#!/bin/bash set -exuo pipefail # This file is in the public domain. # Helper script to build the latest DEB packages in the container. unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH # Install build-time dependencies. # Update apt cache first apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y mk-build-deps --install --tool='apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes --no-install-recommends --yes' debian/control export VERSION="$(./contrib/ci/jobs/4-deb-package/version.sh)" echo "Building package version ${VERSION}" EMAIL=none gbp dch --ignore-branch --debian-tag="%(version)s" --git-author --new-version="${VERSION}" ./bootstrap dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us ls -alh ../*.deb mkdir -p /artifacts/merchant/${CI_COMMIT_REF} # Variable comes from CI environment mv ../*.deb /artifacts/merchant/${CI_COMMIT_REF}/