/* * This file is part of GNU Taler * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A. * * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. * * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ package net.taler.wallet.transactions import android.content.Context import android.util.Log import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import androidx.annotation.IdRes import androidx.annotation.StringRes import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException import kotlinx.serialization.Transient import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.ListSerializer import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.MapSerializer import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.serializer import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder import kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonElement import net.taler.common.Amount import net.taler.common.ContractMerchant import net.taler.common.ContractProduct import net.taler.common.Timestamp import net.taler.wallet.R import net.taler.wallet.TAG import net.taler.wallet.backend.TalerErrorCode import net.taler.wallet.backend.TalerErrorInfo import net.taler.common.CurrencySpecification import net.taler.wallet.cleanExchange import net.taler.wallet.refund.RefundPaymentInfo import net.taler.wallet.transactions.TransactionMajorState.None import net.taler.wallet.transactions.TransactionMajorState.Pending import net.taler.wallet.transactions.WithdrawalDetails.ManualTransfer import net.taler.wallet.transactions.WithdrawalDetails.TalerBankIntegrationApi import java.util.UUID @Serializable data class Transactions( @Serializable(with = TransactionListSerializer::class) val transactions: List, ) class TransactionListSerializer : KSerializer> { private val serializer = ListSerializer(TransactionSerializer()) override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = serializer.descriptor override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): List { return decoder.decodeSerializableValue(serializer) } override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: List) { throw NotImplementedError() } } class TransactionSerializer : KSerializer { private val serializer = Transaction.serializer() override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = serializer.descriptor private val jsonSerializer = MapSerializer(String.serializer(), JsonElement.serializer()) override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): Transaction { return try { decoder.decodeSerializableValue(serializer) } catch (e: SerializationException) { Log.e(TAG, "Error deserializing transaction.", e) DummyTransaction( transactionId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(), timestamp = Timestamp.now(), error = TalerErrorInfo( code = TalerErrorCode.UNKNOWN, message = e.message, extra = decoder.decodeSerializableValue(jsonSerializer) ), ) } } override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: Transaction) { throw NotImplementedError() } } @Serializable sealed class Transaction { abstract val transactionId: String abstract val timestamp: Timestamp abstract val txState: TransactionState abstract val txActions: List abstract val error: TalerErrorInfo? abstract val amountRaw: Amount abstract val amountEffective: Amount @get:DrawableRes abstract val icon: Int @get:IdRes abstract val detailPageNav: Int abstract val amountType: AmountType abstract fun getTitle(context: Context): String @get:StringRes abstract val generalTitleRes: Int } @Serializable enum class TransactionAction { // Common States @SerialName("delete") Delete, @SerialName("suspend") Suspend, @SerialName("resume") Resume, @SerialName("abort") Abort, @SerialName("fail") Fail, @SerialName("retry") Retry, } sealed class AmountType { object Positive : AmountType() object Negative : AmountType() object Neutral : AmountType() } @Serializable @SerialName("withdrawal") class TransactionWithdrawal( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, val kycUrl: String? = null, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, val withdrawalDetails: WithdrawalDetails, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_withdrawal override val detailPageNav = R.id.action_nav_transactions_detail_withdrawal @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Positive override fun getTitle(context: Context) = cleanExchange(exchangeBaseUrl) override val generalTitleRes = R.string.withdraw_title val confirmed: Boolean get() = txState.major != Pending && ( (withdrawalDetails is TalerBankIntegrationApi && withdrawalDetails.confirmed) || withdrawalDetails is ManualTransfer ) } @Serializable sealed class WithdrawalDetails { @Serializable @SerialName("manual-transfer") class ManualTransfer( val exchangeCreditAccountDetails: List? = null, ) : WithdrawalDetails() @Serializable @SerialName("taler-bank-integration-api") class TalerBankIntegrationApi( /** * Set to true if the bank has confirmed the withdrawal, false if not. * An unconfirmed withdrawal usually requires user-input * and should be highlighted in the UI. * See also bankConfirmationUrl below. */ val confirmed: Boolean, /** * If the withdrawal is unconfirmed, this can include a URL for user-initiated confirmation. */ val bankConfirmationUrl: String? = null, ) : WithdrawalDetails() } @Serializable data class WithdrawalExchangeAccountDetails ( /** * Payto URI to credit the exchange. * * Depending on whether the (manual!) withdrawal is accepted or just * being checked, this already includes the subject with the * reserve public key. */ val paytoUri: String, /** * Transfer amount. Might be in a different currency than the requested * amount for withdrawal. * * Redundant with the amount in paytoUri, just included to avoid parsing. */ val transferAmount: Amount? = null, /** * Currency specification for the external currency. * * Only included if this account requires a currency conversion. */ val currencySpecification: CurrencySpecification? = null, /** * Further restrictions for sending money to the * exchange. */ val creditRestrictions: List? = null, ) @Serializable sealed class AccountRestriction { @Serializable @SerialName("deny") data object DenyAllAccount: AccountRestriction() @Serializable @SerialName("regex") data class RegexAccount( // Regular expression that the payto://-URI of the // partner account must follow. The regular expression // should follow posix-egrep, but without support for character // classes, GNU extensions, back-references or intervals. See // https://www.gnu.org/software/findutils/manual/html_node/find_html/posix_002degrep-regular-expression-syntax.html // for a description of the posix-egrep syntax. Applications // may support regexes with additional features, but exchanges // must not use such regexes. @SerialName("payto_regex") val paytoRegex: String, // Hint for a human to understand the restriction // (that is hopefully easier to comprehend than the regex itself). @SerialName("human_hint") val humanHint: String, // Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized // human hints. @SerialName("human_hint_i18n") val humanHintI18n: Map? = null, ): AccountRestriction() } @Serializable @SerialName("payment") class TransactionPayment( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, val info: TransactionInfo, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, val posConfirmation: String? = null, ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.ic_cash_usd_outline override val detailPageNav = R.id.action_nav_transactions_detail_payment @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Negative override fun getTitle(context: Context) = info.merchant.name override val generalTitleRes = R.string.payment_title } @Serializable class TransactionInfo( val orderId: String, val merchant: ContractMerchant, val summary: String, @SerialName("summary_i18n") val summaryI18n: Map? = null, val products: List = emptyList(), val fulfillmentUrl: String? = null, /** * Message shown to the user after the payment is complete. */ val fulfillmentMessage: String? = null, /** * Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized fulfillment messages */ val fulfillmentMessage_i18n: Map? = null, ) @Serializable @SerialName("refund") class TransactionRefund( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, val refundedTransactionId: String, val paymentInfo: RefundPaymentInfo? = null, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_refund override val detailPageNav = R.id.action_nav_transactions_detail_refund @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Positive override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { val merchantName = paymentInfo?.merchant?.name ?: "null" return context.getString(R.string.transaction_refund_from, merchantName) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.refund_title } @Serializable @SerialName("refresh") class TransactionRefresh( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_refresh override val detailPageNav = R.id.action_nav_transactions_detail_refresh @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Negative override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_refresh) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.transaction_refresh } @Serializable @SerialName("deposit") class TransactionDeposit( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, val targetPaytoUri: String, val depositGroupId: String, ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.ic_cash_usd_outline override val detailPageNav = R.id.action_nav_transactions_detail_deposit @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Negative override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_deposit) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.transaction_deposit } @Serializable data class PeerInfoShort( val expiration: Timestamp? = null, val summary: String? = null, ) /** * Debit because we paid someone's invoice. */ @Serializable @SerialName("peer-pull-debit") class TransactionPeerPullDebit( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, val info: PeerInfoShort, ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.ic_cash_usd_outline override val detailPageNav = R.id.nav_transactions_detail_peer @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Negative override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_peer_pull_debit) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.transaction_peer_pull_debit } /** * Credit because someone paid for an invoice we created. */ @Serializable @SerialName("peer-pull-credit") class TransactionPeerPullCredit( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, val info: PeerInfoShort, val talerUri: String, // val completed: Boolean, maybe ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_withdrawal override val detailPageNav = R.id.nav_transactions_detail_peer override val amountType get() = AmountType.Positive override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_peer_pull_credit) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.transaction_peer_pull_credit } /** * Debit because we sent money to someone. */ @Serializable @SerialName("peer-push-debit") class TransactionPeerPushDebit( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, val info: PeerInfoShort, val talerUri: String? = null, // val completed: Boolean, definitely ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.ic_cash_usd_outline override val detailPageNav = R.id.nav_transactions_detail_peer @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Negative override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_peer_push_debit) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.payment_title } /** * We received money via a peer payment. */ @Serializable @SerialName("peer-push-credit") class TransactionPeerPushCredit( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val txState: TransactionState, override val txActions: List, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, override val error: TalerErrorInfo? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount, val info: PeerInfoShort, ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_withdrawal override val detailPageNav = R.id.nav_transactions_detail_peer @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Positive override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_peer_push_credit) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.transaction_peer_push_credit } /** * This represents a transaction that we can not parse for some reason. */ class DummyTransaction( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val error: TalerErrorInfo, ) : Transaction() { override val txState: TransactionState = TransactionState(None) override val txActions: List = emptyList() override val amountRaw: Amount = Amount.zero("TESTKUDOS") override val amountEffective: Amount = Amount.zero("TESTKUDOS") override val icon: Int = R.drawable.ic_bug_report override val detailPageNav: Int = R.id.nav_transactions_detail_dummy override val amountType: AmountType = AmountType.Neutral override val generalTitleRes: Int = R.string.transaction_dummy_title override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_dummy_title) } }