import { setupRerender } from 'preact/test-utils'; import { createElement, render, Component, Fragment } from 'preact'; import { setupScratch, teardown } from '../../_util/helpers'; import { logCall, clearLog } from '../../_util/logCall'; /** @jsx createElement */ describe('Lifecycle methods', () => { /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ let scratch; /** @type {() => void} */ let rerender; // function expectDomLogToBe(expectedOperations, message) { // expect(getLog()).to.deep.equal(expectedOperations, message); // } let resetInsertBefore; let resetRemoveChild; let resetRemove; before(() => { resetInsertBefore = logCall(Element.prototype, 'insertBefore'); resetRemoveChild = logCall(Element.prototype, 'appendChild'); resetRemove = logCall(Element.prototype, 'removeChild'); }); after(() => { resetInsertBefore(); resetRemoveChild(); resetRemove(); }); beforeEach(() => { scratch = setupScratch(); rerender = setupRerender(); clearLog(); }); afterEach(() => { teardown(scratch); }); describe('#shouldComponentUpdate', () => { let setState; class Should extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { show: true }; setState = s => this.setState(s); } render(props, { show }) { return show ?
: null; } } class ShouldNot extends Should { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } } sinon.spy(Should.prototype, 'render'); sinon.spy(ShouldNot.prototype, 'shouldComponentUpdate'); beforeEach(() => Should.prototype.render.resetHistory()); it('should rerender component on change by default', () => { render(, scratch); setState({ show: false }); rerender(); expect(Should.prototype.render).to.have.been.calledTwice; }); it('should not rerender component if shouldComponentUpdate returns false', () => { render(, scratch); setState({ show: false }); rerender(); expect(ShouldNot.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate).to.have.been.calledOnce; expect(ShouldNot.prototype.render).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); it('should reorder non-updating text children', () => { const rows = [ { id: '1', a: 5, b: 100 }, { id: '2', a: 50, b: 10 }, { id: '3', a: 25, b: 1000 } ]; class Row extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return !==; } render() { return; } } const App = ({ sortBy }) => (
{rows .sort((a, b) => (a[sortBy] > b[sortBy] ? -1 : 1)) .map(row => ( ))}
); render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('
'); render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('
'); }); it('should rerender when sCU returned false before', () => { let c; let spy = sinon.spy(); class App extends Component { constructor() { super(); c = this; } shouldComponentUpdate(_, nextState) { return !!nextState.update; } render() { spy(); return
; } } render(, scratch); c.setState({}); rerender(); spy.resetHistory(); c.setState({ update: true }); rerender(); expect(spy); }); it('should be called with nextState', () => { let c; let spy = sinon.spy(); class App extends Component { constructor() { super(); c = this; this.state = { a: false }; } shouldComponentUpdate(_, nextState) { return this.state !== nextState; } render() { spy(); return
; } } render(, scratch); c.setState({}); rerender(); spy.resetHistory(); c.setState({ a: true }); rerender(); expect(spy); }); it('should clear renderCallbacks', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(); let c, renders = 0; class App extends Component { constructor() { super(); c = this; this.state = { a: false }; } shouldComponentUpdate(_, nextState) { return false; } render() { renders += 1; return
; } } render(, scratch); expect(renders).to.equal(1); c.setState({}, spy); rerender(); expect(renders).to.equal(1); expect(spy); }); it('should not be called on forceUpdate', () => { let Comp; class Foo extends Component { constructor() { super(); Comp = this; } shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render() { return ; } } sinon.spy(Foo.prototype, 'shouldComponentUpdate'); sinon.spy(Foo.prototype, 'render'); render(, scratch); Comp.forceUpdate(); rerender(); expect(Foo.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate).to.not.have.been.called; expect(Foo.prototype.render).to.have.been.calledTwice; }); it('should not be called on forceUpdate followed by setState', () => { let Comp; class Foo extends Component { constructor() { super(); Comp = this; } shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render() { return ; } } sinon.spy(Foo.prototype, 'shouldComponentUpdate'); sinon.spy(Foo.prototype, 'render'); render(, scratch); Comp.forceUpdate(); Comp.setState({}); rerender(); expect(Foo.prototype.render).to.have.been.calledTwice; expect(Foo.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate).to.not.have.been.called; }); it('should not block queued child forceUpdate', () => { let i = 0; let updateInner; class Inner extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return i === 0; } render() { updateInner = () => this.forceUpdate(); return
; } } let updateOuter; class Outer extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return i === 0; } render() { updateOuter = () => this.forceUpdate(); return ; } } class App extends Component { render() { return ; } } render(, scratch); updateOuter(); updateInner(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('2'); // The inner sCU should return false on second render because // it was not enqueued via forceUpdate updateOuter(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('2'); }); it('should be passed next props and state', () => { /** @type {() => void} */ let updateState; let curProps; let curState; let nextPropsArg; let nextStateArg; class Foo extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { value: 0 }; updateState = () => this.setState({ value: this.state.value + 1 }); } static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) { // NOTE: Don't do this in real production code! // return { value: state.value + 1 }; } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { nextPropsArg = { ...nextProps }; nextStateArg = { ...nextState }; curProps = { ...this.props }; curState = { ...this.state }; return true; } render() { return
; } } // Expectation: // `this.state` in shouldComponentUpdate should be // the state before setState or getDerivedStateFromProps was called // `nextState` in shouldComponentUpdate should be // the updated state after getDerivedStateFromProps was called // Initial render // state.value: initialized to 0 in constructor, 0 -> 1 in gDSFP render(, scratch); expect(scratch.firstChild.textContent)'1'); expect(curProps); expect(curState); expect(nextPropsArg); expect(nextStateArg); // New props // state.value: 1 -> 2 in gDSFP render(, scratch); expect(scratch.firstChild.textContent)'2'); expect(curProps).to.deep.equal({ foo: 'foo' }); expect(curState).to.deep.equal({ value: 1 }); expect(nextPropsArg).to.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' }); expect(nextStateArg).to.deep.equal({ value: 2 }); // New state // state.value: 2 -> 3 in updateState, 3 -> 4 in gDSFP updateState(); rerender(); expect(scratch.firstChild.textContent)'4'); expect(curProps).to.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' }); expect(curState).to.deep.equal({ value: 2 }); expect(nextPropsArg).to.deep.equal({ foo: 'bar' }); expect(nextStateArg).to.deep.equal({ value: 4 }); }); it('should update props reference when sCU returns false', () => { let spy = sinon.spy(); let updateState; class Foo extends Component { constructor() { super(); updateState = () => this.setState({}); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { if (nextProps !== this.props) { spy(); return false; } return true; } } render(, scratch); render(, scratch); expect(spy); updateState(); rerender(); expect(spy); }); it('should update state reference when sCU returns false', () => { let spy = sinon.spy(); let updateState; class Foo extends Component { constructor() { super(); this.state = { foo: 1 }; updateState = () => this.setState({ foo: 2 }); } shouldComponentUpdate(_, nextState) { if (nextState !== this.state) { spy(this.state, nextState); return false; } return true; } } render(, scratch); updateState(); rerender(); expect(spy); expect(spy){ foo: 1 }, { foo: 2 }); updateState(); rerender(); expect(spy){ foo: 2 }, { foo: 2 }); expect(spy); }); // issue #1864 it('should update dom pointers correctly when returning an empty string', () => { function Child({ showMe, counter }) { return showMe ?
Counter: {counter}
: ''; } class Parent extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render() { return ; } } let updateChild = () => null; class Inner extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showMe: false }; updateChild = () => { this.setState({ showMe: (display = !display) }); }; } render() { return ; } } let display = false; let updateApp = () => null; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); updateApp = () => this.setState({}); } render() { return (
); } } render(, scratch); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal(''); updateChild(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('Counter: 0'); updateApp(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('Counter: 0'); updateChild(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal(''); updateApp(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal(''); }); // issue #1864 second case it('should update dom pointers correctly when returning a string', () => { function Child({ showMe, counter }) { return showMe ?
Counter: {counter}
: 'foo'; } class Parent extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render() { return ; } } let updateChild = () => null; class Inner extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showMe: false }; updateChild = () => { this.setState({ showMe: (display = !display) }); }; } render() { return ; } } let display = false; let updateApp = () => null; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); updateApp = () => this.setState({}); } render() { return (
); } } render(, scratch); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('foo'); updateChild(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('Counter: 0'); updateApp(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('Counter: 0'); updateChild(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('foo'); updateApp(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('foo'); }); it('should correctly update nested children', () => { let hideThree, incrementThree; class One extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render(p) { return p.children; } } class Two extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { hideMe: false }; hideThree = () => this.setState(s => ({ hideMe: !s.hideMe })); } shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { return this.state.hideMe !== nextState.hideMe; } render(p, { hideMe }) { return hideMe ? : p.children; } } class Three extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { counter: 1 }; incrementThree = () => this.setState(s => ({ counter: s.counter + 1 })); } render(p, { counter }) { return {counter}; } } render( , scratch ); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('1'); hideThree(); rerender(); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal(''); hideThree(); rerender(); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('1'); incrementThree(); rerender(); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('2'); }); // issue #1864 third case it('should update dom pointers correctly without siblings', () => { function Child({ showMe, counter }) { return showMe ?
Counter: {counter}
: 'foo'; } class Parent extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render() { return ; } } let updateChild = () => null; class Inner extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showMe: false }; updateChild = () => { this.setState({ showMe: (display = !display) }); }; } render() { return ; } } let display = false; let updateApp = () => null; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); updateApp = () => this.setState({}); } render() { return (
); } } render(, scratch); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('foo'); updateChild(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('Counter: 0'); updateApp(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('Counter: 0'); updateChild(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('foo'); updateApp(); rerender(); expect(scratch.textContent).to.equal('foo'); }); }); it('should correctly render when sCU component has null children', () => { class App extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render() { return [null,
Hello World!
, null]; } } render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('
Hello World!
'); render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('
Hello World!
'); render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('
Hello World!
'); }); it('should support nested update with strict-equal vnodes', () => { let wrapperSetState, childSetState; class Child extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { foo: 'baz' }; } render() { childSetState = this.setState.bind(this); return


; } } class Wrapper extends Component { render() { wrapperSetState = this.setState.bind(this); return this.props.children; } } const App = () => ( ); render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('


'); wrapperSetState({ hi: 'world' }); childSetState({ foo: 'bar' }); rerender(); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal('


'); }); it('should reorder non-updating nested Fragment children', () => { const rows = [ { id: '1', a: 5, b: 100 }, { id: '2', a: 50, b: 10 }, { id: '3', a: 25, b: 1000 } ]; function Cell({ id, a, b }) { // Return an array to really test out the reordering algorithm :) return (
id: {id}
a: {a}
b: {b}
); } class Row extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) { return !==; } render(props) { return ; } } const App = ({ sortBy }) => (
{rows .sort((a, b) => (a[sortBy] > b[sortBy] ? -1 : 1)) .map(row => ( ))}
); render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal( `
${[ '
id: 2
a: 50
b: 10
', '
id: 3
a: 25
b: 1000
', '
id: 1
a: 5
b: 100
' ].join('')}
` ); clearLog(); render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal( `
${[ '
id: 3
a: 25
b: 1000
', '
id: 1
a: 5
b: 100
', '
id: 2
a: 50
b: 10
' ].join('')}
` ); // TODO: these tests pass in isolation but not when all tests are running, figure out why logCall stops appending to log. // expectDomLogToBe([ // 'id: 2a: 50b: 10id: 3a: 25b: 1000id: 1a: 5b: 100.insertBefore(
id: 3,
id: 2)', // '
id: 3id: 2a: 50b: 10a: 25b: 1000id: 1a: 5b: 100.insertBefore(
a: 25,
id: 2)', // '
id: 3a: 25id: 2a: 50b: 10b: 1000id: 1a: 5b: 100.insertBefore(
b: 1000,
id: 2)', // '
id: 3a: 25b: 1000id: 2a: 50b: 10id: 1a: 5b: 100.insertBefore(
id: 1,
id: 2)', // '
id: 3a: 25b: 1000id: 1id: 2a: 50b: 10a: 5b: 100.insertBefore(
a: 5,
id: 2)', // '
id: 3a: 25b: 1000id: 1a: 5id: 2a: 50b: 10b: 100.insertBefore(
b: 100,
id: 2)' // ]); }); it('should maintain the order if memoised component initially rendered empty content', () => { let showText, updateParent; class Child extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { show: false }; showText = () => this.setState({ show: true }); } render(props, { show }) { if (!show) return null; return
; } } class Memoized extends Component { shouldComponentUpdate() { return false; } render() { return ; } } class Parent extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); updateParent = () => this.setState({}); } render() { return (
); } } render(, scratch); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal(`
`); updateParent(); rerender(); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal(`
`); showText(); rerender(); expect(scratch.innerHTML).to.equal( `
` ); }); });