/* * This file is part of GNU Taler * (C) 2020 Taler Systems S.A. * * GNU Taler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. * * GNU Taler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * GNU Taler; see the file COPYING. If not, see */ package net.taler.wallet.backend import android.app.Service import android.content.Intent import android.os.Handler import android.os.IBinder import android.os.Message import android.os.Messenger import android.os.RemoteException import android.util.Log import net.taler.akono.AkonoJni import net.taler.wallet.BuildConfig.WALLET_CORE_VERSION import net.taler.wallet.HostCardEmulatorService import org.json.JSONObject import java.lang.ref.WeakReference import java.util.LinkedList import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import kotlin.system.exitProcess private const val TAG = "taler-wallet-backend" const val WALLET_DB = "talerwalletdb-v30.json" class RequestData(val clientRequestId: Int, val messenger: Messenger) class WalletBackendService : Service() { /** * Target we publish for clients to send messages to IncomingHandler. */ private val messenger: Messenger = Messenger(IncomingHandler(this)) private lateinit var akono: AkonoJni private var initialized = false private var nextRequestID = 1 private val requests = ConcurrentHashMap() private val subscribers = LinkedList() override fun onCreate() { val talerWalletAndroidCode = assets.open("taler-wallet-embedded-$WALLET_CORE_VERSION.js").use { it.readBytes().toString(Charsets.UTF_8) } Log.i(TAG, "onCreate in wallet backend service") akono = AkonoJni() akono.putModuleCode("@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-embedded", talerWalletAndroidCode) akono.setMessageHandler(object : AkonoJni.MessageHandler { override fun handleMessage(message: String) { this@WalletBackendService.handleAkonoMessage(message) } }) //akono.evalNodeCode("require('source-map-support').install();") akono.evalNodeCode("require('akono');") akono.evalNodeCode("tw = require('@gnu-taler/taler-wallet-embedded');") akono.evalNodeCode("tw.installNativeWalletListener();") sendInitMessage() super.onCreate() } private fun sendInitMessage() { val msg = JSONObject() msg.put("operation", "init") val args = JSONObject() msg.put("args", args) args.put("persistentStoragePath", "${application.filesDir}/$WALLET_DB") akono.sendMessage(msg.toString()) } /** * Handler of incoming messages from clients. */ class IncomingHandler( service: WalletBackendService, ) : Handler() { private val serviceWeakRef = WeakReference(service) override fun handleMessage(msg: Message) { val svc = serviceWeakRef.get() ?: return if (!svc.initialized) Log.w(TAG, "Warning: Not yet initialized") when (msg.what) { MSG_COMMAND -> { val data = msg.data val serviceRequestID = svc.nextRequestID++ val clientRequestID = data.getInt("requestID", 0) if (clientRequestID == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "client requestID missing") return } val args = data.getString("args") val argsObj = if (args == null) { JSONObject() } else { JSONObject(args) } val operation = data.getString("operation", "") if (operation == "") { Log.e(TAG, "client command missing") return } Log.i(TAG, "got request for operation $operation") val request = JSONObject() request.put("operation", operation) request.put("id", serviceRequestID) request.put("args", argsObj) svc.akono.sendMessage(request.toString(2)) Log.i( TAG, "mapping service request ID $serviceRequestID to client request ID $clientRequestID" ) svc.requests[serviceRequestID] = RequestData(clientRequestID, msg.replyTo) } MSG_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY -> { Log.i(TAG, "subscribing client") val r = msg.replyTo if (r == null) { Log.e( TAG, "subscriber did not specify replyTo object in MSG_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY" ) } else { svc.subscribers.add(msg.replyTo) } } MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY -> { Log.i(TAG, "unsubscribing client") svc.subscribers.remove(msg.replyTo) } else -> { Log.e(TAG, "unknown message from client") super.handleMessage(msg) } } } } override fun onBind(p0: Intent?): IBinder? { return messenger.binder } private fun sendNotify(payload: String) { var rm: LinkedList? = null for (s in subscribers) { val m = Message.obtain(null, MSG_NOTIFY) val b = m.data b.putString("payload", payload) try { s.send(m) } catch (e: RemoteException) { if (rm == null) { rm = LinkedList() } rm.add(s) subscribers.remove(s) } } if (rm != null) { for (s in rm) { subscribers.remove(s) } } } private fun handleAkonoMessage(messageStr: String) { val message = JSONObject(messageStr) when (val type = message.getString("type")) { "notification" -> { val payload = message.getJSONObject("payload") if (payload.optString("type") != "waiting-for-retry") { Log.v(TAG, "got back notification: ${message.toString(2)}") } sendNotify(payload.toString()) } "tunnelHttp" -> { Log.v(TAG, "got http tunnel request! ${message.toString(2)}") Intent().also { intent -> intent.action = HostCardEmulatorService.HTTP_TUNNEL_REQUEST intent.putExtra("tunnelMessage", messageStr) application.sendBroadcast(intent) } } "response" -> { when (message.getString("operation")) { "init" -> { Log.d(TAG, "got response for init operation: ${message.toString(2)}") initialized = true sendNotify(message.toString(2)) } "reset" -> { Log.v(TAG, "got back message: ${message.toString(2)}") exitProcess(1) } else -> { Log.v(TAG, "got back response: ${message.toString(2)}") val payload = message.getJSONObject("result").toString(2) handleResponse(false, message, payload) } } } "error" -> { Log.v(TAG, "got back error: ${message.toString(2)}") val payload = message.getJSONObject("error").toString(2) handleResponse(true, message, payload) } else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown message type: $type") } } private fun handleResponse(isError: Boolean, message: JSONObject, payload: String) { val id = message.getInt("id") val rId = requests[id] if (rId == null) { Log.e(TAG, "wallet returned unknown request ID ($id)") return } val m = Message.obtain(null, MSG_REPLY) val b = m.data b.putInt("requestID", rId.clientRequestId) b.putBoolean("isError", isError) b.putString("response", payload) b.putString("operation", message.getString("operation")) rId.messenger.send(m) } companion object { const val MSG_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY = 1 const val MSG_UNSUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY = 2 const val MSG_COMMAND = 3 const val MSG_REPLY = 4 const val MSG_NOTIFY = 5 } }