import { cloneElement, createElement, Component, toChildArray } from 'preact'; import { exec, prepareVNodeForRanking, assign, pathRankSort } from './util'; let customHistory = null; const ROUTERS = []; const subscribers = []; const EMPTY = {}; function setUrl(url, type='push') { if (customHistory && customHistory[type]) { customHistory[type](url); } else if (typeof history!=='undefined' && history[type+'State']) { history[type+'State'](null, null, url); } } function getCurrentUrl() { let url; if (customHistory && customHistory.location) { url = customHistory.location; } else if (customHistory && customHistory.getCurrentLocation) { url = customHistory.getCurrentLocation(); } else { url = typeof location!=='undefined' ? location : EMPTY; } return `${url.pathname || ''}${ || ''}`; } function route(url, replace=false) { if (typeof url!=='string' && url.url) { replace = url.replace; url = url.url; } // only push URL into history if we can handle it if (canRoute(url)) { setUrl(url, replace ? 'replace' : 'push'); } return routeTo(url); } /** Check if the given URL can be handled by any router instances. */ function canRoute(url) { for (let i=ROUTERS.length; i--; ) { if (ROUTERS[i].canRoute(url)) return true; } return false; } /** Tell all router instances to handle the given URL. */ function routeTo(url) { let didRoute = false; for (let i=0; i { routeTo(getCurrentUrl()); }); } addEventListener('click', delegateLinkHandler); } eventListenersInitialized = true; } class Router extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); if (props.history) { customHistory = props.history; } this.state = { url: props.url || getCurrentUrl() }; initEventListeners(); } shouldComponentUpdate(props) { if (props.static!==true) return true; return props.url!==this.props.url || props.onChange!==this.props.onChange; } /** Check if the given URL can be matched against any children */ canRoute(url) { const children = toChildArray(this.props.children); return this.getMatchingChildren(children, url, false).length > 0; } /** Re-render children with a new URL to match against. */ routeTo(url) { this.setState({ url }); const didRoute = this.canRoute(url); // trigger a manual re-route if we're not in the middle of an update: if (!this.updating) this.forceUpdate(); return didRoute; } componentWillMount() { ROUTERS.push(this); this.updating = true; } componentDidMount() { if (customHistory) { this.unlisten = customHistory.listen((location) => { this.routeTo(`${location.pathname || ''}${ || ''}`); }); } this.updating = false; } componentWillUnmount() { if (typeof this.unlisten==='function') this.unlisten(); ROUTERS.splice(ROUTERS.indexOf(this), 1); } componentWillUpdate() { this.updating = true; } componentDidUpdate() { this.updating = false; } getMatchingChildren(children, url, invoke) { return children .filter(prepareVNodeForRanking) .sort(pathRankSort) .map( vnode => { let matches = exec(url, vnode.props.path, vnode.props); if (matches) { if (invoke !== false) { let newProps = { url, matches }; assign(newProps, matches); delete newProps.ref; delete newProps.key; return cloneElement(vnode, newProps); } return vnode; } }).filter(Boolean); } render({ children, onChange }, { url }) { let active = this.getMatchingChildren(toChildArray(children), url, true); let current = active[0] || null; let previous = this.previousUrl; if (url!==previous) { this.previousUrl = url; if (typeof onChange==='function') { onChange({ router: this, url, previous, active, current }); } } return current; } } const Link = (props) => ( createElement('a', assign({ onClick: handleLinkClick }, props)) ); const Route = props => createElement(props.component, props); Router.subscribers = subscribers; Router.getCurrentUrl = getCurrentUrl; Router.route = route; Router.Router = Router; Router.Route = Route; Router.Link = Link; Router.exec = exec; export { subscribers, getCurrentUrl, route, Router, Route, Link, exec }; export default Router;