# Interface: AsyncInflateOptions Options for decompressing DEFLATE data asynchronously ## Hierarchy * AsyncOptions ↳ **AsyncInflateOptions** ↳↳ [AsyncUnzlibOptions](asyncunzliboptions.md) ## Index ### Properties * [consume](asyncinflateoptions.md#consume) * [size](asyncinflateoptions.md#size) ## Properties ### consume • `Optional` **consume**: boolean *Inherited from [AsyncDeflateOptions](asyncdeflateoptions.md).[consume](asyncdeflateoptions.md#consume)* Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage. ___ ### size • `Optional` **size**: number The original size of the data. Currently, the asynchronous API disallows writing into a buffer you provide; the best you can do is provide the size in bytes and be given back a new typed array.