Welcome to the Taler "Toy" Demonstrator

This "toy" website provides you with the ability to experience using the Taler payment system without using valuable currency. Here, we guide you through the steps of installing a Taler wallet, withdrawing Taler coins and spending them at a merchant. For this demonstrator, we will be using a "toy" currency, KUDOS. However, please note that Taler is designed to work with ordinary currencies, such as Dollars or Euros, not just toy currencies.

Step 1: Installing the Taler wallet

First, you need to install the Taler wallet browser extension. It is currently only available for Firefox. If you run Firefox, simply click here to download and install the extension. You will have to click on "allow" and "install" dialogs shown by Firefox. After that, the Taler logo should appear on the right side of your navigation bar.