// @flow /* eslint-env mocha */ import assert from 'power-assert' import subDays from '.' describe('subDays', function() { it('subtracts the given number of days', function() { const result = subDays(new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 1), 10) assert.deepEqual(result, new Date(2014, 7 /* Aug */, 22)) }) it('accepts a timestamp', function() { const result = subDays(new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 1).getTime(), 10) assert.deepEqual(result, new Date(2014, 7 /* Aug */, 22)) }) it('converts a fractional number to an integer', function() { const result = subDays(new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 1), 10.85) assert.deepEqual(result, new Date(2014, 7 /* Aug */, 22)) }) it('implicitly converts number arguments', function() { // $ExpectedMistake // @ts-expect-error const result = subDays(new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 1), '10') assert.deepEqual(result, new Date(2014, 7 /* Aug */, 22)) }) it('does not mutate the original date', function() { const date = new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 1) subDays(date, 11) assert.deepEqual(date, new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 1)) }) it('returns `Invalid Date` if the given date is invalid', function() { const result = subDays(new Date(NaN), 10) // @ts-expect-error assert(result instanceof Date && isNaN(result)) }) it('returns `Invalid Date` if the given amount is NaN', function() { const result = subDays(new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 1), NaN) // @ts-expect-error assert(result instanceof Date && isNaN(result)) }) it('throws TypeError exception if passed less than 2 arguments', function() { assert.throws(subDays.bind(null), TypeError) assert.throws(subDays.bind(null, 1), TypeError) }) })