import 'mocha'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { createElement, Component, RenderableProps, Fragment } from '../../'; // Test `this` binding on event handlers function onHandler(this: HTMLInputElement, event: any) { return this.value; } const foo = ; export class ContextComponent extends Component<{ foo: string }> { getChildContext() { return { something: 2 }; } render() { return null; } } export interface SimpleComponentProps { initialName: string | null; } export interface SimpleState { name: string | null; } export class SimpleComponent extends Component< SimpleComponentProps, SimpleState > { constructor(props: SimpleComponentProps) { super(props); this.state = { name: props.initialName }; } render() { if (! { return null; } const { initialName, children } = this.props; return (
{initialName} / {} {children}
); } } class DestructuringRenderPropsComponent extends Component< SimpleComponentProps, SimpleState > { constructor(props: SimpleComponentProps) { super(props); this.state = { name: props.initialName }; } render({ initialName, children }: RenderableProps) { if (! { return null; } return ( {this.props.initialName} / {} ); } } interface RandomChildrenComponentProps { num?: number; val?: string; span?: boolean; } class RandomChildrenComponent extends Component { render() { const { num, val, span } = this.props; if (num) { return num; } if (val) { return val; } if (span) { return hi; } return null; } } class StaticComponent extends Component { static getDerivedStateFromProps( props: SimpleComponentProps, state: SimpleState ): Partial { return { ...props, ...state }; } static getDerivedStateFromError(err: Error) { return { name: err.message }; } render() { return null; } } function MapperItem(props: { foo: number }) { return
; } function Mapper() { return [1, 2, 3].map(x => ); } describe('Component', () => { const component = new SimpleComponent({ initialName: 'da name' }); it('has state', () => { expect('da name'); }); it('has props', () => { expect(component.props.initialName).to.eq('da name'); }); it('has no base when not mounted', () => { expect(component.base).to.not.exist; }); describe('setState', () => { // No need to execute these tests. because we only need to check if // the types are working. Executing them would require the DOM. // TODO: Run TS tests in our standard karma setup it.skip('can be used with an object', () => { component.setState({ name: 'another name' }); }); it.skip('can be used with a function', () => { const updater = (state: any, props: any) => ({ name: `${} - ${props.initialName}` }); component.setState(updater); }); }); describe('render', () => { it('can return null', () => { const comp = new SimpleComponent({ initialName: null }); const actual = comp.render(); expect(actual).to.eq(null); }); }); describe('Fragment', () => { it('should render nested Fragments', () => { var vnode = ( foo bar ); expect(vnode.type); }); }); });