/* This file is part of GNU Taler (C) 2019 Taler Systems S.A. GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ package net.taler.wallet import android.app.Application import android.util.Log import androidx.lifecycle.* import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.readValue import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.awaitClose import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.callbackFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onCompletion import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onStart import net.taler.wallet.backend.WalletBackendApi import net.taler.wallet.history.History import org.json.JSONObject const val TAG = "taler-wallet" data class BalanceEntry(val available: Amount, val pendingIncoming: Amount) data class WalletBalances(val initialized: Boolean, val byCurrency: List) data class ContractTerms(val summary: String, val amount: Amount) open class PayStatus { class None : PayStatus() class Loading : PayStatus() data class Prepared( val contractTerms: ContractTerms, val proposalId: String, val totalFees: Amount ) : PayStatus() data class InsufficientBalance(val contractTerms: ContractTerms) : PayStatus() data class AlreadyPaid(val contractTerms: ContractTerms) : PayStatus() data class Error(val error: String) : PayStatus() class Success : PayStatus() } open class WithdrawStatus { class None : WithdrawStatus() data class Loading(val talerWithdrawUri: String) : WithdrawStatus() data class TermsOfServiceReviewRequired( val talerWithdrawUri: String, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, val tosText: String, val tosEtag: String ) : WithdrawStatus() class Success : WithdrawStatus() data class ReceivedDetails( val talerWithdrawUri: String, val amount: Amount, val suggestedExchange: String ) : WithdrawStatus() data class Withdrawing(val talerWithdrawUri: String) : WithdrawStatus() } open class PendingOperationInfo( val type: String, val detail: JSONObject ) open class PendingOperations( val pending: List ) @Suppress("EXPERIMENTAL_API_USAGE") class WalletViewModel(val app: Application) : AndroidViewModel(app) { private var initialized = false val testWithdrawalInProgress = MutableLiveData().apply { value = false } val balances = MutableLiveData().apply { value = WalletBalances(false, listOf()) } val payStatus = MutableLiveData().apply { value = PayStatus.None() } val withdrawStatus = MutableLiveData().apply { value = WithdrawStatus.None() } val pendingOperations = MutableLiveData().apply { value = PendingOperations(listOf()) } private val mHistoryProgress = MutableLiveData() val historyProgress: LiveData = mHistoryProgress val historyShowAll = MutableLiveData() val history: LiveData = historyShowAll.switchMap { showAll -> loadHistory(showAll) .onStart { mHistoryProgress.postValue(true) } .onCompletion { mHistoryProgress.postValue(false) } .asLiveData(Dispatchers.IO) } private var activeGetBalance = 0 private var activeGetPending = 0 private var currentPayRequestId = 0 private var currentWithdrawRequestId = 0 private val walletBackendApi = WalletBackendApi(app) private val mapper = ObjectMapper().registerModule(KotlinModule()) fun init() { if (initialized) { Log.e(TAG, "WalletViewModel already initialized") return } this.initialized = true getBalances() getPending() walletBackendApi.notificationHandler = { Log.i(TAG, "got notification from wallet") getBalances() getPending() } walletBackendApi.connectedHandler = { activeGetBalance = 0 activeGetPending = 0 getBalances() getPending() } } fun getBalances() { if (activeGetBalance > 0) { return } activeGetBalance++ walletBackendApi.sendRequest("getBalances", null) { isError, result -> activeGetBalance-- if (isError) { return@sendRequest } val balanceList = mutableListOf() val byCurrency = result.getJSONObject("byCurrency") val currencyList = byCurrency.keys().asSequence().toList().sorted() for (currency in currencyList) { val jsonAmount = byCurrency.getJSONObject(currency) .getJSONObject("available") val amount = Amount.fromJson(jsonAmount) val jsonAmountIncoming = byCurrency.getJSONObject(currency) .getJSONObject("pendingIncoming") val amountIncoming = Amount.fromJson(jsonAmountIncoming) balanceList.add(BalanceEntry(amount, amountIncoming)) } balances.postValue(WalletBalances(true, balanceList)) } } private fun getPending() { if (activeGetPending > 0) { return } activeGetPending++ walletBackendApi.sendRequest("getPendingOperations", null) { isError, result -> activeGetPending-- if (isError) { Log.i(TAG, "got getPending error result") return@sendRequest } Log.i(TAG, "got getPending result") val pendingList = mutableListOf() val pendingJson = result.getJSONArray("pendingOperations") for (i in 0 until pendingJson.length()) { val p = pendingJson.getJSONObject(i) val type = p.getString("type") pendingList.add(PendingOperationInfo(type, p)) } Log.i(TAG, "Got ${pendingList.size} pending operations") pendingOperations.postValue(PendingOperations((pendingList))) } } private fun loadHistory(showAll: Boolean) = callbackFlow { mHistoryProgress.postValue(true) walletBackendApi.sendRequest("getHistory", null) { isError, result -> if (isError) { // TODO show error message in [WalletHistory] fragment close() return@sendRequest } val history: History = mapper.readValue(result.getString("history")) history.reverse() // show latest first mHistoryProgress.postValue(false) offer(if (showAll) history else history.filter { it.showToUser } as History) close() } awaitClose() } fun withdrawTestkudos() { testWithdrawalInProgress.value = true walletBackendApi.sendRequest("withdrawTestkudos", null) { _, _ -> testWithdrawalInProgress.postValue(false) } } fun preparePay(url: String) { val args = JSONObject() args.put("url", url) this.currentPayRequestId += 1 val myPayRequestId = this.currentPayRequestId this.payStatus.value = PayStatus.Loading() walletBackendApi.sendRequest("preparePay", args) { isError, result -> if (isError) { Log.v(TAG, "got preparePay error result") payStatus.value = PayStatus.Error(result.toString(0)) return@sendRequest } Log.v(TAG, "got preparePay result") if (myPayRequestId != this.currentPayRequestId) { Log.v(TAG, "preparePay result was for old request") return@sendRequest } val status = result.getString("status") var contractTerms: ContractTerms? = null var proposalId: String? = null var totalFees: Amount? = null if (result.has("proposalId")) { proposalId = result.getString("proposalId") } if (result.has("contractTermsRaw")) { val ctJson = JSONObject(result.getString("contractTermsRaw")) val amount = Amount.fromString(ctJson.getString("amount")) val summary = ctJson.getString("summary") contractTerms = ContractTerms(summary, amount) } if (result.has("totalFees")) { totalFees = Amount.fromJson(result.getJSONObject("totalFees")) } val res = when (status) { "payment-possible" -> PayStatus.Prepared( contractTerms!!, proposalId!!, totalFees!! ) "paid" -> PayStatus.AlreadyPaid(contractTerms!!) "insufficient-balance" -> PayStatus.InsufficientBalance( contractTerms!! ) "error" -> PayStatus.Error("got some error") else -> PayStatus.Error("unknown status") } payStatus.postValue(res) } } fun abortProposal(proposalId: String) { val args = JSONObject() args.put("proposalId", proposalId) Log.i(TAG, "aborting proposal") walletBackendApi.sendRequest("abortProposal", args) { isError, _ -> if (isError) { Log.e(TAG, "received error response to abortProposal") return@sendRequest } payStatus.postValue(PayStatus.None()) } } fun confirmPay(proposalId: String) { val args = JSONObject() args.put("proposalId", proposalId) walletBackendApi.sendRequest("confirmPay", args) { isError, result -> payStatus.postValue(PayStatus.Success()) } } fun dangerouslyReset() { walletBackendApi.sendRequest("reset", null) testWithdrawalInProgress.value = false balances.value = WalletBalances(false, listOf()) } fun startTunnel() { walletBackendApi.sendRequest("startTunnel", null) } fun stopTunnel() { walletBackendApi.sendRequest("stopTunnel", null) } fun tunnelResponse(resp: String) { val respJson = JSONObject(resp) walletBackendApi.sendRequest("tunnelResponse", respJson) } fun getWithdrawalInfo(talerWithdrawUri: String) { val args = JSONObject() args.put("talerWithdrawUri", talerWithdrawUri) withdrawStatus.value = WithdrawStatus.Loading(talerWithdrawUri) this.currentWithdrawRequestId++ val myWithdrawRequestId = this.currentWithdrawRequestId walletBackendApi.sendRequest("getWithdrawDetailsForUri", args) { isError, result -> if (isError) { return@sendRequest } if (myWithdrawRequestId != this.currentWithdrawRequestId) { return@sendRequest } Log.v(TAG, "got getWithdrawDetailsForUri result") val status = withdrawStatus.value if (status !is WithdrawStatus.Loading) { Log.v(TAG, "ignoring withdrawal info result, not loading.") return@sendRequest } val wi = result.getJSONObject("bankWithdrawDetails") val suggestedExchange = wi.getString("suggestedExchange") // We just use the suggested exchange, in the future there will be // a selection dialog. getWithdrawalInfoWithExchange(talerWithdrawUri, suggestedExchange) } } private fun getWithdrawalInfoWithExchange(talerWithdrawUri: String, selectedExchange: String) { val args = JSONObject() args.put("talerWithdrawUri", talerWithdrawUri) args.put("selectedExchange", selectedExchange) this.currentWithdrawRequestId++ val myWithdrawRequestId = this.currentWithdrawRequestId walletBackendApi.sendRequest("getWithdrawDetailsForUri", args) { isError, result -> if (isError) { return@sendRequest } if (myWithdrawRequestId != this.currentWithdrawRequestId) { return@sendRequest } Log.v(TAG, "got getWithdrawDetailsForUri result (with exchange details)") val status = withdrawStatus.value if (status !is WithdrawStatus.Loading) { Log.v(TAG, "ignoring withdrawal info result, not loading.") return@sendRequest } val ei = result.getJSONObject("exchangeWithdrawDetails") val termsOfServiceAccepted = ei.getBoolean("termsOfServiceAccepted") if (!termsOfServiceAccepted) { val exchange = ei.getJSONObject("exchangeInfo") val tosText = exchange.getString("termsOfServiceText") val tosEtag = exchange.optString("termsOfServiceLastEtag", "undefined") withdrawStatus.postValue( WithdrawStatus.TermsOfServiceReviewRequired( status.talerWithdrawUri, selectedExchange, tosText, tosEtag ) ) } else { val wi = result.getJSONObject("bankWithdrawDetails") val suggestedExchange = wi.getString("suggestedExchange") val amount = Amount.fromJson(wi.getJSONObject("amount")) withdrawStatus.postValue( WithdrawStatus.ReceivedDetails( status.talerWithdrawUri, amount, suggestedExchange ) ) } } } fun acceptWithdrawal(talerWithdrawUri: String, selectedExchange: String) { val args = JSONObject() args.put("talerWithdrawUri", talerWithdrawUri) args.put("selectedExchange", selectedExchange) withdrawStatus.value = WithdrawStatus.Withdrawing(talerWithdrawUri) walletBackendApi.sendRequest("acceptWithdrawal", args) { isError, _ -> if (isError) { Log.v(TAG, "got acceptWithdrawal error result") return@sendRequest } Log.v(TAG, "got acceptWithdrawal result") val status = withdrawStatus.value if (status !is WithdrawStatus.Withdrawing) { Log.v(TAG, "ignoring acceptWithdrawal result, invalid state") } withdrawStatus.postValue(WithdrawStatus.Success()) } } fun retryPendingNow() { walletBackendApi.sendRequest("retryPendingNow", null) } override fun onCleared() { walletBackendApi.destroy() super.onCleared() } /** * Accept the currently displayed terms of service. */ fun acceptCurrentTermsOfService() { when (val s = withdrawStatus.value) { is WithdrawStatus.TermsOfServiceReviewRequired -> { val args = JSONObject() args.put("exchangeBaseUrl", s.exchangeBaseUrl) args.put("etag", s.tosEtag) walletBackendApi.sendRequest("acceptExchangeTermsOfService", args) { isError, _ -> if (isError) { return@sendRequest } // Try withdrawing again with accepted ToS getWithdrawalInfo(s.talerWithdrawUri) } } } } fun cancelCurrentWithdraw() { currentWithdrawRequestId++ withdrawStatus.value = WithdrawStatus.None() } }