We obtain a valid game run by terminating a game early of course, We may consider the adversaries ${\cal A}_n$ obtained by terminating $\cal A$ after the first $n$ refresh attempts $R_C$ with false planchets. Also ${\cal A}_n$ inherits optimality from $\cal A$. We shall now prove $E({p \over b + p} | X \neq \emptyset) = {1\over\kappa}$ for ${\cal A}_n$. We shall prove $E({p \over b + p} | X \neq \emptyset) = {1\over\kappa}$ (\dag) with the expectation taken over games with false planchets in which the adversary plays optimally in that no strictly simpler game run increases $p \over b + p$. induction on the length of the game now still produces disjoint groupings $\mathbb{G}$ of optimal games in which $\sum_{\mathbb{G}} {p \over b + p} = {1\over\kappa} |\mathbb{G}|$. We conclude that $E({p \over b + p}) = {1\over\kappa}$, as desired.