path: root/wallet/src/main/res
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
9 days[wallet] Implement exchange reloadIván Ávalos
9 days[wallet] Improve transaction list UI designIván Ávalos
9 days[wallet] Update transaction loss stringsIván Ávalos
9 days[wallet] Implement financial loss transactionsIván Ávalos
10 daysTranslated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-04-01[wallet] URI handling improvements and DD51 fixIván Ávalos
2024-04-01[wallet] Refactor URI handling into separate fragment with loading screenIván Ávalos
2024-03-29[wallet] Store logs in non-dev mode and remove event type translationsdev/ivan-avalos/observabilityIván Ávalos
2024-03-28[wallet] Improve observability UI and make it globally reachable from the too...Iván Ávalos
2024-03-28[wallet] Deserialize observability event to JSON objectIván Ávalos
2024-03-28[wallet] WIP: observability eventsIván Ávalos
2024-03-27[wallet] Use TransactionManager.selectedScope instead of passing around scope...Iván Ávalos
2024-03-27[wallet] DD51'd more views, UX improvements and some fixesIván Ávalos
2024-03-27[wallet] Balance layout improvementsIván Ávalos
2024-03-27[wallet] DD51: initial rendering based on currency specIván Ávalos
2024-03-22Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-21Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-21Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-21Translated using Weblate (German)Wolf Lindstrot
2024-03-21Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-20Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-20Translated using Weblate (German)Wolf Lindstrot
2024-03-20Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-20Translated using Weblate (German)Wolf Lindstrot
2024-03-20Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-20Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-19Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-18Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-03-18Translated using Weblate (German)Wolf Lindstrot
2024-03-18Translated using Weblate (Finnish)Sara Korpinen
2024-03-15Translated using Weblate (Finnish)Sara Korpinen
2024-03-15Added translation using Weblate (Finnish)Sara Korpinen
2024-03-13[wallet] Make payto:// URIs shareableIván Ávalos
2024-03-06[wallet] Improve pending payments UX and error handlingIván Ávalos
2024-03-06[wallet] Generalize some string resourcesIván Ávalos
2024-03-06 [wallet] Fix label of invoiced amount in peer pull credit txIván Ávalos
2024-03-06 [wallet] More logical order of amountsIván Ávalos
2024-03-05 [wallet] Tweaks for non-dev settingsIván Ávalos
2024-03-05[wallet] Show version info even when not in developer modeIván Ávalos
2024-03-01Translated using Weblate (Italian)Wrath
2024-02-29[wallet] Add proper rendering for x-taler-bank URIsIván Ávalos
2024-02-27[wallet] Remove a vestige of tipsIván Ávalos
2024-02-27[wallet] Pending operations are no more!Iván Ávalos
2024-02-27[wallet] Prevent UI state from reacting before clearDb responseIván Ávalos
2024-02-27[wallet] Remove "Funds will leave immediately" warningIván Ávalos
2024-02-20[wallet] DD48: improve exchange deletion dialogIván Ávalos
2024-02-20[wallet] DD48: implement exchange deletionIván Ávalos
2024-02-16Translated using Weblate (German)Stefan Kügel
2024-02-09[wallet] DD35: show scope info in balance listIván Ávalos
2024-02-06[wallet] bye bye tips!Torsten Grote