/* eslint-env mocha */ import assert from 'power-assert' import differenceInSeconds from '.' describe('differenceInSeconds', function () { it('returns the number of seconds between the given dates', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 6 /* Jul */, 2, 12, 30, 20), new Date(2014, 6 /* Jul */, 2, 12, 30, 6) ) assert(result === 14) }) it('returns a negative number if the time value of the first date is smaller', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 6 /* Jul */, 2, 12, 30, 6), new Date(2014, 6 /* Jul */, 2, 12, 30, 20) ) assert(result === -14) }) it('accepts timestamps', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 18, 30, 45).getTime(), new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 18, 30, 15).getTime() ) assert(result === 30) }) describe('edge cases', function () { it('the difference is less than a second, but the given dates are in different calendar seconds', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 12, 30, 12), new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 12, 30, 11, 999) ) assert(result === 0) }) it('the same for the swapped dates', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 12, 30, 11, 999), new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 12, 30, 12) ) assert(result === 0) }) it('the difference is an integral number of seconds', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 12, 30, 25), new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 12, 30, 15) ) assert(result === 10) }) it('the given dates are the same', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 0, 0), new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 0, 0) ) assert(result === 0) }) it('does not return -0 when the given dates are the same', () => { function isNegativeZero(x: number): boolean { return x === 0 && 1 / x < 0 } const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 0, 0), new Date(2014, 8 /* Sep */, 5, 0, 0) ) const resultIsNegative = isNegativeZero(result) assert(resultIsNegative === false) }) }) it('returns NaN if the first date is `Invalid Date`', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(NaN), new Date(2017, 0 /* Jan */, 1) ) assert(isNaN(result)) }) it('returns NaN if the second date is `Invalid Date`', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds( new Date(2017, 0 /* Jan */, 1), new Date(NaN) ) assert(isNaN(result)) }) it('returns NaN if the both dates are `Invalid Date`', function () { const result = differenceInSeconds(new Date(NaN), new Date(NaN)) assert(isNaN(result)) }) it('throws TypeError exception if passed less than 2 arguments', function () { assert.throws(differenceInSeconds.bind(null), TypeError) assert.throws(differenceInSeconds.bind(null, 1), TypeError) }) })