image: cashier_test: stage: test only: changes: - cashier/**/* - taler-kotlin-common/**/* - build.gradle script: ./gradlew :cashier:lint :cashier:assembleRelease artifacts: paths: - cashier/build/reports/lint-results.html expire_in: 1 week cashier_deploy_nightly: stage: deploy resource_group: deploy_nightly only: refs: - master changes: - cashier/**/* needs: ["cashier_test"] script: # Ensure that key exists - test -z "$DEBUG_KEYSTORE" && exit 0 # Rename nightly app - sed -i 's,.*,Cashier Nightly,' cashier/src/main/res/values*/strings.xml # Set time-based version code - export versionCode=$(date '+%s') - sed -i "s,^\(\s*versionCode\) *[0-9].*,\1 $versionCode," cashier/build.gradle # Set nightly application ID - sed -i "s,^\(\s*applicationId\) \"*[a-z\.].*\",\1 \"net.taler.cashier.nightly\"," cashier/build.gradle # Build the APK - ./gradlew :cashier:assembleDebug # START only needed while patch not accepted/released upstream - apt update && apt install patch - patch /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/fdroidserver/ nightly-stats.patch # END - CI_PROJECT_URL="" CI_PROJECT_PATH="gnu-taler/fdroid-repo" fdroid nightly -v