/* * This file is part of GNU Taler * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A. * * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. * * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ package net.taler.wallet.transactions import android.content.Context import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes import androidx.annotation.LayoutRes import androidx.annotation.StringRes import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable import kotlinx.serialization.Transient import net.taler.common.ContractMerchant import net.taler.common.ContractProduct import net.taler.lib.common.Amount import net.taler.lib.common.Timestamp import net.taler.wallet.R import net.taler.wallet.cleanExchange import net.taler.wallet.transactions.WithdrawalDetails.ManualTransfer import net.taler.wallet.transactions.WithdrawalDetails.TalerBankIntegrationApi @Serializable data class Transactions(val transactions: List) @Serializable sealed class Transaction { abstract val transactionId: String abstract val timestamp: Timestamp abstract val pending: Boolean abstract val error: TransactionError? abstract val amountRaw: Amount abstract val amountEffective: Amount @get:DrawableRes abstract val icon: Int @get:LayoutRes abstract val detailPageLayout: Int abstract val amountType: AmountType abstract fun getTitle(context: Context): String @get:StringRes abstract val generalTitleRes: Int } sealed class AmountType { object Positive : AmountType() object Negative : AmountType() object Neutral : AmountType() } @Serializable data class TransactionError( private val ec: Int, private val hint: String? = null, ) { val text get() = if (hint == null) "$ec" else "$ec $hint" } @Serializable @SerialName("withdrawal") class TransactionWithdrawal( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val pending: Boolean, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, val withdrawalDetails: WithdrawalDetails, override val error: TransactionError? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_withdrawal override val detailPageLayout = R.layout.fragment_transaction_withdrawal @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Positive override fun getTitle(context: Context) = cleanExchange(exchangeBaseUrl) override val generalTitleRes = R.string.withdraw_title val confirmed: Boolean get() = !pending && ( (withdrawalDetails is TalerBankIntegrationApi && withdrawalDetails.confirmed) || withdrawalDetails is ManualTransfer ) } @Serializable sealed class WithdrawalDetails { @Serializable @SerialName("manual-transfer") class ManualTransfer( /** * Payto URIs that the exchange supports. * * Already contains the amount and message. */ val exchangePaytoUris: List ) : WithdrawalDetails() @Serializable @SerialName("taler-bank-integration-api") class TalerBankIntegrationApi( /** * Set to true if the bank has confirmed the withdrawal, false if not. * An unconfirmed withdrawal usually requires user-input * and should be highlighted in the UI. * See also bankConfirmationUrl below. */ val confirmed: Boolean, /** * If the withdrawal is unconfirmed, this can include a URL for user-initiated confirmation. */ val bankConfirmationUrl: String? = null, ) : WithdrawalDetails() } @Serializable @SerialName("payment") class TransactionPayment( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val pending: Boolean, val info: TransactionInfo, val status: PaymentStatus, override val error: TransactionError? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.ic_cash_usd_outline override val detailPageLayout = R.layout.fragment_transaction_payment @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Negative override fun getTitle(context: Context) = info.merchant.name override val generalTitleRes = R.string.payment_title } @Serializable class TransactionInfo( val orderId: String, val merchant: ContractMerchant, val summary: String, @SerialName("summary_i18n") val summaryI18n: Map? = null, val products: List, val fulfillmentUrl: String? = null, /** * Message shown to the user after the payment is complete. * TODO actually show this */ val fulfillmentMessage: String? = null, /** * Map from IETF BCP 47 language tags to localized fulfillment messages */ val fulfillmentMessage_i18n: Map? = null, ) @Serializable enum class PaymentStatus { @SerialName("aborted") Aborted, @SerialName("failed") Failed, @SerialName("paid") Paid, @SerialName("accepted") Accepted } @Serializable @SerialName("refund") class TransactionRefund( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val pending: Boolean, val refundedTransactionId: String, val info: TransactionInfo, /** * Part of the refund that couldn't be applied because the refund permissions were expired */ val amountInvalid: Amount? = null, override val error: TransactionError? = null, @SerialName("amountEffective") // TODO remove when fixed in wallet-core override val amountRaw: Amount, @SerialName("amountRaw") // TODO remove when fixed in wallet-core override val amountEffective: Amount ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_refund override val detailPageLayout = R.layout.fragment_transaction_payment @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Positive override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_refund_from, info.merchant.name) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.refund_title } @Serializable @SerialName("tip") class TransactionTip( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val pending: Boolean, // TODO status: TipStatus, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, val merchant: ContractMerchant, override val error: TransactionError? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_tip_accepted // TODO different when declined override val detailPageLayout = R.layout.fragment_transaction_payment @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Positive override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_tip_from, merchant.name) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.tip_title } @Serializable @SerialName("refresh") class TransactionRefresh( override val transactionId: String, override val timestamp: Timestamp, override val pending: Boolean, val exchangeBaseUrl: String, override val error: TransactionError? = null, override val amountRaw: Amount, override val amountEffective: Amount ) : Transaction() { override val icon = R.drawable.transaction_refresh override val detailPageLayout = R.layout.fragment_transaction_withdrawal @Transient override val amountType = AmountType.Negative override fun getTitle(context: Context): String { return context.getString(R.string.transaction_refresh) } override val generalTitleRes = R.string.transaction_refresh }