import * as path from 'path'; import { mkdir } from 'fs/promises'; import { spawn } from 'child_process'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import escapeRe from 'escape-string-regexp'; import stripAnsi from 'strip-ansi'; import { pool } from '@kristoferbaxter/async'; import { globSrc, benchesRoot, getPkgBinPath, resultsPath, IS_CI } from './utils.js'; import { generateConfig } from './config.js'; import { defaultBenchOptions } from './bench.js'; export const defaultDeoptsOptions = { framework: 'preact-local', timeout: 5, open: IS_CI ? false : true }; const getResultDir = (benchmark, framework) => resultsPath('v8-deopt-viewer', benchmark, framework); /** * @param {string} pkgName * @param {string[]} args * @param {"pipe" | "inherit"} [stdio] * @returns {Promise} */ async function runPackage(pkgName, args, stdio) { const binPath = await getPkgBinPath(pkgName); args.unshift(binPath); return spawn(process.execPath, args, { stdio }); } /** * @param {import('child_process').ChildProcess} childProcess */ async function onExit(childProcess) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { childProcess.once('exit', (code, signal) => { if (code === 0 || signal == 'SIGINT') { resolve(); } else { reject(new Error('Exit with error code: ' + code)); } }); childProcess.once('error', err => { reject(err); }); }); } /** * @typedef {{ benchName: string; framework: string; url: string; }} TachURL * @param {import('child_process').ChildProcess} tachProcess * @param {import('./config').ConfigData} tachConfig * @param {number} timeoutMs * @returns {Promise} */ async function getTachometerURLs(tachProcess, tachConfig, timeoutMs = 60e3) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let timeout; if (timeoutMs > 0) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { reject( new Error( 'Timed out waiting for Tachometer to get set up. Did it output a URL?' ) ); }, timeoutMs); } // Look for lines like: // many_updates [@preact] // const benchesToSearch = => ({ benchName:, framework: bench.packageVersions.label, regex: new RegExp( escapeRe(`${} [@${bench.packageVersions.label}]`) + `\\s+(http:\\/\\/.*)`, 'im' ), url: null })); /** @type {TachURL[]} */ const results = []; let output = ''; tachProcess.stdout.on('data', function onStdOutChunk(chunk) { output += stripAnsi(chunk.toString('utf8')); for (let bench of benchesToSearch) { if (bench.url) { continue; } let match = output.match(bench.regex); if (match) { bench.url = match[1]; results.push(bench); } } if (results.length == benchesToSearch.length) { // All URLs found, removeEventListener'data', onStdOutChunk); clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(results); } }); }); } function createPrefixTransform(prefix) { return new Transform({ transform(chunk, encoding, callback) { try { // @ts-ignore chunk = encoding == 'buffer' ? chunk.toString() : chunk; const lines = chunk.split('\n'); for (let line of lines) { if (line) { line = `[${prefix}] ${line}`; this.push(line + '\n'); } } callback(); } catch (error) { return callback(error); } } }); } /** * @param {TachURL} tachURL * @param {DeoptOptions} options */ async function runV8DeoptViewer(tachURL, options) { const deoptOutputDir = getResultDir(tachURL.benchName, tachURL.framework); await mkdir(deoptOutputDir, { recursive: true }); const deoptArgs = [ tachURL.url, '-o', deoptOutputDir, '-t', (options.timeout * 1000).toString() ]; if ( { deoptArgs.push('--open'); } const deoptProcess = await runPackage('v8-deopt-viewer', deoptArgs); deoptProcess.stdout .pipe(createPrefixTransform(tachURL.framework)) .pipe(process.stdout); deoptProcess.stderr .pipe(createPrefixTransform(tachURL.framework)) .pipe(process.stderr); await onExit(deoptProcess); } /** * @param {string} benchGlob * @param {DeoptOptions} options */ export async function runDeopts(benchGlob, options) { // TODO: // * Handle multiple benchmarks const frameworks = options.framework; if (!benchGlob) { benchGlob = 'many_updates.html'; } const benchesToRun = await globSrc(benchGlob); if (benchesToRun.length > 1) { console.error('Matched multiple benchmarks. Only running the first one.'); } const benchPath = benchesRoot('src', benchesToRun[0]); const tachConfig = await generateConfig(benchPath, { ...defaultBenchOptions, ...defaultDeoptsOptions, framework: frameworks }); console.log('Benchmarks running:', benchPath); console.log('Frameworks running:', frameworks); /** @type {Promise} */ let onTachExit; /** @type {import('child_process').ChildProcess} */ let tachProcess; try { // Run tachometer in manual mode with generated config const tachArgs = ['--config', tachConfig.configPath, '--manual']; tachProcess = await runPackage('tachometer', tachArgs); tachProcess.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); tachProcess.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); onTachExit = onExit(tachProcess); // Parse URL from tachometer stdout const tachURLs = await getTachometerURLs(tachProcess, tachConfig); // Run v8-deopt-viewer against tachometer URL console.log(); await pool(tachURLs, tachURL => runV8DeoptViewer(tachURL, { ...options, open: && tachURLs.length == 1 }) ); if (tachURLs.length > 1) { const rootResultDir = getResultDir('', ''); console.log(`\nOpen your browser to ${rootResultDir} to view results.`); if ( { // TODO: Figure out how to open a directory in the user's default browser } } } finally { if (tachProcess) { tachProcess.kill('SIGINT'); // Log a message is Tachometer takes a while to close let logMsg = () => console.log('Waiting for Tachometer to exit...'); let t = setTimeout(logMsg, 2e3); try { await onTachExit; } catch (error) { console.error('Error waiting for Tachometer to exit:', error); } finally { clearTimeout(t); } } } }