Toy "Store" - Taler Demo

Welcome to the Taler Donation "Shop" Demo

This "toy" website provides you with the ability to experience using the GNU Taler payment system without using valuable currency. Instead, for the demonstrator we will be using a "toy" currency, KUDOS. However, please remember that Taler is designed to work with ordinary currencies, such as Dollars or Euros, not just toy currencies.
This page, models the behavior of a typical Web shop supporting Taler. The other pages of the demo, and, correspond to a Taler mint and bank with tight Taler integration respectively. You may also enjoy visiting the

Installing the Taler wallet

First, you need to install the Taler wallet browser extension. Install the wallet Wallets for other browsers will be provided in the near future.

Please choose a project and the amount of KUDOS you wish to donate:

GNU Taler

(*) To make it a bit more fun, the 5 KUDOS option is deliberately implemented with a fault: the merchant will try to make you donate 6 KUDOS instead of the 5 KUDOS you got to see. But do not worry, you will be given the opportunity to review the final offer from the merchant in a window secured by the Taler extension. That way, you can spot the error before committing to an incorrect contract.