## # This file is part of GNU TALER. # Copyright (C) 2017 Taler Systems SA # # TALER is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. # # TALER is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with # GNU TALER; see the file COPYING. If not, see # # @author Marcello Stanisci # @brief Minimal Website to tip users who fill the survey. import os import re import datetime import base64 import logging import json from urllib.parse import urljoin import flask import requests import traceback import qrcode import qrcode.image.svg import lxml.etree from ..talerconfig import TalerConfig BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) app = flask.Flask(__name__, template_folder=BASE_DIR) app.debug = True app.secret_key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(64)).decode('utf-8') TC = TalerConfig.from_env() BACKEND_URL = TC["frontends"]["backend"].value_string(required=True) CURRENCY = TC["taler"]["currency"].value_string(required=True) APIKEY = TC["frontends"]["backend_apikey"].value_string(required=True) app.config.from_object(__name__) LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) ## # Helper function that returns a HTTP response with # a prettified version of a backend error response. # # @param requests_response the error response coming from # the merchant backend. # @return a flask-native response object. def backend_error(requests_response): LOGGER.error( "Backend error: status code: " + str(requests_response.status_code) ) try: return flask.jsonify( requests_response.json() ), requests_response.status_code except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: LOGGER.error( "Backend error (NO JSON returned): status code: " + str(requests_response.status_code) ) return flask.jsonify( dict(error="Backend died, no JSON got from it") ), 502 ## # Make the environment available into templates. # # @return the environment-reading function. @app.context_processor def utility_processor(): def env(name, default=None): return os.environ.get(name, default) def prettydate(talerdate): parsed_time = re.search(r"/Date\(([0-9]+)\)/", talerdate) if not parsed_time: return "malformed date given" parsed_time = int(parsed_time.group(1)) timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(parsed_time) # returns the YYYY-MM-DD date format. return timestamp.strftime("%Y-%b-%d") return dict(env=env, prettydate=prettydate) ## # Return a error response to the client. # # @param abort_status_code status code to return along the response. # @param params _kw_ arguments to passed verbatim to the templating engine. def err_abort(abort_status_code, **params): t = flask.render_template("templates/error.html", **params) flask.abort(flask.make_response(t, abort_status_code)) ## # POST a request to the backend, and return a error # response if any error occurs. # # @param endpoint the backend endpoint where to POST # this request. # @param json the POST's body. # @return the backend response (JSON format). def backend_post(endpoint, json): headers = {"Authorization": "ApiKey " + APIKEY} try: resp = requests.post( urljoin(BACKEND_URL, endpoint), json=json, headers=headers ) except requests.ConnectionError: err_abort(500, message="Could not establish connection to backend") try: response_json = resp.json() except ValueError: err_abort( 500, message="Could not parse response from backend", status_code=resp.status_code ) if resp.status_code != 200: err_abort( 500, message="Backend returned error status", json=response_json, status_code=resp.status_code ) return response_json ## # Issue a GET request to the backend. # # @param endpoint the backend endpoint where to issue the request. # @param params (dict type of) URL parameters to append to the request. # @return the JSON response from the backend, or a error response # if something unexpected happens. def backend_get(endpoint, params): headers = {"Authorization": "ApiKey " + APIKEY} try: resp = requests.get( urljoin(BACKEND_URL, endpoint), params=params, headers=headers ) except requests.ConnectionError: err_abort(500, message="Could not establish connection to backend") try: response_json = resp.json() except ValueError: err_abort(500, message="Could not parse response from backend") if resp.status_code != 200: err_abort( 500, message="Backend returned error status", json=response_json, status_code=resp.status_code ) return response_json ## # Exception handler to capture all the unmanaged errors. # # @param e the Exception object, currently unused. # @return flask-native response object carrying the error message # (and execution stack!). @app.errorhandler(Exception) def internal_error(e): return flask.render_template( "templates/error.html", message="Internal error", stack=traceback.format_exc() ) ## # Serve the /favicon.ico requests. # # @return the favicon.ico file. @app.route("/favicon.ico") def favicon(): print("will look into: " + os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static')) return flask.send_from_directory( os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static'), "favicon.ico", mimetype="image/vnd.microsoft.ico" ) ## # Give information about the tip reserve status. # # @return the backend response to a /tip-query request, # in a prettified format. @app.route("/survey-stats", methods=["GET"]) def survey_stats(): stats = backend_get("tip-query", dict(instance="default")) return flask.render_template("templates/survey_stats.html", stats=stats) def get_qrcode_svg(data): factory = qrcode.image.svg.SvgImage img = qrcode.make(data, image_factory=factory) return lxml.etree.tostring(img.get_image()).decode("utf-8") ## # Tell the backend to 'authorize' a tip; this means that # the backend will allocate a certain amount to be later # picked up by the wallet. # # @return the URL where to redirect the browser, in order # for the wallet to pick the tip up, or a error page # otherwise. @app.route("/submit-survey", methods=["POST"]) def submit_survey(): tip_spec = dict( amount=CURRENCY + ":1.0", next_url=os.environ.get("TALER_ENV_URL_INTRO", "https://taler.net/"), instance="default", justification="Payment methods survey" ) backend_resp = backend_post("tip-authorize", tip_spec) taler_tip_uri = backend_resp.get("taler_tip_uri") if taler_tip_uri: qrcode_svg = get_qrcode_svg(taler_tip_uri) content = flask.render_template( "templates/show_tip.html", qrcode_svg=qrcode_svg, taler_tip_uri=taler_tip_uri, ) headers = {"Taler": taler_tip_uri} return flask.Response(content, status=402, headers=headers) err_abort( 500, message="Tipping failed, unexpected backend response", json=resp ) ## # Serve the main index page. # # @return response object of the index page. @app.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def index(): return flask.render_template( "templates/index.html", merchant_currency=CURRENCY )