import flask import requests from urllib.parse import urljoin from flask import request, url_for from datetime import datetime import time from flask_babel import gettext import os import re import logging LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BackendException(Exception): """Exception for failed communication with the Taler merchant backend""" def __init__(self, message, backend_status=None, backend_json={}): super().__init__(backend_json.get("hint", message)) self.backend_status = backend_status self.backend_json = backend_json ## # POST a request to the backend, and return a error # response if any error occurs. # # @param endpoint the backend endpoint where to POST # this request. # @param json the POST's body. # @return the backend response (JSON format). def backend_post(backend_url, endpoint, json, auth_token=None): headers = dict() if auth_token: headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + auth_token final_url = urljoin(backend_url, endpoint) print("POSTing to: " + final_url) try: resp =, json=json, headers=headers) except requests.ConnectionError: raise BackendException( message=gettext("Could not establish connection to backend") ) try: response_json = resp.json() except Exception: raise BackendException( message=gettext("Could not parse the response from backend"), backend_status=resp.status_code, ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise BackendException( message=gettext("Backend returned error status"), backend_status=resp.status_code, backend_json=response_json, ) print("Backend responds to {}: {}/{}".format( final_url, str(response_json), resp.status_code )) return response_json ## # Issue a GET request to the backend. # # @param endpoint the backend endpoint where to issue the request. # @param params (dict type of) URL parameters to append to the request. # @return the JSON response from the backend, or a error response # if something unexpected happens. def backend_get(backend_url, endpoint, params, auth_token=None): headers = dict() if auth_token is not None: headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + auth_token final_url = urljoin(backend_url, endpoint) print("GETting: " + final_url + " with params: " + str(params)) try: resp = requests.get(final_url, params=params, headers=headers) except requests.ConnectionError: raise BackendException( message=gettext("Could not establish connection to backend") ) try: response_json = resp.json() except Exception: raise BackendException(message=gettext("Could not parse response from backend")) if resp.status_code != 200: raise BackendException( message=gettext("Backend returned error status"), backend_status=resp.status_code, backend_json=response_json, ) print("Backend responds to {}: {}".format(final_url, str(response_json))) return response_json def get_locale(): parts = request.path.split("/", 2) if 2 >= len(parts): # Totally unexpected path format, do not localize return "en" lang = parts[1] if lang == "static": # Static resource, not a language indicator. # Do not localize then. return "en" return lang ## # Helper function used inside Jinja2 logic to create a links # to the current page but in a different language. Used to # implement the "Language" menu. # def self_localized(lang): """ Return URL for the current page in another locale. """ path = request.path # path must have the form "/$LANG/$STUFF" parts = path.split("/", 2) if 2 >= len(parts): # Totally unexpected path format, do not localize return path return "/" + lang + "/" + parts[2] class Deadline: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def isExpired(self): if self.value == "never": return False now = int(round(time.time()) * 1000) now_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(now / 1000) deadline_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(self.value / 1000) print( "debug: checking refund expiration, now: {}, deadline: {}".format( now_dt.strftime("%c"), deadline_dt.strftime("%c") ) ) return now > self.value all_languages = { "en": "English [en]", "ar": "عربى [ar]", "zh_Hant": "繁體中文 [zh]", "fr": "Français [fr]", "de": "Deutsch [de]", "hi": "हिंदी [hi]", "it": "Italiano [it]", "ja": "日本語 [ja]", "ko": "한국어 [ko]", "pt": "Português [pt]", "pt_BR": "Português (Brazil) [pt_BR]", "ru": "Ру́сский язы́к [ru]", "es": "Español [es]", "sv": "Svenska [sv]", "tr": "Türkçe [tr]", } ## # Make the environment available into templates. # # @return the environment-reading function def make_utility_processor(pagename,base_url): def utility_processor(): def getactive(): return pagename def getlang(): return get_locale() def env(name, default=None): return os.environ.get(name, default) def prettydate(talerdate): parsed_time ="/Date\(([0-9]+)\)/", talerdate) if not parsed_time: return "malformed date given" parsed_time = int( timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(parsed_time) # returns the YYYY-MM-DD date format. return timestamp.strftime("%Y-%b-%d") def static(name): return flask.url_for("static", filename=name) return dict( env=env, prettydate=prettydate, getactive=getactive, getlang=getlang, all_languages=all_languages, static=static, script_name=base_url, ) return utility_processor