\documentclass[a4paper]{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb,amsthm} \usepackage{pifont} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[left=20mm,top=20mm]{geometry} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{subcaption} \usepackage{mathpazo} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{mdframed} \usepackage{enumitem} % \usepackage[amsmath,thmmarks]{ntheorem} \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames,svgnames,table]{xcolor} \def\Z{\mathbb{Z}} % not amsthm % \theoremseparator{.} % normal theorem \title{Taler Security Proofs} \date{\today} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma}[section] \newtheorem{theorem}[lemma]{Theorem} \newtheorem{corollary}[lemma]{Corollary} \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section] \begin{document} % uniform random selection from set \newcommand{\randsel}[0]{\ensuremath{\xleftarrow{\text{\$}}}} % oracles \newcommand{\ora}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{O}\mathsf{#1}}} % oracle set \newcommand{\oraSet}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{O}\textsc{#1}}} % algorithm \newcommand{\algo}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{#1}}} % party \newcommand{\prt}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathcal{#1}}} % long-form variable \newcommand{\V}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathit{#1}}} % probability with square brackets of the right size \newcommand{\Prb}[1]{\ensuremath{\Pr\left [#1 \right ]}} \newcommand{\comment}[1]{~\\ {\small \textcolor{blue}{({#1})}}} \maketitle %%%%%%%%% % TODOS %%%%%%%% % % * properly characterize what having "Anonymity", "(Weak/Strong) Income Transparency" etc means % in terms of winning the games % * our theorems don't really mention the security parameters "in the output", % shouldn't we be able to talk about the bounds of the reduction? % * fairness is not a reduction or game hop % * the "tracking variables" should probably be part % of the oracles, not of the protocol syntax % * the concept of "finishing operations" before the next step in a game % is unclear, what power does this give the adversary? % * do we need the deposit oracle? cutting down the tree does not have it ... % * adding the link oracle means we must also account for it in fairness and % unforgeability % * can we formulate games so they don't refer to "failed refresh" directly? % (since in some instantiations, refreshing can't fail) % * at least for fairness, we have to think more about Deposit, and % whether there should be a separate oracle for it % % TODO: % - note about double spending vs overspending \section{Model and Syntax} We consider a single exchange with many users. The users can act as a merchant, a customer or both, with no further distinction other than in naming. We prefix public and secret keys with $pk$ and $sk$, following standard convention. For succinctness, the public key of a coin always implicitly has a denomination (in form of the exchange's denomination public key) associated with it. Every denomination has an associated financial value; this mapping is not chosen by the adversary but is a system parameter. We mostly ignore the denomination values here, including their impact on both bandwidth and anonymity, in keeping with existing literature. For anonymity, we believe this amounts to assuming that all users have similar financial behavior. We note logarithmic bandwidth demands denominations distributed by at least powers of a fixed constant, like two. We do not include fees taken by the exchange in our model. Reserves are also omitted, conceptually every user has exactly one bank account that they withdraw from, the bank account balance starts at zero and can go negative without any limit. % TODO: Say roughly: In the real world Taler depends on account balances being only positive, % but this model simplifies our games and security arguments. ??? Coins can be partially spent by specifying a fraction $f \in \mathbb{Q}$. Our refresh protocol cannot then give change below the smallest denomination though. % so doing this either looses money or requires the exchange permit users to break their anonymity for small transactions. The spending of multiple coins is modeled non-atomically: to spend multiple coins, they must be spent one-by-one. The individual spend/deposit operations are correlated by a unique identifier for the transaction. In practice this identifier is the hash of a nonce and the contract terms that merchant and customer agreed upon. Our model tracks the following data for users: \begin{itemize} \item $\V{valueWithdrawn}[\V{pkUser}]$ contains of the values withdrawn by each user $\V{pkUser}$, \item $\V{wallet}[\V{pkUser}]$ contains sets of the users coins records, which individually consist of the coin private keys and denomination signatures. \item $\V{acceptedContracts}[\V{pkUser}]$ contains the sets of contracts accepted by the user during spending operations, together with coins spent for it and their contribution. \end{itemize} The overspending database of the exchange is modeled by $\V{deposited}[\V{pkCoin}]$ and $\V{refreshed}[\V{pkCoin}]$, which records the protocol transcript of deposit and refresh operations respectively. We say that a coin is \emph{fresh} if it appears in neither the $\V{deposited}$ or $\V{refreshed}$ lists nor in $\V{acceptedContracts}$. We say that a coin is being $\V{overspent}$ if adding a transcript to $\V{deposited}$ or $\V{refreshed}$ would cause the total value of transcripts in both lists to exceed the value of the denomination. \subsection{Algorithms} The Taler e-cash scheme is modely by the following probabilistic\footnote{Our Taler instantiations are not necessarily probabilistic, but we do not want to prohibit this for other instatiations} polynomial-time algorithms and protocols. The notation $\prt{E}(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ / $\prt{U}(X_1,\dots,X_n)$ stands for a party (Exchange or User) in an interactive protocol, with $X_1,\dots,X_n$ being the private inputs contributed by the party to the protocol. \begin{itemize} \item $\algo{ExchangeKeygen}(1^{\lambda}, 1^{\kappa}, \V{M})$: Algorithm executed by the exchange that outputs a key pair $(\V{skE}, \V{pkE})$, which contain both the signing key and the denomination keys for the exchange. The financial value assigned to a denomination public key $d$ is determined by $\V{M}(d)$. Both $\lambda$ and $\kappa$ are security parameters. \item $\algo{UserKeygen}(1^\lambda{})$: Algorithm executed by merchants and customers that outputs a key pair $(\V{skU}, \V{pkU})$. We refer to this key pair by $(\V{skM}, \V{skM})$ when the user acts as a merchant. \comment{pkDenom needs to appear here} \item \algo{Withdraw}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkU}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{pkDenom})): Interactive protocol between exchange and user to withdraw a single coin of a particular denomination. \comment{A planchet like pkCoin needs to be an argument here, no? How do we handle the signature though? Also skDenom. } % pkDenom needs to appear in ExchangeKeygen \item \algo{Spend}(contract, \V{f}, \V{pkUser}, \V{skCoin}, pkReceiver): Algorithm to produce and sign a deposit permission \V{depositPermission} for a particular contract. The fraction $0 < \V{f} \le 1$ determines the fraction of the coin's value that will be spent. \item \algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{M}(\V{skU}, \V{depositPermission})): Interactive protocol between the exchange and a user, who acts as a merchant. In the deposit permission, there are coin public keys $\V{pkCoin}$ corresponding to $\V{skCoin}$. If $\V{pkCoin}$ is being overspent, we return the protocol transcript of the previous deposits and refreshes. On success, we mark $\V{pkCoin}$ spent in $\V{deposited}[\V{pkCoin}]$ and return the exchange's signature over the request. \item \algo{Refresh}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkU}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{skCoin})): Interactive protocol between exchange and user. If $\V{pkCoin}$ (derived from \V{skCoin}) is being overspent, then we return the protocol transcript of the previous deposits and refreshes. Assuming otherwise, we mark $\V{pkCoin}$ as refreshed in $\V{refreshed}[\V{pkCoin}]$. If the user \prt{U} plays honestly, the unlinkable change they obtain will be stored in their wallet $wallet[\V{pkU}]$. If \prt{U} is caught playing dishonestly, the coin's refresh transcript will be marked as spent without anything in return. Note that some instantiation (e.g. those using zero knowledge proofs) might not leave \prt{U} the possibility to play dishonestly. \item \algo{Link}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkE}, \V{skCoin})): Interactive protocol between exchange and user. If \V{skCoin} is the secret key of a coin that was refreshed, then we recompute the refreshed coin and add it to to the user's wallet $wallet[\V{pkU}]$. \end{itemize} \subsection{Oracles} We define the following oracles: \begin{itemize} \item $\ora{AddUser}()$: Creates a new user, sets $valueWithdrawn$ for the user to $0$, sets $wallet[pkUser] := \{\}$. Returns the public key of the user, \item $\ora{Withdraw}(pkUser, pkDenom)$: Do a withdraw. Effectively the adversary is an active man-in-the middle between the user and the ``real'' exchange. The adversary obtains the protocol transcript, but does not gain access to the exchange's database directly. % FIXME: talk about share \item $\ora{Refresh}()$: Do a withdraw. Effectively the adversary is an active man-in-the middle between the user and the ``real'' exchange. The adversary obtains the protocol transcript, but does not gain access to the exchange's database directly. \item $\ora{Link}(pkUser)$: Force the execution ot the link protocol. The adversary is an Effectively the adversary is an active man-in-the middle between the user and the ``real'' exchange. \item $\ora{Spend}(contractHash, pkSpender, \mathcal{T}^C, pkReceiver)$: Make a customer sign a deposit permission over a coin identified by transcript $\mathcal{T}_C$, which is either a withdraw transcript, link transcript or refresh transcript with coin index. Returns the deposit permission on success, or $\bot$ if the $skSpender$ does not have enough coins. Adds $\V{contract}$ to $\V{acceptedContracts}[pkUser]$ and initializes $\V{spent}[\V{pkCoin}]$. \item $\ora{Share}(\mathcal{T}^C, pkReceiver)$: Shares a coin (identified by withdraw/refresh/link transcript $\mathcal{T}^C$ with the user identified by $pkReceiver$. Used by the adversary in attempts to violate income transparency. Note that this trivially violates anonymity (by sharing with corrupted user), thus the usage must be restricted most other games. \comment{ENGLISH to / from ?} % the share oracle is the reason why we don't need a second withdraw oracle \item $\ora{AddCorruptUser}(pkUser)$: Used by the adversary to add a corrupted user, giving it permanent access to the user's private key, wallet and accepted contracts. \item $\ora{Deposit}(depositPermission)$: Give a deposit permission to the exchange. If the deposit permission is valid and the coin is not overspent, the exchange adds it to $spent[pkU]$ for the user $U$ identified in the deposit permission. This oracle does not give the adversary new information, but is used to model the situation where there might be multiple conflicting deposit permissions generated via $\algo{Spend}$, but only a limited number can be deposited (even though \ora{Spend} tracks spending, coin sharing can otherwise cause overspending). \end{itemize} % addcorruptuser and adduser+corrupt is the same, % since corrupt would give the adversary all previous protocol % transcripts, and we don't have any notion of forward security The exchange does not need to be corrupted with an oracle. A corrupted exchange is modelled by giving the adversary the appropriate oracles and the exchange private key from the exchange key generation. If the adversary determines the exchange's private key during the setup, invoking \ora{Withdraw}, \ora{Refresh} or \ora{Link} can be seen as the adversary plaing the exchange. Since the adversary is an active man-in-the-middle in these oracles, they can drop messages to the simulated exchange and make up their own response. If the adversary calls these oracles with a corrupted user, the adversary plays as the user. \begin{mdframed} The difference between algorithms and interactive protocols is that the ``pure'' algorithms only deal with data, while the interactive protocols take ``handles'' to parties that are communicating in the protocol. The adversary can always execute algorithms that don't depend on handles to communication partners. However the adversary can't run the interactive protocols directly, instead it must rely on the interaction oracles for it. Different interaction oracles might allow the adversary to play different roles in the same interactive protocol. While most algorithms in Taler are not probabilistic, we still say that they are, since somebody else might come up with an instantiation of Taler that uses probabilistic algorithms, and then the games should still apply. While we do have a \algo{Deposit} protocol that's used in some of the games, having a deposit oracle is not necessary since it does not give the adversary any additional power. \end{mdframed} \subsection{Remarks} % I've moved these remarks here, since it does not make sense to talk about details % without introducing the syntax of the model. Anonymous e-cash schemes all require protections against network, etc. failures, and hence require a refresh operations. If this refresh operations also provided partial spending, which seems logical, then refreshes can be run after spends, which invalidates assumptions in anonymity games. \section{Games} We have two seperate security parameters in Taler First, our primary security parameter $\lambda$ characterizes the security of signatures and blind signatures. % here we can't talk about the cut-and-choose parameter yet, % we model taxable e-cash in general and don't want to refer % to Taler-specific implementation details. Our second security parameter $\kappa$ is used to characterize the assurances of Income Transparency. For some instantiations, e.g. ones based on zero knowledge proofs, $\kappa$ might be a security parameter in the traditional sense. However to be useful in practice, the adversary does not need to have neglegible success probability to win the Income Transparency game. It suffices that the financial losses of the adversary in the game are a deterrent, afterall the purpose of the game is to characterize tax evasion. Taler does not fulfill strong Income Transparency since for Taler $\kappa \ge 3$ is a small cut-and-choose parameter. Instead we show that Taler satisfies Weak Income Transparency, which is a statement about the adversary's financial loss when winning the game instead of the winning probability. We still characterize Income Transparency as a game, since it might be useful for other instantiations that provide more absolute guarantees. \subsection{Anonymity} Intuitively, an adversary $\prt{A}$ (controlling the exchange and merchants) wins the anonymity game if they have a non-neglegible advantage in correlating spending operations with the withdrawal or refresh operations that created a coin used in the spending operation. Let \oraSet{Anon} stand for access to the oracles \ora{AddUser}, \ora{Withdraw}, \ora{Spend}, \ora{RefreshAsExchange}, \ora{LinkAsExchange}, \ora{AddCorruptUser}, \ora{Deposit}. Let $b$ be the bit that will determine the mapping between users and spend operation, which the adversary must guess. \bigskip \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\prt{A}}^{anon}(1^\lambda, \kappa, b)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}, \V{skM}, \V{pkM}) \leftarrow {\prt{A}}()$ \\ The adversary controls the exchange and a merchant. \footnote{We emphasize that our oracles give the adversary all data a real exchange learns (from the protocol transcripts returned by oracles), but we do not give our adversary access to our simulation's data structures because they include data only known by the customers.} \item $(\V{pkU}_0, \V{pkU}_1, \V{contract}_0, \V{contract}_1) \leftarrow {\prt{A}}^{\oraSet{Anon}}()$ \\ The adversary creates two users and selects two contract identifiers. \item Return 0 if $\V{pkU}_0$ or $\V{pkU}_1$ are not uncorrupted registered users. \item Select distinct fresh coins $\V{pkC}_0$ and $\V{pkC}_1$ from the wallets of $\V{pkU}_0$ and $\V{pkU}_1$, respectively. \footnote{In principle, we might anonymously refresh coins before or concurrently with spending them, but if our adversary directs a non-anonymous refresh then they can mark coins with it} Return 0 if either $\V{pkU}_0$ or $\V{pkU}_1$ has insufficient unspent unrefreshed coins. \item $\V{dp_0} \leftarrow \algo{Spend}(\V{contract}_0, \V{pkU}_b, \V{pkC}_b, \V{pkM})$, \\ $\V{dp_1} \leftarrow \algo{Spend}(\V{contract}_1, \V{pkU}_{1-b}, \V{pkC}_{1-b}, \V{pkM})$ \\ Spend these two coins without revealing the mapping between users and coins. \item $r_0 \leftarrow \algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), {\prt{A}}(dp_0))$, \\ $r_1 \leftarrow \algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), {\prt{A}}(dp_1))$ \\ Deposit these two coins with the adversary controlled exchange. Return 0 if $r_0$ or $r_1$ indicate a failure. \item $b' \leftarrow {\cal A}^{\oraSet{Anon}}()$ \\ The adversary makes one guess $b' \in \{0,1\}$ for $b$, which determines the mapping between users and contracts. \item if $b = b'$ return 1, otherwise return 0 \end{enumerate} We do not assume distinct users because ... FIXME \begin{mdframed} There are two kinds of games found for anonymity in the literature, one is based in indistinguishability (between two users or coins) and the other one on simulation. The latter is claimed to be more powerful in \cite{izabachene2013divisible}. Note that our game lets both users spend, which means we don't need to ``magically'' come up for a fresh coin for the only user who just spent one. If only one coin is spent and we don't replace it, the adversary can exhaust wallets to see who spent. We can avoid this, since we have contract identifiers and can rely on those. The ``\dots AsUser'' oracles are not given to the adversary, since they play as the exchange and thus allowing them to talk to themselves does not make sense / does not give them more power. \end{mdframed} \subsection{Fairness} % Fair contract signing \begin{mdframed} Fairness is a very overloaded term in crypto, can we come up with something better? It's already used for (a) protocols where either none or all parties obtain a result and (b) as fair e-cash, which is e-cash with selective tracability/deanonymization for e.g. law enforcement. Christian prefers Exculpability and both of us like Fair Exchange. Exchange fairness has issues. \end{mdframed} Intuitively, the adversary wins if a non-corrupted user is unable to obtain a proof-of-spending or unlinkable change for a coin. This can happen, for example, when the merchant is able to spend a coin in a way not anticipated by the customer, keep the coin in a state that neither gives the customer a receipt nor allows the customer to refresh it. In practice, this property is necessary to guarantee that aborted or partially completed payments do not result in the customer losing money or their anonymity. The game also covers the case where a malicious exchange pretends the customer did a dishonest refresh (in instantiations that allow dishonest refreshes). Let \oraSet{Fair} stand for access to the oracles \ora{AddUser}, \ora{Withdraw}, \ora{Spend}, \ora{RefreshAsExchange}, \ora{Share}, \ora{AddCorruptUser}, \ora{Deposit}. \bigskip \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{fair}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(skE, pkE) \leftarrow \mathrm{ExchangeKeygen}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa, M)$ \item $C_0 \leftarrow {\cal A}^{\oraSet{Fair}}(pkExchange)$ \item The simulator runs all refresh operations to conclusion by looking for partial refresh transcripts. We assume additional state in the wallet of each user to finish refresh operations. \item If $C_0$ is not a coin public key, return 0. Also let $U$ be the user that has $C_0$ in their wallet. If no such $U$ exists, return 0. \item Let $C_0, \dots, C_n$ be the coins reachable via \algo{Link} from $C_0$. We note the user obtains unlinkable change through refreshes, which merely extend this list. \item Return 0 if either $U$ was corrupted or \ora{Share} was called with any of $C_0, \dots, C_n$. \item For each $C \in \{C_0, \dots, C_n\}$, we check if the exchange's database records value transfers not present in the user's wallet's database: \begin{enumerate}[label*=\arabic*.] \item Return 1 if $\V{deposited}[C]$ contains a contract not appearing in the wallet's database $\V{acceptedContracts}[U]$. \item Return 1 if the total value $r_E$ of attempted refreshes in $\V{refreshed}[C]$ exceeds the total value $r_U$ of coins in $C_0, \dots, C_n$ directly reachable in one link from $C$. We note $r_E$ includes refreshes that failed due to dishonesty, but not refreshes that failed to authenticate as $C$. \end{enumerate} \item Return 0 if this step is reached without an earlier return. \end{enumerate} \begin{mdframed} The game is written in a way that does not refer to failed refreshes explicitly. \end{mdframed} \subsection{Unforgability} % Exculpability? Intuitively, adversarial customers win if they can forge more valid coins than they withdraw. Let \oraSet{Forge} stand for access to the oracles \ora{AddUser}, \ora{Withdraw}, \ora{Spend}, \ora{RefreshAsExchange}, \ora{Share}, \ora{AddCorruptUser}. \bigskip \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{forge}(1^\lambda, \kappa)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(skE, pkE) \leftarrow \mathrm{ExchangeKeygen}()$ \item $(C_0, \dots, C_\ell) \leftarrow \mathcal{A}^{\oraSet{Forge}}(pkExchange)$ \item Return 1 if the sum of the unspent value of valid coins in $C_0 \dots, C_\ell$ exceeds the amount withdrawn by corrupted peers. \comment{TODO: Should we define unspent value anywhere?} \end{enumerate} \subsection{Income Transparency} Intuitively, the adversary wins if money is in exclusive control of corrupted users, but the exchange has no record of withdrawal or spending for it. This of course presumes that the adversary cannot delete from non-corrupted customer's wallets, even though they can use oracles to force protocol interactions of non-corrupted customers. For practical e-cash systems, Income Transparency disincentivizes the emergence of ``black markets'' among mutually distrusting users, where currency circulates without the transactions being visible. The Link protocol introduces the threat of losing exclusive control of coins (despite having the option to refresh them) that were received without involvement of the exchange. Let \oraSet{Income} stand for access to the oracles \ora{AddUser}, \ora{Withdraw}, \ora{Spend}, \ora{RefreshAsExchange}, \ora{Share}, \ora{AddCorruptUser}. \bigskip \noindent $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{income}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $(skE, pkE) \leftarrow \mathrm{ExchangeKeygen}()$ \item $(C_1, \dots, C_\ell) \leftarrow \mathcal{A}^{\oraSet{Income}}(pkExchange)$ \item Augment the wallets of all non-corrupted users with their transitive closure using the \algo{Link} protocol. Spend all remaining value on coins in wallets of non-corrupted users with \algo{Deposit}.\footnote{If \algo{Deposit} can only be run once per coin, then run a similar alggorithm that ignores this check.} \item Let $L$ be the sum of unspent value for valid coins in $C_1, \dots\, C_\ell$, after accounting for the previous spending step. \item Let $w$ be the sum of coins withdrawn by non-corrupted users, $w'$ be the sum of coins withdrawn by corruped users, and $s$ be the value marked as spent by non-corrupted users. \item Return $p \over b + p$ where $b := w - s$ gives the lost coins and $p := L - w'$ gives the adversary's winnings. Also, we note our adversary wins the strong income transparency game if $L - w' > 0$. \comment{$(L, w, w', s)$ Big stile break so split into two games. Return ratio. Two expectations is wrong. } \end{enumerate} The adversary is said to win the Income Transparency game if $L - w' > 0$. Intuitively, the expenses for getting untaxed money are less or equal to the gained untaxed money. For Taler (which only safisfies Weak Income Transparency) our proofs would only bound adversaries' probability of winning one Income Transparency game by $1/\kappa$. Instead, we shall prove that attacks cannot be profitable for the adversary in the sense that the expected loss $E[w-s]$ for obtaining untaxed coins of value $L$ is bounded by $E[w - s] \ge \kappa \cdot E[L - w']$, independent from whether the adversary wins the game or not. % In the proof, we look at fixed values of L and w'. % The value of L-w' prime can't come from withdraw directly, % it can't come from forging coins (or we could win the unforgeability game) % It can't come from linking % If it is to come from refresh, either we must find a hash collision % or guess \begin{mdframed} Older formulations were talking about ``value lost during refresh'', but this concept does not necessarily exist for other instantiations (and the game was more complicated with it). \end{mdframed} \subsection{Others} \subsubsection{Exculpability} Exculpability is not necessary, since coins are spent on-line with the exchange. In practice, even offline e-cash systems that provide exculpability are often undesireable, since hardware failures can result in unintentional overspending. \subsubsection{Fair Exchange and Endorsements} Camenisch and others \cite{camenisch2007endorsed} describes a version of (offline) e-cash where it is possible to generate lightweight endorsement for coins. These endorsements are unlinkable from each other and from the coin. An endorsement allows the implementation of fair exchange (where either both goods are exchanged and a payment is made or neither) without giving up anonymity. Taler supports a similar concept of endorsements via the coin public key, deposit permissions and the refresh protocol. The deposit permission (augmented with some additional data) can be viewed as an endorsement that enables fair exchange. Unlinkability is guaranteed by the Refresh protocol. \section{Security Definitions} \begin{definition}[Anonymity] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{Anonymity} if the success probability $\Prb{b \randsel \{0,1\}: \mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{anon}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa, b) = 1}$ of the anonymity game is neglegible for any polynomial time adversary $\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Strong Income Transparency] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{Strong Income Transparency} if the success probability $\Prb{(L, w, w', s) \leftarrow \mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{income}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa); L - w' > 0}$ for the income transparency game is neglegible for any polynomial time adversary $\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Weak Income Transparency] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{Weak Income Transparency} if for any polynomial time adversary $\mathcal{A}$, our random variables $(L, w, w', s) \leftarrow \mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{income}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa)$ from the income transparency game satisfy $E[w - s] \ge \kappa \cdot E[L - w']$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Unforgeability] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{Unforgeability} if the success probability $\Prb{\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{forge}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa) = 1}$ of the unforgeability game is neglegible for any polynomial time adversary $\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} \begin{definition}[Fairness] We say that an e-cash scheme satisfies \emph{Fairness} if the success probability $\Prb{\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{fair}(1^\lambda, 1^\kappa) = 1}$ of the fairness game is neglegible for any polynomial time adversary $\mathcal{A}$. \end{definition} \section{Instantiation} \begin{mdframed} This section is incomplete. Questions: How do we reconcile our security parameter $\lambda$ with Ed25519? Should we be independent of the curve, even in our more concrete instantiation? Protocol transcripts are a mess, currently mostly there to show which values the adversary sees, and to check that after our hops they are all independent uniform random. Christian agrees with Jeff on using an abstract key exchange. \end{mdframed} Let $G \in \mathbb{E}$ be the generator of the Ed25519 curve (with Edwards coordinates). \begin{itemize} \item \algo{ExchangeKeygen}(): Generate an RSA key pair of length $\lambda$ and return it. \item \algo{UserKeygen}(): Generate an EdDSA key pair and return it. \item \algo{Withdraw}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkU})): \begin{enumerate} \item \prt{U} selects blinding factor $r \randsel \Z_N^*$, coin secret $\V{skC} \randsel \Z_{|\mathbb{E}|}$, computes $\V{pkC} = \V{skC} \cdot G$, $\overline{M} = r \cdot H(\V{pkC})$ and sends $\overline{M}$ to $\prt{E}$. \item \prt{E} receives $\overline{M}$ and sends back $\overline{M}^d \bmod N$ to \prt{U}. \end{enumerate} Thus the protocol transcript is $(\overline {M}, \overline{M}^d \bmod N)$. \item \algo{Spend}(contract, skCoin, pkReceiver): TODO The deposit permission is computed as \begin{equation*} (\V{sig}, \V{pkCoin}) = (\algo{Sign}(skCoin, (contract, pkReceiver)), \V{skCoin} \cdot G) \end{equation*} \item \algo{Deposit}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{M}(\V{skU}, \V{depositPermission})): Exchange checks signatures, adds contribution $f$ of each coin to database of spent coins. \item \algo{Refresh}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkU}, \V{\overrightarrow{skCoinList}})): The protocol transcript is \begin{equation*} (\V{pkCoin}, sig, T_1, \dots, T_\kappa, \overline{M}_1, \dots, \overline{M}_\kappa, \gamma, \tilde{t}_1, \dots, \tilde{t}_\kappa, \tilde{n}_1, \dots, \tilde{n}_i \overline{M}_\gamma) \end{equation*} with \begin{itemize} \item Refresh confirmation signature $sig = Sign(skCoin, "refresh", \V{pkCoin})$ \item Verification nonce $n_i \randsel U$ \item Transfer private key $t_i \randsel U$ \item Transfer public key $T_i = t_i \cdot G$A \item Transfer secret $s_i = ECDH(t_i, pkCoin)$ \item Blinding factor $r_i = PRF_{pkCoin}(s_i)$ \item Coin private key $m_i = PRF_{pkCoin+1}(s_i \mathbin{\|} n_i)$ \item Coin public key $M_i = m_i \cdot G$ \item Planchet $\overline{M}_i = (r_i \cdot M_i)^d \bmod N$ \item (tide denotes item at index $\gamma$ set to zero) \end{itemize} \item \algo{Link}(\prt{E}(\V{skE}, \V{pkE}), \prt{U}(\V{skU}, \V{pkU}, \V{linkSecret}, \V{skCoin})): The user obtains the protocol transcript for the Refresh with coin public key derived from \V{skCoin}. The refresh protocol is then used to withdraw the planchet $\overline{M}_\kappa$. \end{itemize} \section{Proofs} \begin{mdframed} Currently the proofs don't have any explicit tightess bounds. Because we don't know where to ``inject'' the value that we get from the challenger when carrying out a reduction, we need to randomly guess in which coin/signature we should ``hijack'' our challenge value. Thus for the proofs to work fully formally, we need to bound the total number of oracle invocations, and our exact bound for the tightness of the reduction depends on this limit. \end{mdframed} \subsection{Anonymity} \begin{theorem} If Taler's refresh is instantiated with PRFs, a key exchange satisfying DDH, and a collision-resistant hash function, then Taler satisfies {anonymity}. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} We give a proof via a sequence of games $\mathbb{G}_0(b), \mathbb{G}_1(b), \mathbb{G}_2(b), \mathbb{G}_3(b)$, where $\mathbb{G}_0(b)$ is the original anonymity game $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{anon}(1^\lambda, \kappa, b)$. We show the adversary can distinguish between subsequent games with only negligible probability. Let $\epsilon_{PRF}$ and $\epsilon_{DDH}$ be the advantage of an adversary for the PRF game and DDH game respectively. We define $\mathbb{G}_1$ by replacing the link oracle \ora{Link} with another oracle that behaves the same as \ora{Link} only if the adversary responds to the customer with link data that has been observed in a previous refresh. If the link data is not recognized by the simulator, the customer is instead given a uniform random value as link data. In order to distinguish $\mathbb{G}_0$ from $\mathbb{G}_1$, our adversary must fake a link secret that causes the oracle to return random data leading to incorrect behavior by the customer. We recall however that link secrets were constructed as $(\V{nonce}, \V{linkSecret})$ where $\V{linkSecret} = H(\V{nonce}, \V{skOldCoin})$, with the customer rejecting link secrets that fail this test. So our adversary must either find a hash collision or find the coin's private key. In $\mathbb{G}_2$, the refresh oracle is modified so that the user responds with value drawn from a uniform random distribution for the the $\gamma$-th commitment instead of using a Diffie-Hellman function. We must handle the fact that $\gamma$ is chosen by the adversary after seeing the commitments, so the simulator first makes a guess $\gamma^*$ and replaces only the $\gamma^*$-th commitment with a uniform random value. If the $\gamma$ chosen by the adversary does not match $\gamma^*$, then the simulator rewinds \prt{A} to the point where the refresh oracle was called. We see this succeeds with probability $1/\kappa + \epsilon_{DDH}$. Since $\kappa \ll \lambda$, the runtime complexity of the simulator still says polynomial in $\lambda$. Note that we only replace the one commitment that will not be opened to the adversary later. \comment{Tighness bound also missing} We now show that $\left| \Prb{\mathbb{G}_1 = 1} - \Prb{\mathbb{G}_2 = 1} \right| \le \epsilon_{DDH}$ by defining a distinguishing game $\mathbb{G}_{1 \sim 2}$ for $DDH$ as follows: \bigskip \noindent $\mathbb{G}_{1 \sim 2}(b)$: \vspace{-0.5\topsep} \begin{enumerate} \setlength\itemsep{0em} \item $D = C_{ddh}(b)$ \comment{The DDH challenger gives us a distribution that is either $(g^a, g^b, g^{ab})$ or $(g^a, g^b, g^c)$} \item return $\mathit{Exp'}_{\cal A}^{anon}(b, D)$ \comment{Modified anonymity game where the $\gamma$-th commitment in the refresh oracle is drawn from distribution $D$ (using rewinding). Technically we need to draw from $D$ on withdraw for the coin private key, write it to a table, look it up on refresh and use the matching tuple.} \end{enumerate} We observe that depending on the coin flip $b$, we either simulate $\mathbb{G}_1$ or $\mathbb{G}_2$ perfectly for our adversary $\cal A$ against $\mathbb{G}_1$. At the same time $b$ determines whether \prt{A} receives $(g^a, g^b, g^{ab})$ or $(g^a, g^b, g^c)$. Thus $\left| \Prb{\mathbb{G}_1 = 1} - \Prb{\mathbb{G}_2 = 1} \right| = \epsilon_{DDH}$ is exactly the DDH advantage of $\mathbb{G}_{1 \sim 2}$. At this point, the planchets used in refresh and withdraw differ only in the source of their blinding factor. In the hop between $\mathbb{G}_2$ and $\mathbb{G}_3$ we replace the FD-PRF that produces the blinding factor with a uniformly random function, also on the full domain of the RSA modulus. At this point, any advantage of our adversary amounts to an advantage in distinguishing our random blinding factor from $\textrm{FDH}_N(C_1) / \textrm{FDH}(C_2) \mod N$, which violates the FD-PRF assumption inherent in our FDH assumption. We conclude the success probability for $\mathbb{G}_3$ is $1/2$ and hence . the success probability for $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{anon}(1^\lambda, \kappa, b)$ is at most $1/2 + \epsilon_{DDH} + \epsilon_{PRF}$, as desired. \comment{The DDH game we use here is non-standard (stream of values to decide on instead of one, so maybe we need to use the number of refresh oracle invocations as a factor in front of $\epsilon_{DDH}$?} \end{proof} We observe that if Taler were instantiated with blind BLS signatures, instead of blind RSA signatures, then our adversary must violate the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption as well as the PRF assumption to compromise $\mathbb{G}_2$. \begin{mdframed} Note that the order of the hops does matter, since it's important that we feed the PRF real randomness. \end{mdframed} \subsection{Fairness} \begin{theorem} Assuming unforgeability of signatures (EUF-CMA), Taler satisfies Fairness. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} % FIXME: argue that reduction is tight when you have malleability We construct an adversary against EUF-CMA from an adversary $\mathcal{A}$ against Fairness. Let $q$ be a bound (perhaps polynomial in the security parameter) on the number of coins created by the adversary (via \ora{Withdraw} or \ora{Refresh}). Our goal is to embed the EUF-CMA challenge into one of the coins obtained via \ora{Withdraw} or \ora{Refresh} from uncorrupted users. We adjust \ora{Withdraw} and \ora{Refresh} so that the challenge is used as public key for the coin with probability $1/q$, but only if the user is uncorrupted and until the challenge has been embedded once. The oracles \ora{Spend} and \ora{Refresh} are adjusted so that the signing oracle \ora{Sign} of the EUF-CMA challenger is used for the coin with the embedded challenge. If the adversary wins in step 6.1, there must be a valid deposit permission over a contract not signed by the user, and thus not send to \ora{Sign}. If the adversary wins in step 6.2, there must be a refresh request not signed by the user. In either case, we can extract a forged signature and use \prt{A} to construct an adversary against EUF-CMA. \end{proof} \subsection{Unforgeability} \begin{theorem} In the random oracle model, if the RSA known-target inversion problem (RSA-KTI) is hard, then Taler satisfies {unforgeability}. % by probabilistic polynomially time adversaries. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} We consider a probabilistic polynomially time adversary $\cal A$ with a non-negligible advantage for winning the unforgeability game $\mathit{Exp}_{\cal A}^{forge}(1^\lambda, \kappa)$ against Taler instantiated with $d$ denominations. % % We describe an RSA Chosen-Target Inversion Problem (RSA-CTI) % \cite[Definition 3]{RSA-FDH-KTIvCTI} % or \cite[Definition 6.1]{OneMoreInversion}. % won by $\cal A$. In other words, $\cal A$ made at most $l$ withdrawal and refresh oracle queries to obtain the $l+1$ coins $C_1, \ldots, C_\ell$ in the game. Also let $C_{\ell+1}, \ldots, C_m$ denote all the spent coins arising from the operation of $\cal A$. % Also let $C_{m+1}, ..., C_n$ denote % the unsigned planchets used by refresh oracle call. % Now set $Y_i = FDA_N(C_i)$ for $0 \le i \le n$. % DISCUSS: We could exploit some of the power of RSA-CTI to dispose % of these planchets. I think this seems unnecessary, but maybe it % might refines our usage of ROM or something. We now know $\cal A$ made at most $m$ withdrawal and refresh oracle queries to obtain the $m+1$ RSA signatures %, aka inversions, on the $Y_i := \textrm{FDH}_{\V{pkDenom}_i}(C_i)$ with $0 \le i \le m$, where $\V{pkDenom}_i$ is the denomination key of $C_i$. It follows that $\cal A$ has produced one-more forgery in the sense of \cite[Definition 11]{RSA-FDH-KTIvCTI}, also \cite[Definition 4 \& 5, pp. 369]{Pointcheval_n_Stern}, for at least one $\V{pkDenom} \in \V{pkE}$. We now create an adversary $\cal A^{\textrm{rsa-omf}}$ for the blind FDH-RSA signature one-more forgery game \cite[Definition 11]{RSA-FDH-KTIvCTI} by assigning this challenger's target RSA key randomly to one of our $d$ denominations, and inventing random new RSA keys for the remaining $d-1$ denominations. As this assignment is random, $\cal A^{\textrm{rsa-omf}}$ wins the one-more forgery game with $1/d$th the rate $\cal A$ wins the Taler unforgeability game. We therefore conclude that RSA-KTI cannot be hard itself by \cite[Theorem 12]{RSA-FDH-KTIvCTI}, and our random oracle assumption. % % So $\cal A$ wins this RSA-CTI game with its random sampling to produce % $Y_i$ replaced by our PRF $FDA_N$, which requires nothing since we're % already working in the stronger random oracle model anyways. % We finally exploit the full random oracle model to apply % \cite[Theorem 6]{RSA-FDH-KTIvCTI} to produce an adversary who breaks % RSA-KTI. % DISCUSS CONTINUED: This argument directly from Theorem 6 seems wrong % because the ROM in \cite[Lemma 13]{RSA-FDH-KTIvCTI} does not appear. % We should figure out what's really going on. \end{proof} \subsection{Income Transparency} \begin{definition} A {\em key exchange failure} consists of two key pairs $A = a G$ and $B = b G$ such that $b A \neq a B$. \comment{TODO: PPA, ??? = enough for PRF, } \comment{TODO: Find this in literature? Is it related to contributory behavior?} \end{definition} \comment{TODO: Abstract key exchange, also below. Explain key exchange failures elsewhere.} \comment{In theory, our scalar multiplication should be injective, preventing the second case where $t C' \neq c' T$. In practice, our exchange might incorrectly have multiple scalar representatives $t$ yield the same curve point $t C'$, while the user's canonical computation of $c' T$ yields a distinct point, like perhaps the exchange accepts and uses an incorrectly clamped scalar $t$ without correcting the clamping itself. } \begin{theorem} We assume Taler both satisfies unforgeability and is instantiated with \begin{enumerate} \item a collision-resistant hash functions for planchet commitments, and \item a key exchange secure against failures in the refresh. \end{enumerate} Then Taler satisfies {weak income transparency}. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} In our actual refresh operation, our commitment phase sends only the hash of the planchets to reduce bandwidth. We could however commit to the full planchets without damaging anything else, including unforgeability. We may thus transform our our adversary $\cal A$ into any adversary for the protocol that commits to full planchets by rewinding $\cal A$ to try each $\gamma \in 1,\ldots,\kappa$ during each refresh operation to obtain all planchets. We observe a hash collision if this fails to provide the correct coins. We consider the directed tree on coins induced by the refresh protocol. It follows from unforgeability that any coin must originate from some user's withdraw in this graph. Let $X$ denote the coins from $\{C_1,\ldots,C_\ell\}$ that originate from a non-corrupted user. So $\ell \leq w + |X|$. For any $C \in X$, there is a final refresh operation $R_C$ in which a non-corrupted user could obtain the coin $C'$ consumed in the refresh via the linking protocol, but no non-corrupted user could obtain the coin provided by the refresh, as otherwise $C$ gets marked as spend. In each $R_C$, we know $\cal A$ must submit a planchet for which the linking protocol fails to produce $C$ correctly. In this case, either \begin{enumerate} \item the planchet must be false outright, meaning either $C$ itself or the blinding factor does not arise form $t C'$, or else \item the exchange would compute the planchet correctly, but not users employing the linking protocol, meaning $t C' \neq c' T$ where $T = t G$ is the transfer key. \end{enumerate} We may assume the first case that $\cal A$ provides a false planchet outright because we produce a key exchange failure in the second case. We may also assume $\cal A$ submits a false planchet for at most one choice of $\gamma$, as otherwise the refresh always fails. As our $\gamma$ are chosen randomly, any given refresh with one false planchet has only a $1\over\kappa$ chance of succeeding. If such a malicious refresh is detected, the coin is unspendable, and contributes to the lost coins $b := w - s$ instead of the winnings $p := L - w'$ aka $|X|$. We observe $b + p$ gives the value of refreshes attempted with false planchets. If we sequentially group runs of the game according to the simulator's random choice of $\gamma$, then we conclude that $E({p \over b + p}) = {1\over\kappa}$, as desired. \end{proof} %%% $L - w' \over (L - w') + (w - s)$ % $E(b/p) + 1 = E(b/p + p/p) = E((b + p)/p) = \kappa$ % $E(b/p) = \kappa-1$ % $E(p/b) = {1 \over \kappa-1}$ \begin{corollary} In the random oracle model, if the RSA known-target inversion problem (RSA-KTI) is hard, and refresh is instantiated with a key exchange secure against failures, then Taler satisfies {weak income transparency}. \end{corollary} \section{Standard Definitions} \begin{definition}[One-more forgery] For any integer $\ell$, an $(\ell, \ell + 1)$-forgery comes from a probabilistic polynomial time Turing machine $\mathcal{A}$ that can compute, after $\ell$ interactions with the signer $\Sigma$, $\ell + 1$ signatures with nonnegligible probability. The ``one-more forgery'' is an $(\ell, \ell + 1)$-forgery for some integer $\ell$. \comment{TODO: Turing machine?!?} \end{definition} Taken from \cite{pointcheval1996provably}. This definition applies to blind signature schemes in general. Intuition: EUF-CMA is not strong enough for blind signatures, since attacker can choose the message (without going through a hash function before signing). \begin{definition}[RSA-KTI] Game (security parameter $k$, $m : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, $\mathcal{A}$ adversary with access to RSA inversion oracle \ora{Inv}): \begin{enumerate} \item $(N, e, d) \leftarrow \mathsf{KeyGen}(k)$ \item $y_i \leftarrow_R \mathbb{Z}_N^*$ for $i \in 1, \dots, m(k) + 1$ \item $(x_1, \dots, x_{m(k) + 1}) \leftarrow \mathcal{A}^{\ora{Inv}}(N, e, k, y_1, \dots, y_{m(k) + 1})$ \item $\mathcal{A}$ wins if it made at most $m(k)$ oracle queries and $x_i^e \equiv y_i \pmod N$ \end{enumerate} \end{definition} From \cite{bellare2003onemore}. Assumption to prove security of RSA blind signatures. Equivalent to RSA-CTI. \bibliography{lit} \bibliographystyle{alpha} \end{document}