This directory contains the files implementing the frontend of the new merchant architecture. Only tested on nginx. To run the website, it suffices to have all the .php and .html files in the same directory, and having PHP (with the extension 'pecl_http' enabled) enabled. File |What implements -------------------------------- o index.html | The homepage. Here it is possible to decide how much donate to whom you would like. o fake_wire_transfer.php | PHP script that takes the wire transfer request and passes it on | to the /admin/add/incoming API of the demo-mint. o checkout.php | The "payment selection" that is the form that allows the user to choose the payment method he wishes to use. It also implements the request of certificate and trigger the certificate viewer in the extension when it arrives in the customer's machine. o cert.php | Replies with a JSON certificate gotten from the backend. o pay.php | Actual receiving of money, plus it gives back a "fullfillment" page that informs the user of his well ended deal. o toy | the nginx configuration file skeleton for this virtual server. To be tuned as needed.