*/ include("../frontend_lib/merchants.php"); include("../frontend_lib/util.php"); include("../frontend_lib/config.php"); include("./blog_lib.php"); $article = get($_GET['article']); if (null == $article){ echo "Please land here just to buy articles"; die(); } // send contract $transaction_id = rand(0, 1001); //$p_id = hexdec(substr(sha1($article), -5)); file_put_contents('/tmp/yyy', "bogus"); file_put_contents('/tmp/yyy', $MERCHANT_CURRENCY); $now = new DateTime('now'); $teaser = get_teaser($article); $amount_value = 0; $amount_fraction = 50000; $teatax = array (); $transaction_id = rand(0, 1001); $fulfillment_url = url_rel("essay_fulfillment.php") . '&uuid=${H_contract}' . '×tamp=' . $now->getTimestamp() . '&tid=' . $transaction_id; file_put_contents("/tmp/ffil", $fulfillment_url); $contract_json = generate_contract($amount_value, $amount_fraction, $MERCHANT_CURRENCY, $transaction_id, trim($teaser->nodeValue), $article, $article, $teatax, $now, $fulfillment_url); $resp = give_to_backend($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], "backend/contract", $contract_json); // Our response code is the same we got from the backend: $status_code = $resp->getResponseCode(); http_response_code ($status_code); // Now generate our body if ($status_code != 200) { echo json_encode(array( 'error' => "internal error", 'hint' => "backend indicated error", 'detail' => $resp->body->toString() ), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } else { $got_json = json_decode($resp->body->toString(), true); $hc = $got_json["H_contract"]; session_start(); $payments = &pull($_SESSION, "payments", array()); $payments[$hc] = array( 'article' => $article, ); echo $resp->body->toString(); } ?>