# Taler Merchant Demos Setup *Warning: This page is not completed yet. Follow the instructions at your own risk* ## Installing the dependencies Step 1: `cd` into the directory:
> ```$ cd taler-merchant-demos```
Step 2: configure it using:
> ```$ ./configure --destination=local```
Step 3: Ensure Python3.5 or above is installed using a command like:
> ```$ sudo apt install python3.8 -y```
Step 4: Ensure Python3 Pip is installed:
> ```$ sudo apt install python3-pip -y``` Step 5: Install UWSGI
*NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL USING PIP2 (on my system, that is what the pip command uses) - INSTALL IT USING PIP3* > ```$ pip3 install uwsgi```
Step 6: Install LXML *NOTE: DO NOT INSTALL USING PIP2 (on my system, that is what the pip command uses) - INSTALL IT USING PIP3* > ```pip3 install lxml```
## Configuring the demo *This is just how I did it, and not the main method of doing it* Step 1: Open the config: > ```$ editor ~/.config/taler.conf```
Step 2: Adding the required keys: > Copy & Paste the following into the file: > ``` > [frontends] > backend_apikey = "ApiKey Sandbox" > backend = https://backend.test.taler.net/ > > [taler] > currency = TESTKUDOS > > [blog] > http_port = 8080 > ```
Step 3: Configure the config: > 1. Replace the backend api key with the api key for the backend
> 2. Replace the backend URL with the actual backend link
> 3. Replace the http port with the port
> 4. (Optional: Replace the currency with your currency)
## Running the program To start the server, use the following command:
> ```taler-merchant-demos --serve-http blog```