-- LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT -- -- Copyright (C) 2010 Hubert depesz Lubaczewski -- -- This program is distributed under the (Revised) BSD License: -- L -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- * Neither the name of Hubert depesz Lubaczewski's Organization -- nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or -- promote products derived from this software without specific -- prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- Code origin: https://gitlab.com/depesz/Versioning/blob/master/install.versioning.sql -- -- MODIFICATION: changed "_v" to "_mv" to ensure that we do NOT conflict with -- the table versioning of the exchange in case we share the same DB -- (problematic in particular with respect to drop0001.sql). -- -- # NAME -- -- **Versioning** - simplistic take on tracking and applying changes to databases. -- -- # DESCRIPTION -- -- This project strives to provide simple way to manage changes to -- database. -- -- Instead of making changes on development server, then finding -- differences between production and development, deciding which ones -- should be installed on production, and finding a way to install them - -- you start with writing diffs themselves! -- -- # INSTALLATION -- -- To install versioning simply run install.versioning.sql in your database -- (all of them: production, stage, test, devel, ...). -- -- # USAGE -- -- In your files with patches to database, put whole logic in single -- transaction, and use \_mv.\* functions - usually \_mv.register_patch() at -- least to make sure everything is OK. -- -- For example. Let's assume you have patch files: -- -- ## 0001.sql: -- -- ``` -- create table users (id serial primary key, username text); -- ``` -- -- ## 0002.sql: -- -- ``` -- insert into users (username) values ('depesz'); -- ``` -- To change it to use versioning you would change the files, to this -- state: -- -- 0000.sql: -- -- ``` -- BEGIN; -- select _mv.register_patch('000-base', NULL, NULL); -- create table users (id serial primary key, username text); -- COMMIT; -- ``` -- -- ## 0002.sql: -- -- ``` -- BEGIN; -- select _mv.register_patch('001-users', ARRAY['000-base'], NULL); -- insert into users (username) values ('depesz'); -- COMMIT; -- ``` -- -- This will make sure that patch 001-users can only be applied after -- 000-base. -- -- # AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS -- -- ## \_mv.register_patch( TEXT ) -- -- Registers named patch, or dies if it is already registered. -- -- Returns integer which is id of patch in \_mv.patches table - only if it -- succeeded. -- -- ## \_mv.register_patch( TEXT, TEXT[] ) -- -- Same as \_mv.register_patch( TEXT ), but checks is all given patches (given as -- array in second argument) are already registered. -- -- ## \_mv.register_patch( TEXT, TEXT[], TEXT[] ) -- -- Same as \_mv.register_patch( TEXT, TEXT[] ), but also checks if there are no conflicts with preexisting patches. -- -- Third argument is array of names of patches that conflict with current one. So -- if any of them is installed - register_patch will error out. -- -- ## \_mv.unregister_patch( TEXT ) -- -- Removes information about given patch from the versioning data. -- -- It doesn't remove objects that were created by this patch - just removes -- metainformation. -- -- ## \_mv.assert_user_is_superuser() -- -- Make sure that current patch is being loaded by superuser. -- -- If it's not - it will raise exception, and break transaction. -- -- ## \_mv.assert_user_is_not_superuser() -- -- Make sure that current patch is not being loaded by superuser. -- -- If it is - it will raise exception, and break transaction. -- -- ## \_mv.assert_user_is_one_of(TEXT, TEXT, ... ) -- -- Make sure that current patch is being loaded by one of listed users. -- -- If ```current_user``` is not listed as one of arguments - function will raise -- exception and break the transaction. BEGIN; -- This file adds versioning support to database it will be loaded to. -- It requires that PL/pgSQL is already loaded - will raise exception otherwise. -- All versioning "stuff" (tables, functions) is in "_mv" schema. -- All functions are defined as 'RETURNS SETOF INT4' to be able to make them to RETURN literally nothing (0 rows). -- >> RETURNS VOID<< IS similar, but it still outputs "empty line" in psql when calling. CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS _mv; COMMENT ON SCHEMA _mv IS 'Schema for versioning data and functionality.'; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS _mv.patches ( patch_name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, applied_tsz TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), applied_by TEXT NOT NULL, requires TEXT[], conflicts TEXT[] ); COMMENT ON TABLE _mv.patches IS 'Contains information about what patches are currently applied on database.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN _mv.patches.patch_name IS 'Name of patch, has to be unique for every patch.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN _mv.patches.applied_tsz IS 'When the patch was applied.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN _mv.patches.applied_by IS 'Who applied this patch (PostgreSQL username)'; COMMENT ON COLUMN _mv.patches.requires IS 'List of patches that are required for given patch.'; COMMENT ON COLUMN _mv.patches.conflicts IS 'List of patches that conflict with given patch.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.register_patch( IN in_patch_name TEXT, IN in_requirements TEXT[], in_conflicts TEXT[], OUT versioning INT4 ) RETURNS setof INT4 AS $$ DECLARE t_text TEXT; t_text_a TEXT[]; i INT4; BEGIN -- Thanks to this we know only one patch will be applied at a time LOCK TABLE _mv.patches IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; SELECT patch_name INTO t_text FROM _mv.patches WHERE patch_name = in_patch_name; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Patch % is already applied!', in_patch_name; END IF; t_text_a := ARRAY( SELECT patch_name FROM _mv.patches WHERE patch_name = any( in_conflicts ) ); IF array_upper( t_text_a, 1 ) IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Versioning patches conflict. Conflicting patche(s) installed: %.', array_to_string( t_text_a, ', ' ); END IF; IF array_upper( in_requirements, 1 ) IS NOT NULL THEN t_text_a := '{}'; FOR i IN array_lower( in_requirements, 1 ) .. array_upper( in_requirements, 1 ) LOOP SELECT patch_name INTO t_text FROM _mv.patches WHERE patch_name = in_requirements[i]; IF NOT FOUND THEN t_text_a := t_text_a || in_requirements[i]; END IF; END LOOP; IF array_upper( t_text_a, 1 ) IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Missing prerequisite(s): %.', array_to_string( t_text_a, ', ' ); END IF; END IF; INSERT INTO _mv.patches (patch_name, applied_tsz, applied_by, requires, conflicts ) VALUES ( in_patch_name, now(), current_user, coalesce( in_requirements, '{}' ), coalesce( in_conflicts, '{}' ) ); RETURN; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.register_patch( TEXT, TEXT[], TEXT[] ) IS 'Function to register patches in database. Raises exception if there are conflicts, prerequisites are not installed or the migration has already been installed.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.register_patch( TEXT, TEXT[] ) RETURNS setof INT4 AS $$ SELECT _mv.register_patch( $1, $2, NULL ); $$ language sql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.register_patch( TEXT, TEXT[] ) IS 'Wrapper to allow registration of patches without conflicts.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.register_patch( TEXT ) RETURNS setof INT4 AS $$ SELECT _mv.register_patch( $1, NULL, NULL ); $$ language sql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.register_patch( TEXT ) IS 'Wrapper to allow registration of patches without requirements and conflicts.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.unregister_patch( IN in_patch_name TEXT, OUT versioning INT4 ) RETURNS setof INT4 AS $$ DECLARE i INT4; t_text_a TEXT[]; BEGIN -- Thanks to this we know only one patch will be applied at a time LOCK TABLE _mv.patches IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; t_text_a := ARRAY( SELECT patch_name FROM _mv.patches WHERE in_patch_name = ANY( requires ) ); IF array_upper( t_text_a, 1 ) IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Cannot uninstall %, as it is required by: %.', in_patch_name, array_to_string( t_text_a, ', ' ); END IF; DELETE FROM _mv.patches WHERE patch_name = in_patch_name; GET DIAGNOSTICS i = ROW_COUNT; IF i < 1 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Patch % is not installed, so it can''t be uninstalled!', in_patch_name; END IF; RETURN; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.unregister_patch( TEXT ) IS 'Function to unregister patches in database. Dies if the patch is not registered, or if unregistering it would break dependencies.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.assert_patch_is_applied( IN in_patch_name TEXT ) RETURNS TEXT as $$ DECLARE t_text TEXT; BEGIN SELECT patch_name INTO t_text FROM _mv.patches WHERE patch_name = in_patch_name; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Patch % is not applied!', in_patch_name; END IF; RETURN format('Patch %s is applied.', in_patch_name); END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.assert_patch_is_applied( TEXT ) IS 'Function that can be used to make sure that patch has been applied.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.assert_user_is_superuser() RETURNS TEXT as $$ DECLARE v_super bool; BEGIN SELECT usesuper INTO v_super FROM pg_user WHERE usename = current_user; IF v_super THEN RETURN 'assert_user_is_superuser: OK'; END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'Current user is not superuser - cannot continue.'; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.assert_user_is_superuser() IS 'Function that can be used to make sure that patch is being applied using superuser account.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.assert_user_is_not_superuser() RETURNS TEXT as $$ DECLARE v_super bool; BEGIN SELECT usesuper INTO v_super FROM pg_user WHERE usename = current_user; IF v_super THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Current user is superuser - cannot continue.'; END IF; RETURN 'assert_user_is_not_superuser: OK'; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.assert_user_is_not_superuser() IS 'Function that can be used to make sure that patch is being applied using normal (not superuser) account.'; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION _mv.assert_user_is_one_of(VARIADIC p_acceptable_users TEXT[] ) RETURNS TEXT as $$ DECLARE BEGIN IF current_user = any( p_acceptable_users ) THEN RETURN 'assert_user_is_one_of: OK'; END IF; RAISE EXCEPTION 'User is not one of: % - cannot continue.', p_acceptable_users; END; $$ language plpgsql; COMMENT ON FUNCTION _mv.assert_user_is_one_of(TEXT[]) IS 'Function that can be used to make sure that patch is being applied by one of defined users.'; COMMIT;