# This file is in the public domain. # These are default/sample settings for a merchant backend. # General settings for the backend. [sync] # Use TCP or UNIX domain sockets? SERVE = tcp # Which HTTP port does the backend listen on? Only used if "SERVE" is 'tcp'. PORT = 9967 # Which IP address should we bind to? i.e. or ::1 for loopback. # Can also be given as a hostname. We will bind to the wildcard (dual-stack) # if left empty. Only used if "SERVE" is 'tcp'. # BIND_TO = # Which unix domain path should we bind to? Only used if "SERVE" is 'unix'. UNIXPATH = ${SYNC_RUNTIME_DIR}/backend.http # What should be the file access permissions (see chmod) for "UNIXPATH"? UNIXPATH_MODE = 660 # Which database backend do we use? DB = postgres # Annual fee for an account ANNUAL_FEE = TESTKUDOS:0.1 # Upload limit per backup, in megabytes UPLOAD_LIMIT_MB = 16 # Fulfillment URL of the SYNC service itself. FULFILLMENT_URL = taler://fulfillment-success # Base URL of our payment backend PAYMENT_BACKEND_URL = http://localhost:9966/ # Configuration for postgres database. [syncdb-postgres] CONFIG = postgres:///sync [PATHS] # The PATHS section is special, as filenames including $-expression are # expanded using the values from PATHS or the system environment (PATHS # is checked first). libgnunetutil supports expanding $-expressions using # defaults with the syntax "${VAR:-default}". Here, "default" can again # be a $-expression. # # We usually want $HOME for $SYNC_HOME # SYNC_HOME = ${HOME:-${USERPROFILE}} # see XDG Base Directory Specification at # http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html # for how these should be used. # Persistant data storage SYNC_DATA_HOME = ${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$SYNC_HOME/.local/share}/sync/ # Configuration files SYNC_CONFIG_HOME = ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$SYNC_HOME/.config}/sync/ # Cached data, no big deal if lost SYNC_CACHE_HOME = ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$SYNC_HOME/.cache}/sync/ # Runtime data (i.e UNIX domain sockets, locks, always lost on system boot) SYNC_RUNTIME_DIR = ${TMPDIR:-${TMP:-/tmp}}/sync-runtime/ # Directory to use for temporary files. SYNC_TMP = ${TMPDIR:-${TMP:-/tmp}}/sync/ # DEFAULTCONFIG = /etc/sync.conf # If 'DEFAULTCONFIG' is not defined, the current # configuration file is assumed to be the default, # which is what we want by default...