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Furthermore, we ensure that customers have cryptographic evidence that they spent e-cash on a particular business transaction and introduce \emph{conservation} as an additional security property to anonymity and unforgeability, and preserve anonymity when wallets are restored from backup or synchronized with other devices. We argue from this position that a protocol for unlinkable change is necessary even in schemes that provide divisibility. As a na\"ive implementation of a change protocol opens up the possibility of abuse for tax evasion, we define an income transparency security property. We furthermore show that an e-cash protocol that fulfills these properties can be used to implement Camenisch-style fair exchange, tick payments, and can be used to provide anonymous refunds. \keywords{E-cash \and blind signature \and key exchange} \end{abstract} \def\Z{\mathbb{Z}} \def\mathperiod{.} \def\mathcomma{,} \newcommand*\ST[5]% {\left#1\,#4\vphantom{#5} \;\right#2 \left. #5 \vphantom{#4}\,\right#3} % uniform random selection from set \newcommand{\randsel}[0]{\ensuremath{\xleftarrow{\text{\$}}}} \newcommand{\Exp}[1]{\ensuremath{E\left[#1\right]}} % oracles \newcommand{\ora}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{O}\mathsf{#1}}} % oracle set \newcommand{\oraSet}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{O}\textsc{#1}}} % algorithm \newcommand{\algo}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{#1}}} % party \newcommand{\prt}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{#1}}} % long-form variable \newcommand{\V}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{#1}}} % probability with square brackets of the right size \newcommand{\Prb}[1]{\ensuremath{\Pr\left [#1 \right ]}} \newcommand{\mycomment}[1]{~\\ {\small \textcolor{blue}{({#1})}}} %\theoremstyle{definition} %\newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section] %\theoremstyle{corollary} %\newtheorem{corollary}{Corollary}[section] \section{Model and Syntax} We consider a Chaum-style~\cite{chaum1983blind} payment system with an exchange (Chaum: mint) and multiple, dynamically created customers and merchants. We model withdrawing digital coins, spending them with merchants and subsequently depositing them at the exchange, as well as obtaining unlinkable change for partially spent coins with a ``refresh'' protocol. The exchange offers digital coins in multiple denominations. We mostly ignore the denomination values here, including their impact on anonymity, in keeping with existing literature~\cite{camenisch2007endorsed,pointcheval2017cut}. For anonymity, we believe this amounts to assuming that all customers have similar financial behavior. We note logarithmic storage, computation and bandwidth demands denominations distributed by powers of a fixed constant. %We do not model fees taken by the exchange. Reserves\footnote{% % ``Reserve'' is Taler's terminology for funds submitted to the exchange that % can be converted to digital coins. %} %are also omitted. Coins can be partially spent by specifying a fraction $0 < f \le 1$ of the total value associated with the coin's denomination. Unlinkable change below the smallest denomination cannot be given. In practice the unspendable, residual value should be seen as a fee charged by the exchange. Spending multiple coins is modeled non-atomically: to spend (fractions of) multiple coins, they must be spent one-by-one. The individual spend/deposit operations are correlated by a unique identifier for the transaction. %In practice this identifier is the hash $\V{transactionId} = %H(\V{contractTerms})$ of the contract terms\footnote{The contract terms %are a digital representation of an individual offer for a certain product or service the merchant sells %for a certain price.}. Contract terms include a nonce to make them %unique, that merchant and customer agreed upon. Note that this transaction %identifier and the correlation between multiple spend operations for one %payment need not be disclosed to the exchange (it might, however, be necessary %to reveal during a detailed tax audit of the merchant): When spending the $i$-th coin %for the transaction with the identifier $\V{transactionId}$, messages to the %exchange would only contain $H(i \Vert \V{transactionId})$. This is preferable %for merchants that might not want to disclose to the exchange the individual %prices of products they sell to customers, but only the total transaction %volume over time. For simplicity, we do not include this extra feature in our %model. Our system model tracks the total amount of coins withdrawn by each customer. Customers are identified by their public key $\V{pkCustomer}$. Every customer's wallet keeps track of the following data: \begin{itemize} \item $\V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ contains sets of the customer's coin records, which individually consist of the coin key pair, denomination and exchange's signature. \item $\V{acceptedContracts}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ contains the sets of transaction identifiers accepted by the customer during spending operations, together with coins spent for it and their contributions $0 < f \le 1$. \item $\V{withdrawIds}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ contains the withdraw identifiers of all withdraw operations that were created for this customer. \item $\V{refreshIds}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ contains the refresh identifiers of all refresh operations that were created for this customer. \end{itemize} \noindent The exchange in our model keeps track of the following data: \begin{itemize} \item $\V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ contains the total amount withdrawn by each customer, i.e. the sum of the financial value of the denominations for all coins that were withdrawn by $\V{pkCustomer}$. \item The overspending database of the exchange is modeled by $\V{deposited}[\V{pkCoin}]$ and $\V{refreshed}[\V{pkCoin}]$, which record deposit and refresh operations respectively on each coin. Note that since partial deposits and multiple refreshes to smaller denominations are possible, one deposit and multiple refresh operations can be recorded for a single coin. \end{itemize} We say that a coin is \emph{fresh} if it appears in neither the $\V{deposited}$ or $\V{refreshed}$ lists nor in $\V{acceptedContracts}$. We say that a coin is being $\V{overspent}$ if recording an operation in $\V{deposited}$ or $\V{refreshed}$ would cause the total spent value from both lists to exceed the value of the coin's denomination. Note that the adversary does not have direct read or write access to these values; instead the adversary needs to use the oracles (defined in Section~\ref{sec:oracles}) to interact with the system. We parameterize our system with two security parameters: The general security parameter $\lambda$, and the refresh security parameter $\kappa$. While $\lambda$ determines the length of keys and thus the security level, using a larger $\kappa$ will only decrease the success chance of malicious merchants conspiring with customers to obtain unreported (and thus untaxable) income. \subsection{Algorithms and Protocols} \label{sec:algorithms} Our e-cash scheme is modeled by the following probabilistic\footnote{Our instantiation is not probabilistic (except key generation), but we do not want to prohibit this for other instantiations.} polynomial-time algorithms and interactive protocols. The notation $P(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ stands for a party $P \in \{\prt{E}, \prt{C}, \prt{M}\}$ (Exchange, Customer and Merchant respectively) in an interactive protocol, with $X_1,\dots,X_n$ being the (possibly private) inputs contributed by the party to the protocol. Interactive protocols can access the state maintained by party $P$. While the adversary can freely execute the interactive protocols by creating their own parties, the adversary is not given direct access to the private data of parties maintained by the challenger in the security games which we define later. \begin{itemize} \item $\algo{ExchangeKeygen}(1^{\lambda}, 1^{\kappa}, \mathfrak{D}) \mapsto (\V{sksE}, \V{pksE})$: Algorithm executed to generate keys for the exchange, with general security parameter $\lambda$ and refresh security parameter $\kappa$, both given as unary numbers. The denomination specification $\mathfrak{D} = d_1,\dots,d_n$ is a finite sequence of positive rational numbers that defines the financial value of each generated denomination key pair. We henceforth use $\mathfrak{D}$ to refer to some appropriate denomination specification, but our analysis is independent of a particular choice of $\mathfrak{D}$. The algorithm generates the exchange's master signing key pair $(\V{skESig}, \V{pkESig})$ and denomination secret and public keys $(\V{skD}_1, \dots, \V{skD}_n), (\V{pkD}_1, \dots, \V{pkD}_n)$. We write $D(\V{pkD}_i)$, where $D : \{\V{pkD}_i\} \rightarrow \mathfrak{D}$ to look up the financial value of denomination $\V{pkD_i}$. We collectively refer to the exchange's secrets by $\V{sksE}$ and to the exchange's public keys together with $\mathfrak{D}$ by $\V{pksE}$. \item $\algo{CustomerKeygen}(1^\lambda,1^\kappa) \mapsto (\V{skCustomer}, \V{pkCustomer})$: Key generation algorithm for customers with security parameters $\lambda$ and $\kappa$. \item $\algo{MerchantKeygen}(1^\lambda,1^\kappa) \mapsto (\V{skMerchant}, \V{pkMerchant})$: Key generation algorithm for merchants. Typically the same as \algo{CustomerKeygen}. \item $\algo{WithdrawRequest}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkCustomer}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{pkD})) \mapsto (\mathcal{T}_{WR}, \V{wid})$: Interactive protocol between the exchange and a customer that initiates withdrawing a single coin of a particular denomination. The customer obtains a withdraw identifier $\V{wid}$ from the protocol execution and stores it in $\V{withdrawIds}[\V{pkCustomer}]$. The \algo{WithdrawRequest} protocol only initiates a withdrawal. The coin is only obtained and stored in the customer's wallet by executing the \algo{WithdrawPickup} protocol on the withdraw identifier \V{wid}. The customer and exchange persistently store additional state (if required by the instantiation) such that the customer can use $\algo{WithdrawPickup}$ Returns a protocol transcript $\mathcal{T}_{WR}$ of all messages exchanged between the exchange and customer, as well as the withdraw identifier \V{wid}. \item $\algo{WithdrawPickup}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkCustomer}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{wid})) \mapsto (\mathcal{T}_{WP}, \V{coin})$: Interactive protocol between the exchange and a customer to obtain the coin from a withdraw operation started with $\algo{WithdrawRequest}$, identified by the withdraw identifier $\V{wid}$. The first time $\algo{WithdrawPickup}$ is run with a particular withdraw identifier $\V{wid}$, the exchange increments $\V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ by $D(\V{pkD})$, where $\V{pkD}$ is the denomination requested in the corresponding $\algo{WithdrawRequest}$ execution. How exactly $\V{pkD}$ is restored depends on the particular instantiation. The resulting coin \[ \V{coin} = (\V{skCoin}, \V{pkCoin}, \V{pkD}, \V{coinCert}) \] (consisting of secret key $\V{skCoin}$, public key $\V{pkCoin}$, denomination public key $\V{pkD}$ and certificate $\V{coinCert}$ from the exchange) is stored in the customers wallet $\V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}]$. Executing the $\algo{WithdrawPickup}$ protocol multiple times with the same customer and the same withdraw identifier does not result in any change of the customer's withdraw balance $\V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}]$, and results in \mbox{(re-)}adding the same coin to the customer's wallet. Returns a protocol transcript $\mathcal{T}_{WP}$ of all messages exchanged between the exchange and customer. \item $\algo{Spend}(\V{transactionId}, f, \V{coin}, \V{pkMerchant}) \mapsto \V{depositPermission}$: Algorithm to produce and sign a deposit permission \V{depositPermission} for a coin under a particular transaction identifier. The fraction $0 < f \le 1$ determines the fraction of the coin's initial value that will be spent. The contents of the deposit permission depend on the instantiation, but it must be possible to derive the public coin identifier $\V{pkCoin}$ from them. \item $\algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkMerchant}), \prt{M}(\V{skMerchant}, \V{pksE}, \V{depositPermission})) \mapsto \mathcal{T}_D$: Interactive protocol between the exchange and a merchant. From the deposit permission we obtain the $\V{pkCoin}$ of the coin to be deposited. If $\V{pkCoin}$ is being overspent, the protocol is aborted with an error message to the merchant. On success, we add $\V{depositPermission}$ to $\V{deposited}[\V{pkCoin}]$. Returns a protocol transcript $\mathcal{T}_D$ of all messages exchanged between the exchange and merchant. \item $\algo{RefreshRequest}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}), \prt{C}(\V{pkCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{coin}_0, \V{pkD}_u)) \rightarrow (\mathcal{T}_{RR}, \V{rid})$ Interactive protocol between exchange and customer that initiates a refresh of $\V{coin}_0$. Together with $\algo{RefreshPickup}$, it allows the customer to convert $D(\V{pkD}_u)$ of the remaining value on coin \[ \V{coin}_0 = (\V{skCoin}_0, \V{pkCoin}_0, \V{pkD}_0, \V{coinCert}_0) \] into a new, unlinkable coin $\V{coin}_u$ of denomination $\V{pkD}_u$. Multiple refreshes on the same coin are allowed, but each run subtracts the respective financial value of $\V{coin}_u$ from the remaining value of $\V{coin}_0$. The customer only records the refresh operation identifier $\V{rid}$ in $\V{refreshIds}[\V{pkCustomer}]$, but does not yet obtain the new coin. To obtain the new coin, \algo{RefreshPickup} must be used. Returns the protocol transcript $\mathcal{T}_{RR}$ and a refresh identifier $\V{rid}$. \item $\algo{RefreshPickup}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkCustomer}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{rid}) \rightarrow (\mathcal{T}_{RP}, \V{coin}_u)$: Interactive protocol between exchange and customer to obtain the new coin for a refresh operation previously started with \algo{RefreshRequest}, identified by the refresh identifier $\V{rid}$. The first time \algo{RefreshPickup} is run for a particular refresh identifier, the exchange tries to record the refresh operation of value $D(\V{pkD}_u)$ in $\V{refreshed}[\V{pkCoin}_0]$, with $\V{pkD}_u$ and $\V{pkCoin}_0$ taken from the corresponding $\algo{RefreshRequest}$ that resulted in $\V{rid}$. How exactly the exchange obtains $\V{pkD}_u$ and $\V{pkCoin}_0$ depends on the instantiation. If $\V{pkCoin}_0$ is being overspent, the refresh operation is not recorded in $\V{refreshed}[\V{pkCoin}_0]$, the exchange sends the customer the protocol transcript of the previous deposits and refreshes and aborts the protocol. If the customer \prt{C} plays honestly in \algo{RefreshRequest} and \V{RefreshPickup}, the unlinkable coin $\V{coin}_i$ they obtain as change will be stored in their wallet $\V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}]$. If \prt{C} is caught playing dishonestly, the \algo{RefreshPickup} protocol aborts. An honest customer must be able to repeat a \algo{RefreshPickup} with the same $\V{rid}$ multiple times and (re-)obtain the same coin, even if previous $\algo{RefreshPickup}$ executions were aborted. Returns a protocol transcript $\mathcal{T}_{RP}$. \item $\algo{Link}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{coin}_0)) \rightarrow (\mathcal{T}, (\V{coin}_1, \dots, \V{coin}_n))$: Interactive protocol between exchange and customer. If $\V{coin}_0$ is a coin that was refreshed, the customer can recompute all the coins obtained from previous refreshes on $\V{coin}_0$, with data obtained from the exchange during the protocol. These coins are added to the customer's wallet $\V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ and returned. \end{itemize} \subsection{Oracles} \label{sec:oracles} %We now specify how the adversary can interact with the system by defining %oracles. Oracles are queried by the adversary, and upon a query the challenger %will act according to the oracle's specification. Note that the adversary for %the different security games is run with specific oracles, and does not %necessarily have access to all oracles simultaneously. We refer to customers in the parameters to an oracle query simply by their public key. For coins, however, the situation is more complicated. The adversary needs the ability to refer to coins to trigger operations such as spending and refresh, but to model anonymity we cannot give the adversary access to the coins' public keys directly. Therefore we allow the adversary to use the (successful) transcripts of the withdraw, refresh and link protocols to indirectly refer to coins. We refer to this as a coin handle $\mathcal{H}$. Since the execution of a link protocol results in a transcript $\mathcal{T}$ that can contain multiple coins, the adversary needs to select a particular coin from the transcript via the index $i$ as $\mathcal{H} = (\mathcal{T}, i)$. The respective oracle tries to find the coin that resulted from the transcript given by the adversary. If the transcript has not been seen before in the execution of a link, refresh or withdraw protocol; or the index for a link transcript is invalid, the oracle returns an error to the adversary. In oracles that trigger the execution of one of the interactive protocols defined in Section~\ref{sec:algorithms}, we give the adversary the ability to actively control the communication channels between the exchange, customers and merchants; i.e. the adversary can effectively record, drop, modify and inject messages during the execution of the interactive protocol. Note that this allows the adversary to leave the execution of an interactive protocol in an unfinished state, where one or more parties are still waiting for messages. We use $\mathcal{I}$ to refer to a handle to interactive protocols where the adversary can send and receive messages. \begin{itemize} \item $\ora{AddCustomer}() \mapsto \V{pkCustomer}$: Generates a key pair $(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pkCustomer})$ using the \algo{CustomerKeygen} algorithm, and sets \begin{align*} \V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}] &:= 0\\ \V{acceptedContracts}[\V{pkCustomer}] &:= \{ \}\\ \V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}] &:= \{\} \\ \V{withdrawIds}[\V{pkCustomer}] &:= \{\} \\ \V{refreshIds}[\V{pkCustomer}] &:= \{\}. \end{align*} Returns the public key of the newly created customer. There is no separate oracle for creating merchants, since no information is tracked for merchants; generating a key pair with \algo{MerchantKeygen} suffices. \item $\ora{AddMerchant}() \mapsto \V{pkMerchant}$L Generate a key pair $(\V{skMerchant}, \V{pkMerchant})$ using the \algo{MerchantKeygen} algorithm. Returns the public key of the newly created merchant. \item $\ora{SendMessage}(\mathcal{I}, P_1, P_2, m) \mapsto ()$: Send message $m$ on the channel from party $P_1$ to party $P_2$ in the execution of interactive protocol $\mathcal{I}$. \item $\ora{ReceiveMessage}(\mathcal{I}, P_1, P_2) \mapsto m$: Read message $m$ in the channel from party $P_1$ to party $P_2$ in the execution of interactive protocol $\mathcal{I}$. If no message is queued in the channel, return $m = \bot$. \item $\ora{WithdrawRequest}(\V{pkCustomer}, \V{pkD}) \mapsto \mathcal{I}$: Triggers the execution of the \algo{WithdrawRequest} protocol. the adversary full control of the communication channels between customer and exchange. \item $\ora{WithdrawPickup}(\V{pkCustomer}, \V{pkD}, \mathcal{T}) \mapsto \mathcal{I}$: Triggers the execution of the \algo{WithdrawPickup} protocol, additionally giving the adversary full control of the communication channels between customer and exchange. The customer and withdraw identifier $\V{wid}$ are obtained from the \algo{WithdrawRequest} transcript $\mathcal{T}$. \item $\ora{RefreshRequest}(\mathcal{H}, \V{pkD}) \mapsto \mathcal{I}$: Triggers the execution of the \algo{RefreshRequest} protocol with the coin identified by coin handle $\mathcal{H}$, additionally giving the adversary full control over the communication channels between customer and exchange. \item $\ora{RefreshPickup}(\mathcal{T}) \mapsto \mathcal{I}$: Triggers the execution of the \algo{RefreshPickup} protocol, where the customer and refresh identifier $\V{rid}$ are obtained from the $\algo{RefreshRequest}$ protocol transcript $\mathcal{T}$. Additionally gives the adversary full control over the communication channels between customer and exchange. \item $\ora{Link}(\mathcal{H}) \mapsto \mathcal{I}$: Trigger the execution of the \algo{Link} protocol for the coin referenced by handle $\mathcal{H}$, additionally giving the adversary full control over the communication channels between customer and exchange. \item $\ora{Spend}(\V{transactionId}, \V{pkCustomer}, \mathcal{H}, \V{pkMerchant}) \mapsto \V{depositPermission}$: Makes a customer sign a deposit permission over a coin identified by handle $\mathcal{H}$. Returns the deposit permission on success, or $\bot$ if $\mathcal{H}$ is not a coin handle that identifies a coin. Note that $\ora{Spend}$ can be used to generate deposit permissions that, when deposited, would result in an error due to overspending Adds $(\V{transactionId}, \V{depositPermission})$ to $\V{acceptedContracts}[\V{pkCustomer}]$. \item $\ora{Share}(\mathcal{H}, \V{pkCustomer}) \mapsto ()$: Shares a coin (identified by handle $\mathcal{H}$) with the customer identified by $\V{pkCustomer}$, i.e. puts the coin identified by $\mathcal{H}$ into $\V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}]$. Intended to be used by the adversary in attempts to violate income transparency. Note that this trivially violates anonymity (by sharing with a corrupted customer), thus the usage must be restricted in some games. % the share oracle is the reason why we don't need a second withdraw oracle \item $\ora{CorruptCustomer}(\V{pkCustomer})\mapsto \newline{}\qquad (\V{skCustomer}, \V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}],\V{acceptedContracts}[\V{pkCustomer}], \newline{}\qquad \phantom{(}\V{refreshIds}[\V{pkCustomer}], \V{withdrawIds}[\V{pkCustomer}])$: Used by the adversary to corrupt a customer, giving the adversary access to the customer's secret key, wallet, withdraw/refresh identifiers and accepted contracts. Permanently marks the customer as corrupted. There is nothing ``special'' about corrupted customers, beyond that the adversary has used \ora{CorruptCustomer} on them in the past. The adversary cannot modify corrupted customer's wallets directly, and must use the oracle again to obtain an updated view on the corrupted customer's private data. \item $\ora{Deposit}(\V{depositPermission}) \mapsto \mathcal{I}$: Triggers the execution of the \algo{Deposit} protocol, additionally giving the adversary full control over the communication channels between merchant and exchange. Returns an error if the deposit permission is addressed to a merchant that was not registered with $\ora{AddMerchant}$. This oracle does not give the adversary new information, but is used to model the situation where there might be multiple conflicting deposit permissions generated via $\algo{Spend}$, but only a limited number can be deposited. \end{itemize} We write \oraSet{All} for the set of all the oracles we just defined. We also let $\oraSet{NoShare} := \oraSet{All} - \{ \ora{Share} \}$ stand for access to all oracles except the share oracle. The exchange does not need to be corrupted with an oracle. A corrupted exchange is modeled by giving the adversary the appropriate oracles and the exchange secret key from the exchange key generation. If the adversary determines the exchange's secret key during the setup, invoking \ora{WithdrawRequest}, \ora{WithdrawPickup}, \ora{RefreshRequest}, \ora{RefreshPickup} or \ora{Link} can be seen as the adversary playing the exchange. Since the adversary is an active man-in-the-middle in these oracles, it can drop messages to the simulated exchange and make up its own response. If the adversary calls these oracles with a corrupted customer, the adversary plays as the customer. %\begin{mdframed} %The difference between algorithms and interactive protocols %is that the ``pure'' algorithms only deal with data, while the interactive protocols %take ``handles'' to parties that are communicating in the protocol. The adversary can %always execute algorithms that don't depend on handles to communication partners. %However the adversary can't run the interactive protocols directly, instead it must %rely on the interaction oracles for it. Different interaction oracles might allow the %adversary to play different roles in the same interactive protocol. % %While most algorithms in Taler are not probabilistic, we still say that they are, since %somebody else might come up with an instantiation of Taler that uses probabilistic algorithms, %and then the games should still apply. % % %While we do have a \algo{Deposit} protocol that's used in some of the games, having a deposit oracle is not necessary %since it does not give the adversary any additional power. %\end{mdframed} \section{Games} We now define four security games (anonymity, conservation, unforgeability and income transparency) that are later used to define security properties for our protocol. Similar to \cite{bellare2006code} we assume that the game and adversary terminate in finite time, and thus random choices made by the challenger and adversary can be taken from a finite sample space. All games except income transpacency return $1$ to indicate that the adversary has won and $0$ to indicate that the adversary has lost. The income transparency game returns $0$ if the adversary has lost, and a positive ``laundering ratio'' if the adversary won. \subsection{Anonymity} Intuitively, an adversary~$\prt{A}$ who controls the exchange and merchants wins the anonymity game if they have a non-negligible advantage in correlating spending operations with the withdrawal or refresh operations that created a coin used in the spending operation. Let $b$ be the bit that will determine the mapping between customers and spend operations, which the adversary must guess. We define a helper procedure \begin{equation*} \algo{Refresh}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}), \prt{C}(\V{pkCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{coin}_0)) \mapsto \mathfrak{R} \end{equation*} that refreshes the whole remaining amount on $\V{coin}_0$ with repeated application of $\algo{RefreshRequest}$ and $\algo{RefreshPickup}$ using the smallest possible set of target denominations, and returns all protocol transcripts in $\mathfrak{R}$. \begin{figure} \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\prt{A}}^{anon}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa, b)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(\V{sksE}, \V{pksE}, \V{skM}, \V{pkM}) \leftarrow {\prt{A}}()$ \item $(\V{pkCustomer}_0, \V{pkCustomer}_1, \V{transactionId}_0, \V{transactionId}_1, f) \leftarrow {\prt{A}}^{\oraSet{NoShare}}()$ \item Select distinct fresh coins \begin{align*} \V{coin}_0 &\in \V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}_0]\\ \V{coin}_1 &\in \V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}_1] \end{align*} Return $0$ if either $\V{pkCustomer}_0$ or $\V{pkCustomer}_1$ are not registered customers with sufficient fresh coins, or an oracle has been called with the coin handle for $\V{coin}_0$ or $\V{coin}_1$. \item For $i \in \{0,1\}$ run \begin{align*} &\V{dp_i} \leftarrow \algo{Spend}(\V{transactionId}_i, f, \V{coin}_{i-b}, \V{pkM}) \\ &\algo{Deposit}(\prt{A}(), \prt{M}(\V{skM}, \V{pksE}, \V{dp}_i)) \\ &\mathfrak{R}_i \leftarrow \algo{Refresh}(\prt{A}(), \prt{C}(\V{pkCustomer}_i, \V{pksE}, \V{coin}_{i-b})) \end{align*} \item $b' \leftarrow {\cal A}^{\oraSet{NoShare}}(\mathfrak{R}_0, \mathfrak{R}_1)$ \\ \item Return $0$ if $\ora{Spend}$ was used by the adversary on the coin handles for $\V{coin}_0$ or $\V{coin}_1$ or $\ora{CorruptCustomer}$ was used on $\V{pkCustomer}_0$ or $\V{pkCustomer}_1$. \item If $b = b'$ return $1$, otherwise return $0$. \end{enumerate} \end{minipage}} \end{figure} Note that unlike other anonymity games defined in the literature (such as \cite{pointcheval2017cut}), our anonymity game always lets both customers spend in order to avoid having to hide the missing coin in one customer's wallet from the adversary. \subsection{Conservation} The adversary wins the conservation game if it can bring an honest customer in a situation where the spendable financial value left in the user's wallet plus the value spent for transactions known to the customer is less than the value withdrawn by the same customer through by the exchange. In practice, this property is necessary to guarantee that aborted or partially completed withdrawals, payments or refreshes, as well as other (transient) misbehavior from the exchange or merchant do not result in the customer losing money or privacy. \begin{figure} \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{conserv}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(\V{sksE}, \V{pksE}) \leftarrow \mathrm{ExchangeKeygen}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa, M)$ \item $\V{pkCustomer} \leftarrow {\cal A}^{\oraSet{NoShare}}(\V{pksE})$ \item Return $0$ if $\V{pkCustomer}$ is not an uncorrupted, registered user. \item \label{game:conserv:run} Run $\algo{WithdrawPickup}$ for each withdraw identifier $\V{wid}$ and $\algo{RefreshPickup}$ for each refresh identifier $\V{rid}$ that the user has recorded in $\V{withdrawIds}$ and $\V{refreshIds}$. Run $\algo{Deposit}$ for all deposit permissions in $\V{acceptedContracts}$. \item Let $v_{C}$ be the total financial value left on valid coins in $\V{wallet}[\V{pkCustomer}]$, i.e. the denominated values minus the spend/refresh operations recorded in the exchange's database. Let $v_{S}$ be the total financial value of contracts in $\V{acceptedContracts}[\V{pkCustomer}]$. \item Return $1$ if $\V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}] > v_{C} + v_{S}$. \end{enumerate} \end{minipage}} \end{figure} Hence we ensure that: \begin{itemize} \item if a coin was spent, it was spent for a contract that the customer knows about, i.e. in practice the customer could prove that they ``own'' what they paid for, \item if a coin was refreshed, the customer ``owns'' the resulting coins, even if the operation was aborted, and \item if the customer withdraws, they can always obtain a coin whenever the exchange accounted for a withdrawl, even when protocol executions are intermittently aborted. \end{itemize} We do not give the adversary access to the \ora{Share} oracle, which naively lets them win the conservation game, because doing so correctly requires tracking the corrupted customers more carefully, which harms our exposition. In practice, conservation only holds for customers that do not share coins with parties that they do not fully trust. \subsection{Unforgeability} Intuitively, adversarial customers win if they can obtain more valid coins than they legitimately withdraw. \begin{figure} \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{forge}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(skE, pkE) \leftarrow \mathrm{ExchangeKeygen}()$ \item $(C_0, \dots, C_\ell) \leftarrow \mathcal{A}^{\oraSet{All}}(pkExchange)$ \item Return $0$ if any $C_i$ is not of the form $(\V{skCoin}, \V{pkCoin}, \V{pkD}, \V{coinCert})$ or any $\V{coinCert}$ is not a valid signature by $\V{pkD}$ on the respective $\V{pkCoin}$. \item Return $1$ if the sum of the unspent value of valid coins in $C_0 \dots, C_\ell$ exceeds the amount withdrawn by corrupted customers, return $0$ otherwise. \end{enumerate} \end{minipage}} \end{figure} \subsection{Income Transparency} Intuitively, the adversary wins if coins are in exclusive control of corrupted customers, but the exchange has no record of withdrawal or spending for them. This presumes that the adversary cannot delete from non-corrupted customer's wallets, even though it can use oracles to force protocol interactions of non-corrupted customers. For practical e-cash systems, income transparency disincentivizes the emergence of ``black markets'' among mutually distrusting customers, where currency circulates without the transactions being visible. This is in contrast to some other proposed e-cash systems and cryptocurrencies, where disintermediation is an explicit goal. The Link protocol introduces the threat of losing exclusive control of coins (despite having the option to refresh them) that were received without being visible as income to the exchange. \begin{figure} \fbox{\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} \small \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{income}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(skE, pkE) \leftarrow \mathrm{ExchangeKeygen}()$ \item $(\V{coin}_1, \dots, \V{coin}_\ell) \leftarrow \mathcal{A}^{\oraSet{All}}(pkExchange)$ (The $\V{coin}_i$ must be coins, including secret key and signature by the denomination, for the adversary to win. However these coins need not be present in any honest or corrupted customer's wallet.) \item\label{game:income:spend} Augment the wallets of all non-corrupted customers with their transitive closure using the \algo{Link} protocol. Mark all remaining value on coins in wallets of non-corrupted customers as spent in the exchange's database. \item Let $L$ denote the sum of unspent value on valid coins in $(\V{coin}_1, \dots\, \V{coin}_\ell)$, after accounting for the previous update of the exchange's database. Also let $w'$ be the sum of coins withdrawn by corrupted customers. Then $p := L - w'$ gives the adversary's untaxed income. \item Let $w$ be the sum of coins withdrawn by non-corrupted customers, and $s$ be the value marked as spent by non-corrupted customers, so that $b := w - s$ gives the coins lost during refresh, that is the losses incurred attempting to hide income. \item If $b+p \ne 0$, return $p \over b + p$, i.e. the laundering ratio for attempting to obtain untaxed income. Otherwise return $0$. \end{enumerate} \end{minipage}} \end{figure} \section{Security Definitions}\label{sec:security-properties} We now give security definitions based upon the games defined in the previous section. \begin{definition}[Anonymity] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{anonymity} if the success probability $\Prb{b \randsel \{0,1\}: \mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{anon}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa, b) = 1}$ of the anonymity game is negligibly close to $2^{-\lambda}$ for any polynomial time adversary~$\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Conservation] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{conservation} if the success probability $\Prb{\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{conserv}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa) = 1}$ of the conservation game is negligible for any polynomial time adversary~$\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Unforgeability] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{unforgeability} if the success probability $\Prb{\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{forge}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa) = 1}$ of the unforgeability game is negligible for any polynomial time adversary $\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Weak Income Transparency] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{weak income transparency} if, for any polynomial time adversary~$\mathcal{A}$, the return value of the the income transparency game satisfies \begin{equation}\label{eq:income-transparency-expectation} E\left[\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{income}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)\right] \le {1\over\kappa} \mathperiod \end{equation} In (\ref{eq:income-transparency-expectation}), the expectation runs over any probability space used by the adversary and challenger. \end{definition} For some instantiations, e.g. ones based on zero knowledge proofs, $\kappa$ might be a security parameter in the traditional sense. However for an e-cash scheme to be useful in practice, the adversary need not have only negligible success probability in the income transparency game. It suffices that the financial losses of the adversary in the game are a deterrent, after all our purpose of the game is to characterize tax evasion. \section{Instantiation} We give an instantiation of our protocol syntax that is generic over a blind signature scheme, a signature scheme, a combined signature scheme / key exchange protocol. Our instantiation is in the random oracle model (ROM), i.e. usage of the hash function $H : \{0,1\}^* \mapsto \{1,\dots,2^\lambda\}$ is modeled by an oracle $\ora{H}$ that returns a value randomly chosen from $\{1,\dots,2^\lambda\}$ with uniform probability. Subsequent oracle queries on the same bit string return the same value. %\subsection{Generic Instantiation} Let $\textsc{BlindSign}$ be a blind signature scheme with the following syntax, where the party $\mathcal{S}$ is the signer and $\mathcal{R}$ is the signature requester: \begin{itemize} \item $\algo{KeyGen}_{BS}(1^\lambda) \mapsto (\V{sk}, \V{pk})$ is the key generation algorithm for the signer of the blind signature protocol. \item $\algo{Blind}_{BS}(\mathcal{S}(\V{sk}), \mathcal{R}(\V{pk}, m)) \mapsto (\overline{m}, r)$ is a possibly interactive protocol to blind a message $m$ that is to be signed later. The result is a blinded message $\overline{m}$ and a residual $r$ that allows to unblind a blinded signature on $m$ made by $\V{sk}$. \item $\algo{Sign}_{BS}(\mathcal{S}(\V{sk}), \mathcal{R}(\overline{m})) \mapsto \overline{\sigma}$ is an algorithm to sign a blinded message $\overline{m}$. The result $\overline{\sigma}$ is a blinded signature that must be unblinded using the $r$ returned from the corresponding blinding operation before verification. We restrict \algo{Sign} to be a two-move protocol, where the requester sends the first message, and the signer responds. \item $\algo{UnblindSig}_{BS}(r, m, \overline{\sigma}) \mapsto \sigma$ is an algorithm to unblind a blinded signature. \item $\algo{Verify}_{BS}(\V{pk}, m, \sigma) \mapsto b$ is a algorithm to check the validity of a blind signature. Returns $1$ if the signature $\sigma$ was valid for $m$ and $0$ otherwise. \end{itemize} Note that this syntax excludes some blind signature protocols, such as those with interactive/probabilistic verification or those without a ``blinding factor'', where the $\algo{Blind}_{BS}$ and $\algo{Sign}_{BS}$ and $\algo{UnblindSig}_{BS}$ would be merged into one interactive signing protocol. Such blind signature protocols have already been used to construct e-cash \cite{camenisch2005compact}. We require the following two security properties for $\textsc{BlindSign}$: \begin{itemize} \item \emph{blindness}: Let $M$ be the set of all possible messages and $\overline{M}$ be the set of all possible blinded messages. Then the distribution of \[ \left\{ (m, \simga, \overline{m}, \overline{\simga}) \,\middle| m\, \randsel M, \overline{m} \leftarrow \algo{Blind}_{BS}(\mathcal{S}(\V{sk}), m), \overline{\simga} \leftarrow \algo{Sign}_{BS}(\V{sk}, \overline{m}), \sigma \leftarrow \algo{UnblindSig}_{BS}(r, m, \overline{\sigma}) \right\} \] must be computationally indistinguishable from \[ \left\{ (m, \simga, x, \simga_x) \,\middle|\, m \randsel M, \sigma \eftarrow \algo{UnblindSig}_{BS}(r, m, \algo{Sign}_{BS}(\V{sk}, \algo{Blind}_{BS}(\mathcal{S}(\V{sk}), m)) ) x \randsel \overline{M}, \sigma_x \leftarrow \algo{UnblindSig}_{BS}(r, x, \algo{Sign}_{BS}(\V{sk}, \algo{Blind}_{BS}(\mathcal{S}(\V{sk}), x)) ) \right\}. \] \item \emph{unforgeability}: An adversary that requests $k$ signatures with $\algo{Sign}_{BS}$ is unable to produce $k+1$ valid signatures with non-negligible probability. \end{itemize} For more generalized notions of the security of blind signatures, see e.g. \cite{fischlin2009security,schroder2017security}. Let $\textsc{CoinSignKx}$ be combination of a signature scheme and key exchange: \begin{itemize} \item $\algo{KeyGenSec}_{CSK}(1^\lambda) \mapsto \V{sk}$ is a secret key generation algorithm. \item $\algo{KeyGenPub}_{CSK}(\V{sk}) \mapsto \V{pk}$ produces the corresponding public key. \item $\algo{Sign}_{CSK}(\V{sk}, m) \mapsto \sigma$ produces a signature $\sigma$ over message $m$. \item $\algo{Verify}_{CSK}(\V{pk}, m, \sigma) \mapsto b$ is a signature verification algorithm. Returns $1$ if the signature $\sigma$ is a valid signature on $m$ by $\V{pk}$, and $0$ otherwise. \item $\algo{Kx}_{CSK}(\V{sk}_1, \V{pk}_2) \mapsto x$ is a key exchange algorithm that computes the shared secret $x$ from secret key $\V{sk}_1$ and public key $\V{pk}_2$. \end{itemize} We occasionally need these key generation algorithms separately, but we usually combine them into $\algo{KeyGen}_{CSK}(1^\lambda) \mapsto (\V{sk}, \V{pk})$. %TODO: Eliminate this by fixing evrything below We require the following security properties to hold for $\textsc{CoinSignKx}$: \begin{itemize} \item \emph{unforgeability}: The signature scheme $(\algo{KeyGen}_{CSK}, \algo{Sign}_{CSK}, \algo{Verify}_{CSK})$ must satisfy existential unforgeability under chosen message attacks (EUF-CMA). \item \emph{honest key generation}: Any probabilistic polynomial-time adversary has only negligible chance to produce a public key $\V{pk}$ and a signature $\sigma$ that verifies, i.e.\ $\algo{Verify}_{CSK}(\V{pk}, m, \sigma) = 1$, without also producing some secret key $\V{sk}$ such that $\V{pk} = \algo{KeyGenPub}_{CSK}(\V{sk})$. \item \emph{key exchange robustness}: Any probabilistic polynomial-time adversary has only negligible chance find $(\V{sk}_x, \V{pk}_x) \leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}_{CSK}(1^\lambda)$ for $x=A,B$ for which the key exchange fails, \begin{equation*} \algo{Kex}_{CSK}(\V{sk}_A, \V{pk}_B) \neq \algo{Kex}_{CSK}(\V{sk}_B, \V{pk}_A). \end{equation*} \item \emph{key exchange security}: The output of $\algo{Kx}_{CSK}$ must be computationally indistinguishable from a random shared secret of the same length, for inputs that have been generated with $\algo{KeyGen}$. \end{itemize} We combine honest key generation and key exchange robustness in \emph{key exchange completeness} below. %TODO: Eliminate this by fixing evrything below Let $\textsc{Sign} = (\algo{KeyGen}_{S}, \algo{Sign}_{S}, \algo{Verify}_{S})$ be a signature scheme that satisfies SUF-CMA. Using \textsc{Blind}, \textsc{CoinSignKx}, \textsc{Sign} and $H$ we now instantiate the syntax: \begin{itemize} \item $\algo{ExchangeKeygen}(1^{\lambda}, 1^{\kappa}, \mathfrak{D})$: Generate the exchange's signing key pair $\V{skESign} \leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}_{S}(1^\lambda)$. For each element in the sequence $\mathfrak{D} = d_1,\dots,d_n$, generate denomination key pair $(\V{skD}_i, \V{pkD}_i) \leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}_{BS}(1^\lambda)$. \item $\algo{CustomerKeygen}(1^\lambda,1^\kappa)$: Return key pair $\algo{KeyGen}_S(1^\lambda)$. \item $\algo{MerchantKeygen}(1^\lambda,1^\kappa)$: Return key pair $\algo{KeyGen}_S(1^\lambda)$. \item $\algo{WithdrawRequest}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkCustomer}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{pkD}))$: Let $\V{skD}$ be the exchange's denomination secret key corresponding to $\V{pkD}$. \begin{enumerate} \item \prt{C} generates coin key pair $(\V{skCoin}, \V{pkCoin}) \leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}_{CSK}(1^\lambda)$ \item \prt{C} runs $(\overline{m}, r) \leftarrow \algo{Blind}_{CSK}(\mathcal{E}(\V{skCoin}), \mathcal{C}(m))$ with the exchange \end{enumerate} The withdraw identifier is then \begin{equation*} \V{wid} := (\V{skCoin}, \V{pkCoin}, \overline{m}, r) \end{equation*} \item $\algo{WithdrawPickup}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkCustomer}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{wid}))$: The customer looks up $\V{skCoin}$, $\V{pkCoin}$, \V{pkD} $\overline{m}$ and $r$ via the withdraw identifier $\V{wid}$. \begin{enumerate} \item \prt{C} runs $\overline{\sigma} \leftarrow \algo{Sign}_{BS}(\mathcal{E}(\V{skD}), \mathcal{C}(\overline{m}))$ with the exchange \item \prt{C} unblinds the signature $\sigma \leftarrow \algo{UnblindSig}_{BS}(\overline{\sigma}, r, \overline{m})$ and stores the coin $(\V{skCoin}, \V{pkCoin}, \V{pkD}, \sigma)$ in their wallet. \end{enumerate} \item $\algo{Spend}(\V{transactionId}, f, \V{coin}, \V{pkMerchant})$: The deposit permission is computed as $\V{depositPermission} = (\V{pkCoin}, \sigma_D, m)$ where $m = (\V{transactionId}, f, \V{pkMerchant})$ and $\sigma_D = \algo{Sign}_{CSK}(skCoin, m)$. \item $\algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkMerchant}), \prt{M}(\V{skMerchant}, \V{pksE}, \V{depositPermission}))$: Exchange checks the signature $\sigma_D$ in the deposit permission, records contribution $f$ in database $\V{deposited}$ of deposited coins. \item $\algo{RefreshRequest}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkCustomer}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{coin}_0, \V{pkD}_u))$: Let $\V{skD}_u$ be the secret key corresponding to $\V{pkD}_u$. We write \[ \algo{Blind}^*_{BS}(\mathcal{S}(\V{sk}), \mathcal{R}(R, \V{sk}_C, \V{pk}, m)) \mapsto (\overline{m}, r, \mathcal{T}_{B*}) \] for a modified version of $\algo{Blind}_{BS}$ where the signature requester $\mathcal{R}$ takes all randomness from seed $R$, the messages from the exchange are recorded in transcript $\mathcal{T}_{B*}$, and all messages sent by the requester are signed with $\V{sk}_C$. Furthermore we write \[ \algo{KeyGen}^*_{CSK}(R, 1^\lambda) \mapsto (\V{sk}, \V{pk}) \] for a modified version of the key generation algorithm that takes randomness from seed $R$. For each $i\in \{1,\dots,\kappa \}$, the customer \begin{enumerate} \item generates seed $s_i \randsel \{1, \dots, 1^\lambda\}$ \item generates transfer key pair $(t_i, T_i) \leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}^*_{CSK}(s_i, 1^\lambda)$ \item computes transfer secret $x_i \leftarrow \algo{Kx}(t_i, \V{pkCoin}_0)$ \item computes coin key pair $(\V{skCoin}_i, \V{pkCoin}_i) \leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}^*_{CSK}(x_i, 1^\lambda)$ \item and executes the modified blinding protocol \[ (\overline{m}_i, r_i, \mathcal{T}_{(B*,i)}) \leftarrow \algo{Blind}^*_{BS}(\mathcal{E}(\V{skD_u}), \mathcal{C}(H(x_i), \V{skCoin}_0, \V{pkD}_u, \V{skCoin}_i)) \] with the exchange. \end{enumerate} The customer stores the refresh identifier \begin{equation} \V{rid} := (\V{coin}_0, \V{pkD}_u, \V{nonce}, \{ s_i \}, \{ \overline{m}_i \}, \{r_i\}, \{\mathcal{T}_{(B*,i)}\} ). \end{equation} Now, the customer's wallet sends the commitment $\pi_1 = (\V{pkCoin}_0, \V{pkD}_u, h_C)$ together with signature $\V{sig}_1 \leftarrow \algo{Sign}_{CSK}(\V{skCoin}_0, \pi_1)$ to the exchange, where \begin{align*} h_T &:= H(T_1, \dots, T_\kappa)\\ h_{\overline{m}} &:= H(\overline{m}_1, \dots, \overline{m}_\kappa)\\ h_C &:= H(h_T \Vert h_{\overline{m}}) \end{align*} The exchange checks the signature $\V{sig}_1$, and aborts if invalid. Otherwise, depending on the commitment: \begin{enumerate} \item if the exchange did not see $\pi_1$ before, it marks $\V{pkCoin}_0$ as spent for $D(\V{pkD}_u)$, chooses a uniform random $0 \le \gamma < \kappa$, stores it, and sends this choice in a signed message $(\gamma, \V{sig}_2)$ to the customer, where $\V{sig}_2 \leftarrow \algo{Sign}_{S}(\V{skESig}, \gamma)$. \item otherwise, the exchange sends back the same $\pi_2$ as it sent for the last equivalent $\pi_1$. \end{enumerate} \item $\algo{RefreshPickup}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}, \V{pkCustomer}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{rid}) \rightarrow \mathcal{T}$: The customer's wallet looks up the refresh identifier $\V{rid}$ and recomputes the transfer key pairs, transfer secrets and new coin key pairs. The customer sends the reveal message \begin{equation*} \pi_3 = T_\gamma, \overline{m}_\gamma, (s_1, \dots, s_{\gamma-1}, s_{\gamma+1}, \dots, s_\kappa) \end{equation*} and signature \begin{equation*} \V{sig}_{3'} \leftarrow \algo{Sign}_{CSK}(\V{skCoin}_0, (\V{pkCoin}_0, \V{pkD}_u, \mathcal{T}_{(B*,\gamma)}, T_\gamma, \overline{m}_\gamma)) \end{equation*} to the exchange. The exchange checks the signature $\V{sig}_{3'}$ and then computes for $i \ne \gamma$: \begin{align*} (t_i', T_i') &\leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}^*_{CSK}(s_i, 1^\lambda)\\ x_i' &\leftarrow \algo{Kx}(t_i, \V{pkCoin}_0)\\ (\V{skCoin}_i', \V{pkCoin}_i') &\leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}^*_{CSK}(x_i', 1^\lambda) \\ h_T' &:= H(T'_1, \dots, T_{\gamma-1}, T_\gamma, T_{\gamma+1}', \dots, T_\kappa') \end{align*} and simulates the blinding protocol with recorded transcripts (without signing each message, as indicated by the dot ($\cdot$) instead of a signing secret key), obtaining \begin{align*} (\overline{m}_i', r_i', \mathcal{T}_i) &\leftarrow \algo{Blind}^*_{BS}(\mathcal{S}(\V{skD}_u), \mathcal{R}(H(x_i'), \cdot, \V{pkD}_u, \V{skCoin}_i))\\ \end{align*} and finally \begin{align*} h_{\overline{m}}' &:= H(\overline{m}_1', \dots, \overline{m}_\gamma, \dots, \overline{m}_\kappa')\\ h_C &:= H(h_T' \Vert h_{\overline{m}}'). \end{align*} For each $i \ne \gamma$, the exchange computes \begin{align*} \overline{\sigma}_i' &\leftarrow \algo{Sign}(\mathcal{E}(\V{skD}_u), \mathcal{E}(\overline{m}_i'))\\ \sigma_i' &\leftarrow \algo{UnblindSig}(r_i', \V{pkCoin}_i', \overline{\sigma}_i')\\ b_i &\leftarrow \algo{Verify}_{BS}(\V{pkD}, \V{skCoin}_i', \sigma_i') \end{align*} Now the exchange checks if $h_C = h_C'$ and if all $b_i = 1$ for $i \ne \gamma$. If one of the checks fails, the exchange aborts the protocol. Otherwise, the exchange sends a message back to $\prt{C}$ that the commitment verification succeeded. As a last step, the customer obtains the signature $\sigma_\gamma$ on the new coin's public key $\V{pkCoin}_u$ with \begin{align*} \overline{\sigma}_\gamma &\leftarrow \algo{Sign}(\mathcal{E}(\V{skD}_u), \mathcal{C}(\overline{m}_\gamma))\\ \sigma_\gamma &\leftarrow \algo{UnblindSig}(r_\gamma, \V{pkCoin}_\gamma, \overline{\sigma}_\gamma). \end{align*} Thus the new, unlinkable coin is $\V{coin}_u = (\V{skCoin}_\gamma, \V{pkCoin}_\gamma, \V{pkD}_u, \sigma_\gamma)$. \item $\algo{Link}(\prt{E}(\V{sksE}), \prt{C}(\V{skCustomer}, \V{pksE}, \V{coin}_0))$: The customer sends the public key $\V{pkCoin}_0$ of $\V{coin}_0$ to the exchange. For each completed refresh on $\V{pkCoin}_0$ recorded in the exchange's database, the exchange sends the following data back to the customer: the signed commit message $(\V{sig}_1, \pi_1)$, the transfer public key $T_\gamma$, the signature $\V{sig}_{3'}$, the blinded signature $\overline{\sigma}_\gamma$, and the transcript $\mathcal{T}_{(B*,\gamma)}$ of the customer's and exchange's messages during the \algo{Blind} protocol execution. The following logic is repeated by the customer for each response: \begin{enumerate} \item Verify the signatures (both from $\V{pkESig}$ and $\V{pkCoin}_0$) on the transcript $\mathcal{T}_\kappa$, abort otherwise. \item Verify that $\V{sig}_1$ is a valid signature on $\pi_1$ by $\V{pkCoin}_0$, abort otherwise. \item Re-compute the transfer secret and the new coin's key pair as \begin{align*} x_\gamma &\leftarrow \algo{Kx}_{CSK}(\V{skCoin}_0, T_\gamma)\\ (\V{skCoin}_\gamma, \V{pkCoin}_\gamma) &\leftarrow \algo{KeyGen}_{CSK}^*(x_\gamma, 1^\lambda). \end{align*} \item Simulate the blinding protocol with the message transcript received from the exchange to obtain $(\overline{m}_\gamma, r_\gamma)$. \item Check that $\algo{Verify}_{CSK}(\V{pkCoin}_0, \V{pkD}_u, \V{skCoin}_0,(\mathcal{T}_{(B*,\gamma)}, \overline{m}_\gamma), \V{sig}_{3'})$ indicates a valid signature, abort otherwise. \item Unblind the signature to obtain $\sigma_\gamma \leftarrow \algo{UnblindSig}(r_\gamma, \V{pkCoin}_\gamma, \overline{\sigma}_\gamma)$ \item (Re-)add the coin $(\V{skCoin}_\gamma, \V{pkCoin}_\gamma, \V{pkD}_u, \sigma_\gamma)$ to the customer's wallet and then refresh it. \end{enumerate} \end{itemize} %In Taler's refresh, we avoid key exchange failures entirely because the %Edwards addition law is complete abelian group operation on the curve, %and the signature scheme verifies that the point lies on the curve. %% https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/refs.html#2007/bernstein-newelliptic %% https://safecurves.cr.yp.to/complete.html %We warn however that Weierstrass curves have incomplete addition formulas %that permit an adversarial merchant to pick transfer keys that yields failures. %There are further implementation mistakes that might enable collaborative %key exchange failures, like if the exchange does not enforce the transfer %private key being a multiple of the cofactor. % %In this vein, almost all post-quantum key exchanges suffer from key exchange %failures that permit invalid key attacks against non-ephemeral keys. %All these schemes support only one ephemeral party by revealing the %ephemeral party's private key to the non-ephemeral party, % ala the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform~\cite{fujisaki-okamoto} or similar. %We cannot reveal the old coin's private key to the exchange when %verifying the transfer private keys though, which % complicates verifying honest key generation of the old coin's key. \bibliographystyle{splncs04} \bibliography{ref} \appendix \section{Proofs} %\begin{mdframed} % Currently the proofs don't have any explicit tightess bounds. % Because we don't know where to ``inject'' the value that we get from the challenger when carrying out % a reduction, we need to randomly guess in which coin/signature we should ``hijack'' our challenge value. % Thus for the proofs to work fully formally, we need to bound the total number of oracle invocations, % and our exact bound for the tightness of the reduction depends on this limit. %\end{mdframed} We now give proofs for the security properties defined in Section \ref{sec:security-properties} with the generic instantiation. \subsection{Anonymity} \begin{theorem} In the random oracle model, our instantiation satisfies anonymity. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} We give a proof via a sequence of games $\mathbb{G}_0(b), \mathbb{G}_1(b), \mathbb{G}_2(b)$, where $\mathbb{G}_0(b)$ is the original anonymity game $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{anon}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa, b)$. We show the adversary can distinguish between subsequent games with only negligible probability. Let $\epsilon_{HC}$ and $\epsilon_{KX}$ be the advantage of an adversary for finding hash collisions and for breaking the security of the key exchange respectively. We define $\mathbb{G}_1$ by replacing the link oracle \ora{Link} with a modified version that behaves the same as \ora{Link}, unless the adversary responds with link data that did not occur in the transcript of a successful refresh operation, but despite of that still passes the customer's verification. In that case, the game is aborted instead. Observe that in case this failure event happens, the adversary must have forged a signature on $\V{sig}_{3'}$ on values not signed by the customer, yielding an existential forgery. Thus $\left| \Prb{\mathbb{G}_0 = 1} - \Prb{\mathbb{G}_1 = 1} \right|$ is negligible. In $\mathbb{G}_2$, the refresh oracle is modified so that the customer responds with value drawn from a uniform random distribution $D_1$ for the the $\gamma$-th commitment instead of using the key exchange function. We must handle the fact that $\gamma$ is chosen by the adversary after seeing the commitments, so the challenger first makes a guess $\gamma^*$ and replaces only the $\gamma^*$-th commitment with a uniform random value. If the $\gamma$ chosen by the adversary does not match $\gamma^*$, then the challenger rewinds \prt{A} to the point where the refresh oracle was called. Note that we only replace the one commitment that will not be opened to the adversary later. Since $\kappa \ll \lambda$ and the security property of $\algo{Kx}$ guarantees that the adversary cannot distinguish the result of a key exchange from randomness, the runtime complexity of the challenger still stays polynomial in $\lambda$. An adversary that could with high probability choose a $\gamma$ that would cause a rewind, could also distinguish randomness from the output of $\algo{Kx}$. %\mycomment{Tighness bound also missing} We now show that $\left| \Prb{\mathbb{G}_1 = 1} - \Prb{\mathbb{G}_2 = 1} \right| \le \epsilon_{KX}$ by defining a distinguishing game $\mathbb{G}_{1 \sim 2}$ for the key exchange as follows: \bigskip \noindent $\mathbb{G}_{1 \sim 2}(b)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item If $b=0$, set \[ D_0 := \{ (A, B, \V{Kex}(a, B)) \mid (a, A) \leftarrow \V{KeyGen}(1^\lambda),(b, B) \leftarrow \V{KeyGen}(1^\lambda) \}. \] Otherwise, set \[ D_1 := \{ (A, B, C) \mid (a, A) \leftarrow \V{KeyGen}(1^\lambda), (b, B) \leftarrow \V{KeyGen}(1^\lambda), C \randsel \{1,\dots,2^\lambda\} \}. \] \item Return $\mathit{Exp'}_{\cal A}^{anon}(b, D_b)$ (Modified anonymity game where the $\gamma$-th commitment in the refresh oracle is drawn uniformly from $D_b$ (using rewinding). Technically, we need to draw from $D_b$ on withdraw for the coin secret key, write it to a table, look it up on refresh and use the matching tuple, so that with $b=0$ we perfectly simulate $\mathbb{G}_1$.) \end{enumerate} Depending on the coin flip $b$, we either simulate $\mathbb{G}_1$ or $\mathbb{G}_2$ perfectly for our adversary~$\mathcal{A}$ against $\mathbb{G}_1$. At the same time $b$ determines whether \prt{A} receives the result of the key exchange or real randomness. Thus $\left| \Prb{\mathbb{G}_1 = 1} - \Prb{\mathbb{G}_2 = 1} \right| = \epsilon_{KX}$ is exactly the advantage of $\mathbb{G}_{1 \sim 2}$. We observe in $\mathbb{G}_2$ that as $x_\gamma$ is uniform random and not learned by the adversary, the generation of $(\V{skCoin}_\gamma, \V{pkCoin}_\gamma)$ and the execution of the blinding protocol is equivalent under the randeom oracle to using the non-determinized algorithms $\algo{KeyGen}_{CSK}$ and $\algo{Blind}_{BS}$. By the blindness of the $\textsc{BlindSign}$ scheme, the adversary is not able to distinguish blinded values from randomness. Thus, the adversary is unable to correlate a $\algo{Sign}_{BS}$ operation in refresh or withdraw with the unblinded value observed during $\algo{Deposit}$. We conclude the success probability for $\mathbb{G}_2$ must be $1/2$ and hence the success probability for $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{anon}(1^\lambda, \kappa, b)$ is at most $1/2 + \epsilon(\lambda)$, where $\epsilon$ is a negligible function. \end{proof} \subsection{Conservation} \begin{theorem} Assuming existential unforgeability of signatures (EUF-CMA), our instantiation satisfies conservation. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} % FIXME: argue that reduction is tight when you have malleability In honest executions, we have $\V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}] = v_C + v_S$, i.e. the coins withdrawn add up to the coins still available and the coins spent for known transactions. In order to win the conservation game, the adversary must increase $\V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ or decrease $v_C$ or $v_S$. An adversary can abort withdraw operations, thus causing $\V{withdrawn}[\V{pkCustomer}]$ to increase, while the customer does not obtain any coins. However, in step \ref{game:conserv:run}, the customer obtains coins from interrupted withdraw operations. Similarly for the refresh protocol, aborted \algo{RefreshRequest} / \algo{RefreshPickup} operations that result in a coin's remaining value being reduced are completed in step \ref{game:conserv:run}. Thus only remaining option for the adversary to decrease $v_C$ or $v_S$ is with the $\ora{RefreshPickup}$ and $\ora{Deposit}$ oracles respectively. Since the exchange verifies signatures made by the secret key of the coin that is being spent/refreshed, the adversary must forge this signature or have access to the coin's secret key. As we do not give the adversary access to the sharing oracle, it does not have direct access to any of the honest customer's coin secret keys. Thus the adversary must either compute the coin's secret key from observing the coin's public key (e.g. during a partial deposit operation), or forge signatures directly. Both possibilities allow us to carry out a reduction against the unforgeability property of the $\textsc{CoinSignKx}$ scheme, by injecting the challenger's public key into one of the coins. \end{proof} \subsection{Unforgeability} \begin{theorem} Our instantiation satisfies {unforgeability}. % by probabilistic polynomially time adversaries. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} The adversary must have produced at least one coin that was not blindly signed by the exchange. In order to carry out a reduction from this adversary to a blind signature forgery, we inject the challenger's public key into one randomly chosen denomination. Since we do not have access to the corresponding secret key of the challenger, signing operations for this denomination are replaced with calls to the challenger's signing oracle in \ora{WithdrawPickup} and \ora{RefreshPickup}. For $n$ denominations, an adversary against the unforgeability game would produce a blind signature forgery with probability $1/n$. \end{proof} \subsection{Income Transparency} \begin{theorem} Our instantiation satisfies {weak income transparency}. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} %In our refresh operation, the commitment phase sends only the hash of blinded %coins and transfer public keys to reduce bandwidth. We therefore first %convert our adversary $\mathcal{A}$ into an adversary for a variant protocol %in which these commitments contain the full values: We rewind $\mathcal{A}$ %to try two distinct $\gamma \in 1,\dots,\kappa$ during each refresh %operation, so that we obtain all values. We need only try two choices %because the adversary reveals all but one planchet in each run. We now %witness a hash collision if the transfer secret the adversary reveals does not %yield the correct coins. % %If Taler satisfies unforgeability then this variant protocol does so too, %because an adversary against the protocol with commitment to full planchets %can trivially be replaced by an adversary against the protocol with hash %commitments. We consider the directed forest on coins induced by the refresh protocol. It follows from unforgeability that any coin must originate from some customer's withdraw in this graph. Let $F$ be the set of ``final'' refresh operations in this graph, where each refresh $R_i \in F$ either results in a coin in exclusive control of the adversary after step \ref{game:income:spend}, or the refresh operation does not result in a coin at all. During each $R_i \in F$, the adversary must have submitted a blinded coin and transfer public key for which the linking protocol fails to produce the resulting coin correctly, otherwise the coin would have been spent in step \ref{game:income:spend}. In this case, either \begin{enumerate} \item the execution of the refresh protocol is incomplete \item the commitment for the $\gamma$-th blinded coin and transfer public key was wrong \item a commitment for a blinded coin and transfer public key other than the $\gamma$-th was wrong \item the exchange's verification of the commitment passes, but customers are unable to re-compute the new coin from the old coin \end{enumerate} The last case can be excluded, because it would violate the key exchange completeness assumption. We shall prove \begin{equation}\label{eq:income-transparency-proof} \Exp{{p \over b + p} \middle| F \neq \emptyset} = {1\over\kappa} \end{equation} where the expectation runs over any probability space used by the adversary and challenger. We shall optimiz our adversary in ways that maximize $p \over b + p$. As a reminder, if a refresh operation is initiated using a false commitment that is detected by the exchange, then the new coin cannot be obtained, and contributes to the lost coins $b := w - s$ instead of the winnings $p := L - w'$. We also note $b + p$ gives the value of refreshes attempted with false commitments. As these are non-negative, $p \over b + p$ is undefined if and only if $p = 0$ and $b = 0$, which happens if and only if the adversary does not use false commitments, i.e. $F = \emptyset$. We may now assume for optimality that $\mathcal{A}$ submits a false commitment for at most one choice of $\gamma$ in any $R_i \in F$, as otherwise the refresh always fails. Furthermore for an optimal adversary we can exclude refreshes in $F$ that are incomplete, but that would be possible to complete successfully, as completing such a refresh would only increase the adversaries winnings. We emphasize that an adversary that loses an $R_i$ loses the coin that would have resulted from it completely, while an optimal adversary who wins an $R_i$ should not gamble again. Indeed, an adversary has no reason to touch its winnings from an $R_i$. % There is no way to influence $p$ or $b$ through withdrawals or spends % by corrupted users of course. In principle, one could decrease $b$ by % sharing from a corrupted user to a non-corrupted users, % but we may assume this does not occur either, again by optimality. For any $R_i$, there are $\kappa$ game runs identical up through the commitment phase of $R_i$ and exhibit different outcomes based on the challenger's random choice of $\gamma$. If $v$ is the financial value of the coin resulting from refresh operation $R_i$ then one of the possible runs adds $v$ to $p$, while the remaining $\kappa-1$ runs add $v$ to $b$. We define $p_i$ and $b_i$ to be these contributions summed over the $\kappa$ possible runs, i.e. \begin{align*} p_i &:= v\\ b_i &= (\kappa - 1)v \end{align*} and thus $\kappa p_i = b_i + p_i$. Now \begin{align*} \Exp{p} &= {1\over|F|} \sum_{R_i \in F} p_i\\ \Exp{b} &= {1\over|F|} \sum_{R_i \in F} b_i, \end{align*} so \begin{equation*} \Exp{{p \over b + p} \middle| F \neq \emptyset} = {1\over\kappa}, \end{equation*} which yields the equality (\ref{eq:income-transparency-proof}). As for $F = \emptyset$, the return value of the game must be $0$, we conclude \begin{equation*} E\left[\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{income}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)\right] \le {1\over\kappa}. \end{equation*} \end{proof} % https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/852890/expectation-of-random-variables-ratio %%% $L - w' \over (L - w') + (w - s)$ % $E(b/p) + 1 = E(b/p + p/p) = E((b + p)/p) = \kappa$ % $E(b/p) = \kappa-1$ % $E(p/b) = {1 \over \kappa-1}$ %As it turns out, there is a simple hash-based solutions that provides %post-quantum anonymity without additional assumptions though: %% because the coin holder is encrypting to themselves: %We extend the coin private key $c$ by a secret $m$ and extend the %coin signing key $C$ to be a pair $(C,R)$ in which $R$ is the root %of a Merkle tree whose $i$th leave is $H(m,i)$. %In a refresh, the wallet first constructs the planchets from %$H(t C', H(m,i))$ and commits to the index $i$ along with with each %transfer public key $T$, and later when revealing $t$ also reveals %$H(m,i)$ and the proof that it lives in the Merkle tree. %In this scheme, our Merkle tree should be large enough to accommodate %some fixed number of refreshes per coin, possibly just one, while %our wallet must avoid any fragility in committing its $i$ choices to disk. %\section{Standard Definitions} %\begin{definition}[One-more forgery] %For any integer $\ell$, an $(\ell, \ell + 1)$-forgery comes from %a probabilistic polynomial time Turing machine $\mathcal{A}$ that can %compute, after $\ell$ interactions with the signer $\Sigma$, $\ell + 1$ signatures with non-negligible % probability. The ``one-more forgery'' is an $(\ell, \ell + 1)$-forgery for some %integer $\ell$. %\end{definition} % %Taken from \cite{pointcheval1996provably}. This definition applies to blind signature schemes in general. %Intuition: EUF-CMA is not strong enough for blind signatures, %since attacker can choose the message (without going through a hash function before signing). % %\begin{definition}[RSA-KTI] % Game (security parameter $k$, $m : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, % $\mathcal{A}$ adversary with access to RSA inversion oracle \ora{Inv}): % \begin{enumerate} % \item $(N, e, d) \leftarrow \mathsf{KeyGen}(k)$ % \item $y_i \leftarrow_R \mathbb{Z}_N^*$ for $i \in 1, \dots, m(k) + 1$ % \item $(x_1, \dots, x_{m(k) + 1}) \leftarrow \mathcal{A}^{\ora{Inv}}(N, e, k, y_1, \dots, y_{m(k) + 1})$ % \item $\mathcal{A}$ wins if it made at most $m(k)$ oracle queries and $x_i^e \equiv y_i \pmod N$ % \end{enumerate} %\end{definition} % %From \cite{bellare2003onemore}. Assumption to prove security of RSA blind signatures. Equivalent to RSA-CTI. \section{Concrete Instantitation} We now give a concrete instantiation that is used in our implementation for the schemes \textsc{BlindSign}, \textsc{CoinSignKx} and \textsc{Sign}. For \textsc{BlindSign}, we use RSA blind signatures~\cite{chaum1983blind}. From the information theoretically secure blinding, the computational blindness property follows directly. For the unforgeability property, we additionally rely on the RSA-KTI assumption as discussed in \cite{bellare2003onemore}. Note that since the blinding step in RSA blind signatures is non-interactive, storage and verification of the transcript is omitted in refresh and link. We instantiate \textsc{CoinSignKx} with signatures and key exchange operations on elliptic curves in Edwards form, where the same key is used for signatures and the Diffie--Hellman key exchange operations. In practice, we use Ed25519 \cite{bernstein2012high} / Curve25519 \cite{bernstein2006curve25519} for $\lambda=256$. We caution that some other elliptic curve key exchange implementation might not satisfy the completeness property that we require, due to the lack of complete addition laws. For \textsc{Sign}, we use elliptic-curve signatures, concretely Ed25519. \section{Strong Income Transparency} We characterized {\em weak income transparency} in Section~\ref{sec:security-properties}. We will now discuss the notion of {\em strong income transparency}, as it might be useful for other instantiations that provide more absolute guarantees. \begin{definition}[Strong Income Transparency] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{strong income transparency} if the success probability $\Prb{\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{income}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa) \ne 0}$ for the income transparency game is negligible for any polynomial time adversary~$\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} The adversary is said to win one execution of the strong income transparency game if the game's return value is non-zero, i.e. there was at least one successful attempt to obtain untaxed income. Our protocol does not fulfill strong income transparency since in practice $\kappa$ must be a small cut-and-choose parameter, as the complexity of our cut-and-choose protocol grows linearly with $\kappa$. Instead we showed that our protocol satisfies weak income transparency, which is a statement about the adversary's financial loss when winning the game instead of the winning probability. Here, the return-on-investment (represented by the game's return value) is bounded by $1/\kappa$. \section{Endorsed E-Cash and Fair Exchange} %\subsection{Other Properties} % FIXME: move this to design or implementation %\subsubsection{Fair Exchange} % FIXME: we should mention "atomic swap" here The Endorsed E-Cash system by Camenisch et al.~\cite{camenisch2007endorsed} allows for fair exchange of (online or offline) e-cash against digital goods. The online version does not protect the customer against loss of anonymity from linkability of aborted fair exchanges. The refresh protocol can be used for fair exchange of online e-cash against digital goods, without any loss of anonymity due to linkability of aborted transactions, with the following small extension: The customer asks the exchange to \emph{lock coins to a merchant} until a timeout. Until the timeout occurs, the exchange provides the merchant with a guarantee that these coins can only be spent with this specific merchant, or not at all. The fair exchange exchanges the merchant's digital goods against the customer's deposit permissions for the locked coins. On aborted fair exchanges, the customer refreshes to obtain unlinkable coins. \end{document}