import path from 'path'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import * as babel from '@babel/core'; import { Module } from '../src'; import type { Evaluator, StrictOptions } from '../src'; beforeEach(() => Module.invalidate()); const evaluator: Evaluator = (filename, options, text) => { const { code } = babel.transformSync(text, { filename: filename, })!; return [code!, null]; }; function getFileName() { return path.resolve(__dirname, `../__fixtures__/test.js`); } const options: StrictOptions = { displayName: false, evaluate: true, rules: [ { action: evaluator, }, { test: /\/node_modules\//, action: 'ignore', }, ], babelOptions: {}, }; beforeEach(() => Module.invalidateEvalCache()); it('creates module for JS files', () => { const filename = '/foo/bar/test.js'; const mod = new Module(filename, options); mod.evaluate('module.exports = () => 42'); expect(mod.exports()).toBe(42); expect(; expect(mod.filename).toBe(filename); }); it('requires JS files', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` const answer = require('./sample-script'); module.exports = 'The answer is ' + answer; `); expect(mod.exports).toBe('The answer is 42'); }); it('requires JSON files', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` const data = require('./sample-data.json'); module.exports = 'Our saviour, ' +; `); expect(mod.exports).toBe('Our saviour, Luke Skywalker'); }); it('imports JS files', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` import answer from './sample-script'; export const result = 'The answer is ' + answer; `); expect(mod.exports.result).toBe('The answer is 42'); }); it('imports TypeScript files', () => { const mod = new Module( path.resolve(__dirname, '../__fixtures__/test.ts'), options ); mod.evaluate(dedent` import answer from './sample-typescript'; export const result = 'The answer is ' + answer; `); expect(mod.exports.result).toBe('The answer is 27'); }); it('imports JSON files', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` import data from './sample-data.json'; const result = 'Our saviour, ' +; export default result; `); expect(mod.exports.default).toBe('Our saviour, Luke Skywalker'); }); it('returns module from the cache', () => { /* eslint-disable no-self-compare */ const filename = getFileName(); const mod = new Module(filename, options); const id = './sample-data.json'; expect(mod.require(id) === mod.require(id)).toBe(true); expect( new Module(filename, options).require(id) === new Module(filename, options).require(id) ).toBe(true); }); it('clears modules from the cache', () => { const filename = getFileName(); const id = './sample-data.json'; const result = new Module(filename, options).require(id); expect(result === new Module(filename, options).require(id)).toBe(true); Module.invalidate(); expect(result === new Module(filename, options).require(id)).toBe(false); }); it('exports the path for non JS/JSON files', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(mod.require('./sample-asset.png')).toBe('./sample-asset.png'); }); it('returns module when requiring mocked builtin node modules', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(mod.require('path')).toBe(require('path')); }); it('returns null when requiring empty builtin node modules', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(mod.require('fs')).toBe(null); }); it('throws when requiring unmocked builtin node modules', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.require('perf_hooks')).toThrow( 'Unable to import "perf_hooks". Importing Node builtins is not supported in the sandbox.' ); }); it('has access to the global object', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.evaluate(dedent` new global.Set(); `) ).not.toThrow(); }); it("doesn't have access to the process object", () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.evaluate(dedent` module.exports = process.abort(); `) ).toThrow('process.abort is not a function'); }); it('has access to NODE_ENV', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` module.exports = process.env.NODE_ENV; `); expect(mod.exports).toBe(process.env.NODE_ENV); }); it('has require.resolve available', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` module.exports = require.resolve('./sample-script'); `); expect(mod.exports).toBe( path.resolve(path.dirname(mod.filename), 'sample-script.js') ); }); it('has require.ensure available', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.evaluate(dedent` require.ensure(['./sample-script']); `) ).not.toThrow(); }); it('has __filename available', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` module.exports = __filename; `); expect(mod.exports).toBe(mod.filename); }); it('has __dirname available', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` module.exports = __dirname; `); expect(mod.exports).toBe(path.dirname(mod.filename)); }); it('has setTimeout, clearTimeout available', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.evaluate(dedent` const x = setTimeout(() => { console.log('test'); },0); clearTimeout(x); `) ).not.toThrow(); }); it('has setInterval, clearInterval available', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.evaluate(dedent` const x = setInterval(() => { console.log('test'); }, 1000); clearInterval(x); `) ).not.toThrow(); }); it('has setImmediate, clearImmediate available', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.evaluate(dedent` const x = setImmediate(() => { console.log('test'); }); clearImmediate(x); `) ).not.toThrow(); }); it('has global objects available without referencing global', () => { const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); expect(() => mod.evaluate(dedent` const x = new Set(); `) ).not.toThrow(); }); it('changes resolve behaviour on overriding _resolveFilename', () => { const originalResolveFilename = Module._resolveFilename; Module._resolveFilename = (id) => (id === 'foo' ? 'bar' : id); const mod = new Module(getFileName(), options); mod.evaluate(dedent` module.exports = [ require.resolve('foo'), require.resolve('test'), ]; `); // Restore old behavior Module._resolveFilename = originalResolveFilename; expect(mod.exports).toEqual(['bar', 'test']); }); it('correctly processes export declarations in strict mode', () => { const filename = '/foo/bar/test.js'; const mod = new Module(filename, options); mod.evaluate('"use strict"; exports = module.exports = () => 42'); expect(mod.exports()).toBe(42); expect(; expect(mod.filename).toBe(filename); });