// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`classname in @rule critical 1`] = ` "@supports (object-fit: cover) { .linaria { } } @media (min-width: 600px) { .linaria { } } @charset() { .linaria { } } @import() { .linaria { } } @namespace () { .linaria { } } @media() { .linaria { } } @supports () { .linaria { } } @document() { .linaria { } } @page() { .linaria { } } @viewport() { .linaria { } } @counter-style() { .linaria { } } @font-feature-values() { .linaria { } } " `; exports[`classname in @rule other 1`] = ` "@supports (object-fit: cover) { .other { } } @media (min-width: 600px) { .other { } } @charset() { .other { } } @import() { .other { } } @namespace () { .other { } } @media() { .other { } } @supports () { .other { } } @document() { .other { } } @page() { .other { } } @viewport() { .other { } } @counter-style() { .other { } } @font-feature-values() { .other { } } " `; exports[`collects complex css critical 1`] = ` ".lotus { vertical-align: top; } @media (max-width: 1200px) { .lotus { vertical-align: bottom; } } @supports (object-fit: contain) { .lotus { object-fit: contain; } .linaria::before, .linaria::after { content: \\"\\"; object-fit: contain; } } .linaria { float: left; flex: 1; animation: custom-animation 0.2s; } .linaria:hover { float: right; } .linaria > span, .linaria + .linaria, .linaria ~ div { display: none; } .linaria > span { display: none; } .linaria::after { display: block; } .lily { color: #fff; } [data-theme=\\"dark\\"] .lily { color: #000; } .linaria ~ div { } .linaria.linaria2 { } @keyframes custom-animation { 0% { opacity: 0; } 50% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } " `; exports[`collects complex css other 1`] = ` "@supports (object-fit: cover) { .unrelated-nested { float: left; animation: custom-animation; } .unrelated-nested2 { float: left; } } .unrelated { animation-name: custom-animation; } .unrelated2 { animation: custom-animation 0.3s; } .unrelated3 { flex: 0; } " `; exports[`handles top-level @font-face critical 1`] = ` "@font-face { font-family: MyFont; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; src: url(MyFont.woff); } " `; exports[`handles top-level @font-face other 1`] = `""`; exports[`include atrule once critical 1`] = ` "@media screen { body { font-size: 10px; } h1 { font-size: 20px; } .class { font-size: 15px; } } " `; exports[`include atrule once other 1`] = `""`; exports[`simple class name critical 1`] = ` ".linaria { } " `; exports[`simple class name other 1`] = ` ".classname { } " `; exports[`works with CSS combinators critical 1`] = ` ".linaria + span { } .linaria ~ div { } .linaria > a { } .linaria b { } " `; exports[`works with CSS combinators other 1`] = ` ".other + span { } .other ~ div { } .other > a { } .other b { } " `; exports[`works with global css critical 1`] = ` "body { font-size: 13.37px; } html { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; } h1 { font-weight: bold; } .linaria:active { } .linaria::before { } " `; exports[`works with global css other 1`] = ` ".other:active { } .other::before { } " `; exports[`works with pseudo-class and pseudo-elements critical 1`] = ` ".linaria:active { } .linaria::before { } " `; exports[`works with pseudo-class and pseudo-elements other 1`] = ` ".other:active { } .other::before { } " `;