Taler-Util Library

Table of Contents

The Taler-Util library provides several classes that deal with various aspects of Taler programming in the Python language. This is documentation for the library.

This file is in Org Mode format and can be processed (by Emacs) to produce HTML, etc. When we figure out where to put this documentation, we can convert it to Sphinx (or whatever) format. Ongoing discussion: https://bugs.gnunet.org/view.php?id=6649

1 classes overview

These are grouped according to area of concern, which (uncoincidentally) is also how the source code is organized.

Several of these derive from the Exception class. The rest are leaf classes.

1.1 amount (currency + value + fraction)

  • CurrencyMismatchError(Exception)
  • AmountOverflowError(Exception)
  • AmountFormatError(Exception)
  • Amount
  • SignedAmount

1.2 logging

  • LogDefinition
  • GnunetLoglevel
  • GnunetLogger

1.3 ‘payto’ URI particularities

  • PaytoFormatError(Exception)
  • PaytoParse

1.4 configuration

  • TalerConfig

2 classes for handling currency plus value plus fraction

The Amount and SignedAmount handle Taler amounts, objects that combine a CURRENCY (e.g., "KUDOS") with a VALUE and FRACTION (both integers). An amount is written as follows:


Note the : (colon) and . (period). This is also known as the CUR:X.Y format.

The maximum VALUE is 252 (i.e., 4503599627370496). The FRACTION can be at most 8 digits (i.e., smallest non-zero FRACTION of 1 represents the number 0.00000001, and the largest FRACTION of 99999999 represents the number 0.99999999). If an amount is specified that exceeds these limits, the constructor throws an AmountOverflowError exception.

2.1 class Amount

The constructor takes three args: currency, value, fraction.

>>> from taler.util.amount import Amount, SignedAmount

# KUDOS 10.50
>>> amt = Amount ("KUDOS", 10, 50000000)

>>> amt
Amount(currency='KUDOS', value=10, fraction=50000000)

Amount has three getter properties: currency, value, fraction.

>>> amt.value, amt.fraction
(10, 50000000)

You can use classmethod parse to read a string as an Amount object. This function can throw AmountFormatError if the string is malformed, and AmountOverflowError if the fraction portion is too long.

>>> Amount.parse ("KUDOS:10.12345678")
Amount(currency='KUDOS', value=10, fraction=12345678)

An Amount object supports addition and subtraction. The currency property must match, otherwise the operation throws a CurrencyMismatchError exception.

>>> amt + amt
Amount(currency='KUDOS', value=21, fraction=0)

>>> another = Amount ("KUDOS", 5, 42)

>>> amt - another
Amount(currency='KUDOS', value=5, fraction=49999958)

Note, however, that a subtraction that results in a numerically negative value causes the operation to throw an AmountOverflowError exception.

>>> another - amt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File ".../amount.py", line 124, in __sub__
    raise AmountOverflowError()

The method stringify (which is also used in the __str__ definition) takes optional keyword pretty (default False) that changes the output.

>>> str (amt)

>>> amt.stringify()

>>> amt.stringify(pretty=True)
'10.5 KUDOS'

>>> (amt + amt).stringify(pretty=True)
'21 KUDOS'

The method is_zero returns True if the Amount object has a zero value component and a zero fraction component.

>>> amt.is_zero ()

An Amount object can be numerically compared with another Amount for both equality and inequality. Comparison can throw a CurrencyMismatchError exception if both currencies are not the same.

>>> amt > another

>>> amt == another

2.2 class SignedAmount

A SignedAmount object is an amount with a sign. It has properties is_positive and amount. You can derive a SignedAmount from a simple Amount with the as_signed method.

>>> p = amt.as_signed ()

>>> p.is_positive

>>> p.amount
Amount(currency='KUDOS', value=10, fraction=50000000)

A SignedAmount object supports addition, subtraction, and comparison (equality and inequality) with another SignedAmount object.

>>> q = another.as_signed ()

>>> (p - q).is_positive

>>> (q - p).is_positive

The stringify method, like that for Amount, takes optional keyword pretty. It always prefixes the output with either + or -.

>>> (p - q).stringify (pretty=False)

>>> (q - p).stringify (pretty=True)
'-5.49999958 KUDOS'

The classmethod parse recognizes a leading + or -, and additionally accepts a plain CURRENCY:VALUE.FRACTION form as a positive SignedAmount.

>>> SignedAmount.parse ("-KUDOS:2.34")
SignedAmount(is_positive=False, amount=Amount(currency='KUDOS', value=2, fraction=34000000))

Lastly, a SignedAmount object can flip its sign using a unary minus.

>>> n = q - p

>>> n.is_positive

>>> (- n).is_positive

3 classes LogDefinition, GnunetLoglevel

These two classes are deliberately undocumented (until further notice). They exist primarily to support the GnunetLogger class.

4 class GnunetLogger

The GnunetLogger class wraps the native logging module and provides two primary entry points: the constructor and the log method. It supports the usual list of log levels: ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG.

4.1 log definition, environment variables

What to log is controlled by a log definition, lists of which are taken from one or both environment variables when the GnunetLogger object is initialized:


A log definition looks like:


The component, file, function, and line information portions are optional; the loglevel is required. No portion may contain the ; (semicolon) or / (slash) character. When a portion is omitted, it defaults to all of that item. The line information can be a single line number or a range, written in LOW-HIGH format – note - (hyphen). For example, a minimal log definition could be:


This example definition matches all components, all files, all functions, and all lines, but only the ERROR log level.

Multiple log definitions are specified by separating them with a / (slash) character.


The difference between GNUNET_FORCE_LOG and GNUNET_LOG is that the former takes priority over the latter, in case of conflict. Also, logging done via GNUNET_FORCE_LOG respects environment variable GNUNET_FORCE_LOGFILE.

4.2 environment variable GNUNET_FORCE_LOGFILE

The filename specified by GNUNET_FORCE_LOGFILE can have special character sequences replaced (like a template):

process id
numeric year
numeric month
numeric day

For example, if GNUNET_FORCE_LOGFILE has value:


then the expansion might be:


4.3 constructor

The GnunetLogger constructor takes one argument, component.

>>> from taler.util.gnunet_log import GnunetLogger

>>> l = GnunetLogger ("ui")

4.4 method log

The log method takes two arguments, message (a string) and message_loglevel (a property of the GnunetLogger class with the same name as the string log level).

>>> l.log ("user clicked button", l.INFO)
INFO:ui:user clicked button

5 ‘payto’ URI parsing

The PaytoParse class has only one entry point, its constructor. The argument is payto_uri, a string in the payto URI scheme that has exactly two components in the upath portion. See RFC 8905 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8905) for more info. If parsing fails, the constructor throws a PaytoFormatError exception.

On successful parse, the object has the following properties:

destination of the payment
bank handling the payment
payment type (e.g., iban)
short human-readable description of the payment
in CUR:X.Y format (2.1)

Note that amount may be None if none was specified.

>>> from taler.util.payto import PaytoParse

# from RFC 8905
>>> uri = "payto://iban/DE75512108001245126199?amount=EUR:200.0&message=hello"

>>> p = PaytoParse (uri)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/ttn/build/GNU/T/taler-util/taler/util/payto.py", line 41, in __init__
    raise PaytoFormatError(f"Bad Payto URI: {payto_uri}")
taler.util.payto.PaytoFormatError: Bad Payto URI: payto://iban/DE75512108001245126199?amount=EUR:200.0&message=hello

This example shows that the single-component IBAN fails to parse (even though that is a valid RFC 8905 ‘payto’ URI). It's necessary to use the two-component IBAN.

>>> uri = "payto://iban/SOGEDEFFXXX/DE75512108001245126199?amount=EUR:200.0&message=hello"

>>> p = PaytoParse (uri)

>>> p.target

>>> p.bank

>>> p.authority

>>> p.message

>>> p.amount
Amount(currency='EUR', value=200, fraction=0)

6 class TalerConfig

The TalerConfig class represents a Taler configuration, a set of sections with options and associated values (basically, a nested dictionary), and provides methods for initializing, and accessing those values, keyed by section and option.

When a Taler configuration is written to a file (the usual case), it follows the typical Windows INI format. For more information, see the taler-config(5) manpage.

6.1 reading

The standard way to construct a TalerConfig object is to start with one of two initialization methods: from_file or from_env. The former reads the configuration from a file, given its name. If no name is provided (it is None), from_file first tries to find taler.conf in two directories:

  • directory named by environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME
  • $HOME/.config (where HOME is the user's home directory)

The from_env initialization method first determines a filename by consulting environment variable TALER_CONFIG_FILE and then uses from_file on that.

Both initialization methods take keyword arg load_defaults (default True) that directs the method to also call the load_defaults method before reading the file.

The load_defaults method takes no arguments. It looks in the canonical locations (directories) and uses method load_dir on them. Once it finds a specified dir, it stops searching. The canonical locations are:

  • environment variable TALER_BASE_CONFIG
  • environment variable TALER_PREFIX, with any trailing component lib discarded, and suffixed with share/taler/config.d

    For example, if TALER_PREFIX is /usr/local/lib, then load_defaults would look in /usr/local/share/taler/config.d. The same would result if TALER_PREFIX were /usr/local (the suffixing is unconditional).

If load_defaults cannot find something to load it logs a warning "no base directory found".

The load_dir method takes one argument dirname, and uses load_file on all files that directory whose name ends with .conf.

At its core, all file reading uses method load_file, which takes one argument, the filename to read. If filename cannot be found, load_file causes the process to exit with exit value 3.

6.2 value types

There are three types of values in a Taler configuration: int (integer), string and filename. The int and string types are self-explanatory. The filename type is a string that has certain constructs expanded:

  • ${X}
  • ${X:-Y}
  • $X

These mimic shell-style variable expansion. In all these constructs, the value of X replaces the construct. In the second one only, if the value of X is empty, use the value of Y instead. Also, the second type can be nested, i.e., ${X:-${Y:-Z}}. That is, if X is empty, try Y, and if Y is empty, try Z.

For example, ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/taler-test expands to /var/tmp/taler-test if environment variable TMPDIR has value /var/tmp, otherwise simply /tmp/taler-test.

6.3 retrieving values

Once a Taler configuration is read, you can retrieve specific values from it, or display the entire set to stdout.

6.3.1 specific values

Each type foo has a value_foo method (e.g., value_int for integer). The method takes two required arguments, the section and option, both strings. Case does not matter.

In addition to the required arguments, value_string accepts the following keyword arguments:

If the requested value is not found, return this value instead. Default is no default. :-D
If the requested value is not found, print an error message and cause the process to exit with exit value 1.
If the requested value is not found, log a warning. If default is also given, return that, otherwise return None.

(Both value_int and value_filename also accept these keyword arguments, but they are ignored.)

6.3.2 entire set

The dump method takes no arguments. It displays to stdout each section and its options (and values) in the format:

option = value # filename & line number pair

Author: Taler Contributors

Created: 2022-02-22 mar 07:37
