapYearIndex(year); + var month = date.getUTCMonth(); + if (isLeapYear) { + return value >= 1 && value <= DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR[month]; + } else { + return value >= 1 && value <= DAYS_IN_MONTH[month]; + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCDate(value); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return DateParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof17(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof17 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof17 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof17(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck15(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties15(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass15(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties15(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties15(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits14(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf14(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf14(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf14 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf14(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper14(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct14(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf14(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf14(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn14(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn14(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof17(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized14(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized14(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct14() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf14(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf14 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf14(o3); +} +function _defineProperty14(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var DayOfYearParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits14(DayOfYearParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper14(DayOfYearParser2); + function DayOfYearParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck15(this, DayOfYearParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty14(_assertThisInitialized14(_this), "priority", 90); + _defineProperty14(_assertThisInitialized14(_this), "subpriority", 1); + _defineProperty14(_assertThisInitialized14(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "E", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass15(DayOfYearParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "D": + case "DD": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.dayOfYear, dateString); + case "Do": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "date" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(date, value) { + var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var isLeapYear = isLeapYearIndex(year); + if (isLeapYear) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 366; + } else { + return value >= 1 && value <= 365; + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCMonth(0, value); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return DayOfYearParser2; +}(Parser); +function setUTCDay(dirtyDate, dirtyDay, options) { + var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; + requiredArgs(2, arguments); + var defaultOptions22 = getDefaultOptions(); + var weekStartsOn = toInteger((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions22.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions22.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); + if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { + throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); + } + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var day = toInteger(dirtyDay); + var currentDay = date.getUTCDay(); + var remainder = day % 7; + var dayIndex = (remainder + 7) % 7; + var diff = (dayIndex < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - currentDay; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff); + return date; +} +function _typeof18(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof18 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof18 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof18(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck16(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties16(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass16(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties16(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties16(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits15(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf15(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf15(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf15 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf15(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper15(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct15(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf15(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf15(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn15(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn15(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof18(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized15(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized15(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct15() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf15(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf15 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf15(o3); +} +function _defineProperty15(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var DayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits15(DayParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper15(DayParser2); + function DayParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck16(this, DayParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty15(_assertThisInitialized15(_this), "priority", 90); + _defineProperty15(_assertThisInitialized15(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass16(DayParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "E": + case "EE": + case "EEE": + return, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "EEEEE": + return, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "EEEEEE": + return, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "EEEE": + default: + return, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 6; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value, options) { + date = setUTCDay(date, value, options); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return DayParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof19(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof19 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof19 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof19(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck17(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties17(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass17(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties17(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties17(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits16(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf16(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf16(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf16 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf16(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper16(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct16(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf16(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf16(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn16(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn16(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof19(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized16(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized16(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct16() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf16(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf16 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf16(o3); +} +function _defineProperty16(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var LocalDayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits16(LocalDayParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper16(LocalDayParser2); + function LocalDayParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck17(this, LocalDayParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty16(_assertThisInitialized16(_this), "priority", 90); + _defineProperty16(_assertThisInitialized16(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "E", "i", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass17(LocalDayParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52, options) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(value) { + var wholeWeekDays = Math.floor((value - 1) / 7) * 7; + return (value + options.weekStartsOn + 6) % 7 + wholeWeekDays; + }; + switch (token) { + case "e": + case "ee": + return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "eo": + return mapValue(match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "day" + }), valueCallback92); + case "eee": + return, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "eeeee": + return, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "eeeeee": + return, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "eeee": + default: + return, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 6; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value, options) { + date = setUTCDay(date, value, options); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return LocalDayParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof20(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof20 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof20 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof20(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck18(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties18(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass18(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties18(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties18(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits17(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf17(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf17(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf17 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf17(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper17(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct17(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf17(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf17(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn17(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn17(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof20(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized17(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized17(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct17() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf17(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf17 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf17(o3); +} +function _defineProperty17(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var StandAloneLocalDayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits17(StandAloneLocalDayParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper17(StandAloneLocalDayParser2); + function StandAloneLocalDayParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck18(this, StandAloneLocalDayParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty17(_assertThisInitialized17(_this), "priority", 90); + _defineProperty17(_assertThisInitialized17(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "E", "i", "e", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass18(StandAloneLocalDayParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52, options) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(value) { + var wholeWeekDays = Math.floor((value - 1) / 7) * 7; + return (value + options.weekStartsOn + 6) % 7 + wholeWeekDays; + }; + switch (token) { + case "c": + case "cc": + return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback92); + case "co": + return mapValue(match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "day" + }), valueCallback92); + case "ccc": + return, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "standalone" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "ccccc": + return, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "cccccc": + return, { + width: "short", + context: "standalone" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "cccc": + default: + return, { + width: "wide", + context: "standalone" + }) ||, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "standalone" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 6; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value, options) { + date = setUTCDay(date, value, options); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return StandAloneLocalDayParser2; +}(Parser); +function setUTCISODay(dirtyDate, dirtyDay) { + requiredArgs(2, arguments); + var day = toInteger(dirtyDay); + if (day % 7 === 0) { + day = day - 7; + } + var weekStartsOn = 1; + var date = toDate(dirtyDate); + var currentDay = date.getUTCDay(); + var remainder = day % 7; + var dayIndex = (remainder + 7) % 7; + var diff = (dayIndex < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - currentDay; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff); + return date; +} +function _typeof21(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof21 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof21 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof21(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck19(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties19(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass19(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties19(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties19(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits18(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf18(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf18(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf18 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf18(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper18(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct18(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf18(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf18(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn18(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn18(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof21(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized18(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized18(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct18() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf18(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf18 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf18(o3); +} +function _defineProperty18(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var ISODayParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits18(ISODayParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper18(ISODayParser2); + function ISODayParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck19(this, ISODayParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty18(_assertThisInitialized18(_this), "priority", 90); + _defineProperty18(_assertThisInitialized18(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["y", "Y", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "E", "e", "c", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass19(ISODayParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(value) { + if (value === 0) { + return 7; + } + return value; + }; + switch (token) { + case "i": + case "ii": + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + case "io": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "day" + }); + case "iii": + return mapValue(, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }), valueCallback92); + case "iiiii": + return mapValue(, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }), valueCallback92); + case "iiiiii": + return mapValue(, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }), valueCallback92); + case "iiii": + default: + return mapValue(, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }) ||, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }), valueCallback92); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 7; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date = setUTCISODay(date, value); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return ISODayParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof22(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof22 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof22 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof22(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck20(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties20(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass20(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties20(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties20(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits19(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf19(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf19(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf19 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf19(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper19(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct19(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf19(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf19(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn19(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn19(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof22(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized19(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized19(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct19() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf19(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf19 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf19(o3); +} +function _defineProperty19(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var AMPMParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits19(AMPMParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper19(AMPMParser2); + function AMPMParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck20(this, AMPMParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty19(_assertThisInitialized19(_this), "priority", 80); + _defineProperty19(_assertThisInitialized19(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["b", "B", "H", "k", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass20(AMPMParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "a": + case "aa": + case "aaa": + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "aaaaa": + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "aaaa": + default: + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return AMPMParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof23(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof23 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof23 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof23(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck21(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties21(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass21(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties21(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties21(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits20(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf20(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf20(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf20 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf20(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper20(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct20(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf20(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf20(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn20(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn20(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof23(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized20(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized20(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct20() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf20(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf20 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf20(o3); +} +function _defineProperty20(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var AMPMMidnightParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits20(AMPMMidnightParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper20(AMPMMidnightParser2); + function AMPMMidnightParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck21(this, AMPMMidnightParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty20(_assertThisInitialized20(_this), "priority", 80); + _defineProperty20(_assertThisInitialized20(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "B", "H", "k", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass21(AMPMMidnightParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "b": + case "bb": + case "bbb": + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "bbbbb": + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "bbbb": + default: + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return AMPMMidnightParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof24(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof24 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof24 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof24(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck22(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties22(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass22(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties22(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties22(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits21(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf21(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf21(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf21 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf21(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper21(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct21(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf21(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf21(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn21(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn21(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof24(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized21(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized21(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct21() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf21(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf21 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf21(o3); +} +function _defineProperty21(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var DayPeriodParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits21(DayPeriodParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper21(DayPeriodParser2); + function DayPeriodParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck22(this, DayPeriodParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty21(_assertThisInitialized21(_this), "priority", 80); + _defineProperty21(_assertThisInitialized21(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "b", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass22(DayPeriodParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "B": + case "BB": + case "BBB": + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "BBBBB": + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "BBBB": + default: + return match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }) || match52.dayPeriod(dateString, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return DayPeriodParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof25(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof25 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof25 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof25(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck23(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties23(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass23(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties23(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties23(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits22(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf22(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf22(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf22 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf22(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper22(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct22(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf22(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf22(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn22(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn22(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof25(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized22(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized22(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct22() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf22(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf22 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf22(o3); +} +function _defineProperty22(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var Hour1to12Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits22(Hour1to12Parser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper22(Hour1to12Parser2); + function Hour1to12Parser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck23(this, Hour1to12Parser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty22(_assertThisInitialized22(_this), "priority", 70); + _defineProperty22(_assertThisInitialized22(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["H", "K", "k", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass23(Hour1to12Parser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "h": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour12h, dateString); + case "ho": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "hour" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 12; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + var isPM = date.getUTCHours() >= 12; + if (isPM && value < 12) { + date.setUTCHours(value + 12, 0, 0, 0); + } else if (!isPM && value === 12) { + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + } else { + date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0); + } + return date; + } + }]); + return Hour1to12Parser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof26(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof26 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof26 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof26(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck24(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties24(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass24(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties24(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties24(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits23(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf23(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf23(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf23 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf23(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper23(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct23(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf23(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf23(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn23(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn23(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof26(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized23(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized23(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct23() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf23(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf23 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf23(o3); +} +function _defineProperty23(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var Hour0to23Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits23(Hour0to23Parser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper23(Hour0to23Parser2); + function Hour0to23Parser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck24(this, Hour0to23Parser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty23(_assertThisInitialized23(_this), "priority", 70); + _defineProperty23(_assertThisInitialized23(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "b", "h", "K", "k", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass24(Hour0to23Parser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "H": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour23h, dateString); + case "Ho": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "hour" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 23; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return Hour0to23Parser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof27(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof27 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof27 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof27(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck25(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties25(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass25(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties25(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties25(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits24(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf24(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf24(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf24 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf24(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper24(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct24(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf24(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf24(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn24(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn24(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof27(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized24(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized24(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct24() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf24(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf24 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf24(o3); +} +function _defineProperty24(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var Hour0To11Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits24(Hour0To11Parser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper24(Hour0To11Parser2); + function Hour0To11Parser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck25(this, Hour0To11Parser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty24(_assertThisInitialized24(_this), "priority", 70); + _defineProperty24(_assertThisInitialized24(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["h", "H", "k", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass25(Hour0To11Parser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "K": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour11h, dateString); + case "Ko": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "hour" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 11; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + var isPM = date.getUTCHours() >= 12; + if (isPM && value < 12) { + date.setUTCHours(value + 12, 0, 0, 0); + } else { + date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0); + } + return date; + } + }]); + return Hour0To11Parser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof28(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof28 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof28 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof28(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck26(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties26(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass26(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties26(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties26(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits25(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf25(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf25(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf25 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf25(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper25(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct25(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf25(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf25(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn25(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn25(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof28(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized25(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized25(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct25() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf25(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf25 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf25(o3); +} +function _defineProperty25(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var Hour1To24Parser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits25(Hour1To24Parser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper25(Hour1To24Parser2); + function Hour1To24Parser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck26(this, Hour1To24Parser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty25(_assertThisInitialized25(_this), "priority", 70); + _defineProperty25(_assertThisInitialized25(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["a", "b", "h", "H", "K", "t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass26(Hour1To24Parser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "k": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour24h, dateString); + case "ko": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "hour" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 1 && value <= 24; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + var hours = value <= 24 ? value % 24 : value; + date.setUTCHours(hours, 0, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return Hour1To24Parser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof29(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof29 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof29 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof29(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck27(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties27(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass27(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties27(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties27(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits26(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf26(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf26(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf26 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf26(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper26(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct26(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf26(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf26(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn26(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn26(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof29(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized26(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized26(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct26() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf26(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf26 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf26(o3); +} +function _defineProperty26(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var MinuteParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits26(MinuteParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper26(MinuteParser2); + function MinuteParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck27(this, MinuteParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty26(_assertThisInitialized26(_this), "priority", 60); + _defineProperty26(_assertThisInitialized26(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass27(MinuteParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "m": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.minute, dateString); + case "mo": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "minute" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 59; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCMinutes(value, 0, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return MinuteParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof30(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof30 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof30 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof30(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck28(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties28(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass28(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties28(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties28(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits27(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf27(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf27(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf27 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf27(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper27(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct27(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf27(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf27(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn27(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn27(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof30(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized27(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized27(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct27() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf27(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf27 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf27(o3); +} +function _defineProperty27(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var SecondParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits27(SecondParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper27(SecondParser2); + function SecondParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck28(this, SecondParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty27(_assertThisInitialized27(_this), "priority", 50); + _defineProperty27(_assertThisInitialized27(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass28(SecondParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token, match52) { + switch (token) { + case "s": + return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.second, dateString); + case "so": + return match52.ordinalNumber(dateString, { + unit: "second" + }); + default: + return parseNDigits(token.length, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "validate", + value: function validate(_date, value) { + return value >= 0 && value <= 59; + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCSeconds(value, 0); + return date; + } + }]); + return SecondParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof31(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof31 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof31 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof31(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck29(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties29(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass29(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties29(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties29(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits28(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf28(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf28(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf28 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf28(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper28(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct28(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf28(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf28(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn28(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn28(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof31(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized28(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized28(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct28() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf28(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf28 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf28(o3); +} +function _defineProperty28(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var FractionOfSecondParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits28(FractionOfSecondParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper28(FractionOfSecondParser2); + function FractionOfSecondParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck29(this, FractionOfSecondParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty28(_assertThisInitialized28(_this), "priority", 30); + _defineProperty28(_assertThisInitialized28(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass29(FractionOfSecondParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token) { + var valueCallback92 = function valueCallback102(value) { + return Math.floor(value * Math.pow(10, -token.length + 3)); + }; + return mapValue(parseNDigits(token.length, dateString), valueCallback92); + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, _flags, value) { + date.setUTCMilliseconds(value); + return date; + } + }]); + return FractionOfSecondParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof32(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof32 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof32 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof32(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck30(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties30(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass30(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties30(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties30(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits29(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf29(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf29(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf29 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf29(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper29(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct29(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf29(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf29(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn29(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn29(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof32(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized29(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized29(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct29() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf29(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf29 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf29(o3); +} +function _defineProperty29(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var ISOTimezoneWithZParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits29(ISOTimezoneWithZParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper29(ISOTimezoneWithZParser2); + function ISOTimezoneWithZParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck30(this, ISOTimezoneWithZParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty29(_assertThisInitialized29(_this), "priority", 10); + _defineProperty29(_assertThisInitialized29(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T", "x"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass30(ISOTimezoneWithZParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token) { + switch (token) { + case "X": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalMinutes, dateString); + case "XX": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basic, dateString); + case "XXXX": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalSeconds, dateString); + case "XXXXX": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extendedOptionalSeconds, dateString); + case "XXX": + default: + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extended, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, flags, value) { + if (flags.timestampIsSet) { + return date; + } + return new Date(date.getTime() - value); + } + }]); + return ISOTimezoneWithZParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof33(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof33 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof33 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof33(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck31(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties31(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass31(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties31(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties31(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits30(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf30(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf30(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf30 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf30(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper30(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct30(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf30(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf30(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn30(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn30(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof33(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized30(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized30(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct30() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf30(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf30 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf30(o3); +} +function _defineProperty30(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var ISOTimezoneParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits30(ISOTimezoneParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper30(ISOTimezoneParser2); + function ISOTimezoneParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck31(this, ISOTimezoneParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty30(_assertThisInitialized30(_this), "priority", 10); + _defineProperty30(_assertThisInitialized30(_this), "incompatibleTokens", ["t", "T", "X"]); + return _this; + } + _createClass31(ISOTimezoneParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString, token) { + switch (token) { + case "x": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalMinutes, dateString); + case "xx": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basic, dateString); + case "xxxx": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalSeconds, dateString); + case "xxxxx": + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extendedOptionalSeconds, dateString); + case "xxx": + default: + return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extended, dateString); + } + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(date, flags, value) { + if (flags.timestampIsSet) { + return date; + } + return new Date(date.getTime() - value); + } + }]); + return ISOTimezoneParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof34(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof34 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof34 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof34(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck32(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties32(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass32(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties32(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties32(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits31(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf31(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf31(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf31 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf31(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper31(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct31(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf31(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf31(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn31(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn31(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof34(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized31(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized31(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct31() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf31(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf31 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf31(o3); +} +function _defineProperty31(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var TimestampSecondsParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits31(TimestampSecondsParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper31(TimestampSecondsParser2); + function TimestampSecondsParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck32(this, TimestampSecondsParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty31(_assertThisInitialized31(_this), "priority", 40); + _defineProperty31(_assertThisInitialized31(_this), "incompatibleTokens", "*"); + return _this; + } + _createClass32(TimestampSecondsParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString) { + return parseAnyDigitsSigned(dateString); + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(_date, _flags, value) { + return [new Date(value * 1e3), { + timestampIsSet: true + }]; + } + }]); + return TimestampSecondsParser2; +}(Parser); +function _typeof35(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof35 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof35 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof35(obj); +} +function _classCallCheck33(instance, Constructor) { + if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { + throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); + } +} +function _defineProperties33(target, props) { + for (var i22 = 0; i22 < props.length; i22++) { + var descriptor = props[i22]; + descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; + descriptor.configurable = true; + if ("value" in descriptor) + descriptor.writable = true; + Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); + } +} +function _createClass33(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { + if (protoProps) + _defineProperties33(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); + if (staticProps) + _defineProperties33(Constructor, staticProps); + return Constructor; +} +function _inherits32(subClass, superClass) { + if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { + throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); + } + subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); + if (superClass) + _setPrototypeOf32(subClass, superClass); +} +function _setPrototypeOf32(o3, p4) { + _setPrototypeOf32 = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf33(o22, p22) { + o22.__proto__ = p22; + return o22; + }; + return _setPrototypeOf32(o3, p4); +} +function _createSuper32(Derived) { + var hasNativeReflectConstruct = _isNativeReflectConstruct32(); + return function _createSuperInternal() { + var Super = _getPrototypeOf32(Derived), result; + if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { + var NewTarget = _getPrototypeOf32(this).constructor; + result = Reflect.construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); + } else { + result = Super.apply(this, arguments); + } + return _possibleConstructorReturn32(this, result); + }; +} +function _possibleConstructorReturn32(self2, call) { + if (call && (_typeof35(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { + return call; + } + return _assertThisInitialized32(self2); +} +function _assertThisInitialized32(self2) { + if (self2 === void 0) { + throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); + } + return self2; +} +function _isNativeReflectConstruct32() { + if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !Reflect.construct) + return false; + if (Reflect.construct.sham) + return false; + if (typeof Proxy === "function") + return true; + try { +, [], function() { + })); + return true; + } catch (e22) { + return false; + } +} +function _getPrototypeOf32(o3) { + _getPrototypeOf32 = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf33(o22) { + return o22.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(o22); + }; + return _getPrototypeOf32(o3); +} +function _defineProperty32(obj, key, value) { + if (key in obj) { + Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); + } else { + obj[key] = value; + } + return obj; +} +var TimestampMillisecondsParser = /* @__PURE__ */ function(_Parser) { + _inherits32(TimestampMillisecondsParser2, _Parser); + var _super = _createSuper32(TimestampMillisecondsParser2); + function TimestampMillisecondsParser2() { + var _this; + _classCallCheck33(this, TimestampMillisecondsParser2); + for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { + args[_key] = arguments[_key]; + } + _this =, [this].concat(args)); + _defineProperty32(_assertThisInitialized32(_this), "priority", 20); + _defineProperty32(_assertThisInitialized32(_this), "incompatibleTokens", "*"); + return _this; + } + _createClass33(TimestampMillisecondsParser2, [{ + key: "parse", + value: function parse2(dateString) { + return parseAnyDigitsSigned(dateString); + } + }, { + key: "set", + value: function set(_date, _flags, value) { + return [new Date(value), { + timestampIsSet: true + }]; + } + }]); + return TimestampMillisecondsParser2; +}(Parser); +var parsers2 = { + G: new EraParser(), + y: new YearParser(), + Y: new LocalWeekYearParser(), + R: new ISOWeekYearParser(), + u: new ExtendedYearParser(), + Q: new QuarterParser(), + q: new StandAloneQuarterParser(), + M: new MonthParser(), + L: new StandAloneMonthParser(), + w: new LocalWeekParser(), + I: new ISOWeekParser(), + d: new DateParser(), + D: new DayOfYearParser(), + E: new DayParser(), + e: new LocalDayParser(), + c: new StandAloneLocalDayParser(), + i: new ISODayParser(), + a: new AMPMParser(), + b: new AMPMMidnightParser(), + B: new DayPeriodParser(), + h: new Hour1to12Parser(), + H: new Hour0to23Parser(), + K: new Hour0To11Parser(), + k: new Hour1To24Parser(), + m: new MinuteParser(), + s: new SecondParser(), + S: new FractionOfSecondParser(), + X: new ISOTimezoneWithZParser(), + x: new ISOTimezoneParser(), + t: new TimestampSecondsParser(), + T: new TimestampMillisecondsParser() +}; +var formatDistanceLocale2 = { + lessThanXSeconds: { + standalone: { + one: "weniger als 1 Sekunde", + other: "weniger als {{count}} Sekunden" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "weniger als 1 Sekunde", + other: "weniger als {{count}} Sekunden" + } + }, + xSeconds: { + standalone: { + one: "1 Sekunde", + other: "{{count}} Sekunden" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "1 Sekunde", + other: "{{count}} Sekunden" + } + }, + halfAMinute: { + standalone: "halbe Minute", + withPreposition: "halben Minute" + }, + lessThanXMinutes: { + standalone: { + one: "weniger als 1 Minute", + other: "weniger als {{count}} Minuten" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "weniger als 1 Minute", + other: "weniger als {{count}} Minuten" + } + }, + xMinutes: { + standalone: { + one: "1 Minute", + other: "{{count}} Minuten" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "1 Minute", + other: "{{count}} Minuten" + } + }, + aboutXHours: { + standalone: { + one: "etwa 1 Stunde", + other: "etwa {{count}} Stunden" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "etwa 1 Stunde", + other: "etwa {{count}} Stunden" + } + }, + xHours: { + standalone: { + one: "1 Stunde", + other: "{{count}} Stunden" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "1 Stunde", + other: "{{count}} Stunden" + } + }, + xDays: { + standalone: { + one: "1 Tag", + other: "{{count}} Tage" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "1 Tag", + other: "{{count}} Tagen" + } + }, + aboutXWeeks: { + standalone: { + one: "etwa 1 Woche", + other: "etwa {{count}} Wochen" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "etwa 1 Woche", + other: "etwa {{count}} Wochen" + } + }, + xWeeks: { + standalone: { + one: "1 Woche", + other: "{{count}} Wochen" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "1 Woche", + other: "{{count}} Wochen" + } + }, + aboutXMonths: { + standalone: { + one: "etwa 1 Monat", + other: "etwa {{count}} Monate" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "etwa 1 Monat", + other: "etwa {{count}} Monaten" + } + }, + xMonths: { + standalone: { + one: "1 Monat", + other: "{{count}} Monate" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "1 Monat", + other: "{{count}} Monaten" + } + }, + aboutXYears: { + standalone: { + one: "etwa 1 Jahr", + other: "etwa {{count}} Jahre" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "etwa 1 Jahr", + other: "etwa {{count}} Jahren" + } + }, + xYears: { + standalone: { + one: "1 Jahr", + other: "{{count}} Jahre" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "1 Jahr", + other: "{{count}} Jahren" + } + }, + overXYears: { + standalone: { + one: "mehr als 1 Jahr", + other: "mehr als {{count}} Jahre" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "mehr als 1 Jahr", + other: "mehr als {{count}} Jahren" + } + }, + almostXYears: { + standalone: { + one: "fast 1 Jahr", + other: "fast {{count}} Jahre" + }, + withPreposition: { + one: "fast 1 Jahr", + other: "fast {{count}} Jahren" + } + } +}; +var formatDistance3 = function formatDistance4(token, count, options) { + var result; + var tokenValue = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix ? formatDistanceLocale2[token].withPreposition : formatDistanceLocale2[token].standalone; + if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { + result = tokenValue; + } else if (count === 1) { + result =; + } else { + result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", String(count)); + } + if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { + if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { + return "in " + result; + } else { + return "vor " + result; + } + } + return result; +}; +var formatDistance_default2 = formatDistance3; +var dateFormats2 = { + full: "EEEE, do MMMM y", + // Montag, 7. Januar 2018 + long: "do MMMM y", + // 7. Januar 2018 + medium: "do MMM y", + // 7. Jan. 2018 + short: "dd.MM.y" + // 07.01.2018 +}; +var timeFormats2 = { + full: "HH:mm:ss zzzz", + long: "HH:mm:ss z", + medium: "HH:mm:ss", + short: "HH:mm" +}; +var dateTimeFormats2 = { + full: "{{date}} 'um' {{time}}", + long: "{{date}} 'um' {{time}}", + medium: "{{date}} {{time}}", + short: "{{date}} {{time}}" +}; +var formatLong2 = { + date: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateFormats2, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + time: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: timeFormats2, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateTimeFormats2, + defaultWidth: "full" + }) +}; +var formatLong_default2 = formatLong2; +var formatRelativeLocale2 = { + lastWeek: "'letzten' eeee 'um' p", + yesterday: "'gestern um' p", + today: "'heute um' p", + tomorrow: "'morgen um' p", + nextWeek: "eeee 'um' p", + other: "P" +}; +var formatRelative3 = function formatRelative4(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) { + return formatRelativeLocale2[token]; +}; +var formatRelative_default2 = formatRelative3; +var eraValues2 = { + narrow: ["v.Chr.", "n.Chr."], + abbreviated: ["v.Chr.", "n.Chr."], + wide: ["vor Christus", "nach Christus"] +}; +var quarterValues2 = { + narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], + abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], + wide: ["1. Quartal", "2. Quartal", "3. Quartal", "4. Quartal"] +}; +var monthValues2 = { + narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], + abbreviated: ["Jan", "Feb", "M\xE4r", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"], + wide: ["Januar", "Februar", "M\xE4rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember"] +}; +var formattingMonthValues = { + narrow: monthValues2.narrow, + abbreviated: ["Jan.", "Feb.", "M\xE4rz", "Apr.", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "Aug.", "Sep.", "Okt.", "Nov.", "Dez."], + wide: monthValues2.wide +}; +var dayValues2 = { + narrow: ["S", "M", "D", "M", "D", "F", "S"], + short: ["So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa"], + abbreviated: ["So.", "Mo.", "Di.", "Mi.", "Do.", "Fr.", "Sa."], + wide: ["Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag"] +}; +var dayPeriodValues2 = { + narrow: { + am: "vm.", + pm: "nm.", + midnight: "Mitternacht", + noon: "Mittag", + morning: "Morgen", + afternoon: "Nachm.", + evening: "Abend", + night: "Nacht" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "vorm.", + pm: "nachm.", + midnight: "Mitternacht", + noon: "Mittag", + morning: "Morgen", + afternoon: "Nachmittag", + evening: "Abend", + night: "Nacht" + }, + wide: { + am: "vormittags", + pm: "nachmittags", + midnight: "Mitternacht", + noon: "Mittag", + morning: "Morgen", + afternoon: "Nachmittag", + evening: "Abend", + night: "Nacht" + } +}; +var formattingDayPeriodValues2 = { + narrow: { + am: "vm.", + pm: "nm.", + midnight: "Mitternacht", + noon: "Mittag", + morning: "morgens", + afternoon: "nachm.", + evening: "abends", + night: "nachts" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "vorm.", + pm: "nachm.", + midnight: "Mitternacht", + noon: "Mittag", + morning: "morgens", + afternoon: "nachmittags", + evening: "abends", + night: "nachts" + }, + wide: { + am: "vormittags", + pm: "nachmittags", + midnight: "Mitternacht", + noon: "Mittag", + morning: "morgens", + afternoon: "nachmittags", + evening: "abends", + night: "nachts" + } +}; +var ordinalNumber3 = function ordinalNumber4(dirtyNumber) { + var number = Number(dirtyNumber); + return number + "."; +}; +var localize2 = { + ordinalNumber: ordinalNumber3, + era: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: eraValues2, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + quarter: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: quarterValues2, + defaultWidth: "wide", + argumentCallback: function argumentCallback2(quarter) { + return quarter - 1; + } + }), + month: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: monthValues2, + formattingValues: formattingMonthValues, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + day: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayValues2, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayPeriodValues2, + defaultWidth: "wide", + formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues2, + defaultFormattingWidth: "wide" + }) +}; +var localize_default2 = localize2; +var matchOrdinalNumberPattern2 = /^(\d+)(\.)?/i; +var parseOrdinalNumberPattern2 = /\d+/i; +var matchEraPatterns2 = { + narrow: /^(v\.? ?Chr\.?|n\.? ?Chr\.?)/i, + abbreviated: /^(v\.? ?Chr\.?|n\.? ?Chr\.?)/i, + wide: /^(vor Christus|vor unserer Zeitrechnung|nach Christus|unserer Zeitrechnung)/i +}; +var parseEraPatterns2 = { + any: [/^v/i, /^n/i] +}; +var matchQuarterPatterns2 = { + narrow: /^[1234]/i, + abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i, + wide: /^[1234](\.)? Quartal/i +}; +var parseQuarterPatterns2 = { + any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] +}; +var matchMonthPatterns2 = { + narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, + abbreviated: /^(j[aä]n|feb|mär[z]?|apr|mai|jun[i]?|jul[i]?|aug|sep|okt|nov|dez)\.?/i, + wide: /^(januar|februar|märz|april|mai|juni|juli|august|september|oktober|november|dezember)/i +}; +var parseMonthPatterns2 = { + narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], + any: [/^j[aä]/i, /^f/i, /^mär/i, /^ap/i, /^mai/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i] +}; +var matchDayPatterns2 = { + narrow: /^[smdmf]/i, + short: /^(so|mo|di|mi|do|fr|sa)/i, + abbreviated: /^(son?|mon?|die?|mit?|don?|fre?|sam?)\.?/i, + wide: /^(sonntag|montag|dienstag|mittwoch|donnerstag|freitag|samstag)/i +}; +var parseDayPatterns2 = { + any: [/^so/i, /^mo/i, /^di/i, /^mi/i, /^do/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i] +}; +var matchDayPeriodPatterns2 = { + narrow: /^(vm\.?|nm\.?|Mitternacht|Mittag|morgens|nachm\.?|abends|nachts)/i, + abbreviated: /^(vorm\.?|nachm\.?|Mitternacht|Mittag|morgens|nachm\.?|abends|nachts)/i, + wide: /^(vormittags|nachmittags|Mitternacht|Mittag|morgens|nachmittags|abends|nachts)/i +}; +var parseDayPeriodPatterns2 = { + any: { + am: /^v/i, + pm: /^n/i, + midnight: /^Mitte/i, + noon: /^Mitta/i, + morning: /morgens/i, + afternoon: /nachmittags/i, + // will never be matched. Afternoon is matched by `pm` + evening: /abends/i, + night: /nachts/i + // will never be matched. Night is matched by `pm` + } +}; +var match2 = { + ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn({ + matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern2, + parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern2, + valueCallback: function valueCallback3(value) { + return parseInt(value); + } + }), + era: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns2, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns2, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + quarter: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns2, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns2, + defaultParseWidth: "any", + valueCallback: function valueCallback4(index) { + return index + 1; + } + }), + month: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns2, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns2, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + day: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns2, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns2, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + dayPeriod: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns2, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns2, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }) +}; +var match_default2 = match2; +var locale2 = { + code: "de", + formatDistance: formatDistance_default2, + formatLong: formatLong_default2, + formatRelative: formatRelative_default2, + localize: localize_default2, + match: match_default2, + options: { + weekStartsOn: 1, + firstWeekContainsDate: 4 + } +}; +var de_default = locale2; +var dateFormats3 = { + full: "EEEE, d MMMM yyyy", + long: "d MMMM yyyy", + medium: "d MMM yyyy", + short: "dd/MM/yyyy" +}; +var timeFormats3 = { + full: "HH:mm:ss zzzz", + long: "HH:mm:ss z", + medium: "HH:mm:ss", + short: "HH:mm" +}; +var dateTimeFormats3 = { + full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", + long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", + medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", + short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" +}; +var formatLong3 = { + date: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateFormats3, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + time: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: timeFormats3, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateTimeFormats3, + defaultWidth: "full" + }) +}; +var formatLong_default3 = formatLong3; +var locale3 = { + code: "en-GB", + formatDistance: formatDistance_default, + formatLong: formatLong_default3, + formatRelative: formatRelative_default, + localize: localize_default, + match: match_default, + options: { + weekStartsOn: 1, + firstWeekContainsDate: 4 + } +}; +var en_GB_default = locale3; +var formatDistanceLocale3 = { + lessThanXSeconds: { + one: "menos de un segundo", + other: "menos de {{count}} segundos" + }, + xSeconds: { + one: "1 segundo", + other: "{{count}} segundos" + }, + halfAMinute: "medio minuto", + lessThanXMinutes: { + one: "menos de un minuto", + other: "menos de {{count}} minutos" + }, + xMinutes: { + one: "1 minuto", + other: "{{count}} minutos" + }, + aboutXHours: { + one: "alrededor de 1 hora", + other: "alrededor de {{count}} horas" + }, + xHours: { + one: "1 hora", + other: "{{count}} horas" + }, + xDays: { + one: "1 d\xEDa", + other: "{{count}} d\xEDas" + }, + aboutXWeeks: { + one: "alrededor de 1 semana", + other: "alrededor de {{count}} semanas" + }, + xWeeks: { + one: "1 semana", + other: "{{count}} semanas" + }, + aboutXMonths: { + one: "alrededor de 1 mes", + other: "alrededor de {{count}} meses" + }, + xMonths: { + one: "1 mes", + other: "{{count}} meses" + }, + aboutXYears: { + one: "alrededor de 1 a\xF1o", + other: "alrededor de {{count}} a\xF1os" + }, + xYears: { + one: "1 a\xF1o", + other: "{{count}} a\xF1os" + }, + overXYears: { + one: "m\xE1s de 1 a\xF1o", + other: "m\xE1s de {{count}} a\xF1os" + }, + almostXYears: { + one: "casi 1 a\xF1o", + other: "casi {{count}} a\xF1os" + } +}; +var formatDistance5 = function formatDistance6(token, count, options) { + var result; + var tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale3[token]; + if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { + result = tokenValue; + } else if (count === 1) { + result =; + } else { + result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString()); + } + if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { + if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { + return "en " + result; + } else { + return "hace " + result; + } + } + return result; +}; +var formatDistance_default3 = formatDistance5; +var dateFormats4 = { + full: "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y", + long: "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y", + medium: "d MMM y", + short: "dd/MM/y" +}; +var timeFormats4 = { + full: "HH:mm:ss zzzz", + long: "HH:mm:ss z", + medium: "HH:mm:ss", + short: "HH:mm" +}; +var dateTimeFormats4 = { + full: "{{date}} 'a las' {{time}}", + long: "{{date}} 'a las' {{time}}", + medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", + short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" +}; +var formatLong4 = { + date: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateFormats4, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + time: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: timeFormats4, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateTimeFormats4, + defaultWidth: "full" + }) +}; +var formatLong_default4 = formatLong4; +var formatRelativeLocale3 = { + lastWeek: "'el' eeee 'pasado a la' p", + yesterday: "'ayer a la' p", + today: "'hoy a la' p", + tomorrow: "'ma\xF1ana a la' p", + nextWeek: "eeee 'a la' p", + other: "P" +}; +var formatRelativeLocalePlural = { + lastWeek: "'el' eeee 'pasado a las' p", + yesterday: "'ayer a las' p", + today: "'hoy a las' p", + tomorrow: "'ma\xF1ana a las' p", + nextWeek: "eeee 'a las' p", + other: "P" +}; +var formatRelative5 = function formatRelative6(token, date, _baseDate, _options) { + if (date.getUTCHours() !== 1) { + return formatRelativeLocalePlural[token]; + } else { + return formatRelativeLocale3[token]; + } +}; +var formatRelative_default3 = formatRelative5; +var eraValues3 = { + narrow: ["AC", "DC"], + abbreviated: ["AC", "DC"], + wide: ["antes de cristo", "despu\xE9s de cristo"] +}; +var quarterValues3 = { + narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], + abbreviated: ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"], + wide: ["1\xBA trimestre", "2\xBA trimestre", "3\xBA trimestre", "4\xBA trimestre"] +}; +var monthValues3 = { + narrow: ["e", "f", "m", "a", "m", "j", "j", "a", "s", "o", "n", "d"], + abbreviated: ["ene", "feb", "mar", "abr", "may", "jun", "jul", "ago", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dic"], + wide: ["enero", "febrero", "marzo", "abril", "mayo", "junio", "julio", "agosto", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre"] +}; +var dayValues3 = { + narrow: ["d", "l", "m", "m", "j", "v", "s"], + short: ["do", "lu", "ma", "mi", "ju", "vi", "s\xE1"], + abbreviated: ["dom", "lun", "mar", "mi\xE9", "jue", "vie", "s\xE1b"], + wide: ["domingo", "lunes", "martes", "mi\xE9rcoles", "jueves", "viernes", "s\xE1bado"] +}; +var dayPeriodValues3 = { + narrow: { + am: "a", + pm: "p", + midnight: "mn", + noon: "md", + morning: "ma\xF1ana", + afternoon: "tarde", + evening: "tarde", + night: "noche" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "medianoche", + noon: "mediodia", + morning: "ma\xF1ana", + afternoon: "tarde", + evening: "tarde", + night: "noche" + }, + wide: { + am: "a.m.", + pm: "p.m.", + midnight: "medianoche", + noon: "mediodia", + morning: "ma\xF1ana", + afternoon: "tarde", + evening: "tarde", + night: "noche" + } +}; +var formattingDayPeriodValues3 = { + narrow: { + am: "a", + pm: "p", + midnight: "mn", + noon: "md", + morning: "de la ma\xF1ana", + afternoon: "de la tarde", + evening: "de la tarde", + night: "de la noche" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "medianoche", + noon: "mediodia", + morning: "de la ma\xF1ana", + afternoon: "de la tarde", + evening: "de la tarde", + night: "de la noche" + }, + wide: { + am: "a.m.", + pm: "p.m.", + midnight: "medianoche", + noon: "mediodia", + morning: "de la ma\xF1ana", + afternoon: "de la tarde", + evening: "de la tarde", + night: "de la noche" + } +}; +var ordinalNumber5 = function ordinalNumber6(dirtyNumber, _options) { + var number = Number(dirtyNumber); + return number + "\xBA"; +}; +var localize3 = { + ordinalNumber: ordinalNumber5, + era: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: eraValues3, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + quarter: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: quarterValues3, + defaultWidth: "wide", + argumentCallback: function argumentCallback3(quarter) { + return Number(quarter) - 1; + } + }), + month: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: monthValues3, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + day: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayValues3, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayPeriodValues3, + defaultWidth: "wide", + formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues3, + defaultFormattingWidth: "wide" + }) +}; +var localize_default3 = localize3; +var matchOrdinalNumberPattern3 = /^(\d+)(º)?/i; +var parseOrdinalNumberPattern3 = /\d+/i; +var matchEraPatterns3 = { + narrow: /^(ac|dc|a|d)/i, + abbreviated: /^(a\.?\s?c\.?|a\.?\s?e\.?\s?c\.?|d\.?\s?c\.?|e\.?\s?c\.?)/i, + wide: /^(antes de cristo|antes de la era com[uú]n|despu[eé]s de cristo|era com[uú]n)/i +}; +var parseEraPatterns3 = { + any: [/^ac/i, /^dc/i], + wide: [/^(antes de cristo|antes de la era com[uú]n)/i, /^(despu[eé]s de cristo|era com[uú]n)/i] +}; +var matchQuarterPatterns3 = { + narrow: /^[1234]/i, + abbreviated: /^T[1234]/i, + wide: /^[1234](º)? trimestre/i +}; +var parseQuarterPatterns3 = { + any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] +}; +var matchMonthPatterns3 = { + narrow: /^[efmajsond]/i, + abbreviated: /^(ene|feb|mar|abr|may|jun|jul|ago|sep|oct|nov|dic)/i, + wide: /^(enero|febrero|marzo|abril|mayo|junio|julio|agosto|septiembre|octubre|noviembre|diciembre)/i +}; +var parseMonthPatterns3 = { + narrow: [/^e/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], + any: [/^en/i, /^feb/i, /^mar/i, /^abr/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^ago/i, /^sep/i, /^oct/i, /^nov/i, /^dic/i] +}; +var matchDayPatterns3 = { + narrow: /^[dlmjvs]/i, + short: /^(do|lu|ma|mi|ju|vi|s[áa])/i, + abbreviated: /^(dom|lun|mar|mi[ée]|jue|vie|s[áa]b)/i, + wide: /^(domingo|lunes|martes|mi[ée]rcoles|jueves|viernes|s[áa]bado)/i +}; +var parseDayPatterns3 = { + narrow: [/^d/i, /^l/i, /^m/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^v/i, /^s/i], + any: [/^do/i, /^lu/i, /^ma/i, /^mi/i, /^ju/i, /^vi/i, /^sa/i] +}; +var matchDayPeriodPatterns3 = { + narrow: /^(a|p|mn|md|(de la|a las) (mañana|tarde|noche))/i, + any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|medianoche|mediodia|(de la|a las) (mañana|tarde|noche))/i +}; +var parseDayPeriodPatterns3 = { + any: { + am: /^a/i, + pm: /^p/i, + midnight: /^mn/i, + noon: /^md/i, + morning: /mañana/i, + afternoon: /tarde/i, + evening: /tarde/i, + night: /noche/i + } +}; +var match3 = { + ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn({ + matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern3, + parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern3, + valueCallback: function valueCallback5(value) { + return parseInt(value, 10); + } + }), + era: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns3, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns3, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + quarter: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns3, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns3, + defaultParseWidth: "any", + valueCallback: function valueCallback6(index) { + return index + 1; + } + }), + month: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns3, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns3, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + day: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns3, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns3, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + dayPeriod: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns3, + defaultMatchWidth: "any", + parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns3, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }) +}; +var match_default3 = match3; +var locale4 = { + code: "es", + formatDistance: formatDistance_default3, + formatLong: formatLong_default4, + formatRelative: formatRelative_default3, + localize: localize_default3, + match: match_default3, + options: { + weekStartsOn: 1, + firstWeekContainsDate: 1 + } +}; +var es_default = locale4; +var formatDistanceLocale4 = { + lessThanXSeconds: { + one: "moins d\u2019une seconde", + other: "moins de {{count}} secondes" + }, + xSeconds: { + one: "1 seconde", + other: "{{count}} secondes" + }, + halfAMinute: "30 secondes", + lessThanXMinutes: { + one: "moins d\u2019une minute", + other: "moins de {{count}} minutes" + }, + xMinutes: { + one: "1 minute", + other: "{{count}} minutes" + }, + aboutXHours: { + one: "environ 1 heure", + other: "environ {{count}} heures" + }, + xHours: { + one: "1 heure", + other: "{{count}} heures" + }, + xDays: { + one: "1 jour", + other: "{{count}} jours" + }, + aboutXWeeks: { + one: "environ 1 semaine", + other: "environ {{count}} semaines" + }, + xWeeks: { + one: "1 semaine", + other: "{{count}} semaines" + }, + aboutXMonths: { + one: "environ 1 mois", + other: "environ {{count}} mois" + }, + xMonths: { + one: "1 mois", + other: "{{count}} mois" + }, + aboutXYears: { + one: "environ 1 an", + other: "environ {{count}} ans" + }, + xYears: { + one: "1 an", + other: "{{count}} ans" + }, + overXYears: { + one: "plus d\u2019un an", + other: "plus de {{count}} ans" + }, + almostXYears: { + one: "presqu\u2019un an", + other: "presque {{count}} ans" + } +}; +var formatDistance7 = function formatDistance8(token, count, options) { + var result; + var form = formatDistanceLocale4[token]; + if (typeof form === "string") { + result = form; + } else if (count === 1) { + result =; + } else { + result = form.other.replace("{{count}}", String(count)); + } + if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { + if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { + return "dans " + result; + } else { + return "il y a " + result; + } + } + return result; +}; +var formatDistance_default4 = formatDistance7; +var dateFormats5 = { + full: "EEEE d MMMM y", + long: "d MMMM y", + medium: "d MMM y", + short: "dd/MM/y" +}; +var timeFormats5 = { + full: "HH:mm:ss zzzz", + long: "HH:mm:ss z", + medium: "HH:mm:ss", + short: "HH:mm" +}; +var dateTimeFormats5 = { + full: "{{date}} '\xE0' {{time}}", + long: "{{date}} '\xE0' {{time}}", + medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", + short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" +}; +var formatLong5 = { + date: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateFormats5, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + time: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: timeFormats5, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({ + formats: dateTimeFormats5, + defaultWidth: "full" + }) +}; +var formatLong_default5 = formatLong5; +var formatRelativeLocale4 = { + lastWeek: "eeee 'dernier \xE0' p", + yesterday: "'hier \xE0' p", + today: "'aujourd\u2019hui \xE0' p", + tomorrow: "'demain \xE0' p'", + nextWeek: "eeee 'prochain \xE0' p", + other: "P" +}; +var formatRelative7 = function formatRelative8(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) { + return formatRelativeLocale4[token]; +}; +var formatRelative_default4 = formatRelative7; +var eraValues4 = { + narrow: ["av. J.-C", "ap. J.-C"], + abbreviated: ["av. J.-C", "ap. J.-C"], + wide: ["avant J\xE9sus-Christ", "apr\xE8s J\xE9sus-Christ"] +}; +var quarterValues4 = { + narrow: ["T1", "T2", "T3", "T4"], + abbreviated: ["1er trim.", "2\xE8me trim.", "3\xE8me trim.", "4\xE8me trim."], + wide: ["1er trimestre", "2\xE8me trimestre", "3\xE8me trimestre", "4\xE8me trimestre"] +}; +var monthValues4 = { + narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], + abbreviated: ["janv.", "f\xE9vr.", "mars", "avr.", "mai", "juin", "juil.", "ao\xFBt", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "d\xE9c."], + wide: ["janvier", "f\xE9vrier", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "ao\xFBt", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "d\xE9cembre"] +}; +var dayValues4 = { + narrow: ["D", "L", "M", "M", "J", "V", "S"], + short: ["di", "lu", "ma", "me", "je", "ve", "sa"], + abbreviated: ["dim.", "lun.", "mar.", "mer.", "jeu.", "ven.", "sam."], + wide: ["dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi"] +}; +var dayPeriodValues4 = { + narrow: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "minuit", + noon: "midi", + morning: "mat.", + afternoon: "ap.m.", + evening: "soir", + night: "mat." + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "minuit", + noon: "midi", + morning: "matin", + afternoon: "apr\xE8s-midi", + evening: "soir", + night: "matin" + }, + wide: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "minuit", + noon: "midi", + morning: "du matin", + afternoon: "de l\u2019apr\xE8s-midi", + evening: "du soir", + night: "du matin" + } +}; +var ordinalNumber7 = function ordinalNumber8(dirtyNumber, options) { + var number = Number(dirtyNumber); + var unit = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.unit; + if (number === 0) + return "0"; + var feminineUnits = ["year", "week", "hour", "minute", "second"]; + var suffix; + if (number === 1) { + suffix = unit && feminineUnits.includes(unit) ? "\xE8re" : "er"; + } else { + suffix = "\xE8me"; + } + return number + suffix; +}; +var localize4 = { + ordinalNumber: ordinalNumber7, + era: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: eraValues4, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + quarter: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: quarterValues4, + defaultWidth: "wide", + argumentCallback: function argumentCallback4(quarter) { + return quarter - 1; + } + }), + month: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: monthValues4, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + day: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayValues4, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({ + values: dayPeriodValues4, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }) +}; +var localize_default4 = localize4; +var matchOrdinalNumberPattern4 = /^(\d+)(ième|ère|ème|er|e)?/i; +var parseOrdinalNumberPattern4 = /\d+/i; +var matchEraPatterns4 = { + narrow: /^(av\.J\.C|ap\.J\.C|ap\.J\.-C)/i, + abbreviated: /^(av\.J\.-C|av\.J-C|apr\.J\.-C|apr\.J-C|ap\.J-C)/i, + wide: /^(avant Jésus-Christ|après Jésus-Christ)/i +}; +var parseEraPatterns4 = { + any: [/^av/i, /^ap/i] +}; +var matchQuarterPatterns4 = { + narrow: /^T?[1234]/i, + abbreviated: /^[1234](er|ème|e)? trim\.?/i, + wide: /^[1234](er|ème|e)? trimestre/i +}; +var parseQuarterPatterns4 = { + any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] +}; +var matchMonthPatterns4 = { + narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, + abbreviated: /^(janv|févr|mars|avr|mai|juin|juill|juil|août|sept|oct|nov|déc)\.?/i, + wide: /^(janvier|février|mars|avril|mai|juin|juillet|août|septembre|octobre|novembre|décembre)/i +}; +var parseMonthPatterns4 = { + narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], + any: [/^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^av/i, /^ma/i, /^juin/i, /^juil/i, /^ao/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i] +}; +var matchDayPatterns4 = { + narrow: /^[lmjvsd]/i, + short: /^(di|lu|ma|me|je|ve|sa)/i, + abbreviated: /^(dim|lun|mar|mer|jeu|ven|sam)\.?/i, + wide: /^(dimanche|lundi|mardi|mercredi|jeudi|vendredi|samedi)/i +}; +var parseDayPatterns4 = { + narrow: [/^d/i, /^l/i, /^m/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^v/i, /^s/i], + any: [/^di/i, /^lu/i, /^ma/i, /^me/i, /^je/i, /^ve/i, /^sa/i] +}; +var matchDayPeriodPatterns4 = { + narrow: /^(a|p|minuit|midi|mat\.?|ap\.?m\.?|soir|nuit)/i, + any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|du matin|de l'après[-\s]midi|du soir|de la nuit)/i +}; +var parseDayPeriodPatterns4 = { + any: { + am: /^a/i, + pm: /^p/i, + midnight: /^min/i, + noon: /^mid/i, + morning: /mat/i, + afternoon: /ap/i, + evening: /soir/i, + night: /nuit/i + } +}; +var match4 = { + ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn({ + matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern4, + parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern4, + valueCallback: function valueCallback7(value) { + return parseInt(value); + } + }), + era: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns4, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns4, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + quarter: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns4, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns4, + defaultParseWidth: "any", + valueCallback: function valueCallback8(index) { + return index + 1; + } + }), + month: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns4, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns4, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + day: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns4, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns4, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + dayPeriod: buildMatchFn({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns4, + defaultMatchWidth: "any", + parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns4, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }) +}; +var match_default4 = match4; +var locale5 = { + code: "fr", + formatDistance: formatDistance_default4, + formatLong: formatLong_default5, + formatRelative: formatRelative_default4, + localize: localize_default4, + match: match_default4, + options: { + weekStartsOn: 1, + firstWeekContainsDate: 4 + } +}; +var fr_default = locale5; +var supportedLang = { + es: "Espanol [es]", + en: "English [en]", + fr: "Francais [fr]", + de: "Deutsch [de]", + sv: "Svenska [sv]", + it: "Italiane [it]" +}; +var initial = { + lang: "en", + supportedLang, + changeLanguage: () => { + }, + i18n, + dateLocale: en_GB_default, + completeness: { + de: 0, + en: 0, + es: 0, + fr: 0, + it: 0, + sv: 0 + } +}; +var Context2 = B(initial); +var TranslationProvider = ({ + initial: initial22, + children, + forceLang, + source, + completeness: completenessProp +}) => { + const completeness = { + en: 100, + de: !completenessProp || !completenessProp["de"] ? 0 : completenessProp["de"], + es: !completenessProp || !completenessProp["es"] ? 0 : completenessProp["es"], + fr: !completenessProp || !completenessProp["fr"] ? 0 : completenessProp["fr"], + it: !completenessProp || !completenessProp["it"] ? 0 : completenessProp["it"], + sv: !completenessProp || !completenessProp["sv"] ? 0 : completenessProp["sv"] + }; + const { value: lang, update: changeLanguage } = useLang(initial22, completeness); + h2(() => { + if (forceLang) { + changeLanguage(forceLang); + } + }); + h2(() => { + setupI18n(lang, source); + }, [lang]); + if (forceLang) { + setupI18n(forceLang, source); + } else { + setupI18n(lang, source); + } + const dateLocale = lang === "es" ? es_default : lang === "fr" ? fr_default : lang === "de" ? de_default : en_GB_default; + return h(Context2.Provider, { + value: { lang, changeLanguage, supportedLang, i18n, dateLocale, completeness }, + children + }); +}; +var useTranslationContext = () => q2(Context2); +var utils_exports = {}; +__export2(utils_exports, { + compose: () => compose, + recursive: () => recursive, + saveVNodeForInspection: () => saveVNodeForInspection +}); +function compose(hook, viewMap) { + function withHook(stateHook) { + function ComposedComponent() { + const state = stateHook(); + if (typeof state === "function") { + const subComponent = withHook(state); + return h(subComponent, {}); + } + const statusName = state.status; + const viewComponent = viewMap[statusName]; + return h(viewComponent, state); + } + return ComposedComponent; + } + return (p4) => { + const h37 = withHook(() => hook(p4)); + return h37(); + }; +} +function recursive(hook) { + function withHook(stateHook) { + function ComposedComponent() { + const state = stateHook(); + if (typeof state === "function") { + const subComponent = withHook(state); + return h(subComponent, {}); + } + return state; + } + return ComposedComponent; + } + return (p4) => { + const h37 = withHook(() => hook(p4)); + return h37(); + }; +} +function saveVNodeForInspection(obj) { + window["showVNodeInfo"] = function showVNodeInfo() { + inspect(obj); + }; + return obj; +} +function inspect(obj) { + if (!obj) + return; + if (obj.__c && obj.__c.__H) { + const componentName =; + const hookState = obj.__c.__H; + const stateList = hookState.__; + console.log("==============", componentName); + stateList.forEach((hook) => { + const { __: value, c: context, __h: factory, __H: args } = hook; + if (typeof context !== "undefined") { + const { __c: contextId } = context; + console.log("context:", contextId, hook); + } else if (typeof factory === "function") { + console.log("memo:", value, "deps:", args); + } else if (typeof value === "function") { + const effectName =; + console.log("effect:", effectName, "deps:", args); + } else if (typeof value.current !== "undefined") { + const ref = value.current; + console.log("ref:", ref instanceof Element ? ref.outerHTML : ref); + } else if (value instanceof Array) { + console.log("state:", value[0]); + } else { + console.log(hook); + } + }); + } + const children = obj.__k; + if (children instanceof Array) { + children.forEach((e22) => inspect(e22)); + } else { + inspect(children); + } +} +function Attention({ type = "info", title, children, onClose, timeout = Duration.getForever() }) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: `group attention-${type} mt-2 shadow-lg` }, timeout.d_ms === "forever" ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("style", null, ` + .progress { + animation: notificationTimeoutBar ${Math.round(timeout.d_ms / 1e3)}s ease-in-out; + animation-fill-mode:both; + } + + @keyframes notificationTimeoutBar { + 0% { width: 0; } + 100% { width: 100%; } + } + `), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { "data-timed": timeout.d_ms !== "forever", class: "rounded-md data-[timed=true]:rounded-b-none group-[.attention-info]:bg-blue-50 group-[.attention-low]:bg-gray-100 group-[.attention-warning]:bg-yellow-50 group-[.attention-danger]:bg-red-50 group-[.attention-success]:bg-green-50 p-4 shadow" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, type === "low" ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { xmlns: "", stroke: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", fill: "currentColor", class: "w-8 h-8 group-[.attention-info]:text-blue-400 group-[.attention-warning]:text-yellow-400 group-[.attention-danger]:text-red-400 group-[.attention-success]:text-green-400" }, (() => { + switch (type) { + case "info": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "fill-rule": "evenodd", d: "M18 10a8 8 0 11-16 0 8 8 0 0116 0zm-7-4a1 1 0 11-2 0 1 1 0 012 0zM9 9a.75.75 0 000 1.5h.253a.25.25 0 01.244.304l-.459 2.066A1.75 1.75 0 0010.747 15H11a.75.75 0 000-1.5h-.253a.25.25 0 01-.244-.304l.459-2.066A1.75 1.75 0 009.253 9H9z" }); + case "warning": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "fill-rule": "evenodd", d: "M9.401 3.003c1.155-2 4.043-2 5.197 0l7.355 12.748c1.154 2-.29 4.5-2.599 4.5H4.645c-2.309 0-3.752-2.5-2.598-4.5L9.4 3.003zM12 8.25a.75.75 0 01.75.75v3.75a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0V9a.75.75 0 01.75-.75zm0 8.25a.75.75 0 100- 0 000 1.5z" }); + case "danger": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "fill-rule": "evenodd", d: "M2.25 12c0-5.385 4.365-9.75 9.75-9.75s9.75 4.365 9.75 9.75-4.365 9.75-9.75 9.75S2.25 17.385 2.25 12zM12 8.25a.75.75 0 01.75.75v3.75a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0V9a.75.75 0 01.75-.75zm0 8.25a.75.75 0 100- 0 000 1.5z" }); + case "success": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "fill-rule": "evenodd", d: "M7.493 18.75c-.425 0-.82-.236-.975-.632A7.48 7.48 0 016 15.375c0-1.75.599-3.358 1.602-4.634.151-.192.373-.309.6-.397.473-.183.89-.514 1.212-.924a9.042 9.042 0 012.861-2.4c.723-.384 1.35-.956 1.653-1.715a4.498 4.498 0 00.322-1.672V3a.75.75 0 01.75-.75 2.25 2.25 0 012.25 2.25c0 1.152-.26 2.243-.723 3.218-.266.558.107 1.282.725 1.282h3.126c1.026 0 1.945.694 2.054 1.715.045.422.068.85.068 1.285a11.95 11.95 0 01-2.649 7.521c-.388.482-.987.729-1.605.729H14.23c-.483 0-.964-.078-1.423-.23l-3.114-1.04a4.501 4.501 0 00-1.423-.23h-.777zM2.331 10.977a11.969 11.969 0 00-.831 4.398 12 12 0 00.52 3.507c.26.85 1.084 1.368 1.973 1.368H4.9c.445 0 .72-.498.523-.898a8.963 8.963 0 01-.924-3.977c0-1.708.476-3.305 1.302-4.666.245-.403-.028-.959-.5-.959H4.25c-.832 0-1.612.453-1.918 1.227z" }); + default: + assertUnreachable(type); + } + })())), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "ml-3 w-full" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h3", { class: "text-sm font-bold group-[.attention-info]:text-blue-800 group-[.attention-success]:text-green-800 group-[.attention-warning]:text-yellow-800 group-[.attention-danger]:text-red-800" }, title), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 text-sm group-[.attention-info]:text-blue-700 group-[.attention-warning]:text-yellow-700 group-[.attention-danger]:text-red-700 group-[.attention-success]:text-green-700" }, children)), onClose && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + class: "font-semibold items-center rounded bg-transparent px-2 py-1 text-xs text-gray-900 hover:bg-gray-50", + onClick: (e22) => { + e22.preventDefault(); + onClose(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-5 w-5", viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { d: "M6.28 5.22a.75.75 0 00-1.06 1.06L8.94 10l-3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06 1.06L10 11.06l3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 101.06-1.06L11.06 10l3.72-3.72a.75.75 0 00-1.06-1.06L10 8.94 6.28 5.22z" })) + )))), timeout.d_ms === "forever" ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "meter group-[.attention-info]:bg-blue-50 group-[.attention-low]:bg-gray-100 group-[.attention-warning]:bg-yellow-50 group-[.attention-danger]:bg-red-50 group-[.attention-success]:bg-green-50 h-1 relative overflow-hidden -mt-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "w-full h-full block" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "h-full block progress group-[.attention-info]:bg-blue-600 group-[.attention-low]:bg-gray-600 group-[.attention-warning]:bg-yellow-600 group-[.attention-danger]:bg-red-600 group-[.attention-success]:bg-green-600" })))); +} +function CopyIcon() { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { xmlns: "", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "1.5", stroke: "currentColor", class: "w-6 h-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M15.75 17.25v3.375c0 .621-.504 1.125-1.125 1.125h-9.75a1.125 1.125 0 01-1.125-1.125V7.875c0-.621.504-1.125 1.125-1.125H6.75a9.06 9.06 0 011.5.124m7.5 10.376h3.375c.621 0 1.125-.504 1.125-1.125V11.25c0-4.46-3.243-8.161-7.5-8.876a9.06 9.06 0 00-1.5-.124H9.375c-.621 0-1.125.504-1.125 1.125v3.5m7.5 10.375H9.375a1.125 1.125 0 01-1.125-1.125v-9.25m12 6.625v-1.875a3.375 3.375 0 00-3.375-3.375h-1.5a1.125 1.125 0 01-1.125-1.125v-1.5a3.375 3.375 0 00-3.375-3.375H9.75" })); +} +function CopiedIcon() { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { xmlns: "", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "1.5", stroke: "currentColor", class: "w-6 h-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M4.5 12.75l6 6 9-13.5" })); +} +function CopyButton({ class: clazz, getContent }) { + const [copied, setCopied] = p3(false); + function copyText() { + if (!navigator.clipboard && !window.isSecureContext) { + alert("clipboard is not available on insecure context (http)"); + } + if (navigator.clipboard) { + navigator.clipboard.writeText(getContent() || ""); + setCopied(true); + } + } + h2(() => { + if (copied) { + setTimeout(() => { + setCopied(false); + }, 1e3); + } + }, [copied]); + if (!copied) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: clazz, onClick: copyText }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(CopyIcon, null)); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", { class: clazz, disabled: true }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(CopiedIcon, null)); +} +function ErrorLoading({ error: error2, showDetail }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + switch (error2.errorDetail.code) { + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT: { + if (error2.hasErrorCode(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_GENERIC_TIMEOUT)) { + const { requestMethod, requestUrl, timeoutMs } = error2.errorDetail; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: i18n2.str`The request reached a timeout, check your connection.` }, error2.message, showDetail && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "whitespace-break-spaces " }, JSON.stringify({ requestMethod, requestUrl, timeoutMs }, void 0, 2))); + } + assertUnreachable(1); + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED: { + if (error2.hasErrorCode(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_HTTP_REQUEST_THROTTLED)) { + const { requestMethod, requestUrl, throttleStats } = error2.errorDetail; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: i18n2.str`A lot of request were made to the same server and this action was throttled` }, error2.message, showDetail && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "whitespace-break-spaces " }, JSON.stringify({ requestMethod, requestUrl, throttleStats }, void 0, 2))); + } + assertUnreachable(1); + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE: { + if (error2.hasErrorCode(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_RECEIVED_MALFORMED_RESPONSE)) { + const { requestMethod, requestUrl, httpStatusCode, validationError } = error2.errorDetail; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: i18n2.str`The response of the request is malformed.` }, error2.message, showDetail && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "whitespace-break-spaces " }, JSON.stringify({ requestMethod, requestUrl, httpStatusCode, validationError }, void 0, 2))); + } + assertUnreachable(1); + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR: { + if (error2.hasErrorCode(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_NETWORK_ERROR)) { + const { requestMethod, requestUrl } = error2.errorDetail; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: i18n2.str`Could not complete the request due to a network problem.` }, error2.message, showDetail && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "whitespace-break-spaces " }, JSON.stringify({ requestMethod, requestUrl }, void 0, 2))); + } + assertUnreachable(1); + } + case TalerErrorCode.WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR: { + if (error2.hasErrorCode(TalerErrorCode.WALLET_UNEXPECTED_REQUEST_ERROR)) { + const { requestMethod, requestUrl, httpStatusCode, errorResponse } = error2.errorDetail; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: i18n2.str`Unexpected request error` }, error2.message, showDetail && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "whitespace-break-spaces " }, JSON.stringify({ requestMethod, requestUrl, httpStatusCode, errorResponse }, void 0, 2))); + } + assertUnreachable(1); + } + default: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: i18n2.str`Unexpected error` }, error2.message, showDetail && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "whitespace-break-spaces " }, JSON.stringify(error2.errorDetail, void 0, 2))); + } +} +var lang_default = 'data:image/svg+xml,%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%0A%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%09%0A%09%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%09%09%0A%09%09%0A%09%0A%0A%0A'; +var names = { + es: "Espa\xF1ol [es]", + en: "English [en]", + fr: "Fran\xE7ais [fr]", + de: "Deutsch [de]", + sv: "Svenska [sv]", + it: "Italiano [it]" +}; +function getLangName(s32) { + if (names[s32]) + return names[s32]; + return String(s32); +} +function LangSelector({}) { + const [updatingLang, setUpdatingLang] = p3(false); + const { lang, changeLanguage, completeness, supportedLang: supportedLang2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [hidden, setHidden] = p3(true); + h2(() => { + function bodyKeyPress(event) { + if (event.code === "Escape") + setHidden(true); + } + function bodyOnClick(event) { + setHidden(true); + } + document.body.addEventListener("click", bodyOnClick); + document.body.addEventListener("keydown", bodyKeyPress); + return () => { + document.body.removeEventListener("keydown", bodyKeyPress); + document.body.removeEventListener("click", bodyOnClick); + }; + }, []); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + class: "relative w-full cursor-default rounded-md bg-white py-1.5 pl-3 pr-10 text-left text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + "aria-haspopup": "listbox", + "aria-expanded": "true", + "aria-labelledby": "listbox-label", + onClick: (e22) => { + setHidden(!hidden); + e22.stopPropagation(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex items-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("img", { alt: "language", class: "h-5 w-5 flex-shrink-0 rounded-full", src: lang_default }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "ml-3 block truncate" }, getLangName(lang))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-5 w-5 text-gray-400", viewBox: "0 0 20 20", fill: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "fill-rule": "evenodd", d: "M10 3a.75.75 0 01.55.24l3.25 3.5a.75.75 0 11-1.1 1.02L10 4.852 7.3 7.76a.75.75 0 01-1.1-1.02l3.25-3.5A.75.75 0 0110 3zm-3.76 9.2a.75.75 0 011.06.04l2.7 2.908 2.7-2.908a.75.75 0 111.1 1.02l-3.25 3.5a.75.75 0 01-1.1 0l-3.25-3.5a.75.75 0 01.04-1.06z", "clip-rule": "evenodd" }))) + ), !hidden && /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { class: "absolute z-10 mt-1 max-h-60 w-full overflow-auto rounded-md bg-white py-1 text-base shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 focus:outline-none sm:text-sm", tabIndex: -1, role: "listbox", "aria-labelledby": "listbox-label", "aria-activedescendant": "listbox-option-3" }, Object.keys(supportedLang2).filter((l3) => l3 !== lang).map((lang2) => /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "li", + { + class: "text-gray-900 hover:bg-indigo-600 hover:text-white cursor-pointer relative select-none py-2 pl-3 pr-9", + role: "option", + onClick: () => { + changeLanguage(lang2); + setUpdatingLang(false); + setHidden(true); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "font-normal truncate flex justify-between " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, getLangName(lang2)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, completeness[lang2], "%")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "text-indigo-600 absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-4" }) + ))))); +} +function Loading() { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "div", + { + class: "columns is-centered is-vcentered", + style: { + width: "100%", + height: "200px", + display: "flex", + margin: "auto", + justifyContent: "center" + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(Spinner, null) + ); +} +function Spinner() { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "lds-ring", style: { margin: "auto" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null)); +} +var logo_2021_default = 'data:image/svg+xml,%0A%0A %0A %0A %0A %0A %0A %0A'; +function Header({ title, profileURL, iconLinkURL, sites, onLogout, children }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [open, setOpen] = p3(false); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "bg-indigo-600 w-full mx-auto px-2 border-b border-opacity-25 border-indigo-400" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex flex-row h-16 items-center " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex px-2 justify-start" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex-shrink-0 bg-white rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: iconLinkURL ?? "#", name: "logo" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "img", + { + class: "h-8 w-auto", + src: logo_2021_default, + alt: "GNU Taler", + style: { height: "1.5rem", margin: ".5rem" } + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex items-center text-white text-lg font-bold ml-4" }, title)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex-1 ml-6 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex flex-1 space-x-4" }, => { + if (site.length !== 2) + return; + const [name, url] = site; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: url, name: `site header ${name}`, class: "hidden sm:block text-white hover:bg-indigo-500 hover:bg-opacity-75 rounded-md py-2 px-3 text-sm font-medium" }, name); + }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-end" }, !profileURL ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: profileURL, name: "profile", class: "relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 p-1 mr-2 text-indigo-200 hover:bg-indigo-500 hover:bg-opacity-75 hover:text-white focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-white focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-indigo-600", "aria-controls": "mobile-menu", "aria-expanded": "false" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "absolute -inset-0.5" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Open profile")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { xmlns: "", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "1.5", stroke: "currentColor", class: "w-10 h-10" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M17.982 18.725A7.488 7.488 0 0 0 12 15.75a7.488 7.488 0 0 0-5.982 2.975m11.963 0a9 9 0 1 0-11.963 0m11.963 0A8.966 8.966 0 0 1 12 21a8.966 8.966 0 0 1-5.982-2.275M15 9.75a3 3 0 1 1-6 0 3 3 0 0 1 6 0Z" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "toggle sidebar", + class: "relative inline-flex items-center justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 p-1 text-indigo-200 hover:bg-indigo-500 hover:bg-opacity-75 hover:text-white focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-white focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-indigo-600", + "aria-controls": "mobile-menu", + "aria-expanded": "false", + onClick: (e22) => { + setOpen(!open); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "absolute -inset-0.5" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Open settings")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "block h-10 w-10", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "2", stroke: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M3.75 6.75h16.5M3.75 12h16.5m-16.5 5.25h16.5" })) + )))), open && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "div", + { + class: "relative z-10", + name: "sidebar overlay", + "aria-labelledby": "slide-over-title", + role: "dialog", + "aria-modal": "true", + onClick: () => { + setOpen(false); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "fixed inset-0 overflow-hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "absolute inset-0 overflow-hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "pointer-events-none fixed inset-y-0 right-0 flex max-w-full pl-10" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "pointer-events-auto w-screen max-w-md" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex h-full flex-col overflow-y-scroll bg-white py-6 shadow-xl", onClick: (e22) => { + e22.stopPropagation(); + } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-start justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", id: "slide-over-title" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Menu")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "ml-3 flex h-7 items-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "close sidebar", + class: "relative rounded-md bg-white text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-500 focus:ring-offset-2", + onClick: (e22) => { + setOpen(false); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "absolute -inset-2.5" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close panel")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-6 w-6", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "1.5", stroke: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" })) + )))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative mt-6 flex-1 px-4 sm:px-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("nav", { class: "flex flex-1 flex-col", "aria-label": "Sidebar" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { role: "list", class: "flex flex-1 flex-col gap-y-7" }, onLogout ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: "#", + name: "logout", + class: "text-gray-700 hover:text-indigo-600 hover:bg-gray-100 group flex gap-x-3 rounded-md p-2 text-sm leading-6 font-semibold", + onClick: () => { + onLogout(); + setOpen(false); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-6 w-6 shrink-0 text-indigo-600", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "1.5", stroke: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M2.25 12l8.954-8.955c.44-.439 1.152-.439 1.591 0L21.75 12M4.5 9.75v10.125c0 .621.504 1.125 1.125 1.125H9.75v-4.875c0-.621.504-1.125 1.125-1.125h2.25c.621 0 1.125.504 1.125 1.125V21h4.125c.621 0 1.125-.504 1.125-1.125V9.75M8.25 21h8.25" })), + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Log out") + )) : void 0, /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LangSelector, null)), children, sites.length > 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { class: "block sm:hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-xs font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-400" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Sites")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { role: "list", class: "space-y-1" },[name, url]) => { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: url, name: `site ${name}`, target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer", class: "text-gray-700 hover:text-indigo-600 hover:bg-gray-100 group flex gap-x-3 rounded-md p-2 text-sm leading-6 font-semibold" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex h-6 w-6 shrink-0 items-center justify-center rounded-lg border text-[0.625rem] font-medium bg-white text-gray-400 border-gray-200 group-hover:border-indigo-600 group-hover:text-indigo-600" }, ">"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "truncate" }, name))); + }))) : void 0)))))))) + )); +} +function Footer({ testingUrlKey, VERSION: VERSION2, GIT_HASH: GIT_HASH2 }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const testingUrl = testingUrlKey && typeof localStorage !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem(testingUrlKey) ? localStorage.getItem(testingUrlKey) ?? void 0 : void 0; + const versionText = VERSION2 ? GIT_HASH2 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { href: `${GIT_HASH2}`, target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer noopener" }, "Version ", VERSION2, " (", GIT_HASH2.substring(0, 8), ")") : VERSION2 : ""; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("footer", { class: "bottom-4 my-4 mx-8 bg-slate-200" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-xs leading-5 text-gray-400" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Learn more about ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { target: "_blank", rel: "noreferrer noopener", class: "font-semibold text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-400", href: "" }, "GNU Taler")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { style: "flex-grow:1" }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-xs leading-5 text-gray-400" }, "Copyright \xA9 2014\u20142023 Taler Systems SA. ", versionText, " "), testingUrlKey && testingUrl && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-xs leading-5 text-gray-300" }, "Testing with ", testingUrl, " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: "", + onClick: (e22) => { + e22.preventDefault(); + localStorage.removeItem(testingUrlKey); + window.location.reload(); + } + }, + "stop testing" + ))); +} +function Button({ + handler, + children, + disabled, + onClick: clickEvent, + +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [running, setRunning] = p3(false); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("button", {, disabled: disabled || running, onClick: (e22) => { + e22.preventDefault(); + if (!handler) { + return; + } + setRunning(true); + handler.onClick().then((resp) => { + if (resp) { + if (resp.type === "ok") { + const result = resp; + const msg = handler.onOperationSuccess(result); + if (msg) { + notifyInfo(msg); + } + } + if (resp.type === "fail") { + const error2 = resp; + const title = handler.onOperationFail(error2); + handler.onNotification({ + title, + type: "error", + description: error2.detail.hint, + debug: error2.detail + }); + } + } + if (handler.onOperationComplete) { + handler.onOperationComplete(); + } + setRunning(false); + }).catch((error2) => { + console.error(error2); + if (error2 instanceof TalerError) { + handler.onNotification(buildRequestErrorMessage(i18n2, error2)); + } else { + const description = error2 instanceof Error ? error2.message : String(error2); + handler.onNotification({ + title: i18n2.str`Operation failed`, + type: "error", + description + }); + } + if (handler.onOperationComplete) { + handler.onOperationComplete(); + } + setRunning(false); + }); + } }, running ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(Wait, null) : children); +} +function Wait() { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("style", null, ` + #l1 { width: 120px; + height: 20px; + -webkit-mask: radial-gradient(circle closest-side, currentColor 90%, #0000) left/20% 100%; + background: linear-gradient(currentColor 0 0) left/0% 100% no-repeat #ddd; + animation: l17 2s infinite steps(6); + } + @keyframes l17 { + 100% {background-size:120% 100%} +`), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { id: "l1" })); +} +function ShowInputErrorLabel({ + isDirty, + message +}) { + if (message && isDirty) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-base", style: { color: "red" } }, message); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-base", style: {} }, " "); +} +function LocalNotificationBanner({ notification, showDebug }) { + if (!notification) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + switch (notification.message.type) { + case "error": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "fixed top-0 left-0 right-0 z-20 w-full p-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: notification.message.title, onClose: () => { + notification.remove(); + } }, notification.message.description && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-red-700" }, notification.message.description), showDebug && /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "whitespace-break-spaces " }, notification.message.debug)))); + case "info": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "fixed top-0 left-0 right-0 z-20 w-full p-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "success", title: notification.message.title, onClose: () => { + notification.remove(); + } }))); + } +} +function ToastBanner() { + const notifs = useNotifications(); + if (notifs.length === 0) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, " ", => { + switch (n2.message.type) { + case "error": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: n2.message.title, onClose: () => { + n2.remove(); + }, timeout: GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT }, n2.message.description && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-red-700" }, n2.message.description)); + case "info": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "success", title: n2.message.title, onClose: () => { + n2.remove(); + }, timeout: GLOBAL_NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT }); + } + })); +} +var FormContext = B({}); + +// src/components/app.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/swr@2.0.3_react@18.2.0/node_modules/swr/core/dist/index.mjs +init_compat_module(); +var import_shim = __toESM(require_shim(), 1); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/swr@2.0.3_react@18.2.0/node_modules/swr/_internal/dist/index.mjs +init_compat_module(); +var SWRGlobalState = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); +var EMPTY_CACHE = {}; +var INITIAL_CACHE = {}; +var noop = () => { +}; +var UNDEFINED = ( + /*#__NOINLINE__*/ + noop() +); +var OBJECT = Object; +var isUndefined = (v3) => v3 === UNDEFINED; +var isFunction = (v3) => typeof v3 == "function"; +var mergeObjects = (a5, b4) => ({ + ...a5, + ...b4 +}); +var STR_UNDEFINED = "undefined"; +var isWindowDefined = typeof window != STR_UNDEFINED; +var isDocumentDefined = typeof document != STR_UNDEFINED; +var hasRequestAnimationFrame = () => isWindowDefined && typeof window["requestAnimationFrame"] != STR_UNDEFINED; +var createCacheHelper = (cache2, key) => { + const state = SWRGlobalState.get(cache2); + return [ + // Getter + () => cache2.get(key) || EMPTY_CACHE, + // Setter + (info) => { + if (!isUndefined(key)) { + const prev = cache2.get(key); + if (!(key in INITIAL_CACHE)) { + INITIAL_CACHE[key] = prev; + } + state[5](key, mergeObjects(prev, info), prev || EMPTY_CACHE); + } + }, + // Subscriber + state[6], + // Get server cache snapshot + () => { + if (!isUndefined(key)) { + if (key in INITIAL_CACHE) + return INITIAL_CACHE[key]; + } + return cache2.get(key) || EMPTY_CACHE; + } + ]; +}; +var table = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); +var counter = 0; +var stableHash = (arg) => { + const type = typeof arg; + const constructor = arg && arg.constructor; + const isDate2 = constructor == Date; + let result; + let index; + if (OBJECT(arg) === arg && !isDate2 && constructor != RegExp) { + result = table.get(arg); + if (result) + return result; + result = ++counter + "~"; + table.set(arg, result); + if (constructor == Array) { + result = "@"; + for (index = 0; index < arg.length; index++) { + result += stableHash(arg[index]) + ","; + } + table.set(arg, result); + } + if (constructor == OBJECT) { + result = "#"; + const keys = OBJECT.keys(arg).sort(); + while (!isUndefined(index = keys.pop())) { + if (!isUndefined(arg[index])) { + result += index + ":" + stableHash(arg[index]) + ","; + } + } + table.set(arg, result); + } + } else { + result = isDate2 ? arg.toJSON() : type == "symbol" ? arg.toString() : type == "string" ? JSON.stringify(arg) : "" + arg; + } + return result; +}; +var online = true; +var isOnline = () => online; +var [onWindowEvent, offWindowEvent] = isWindowDefined && window.addEventListener ? [ + window.addEventListener.bind(window), + window.removeEventListener.bind(window) +] : [ + noop, + noop +]; +var isVisible = () => { + const visibilityState = isDocumentDefined && document.visibilityState; + return isUndefined(visibilityState) || visibilityState !== "hidden"; +}; +var initFocus = (callback) => { + if (isDocumentDefined) { + document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", callback); + } + onWindowEvent("focus", callback); + return () => { + if (isDocumentDefined) { + document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", callback); + } + offWindowEvent("focus", callback); + }; +}; +var initReconnect = (callback) => { + const onOnline = () => { + online = true; + callback(); + }; + const onOffline = () => { + online = false; + }; + onWindowEvent("online", onOnline); + onWindowEvent("offline", onOffline); + return () => { + offWindowEvent("online", onOnline); + offWindowEvent("offline", onOffline); + }; +}; +var preset = { + isOnline, + isVisible +}; +var defaultConfigOptions = { + initFocus, + initReconnect +}; +var IS_REACT_LEGACY = !bn.useId; +var IS_SERVER = !isWindowDefined || "Deno" in window; +var rAF = (f3) => hasRequestAnimationFrame() ? window["requestAnimationFrame"](f3) : setTimeout(f3, 1); +var useIsomorphicLayoutEffect = IS_SERVER ? h2 : s2; +var navigatorConnection = typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.connection; +var slowConnection = !IS_SERVER && navigatorConnection && ([ + "slow-2g", + "2g" +].includes(navigatorConnection.effectiveType) || navigatorConnection.saveData); +var serialize = (key) => { + if (isFunction(key)) { + try { + key = key(); + } catch (err) { + key = ""; + } + } + const args = key; + key = typeof key == "string" ? key : (Array.isArray(key) ? key.length : key) ? stableHash(key) : ""; + return [ + key, + args + ]; +}; +var __timestamp = 0; +var getTimestamp = () => ++__timestamp; +var FOCUS_EVENT = 0; +var RECONNECT_EVENT = 1; +var MUTATE_EVENT = 2; +var constants = { + __proto__: null, + FOCUS_EVENT, + RECONNECT_EVENT, + MUTATE_EVENT +}; +async function internalMutate(...args) { + const [cache2, _key, _data, _opts] = args; + const options = mergeObjects({ + populateCache: true, + throwOnError: true + }, typeof _opts === "boolean" ? { + revalidate: _opts + } : _opts || {}); + let populateCache = options.populateCache; + const rollbackOnErrorOption = options.rollbackOnError; + let optimisticData = options.optimisticData; + const revalidate = options.revalidate !== false; + const rollbackOnError = (error2) => { + return typeof rollbackOnErrorOption === "function" ? rollbackOnErrorOption(error2) : rollbackOnErrorOption !== false; + }; + const throwOnError = options.throwOnError; + if (isFunction(_key)) { + const keyFilter = _key; + const matchedKeys = []; + const it = cache2.keys(); + for (let keyIt =; !keyIt.done; keyIt = { + const key = keyIt.value; + if ( + // Skip the special useSWRInfinite keys. + !key.startsWith("$inf$") && keyFilter(cache2.get(key)._k) + ) { + matchedKeys.push(key); + } + } + return Promise.all(; + } + return mutateByKey(_key); + async function mutateByKey(_k) { + const [key] = serialize(_k); + if (!key) + return; + const [get, set] = createCacheHelper(cache2, key); + const [EVENT_REVALIDATORS, MUTATION, FETCH] = SWRGlobalState.get(cache2); + const revalidators = EVENT_REVALIDATORS[key]; + const startRevalidate = () => { + if (revalidate) { + delete FETCH[key]; + if (revalidators && revalidators[0]) { + return revalidators[0](MUTATE_EVENT).then(() => get().data); + } + } + return get().data; + }; + if (args.length < 3) { + return startRevalidate(); + } + let data = _data; + let error2; + const beforeMutationTs = getTimestamp(); + MUTATION[key] = [ + beforeMutationTs, + 0 + ]; + const hasOptimisticData = !isUndefined(optimisticData); + const state = get(); + const displayedData =; + const currentData = state._c; + const committedData = isUndefined(currentData) ? displayedData : currentData; + if (hasOptimisticData) { + optimisticData = isFunction(optimisticData) ? optimisticData(committedData) : optimisticData; + set({ + data: optimisticData, + _c: committedData + }); + } + if (isFunction(data)) { + try { + data = data(committedData); + } catch (err) { + error2 = err; + } + } + if (data && isFunction(data.then)) { + data = await data.catch((err) => { + error2 = err; + }); + if (beforeMutationTs !== MUTATION[key][0]) { + if (error2) + throw error2; + return data; + } else if (error2 && hasOptimisticData && rollbackOnError(error2)) { + populateCache = true; + data = committedData; + set({ + data, + _c: UNDEFINED + }); + } + } + if (populateCache) { + if (!error2) { + if (isFunction(populateCache)) { + data = populateCache(data, committedData); + } + set({ + data, + _c: UNDEFINED + }); + } + } + MUTATION[key][1] = getTimestamp(); + const res = await startRevalidate(); + set({ + _c: UNDEFINED + }); + if (error2) { + if (throwOnError) + throw error2; + return; + } + return populateCache ? res : data; + } +} +var revalidateAllKeys = (revalidators, type) => { + for (const key in revalidators) { + if (revalidators[key][0]) + revalidators[key][0](type); + } +}; +var initCache = (provider, options) => { + if (!SWRGlobalState.has(provider)) { + const opts = mergeObjects(defaultConfigOptions, options); + const EVENT_REVALIDATORS = {}; + const mutate2 = internalMutate.bind(UNDEFINED, provider); + let unmount = noop; + const subscriptions = {}; + const subscribe = (key, callback) => { + const subs = subscriptions[key] || []; + subscriptions[key] = subs; + subs.push(callback); + return () => subs.splice(subs.indexOf(callback), 1); + }; + const setter = (key, value, prev) => { + provider.set(key, value); + const subs = subscriptions[key]; + if (subs) { + for (let i4 = subs.length; i4--; ) { + subs[i4](value, prev); + } + } + }; + const initProvider = () => { + if (!SWRGlobalState.has(provider)) { + SWRGlobalState.set(provider, [ + EVENT_REVALIDATORS, + {}, + {}, + {}, + mutate2, + setter, + subscribe + ]); + if (!IS_SERVER) { + const releaseFocus = opts.initFocus(setTimeout.bind(UNDEFINED, revalidateAllKeys.bind(UNDEFINED, EVENT_REVALIDATORS, FOCUS_EVENT))); + const releaseReconnect = opts.initReconnect(setTimeout.bind(UNDEFINED, revalidateAllKeys.bind(UNDEFINED, EVENT_REVALIDATORS, RECONNECT_EVENT))); + unmount = () => { + releaseFocus && releaseFocus(); + releaseReconnect && releaseReconnect(); + SWRGlobalState.delete(provider); + }; + } + } + }; + initProvider(); + return [ + provider, + mutate2, + initProvider, + unmount + ]; + } + return [ + provider, + SWRGlobalState.get(provider)[4] + ]; +}; +var onErrorRetry = (_3, __, config, revalidate, opts) => { + const maxRetryCount = config.errorRetryCount; + const currentRetryCount = opts.retryCount; + const timeout = ~~((Math.random() + 0.5) * (1 << (currentRetryCount < 8 ? currentRetryCount : 8))) * config.errorRetryInterval; + if (!isUndefined(maxRetryCount) && currentRetryCount > maxRetryCount) { + return; + } + setTimeout(revalidate, timeout, opts); +}; +var compare = (currentData, newData) => stableHash(currentData) == stableHash(newData); +var [cache, mutate] = initCache(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); +var defaultConfig = mergeObjects( + { + // events + onLoadingSlow: noop, + onSuccess: noop, + onError: noop, + onErrorRetry, + onDiscarded: noop, + // switches + revalidateOnFocus: true, + revalidateOnReconnect: true, + revalidateIfStale: true, + shouldRetryOnError: true, + // timeouts + errorRetryInterval: slowConnection ? 1e4 : 5e3, + focusThrottleInterval: 5 * 1e3, + dedupingInterval: 2 * 1e3, + loadingTimeout: slowConnection ? 5e3 : 3e3, + // providers + compare, + isPaused: () => false, + cache, + mutate, + fallback: {} + }, + // use web preset by default + preset +); +var mergeConfigs = (a5, b4) => { + const v3 = mergeObjects(a5, b4); + if (b4) { + const { use: u1, fallback: f1 } = a5; + const { use: u22, fallback: f22 } = b4; + if (u1 && u22) { + v3.use = u1.concat(u22); + } + if (f1 && f22) { + v3.fallback = mergeObjects(f1, f22); + } + } + return v3; +}; +var SWRConfigContext = B({}); +var SWRConfig = (props) => { + const { value } = props; + const parentConfig = q2(SWRConfigContext); + const isFunctionalConfig = isFunction(value); + const config = F(() => isFunctionalConfig ? value(parentConfig) : value, [ + isFunctionalConfig, + parentConfig, + value + ]); + const extendedConfig = F(() => isFunctionalConfig ? config : mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config), [ + isFunctionalConfig, + parentConfig, + config + ]); + const provider = config && config.provider; + const [cacheContext] = p3(() => provider ? initCache(provider(extendedConfig.cache || cache), config) : UNDEFINED); + if (cacheContext) { + extendedConfig.cache = cacheContext[0]; + extendedConfig.mutate = cacheContext[1]; + } + useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { + if (cacheContext) { + cacheContext[2] && cacheContext[2](); + return cacheContext[3]; + } + }, []); + return h(SWRConfigContext.Provider, mergeObjects(props, { + value: extendedConfig + })); +}; +var enableDevtools = isWindowDefined && window.__SWR_DEVTOOLS_USE__; +var use = enableDevtools ? window.__SWR_DEVTOOLS_USE__ : []; +var setupDevTools = () => { + if (enableDevtools) { + window.__SWR_DEVTOOLS_REACT__ = bn; + } +}; +var normalize = (args) => { + return isFunction(args[1]) ? [ + args[0], + args[1], + args[2] || {} + ] : [ + args[0], + null, + (args[1] === null ? args[2] : args[1]) || {} + ]; +}; +var useSWRConfig = () => { + return mergeObjects(defaultConfig, q2(SWRConfigContext)); +}; +var middleware = (useSWRNext) => (key_, fetcher_, config) => { + const fetcher = fetcher_ && ((...args) => { + const key = serialize(key_)[0]; + const [, , , PRELOAD] = SWRGlobalState.get(cache); + const req = PRELOAD[key]; + if (req) { + delete PRELOAD[key]; + return req; + } + return fetcher_(...args); + }); + return useSWRNext(key_, fetcher, config); +}; +var BUILT_IN_MIDDLEWARE = use.concat(middleware); +var withArgs = (hook) => { + return function useSWRArgs(...args) { + const fallbackConfig = useSWRConfig(); + const [key, fn2, _config] = normalize(args); + const config = mergeConfigs(fallbackConfig, _config); + let next = hook; + const { use: use2 } = config; + const middleware2 = (use2 || []).concat(BUILT_IN_MIDDLEWARE); + for (let i4 = middleware2.length; i4--; ) { + next = middleware2[i4](next); + } + return next(key, fn2 || config.fetcher || null, config); + }; +}; +var subscribeCallback = (key, callbacks, callback) => { + const keyedRevalidators = callbacks[key] || (callbacks[key] = []); + keyedRevalidators.push(callback); + return () => { + const index = keyedRevalidators.indexOf(callback); + if (index >= 0) { + keyedRevalidators[index] = keyedRevalidators[keyedRevalidators.length - 1]; + keyedRevalidators.pop(); + } + }; +}; +setupDevTools(); + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/swr@2.0.3_react@18.2.0/node_modules/swr/core/dist/index.mjs +var WITH_DEDUPE = { + dedupe: true +}; +var useSWRHandler = (_key, fetcher, config) => { + const { cache: cache2, compare: compare2, suspense, fallbackData, revalidateOnMount, revalidateIfStale, refreshInterval, refreshWhenHidden, refreshWhenOffline, keepPreviousData } = config; + const [EVENT_REVALIDATORS, MUTATION, FETCH] = SWRGlobalState.get(cache2); + const [key, fnArg] = serialize(_key); + const initialMountedRef = _2(false); + const unmountedRef = _2(false); + const keyRef = _2(key); + const fetcherRef = _2(fetcher); + const configRef = _2(config); + const getConfig = () => configRef.current; + const isActive = () => getConfig().isVisible() && getConfig().isOnline(); + const [getCache, setCache, subscribeCache, getInitialCache] = createCacheHelper(cache2, key); + const stateDependencies = _2({}).current; + const fallback = isUndefined(fallbackData) ? config.fallback[key] : fallbackData; + const isEqual = (prev, current) => { + let equal = true; + for (const _3 in stateDependencies) { + const t4 = _3; + if (t4 === "data") { + if (!compare2(current[t4], prev[t4])) { + if (isUndefined(prev[t4])) { + if (!compare2(current[t4], returnedData)) { + equal = false; + } + } else { + equal = false; + } + } + } else { + if (current[t4] !== prev[t4]) { + equal = false; + } + } + } + return equal; + }; + const getSnapshot = F(() => { + const shouldStartRequest = (() => { + if (!key) + return false; + if (!fetcher) + return false; + if (!isUndefined(revalidateOnMount)) + return revalidateOnMount; + if (getConfig().isPaused()) + return false; + if (suspense) + return false; + if (!isUndefined(revalidateIfStale)) + return revalidateIfStale; + return true; + })(); + const getSelectedCache = (state) => { + const snapshot = mergeObjects(state); + delete snapshot._k; + if (!shouldStartRequest) { + return snapshot; + } + return { + isValidating: true, + isLoading: true, + ...snapshot + }; + }; + let memorizedSnapshot = getSelectedCache(getCache()); + const memorizedInitialSnapshot = getSelectedCache(getInitialCache()); + return [ + () => { + const newSnapshot = getSelectedCache(getCache()); + return isEqual(newSnapshot, memorizedSnapshot) ? memorizedSnapshot : memorizedSnapshot = newSnapshot; + }, + () => memorizedInitialSnapshot + ]; + }, [ + cache2, + key + ]); + const cached = (0, import_shim.useSyncExternalStore)(T2( + (callback) => subscribeCache(key, (current, prev) => { + if (!isEqual(prev, current)) + callback(); + }), + // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps + [ + cache2, + key + ] + ), getSnapshot[0], getSnapshot[1]); + const isInitialMount = !initialMountedRef.current; + const hasRevalidator = EVENT_REVALIDATORS[key] && EVENT_REVALIDATORS[key].length > 0; + const cachedData =; + const data = isUndefined(cachedData) ? fallback : cachedData; + const error2 = cached.error; + const laggyDataRef = _2(data); + const returnedData = keepPreviousData ? isUndefined(cachedData) ? laggyDataRef.current : cachedData : data; + const shouldDoInitialRevalidation = (() => { + if (hasRevalidator && !isUndefined(error2)) + return false; + if (isInitialMount && !isUndefined(revalidateOnMount)) + return revalidateOnMount; + if (getConfig().isPaused()) + return false; + if (suspense) + return isUndefined(data) ? false : revalidateIfStale; + return isUndefined(data) || revalidateIfStale; + })(); + const defaultValidatingState = !!(key && fetcher && isInitialMount && shouldDoInitialRevalidation); + const isValidating = isUndefined(cached.isValidating) ? defaultValidatingState : cached.isValidating; + const isLoading = isUndefined(cached.isLoading) ? defaultValidatingState : cached.isLoading; + const revalidate = T2( + async (revalidateOpts) => { + const currentFetcher = fetcherRef.current; + if (!key || !currentFetcher || unmountedRef.current || getConfig().isPaused()) { + return false; + } + let newData; + let startAt; + let loading = true; + const opts = revalidateOpts || {}; + const shouldStartNewRequest = !FETCH[key] || !opts.dedupe; + const callbackSafeguard = () => { + if (IS_REACT_LEGACY) { + return !unmountedRef.current && key === keyRef.current && initialMountedRef.current; + } + return key === keyRef.current; + }; + const finalState = { + isValidating: false, + isLoading: false + }; + const finishRequestAndUpdateState = () => { + setCache(finalState); + }; + const cleanupState = () => { + const requestInfo = FETCH[key]; + if (requestInfo && requestInfo[1] === startAt) { + delete FETCH[key]; + } + }; + const initialState = { + isValidating: true + }; + if (isUndefined(getCache().data)) { + initialState.isLoading = true; + } + try { + if (shouldStartNewRequest) { + setCache(initialState); + if (config.loadingTimeout && isUndefined(getCache().data)) { + setTimeout(() => { + if (loading && callbackSafeguard()) { + getConfig().onLoadingSlow(key, config); + } + }, config.loadingTimeout); + } + FETCH[key] = [ + currentFetcher(fnArg), + getTimestamp() + ]; + } + [newData, startAt] = FETCH[key]; + newData = await newData; + if (shouldStartNewRequest) { + setTimeout(cleanupState, config.dedupingInterval); + } + if (!FETCH[key] || FETCH[key][1] !== startAt) { + if (shouldStartNewRequest) { + if (callbackSafeguard()) { + getConfig().onDiscarded(key); + } + } + return false; + } + finalState.error = UNDEFINED; + const mutationInfo = MUTATION[key]; + if (!isUndefined(mutationInfo) && // case 1 + (startAt <= mutationInfo[0] || // case 2 + startAt <= mutationInfo[1] || // case 3 + mutationInfo[1] === 0)) { + finishRequestAndUpdateState(); + if (shouldStartNewRequest) { + if (callbackSafeguard()) { + getConfig().onDiscarded(key); + } + } + return false; + } + const cacheData = getCache().data; + = compare2(cacheData, newData) ? cacheData : newData; + if (shouldStartNewRequest) { + if (callbackSafeguard()) { + getConfig().onSuccess(newData, key, config); + } + } + } catch (err) { + cleanupState(); + const currentConfig = getConfig(); + const { shouldRetryOnError } = currentConfig; + if (!currentConfig.isPaused()) { + finalState.error = err; + if (shouldStartNewRequest && callbackSafeguard()) { + currentConfig.onError(err, key, currentConfig); + if (shouldRetryOnError === true || isFunction(shouldRetryOnError) && shouldRetryOnError(err)) { + if (isActive()) { + currentConfig.onErrorRetry(err, key, currentConfig, revalidate, { + retryCount: (opts.retryCount || 0) + 1, + dedupe: true + }); + } + } + } + } + } + loading = false; + finishRequestAndUpdateState(); + return true; + }, + // `setState` is immutable, and `eventsCallback`, `fnArg`, and + // `keyValidating` are depending on `key`, so we can exclude them from + // the deps array. + // + // FIXME: + // `fn` and `config` might be changed during the lifecycle, + // but they might be changed every render like this. + // `useSWR('key', () => fetch('/api/'), { suspense: true })` + // So we omit the values from the deps array + // even though it might cause unexpected behaviors. + // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps + [ + key, + cache2 + ] + ); + const boundMutate = T2( + // Use callback to make sure `keyRef.current` returns latest result every time + (...args) => { + return internalMutate(cache2, keyRef.current, ...args); + }, + // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps + [] + ); + useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { + fetcherRef.current = fetcher; + configRef.current = config; + if (!isUndefined(cachedData)) { + laggyDataRef.current = cachedData; + } + }); + useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { + if (!key) + return; + const softRevalidate = revalidate.bind(UNDEFINED, WITH_DEDUPE); + let nextFocusRevalidatedAt = 0; + const onRevalidate = (type) => { + if (type == constants.FOCUS_EVENT) { + const now =; + if (getConfig().revalidateOnFocus && now > nextFocusRevalidatedAt && isActive()) { + nextFocusRevalidatedAt = now + getConfig().focusThrottleInterval; + softRevalidate(); + } + } else if (type == constants.RECONNECT_EVENT) { + if (getConfig().revalidateOnReconnect && isActive()) { + softRevalidate(); + } + } else if (type == constants.MUTATE_EVENT) { + return revalidate(); + } + return; + }; + const unsubEvents = subscribeCallback(key, EVENT_REVALIDATORS, onRevalidate); + unmountedRef.current = false; + keyRef.current = key; + initialMountedRef.current = true; + setCache({ + _k: fnArg + }); + if (shouldDoInitialRevalidation) { + if (isUndefined(data) || IS_SERVER) { + softRevalidate(); + } else { + rAF(softRevalidate); + } + } + return () => { + unmountedRef.current = true; + unsubEvents(); + }; + }, [ + key + ]); + useIsomorphicLayoutEffect(() => { + let timer2; + function next() { + const interval = isFunction(refreshInterval) ? refreshInterval(data) : refreshInterval; + if (interval && timer2 !== -1) { + timer2 = setTimeout(execute, interval); + } + } + function execute() { + if (!getCache().error && (refreshWhenHidden || getConfig().isVisible()) && (refreshWhenOffline || getConfig().isOnline())) { + revalidate(WITH_DEDUPE).then(next); + } else { + next(); + } + } + next(); + return () => { + if (timer2) { + clearTimeout(timer2); + timer2 = -1; + } + }; + }, [ + refreshInterval, + refreshWhenHidden, + refreshWhenOffline, + key + ]); + x3(returnedData); + if (suspense && isUndefined(data) && key) { + if (!IS_REACT_LEGACY && IS_SERVER) { + throw new Error("Fallback data is required when using suspense in SSR."); + } + fetcherRef.current = fetcher; + configRef.current = config; + unmountedRef.current = false; + throw isUndefined(error2) ? revalidate(WITH_DEDUPE) : error2; + } + return { + mutate: boundMutate, + get data() { + = true; + return returnedData; + }, + get error() { + stateDependencies.error = true; + return error2; + }, + get isValidating() { + stateDependencies.isValidating = true; + return isValidating; + }, + get isLoading() { + stateDependencies.isLoading = true; + return isLoading; + } + }; +}; +var SWRConfig2 = OBJECT.defineProperty(SWRConfig, "defaultValue", { + value: defaultConfig +}); +var useSWR = withArgs(useSWRHandler); + +// src/Routing.tsx +init_preact_module(); + +// src/context/config.ts +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/hooks/access.ts +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/utils.ts +function undefinedIfEmpty(obj) { + return Object.keys(obj).some( + (k5) => obj[k5] !== void 0 + ) ? obj : void 0; +} +var PAGE_SIZE = 5; +var COUNTRY_TABLE = { + AE: "U.A.E.", + AF: "Afghanistan", + AL: "Albania", + AM: "Armenia", + AN: "Netherlands Antilles", + AR: "Argentina", + AT: "Austria", + AU: "Australia", + AZ: "Azerbaijan", + BA: "Bosnia and Herzegovina", + BD: "Bangladesh", + BE: "Belgium", + BG: "Bulgaria", + BH: "Bahrain", + BN: "Brunei Darussalam", + BO: "Bolivia", + BR: "Brazil", + BT: "Bhutan", + BY: "Belarus", + BZ: "Belize", + CA: "Canada", + CG: "Congo", + CH: "Switzerland", + CI: "Cote d'Ivoire", + CL: "Chile", + CM: "Cameroon", + CN: "People's Republic of China", + CO: "Colombia", + CR: "Costa Rica", + CS: "Serbia and Montenegro", + CZ: "Czech Republic", + DE: "Germany", + DK: "Denmark", + DO: "Dominican Republic", + DZ: "Algeria", + EC: "Ecuador", + EE: "Estonia", + EG: "Egypt", + ER: "Eritrea", + ES: "Spain", + ET: "Ethiopia", + FI: "Finland", + FO: "Faroe Islands", + FR: "France", + GB: "United Kingdom", + GD: "Caribbean", + GE: "Georgia", + GL: "Greenland", + GR: "Greece", + GT: "Guatemala", + HK: "Hong Kong", + // HK: "Hong Kong S.A.R.", + HN: "Honduras", + HR: "Croatia", + HT: "Haiti", + HU: "Hungary", + ID: "Indonesia", + IE: "Ireland", + IL: "Israel", + IN: "India", + IQ: "Iraq", + IR: "Iran", + IS: "Iceland", + IT: "Italy", + JM: "Jamaica", + JO: "Jordan", + JP: "Japan", + KE: "Kenya", + KG: "Kyrgyzstan", + KH: "Cambodia", + KR: "South Korea", + KW: "Kuwait", + KZ: "Kazakhstan", + LA: "Laos", + LB: "Lebanon", + LI: "Liechtenstein", + LK: "Sri Lanka", + LT: "Lithuania", + LU: "Luxembourg", + LV: "Latvia", + LY: "Libya", + MA: "Morocco", + MC: "Principality of Monaco", + MD: "Moldava", + // MD: "Moldova", + ME: "Montenegro", + MK: "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", + ML: "Mali", + MM: "Myanmar", + MN: "Mongolia", + MO: "Macau S.A.R.", + MT: "Malta", + MV: "Maldives", + MX: "Mexico", + MY: "Malaysia", + NG: "Nigeria", + NI: "Nicaragua", + NL: "Netherlands", + NO: "Norway", + NP: "Nepal", + NZ: "New Zealand", + OM: "Oman", + PA: "Panama", + PE: "Peru", + PH: "Philippines", + PK: "Islamic Republic of Pakistan", + PL: "Poland", + PR: "Puerto Rico", + PT: "Portugal", + PY: "Paraguay", + QA: "Qatar", + RE: "Reunion", + RO: "Romania", + RS: "Serbia", + RU: "Russia", + RW: "Rwanda", + SA: "Saudi Arabia", + SE: "Sweden", + SG: "Singapore", + SI: "Slovenia", + SK: "Slovak", + SN: "Senegal", + SO: "Somalia", + SR: "Suriname", + SV: "El Salvador", + SY: "Syria", + TH: "Thailand", + TJ: "Tajikistan", + TM: "Turkmenistan", + TN: "Tunisia", + TR: "Turkey", + TT: "Trinidad and Tobago", + TW: "Taiwan", + TZ: "Tanzania", + UA: "Ukraine", + US: "United States", + UY: "Uruguay", + VA: "Vatican", + VE: "Venezuela", + VN: "Viet Nam", + YE: "Yemen", + ZA: "South Africa", + ZW: "Zimbabwe" +}; +var IBAN_REGEX = /^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*$/; +function validateIBAN(account, i18n2) { + if (!IBAN_REGEX.test(account)) { + return i18n2.str`IBAN only have uppercased letters and numbers`; + } + if (account.length < 4) + return i18n2.str`IBAN numbers have more that 4 digits`; + if (account.length > 34) + return i18n2.str`IBAN numbers have less that 34 digits`; + const A_code = "A".charCodeAt(0); + const Z_code = "Z".charCodeAt(0); + const IBAN = account.toUpperCase(); + const code = IBAN.substring(0, 2); + const found = code in COUNTRY_TABLE; + if (!found) + return i18n2.str`IBAN country code not found`; + const step2 = IBAN.substring(4) + account.substring(0, 4); + const step3 = Array.from(step2).map((letter) => { + const code2 = letter.charCodeAt(0); + if (code2 < A_code || code2 > Z_code) + return letter; + return `${letter.charCodeAt(0) - "A".charCodeAt(0) + 10}`; + }).join(""); + const checksum = calculate_iban_checksum(step3); + if (checksum !== 1) + return i18n2.str`IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong`; + return void 0; +} +function calculate_iban_checksum(str) { + const numberStr = str.substring(0, 5); + const rest = str.substring(5); + const number = parseInt(numberStr, 10); + const result = number % 97; + if (rest.length > 0) { + return calculate_iban_checksum(`${result}${rest}`); + } + return result; +} +var USERNAME_REGEX = /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$/; +function validateTalerBank(account, i18n2) { + if (!USERNAME_REGEX.test(account)) { + return i18n2.str`Account only have letters and numbers`; + } + return void 0; +} + +// src/hooks/backend.ts +var codecForBackendStateLoggedIn = () => buildCodecForObject().property("status", codecForConstString("loggedIn")).property("username", codecForString()).property("token", codecForString()).property("isUserAdministrator", codecForBoolean()).build("BackendState.LoggedIn"); +var codecForBackendStateExpired = () => buildCodecForObject().property("status", codecForConstString("expired")).property("username", codecForString()).property("isUserAdministrator", codecForBoolean()).build("BackendState.Expired"); +var codecForBackendStateLoggedOut = () => buildCodecForObject().property("status", codecForConstString("loggedOut")).build("BackendState.LoggedOut"); +var codecForBackendState = () => buildCodecForUnion().discriminateOn("status").alternative("loggedIn", codecForBackendStateLoggedIn()).alternative("loggedOut", codecForBackendStateLoggedOut()).alternative("expired", codecForBackendStateExpired()).build("BackendState"); +var defaultState = { + status: "loggedOut" +}; +var BACKEND_STATE_KEY = buildStorageKey("bank-state", codecForBackendState()); +function useBackendState() { + const { value: state, update } = useLocalStorage( + BACKEND_STATE_KEY, + defaultState + ); + return { + state, + logOut() { + update(defaultState); + }, + expired() { + if (state.status === "loggedOut") + return; + const nextState = { + status: "expired", + username: state.username, + isUserAdministrator: state.username === "admin" + }; + update(nextState); + }, + logIn(info) { + const nextState = { + status: "loggedIn", +, + isUserAdministrator: info.username === "admin" + }; + update(nextState); + cleanAllCache(); + } + }; +} +function cleanAllCache() { + mutate(() => true, void 0, { revalidate: false }); +} + +// src/hooks/access.ts +var useSWR2 = useSWR; +function revalidateAccountDetails() { + return mutate( + (key) => Array.isArray(key) && key[key.length - 1] === "getAccount", + void 0, + { revalidate: true } + ); +} +function useAccountDetails(account) { + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + async function fetcher([username, token2]) { + return await api.getAccount({ username, token: token2 }); + } + const token = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials.token; + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR2([account, token, "getAccount"], fetcher, {}); + if (data) + return data; + if (error2) + return error2; + return void 0; +} +function useWithdrawalDetails(wid) { + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [latestStatus, setLatestStatus] = p3(); + async function fetcher([wid2, old_state]) { + return await api.getWithdrawalById( + wid2, + old_state === void 0 ? void 0 : { old_state, timeoutMs: 15e3 } + ); + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR2([wid, latestStatus, "getWithdrawalById"], fetcher, { + refreshInterval: 3e3, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: 1, + shouldRetryOnError: false, + keepPreviousData: true + }); + const currentStatus = data !== void 0 && data.type === "ok" ? data.body.status : void 0; + h2(() => { + if (currentStatus !== void 0 && currentStatus !== latestStatus) { + setLatestStatus(currentStatus); + } + }, [currentStatus]); + if (data) + return data; + if (error2) + return error2; + return void 0; +} +function revalidatePublicAccounts() { + return mutate( + (key) => Array.isArray(key) && key[key.length - 1] === "getPublicAccounts", + void 0, + { revalidate: true } + ); +} +function usePublicAccounts(filterAccount, initial4) { + const [offset, setOffset] = p3(initial4); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + async function fetcher([account, txid]) { + return await api.getPublicAccounts( + { account }, + { + limit: PAGE_SIZE, + offset: txid ? String(txid) : void 0, + order: "asc" + } + ); + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR2([filterAccount, offset, "getPublicAccounts"], fetcher, { + refreshInterval: 0, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: 1, + shouldRetryOnError: false, + keepPreviousData: true + }); + const isLastPage = data && data.type === "ok" && data.body.public_accounts.length <= PAGE_SIZE; + const isFirstPage = !offset; + const result = data && data.type == "ok" ? structuredClone(data.body.public_accounts) : []; + if (result.length == PAGE_SIZE + 1) { + result.pop(); + } + const pagination = { + result, + isLastPage, + isFirstPage, + loadNext: () => { + if (!result.length) + return; + setOffset(result[result.length - 1].row_id); + }, + loadFirst: () => { + setOffset(0); + } + }; + if (data) { + return { ok: true, data: data.body, ...pagination }; + } + if (error2) { + return error2; + } + return void 0; +} +function revalidateTransactions() { + return mutate( + (key) => Array.isArray(key) && key[key.length - 1] === "getTransactions", + void 0, + { revalidate: true } + ); +} +function useTransactions(account, initial4) { + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const token = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials.token; + const [offset, setOffset] = p3(initial4); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + async function fetcher([username, token2, txid]) { + return await api.getTransactions( + { username, token: token2 }, + { + limit: PAGE_SIZE + 1, + offset: txid ? String(txid) : void 0, + order: "dec" + } + ); + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR2([account, token, offset, "getTransactions"], fetcher, { + refreshInterval: 0, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + // revalidateOnMount: false, + revalidateIfStale: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false + }); + const isLastPage = data && data.type === "ok" && data.body.transactions.length <= PAGE_SIZE; + const isFirstPage = !offset; + const result = data && data.type == "ok" ? structuredClone(data.body.transactions) : []; + if (result.length == PAGE_SIZE + 1) { + result.pop(); + } + const pagination = { + result, + isLastPage, + isFirstPage, + loadNext: () => { + if (!result.length) + return; + setOffset(result[result.length - 1].row_id); + }, + loadFirst: () => { + setOffset(0); + } + }; + if (data) { + return { ok: true, data, ...pagination }; + } + if (error2) { + return error2; + } + return void 0; +} + +// src/hooks/circuit.ts +init_hooks_module(); +var useSWR3 = useSWR; +function revalidateConversionInfo() { + return mutate( + (key) => Array.isArray(key) && key[key.length - 1] === "getConversionInfoAPI" + ); +} +function useConversionInfo() { + const { api, config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + async function fetcher() { + return await api.getConversionInfoAPI().getConfig(); + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR3(!config.allow_conversion ? void 0 : ["getConversionInfoAPI"], fetcher, { + refreshInterval: 0, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: 1, + shouldRetryOnError: false, + keepPreviousData: true + }); + if (data) + return data; + if (error2) + return error2; + return void 0; +} +function useCashinEstimator() { + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + return { + estimateByCredit: async (fiatAmount, fee) => { + const resp = await api.getConversionInfoAPI().getCashinRate({ + credit: fiatAmount + }); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + return "amount-is-too-small"; + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + throw TalerError.fromDetail(resp.detail.code, {}, resp.detail.hint); + } + } + const credit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_credit); + const debit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_debit); + const beforeFee = Amounts.sub(credit, fee).amount; + return { + debit, + beforeFee, + credit + }; + }, + estimateByDebit: async (regionalAmount, fee) => { + const resp = await api.getConversionInfoAPI().getCashinRate({ + debit: regionalAmount + }); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + return "amount-is-too-small"; + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + throw TalerError.fromDetail(resp.detail.code, {}, resp.detail.hint); + } + } + const credit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_credit); + const debit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_debit); + const beforeFee = Amounts.add(credit, fee).amount; + return { + debit, + beforeFee, + credit + }; + } + }; +} +function useCashoutEstimator() { + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + return { + estimateByCredit: async (fiatAmount, fee) => { + const resp = await api.getConversionInfoAPI().getCashoutRate({ + credit: fiatAmount + }); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + return "amount-is-too-small"; + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + throw TalerError.fromDetail(resp.detail.code, {}, resp.detail.hint); + } + } + const credit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_credit); + const debit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_debit); + const beforeFee = Amounts.sub(credit, fee).amount; + return { + debit, + beforeFee, + credit + }; + }, + estimateByDebit: async (regionalAmount, fee) => { + const resp = await api.getConversionInfoAPI().getCashoutRate({ + debit: regionalAmount + }); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + return "amount-is-too-small"; + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + throw TalerError.fromDetail(resp.detail.code, {}, resp.detail.hint); + } + } + const credit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_credit); + const debit = Amounts.parseOrThrow(resp.body.amount_debit); + const beforeFee = Amounts.add(credit, fee).amount; + return { + debit, + beforeFee, + credit + }; + } + }; +} +function revalidateBusinessAccounts() { + return mutate((key) => Array.isArray(key) && key[key.length - 1] === "getAccounts", void 0, { revalidate: true }); +} +function useBusinessAccounts() { + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const token = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials.token; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [offset, setOffset] = p3(); + function fetcher([token2, offset2]) { + return api.getAccounts( + token2, + {}, + { + limit: PAGE_SIZE + 1, + offset: String(offset2), + order: "asc" + } + ); + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR3([token, offset ?? 0, "getAccounts"], fetcher, { + refreshInterval: 0, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: 1, + shouldRetryOnError: false, + keepPreviousData: true + }); + const isLastPage = data && data.type === "ok" && data.body.accounts.length <= PAGE_SIZE; + const isFirstPage = !offset; + const result = data && data.type == "ok" ? structuredClone(data.body.accounts) : []; + if (result.length == PAGE_SIZE + 1) { + result.pop(); + } + const pagination = { + result, + isLastPage, + isFirstPage, + loadNext: () => { + if (!result.length) + return; + setOffset(result[result.length - 1].row_id); + }, + loadFirst: () => { + setOffset(0); + } + }; + if (data) + return { ok: true, data, ...pagination }; + if (error2) + return error2; + return void 0; +} +function notUndefined(c4) { + return c4 !== void 0; +} +function revalidateCashouts() { + return mutate((key) => Array.isArray(key) && key[key.length - 1] === "useCashouts"); +} +function useCashouts(account) { + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const { api, config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const token = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials.token; + async function fetcher([username, token2]) { + const list = await api.getAccountCashouts({ username, token: token2 }); + if (list.type !== "ok") { + return list; + } + const all = await Promise.all( + (c4) => { + const r3 = await api.getCashoutById({ username, token: token2 }, c4.cashout_id); + if (r3.type === "fail") { + return void 0; + } + return { ...r3.body, id: c4.cashout_id }; + }) + ); + const cashouts = all.filter(notUndefined); + return { type: "ok", body: { cashouts }, httpResp: list.httpResp }; + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR3( + !config.allow_conversion ? void 0 : [account, token, "useCashouts"], + fetcher, + { + refreshInterval: 0, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: 1, + shouldRetryOnError: false, + keepPreviousData: true + } + ); + if (data) + return data; + if (error2) + return error2; + return void 0; +} +function useCashoutDetails(cashoutId) { + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + async function fetcher([username, token, id]) { + return api.getCashoutById({ username, token }, id); + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR3( + cashoutId === void 0 ? void 0 : [creds?.username, creds?.token, cashoutId, "getCashoutById"], + fetcher, + { + refreshInterval: 0, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: 1, + shouldRetryOnError: false, + keepPreviousData: true + } + ); + if (data) + return data; + if (error2) + return error2; + return void 0; +} +function useLastMonitorInfo(currentMoment, previousMoment, timeframe) { + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const token = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials.token; + async function fetcher([token2, timeframe2]) { + const [current, previous] = await Promise.all([ + api.getMonitor(token2, { timeframe: timeframe2, which: currentMoment }), + api.getMonitor(token2, { timeframe: timeframe2, which: previousMoment }) + ]); + return { + current, + previous + }; + } + const { data, error: error2 } = useSWR3( + !token ? void 0 : [token, timeframe, "useLastMonitorInfo"], + fetcher, + { + refreshInterval: 0, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: 1, + shouldRetryOnError: false, + keepPreviousData: true + } + ); + if (data) + return data; + if (error2) + return error2; + return void 0; +} + +// src/context/config.ts +var Context3 = B(void 0); +var useBankCoreApiContext = () => q2(Context3); +var BankCoreApiProvider = ({ + baseUrl, + children, + frameOnError +}) => { + const [checked, setChecked] = p3(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const url = new URL(baseUrl); + const api = new CacheAwareTalerCoreBankHttpClient(url.href, new BrowserHttpLib()); + h2(() => { + api.getConfig().then((resp) => { + if (api.isCompatible(resp.body.version)) { + setChecked({ type: "ok", config: resp.body, hints: [] }); + } else { + const compare2 ="3:0:3", resp.body.version); + if (compare2?.compatible ?? false) { + setChecked({ + type: "ok", + config: resp.body, + hints: [0 /* CASHOUT_BEFORE_2FA */] + }); + } else { + setChecked({ + type: "incompatible", + result: resp.body, + supported: api.PROTOCOL_VERSION + }); + } + } + }).catch((error2) => { + if (error2 instanceof TalerError) { + setChecked({ type: "error", error: error2 }); + } + }); + }, []); + if (checked === void 0) { + return h(frameOnError, { children: h("div", {}, "loading...") }); + } + if (checked.type === "error") { + return h(frameOnError, { + children: h(ErrorLoading, { error: checked.error, showDetail: true }) + }); + } + if (checked.type === "incompatible") { + return h(frameOnError, { + children: h( + "div", + {}, + i18n2.str`The bank backend is not supported. Supported version "${checked.supported}", server version "${checked.result.version}"` + ) + }); + } + const value = { + url, + config: checked.config, + api, + hints: checked.hints + }; + return h(Context3.Provider, { + value, + children + }); +}; +var CacheAwareTalerBankConversionHttpClient = class extends TalerBankConversionHttpClient { + constructor(baseUrl, httpClient) { + super(baseUrl, httpClient); + } + async updateConversionRate(auth, body) { + const resp = await super.updateConversionRate(auth, body); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + await revalidateConversionInfo(); + } + return resp; + } +}; +var CacheAwareTalerCoreBankHttpClient = class extends TalerCoreBankHttpClient { + constructor(baseUrl, httpClient) { + super(baseUrl, httpClient); + } + async deleteAccount(auth, cid) { + const resp = await super.deleteAccount(auth, cid); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + await revalidatePublicAccounts(); + await revalidateBusinessAccounts(); + } + return resp; + } + async createAccount(auth, body) { + const resp = await super.createAccount(auth, body); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + await revalidateAccountDetails(); + await revalidateTransactions(); + await revalidatePublicAccounts(); + await revalidateBusinessAccounts(); + } + return resp; + } + async updateAccount(auth, body, cid) { + const resp = await super.updateAccount(auth, body, cid); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + await revalidateAccountDetails(); + } + return resp; + } + async createTransaction(auth, body, cid) { + const resp = await super.createTransaction(auth, body, cid); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + await revalidateAccountDetails(); + await revalidateTransactions(); + } + return resp; + } + async confirmWithdrawalById(auth, wid, cid) { + const resp = await super.confirmWithdrawalById(auth, wid, cid); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + await revalidateAccountDetails(); + await revalidateTransactions(); + } + return resp; + } + async createCashout(auth, body, cid) { + const resp = await super.createCashout(auth, body, cid); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + await revalidateAccountDetails(); + await revalidateCashouts(); + await revalidateTransactions(); + } + return resp; + } + getConversionInfoAPI() { + const api = super.getConversionInfoAPI(); + return new CacheAwareTalerBankConversionHttpClient(api.baseUrl, this.httpLib); + } +}; + +// src/context/settings.ts +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +var initial2 = {}; +var Context4 = B(initial2); +var useSettingsContext = () => q2(Context4); +var SettingsProvider = ({ + children, + value +}) => { + return h(Context4.Provider, { + value, + children + }); +}; + +// src/components/ErrorLoadingWithDebug.tsx +init_preact_module(); + +// src/hooks/preferences.ts +function getAllBooleanPreferences() { + return [ + "fastWithdrawal", + "showDebugInfo", + "showDemoDescription", + "showInstallWallet", + "showWithdrawalSuccess" + ]; +} +function getLabelForPreferences(k5, i18n2) { + switch (k5) { + case "maxWithdrawalAmount": + return i18n2.str`Max withdrawal amount`; + case "showWithdrawalSuccess": + return i18n2.str`Show withdrawal confirmation`; + case "showDemoDescription": + return i18n2.str`Show demo description`; + case "showInstallWallet": + return i18n2.str`Show install wallet first`; + case "fastWithdrawal": + return i18n2.str`Use fast withdrawal form`; + case "showDebugInfo": + return i18n2.str`Show debug info`; + } +} +var codecForPreferences = () => buildCodecForObject().property("showWithdrawalSuccess", codecForBoolean()).property("showDemoDescription", codecForBoolean()).property("showInstallWallet", codecForBoolean()).property("fastWithdrawal", codecForBoolean()).property("showDebugInfo", codecForBoolean()).property("maxWithdrawalAmount", codecForNumber()).build("Settings"); +var defaultPreferences = { + showWithdrawalSuccess: true, + showDemoDescription: true, + showInstallWallet: true, + maxWithdrawalAmount: 25, + fastWithdrawal: false, + showDebugInfo: false +}; +var BANK_PREFERENCES_KEY = buildStorageKey( + "bank-preferences", + codecForPreferences() +); +function usePreferences() { + const { value, update } = useLocalStorage( + BANK_PREFERENCES_KEY, + defaultPreferences + ); + function updateField(k5, v3) { + const newValue = { ...value, [k5]: v3 }; + update(newValue); + } + return [value, updateField]; +} + +// src/components/ErrorLoadingWithDebug.tsx +function ErrorLoadingWithDebug({ error: error2 }) { + const [pref] = usePreferences(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoading, { error: error2, showDetail: pref.showDebugInfo }); +} + +// src/pages/LoginForm.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/pages/PaytoWireTransferForm.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/hooks/bank-state.ts +var codecForChallengeUpdatePassword = () => buildCodecForObject().property("operation", codecForConstString("update-password")).property("id", codecForString()).property("location", codecForAppLocation()).property("sent", codecForAbsoluteTime).property("info", codecOptional(codecForTanTransmission())).property("request", codecForAny()).build("UpdatePasswordChallenge"); +var codecForChallengeDeleteAccount = () => buildCodecForObject().property("operation", codecForConstString("delete-account")).property("id", codecForString()).property("location", codecForAppLocation()).property("sent", codecForAbsoluteTime).property("request", codecForString()).property("info", codecOptional(codecForTanTransmission())).build("DeleteAccountChallenge"); +var codecForChallengeUpdateAccount = () => buildCodecForObject().property("operation", codecForConstString("update-account")).property("id", codecForString()).property("location", codecForAppLocation()).property("sent", codecForAbsoluteTime).property("info", codecOptional(codecForTanTransmission())).property("request", codecForAny()).build("UpdateAccountChallenge"); +var codecForChallengeCreateTransaction = () => buildCodecForObject().property("operation", codecForConstString("create-transaction")).property("id", codecForString()).property("location", codecForAppLocation()).property("sent", codecForAbsoluteTime).property("info", codecOptional(codecForTanTransmission())).property("request", codecForAny()).build("CreateTransactionChallenge"); +var codecForChallengeConfirmWithdrawal = () => buildCodecForObject().property("operation", codecForConstString("confirm-withdrawal")).property("id", codecForString()).property("location", codecForAppLocation()).property("sent", codecForAbsoluteTime).property("info", codecOptional(codecForTanTransmission())).property("request", codecForString()).build("ConfirmWithdrawalChallenge"); +var codecForAppLocation = codecForString; +var codecForChallengeCashout = () => buildCodecForObject().property("operation", codecForConstString("create-cashout")).property("id", codecForString()).property("location", codecForAppLocation()).property("sent", codecForAbsoluteTime).property("info", codecOptional(codecForTanTransmission())).property("request", codecForAny()).build("CashoutChallenge"); +var codecForChallenge2 = () => buildCodecForUnion().discriminateOn("operation").alternative("confirm-withdrawal", codecForChallengeConfirmWithdrawal()).alternative("create-cashout", codecForChallengeCashout()).alternative("create-transaction", codecForChallengeCreateTransaction()).alternative("delete-account", codecForChallengeDeleteAccount()).alternative("update-account", codecForChallengeUpdateAccount()).alternative("update-password", codecForChallengeUpdatePassword()).build("ChallengeInProgess"); +var codecForBankState = () => buildCodecForObject().property("currentWithdrawalOperationId", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("currentChallenge", codecOptional(codecForChallenge2())).build("BankState"); +var defaultBankState = { + currentWithdrawalOperationId: void 0, + currentChallenge: void 0 +}; +var BANK_STATE_KEY = buildStorageKey("bank-app-state", codecForBankState()); +function useBankState() { + const { value, update } = useLocalStorage(BANK_STATE_KEY, defaultBankState); + function updateField(k5, v3) { + const newValue = { ...value, [k5]: v3 }; + update(newValue); + } + function reset() { + update(defaultBankState); + } + return [value, updateField, reset]; +} + +// src/pages/PaytoWireTransferForm.tsx +function PaytoWireTransferForm({ + focus, + title, + withAccount, + withSubject, + withAmount, + onSuccess, + routeCancel, + routeCashout, + routeHere, + onAuthorizationRequired, + limit +}) { + const [isRawPayto, setIsRawPayto] = p3(false); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const { api, config, url } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const sendingToFixedAccount = withAccount !== void 0; + const [account, setAccount] = p3(withAccount); + const [subject, setSubject] = p3(withSubject); + const [amount, setAmount] = p3(withAmount); + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const [rawPaytoInput, rawPaytoInputSetter] = p3( + void 0 + ); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const trimmedAmountStr = amount?.trim(); + const parsedAmount = Amounts.parse(`${limit.currency}:${trimmedAmountStr}`); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const paytoType = config.wire_type === "X_TALER_BANK" ? "x-taler-bank" : "iban"; + const errorsWire = undefinedIfEmpty({ + account: !account ? i18n2.str`Required` : paytoType === "iban" ? validateIBAN(account, i18n2) : paytoType === "x-taler-bank" ? validateTalerBank(account, i18n2) : void 0, + subject: !subject ? i18n2.str`Required` : validateSubject(subject, i18n2), + amount: !trimmedAmountStr ? i18n2.str`Required` : !parsedAmount ? i18n2.str`Not valid` : validateAmount(parsedAmount, limit, i18n2) + }); + const parsed = !rawPaytoInput ? void 0 : parsePaytoUri(rawPaytoInput); + const errorsPayto = undefinedIfEmpty({ + rawPaytoInput: !rawPaytoInput ? i18n2.str`Required` : !parsed ? i18n2.str`Does not follow the pattern` : validateRawPayto(parsed, limit,, i18n2, paytoType) + }); + async function doSend() { + let payto_uri; + let sendingAmount; + if (credentials.status !== "loggedIn") + return; + if (isRawPayto) { + const p4 = parsePaytoUri(rawPaytoInput); + if (!p4) + return; + sendingAmount = p4.params.amount; + delete p4.params.amount; + payto_uri = stringifyPaytoUri(p4); + } else { + if (!account || !subject) + return; + let payto; + switch (paytoType) { + case "x-taler-bank": { + payto = buildPayto("x-taler-bank",, account); + break; + } + case "iban": { + payto = buildPayto("iban", account, void 0); + break; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(paytoType); + } + payto.params.message = encodeURIComponent(subject); + payto_uri = stringifyPaytoUri(payto); + sendingAmount = `${limit.currency}:${trimmedAmountStr}`; + } + const puri = payto_uri; + const sAmount = sendingAmount; + await handleError(async () => { + const request = { + payto_uri: puri, + amount: sAmount + }; + const resp = await api.createTransaction(credentials, request); + mutate(() => true); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The request was invalid or the payto://-URI used unacceptable features.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Not enough permission to complete the operation.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNKNOWN_CREDITOR: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The destination account "${puri}" was not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_SAME_ACCOUNT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The origin and the destination of the transfer can't be the same.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Your balance is not enough.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The origin account "${puri}" was not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: "create-transaction", + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + location: routeHere.url({ account: account ?? "", amount, subject }), + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + request + }); + return onAuthorizationRequired(); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Wire transfer created!`); + onSuccess(); + setAmount(void 0); + setAccount(void 0); + setSubject(void 0); + rawPaytoInputSetter(void 0); + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, title), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-2 mt-2 grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-4 sm:gap-x-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "relative flex cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none" + (!isRawPayto ? "border-indigo-600 ring-2 ring-indigo-600" : "border-gray-300") + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "project-type", + value: "Newsletter", + class: "sr-only", + "aria-labelledby": "project-type-0-label", + "aria-describedby": "project-type-0-description-0 project-type-0-description-1", + onChange: () => { + if (parsed && parsed.isKnown) { + switch (parsed.targetType) { + case "iban": { + setAccount(parsed.iban); + break; + } + case "x-taler-bank": { + setAccount(parsed.account); + break; + } + case "bitcoin": { + break; + } + default: { + assertUnreachable(parsed); + } + } + const amountStr = !parsed.params ? void 0 : parsed.params["amount"]; + if (amountStr) { + const amount2 = Amounts.parse(amountStr); + if (amount2) { + setAmount(Amounts.stringifyValue(amount2)); + } + } + const subject2 = parsed.params["message"]; + if (subject2) { + setSubject(subject2); + } + } + setIsRawPayto(false); + } + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Using a form")))) + ), sendingToFixedAccount ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "relative flex cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none" + (isRawPayto ? "border-indigo-600 ring-2 ring-indigo-600" : "border-gray-300") + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "project-type", + value: "Existing Customers", + class: "sr-only", + "aria-labelledby": "project-type-1-label", + "aria-describedby": "project-type-1-description-0 project-type-1-description-1", + onChange: () => { + if (account) { + let payto; + switch (paytoType) { + case "x-taler-bank": { + payto = buildPayto("x-taler-bank",, account); + if (parsedAmount) { + payto.params["amount"] = Amounts.stringify(parsedAmount); + } + if (subject) { + payto.params["message"] = subject; + } + break; + } + case "iban": { + payto = buildPayto("iban", account, void 0); + if (parsedAmount) { + payto.params["amount"] = Amounts.stringify(parsedAmount); + } + if (subject) { + payto.params["message"] = subject; + } + break; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(paytoType); + } + rawPaytoInputSetter(stringifyPaytoUri(payto)); + } + setIsRawPayto(true); + } + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Import payto:// URI")))) + ), routeCashout ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "do cashout", + href: routeCashout.url({}), + class: "bg-white p-4 rounded-lg text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout") + ) : void 0)), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 rounded-md sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2 w-fit mx-auto", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "p-4 sm:p-8" }, !isRawPayto ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-xs grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, (() => { + switch (paytoType) { + case "x-taler-bank": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + TextField, + { + id: "x-taler-bank", + label: i18n2.str`Recipient`, + help: i18n2.str`Id of the recipient's account`, + error: errorsWire?.account, + onChange: setAccount, + value: account, + placeholder: i18n2.str`username`, + focus, + disabled: sendingToFixedAccount + } + ); + } + case "iban": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + TextField, + { + id: "iban", + label: i18n2.str`Recipient`, + help: i18n2.str`IBAN of the recipient's account`, + placeholder: "CC0123456789", + error: errorsWire?.account, + onChange: (v3) => setAccount(v3.toUpperCase()), + value: account, + focus, + disabled: sendingToFixedAccount + } + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(paytoType); + } + })(), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "subject", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Transfer subject` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "text", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "subject", + id: "subject", + autocomplete: "off", + placeholder: i18n2.str`Subject`, + value: subject ?? "", + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + setSubject(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errorsWire?.subject, + isDirty: subject !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Some text to identify the transfer"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "amount", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Amount` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + InputAmount, + { + name: "amount", + left: true, + currency: limit.currency, + value: trimmedAmountStr, + onChange: (d5) => { + setAmount(d5); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errorsWire?.amount, + isDirty: trimmedAmountStr !== void 0 + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount to transfer")))) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6 w-full" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "address", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Payto URI:` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "textarea", + { + ref: focus ? doAutoFocus : void 0, + name: "address", + id: "address", + type: "textarea", + rows: 5, + class: "block overflow-hidden w-44 sm:w-96 rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + value: rawPaytoInput ?? "", + required: true, + title: i18n2.str`Uniform resource identifier of the target account`, + placeholder: (() => { + switch (paytoType) { + case "x-taler-bank": + return i18n2.str`payto://x-taler-bank/[bank-host]/[receiver-account]?message=[subject]&amount=[${limit.currency}:X.Y]`; + case "iban": + return i18n2.str`payto://iban/[receiver-iban]?message=[subject]&amount=[${limit.currency}:X.Y]`; + } + })(), + onInput: (e4) => { + rawPaytoInputSetter(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errorsPayto?.rawPaytoInput, + isDirty: rawPaytoInput !== void 0 + } + ))))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, routeCancel ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "cancel", + href: routeCancel.url({}), + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "send", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: isRawPayto ? !!errorsPayto : !!errorsWire, + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doSend(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Send") + )), + /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }) + )); +} +function doAutoFocus(element) { + if (element) { + setTimeout(() => { + element.focus({ preventScroll: true }); + element.scrollIntoView({ + behavior: "smooth", + block: "center", + inline: "center" + }); + }, 100); + } +} +function InputAmount({ + currency, + name, + value, + error: error2, + left, + onChange +}, ref) { + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex rounded-md shadow-sm border-0 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "pointer-events-none inset-y-0 flex items-center px-3" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "text-gray-500 sm:text-sm" }, currency)), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "number", + "data-left": left, + class: "disabled:bg-gray-200 text-right rounded-md rounded-l-none data-[left=true]:text-left w-full py-1.5 pl-3 text-gray-900 placeholder:text-gray-400 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + placeholder: "0.00", + "aria-describedby": "price-currency", + ref, + name, + id: name, + autocomplete: "off", + value: value ?? "", + disabled: !onChange, + onInput: (e4) => { + if (!onChange) + return; + const l3 = e4.currentTarget.value.length; + const sep_pos = e4.currentTarget.value.indexOf(FRAC_SEPARATOR); + if (sep_pos !== -1 && l3 - sep_pos - 1 > config.currency_specification.num_fractional_input_digits) { + e4.currentTarget.value = e4.currentTarget.value.substring( + 0, + sep_pos + config.currency_specification.num_fractional_input_digits + 1 + ); + } + onChange(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ShowInputErrorLabel, { message: error2, isDirty: value !== void 0 })); +} +function RenderAmount({ + value, + spec, + negative, + withColor, + hideSmall +}) { + const neg = !!negative; + const { currency, normal, small } = Amounts.stringifyValueWithSpec( + value, + spec + ); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "data-negative": withColor ? neg : void 0, + class: "whitespace-nowrap data-[negative=false]:text-green-600 data-[negative=true]:text-red-600" + }, + negative ? "- " : void 0, + currency, + " ", + normal, + " ", + !hideSmall && small && /* @__PURE__ */ h("sup", { class: "-ml-1" }, small) + ); +} +function validateRawPayto(parsed, limit, host, i18n2, type) { + if (!parsed.isKnown) { + return i18n2.str`The target type is unknown, use "${type}"`; + } + let result; + switch (type) { + case "x-taler-bank": { + if (parsed.targetType !== "x-taler-bank") { + return i18n2.str`Only "x-taler-bank" target are supported`; + } + if ( !== host) { + return i18n2.str`Only this host is allowed. Use "${host}"`; + } + if (!parsed.account) { + return i18n2.str`Missing account name`; + } + const result2 = validateTalerBank(parsed.account, i18n2); + if (result2) + return result2; + break; + } + case "iban": { + if (parsed.targetType !== "iban") { + return i18n2.str`Only "IBAN" target are supported`; + } + const result2 = validateIBAN(parsed.iban, i18n2); + if (result2) + return result2; + break; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(type); + } + if (!parsed.params.amount) { + return i18n2.str`Missing "amount" parameter to specify the amount to be transferred`; + } + const amount = Amounts.parse(parsed.params.amount); + if (!amount) { + return i18n2.str`The "amount" parameter is not valid`; + } + result = validateAmount(amount, limit, i18n2); + if (result) + return result; + if (!parsed.params.message) { + return i18n2.str`Missing the "message" parameter to specify a reference text for the transfer`; + } + const subject = parsed.params.message; + result = validateSubject(subject, i18n2); + if (result) + return result; + return void 0; +} +function validateAmount(amount, limit, i18n2) { + if (amount.currency !== limit.currency) { + return i18n2.str`The only currency allowed is "${limit.currency}"`; + } + if (Amounts.isZero(amount)) { + return i18n2.str`Can't transfer zero amount`; + } + if (Amounts.cmp(limit, amount) === -1) { + return i18n2.str`Balance is not enough`; + } + return void 0; +} +function validateSubject(text, i18n2) { + if (text.length < 2) { + return i18n2.str`Use a longer subject`; + } + return void 0; +} +function Wrapper({ withIcon, children }) { + if (withIcon) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-between" }, children); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, children); +} +function TextField({ + id, + label, + help, + focus, + disabled, + onChange, + placeholder, + rightIcons, + value, + error: error2 +}) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: id, + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + label + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Wrapper, { withIcon: rightIcons !== void 0 }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + ref: focus ? doAutoFocus : void 0, + type: "text", + class: "block w-full disabled:bg-gray-200 rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: id, + id, + disabled, + value: value ?? "", + placeholder, + autocomplete: "off", + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + onChange(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), rightIcons), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: error2, + isDirty: value !== void 0 + } + )), help && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, help)); +} + +// src/pages/LoginForm.tsx +function LoginForm({ + currentUser, + fixedUser, + routeRegister +}) { + const backend = useBackendState(); + const sessionUser = backend.state.status !== "loggedOut" ? backend.state.username : void 0; + const [username, setUsername] = p3( + currentUser ?? sessionUser + ); + const [password, setPassword] = p3(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [notification, withErrorHandler] = useLocalNotificationHandler(); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const ref = _2(null); + h2(function focusInput() { + ref.current?.focus(); + }, []); + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + username: !username ? i18n2.str`Missing username` : ( + // : !USERNAME_REGEX.test(username) + // ? i18n.str`Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter` + void 0 + ), + password: !password ? i18n2.str`Missing password` : void 0 + }); + async function doLogout() { + backend.logOut(); + } + const loginHandler = !username || !password ? void 0 : withErrorHandler( + async () => api.getAuthenticationAPI(username).createAccessToken(password, { + // scope: "readwrite" as "write", // FIX: different than merchant + scope: "readwrite", + duration: { d_us: "forever" }, + refreshable: true + }), + (result) => { + backend.logIn({ username, token: result.body.access_token }); + }, + (fail) => { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return i18n2.str`Wrong credentials for "${username}"`; + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return i18n2.str`Account not found`; + } + } + ); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex min-h-full flex-col justify-center " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-10 sm:mx-auto sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "space-y-6", + noValidate: true, + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + }, + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "username", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Username") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + ref: doAutoFocus, + type: "text", + name: "username", + id: "username", + class: "block w-full disabled:bg-gray-200 rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + value: username ?? "", + disabled: fixedUser, + enterkeyhint: "next", + placeholder: "identification", + autocomplete: "username", + title: i18n2.str`Username of the account`, + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + setUsername(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.username, + isDirty: username !== void 0 + } + ))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "password", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Password") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "password", + name: "password", + id: "password", + autocomplete: "current-password", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + enterkeyhint: "send", + value: password ?? "", + placeholder: "Password", + title: i18n2.str`Password of the account`, + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + setPassword(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.password, + isDirty: password !== void 0 + } + ))), + backend.state.status !== "loggedOut" ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "cancel", + class: "rounded-md bg-white-600 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-black shadow-sm hover:bg-gray-100 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-gray-600", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doLogout(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Button, + { + type: "submit", + name: "check", + class: "rounded-md bg-indigo-600 disabled:bg-gray-300 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !!errors2, + handler: loginHandler + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Check") + )) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Button, + { + type: "submit", + name: "login", + class: "flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 disabled:bg-gray-300 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !!errors2, + handler: loginHandler + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Log in") + )) + ), config.allow_registrations && routeRegister && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "register", + href: routeRegister.url({}), + class: "flex justify-center border-t mt-4 rounded-md bg-blue-600 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-blue-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-blue-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Register") + ))); +} + +// src/pages/AccountPage/state.ts +function useComponentState({ + account, + tab, + routeChargeWallet, + routeCreateWireTransfer, + routePublicAccounts, + routeSolveSecondFactor, + routeOperationDetails, + routeWireTransfer, + routeCashout, + onOperationCreated, + onClose, + routeClose, + onAuthorizationRequired +}) { + const result = useAccountDetails(account); + if (!result) { + return { + status: "loading", + error: void 0 + }; + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return { + status: "loading-error", + error: result + }; + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return { + status: "login", + reason: "forbidden" + }; + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return { + status: "login", + reason: "not-found" + }; + default: { + assertUnreachable(result); + } + } + } + const { body: data } = result; + const balance = Amounts.parseOrThrow(data.balance.amount); + const debitThreshold = Amounts.parseOrThrow(data.debit_threshold); + const payto = parsePaytoUri(data.payto_uri); + if (!payto || !payto.isKnown || payto.targetType !== "iban" && payto.targetType !== "x-taler-bank") { + return { + status: "invalid-iban", + error: data + }; + } + const balanceIsDebit = data.balance.credit_debit_indicator == "debit"; + const limit = balanceIsDebit ? Amounts.sub(debitThreshold, balance).amount : Amounts.add(balance, debitThreshold).amount; + return { + status: "ready", + onOperationCreated, + error: void 0, + tab, + routeCashout, + routeOperationDetails, + routeCreateWireTransfer, + routePublicAccounts, + routeSolveSecondFactor, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onClose, + routeClose, + routeChargeWallet, + routeWireTransfer, + account, + limit + }; +} + +// src/pages/AccountPage/views.tsx +init_preact_module(); + +// src/components/Transactions/state.ts +function useComponentState2({ account, routeCreateWireTransfer }) { + const txResult = useTransactions(account); + if (!txResult) { + return { + status: "loading", + error: void 0 + }; + } + if (txResult instanceof TalerError) { + return { + status: "loading-error", + error: txResult + }; + } + const transactions = => { + const negative = tx.direction === "debit"; + const cp = parsePaytoUri( + negative ? tx.creditor_payto_uri : tx.debtor_payto_uri + ); + const counterpart = (cp === void 0 || !cp.isKnown ? void 0 : cp.targetType === "iban" ? cp.iban : cp.targetType === "x-taler-bank" ? cp.account : cp.targetType === "bitcoin" ? `${cp.targetPath.substring(0, 6)}...` : void 0) ?? "unknown"; + const when = AbsoluteTime.fromProtocolTimestamp(; + const amount = Amounts.parse(tx.amount); + const subject = tx.subject; + return { + negative, + counterpart, + when, + amount, + subject + }; + }).filter((x6) => x6 !== void 0); + return { + status: "ready", + error: void 0, + routeCreateWireTransfer, + transactions, + onGoNext: txResult.isLastPage ? void 0 : txResult.loadNext, + onGoStart: txResult.isFirstPage ? void 0 : txResult.loadFirst + }; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/toInteger/index.js +function toInteger2(dirtyNumber) { + if (dirtyNumber === null || dirtyNumber === true || dirtyNumber === false) { + return NaN; + } + var number = Number(dirtyNumber); + if (isNaN(number)) { + return number; + } + return number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/requiredArgs/index.js +function requiredArgs2(required, args) { + if (args.length < required) { + throw new TypeError(required + " argument" + (required > 1 ? "s" : "") + " required, but only " + args.length + " present"); + } +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/toDate/index.js +function _typeof2(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof2 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof2 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof2(obj); +} +function toDate2(argument) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var argStr =; + if (argument instanceof Date || _typeof2(argument) === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") { + return new Date(argument.getTime()); + } else if (typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]") { + return new Date(argument); + } else { + if ((typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]") && typeof console !== "undefined") { + console.warn("Starting with v2.0.0-beta.1 date-fns doesn't accept strings as date arguments. Please use `parseISO` to parse strings. See:"); + console.warn(new Error().stack); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + } +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/addDays/index.js +function addDays(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var amount = toInteger2(dirtyAmount); + if (isNaN(amount)) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + } + if (!amount) { + return date; + } + date.setDate(date.getDate() + amount); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMonths/index.js +function addMonths(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var amount = toInteger2(dirtyAmount); + if (isNaN(amount)) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + } + if (!amount) { + return date; + } + var dayOfMonth = date.getDate(); + var endOfDesiredMonth = new Date(date.getTime()); + endOfDesiredMonth.setMonth(date.getMonth() + amount + 1, 0); + var daysInMonth = endOfDesiredMonth.getDate(); + if (dayOfMonth >= daysInMonth) { + return endOfDesiredMonth; + } else { + date.setFullYear(endOfDesiredMonth.getFullYear(), endOfDesiredMonth.getMonth(), dayOfMonth); + return date; + } +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/add/index.js +function _typeof3(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof3 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof3 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof3(obj); +} +function add2(dirtyDate, duration) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + if (!duration || _typeof3(duration) !== "object") + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + var years = duration.years ? toInteger2(duration.years) : 0; + var months = duration.months ? toInteger2(duration.months) : 0; + var weeks = duration.weeks ? toInteger2(duration.weeks) : 0; + var days = duration.days ? toInteger2(duration.days) : 0; + var hours = duration.hours ? toInteger2(duration.hours) : 0; + var minutes = duration.minutes ? toInteger2(duration.minutes) : 0; + var seconds = duration.seconds ? toInteger2(duration.seconds) : 0; + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var dateWithMonths = months || years ? addMonths(date, months + years * 12) : date; + var dateWithDays = days || weeks ? addDays(dateWithMonths, days + weeks * 7) : dateWithMonths; + var minutesToAdd = minutes + hours * 60; + var secondsToAdd = seconds + minutesToAdd * 60; + var msToAdd = secondsToAdd * 1e3; + var finalDate = new Date(dateWithDays.getTime() + msToAdd); + return finalDate; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMilliseconds/index.js +function addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var timestamp = toDate2(dirtyDate).getTime(); + var amount = toInteger2(dirtyAmount); + return new Date(timestamp + amount); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/defaultOptions/index.js +var defaultOptions2 = {}; +function getDefaultOptions2() { + return defaultOptions2; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds/index.js +function getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(date) { + var utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds())); + utcDate.setUTCFullYear(date.getFullYear()); + return date.getTime() - utcDate.getTime(); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfDay/index.js +function startOfDay(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarDays/index.js +var MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY = 864e5; +function differenceInCalendarDays(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var startOfDayLeft = startOfDay(dirtyDateLeft); + var startOfDayRight = startOfDay(dirtyDateRight); + var timestampLeft = startOfDayLeft.getTime() - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayLeft); + var timestampRight = startOfDayRight.getTime() - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayRight); + return Math.round((timestampLeft - timestampRight) / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/compareAsc/index.js +function compareAsc(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var dateLeft = toDate2(dirtyDateLeft); + var dateRight = toDate2(dirtyDateRight); + var diff = dateLeft.getTime() - dateRight.getTime(); + if (diff < 0) { + return -1; + } else if (diff > 0) { + return 1; + } else { + return diff; + } +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/constants/index.js +var daysInYear2 = 365.2425; +var maxTime2 = Math.pow(10, 8) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3; +var millisecondsInMinute2 = 6e4; +var millisecondsInHour2 = 36e5; +var minTime2 = -maxTime2; +var secondsInHour2 = 3600; +var secondsInDay2 = secondsInHour2 * 24; +var secondsInWeek2 = secondsInDay2 * 7; +var secondsInYear2 = secondsInDay2 * daysInYear2; +var secondsInMonth2 = secondsInYear2 / 12; +var secondsInQuarter2 = secondsInMonth2 * 3; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isDate/index.js +function _typeof36(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof36 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof36 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof36(obj); +} +function isDate(value) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + return value instanceof Date || _typeof36(value) === "object" && === "[object Date]"; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isValid/index.js +function isValid(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + if (!isDate(dirtyDate) && typeof dirtyDate !== "number") { + return false; + } + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + return !isNaN(Number(date)); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarMonths/index.js +function differenceInCalendarMonths(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var dateLeft = toDate2(dirtyDateLeft); + var dateRight = toDate2(dirtyDateRight); + var yearDiff = dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear(); + var monthDiff = dateLeft.getMonth() - dateRight.getMonth(); + return yearDiff * 12 + monthDiff; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarYears/index.js +function differenceInCalendarYears(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var dateLeft = toDate2(dirtyDateLeft); + var dateRight = toDate2(dirtyDateRight); + return dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear(); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInDays/index.js +function compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) { + var diff = dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear() || dateLeft.getMonth() - dateRight.getMonth() || dateLeft.getDate() - dateRight.getDate() || dateLeft.getHours() - dateRight.getHours() || dateLeft.getMinutes() - dateRight.getMinutes() || dateLeft.getSeconds() - dateRight.getSeconds() || dateLeft.getMilliseconds() - dateRight.getMilliseconds(); + if (diff < 0) { + return -1; + } else if (diff > 0) { + return 1; + } else { + return diff; + } +} +function differenceInDays(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var dateLeft = toDate2(dirtyDateLeft); + var dateRight = toDate2(dirtyDateRight); + var sign = compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight); + var difference = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarDays(dateLeft, dateRight)); + dateLeft.setDate(dateLeft.getDate() - sign * difference); + var isLastDayNotFull = Number(compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign); + var result = sign * (difference - isLastDayNotFull); + return result === 0 ? 0 : result; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMilliseconds/index.js +function differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + return toDate2(dateLeft).getTime() - toDate2(dateRight).getTime(); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/roundingMethods/index.js +var roundingMap = { + ceil: Math.ceil, + round: Math.round, + floor: Math.floor, + trunc: function trunc(value) { + return value < 0 ? Math.ceil(value) : Math.floor(value); + } + // Math.trunc is not supported by IE +}; +var defaultRoundingMethod = "trunc"; +function getRoundingMethod(method) { + return method ? roundingMap[method] : roundingMap[defaultRoundingMethod]; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInHours/index.js +function differenceInHours(dateLeft, dateRight, options) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / millisecondsInHour2; + return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMinutes/index.js +function differenceInMinutes(dateLeft, dateRight, options) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / millisecondsInMinute2; + return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfDay/index.js +function endOfDay(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfMonth/index.js +function endOfMonth(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var month = date.getMonth(); + date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear(), month + 1, 0); + date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/isLastDayOfMonth/index.js +function isLastDayOfMonth(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + return endOfDay(date).getTime() === endOfMonth(date).getTime(); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMonths/index.js +function differenceInMonths(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var dateLeft = toDate2(dirtyDateLeft); + var dateRight = toDate2(dirtyDateRight); + var sign = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight); + var difference = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarMonths(dateLeft, dateRight)); + var result; + if (difference < 1) { + result = 0; + } else { + if (dateLeft.getMonth() === 1 && dateLeft.getDate() > 27) { + dateLeft.setDate(30); + } + dateLeft.setMonth(dateLeft.getMonth() - sign * difference); + var isLastMonthNotFull = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign; + if (isLastDayOfMonth(toDate2(dirtyDateLeft)) && difference === 1 && compareAsc(dirtyDateLeft, dateRight) === 1) { + isLastMonthNotFull = false; + } + result = sign * (difference - Number(isLastMonthNotFull)); + } + return result === 0 ? 0 : result; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInSeconds/index.js +function differenceInSeconds(dateLeft, dateRight, options) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / 1e3; + return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInYears/index.js +function differenceInYears(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var dateLeft = toDate2(dirtyDateLeft); + var dateRight = toDate2(dirtyDateRight); + var sign = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight); + var difference = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarYears(dateLeft, dateRight)); + dateLeft.setFullYear(1584); + dateRight.setFullYear(1584); + var isLastYearNotFull = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign; + var result = sign * (difference - Number(isLastYearNotFull)); + return result === 0 ? 0 : result; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/subMilliseconds/index.js +function subMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var amount = toInteger2(dirtyAmount); + return addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, -amount); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCDayOfYear/index.js +var MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY2 = 864e5; +function getUTCDayOfYear(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var timestamp = date.getTime(); + date.setUTCMonth(0, 1); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfYearTimestamp = date.getTime(); + var difference = timestamp - startOfYearTimestamp; + return Math.floor(difference / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY2) + 1; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeek/index.js +function startOfUTCISOWeek2(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var weekStartsOn = 1; + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var day = date.getUTCDay(); + var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeekYear/index.js +function getUTCISOWeekYear2(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4); + fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCISOWeek2(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear); + var fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); + fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCISOWeek2(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear); + if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { + return year + 1; + } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { + return year; + } else { + return year - 1; + } +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeekYear/index.js +function startOfUTCISOWeekYear2(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var year = getUTCISOWeekYear2(dirtyDate); + var fourthOfJanuary = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + fourthOfJanuary.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4); + fourthOfJanuary.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var date = startOfUTCISOWeek2(fourthOfJanuary); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeek/index.js +var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK3 = 6048e5; +function getUTCISOWeek2(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var diff = startOfUTCISOWeek2(date).getTime() - startOfUTCISOWeekYear2(date).getTime(); + return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK3) + 1; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeek/index.js +function startOfUTCWeek2(dirtyDate, options) { + var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var defaultOptions3 = getDefaultOptions2(); + var weekStartsOn = toInteger2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions3.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions3.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 0); + if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { + throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); + } + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var day = date.getUTCDay(); + var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn; + date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff); + date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeekYear/index.js +function getUTCWeekYear2(dirtyDate, options) { + var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var defaultOptions3 = getDefaultOptions2(); + var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions3.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions3.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); + if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { + throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); + } + var firstWeekOfNextYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); + firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCWeek2(firstWeekOfNextYear, options); + var firstWeekOfThisYear = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); + firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCWeek2(firstWeekOfThisYear, options); + if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) { + return year + 1; + } else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) { + return year; + } else { + return year - 1; + } +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeekYear/index.js +function startOfUTCWeekYear2(dirtyDate, options) { + var _ref, _ref2, _ref3, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale, _options$locale$optio, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2; + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var defaultOptions3 = getDefaultOptions2(); + var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger2((_ref = (_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale = options.locale) === null || _options$locale === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale$optio = _options$locale.options) === null || _options$locale$optio === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale$optio.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : defaultOptions3.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions3.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : 1); + var year = getUTCWeekYear2(dirtyDate, options); + var firstWeek = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + firstWeek.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate); + firstWeek.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var date = startOfUTCWeek2(firstWeek, options); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeek/index.js +var MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK4 = 6048e5; +function getUTCWeek2(dirtyDate, options) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var diff = startOfUTCWeek2(date, options).getTime() - startOfUTCWeekYear2(date, options).getTime(); + return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK4) + 1; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/addLeadingZeros/index.js +function addLeadingZeros(number, targetLength) { + var sign = number < 0 ? "-" : ""; + var output = Math.abs(number).toString(); + while (output.length < targetLength) { + output = "0" + output; + } + return sign + output; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/lightFormatters/index.js +var formatters = { + // Year + y: function y3(date, token) { + var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; + return addLeadingZeros(token === "yy" ? year % 100 : year, token.length); + }, + // Month + M: function M4(date, token) { + var month = date.getUTCMonth(); + return token === "M" ? String(month + 1) : addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2); + }, + // Day of the month + d: function d3(date, token) { + return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCDate(), token.length); + }, + // AM or PM + a: function a3(date, token) { + var dayPeriodEnumValue = date.getUTCHours() / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; + switch (token) { + case "a": + case "aa": + return dayPeriodEnumValue.toUpperCase(); + case "aaa": + return dayPeriodEnumValue; + case "aaaaa": + return dayPeriodEnumValue[0]; + case "aaaa": + default: + return dayPeriodEnumValue === "am" ? "a.m." : "p.m."; + } + }, + // Hour [1-12] + h: function h3(date, token) { + return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, token.length); + }, + // Hour [0-23] + H: function H3(date, token) { + return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCHours(), token.length); + }, + // Minute + m: function m3(date, token) { + return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCMinutes(), token.length); + }, + // Second + s: function s3(date, token) { + return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCSeconds(), token.length); + }, + // Fraction of second + S: function S3(date, token) { + var numberOfDigits = token.length; + var milliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds(); + var fractionalSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds * Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits - 3)); + return addLeadingZeros(fractionalSeconds, token.length); + } +}; +var lightFormatters_default = formatters; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/formatters/index.js +var dayPeriodEnum = { + am: "am", + pm: "pm", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "morning", + afternoon: "afternoon", + evening: "evening", + night: "night" +}; +var formatters2 = { + // Era + G: function G2(date, token, localize6) { + var era = date.getUTCFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0; + switch (token) { + case "G": + case "GG": + case "GGG": + return localize6.era(era, { + width: "abbreviated" + }); + case "GGGGG": + return localize6.era(era, { + width: "narrow" + }); + case "GGGG": + default: + return localize6.era(era, { + width: "wide" + }); + } + }, + // Year + y: function y4(date, token, localize6) { + if (token === "yo") { + var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear(); + var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear; + return localize6.ordinalNumber(year, { + unit: "year" + }); + } + return lightFormatters_default.y(date, token); + }, + // Local week-numbering year + Y: function Y3(date, token, localize6, options) { + var signedWeekYear = getUTCWeekYear2(date, options); + var weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear; + if (token === "YY") { + var twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100; + return addLeadingZeros(twoDigitYear, 2); + } + if (token === "Yo") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(weekYear, { + unit: "year" + }); + } + return addLeadingZeros(weekYear, token.length); + }, + // ISO week-numbering year + R: function R2(date, token) { + var isoWeekYear = getUTCISOWeekYear2(date); + return addLeadingZeros(isoWeekYear, token.length); + }, + // Extended year. This is a single number designating the year of this calendar system. + // The main difference between `y` and `u` localizers are B.C. years: + // | Year | `y` | `u` | + // |------|-----|-----| + // | AC 1 | 1 | 1 | + // | BC 1 | 1 | 0 | + // | BC 2 | 2 | -1 | + // Also `yy` always returns the last two digits of a year, + // while `uu` pads single digit years to 2 characters and returns other years unchanged. + u: function u3(date, token) { + var year = date.getUTCFullYear(); + return addLeadingZeros(year, token.length); + }, + // Quarter + Q: function Q2(date, token, localize6) { + var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); + switch (token) { + case "Q": + return String(quarter); + case "QQ": + return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2); + case "Qo": + return localize6.ordinalNumber(quarter, { + unit: "quarter" + }); + case "QQQ": + return localize6.quarter(quarter, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "QQQQQ": + return localize6.quarter(quarter, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "QQQQ": + default: + return localize6.quarter(quarter, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // Stand-alone quarter + q: function q4(date, token, localize6) { + var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3); + switch (token) { + case "q": + return String(quarter); + case "qq": + return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2); + case "qo": + return localize6.ordinalNumber(quarter, { + unit: "quarter" + }); + case "qqq": + return localize6.quarter(quarter, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "qqqqq": + return localize6.quarter(quarter, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "qqqq": + default: + return localize6.quarter(quarter, { + width: "wide", + context: "standalone" + }); + } + }, + // Month + M: function M5(date, token, localize6) { + var month = date.getUTCMonth(); + switch (token) { + case "M": + case "MM": + return lightFormatters_default.M(date, token); + case "Mo": + return localize6.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { + unit: "month" + }); + case "MMM": + return localize6.month(month, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "MMMMM": + return localize6.month(month, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "MMMM": + default: + return localize6.month(month, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // Stand-alone month + L: function L4(date, token, localize6) { + var month = date.getUTCMonth(); + switch (token) { + case "L": + return String(month + 1); + case "LL": + return addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2); + case "Lo": + return localize6.ordinalNumber(month + 1, { + unit: "month" + }); + case "LLL": + return localize6.month(month, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "LLLLL": + return localize6.month(month, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "LLLL": + default: + return localize6.month(month, { + width: "wide", + context: "standalone" + }); + } + }, + // Local week of year + w: function w4(date, token, localize6, options) { + var week = getUTCWeek2(date, options); + if (token === "wo") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(week, { + unit: "week" + }); + } + return addLeadingZeros(week, token.length); + }, + // ISO week of year + I: function I4(date, token, localize6) { + var isoWeek = getUTCISOWeek2(date); + if (token === "Io") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, { + unit: "week" + }); + } + return addLeadingZeros(isoWeek, token.length); + }, + // Day of the month + d: function d4(date, token, localize6) { + if (token === "do") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCDate(), { + unit: "date" + }); + } + return lightFormatters_default.d(date, token); + }, + // Day of year + D: function D4(date, token, localize6) { + var dayOfYear = getUTCDayOfYear(date); + if (token === "Do") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, { + unit: "dayOfYear" + }); + } + return addLeadingZeros(dayOfYear, token.length); + }, + // Day of week + E: function E2(date, token, localize6) { + var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); + switch (token) { + case "E": + case "EE": + case "EEE": + return, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "EEEEE": + return, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "EEEEEE": + return, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "EEEE": + default: + return, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // Local day of week + e: function e3(date, token, localize6, options) { + var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); + var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; + switch (token) { + case "e": + return String(localDayOfWeek); + case "ee": + return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, 2); + case "eo": + return localize6.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { + unit: "day" + }); + case "eee": + return, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "eeeee": + return, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "eeeeee": + return, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "eeee": + default: + return, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // Stand-alone local day of week + c: function c3(date, token, localize6, options) { + var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); + var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7; + switch (token) { + case "c": + return String(localDayOfWeek); + case "cc": + return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, token.length); + case "co": + return localize6.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, { + unit: "day" + }); + case "ccc": + return, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "ccccc": + return, { + width: "narrow", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "cccccc": + return, { + width: "short", + context: "standalone" + }); + case "cccc": + default: + return, { + width: "wide", + context: "standalone" + }); + } + }, + // ISO day of week + i: function i3(date, token, localize6) { + var dayOfWeek = date.getUTCDay(); + var isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek; + switch (token) { + case "i": + return String(isoDayOfWeek); + case "ii": + return addLeadingZeros(isoDayOfWeek, token.length); + case "io": + return localize6.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, { + unit: "day" + }); + case "iii": + return, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "iiiii": + return, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "iiiiii": + return, { + width: "short", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "iiii": + default: + return, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // AM or PM + a: function a4(date, token, localize6) { + var hours = date.getUTCHours(); + var dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; + switch (token) { + case "a": + case "aa": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "aaa": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }).toLowerCase(); + case "aaaaa": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "aaaa": + default: + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // AM, PM, midnight, noon + b: function b3(date, token, localize6) { + var hours = date.getUTCHours(); + var dayPeriodEnumValue; + if (hours === 12) { + dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.noon; + } else if (hours === 0) { + dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.midnight; + } else { + dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am"; + } + switch (token) { + case "b": + case "bb": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "bbb": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }).toLowerCase(); + case "bbbbb": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "bbbb": + default: + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night + B: function B4(date, token, localize6) { + var hours = date.getUTCHours(); + var dayPeriodEnumValue; + if (hours >= 17) { + dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.evening; + } else if (hours >= 12) { + dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.afternoon; + } else if (hours >= 4) { + dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.morning; + } else { + dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.night; + } + switch (token) { + case "B": + case "BB": + case "BBB": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "abbreviated", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "BBBBB": + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "narrow", + context: "formatting" + }); + case "BBBB": + default: + return localize6.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, { + width: "wide", + context: "formatting" + }); + } + }, + // Hour [1-12] + h: function h4(date, token, localize6) { + if (token === "ho") { + var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12; + if (hours === 0) + hours = 12; + return localize6.ordinalNumber(hours, { + unit: "hour" + }); + } + return lightFormatters_default.h(date, token); + }, + // Hour [0-23] + H: function H4(date, token, localize6) { + if (token === "Ho") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCHours(), { + unit: "hour" + }); + } + return lightFormatters_default.H(date, token); + }, + // Hour [0-11] + K: function K4(date, token, localize6) { + var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12; + if (token === "Ko") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(hours, { + unit: "hour" + }); + } + return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length); + }, + // Hour [1-24] + k: function k4(date, token, localize6) { + var hours = date.getUTCHours(); + if (hours === 0) + hours = 24; + if (token === "ko") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(hours, { + unit: "hour" + }); + } + return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length); + }, + // Minute + m: function m4(date, token, localize6) { + if (token === "mo") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCMinutes(), { + unit: "minute" + }); + } + return lightFormatters_default.m(date, token); + }, + // Second + s: function s4(date, token, localize6) { + if (token === "so") { + return localize6.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCSeconds(), { + unit: "second" + }); + } + return lightFormatters_default.s(date, token); + }, + // Fraction of second + S: function S4(date, token) { + return lightFormatters_default.S(date, token); + }, + // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is always `'Z'`) + X: function X3(date, token, _localize, options) { + var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; + var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); + if (timezoneOffset === 0) { + return "Z"; + } + switch (token) { + case "X": + return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); + case "XXXX": + case "XX": + return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); + case "XXXXX": + case "XXX": + default: + return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); + } + }, + // Timezone (ISO-8601. If offset is 0, output is `'+00:00'` or equivalent) + x: function x5(date, token, _localize, options) { + var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; + var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); + switch (token) { + case "x": + return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset); + case "xxxx": + case "xx": + return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset); + case "xxxxx": + case "xxx": + default: + return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); + } + }, + // Timezone (GMT) + O: function O3(date, token, _localize, options) { + var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; + var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); + switch (token) { + case "O": + case "OO": + case "OOO": + return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":"); + case "OOOO": + default: + return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); + } + }, + // Timezone (specific non-location) + z: function z4(date, token, _localize, options) { + var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; + var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); + switch (token) { + case "z": + case "zz": + case "zzz": + return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":"); + case "zzzz": + default: + return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":"); + } + }, + // Seconds timestamp + t: function t3(date, token, _localize, options) { + var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; + var timestamp = Math.floor(originalDate.getTime() / 1e3); + return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length); + }, + // Milliseconds timestamp + T: function T4(date, token, _localize, options) { + var originalDate = options._originalDate || date; + var timestamp = originalDate.getTime(); + return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length); + } +}; +function formatTimezoneShort(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { + var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; + var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); + var hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60); + var minutes = absOffset % 60; + if (minutes === 0) { + return sign + String(hours); + } + var delimiter2 = dirtyDelimiter || ""; + return sign + String(hours) + delimiter2 + addLeadingZeros(minutes, 2); +} +function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { + if (offset % 60 === 0) { + var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; + return sign + addLeadingZeros(Math.abs(offset) / 60, 2); + } + return formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimiter); +} +function formatTimezone(offset, dirtyDelimiter) { + var delimiter2 = dirtyDelimiter || ""; + var sign = offset > 0 ? "-" : "+"; + var absOffset = Math.abs(offset); + var hours = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absOffset / 60), 2); + var minutes = addLeadingZeros(absOffset % 60, 2); + return sign + hours + delimiter2 + minutes; +} +var formatters_default = formatters2; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/longFormatters/index.js +var dateLongFormatter = function dateLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong7) { + switch (pattern) { + case "P": + return{ + width: "short" + }); + case "PP": + return{ + width: "medium" + }); + case "PPP": + return{ + width: "long" + }); + case "PPPP": + default: + return{ + width: "full" + }); + } +}; +var timeLongFormatter = function timeLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong7) { + switch (pattern) { + case "p": + return formatLong7.time({ + width: "short" + }); + case "pp": + return formatLong7.time({ + width: "medium" + }); + case "ppp": + return formatLong7.time({ + width: "long" + }); + case "pppp": + default: + return formatLong7.time({ + width: "full" + }); + } +}; +var dateTimeLongFormatter = function dateTimeLongFormatter2(pattern, formatLong7) { + var matchResult = pattern.match(/(P+)(p+)?/) || []; + var datePattern = matchResult[1]; + var timePattern = matchResult[2]; + if (!timePattern) { + return dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong7); + } + var dateTimeFormat; + switch (datePattern) { + case "P": + dateTimeFormat = formatLong7.dateTime({ + width: "short" + }); + break; + case "PP": + dateTimeFormat = formatLong7.dateTime({ + width: "medium" + }); + break; + case "PPP": + dateTimeFormat = formatLong7.dateTime({ + width: "long" + }); + break; + case "PPPP": + default: + dateTimeFormat = formatLong7.dateTime({ + width: "full" + }); + break; + } + return dateTimeFormat.replace("{{date}}", dateLongFormatter(datePattern, formatLong7)).replace("{{time}}", timeLongFormatter(timePattern, formatLong7)); +}; +var longFormatters = { + p: timeLongFormatter, + P: dateTimeLongFormatter +}; +var longFormatters_default = longFormatters; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/protectedTokens/index.js +var protectedDayOfYearTokens = ["D", "DD"]; +var protectedWeekYearTokens = ["YY", "YYYY"]; +function isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token) { + return protectedDayOfYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1; +} +function isProtectedWeekYearToken(token) { + return protectedWeekYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1; +} +function throwProtectedError(token, format2, input) { + if (token === "YYYY") { + throw new RangeError("Use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); + } else if (token === "YY") { + throw new RangeError("Use `yy` instead of `YY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); + } else if (token === "D") { + throw new RangeError("Use `d` instead of `D` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); + } else if (token === "DD") { + throw new RangeError("Use `dd` instead of `DD` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see:")); + } +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatDistance/index.js +var formatDistanceLocale5 = { + lessThanXSeconds: { + one: "less than a second", + other: "less than {{count}} seconds" + }, + xSeconds: { + one: "1 second", + other: "{{count}} seconds" + }, + halfAMinute: "half a minute", + lessThanXMinutes: { + one: "less than a minute", + other: "less than {{count}} minutes" + }, + xMinutes: { + one: "1 minute", + other: "{{count}} minutes" + }, + aboutXHours: { + one: "about 1 hour", + other: "about {{count}} hours" + }, + xHours: { + one: "1 hour", + other: "{{count}} hours" + }, + xDays: { + one: "1 day", + other: "{{count}} days" + }, + aboutXWeeks: { + one: "about 1 week", + other: "about {{count}} weeks" + }, + xWeeks: { + one: "1 week", + other: "{{count}} weeks" + }, + aboutXMonths: { + one: "about 1 month", + other: "about {{count}} months" + }, + xMonths: { + one: "1 month", + other: "{{count}} months" + }, + aboutXYears: { + one: "about 1 year", + other: "about {{count}} years" + }, + xYears: { + one: "1 year", + other: "{{count}} years" + }, + overXYears: { + one: "over 1 year", + other: "over {{count}} years" + }, + almostXYears: { + one: "almost 1 year", + other: "almost {{count}} years" + } +}; +var formatDistance9 = function formatDistance10(token, count, options) { + var result; + var tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale5[token]; + if (typeof tokenValue === "string") { + result = tokenValue; + } else if (count === 1) { + result =; + } else { + result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString()); + } + if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) { + if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) { + return "in " + result; + } else { + return result + " ago"; + } + } + return result; +}; +var formatDistance_default5 = formatDistance9; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildFormatLongFn/index.js +function buildFormatLongFn2(args) { + return function() { + var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}; + var width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; + var format2 = args.formats[width] || args.formats[args.defaultWidth]; + return format2; + }; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatLong/index.js +var dateFormats6 = { + full: "EEEE, MMMM do, y", + long: "MMMM do, y", + medium: "MMM d, y", + short: "MM/dd/yyyy" +}; +var timeFormats6 = { + full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz", + long: "h:mm:ss a z", + medium: "h:mm:ss a", + short: "h:mm a" +}; +var dateTimeFormats6 = { + full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", + long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}", + medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}", + short: "{{date}}, {{time}}" +}; +var formatLong6 = { + date: buildFormatLongFn2({ + formats: dateFormats6, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + time: buildFormatLongFn2({ + formats: timeFormats6, + defaultWidth: "full" + }), + dateTime: buildFormatLongFn2({ + formats: dateTimeFormats6, + defaultWidth: "full" + }) +}; +var formatLong_default = formatLong6; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatRelative/index.js +var formatRelativeLocale5 = { + lastWeek: "'last' eeee 'at' p", + yesterday: "'yesterday at' p", + today: "'today at' p", + tomorrow: "'tomorrow at' p", + nextWeek: "eeee 'at' p", + other: "P" +}; +var formatRelative9 = function formatRelative10(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) { + return formatRelativeLocale5[token]; +}; +var formatRelative_default5 = formatRelative9; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildLocalizeFn/index.js +function buildLocalizeFn2(args) { + return function(dirtyIndex, options) { + var context = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.context ? String(options.context) : "standalone"; + var valuesArray; + if (context === "formatting" && args.formattingValues) { + var defaultWidth = args.defaultFormattingWidth || args.defaultWidth; + var width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : defaultWidth; + valuesArray = args.formattingValues[width] || args.formattingValues[defaultWidth]; + } else { + var _defaultWidth = args.defaultWidth; + var _width = options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth; + valuesArray = args.values[_width] || args.values[_defaultWidth]; + } + var index = args.argumentCallback ? args.argumentCallback(dirtyIndex) : dirtyIndex; + return valuesArray[index]; + }; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/localize/index.js +var eraValues5 = { + narrow: ["B", "A"], + abbreviated: ["BC", "AD"], + wide: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"] +}; +var quarterValues5 = { + narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"], + abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"], + wide: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"] +}; +var monthValues5 = { + narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"], + abbreviated: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], + wide: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] +}; +var dayValues5 = { + narrow: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"], + short: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], + abbreviated: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], + wide: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] +}; +var dayPeriodValues5 = { + narrow: { + am: "a", + pm: "p", + midnight: "mi", + noon: "n", + morning: "morning", + afternoon: "afternoon", + evening: "evening", + night: "night" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "morning", + afternoon: "afternoon", + evening: "evening", + night: "night" + }, + wide: { + am: "a.m.", + pm: "p.m.", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "morning", + afternoon: "afternoon", + evening: "evening", + night: "night" + } +}; +var formattingDayPeriodValues4 = { + narrow: { + am: "a", + pm: "p", + midnight: "mi", + noon: "n", + morning: "in the morning", + afternoon: "in the afternoon", + evening: "in the evening", + night: "at night" + }, + abbreviated: { + am: "AM", + pm: "PM", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "in the morning", + afternoon: "in the afternoon", + evening: "in the evening", + night: "at night" + }, + wide: { + am: "a.m.", + pm: "p.m.", + midnight: "midnight", + noon: "noon", + morning: "in the morning", + afternoon: "in the afternoon", + evening: "in the evening", + night: "at night" + } +}; +var ordinalNumber9 = function ordinalNumber10(dirtyNumber, _options) { + var number = Number(dirtyNumber); + var rem100 = number % 100; + if (rem100 > 20 || rem100 < 10) { + switch (rem100 % 10) { + case 1: + return number + "st"; + case 2: + return number + "nd"; + case 3: + return number + "rd"; + } + } + return number + "th"; +}; +var localize5 = { + ordinalNumber: ordinalNumber9, + era: buildLocalizeFn2({ + values: eraValues5, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + quarter: buildLocalizeFn2({ + values: quarterValues5, + defaultWidth: "wide", + argumentCallback: function argumentCallback5(quarter) { + return quarter - 1; + } + }), + month: buildLocalizeFn2({ + values: monthValues5, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + day: buildLocalizeFn2({ + values: dayValues5, + defaultWidth: "wide" + }), + dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn2({ + values: dayPeriodValues5, + defaultWidth: "wide", + formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues4, + defaultFormattingWidth: "wide" + }) +}; +var localize_default5 = localize5; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchFn/index.js +function buildMatchFn2(args) { + return function(string) { + var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; + var width = options.width; + var matchPattern = width && args.matchPatterns[width] || args.matchPatterns[args.defaultMatchWidth]; + var matchResult = string.match(matchPattern); + if (!matchResult) { + return null; + } + var matchedString = matchResult[0]; + var parsePatterns = width && args.parsePatterns[width] || args.parsePatterns[args.defaultParseWidth]; + var key = Array.isArray(parsePatterns) ? findIndex2(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { + return pattern.test(matchedString); + }) : findKey2(parsePatterns, function(pattern) { + return pattern.test(matchedString); + }); + var value; + value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(key) : key; + value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; + var rest = string.slice(matchedString.length); + return { + value, + rest + }; + }; +} +function findKey2(object, predicate) { + for (var key in object) { + if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && predicate(object[key])) { + return key; + } + } + return void 0; +} +function findIndex2(array, predicate) { + for (var key = 0; key < array.length; key++) { + if (predicate(array[key])) { + return key; + } + } + return void 0; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchPatternFn/index.js +function buildMatchPatternFn2(args) { + return function(string) { + var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; + var matchResult = string.match(args.matchPattern); + if (!matchResult) + return null; + var matchedString = matchResult[0]; + var parseResult = string.match(args.parsePattern); + if (!parseResult) + return null; + var value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(parseResult[0]) : parseResult[0]; + value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value; + var rest = string.slice(matchedString.length); + return { + value, + rest + }; + }; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/match/index.js +var matchOrdinalNumberPattern5 = /^(\d+)(th|st|nd|rd)?/i; +var parseOrdinalNumberPattern5 = /\d+/i; +var matchEraPatterns5 = { + narrow: /^(b|a)/i, + abbreviated: /^(b\.?\s?c\.?|b\.?\s?c\.?\s?e\.?|a\.?\s?d\.?|c\.?\s?e\.?)/i, + wide: /^(before christ|before common era|anno domini|common era)/i +}; +var parseEraPatterns5 = { + any: [/^b/i, /^(a|c)/i] +}; +var matchQuarterPatterns5 = { + narrow: /^[1234]/i, + abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i, + wide: /^[1234](th|st|nd|rd)? quarter/i +}; +var parseQuarterPatterns5 = { + any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i] +}; +var matchMonthPatterns5 = { + narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i, + abbreviated: /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i, + wide: /^(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)/i +}; +var parseMonthPatterns5 = { + narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i], + any: [/^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^ap/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i] +}; +var matchDayPatterns5 = { + narrow: /^[smtwf]/i, + short: /^(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)/i, + abbreviated: /^(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)/i, + wide: /^(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)/i +}; +var parseDayPatterns5 = { + narrow: [/^s/i, /^m/i, /^t/i, /^w/i, /^t/i, /^f/i, /^s/i], + any: [/^su/i, /^m/i, /^tu/i, /^w/i, /^th/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i] +}; +var matchDayPeriodPatterns5 = { + narrow: /^(a|p|mi|n|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i, + any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|midnight|noon|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i +}; +var parseDayPeriodPatterns5 = { + any: { + am: /^a/i, + pm: /^p/i, + midnight: /^mi/i, + noon: /^no/i, + morning: /morning/i, + afternoon: /afternoon/i, + evening: /evening/i, + night: /night/i + } +}; +var match5 = { + ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn2({ + matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern5, + parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern5, + valueCallback: function valueCallback9(value) { + return parseInt(value, 10); + } + }), + era: buildMatchFn2({ + matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns5, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns5, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + quarter: buildMatchFn2({ + matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns5, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns5, + defaultParseWidth: "any", + valueCallback: function valueCallback10(index) { + return index + 1; + } + }), + month: buildMatchFn2({ + matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns5, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns5, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + day: buildMatchFn2({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns5, + defaultMatchWidth: "wide", + parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns5, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }), + dayPeriod: buildMatchFn2({ + matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns5, + defaultMatchWidth: "any", + parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns5, + defaultParseWidth: "any" + }) +}; +var match_default5 = match5; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/index.js +var locale = { + code: "en-US", + formatDistance: formatDistance_default5, + formatLong: formatLong_default, + formatRelative: formatRelative_default5, + localize: localize_default5, + match: match_default5, + options: { + weekStartsOn: 0, + firstWeekContainsDate: 1 + } +}; +var en_US_default = locale; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/defaultLocale/index.js +var defaultLocale_default = en_US_default; + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/format/index.js +var formattingTokensRegExp = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; +var longFormattingTokensRegExp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g; +var escapedStringRegExp = /^'([^]*?)'?$/; +var doubleQuoteRegExp = /''/g; +var unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp = /[a-zA-Z]/; +function format(dirtyDate, dirtyFormatStr, options) { + var _ref, _options$locale, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _options$firstWeekCon, _options$locale2, _options$locale2$opti, _defaultOptions$local, _defaultOptions$local2, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _options$weekStartsOn, _options$locale3, _options$locale3$opti, _defaultOptions$local3, _defaultOptions$local4; + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var formatStr = String(dirtyFormatStr); + var defaultOptions3 = getDefaultOptions2(); + var locale6 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions3.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : defaultLocale_default; + var firstWeekContainsDate = toInteger2((_ref2 = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = (_options$firstWeekCon = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _options$firstWeekCon !== void 0 ? _options$firstWeekCon : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale2 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale2$opti = _options$locale2.options) === null || _options$locale2$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale2$opti.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref4 !== void 0 ? _ref4 : defaultOptions3.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref3 !== void 0 ? _ref3 : (_defaultOptions$local = defaultOptions3.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local2 = _defaultOptions$local.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local2.firstWeekContainsDate) !== null && _ref2 !== void 0 ? _ref2 : 1); + if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) { + throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively"); + } + var weekStartsOn = toInteger2((_ref5 = (_ref6 = (_ref7 = (_options$weekStartsOn = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.weekStartsOn) !== null && _options$weekStartsOn !== void 0 ? _options$weekStartsOn : options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3 = options.locale) === null || _options$locale3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_options$locale3$opti = _options$locale3.options) === null || _options$locale3$opti === void 0 ? void 0 : _options$locale3$opti.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref7 !== void 0 ? _ref7 : defaultOptions3.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref6 !== void 0 ? _ref6 : (_defaultOptions$local3 = defaultOptions3.locale) === null || _defaultOptions$local3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_defaultOptions$local4 = _defaultOptions$local3.options) === null || _defaultOptions$local4 === void 0 ? void 0 : _defaultOptions$local4.weekStartsOn) !== null && _ref5 !== void 0 ? _ref5 : 0); + if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) { + throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively"); + } + if (!locale6.localize) { + throw new RangeError("locale must contain localize property"); + } + if (!locale6.formatLong) { + throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatLong property"); + } + var originalDate = toDate2(dirtyDate); + if (!isValid(originalDate)) { + throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); + } + var timezoneOffset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(originalDate); + var utcDate = subMilliseconds(originalDate, timezoneOffset); + var formatterOptions = { + firstWeekContainsDate, + weekStartsOn, + locale: locale6, + _originalDate: originalDate + }; + var result = formatStr.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp).map(function(substring) { + var firstCharacter = substring[0]; + if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") { + var longFormatter = longFormatters_default[firstCharacter]; + return longFormatter(substring, locale6.formatLong); + } + return substring; + }).join("").match(formattingTokensRegExp).map(function(substring) { + if (substring === "''") { + return "'"; + } + var firstCharacter = substring[0]; + if (firstCharacter === "'") { + return cleanEscapedString(substring); + } + var formatter = formatters_default[firstCharacter]; + if (formatter) { + if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens) && isProtectedWeekYearToken(substring)) { + throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); + } + if (!(options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens) && isProtectedDayOfYearToken(substring)) { + throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, String(dirtyDate)); + } + return formatter(utcDate, substring, locale6.localize, formatterOptions); + } + if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp)) { + throw new RangeError("Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`"); + } + return substring; + }).join(""); + return result; +} +function cleanEscapedString(input) { + var matched = input.match(escapedStringRegExp); + if (!matched) { + return input; + } + return matched[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp, "'"); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/formatDuration/index.js +var defaultFormat = ["years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"]; +function formatDuration(duration, options) { + var _ref, _options$locale, _options$format, _options$zero, _options$delimiter; + if (arguments.length < 1) { + throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only ".concat(arguments.length, " present")); + } + var defaultOptions3 = getDefaultOptions2(); + var locale6 = (_ref = (_options$locale = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.locale) !== null && _options$locale !== void 0 ? _options$locale : defaultOptions3.locale) !== null && _ref !== void 0 ? _ref : defaultLocale_default; + var format2 = (_options$format = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.format) !== null && _options$format !== void 0 ? _options$format : defaultFormat; + var zero = (_options$zero = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : !== null && _options$zero !== void 0 ? _options$zero : false; + var delimiter2 = (_options$delimiter = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.delimiter) !== null && _options$delimiter !== void 0 ? _options$delimiter : " "; + if (!locale6.formatDistance) { + return ""; + } + var result = format2.reduce(function(acc, unit) { + var token = "x".concat(unit.replace(/(^.)/, function(m5) { + return m5.toUpperCase(); + })); + var value = duration[unit]; + if (typeof value === "number" && (zero || duration[unit])) { + return acc.concat(locale6.formatDistance(token, value)); + } + return acc; + }, []).join(delimiter2); + return result; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/formatISO/index.js +function formatISO(date, options) { + var _options$format, _options$representati; + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var originalDate = toDate2(date); + if (isNaN(originalDate.getTime())) { + throw new RangeError("Invalid time value"); + } + var format2 = String((_options$format = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.format) !== null && _options$format !== void 0 ? _options$format : "extended"); + var representation = String((_options$representati = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.representation) !== null && _options$representati !== void 0 ? _options$representati : "complete"); + if (format2 !== "extended" && format2 !== "basic") { + throw new RangeError("format must be 'extended' or 'basic'"); + } + if (representation !== "date" && representation !== "time" && representation !== "complete") { + throw new RangeError("representation must be 'date', 'time', or 'complete'"); + } + var result = ""; + var tzOffset = ""; + var dateDelimiter = format2 === "extended" ? "-" : ""; + var timeDelimiter = format2 === "extended" ? ":" : ""; + if (representation !== "time") { + var day = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getDate(), 2); + var month = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getMonth() + 1, 2); + var year = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getFullYear(), 4); + result = "".concat(year).concat(dateDelimiter).concat(month).concat(dateDelimiter).concat(day); + } + if (representation !== "date") { + var offset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset(); + if (offset !== 0) { + var absoluteOffset = Math.abs(offset); + var hourOffset = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absoluteOffset / 60), 2); + var minuteOffset = addLeadingZeros(absoluteOffset % 60, 2); + var sign = offset < 0 ? "+" : "-"; + tzOffset = "".concat(sign).concat(hourOffset, ":").concat(minuteOffset); + } else { + tzOffset = "Z"; + } + var hour = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getHours(), 2); + var minute = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getMinutes(), 2); + var second = addLeadingZeros(originalDate.getSeconds(), 2); + var separator = result === "" ? "" : "T"; + var time = [hour, minute, second].join(timeDelimiter); + result = "".concat(result).concat(separator).concat(time).concat(tzOffset); + } + return result; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/getDate/index.js +function getDate(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var dayOfMonth = date.getDate(); + return dayOfMonth; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/getDaysInMonth/index.js +function getDaysInMonth(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var year = date.getFullYear(); + var monthIndex = date.getMonth(); + var lastDayOfMonth = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + lastDayOfMonth.setFullYear(year, monthIndex + 1, 0); + lastDayOfMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + return lastDayOfMonth.getDate(); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/getHours/index.js +function getHours(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var hours = date.getHours(); + return hours; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/getMonth/index.js +function getMonth(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var month = date.getMonth(); + return month; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/getYear/index.js +function getYear(dirtyDate) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + return toDate2(dirtyDate).getFullYear(); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/intervalToDuration/index.js +function intervalToDuration(interval) { + requiredArgs2(1, arguments); + var start = toDate2(interval.start); + var end = toDate2(interval.end); + if (isNaN(start.getTime())) + throw new RangeError("Start Date is invalid"); + if (isNaN(end.getTime())) + throw new RangeError("End Date is invalid"); + var duration = {}; + duration.years = Math.abs(differenceInYears(end, start)); + var sign = compareAsc(end, start); + var remainingMonths = add2(start, { + years: sign * duration.years + }); + duration.months = Math.abs(differenceInMonths(end, remainingMonths)); + var remainingDays = add2(remainingMonths, { + months: sign * duration.months + }); + duration.days = Math.abs(differenceInDays(end, remainingDays)); + var remainingHours = add2(remainingDays, { + days: sign * duration.days + }); + duration.hours = Math.abs(differenceInHours(end, remainingHours)); + var remainingMinutes = add2(remainingHours, { + hours: sign * duration.hours + }); + duration.minutes = Math.abs(differenceInMinutes(end, remainingMinutes)); + var remainingSeconds = add2(remainingMinutes, { + minutes: sign * duration.minutes + }); + duration.seconds = Math.abs(differenceInSeconds(end, remainingSeconds)); + return duration; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/subDays/index.js +function subDays(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var amount = toInteger2(dirtyAmount); + return addDays(dirtyDate, -amount); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/setMonth/index.js +function setMonth(dirtyDate, dirtyMonth) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var month = toInteger2(dirtyMonth); + var year = date.getFullYear(); + var day = date.getDate(); + var dateWithDesiredMonth = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(0); + dateWithDesiredMonth.setFullYear(year, month, 15); + dateWithDesiredMonth.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); + var daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth(dateWithDesiredMonth); + date.setMonth(month, Math.min(day, daysInMonth)); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/setDate/index.js +function setDate(dirtyDate, dirtyDayOfMonth) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var dayOfMonth = toInteger2(dirtyDayOfMonth); + date.setDate(dayOfMonth); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/setHours/index.js +function setHours(dirtyDate, dirtyHours) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var hours = toInteger2(dirtyHours); + date.setHours(hours); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/setYear/index.js +function setYear(dirtyDate, dirtyYear) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var date = toDate2(dirtyDate); + var year = toInteger2(dirtyYear); + if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + } + date.setFullYear(year); + return date; +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/subMonths/index.js +function subMonths(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + var amount = toInteger2(dirtyAmount); + return addMonths(dirtyDate, -amount); +} + +// ../../node_modules/.pnpm/date-fns@2.29.3/node_modules/date-fns/esm/sub/index.js +function _typeof37(obj) { + "@babel/helpers - typeof"; + if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { + _typeof37 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return typeof obj2; + }; + } else { + _typeof37 = function _typeof38(obj2) { + return obj2 && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj2.constructor === Symbol && obj2 !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj2; + }; + } + return _typeof37(obj); +} +function sub(date, duration) { + requiredArgs2(2, arguments); + if (!duration || _typeof37(duration) !== "object") + return /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); + var years = duration.years ? toInteger2(duration.years) : 0; + var months = duration.months ? toInteger2(duration.months) : 0; + var weeks = duration.weeks ? toInteger2(duration.weeks) : 0; + var days = duration.days ? toInteger2(duration.days) : 0; + var hours = duration.hours ? toInteger2(duration.hours) : 0; + var minutes = duration.minutes ? toInteger2(duration.minutes) : 0; + var seconds = duration.seconds ? toInteger2(duration.seconds) : 0; + var dateWithoutMonths = subMonths(date, months + years * 12); + var dateWithoutDays = subDays(dateWithoutMonths, days + weeks * 7); + var minutestoSub = minutes + hours * 60; + var secondstoSub = seconds + minutestoSub * 60; + var mstoSub = secondstoSub * 1e3; + var finalDate = new Date(dateWithoutDays.getTime() - mstoSub); + return finalDate; +} + +// src/components/Transactions/views.tsx +init_preact_module(); + +// src/components/Time.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function Time({ + timestamp, + relative, + format: formatString +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2, dateLocale } = useTranslationContext(); + if (!timestamp) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + if (timestamp.t_ms === "never") { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("time", null, i18n2.str`never`); + } + const now =; + const diff = AbsoluteTime.difference(now, timestamp); + if (relative && now.t_ms !== "never" && Duration.cmp(diff, relative) === -1) { + const d5 = intervalToDuration({ + start: now.t_ms, + end: timestamp.t_ms + }); + d5.seconds = 0; + const duration = formatDuration(d5, { locale: dateLocale }); + const isFuture = AbsoluteTime.cmp(now, timestamp) < 0; + if (isFuture) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("time", { dateTime: formatISO(timestamp.t_ms) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "in ", duration)); + } else { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("time", { dateTime: formatISO(timestamp.t_ms) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, duration, " ago")); + } + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("time", { dateTime: formatISO(timestamp.t_ms) }, format(timestamp.t_ms, formatString, { locale: dateLocale })); +} + +// src/components/Transactions/views.tsx +function ReadyView({ + transactions, + routeCreateWireTransfer, + onGoNext, + onGoStart +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2, dateLocale } = useTranslationContext(); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + if (!transactions.length) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex sm:items-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex-auto" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transactions history")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "low", title: i18n2.str`No transactions yet.` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "You can start sending a wire transfer or withdrawing to your wallet."))); + } + const txByDate = transactions.reduce( + (prev, cur) => { + const d5 = cur.when.t_ms === "never" ? "" : format(cur.when.t_ms, "dd/MM/yyyy", { locale: dateLocale }); + if (!prev[d5]) { + prev[d5] = []; + } + prev[d5].push(cur); + return prev; + }, + {} + ); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex sm:items-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex-auto" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transactions history")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "-mx-4 mt-5 ring-1 ring-gray-300 sm:mx-0 rounded-lg min-w-fit bg-white" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "min-w-full divide-y divide-gray-300" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 " + }, + i18n2.str`Date` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "hidden sm:table-cell pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 " + }, + i18n2.str`Amount` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "hidden sm:table-cell pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 " + }, + i18n2.str`Counterpart` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "hidden sm:table-cell pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 " + }, + i18n2.str`Subject` + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, Object.entries(txByDate).map(([date, txs], idx) => { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, { key: idx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { class: "border-t border-gray-200" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + colSpan: 4, + scope: "colgroup", + class: "bg-gray-50 py-2 pl-4 pr-3 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 sm:pl-3" + }, + date + )), => { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "tr", + { + key: idx, + class: "border-b border-gray-200 last:border-none" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "relative py-2 pl-2 pr-2 text-sm " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "font-medium text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Time, + { + format: "HH:mm:ss", + timestamp: item.when + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "font-normal sm:hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "sr-only sm:hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 truncate text-gray-700" }, item.negative ? i18n2.str`sent` : i18n2.str`received`, " ", item.amount ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "data-negative": item.negative ? "true" : "false", + class: "data-[negative=false]:text-green-600 data-[negative=true]:text-red-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: item.amount, + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ) + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { style: { color: "grey" } }, "<", i18n2.str`Invalid value`, ">")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "sr-only sm:hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Counterpart")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 truncate text-gray-500 sm:hidden" }, item.negative ? i18n2.str`to` : i18n2.str`from`, " ", !routeCreateWireTransfer ? item.counterpart : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: `transfer to ${item.counterpart}`, + href: routeCreateWireTransfer.url({ + account: item.counterpart + }), + class: "text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-900" + }, + item.counterpart + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-gray-500 sm:hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("pre", { class: "break-words w-56 whitespace-break-spaces p-2 rounded-md mx-auto my-2 bg-gray-100" }, item.subject)))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "td", + { + "data-negative": item.negative ? "true" : "false", + class: "hidden sm:table-cell px-3 py-3.5 text-sm text-gray-500 " + }, + item.amount ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: item.amount, + negative: item.negative, + withColor: true, + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { style: { color: "grey" } }, "<", i18n2.str`Invalid value`, ">") + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "hidden sm:table-cell px-3 py-3.5 text-sm text-gray-500" }, !routeCreateWireTransfer ? item.counterpart : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: `wire transfer to ${item.counterpart}`, + href: routeCreateWireTransfer.url({ + account: item.counterpart + }), + class: "text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-900" + }, + item.counterpart + )), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "hidden sm:table-cell px-3 py-3.5 text-sm text-gray-500 break-all min-w-md" }, item.subject) + ); + })); + }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "nav", + { + class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t border-gray-200 bg-white px-4 py-3 sm:px-6 rounded-lg", + "aria-label": "Pagination" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex flex-1 justify-between sm:justify-end" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + name: "first page", + class: "relative disabled:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray-500 inline-flex items-center rounded-md bg-white px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus-visible:outline-offset-0", + disabled: !onGoStart, + onClick: onGoStart + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "First page") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + name: "next page", + class: "relative disabled:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray-500 ml-3 inline-flex items-center rounded-md bg-white px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus-visible:outline-offset-0", + disabled: !onGoNext, + onClick: onGoNext + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Next") + )) + ))); +} + +// src/components/Transactions/index.ts +var viewMapping = { + loading: Loading, + "loading-error": ErrorLoadingWithDebug, + ready: ReadyView +}; +var Transactions = utils_exports.compose( + (p4) => useComponentState2(p4), + viewMapping +); + +// src/pages/PaymentOptions.tsx +init_preact_module(); + +// src/pages/WalletWithdrawForm.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_compat_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/pages/OperationState/state.ts +init_hooks_module(); +function useComponentState3({ + currency, + routeClose, + onAbort, + routeHere, + onAuthorizationRequired +}) { + const [settings] = usePreferences(); + const [bankState, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [failure2, setFailure] = p3(); + const amount = settings.maxWithdrawalAmount; + async function doSilentStart() { + const parsedAmount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(`${currency}:${amount}`); + if (!creds) + return; + const resp = await api.createWithdrawal(creds, { + amount: Amounts.stringify(parsedAmount) + }); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + setFailure(resp); + return; + } + updateBankState("currentWithdrawalOperationId", resp.body.withdrawal_id); + } + const withdrawalOperationId = bankState.currentWithdrawalOperationId; + h2(() => { + if (withdrawalOperationId === void 0) { + doSilentStart(); + } + }, [settings.fastWithdrawal, amount]); + if (failure2) { + return { + status: "failed", + error: failure2 + }; + } + if (!withdrawalOperationId) { + return { + status: "loading", + error: void 0 + }; + } + const wid = withdrawalOperationId; + async function doAbort() { + if (!creds) + return; + const resp = await api.abortWithdrawalById(creds, wid); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + onAbort(); + } else { + return resp; + } + } + async function doConfirm() { + if (!creds) + return; + const resp = await api.confirmWithdrawalById(creds, wid); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + mutate(() => true); + } else { + return resp; + } + } + const uri = stringifyWithdrawUri({ + bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: api.getIntegrationAPI().baseUrl, + withdrawalOperationId + }); + const parsedUri = parseWithdrawUri(uri); + if (!parsedUri) { + return { + status: "invalid-withdrawal", + error: void 0, + uri + }; + } + return () => { + const result = useWithdrawalDetails(withdrawalOperationId); + const shouldCreateNewOperation = result && !(result instanceof TalerError); + h2(() => { + if (shouldCreateNewOperation) { + doSilentStart(); + } + }, []); + if (!result) { + return { + status: "loading", + error: void 0 + }; + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return { + status: "loading-error", + error: result + }; + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: { + return { + status: "aborted", + error: void 0, + routeClose + }; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(result); + } + } + const { body: data } = result; + if (data.status === "aborted") { + return { + status: "aborted", + error: void 0, + routeClose + }; + } + if (data.status === "confirmed") { + if (!settings.showWithdrawalSuccess) { + updateBankState("currentWithdrawalOperationId", void 0); + } + return { + status: "confirmed", + error: void 0, + routeClose + }; + } + if (data.status === "pending") { + return { + status: "ready", + error: void 0, + uri: parsedUri, + routeClose, + onAbort: !creds ? async () => { + onAbort(); + return void 0; + } : doAbort + }; + } + if (!data.selected_reserve_pub) { + return { + status: "invalid-reserve", + error: void 0, + reserve: data.selected_reserve_pub + }; + } + const account = !data.selected_exchange_account ? void 0 : parsePaytoUri(data.selected_exchange_account); + if (!account) { + return { + status: "invalid-payto", + error: void 0, + payto: data.selected_exchange_account + }; + } + return { + status: "need-confirmation", + error: void 0, + routeHere, + onAuthorizationRequired, + account: data.username, + id: withdrawalOperationId, + onAbort: !creds ? void 0 : doAbort, + onConfirm: !creds ? void 0 : doConfirm + }; + }; +} + +// src/pages/OperationState/views.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/components/QR.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +var import_qrcode_generator = __toESM(require_qrcode(), 1); +function QR({ text }) { + const divRef = _2(null); + h2(() => { + const qr = (0, import_qrcode_generator.default)(0, "L"); + qr.addData(text); + qr.make(); + if (divRef.current) + divRef.current.innerHTML = qr.createSvgTag({ + scalable: true + }); + }); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "div", + { + style: { + display: "flex", + flexDirection: "column", + alignItems: "left" + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "div", + { + style: { + width: "100%", + marginRight: "auto", + marginLeft: "auto" + }, + ref: divRef + } + ) + ); +} + +// src/pages/WithdrawalConfirmationQuestion.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function WithdrawalConfirmationQuestion({ + onAborted, + details, + onAuthorizationRequired, + routeHere, + withdrawUri +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [settings] = usePreferences(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials; + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const { config, api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + async function doTransfer() { + await handleError(async () => { + if (!creds) + return; + const resp = await api.confirmWithdrawalById( + creds, + withdrawUri.withdrawalOperationId + ); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + mutate(() => true); + if (!settings.showWithdrawalSuccess) { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Wire transfer completed!`); + } + } else { + switch ( { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The withdrawal has been aborted previously and can't be confirmed`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The withdrawal operation can't be confirmed before a wallet accepted the transaction.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation id is invalid.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Your balance is not enough for the operation.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: "confirm-withdrawal", + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + location: routeHere.url({ wopid: withdrawUri.withdrawalOperationId }), + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + request: withdrawUri.withdrawalOperationId + }); + return onAuthorizationRequired(); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + async function doCancel() { + await handleError(async () => { + if (!creds) + return; + const resp = await api.abortWithdrawalById( + creds, + withdrawUri.withdrawalOperationId + ); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + onAborted(); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted` + }); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation id is invalid.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + default: { + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + } + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow sm:rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h3", { class: "text-base font-semibold text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm the withdrawal operation")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-3 text-sm leading-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ShouldBeSameUser, { username: details.username }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-2 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "w-full" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0 text-sm" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Wire transfer details"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-6 border-t border-gray-100" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "divide-y divide-gray-100" }, (() => { + switch (details.account.targetType) { + case "iban": { + const p4 = details.account; + const name = p4.params["receiver-name"]; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payment provider's account number")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, p4.iban)), name && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payment provider's name")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, name))); + } + case "x-taler-bank": { + const p4 = details.account; + const name = p4.params["receiver-name"]; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payment provider's account id")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, p4.account)), name && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payment provider's name")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, name))); + } + default: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payment provider's account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, details.account.targetPath)); + } + })(), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: details.amount, + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ))))))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + onClick: doCancel + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "transfer", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doTransfer(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transfer") + )) + ))))))); +} +function ShouldBeSameUser({ + username, + children +}) { + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + if (credentials.status === "loggedOut") { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "info", title: i18n2.str`Authentication required` }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: username, fixedUser: true })); + } + if (credentials.username !== username) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "warning", + title: i18n2.str`This operation was created with other username` + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: username, fixedUser: true })); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, children); +} + +// src/context/wallet-integration.ts +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function createHeadMetaTag(uri, onNotFound) { + const meta = document.createElement("meta"); + meta.setAttribute("name", "taler-uri"); + meta.setAttribute("content", stringifyTalerUri(uri)); + document.head.appendChild(meta); + let walletFound = false; + window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { + walletFound = true; + }); + setTimeout(() => { + if (!walletFound && onNotFound) { + onNotFound(); + } + }, 10); +} +var Context5 = B(void 0); +var useTalerWalletIntegrationAPI = () => q2(Context5); +var TalerWalletIntegrationBrowserProvider = ({ + children +}) => { + const value = { + publishTalerAction: createHeadMetaTag + }; + return h(Context5.Provider, { + value, + children + }); +}; + +// src/pages/OperationState/views.tsx +function InvalidPaytoView({ payto }) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, 'Payto from server is not valid "', payto, '"'); +} +function InvalidWithdrawalView({ uri }) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, 'Withdrawal uri from server is not valid "', uri, '"'); +} +function InvalidReserveView({ reserve }) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, 'Reserve from server is not valid "', reserve, '"'); +} +function NeedConfirmationView({ + onAbort: doAbort, + onConfirm: doConfirm, + routeHere, + account, + id, + onAuthorizationRequired +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [settings] = usePreferences(); + const [notification, notify2, errorHandler] = useLocalNotification(); + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + async function onCancel() { + errorHandler(async () => { + if (!doAbort) + return; + const resp = await doAbort(); + if (!resp) + return; + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation id is invalid.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + }); + } + async function onConfirm() { + errorHandler(async () => { + if (!doConfirm) + return; + const resp = await doConfirm(); + if (!resp) { + if (!settings.showWithdrawalSuccess) { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Wire transfer completed!`); + } + return; + } + switch ( { + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_ABORT_CONFLICT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The withdrawal has been aborted previously and can't be confirmed`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The withdrawal operation can't be confirmed before a wallet accepted the transaction.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation id is invalid.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Your balance is not enough.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: "confirm-withdrawal", + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + location: routeHere.url({ wopid: id }), + request: id + }); + return onAuthorizationRequired(); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow sm:rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h3", { class: "text-base font-semibold text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm the withdrawal operation")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-3 text-sm leading-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ShouldBeSameUser, { username: account }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + onCancel(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "transfer", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + onConfirm(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transfer") + )) + ))))); +} +function FailedView({ error: error2 }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`Unauthorized to make the operation, maybe the session has expired or the password changed.` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-red-700" }, error2.detail.hint) + ); + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds.` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-red-700" }, error2.detail.hint) + ); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds.` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-red-700" }, error2.detail.hint) + ); + default: + assertUnreachable(error2); + } +} +function AbortedView() { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, "aborted"); +} +function ConfirmedView({ routeClose }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [settings, updateSettings] = usePreferences(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative ml-auto mr-auto transform overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white p-4 text-left shadow-xl transition-all " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mx-auto flex h-12 w-12 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-green-100" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "h-6 w-6 text-green-600", + fill: "none", + viewBox: "0 0 24 24", + "stroke-width": "1.5", + stroke: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "stroke-linecap": "round", + "stroke-linejoin": "round", + d: "M4.5 12.75l6 6 9-13.5" + } + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-3 text-center sm:mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "h3", + { + class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + id: "modal-title" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Withdrawal confirmed") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "The wire transfer to the Taler operator has been initiated. You will soon receive the requested amount in your Taler wallet."))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Do not show this again") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "toggle withdrawal", + "data-enabled": !settings.showWithdrawalSuccess, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + updateSettings( + "showWithdrawalSuccess", + !settings.showWithdrawalSuccess + ); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": !settings.showWithdrawalSuccess, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:mt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + type: "button", + name: "close", + class: "inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close") + ))); +} +function ReadyView2({ + uri, + onAbort: doAbort +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const walletInegrationApi = useTalerWalletIntegrationAPI(); + const [notification, notify2, errorHandler] = useLocalNotification(); + const talerWithdrawUri = stringifyWithdrawUri(uri); + h2(() => { + walletInegrationApi.publishTalerAction(uri); + }, []); + async function onAbort() { + errorHandler(async () => { + const hasError = await doAbort(); + if (!hasError) + return; + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted`, + description: hasError.detail.hint, + debug: hasError.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation id is invalid.`, + description: hasError.detail.hint, + debug: hasError.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was not found.`, + description: hasError.detail.hint, + debug: hasError.detail + }); + default: + assertUnreachable(hasError); + } + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-end mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "cancel", + class: "inline-flex items-center rounded-md bg-red-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-red-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-red-500", + onClick: onAbort + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow sm:rounded-lg mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "p-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h3", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "On this device")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 sm:flex sm:items-start sm:justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "If you are using a web browser on desktop you can also"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:ml-6 sm:mt-0 sm:flex sm:flex-shrink-0 sm:items-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: talerWithdrawUri, + name: "start", + class: "inline-flex items-center disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Start") + ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow sm:rounded-lg mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "p-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h3", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "On a mobile phone")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 sm:flex sm:items-start sm:justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Scan the QR code with your mobile device.")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 max-w-md ml-auto mr-auto" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(QR, { text: talerWithdrawUri }))))); +} + +// src/pages/OperationState/index.ts +var viewMapping2 = { + loading: Loading, + failed: FailedView, + "invalid-payto": InvalidPaytoView, + "invalid-withdrawal": InvalidWithdrawalView, + "invalid-reserve": InvalidReserveView, + "need-confirmation": NeedConfirmationView, + aborted: AbortedView, + confirmed: ConfirmedView, + "loading-error": ErrorLoadingWithDebug, + ready: ReadyView2 +}; +var OperationState = utils_exports.compose( + (p4) => useComponentState3(p4), + viewMapping2 +); + +// src/pages/WalletWithdrawForm.tsx +var RefAmount = k3(InputAmount); +function OldWithdrawalForm({ + onOperationCreated, + limit, + routeCancel, + focus, + routeOperationDetails +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [settings] = usePreferences(); + const [bankState, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials; + const [amountStr, setAmountStr] = p3( + `${settings.maxWithdrawalAmount}` + ); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + if (bankState.currentWithdrawalOperationId) { + const url = routeOperationDetails.url({ + wopid: bankState.currentWithdrawalOperationId + }); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "warning", title: i18n2.str`There is an operation already`, onClose: () => { + updateBankState("currentWithdrawalOperationId", void 0); + } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { ref: focus ? doAutoFocus : void 0 }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Complete the operation in"), " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + class: "font-semibold text-yellow-700 hover:text-yellow-600", + name: "complete operation", + href: url + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "this page") + )); + } + const trimmedAmountStr = amountStr?.trim(); + const parsedAmount = trimmedAmountStr ? Amounts.parse(`${limit.currency}:${trimmedAmountStr}`) : void 0; + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + amount: trimmedAmountStr == null ? i18n2.str`Required` : !parsedAmount ? i18n2.str`Invalid` : Amounts.cmp(limit, parsedAmount) === -1 ? i18n2.str`Balance is not enough` : void 0 + }); + async function doStart() { + if (!parsedAmount || !creds) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + const resp = await api.createWithdrawal(creds, { + amount: Amounts.stringify(parsedAmount) + }); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + const uri = parseWithdrawUri(resp.body.taler_withdraw_uri); + if (!uri) { + return notifyError( + i18n2.str`Server responded with an invalid withdraw URI`, + i18n2.str`Withdraw URI: ${resp.body.taler_withdraw_uri}` + ); + } else { + updateBankState( + "currentWithdrawalOperationId", + uri.withdrawalOperationId + ); + onOperationCreated(uri.withdrawalOperationId); + } + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: { + notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + break; + } + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: { + notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + break; + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: { + notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Account not found`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + break; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2 mt-4", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-6 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-xs grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { for: "withdraw-amount" }, i18n2.str`Amount`), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RefAmount, + { + currency: limit.currency, + value: amountStr, + name: "withdraw-amount", + onChange: (v3) => { + setAmountStr(v3); + }, + error: errors2?.amount, + ref: focus ? doAutoFocus : void 0 + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:inline" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set 50", + class: " inline-flex px-6 py-4 text-sm items-center rounded-l-md bg-white text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setAmountStr("50.00"); + } + }, + "50.00" + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set 25", + class: " -ml-px -mr-px inline-flex px-6 py-4 text-sm items-center rounded-r-md sm:rounded-none bg-white text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setAmountStr("25.00"); + } + }, + "25.00" + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-4 sm:inline" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set 10", + class: " -ml-px -mr-px inline-flex px-6 py-4 text-sm items-center rounded-l-md sm:rounded-none bg-white text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setAmountStr("10.00"); + } + }, + "10.00" + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set 5", + class: " inline-flex px-6 py-4 text-sm items-center rounded-r-md bg-white text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setAmountStr("5.00"); + } + }, + "5.00" + )))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeCancel.url({}), + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "continue", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doStart(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Continue") + )) + ); +} +function WalletWithdrawForm({ + focus, + limit, + routeCancel, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onOperationCreated, + onOperationAborted, + routeOperationDetails +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [settings, updateSettings] = usePreferences(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Prepare your Taler wallet")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-1 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "After using your wallet you will need to confirm or cancel the operation on this site."))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "col-span-2" }, settings.showInstallWallet && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + title: i18n2.str`You need a Taler wallet`, + onClose: () => { + updateSettings("showInstallWallet", false); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "If you don't have one yet you can follow the instruction in"), + " ", + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + target: "_blank", + name: "wallet page", + rel: "noreferrer noopener", + class: "font-semibold text-blue-700 hover:text-blue-600", + href: "" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "this page") + ) + ), !settings.fastWithdrawal ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + OldWithdrawalForm, + { + focus, + routeOperationDetails, + limit, + routeCancel, + onOperationCreated + } + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + OperationState, + { + currency: limit.currency, + onAuthorizationRequired, + routeClose: routeCancel, + routeHere: routeOperationDetails, + onAbort: onOperationAborted + } + ))); +} + +// src/pages/PaymentOptions.tsx +init_hooks_module(); +function ShowOperationPendingTag({ + woid, + onOperationAlreadyCompleted +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const result = useWithdrawalDetails(woid); + const loading = !result; + const error2 = !loading && (result instanceof TalerError || result.type === "fail"); + const pending = !loading && !error2 && (result.body.status === "pending" || result.body.status === "selected") && credentials.status === "loggedIn" && credentials.username === result.body.username; + h2(() => { + if (!loading && !pending && onOperationAlreadyCompleted) { + onOperationAlreadyCompleted(); + } + }, [pending]); + if (error2 || !pending) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex items-center gap-x-1.5 w-fit rounded-md bg-green-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium text-green-700 whitespace-pre" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "h-1.5 w-1.5 fill-green-500", + viewBox: "0 0 6 6", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("circle", { cx: "3", cy: "3", r: "3" }) + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Operation ready")); +} +function PaymentOptions({ + routeClose, + routeCashout, + routeChargeWallet, + routeWireTransfer, + tab, + limit, + onOperationCreated, + onClose, + routeOperationDetails, + onAuthorizationRequired +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [bankState, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("fieldset", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("legend", { class: "px-4 text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Send money")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4 grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-6 sm:grid-cols-2 sm:gap-x-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { name: "charge wallet", href: routeChargeWallet.url({}) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "relative flex cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none" + (tab === "charge-wallet" ? "border-indigo-600 ring-2 ring-indigo-600" : "border-gray-300") + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-4xl mr-4 my-auto" }, "\u{1F4B5}"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "grow self-center text-lg text-gray-900 align-middle text-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "to a Taler wallet")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "self-center flex-none h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600", + style: { + visibility: tab === "charge-wallet" ? "visible" : "hidden" + }, + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-1 flex items-center text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Withdraw digital money into your mobile wallet or browser extension")), !!bankState.currentWithdrawalOperationId && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowOperationPendingTag, + { + woid: bankState.currentWithdrawalOperationId, + onOperationAlreadyCompleted: () => { + updateBankState( + "currentWithdrawalOperationId", + void 0 + ); + } + } + )) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { name: "wire transfer", href: routeWireTransfer.url({}) }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "relative flex cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none" + (tab === "wire-transfer" ? "border-indigo-600 ring-2 ring-indigo-600" : "border-gray-300") + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-4xl mr-4 my-auto" }, "\u2194"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "grow self-center text-lg font-medium text-gray-900 align-middle text-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "to another bank account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "self-center flex-none h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600", + style: { + visibility: tab === "wire-transfer" ? "visible" : "hidden" + }, + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-1 flex items-center text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Make a wire transfer to an account with known bank account number."))) + ))), tab === "charge-wallet" && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + WalletWithdrawForm, + { + routeOperationDetails, + focus: true, + limit, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onOperationCreated, + onOperationAborted: onClose, + routeCancel: routeClose + } + ), tab === "wire-transfer" && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + PaytoWireTransferForm, + { + focus: true, + title: i18n2.str`Transfer details`, + routeHere: routeWireTransfer, + limit, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onSuccess: onClose, + routeCashout, + routeCancel: routeClose + } + ))); +} + +// src/pages/AccountPage/views.tsx +function InvalidIbanView({ error: error2 }) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, 'Payto from server is not valid "', error2.payto_uri, '"'); +} +var IS_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_ENABLED = false; +function ShowDemoInfo({ routePublicAccounts }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [settings, updateSettings] = usePreferences(); + if (!settings.showDemoDescription) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + title: i18n2.str`This is a demo bank`, + onClose: () => { + updateSettings("showDemoDescription", false); + } + }, + IS_PUBLIC_ACCOUNT_ENABLED ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work. In addition to using your own bank account, you can also see the transaction history of some", " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("a", { name: "public account", href: routePublicAccounts.url({}) }, "Public Accounts"), ".") : /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work.") + ); +} +function ShowPedingOperation({ routeSolveSecondFactor }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [bankState, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + if (!bankState.currentChallenge) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + const title = ((op) => { + switch (op) { + case "delete-account": + return i18n2.str`Pending account delete operation`; + case "update-account": + return i18n2.str`Pending account update operation`; + case "update-password": + return i18n2.str`Pending password update operation`; + case "create-transaction": + return i18n2.str`Pending transaction operation`; + case "confirm-withdrawal": + return i18n2.str`Pending withdrawal operation`; + case "create-cashout": + return i18n2.str`Pending cashout operation`; + } + })(bankState.currentChallenge.operation); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + title, + type: "warning", + onClose: () => { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", void 0); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "You can complete or cancel the operation in"), + " ", + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + class: "font-semibold text-yellow-700 hover:text-yellow-600", + name: "complete operation", + href: routeSolveSecondFactor.url({}) + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "this page") + ) + ); +} +function ReadyView3({ + tab, + account, + routeChargeWallet, + routeWireTransfer, + limit, + routeCashout, + routeCreateWireTransfer, + routePublicAccounts, + routeOperationDetails, + routeSolveSecondFactor, + onClose, + routeClose, + onOperationCreated, + onAuthorizationRequired +}) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ShowPedingOperation, { routeSolveSecondFactor }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(ShowDemoInfo, { routePublicAccounts }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + PaymentOptions, + { + tab, + routeOperationDetails, + routeCashout, + routeChargeWallet, + routeWireTransfer, + limit, + routeClose, + onClose, + onOperationCreated, + onAuthorizationRequired + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Transactions, { account, routeCreateWireTransfer })); +} + +// src/pages/AccountPage/index.ts +var viewMapping3 = { + loading: Loading, + login: LoginForm, + "invalid-iban": InvalidIbanView, + "loading-error": ErrorLoadingWithDebug, + ready: ReadyView3 +}; +var AccountPage = utils_exports.compose( + (p4) => useComponentState(p4), + viewMapping3 +); + +// src/pages/BankFrame.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +var GIT_HASH = true ? "f6338c00a2740e3eae1079d6c613b95528020c6f" : void 0; +var VERSION = true ? "0.9.3-dev.29" : void 0; +function BankFrame({ + children, + account, + routeAccountDetails +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const backend = useBackendState(); + const settings = useSettingsContext(); + const [preferences, updatePreferences] = usePreferences(); + const [, , resetBankState] = useBankState(); + const [error2, resetError] = P2(); + h2(() => { + if (error2) { + if (error2 instanceof Error) { + console.log("Internal error, please report", error2); + notifyException(i18n2.str`Internal error, please report.`, error2); + } else { + console.log("Internal error, please report", error2); + notifyError( + i18n2.str`Internal error, please report.`, + String(error2) + ); + } + resetError(); + } + }, [error2]); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "div", + { + class: "min-h-full flex flex-col m-0 bg-slate-200", + style: "min-height: 100vh;" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-indigo-600 pb-32" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Header, + { + title: "Bank", + iconLinkURL: settings.iconLinkURL ?? "#", + profileURL: routeAccountDetails?.url({}), + onLogout: backend.state.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : () => { + backend.logOut(); + resetBankState(); + }, + sites: !settings.topNavSites ? [] : Object.entries(settings.topNavSites), + supportedLangs: ["en", "es", "de"] + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-xs font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-400" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Preferences")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { role: "list", class: "space-y-1" }, getAllBooleanPreferences().map((set) => { + const isOn = !!preferences[set]; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("li", { key: set, class: "mt-2 pl-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + getLabelForPreferences(set, i18n2) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `${set} switch`, + "data-enabled": isOn, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + updatePreferences(set, !isOn); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": isOn, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))); + }))) + )), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "fixed z-20 w-full" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mx-auto w-4/5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(ToastBanner, null))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("main", { class: "-mt-32 flex-1" }, account && routeAccountDetails && /* @__PURE__ */ h("header", { class: "py-5 bg-indigo-600 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mx-auto max-w-7xl px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: " flex flex-wrap items-center justify-between sm:flex-nowrap" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight text-white" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(WelcomeAccount, { account, routeAccountDetails })), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "text-2xl font-bold tracking-tight text-white" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(AccountBalance, { account }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mx-auto max-w-7xl px-4 pb-12 sm:px-6 lg:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "rounded-lg bg-white px-5 py-6 shadow sm:px-6" }, children))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Footer, + { + testingUrlKey: "corebank-api-base-url", + GIT_HASH, + VERSION + } + ) + ); +} +function WelcomeAccount({ account, routeAccountDetails }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const result = useAccountDetails(account); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null); + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "account details", + href: routeAccountDetails.url({}), + class: "underline underline-offset-2" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Welcome") + ); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "account details", + href: routeAccountDetails.url({}), + class: "underline underline-offset-2" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Welcome, ", /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "whitespace-nowrap" }, + ); +} +function AccountBalance({ account }) { + const result = useAccountDetails(account); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null); + } + if (result.type === "fail") + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(result.body.balance.amount), + negative: result.body.balance.credit_debit_indicator === "debit", + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ); +} + +// src/pages/DownloadStats.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/pages/admin/AdminHome.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/pages/WireTransfer.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function WireTransfer({ + toAccount, + withSubject, + withAmount, + onAuthorizationRequired, + routeCancel, + routeHere, + onSuccess +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const r3 = useBackendState(); + const account = r3.state.status !== "loggedOut" ? r3.state.username : "admin"; + const result = useAccountDetails(account); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: result }); + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: account }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: account }); + default: + assertUnreachable(result); + } + } + const { body: data } = result; + const balance = Amounts.parseOrThrow(data.balance.amount); + const balanceIsDebit = data.balance.credit_debit_indicator == "debit"; + const debitThreshold = Amounts.parseOrThrow(data.debit_threshold); + const limit = balanceIsDebit ? Amounts.sub(debitThreshold, balance).amount : Amounts.add(balance, debitThreshold).amount; + if (!balance) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + PaytoWireTransferForm, + { + title: i18n2.str`Make a wire transfer`, + withAccount: toAccount, + withAmount, + withSubject, + routeHere, + limit, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onSuccess: () => { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Wire transfer created!`); + if (onSuccess) + onSuccess(); + }, + routeCancel + } + ); +} + +// src/pages/admin/AccountList.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function AccountList({ + routeCreate, + routeRemoveAccount, + routeShowAccount, + routeShowCashoutsAccount, + routeUpdatePasswordAccount +}) { + const result = useBusinessAccounts(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: result }); + } + if ( === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + default: + assertUnreachable(; + } + } + const onGoStart = result.isFirstPage ? void 0 : result.loadFirst; + const onGoNext = result.isLastPage ? void 0 : result.loadNext; + const accounts = result.result; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8 mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex sm:items-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex-auto" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Accounts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-700" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "A list of all bank accounts."))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-4 sm:ml-16 sm:mt-0 sm:flex-none" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeCreate.url({}), + name: "create account", + type: "button", + class: "block rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-center text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Create account") + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-8 flow-root" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "-mx-4 -my-2 overflow-x-auto sm:-mx-6 lg:-mx-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "inline-block min-w-full py-2 align-middle sm:px-6 lg:px-8" }, !accounts.length ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "min-w-full divide-y divide-gray-300" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "py-3.5 pl-4 pr-3 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 sm:pl-0" + }, + i18n2.str`Username` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "px-3 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Name` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "px-3 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Balance` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("th", { scope: "col", class: "relative py-3.5 pl-3 pr-4 sm:pr-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, i18n2.str`Actions`)))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", { class: "divide-y divide-gray-200" },, idx) => { + const balance = !item.balance ? void 0 : Amounts.parse(item.balance.amount); + const noBalance = Amounts.isZero(item.balance.amount); + const balanceIsDebit = item.balance && item.balance.credit_debit_indicator == "debit"; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { key: idx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "whitespace-nowrap py-4 pl-4 pr-3 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 sm:pl-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: `show account ${item.username}`, + href: routeShowAccount.url({ + account: item.username + }), + class: "text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-900" + }, + item.username + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-500" },, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "td", + { + "data-negative": noBalance ? void 0 : balanceIsDebit ? "true" : "false", + class: "whitespace-nowrap px-3 py-4 text-sm text-gray-500 data-[negative=false]:text-green-600 data-[negative=true]:text-red-600 " + }, + !balance ? i18n2.str`Unknown` : /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "amount" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: balance, + negative: balanceIsDebit, + spec: config.currency_specification + } + )) + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "relative whitespace-nowrap py-4 pl-3 pr-4 text-right text-sm font-medium sm:pr-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: `update password ${item.username}`, + href: routeUpdatePasswordAccount.url({ + account: item.username + }), + class: "text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Change password") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("br", null), noBalance ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: `remove account ${item.username}`, + href: routeRemoveAccount.url({ + account: item.username + }), + class: "text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Remove") + ) : void 0)); + })))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "nav", + { + class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t border-gray-200 bg-white px-4 py-3 sm:px-6 rounded-lg", + "aria-label": "Pagination" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex flex-1 justify-between sm:justify-end" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + name: "first page", + class: "relative disabled:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray-500 inline-flex items-center rounded-md bg-white px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus-visible:outline-offset-0", + disabled: !onGoStart, + onClick: onGoStart + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "First page") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + name: "next page", + class: "relative disabled:bg-gray-100 disabled:text-gray-500 ml-3 inline-flex items-center rounded-md bg-white px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus-visible:outline-offset-0", + disabled: !onGoNext, + onClick: onGoNext + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Next") + )) + ))))); +} + +// src/pages/admin/AdminHome.tsx +function AdminHome({ + routeCreate, + routeRemoveAccount, + routeShowAccount, + routeShowCashoutsAccount, + routeUpdatePasswordAccount, + routeDownloadStats, + routeCreateWireTransfer, + onAuthorizationRequired +}) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Metrics, { routeDownloadStats }), /* @__PURE__ */ h(WireTransfer, { routeHere: routeCreateWireTransfer, onAuthorizationRequired }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Transactions, + { + account: "admin", + routeCreateWireTransfer + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + AccountList, + { + routeCreate, + routeRemoveAccount, + routeShowAccount, + routeShowCashoutsAccount, + routeUpdatePasswordAccount + } + )); +} +function getDateForTimeframe(which, timeframe, locale6) { + const time =; + switch (timeframe) { + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour: + return `${format(setHours(time, which), "HH", { locale: locale6 })}hs`; + case + return format(setDate(time, which), "EEEE", { locale: locale6 }); + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month: + return format(setMonth(time, which), "MMMM", { locale: locale6 }); + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year: + return format(setYear(time, which), "yyyy", { locale: locale6 }); + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.decade: + return format(setYear(time, which), "yyyy", { locale: locale6 }); + } + assertUnreachable(timeframe); +} +function getTimeframesForDate(time, timeframe) { + switch (timeframe) { + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour: + return { + current: getHours(sub(time, { hours: 1 })), + previous: getHours(sub(time, { hours: 2 })) + }; + case + return { + current: getDate(sub(time, { days: 1 })), + previous: getDate(sub(time, { days: 2 })) + }; + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month: + return { + current: getMonth(sub(time, { months: 1 })), + previous: getMonth(sub(time, { months: 2 })) + }; + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year: + return { + current: getYear(sub(time, { years: 1 })), + previous: getYear(sub(time, { years: 2 })) + }; + case TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.decade: + return { + current: getYear(sub(time, { years: 10 })), + previous: getYear(sub(time, { years: 20 })) + }; + default: + assertUnreachable(timeframe); + } +} +function Metrics({ + routeDownloadStats +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2, dateLocale } = useTranslationContext(); + const [metricType, setMetricType] = p3( + TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour + ); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const respInfo = useConversionInfo(); + const params = getTimeframesForDate(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), metricType); + const resp = useLastMonitorInfo(params.current, params.previous, metricType); + if (!resp) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + if (resp instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: resp }); + } + if (!respInfo) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + if (respInfo instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: respInfo }); + } + if (respInfo.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "danger", title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout should be enable by configuration and the conversion rate should be initialized with fee, ratio and rounding mode.")); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(; + } + } + if (resp.current.type !== "ok" || resp.previous.type !== "ok") { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { for: "tabs", class: "sr-only" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Select a section")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "select", + { + id: "tabs", + name: "tabs", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-500 focus:ring-indigo-500", + onChange: (e4) => { + setMetricType( + e4.currentTarget.value + ); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "option", + { + value: TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour, + selected: metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Last hour") + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "option", + { + value:, + selected: metricType == + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Previous day") + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "option", + { + value: TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month, + selected: metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Last month") + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "option", + { + value: TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year, + selected: metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Last year") + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hidden sm:block" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "nav", + { + class: "isolate flex divide-x divide-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow", + "aria-label": "Tabs" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set last hour", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setMetricType(TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour); + }, + "data-selected": metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour, + class: "rounded-l-lg text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Last hour")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour, + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set previous day", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setMetricType(; + }, + "data-selected": metricType ==, + class: " text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Previous day")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": metricType ==, + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set last month", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setMetricType(TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month); + }, + "data-selected": metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month, + class: "rounded-r-lg text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Last month")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month, + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set last year", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + setMetricType(TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year); + }, + "data-selected": metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year, + class: "rounded-r-lg text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Last Year")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": metricType == TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year, + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "w-full flex justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900 mt-5" }, i18n2.str`Trading volume on ${getDateForTimeframe( + params.current, + metricType, + dateLocale + )} compared to ${getDateForTimeframe( + params.previous, + metricType, + dateLocale + )}`)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "mt-5 grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 divide-y divide-gray-200 overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white shadow-lg md:divide-x md:divide-y-0" }, resp.current.body.type !== "with-conversions" || resp.previous.body.type !== "with-conversions" ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-base font-normal text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashin"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-xs text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transferred from an external account to an account in this bank."))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + MetricValue, + { + current: resp.current.body.cashinFiatVolume, + previous: resp.previous.body.cashinFiatVolume, + spec: respInfo.body.fiat_currency_specification + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-base font-normal text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-xs text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transferred from an account in this bank to an external account.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + MetricValue, + { + current: resp.current.body.cashoutFiatVolume, + previous: resp.previous.body.cashoutFiatVolume, + spec: respInfo.body.fiat_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-base font-normal text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payin"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-xs text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transferred from an account to a Taler exchange."))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + MetricValue, + { + current: resp.current.body.talerInVolume, + previous: resp.previous.body.talerInVolume, + spec: config.currency_specification + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-base font-normal text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Payout"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "text-xs text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Transferred from a Taler exchange to another account."))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + MetricValue, + { + current: resp.current.body.talerOutVolume, + previous: resp.previous.body.talerOutVolume, + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-end mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeDownloadStats.url({}), + name: "download stats", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Download stats as CSV") + ))); +} +function MetricValue({ + current, + previous, + spec +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const cmp = current && previous ? Amounts.cmp(current, previous) : 0; + const cv = !current ? void 0 : Amounts.stringifyValue(current); + const currAmount = !cv ? void 0 : Number.parseFloat(cv); + const prevAmount = !previous ? void 0 : Number.parseFloat(Amounts.stringifyValue(previous)); + const rate = !currAmount || Number.isNaN(currAmount) || !prevAmount || Number.isNaN(prevAmount) ? 0 : cmp === -1 ? 1 - Math.round(currAmount) / Math.round(prevAmount) : cmp === 1 ? Math.round(currAmount) / Math.round(prevAmount) - 1 : 0; + const negative = cmp === 0 ? void 0 : cmp === -1; + const rateStr = `${(Math.abs(rate) * 100).toFixed(2)}%`; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 block " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-start text-2xl items-baseline font-semibold text-indigo-600" }, !current ? "-" : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(current), + spec, + hideSmall: true + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-end items-baseline text-2xl font-semibold text-indigo-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("small", { class: "ml-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "from"), " ", !previous ? "-" : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(previous), + spec, + hideSmall: true + } + ))), !!rate && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "data-negative": negative, + class: "flex items-center gap-x-1.5 w-fit rounded-md bg-green-100 text-green-800 data-[negative=true]:bg-red-100 px-2 py-1 text-xs font-medium data-[negative=true]:text-red-700 whitespace-pre" + }, + negative ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + xmlns: "", + fill: "none", + viewBox: "0 0 24 24", + "stroke-width": "1.5", + stroke: "currentColor", + class: "w-6 h-6" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "stroke-linecap": "round", + "stroke-linejoin": "round", + d: "M12 4.5v15m0 0l6.75-6.75M12 19.5l-6.75-6.75" + } + ) + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + xmlns: "", + fill: "none", + viewBox: "0 0 24 24", + "stroke-width": "1.5", + stroke: "currentColor", + class: "w-6 h-6" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "stroke-linecap": "round", + "stroke-linejoin": "round", + d: "M12 19.5v-15m0 0l-6.75 6.75M12 4.5l6.75 6.75" + } + ) + ), + negative ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Decreased by")) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "sr-only" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Increased by")), + rateStr + )))); +} + +// src/pages/DownloadStats.tsx +function DownloadStats({ routeCancel }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" || !credentials.isUserAdministrator ? void 0 : credentials; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [options, setOptions] = p3({ + compareWithPrevious: true, + dayMetric: true, + endOnFirstFail: false, + hourMetric: true, + includeHeader: true, + monthMetric: true, + yearMetric: true + }); + const [lastStep, setLastStep] = p3(); + const [downloaded, setDownloaded] = p3(); + const referenceDates = [/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()]; + const [notification, , handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + if (!creds) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, "only admin can download stats"); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Download bank stats"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-6 sm:p-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Include hour metric") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `hour switch`, + "data-enabled": options.hourMetric, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + setOptions({ + ...options, + hourMetric: !options.hourMetric + }); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": options.hourMetric, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Include day metric") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `day switch`, + "data-enabled": !!options.dayMetric, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + setOptions({ ...options, dayMetric: !options.dayMetric }); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": options.dayMetric, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Include month metric") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `month switch`, + "data-enabled": !!options.monthMetric, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + setOptions({ + ...options, + monthMetric: !options.monthMetric + }); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": options.monthMetric, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Include year metric") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `year switch`, + "data-enabled": !!options.yearMetric, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + setOptions({ + ...options, + yearMetric: !options.yearMetric + }); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": options.yearMetric, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Include table header") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `header switch`, + "data-enabled": !!options.includeHeader, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + setOptions({ + ...options, + includeHeader: !options.includeHeader + }); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": options.includeHeader, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Add previous metric for compare") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `compare switch`, + "data-enabled": !!options.compareWithPrevious, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + setOptions({ + ...options, + compareWithPrevious: !options.compareWithPrevious + }); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": options.compareWithPrevious, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Fail on first error") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: `fail switch`, + "data-enabled": !!options.endOnFirstFail, + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + setOptions({ + ...options, + endOnFirstFail: !options.endOnFirstFail + }); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": options.endOnFirstFail, + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "cancel", + href: routeCancel.url({}), + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "download", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: lastStep !== void 0, + onClick: async () => { + setDownloaded(void 0); + await handleError(async () => { + const csv = await fetchAllStatus( + api, + creds.token, + options, + referenceDates, + (step, total) => { + setLastStep({ step, total }); + } + ); + setDownloaded(csv); + }); + setLastStep(void 0); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Download") + )) + )), !lastStep || lastStep.step === ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "h-5 mb-5" }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative mb-5 h-5 rounded-full bg-gray-200" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "div", + { + class: "h-full animate-pulse rounded-full bg-blue-500", + style: { + width: `${Math.round(lastStep.step / * 100)}%` + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center text-xs font-semibold text-white" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "downloading...", " ", Math.round(lastStep.step / * 100))) + ))), !downloaded ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "h-5 mb-5" }) : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(downloaded), + name: "save file", + download: "bank-stats.csv" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { title: i18n2.str`Download completed` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Click here to save the file in your computer.")) + )); +} +async function fetchAllStatus(api, token, options, references, progress) { + const allMetrics = []; + if (options.hourMetric) { + allMetrics.push(TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.hour); + } + if (options.dayMetric) { + allMetrics.push(; + } + if (options.monthMetric) { + allMetrics.push(TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.month); + } + if (options.yearMetric) { + allMetrics.push(TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam.year); + } + const allFrames = allMetrics.flatMap( + (timeframe) => => ({ + reference, + timeframe, + moment: getTimeframesForDate(reference, timeframe) + })) + ); + const total = allFrames.length; + const allInfo = await allFrames.reduce( + async (prev, frame, index) => { + const accumulatedMap = await prev; + progress(index, total); + const previous = options.compareWithPrevious ? await api.getMonitor(token, { + timeframe: frame.timeframe, + which: frame.moment.previous + }) : void 0; + if (previous && previous.type === "fail" && options.endOnFirstFail) { + throw TalerError.fromUncheckedDetail(previous.detail); + } + const current = await api.getMonitor(token, { + timeframe: frame.timeframe, + which: frame.moment.current + }); + if (current.type === "fail" && options.endOnFirstFail) { + throw TalerError.fromUncheckedDetail(current.detail); + } + const metricName = TalerCorebankApi.MonitorTimeframeParam[allMetrics[index]]; + accumulatedMap[metricName] = { + reference: frame.reference, + current: current.type !== "ok" ? void 0 : current.body, + previous: !previous || previous.type !== "ok" ? void 0 : previous.body + }; + return accumulatedMap; + }, + Promise.resolve({}) + ); + progress(total, total); + const table2 = []; + if (options.includeHeader) { + table2.push([ + "date", + "metric", + "reference", + "talerInCount", + "talerInVolume", + "talerOutCount", + "talerOutVolume", + "cashinCount", + "cashinFiatVolume", + "cashinRegionalVolume", + "cashoutCount", + "cashoutFiatVolume", + "cashoutRegionalVolume" + ]); + } + Object.entries(allInfo).forEach(([name, data]) => { + if (data.current) { + const row = { + date: data.reference.getTime(), + metric: name, + reference: "current", + ...dataToRow(data.current) + }; + table2.push(Object.values(row)); + } + if (data.previous) { + const row = { + date: data.reference.getTime(), + metric: name, + reference: "previous", + ...dataToRow(data.previous) + }; + table2.push(Object.values(row)); + } + }); + const csv = table2.reduce((acc, row) => { + return acc + row.join(",") + "\n"; + }, ""); + return csv; +} +function dataToRow(info) { + return { + talerInCount: info.talerInCount, + talerInVolume: info.talerInVolume, + talerOutCount: info.talerOutCount, + talerOutVolume: info.talerOutVolume, + cashinCount: info.type === "no-conversions" ? void 0 : info.cashinCount, + cashinFiatVolume: info.type === "no-conversions" ? void 0 : info.cashinFiatVolume, + cashinRegionalVolume: info.type === "no-conversions" ? void 0 : info.cashinRegionalVolume, + cashoutCount: info.type === "no-conversions" ? void 0 : info.cashoutCount, + cashoutFiatVolume: info.type === "no-conversions" ? void 0 : info.cashoutFiatVolume, + cashoutRegionalVolume: info.type === "no-conversions" ? void 0 : info.cashoutRegionalVolume + }; +} + +// src/pages/PublicHistoriesPage.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function PublicHistoriesPage() { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const result = usePublicAccounts(void 0); + const firstAccount = result && !(result instanceof TalerError) && > 0 ?[0].username : void 0; + const [showAccount, setShowAccount] = p3(firstAccount); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + const { data } = result; + const txs = {}; + const accountsBar = []; + for (const account of data.public_accounts) { + const isSelected = account.username == showAccount; + accountsBar.push( + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "li", + { + class: isSelected ? "pure-menu-selected pure-menu-item" : "pure-menu-item pure-menu" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: "#", + name: `show account ${account.username}`, + class: "pure-menu-link", + onClick: () => setShowAccount(account.username) + }, + account.username + ) + ) + ); + txs[account.username] = /* @__PURE__ */ h(Transactions, { account: account.username, routeCreateWireTransfer: void 0 }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "nav" }, i18n2.str`History of public accounts`), /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { id: "main" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("article", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "pure-menu pure-menu-horizontal", name: "accountMenu" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("ul", { class: "pure-menu-list" }, accountsBar), typeof showAccount !== "undefined" ? txs[showAccount] : /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, "No public transactions found."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("br", null))))); +} + +// src/pages/RegistrationPage.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + 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"superb", + "superficial", + "superior", + "supportive", + "sure-footed", + "surprised", + "suspicious", + "svelte", + "sweaty", + "sweet", + "sweltering", + "swift", + "sympathetic", + "tall", + "talkative", + "tame", + "tan", + "tangible", + "tart", + "tasty", + "tattered", + "taut", + "tedious", + "teeming", + "tempting", + "tender", + "tense", + "tepid", + "terrible", + "terrific", + "testy", + "thankful", + "that", + "these", + "thick", + "thin", + "third", + "thirsty", + "this", + "thorough", + "thorny", + "those", + "thoughtful", + "threadbare", + "thrifty", + "thunderous", + "tidy", + "tight", + "timely", + "tinted", + "tiny", + "tired", + "torn", + "total", + "tough", + "traumatic", + "treasured", + "tremendous", + "tragic", + "trained", + "tremendous", + "triangular", + "tricky", + "trifling", + "trim", + "trivial", + "troubled", + "true", + "trusting", + "trustworthy", + "trusty", + "truthful", + "tubby", + "turbulent", + "twin", + "ugly", + "ultimate", + "unacceptable", + "unaware", + "uncomfortable", + "uncommon", + "unconscious", + "understated", + "unequaled", + "uneven", + "unfinished", + "unfit", + "unfolded", + "unfortunate", + "unhappy", + "unhealthy", + "uniform", + "unimportant", + "unique", + "united", + "unkempt", + "unknown", + "unlawful", + "unlined", + "unlucky", + "unnatural", + "unpleasant", + "unrealistic", + "unripe", + "unruly", + "unselfish", + "unsightly", + "unsteady", + "unsung", + "untidy", + "untimely", + "untried", + "untrue", + "unused", + "unusual", + "unwelcome", + "unwieldy", + "unwilling", + "unwitting", + "unwritten", + "upbeat", + "upright", + "upset", + "urban", + "usable", + "used", + "useful", + "useless", + "utilized", + "utter", + "vacant", + "vague", + "vain", + "valid", + "valuable", + "vapid", + "variable", + "vast", + "velvety", + "venerated", + "vengeful", + "verifiable", + "vibrant", + "vicious", + "victorious", + "vigilant", + "vigorous", + "villainous", + "violet", + "violent", + "virtual", + "virtuous", + "visible", + "vital", + "vivacious", + "vivid", + "voluminous", + "wan", + "warlike", + "warm", + "warmhearted", + "warped", + "wary", + "wasteful", + "watchful", + "waterlogged", + "watery", + "wavy", + "wealthy", + "weak", + "weary", + "webbed", + "weed", + "weekly", + "weepy", + "weighty", + "weird", + "welcome", + "well-documented", + "well-groomed", + "well-informed", + "well-lit", + "well-made", + "well-off", + "well-to-do", + "well-worn", + "wet", + "which", + "whimsical", + "whirlwind", + "whispered", + "white", + "whole", + "whopping", + "wicked", + "wide", + "wide-eyed", + "wiggly", + "wild", + "willing", + "wilted", + "winding", + "windy", + "winged", + "wiry", + "wise", + "witty", + "wobbly", + "woeful", + "wonderful", + "wooden", + "woozy", + "wordy", + "worldly", + "worn", + "worried", + "worrisome", + "worse", + "worst", + "worthless", + "worthwhile", + "worthy", + "wrathful", + "wretched", + "writhing", + "wrong", + "wry", + "yawning", + "yearly", + "yellow", + "yellowish", + "young", + "youthful", + "yummy", + "zany", + "zealous", + "zesty", + "zigzag" +]; +function getRandomUsername() { + const n2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * noun.length); + const a5 = Math.floor(Math.random() * adj.length); + return { + first: adj[a5], + second: noun[n2] + }; +} +function getRandomPassword() { + return encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(16)); +} + +// src/pages/RegistrationPage.tsx +function RegistrationPage({ + onRegistrationSuccesful, + routeCancel +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + if (!config.allow_registrations) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, i18n2.str`Currently, the bank is not accepting new registrations!`); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RegistrationForm, + { + onRegistrationSuccesful, + routeCancel + } + ); +} +var USERNAME_REGEX2 = /^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$/; +function RegistrationForm({ + onRegistrationSuccesful, + routeCancel +}) { + const [username, setUsername] = p3(); + const [name, setName] = p3(); + const [password, setPassword] = p3(); + const [repeatPassword, setRepeatPassword] = p3(); + const [notification, _3, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const settings = useSettingsContext(); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + name: !name ? i18n2.str`Missing name` : void 0, + username: !username ? i18n2.str`Missing username` : !USERNAME_REGEX2.test(username) ? i18n2.str`Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter` : void 0, + // phone: !phone + // ? undefined + // : !PHONE_REGEX.test(phone) + // ? i18n.str`Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter` + // : undefined, + // email: !email + // ? undefined + // : !EMAIL_REGEX.test(email) + // ? i18n.str`Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter` + // : undefined, + password: !password ? i18n2.str`Missing password` : void 0, + repeatPassword: !repeatPassword ? i18n2.str`Missing password` : repeatPassword !== password ? i18n2.str`Passwords don't match` : void 0 + }); + async function doRegistrationAndLogin(name2, username2, password2, onComplete) { + await handleError(async (onError) => { + const resp = await api.createAccount("", { + name: name2, + username: username2, + password: password2 + }); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + onComplete(); + } else { + onError(resp, (_case) => { + switch (_case) { + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return i18n2.str`Server replied with invalid phone or email.`; + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return i18n2.str`No enough permission to create that account.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return i18n2.str`Registration is disabled because the bank ran out of bonus credit.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT: + return i18n2.str`That username can't be used because is reserved.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_REGISTER_USERNAME_REUSE: + return i18n2.str`That username is already taken.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_REGISTER_PAYTO_URI_REUSE: + return i18n2.str`That account id is already taken.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO: + return i18n2.str`No information for the selected authentication channel.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: + return i18n2.str`Authentication channel is not supported.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT: + return i18n2.str`Only admin is allow to set debt limit.`; + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_SET_TAN_CHANNEL: + return i18n2.str`Only admin can create accounts with second factor authentication.`; + } + }); + } + }); + } + async function doRegistrationStep() { + if (!username || !password || !name) + return; + await doRegistrationAndLogin(name, username, password, () => { + setUsername(void 0); + setPassword(void 0); + setRepeatPassword(void 0); + onRegistrationSuccesful(username, password); + }); + } + async function doRandomRegistration() { + const user = getRandomUsername(); + const password2 = settings.simplePasswordForRandomAccounts ? "123" : getRandomPassword(); + const username2 = `_${user.first}-${user.second}_`; + const name2 = `${capitalizeFirstLetter(user.first)} ${capitalizeFirstLetter( + user.second + )}`; + await doRegistrationAndLogin(name2, username2, password2, () => { + onRegistrationSuccesful(username2, password2); + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex min-h-full flex-col justify-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:mx-auto sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-center text-2xl font-bold leading-9 tracking-tight text-gray-900" }, i18n2.str`Account registration`)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-10 sm:mx-auto sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "space-y-6", + noValidate: true, + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + }, + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "username", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Login username"), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + autoFocus: true, + type: "text", + name: "username", + id: "username", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + value: username ?? "", + enterkeyhint: "next", + placeholder: "account identification to login", + autocomplete: "username", + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + setUsername(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.username, + isDirty: username !== void 0 + } + ))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "password", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Password"), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "password", + name: "password", + id: "password", + autocomplete: "current-password", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + enterkeyhint: "send", + value: password ?? "", + placeholder: "Password", + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + setPassword(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.password, + isDirty: password !== void 0 + } + ))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "register-repeat", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Repeat password"), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "password", + name: "register-repeat", + id: "register-repeat", + autocomplete: "current-password", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + enterkeyhint: "send", + value: repeatPassword ?? "", + placeholder: "Same password", + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + setRepeatPassword(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.repeatPassword, + isDirty: repeatPassword !== void 0 + } + ))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "name", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Full name"), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + autoFocus: true, + type: "text", + name: "name", + id: "name", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + value: name ?? "", + enterkeyhint: "next", + placeholder: "John Doe", + autocomplete: "name", + required: true, + onInput: (e4) => { + setName(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + ))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex w-full justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "cancel", + href: routeCancel.url({}), + class: "ring-1 ring-gray-600 rounded-md bg-white disabled:bg-gray-300 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-black shadow-sm hover:bg-white-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "register", + class: " rounded-md bg-indigo-600 disabled:bg-gray-300 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !!errors2, + onClick: async (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doRegistrationStep(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Register") + )) + ), settings.allowRandomAccountCreation && /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-10 text-center text-sm text-gray-500 border-t" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "create random", + class: "flex mt-4 w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-green-600 px-3 py-1.5 text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-green-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-green-600", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doRandomRegistration(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Create a random temporary user") + ))))); +} +function capitalizeFirstLetter(str) { + return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); +} + +// src/pages/SolveChallengePage.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/pages/WithdrawalQRCode.tsx +init_preact_module(); + +// src/pages/QrCodeSection.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function QrCodeSection({ + withdrawUri, + onAborted +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const walletInegrationApi = useTalerWalletIntegrationAPI(); + const talerWithdrawUri = stringifyWithdrawUri(withdrawUri); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials; + h2(() => { + walletInegrationApi.publishTalerAction(withdrawUri); + }, []); + const [notification, handleError] = useLocalNotificationHandler(); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const onAbortHandler = handleError( + async () => { + if (!creds) + return void 0; + return api.abortWithdrawalById( + creds, + withdrawUri.withdrawalOperationId + ); + }, + onAborted, + (fail) => { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return i18n2.str`The operation id is invalid.`; + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return i18n2.str`The operation was not found.`; + case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: + return i18n2.str`The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted`; + } + } + ); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow-xl sm:rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h3", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "If you have a Taler wallet installed in this device")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-4 mb-4 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "You will see the details of the operation in your wallet including the fees (if applies). If you still don't have one you can install it following instructions in"), " ", /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + class: "font-semibold text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-400", + name: "wallet page", + href: "" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "this page") + ), ".")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 pt-2 mt-2 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Button, + { + type: "button", + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + handler: onAbortHandler + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: talerWithdrawUri, + name: "withdraw", + class: "inline-flex items-center disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Withdraw") + )))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow-xl sm:rounded-lg mt-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-5 sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h3", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Or if you have the Taler wallet in another device")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-4 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Scan the QR below to start the withdrawal.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 max-w-md ml-auto mr-auto" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(QR, { text: talerWithdrawUri }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-center gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Button, + { + type: "button", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + handler: onAbortHandler + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + )))); +} + +// src/pages/WithdrawalQRCode.tsx +function WithdrawalQRCode({ + withdrawUri, + onOperationAborted, + routeClose, + routeWithdrawalDetails, + onAuthorizationRequired +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const result = useWithdrawalDetails(withdrawUri.withdrawalOperationId); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: result }); + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(OperationNotFound, { routeClose }); + default: + assertUnreachable(result); + } + } + const { body: data } = result; + if (data.status === "aborted") { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative ml-auto mr-auto transform overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white px-4 pb-4 pt-5 text-left shadow-xl transition-all sm:my-8 sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mx-auto flex h-12 w-12 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-yellow-100" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "h-5 w-5 text-yellow-400", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M8.485 2.495c.673-1.167 2.357-1.167 3.03 0l6.28 10.875c.673 1.167-.17 2.625-1.516 2.625H3.72c-1.347 0-2.189-1.458-1.515-2.625L8.485 2.495zM10 5a.75.75 0 01.75.75v3.5a.75.75 0 01-1.5 0v-3.5A.75.75 0 0110 5zm0 9a1 1 0 100-2 1 1 0 000 2z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-3 text-center sm:mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "h3", + { + class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + id: "modal-title" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Operation aborted") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "The wire transfer to the payment provider's account was aborted from somewhere else, your balance was not affected."))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:mt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "continue", + class: "inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Continue") + ))); + } + if (data.status === "confirmed") { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative ml-auto mr-auto transform overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white px-4 pb-4 pt-5 text-left shadow-xl transition-all sm:my-8 sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mx-auto flex h-12 w-12 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-green-100" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "h-6 w-6 text-green-600", + fill: "none", + viewBox: "0 0 24 24", + "stroke-width": "1.5", + stroke: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "stroke-linecap": "round", + "stroke-linejoin": "round", + d: "M4.5 12.75l6 6 9-13.5" + } + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-3 text-center sm:mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "h3", + { + class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + id: "modal-title" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Withdrawal confirmed") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "The wire transfer to the Taler operator has been initiated. You will soon receive the requested amount in your Taler wallet."))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:mt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "done", + class: "inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Done") + ))); + } + if (data.status === "pending") { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + QrCodeSection, + { + withdrawUri, + onAborted: () => { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Operation canceled`); + onOperationAborted(); + } + } + ); + } + const account = !data.selected_exchange_account ? void 0 : parsePaytoUri(data.selected_exchange_account); + if (!data.selected_reserve_pub && account) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "The account is selected but no withdrawal identification found.") + ); + } + if (!account && data.selected_reserve_pub) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "There is a withdrawal identification but no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.") + ); + } + if (!account || !data.selected_reserve_pub) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "No withdrawal ID found and no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.") + ); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + WithdrawalConfirmationQuestion, + { + withdrawUri, + routeHere: routeWithdrawalDetails, + details: { + username: data.username, + account, + reserve: data.selected_reserve_pub, + amount: Amounts.parseOrThrow(data.amount) + }, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onAborted: () => { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Operation canceled`); + onOperationAborted(); + } + } + ); +} +function OperationNotFound({ + routeClose +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative ml-auto mr-auto transform overflow-hidden rounded-lg bg-white px-4 pb-4 pt-5 text-left shadow-xl transition-all sm:my-8 sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm sm:p-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mx-auto flex h-12 w-12 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-red-100 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "h-6 w-6 text-red-600", + fill: "none", + viewBox: "0 0 24 24", + "stroke-width": "1.5", + stroke: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "stroke-linecap": "round", + "stroke-linejoin": "round", + d: "M12 9v3.75m-9.303 3.376c-.866 1.5.217 3.374 1.948 3.374h14.71c1.73 0 2.813-1.874 1.948-3.374L13.949 3.378c-.866-1.5-3.032-1.5-3.898 0L2.697 16.126zM12 15.75h.007v.008H12v-.008z" + } + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-3 text-center sm:mt-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "h3", + { + class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + id: "modal-title" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Operation not found") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "This operation is not known by the server. The operation id is wrong or the server deleted the operation information before reaching here."))))), routeClose && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:mt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "continue to dashboard", + class: "inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cotinue to dashboard") + ))); +} + +// src/context/navigation.ts +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +var Context6 = B(void 0); +var useNavigationContext = () => q2(Context6); +function getPathAndParamsFromWindow() { + const path = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window.location.hash.substring(1) : "/"; + const params = {}; + if (typeof window !== "undefined") { + for (const [key, value] of new URLSearchParams( { + params[key] = value; + } + } + return { path, params }; +} +var { path: initialPath, params: initialParams } = getPathAndParamsFromWindow(); +var PopStateEventType = "popstate"; +var BrowserHashNavigationProvider = ({ + children +}) => { + const [{ path, params }, setState] = p3({ + path: initialPath, + params: initialParams + }); + if (typeof window === "undefined") { + throw Error( + "Can't use BrowserHashNavigationProvider if there is no window object" + ); + } + function navigateTo(path2) { + const { params: params2 } = getPathAndParamsFromWindow(); + setState({ path: path2, params: params2 }); + window.location.href = path2; + } + h2(() => { + function eventListener() { + setState(getPathAndParamsFromWindow()); + } + window.addEventListener(PopStateEventType, eventListener); + return () => { + window.removeEventListener(PopStateEventType, eventListener); + }; + }, []); + return h(Context6.Provider, { + value: { path, params, navigateTo }, + children + }); +}; + +// src/pages/SolveChallengePage.tsx +function SolveChallengePage({ + onChallengeCompleted, + routeClose +}) { + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [bankState, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const [code, setCode] = p3(void 0); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const { state } = useBackendState(); + const creds = state.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : state; + const { navigateTo } = useNavigationContext(); + if (!bankState.currentChallenge) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, "no challenge to solve "), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "close", + class: "inline-flex items-center rounded-md bg-red-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-red-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-red-500" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Continue") + )); + } + const ch = bankState.currentChallenge; + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + code: !code ? i18n2.str`Required` : void 0 + }); + async function startChallenge() { + if (!creds) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + const resp = await api.sendChallenge(creds,; + if (resp.type === "ok") { + const newCh = structuredClone(ch); + newCh.sent =; + = resp.body; + updateBankState("currentChallenge", newCh); + } else { + const newCh = structuredClone(ch); + newCh.sent =; + = void 0; + updateBankState("currentChallenge", newCh); + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_SCRIPT_FAILED: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + async function completeChallenge() { + if (!creds || !code) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + { + const resp = await api.confirmChallenge(creds,, { + tan: code + }); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + setCode(""); + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Challenge not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`This user is not authorized to complete this challenge.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Too many attempts, try another code.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_FAILED: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The confirmation code is wrong, try again.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHALLENGE_EXPIRED: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation expired.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + } + { + const resp = await (async (ch2) => { + switch (ch2.operation) { + case "delete-account": + return await api.deleteAccount(creds,; + case "update-account": + return await api.updateAccount(creds, ch2.request,; + case "update-password": + return await api.updatePassword(creds, ch2.request,; + case "create-transaction": + return await api.createTransaction(creds, ch2.request,; + case "confirm-withdrawal": + return await api.confirmWithdrawalById(creds, ch2.request,; + case "create-cashout": + return await api.createCashout(creds, ch2.request,; + default: + assertUnreachable(ch2); + } + })(ch); + if (resp.type === "fail") { + if ( !== HttpStatusCode.Accepted) { + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The operation failed.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + } + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: ch.operation, + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + location: ch.location, + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + request: ch.request + }); + return notify2({ + type: "info", + title: i18n2.str`The operation needs another confirmation to complete.` + }); + } + updateBankState("currentChallenge", void 0); + return onChallengeCompleted(); + } + }); + } + const subtitle = ((op) => { + switch (op) { + case "delete-account": + return i18n2.str`Account delete`; + case "update-account": + return i18n2.str`Account update`; + case "update-password": + return i18n2.str`Password update`; + case "create-transaction": + return i18n2.str`Wire transfer`; + case "confirm-withdrawal": + return i18n2.str`Withdrawal`; + case "create-cashout": + return i18n2.str`Cashout`; + } + })(ch.operation); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-semibold leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm the operation") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, subtitle)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ChallengeDetails, + { + challenge: bankState.currentChallenge, + onStart: startChallenge, + onCancel: () => { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", void 0); + navigateTo(ch.location); + } + } + ), && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { for: "withdraw-amount" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Enter the confirmation code")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "relative rounded-md shadow-sm" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "text", + "aria-describedby": "answer", + autoFocus: true, + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + value: code ?? "", + required: true, + name: "answer", + id: "answer", + autocomplete: "off", + onChange: (e4) => { + setCode(e4.currentTarget.value); + } + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.code, + isDirty: code !== void 0 + } + ))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "confirm", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !!errors2, + onClick: (e4) => { + completeChallenge(); + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Confirm") + )) + ))))); +} +function ChallengeDetails({ + challenge, + onStart, + onCancel +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2, dateLocale } = useTranslationContext(); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const firstTime = AbsoluteTime.isNever(challenge.sent); + h2(() => { + if (firstTime) { + onStart(); + } + }, []); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "w-full" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "border-gray-100" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-semibold leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Operation details") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "divide-y divide-gray-100" }, (() => { + switch (challenge.operation) { + case "delete-account": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, challenge.request)); + case "create-transaction": { + const payto = parsePaytoUri(challenge.request.payto_uri); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, challenge.request.amount && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow( + challenge.request.amount + ), + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ))), payto.isKnown && payto.targetType === "iban" && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, payto.iban))); + } + case "confirm-withdrawal": + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ShowWithdrawalDetails, { id: challenge.request }); + case "create-cashout": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ShowCashoutDetails, { request: challenge.request }); + } + case "update-account": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, challenge.request.cashout_payto_uri !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, challenge.request.cashout_payto_uri)), challenge.request.contact_data?.email !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Email")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, challenge.request.contact_data?.email)), challenge.request.contact_data?.phone !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Phone")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, challenge.request.contact_data?.phone)), challenge.request.debit_threshold !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Debit threshold")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow( + challenge.request.debit_threshold + ), + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ))), challenge.request.is_public !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Is this account public?")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, challenge.request.is_public ? i18n2.str`Enable` : i18n2.str`Disable`)), !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Name")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" },, challenge.request.tan_channel !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Authentication channel")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, challenge.request.tan_channel ?? i18n2.str`Remove`))); + } + case "update-password": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "New password")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, challenge.request.new_password))); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(challenge); + } + })(), && /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-semibold leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Challenge details") + )), challenge.sent.t_ms !== "never" && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Sent at")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Time, + { + format: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", + timestamp: challenge.sent, + relative: Duration.fromSpec({ days: 1 }) + } + ))), && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, ((ch) => { + switch (ch) { + case TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.SMS: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To phone"); + case TalerCorebankApi.TanChannel.EMAIL: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To email"); + default: + assertUnreachable(ch); + } + })(, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" },, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-6 mb-4 flex justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900", + onClick: onCancel + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "send again", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + onClick: (e4) => { + onStart(); + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Send again") + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, " sending code ...")))); +} +function ShowWithdrawalDetails({ id }) { + const details = useWithdrawalDetails(id); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + if (!details) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (details instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: details }); + } + if (details.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(OperationNotFound, { routeClose: void 0 }); + default: + assertUnreachable(details); + } + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, "Amount"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(details.body.amount), + spec: config.currency_specification + } + ))), details.body.selected_reserve_pub !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Withdraw id")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "dd", + { + class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0", + title: details.body.selected_reserve_pub + }, + details.body.selected_reserve_pub.substring(0, 16), + "..." + )), details.body.selected_exchange_account !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To account")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, details.body.selected_exchange_account))); +} +function ShowCashoutDetails({ + request +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const info = useConversionInfo(); + if (!info) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (info instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: info }); + } + if (info.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout should be enable by configuration and the conversion rate should be initialized with fee, ratio and rounding mode.") + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(; + } + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, request.subject !== void 0 && /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Subject")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, request.subject)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, "Debit"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(request.amount_credit), + spec: info.body.regional_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-2 sm:grid sm:grid-cols-3 sm:gap-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" }, "Credit"), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "mt-1 text-sm leading-6 text-gray-700 sm:col-span-2 sm:mt-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(request.amount_credit), + spec: info.body.fiat_currency_specification + } + )))); +} + +// src/pages/WithdrawalOperationPage.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function WithdrawalOperationPage({ + operationId, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onOperationAborted, + routeClose, + routeWithdrawalDetails +}) { + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const uri = stringifyWithdrawUri({ + bankIntegrationApiBaseUrl: api.getIntegrationAPI().baseUrl, + withdrawalOperationId: operationId + }); + const parsedUri = parseWithdrawUri(uri); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + if (!parsedUri) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`The Withdrawal URI is not valid` + }, + uri + ); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + WithdrawalQRCode, + { + withdrawUri: parsedUri, + routeWithdrawalDetails, + onAuthorizationRequired, + onOperationAborted: () => { + updateBankState("currentWithdrawalOperationId", void 0); + onOperationAborted(); + }, + routeClose + } + ); +} + +// src/pages/account/CashoutListForAccount.tsx +init_preact_module(); + +// src/components/Cashouts/state.ts +function useComponentState4({ + account, + routeCashoutDetails +}) { + const result = useCashouts(account); + if (!result) { + return { + status: "loading", + error: void 0 + }; + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return { + status: "loading-error", + error: result + }; + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + return { + status: "failed", + error: result + }; + } + return { + status: "ready", + error: void 0, + cashouts: result.body.cashouts, + routeCashoutDetails + }; +} + +// src/components/Cashouts/views.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function FailedView2({ error: error2 }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout should be enable by configuration and the conversion rate should be initialized with fee, ratio and rounding mode.") + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(; + } +} +function ReadyView4({ + cashouts, + routeCashoutDetails +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2, dateLocale } = useTranslationContext(); + const resp = useConversionInfo(); + if (!resp) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (resp instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: resp }); + } + if (resp.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout should be enable by configuration and the conversion rate should be initialized with fee, ratio and rounding mode.") + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(; + } + } + if (!cashouts.length) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null); + const txByDate = cashouts.reduce( + (prev, cur) => { + const d5 = cur.creation_time.t_s === "never" ? "" : format(cur.creation_time.t_s * 1e3, "dd/MM/yyyy", { + locale: dateLocale + }); + if (!prev[d5]) { + prev[d5] = []; + } + prev[d5].push(cur); + return prev; + }, + {} + ); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex sm:items-center" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:flex-auto" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Latest cashouts")))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "-mx-4 mt-5 ring-1 ring-gray-300 sm:mx-0 rounded-lg min-w-fit bg-white" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("table", { class: "min-w-full divide-y divide-gray-300" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("thead", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: " pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Created` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "hidden sm:table-cell pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Total debit` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "hidden sm:table-cell pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Total credit` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + scope: "col", + class: "hidden sm:table-cell pl-2 py-3.5 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Subject` + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("tbody", null, Object.entries(txByDate).map(([date, txs], idx) => { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, { key: idx }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("tr", { class: "border-t border-gray-200" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "th", + { + colSpan: 6, + scope: "colgroup", + class: "bg-gray-50 py-2 pl-4 pr-3 text-left text-sm font-semibold text-gray-900 sm:pl-3" + }, + date + )), => { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "cashout details", + key: idx, + class: "table-row border-b border-gray-200 hover:bg-gray-200 last:border-none", + href: routeCashoutDetails.url({ + cid: String( + }) + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "relative py-2 pl-2 pr-2 text-sm " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "font-medium text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Time, + { + format: "HH:mm:ss", + timestamp: AbsoluteTime.fromProtocolTimestamp(item.creation_time) + } + ))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "hidden sm:table-cell px-3 py-3.5 text-sm text-red-600 cursor-pointer" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(item.amount_debit), + spec: resp.body.regional_currency_specification + } + )), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "hidden sm:table-cell px-3 py-3.5 text-sm text-green-600 cursor-pointer" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(item.amount_credit), + spec: resp.body.fiat_currency_specification + } + )), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("td", { class: "hidden sm:table-cell px-3 py-3.5 text-sm text-gray-500 break-all min-w-md" }, item.subject) + ); + })); + }))))); +} + +// src/components/Cashouts/index.ts +var viewMapping4 = { + loading: Loading, + "loading-error": ErrorLoadingWithDebug, + failed: FailedView2, + ready: ReadyView4 +}; +var Cashouts = utils_exports.compose( + (p4) => useComponentState4(p4), + viewMapping4 +); + +// src/pages/ProfileNavigation.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function ProfileNavigation({ + current, + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const isAdminUser = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? false : credentials.isUserAdministrator; + const nonAdminUser = !isAdminUser; + const { navigateTo } = useNavigationContext(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:hidden" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("label", { for: "tabs", class: "sr-only" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Select a section")), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "select", + { + id: "tabs", + name: "tabs", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-500 focus:ring-indigo-500", + onChange: (e4) => { + const op = e4.currentTarget.value; + switch (op) { + case "details": { + navigateTo(routeMyAccountDetails.url({})); + return; + } + case "delete": { + navigateTo(routeMyAccountDelete.url({})); + return; + } + case "credentials": { + navigateTo(routeMyAccountPassword.url({})); + return; + } + case "cashouts": { + navigateTo(routeMyAccountCashout.url({})); + return; + } + case "conversion": { + navigateTo(routeConversionConfig.url({})); + return; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(op); + } + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("option", { value: "details", selected: current == "details" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Details")), + !config.allow_deletions ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("option", { value: "delete", selected: current == "delete" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Delete")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("option", { value: "credentials", selected: current == "credentials" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Credentials")), + config.allow_conversion ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("option", { value: "cashouts", selected: current == "cashouts" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashouts")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("option", { value: "conversion", selected: current == "cashouts" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Conversion"))) : void 0 + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "hidden sm:block" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "nav", + { + class: "isolate flex divide-x divide-gray-200 rounded-lg shadow", + "aria-label": "Tabs" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "my account details", + href: routeMyAccountDetails.url({}), + "data-selected": current == "details", + class: "rounded-l-lg text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Details")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": current == "details", + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ), + !config.allow_deletions ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "my account delete", + href: routeMyAccountDelete.url({}), + "data-selected": current == "delete", + "aria-current": "page", + class: " text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Delete")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": current == "delete", + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "my account password", + href: routeMyAccountPassword.url({}), + "data-selected": current == "credentials", + "aria-current": "page", + class: " text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Credentials")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": current == "credentials", + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ), + config.allow_conversion && nonAdminUser ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "my account cashout", + href: routeMyAccountCashout.url({}), + "data-selected": current == "cashouts", + class: "rounded-r-lg text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashouts")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": current == "cashouts", + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ) : void 0, + config.allow_conversion && isAdminUser ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "conversion config", + href: routeConversionConfig.url({}), + "data-selected": current == "conversion", + class: "rounded-r-lg text-gray-500 hover:text-gray-700 data-[selected=true]:text-gray-900 group relative min-w-0 flex-1 overflow-hidden bg-white py-4 px-4 text-center text-sm font-medium hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Conversion")), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-selected": current == "conversion", + class: "bg-transparent data-[selected=true]:bg-indigo-500 absolute inset-x-0 bottom-0 h-0.5" + } + ) + ) : void 0 + ))); +} + +// src/pages/business/CreateCashout.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function CreateCashout({ + account: accountName, + onAuthorizationRequired, + focus, + routeHere, + routeClose +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const resultAccount = useAccountDetails(accountName); + const { + estimateByCredit: calculateFromCredit, + estimateByDebit: calculateFromDebit + } = useCashoutEstimator(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials; + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const { api, config, hints } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [form, setForm] = p3({ isDebit: true }); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const info = useConversionInfo(); + if (!config.allow_conversion) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "warning", title: i18n2.str`Unable to create a cashout` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "The bank configuration does not support cashout operations.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:mt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "close", + class: "inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close") + ))); + } + const OLD_CASHOUT_API = hints.indexOf(0 /* CASHOUT_BEFORE_2FA */) !== -1; + if (!resultAccount) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (resultAccount instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: resultAccount }); + } + if (resultAccount.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: accountName }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: accountName }); + default: + assertUnreachable(resultAccount); + } + } + if (!info) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (info instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: info }); + } + if (info.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout should be enable by configuration and the conversion rate should be initialized with fee, ratio and rounding mode.") + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(; + } + } + const conversionInfo = info.body.conversion_rate; + if (!conversionInfo) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, "conversion enabled but server replied without conversion_rate"); + } + const account = { + balance: Amounts.parseOrThrow(resultAccount.body.balance.amount), + balanceIsDebit: resultAccount.body.balance.credit_debit_indicator == "debit", + debitThreshold: Amounts.parseOrThrow(resultAccount.body.debit_threshold) + }; + const { + fiat_currency, + regional_currency, + fiat_currency_specification, + regional_currency_specification + } = info.body; + const regionalZero = Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(regional_currency); + const fiatZero = Amounts.zeroOfCurrency(fiat_currency); + const limit = account.balanceIsDebit ? Amounts.sub(account.debitThreshold, account.balance).amount : Amounts.add(account.balance, account.debitThreshold).amount; + const zeroCalc = { + debit: regionalZero, + credit: fiatZero, + beforeFee: fiatZero + }; + const [calculationResult, setCalculation] = p3(zeroCalc); + const sellFee = Amounts.parseOrThrow(conversionInfo.cashout_fee); + const sellRate = conversionInfo.cashout_ratio; + const inputAmount = Amounts.parseOrThrow( + `${form.isDebit ? regional_currency : fiat_currency}:${!form.amount ? "0" : form.amount}` + ); + h2(() => { + async function doAsync() { + await handleError(async () => { + const higerThanMin = form.isDebit ? Amounts.cmp(inputAmount, conversionInfo.cashout_min_amount) === 1 : true; + const notZero = Amounts.isNonZero(inputAmount); + if (notZero && higerThanMin) { + const resp = await (form.isDebit ? calculateFromDebit(inputAmount, sellFee) : calculateFromCredit(inputAmount, sellFee)); + setCalculation(resp); + } else { + setCalculation(zeroCalc); + } + }); + } + doAsync(); + }, [form.amount, form.isDebit]); + const calc = calculationResult === "amount-is-too-small" ? zeroCalc : calculationResult; + const balanceAfter = Amounts.sub(account.balance, calc.debit).amount; + function updateForm(newForm) { + setForm(newForm); + } + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + subject: !form.subject ? i18n2.str`Required` : void 0, + amount: !form.amount ? i18n2.str`Required` : !inputAmount ? i18n2.str`Invalid` : Amounts.cmp(limit, calc.debit) === -1 ? i18n2.str`Balance is not enough` : form.isDebit && Amounts.cmp(inputAmount, conversionInfo.cashout_min_amount) < 1 ? i18n2.str`Needs to be higher than ${Amounts.stringifyValueWithSpec(Amounts.parseOrThrow(conversionInfo.cashout_min_amount), regional_currency_specification).normal}` : calculationResult === "amount-is-too-small" ? i18n2.str`Amount needs to be higher` : Amounts.isZero( ? i18n2.str`The total transfer at destination will be zero` : void 0, + channel: OLD_CASHOUT_API && ! ? i18n2.str`Required` : void 0 + }); + const trimmedAmountStr = form.amount?.trim(); + async function createCashout() { + const request_uid = encodeCrock(getRandomBytes(32)); + await handleError(async () => { + const validChannel = !OLD_CASHOUT_API || config.supported_tan_channels.length === 0 ||; + if (!creds || !form.subject || !validChannel) + return; + const request = { + request_uid, + amount_credit: Amounts.stringify(, + amount_debit: Amounts.stringify(calc.debit), + subject: form.subject, + tan_channel: + }; + const resp = await api.createCashout(creds, request); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Cashout created`); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: "create-cashout", + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + location: routeHere.url({}), + request + }); + return onAuthorizationRequired(); + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Account not found`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TRANSFER_REQUEST_UID_REUSED: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Duplicated request detected, check if the operation succeeded or try again.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_BAD_CONVERSION: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The conversion rate was incorrectly applied`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The account does not have sufficient funds`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_CONFIRM_INCOMPLETE: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Missing cashout URI in the profile`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_SCRIPT_FAILED: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Sending the confirmation message failed, retry later or contact the administrator.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + } + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + }); + } + const cashoutDisabled = config.supported_tan_channels.length < 1 || !resultAccount.body.cashout_payto_uri; + const cashoutAccount = !resultAccount.body.cashout_payto_uri ? void 0 : parsePaytoUri(resultAccount.body.cashout_payto_uri); + const cashoutAccountName = !cashoutAccount ? void 0 : cashoutAccount.targetPath; + const cashoutLegalName = !cashoutAccount ? void 0 : cashoutAccount.params["receiver-name"]; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "mt-4 rounded-sm px-4 py-6 p-8 " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { id: "summary-heading", class: "font-medium text-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "mt-4 space-y-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Conversion rate")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, sellRate)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Balance"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: account.balance, + spec: regional_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Fee"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: sellFee, + spec: fiat_currency_specification + } + ))), cashoutAccountName && cashoutLegalName ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To account"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, cashoutAccountName)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Legal name"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, cashoutLegalName)), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "If this name doesn't match the account holder's name your transaction may fail."))) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "warning", title: i18n2.str`No cashout account` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Before doing a cashout you need to complete your profile"))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-6 sm:p-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "subject" + }, + i18n2.str`Transfer subject`, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + ref: focus ? doAutoFocus : void 0, + type: "text", + class: "block w-full rounded-md disabled:bg-gray-200 border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "subject", + id: "subject", + disabled: cashoutDisabled, + "data-error": !!errors2?.subject && form.subject !== void 0, + value: form.subject ?? "", + onChange: (e4) => { + form.subject = e4.currentTarget.value; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.subject, + isDirty: form.subject !== void 0 + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "subject" + }, + i18n2.str`Currency` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set 50", + class: " inline-flex p-4 text-sm items-center rounded-l-md bg-white text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + form.isDebit = true; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + } + }, + form.isDebit ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "self-center flex-none h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "1.5", stroke: "currentColor", class: "w-5 h-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { d: "M15 12H9m12 0a9 9 0 1 1-18 0 9 9 0 0 1 18 0Z" })), + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Send ", regional_currency) + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "set 25", + class: " -ml-px -mr-px inline-flex p-4 text-sm items-center rounded-r-md bg-white text-gray-900 ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 hover:bg-gray-50 focus:z-10", + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + form.isDebit = false; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + } + }, + !form.isDebit ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + class: "self-center flex-none h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "1.5", stroke: "currentColor", class: "w-5 h-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { d: "M15 12H9m12 0a9 9 0 1 1-18 0 9 9 0 0 1 18 0Z" })), + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Receive ", fiat_currency) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "amount" + }, + i18n2.str`Amount`, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + InputAmount, + { + name: "amount", + left: true, + currency: form.isDebit ? regional_currency : fiat_currency, + value: trimmedAmountStr, + onChange: cashoutDisabled ? void 0 : (value) => { + form.amount = value; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.amount, + isDirty: form.amount !== void 0 + } + ))), Amounts.isZero( ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "mt-4 space-y-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Total cost")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: calc.debit, + negative: true, + withColor: true, + spec: regional_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Balance left"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: balanceAfter, + spec: regional_currency_specification + } + ))), Amounts.isZero(sellFee) || Amounts.isZero(calc.beforeFee) ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Before fee"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: calc.beforeFee, + spec: fiat_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-between items-center border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-lg text-gray-900 font-medium" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Total cashout transfer")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-lg text-gray-900 font-medium" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value:, + withColor: true, + spec: fiat_currency_specification + } + ))))), !OLD_CASHOUT_API ? void 0 : config.supported_tan_channels.length === 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "warning", + title: i18n2.str`No cashout channel available` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Before doing a cashout the server need to provide an second channel to confirm the operation") + )) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "channel" + }, + i18n2.str`Second factor authentication` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4 grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-6" }, config.supported_tan_channels.indexOf( + "email" /* EMAIL */ + ) === -1 ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + onClick: () => { + if (!resultAccount.body.contact_data?.email) + return; + = "email" /* EMAIL */; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + "data-disabled": !resultAccount.body.contact_data?.email, + "data-selected": === "email" /* EMAIL */, + class: "relative flex data-[disabled=false]:cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white data-[disabled=true]:bg-gray-200 p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[selected=true]:ring-2 data-[selected=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "channel", + value: "Newsletter", + class: "sr-only" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + id: "project-type-0-label", + class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 " + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Email") + ), !resultAccount.body.contact_data?.email && i18n2.str`Add a email in your profile to enable this option`)), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + "data-selected": === "email" /* EMAIL */, + class: "h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600 data-[selected=false]:hidden", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) + ), config.supported_tan_channels.indexOf("sms" /* SMS */) === -1 ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + onClick: () => { + if (!resultAccount.body.contact_data?.phone) + return; + = "sms" /* SMS */; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + "data-disabled": !resultAccount.body.contact_data?.phone, + "data-selected": === "sms" /* SMS */, + class: "relative flex data-[disabled=false]:cursor-pointer rounded-lg border data-[disabled=true]:bg-gray-200 p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[selected=true]:ring-2 data-[selected=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "channel", + value: "Existing Customers", + class: "sr-only" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + id: "project-type-1-label", + class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "SMS") + ), !resultAccount.body.contact_data?.phone && i18n2.str`Add a phone number in your profile to enable this option`)), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + "data-selected": === "sms" /* SMS */, + class: "h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600 data-[selected=false]:hidden", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) + )))))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "cancel", + type: "button", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "cashout", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !!errors2, + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + createCashout(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout") + )) + ))); +} + +// src/pages/account/CashoutListForAccount.tsx +function CashoutListForAccount({ + account, + onAuthorizationRequired, + routeCreateCashout, + routeCashoutDetails, + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeConversionConfig, + routeMyAccountPassword, + routeClose +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const accountIsTheCurrentUser = credentials.status === "loggedIn" ? credentials.username === account : false; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, accountIsTheCurrentUser ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ProfileNavigation, + { + current: "cashouts", + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig + } + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout for account ", account)), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + CreateCashout, + { + focus: true, + routeHere: routeCreateCashout, + routeClose, + onAuthorizationRequired, + account + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(Cashouts, { account, routeCashoutDetails })); +} + +// src/pages/account/ShowAccountDetails.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/pages/admin/AccountForm.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +var EMAIL_REGEX = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; +var REGEX_JUST_NUMBERS_REGEX = /^\+[0-9 ]*$/; +function AccountForm({ + template, + username, + purpose, + onChange, + focus, + children +}) { + const { config, hints, url } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const [form, setForm] = p3({}); + const [errors2, setErrors] = p3(void 0); + const paytoType = config.wire_type === "X_TALER_BANK" ? "x-taler-bank" : "iban"; + const cashoutPaytoType = "iban"; + const defaultValue = { + debit_threshold: Amounts.stringifyValue( + template?.debit_threshold ?? config.default_debit_threshold + ), + isExchange: template?.is_taler_exchange, + isPublic: template?.is_public, + name: template?.name ?? "", + cashout_payto_uri: getAccountId(cashoutPaytoType, template?.cashout_payto_uri) ?? "", + payto_uri: getAccountId(paytoType, template?.payto_uri) ?? "", + email: template?.contact_data?.email ?? "", + phone: template?.contact_data?.phone ?? "", + username: username ?? "", + tan_channel: template?.tan_channel + }; + const OLD_CASHOUT_API = hints.indexOf(0 /* CASHOUT_BEFORE_2FA */) !== -1; + const userIsAdmin = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? false : credentials.isUserAdministrator; + const editableUsername = purpose === "create"; + const editableName = purpose === "create" || purpose === "update" && (config.allow_edit_name || userIsAdmin); + const isCashoutEnabled = config.allow_conversion; + const editableCashout = purpose === "create" || purpose === "update" && (config.allow_edit_cashout_payto_uri || userIsAdmin); + const editableThreshold = userIsAdmin && (purpose === "create" || purpose === "update"); + const editableAccount = purpose === "create" && userIsAdmin; + const hasPhone = !! || !!; + const hasEmail = !! || !!; + function updateForm(newForm) { + const trimmedAmountStr = newForm.debit_threshold?.trim(); + const parsedAmount = Amounts.parse( + `${config.currency}:${trimmedAmountStr}` + ); + const errors3 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + cashout_payto_uri: !newForm.cashout_payto_uri ? void 0 : !editableCashout ? void 0 : !newForm.cashout_payto_uri ? void 0 : cashoutPaytoType === "iban" ? validateIBAN(newForm.cashout_payto_uri, i18n2) : cashoutPaytoType === "x-taler-bank" ? validateTalerBank(newForm.cashout_payto_uri, i18n2) : void 0, + payto_uri: !newForm.payto_uri ? void 0 : !editableAccount ? void 0 : !newForm.payto_uri ? void 0 : paytoType === "iban" ? validateIBAN(newForm.payto_uri, i18n2) : paytoType === "x-taler-bank" ? validateTalerBank(newForm.payto_uri, i18n2) : void 0, + email: ! ? void 0 : !EMAIL_REGEX.test( ? i18n2.str`Doesn't have the pattern of an email` : void 0, + phone: ! ? void 0 : !"+") ? i18n2.str`Should start with +` : !REGEX_JUST_NUMBERS_REGEX.test( ? i18n2.str`Phone number can't have other than numbers` : void 0, + debit_threshold: !editableThreshold ? void 0 : !trimmedAmountStr ? void 0 : !parsedAmount ? i18n2.str`Not valid` : void 0, + name: !editableName ? void 0 : ! ? i18n2.str`Required` : void 0, + username: !editableUsername ? void 0 : !newForm.username ? i18n2.str`Required` : void 0 + }); + setErrors(errors3); + setForm(newForm); + if (!onChange) + return; + if (errors3) { + onChange(void 0); + } else { + let cashout; + if (newForm.cashout_payto_uri) + switch (cashoutPaytoType) { + case "x-taler-bank": { + cashout = buildPayto("x-taler-bank",, newForm.cashout_payto_uri); + break; + } + case "iban": { + cashout = buildPayto("iban", newForm.cashout_payto_uri, void 0); + break; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(cashoutPaytoType); + } + const cashoutURI = !cashout ? void 0 : stringifyPaytoUri(cashout); + let internal; + if (newForm.payto_uri) + switch (paytoType) { + case "x-taler-bank": { + internal = buildPayto("x-taler-bank",, newForm.payto_uri); + break; + } + case "iban": { + internal = buildPayto("iban", newForm.payto_uri, void 0); + break; + } + default: + assertUnreachable(paytoType); + } + const internalURI = !internal ? void 0 : stringifyPaytoUri(internal); + const threshold = !parsedAmount ? void 0 : Amounts.stringify(parsedAmount); + switch (purpose) { + case "create": { + const callback = onChange; + const result = { + name:, + password: getRandomPassword(), + username: newForm.username, + contact_data: undefinedIfEmpty({ + email: ! ? void 0 :, + phone: ! ? void 0 : + }), + debit_threshold: threshold ?? config.default_debit_threshold, + cashout_payto_uri: cashoutURI, + payto_uri: internalURI, + is_public: newForm.isPublic, + is_taler_exchange: newForm.isExchange, + tan_channel: newForm.tan_channel === "remove" ? void 0 : newForm.tan_channel + }; + callback(result); + return; + } + case "update": { + const callback = onChange; + const result = { + cashout_payto_uri: cashoutURI, + contact_data: undefinedIfEmpty({ + email: ! ? void 0 :, + phone: ! ? void 0 : + }), + debit_threshold: threshold, + is_public: newForm.isPublic, + name:, + tan_channel: newForm.tan_channel === "remove" ? null : newForm.tan_channel + }; + callback(result); + return; + } + case "show": { + return; + } + default: { + assertUnreachable(purpose); + } + } + } + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-6 sm:p-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "username" + }, + i18n2.str`Login username`, + editableUsername && /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + ref: focus && purpose === "create" ? doAutoFocus : void 0, + type: "text", + class: "block w-full disabled:bg-gray-100 rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "username", + id: "username", + "data-error": !!errors2?.username && form.username !== void 0, + disabled: !editableUsername, + value: form.username ?? defaultValue.username, + onChange: (e4) => { + form.username = e4.currentTarget.value; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.username, + isDirty: form.username !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Account id for authentication"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "name" + }, + i18n2.str`Full name`, + editableName && /* @__PURE__ */ h("b", { style: { color: "red" } }, " *") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "text", + class: "block w-full disabled:bg-gray-100 rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "name", + "data-error": !!errors2?.name && !== void 0, + id: "name", + disabled: !editableName, + value: ??, + onChange: (e4) => { + = e4.currentTarget.value; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.name, + isDirty: !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Name of the account holder"))), purpose === "create" ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + TextField, + { + id: "internal-account", + label: i18n2.str`Internal account`, + help: purpose === "create" ? i18n2.str`If empty a random account id will be assigned` : i18n2.str`Share this id to receive bank transfers`, + error: errors2?.payto_uri, + onChange: (e4) => { + form.payto_uri = e4; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + rightIcons: /* @__PURE__ */ h( + CopyButton, + { + class: "p-2 rounded-full text-black shadow-sm focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 ", + getContent: () => form.payto_uri ?? defaultValue.payto_uri ?? "" + } + ), + value: form.payto_uri ?? defaultValue.payto_uri, + disabled: !editableAccount + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "email" + }, + i18n2.str`Email` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "email", + class: "block w-full disabled:bg-gray-100 rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "email", + id: "email", + "data-error": !!errors2?.email && !== void 0, + disabled: purpose === "show", + value: ??, + onChange: (e4) => { + = e4.currentTarget.value; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.email, + isDirty: !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To be used when second factor authentication is enabled"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "phone" + }, + i18n2.str`Phone` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "text", + class: "block w-full disabled:bg-gray-100 rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "phone", + id: "phone", + disabled: purpose === "show", + value: ??, + "data-error": !!errors2?.phone && !== void 0, + onChange: (e4) => { + = e4.currentTarget.value; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.phone, + isDirty: !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "To be used when second factor authentication is enabled"))), isCashoutEnabled && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + TextField, + { + id: "cashout-account", + label: i18n2.str`Cashout account`, + help: i18n2.str`External account number where the money is going to be sent when doing cashouts`, + error: errors2?.cashout_payto_uri, + onChange: (e4) => { + form.cashout_payto_uri = e4; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + }, + value: form.cashout_payto_uri ?? defaultValue.cashout_payto_uri, + disabled: !editableCashout + } + ), OLD_CASHOUT_API || config.supported_tan_channels.length === 0 ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "channel" + }, + i18n2.str`Enable second factor authentication` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4 grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-6" }, config.supported_tan_channels.indexOf("email" /* EMAIL */) === -1 ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + onClick: (e4) => { + if (!hasEmail) + return; + if (form.tan_channel === "email" /* EMAIL */) { + form.tan_channel = "remove"; + } else { + form.tan_channel = "email" /* EMAIL */; + } + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + e4.preventDefault(); + }, + "data-disabled": purpose === "show" || !hasEmail, + "data-selected": (form.tan_channel ?? defaultValue.tan_channel) === "email" /* EMAIL */, + class: "relative flex data-[disabled=false]:cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white data-[disabled=true]:bg-gray-200 p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[selected=true]:ring-2 data-[selected=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "channel", + value: "Newsletter", + class: "sr-only" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + id: "project-type-0-label", + class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 " + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Using email") + ), purpose !== "show" && !hasEmail && i18n2.str`Add an email in your profile to enable this option`)), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + "data-selected": (form.tan_channel ?? defaultValue.tan_channel) === "email" /* EMAIL */, + class: "h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600 data-[selected=false]:hidden", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) + ), config.supported_tan_channels.indexOf("sms" /* SMS */) === -1 ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + onClick: (e4) => { + if (!hasPhone) + return; + if (form.tan_channel === "sms" /* SMS */) { + form.tan_channel = "remove"; + } else { + form.tan_channel = "sms" /* SMS */; + } + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + e4.preventDefault(); + }, + "data-disabled": purpose === "show" || !hasPhone, + "data-selected": (form.tan_channel ?? defaultValue.tan_channel) === "sms" /* SMS */, + class: "relative flex data-[disabled=false]:cursor-pointer rounded-lg border data-[disabled=true]:bg-gray-200 p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[selected=true]:ring-2 data-[selected=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "channel", + value: "Existing Customers", + class: "sr-only" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + id: "project-type-1-label", + class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Using SMS") + ), purpose !== "show" && !hasPhone && i18n2.str`Add a phone number in your profile to enable this option`)), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + "data-selected": (form.tan_channel ?? defaultValue.tan_channel) === "sms" /* SMS */, + class: "h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600 data-[selected=false]:hidden", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) + )))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "debit", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Max debt` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + InputAmount, + { + name: "debit", + left: true, + currency: config.currency, + value: form.debit_threshold ?? defaultValue.debit_threshold, + onChange: !editableThreshold ? void 0 : (e4) => { + form.debit_threshold = e4; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + } + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.debit_threshold ? String(errors2?.debit_threshold) : void 0, + isDirty: form.debit_threshold !== void 0 + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "How much the balance can go below zero."))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Is this account public?") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "is public", + "data-enabled": form.isPublic ?? defaultValue.isPublic ? "true" : "false", + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + form.isPublic = !(form.isPublic ?? defaultValue.isPublic); + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": form.isPublic ?? defaultValue.isPublic ? "true" : "false", + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Public accounts have their balance publicly accessible"))), purpose !== "create" || !userIsAdmin ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-medium leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Is this account a payment provider?") + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "button", + name: "is exchange", + "data-enabled": form.isExchange ?? defaultValue.isExchange ? "true" : "false", + class: "bg-indigo-600 data-[enabled=false]:bg-gray-200 relative inline-flex h-6 w-11 flex-shrink-0 cursor-pointer rounded-full border-2 border-transparent transition-colors duration-200 ease-in-out focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-indigo-600 focus:ring-offset-2", + role: "switch", + "aria-checked": "false", + "aria-labelledby": "availability-label", + "aria-describedby": "availability-description", + onClick: () => { + form.isExchange = !form.isExchange; + updateForm(structuredClone(form)); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + "aria-hidden": "true", + "data-enabled": form.isExchange ?? defaultValue.isExchange ? "true" : "false", + class: "translate-x-5 data-[enabled=false]:translate-x-0 pointer-events-none inline-block h-5 w-5 transform rounded-full bg-white shadow ring-0 transition duration-200 ease-in-out" + } + ) + ))))), + children + ); +} +function getAccountId(type, s5) { + if (s5 === void 0) + return void 0; + const p4 = parsePaytoUri(s5); + if (p4 === void 0) + return void 0; + if (!p4.isKnown) + return ""; + if (type === "iban" && p4.targetType === "iban") + return p4.iban; + if (type === "x-taler-bank" && p4.targetType === "x-taler-bank") + return p4.account; + return ""; +} +{ +} + +// src/pages/account/ShowAccountDetails.tsx +function ShowAccountDetails({ + account, + routeClose, + onUpdateSuccess, + onAuthorizationRequired, + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeHere, + routeMyAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const accountIsTheCurrentUser = credentials.status === "loggedIn" ? credentials.username === account : false; + const [submitAccount, setSubmitAccount] = p3(); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const result = useAccountDetails(account); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: result }); + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: account }); + default: + assertUnreachable(result); + } + } + async function doUpdate() { + if (!submitAccount || !creds) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + const resp = await api.updateAccount( + { + token: creds.token, + username: account + }, + submitAccount + ); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Account updated`); + onUpdateSuccess(); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The rights to change the account are not sufficient`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The username was not found`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_LEGAL_NAME: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`You can't change the legal name, please contact the your account administrator.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`You can't change the debt limit, please contact the your account administrator.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_CASHOUT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`You can't change the cashout address, please contact the your account administrator.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`No information for the selected authentication channel.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: "update-account", + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + location: routeHere.url({ account }), + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + request: submitAccount + }); + return onAuthorizationRequired(); + } + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: { + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Authentication channel is not supported.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification, showDebug: true }), accountIsTheCurrentUser ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ProfileNavigation, + { + current: "details", + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeConversionConfig, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword + } + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, 'Account "', account, '"')), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-grow flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + class: "text-sm text-black font-semibold leading-6 ", + id: "availability-label" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Change details") + ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + AccountForm, + { + focus: true, + username: account, + template: result.body, + purpose: "update", + onChange: (a5) => setSubmitAccount(a5) + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "update", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !submitAccount, + onClick: doUpdate + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Update") + )) + ))); +} + +// src/pages/account/UpdateAccountPassword.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function UpdateAccountPassword({ + account: accountName, + routeClose, + onUpdateSuccess, + onAuthorizationRequired, + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig, + focus, + routeHere +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const token = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials.token; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [current, setCurrent] = p3(); + const [password, setPassword] = p3(); + const [repeat, setRepeat] = p3(); + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + const accountIsTheCurrentUser = credentials.status === "loggedIn" ? credentials.username === accountName : false; + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + current: !accountIsTheCurrentUser ? void 0 : !current ? i18n2.str`Required` : void 0, + password: !password ? i18n2.str`Required` : void 0, + repeat: !repeat ? i18n2.str`Required` : password !== repeat ? i18n2.str`Repeated password doesn't match` : void 0 + }); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + async function doChangePassword() { + if (!!errors2 || !password || !token) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + const request = { + old_password: current, + new_password: password + }; + const resp = await api.updatePassword( + { username: accountName, token }, + request + ); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Password changed`); + onUpdateSuccess(); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Not authorized to change the password, maybe the session is invalid.` + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Account not found` + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_MISSING_OLD_PASSWORD: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`You need to provide the old password. If you don't have it contact your account administrator.` + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_PATCH_BAD_OLD_PASSWORD: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Your current password doesn't match, can't change to a new password.` + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: "update-password", + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + location: routeHere.url({ account: accountName }), + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + request + }); + return onAuthorizationRequired(); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), accountIsTheCurrentUser ? /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ProfileNavigation, + { + current: "credentials", + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig + } + ) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("h1", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, 'Account "', accountName, '"')), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Update password"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-6 sm:p-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, accountIsTheCurrentUser ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "password" + }, + i18n2.str`Current password` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "password", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "current", + id: "current-password", + "data-error": !!errors2?.current && current !== void 0, + value: current ?? "", + onChange: (e4) => { + setCurrent(e4.currentTarget.value); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.current, + isDirty: current !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Your current password, for security"))) : void 0, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "password" + }, + i18n2.str`New password` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + ref: focus ? doAutoFocus : void 0, + type: "password", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "password", + id: "password", + "data-error": !!errors2?.password && password !== void 0, + value: password ?? "", + onChange: (e4) => { + setPassword(e4.currentTarget.value); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.password, + isDirty: password !== void 0 + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "repeat" + }, + i18n2.str`Type it again` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "password", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "repeat", + id: "repeat", + "data-error": !!errors2?.repeat && repeat !== void 0, + value: repeat ?? "", + onChange: (e4) => { + setRepeat(e4.currentTarget.value); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.repeat, + isDirty: repeat !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Repeat the same password"))))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "change", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !!errors2, + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doChangePassword(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Change") + )) + ))); +} + +// src/pages/admin/CreateNewAccount.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function CreateNewAccount({ + routeCancel, + onCreateSuccess +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const token = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : credentials.token; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [submitAccount, setSubmitAccount] = p3(); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + async function doCreate() { + if (!submitAccount || !token) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + const resp = await api.createAccount(token, submitAccount); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + notifyInfo( + i18n2.str`Account created with password "${submitAccount.password}".` + ); + onCreateSuccess(); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.BadRequest: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Server replied that phone or email is invalid`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The rights to perform the operation are not sufficient`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_REGISTER_USERNAME_REUSE: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Account username is already taken`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_REGISTER_PAYTO_URI_REUSE: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Account id is already taken`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_UNALLOWED_DEBIT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Bank ran out of bonus credit.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Account username can't be used because is reserved`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_PATCH_DEBT_LIMIT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Only admin is allow to set debt limit.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_MISSING_TAN_INFO: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`No information for the selected authentication channel.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_TAN_CHANNEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Authentication channel is not supported.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_NON_ADMIN_SET_TAN_CHANNEL: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Only admin can create accounts with second factor authentication.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + if (!(credentials.status === "loggedIn" && credentials.isUserAdministrator)) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "warning", title: i18n2.str`Can't create accounts` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Only system admin can create accounts.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:mt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeCancel.url({}), + name: "close", + class: "inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close") + ))); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "New bank account"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + AccountForm, + { + template: void 0, + purpose: "create", + onChange: (a5) => { + setSubmitAccount(a5); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeCancel.url({}), + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "create", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + disabled: !submitAccount, + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doCreate(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Create") + )) + )); +} + +// src/pages/admin/RemoveAccount.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function RemoveAccount({ + account, + routeCancel, + onUpdateSuccess, + onAuthorizationRequired, + focus, + routeHere +}) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const result = useAccountDetails(account); + const [accountName, setAccountName] = p3(); + const { state } = useBackendState(); + const token = state.status !== "loggedIn" ? void 0 : state.token; + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const [, updateBankState] = useBankState(); + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: result }); + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: account }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { currentUser: account }); + default: + assertUnreachable(result); + } + } + const balance = Amounts.parse(result.body.balance.amount); + if (!balance) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, "there was an error reading the balance"); + } + const isBalanceEmpty = Amounts.isZero(balance); + if (!isBalanceEmpty) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { type: "warning", title: i18n2.str`Can't delete the account` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "The account can't be delete while still holding some balance. First make sure that the owner make a complete cashout.")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-5 sm:mt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeCancel.url({}), + name: "close", + class: "inline-flex w-full justify-center rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close") + ))); + } + async function doRemove() { + if (!token) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + const resp = await api.deleteAccount({ username: account, token }); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + notifyInfo(i18n2.str`Account removed`); + onUpdateSuccess(); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`No enough permission to delete the account.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`The username was not found.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_RESERVED_USERNAME_CONFLICT: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Can't delete a reserved username.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case TalerErrorCode.BANK_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_NOT_ZERO: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Can't delete an account with balance different than zero.`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.Accepted: { + updateBankState("currentChallenge", { + operation: "delete-account", + id: String(resp.body.challenge_id), + sent: AbsoluteTime.never(), + location: routeHere.url({ account }), + request: account + }); + return onAuthorizationRequired(); + } + default: { + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + } + }); + } + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + accountName: !accountName ? i18n2.str`Required` : account !== accountName ? i18n2.str`Name doesn't match` : void 0 + }); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "warning", + title: i18n2.str`You are going to remove the account` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "This step can't be undone.") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, 'Deleting account "', account, '"'))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-6 sm:p-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "password" + }, + i18n2.str`Verification` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + ref: focus ? doAutoFocus : void 0, + type: "text", + class: "block w-full rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "password", + id: "password", + "data-error": !!errors2?.accountName && accountName !== void 0, + value: accountName ?? "", + onChange: (e4) => { + setAccountName(e4.currentTarget.value); + }, + placeholder: account, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: errors2?.accountName, + isDirty: accountName !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Enter the account name that is going to be deleted"))))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4 sm:px-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeCancel.url({}), + name: "cancel", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "delete", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-red-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-red-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-red-600", + disabled: !!errors2, + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + doRemove(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Delete") + )) + ))); +} + +// src/pages/business/ShowCashoutDetails.tsx +init_preact_module(); +function ShowCashoutDetails2({ id, routeClose }) { + const { i18n: i18n2, dateLocale } = useTranslationContext(); + const cid = Number.parseInt(id, 10); + const result = useCashoutDetails(Number.isNaN(cid) ? void 0 : cid); + const info = useConversionInfo(); + if (Number.isNaN(cid)) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout id should be a number` + } + ); + } + if (!result) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (result instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: result }); + } + if (result.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "warning", + title: i18n2.str`This cashout not found. Maybe already aborted.` + } + ); + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "warning", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout should be enable by configuration and the conversion rate should be initialized with fee, ratio and rounding mode.") + ); + default: + assertUnreachable(result); + } + } + if (!info) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + } + if (info instanceof TalerError) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(ErrorLoadingWithDebug, { error: info }); + } + if (info.type === "fail") { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Attention, + { + type: "danger", + title: i18n2.str`Cashout are disabled` + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout should be enable by configuration and the conversion rate should be initialized with fee, ratio and rounding mode.") + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(; + } + } + const { fiat_currency_specification, regional_currency_specification } = info.body; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "rounded-sm px-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { id: "summary-heading", class: "font-medium text-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout detail")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "mt-8 space-y-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Subject")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm " }, result.body.subject)))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 py-6 sm:p-8" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "space-y-4" }, result.body.creation_time.t_s !== "never" ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: " text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Created")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + Time, + { + format: "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss", + timestamp: AbsoluteTime.fromProtocolTimestamp(result.body.creation_time) + } + ))) : void 0, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-between items-center border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Debited")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: " font-medium" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(result.body.amount_debit), + negative: true, + withColor: true, + spec: regional_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Credited"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: Amounts.parseOrThrow(result.body.amount_credit), + withColor: true, + spec: fiat_currency_specification + } + ))))))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { style: { display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" } }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + href: routeClose.url({}), + name: "close", + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Close") + ))); +} + +// src/route.ts +function urlPattern(pattern, reverse) { + const url = reverse; + return { + pattern: new RegExp(pattern), + url + }; +} +var nullRountDef = { + pattern: new RegExp(/.*/), + url: () => "" +}; +function findMatch(pagesMap, pageList, path, params) { + for (let idx = 0; idx < pageList.length; idx++) { + const name = pageList[idx]; + const found = pagesMap[name].pattern.exec(path); + if (found !== null) { + const values = {}; + Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]) => { + values[key] = value; + }); + if (found.groups !== void 0) { + Object.entries(found.groups).forEach(([key, value]) => { + values[key] = value; + }); + } + return { name, parent: pagesMap, values }; + } + } + return void 0; +} +function useCurrentLocation(pagesMap) { + const pageList = Object.keys(pagesMap); + const { path, params } = useNavigationContext(); + return findMatch(pagesMap, pageList, path, params); +} + +// src/Routing.tsx +init_hooks_module(); + +// src/pages/ConversionConfig.tsx +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +function constructFormHandler(form, updateForm, errors2) { + const keys = Object.keys(form); + const handler = keys.reduce((prev, fieldName) => { + const currentValue = form[fieldName]; + const currentError = errors2 ? errors2[fieldName] : void 0; + function updater(newValue) { + updateForm({ ...form, [fieldName]: newValue }); + } + if (typeof currentValue === "object") { + const group = constructFormHandler(currentValue, updater, currentError); + prev[fieldName] = group; + return prev; + } + const field = { + error: currentError, + value: currentValue, + onUpdate: updater + }; + prev[fieldName] = field; + return prev; + }, {}); + return handler; +} +function useFormState(defaultValue, check) { + const [form, updateForm] = p3(defaultValue); + const status = check(form); + const handler = constructFormHandler(form, updateForm, status.errors); + return [handler, status]; +} +function useComponentState5({ + onUpdateSuccess, + routeCancel, + routeConversionConfig, + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword +}) { + const result = useConversionInfo(); + const info = result && !(result instanceof TalerError) && result.type === "ok" ? result.body : void 0; + const { state: credentials } = useBackendState(); + const creds = credentials.status !== "loggedIn" || !credentials.isUserAdministrator ? void 0 : credentials; + if (!info) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, "waiting..."); + } + if (!creds) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, "only admin can setup conversion"); + } + return () => { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const { api, config } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + const initalState = { + amount: "100", + conv: { + cashin_min_amount: info.conversion_rate.cashin_min_amount.split(":")[1], + cashin_tiny_amount: info.conversion_rate.cashin_tiny_amount.split(":")[1], + cashin_fee: info.conversion_rate.cashin_fee.split(":")[1], + cashin_ratio: info.conversion_rate.cashin_ratio, + cashin_rounding_mode: info.conversion_rate.cashin_rounding_mode, + cashout_min_amount: info.conversion_rate.cashout_min_amount.split(":")[1], + cashout_tiny_amount: info.conversion_rate.cashout_tiny_amount.split(":")[1], + cashout_fee: info.conversion_rate.cashout_fee.split(":")[1], + cashout_ratio: info.conversion_rate.cashout_ratio, + cashout_rounding_mode: info.conversion_rate.cashout_rounding_mode + } + }; + const [form, status] = useFormState( + initalState, + checkConversionForm(i18n2, info.regional_currency, info.fiat_currency) + ); + const { + estimateByDebit: calculateCashoutFromDebit + } = useCashoutEstimator(); + const { + estimateByDebit: calculateCashinFromDebit + } = useCashinEstimator(); + const [calculationResult, setCalc] = p3(); + h2(() => { + async function doAsync() { + await handleError(async () => { + if (!info) + return; + if (!form.amount?.value || form.amount.error) + return; + const in_amount = Amounts.parseOrThrow(`${info.fiat_currency}:${form.amount.value}`); + const in_fee = Amounts.parseOrThrow(info.conversion_rate.cashin_fee); + const cashin = await calculateCashinFromDebit(in_amount, in_fee); + if (cashin === "amount-is-too-small") { + setCalc(void 0); + return; + } + const out_fee = Amounts.parseOrThrow(info.conversion_rate.cashout_fee); + const cashout = await calculateCashoutFromDebit(, out_fee); + setCalc({ cashin, cashout }); + }); + } + doAsync(); + }, [form.amount?.value, form.conv?.cashin_fee?.value, form.conv?.cashout_fee?.value]); + const [section, setSection] = p3("detail"); + const cashinCalc = calculationResult?.cashin === "amount-is-too-small" ? void 0 : calculationResult?.cashin; + const cashoutCalc = calculationResult?.cashout === "amount-is-too-small" ? void 0 : calculationResult?.cashout; + async function doUpdate() { + if (!creds) + return; + await handleError(async () => { + if (status.status === "fail") + return; + const resp = await api.getConversionInfoAPI().updateConversionRate(creds.token, status.result.conv); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + setSection("detail"); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: { + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Wrong credentials`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + } + case HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented: { + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Conversion is disabled`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + const in_ratio = Number.parseFloat(info.conversion_rate.cashin_ratio); + const out_ratio = Number.parseFloat(info.conversion_rate.cashout_ratio); + const both_high = in_ratio > 1 && out_ratio > 1; + const both_low = in_ratio < 1 && out_ratio < 1; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ProfileNavigation, + { + current: "conversion", + routeMyAccountCashout, + routeMyAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-8 gap-y-8 pt-10 md:grid-cols-3 bg-gray-100 my-4 px-4 pb-4 rounded-lg" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 sm:px-0" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-base font-semibold leading-7 text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Conversion")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-2 mt-2 grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-4 sm:gap-x-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + "data-enabled": section === "detail", + class: "relative flex cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[enabled=true]:border-indigo-600 data-[enabled=true]:ring-2 data-[enabled=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "project-type", + value: "Newsletter", + class: "sr-only", + "aria-labelledby": "project-type-0-label", + "aria-describedby": "project-type-0-description-0 project-type-0-description-1", + onChange: () => { + setSection("detail"); + } + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Details")))) + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + "data-enabled": section === "cashout", + class: "relative flex cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 -- data-[enabled=true]:border-indigo-600 data-[enabled=true]:ring-2 data-[enabled=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "project-type", + value: "Existing Customers", + class: "sr-only", + "aria-labelledby": "project-type-1-label", + "aria-describedby": "project-type-1-description-0 project-type-1-description-1", + onChange: () => { + setSection("cashout"); + } + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Config cashout")))) + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + "data-enabled": section === "cashin", + class: "relative flex cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 -- data-[enabled=true]:border-indigo-600 data-[enabled=true]:ring-2 data-[enabled=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "project-type", + value: "Existing Customers", + class: "sr-only", + "aria-labelledby": "project-type-1-label", + "aria-describedby": "project-type-1-description-0 project-type-1-description-1", + onChange: () => { + setSection("cashin"); + } + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Config cashin")))) + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "form", + { + class: "bg-white shadow-sm ring-1 ring-gray-900/5 sm:rounded-xl md:col-span-2", + autoCapitalize: "none", + autoCorrect: "off", + onSubmit: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + } + }, + section == "cashin" && /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ConversionForm, + { + id: "cashin", + inputCurrency: info.fiat_currency, + outputCurrency: info.regional_currency, + fee: form?.conv?.cashin_fee, + minimum: form?.conv?.cashin_min_amount, + ratio: form?.conv?.cashin_ratio, + rounding: form?.conv?.cashin_rounding_mode, + tiny: form?.conv?.cashin_tiny_amount + } + ), + section == "cashout" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ConversionForm, + { + id: "cashout", + inputCurrency: info.regional_currency, + outputCurrency: info.fiat_currency, + fee: form?.conv?.cashout_fee, + minimum: form?.conv?.cashout_min_amount, + ratio: form?.conv?.cashout_ratio, + rounding: form?.conv?.cashout_rounding_mode, + tiny: form?.conv?.cashout_tiny_amount + } + )), + section == "detail" && /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashin ratio")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, info.conversion_rate.cashin_ratio))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout ratio")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, info.conversion_rate.cashout_ratio))), both_low || both_high ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "p-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { title: i18n2.str`Bad ratios`, type: "warning" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "One of the ratios should be higher or equal than 1 an the other should be lower or equal than 1."))) : void 0, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "amount", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Initial amount` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + InputAmount, + { + name: "amount", + left: true, + currency: info.fiat_currency, + value: form.amount?.value ?? "", + onChange: form.amount?.onUpdate + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: form.amount?.error, + isDirty: form.amount?.value !== void 0 + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Use it to test how the conversion will affect the amount."))))), !cashoutCalc || !cashinCalc ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "mt-4 space-y-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Sending to this bank")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: cashinCalc.debit, + negative: true, + withColor: true, + spec: info.regional_currency_specification + } + ))), Amounts.isZero(cashinCalc.beforeFee) ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between afu " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Converted"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: cashinCalc.beforeFee, + spec: info.fiat_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-between items-center border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-lg text-gray-900 font-medium" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashin after fee")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-lg text-gray-900 font-medium" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value:, + withColor: true, + spec: info.fiat_currency_specification + } + ))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dl", { class: "mt-4 space-y-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "justify-between items-center flex " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Sending from this bank")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: cashoutCalc.debit, + negative: true, + withColor: true, + spec: info.fiat_currency_specification + } + ))), Amounts.isZero(cashoutCalc.beforeFee) ? void 0 : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between afu" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "flex items-center text-sm text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Converted"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-sm text-gray-900" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value: cashoutCalc.beforeFee, + spec: info.regional_currency_specification + } + ))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex justify-between items-center border-t-2 afu pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("dt", { class: "text-lg text-gray-900 font-medium" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cashout after fee")), /* @__PURE__ */ h("dd", { class: "text-lg text-gray-900 font-medium" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RenderAmount, + { + value:, + withColor: true, + spec: info.regional_currency_specification + } + ))))), cashoutCalc && status.status === "ok" && Amounts.cmp(status.result.amount, < 0 ? /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "p-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { title: i18n2.str`Bad configuration`, type: "warning" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "This configuration allows users to cash out more of what has been cashed in."))) : void 0)), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "flex items-center justify-between mt-4 gap-x-6 border-t border-gray-900/10 px-4 py-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "a", + { + name: "cancel", + href: routeCancel.url({}), + class: "text-sm font-semibold leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Cancel") + ), section == "cashin" || section == "cashout" ? /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "button", + { + type: "submit", + name: "update conversion", + class: "disabled:opacity-50 disabled:cursor-default cursor-pointer rounded-md bg-indigo-600 px-3 py-2 text-sm font-semibold text-white shadow-sm hover:bg-indigo-500 focus-visible:outline focus-visible:outline-2 focus-visible:outline-offset-2 focus-visible:outline-indigo-600", + onClick: async () => { + doUpdate(); + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Update") + )) : /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", null)) + ))); + }; +} +var ConversionConfig = utils_exports.recursive(useComponentState5); +function checkConversionForm(i18n2, regional, fiat) { + return function check(state) { + const cashin_min_amount = Amounts.parse(`${fiat}:${state.conv.cashin_min_amount}`); + const cashin_tiny_amount = Amounts.parse(`${regional}:${state.conv.cashin_tiny_amount}`); + const cashin_fee = Amounts.parse(`${regional}:${state.conv.cashin_fee}`); + const cashout_min_amount = Amounts.parse(`${regional}:${state.conv.cashout_min_amount}`); + const cashout_tiny_amount = Amounts.parse(`${fiat}:${state.conv.cashout_tiny_amount}`); + const cashout_fee = Amounts.parse(`${fiat}:${state.conv.cashout_fee}`); + const am = Amounts.parse(`${fiat}:${state.amount}`); + const cashin_ratio = Number.parseFloat(state.conv.cashin_ratio ?? ""); + const cashout_ratio = Number.parseFloat(state.conv.cashout_ratio ?? ""); + const errors2 = undefinedIfEmpty({ + conv: undefinedIfEmpty({ + cashin_min_amount: !state.conv.cashin_min_amount ? i18n2.str`required` : !cashin_min_amount ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0, + cashin_tiny_amount: !state.conv.cashin_tiny_amount ? i18n2.str`required` : !cashin_tiny_amount ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0, + cashin_fee: !state.conv.cashin_fee ? i18n2.str`required` : !cashin_fee ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0, + cashout_min_amount: !state.conv.cashout_min_amount ? i18n2.str`required` : !cashout_min_amount ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0, + cashout_tiny_amount: !state.conv.cashin_tiny_amount ? i18n2.str`required` : !cashout_tiny_amount ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0, + cashout_fee: !state.conv.cashin_fee ? i18n2.str`required` : !cashout_fee ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0, + cashin_rounding_mode: !state.conv.cashin_rounding_mode ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, + cashout_rounding_mode: !state.conv.cashout_rounding_mode ? i18n2.str`required` : void 0, + cashin_ratio: !state.conv.cashin_ratio ? i18n2.str`required` : Number.isNaN(cashin_ratio) ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0, + cashout_ratio: !state.conv.cashout_ratio ? i18n2.str`required` : Number.isNaN(cashout_ratio) ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0 + }), + amount: !state.amount ? i18n2.str`required` : !am ? i18n2.str`invalid` : void 0 + }); + const result = { + amount: am, + conv: { + cashin_fee: !errors2?.conv?.cashin_fee ? Amounts.stringify(cashin_fee) : void 0, + cashin_min_amount: !errors2?.conv?.cashin_min_amount ? Amounts.stringify(cashin_min_amount) : void 0, + cashin_ratio: !errors2?.conv?.cashin_ratio ? String(cashin_ratio) : void 0, + cashin_rounding_mode: !errors2?.conv?.cashin_rounding_mode ? state.conv.cashin_rounding_mode : void 0, + cashin_tiny_amount: !errors2?.conv?.cashin_tiny_amount ? Amounts.stringify(cashin_tiny_amount) : void 0, + cashout_fee: !errors2?.conv?.cashout_fee ? Amounts.stringify(cashout_fee) : void 0, + cashout_min_amount: !errors2?.conv?.cashout_min_amount ? Amounts.stringify(cashout_min_amount) : void 0, + cashout_ratio: !errors2?.conv?.cashout_ratio ? String(cashout_ratio) : void 0, + cashout_rounding_mode: !errors2?.conv?.cashout_rounding_mode ? state.conv.cashout_rounding_mode : void 0, + cashout_tiny_amount: !errors2?.conv?.cashout_tiny_amount ? Amounts.stringify(cashout_tiny_amount) : void 0 + } + }; + return errors2 === void 0 ? { status: "ok", result, errors: errors2 } : { status: "fail", result, errors: errors2 }; + }; +} +function ConversionForm({ id, inputCurrency, outputCurrency, fee, minimum, ratio, rounding, tiny }) { + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "cashin_min_amount", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Minimum amount` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + InputAmount, + { + name: "cashin_min_amount", + left: true, + currency: inputCurrency, + value: minimum?.value ?? "", + onChange: minimum?.onUpdate + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: minimum?.error, + isDirty: minimum?.value !== void 0 + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Only cashout operation above this threshold will be allowed"))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "password" + }, + i18n2.str`Ratio` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "number", + class: "block rounded-md border-0 py-1.5 text-gray-900 shadow-sm ring-1 ring-inset ring-gray-300 data-[error=true]:ring-red-500 placeholder:text-gray-400 focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-600 sm:text-sm sm:leading-6", + name: "current", + id: "cashin_ratio", + "data-error": !!ratio?.error && ratio?.value !== void 0, + value: ratio?.value ?? "", + onChange: (e4) => { + ratio?.onUpdate(e4.currentTarget.value); + }, + autocomplete: "off" + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: ratio?.error, + isDirty: ratio?.value !== void 0 + } + )), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Conversion ratio between currencies"))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { title: i18n2.str`Example conversion` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "1 ", inputCurrency, " will be converted into ", ratio?.value, " ", outputCurrency))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "cashin_tiny_amount", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Rounding value` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + InputAmount, + { + name: "cashin_tiny_amount", + left: true, + currency: outputCurrency, + value: tiny?.value ?? "", + onChange: tiny?.onUpdate + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: tiny?.error, + isDirty: tiny?.value !== void 0 + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Smallest difference between two amounts after the ratio is applied."))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900", + for: "channel" + }, + i18n2.str`Rounding mode` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "mt-2 max-w-xl text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-4 mt-4 grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + rounding?.onUpdate("zero"); + }, + "data-selected": rounding?.value === "zero", + class: "relative flex data-[disabled=false]:cursor-pointer rounded-lg border bg-white data-[disabled=true]:bg-gray-200 p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[selected=true]:ring-2 data-[selected=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "channel", + value: "Newsletter", + class: "sr-only" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + id: "project-type-0-label", + class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 " + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Zero") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount will be round below to the largest possible value smaller than the input."))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + "data-selected": rounding?.value === "zero", + class: "h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600 data-[selected=false]:hidden", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + rounding?.onUpdate("up"); + }, + "data-selected": rounding?.value === "up", + class: "relative flex data-[disabled=false]:cursor-pointer rounded-lg border data-[disabled=true]:bg-gray-200 p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[selected=true]:ring-2 data-[selected=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "channel", + value: "Existing Customers", + class: "sr-only" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + id: "project-type-0-label", + class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 " + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Up") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount will be round up to the smallest possible value larger than the input."))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + "data-selected": rounding?.value === "up", + class: "h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600 data-[selected=false]:hidden", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + onClick: (e4) => { + e4.preventDefault(); + rounding?.onUpdate("nearest"); + }, + "data-selected": rounding?.value === "nearest", + class: "relative flex data-[disabled=false]:cursor-pointer rounded-lg border data-[disabled=true]:bg-gray-200 p-4 shadow-sm focus:outline-none border-gray-300 data-[selected=true]:ring-2 data-[selected=true]:ring-indigo-600" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "input", + { + type: "radio", + name: "channel", + value: "Existing Customers", + class: "sr-only" + } + ), + /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-1" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("span", { class: "flex flex-col" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "span", + { + id: "project-type-0-label", + class: "block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900 " + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Nearest") + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount will be round to the closest possible value."))), + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "svg", + { + "data-selected": rounding?.value === "nearest", + class: "h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600 data-[selected=false]:hidden", + viewBox: "0 0 20 20", + fill: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "path", + { + "fill-rule": "evenodd", + d: "M10 18a8 8 0 100-16 8 8 0 000 16zm3.857-9.809a.75.75 0 00-1.214-.882l-3.483 4.79-1.88-1.88a.75.75 0 10-1.06 1.061l2.5 2.5a.75.75 0 001.137-.089l4-5.5z", + "clip-rule": "evenodd" + } + ) + ) + )))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-4" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Attention, { title: i18n2.str`Examples` }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("section", { class: "grid grid-cols-1 gap-y-3 text-gray-600" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("details", { class: "group text-sm" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("summary", { class: "flex cursor-pointer flex-row items-center justify-between " }, "Rounding an amount of 1.24 with rounding value 0.1", /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-6 w-6 rotate-0 transform group-open:rotate-180", xmlns: "", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "2", stroke: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M19 9l-7 7-7-7" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, "Given the rounding value of 0.1 the possible values closest to 1.24 are: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "zero" mode the value will be rounded to 1.2'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "nearest" mode the value will be rounded to 1.2'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 mt-4" }, 'With the "up" mode the value will be rounded to 1.3')), /* @__PURE__ */ h("details", { class: "group " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("summary", { class: "flex cursor-pointer flex-row items-center justify-between " }, "Rounding an amount of 1.26 with rounding value 0.1", /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-6 w-6 rotate-0 transform group-open:rotate-180", xmlns: "", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "2", stroke: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M19 9l-7 7-7-7" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, "Given the rounding value of 0.1 the possible values closest to 1.24 are: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "zero" mode the value will be rounded to 1.2'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "nearest" mode the value will be rounded to 1.3'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "up" mode the value will be rounded to 1.3')), /* @__PURE__ */ h("details", { class: "group " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("summary", { class: "flex cursor-pointer flex-row items-center justify-between " }, "Rounding an amount of 1.24 with rounding value 0.3", /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-6 w-6 rotate-0 transform group-open:rotate-180", xmlns: "", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "2", stroke: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M19 9l-7 7-7-7" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, "Given the rounding value of 0.3 the possible values closest to 1.24 are: 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "zero" mode the value will be rounded to 1.2'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "nearest" mode the value will be rounded to 1.2'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "up" mode the value will be rounded to 1.5')), /* @__PURE__ */ h("details", { class: "group " }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("summary", { class: "flex cursor-pointer flex-row items-center justify-between " }, "Rounding an amount of 1.26 with rounding value 0.3", /* @__PURE__ */ h("svg", { class: "h-6 w-6 rotate-0 transform group-open:rotate-180", xmlns: "", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 24 24", "stroke-width": "2", stroke: "currentColor", "aria-hidden": "true" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("path", { "stroke-linecap": "round", "stroke-linejoin": "round", d: "M19 9l-7 7-7-7" }))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, "Given the rounding value of 0.3 the possible values closest to 1.24 are: 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8."), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "zero" mode the value will be rounded to 1.2'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "nearest" mode the value will be rounded to 1.3'), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "text-gray-900 my-4" }, 'With the "up" mode the value will be rounded to 1.3'))))), /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "px-6 pt-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "grid max-w-2xl grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-8 sm:grid-cols-6" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:col-span-5" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + "label", + { + for: "cashin_fee", + class: "block text-sm font-medium leading-6 text-gray-900" + }, + i18n2.str`Fee` + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + InputAmount, + { + name: "cashin_fee", + left: true, + currency: outputCurrency, + value: fee?.value ?? "", + onChange: fee?.onUpdate + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowInputErrorLabel, + { + message: fee?.error, + isDirty: fee?.value !== void 0 + } + ), /* @__PURE__ */ h("p", { class: "mt-2 text-sm text-gray-500" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(i18n2.Translate, null, "Amount to be deducted before amount is credited.")))))); +} + +// src/Routing.tsx +function Routing() { + const backend = useBackendState(); + if (backend.state.status === "loggedIn") { + const { isUserAdministrator, username } = backend.state; + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(BankFrame, { account: username, routeAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails }, /* @__PURE__ */ h(PrivateRouting, { username, isAdmin: isUserAdministrator })); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(BankFrame, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + PublicRounting, + { + onLoggedUser: (username, token) => { + backend.logIn({ username, token }); + } + } + )); +} +var publicPages = { + login: urlPattern(/\/login/, () => "#/login"), + register: urlPattern(/\/register/, () => "#/register"), + publicAccounts: urlPattern(/\/public-accounts/, () => "#/public-accounts"), + operationDetails: urlPattern( + /\/operation\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/, + ({ wopid }) => `#/operation/${wopid}` + ), + solveSecondFactor: urlPattern(/\/2fa/, () => "#/2fa") +}; +function PublicRounting({ + onLoggedUser +}) { + const settings = useSettingsContext(); + const { i18n: i18n2 } = useTranslationContext(); + const location2 = useCurrentLocation(publicPages); + const { navigateTo } = useNavigationContext(); + const { api } = useBankCoreApiContext(); + const [notification, notify2, handleError] = useLocalNotification(); + h2(() => { + if (location2 === void 0) { + navigateTo(publicPages.login.url({})); + } + }, [location2]); + if (location2 === void 0) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + } + async function doAutomaticLogin(username, password) { + await handleError(async () => { + const resp = await api.getAuthenticationAPI(username).createAccessToken(password, { + scope: "readwrite", + duration: { d_us: "forever" }, + refreshable: true + }); + if (resp.type === "ok") { + onLoggedUser(username, resp.body.access_token); + } else { + switch ( { + case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Wrong credentials for "${username}"`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: + return notify2({ + type: "error", + title: i18n2.str`Account not found`, + description: resp.detail.hint, + debug: resp.detail + }); + default: + assertUnreachable(resp); + } + } + }); + } + switch ( { + case "login": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h("div", { class: "sm:mx-auto sm:w-full sm:max-w-sm" }, /* @__PURE__ */ h("h2", { class: "text-center text-2xl font-bold leading-9 tracking-tight text-gray-900" }, i18n2.str`Welcome to ${settings.bankName}!`)), /* @__PURE__ */ h(LoginForm, { routeRegister: publicPages.register })); + } + case "publicAccounts": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(PublicHistoriesPage, null); + } + case "operationDetails": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + WithdrawalOperationPage, + { + operationId: location2.values.wopid, + routeWithdrawalDetails: publicPages.operationDetails, + purpose: "after-confirmation", + onOperationAborted: () => navigateTo(publicPages.login.url({})), + routeClose: publicPages.login, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(publicPages.solveSecondFactor.url({})) + } + ); + } + case "register": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(LocalNotificationBanner, { notification }), /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RegistrationPage, + { + onRegistrationSuccesful: doAutomaticLogin, + routeCancel: publicPages.login + } + )); + } + case "solveSecondFactor": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + SolveChallengePage, + { + onChallengeCompleted: () => navigateTo(publicPages.login.url({})), + routeClose: publicPages.login + } + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(location2); + } +} +var privatePages = { + homeChargeWallet: urlPattern( + /\/account\/charge-wallet/, + () => "#/account/charge-wallet" + ), + homeWireTransfer: urlPattern( + /\/account\/wire-transfer/, + () => "#/account/wire-transfer" + ), + home: urlPattern(/\/account/, () => "#/account"), + solveSecondFactor: urlPattern(/\/2fa/, () => "#/2fa"), + cashoutCreate: urlPattern(/\/new-cashout/, () => "#/new-cashout"), + cashoutDetails: urlPattern( + /\/cashout\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/, + ({ cid }) => `#/cashout/${cid}` + ), + wireTranserCreate: urlPattern( + /\/wire-transfer\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)/, + ({ account }) => `#/wire-transfer/${account}` + ), + publicAccountList: urlPattern(/\/public-accounts/, () => "#/public-accounts"), + statsDownload: urlPattern(/\/download-stats/, () => "#/download-stats"), + accountCreate: urlPattern(/\/new-account/, () => "#/new-account"), + myAccountDelete: urlPattern( + /\/delete-my-account/, + () => "#/delete-my-account" + ), + myAccountDetails: urlPattern(/\/my-profile/, () => "#/my-profile"), + myAccountPassword: urlPattern(/\/my-password/, () => "#/my-password"), + myAccountCashouts: urlPattern(/\/my-cashouts/, () => "#/my-cashouts"), + conversionConfig: urlPattern(/\/conversion/, () => "#/conversion"), + accountDetails: urlPattern( + /\/profile\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/details/, + ({ account }) => `#/profile/${account}/details` + ), + accountChangePassword: urlPattern( + /\/profile\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/change-password/, + ({ account }) => `#/profile/${account}/change-password` + ), + accountDelete: urlPattern( + /\/profile\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/delete/, + ({ account }) => `#/profile/${account}/delete` + ), + accountCashouts: urlPattern( + /\/profile\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\/cashouts/, + ({ account }) => `#/profile/${account}/cashouts` + ), + startOperation: urlPattern( + /\/start-operation\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/, + ({ wopid }) => `#/start-operation/${wopid}` + ), + operationDetails: urlPattern( + /\/operation\/(?[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/, + ({ wopid }) => `#/operation/${wopid}` + ) +}; +function PrivateRouting({ + username, + isAdmin +}) { + const { navigateTo } = useNavigationContext(); + const location2 = useCurrentLocation(privatePages); + h2(() => { + if (location2 === void 0) { + navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})); + } + }, [location2]); + if (location2 === void 0) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(p2, null); + } + switch ( { + case "operationDetails": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + WithdrawalOperationPage, + { + operationId: location2.values.wopid, + routeWithdrawalDetails: privatePages.operationDetails, + purpose: "after-confirmation", + onOperationAborted: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})) + } + ); + } + case "startOperation": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + WithdrawalOperationPage, + { + operationId: location2.values.wopid, + routeWithdrawalDetails: privatePages.operationDetails, + purpose: "after-creation", + onOperationAborted: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})) + } + ); + } + case "solveSecondFactor": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + SolveChallengePage, + { + onChallengeCompleted: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "publicAccountList": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(PublicHistoriesPage, null); + } + case "statsDownload": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(DownloadStats, { routeCancel: privatePages.home }); + } + case "accountCreate": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + CreateNewAccount, + { + routeCancel: privatePages.home, + onCreateSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})) + } + ); + } + case "accountDetails": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowAccountDetails, + { + account: location2.values.account, + onUpdateSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + routeHere: privatePages.accountDetails, + routeMyAccountCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeMyAccountDelete: privatePages.myAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword: privatePages.myAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig: privatePages.conversionConfig, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "accountChangePassword": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + UpdateAccountPassword, + { + focus: true, + account: location2.values.account, + routeHere: privatePages.accountChangePassword, + onUpdateSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + routeMyAccountCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeMyAccountDelete: privatePages.myAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword: privatePages.myAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig: privatePages.conversionConfig, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "accountDelete": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RemoveAccount, + { + account: location2.values.account, + routeHere: privatePages.accountDelete, + onUpdateSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeCancel: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "accountCashouts": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + CashoutListForAccount, + { + account: location2.values.account, + routeCreateCashout: privatePages.cashoutCreate, + routeCashoutDetails: privatePages.cashoutDetails, + routeClose: privatePages.home, + routeMyAccountCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeMyAccountDelete: privatePages.myAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword: privatePages.myAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig: privatePages.conversionConfig, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})) + } + ); + } + case "myAccountDelete": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + RemoveAccount, + { + account: username, + routeHere: privatePages.accountDelete, + onUpdateSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeCancel: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "myAccountDetails": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowAccountDetails, + { + account: username, + routeHere: privatePages.accountDetails, + onUpdateSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + routeMyAccountCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeConversionConfig: privatePages.conversionConfig, + routeMyAccountDelete: privatePages.myAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword: privatePages.myAccountPassword, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "myAccountPassword": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + UpdateAccountPassword, + { + focus: true, + account: username, + routeHere: privatePages.accountChangePassword, + onUpdateSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + routeMyAccountCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeMyAccountDelete: privatePages.myAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword: privatePages.myAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig: privatePages.conversionConfig, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "myAccountCashouts": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + CashoutListForAccount, + { + account: username, + routeCashoutDetails: privatePages.cashoutDetails, + routeCreateCashout: privatePages.cashoutCreate, + routeMyAccountCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeMyAccountDelete: privatePages.myAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword: privatePages.myAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig: privatePages.conversionConfig, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "home": { + if (isAdmin) { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + AdminHome, + { + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeCreate: privatePages.accountCreate, + routeRemoveAccount: privatePages.accountDelete, + routeShowAccount: privatePages.accountDetails, + routeShowCashoutsAccount: privatePages.accountCashouts, + routeUpdatePasswordAccount: privatePages.accountChangePassword, + routeCreateWireTransfer: privatePages.wireTranserCreate, + routeDownloadStats: privatePages.statsDownload + } + ); + } + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + AccountPage, + { + account: username, + tab: void 0, + routeCreateWireTransfer: privatePages.wireTranserCreate, + routePublicAccounts: privatePages.publicAccountList, + routeOperationDetails: privatePages.startOperation, + routeChargeWallet: privatePages.homeChargeWallet, + routeWireTransfer: privatePages.homeWireTransfer, + routeSolveSecondFactor: privatePages.solveSecondFactor, + routeCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeClose: privatePages.home, + onClose: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + onOperationCreated: (wopid) => navigateTo(privatePages.startOperation.url({ wopid })) + } + ); + } + case "cashoutCreate": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + CreateCashout, + { + account: username, + routeHere: privatePages.cashoutCreate, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeClose: privatePages.home + } + ); + } + case "cashoutDetails": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ShowCashoutDetails2, + { + id: location2.values.cid, + routeClose: privatePages.myAccountCashouts + } + ); + } + case "wireTranserCreate": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + WireTransfer, + { + toAccount: location2.values.account, + withAmount: location2.values.amount, + withSubject: location2.values.subject, + routeHere: privatePages.wireTranserCreate, + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + routeCancel: privatePages.home, + onSuccess: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})) + } + ); + } + case "homeChargeWallet": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + AccountPage, + { + account: username, + tab: "charge-wallet", + routeChargeWallet: privatePages.homeChargeWallet, + routeWireTransfer: privatePages.homeWireTransfer, + routeCreateWireTransfer: privatePages.wireTranserCreate, + routePublicAccounts: privatePages.publicAccountList, + routeOperationDetails: privatePages.startOperation, + routeCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeSolveSecondFactor: privatePages.solveSecondFactor, + routeClose: privatePages.home, + onClose: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + onOperationCreated: (wopid) => navigateTo(privatePages.startOperation.url({ wopid })) + } + ); + } + case "conversionConfig": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + ConversionConfig, + { + routeMyAccountCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeMyAccountDelete: privatePages.myAccountDelete, + routeMyAccountDetails: privatePages.myAccountDetails, + routeMyAccountPassword: privatePages.myAccountPassword, + routeConversionConfig: privatePages.conversionConfig, + routeCancel: privatePages.home, + onUpdateSuccess: () => { + navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})); + } + } + ); + } + case "homeWireTransfer": { + return /* @__PURE__ */ h( + AccountPage, + { + account: username, + tab: "wire-transfer", + routeChargeWallet: privatePages.homeChargeWallet, + routeWireTransfer: privatePages.homeWireTransfer, + routeCreateWireTransfer: privatePages.wireTranserCreate, + routePublicAccounts: privatePages.publicAccountList, + routeOperationDetails: privatePages.startOperation, + routeSolveSecondFactor: privatePages.solveSecondFactor, + routeCashout: privatePages.myAccountCashouts, + routeClose: privatePages.home, + onClose: () => navigateTo(privatePages.home.url({})), + onAuthorizationRequired: () => navigateTo(privatePages.solveSecondFactor.url({})), + onOperationCreated: (wopid) => navigateTo(privatePages.startOperation.url({ wopid })) + } + ); + } + default: + assertUnreachable(location2); + } +} + +// src/context/backend.ts +init_preact_module(); +init_hooks_module(); +var initial3 = { + state: defaultState, + logOut() { + null; + }, + expired() { + null; + }, + logIn(_info) { + null; + } +}; +var Context7 = B(initial3); +var BackendStateProvider = ({ + children +}) => { + const value = useBackendState(); + return h(Context7.Provider, { + value, + children + }); +}; + +// src/i18n/strings.ts +var strings = {}; +strings["it"] = { + locale_data: { + messages: { + "": { + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;", + lang: "it" + }, + "Operation failed, please report": ["Registrazione"], + "Request timeout": [""], + "Request throttled": [""], + "Malformed response": [""], + "Network error": [""], + "Unexpected request error": [""], + "Unexpected error": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [""], + "IBAN country code not found": [""], + "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [""], + "Max withdrawal amount": ["Questo ritiro \xE8 stato annullato!"], + "Show withdrawal confirmation": ["Questo ritiro \xE8 stato annullato!"], + "Show demo description": [""], + "Show install wallet first": [""], + "Use fast withdrawal form": ["Ritira contante"], + "Show debug info": [""], + "The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted": [""], + "The operation id is invalid.": [""], + "The operation was not found.": ["Lista conti pubblici non trovata."], + "If you have a Taler wallet installed in this device": [""], + "You will see the details of the operation in your wallet including the fees (if applies). If you still don't have one you can install it following instructions in": [""], + "this page": [""], + Withdraw: ["Prelevare"], + "Or if you have the wallet in another device": [""], + "Scan the QR below to start the withdrawal.": ["Chiudi il ritiro Taler"], + required: [""], + "IBAN should have just uppercased letters and numbers": [""], + "not valid": [""], + "should be greater than 0": [""], + "balance is not enough": [""], + "does not follow the pattern": [""], + 'only "IBAN" target are supported': [""], + 'use the "amount" parameter to specify the amount to be transferred': [ + "" + ], + "the amount is not valid": [""], + 'use the "message" parameter to specify a reference text for the transfer': [""], + "The request was invalid or the payto://-URI used unacceptable features.": [""], + "Not enough permission to complete the operation.": [ + "La banca sta creando l'operazione..." + ], + 'The destination account "%1$s" was not found.': [ + "Lista conti pubblici non trovata." + ], + "The origin and the destination of the transfer can't be the same.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough.": [""], + 'The origin account "%1$s" was not found.': [ + "Lista conti pubblici non trovata." + ], + "Using a form": [""], + "Import payto:// URI": [""], + Recipient: [""], + "IBAN of the recipient's account": [""], + "Transfer subject": [ + "Trasferisci fondi a un altro conto di questa banca:" + ], + subject: ["Soggetto"], + "some text to identify the transfer": [""], + Amount: ["Importo"], + "amount to transfer": ["Somma da ritirare"], + "payto URI:": [""], + "uniform resource identifier of the target account": [""], + "payto://iban/[receiver-iban]?message=[subject]&amount=[%1$s:X.Y]": [""], + Cancel: [""], + Send: [""], + "Missing username": [""], + "Missing password": [""], + 'Wrong credentials for "%1$s"': ["Credenziali invalide."], + "Account not found": [""], + Username: [""], + "username of the account": [ + "Trasferisci fondi a un altro conto di questa banca:" + ], + Password: [""], + "password of the account": ["Storico dei conti pubblici"], + Check: [""], + "Log in": [""], + Register: ["Registrati"], + "Wire transfer completed!": ["Bonifico"], + "The withdrawal has been aborted previously and can't be confirmed": [""], + "The withdrawal operation can't be confirmed before a wallet accepted the transaction.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough for the operation.": [""], + "Confirm the withdrawal operation": ["Conferma il ritiro"], + "Wire transfer details": ["Bonifico"], + "Taler Exchange operator's account": [""], + "Taler Exchange operator's name": [""], + Transfer: [""], + "Authentication required": [""], + "This operation was created with other username": [""], + "Operation aborted": [""], + "The wire transfer to the Taler Exchange operator's account was aborted, your balance was not affected.": [""], + "You can close this page now or continue to the account page.": [""], + Continue: [""], + "Withdrawal confirmed": ["Questo ritiro \xE8 stato annullato!"], + "The wire transfer to the Taler operator has been initiated. You will soon receive the requested amount in your Taler wallet.": [""], + Done: [""], + "Operation canceled": [""], + "The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed": [""], + "The account is selected but no withdrawal identification found.": [""], + "There is a withdrawal identification but no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "No withdrawal ID found and no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "Operation not found": [""], + "This operation is not known by the server. The operation id is wrong or the server deleted the operation information before reaching here.": [""], + "Cotinue to dashboard": [""], + "The Withdrawal URI is not valid": ["Questo ritiro \xE8 stato annullato!"], + 'the bank backend is not supported. supported version "%1$s", server version "%2$s"': [""], + "Internal error, please report.": ["Registrazione"], + Preferences: [""], + "Welcome, %1$s": [""], + "Latest transactions": ["Ultime transazioni:"], + Date: ["Data"], + Counterpart: ["Controparte"], + Subject: ["Soggetto"], + sent: [""], + received: [""], + "invalid value": [""], + to: [""], + from: [""], + "First page": [""], + Next: [""], + "History of public accounts": ["Storico dei conti pubblici"], + "Currently, the bank is not accepting new registrations!": [""], + "Missing name": ["indirizzo Payto"], + "Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter": [""], + "Passwords don't match": [""], + "Server replied with invalid phone or email.": [""], + "Registration is disabled because the bank ran out of bonus credit.": [ + "" + ], + "No enough permission to create that account.": [""], + "That account id is already taken.": [""], + "That username is already taken.": [""], + "That username can't be used because is reserved.": [""], + "Only admin is allow to set debt limit.": [""], + "No information for the selected authentication channel.": [""], + "Authentication channel is not supported.": [""], + "Only admin can create accounts with second factor authentication.": [""], + "Account registration": [""], + "Repeat password": [""], + Name: [""], + "Create a random temporary user": [""], + "Make a wire transfer": ["Chiudi il bonifico"], + "Wire transfer created!": ["Bonifico"], + Accounts: ["Importo"], + "A list of all business account in the bank.": [""], + "Create account": [""], + Balance: [""], + Actions: [""], + unknown: [""], + "change password": [""], + remove: [""], + "Select a section": [""], + "Last hour": [""], + "Last day": [""], + "Last month": [""], + "Last year": [""], + "Last Year": [""], + "Trading volume on %1$s compared to %2$s": [""], + Cashin: [""], + Cashout: [""], + Payin: [""], + Payout: [""], + "download stats as CSV": [""], + "Descreased by": [""], + "Increased by": [""], + "Unable to create a cashout": [""], + "The bank configuration does not support cashout operations.": [""], + invalid: [""], + "need to be higher due to fees": [""], + "the total transfer at destination will be zero": [""], + "Cashout created": [""], + "Duplicated request detected, check if the operation succeded or try again.": [""], + "The conversion rate was incorrectly applied": [""], + "The account does not have sufficient funds": [""], + "Cashouts are not supported": [""], + "Missing cashout URI in the profile": [""], + "Sending the confirmation message failed, retry later or contact the administrator.": [""], + "Convertion rate": [""], + Fee: [""], + "To account": [""], + "No cashout account": [""], + "Before doing a cashout you need to complete your profile": [""], + "Amount to send": ["Somma da ritirare"], + "Amount to receive": ["Somma da ritirare"], + "Total cost": [""], + "Balance left": [""], + "Before fee": [""], + "Total cashout transfer": [""], + "No cashout channel available": [""], + "Before doing a cashout the server need to provide an second channel to confirm the operation": [""], + "Second factor authentication": [""], + Email: [""], + "add a email in your profile to enable this option": [""], + SMS: [""], + "add a phone number in your profile to enable this option": [""], + Details: [""], + Delete: [""], + Credentials: ["Credenziali invalide."], + Cashouts: [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an IBAN number": [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an email": [""], + "should start with +": [""], + "phone number can't have other than numbers": [""], + "account identification in the bank": [""], + "name of the person owner the account": [""], + "Internal IBAN": [""], + "if empty a random account number will be assigned": [""], + "account identification for bank transfer": [""], + Phone: [""], + "Cashout IBAN": [""], + "account number where the money is going to be sent when doing cashouts": [""], + "Max debt": [""], + "how much is user able to transfer after zero balance": [""], + "Is this a Taler Exchange?": [""], + "This server doesn't support second factor authentication.": [""], + "Enable second factor authentication": [""], + "Using email": [""], + "Using SMS": [""], + "Is this account public?": [""], + "public accounts have their balance publicly accesible": [""], + "Account updated": [""], + "The rights to change the account are not sufficient": [""], + "The username was not found": [""], + "You can't change the legal name, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the debt limit, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the cashout address, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the contact data, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + 'Account "%1$s"': [""], + "Change details": [""], + Update: [""], + "password doesn't match": [""], + "Password changed": [""], + "Not authorized to change the password, maybe the session is invalid.": [ + "" + ], + "You need to provide the old password. If you don't have it contact your account administrator.": [""], + "Your current password doesn't match, can't change to a new password.": [ + "" + ], + "Update password": [""], + "New password": [""], + "Type it again": [""], + "repeat the same password": [""], + "Current password": [""], + "your current password, for security": [""], + Change: [""], + "Can't delete the account": [""], + "The account can't be delete while still holding some balance. First make sure that the owner make a complete cashout.": [""], + "Account removed": [""], + "No enough permission to delete the account.": [""], + "The username was not found.": [""], + "Can't delete a reserved username.": [""], + "Can't delete an account with balance different than zero.": [""], + "name doesn't match": [""], + "You are going to remove the account": [""], + "This step can't be undone.": [""], + 'Deleting account "%1$s"': [""], + Verification: [""], + "enter the account name that is going to be deleted": [""], + 'Account created with password "%1$s". The user must change the password on the next login.': [""], + "Server replied that phone or email is invalid": [""], + "The rights to perform the operation are not sufficient": [""], + "Account username is already taken": [""], + "Account id is already taken": [""], + "Bank ran out of bonus credit.": [""], + "Account username can't be used because is reserved": [""], + "Can't create accounts": [""], + "Only system admin can create accounts.": [""], + "New business account": [""], + Create: [""], + "Cashout not supported.": [""], + "Account not found.": ["Lista conti pubblici non trovata."], + "Latest cashouts": ["Ultime transazioni:"], + Created: [""], + Confirmed: ["Conferma"], + "Total debit": [""], + "Total credit": [""], + Status: [""], + never: [""], + "Cashout for account %1$s": [""], + "This cashout not found. Maybe already aborted.": [""], + "Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.": [ + "" + ], + "Cashout was already confimed.": [""], + "Cashout operation is not supported.": [""], + "The cashout operation is already aborted.": [""], + "Missing destination account.": [""], + "Too many failed attempts.": [""], + "The code for this cashout is invalid.": [""], + "Cashout detail": [""], + Debited: [""], + Credited: [""], + "Enter the confirmation code": [""], + Abort: ["Annulla"], + Confirm: ["Conferma"], + "Unauthorized to make the operation, maybe the session has expired or the password changed.": [""], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds.": [""], + "Do not show this again": [""], + Close: [""], + "On this device": [""], + 'If you are using a web browser on desktop you should access your wallet with the GNU Taler WebExtension now or click the link if your WebExtension have the "Inject Taler support" option enabled.': [""], + Start: [""], + "On a mobile phone": [""], + "Scan the QR code with your mobile device.": [ + "Usa questo codice QR per ritirare contante nel tuo wallet:" + ], + "There is an operation already": [""], + "Complete or cancel the operation in": ["Conferma il ritiro"], + "Server responded with an invalid withdraw URI": [""], + "Withdraw URI: %1$s": ["Prelevare"], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds": [""], + "Prepare your wallet": [""], + "After using your wallet you will need to confirm or cancel the operation on this site.": [""], + "You need a GNU Taler Wallet": ["Ritira contante nel portafoglio Taler"], + "If you don't have one yet you can follow the instruction in": [""], + "Send money": [""], + "to a %1$s wallet": [""], + "Withdraw digital money into your mobile wallet or browser extension": [ + "" + ], + "operation ready": [""], + "to another bank account": [ + "Trasferisci fondi a un altro conto di questa banca:" + ], + "Make a wire transfer to an account with known bank account number.": [ + "" + ], + "Transfer details": ["Effettua un bonifico"], + "This is a demo bank": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work. In addition to using your own bank account, you can also see the transaction history of some %1$s.": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work.": [""], + "Pending account delete operation": [""], + "Pending account update operation": [""], + "Pending password update operation": [""], + "Pending transaction operation": [""], + "Pending withdrawal operation": [""], + "Pending cashout operation": [""], + "You can complete or cancel the operation in": [""], + "Download bank stats": [""], + "Include hour metric": [""], + "Include day metric": [""], + "Include month metric": [""], + "Include year metric": [""], + "Include table header": [""], + "Add previous metric for compare": [""], + "Fail on first error": [""], + Download: [""], + "downloading... %1$s": [""], + "Download completed": [""], + "click here to save the file in your computer": [""], + "Challenge not found.": [""], + "This user is not authorized to complete this challenge.": [""], + "Too many attemps, try another code.": [""], + "The confirmation code is wrong, try again.": [""], + "The operation expired.": [""], + "The operation failed.": ["Questo ritiro \xE8 stato annullato!"], + "The operation needs another confirmation to complete.": [""], + "Account delete": [""], + "Account update": [""], + "Password update": [""], + "Wire transfer": ["Bonifico"], + Withdrawal: ["Prelevare"], + "Confirm the operation": ["Conferma il ritiro"], + "Send again": [""], + "Send code": [""], + "Operation details": [""], + "Challenge details": [""], + "Sent at": [""], + "To phone": [""], + "To email": [""], + "Welcome to %1$s!": [""] + } + }, + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;", + lang: "it", + completeness: 14 +}; +strings["fr"] = { + locale_data: { + messages: { + "": { + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;", + lang: "fr" + }, + "Operation failed, please report": [""], + "Request timeout": [""], + "Request throttled": [""], + "Malformed response": [""], + "Network error": [""], + "Unexpected request error": [""], + "Unexpected error": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [""], + "IBAN country code not found": [""], + "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [""], + "Max withdrawal amount": [""], + "Show withdrawal confirmation": [""], + "Show demo description": [""], + "Show install wallet first": [""], + "Use fast withdrawal form": [""], + "Show debug info": [""], + "The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted": [""], + "The operation id is invalid.": [""], + "The operation was not found.": [""], + "If you have a Taler wallet installed in this device": [""], + "You will see the details of the operation in your wallet including the fees (if applies). If you still don't have one you can install it following instructions in": [""], + "this page": [""], + Withdraw: [""], + "Or if you have the wallet in another device": [""], + "Scan the QR below to start the withdrawal.": [""], + required: [""], + "IBAN should have just uppercased letters and numbers": [""], + "not valid": [""], + "should be greater than 0": [""], + "balance is not enough": [""], + "does not follow the pattern": [""], + 'only "IBAN" target are supported': [""], + 'use the "amount" parameter to specify the amount to be transferred': [ + "" + ], + "the amount is not valid": [""], + 'use the "message" parameter to specify a reference text for the transfer': [""], + "The request was invalid or the payto://-URI used unacceptable features.": [""], + "Not enough permission to complete the operation.": [""], + 'The destination account "%1$s" was not found.': [""], + "The origin and the destination of the transfer can't be the same.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough.": [""], + 'The origin account "%1$s" was not found.': [""], + "Using a form": [""], + "Import payto:// URI": [""], + Recipient: [""], + "IBAN of the recipient's account": [""], + "Transfer subject": [""], + subject: [""], + "some text to identify the transfer": [""], + Amount: [""], + "amount to transfer": [""], + "payto URI:": [""], + "uniform resource identifier of the target account": [""], + "payto://iban/[receiver-iban]?message=[subject]&amount=[%1$s:X.Y]": [""], + Cancel: [""], + Send: [""], + "Missing username": [""], + "Missing password": [""], + 'Wrong credentials for "%1$s"': [""], + "Account not found": [""], + Username: [""], + "username of the account": [""], + Password: [""], + "password of the account": [""], + Check: [""], + "Log in": [""], + Register: [""], + "Wire transfer completed!": [""], + "The withdrawal has been aborted previously and can't be confirmed": [""], + "The withdrawal operation can't be confirmed before a wallet accepted the transaction.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough for the operation.": [""], + "Confirm the withdrawal operation": [""], + "Wire transfer details": [""], + "Taler Exchange operator's account": [""], + "Taler Exchange operator's name": [""], + Transfer: [""], + "Authentication required": [""], + "This operation was created with other username": [""], + "Operation aborted": [""], + "The wire transfer to the Taler Exchange operator's account was aborted, your balance was not affected.": [""], + "You can close this page now or continue to the account page.": [""], + Continue: [""], + "Withdrawal confirmed": [""], + "The wire transfer to the Taler operator has been initiated. You will soon receive the requested amount in your Taler wallet.": [""], + Done: [""], + "Operation canceled": [""], + "The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed": [""], + "The account is selected but no withdrawal identification found.": [""], + "There is a withdrawal identification but no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "No withdrawal ID found and no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "Operation not found": [""], + "This operation is not known by the server. The operation id is wrong or the server deleted the operation information before reaching here.": [""], + "Cotinue to dashboard": [""], + "The Withdrawal URI is not valid": [""], + 'the bank backend is not supported. supported version "%1$s", server version "%2$s"': [""], + "Internal error, please report.": [""], + Preferences: [""], + "Welcome, %1$s": [""], + "Latest transactions": [""], + Date: [""], + Counterpart: [""], + Subject: [""], + sent: [""], + received: [""], + "invalid value": [""], + to: [""], + from: [""], + "First page": [""], + Next: [""], + "History of public accounts": [""], + "Currently, the bank is not accepting new registrations!": [""], + "Missing name": [""], + "Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter": [""], + "Passwords don't match": [""], + "Server replied with invalid phone or email.": [""], + "Registration is disabled because the bank ran out of bonus credit.": [ + "" + ], + "No enough permission to create that account.": [""], + "That account id is already taken.": [""], + "That username is already taken.": [""], + "That username can't be used because is reserved.": [""], + "Only admin is allow to set debt limit.": [""], + "No information for the selected authentication channel.": [""], + "Authentication channel is not supported.": [""], + "Only admin can create accounts with second factor authentication.": [""], + "Account registration": [""], + "Repeat password": [""], + Name: [""], + "Create a random temporary user": [""], + "Make a wire transfer": [""], + "Wire transfer created!": [""], + Accounts: [""], + "A list of all business account in the bank.": [""], + "Create account": [""], + Balance: [""], + Actions: [""], + unknown: [""], + "change password": [""], + remove: [""], + "Select a section": [""], + "Last hour": [""], + "Last day": [""], + "Last month": [""], + "Last year": [""], + "Last Year": [""], + "Trading volume on %1$s compared to %2$s": [""], + Cashin: [""], + Cashout: [""], + Payin: [""], + Payout: [""], + "download stats as CSV": [""], + "Descreased by": [""], + "Increased by": [""], + "Unable to create a cashout": [""], + "The bank configuration does not support cashout operations.": [""], + invalid: [""], + "need to be higher due to fees": [""], + "the total transfer at destination will be zero": [""], + "Cashout created": [""], + "Duplicated request detected, check if the operation succeded or try again.": [""], + "The conversion rate was incorrectly applied": [""], + "The account does not have sufficient funds": [""], + "Cashouts are not supported": [""], + "Missing cashout URI in the profile": [""], + "Sending the confirmation message failed, retry later or contact the administrator.": [""], + "Convertion rate": [""], + Fee: [""], + "To account": [""], + "No cashout account": [""], + "Before doing a cashout you need to complete your profile": [""], + "Amount to send": [""], + "Amount to receive": [""], + "Total cost": [""], + "Balance left": [""], + "Before fee": [""], + "Total cashout transfer": [""], + "No cashout channel available": [""], + "Before doing a cashout the server need to provide an second channel to confirm the operation": [""], + "Second factor authentication": [""], + Email: [""], + "add a email in your profile to enable this option": [""], + SMS: [""], + "add a phone number in your profile to enable this option": [""], + Details: [""], + Delete: [""], + Credentials: [""], + Cashouts: [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an IBAN number": [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an email": [""], + "should start with +": [""], + "phone number can't have other than numbers": [""], + "account identification in the bank": [""], + "name of the person owner the account": [""], + "Internal IBAN": [""], + "if empty a random account number will be assigned": [""], + "account identification for bank transfer": [""], + Phone: [""], + "Cashout IBAN": [""], + "account number where the money is going to be sent when doing cashouts": [""], + "Max debt": [""], + "how much is user able to transfer after zero balance": [""], + "Is this a Taler Exchange?": [""], + "This server doesn't support second factor authentication.": [""], + "Enable second factor authentication": [""], + "Using email": [""], + "Using SMS": [""], + "Is this account public?": [""], + "public accounts have their balance publicly accesible": [""], + "Account updated": [""], + "The rights to change the account are not sufficient": [""], + "The username was not found": [""], + "You can't change the legal name, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the debt limit, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the cashout address, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the contact data, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + 'Account "%1$s"': [""], + "Change details": [""], + Update: [""], + "password doesn't match": [""], + "Password changed": [""], + "Not authorized to change the password, maybe the session is invalid.": [ + "" + ], + "You need to provide the old password. If you don't have it contact your account administrator.": [""], + "Your current password doesn't match, can't change to a new password.": [ + "" + ], + "Update password": [""], + "New password": [""], + "Type it again": [""], + "repeat the same password": [""], + "Current password": [""], + "your current password, for security": [""], + Change: [""], + "Can't delete the account": [""], + "The account can't be delete while still holding some balance. First make sure that the owner make a complete cashout.": [""], + "Account removed": [""], + "No enough permission to delete the account.": [""], + "The username was not found.": [""], + "Can't delete a reserved username.": [""], + "Can't delete an account with balance different than zero.": [""], + "name doesn't match": [""], + "You are going to remove the account": [""], + "This step can't be undone.": [""], + 'Deleting account "%1$s"': [""], + Verification: [""], + "enter the account name that is going to be deleted": [""], + 'Account created with password "%1$s". The user must change the password on the next login.': [""], + "Server replied that phone or email is invalid": [""], + "The rights to perform the operation are not sufficient": [""], + "Account username is already taken": [""], + "Account id is already taken": [""], + "Bank ran out of bonus credit.": [""], + "Account username can't be used because is reserved": [""], + "Can't create accounts": [""], + "Only system admin can create accounts.": [""], + "New business account": [""], + Create: [""], + "Cashout not supported.": [""], + "Account not found.": [""], + "Latest cashouts": [""], + Created: [""], + Confirmed: [""], + "Total debit": [""], + "Total credit": [""], + Status: [""], + never: [""], + "Cashout for account %1$s": [""], + "This cashout not found. Maybe already aborted.": [""], + "Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.": [ + "" + ], + "Cashout was already confimed.": [""], + "Cashout operation is not supported.": [""], + "The cashout operation is already aborted.": [""], + "Missing destination account.": [""], + "Too many failed attempts.": [""], + "The code for this cashout is invalid.": [""], + "Cashout detail": [""], + Debited: [""], + Credited: [""], + "Enter the confirmation code": [""], + Abort: [""], + Confirm: [""], + "Unauthorized to make the operation, maybe the session has expired or the password changed.": [""], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds.": [""], + "Do not show this again": [""], + Close: [""], + "On this device": [""], + 'If you are using a web browser on desktop you should access your wallet with the GNU Taler WebExtension now or click the link if your WebExtension have the "Inject Taler support" option enabled.': [""], + Start: [""], + "On a mobile phone": [""], + "Scan the QR code with your mobile device.": [""], + "There is an operation already": [""], + "Complete or cancel the operation in": [""], + "Server responded with an invalid withdraw URI": [""], + "Withdraw URI: %1$s": [""], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds": [""], + "Prepare your wallet": [""], + "After using your wallet you will need to confirm or cancel the operation on this site.": [""], + "You need a GNU Taler Wallet": [""], + "If you don't have one yet you can follow the instruction in": [""], + "Send money": [""], + "to a %1$s wallet": [""], + "Withdraw digital money into your mobile wallet or browser extension": [ + "" + ], + "operation ready": [""], + "to another bank account": [""], + "Make a wire transfer to an account with known bank account number.": [ + "" + ], + "Transfer details": [""], + "This is a demo bank": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work. In addition to using your own bank account, you can also see the transaction history of some %1$s.": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work.": [""], + "Pending account delete operation": [""], + "Pending account update operation": [""], + "Pending password update operation": [""], + "Pending transaction operation": [""], + "Pending withdrawal operation": [""], + "Pending cashout operation": [""], + "You can complete or cancel the operation in": [""], + "Download bank stats": [""], + "Include hour metric": [""], + "Include day metric": [""], + "Include month metric": [""], + "Include year metric": [""], + "Include table header": [""], + "Add previous metric for compare": [""], + "Fail on first error": [""], + Download: [""], + "downloading... %1$s": [""], + "Download completed": [""], + "click here to save the file in your computer": [""], + "Challenge not found.": [""], + "This user is not authorized to complete this challenge.": [""], + "Too many attemps, try another code.": [""], + "The confirmation code is wrong, try again.": [""], + "The operation expired.": [""], + "The operation failed.": [""], + "The operation needs another confirmation to complete.": [""], + "Account delete": [""], + "Account update": [""], + "Password update": [""], + "Wire transfer": [""], + Withdrawal: [""], + "Confirm the operation": [""], + "Send again": [""], + "Send code": [""], + "Operation details": [""], + "Challenge details": [""], + "Sent at": [""], + "To phone": [""], + "To email": [""], + "Welcome to %1$s!": [""] + } + }, + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;", + lang: "fr", + completeness: 0 +}; +strings["es"] = { + locale_data: { + messages: { + "": { + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;", + lang: "es" + }, + "Operation failed, please report": [ + "La operaic\xF3n fall\xF3, por favor reportelo" + ], + "Request timeout": ["La petici\xF3n al servidor agoto su tiempo"], + "Request throttled": ["La petici\xF3n al servidor interrumpida"], + "Malformed response": ["Respuesta malformada"], + "Network error": ["Error de conexi\xF3n"], + "Unexpected request error": ["Error de pedido inesperado"], + "Unexpected error": ["Error inesperado"], + "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [ + "Los n\xFAmeros IBAN usualmente tienen mas de 4 digitos" + ], + "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [ + "Los n\xFAmeros IBAN usualmente tienen menos de 34 digitos" + ], + "IBAN country code not found": ["C\xF3digo de pais de IBAN no encontrado"], + "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [ + "El n\xFAmero IBAN no es v\xE1lido, fall\xF3 la verificaci\xF3n" + ], + "Max withdrawal amount": ["Monto m\xE1ximo de extracci\xF3n"], + "Show withdrawal confirmation": ["Mostrar confirmaci\xF3n de extracci\xF3n"], + "Show demo description": ["Mostrar descripci\xF3n de demo"], + "Show install wallet first": ["Mostrar instalar la billetera primero"], + "Use fast withdrawal form": ["Usar formulario de extracci\xF3n r\xE1pida"], + "Show debug info": ["Mostrar informaci\xF3n de depuraci\xF3n"], + "The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted": [ + "La operaci\xF3n en la reserva ya ha sido confirmada previamente y no puede ser abortada" + ], + "The operation id is invalid.": ["El id de operaci\xF3n es invalido."], + "The operation was not found.": ["La operaci\xF3n no se encontr\xF3."], + "If you have a Taler wallet installed in this device": [ + "Si tienes una billetera Taler instalada en este dispositivo" + ], + "You will see the details of the operation in your wallet including the fees (if applies). If you still don't have one you can install it following instructions in": [ + "Veras los detalles de la operaci\xF3n en tu billetera incluyendo comisiones (si aplic\xE1n). Si todav\xEDa no tienes una puedes instalarla siguiendo las instrucciones en" + ], + "this page": ["esta p\xE1gina"], + Withdraw: ["Retirar"], + "Or if you have the wallet in another device": [ + "O si tienes la billetera en otro dispositivo" + ], + "Scan the QR below to start the withdrawal.": [ + "Escanea el QR debajo para comenzar la extracci\xF3n." + ], + required: ["requerido"], + "IBAN should have just uppercased letters and numbers": [ + "IBAN deber\xEDa tener letras may\xFAsculas y n\xFAmeros" + ], + "not valid": ["no v\xE1lido"], + "should be greater than 0": ["Deber\xEDa ser mas grande que 0"], + "balance is not enough": ["el saldo no es suficiente"], + "does not follow the pattern": ["no tiene un patr\xF3n valido"], + 'only "IBAN" target are supported': [ + 'solo cuentas "IBAN" son soportadas' + ], + 'use the "amount" parameter to specify the amount to be transferred': [ + 'usa el par\xE1metro "amount" para indicar el monto a ser transferido' + ], + "the amount is not valid": ["el monto no es v\xE1lido"], + 'use the "message" parameter to specify a reference text for the transfer': [ + 'usa el par\xE1metro "message" para indicar un texto de referencia en la transferencia' + ], + "The request was invalid or the payto://-URI used unacceptable features.": [ + "El pedido era inv\xE1lido o el URI payto:// usado tiene caracter\xEDsticas inaceptables." + ], + "Not enough permission to complete the operation.": [ + "Sin permisos suficientes para completar la operaci\xF3n." + ], + 'The destination account "%1$s" was not found.': [ + 'La cuenta de destino "%1$s" no fue encontrada.' + ], + "The origin and the destination of the transfer can't be the same.": [ + "El origen y destino de la transferencia no puede ser la misma." + ], + "Your balance is not enough.": ["El saldo no es suficiente."], + 'The origin account "%1$s" was not found.': [ + 'La cuenta origen "%1$s" no fue encontrada.' + ], + "Using a form": ["Usando un formulario"], + "Import payto:// URI": ["Importando un URI payto://"], + Recipient: ["Destinatario"], + "IBAN of the recipient's account": [ + "Numero IBAN de la cuenta destinataria" + ], + "Transfer subject": ["Asunto de transferencia"], + subject: ["asunto"], + "some text to identify the transfer": [ + "alg\xFAn texto para identificar la transferencia" + ], + Amount: ["Monto"], + "amount to transfer": ["monto a transferir"], + "payto URI:": ["payto URI:"], + "uniform resource identifier of the target account": [ + "identificador de recurso uniforme de la cuenta destino" + ], + "payto://iban/[receiver-iban]?message=[subject]&amount=[%1$s:X.Y]": [ + "payto://iban/[iban-destinatario]?message=[asunto]&amount=[%1$s:X.Y]" + ], + Cancel: ["Cancelar"], + Send: ["Env\xEDar"], + "Missing username": ["Falta nombre de usuario"], + "Missing password": ["Falta contrase\xF1a"], + 'Wrong credentials for "%1$s"': ['Credenciales incorrectas para "%1$s"'], + "Account not found": ["Cuenta no encontrada"], + Username: ["Nombre de usuario"], + "username of the account": ["nombre de usuario de la cuenta"], + Password: ["Contrase\xF1a"], + "password of the account": ["contrase\xF1a de la cuenta"], + Check: ["Verificar"], + "Log in": ["Acceso"], + Register: ["Registrarse"], + "Wire transfer completed!": ["Transferencia bancaria completada!"], + "The withdrawal has been aborted previously and can't be confirmed": [ + "La extracci\xF3n fue abortada anteriormente y no puede ser confirmada" + ], + "The withdrawal operation can't be confirmed before a wallet accepted the transaction.": [ + "La operaci\xF3n de extracci\xF3n no puede ser confirmada antes de que una billetera acepte la transaccion." + ], + "Your balance is not enough for the operation.": [ + "El saldo no es suficiente para la operaci\xF3n." + ], + "Confirm the withdrawal operation": [ + "Confirme la operaci\xF3n de extracci\xF3n" + ], + "Wire transfer details": ["Detalle de transferencia bancaria"], + "Taler Exchange operator's account": [ + "Cuenta del operador del Taler Exchange" + ], + "Taler Exchange operator's name": [ + "Nombre del operador del Taler Exchange" + ], + Transfer: ["Transferencia"], + "Authentication required": ["Autenticaci\xF3n requerida"], + "This operation was created with other username": [ + "Esta operaci\xF3n fue creada con otro usuario" + ], + "Operation aborted": ["Operaci\xF3n abortada"], + "The wire transfer to the Taler Exchange operator's account was aborted, your balance was not affected.": [ + "La transferencia bancaria a la cuenta del operador del Taler Exchange fue abortada, su saldo no fue afectado." + ], + "You can close this page now or continue to the account page.": [ + "Ya puedes cerrar esta pagina or continuar a la p\xE1gina de estado de cuenta." + ], + Continue: ["Continuar"], + "Withdrawal confirmed": ["La extracci\xF3n fue confirmada"], + "The wire transfer to the Taler operator has been initiated. You will soon receive the requested amount in your Taler wallet.": [ + "La transferencia bancaria al operador Taler fue iniciada. Pronto recibir\xE1s el monto pedido en tu billetera Taler." + ], + Done: ["Listo"], + "Operation canceled": ["Operaci\xF3n cancelada"], + "The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed": [ + "La operaci\xF3n est\xE1 marcada como 'seleccionada' pero algunos pasos en la extracci\xF3n fallaron" + ], + "The account is selected but no withdrawal identification found.": [ + "La cuenta est\xE1 seleccionada pero no se encontr\xF3 el identificador de extracci\xF3n." + ], + "There is a withdrawal identification but no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [ + "Hay un identificador de extracci\xF3n pero la cuenta no ha sido seleccionada o la selccionada es inv\xE1lida." + ], + "No withdrawal ID found and no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [ + "No hay un identificador de extracci\xF3n y ninguna cuenta a sido seleccionada o la seleccionada es inv\xE1lida." + ], + "Operation not found": ["Operaci\xF3n no encontrada"], + "This operation is not known by the server. The operation id is wrong or the server deleted the operation information before reaching here.": [ + "Esta operaci\xF3n no es conocida por el servidor. El identificador de operaci\xF3n es incorrecto o el server borr\xF3 la informaci\xF3n de la operaci\xF3n antes de llegar hasta aqu\xED." + ], + "Cotinue to dashboard": ["Continuar al panel"], + "The Withdrawal URI is not valid": ["El URI de estracci\xF3n no es v\xE1lido"], + 'the bank backend is not supported. supported version "%1$s", server version "%2$s"': [ + 'El servidor de bank no esta spoportado. Version soportada "%1$s", version del server "%2$s"' + ], + "Internal error, please report.": [ + "Error interno, por favor reporte el error." + ], + Preferences: ["Preferencias"], + "Welcome, %1$s": ["Bienvenido/a, %1$s"], + "Latest transactions": ["\xDAltimas transacciones"], + Date: ["Fecha"], + Counterpart: ["Contraparte"], + Subject: ["Asunto"], + sent: ["enviado"], + received: ["recibido"], + "invalid value": ["valor inv\xE1lido"], + to: ["hacia"], + from: ["desde"], + "First page": ["Primera p\xE1gina"], + Next: ["Siguiente"], + "History of public accounts": ["Historial de cuentas p\xFAblicas"], + "Currently, the bank is not accepting new registrations!": [ + "Actualmente, el banco no est\xE1 aceptado nuevos registros!" + ], + "Missing name": ["Falta nombre"], + "Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter": [ + "Solo use letras y n\xFAmeros, y comience con una letra min\xFAscula" + ], + "Passwords don't match": ["La contrase\xF1a no coincide"], + "Server replied with invalid phone or email.": [ + "El servidor repondio con tel\xE9fono o direcci\xF3n de correo inv\xE1lido." + ], + "Registration is disabled because the bank ran out of bonus credit.": [ + "El registro est\xE1 deshabilitado porque el banco se qued\xF3 sin cr\xE9dito bonus." + ], + "No enough permission to create that account.": [ + "Sin permisos suficientes para crear esa cuenta." + ], + "That account id is already taken.": [ + "El identificador de cuenta ya est\xE1 tomado." + ], + "That username is already taken.": [ + "El nombre de usuario ya est\xE1 tomado." + ], + "That username can't be used because is reserved.": [ + "El nombre de usuario no puede ser usado porque esta reservado." + ], + "Only admin is allow to set debt limit.": [ + "Solo el administrador tiene permitido cambiar el l\xEDmite de deuda." + ], + "No information for the selected authentication channel.": [ + "No hay informaci\xF3n para el canal de autenticaci\xF3n seleccionado." + ], + "Authentication channel is not supported.": [ + "Canal de autenticaci\xF3n no esta soportado." + ], + "Only admin can create accounts with second factor authentication.": [ + "Solo el administrador puede crear cuentas con el segundo factor de autenticaci\xF3n." + ], + "Account registration": ["Registro de cuenta"], + "Repeat password": ["Repita la contrase\xF1a"], + Name: ["Nombre"], + "Create a random temporary user": ["Crear un usuario aleatorio temporal"], + "Make a wire transfer": ["Hacer una transferencia bancaria"], + "Wire transfer created!": ["Transferencia bancaria creada!"], + Accounts: ["Cuentas"], + "A list of all business account in the bank.": [ + "Una lista de todas las cuentas en el banco." + ], + "Create account": ["Crear cuenta"], + Balance: ["Saldo"], + Actions: ["Acciones"], + unknown: ["desconocido"], + "change password": ["cambiar contrase\xF1a"], + remove: ["elimiar"], + "Select a section": ["Seleccione una secci\xF3n"], + "Last hour": ["\xDAltima hora"], + "Last day": ["\xDAltimo d\xEDa"], + "Last month": ["\xDAltimo mes"], + "Last year": ["\xDAltimo a\xF1o"], + "Last Year": ["\xDAltimo A\xF1o"], + "Trading volume on %1$s compared to %2$s": [ + "V\xF3lumen de comercio en %1$s comparado con %2$s" + ], + Cashin: ["Ingreso"], + Cashout: ["Egreso"], + Payin: ["Envios de dinero"], + Payout: ["Recibos de dinero"], + "download stats as CSV": ["descargar estad\xEDsticas en CSV"], + "Descreased by": ["Descendiente por"], + "Increased by": ["Ascendente por"], + "Unable to create a cashout": ["Imposible crear un egreso"], + "The bank configuration does not support cashout operations.": [ + "La configuraci\xF3n del banco no soporta operaciones de egreso." + ], + invalid: ["inv\xE1lido"], + "need to be higher due to fees": [ + "necesita ser mayor debido a las comisiones" + ], + "the total transfer at destination will be zero": [ + "el total de la transferencia en destino ser\xE1 cero" + ], + "Cashout created": ["Egreso creado"], + "Duplicated request detected, check if the operation succeded or try again.": [ + "Se detect\xF3 una petici\xF3n duplicada, verifique si la operaci\xF3n tuvo \xE9xito o intente otra vez." + ], + "The conversion rate was incorrectly applied": [ + "La tasa de conversi\xF3n se aplic\xF3 incorrectamente" + ], + "The account does not have sufficient funds": [ + "La cuenta no tiene fondos suficientes" + ], + "Cashouts are not supported": ["Egresos no est\xE1n soportados"], + "Missing cashout URI in the profile": [ + "Falta direcci\xF3n de egreso en el perf\xEDl" + ], + "Sending the confirmation message failed, retry later or contact the administrator.": [ + "El env\xEDo del mensaje de confirmaci\xF3n fall\xF3, intente mas tarde o contacte al administrador." + ], + "Convertion rate": ["Tasa de conversi\xF3n"], + Fee: ["Comisi\xF3n"], + "To account": ["Hacia cuenta"], + "No cashout account": ["No hay cuenta de egreso"], + "Before doing a cashout you need to complete your profile": [ + "Antes de hacer un egreso necesita completar su perf\xEDl" + ], + "Amount to send": ["Monto a enviar"], + "Amount to receive": ["Monto a recibir"], + "Total cost": ["Costo total"], + "Balance left": ["Saldo remanente"], + "Before fee": ["Antes de comisi\xF3n"], + "Total cashout transfer": ["Total de egreso"], + "No cashout channel available": ["No hay canal de egreso disponible"], + "Before doing a cashout the server need to provide an second channel to confirm the operation": [ + "Antes de hacer un egreso el servidor necesita proveer un segundo canal para confirmar la operaci\xF3n" + ], + "Second factor authentication": ["Segundo factor de autenticaci\xF3n"], + Email: ["Correo eletr\xF3nico"], + "add a email in your profile to enable this option": [ + "agrege un correo en su perf\xEDl para habilitar esta opci\xF3n" + ], + SMS: ["SMS"], + "add a phone number in your profile to enable this option": [ + "agregue un n\xFAmero de tel\xE9fono para habilitar esta opci\xF3n" + ], + Details: ["Detalles"], + Delete: ["Borrar"], + Credentials: ["Credenciales"], + Cashouts: ["Egresos"], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an IBAN number": [ + "no tiene el patr\xF3n de un n\xFAmero IBAN" + ], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an email": [ + "no tiene el patr\xF3n de un correo electr\xF3nico" + ], + "should start with +": ["deber\xEDa comenzar con un +"], + "phone number can't have other than numbers": [ + "n\xFAmero de tel\xE9fono no puede tener otra cosa que numeros" + ], + "account identification in the bank": [ + "identificador de cuenta en el banco" + ], + "name of the person owner the account": [ + "nombre de la persona due\xF1a de la cuenta" + ], + "Internal IBAN": ["IBAN interno"], + "if empty a random account number will be assigned": [ + "si est\xE1 vac\xEDo un n\xFAmero de cuenta aleatorio ser\xE1 asignado" + ], + "account identification for bank transfer": [ + "identificador de cuenta para transferencia bancaria" + ], + Phone: ["Tel\xE9fono"], + "Cashout IBAN": ["IBAN de egreso"], + "account number where the money is going to be sent when doing cashouts": [ + "numero de cuenta donde el dinero ser\xE1 enviado cuando se ejecuten egresos" + ], + "Max debt": ["M\xE1xima deuda"], + "how much is user able to transfer after zero balance": [ + "cuanto tiene habilitado a transferir despues de un saldo en cero" + ], + "Is this a Taler Exchange?": ["Es un Taler Exchange?"], + "This server doesn't support second factor authentication.": [ + "Este servidor no tiene soporte para segundo factor de autenticaci\xF3n." + ], + "Enable second factor authentication": [ + "H\xE1bilitar segundo factor de autenticaci\xF3n" + ], + "Using email": ["Usando correo eletr\xF3nico"], + "Using SMS": ["Usando SMS"], + "Is this account public?": ["Es una cuenta p\xFAblica?"], + "public accounts have their balance publicly accesible": [ + "las cuentas p\xFAblicas tienen su saldo accesible al p\xFAblico" + ], + "Account updated": ["Cuenta actualizada"], + "The rights to change the account are not sufficient": [ + "Los permisos para cambiar la cuenta no son suficientes" + ], + "The username was not found": ["El nombre de usaurio no se encontr\xF3"], + "You can't change the legal name, please contact the your account administrator.": [ + "No puede cambiar el nombre legal, por favor contacte el administrador de la cuenta." + ], + "You can't change the debt limit, please contact the your account administrator.": [ + "No puede cambiar el l\xEDmite de deuda, por favor contacte el administrador de la cuenta." + ], + "You can't change the cashout address, please contact the your account administrator.": [ + "No puede cambiar la direcci\xF3n de egreso, por favor contacte al administrador de la cuenta." + ], + "You can't change the contact data, please contact the your account administrator.": [ + "No puede cambiar los datos de contacto, por favor contacte al administrador de la cuenta." + ], + 'Account "%1$s"': ['Cuenta "%1$s"'], + "Change details": ["Cambiar detalles"], + Update: ["Actualizar"], + "password doesn't match": ["la contrase\xF1a no coincide"], + "Password changed": ["La contrase\xF1a cambi\xF3"], + "Not authorized to change the password, maybe the session is invalid.": [ + "No est\xE1 autorizado a cambiar el password, quiz\xE1 la sesi\xF3n es invalida." + ], + "You need to provide the old password. If you don't have it contact your account administrator.": [ + "Se necesita el password viejo para cambiar la contrase\xF1a. Si no lo tiene contacte a su administrador." + ], + "Your current password doesn't match, can't change to a new password.": [ + "Su actual contrase\xF1a no coincide, no puede cambiar a una nueva contrase\xF1a." + ], + "Update password": ["Actualizar contrase\xF1a"], + "New password": ["Nueva contrase\xF1a"], + "Type it again": ["Escribalo otra vez"], + "repeat the same password": ["repita la misma contrase\xF1a"], + "Current password": ["Contrase\xF1a actual"], + "your current password, for security": [ + "su actual contrase\xF1a, por seguridad" + ], + Change: ["Cambiar"], + "Can't delete the account": ["No se puede eliminar la cuenta"], + "The account can't be delete while still holding some balance. First make sure that the owner make a complete cashout.": [ + "La cuenta no puede ser eliminada mientras tiene saldo. Primero asegures\xE9 que el due\xF1o haga un egreso completo." + ], + "Account removed": ["Cuenta eliminada"], + "No enough permission to delete the account.": [ + "No tiene permisos suficientes para eliminar la cuenta." + ], + "The username was not found.": ["El nombr ede usuario no se encontr\xF3."], + "Can't delete a reserved username.": [ + "No se puede eliminar un nombre de usuario reservado." + ], + "Can't delete an account with balance different than zero.": [ + "No se puede eliminar una cuenta con saldo diferente a cero." + ], + "name doesn't match": ["el nombre no coincide"], + "You are going to remove the account": ["Est\xE1 por eliminar la cuenta"], + "This step can't be undone.": ["Este paso no puede ser deshecho."], + 'Deleting account "%1$s"': ['Borrando cuenta "%1$s"'], + Verification: ["Verificaci\xF3n"], + "enter the account name that is going to be deleted": [ + "ingrese el nombre de cuenta que ser\xE1 eliminado" + ], + 'Account created with password "%1$s". The user must change the password on the next login.': [ + 'Cuenta creada con contrase\xF1a "%1$s". El usuario debe cambiar la contrase\xF1a en el siguiente ingreso.' + ], + "Server replied that phone or email is invalid": [ + "El servidor respondi\xF3 que el tel\xE9fono o correo eletr\xF3nico es invalido" + ], + "The rights to perform the operation are not sufficient": [ + "Los permisos para ejecutar la operaci\xF3n no son suficientes" + ], + "Account username is already taken": [ + "El nombre del usuario ya est\xE1 tomado" + ], + "Account id is already taken": ["El id de cuenta ya est\xE1 tomado"], + "Bank ran out of bonus credit.": [ + "El banco no tiene mas cr\xE9dito de bonus." + ], + "Account username can't be used because is reserved": [ + "El nombre de usuario de la cuenta no puede userse porque est\xE1 reservado" + ], + "Can't create accounts": ["No puede crear cuentas"], + "Only system admin can create accounts.": [ + "Solo los administradores del sistema pueden crear cuentas." + ], + "New business account": ["Nueva cuenta"], + Create: ["Crear"], + "Cashout not supported.": ["Egreso no soportado."], + "Account not found.": ["Cuenta no encontrada."], + "Latest cashouts": ["\xDAltimos egresos"], + Created: ["Creado"], + Confirmed: ["Confirmado"], + "Total debit": ["D\xE9bito total"], + "Total credit": ["Cr\xE9dito total"], + Status: ["Estado"], + never: ["nunca"], + "Cashout for account %1$s": ["Egreso para cuenta %1$s"], + "This cashout not found. Maybe already aborted.": [ + "Este egreso no se encontr\xF3. Quiz\xE1 fue abortado." + ], + "Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.": [ + "Egreso no econtrado. Tambi\xE9n puede significar que ya ha sido abortado." + ], + "Cashout was already confimed.": ["Egreso ya fue confirmado."], + "Cashout operation is not supported.": [ + "Operaci\xF3n de egreso no soportada." + ], + "The cashout operation is already aborted.": [ + "La operaci\xF3n de egreso ya est\xE1 abortada." + ], + "Missing destination account.": ["Falta cuenta destino."], + "Too many failed attempts.": ["Demasiados intentos fallidos."], + "The code for this cashout is invalid.": [ + "El c\xF3digo para este egreso es invalido." + ], + "Cashout detail": ["Detalles de egreso"], + Debited: ["Debitado"], + Credited: ["Acreditado"], + "Enter the confirmation code": ["Ingresar el c\xF3digo de confirmaci\xF3n"], + Abort: ["Abortar"], + Confirm: ["Confirmar"], + "Unauthorized to make the operation, maybe the session has expired or the password changed.": [ + "No autorizado para hacer la operaci\xF3n, quiz\xE1 la sesi\xF3n haya expirado or cambi\xF3 la contrase\xF1a." + ], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds.": [ + "La operaci\xF3n fue rechazada debido a saldo insuficiente." + ], + "Do not show this again": ["No mostrar otra vez"], + Close: ["Cerrar"], + "On this device": ["En este dispositivo"], + 'If you are using a web browser on desktop you should access your wallet with the GNU Taler WebExtension now or click the link if your WebExtension have the "Inject Taler support" option enabled.': [ + 'Si esta usando un explorador web de escritorio deber\xEDas acceder ahora a tu billletera con la GNU Taler WebExtension o hacer click en el link si tu extensi\xF3n tiene la configuraci\xF3n "Inyectar soporte para Taler" habilitada.' + ], + Start: ["Comenzar"], + "On a mobile phone": ["En un dispotivo mobile"], + "Scan the QR code with your mobile device.": [ + "Escanear el c\xF3digo QR con tu dispotivo m\xF3vil." + ], + "There is an operation already": ["Ya hay una operaci\xF3n"], + "Complete or cancel the operation in": [ + "Completa o cancela la operaci\xF3n en" + ], + "Server responded with an invalid withdraw URI": [ + "El servidor respondi\xF3 con una URI de extracci\xF3n inv\xE1lida" + ], + "Withdraw URI: %1$s": ["URI de extracci\xF3n: %1$s"], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds": [ + "La operaci\xF3n fue rechazada debido a fundos insuficientes" + ], + "Prepare your wallet": ["Prepare su billetera"], + "After using your wallet you will need to confirm or cancel the operation on this site.": [ + "Despues de usar tu billetera necesitar\xE1s confirmar o cancelar la operaci\xF3n en este sitio." + ], + "You need a GNU Taler Wallet": ["Necesitas una GNU Taler Wallet"], + "If you don't have one yet you can follow the instruction in": [ + "Si no tienes una todav\xEDa puedes seguir las instrucciones en" + ], + "Send money": ["Enviar dinero"], + "to a %1$s wallet": ["a una billetera %1$s"], + "Withdraw digital money into your mobile wallet or browser extension": [ + "Extraer dinero digital a tu billetera m\xF3vil o extesi\xF3n web" + ], + "operation ready": ["operaci\xF3n lista"], + "to another bank account": ["a otra cuenta bancaria"], + "Make a wire transfer to an account with known bank account number.": [ + "Hacer una transferencia bancaria a una cuenta con un n\xFAmero de cuenta conocido." + ], + "Transfer details": ["Detalles de transferencia"], + "This is a demo bank": ["Este es un banco de demostraci\xF3n"], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work. In addition to using your own bank account, you can also see the transaction history of some %1$s.": [ + "Esta parte de la demostraci\xF3n muestra c\xF3mo funciona un banco que soporta Taler directamente. Adem\xE1s de usar tu propia cuenta de banco, tambi\xE9n podr\xE1s ver el historial de transacciones de algunas %1$s." + ], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work.": [ + "Esta parte de la demostraci\xF3n muetra como un banco que soporta Taler directamente funcionar\xEDa." + ], + "Pending account delete operation": [ + "Operaci\xF3n pendiente de eliminaci\xF3n de cuenta" + ], + "Pending account update operation": [ + "Operaci\xF3n pendiente de actualizaci\xF3n de cuenta" + ], + "Pending password update operation": [ + "Operaci\xF3n pendiente de actualizaci\xF3n de password" + ], + "Pending transaction operation": ["Operaci\xF3n pendiente de transacci\xF3n"], + "Pending withdrawal operation": ["Operaci\xF3n pendiente de extracci\xF3n"], + "Pending cashout operation": ["Operaci\xF3n pendiente de egreso"], + "You can complete or cancel the operation in": [ + "Puedes completar o cancelar la operaci\xF3n en" + ], + "Download bank stats": ["Descargar estad\xEDsticas del banco"], + "Include hour metric": ["Incluir m\xE9trica horaria"], + "Include day metric": ["Incluir m\xE9trica diaria"], + "Include month metric": ["Incluir m\xE9trica mensual"], + "Include year metric": ["Incluir m\xE9trica anual"], + "Include table header": ["Incluir encabezado de tabla"], + "Add previous metric for compare": [ + "Agregar m\xE9trica previa para comparar" + ], + "Fail on first error": ["Fallar en el primer error"], + Download: ["Descargar"], + "downloading... %1$s": ["descargando... %1$s"], + "Download completed": ["Descarga completada"], + "click here to save the file in your computer": [ + "click aqu\xED para guardar el archivo en su computadora" + ], + "Challenge not found.": ["Desaf\xEDo no encontrado."], + "This user is not authorized to complete this challenge.": [ + "Este usuario no est\xE1 autorizado para completar este desaf\xEDo." + ], + "Too many attemps, try another code.": [ + "Demasiados intentos, intente otro c\xF3digo." + ], + "The confirmation code is wrong, try again.": [ + "El c\xF3digo de confirmaci\xF3n es erroneo, intente otra vez." + ], + "The operation expired.": ["La operaci\xF3n expir\xF3."], + "The operation failed.": ["La operaci\xF3n fall\xF3."], + "The operation needs another confirmation to complete.": [ + "La operaci\xF3n necesita otra confirmaci\xF3n para completar." + ], + "Account delete": ["Eliminaci\xF3n de cuenta"], + "Account update": ["Actualizaci\xF3n de cuenta"], + "Password update": ["Actualizaci\xF3n de contrase\xF1a"], + "Wire transfer": ["Transferencia bancaria"], + Withdrawal: ["Extracci\xF3n"], + "Confirm the operation": ["Confirmar la operaci\xF3n"], + "Send again": ["Enviar otra vez"], + "Send code": ["Enviar c\xF3digo"], + "Operation details": ["Detalles de operaci\xF3n"], + "Challenge details": ["Detalles del desaf\xEDo"], + "Sent at": ["Enviado a"], + "To phone": ["Al tel\xE9fono"], + "To email": ["Al email"], + "Welcome to %1$s!": ["Bienvenido a %1$s!"] + } + }, + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;", + lang: "es", + completeness: 100 +}; +strings["en"] = { + locale_data: { + messages: { + "": { + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", + lang: "en" + }, + "Operation failed, please report": [""], + "Request timeout": [""], + "Request throttled": [""], + "Malformed response": [""], + "Network error": [""], + "Unexpected request error": [""], + "Unexpected error": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [""], + "IBAN country code not found": [""], + "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [""], + "Max withdrawal amount": [""], + "Show withdrawal confirmation": [""], + "Show demo description": [""], + "Show install wallet first": [""], + "Use fast withdrawal form": [""], + "Show debug info": [""], + "The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted": [""], + "The operation id is invalid.": [""], + "The operation was not found.": [""], + "If you have a Taler wallet installed in this device": [""], + "You will see the details of the operation in your wallet including the fees (if applies). If you still don't have one you can install it following instructions in": [""], + "this page": [""], + Withdraw: [""], + "Or if you have the wallet in another device": [""], + "Scan the QR below to start the withdrawal.": [""], + required: [""], + "IBAN should have just uppercased letters and numbers": [""], + "not valid": [""], + "should be greater than 0": [""], + "balance is not enough": [""], + "does not follow the pattern": [""], + 'only "IBAN" target are supported': [""], + 'use the "amount" parameter to specify the amount to be transferred': [ + "" + ], + "the amount is not valid": [""], + 'use the "message" parameter to specify a reference text for the transfer': [""], + "The request was invalid or the payto://-URI used unacceptable features.": [""], + "Not enough permission to complete the operation.": [""], + 'The destination account "%1$s" was not found.': [""], + "The origin and the destination of the transfer can't be the same.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough.": [""], + 'The origin account "%1$s" was not found.': [""], + "Using a form": [""], + "Import payto:// URI": [""], + Recipient: [""], + "IBAN of the recipient's account": [""], + "Transfer subject": [""], + subject: [""], + "some text to identify the transfer": [""], + Amount: [""], + "amount to transfer": [""], + "payto URI:": [""], + "uniform resource identifier of the target account": [""], + "payto://iban/[receiver-iban]?message=[subject]&amount=[%1$s:X.Y]": [""], + Cancel: [""], + Send: [""], + "Missing username": [""], + "Missing password": [""], + 'Wrong credentials for "%1$s"': [""], + "Account not found": [""], + Username: [""], + "username of the account": [""], + Password: [""], + "password of the account": [""], + Check: [""], + "Log in": [""], + Register: [""], + "Wire transfer completed!": [""], + "The withdrawal has been aborted previously and can't be confirmed": [""], + "The withdrawal operation can't be confirmed before a wallet accepted the transaction.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough for the operation.": [""], + "Confirm the withdrawal operation": [""], + "Wire transfer details": [""], + "Taler Exchange operator's account": [""], + "Taler Exchange operator's name": [""], + Transfer: [""], + "Authentication required": [""], + "This operation was created with other username": [""], + "Operation aborted": [""], + "The wire transfer to the Taler Exchange operator's account was aborted, your balance was not affected.": [""], + "You can close this page now or continue to the account page.": [""], + Continue: [""], + "Withdrawal confirmed": [""], + "The wire transfer to the Taler operator has been initiated. You will soon receive the requested amount in your Taler wallet.": [""], + Done: [""], + "Operation canceled": [""], + "The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed": [""], + "The account is selected but no withdrawal identification found.": [""], + "There is a withdrawal identification but no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "No withdrawal ID found and no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "Operation not found": [""], + "This operation is not known by the server. The operation id is wrong or the server deleted the operation information before reaching here.": [""], + "Cotinue to dashboard": [""], + "The Withdrawal URI is not valid": [""], + 'the bank backend is not supported. supported version "%1$s", server version "%2$s"': [""], + "Internal error, please report.": [""], + Preferences: [""], + "Welcome, %1$s": [""], + "Latest transactions": [""], + Date: [""], + Counterpart: [""], + Subject: [""], + sent: [""], + received: [""], + "invalid value": [""], + to: [""], + from: [""], + "First page": [""], + Next: [""], + "History of public accounts": [""], + "Currently, the bank is not accepting new registrations!": [""], + "Missing name": [""], + "Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter": [""], + "Passwords don't match": [""], + "Server replied with invalid phone or email.": [""], + "Registration is disabled because the bank ran out of bonus credit.": [ + "" + ], + "No enough permission to create that account.": [""], + "That account id is already taken.": [""], + "That username is already taken.": [""], + "That username can't be used because is reserved.": [""], + "Only admin is allow to set debt limit.": [""], + "No information for the selected authentication channel.": [""], + "Authentication channel is not supported.": [""], + "Only admin can create accounts with second factor authentication.": [""], + "Account registration": [""], + "Repeat password": [""], + Name: [""], + "Create a random temporary user": [""], + "Make a wire transfer": [""], + "Wire transfer created!": [""], + Accounts: [""], + "A list of all business account in the bank.": [""], + "Create account": [""], + Balance: [""], + Actions: [""], + unknown: [""], + "change password": [""], + remove: [""], + "Select a section": [""], + "Last hour": [""], + "Last day": [""], + "Last month": [""], + "Last year": [""], + "Last Year": [""], + "Trading volume on %1$s compared to %2$s": [""], + Cashin: [""], + Cashout: [""], + Payin: [""], + Payout: [""], + "download stats as CSV": [""], + "Descreased by": [""], + "Increased by": [""], + "Unable to create a cashout": [""], + "The bank configuration does not support cashout operations.": [""], + invalid: [""], + "need to be higher due to fees": [""], + "the total transfer at destination will be zero": [""], + "Cashout created": [""], + "Duplicated request detected, check if the operation succeded or try again.": [""], + "The conversion rate was incorrectly applied": [""], + "The account does not have sufficient funds": [""], + "Cashouts are not supported": [""], + "Missing cashout URI in the profile": [""], + "Sending the confirmation message failed, retry later or contact the administrator.": [""], + "Convertion rate": [""], + Fee: [""], + "To account": [""], + "No cashout account": [""], + "Before doing a cashout you need to complete your profile": [""], + "Amount to send": [""], + "Amount to receive": [""], + "Total cost": [""], + "Balance left": [""], + "Before fee": [""], + "Total cashout transfer": [""], + "No cashout channel available": [""], + "Before doing a cashout the server need to provide an second channel to confirm the operation": [""], + "Second factor authentication": [""], + Email: [""], + "add a email in your profile to enable this option": [""], + SMS: [""], + "add a phone number in your profile to enable this option": [""], + Details: [""], + Delete: [""], + Credentials: [""], + Cashouts: [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an IBAN number": [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an email": [""], + "should start with +": [""], + "phone number can't have other than numbers": [""], + "account identification in the bank": [""], + "name of the person owner the account": [""], + "Internal IBAN": [""], + "if empty a random account number will be assigned": [""], + "account identification for bank transfer": [""], + Phone: [""], + "Cashout IBAN": [""], + "account number where the money is going to be sent when doing cashouts": [""], + "Max debt": [""], + "how much is user able to transfer after zero balance": [""], + "Is this a Taler Exchange?": [""], + "This server doesn't support second factor authentication.": [""], + "Enable second factor authentication": [""], + "Using email": [""], + "Using SMS": [""], + "Is this account public?": [""], + "public accounts have their balance publicly accesible": [""], + "Account updated": [""], + "The rights to change the account are not sufficient": [""], + "The username was not found": [""], + "You can't change the legal name, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the debt limit, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the cashout address, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the contact data, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + 'Account "%1$s"': [""], + "Change details": [""], + Update: [""], + "password doesn't match": [""], + "Password changed": [""], + "Not authorized to change the password, maybe the session is invalid.": [ + "" + ], + "You need to provide the old password. If you don't have it contact your account administrator.": [""], + "Your current password doesn't match, can't change to a new password.": [ + "" + ], + "Update password": [""], + "New password": [""], + "Type it again": [""], + "repeat the same password": [""], + "Current password": [""], + "your current password, for security": [""], + Change: [""], + "Can't delete the account": [""], + "The account can't be delete while still holding some balance. First make sure that the owner make a complete cashout.": [""], + "Account removed": [""], + "No enough permission to delete the account.": [""], + "The username was not found.": [""], + "Can't delete a reserved username.": [""], + "Can't delete an account with balance different than zero.": [""], + "name doesn't match": [""], + "You are going to remove the account": [""], + "This step can't be undone.": [""], + 'Deleting account "%1$s"': [""], + Verification: [""], + "enter the account name that is going to be deleted": [""], + 'Account created with password "%1$s". The user must change the password on the next login.': [""], + "Server replied that phone or email is invalid": [""], + "The rights to perform the operation are not sufficient": [""], + "Account username is already taken": [""], + "Account id is already taken": [""], + "Bank ran out of bonus credit.": [""], + "Account username can't be used because is reserved": [""], + "Can't create accounts": [""], + "Only system admin can create accounts.": [""], + "New business account": [""], + Create: [""], + "Cashout not supported.": [""], + "Account not found.": [""], + "Latest cashouts": [""], + Created: [""], + Confirmed: [""], + "Total debit": [""], + "Total credit": [""], + Status: [""], + never: [""], + "Cashout for account %1$s": [""], + "This cashout not found. Maybe already aborted.": [""], + "Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.": [ + "" + ], + "Cashout was already confimed.": [""], + "Cashout operation is not supported.": [""], + "The cashout operation is already aborted.": [""], + "Missing destination account.": [""], + "Too many failed attempts.": [""], + "The code for this cashout is invalid.": [""], + "Cashout detail": [""], + Debited: [""], + Credited: [""], + "Enter the confirmation code": [""], + Abort: [""], + Confirm: [""], + "Unauthorized to make the operation, maybe the session has expired or the password changed.": [""], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds.": [""], + "Do not show this again": [""], + Close: [""], + "On this device": [""], + 'If you are using a web browser on desktop you should access your wallet with the GNU Taler WebExtension now or click the link if your WebExtension have the "Inject Taler support" option enabled.': [""], + Start: [""], + "On a mobile phone": [""], + "Scan the QR code with your mobile device.": [""], + "There is an operation already": [""], + "Complete or cancel the operation in": [""], + "Server responded with an invalid withdraw URI": [""], + "Withdraw URI: %1$s": [""], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds": [""], + "Prepare your wallet": [""], + "After using your wallet you will need to confirm or cancel the operation on this site.": [""], + "You need a GNU Taler Wallet": [""], + "If you don't have one yet you can follow the instruction in": [""], + "Send money": [""], + "to a %1$s wallet": [""], + "Withdraw digital money into your mobile wallet or browser extension": [ + "" + ], + "operation ready": [""], + "to another bank account": [""], + "Make a wire transfer to an account with known bank account number.": [ + "" + ], + "Transfer details": [""], + "This is a demo bank": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work. In addition to using your own bank account, you can also see the transaction history of some %1$s.": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work.": [""], + "Pending account delete operation": [""], + "Pending account update operation": [""], + "Pending password update operation": [""], + "Pending transaction operation": [""], + "Pending withdrawal operation": [""], + "Pending cashout operation": [""], + "You can complete or cancel the operation in": [""], + "Download bank stats": [""], + "Include hour metric": [""], + "Include day metric": [""], + "Include month metric": [""], + "Include year metric": [""], + "Include table header": [""], + "Add previous metric for compare": [""], + "Fail on first error": [""], + Download: [""], + "downloading... %1$s": [""], + "Download completed": [""], + "click here to save the file in your computer": [""], + "Challenge not found.": [""], + "This user is not authorized to complete this challenge.": [""], + "Too many attemps, try another code.": [""], + "The confirmation code is wrong, try again.": [""], + "The operation expired.": [""], + "The operation failed.": [""], + "The operation needs another confirmation to complete.": [""], + "Account delete": [""], + "Account update": [""], + "Password update": [""], + "Wire transfer": [""], + Withdrawal: [""], + "Confirm the operation": [""], + "Send again": [""], + "Send code": [""], + "Operation details": [""], + "Challenge details": [""], + "Sent at": [""], + "To phone": [""], + "To email": [""], + "Welcome to %1$s!": [""] + } + }, + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);", + lang: "en", + completeness: 100 +}; +strings["de"] = { + locale_data: { + messages: { + "": { + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;", + lang: "de" + }, + "Operation failed, please report": [""], + "Request timeout": [""], + "Request throttled": [""], + "Malformed response": [""], + "Network error": [""], + "Unexpected request error": [""], + "Unexpected error": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have more that 4 digits": [""], + "IBAN numbers usually have less that 34 digits": [""], + "IBAN country code not found": [""], + "IBAN number is not valid, checksum is wrong": [""], + "Max withdrawal amount": [""], + "Show withdrawal confirmation": [""], + "Show demo description": [""], + "Show install wallet first": [""], + "Use fast withdrawal form": [""], + "Show debug info": [""], + "The reserve operation has been confirmed previously and can't be aborted": [""], + "The operation id is invalid.": [""], + "The operation was not found.": [""], + "If you have a Taler wallet installed in this device": [""], + "You will see the details of the operation in your wallet including the fees (if applies). If you still don't have one you can install it following instructions in": [""], + "this page": [""], + Withdraw: [""], + "Or if you have the wallet in another device": [""], + "Scan the QR below to start the withdrawal.": [""], + required: [""], + "IBAN should have just uppercased letters and numbers": [""], + "not valid": [""], + "should be greater than 0": [""], + "balance is not enough": [""], + "does not follow the pattern": [""], + 'only "IBAN" target are supported': [""], + 'use the "amount" parameter to specify the amount to be transferred': [ + "" + ], + "the amount is not valid": [""], + 'use the "message" parameter to specify a reference text for the transfer': [""], + "The request was invalid or the payto://-URI used unacceptable features.": [""], + "Not enough permission to complete the operation.": [""], + 'The destination account "%1$s" was not found.': [""], + "The origin and the destination of the transfer can't be the same.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough.": [""], + 'The origin account "%1$s" was not found.': [""], + "Using a form": [""], + "Import payto:// URI": [""], + Recipient: [""], + "IBAN of the recipient's account": [""], + "Transfer subject": [""], + subject: ["Verwendungszweck"], + "some text to identify the transfer": [""], + Amount: ["Betrag"], + "amount to transfer": ["Betrag"], + "payto URI:": [""], + "uniform resource identifier of the target account": [""], + "payto://iban/[receiver-iban]?message=[subject]&amount=[%1$s:X.Y]": [""], + Cancel: [""], + Send: [""], + "Missing username": [""], + "Missing password": [""], + 'Wrong credentials for "%1$s"': [""], + "Account not found": [""], + Username: [""], + "username of the account": [""], + Password: [""], + "password of the account": ["Buchungen auf \xF6ffentlich sichtbaren Konten"], + Check: [""], + "Log in": [""], + Register: [""], + "Wire transfer completed!": [""], + "The withdrawal has been aborted previously and can't be confirmed": [""], + "The withdrawal operation can't be confirmed before a wallet accepted the transaction.": [""], + "Your balance is not enough for the operation.": [""], + "Confirm the withdrawal operation": ["Abhebung best\xE4tigen"], + "Wire transfer details": [""], + "Taler Exchange operator's account": [""], + "Taler Exchange operator's name": [""], + Transfer: [""], + "Authentication required": [""], + "This operation was created with other username": [""], + "Operation aborted": [""], + "The wire transfer to the Taler Exchange operator's account was aborted, your balance was not affected.": [""], + "You can close this page now or continue to the account page.": [""], + Continue: [""], + "Withdrawal confirmed": [""], + "The wire transfer to the Taler operator has been initiated. You will soon receive the requested amount in your Taler wallet.": [""], + Done: [""], + "Operation canceled": [""], + "The operation is marked as 'selected' but some step in the withdrawal failed": [""], + "The account is selected but no withdrawal identification found.": [""], + "There is a withdrawal identification but no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "No withdrawal ID found and no account has been selected or the selected account is invalid.": [""], + "Operation not found": [""], + "This operation is not known by the server. The operation id is wrong or the server deleted the operation information before reaching here.": [""], + "Cotinue to dashboard": [""], + "The Withdrawal URI is not valid": [""], + 'the bank backend is not supported. supported version "%1$s", server version "%2$s"': [""], + "Internal error, please report.": [""], + Preferences: [""], + "Welcome, %1$s": [""], + "Latest transactions": [""], + Date: ["Datum"], + Counterpart: ["Empf\xE4nger"], + Subject: ["Verwendungszweck"], + sent: [""], + received: [""], + "invalid value": [""], + to: [""], + from: [""], + "First page": [""], + Next: [""], + "History of public accounts": [ + "Buchungen auf \xF6ffentlich sichtbaren Konten" + ], + "Currently, the bank is not accepting new registrations!": [""], + "Missing name": [""], + "Use letters and numbers only, and start with a lowercase letter": [""], + "Passwords don't match": [""], + "Server replied with invalid phone or email.": [""], + "Registration is disabled because the bank ran out of bonus credit.": [ + "" + ], + "No enough permission to create that account.": [""], + "That account id is already taken.": [""], + "That username is already taken.": [""], + "That username can't be used because is reserved.": [""], + "Only admin is allow to set debt limit.": [""], + "No information for the selected authentication channel.": [""], + "Authentication channel is not supported.": [""], + "Only admin can create accounts with second factor authentication.": [""], + "Account registration": [""], + "Repeat password": [""], + Name: [""], + "Create a random temporary user": [""], + "Make a wire transfer": [""], + "Wire transfer created!": [""], + Accounts: ["Betrag"], + "A list of all business account in the bank.": [""], + "Create account": [""], + Balance: [""], + Actions: [""], + unknown: [""], + "change password": [""], + remove: [""], + "Select a section": [""], + "Last hour": [""], + "Last day": [""], + "Last month": [""], + "Last year": [""], + "Last Year": [""], + "Trading volume on %1$s compared to %2$s": [""], + Cashin: [""], + Cashout: [""], + Payin: [""], + Payout: [""], + "download stats as CSV": [""], + "Descreased by": [""], + "Increased by": [""], + "Unable to create a cashout": [""], + "The bank configuration does not support cashout operations.": [""], + invalid: [""], + "need to be higher due to fees": [""], + "the total transfer at destination will be zero": [""], + "Cashout created": [""], + "Duplicated request detected, check if the operation succeded or try again.": [""], + "The conversion rate was incorrectly applied": [""], + "The account does not have sufficient funds": [""], + "Cashouts are not supported": [""], + "Missing cashout URI in the profile": [""], + "Sending the confirmation message failed, retry later or contact the administrator.": [""], + "Convertion rate": [""], + Fee: [""], + "To account": [""], + "No cashout account": [""], + "Before doing a cashout you need to complete your profile": [""], + "Amount to send": ["Betrag"], + "Amount to receive": [""], + "Total cost": [""], + "Balance left": [""], + "Before fee": [""], + "Total cashout transfer": [""], + "No cashout channel available": [""], + "Before doing a cashout the server need to provide an second channel to confirm the operation": [""], + "Second factor authentication": [""], + Email: [""], + "add a email in your profile to enable this option": [""], + SMS: [""], + "add a phone number in your profile to enable this option": [""], + Details: [""], + Delete: [""], + Credentials: [""], + Cashouts: [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an IBAN number": [""], + "it doesnt have the pattern of an email": [""], + "should start with +": [""], + "phone number can't have other than numbers": [""], + "account identification in the bank": [""], + "name of the person owner the account": [""], + "Internal IBAN": [""], + "if empty a random account number will be assigned": [""], + "account identification for bank transfer": [""], + Phone: [""], + "Cashout IBAN": [""], + "account number where the money is going to be sent when doing cashouts": [""], + "Max debt": [""], + "how much is user able to transfer after zero balance": [""], + "Is this a Taler Exchange?": [""], + "This server doesn't support second factor authentication.": [""], + "Enable second factor authentication": [""], + "Using email": [""], + "Using SMS": [""], + "Is this account public?": [""], + "public accounts have their balance publicly accesible": [""], + "Account updated": [""], + "The rights to change the account are not sufficient": [""], + "The username was not found": [""], + "You can't change the legal name, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the debt limit, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the cashout address, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + "You can't change the contact data, please contact the your account administrator.": [""], + 'Account "%1$s"': [""], + "Change details": [""], + Update: [""], + "password doesn't match": [""], + "Password changed": [""], + "Not authorized to change the password, maybe the session is invalid.": [ + "" + ], + "You need to provide the old password. If you don't have it contact your account administrator.": [""], + "Your current password doesn't match, can't change to a new password.": [ + "" + ], + "Update password": [""], + "New password": [""], + "Type it again": [""], + "repeat the same password": [""], + "Current password": [""], + "your current password, for security": [""], + Change: [""], + "Can't delete the account": [""], + "The account can't be delete while still holding some balance. First make sure that the owner make a complete cashout.": [""], + "Account removed": [""], + "No enough permission to delete the account.": [""], + "The username was not found.": [""], + "Can't delete a reserved username.": [""], + "Can't delete an account with balance different than zero.": [""], + "name doesn't match": [""], + "You are going to remove the account": [""], + "This step can't be undone.": [""], + 'Deleting account "%1$s"': [""], + Verification: [""], + "enter the account name that is going to be deleted": [""], + 'Account created with password "%1$s". The user must change the password on the next login.': [""], + "Server replied that phone or email is invalid": [""], + "The rights to perform the operation are not sufficient": [""], + "Account username is already taken": [""], + "Account id is already taken": [""], + "Bank ran out of bonus credit.": [""], + "Account username can't be used because is reserved": [""], + "Can't create accounts": [""], + "Only system admin can create accounts.": [""], + "New business account": [""], + Create: [""], + "Cashout not supported.": [""], + "Account not found.": [""], + "Latest cashouts": [""], + Created: [""], + Confirmed: ["Best\xE4tigen"], + "Total debit": [""], + "Total credit": [""], + Status: [""], + never: [""], + "Cashout for account %1$s": [""], + "This cashout not found. Maybe already aborted.": [""], + "Cashout not found. It may be also mean that it was already aborted.": [ + "" + ], + "Cashout was already confimed.": [""], + "Cashout operation is not supported.": [""], + "The cashout operation is already aborted.": [""], + "Missing destination account.": [""], + "Too many failed attempts.": [""], + "The code for this cashout is invalid.": [""], + "Cashout detail": [""], + Debited: [""], + Credited: [""], + "Enter the confirmation code": [""], + Abort: [""], + Confirm: ["Best\xE4tigen"], + "Unauthorized to make the operation, maybe the session has expired or the password changed.": [""], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds.": [""], + "Do not show this again": [""], + Close: [""], + "On this device": [""], + 'If you are using a web browser on desktop you should access your wallet with the GNU Taler WebExtension now or click the link if your WebExtension have the "Inject Taler support" option enabled.': [""], + Start: [""], + "On a mobile phone": [""], + "Scan the QR code with your mobile device.": [""], + "There is an operation already": [""], + "Complete or cancel the operation in": ["Abhebung best\xE4tigen"], + "Server responded with an invalid withdraw URI": [""], + "Withdraw URI: %1$s": [""], + "The operation was rejected due to insufficient funds": [""], + "Prepare your wallet": [""], + "After using your wallet you will need to confirm or cancel the operation on this site.": [""], + "You need a GNU Taler Wallet": [""], + "If you don't have one yet you can follow the instruction in": [""], + "Send money": [""], + "to a %1$s wallet": [""], + "Withdraw digital money into your mobile wallet or browser extension": [ + "" + ], + "operation ready": [""], + "to another bank account": [""], + "Make a wire transfer to an account with known bank account number.": [ + "" + ], + "Transfer details": [""], + "This is a demo bank": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work. In addition to using your own bank account, you can also see the transaction history of some %1$s.": [""], + "This part of the demo shows how a bank that supports Taler directly would work.": [""], + "Pending account delete operation": [""], + "Pending account update operation": [""], + "Pending password update operation": [""], + "Pending transaction operation": [""], + "Pending withdrawal operation": [""], + "Pending cashout operation": [""], + "You can complete or cancel the operation in": [""], + "Download bank stats": [""], + "Include hour metric": [""], + "Include day metric": [""], + "Include month metric": [""], + "Include year metric": [""], + "Include table header": [""], + "Add previous metric for compare": [""], + "Fail on first error": [""], + Download: [""], + "downloading... %1$s": [""], + "Download completed": [""], + "click here to save the file in your computer": [""], + "Challenge not found.": [""], + "This user is not authorized to complete this challenge.": [""], + "Too many attemps, try another code.": [""], + "The confirmation code is wrong, try again.": [""], + "The operation expired.": [""], + "The operation failed.": [""], + "The operation needs another confirmation to complete.": [""], + "Account delete": [""], + "Account update": [""], + "Password update": [""], + "Wire transfer": [""], + Withdrawal: ["Abhebung best\xE4tigen"], + "Confirm the operation": ["Abhebung best\xE4tigen"], + "Send again": [""], + "Send code": [""], + "Operation details": [""], + "Challenge details": [""], + "Sent at": [""], + "To phone": [""], + "To email": [""], + "Welcome to %1$s!": [""] + } + }, + domain: "messages", + plural_forms: "nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;", + lang: "de", + completeness: 4 +}; + +// src/settings.ts +var defaultSettings = { + backendBaseURL: buildDefaultBackendBaseURL(), + iconLinkURL: void 0, + bankName: "Taler Bank", + simplePasswordForRandomAccounts: false, + allowRandomAccountCreation: false, + topNavSites: {} +}; +var codecForBankUISettings = () => buildCodecForObject().property("backendBaseURL", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("allowRandomAccountCreation", codecOptional(codecForBoolean())).property( + "simplePasswordForRandomAccounts", + codecOptional(codecForBoolean()) +).property("bankName", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("iconLinkURL", codecOptional(codecForString())).property("topNavSites", codecOptional(codecForMap(codecForString()))).build("BankUiSettings"); +function removeUndefineField(obj) { + const keys = Object.keys(obj); + return keys.reduce((prev, cur) => { + if (typeof prev[cur] === "undefined") { + delete prev[cur]; + } + return prev; + }, obj); +} +function fetchSettings(listener) { + fetch("./settings.json").then((resp) => resp.json()).then((json) => codecForBankUISettings().decode(json)).then( + (result) => listener({ + ...defaultSettings, + ...removeUndefineField(result) + }) + ).catch((e4) => { + console.log("failed to fetch settings", e4); + listener(defaultSettings); + }); +} +function buildDefaultBackendBaseURL() { + if (typeof window !== "undefined") { + const currentLocation = new URL( + window.location.pathname, + window.location.origin + ).href; + return currentLocation.replace("/webui", ""); + } + return void 0; +} + +// src/components/app.tsx +var WITH_LOCAL_STORAGE_CACHE = false; +var App = () => { + const [settings, setSettings] = p3(); + h2(() => { + fetchSettings(setSettings); + }, []); + if (!settings) + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(Loading, null); + const baseUrl = getInitialBackendBaseURL(settings.backendBaseURL); + return /* @__PURE__ */ h(SettingsProvider, { value: settings }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + TranslationProvider, + { + source: strings, + completeness: { + es: strings["es"].completeness, + de: strings["de"].completeness + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(BackendStateProvider, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(BankCoreApiProvider, { baseUrl, frameOnError: BankFrame }, /* @__PURE__ */ h( + SWRConfig2, + { + value: { + provider: WITH_LOCAL_STORAGE_CACHE ? localStorageProvider : void 0, + // normally, do not revalidate + revalidateOnFocus: false, + revalidateOnReconnect: false, + revalidateIfStale: false, + revalidateOnMount: void 0, + focusThrottleInterval: void 0, + // normally, do not refresh + refreshInterval: void 0, + dedupingInterval: 2e3, + refreshWhenHidden: false, + refreshWhenOffline: false, + // ignore errors + shouldRetryOnError: false, + errorRetryCount: 0, + errorRetryInterval: void 0, + // do not go to loading again if already has data + keepPreviousData: true + } + }, + /* @__PURE__ */ h(TalerWalletIntegrationBrowserProvider, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(BrowserHashNavigationProvider, null, /* @__PURE__ */ h(Routing, null))) + ))) + )); +}; +window.setGlobalLogLevelFromString = setGlobalLogLevelFromString; +window.getGlobalLevel = getGlobalLogLevel; +function localStorageProvider() { + const map2 = new Map(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("app-cache") || "[]")); + window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { + const appCache = JSON.stringify(Array.from(map2.entries())); + localStorage.setItem("app-cache", appCache); + }); + return map2; +} +var app_default = App; +function getInitialBackendBaseURL(backendFromSettings) { + const overrideUrl = typeof localStorage !== "undefined" ? localStorage.getItem("corebank-api-base-url") : void 0; + let result; + if (!overrideUrl) { + if (!backendFromSettings) { + console.error( + "ERROR: backendBaseURL was overridden by a setting file and missing. Setting value to 'window.origin'" + ); + result = window.origin; + } else { + result = backendFromSettings; + } + } else { + result = overrideUrl; + } + try { + return canonicalizeBaseUrl(result); + } catch (e4) { + return canonicalizeBaseUrl(window.origin); + } +} + +// src/index.tsx +init_preact_module(); +var app = document.getElementById("app"); +if (app) { + P(/* @__PURE__ */ h(app_default, null), app); +} else { + console.error("HTML element with id 'app' not found."); +} +/*! Bundled license information: + +jed/jed.js: + (** + * @preserve jed.js + *) + +use-sync-external-store/cjs/use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js: + (** + * @license React + * use-sync-external-store-shim.production.min.js + * + * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. + * + * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the + * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. + *) +*/ +//# -- cgit v1.2.3