# Taler Merchant Demos Setup _Warning: This page is not completed yet. Follow the instructions at your own risk_ ## Installing the dependencies ### Automatically The [Makefile](./Makefile) contains premade scripts for some distros; ```bash # Arch-based (Manjaro, Arco, etc...) $ make setup-arch # Debian-based (Ubuntu, Mint, etc...) $ make setup-deb ``` ### Manually _Note: These instructions assume you are on a debian-based distribution. Other distributions may vary!_ 1. Update Apt Repositories (Recommended); > ```bash > $ sudo apt update > ``` 2. Step 2: Ensure Python 3.5 or above and Flask with the Babel extension are installed; > ```bash > $ sudo apt install python3 python-is-python3 python3-flask-babel -y > ``` 3. Ensure Python3 Pip is installed; > ```bash > # you may need to use python3-pip on some systems > $ sudo apt install python3-pip -y > ``` 4. Configure things using: > ```bash > $ ./configure --destination=local > ``` 5. Install UWSGI > ```bash > $ pip install uwsgi # You may need to use pip3 on some systems > ``` 6. Install LXML > ```bash > $ pip install lxml # You may need to use pip3 on some systems > ``` 7. Install NodeJS > ```bash > $ sudo apt install npm nodejs > ``` 8. Install Poetry > ```bash > $ pip install poetry > ``` ## Configuring the demo _This is just how I did it, and not necessarily the optimal method. You should only use this in testing._ Step 1: Open the config: > `$ editor ~/.config/taler.conf`
Step 2: Adding the required configuration values: > ``` > [frontends] > backend_apikey = "secret-token:secret" > backend = https://backend.demo.taler.net/ > > [taler] > currency = KUDOS > > [blog] > http_port = 8080 > serve = http > ```
Step 3: Configure the config: > 1. Replace the backend api key with the api key for the backend
> 2. Replace the backend URL with the actual backend link
> 3. Replace the http port with whichever port you desire
> 4. _In Production:_ Replace the currency with your currency
## Applying Changes To apply changes, use > `$ make install` ## Running the program To start the server, use the following command:
> `$ taler-merchant-demos blog` _Note: If zsh asks you if you want to correct it to talermerchantdemos, select **no**_ ## More configuration options. This makes the blog speak UWSGI over TCP: > ``` > [frontends] > backend_apikey = "secret-token:secret" > backend = https://backend.demo.taler.net/ > > [taler] > currency = KUDOS > > [blog] > serve = uwsgi > uwsgi_serve = tcp > uwsgi_port = XZY > ```
This makes the blog speak UWSGI over unix domain socket: > ``` > [frontends] > backend_apikey = "secret-token:secret" > backend = https://backend.demo.taler.net/ > > [taler] > currency = KUDOS > > [blog] > serve = uwsgi > uwsgi_serve = unix > uwsgi_unixpath = "/tmp/blog.uwsgi" > uwsgi_unixpath_mode = XZY > ```